July 2011 News of Kings Point

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News of www.newsofkingspoint.com

July 2011

30 Years of Taking it Off

for a single chapter. This success is due to all the members’ hard work but also to the very capable leadership of Josephine Moses. Over the past 9 years Josephine has been an outstanding leader. Many lives have been changed and not a few likely saved because of her faithfulness and selfless dedication to our chapter and our community. So, what’s involved in membership? Each chapter hosts weekly Omerine Pettit lost 13 pounds &. meetings with the goal of Pictured holding the banner left to right: Josephine Moses, Carolyn Hunter, Larry Robichaud lost 6 ½ pounds. providing help and support for Our Congratulations to them! Faye Young, Audry Heimbold, Sally Haight, Sandy Frey and Gerald Frey. members’ weight loss efforts. TOPS #FL407 (Take Off Pounds 175 pounds! Others have lost 80 about a better way to live! This help includes food health Sensibly) is celebrating 30 years pounds and more than a few The FL407 chapter has grown programs with nurses and of successful service to our have dropped those pesky 20 steadily from 30 members to doctors presenting education community. Both men and pounds or less that just seem to about 135, but there is always on diabetes, healthy living women attend the weekly hang around. room for more folks to get and cutting edge health chapter meetings. Many of But this weight loss has not involved. Of the 270 chapters management techniques. their members have been just increased the members’ in Florida, our chapter has Weight goals and healthy exceptionally successful in taking comfort. Living a healthier consistently stood out, including benchmarks are determined off the weight and keeping it off. lifestyle and keeping the weight two Florida State Kings, one with the help of each member’s Individual achievements include off has led to many members no Florida State Queen and even an physician. We maintain an open one man who lost over 160 longer needing to take insulin or International King runner up! This door policy and are committed Continued on Page 2 pounds and a lady who lost over blood pressure medications. Talk much recognition is very unusual By Adam Porter, EIC NOKP A few weeks ago my A/C gave up the ghost. Again. This near death experience would mark the third for my cooling unit in about a year. The two previous occasions the hired air conditioning professionals came out to the house and considered the problem. They then “fixed” the issue. Here’s the interesting part. Both diagnosed the same problem… but recommended very different methods of treatment. Trusting their “I do this every day” to trump my “tinkered on units a few times” I bowed to their supposed professional advice and went forward with treatment suggested. And did so enthusiastically because, of course, I was worried they would tell me that we needed a new unit. Nope, just a bit of a tune up, Mr. Porter, nothing at all to worry about. The first treatment commenced about a year ago. That course of treatment took 2 days. The “cure” lasted all of four months. Then…BAM…same problem. We called the service provider asking them to honor their “6 month guarantee.” It seems they guarantee to honor this agreement in their own good


CARE................................ 8 Ask Anne ........................ 9 Golf.........................10 &11 Investment..................... 12

Hot Under the Collar

time. After 3 days of phone tag I finally heard back. The A/C had been broken (again) now for nearly a week and my family was plenty steamed. No matter, the repair folks volunteered to be out in two or three days. This was after three days of phone tag, mind you. I hung up and called someone else. Fast forward through a similar experience. Now, over a week into the heat – and wondering how in the world people lived in FLA before air conditioning – I called a 3rd company. A “Company 3” tech came out, looked at the unit and gave us the bad news. Simply fixing the part attached to the problem had only delayed the inevitable and caused more serious problems. Now, I don’t know why this happened. It could be that the

other two companies were just trying to save us some cash. Or maybe they honestly did not understand the cause and effect involved with this particular mechanical system; but, whatever the reason, their lack of service was now costing us big. It was time to replace the unit. Now, I have no idea whether or not fixing the original problem when it happened a year ago would have added more years to the life of my A/C unit. But the point is, now I’ll never know. At least Company 3 had the guts to tell me the truth. In fact, not only did the technician explain the bottom line – you need a new unit – he described what happened and how it happened. Then he did something remarkable. He described, without any prompting from me, the steps taken by the previous two companies and why those halfway efforts had not only not fixed the problem but, potentially, contributed to the overall demise of the unit. Now, many of you may be thinking: “yeah, but I bet they use that line on everybody.” Well, maybe. But remember, I do have some experience in this area – more than I wish too, really Continued on Page 3

Carrier-Route Pre Sort

Jim & Nell Taze 33573...............13, 14 & 15 Hard Knox...................... 15 Dixon’s Destinations..... 16 Bulletin.......................... 17 Faith Bulletin.................. 19

Crossword..................... 21 Contract Bridge............ 21 Sudoku . ........................ 21 Horoscopes................... 23 Solutions to Puzzles....... 23

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News of Kings Point Patron

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner Contractor Tips

By Adam Porter, EIC NOKP Hey friends. Well, it’s not often you hear from me twice in one issue, but I hope you’ll indulge me. I believe strongly that the story I began on page 1 should spark a discussion that will change a few things around here for the better. Along those lines, I wanted to share some tips I was given by the Consumer Affairs Register. These are their Suggestions For Before and After you Hire a Contractor or Vendor. Do not be in a hurry to hire the first contractor or vendor. Obtain two of three bids on the work to be performed. The purpose here is not to find the cheapest bid. Unfortunately, sometimes the least expensive can become the biggest headache. Compare bids to assure all are complete and cover your requirements. Again, this is not about price, it’s about learning who is offering the most complete pre-work analysis. If someone is careful and conscientious before landing the job and by habit of work, they are more likely to be so throughout the entire project. Know your contractor as well as you can. Get references, inquire about other jobs they’ve done in the area. Learn the specific type of work he or she had done and has an expertise in. Plus, make sure he or she is licensed and bonded by the state. Is he or she listed in the Consumer Affairs Register? Insist on a no-lien contract with him and his or her subcontractors. Insist on a release of lien by all parties involved in the work being done for you. In the event of a dispute, lienbinding contracts can cause you a slew of problems down the line. No more than 25% of the total cost should be paid before the work starts. The balance, less 20% should not be paid until completion of the job. Whenever possible, pay for materials out of your own pocket. It creates less liability for the contractor and will make them more amenable to taking less cash up front. The remaining 20% should be withheld until the acceptance of the quality of the job is agreed upon by the homeowner and the contractor. Now, before we discuss items that should be included in the contract, a word in defense of good contractors.

Too many times homeowners want to make changes to the original agreement or job description, thinking these are simply “nickel and dime” issues that can be adjusted later. Unfortunately for many contractors, these “small” jobs can add up to big trouble in terms of payroll, material cost and time on job. The principle here is to be fair and responsible. If you want new, different or more, that’s great, but expect to pay more and to, perhaps, have the project split up between the original idea completion date and the next time the contractor has available. That way everyone comes away feeling the deal was equitable. Now, back to the items that should be in the contract: •All licenses, fees and permits are to be obtained and paid for the contractor or vendor. •What work is to be done by the contractor and what work is to be let out to subcontractors. •Date to start and finish the work as well as the approximate man-hours involved in the job, including the total man-hours expected of all subs. •Type and brand name of materials to be use, where possible. This can be omitted if you purchase the materials at the behest of the contractor. •Job should be spelled out in phase order from start to finish with completion date. •Contract should state which items belong to homeowner or are to be removed by contractor, ie: old windows, doorframes, cabinets, etc. •What hours will be worked each day. If you are an early or late riser or a night owl, your contractor needs to know. (You may also want to warn your neighbors ahead of time…it’s just polite). •They should list all warranties and guarantees by contractors and on each item purchased. Work area to be cleaned at the end of each workday, all debris to be removed from the job site by the contractor. And, finally, refer to the Preferred Services Provider on the website at. www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com for a list of service providers that have proven trustworthy. Okay, so there you have it. Of course this is in no way a comprehensive list and nothing can take the place of vigilance and common sense. Happy contracting!

