July News of Kings Point

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News of www.thenewsofkingspoint.com

July 2010

Shining Bright in Southshore

NOKP Staff June 12th, 2010 was a gorgeous, sunshiny day in Kings Point; but the stars of Southshore were shining bright inside the Borini Theater. They had aligned in this place at this time for the South Shore Arts Council Arts Expo, a gala extravaganza featuring a stimulating sampling of the best visual and performing arts the Southshore area has to offer. Even before entering the theater, guests were greeted with artistic vibrancy courtesy

The Arts Expo offered a warm welcome

Artistic Opportunities What’s next for the South Shore Art Council? Beginning August 2nd member artists will be displaying their work at the South Shore Library. The annual “Big Draw” in Ruskin will take place in the month of October.

of the talented painters and woodworkers that call Kings Point and Sun City Center home. Strolling between these displays it was impossible not to stop and savor the impact of art that ranged from the folksy to the evocative. But the display in the lobby, engaging as it was, simply served to whet the appetite for what was waiting inside. Veteran NYC broadcaster, Edward Brown, served as Master of Ceremonies. After delivering a stirring speech accentuating the vision and purpose of the Arts Council and introducing those responsible for this incredible

Edward Brown, delivered a stirring speech accentuating the vision and purpose of the Arts Council

event, Ed welcomed the first of the day’s performers, illusionist Nathan Coe Marsh. Possessing an easy rapport with his audience and a terrific sense of comic timing, Marsh kept folks oohing, ahhing and laughing through his entire set. Not surprising, considering his experience and pedigree. The

son of artists Delores Coe and Bruce Marsh, SSAC members who are involved with, respectively, the Ringling Museum and the Tampa Museum, Nathan has made a name for himself on the convention circuit and with regular appearances at Disney. Coe was followed by Scenes

Shining Southshore to Page 2

A Day at the Pool

Submitted by NOKP Staff Kings Point resident Cynthia Wortmann teaches art at RCMA Academy, a charter school in Wimauma. The students at this school are the children of migrant workers who have made Wimauma their home base while working hard to provide the residents of Hillsborough County with our beloved strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe and bushels of tasty vegetables. Cynthia loves teaching these bright, and creative children. Even though, for many, English is a second language, there is no communication barrier in the art created by her students. Recently, as a reward for another successful year, Cynthia invited her class of nine students, ages 8 to 11, to join her for a day at the Kings Point North Club pool. The few residents who had the opportunity to meet these well-behaved children as they splashed, played and beat the


heat could see the obvious joy on their grinning faces. Cynthia and her teacher’s aide, who came bearing a guest pass, helped to encourage the children to be extra courteous to their hosts. The kids obliged, being careful not to splash the sunning residents and moving away from the steps when another bather wished to enter the pool. In a singular act of welcome that typifies the generosity of the residents of Kings Point, one resident encouraged their grandchildren, who were also visiting the pool for the day, to join in the play of the visiting students. All involved shared the neon water noodles Cynthia provided, and it was obvious that the resident’s grandkids enjoyed their time at the pool even more because of the new friends they made. Their time at the pool finished, the kids reluctantly made their way into the locker rooms to change back into dry clothes

for the ride home. Even though they were reluctant to leave, enduring smiles still

Crossword .................... 21 CARE ............................... 8 Jim & Nell Taze ? For Catherine .............. 7 33573................13, 14 &15 Contract Bridge ........... 21 Deputy Chris .................. 9 Dixon’s .......................... 17 Sudoku .......................... 21 Community Alert Day Trips Golf ............................... 10 Bulletin .............18,19 & 20 Horoscopes .................. 23 Solutions to Puzzles ...... 23

hovered under momentary disappointment on their faces. It was over…but it would be a gift those kids would forever remember. Kudos to Cynthia Wortman for both her daily service to children others might turn away and for her willingness to go “over and above the call of duty” to give those kids a day in the sun they will never forget. And likewise to the residents poolside who welcomed the visitors with open arms and smiling faces.

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2 Page

The News of Kings Point

Shining Southshore From Page 1

and Arias, vocal selections showcasing the operatic power of vocalists Clint Sheppard, a veteran performer with the Pelican Players, and Victoria Podgorsky. Kings Point’s own piano virtuoso, Chuck Wirick accompanied the singers. At 3:00 p.m. Youth in Movement took the stage. This troupe of dancers from the Brandon School of Dance Arts performed a routine under the direction of choreographer CoryJeanne Houck-Cox. This group eloquently communicated in the “language of the soul.” This is a dialect in much demand, as students from the school are regularly accepted to prestigious national dance colleges, such as the Expo soloist who will be attending Kirov in the fall. Concert pianist Eleonora Lvov elicited characteristic power and passion from her ebony and ivory instrument. Shortly after her performance at the Expo, Lvov

flew to Europe for a month-long concert tour. Spoken word performer Peter Klappert displayed wit and insight with his poem “Idiot Princess of the Last Dynasty.” The afternoon was capped by a compelling one-act play, “Almost a Home,” performed by south Hillsborough’s celebrated Pelican Players. Each event, on its own, was enough to bring a room filled with appreciative art lovers to their feet. Bringing all of them together is intended to provide a catalyst to fulfill the Southshore Art Council’s intention to “educate, enrich and enhance the culturally and demographically diverse population of the South Shore Communities.” They do this by encouraging the development of a range of artistic disciplines: visual arts, music, theater, dance and film. The council is aware of the rich talent pool in this region and is

The Editor’s Corner Joining Hands in Celebration of Independence

By Adam Porter It is often forgotten. Taken for granted. Left alone, the belle at the ball inexplicably fated to stand solemnly against the wall, sidelined and overlooked by more popular rights. Less litigated than the right to free speech. Less celebrated than the free press. Less revered than the freedom of religion…yet, this freedom is every bit as valuable, as vital to what makes us truly free. The right to assemble. This is the right to be independent together. To join a cause or support a virtue that one finds indispensible. This is the foundational freedom that allows all others to exist. Consider a few examples of Americans exercising this privilege…you might just see yourself. The local college team is ranked higher than ever and a win tonight could put them into the top ten. Talking heads are calling for a Green Out. Bandwagon fans who don’t know a first down from a touchdown are at Wal Mart right now buying t-shirts. Sixty-five thousand people will intentionally create gridlock on a Friday night all for the opportunity to watch something they could see better in HD at home. Hundreds of people mill into an expertly lit open auditorium and find a place shoulder to shoulder in padded chairs. They sit at rapt attention for over an hour listening to one of their neighbors instructing

them about how to better love their spouse or rear their children. More than a few minds wander, comfortable in a place that has greeted them with welcome smiles and open arms time and again for decades. Scores of people gather in small banquet rooms for the chance to stand in line for hours to ask a political candidate with little chance of victory prescreened questions. The candidate will answer these questions with confidence both in his delivery and the veracity of his cause. Across town another group, diametrically opposed to this man and all he stands for is also meeting with the same fervor and righteousness. A group of strangers, more than last week but less than two weeks ago, gather in a civic center classroom. The room and the mood share a color – flat and gray. One man walks purposefully up to the lectern. He leans into the mike, speaks his name and makes his confession. The other strangers in the group greet him as a brother. A handful of folks place lawn chairs in a rough semi-circle on the sand. They sink into them and adjust visors in unison. They have come to watch the sun do what it has done every day of their lives for over eight decades, but still they wait in quiet anticipation. A few weary moms and grandmas trade wry smiles Editor’s Corner to Page 6

July, 2010

Pelican Players Board Members.

intent on encouraging artists to pursue their discipline and giving them a venue in which to share it with their community. Of course, the council is quick to point out that this mission comes with a cost. Support for the vision, however, has been strong. During the opening remarks, the Arts Council thanked the Community Foundation of Sun

City Center for grants to support the arts, the residents of Kings Point for the generous use of the Borini Theater and the support of countless individual art patrons who make annual contributions to sustain the good work of the Council. In addition to the amazing performances on the stage Shining Southshore to Page 3

News of Submissions

The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is your community newspaper, exclusively serving Kings Point, Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a “home town” feeling with family and community oriented stories. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers. It is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and fairness. Send us information about your special events. Tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. Community news, Club events and feature stories are always welcome! Please include photos. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included. We will also review creative submissions including stories – fact or fiction – and poems. Inspire us. Make us smile. Share your favorite story, joke or song. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts, art or photographs. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Sterling Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication or that of the supporting organizations. Pieces will be considered, subject to editing and depending upon space limitations Thanks for reading and for helping us make this truly YOUR community newspaper. We look forward to serving you and can’t wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions are preferred, which you may send by email to: news@thenewsofkingspoint.com or mail to The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support. Staff and Contributors Adam Porter Editor in Chief


John Wolf Advertising Sales


Karen Jones Contributing Editor


Anne Pidgeon Horticulture Correspondent



Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Jim and Nell Taze 33573 Events



2010, July The News of Kings Point

Page 3

Shining Southshore tFrom Page 2

and the vibrant display in the lobby, the Arts Council turned the spotlight on a situation that has earned the concern of each and every person who understands or appreciates the arts: the falling status of the arts in the world of education. We have all heard about the cuts being made in order to “balance the education budget.” But, even in the best of times, school administrators are given a list of potential extracurricular activities and asked to choose a spare handful. “There simply is not room for this AND that” they are told. Children must have math, but they may not have the intricate, beautiful arithmetic of a symphony. They are taught physics, but may not be allowed to express it in dance. History, sociology and cultural studies are offered with limited access to the benefit of the literature that teaches through the eyes of those who were there to watch it happen. While these circumstances are realized in graduated ways, depending on the district and the school, no creative child should lack opportunity. The South Shore Arts Council is asking our community whether we want our children to function or to thrive. They cite studies that prove that, on average, children who are heavily engaged in the arts get better overall grades. But the benefit of the arts

Wood carving

Cory-Jeanne Houck-Cox

reaches far beyond the tangible. Art is the place where knowledge and intuition meet and allow us to create or explore what we did not know was there in the beginning. When asked how he created his masterpiece sculpture, David, Michelangelo replied, “I just chipped away everything that did not look like David.” This is the very heart of the arts. To acknowledge the lines while being able to read between them. The South Shore Arts Council imagines a world in which students are allowed to do more than learn facts and figures. They are allowed to dream. To create. To learn. To inspire. To make this dream a reality they have trained, they have campaigned, they have practiced and worked, honing

and refining. And, finally, on one fine late spring afternoon, they gave freely of the beauty, power and inspiration they wish to pass on to another generation, children whose dreams have wings on which they may, one day, be able to fly. And for those who long ago soared beyond the nest? The South Shore Arts Council is sending out the clarion call.

Grab an instrument, a brush, a pen, a microphone…or just be on hand to bask in the unbridled joy of creative expression as the spotlight shines on your community’s best and brightest. One opportunity for this has come and gone – a memorable event for all involved. But, with the Arts Council on the job, it will be far from the last. Won’t you join them?