Continued from Page 1

to creating a friendly, supportive environment. New members are always welcome to join in our collective journey to better health. Because we understand the struggle, members are there to provide accountability including weekly confidential weigh-ins and progress records. In addition, programs on the importance of nutritional balance, portion control, regular physical activity, behavior change, and stress management in achieving weight loss and better health are provided for sharing at chapter meetings. Finally, members are recognized for eating healthily and increasing activity, as well as achieving and maintaining weight loss. Though each success is an individual achievement, our

July, 2011

TOPS organizational leaders, area captains and our local leaders and members all share credit for our success. It really is a team effort. But, of course, we do not set goals or encourage benchmarks outside of the care and wisdom of our doctors. Each member is encouraged to consult his or her physician to discuss weight loss and time goals. And, in the end, we always look forward to celebrating our latest success stories. Recent winners for the most weight lost in one month included Omerine Pettit and Larry Robichaud. We are very proud of our chapter, it’s leadership, officers, and all the volunteers that make this kind of success possible. For more information or to come to our next meeting contact Josephine Moses at 813.633.2505. You can also learn more at www.tops.org.

News of Submissions

The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is your community newspaper, exclusively serving Kings Point, Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a “home town” feeling with family and community oriented stories. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers. It is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and fairness. Send us information about your special events. Tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. Community news, Club events and feature stories are always welcome! Please include photos. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included. We will also review creative submissions including stories – fact or fiction – and poems. Inspire us. Make us smile. Share your favorite story, joke or song. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts, art or photographs. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Sterling Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication or that of the supporting organizations. Pieces will be considered, subject to editing and depending upon space limitations Thanks for reading and for helping us make this truly YOUR community newspaper. We look forward to serving you and can’t wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions are preferred, which you may send by email to: news@thenewsofkingspoint.com or mail to The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support. Staff and Contributors Adam Porter Editor in Chief


John Wolf Advertising Sales


Karen Jones Contributing Editor


Anne Pidgeon Horticulture Correspondent



Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Jim and Nell Taze 33573 Events



2011, July The News of Kings Point

Page 3

Singers, Poets and Storytellers needed for 9-11 Tribute For their community presentation on the 10th Anniversary of 9-11-01 entitled A Service of Remembrance, Reflection and Recovery, the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is seeking singers for a community choir as well as poets and storytellers who were present or personally impacted by the tragic events of that day. Jeff Jordan, Minister of Worship Arts at the church, has put together a program of music, poetry, video, scripture, imagery, dance and storytelling to commemorate this important occasion. The community chorus will be performing excerpts from the Requiems of Brahms, Fauré, and Mozart as well as music

appropriate to the occasion by Joseph Martin. Rehearsals will be on Thursdays August 25 and September 1st, and on Saturday morning September 10th. Music will be provided and there are no auditions. Interested singers should call (813) 634-2539 [X207] or visit the church office at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center. Part of the program will also be dedicated to personal testimony and poetry. If you or someone you know was personally impacted by the events of 9-11 or you have written or would like to write a poem for the occasion, please submit these texts via email to jeff@sccumc. com. The program will be presented

Continued from Page1

at the problem from another angle, it was really the same crack at it. Fix the symptom, not the disease. As it turned out, that particular disease proved mortal for my old A/C unit, translating into headaches, heat stroke and much more cash out of pocket than may have been necessary. The moral of the story? Boy, do I wish I’d called Company 3 first! To that end, NOKP is putting together a list of Preferred Service Providers on our website

– and what he told me and how he described it made complete and total sense. It was glaringly simple, really. “This” happened because of “that.” Then “something else” that had contributed to the “that” breaking was fixed. But, unfortunately the “something else” that was fixed was only a conduit of the problem, not the cause. And even though the second company took a crack

to the public at 2PM on September 11th, 2011 in the church sanctuary. Earlier that morning, there will be a service of remembrance outlining the chronological events of that day. This service, to be held in Creason Hall, will run from 8:46 AM (the time of the first plane crash) to approximately 10:03AM (the crash of Flight 93). For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813634-2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www.sccumc. com.

www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Think of it as an Angie’s List or BBB specifically for 33573. Look for more updates in these pages and check out the website for daily updates on when the PSP list will be made available. And, if you would like to suggest a Service Provider for our list, please log on to www. NewsOfKingsPoint.com and send your suggestion using the SUBMISSION link at the top of the page or the Comments section on the “Preferred Service” page.

Follow NOKP on Facebook. Just go to

www.facebook.com/ newsofkingspoint

and click "Like"

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4 Page


The News of Kings Point

July, 2011


1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

This ST CROIX model home on WATER features 3 bedrooms and 3 baths in a split floor plan. Spacious loft bedroom suite features a balcony with a fantastic water view. A nature lovers paradise where you will enjoy Florida living from your screened lanai. Master bath features dual vanaties and a garden tub with jets plus a walk-in shower. Beautiful hardwood flooring and nuetral carpeting make for ease in decorating.

Economic living at its best can be ISLANDER model 2/2 with large family room is shown BY APPT only! Convenient location offers an EXPANSIVE Golf Course view. Great room features vaulted ceilings. 13x27 master bedroom has a walk in plus additional closet, master bath has whirlpool tub. Curved driveway leads to side entry garage and into nicely sized utility room. Lots of tile and Berber carpet.

2326 Del Webb Blvd W. $199,900

1910 New Bedford Drive $185,000

LONG BRANCH WATERFRONT/SOLAR HEATED POOL Convenient to shopping this 2/2 home with large enclosed lanai overlooks a lake plus easy access to your pool. Split bedroom floor plan plus Master bedroom features a private courtyard for relaxing . Home has a perfect area for an office or dining room. Tile roof and courtyard entry add to the ambience of this home.

KINGSPOINT!!! This delightful AMHERST model home is newly painted and ready for a new owner. Kitchen features a breakfast area as well as counter dining. Located with a golf course view this home is delightful inside and out. Conveniently located to all the ameneties and activities of Kingspoint.

803 El Rancho Drive $175,000

1257 Corinth Greens Drive $139,900

2047 Berry Roberts



Worthington-Pool Home on Conservation

1512 N Pebble Beach



Dedham-Freshly painted, New garag door

2326 W. Del Webb



St Croix 2 Story Waterfront, Garden Tub

2018 Hawkhurst



Brentwood I-Pond & Conserv-Open Plan

1913 E. View Dr.



Custom Built, 4th Fairway Caloosa Club

1513 Chevy Chase



T-2 Furn Close to all

1910 New Bedford



Islander-Golf Course, Entertainers Dream

2212 Hartlebury Way



Sunrise-Large open back yard

2102 W, View Drive



Custom Blt Water, Split Bedroom Plan

702 Brockton Pl. E.



DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

832 Regal Manor



Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

211 Glenellen Pl.



Exp Hampton-Just Reduced Make Offer

803 El Rancho



Long Branch-Pool, Water, Tile Roof

411 Flanborough Trl.#B



Stuart-Beautifully Furnished “Must See”

415 Shellpoint E



Income Property with 2 Bed Apt

306B Fowling Ct



Windsor-Lite Bright Close to ameneties

607 Oakmont Ave.



DW-57 Golf and Water View

305-A Friar Ct.



Windsor- Kingspoint Fully Furnished

1257 Corinth Greens



Amherst Golf Course , Heat pump

1904 Canterbury M22



Stuart-Furn, CPVC Plumb, Encl Lanai

1705 Orchid Court



Windjammer-Courtyrd Entry,Cul de sac

301 Kings Blvd F-143



Mansard Nicely Furn Newer Kitchen

1611 Bentwood



Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

301 Kings Blvd F-130



Mansard Furnished +Newer Appliances

644 Masterpiece Dr.



Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174



Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

1321 Bluewater Dr.


$ 99,900

New Kitchen 2009, Sharp, + Hot Tub

202 Bedford Trl. E111



Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you


1001 Yellowbird



$1,150 Waterfront

1512 Council Dr



$ 675 Walk-in Shower

1601 Brookton Greens



$1,200 All Tile New, New

1811 Bedford G166


Man 1

$ 680 Near Clubhouse

1752 S Pebble Beach



$1,300 Den, WATER

2202 Clubhouse H174


Gable 1

$ 750

Walk to pool/club

408B Flanborough



$ 750

Light & Bright

1306 Burbank



$ 750

Guest Bedroom

702 Augusta Dr



$ 750

Conv Location

1801 Bedford B46


Man 1

$ 775

Sharp as a tack

120 Gloucester



$ 775

Level encl Lanai

617 LaJolla



$ 775

Cozy & Comfy

704 Riviera Dr



$ 775

New Appl & Paint

1811 Bedford G164


Man 2

$ 795

Model perfect

714 Thunderbird



$ 825

Garage CLEAN

205 Andover N 93



$ 800

New kitchen/tile floor

509B Foxglove Cir



$ 850

New carpet

307 Knottwood



$ 850

Walk to Pool

2232 Grenadier Dr



$ 890

Unfurn Spotless

1903 Canterbury B-3



$ 850

Golf + Pond

211 Glenellen


X Hampton

$ 900

2 Screen Porches

1715 Atrium



$ 875


703 Riviera Dr



$ 900

Handicap Shower

1004 Beach Blvd



$ 875

Walk to ALL

1611 Bentwood Dr



$ 975

Lanai +BBQ Area

2316 Gainsborough Lp



$ 875

Large LR clean

705 Churchill Pl



$ 925


2003 Heathfield


Brentwd 2

$ 890


1622 Faxton



$ 995

Split Bdrm Vault

1320 New Bedford



$ 925

Nice Furn + Den

1604 El Rancho



$1,050 Golf, Split Bedroom

1201 Wildfeather



$ 950

Sharp corner 2G

314 LaJolla



$1,000 Large Bedroom

324 Green Manor



$ 950

South side

2521 Lynx



$1,000 His/her DENS (2)

2012 Heathfield



$ 995

Fabulous Water

1730 Council Drive


Exp T-2


2415 Nantucket Field



$ 995

Quiet Cul De Sac

911 Staffordshire



$1,200 Unfurn 2G Newer

309 Stroll Lane



$ 1,000 1800 sq ft / split plan

1809 Burlington Cr


DW52 2G

$1,200 Wtrfront DOCK

502 LaJolla



$ 1,100 Pet Friendly

641 Fort Duquesna



$ 1,100 Clean, DblGarage


Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!


the Wo n i

News of


Page 5

Where in the World is NOKP?

d is rl

Whe r

2011, July The News of Kings Point

nt i o P gs

Beginning in June 2011, the News of Kings Point will debut a new feature called: “Where in the World is the News of Kings Point.” We know many of you folks love to travel almost as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So, when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to take along your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper with the News of Kings Point header visible and send a digital image to news@thenewsofkingspoint.com so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention…THERE’S A PRIZE!!!! The esteemed travel experts at Legendary Journeys have generously agreed to sponsor this new feature by donating a. ONE-WEEK CARIBBEAN CRUISE. That’s right! Each year we will be drawing a name from our submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesy of Legendary Journeys and NOKP.

Julie Pomeroy, who keeps copies of News of Kings Point handy for shoppers in her award-winning Brandon consignment boutique, Julie’s Walk In Closet, took NOKP with her on a recent trip down to the Keys. I wonder if she left a copy there for Bogie and Kate. We hope you will remember to take your News of Kings Point on your trip. So, dear readers, who will be our featured traveler next month? Keep sending those pictures in!

Contest runs from May 1, 2011 to April 31, 2012, so get those photos in! Details are available, by request, from new@thenewsofkingspoint.com.

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6 Page

The News of Kings Point

Keep Your Cart

Submitted by a Concerned Neighbor We are truly blessed to live in an area that is relatively crime free. Unfortunately, bad guys do surface in Kings Point and Sun City Center from time to time. Because you never know when this may happen, vigilance is to be prized. This is especially true during summertime. When the “livin’ is easy” it can also be easy to let your guard down, get too casual. This is certainly true when it comes to our golf carts. You’re out and about, or simply running inside “for a moment” so you don’t take the proper precautions to secure your cart. I’ve done it. You’ve likely done it

too. Most of us have been lucky, but, every once in a while, the bad guys are watching. Then carts start disappearing all over town. Sure, many of these are club cars, but they are hardly the only cars at risk. Because there are only a few different keys for the carts out there, it’s relatively easy for a person of nefarious intent – or just a joyriding kid – to take off in your transportation. Sure, there are alot of creative

Roberts’ Interior Design Inc.

free Inital Consultation

July, 2011

ways to keep your carts safe. Some of my friends have had unique keys made, definitely a great idea. Others swear that kill switches are the way to go. For my money both are terrific plans, but neither one is foolproof. It’s easy to leave your keys in the cart, again, the ol’ “just for a minute” then you come back out to an empty space where your cart used to be. So, when out and about, or even leaving your own home, don’t run in “just for a minute” and leave your cart unattended in public. And, when you’re home, the best way to keep any and all

your vehicles safe is to keep them stored in a locked garage…with the garage door closed. A bad guys can get through one of those sliding screens in nothing flat, in virtual silence. Just that small bit of extra effort could be the difference between cruising on your next trip or hoofing it. The rest is up to you. Later gators. Enjoy your summer!

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Making SenSe of MeMory LoSS

You’re invited to two complimentary events at

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Got talent? If so, then sign up for our Talent Contest and show off your skills. There will be plenty of great prizes, good times and some very entertaining performances by our residents too!

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Aston Gardens at The Courtyards Monday, July 25 | Noon – 3 p.m. | RSVP by July 22 | Great Prizes Gourmet Turkey Dinner | Eggnog & Cookies ®

Join us for an Alzheimer’s Education Series that will address the challenges associated with providing care for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. This series will be of interest and value to anyone who is either caring for a loved one with dementia, or who simply wants to learn more about memory disorders. Each installment features a Question & Answer session and the opportunity to interact with others facing similar situations. Make plans now to attend.

The community will be decked out in full holiday splendor. Plus, a White Elephant Exchange so please bring a new wrapped gift with a value of up to $25 to participate.

At Sun City Center &The Courtyards

Please call 813.642.8950 to RSVP for either event Grand Prize at each event: An all-inclusive weekend for two at Aston Gardens. Reserve Your Seats Today!

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2011, July The News of Kings Point

South Shore Symphony Has Big News

Submitted by Dominick Galati The South Shore Symphony Orchestra is proud to announce that it has become a nonprofit organization. The SSSO has gained its 501(C)(3) status as a nonprofit organization thanks to the diligence and superb efforts of Terry Fiset, Esq. of Sun City Center. Mrs. Fiset, a lawyer and a SSSO board of director trustee, single- handedly drafted the forms necessary to represent the SSSO with the IRS. The orchestra is truly grateful and thankful for her dedication and continuous support in this tremendous undertaking. Her efforts have now enabled the SSSO to look for and receive financial support from grants, foundations and from other large organizations. All supporters of the SSSO from 2011 on, who make donations to the SSSO as “Friends of the Symphony” or would like to purchase musical arrangements or music equipment will have their donations recognized as a charitable tax deduction. First Concert of the Season The South Shore Symphony Orchestra will perform its first concert of the season on Friday evening, August 12, 2011 at 7:00 PM under the direction of its new Artistic Director and Primary Conductor, Dr. Susan B. Robinson. This concert and future concerts will all be held

at St. Anne Catholic Church in Ruskin at 7:00 PM. St. Anne Catholic Church is on the corner of 11th Ave. NE and Route 41, north of Route 674/College Avenue. Mr. Galati, President, Founder and Associate Conductor of the SSSO said, “Dr. Robinson has put together a wonderful series of concerts for the enjoyment of our patrons, both old and new.” He also said, “With our new conductor and a new larger venue at St. Anne Catholic Church in Ruskin we are able to comfortably accommodate many more patrons. We are currently in negotiation with transport services in order to secure transportation from Sun City Center to the Ruskin site.” When asked, Father John McEvoy, Pastor of St. Anne Catholic Church stated, “The Parish looks forward to this opportunity to support the arts from all the South Shore Communities. I hope the people of the area will come to listen to the live symphonic music. There is nothing like a live concert to awaken the spirit and soul of a person.” Mr. Galati added, “The SSSO would also like to thank St. John the Divine Episcopal Church of Ruskin and Sun City Center for providing a place for the orchestra to practice until the