Call 813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary plimentary hearing screening



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4 Page


The News of Kings Point

July, 2010




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DW52 2/2/2 car garage. Quality throughout. Everything new from the studs out energy efficient windows, 20” ceramic tile floors, custom kitchen with new appliances, pull-out shelving, new fixtures in baths and kitchen, custom window treatments - all this and completely furnished.

Stuart 2/2/1 car carport. Beautiful parquet flooring with darker inlays. End unit with close parking and mail box access. CPVC plumbing, solar tube in living room. Come and enjoy the many amenities that Kings Point offers. This unit is priced to sell !!!!!

Expanded Twintree 2/2/2 car garage on WATER. Nice street presence and an expansive lake view. Convenient Sun City Center location. Storm shutters for entire home. Light - Bright Move-in ready home. WOW - what a wonderful way to enjoy life!

1907 CANTERBURY LN. #13 $39,900

1702 CLOISTER DR. $135,000

1520 DANBURY DR. $134,900

Exp. Madeira 2/2/2 car garage. Shows like a model and located on GOLF COURSE with PANORAMIC VIEWS OF GOLF & WATER. Elec automatic roll-down hurricane shutters, spacious guest suite with built-in Murphy bed, glass-enc porch to enjoy the view, pavers on drive and courtyard ent.

633 MASTERPIECE DR. $149,900

1934 33rd St. SE (Ruskin)


Family-friendly mobile home/RV park

1726 Coco Palm Cr.

2/2 $119,900

Custom-totally refurbished in ’07,

102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)


Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

2015 Sifield Greens Way

2/2 $119,900

Haddington-Waterfront,Seller says Sell !

2023 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. 2/2 $299,000

Custom Islander-Pool, Spa, Waterfront

628 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $ 118,000

Melbourne-Updated, new landscaping

2315 Lyndhurst Dr.

2/2 $279,900

Exp Exeter-Water, Golf Course, Pool

833 Manchester Woods Dr. 2/2 $ 114,000

Cornell-Florida room, very large kitchen

2014 East View Dr.

3/2 $239,900

Exp. Atrium-Water,split bdrm plan

337 Green Manor Dr.

Dedham-Remodeled kitchen,new roof ‘09

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $225,000

Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

2415 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $ 109,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appliances

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $219,900

Islander-Water,Caloosa Country Club

1933 Grand Cypress

2/2 $ 108,900

Gardenia-Roof ’10, glass enclosed lanai

10905 Hoffner Edge Dr.

3/2 $199,900

On Golf Course, pool, & well maintained

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $ 95,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchen

1615 Oracle Dr.

3/2 $199,000

Miller Home-Pool, greatroom floorplan

712 Riviera Dr.

2/2 $ 92,000

DW37-New roof ’08, new a/c unit

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

1761 Atrium Dr.

2/2 $ 89,900

Somerset I-Furnished, many upgrades

1939 Sterling Glen Ct.

2/2 $179,000

Plumeria-Golf Course & Pond, open plan

818 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $ 89,000

DW37-roof and CHA ’08, screen porch

1701 Wolf Laurel Dr.

3/2 $169,900

Tradewinds-Golf Course, updated kit

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 84,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

2020 El Rancho Dr.

3/2.5 $157,000

Atrium-Water view,newer appliances

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

13011 Sea Pines Way

3/3 $154,900

Beautiful home w/large patio, hot tub

2005 Heathfield Cr.

2/2 $ 69,900

Brentwood II-Upgrades, new kitchen

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $139,900

DW54-Move-in condition,corner lot

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $ 67,500

Hampton-park-like views, screened patio

1814 Nantucket Dr.

2/2 $135,000

Madison-Golf Course, spacious greatrm

2206 Horsham Pl.

2/2 $ 65,000

Oxford-Furnished, screened lanai w/view

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enclosed lanai,screened porch

702 Brockton Pl. E.

2/2 $ 62,000

DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

1716 Danbury Dr.

2/2 $128,500

On Water-updated/upgraded kitchen

207 Islip Way

2/1.5 $ 59,900

Keystone-Priced to Sell! Great location!

842 McCallister Ave.

2/2 $127,500

Malibu-Large lot, lanai, vol. ceilings

1801 Bedford Ln. B38

1/1.5 $ 46,000

Mansard-Encl. lanai, new appls. ‘08

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $127,000

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2248 Greenhaven Dr.

2/2 $ 44,500

1207 Wild Feather Ln.

2/2 $125,000

Twintree-Move-in condition,open backyd

1902 Dandridge D21

1/1.5 $ 35,000

York- Compact,nice layout

641 Ft. Duquesna

2/2 $125,000

Custom-Updated, 2 lrg master suites

401 De Grasse Pl. #5

1/1.5 $ 35,000

York-Nicely furnished,16x8 lanai w/CHA

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $124,900

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 28,000

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

609 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $123,900

So. Pacific-Spacious,clean, screened porch

1801 Bedford Ln. B47

Best price in town and best location!

2/2 $ 110,000

2/1.5 $ 79,900

1/1.5 $ 21,000

Sparkle Plenty Lives Here !!

Stuart-Sharp, bright, upbeat, Lrg utility


1542 Council Dr



$ 675 Nicely Decorated

308 Caloosa Woods



$ 1,200 GOLF Nicely Furn

1552 Council S U 1512 Council N 705 Torrey Pines



$ 700 Furn-Nice

201 Bedford D-89



$ 695 Nicely Updated



$ 700 Sharp as a Tack

304 Grayston


Exp Hamp

$ 890 Furn, Screen Porch



$ 750 Unfur EXCELS

2316 Gainsborough


Exp Hamp

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DW 41

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2016 Hullhouse


Brentwood 1

$ 950 Furn or Not


Bel Aire

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1004 Beach Blvd



$ 900 Close to stores **

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701 Riviera


Seaforth +

$ 950 Unfurn/Terrazzo

842 McCallister



$ 1,100 Unfurnished

1803 Butterfly



$ 975 WATER-Unfurn

2417 Nantucket Field



$ 1,150 Scn Lanai-Cons view P

705 Churchill Pl



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2521 Lynx



$ 1,200 Two dens & more

306 Stroll



$ 995 Split BR - NICE

2709 Lancaster



$ 1,200 Golf-Unfurn/Tile


324 Faircross Circle



$1,000 Sharp as a Tack

2718 Lancaster Dr


Exp Sunrise

$ 1,200 Stainless Appls


376 Club Manor



$1,000 Sharp w/Golf View


Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!



2010, July

The News of Kings Point

Page 5

Sun City Center’s Sammy Rides gains national attention: AARP videos Sammy rides weekend in Sun City Center, Florida

IIn late April, AARP in Washington, DC learned of the Sammy Rides senior citizen volunteer project in Sun City Center. AARP sent a reporter to interview members of the Executive Board for a potential article in AARP’s quarterly magazine. After the article was submitted, AARP was impressed by the undertaking of this group of senior citizens and is sent a video crew from California to document the Sammy Rides Project on June 11 and 12 in Sun City Center. Several bikers were tested by the USF School of Medicine for endurance, strength and agility. The bikers also completed a demonstrative training ride and played a game of softball against the SCC Softball Club. Sammy Rides is the brainchild of Michael and Lois Libenson of Sun City Center, who lost their 9 year-old granddaughter, Sammy Rotman, to pediatric cancer after a two-year battle. The Libensons’ began a campaign to defeat pediatric cancer and by speaking with area residents, a group of dedicated individuals joined them to form Sammy Rides, Grandparents Riding for the Health of Grandchildren, to raise awareness and funds to defeat pediatric cancer. Sammy Rides is a 501©3 organization, and those involved with Sammy Rides are volunteer senior citizens. Sammy Rides 2011 Agenda: Sammy Rides will begin in March 2011 in Sun City, Arizona and end May 10, 2011 in Sun City Center, Florida. The riders will cover 2,400 miles stopping at hospitals, schools, corporations and local governments to enlighten the nation to the devastation of pediatric cancer. Their goal is to obtain one million dollars in donations. The group has been in contact with LiveStrong, Lance Armstrong’s charitable organization; Pediatric cancer hospitals, national Rotary Clubs and Chamber’s of Commerce along the bike route. The Sammy

Front Row L to R: Lois Libenson, Joan Connelly, Sue Kelleher Back Row: Mike Libenson, Susan Vogt, Adolf Lex, Dick Vogt, John Bear, Jim Wheeler, Harry the Parrot

Sammy Rides Ice Cream Social

SammyRides, Grandparents Riding for the Health of Grandchildren, held an Ice Cream Social on Memorial Day in Sun City Center. The group collected over $300 in their quest to raise funds to defeat pediatric cancer. Five of Sammy Rides volunteers who participated with the Social were (L-R) Karen Sellers, Lois Libenson, Ilene Davidoff, Events Director Kim Brown, and Carol Burgess. In March 2011, five bike riders from Sun City Center will ride 2,400 miles cross-country collecting donations for pediatric cancer. For additional information, go to www.sammyrides.com. Rides Board is contacting, for example, The Dr. Phil Show, national Keller-Williams Real Estate agents, The Today Show, and other national media outlets. Sammy Rides GOAL: To increase and engage national attention and support in the fight against Pediatric Cancer. To spotlight the Greater Sun City Center, Florida area as a healthy, caring, active-adult community. To convey the message to every Senior Citizen that engaging in a sedimentary life is not an option; rather a unique opportunity to begin a new, active lifestyle with a focus on volunteering within the area. To demonstrate to future generations that Senior Citizens do continue to achieve their goals and passions, mainly through volunteerism while maintaining a strong, healthy, active, and resourceful life.

Sammy Rides VISION: On May 11, 2011, a team of five

Senior Citizen volunteers, with an average age of 70, will cross the finish line in Greater Sun City Center, Florida after completing a 2,400 mile, 65 day bicycle ride. All of the riders and volunteers are inspired by a fellow rider, whose granddaughter, Sammy, succumbed to Pediatric Cancer at the age of 9. It is in her honor, and for all children suffering with Pediatric Cancer, their families, and friends that inspired this vision, hence, the name, Sammy Rides. As the riders cross the finishline into the Greater Sun City Center, the year-long festivities to celebrate Greater Sun City Center’s 50th Anniversary will officially get underway. All riders will be wearing yellow shirts to acknowledge “victory.” Hundreds of volunteers as well as family, friends, and neighbors, will also be wearing yellow shirts in support of the riders and Sammy Rides accomplishment. This inaugural Greater Sun City Center area event, the first ever that Senior Citizens have undertaken, will be dedicated to grandchildren everywhere, as an inspiration for all.