Firehouse Culture Center is ready for occupancy.” Concerts Planned this Season The summer concert and Winter Series concert schedule for 2011-2012 are as follows: Summer Concert - The August 12th Summer Concert will be a Free concert with a goodwill offering. No tickets are required for this concert, but the suggested goodwill offering is $10 per person. Winter Series Concerts October 7th, December 9th, February 10th, March 23rd and May 4th. Tickets for the Winter Series Concerts will cost: Series Tickets $18.00.ea. per concert Series Ticket (5 concerts total is $90.00, shipping and handling included). Individual concert tickets $20.00 ea. per concert (Shipping and handling included). All tickets purchased at the door are $21.00 ea. Student tickets are available at the door at $10 each (16 and

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under, with ID). All tickets are for open seating and all concerts begin at 7:00 PM. To purchase tickets by phone: Call the SSSO ticket HOT LINE at 813-667-SSSO (7776) between 10am to 4pm, Mon. through Fri. Please visit the SSSO web site at www.thessso.org. The Web site contains more information about what’s happening at the SSSO, more about Dr. Susan B. Robinson, the SSSO’s new Artistic Director and Primary Conductor, and more about future upcoming concerts and other music and art events. The SSSO looks forward to seeing all its loyal Sun City Center friends from last year and would like to welcome all our new friends from Ruskin, Apollo Beach, Gibsonton, Wimauma, Riverview and Brandon that we hope will enjoy the wonderful music the South Shore Symphony Orchestra will bring to them.

4016 Sun City Center Blvd. | Sun City Center, FL 33573 (813) 634-3301 | www.SouthBayHospital.com

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The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Ivy is a black and white female domestic short hair mix. She and her two siblings were brought to CARE as scared little kittens. But Ivy is fully grown now and is looking for a forever home where she can continue to receive lots of TLC. Ivy has been spayed, brought current on her shots, and microchipped. DOB: October ‘09

C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM . on Tues. - Sat. . For directions visit. www.CareShelter.org. or call . 813-645-2273

Minnie is an adorable Terrier/ Shepherd mix who was brought to the shelter with her three siblings. Her placement at C.A.R.E. came just in time. Minnie was in very poor condition upon arrival. Now that she has received lots of TLC, Minnie has grown into a healthy and beautiful little girl. Her mini size doesn’t stop her from running the show. She loves to tease her playmates (prefers her size or smaller) and then run when they finally have had enough of her. Minnie is very affectionate with people and has the cutest little arf! when she wants your attention. She also loves to play in the pool. Minnie has great house manners and is housebroken. Minnie would love to call somewhere “home”. She has been spayed and is current on her shots. DOB: November 3, 2010

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July, 2011

“Hallelujah Girls” at Borini for Two Weekends in July

It’s never too late to take your life in a different direction! The Hallelujah Girls, the Pelican Players’ side-splitting comedy, will be proof of that! Five good friends, of a certain age, meet for good times and laughter at the Spa-Dee-Dah, Sugar Lee’s new business venture. She encourages her friends to be what they might have been when she says, “Alright, we may be older, but we’ve still got everything we had twenty years ago.” Mavis responds, “Yeah, ‘cept now it all hangs a lot lower.” The laughs are fast and plentiful and yet, the story is tender and sweet. Carlene had given up on romance having buried three husbands. Nita, ever the romantic, has a problematic adult son. Mavis’ marriage makes

her want to fake her own death. Crystal is both lovable and loony. Sugar Lee is their “leader,” but she learns from her gal pals. Love! Revenge! Anguish! Forgiveness! Joy! Happily-ever-afters can come true! All residents of Sun City Center and surrounding areas are welcome at the production, which will be staged at the Borini Theatre in the Kings Point Clubhouse. Proceeds from the show will help support the Pelican Players’ mission of providing scholarships to area young people who major in the arts. Currently 18 university students are supported with the help of these scholarships. The Hallelujah Girls will be performed on July 15 at 7 PM and July 16 at 1:30 and 7 PM and again on July 22 at 7 PMand July 23 at 1:30 and 7 PM. Tickets are $10 and can be bought at the door or ahead of time at the Borini box office. Tickets can also be reserved at 813-7461222 or by visiting the website: www.pelicanplayers.org. Come prepared to laugh out loud and shout “Hallelujah!”

Feline Folks

will conduct its Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic (OFF) Operation Feline Fix for free-roaming cats on . Saturday, July 16, 2011 at C.A.R.E in Ruskin. . $10 per Cat or Kitten. [must weigh 4 lbs. & be at least 4 months old]. . No soft-sided carriers allowed. . Only one cat per trap or hard-sided carrier. . Reservation Required. . Must call – 813 633-7302. . Drop-off time at C.A.R.E. – 7:30 a.m. . Pickup time – 2:30 p.m.

2011, July The News of Kings Point




Dear Anne. I finally have some mangoes on my tree after two years because of the cold. How can I tell when they are ripe and ready to pick? The Anneswer: Mango varieties are classified as early, mid or late. 80% are mid-season, which is July-August. Early is June, with late maturing September-October. Mature, tree-ripened fruit will be full and plump, and weigh heavy in the hand. Mature fruit will release very easily from the stem. If a lot of white sap comes out the end of the picked fruit it is not mature. It is hard to differentiate by color, since every mango (1,500 varieties), presents a different blushing pattern. Some mangoes, like Tommy Atkins, which is widely distributed to major food stores from Mexico, exhibits a red blush even when it is green and

immature. This fruit will never develop properly and become sweet. As we all know, peaches, apples, oranges, etc. only drip with flavor and juice when left on the plant long enough for the sugars to develop. Mangoes are no different. Some mangoes never turn red at all. The prized Thai mango, Nam Doc Mei, goes from light green to a deep yellow when fully ripe. With not any fiber to be found. Pure Heaven! Some mangoes have peach overtones, some pineapple, some coconut, some a combination of many. With this many varieties to try summer seems short after all! Mangoes are the #1 consumed fruit in the world. They can be

eaten green like a vegetable, pickled when green mature, and slurped like a drink with a straw. Eaten fresh, and prepared in chutneys and preserves. Considering a mature mango

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in a tropical environment can produce a ton of fruit a year, that’s a lot of mangoes! So enjoy mango season, search out some real tree-ripened fruit, and ENJOY!

Tommy Atkins, Mangoes

Anne Pidgeon’s WONDERFUL WORLD of


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Annual Mango Festival Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 22-23-24 Demonstrations:

10 AM: Growing Tropical Fruit in Central Florida NOON: Mango Mania, Culinary Tips 2 PM: Mango Tree Basics 4 PM: Selecting a Mango Variety Admission $5 Per Person • Free Parking Mango Tastings All Day Florida Department of Agriculture Registration Number 47229964

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10 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2011

Hogans Golf Club

(of Sun City Center and Kings Point)

Freedom Fairways,.

Saturday, 5/28/2011,. Shar Peter & Rich Lucidi. Very dry conditions, aerated greens, but sunny and nice.

Monday, 5/30/2011 Course: Bloomingdale Play: match 1st: Don Mowry 2nd: Paul Maki

Scepter/Falcon Watch Golf Scramble Results

Flight two winners (front row) from left to right: Carolyn Avrett, Judy Schafers, Connie Toussaint, & Judy Fenwick ( low net) (back row) from left to right:. Bill Salowitz, Carol Salowitz, Debbie Lester, Denzel Lester

Wednesday, 6/1/2011 Course: Summerfield Play: Match 1st: Dave Diehl (low net) 2nd: Paul Maki 3rd: Jim Stanton 4th: Don Koester

Saturday, 6/11/2011 Course: Apollo Beach Play: h-Skins 1st: Joe Dispenziere, 8 skins 2nd: tied at 2 skins each – Jim Stanton & Don Mowry Friday, 6/17/2011 Course: Diamond Hill Play: individual competition 1st: Art Swallow, net 74 2nd: Jim Stanton, 80 Tuesday, 6/21/2011 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: Match 1st: Paul Maki, net 69 2nd: Rich Lucidi, 78

Friday, 6/3/2011 Course: Buffalo Creek Play: a-Skins (awards for birds) 2 skins each – John Apostolou, Rich Lucidi, Bill Poirier & Jay Sparkman Awards for natural birds: John Apostolou, Rich Lucidi & Bill Poirier (each of these birds . additionally produced a skin) Low-net: Woody Nelson, 70 Low-gross: Chip Wood, 81 Also playing: Fred Mayes, Ron Doncouse, Anna Kuhnley, Paul Maki, Bob Oler and . Jim Stanton

Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact ArtSwallow@aol.com or visit http://hogans-golf.com/ The Club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests. Submitted by: Art Swallow (Hogans President) eMail: ArtSwallow@aol.com, Phone: 813-633-8669. Web site: http://hogans-golf.com/

Kings Point. Ladies Nifty Niners

Kings Point. Ladies Nifty Niners

Submitted by Lorraine Rings Game Played: 2 June 2011 Game: Orange Ball (or Pink Ball) WINNING TEAM #1 Judy Trombley Tee Bomba Joyce Bissonnette Marilyn Ney WINNING TEAM #2 Lorraine Rings Carol Kowalski Lois Guerin Barb Kuxhousen

Submitted by Lorraine Rings Game Played: 9 June 2011 Game: Low Putts FLIGHT A WINNER Marilyn Ney 14 FLIGHT B WINNERS (Tie with 14) Carol Kowalski Sally Repetti Flight C Winner Mary Reter 16

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com Pictured are the Flight One Winners from left to right: Tom Carty, Mike Porta, Mike Strahl, Dick Dalby, Lou Job, Churck Prehm. Missing Cliff Buck & Bob Caceci.

Falcon Watch Classic Winners Falcon Watch Classic held June 8 - 9 - 11. was a five round team match play. The winners from left to right by flight are:

King Slater and Carolyn Avrett 1st Flight Bill Salowitz and Carol Salowitz 2nd Flight Ron Pelow & Lois Pelow 3rd Flight Mac McClafferty and Jane Boccieri 4th Flight Buddy Surloff and Linda Suh 5th Flight

2011, July The News of Kings Point

Page 11

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Investment Ryan R. Hughes is a Senior Financial Consultant with Brownstone Wealth Management. He is available for consultation regarding all forms of wealth building and retirement protection vehicles. 813.961.6600.

What is Dollar Cost Averaging? By Ryan R. Hughes Senior Financial Consultant, Brownstone Wealth Management Group Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation Dollar Cost Averaging is a strategy in which you invest a fixed dollar amount at regular intervals over a certain length of time – regardless of fluctuations in the market. When the market is down, you reap the benefits of purchasing more shares at a lower, more attractive cost. And when the market is up, you purchase fewer shares because prices are higher. This investment technique is different than other methods, in which investors might try to guess when market prices will be low and try to invest at the

right moment. Instead, dollar cost averaging ensures that investors are purchasing at regular intervals and are able to take advantage of market slumps by automatically buying more of an investment for the same amount of money. Dollar cost Averaging takes some of the guesswork out of investing. More importantly, Dollar Cost Averaging encourages disciplined investing, which can result in a lower average cost per share. Periodic investment plans do not assure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This type of plan involves continuous investment in securities, regardless of fluctuating price levels. Investors should consider their financial ability to continue purchases through periods of low price

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July, 2011

For more information, please call Ryan R. Hughes at 813961-6600 Ext. 202 at Brownstone Wealth Management Group, 207 E. Robertson St., Suite A, Brandon, FL 33511. INVEST Financial Corporation is not affiliated with Brownstone Wealth Management Group. INVEST Financial Corporation does not provide tax or legal advice. Please contact your tax and/or legal advisor for guidance on your particular situation. Securities, advisory services and insurance products offered through INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA, SIPC, and affiliated insurance agencies.

levels. Advantages of Dollar Cost Averaging Dollar Cost Averaging offers a number of benefits that make it a worthwhile strategy to employ: •Encourages discipline. Once you have begun, it serves as a strong reminder to invest at the appointed time. • Eliminates the need to decide when to invest. When it’s time to invest, you do so, regardless of what’s going on in the market. •Avoids the temptation to time the market. Some investors cannot resist the urge to try to invest at a market low and take their profits at a market high. They usually fail because the task is virtually impossible, even for the experts.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The preceding article is presented for informative purposes only. The information offered in this article is strictly that of Ryan Hughes, Brownstone Wealth Management and INVEST, not the News of Kings Point. NOKP is a community news publication and is, in no way, endorsing a particular financial plan or investment vehicle. Those decisions should only be made with the aid of a qualified financial advisor, not by simply reading a topical editorial.

2011, July The News of Kings Point

fund. Menu includes red (strawberry), white (plain), and blue (blueberry) pancakes, eggs, sausage, toast, OJ, and a bottomless cup of coffee. MON. JULY 4 - THE PERFECT DAY TO REDISCOVER YOUR COUNTRY’S ROOTS 1:00 p.m. Kings Point Clubhouse Atrium Room. Info: Ed Leary 813.383.7594. Rediscover the brave acts of the founders of our country. July 4, 1776 is the day our founders declared their freedom from the British Crown. No men in recorded history have ever succeeded in creating what they created for us - a government based on God’s Law. Get to know these men on a personal basis through a series of videos, commentary and discussion. Rediscover your Constitutional roots and watch these fascinating videos. MON. JULY 4 - FIRST SCC FIREWORKS DISPLAY 8:00 p.m. Atrium Bldg., Central CA Campus on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Beginning at 8:00 PM, free “glow” necklaces will be distributed while 300 last. At 9:00 PM, a fantastic FIREWORKS DISPLAY on the North Course driving range will be the first for SCC. If you are a CA or KP resident, you can park/watch from the CA’s Central Campus and golf course property. Designated areas will be roped off for chairs/blankets in the parking lot and on the golf course property. Bring your CA or KP card. Your guests will be allowed there, too. TUE. JULY 5 - CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE “CHF” 33573 is provided by Jim and Nell Taze from SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 items submitted to them for publication. To Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Join submit events for future publications, send our facilitator Shayne Kull, MSR, from Hometown them by the 15th of the previous month. Jim Homecare as she introduces you to a cutting and Nell Taze also publish Ads and Events, a edge resource group exclusively for those weekly e-mail containing information about living with heart failure and their families and what’s happening in 33573. Your event caregivers. will also appear in the weekly Ads and TUE. JULY 5 - ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS LED Events e-mail and on the website www. by SPENCER FAIRCLOTH 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Trinity SCCAdsAndEvents.com . Send all events Baptist Church, Fellowship Room, 702 Del by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay. Webb Blvd. Public invited. To register, call Jill rr.com. You only need to submit your Event 813.634.4228. Topic: “Understanding wills.” Mr. one time each month for it to appear in Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads has lived and worked in SCC since moving from and Events. New York in 1989. Over the past 20 years, 4000 SCC residents have attended these seminars. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS Additional Seminars: July 11: Titling Property/ only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING Avoid Probate; July 18: Understanding Trusts; EVENTS are listed on our website under July 25 Pre-need Documents and Taxes. Times WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www. vary. SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated TUE. JULY 5, 12, 19, 26 - EVENING SOCIAL DANCE every weekend. CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning Cha Cha; 6:45 SAT. JULY 2 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE p.m. Intermediate Swing; 8:00 p.m. Intermediate CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 South Salsa. Dance Studio in the Atrium Bldg. Central Pebble Beach Blvd. members free, guests $6.00. CA Campus. $5 per class. Info: Bernice May Info: please call Jean Kostka at 813.634.1235. 634.3205. Sponsored by the Academy Dance Monthly dance. Free lesson at 6:30: “Salsa”. Club. Open to all SCC and KP residents. Couples Dressy Attire BYOB. Everyone welcome. Singles and singles welcome. WED. JULY 6, 13, 20, 27 - DAYTIME SOCIAL DANCE tables available. SUN. JULY 3 - STARS and STRIPES FOREVER - A JULY CLASSES 12:45 p.m. Beginning Waltz; 2:00 p.m. 4th CELEBRATION 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Community Intermediate Tango; 3:15 p.m. Intermediate/ Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. $15 per person, Advanced rumba. Dance Studio in the Atrium reserved seats. Info: Judy 642.2001. A July 4th Bldg. Central CA Campus. $5 per class. Info: Celebration presented by Sarasota Concert Bernice May 634.3205. Sponsored by the Band. Tickets on sale at Community Assn., 1009 Academy Dance Club. Open to all SCC and KP residents. Couples and singles welcome. N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Open to all. THU. JULY 7 - ARE YOU AT RISK OF FALLING? SUN. JUL 3 - SINGLE SOCIAL DANCE CHANGED 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes TO JULY 7 MON. JULY 4 - 50th ANNIVERSARY PATRIOTIC Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Falls Safety BREAKFAST 7:00 a.m. - Noon. Florida Room, CA’s Education developed by Yale University shows Atrium Bldg. Central Campus on N. Pebble that falls can be reduced by 30% by intervening Beach Blvd. Only $5.00. Don’t miss the patriotic on multiple risk factors. There are 6 risk factors to breakfast fundraiser for the 50th Anniversary be considered. Do you know those risk factors?