News of Kings Point on Line www.thenewsofkingspoint.com

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6 Page

The News of Kings Point

Editor’s Corner From Page 2

as they take turns holding and releasing their children. They listen as an enthusiastic volunteer reads a storybook aloud. Some of the kids sit crosslegged on the floor, rocking with excitement at each plot twist. Others throw blocks. The ladies watch it all with the special grace that all moms possess. After all, next week it could be their kid chucking Legos. An unfortunate, impromptu family reunion is interrupted by a wizened woman in a long white coat. She reaches her hand out to the closest relative and begins to speak. Her words are soft, kind and measured; yet she knows they will bring tears. There has been an accident. We are doing all we can. We will know more soon. When the tears come, the doctor wishes to be both somewhere and nowhere else. A single man blesses God for every strand of hair he has left, though it faded to white long ago. His reason for living these

past fifty years left to be with Jesus a few months ago. He sits alone in a room that still smells of her, and he blesses God again that his sense of smell has not left him like his sight and hearing. Today he will go again to the park to place dominos on a table across from a man whose name he can never remember. There is only the game between them, but that is all they need. In all these scenes the right to gather, to choose to assemble freely, is never questioned. This less celebrated right has been the catalyst for all change both personal and political in our history. It is also the founder of many fun feasts. Each month in the News of Kings Point we publish two entire sections chock full of opportunities to indulge in this vital right, this blessing of freedom. Give them a read and you are sure to find a reason to freely assemble. Somewhere to go, something to do and someone to do it with. The right to assemble. Celebrate it with someone today. BYOB optional.

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July, 2010

Feline Folks

will conduct its Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic (OFF) Operation Feline Fix for free-roaming

cats on Saturday July 17th at C.A.R.E in Ruskin. $10 per Cat or Kitten ( must weigh 3 pounds) Call (813) 944-7651 for an Appointment.

2010, July


The News of Kings Point

Page 7


’s Catherine

Hello Catherine, I am a 67 year old woman who has retired from a very fast paced career and now I enjoy the peace of mind of having a stress free day. Daily, I enjoy the visits from my grandchildren; I am still incredibly active in my community, but most of all I love to engage myself in my 2 acre butterfly garden. My problem is that I my flowers need a great deal of attention because of the Florida heat, however, I can barely handle the high temperatures myself!

Do you have any tips of how to remain safe and cool in such heat so that I can continue doing what I love? Thanks, Nicole Dear Nicole, Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) about 318 Americans die every year of heat-related illnesses? The most disappointing fact is that most of these deaths

can be prevented. Perhaps these Americans could have precluded their own deaths had they understood the realities of dehydration and heat-related illness. Here are a few tips to keeping cool and staying safe in the heat: 1. Drink plenty of fluids! 20 ounces is the approximate amount of fluid to consume before beginning an outdoor activity and 10 additional

ounces for every 10-20 minutes in the sun. Remember to also drink more fluids after the activity is over. 2. Always wear light colored and loose-fitting clothing while doing actives’ in direct sunlight. 3. It is also important to remember that whenever possible, take a break in the shade. Too much sun for too long can be harmful to your health, even fatal. For additional suggestions about remaining safe and cool in the summer heat you can call the Elder Helpline, a free service of the West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging at 1.800.96.ELDER or 1.800.963.5337.

News of

On Line


Precision. Faster recovery. And you don’t miss a beat (anymore)! ManaTee MeMOrial OFFerS The laTeST PrOCeDure FOr hearT rhyThM DiSOrDerS

If you have a heart rhythm disorder, there’s a good chance it’s caused by a glitch in your heart’s electrical pathways. Cardiac ablation allows surgeons at Manatee Memorial to target the heart tissue responsible for the electrical disturbance and leave normal heart muscle intact. This advanced technology can lead to better results and faster recoveries, according to electrophysiologists. Cardiac ablation is just one exciting new procedure offered at Manatee Memorial’s recently opened Heart and Vascular Center.

Could you have a heart rhythm disorder? Heart rhythm problems can occur at any age. Certain disorders are more prevalent for patients with these risk factors: • Older age • High blood pressure • History of heart disease • Obesity • Gland abnormalities, such as hyperthyroidism

To find an electrophysiologist, please call Direct DoctorsSM Plus at 1-800-816-4145. Or, visit www.manateememorial.com and click Find a Doctor in the left menu.

Become a fan Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

206 Second Street East Bradenton, FL 34208 www.manateememorial.com

The electrophysiologists (cardiologists who specialize in the heart’s electrical system) on the medical staff at Manatee Memorial include: Jagan Akella, MD, Joseph Pace, MD, Jeffrey Rothfeld, MD and Kenneth Zide, MD.

8 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Peanut Peanut is a Miniature Pinscher whose family moved and left him behind. He is a smart dog who watches each person intently as they pass by his cage. The volunteers wish he could talk because the way he looks at you makes you think that he has a lot to say. Peanut seems to enjoy the company of other dogs as well as his human friends. As part of his adoption, Peanut will be brought up-to-date on his shots. He is microchipped and neutered.

BooBoo BooBoo is a mostly white domestic short hair mix. She was brought into C.A.R.E. when her owners had health problems and could no longer take care of her. She is acclimating well to the shelter and is responding to all the love shown her by the volunteers. Come see this beautiful girl and give her the home she deserves. BooBoo is spayed and will be microchipped, and brought current on her shots.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 am to 3 pm on Tues. - Sat.• For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273.

If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s... ...then maybe it’s time we talked. Caring for an elderly loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s or dementia is one of life’s great challenges. But the memory care program at Homewood Residence at Freedom Plaza can enhance the quality of life, not just for your loved one, but for your entire family as well. We understand the nature of Alzheimer’s and we deliver compassionate care in a program that focuses on Daily Moments of SuccessSM. If your family has a loved one with Alzheimer’s, then call us. We can talk about the details later, but for now let’s just talk. Call (813)

633-4340 for more information

or to schedule your personal visit.

Personalized Assisted Living Respect for Individual PreferencesSM Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Daily Moments of SuccessSM 3910 Galen Ct., Sun City Center, FL 33573 Assisted Living Facility # 9634

www.brookdaleliving.com Respect for Individual Preferences and Daily Moments of Success are Service Marks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ®Reg. U.S, Patent and TM Office



My C.A.R.E. Buddy Submitted by June Hendley After reading June’s article about C.A.R.E. I thought you would like to see a picture of my C.A.R.E. buddy. His name is Jasper... that is Sir Jasper...I adopted him almost 2 years ago. He had had two owners prior to me, so, at first, I wondered how we would get on. Well let me tell you, we are both blessed to have found each other. It was the best thing I ever did! He is the most loving cat...loves visitors...and

makes anybody who calls very welcome with his loud purrs. Is he spoiled? You betta ya! Does he deserve it? You betta ya! I wholeheartedly endorse your article. Anyone who is unsure, just go down to C.A.R.E. There is a loving buddy there just like my Jasper, just waiting for a friend and to be a friend. God Bless all the folk at C.A.R.E. They made two “friends” very happy.

2010, July

The News of Kings Point

Summer Cart Safety Submitted by Deputy Chris Girard (with NOKP staff) Hello to all the residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point and all the new friends I’ve made during my first month on the job. You folks really know how to make a person feel welcome! I have been working in District 4 (South Hillsborough) for some time now, and look forward to this opportunity to focus working with and for you and your neighbors. My first month as your Resource Deputy has been an interesting, educational experience. Sun City Center and Kings Point are both extraordinary, distinct communities. I have been very impressed with the organization, structure and intense level of community involvement here. It is unique privilege to serve you. In a continued effort to better serve and protect your community, I will take up where Deputy Rob left off, offering tips, observations and cautionary updates here in the pages of the News of Kings Point. There is one thing I have encountered these past weeks that must be addressed. I’m sure many of you have noticed this as well. Careless driving, specifically by folks in golf carts. I have issued several citations and warnings, most

for failure to stop at posted signs but also for unsafe driving and riding practices. These include operating carts with small children in the driver’s lap, allowing children to stand on seats or hang off the back and reckless driving by teenage operators. The consequences of these actions can be tragic. Some of you may be aware of the heartbreaking death of 6-year-old Gabriella Wiegert, who died after a fall from a golf cart just a few weeks ago. More recently, over Father’s Day weekend in Solvay, New York, 14-year-old Elaina Canestrare was killed when the golf cart she was driving flipped over. Both of these incidents were tragic accidents – and likely preventable. Here are a few tips that will help to ensure cart safety this summer: • Treat the cart as you would any other motor vehicle. The same rules of the road apply. • Watch for other motor vehicle

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operators, they may not hear or see you. • Be certain all passengers are seated and that the cart has no more riders than it does seats. • Children who would ride in a car seat in your car should also be in one when riding in your golf cart. • Before allowing teenage children or grandchildren to operate your cart, consider the maturity level of the child and his or her friends. Even good kids are subject to peer pressure and showing off. Again, this has been an interesting and rewarding month. Bear with me as I learn your names and adjust to my new role as your Resource Deputy. It has been a remarkable and rewarding transition to go from primarily investigation and arresting “bad guys” to serving and protecting you and all the other good, upstanding folks in your community. Thanks again for all the well wishes and open arms. I look forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you and this wonderful community better. Be safe out there, Deputy Chris

Meet Deputy Chris Veteran Hillsborough County Sheriff Deputy, Chris Girard, is your new resource deputy for Kings Point and Sun City Center. He has been with HCSO for over 12 years, much of that time serving in southern Hillsborough County, specifically Ruskin and Sun City Center. Deputy Chris began his career working in the jail, then with the Department of Children and Families. He was the resource deputy in Ruskin for five years. From there he was assigned to street crimes, investigating and arresting habitual offenders, street level narcotics dealers, investigating property crimes and locating marijuana grow houses. When Deputy Rob Thornton was assigned to street crimes, Deputy Chris was assigned to Sun City Center as the Resource Deputy for Kings Point and Sun City Center.