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If not, you must attend this informative session brought to you by the Men’s Club and Philips Lifeline. THU. JULY 7 - WINDOWS 7: INTRODUCTION and COMPUTER BASICS 2:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JULY 7 - EDMOND DUBREUIL MSW, RCSWI MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Edmond Dubreuil facilitates this support group for those suffering from depression, loss or grief or are the caregiver of someone facing those issues. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging and The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. THU. JULY 7 - OPENING PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW RECEPTION 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. John Crawford Gallery, SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Questions? Please contact Laurie Burhop 273-3652. This is our first juried photography show in the Crawford Gallery. Shayna Coonin of Apollo Beach and Marsha Nelson of Valrico will be displaying their photographs during the months of July and August. Light Refreshments and music will be provided. THU. JULY 7 - SINGLE SOCIAL DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Members $3; Guests $5. Info: Janet 633.3558. Music by Thor Stevens. Proper dress (no jeans/shorts). BYOB. Water, ice and snacks provided. Singles Dance Clubs of SCC and KP will be collecting items to send to our troops in Afghanistan: small stuffed animals, disposable 1-use eye drops, individual wipes for hands and any other disposable 1-use items. Please drop off at dances or call Janet for pickup 633.3558. FRI. JULY 8 - CANCER CONCERNS GROUP MEETS 1:00 p.m. United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. There is no cost and no reservations are necessary. Info: Facilitator, Hazel Martin 813.642.9020. Care Comfort Contacts Convenience Communication. Come and join us for an afternoon to become aware of the resources available to all in our community. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. There will be information that is valuable to you as a survivor, caregiver and general knowledge. FRI. JULY 8 - FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES “LETTERS TO GOD” 6:00 p.m. Doors open with welcoming mouth-watering odors of coffee, cookies, popcorn and conversation. 6:30 p.m. Movie begins. United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. Movie is about a little boy, Tanner Maguire, who is battling cancer, and decides to write to God. the mailman, Jeffrey Bolten, must decide what to do with them. This is a touching story of faith, hope, love and God’s ultimate answer. This is a movie that you will remember for quite some time. SUN. JULY 10 - OLD FASHION FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC (ONE WEEK LATE) 12:00 Noon, United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. $10.00 per ticket. Info: Paula Lickfeldt 633.6739 or Karl Buffington 634.7062. July 5th will be the last day to purchase tickets which are available following the 10 AM Sunday Service or on Tue and Thu morning 10 to 12 in the Narthex of the church. Very generous box lunch prepared 33573 Continued on Page 14

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The News of Kings Point

July, 2011

33573 From Page 13 by Metropolitan ministries: pulled pork and chicken sandwiches, potato salad, and baked beans. Beverages provided by Fun Brigade. Everyone welcome. SUN. JULY 10 - OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Community hall, South CA Campus. Members free. $5.00 per person for guest. Info: 633.5649. Entertainment by Just the 2 of Us. BYOB. MON. JULY 11 - MOUSE and KEYBOARD 2:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. MON. JULY 11 - ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS LED by SPENCER FAIRCLOTH 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church, Fellowship Room, 702 Del Webb Blvd. Public invited. To register, call Jill 813.634.4228. Topic: “Titling Property/Avoid Probate.” Mr. Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank has lived and worked in SCC since moving from New York in 1989. Over the past 20 years, 4000 SCC residents have attended these seminars. Additional Seminars: July 18: Understanding Trusts; July 25 Preneed Documents and Taxes. TUE. JULY 12 - “TELEMONITOR PROGRAM” 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Heather Bertram, LPN and Joymarie Delgado, RN, BSN from Ace Homecare will present this innovative service. This program is a standard of care for CHF & COPD Medicare patients for no charge. Discover how you or your loved one may receive this advanced service in the comfort of your home. TUE. JULY 12 - COPD SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Facilitated by nurse practitioner Joy Barlaan, ARNP and Jan Whitaker, LPN from Ace Homecare. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with COPD, then this support group is for you. With over 50 combined years of experience between the two facilitators, your available resources are endless! TUE. JULY 12 - SCC PHOTO CLUB MEETS 6:30 p.m. Tutorial program; 7:00 PM Short Business Meeting followed by program. Photo learning lab 960D Cherry Hills Dr. Club info: http:// www.photoclubscc.com. Speaker is club member James Corwin Johnson who will present on Travel Adventure Photography. Dues for 2011 year remain $20 per person or $30 per household couple. Dues provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

JULY 12 - 14 - KINGS POINT DUPLICATE BRIDGE, SPECIAL GAMES Kings Point North Clubhouse. North American Pairs games. Red/black points, under 500 NLM points to play. Show your ACBL membership card at the gate for entrance to KP. Further info: Pat Filliator, Club Manager 938.3154. Duplicate bridge players in the SCC area are invited to play. Join friendly bridge players in a comfortable atmosphere. See Ads and Events website, www.SCCAdsAndEvents. com and click on Weekly and Monthly for the regular ongoing duplicate bridge games. WED. JULY 13 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Marcia A. McCall, M.T.S. retired Coordinator of Research Department of Neurology College of Medicine USF and “coauthor of 100 Questions and Answers about Parkinson’s” will be here for our Parkinson’s support group. THU. JULY 14 - SOUTH SHORE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION - LUNCHEON 11:00 a.m. Doors open; 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Luncheon and Program. Club Renaissance, 2121 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. $17.00 inclusive. Reservations or cancellations before noon, Mon Jul 11: 813.938.4320 or 813383.7540 or email aunt.butler@ gmail.com. Kay T. Daniels will share her love of Quilting and will also share how God has impacted her life. All ladies welcome. Sponsored by South Shore Christian Women’s Connection, Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. THU. JULY 14 - EXCEL: INTRODUCTION and FORMATTING 12:15p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc. org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JULY 14 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Alina Moser RN BSN will facilitate this group. If you are facing the challenges of low vision or caring for a loved one facing this issue, this support group is a must! A FREE quick vision health questionnaire assessment will be provided. SAT. JULY 16 - LOW COST SPAY/ NEUTER CLINIC (OFF) 7:30 a.m. Drop Off, 2:30 p.m. Pick Up. C.A.R.E. in Ruskin $10 per cat or Kitten (must weigh 4 pounds and be at least 4 months old). Reservations Required. Must call 813.633.7302. Feline Folks will conduct Operation Feline Fix for free-roaming cats. No soft-sided carriers allowed. Only one cat per trap or hard-sided carrier.

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SUN. JULY 17 - SOUND THE SHOFAR 2:00 p.m. South Shore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Info: Pastor David Jones of Ruach Ministries in Brandon 477.1517. Subject will be “Teaching The Torah from a Messianic Perspective.” Everyone is welcome. SUN. JULY 17 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Members $3; Guests $5. Info: Janet 633.3558. Music by Thor Stevens. Proper dress (no jeans/shorts). BYOB. Water, ice and snacks provided. Singles Dance Clubs of SCC and KP will be collecting items to send to our troops in Afghanistan: small stuffed animals, disposable 1-use eye drops, individual wipes for hands and any other disposable 1-use items. Please drop off at dances or call Janet for pickup 633.3558. MON. JULY 18 - INTERNET: SAFE BROWSING and MALICIOUS SOFTWARE 2:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. MON. JULY 18 - ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS LED by SPENCER FAIRCLOTH 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church, Fellowship Room, 702 Del Webb Blvd. Public invited. To register, call Jill 813.634.4228. Topic: “Understanding Trusts.” Mr. Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank has lived and worked in SCC since moving from New York in 1989. Over the past 20 years, 4000 SCC residents have attended these seminars. Final Seminar in this series: July 25 Pre-need Documents and Taxes. TUE. JULY 18 - eBOOKS and eREADERS 6:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. TUE. JULY 19 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Join Katie Colwell Williams, MA, CMC from Aging Care Advocates for our Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group. The needed resources are endless! WED. JULY 20 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Please join Shelley Tanner, R.N. from Angels Care Home Health as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, don’t miss this group! Open discussion, guest speakers and resources provided.

WED. JULY 20 - KINGS POINT LINE DANCERS PATRIOTIC DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Tickets available at the KP box office $5.51. Open to KP and SCC residents and guests. Call Jan for info 634.6226. To honor the people in our Armed Services, both past and present. Wear your red, white and blue proudly! Couples always welcome. BYOB and setups. THU. JULY 21 - SUN TOWERS’ HEALTH FAIR 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Please RSVP for this event to 813.634.3347. While you visit the variety of booths, your golf cart can be detailed! Testing will be available for Balance, Congestive Heart Failure and Blood work. Educational seminars by local Physicians will be offered and vendors from major health care companies will be joining together to provide you with the resources to ensure good health. THU. JULY 21 - EXCEL, CALCULATIONS, CHARTS and GRAPHS 12:15p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JULY 21 - EDMOND DUBREUIL MSW, RCSWI MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Edmond Dubreuil facilitates this support group for those suffering from depression, loss or grief or are the caregiver of someone facing those issues. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging and The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. FRI. JULY 22 - C.O.A.P. (CHILDREN OF AGING PARENTS) 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347.C.O.A.P. is an ongoing support group for individuals who are assisting and/ or caring for older, adult parents. Facilitated by Mimi Buderas, owner of Right At Home in-home care and assistance. Mimi was the primary caregiver to her parents for 24 years and will provide numerous resources! For more information about the group, please visit. www.caps4caregivers.org. SUN. JULY 24 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio Room. Admission $5. Info: Jeannette 6345560. Thor Stevens will provide wonderful music for your dancing pleasure. Ice and water provided. BYOB and snacks. Singles Dance Clubs of SCC and KP will be collecting items to send to our troops in Afghanistan: small stuffed animals, disposable 1-use eye 33573 Continued on Page 15

2011, July The News of Kings Point

Page 15

33573 From Page 14 drops, individual wipes for hands and any other disposable 1-use items. Please drop off at dances or call Janet for pickup 633.3558. MON. JULY 25 - E-MAIL: MESSAGES and ATTACHMENTS 2:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. MON. JULY 25 - ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS LED by SPENCER FAIRCLOTH 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church, Fellowship Room, 702 Del Webb Blvd. Public invited. To register, call Jill 813.634.4228. Topic: “Pre-need Documents and Taxes.” Mr. Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank has lived and worked in SCC since moving from New York in 1989. Over the past 20 years, 4000 SCC residents have attended these seminars. This is the final seminar in this series. JULY 25 - 29 - KINGS POINT DUPLICATE BRIDGE, SPECIAL GAMES Kings Point North Clubhouse. North American Pairs games. Red/black points, under 500 NLM points to play. Show your ACBL membership card at the gate for entrance to KP. Further info: Pat Filliator, Club Manager 938.3154. Duplicate bridge players in the SCC area are invited to play. Join friendly bridge players in a comfortable atmosphere. See Ads and Events website, www.SCCAdsAndEvents. com and click on Weekly and Monthly for the regular ongoing duplicate bridge games. THU. JULY 28 - SOUTH BAY HOSPITAL PRESENTS 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. Info: Info: 813.634.3347. Aaron Gibson, Rehab Manager will be addressing the question: “Considering Joint Replacement?” If this possibility is in your future, you don’t want to miss this informative session!

THU. JULY 28 - eBOOKS, eREADERS, and DIGITAL MEDIA 12:15 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FREE. Registration Requirement. Call 273.3652, visit website www.hcplc.org, or ask at Library information Desk. THU. JULY 28 - MOONGLOW DANCE CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, South CA Campus. Members are already paid. Guests $5.00 at the door. Info: Al 633.8170 or Claire 642.0171. Dressy casual. Singles welcome. Live music by Just the Two of Us. SUN. JULY 31 - OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Community hall, South CA Campus. Members free. $5.00 per person for guest. Info: 633.5649. Entertainment by Shout. BYOB. PLEASE NOTE: The Above Section Contains ONLY information about SPECIAL EVENTS. For WEEKLY, MONTHLY and ONGOING MEETINGS, go to. www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com and click on the Weekly & Monthly Meetings link.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

Moments In Time

The History Channel On July 8, 1776, a 2,000-pound copper-and-tin bell now known as the “Liberty Bell” rings out from the tower of the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, summoning citizens to the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. As the British advanced toward Philadelphia in the fall of 1777, the bell was removed from the city and hidden in Allentown to save it from being melted down by the British and used to make cannons. On July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the second and third presidents of the United States, respectively, die. Both men had been central in the drafting of the historic document. On July 5, 1865, in London, revivalist preacher William Booth and his wife Catherine establish the Christian Mission, later known as the Salvation Army, to wage war against the evils of poverty and religious indifference. On July 7, 1930, construction of the Hoover Dam begins. Over the next five years, a

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total of 21,000 men would produce what would be the largest dam of its time. Today, the Hoover Dam generates enough energy each year to serve more than a million people. On July 9, 1947, in a ceremony held at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower appoints Florence Blanchfield to be a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, making her the first woman in U.S. history to hold permanent military rank. Blanchfield had served as superintendent of the Army Nurse Corps during World War II. On July 6, 1957, Liverpool teenagers John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet for the first time. Lennon was a member of the Quarry Men, scheduled to play at a public event. Two weeks later, Lennon invited McCartney to join the Quarry Men. On July 10, 1962, the United States Patent Office issues Swedish engineer Nils Bohlin a patent for his three-point automobile safety belt. The traditional two-point belt had been known to cause severe internal abdominal injuries in the event of a high-speed crash. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Senior News Line