News of On Line


10 Page

Falcon Watch Ladies 18 Hole League BEAT THE PRO 5/21/2010 Marty Leahy (Our Pro) ............ 74 Carolyn Clark ........................... 63 Ollie Keller................................. 66 Kathleen Kelly .......................... 67 Roe Murphy ............................. 68 Mary Ann Vinci ........................ 69 Doris Ballard ............................. 70 Joan Emmrich .......................... 71 Sue Sussman ............................ 71 Jean Bushart ............................ 72 Ann Clark ................................. 72 Lorraine Napier ........................ 72 Ginny Klein ............................... 72 Dorothy Turner ......................... 73 Linda Suh .................................. 73 Carol Mir ................................... 73 TIE Betty Ellis ................................... 74 Jane Magalski ......................... 74 Falcon Watch Ladies 9-hole League weekly winners 5/28/10 Game Low Net Flt A 1st Rosa Gerry ................30 2nd Janine Johnson ........31 3rd Pat Morton................34 Flt. B 1st Connie Stephan.......32 2nd Terry Wynne ..............33 3rd Lorraine Fritzel ...........34 3rd Marty Gifford ............34 Flt.C 1st Nancy Stephens ......30 2nd Connie Kehl ..............33 3rd Gloria Hayden..........34 Submitted BY: Katherine Marcario Falcon Watch Ladies 9-hole League weekly winners 6/4/10 Game Low Net Flt. A 1st June Krueger ............36 2nd Judy Gannon ...........37 3rd Judy Boyer ................38 Flt. B 1st Audrey Ercegovich..34 2nd Donna Petersen .......36 3rd Becky Burgardt ........40 3rd Rosie Ricciardi ..........40 3rd Jenny Ryan ...............40 3rd Terry Wynne ..............40

The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

Flt. C 1st Connie Kehl ..............31 2nd Pat Ernst ....................35 3rd Mary Arpaia .............36 3rd Ann Parisen...............36 Submitted by:Katherine Marcario

Kings Point Ladies 18 Hole League June 14 Game: Points

A Flt. 1st Marilyn McCormick Plus 3 (tie) Linda Suh .............. Plus 3 2nd Lorraine Napier .... Plus 1 B Flt. 1st Nancy Sanders .... Plus 7 2nd Colleen Walker .... Plus 4 C Flt. 1st Marge Miller ......... Plus 7 2nd Mary Arpaia ........ Plus 5 (tie) Judy Marr.............. Plus 5 Submitted by: Marilyn McCormick

Falcon Watch Ladies 18 Hole League Game: LOW NET Date:6/11/2010 First Flight NO PLAYERS IN “A” FLIGHT 2ndFlt. 1st Sue Hoth ...................69 2nd Carol Salowitz...........72 3rd Flt. 1st Linda Suh ..................69 2nd Mary Lee Cremean .70 4th Flt. 1st Sue Freed ..................71 2nd Ann Clark ..................73 Submitted by:Joan Emmrich

Mary McClafferty

Kings Point Ladies 18 Hole League is pleased to announce Mary McClafferty is club champion of the 18 hole league for 2010. This event was held in April 2010.

Falcon Watch Ladies 9-hole League weekly winners 6/11/10 Game 1-2-3 1st Joyce D’Agostino ..............86 Janine Johnson..................86 Connie Stephen ................86 Terry Wynne........................86 2nd Jenny Ryan.........................88 Judy Gannon .....................88 Mimi Meszaros ....................88 Emma Gadd ......................88 Barb Laino ..........................88 Sylvia Robbio......................88 Submitted byKatherine Marcario

Kings Point Ladies 18 Hole League May 24 Gross Score - Worst Hole

A Flt. 1st Janine Johnson ..........61 2nd Lorraine Napier ..........66 3rd Emma Gadd .............70 (tie) Mary Hoyt ..................70 B Flt. 1st Rosa Gerry ..................66 2nd Marilyn McCormick ...71 (tie) Shirley Junk .................71 (tie) Lindy Langlois .............71 C Flt. 1st Gladys Lowrie ............72 2nd Colleen Walker ..........73 (tie) Donna Petersen .........73 D Flt. 1st Marge Miller ...............80 2nd Connie Gilbert ...........81 Submitted by: Marilyn McCormick

Falcon Watch Ladies 9-hole League weekly winners 6/18/10 Game throw out worse hole replace with par A Flt. 1st Emma Gadd ............30 2nd Judy Boyer ................31 3rd Judy Gannon ...........33 3rd Rosa Gerry ................33 3rd Janine Johnson ........33 B Flt. 2nd Lorraine Fritzel ...........33 2nd Terry Wynne ..............33 C Flt. 1st Jo-Alice Nieter..........29 2nd Pat Ernst ....................30 2nd Katherine Marcario .30 3rd Barb Laino.................31 Submitted by Katherine Marcario

Kings Point Ladies 18-Hole League June 7 Game: Points

Kings Point Ladies 18 Hole League June 21 Game: Points

A Flt. 1st Rosa Gerry ............ Plus 2 2nd Linda Suh, (tie) Lee Leverett ......... Plus 1 B Flt. 1st RoseRicciardi ....... Plus 4 2nd Colleen Walker, (tie) Gladys Lowry........ Plus 1 C Flt. 1st Marge Miller ......... Plus 6 2nd Bonnie Holmes ..... Plus 3 (tie) Judy Mar............... Plus 3 Submitted by: Marilyn McCormick

Accomplished by: ❖❖❖ Rod Benning ❖❖❖ May 20, 2010 Hole#5 Cypress 120 Yards 9 Wood Course: Falcon Watch Witnessed By: Jack Simrell & Jack’s Son

A Flt. 1st Rosa Gerry ............ Plus 3 2nd Lindy Langlois ....... Plus 1 (tie) Lorraine Napier .... Plus 1 B Flt. 1st Lorraine Fritze ....... Plus 2 (tie) Colleen Walker ... Plus 2 2nd Gladys Lowrie ...... Plus 1 (tie) Rose Riccardi ....... Plus 1 C Flt. 1st Mary Arpaia ......... Plus 5 2nd Judy Marr.............. Plus 2 Submitted by: Marilyn McCormick

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com

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2010, July The News of Kings Point

Page 11

Circus, Cirque, Circo: A Family Tradition Presented by Circus Sarasota & The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Photos by Barbara Banks At Circus Sarasota we are always imagining new and spectacular live productions… you don’t want to miss our next incredible show presented in collaboration with the John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art. Circus, Cirque, Circo: A Family Tradition is a circus style theatrical presentation featuring impressive, international acts! Opening Wednesday June 23 performing through Sunday August 1st, you will see: Ty Tojo, the world’s greatest 12 year old juggler, will present an astonishing juggling performance…“You won’t believe what this kid can do!” says Circus Producer Pedro Reis. From hula hoops by Chiara Anastasini and the Rolla Bolla balance of Alex Perez to the beauty of contortion by Ricardo Sosa, this one-hour show includes breath taking, high-energy entertainment for children and adults. Also featured is Sarasota’s own Dolly Jacobs “Queen of the Air” who will soar high above the Historic Asolo Theater in an intimate and dazzling aerial performance. The award winning Dancing Gauchos will present an explosive act; Boleadoras, fire,

whips, and riveting percussion are the mesmerizing skills they master with unrivaled precision, speed and flair climaxing to a crescendo of gripping entertainment. Dick Franco, a regular in Las Vegas, Reno, Miami and Atlantic City where he still holds the record for the longest running variety entertainer will present these artists and emcee this outstanding show! In every language – in every land – there’s only one word that means fun for the entire

Circus Producer Pedro Reis & Dolly Jacobs “Queen of the Air”

Alex Perez

family: Circus! Join us as we bring a show that incorporates splendor, innovation, drama, music, amazing human talent, cultural history and most of all, the excitement and entertainment that can only be created by some of the greatest circus performers on earth! The performance schedule for Circus-Cirque-Circo: A Family Tradition is as follows: Opening Wednesday June 23 performing thru Sunday August 1st Wednesday & Thursday 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. All tickets are $12 for Adults and $10 for children under age 12.

Group rates are available and can be arranged in advance. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Historic Asolo Theater Box Office at 941.360.7399 or visit www.Ringling.org. A not-for-profit performing arts educational organization, Circus Sarasota is committed to broadening the artistic contribution of circus, while raising the level and perception of the American circus to that of the other fine arts. Circus Sarasota follows its mission of enriching, educating and entertaining the community through a unique range of human services and educational programs, as well as bringing together music, dance, visual artistry and unparalleled drama in its performances.

12 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

Home Depot makes Good Samaritan Ball 2011 Donation

Submitted by Jim Taze Although the Good Samaritan Ball is months away, plans are in full swing. So is the community with its support. Chris Dralus, Assistant Manager of the Sun City Center Home Depot provided materials for the decoration of the Ballroom. Larry Meadows co-chair of the Good Samaritan Ball 2011 is shown thanking Chris as he receives just a handful of the large donation Home Depot made. It’s normal for Home Depot to become involved as everyone knows them for their community spirit: excellent customer service, giving back, doing the right thing, creating shareholder value, entrepreneurial spirit, and respect for all people. This matches perfectly with the unlimited services provided by the Samaritans. Samaritan Services of Greater Sun City Center, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization in Florida. It provides transportation for your loved ones who have lost their driving privileges either temporarily or permanently. Sun City Center Ride, (SCC Ride) has two automobiles available to take them to doctor appointments and hospitals outside of Sun City Center including the Brandon, Tampa and Bradenton areas. Additionally, they have five vehicles available for local

Services are funded through charitable contributions from individuals, clubs, organizations, businesses and proceeds from the Annual Good Samaritan Ball. All services are offered FREE to those in need in our community and could not be done without your contributions of time and money.

Next time you are at Home Depot, you might want to thank Chris for his and Home Depot’s reaching out for this good cause. Larry and

needs. SCC Ride operates Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to fulfill transportation needs for daily living activities within local boundaries of Sun City Center. Other services provided by Samaritan Services are: Alzheimer’s Respite, Caregiver Support, coordination of evening meal services with South Bay Hospital and The Women’s Club for Meals on Wheels, financial assistance for Sun City Center residents experiencing a temporary hardship, assistance to residents who have questions about medical insurance and volunteer companion care to relieve caregivers for short periods during the day. Accumulatively, they provided over 764 hours of care, 5,016 evening meals, 7,687 rides and drove 99,020 miles in 2009 alone for our neighbors in need.

Darlene Meadows and the entire Good Samaritan Ball committee certainly give them their heartfelt and sincere thanks. This year’s Good Samaritan Ball is March 25, 2011 at Kings Point Borini Theatre. Ticket price is $125.00 per person. New people wishing to attend this unforgettable event should call Darlene and Larry at 813. 633.7173 or email them at gsb2011@tampabay.rr.com to get on the waiting list for vacancies which will be filled in order received.

News of On Line


2010, July

33573 is provided by Jim and Nell Taze from items submitted to them for publication. To submit events for future publication, send them by the 15th of the previous month. In addition to information about the event, it should contain cost, or state that it’s Free, and a contact name and/or email address. Limit of 6 lines maximum. Jim and Nell Taze also publish Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail. Send all events by e-mail to scfreeads@ tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. THU. JUL 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – WEIGHT WATCHERS MEET 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla. For info email Sandy at samt1995 @yahoo.com. Check out our BIG Summer Sale! Weight Watchers meets every Thu. THU. JUL 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 SCC ORGAN & KEYBOARD CLUB GROUP LESSON 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Every Thu. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. $3.00 including music for you to keep. Info: Kathy Katz 813.634.1663. Ed Myers, member of Organ/ KeyBoard club playing new songs. Learning to play music stimulates your mind and is a good way to relax with your friends or just yourself. Come join us this week. SCC & KP residents welcome. THU. JUL 1 to SAT. JUL 3 – HOGAN’S GOLF SCHEDUIABLELE 9:30 T-time: Thu. Jul 1 Riverside $18.00; Sat. Jul 3 SandPiper $25.00 + free sleeve Contact PWoodii@aol.com for reservation(s). Hogan’s Golf Schedule is listed on a weekly basis. The Hogans is open to SCC and KP residents only. The Hogans Golf Club was formed in Feb. 2008 by SCC and KP residents who wanted to play with other golfers who chose to play the area public golf courses. Club has male and female golfers of various handicaps who enjoy the competition, camaraderie and relaxed fun. THU. Jul 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – THURSDAY NIGHT PARTNERS BRIDGE 6:45 p.m. Players should arrive. 7:00 p.m. Play begins promptly. Horizon Bridge Room, Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. $50c per person and all winners receive a cash prize. Please call Pat Nolle at 642.9280 if you have questions. Open to all bridge players in SCC and KP every Thu night throughout the year (unless CA Board closes Horizon Room for a holiday). All players must bring a partner (of either sex). FRI. JUL 2 – PATRIOTIC GOLF CART CONTEST 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Please come and enjoy the sights of our residents Patriotic Golf Cart Decorating Contest. They will be judged by look, the imagination and the Stars & Stripes on their golf carts. They will take a loop around our community and then the judges will decide who wins! Coffee & donuts will be provided. FRI. JUL 2 – ASTRONOMY CLUB MEETS 11:00 a.m. Armstrong Room of the Atrium Bldg. across from the new Maintenance Bldg. N CA Campus. For more info, call 634.5075. FRI. JUL 2 – JUL 30 – ART CLUB FEATURING WORKS OF PHOENIX GROUP 3:00 – 3:00 p.m. Library. Admission is free South Shore Library, 158 Beth

The News of Kings Point

Shields Way, Ruskin. Open to the public during regular Library house. An Art Show featuring the works of the members of the Phoenix Group of SCC. Meet the artists whose works are on display. FRI. JUL 2 – SOUTH SHORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA to PERFORM FREE CONCERTS 7:00 p.m. United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. Funded by local sponsors and through a free will offering taken at the concert. Info: Dom Galati 813.671.4154 or Jeff Jordan 813.250.0153. This performance features: Patriotic favorites to kick off the holiday weekend. Performing “Star”, a unique arrangement of the National Anthem, America the Beautiful with vocal soloist Guedye St. Jean who will also be narrator for Copeland’s Powerful Lincoln Portrait, and many more. Bell ensemble will participate. SAT. JUL 3 – JEWELRY MAKING CLASSES WITH GERI 10:30 – 1:30 a.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. RSVP 813.642.8950. Always wanted to know how that favorite piece of jewelry was made? Well now you can learn how to make your own. Refreshments provided. This class will be repeated Wed. Jul 21. SAT. JUL 3 and SUN. JUL 4 – PLACE YOUR SHARE ORDERS Jun 3: 5:00 p.m. & Jun 4: 9:30 – 10:30 and 12:00 Noon. United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. Info: Desi 533.8250. SHARE, ½ price groceries with interdenominational volunteers waiting to take your orders. SAT. JUL 3 – ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, S. CA Campus. Members free, Guests $5.00. Info: Charlie Brown 813.642.9817. Coffee, cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy casual, BYOB. Ms. Bernice Dubro-May will be teaching a polka lesson at 6:15 for $2.50 per person. EVERYONE is invited. SUN. JUL 4 – SCC PATRIOTS CLUB PRESENTS LITTLE HOMETOWN SOLDIERS CONCERT 1:30 p.m. Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach. S. CA Campus. Tickets $7.50 at Kiosk or at the door. Little hometown Soldiers are young people, ages 3 to 16, from the Tampa Bay Area. They are reaching out and encourage youth and family to be strong, proud and courageous, when their parents or loved ones are away serving country, and to always honor veterans that have put themselves in harm’s way to keep our country safe for them to grow into productive citizens. A variety of patriotic songs and Medleys. MON. JUL 5, 12, 19, 20 – WEIGHT WATCHERS MEET 1:30 p.m. Weigh In. 2:00 Meeting Starts. St Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb E. Meeting discount offered for those 65 and older. Check out a meeting for free at any time. Go to www. Weightwatchers.com or call 1.800.651.6000 for additional information. Weight Watchers meets every Monday…same time…same place. SUN. JUL 4 – POOLSIDE/COURTYARD PARTY 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Poolside N. CA Campus. Food available for purchase by SCC Softball Club (hot dog plate $3; soft drinks $1; ice cream treats $1). Info: Judy 642-2001. Music by Fred Campbell. Plastic only please. SUN. JUL 4 – GADABOUTS TAKE A WONDROUS EVENING CRUISE from CLEARWATER 4:15 p.m. Depart; 11:45 p.m. Return. All costs are included in the $90 pp ticket. For Reservations call 633.5999. Aboard the Starlite Majestic, view the annual spectacular fireworks over Tampa Bay. Those of us that have done this before have only one word for the experience, WOW!!! A scrumptious four course meal will be served along with appropriate music that will continue through the fireworks display. SUN. JUL 4 – SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Florida Room of Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. Members $3.00, Guests $5.00. Info: Janet 633.3558. Dance music by Thor Stevens. BYOB, snacks provided. Singles Social Dance Club dances are every 1st and 3rd Sundays through Oct. MON. JUL 5 to SAT. JUL 10 – HOGAN’S GOLF SCHEDULE 9:30 T-time: Mon. Jul 5 Diamond Hill $22.00; Wed. Jul 7 Summerfield $34.00 + lunch; Fri. Jul 9 Buffalo Creek $20.99; Contact PWoodii@aol.com for reservation(s). Hogan’s Golf Schedule is listed on a weekly basis. The Hogans is open to SCC and KP residents only. The USGA handicap indexing system levels the playing field among the golfers. In 2010 the Club will be playing various weekdays and Saturdays at various public and WCI courses. TUE. Jul 6, 13, 20, 27 – TOASTMASTERS MEETING 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb Blvd. W. Whether you’re a professional, student, stay-at-home parent or retiree, Toastmasters is the best way to improve your communication skills. Toastmasters can help you lose the fear of public speaking and learn skills that will help you to be more successful in whatever path in life you’ve chosen. You already have some or all of the skills. In toastmasters you

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will embrace them. Toastmasters meets every Tuesday, same time and place. TUE. JUL 6 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This month’s topic is “the Bonds of Federalism.” Refreshments will be served. TUE. JUL 6, 13, 20, 27 – EVENING DANCE CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning Fox Trot; 6:45 Intermediate Cha Cha; 8:00 Beginner and Intermediate. Polka. Dance Studio, Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. $5.00 each lesson. Call Bernice May for more information 634.3205. Sponsored by the Academy of Dance Club. All SCC and KP welcome (couples and singles). Come join the fun and brush up on your dancing and learn a few new steps. New dances taught each month. WED. JUL 7, 14, 21, 28 – DAYTIME DANCE CLASSES 12:45 p.m. Beginning Waltz; 2:00 Intermediate Rumba; 3:15 Intermediate/Advanced. Cha Cha. Dance Studio, Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. $5.00 each lesson. Call Bernice May for more information 634.3205. Sponsored by the Academy of Dance Club. All SCC and KP welcome (couples and singles). Come join the fun and brush up on your dancing and learn a few new steps. New dances taught each month. WED. JUL 7 – SCC STROKE SUPPORT GROUP 1:00 p.m. East/West room of Kings Point Clubhouse. Open to all residents of KP and SCC. Info: Len 633.9366. The social, informative group is open to all stroke survivors, caregivers, guests and anyone interested. Sponsored by South Bay Hospital, monthly presentations by professionals in the medical, nutritional, holistic, integrative medicine, etc. Updates in treatment procedures given. Refreshments are served and reservations not required. SCC Stroke Support Group meets every Wed. WED. JUL 7, 14, 21, 28 - FRONT PORCH PICKEERS MEET 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Heritage and Armstrong Rooms, Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. We meet year round. If you play the guitar, ukulele, mandolin, bass, dobro, fiddle or banjo come visit us. We also love an audience. Info: David 633-6739 or Sally 633-1379. WED. JUL 7 – NEW EXHIBIT AT THE ART GALLERY 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. www.artclubofscc. org. The opening reception of a new exhibit at the Gallery, entitled “Artist’s Choice.” The Gallery, located adjacent to the Art Room, is open to visitors every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. WED. JUL 7, 21 – LIFE AFTER LOSS BEREAVEMENT GROUP 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave, in the Church Chapel. Info: Mitzi 813.938.4955. Club has been formed to help those who have recently lost a loved one or are having difficulty coping and adjusting to life on their own. This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wed of the month. Group will be led by Mitzi Campbell. WED. JUL 7, 14, 21, 28 – GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 3:30 p.m. Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Ct, 2nd Floor Library. No RSVP needed. Join this educational and supportive environment and find out you are not alone. This support group is facilitated by Life Path hospice. Light Refreshments. This group will meet Wednesdays through Aug 4. WED. JUL 7 – BIG DRAW PLANNING MEETING 6:30 p.m. South Shore United Methodist Church, 435 Apollo Beach Blvd. in the Harbor Point Business Center. If you want to be part of the planning and the excitement, come to the Big Draw meeting. The Big Draw offers free classes and workshops to the community for the entire month of October. Join the fun in the fall! THU. JUL 8 – SOUTH BAY HOSPITAL EDUCATION SEMINAR 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Aston Gardens at SCC. 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE. RSVP to 813.642.8950. Aston Gardens presents a monthly education Seminar with South Bay Hospital. The 2nd Thu of each month for 2010 will bring you a new topic and new experts to meet from South Bay Hospital. This month’s topic is “Chest pain Seminar.” Our speaker this month is a “Specialist in the field.” SUN. JUL 11 – OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Community Hall, S. CA Campus. Club members are free and others pay $5.00 at the door. Info: 633.5649. Entertainment will be provided by Tony and Tricia. The dress is casual. EVERYONE (Singles and Couples; SCC and KP) is welcome. BYOB. Come dance with us. MON. JUL 12 to SAT. JUL 17 – HOGAN’S GOLF SCHEDULE 9:30 T-time: Tue. Jul 13 Apollo Beach $25.00; Thu. Jul 15 Renaissance $30.00 + free 33573 Continued on Page 14

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The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

33573 From Page 13 sleeve; Sat. Jul 17 SandPiper $25.00 + free sleeve. Contact PWoodii@ aol.com for reservation(s). Hogan’s Golf Schedule is listed on a weekly basis. The Hogans is open to SCC and KP residents only. The schedules are published for Nov – Apr and for May – Oct. Greens fees have been negotiated with the course to provide for the best price available and to provide reliable tee-times. TUE. JUL 13 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Aston Gardens SCC, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE. RSVP to 813.642.8950. Come join in our FREE educational interactive seminar with speaker Phil Leto, III. Topic this month “The Bonds of Federalism.” Refreshments provided. TUE. JUL 13 – COOKING WITH “OUR” CHEF 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. Free. 813.642.8950. Each month our Chef will demonstrate new cooking techniques and make new recipes to try and taste. TUE. JUL 13 – SCC PHOTO CLUB MEETS 6:30 p.m. Tutorial Program begins on the new Photoshop CS5. 7;00 p.m. A short business meeting followed immediately by the program. Info on the club and its activities, http:// www.photoclubscc.com or visit photo learning lab at 960D Cherry Hill Dr. Dues for 2010 year remain $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. WED. JUL 14 – AVON OPEN HOUSE 10:30 a.m. The Inn at the Courtyards, 255 Courtyards Blvd. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Don’t want to wait for the Avon Lady to bring her catalog….Now you don’t have to. The 2nd Wed. of every month we have OUR Avon Representative come in to our community and bring all her goodies to sell. So stop by and check it out and see what’s missing in your make-up case! WED. JUL 14 – KINGS POINT ROD and REEL CLUB MEETS 7:00 p.m. Kings Point Clubhouse Craft Room. Info: email kpfishingclub@gmail.com. Rod and Reel members meet the second Wed. of the month. SAT. JUL 17 – ATTENTION WAR VETERANS-MOWW INTERVIEWS for LIBRARY of CONGRESS 10:00 a.m. Florida Room at Atrium, N CA Campus. FREE. Info: contact Gordon Bassett 642.0691, Richard Wallace 642.0212 or Ken Barringer 633.8490. Interviews will continue every 3rd Saturday. The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) continues to conduct interviews for Library of Congress Veterans History Project to preserve the military veteran’s record for perpetuity at its American Folklife Center. Bob Swing is the videographer, editor and DVD publisher. SUN. JUL 18 – SARASOTA CONCERT BAND “SUMMER CELEBRATION” 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Community Hall, S. CA Campus. $13/person at Community Assn. $15 at the door. Reserved seats. Info: Judy 642-2001. Sarasota Concert Band will play songs made popular by Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass and from Wizard of Oz, Wicked, Pirates of the Caribbean, Les Miserables and more. Open to Public. SUN. JUL 18 – SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 A.M. Florida Room of Atrium Bldg. N. CA Campus. Members $3.00, Guests $5.00. Info: Janet 633.3558. Dance music by Thor Stevens. BYOB, snacks provided. Singles Social Dance Club dances are every 1st and 3rd Sundays through Oct.

MON. JUL 19 to SAT. JUL 24 – HOGAN’S GOLF SCHEDULE 9:30 T-time: Wed. Jul 21 Summerfield $34.00 + lunch; Fri. Jul 23 Imperial Lakewoods $26.63; Sat. Jul 24 SandPiper $25.00 + free sleeve. Contact PWoodii@aol.com for reservation(s). Hogan’s Golf Schedule is listed on a weekly basis. The Hogans is open to SCC and KP residents only. Members hold impromptu pizza parties and the like, on occasion. TUE. JUL 20 – HANDICAPPED CLUB MEETS 1:00 p.m. Cypress Creek Golf Course. Info: Don 642.9116. Open to all handicapped individuals and/ or their caregivers. A social club who meet once a month for lunch and “just talk.” A small, intimate group. TUE. JUL 20 – PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING BREAKFAST 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. FOR PROFESSIONALS ONLY! PLEASE RSVP 813.642.8950. Please attend our monthly Professional Networking meeting. The speaker this month is Sue Romeo, owner of Canadian Med. South, and the topic is “Are you paying too much for Prescription Drugs!” TUE. JUL 20 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This month’s topic is “What would our Founding Father’s Do? Refreshments will be served. WED. JUL 21 – COUNTY COMMISSIONER AL HIGGINBOTHAM 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. Come out to hear one of our County Commissioners discuss their take on the Hillsborough County’s “Transit Referendum” which is on the November Ballot. He will review what’s happening and will also do some questions and answers for the public. Refreshments provided. WED. JUL 21 – JEWELRY MAKING CLASSES WITH GERI 10:30 – 1:30 a.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. RSVP 813.642.8950. Always wanted to know how that favorite piece of jewelry was made? Well now you can learn how to make your own. Refreshments provided. WED. JUL 21 – MEN’S CLUB OF SCC LUNCHEON MEETING Noon. Community Hall, South CA Campus. $12.00. Regular monthly luncheon meeting. Members and their invited guests only. Reservations required. Membership info: Jerry Mahoney 633.2879. Dr. Pat Crowe will explore the pros and cons of the current Health Care legislation. WED. JUL 21 – SCC DANCE CLUB – JULY DANCE 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach, S. CA Campus. Members No Charge. Non-Members $5.00 at the door Info: 633.7173. Dance club welcomes ALL to their July Dance. Music provided by “Just the 2 Of Us.” Dressy Casual Attire. We’ll have snacks and set ups. BYOB. EVERYONE (Singles and Couples/ SCC and KP) is welcome. THU. JUL 22– WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A NURSE DURING YOUR HOSPITAL STAY 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers Main Dining Room. 101 Trinity lakes Dr. RSVP 813.634.3347. South Bay Hospital teamed up with Sun Towers to provide this enlightening coffee chat. Here’s your chance to learn from the experts. Hear about the day to day routine of a nurse, what to expect if you are in the hospital, and ways to take charge of your care. Presented by Ruthann McIntyre, RN. Refreshments served. 33573 Continued on Page 15

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The News of Kings Point

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33573 From Page 14 THU. JUL 22 – MOONGLOW DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, S. CA Campus. Members Free. $5.00 guests. Info: Claire 642.0171, President. BYOB. Attire: Dressy, Singles Welcome. Music by The Ashleys. Everyone in KP and SCC is invited. FRI. JUL 23 – CHRISTMAS IN JULY 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The Courtyards, 231 Courtyards Blvd. Come and shop early for Christmas gifts! It’s never too late to start working on that list….We will have all types of vendors. E.g. jewelry, clothing, make-up, candles and much more. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! SAT. JUL 24 – NEW TRAVEL CLUB, ADVANTAGE CRUISES & TOURS, MEETS 10:00 a.m. Card Room of the Main Club House at Kings Point. $15.00 per person to join includes name tag, monthly meeting and mailing (also to your Summer residence). Info: 1.866.824.1613. Club will meet every 4th Sat and be offering day trips, multi-day bus tours, and cruises. All club trips are fully escorted. Also, non-escorted, but great value, cruise deals available. SUN. JUL 25 – SUMMER CHOIR REHEARSALS 9:15 a.m. Rehearsal Room United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Info: Tara Swartzbaugh, Director of Music 813.835.8206. An opportunity for anyone who always wanted to sing in a group or Church Choir. There are no tryouts, auditions, just a desire to sing. Just show up. There will be a short rehearsal and then you will be a part of the Choir for a day, or longer if you really like it. Last Summer Choir will be Sun. Aug 29. MON. JUL 26 to THU. JUL 29 – LEGO ® MINDSTORMS® ROBOTICS SUMMER CAMP 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. daily. HCC SouthShore Campus, Ruskin in Community Room 201/202. $50.00. Info and application www. madeinflorida.org Dave Gula 813.259.6581. This introductory camp is open to middle school students. MON. JUL 26 to SAT. JUL 31 – HOGAN’S GOLF SCHEDULE 9:30 T-time: Tue. Jul 27 Apollo Beach $25.00; Thu. Jul 29 Riverside $18.00; Sat. Jul 31 Sandpiper $25.00 + free sleeve. Contact PWoodii@aol.com for reservation(s). Hogan’s Golf Schedule is listed on a weekly basis. The Hogans is open to SCC and KP residents only. Additional info (membership application, By Laws, detailed schedule) may be had by contacting ArtSwallow@aol.com or visit http://hogansgolf.com. TUE. JUL 27 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. Free. RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This months topic is “What would our Founding Fathers Do? Refreshments will be served. WED. JUL 28 – NEW SEMINAR “THE TRUTH ABOUT HEALTH and WELLNESS” 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. Free. RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker Phil Bresnahan will talk about the different ways to treat disease and discuss new options with a “Holistic Twist.” WED. JUL 28 – ALZHEIMER’S/CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. The Inn at the Courtyards, 255 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. RSVP 813.634.4497. If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s/Dementia you will want to attend this very educational meeting. Learn how to deal and cope with Alzheimer’s from others who are in the same position as you.

SAT. JUL 31 – DELIVERY DAY FOR SHARE ORDERS 11:00 a.m. – Noon, St. John the Divine Episcopal Church on East Del Webb. You can also place your SHARE orders here at this time for next month SUN. JUL 31 – OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Community Hall, S. CA Campus. Club members are free and others pay $5.00 at the door. Info: 633.5649. Entertainment will be provided by Fred Campbell. The dress is casual. EVERYONE (Singles and Couples; SCC and KP) is welcome. BYOB. Come dance with us. ©2010 James Taze, All Rights Reserved

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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

South Shore Symphony Orchestra to perform free summer concert musicians in the area. Said Galati, ”There are many people in this area that are unwilling or unable to drive into the city to attend classical concerts such as these. We hope to bring the music to them.” Jordan and Galati came up with the idea of offering three free summer concerts to help introduce the orchestra to the South Hillsborough County community. The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center has graciously opened their doors for rehearsals and supported the ensemble from the start. The summer concerts will be funded by local

The new South Shore Symphony Orchestra will be performing their second of three free summer concerts on Friday, July 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, in Sun City Center. “Nearly 500 folks turned up for the first free summer concert in May, so this one should be packed,“ said Jeff Jordan, Principal Conductor of the new ensemble. On July 2nd, the Orchestra will be performing Star, a unique arrangement of the National Anthem, America the Beautiful with vocal soloist Guedye St. Jean who will also be the narrator for Copland’s

powerful Lincoln Portrait, two well-known Sousa marches, Tchaikovsky’s enduring 1812 Overture, and other patriotic favorites. The Sun City Center Bell Ensemble will also present an arrangement of Battle Hymn of the Republic as well as participate in the finale of the Tchaikovsky. The brain-child of local musician Dominick Galati, the SSSO was formed to offer local musicians a year-round opportunity to play with other professionals in bringing great concert music to South Hillsborough County. One of its long-term goals is to provide scholarships to promising young

sponsors and through a free will offering taken at each concert. A final free summer concert will be performed on August 13th and will feature works by Haydn, Gould, Johann Strauss, and Rodgers & Hammerstein. These summer concerts are free and open to the public. A free will offering will be accepted. For more information about the SSSO, sponsorship opportunities, the summer concert series, or for audition information, please contact Dom Galati at 813.671.4154 or Jeff Jordan at 813.260.0153.

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2010, July

The News of Kings Point

Art Center at Lake Wales

Historic Lake Wales Delights the Eyes and the Appetite By Eddie Dixon, Photos by Shelba Porter The first thing you notice while traveling down State Road 60 into Lake Wales is the sudden change in topography. Not mountains, certainly, but this small central Florida town does lay in the relative “foothills” of the Florida Ridge, hills that run from Lake Wales north to the border of the Ocala National Forest. Our day trip assignment was to go in search of “Historic” Lake Wales. On our first pass, we drove right through the light at First Street…Hey, didn’t that sign say ‘Historic District?’ Yes. It did. No matter, we were also planning to stop by the Lake Wales Arts Center on the corner of SR 60 and 11th. We pulled around the (literally) converted church and parked, ready to explore the art gallery and performance hall. After signing the guest book – this is STRONGLY encouraged by those at the front desk – we cruised through the small, but eclectic gallery. Glass sculpture, paintings and interpretive displays. Interesting colors and lines. Good stuff. Down the hall and up the (creaky) stairs we entered what was once a small but ornate church. Every window is a stained glass scene from scripture. Inset carvings in the walls also illustrate the “Greatest Story Ever Told.” The entire room is beautiful, but my favorite is the ceiling. Open-timbers along most of the spaced lead into a beautifully painted dome. The night sky illuminated by sunlight filtered through stained glass. After visiting the Arts Center, we backtracked down 60 to First Street and turned north. You know you’re in the historic district when you see the towering, green monolith that is the long-retired Dixie Walesbilt Hotel. Built by the citizens of Lake Wales in the 1920’s, efforts are being made to restore this classic Florida institution to its former grandeur. Crossing Central Avenue, we turned right on Stuart Avenue

and found a spot to park. It was late morning on a weekday, so we had plenty of options. As we stepped out of the car we heard the ringing tones of nearby Bok Tower’s famous carillon. We stopped for a moment and just listened. Our first stop was the Village Kitchen Shop. Gentlemen, if you go in there with the wife, be sure to hold the purse…otherwise you might end up holding your chest. Mine wanted one of everything. Yours will too. I had to admit, it was tempting. I eyeballed some of the cutlery and grillin’ utensils myself. Our next stop was Bellissimo, a gift shop and wine bar where the samples are diverse and excellent. We browsed unique art and décor items from around the world while sipping a truly delicious German dessert wine and a sharp Italian Chardonnay. The folks at Bellissimo also run the Festival Steak and Seafood joint next door. They open for the dinner crowd around 5:00 p.m., but were kind enough to allow us to sneak inside and snap a few pictures. Loved that place! We will definitely be back to grab a bite soon. At the Gallery & Frame Shop owner Elisa Pedersen can custom frame “just about anything.” There is also art from local artists on hand for you to browse. We saw several pieces that would look great in the house and we loved the option to mix and match frames from room to room. One of the most unique places in historic downtown is the hair salon with the antique store in the back. We didn’t need a trim, but we appreciated the slightly cramped but unbelievably diverse selection of antiques and collectibles. I found a classic khaki fishing vest that I would still be wearing if it hadn’t been a bit snug. Hazards of a wife who knows her way around the kitchen. Near the hair salon we found a pair of interesting gift shops. Lollipops is a children’s boutique for doting grandparents. Polka

Dots offers a fine selection of Brighton jewelry, just about anything Vera Bradley every designed and unique gifts for the lady who wants “something no one else has”. About that time we were getting hungry. Festival wouldn’t open for several hours, so that wasn’t an option. No matter. There are bistros and cafes scattered all over the Historic District. Just as we were deciding where to go, a smartly-dressed lady exited one of the options under consideration and made a beeline for us. Now, anyone who’s seen me has to admit I look like a guy who can eat, so I’m not saying she was psychic, but sometimes the secret of success is a little extra effort and immaculate timing. This lady had both. She handed us a menu and invited us out of the midday heat and into the cool air conditioning. Boy, am I glad we did! Now, I’m sure any of the other pub and grub joints in the district would have been fine, but Jordan’s Bistro was brilliant. Great menu options for lunch and dinner and terrific prices considering both the quality of food and service. While we were eating my lovely bride asked about a few of the original paintings hanging on the walls. Turns out the artist, who

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has been featured at the Dali Museum, was not only local but seated two tables away. When you plan to stop by Historic Lake Wales, call ahead to schedule an appointment to view James Hahn’s gallery. 863.241.3852. One more quick suggestion… On the 4th Saturday of every month, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. there is a terrific Classic Car Show in the Historic District with enough Detroit steel to bring the boy out in all of us. I certainly can’t wait for the next one. Looks like another Day Trip to Lake Wales is in the immediate future. Happy travels folks! Have fun out there.

Dixie Walesbilt Hotel

Beautiful murals are throughout out the town.

Gallery Bistro Row

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The News of Kings Point

July, 2010


The Kings Point Amateur Radio Club has graduated two new licenseholders. Stan Juczak of Sun City Center (left center) and Larry Zellers of Clearwater (right center) passed their technician-class license examination June 19th. They are flanked by instructor Bill Barron (at left) and class supervisor Robert Goldberg. The Kings Point Amateur Radio Club, with more than 80 members, provides the community with emergency communications in time of need. For information contact president Dick Bishop at 813.633.7157

trees and damaging roofs and carports. Lady Summer hopefully will be a lady and the hurricane season will pass us by. Brenda Wiseman our Safety Program Coordinator reminds us “Better safe than Sorry!!!” I called Bill Redding of KP Security about what would occur in the event of a tornado or storm warning at night. I believe the guards have a weather radio and we have 24-hour security. We have The National Weather Service right here in Ruskin. I called them and they have an administrator associate who was helpful. She did stress that we should have a weather radio in our homes. There are different settings and they also give marine and storm warnings, Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts. They also conduct tours by appointment by calling 813.645.2323. Despite concerns of Old Mother Nature not being a lady, Kings Point is still a wonderful place to live. If one is bored it is one’s own fault. Some activities that stop for the summer, but there are still the water and land exercises, The Krafters are still doing their labor of love making lap robes, hand knitted and crochet items for The Shiners Children Hospital and area nursing homes. The Ceramic Club will permit you to use the club’s equipment for a minimum charge to discover if ceramics is your cup of tea. Bingo, Card games, movies, the Summer Series in the Borini Theater, and the list goes on. The Regional Library also has programs. Many of these opportunities are just a few pages away in the very newspaper you are holding. Check it out!

Celebrate Our Independence with Music

Happy Birthday to the USA! On July 1st at the Borini Theatre at 7:30 p.m. the Mostly Pops Orchestra will host a Patriotic Concert. Reserved seating tickets are available at the Kings Point Box Office for $10 plus sales tax. KP Management will provide Éclairs and decaffeinated coffee. On July 4th there will be a party at the KPSC POOL Deck at 12:00 p.m. – 4:00Pp.m. The party will offer barbeque specials and a cash bar. This year’s theme is “the British are Coming!” Every third song will be a British Invader. Whatever you do this Fourth of July, remember our service men and women serving our nation at home and abroad. God bless America!

Sun City Center 50TH Anniversary Celebration Parade

Pop Star on the High Seas Recently Kings Point residents, the Podgurskis, took a 14 day cruise to Hawaii on the Golden Princess. Already anticipating a wonderful trip and an exciting time in the islands, JoAnne decided to enter a singing contest on the ship. She won! After her performance on the final night of the cruise, her fellow passengers pronounced her “Princess Pop Star.” Congratulations to JoAnne. The News of Kings Point wishes her luck and continued success with her silky pipes.

Sun City Center’s 50th anniversary is on May 10, 2011. On that date, at 10:00 a.m., there will be a Celebration Parade of approximately two miles which will kick off a whole year of parties and events put on by different organizations. The best of Sun City Center will be represented in this Celebration Parade - dignitaries, clubs, local social organizations, local service organizations, etc. will be joining to show their support. There will be music, laughter and fun. The Parade Committee - Roxann Seeley (Chair), Uta Kuhn, Margaret Kuss, Pam Treadwell and Dolores Whitfield are working to line up participants, vehicles, decorations and the like. Let’s not forget Ann Marie Leblanc who is Chair of the entire year-long celebration of the Sun City Center’s 50th Anniversary. Ms. Leblanc is planning the route and obtaining the permits for the parade. If there is anyone with an open convertible or open, tram-like vehicle, who is willing to drive some of the parade participants, we need your help. Please contact Dolores Whitfield at 813.642.9156. Whether you participate or watch, join the festivities or just enjoy the festivities. Come to the Parade!

If you would like to hear JoAnne sing, look for her band, Prime Time, to perform in the Kings Point lobby on Mondays this fall and winter.

Summertime Reminders for Kings Point Residents Submitted by Dora Murray

It is July in Kings Point and the lessees and the Snow Birds have departed for parts unknown to escape Florida’s summer season. The traffic has lessened and to turn left into the KP Gate from 674 is no longer a long wait. Have you noticed the sign as you enter into the gate area? It is a simple sign yet its message is lovely. It simply says, “Welcome Home.” When we were traveling for several months at a time it added a nice touch to two weary travelers. Old Man Winter’s assault on our community certainly caused a blight on our landscapes. Then Madame Spring with her storm wreacked havoc by uprooting

Left to right: Pam Treadwell, Margaret Kuss, Roxann Seeley (standing) Dolores Whitfield & Uta Kuhn

2010, July

The News of Kings Point

Page 19

B U L L E T I N Women’s Club Chooses Officers Submitted by Uta Kuhn Photo provided by Nancy Russell

The GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club installed the following officers at the May meeting. Pictured, left to right seated: Jeanne Nash, Director, Nell Elliott, President Elect, Janet Cardulla, President, Peggy Person, Recording Secretary, Monica McPhillips, Corresponding Secretary, Standing, left to right: Joyce Falandysz Director, Nora Nelson, Membership Chairman, Jean Rideout Interim Treasurer, Uta Kuhn, Third Vice President Publicity, Carol Glover, Second Vice President Programs. Not pictured Connie Williams Fourth, Vice President Hospitality.

Women’s Club Donates to Elementary School Story and photo submitted by Monica McPhillips

At the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club’s monthly meetings there are small dishes for members to collect pennies--We call it Pennies for Books. At year’s end, we present a check for the amount collected and present it to the Wimauma Elementary School. This year we presented a check in the amount of $225.00 to the school. Shown above left to right, Cyrille Cobe, Co Chairman of the Club’s Education Committee, Monica McPhillips, Collector of pennies, Ginny Jennings, Media Specialist at the school, Jeffrey Milkman, Principal. The funds will be used in the Media Center.

Just the 2 of Us Dance

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to their dance on July 21st. Community Hall, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Music by: “Just The 2 Of Us.” Guest $5.00pp. Attire: Dressy Casual. Singles, always welcome. Set up and snacks will be provided. BYOB. For more info call: 813.633.7173.


In the June issue of NOKP, a photo was incorrectly labeled. The correct co-chairs of the 2011 Good Samaritan Ball are Darlene and Larry Meadows. NOKP apologizes for this mistake.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club’s July Dance

Irene Glow, Ed Barnes, Helen Zeiders

Photo Credit: Helen Zeiders

Irene Glow, Librarian, is shown above accepting a check from Ed Barnes, CA President as Helen Zeiders, Fun Fest Flea Market Chairman, looks on. The Woman’s Club presented the check in the amount of $1,100.00. This represents the proceeds from the Flea Market the Club managed at Fun Fest. The funds are to be used for the Sun City Center Library.

UCC Awards Scholarships

Submitted by Hazel Martin, photo also by Hazel Martin

Scholarship Sunday was celebrated at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center, on Sunday, June 6, 2010. Six seniors are graduating this year after having received four years of financial assistance from the church. A reception was held following the service. Featured in the photo is Jericha Lopez and Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee Jo Prater. Jericha will be graduating from USF with a degree in Biomedical Science and she will be attending USF this fall for a second degree in nursing. Congratulations to all graduating seniors and special kudos to the generous folks at United Community Church.

Saturday, July 3, 2010 at the Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free, guests $5.00. Coffee, cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy casual, BYOB. Ms. Bernice Dubro-May will be teaching a Polka lesson at 6:15 for $2.50 per person. Call Charlie Brown at 813.642.9817 for more information.

Little Hometown Soldiers Concert

Submitted by David Floyd, SCC Patriots Club Publicity Chairman

Date: Sunday, July 4th 2010 Time: 1:30 p.m. Place: Community Hall (South Pebble Beach) Sun City Center, Florida Tickets will be available at the Atrium Ticket Kiosk M-W-F from 9 a.m. to noon, starting on Wednesday June 16th and also at the door. Tickets are $7.50. In heartfelt dedication and appreciation for the men and women that serve in the United States Armed Forces, the mission of the Little Hometown Soldiers is to reach out and encourage youth and family to be strong, proud and courageous, when their parents or loved ones are away serving the country, and to always honor veterans that have put themselves in harm’s way to keep our country safe for them to grow into productive citizens. These young people, ages 3 to 16, will perform a variety of patriotic songs and medleys in honor of our veterans and active duty personnel. The Little Hometown Soldiers are from the Tampa Bay Area.

Women With Cancer Concerns

The latest information on “Nutrition and Cancer” will presented by Heather Bell-Temin, MS, RD, LD/N from Moffitt Cancer Center. The group will be meeting on Friday, June 11, at 1:00 p.m., at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center. Bring your family, friends and neighbors to this very important and informative lecture. For information, contact Meeting Facilitator, Hazel Martin at 813.642.9020.

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

B U L L E T I N NCWS Continues Philanthropy

Submitted by Jim Butner

Steve Molnar, liturgist for NCWS (Nondenominational Christian Worship Services) is shown presenting checks totaling $1,300.00 to Dolores Berens, President of Samaritans Alzheimer’s Auxiliary. The love offering was given for the month of May. Mr. Molnar stated, “Since our ministry is composed of all volunteers, we have an advantage, in that we have zero costs & can donate every penny of our love offerings to many local non-profit organizations.” For more information regarding NCWS, please call Jim Butner at 813.634.3114.

Free Cooking Class

Free veggie cooking classes every Sat. for the month of June, 2010. Where: “The Bazaar and Marketplace” 8399 N. University Dr. in Tamarac (The corner of University Dr. and Southgate Blvd., directly next to the bowling alley) Time: From 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Offering a series of healthy cooking classes (all completely vegetarian) starting with, “What to have for breakfast” the first week, followed by lunches, dinners, and finally ending with desserts. These recipes will be showing you how to make your favorite foods, but with different ingredients then you’re used to. Learn how to replace dairy, meat, and eggs with healthier alternatives. Learn why white sugar and white flour are no good for you. We will show you how to reduce bad fats, sodium, and cholesterol in your diet, without losing taste and flavor. Everything we make will be healthy for you, and delicious to eat! And it’s free! Come learn, eat, and be healthy, and bring a friend!! For more info call 954.971.4432

Patriotic Dance Submitted by Jan Ulics

The Kings Point Line Dancers are having a Patriotic Dance on Wed July 21st at 7:009 p.m. in the Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Tickets are $5.51, available at the box office. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. We pray for, and give thanks to, all who have served in our armed forces, to all currently serving, and to their families. They are the best of us! BYOB and setups. For more info call Jan 813.634.6226.

Sun City Center Stroke Support Group, July Meeting

The Sun City Center Stroke Support Group will meet on Wednesday, July 7th at 1:00 p.m. in the East/West room of King’s Point Clubhouse. The social, informative group is open to all stroke survivors, caregivers, guests, and anyone interested in learning about stroke, now called “brain attack”. The group, sponsored by South Bay Hospital, has monthly presentations by professionals in the medical, nutritional, holistic, integrative medicine, alternative health fields, and physical rehabilitation. Updates in treatment procedures in caring for the stroke survivor are given. Refreshments are served and reservations are not required. The Sun City Center Stroke Support Group meets at 1 pm the first Wednesday of each month and is open to all residents of Kings Point and Sun City Center and their guests. For further information, call Kim McKell, RN, MSN at 813.634.0249.

July Poem Submissions The following submission was inspired by the author when, while a senior in high school, he had his appendix removed. Talk about the medicinal power of laughter!

“First Enema” Submitted by Tod McGinley

When the nurse comes into your room, with a look that says “ha-ha”, Then it means the time has come to take an enema! At first you don’t know what that means, of course ,the nurse, she knows, But the thing that catches your eye, is the long red hose! After one or two of these affairs, you will cry you’ve had enough, And you will beg for some Ex-Lax, where the goings not so tough, But when all is said and done and you have seen the enema through, You cannot deny this phrase, “It takes it out of you!”

Our Canvas By Terryanne

With gentle strokes I brush your brow The time is here and it is now No stroke the same each one is new The warmth and love presented in hues Gazing out into the skies The vastness of is far and wide There are no limits to who we touch Created in color with our brush I thank all for the color they have added To my canvas and to those yet to come.

That Darn Cat” By Mary Anne Moseley

Once upon a morning sunny As I ate my eggs all runny, On a plate of china blue With toast to sop it up I daydreamed some, then came a clanging. From outside there was a banging, banging! And I dropped my cup. What’s that, I cried, as it fell to the floor. The banging stopped. I ran to the door. It’s just the cat and nothing more. In he struts so bold and brassy. Smoothly moves his golden chassis. Rubs my leg and starts to purr. A pretty cat he looks so pleasing. In pick him up and start in sneezing, Wheezing as I pet his fur. My eyes are tearing, so therefore The cat must go back out the door. I will not suffer. Nevermore!

2010, July

The News of Kings Point

Page 21

P U Z Z L E S &m���!


S���� Cros�w�r�

C�n�rac� B�id��


This deal occurred some years ago in the Masters Pairs championship in England. The bidding shown took place when Nico Gardener and Albert Rose, well-known international stars, held the North-South cards. East opened one spade on a hand with which most players, using standard methods of bidding, would pass as dealer. However, East-West were playing Acol, which emphasizes good distribution, so East felt obliged

to open the bidding. Rose made a normal overcall of two diamonds, and West entered the fray with two hearts. North’s correct action at this point is debatable -- there are possibly half a dozen different bids he could reasonably make. But Gardener felt that he was not yet in good position to judge how high to go in diamonds, so he elected to pass! This unusual maneuver worked out extremely well when Gardener eventually inched his way into six diamonds, which West doubled and Rose made with an overtrick. West might possibly have bid six hearts (down one) instead of doubling, even though there was no way he could expect that his partner would not take a trick after having opened the bidding. In general, in the situation West was confronted with, it pays to go on bidding despite the fact that you’re sure to go down and the opponents may already have overextended themselves. The operative principle is that you should be willing to accept a relatively small loss in order to avoid a large one. None of these comments is meant to detract in any way from Gardener, who started out with an imaginative first-round pass and was ultimately rewarded for it with 1,190 points. ©2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

Solutions on Page 23

22 Page

The News of Kings Point

S�r�n�� Bu� T���


By Samantha Weaver • It was multitalented Robert Anton Wilson -- he was, at various times in his life, a novelist, essayist, psychologist, editor, philosopher, playwright and mystic -- who made the following observation: “It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea.” • The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released its study on the costs of raising a child. Those who have children may not be surprised to learn that the average two-parent, middle-income family spends a whopping $222,360 on the child through the age of 17 -- and that figure, or course, doesn’t include the cost of a college education. • The blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed. The marine mammal is so large, in fact, that a grown man could swim through its largest blood vessels. • The company known as Ulysse Nardin, based in Switzerland, is known for its line of luxury watches. They’ve recently expanded their offerings, though, so the next time you’re in the market for a cell phone, you might want to check out their version of Google’s Android

Anne Pidgeon’s

model. You also might want to check your bank account; this gold-plated piece of technology will retail for $50,000. • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, those who


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July, 2010


hold the most dangerous job in America aren’t firefighters or police officers; they’re taxi drivers, with 22.7 homicides for every 100,000 workers each year.

Thought for the Day: “It’s not the genius who is 100 years ahead of his time but the average man who is 100 years behind it.” -Robert Musil © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

What Does The ‘Transit Referendum’


Hillsborough County Commissioner Al Higginbotham will make a special presentation at America’s awardwinning senior-living community and you’re invited! The commissioner will speak about the upcoming Transit Referendum, which is on the November ballot. It asks voters whether they want to tax themselves in support of a new transit system that includes light rail. Join us to find out more.

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2010, July

S�l���’� St�r� Week of July 5

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although you don’t like to change plans once they’re set, once again, you might find that doing so can make a big difference in your favor. Family matters dominate the weekend. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You continue to get encouragement for your proposals, including some support from unlikely sources. Use this positive flow to move forward with your plans. Good luck. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Family matters are dominant this week. It’s a good time to be with those you love. It’s also a good time to contact and reunite with loved ones with whom you’ve lost touch. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Be careful not to allow differences of opinion to create unpleasant feelings, especially in the workplace. A neutral observer could check out the situation and suggest a resolution. LEO (July 23 to August 22) While the Lion’s Den is the center of attention this week, with family matters dominating much of your time, workplace issues are also important. Try to find a balance between them. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept.22) The future of a new relationship could depend on how much the usually impatient-to-get-thingsdone Virgo is willing to stop pushing and let things happen naturally. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Worry over a loved one’s well-being is eased with good news from a sympathetic source. Your continued show of love and support is important. Stay with it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) This is a good time to consider mending fences with someone you wish was back in your life. Forget about blame, and focus on the good things you once shared. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) This is a good week to start researching information regarding whatever changes you’re considering, whether it involves a new home, a new location or a new job. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) A long-anticipated job opportunity could turn out to be less than you expected. But appearances might be deceiving. Check it out before you decide it’s not for you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Good news: Adapting to a new situation might come more easily than you expected. You can look for continued support from colleagues who appreciate y o u r contributions. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Someone you care for might need more reassurance from the typically “unemotional” Pisces. Go ahead. Open up, and you might be surprised at what you find when you do. BORN THIS WEEK: You are a romantic at heart, although you can be amazingly practical when you need to be. (c) 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

The News of Kings Point


Answers to Puzzles from Page 21

Page 23


24 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2010

Legendary Journeys

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