By Matilda Charles What’s on Your Plate? The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been trying to help us eat healthier for a very long time. Back in 1943, we had “The Basic Seven” -- seven categories of food we needed to eat on a daily basis. Serving sizes weren’t included. In 1956, the USDA switched to “The Basic Four,” and in 1979 to the “Hassle-Free Guide to a Better Diet.” It added a new food category with fats, sweets and alcohol. In 1984, we got the “Food Wheel: A Pattern for Daily Food Choices.” This one included serving sizes. Eight years later, in 1992, the “Food Guide Pyramid” came along with those tiny pictures of food. In 2005 we got the MyPyramid Food Guidance System, which was supposed to be a simplified pyramid. Now, in an effort to keep us all eating correctly, we have “MyPlate.” The icon is cute: a plate divided into four unequal sections, with a fork on the left and a circle above the plate for “Dairy.” All this work, and I still didn’t know how much the USDA intends for me to eat. On the website [www. choosemyplate.gov] I clicked on the Get a Personalized Plan link and entered my age,

weight, height and level of exercise. It came back with a diet plan for me, including information such as “Make at least half your grains whole grains,” “Vary your veggies” and “Focus on fruit” with specific tips on how to do that. While the “Plate” is a bit silly, as was the Pyramid, the information behind it is solid. Check the USDA website and see what it has to say. You know, of course, that an entrepreneur somewhere is busily creating MyPlate plates with the appropriate sections all outlined for us. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

16 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2011

Homosassa Puts a Spring in Your Step

By Eddie Dixon Okay. One of the dangers of this gig is the enticing but WAAAY overused phrase: “real Florida.” The fact is folks, Florida is Florida. Tacky attractions, strip malls, subdivisions, condos, beaches and all the backcountry that travel guys like me tend to call the “real Florida.” So let’s just say that Homosassa Springs is different. Formerly a forprofit attraction, the attraction is now a state wildlife park. It was and is a beautiful, out of the way chance to get out and see some peaceful, pretty things. This, of course, includes manatees. The park’s underwater observatory allows visitors to peer at the gentle giants each and every day of the year. Other wildlife you may encounter includes black bears, bobcats, deer, alligators, crocodiles and river otters. Manatee programs are offered 3 times each day. And, if that’s not enough nature for you, the Wildlife Encounter puts you up close and not so personal with snakes and other native nature. I’m not much of a creepy crawly thing sort of guy, but from what I can tell, the kids we saw loved that part. One of my favorite parts of the day was the boat tour. Weatherpermitting you can ride from the Visitor Center to the West Entrance to the Wildlife Park along Pepper Creek. It ain’t the Mighty Mississip, so don’t worry. The ride is slow and easy. Along the way rangers chat you up about the park, the park service and point out any furry or scaly creatures that make an appearance. Other activities encouraged at the park include picnicking – something I’m very fond of – nature study and bird-watching. Kids enjoy the education center which provides a handson experience with Florida’s environment. (Presumably the “real” Florida). It generally takes about four hours to tour the park, so plan on staying around for lunch. If you did not pack that pick-a-nick basket, you can stop by the café for snacks and cool drinks. Each day the park rangers offer various different interactive programs, so call ahead and see what’s happening on the days you plan to visit. The park is located at 4150 S. Suncoast Blvd.?Homosassa, FL 34446. For directions, admission and more information, visit www.floridastateparks.org/ homosassasprings or www. homosassasprings.org or call (352) 628-5343.

Baby snapping turtle

Pepper Creek

Great Blue Heron Photo Credit- Patty Hankins

Manatee at Homosassa Springs

That is no plastic yard ornament

2011, July The News of Kings Point

Page 17

B U L L E T I N Rediscover Your Constitutional Roots

Today is July 4, the day our founders declared their freedom from the British Crown. No government in recorded history created what they created for us – a government based on God’s Law. Get to know these men on a personal basis through a series if videos, commentary and discussion. Mark your calendar for Monday, July 4 at 1:00 PM at the Kings Point Clubhouse Atrium Room. For more information please call Ed Leary, 813.383.7594.

Christmas in July

It’s not too early to think about Christmas. The Sun City Center Ceramic Club is having a Christmas in July Sale with everything at 10% off! Sale starts Tuesday July 5th and goes through Friday July 8th 9 am to 4 pm. So make your list, check it twice and come see us at the Ceramic Club.

Hogans Golf Club

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association

Duplicate bridge players in the Sun City Center area are invited to play bridge in the card room at the Kings Point North Clubhouse. Join friendly bridge players in a comfortable atmosphere. Newcomers always welcome. Games are held on a regular schedule: Mondays at 9am open games; Tuesdays at 12:45pm non-life masters; Wednesdays at 12:30 non-life masters; Thursday evenings at 6:45pm open game. Special games to be held: North American Pairs games July 1214; July 25-29 (red/ black points, under 500 NLM points to play). Show your ACBL membership card at the gate for entrance to Kings Point. For further information contact: Pat Filliater, Club Manager at 813.938.3154.

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance club welcomes you to our Dance on Wednesday, July 20th. Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by “dj” Darlene with a variety of music Attire: Dressy Casual. Members Free. Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles always welcome BYOB and Snacks. For more information call 813.633.7173.

Five Year Member of the SCC Ceramic CLub

photo by John Kirkland Left to Right: Sharlene Peter, Melanie Higgins & Art Swallow

On Saturday June 25th, the Hogans Course Evaluation team (Art Swallow, John Kirkland, Melanie Higgins and Sharlene Peter) played The River Club course in Bradenton to determine if the course could be added to future Hogans’ schedules. The course is in excellent shape from tee to green and is beautifully laid out. The staff were friendly and the restaurant with full bar are a wonderful accompaniment to the course. The Hogans will be adding this course to their winter schedule.

Cancer Concerns Group

Frances Frazier, a five year member of the SCC Ceramic Club has completed a 28 hour/4 month certification through Duncan University for Duncan products. In that time she was required to complete 14 ceramic pieces using many different techniques and medium. Duncan Ceramic Art provides consistent, reliable products for greenware and bisque, paints, brushes and specialized tools. The class is taught by Certified Ambassadors with written testing after each session. Frances is very dedicated to learning and teaching Ceramic Art because she feels there are so many new products in the market that club members can improve their techniques and learn methods to replace many paints that have been taken off the market for environmental reasons. We hope to use her expertise in the coming months for special classes for members.

Come and join us for an afternoon to become aware of the resources available to all in our community. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors ---there is no cost and no reservations are necessary. There will be information that is valuable to you as a survivor, caregiver and general knowledge. The time is Friday, July 8, 2011 at 1:00 PM and the place is The United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. For further information, contact facilitator, Hazel Martin at 813-642-9020.

From the Editor:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who sends NOKP all the terrific news items for our Bulletin Board page each month. I would also like to offer a reminder about submissions. Please DO NOT format the submissions with BOLD, ITALICS or ALL CAPS to emphasize points in the text. This creates additional work for us, as we must remove these prior to typesetting. Also, please feel free to use the SUBMISSION form available at. www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Thanks!

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Kitchen Diva By Angela Shelf Medearis Naturally Sweet My sister, Marcia, loves to garden. She generously shares her plants with me. Recently, she gave me a stevia plant as a gift. I use the leaves of this naturally sweet herb to sweeten a variety of drinks. It’s also available commercially in a granular form like sugar. Stevia is a not-so-new sweetener that recently made its way into the U.S. market. Although Stevia has been sold in the U.S. for many years as a dietary supplement, it was not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Now that the FDA has declared its active ingredient -- rebaudioside A -- as “generally accepted as safe,” it is showing up in products like tabletop sweetener packets. PureVia (from PepsiCo and a subsidiary of Merisant, Whole Earth Sweeteners) and Truvia (from Coca-Cola and Cargill), along with some flavored waters and lower-calorie soda and fruit drinks, now contain stevia. Leaves from the stevia plant are steeped in water and then processed into crystalline form. These crystals create a sweet taste in the mouth, but are calorie-free when digested. As a sweetener, stevia’s extract is 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. This means only a very tiny amount is needed to add sweetness to a food or beverage. As with any sweetener, there are challenges to using stevia in food products. Stevia is naturally bitter, but tastes sweet after some delay. Although it is temperature and acid stable, the natural bitterness and intense sweetness are challenges the food industry will have to overcome. Consumers will need to taste stevia and decide for themselves how well they like it. Another possible challenge is the price. Currently, it is expensive to use stevia or its active ingredient in foods. Products containing this naturally derived sweetener may be out of many consumers’ price range. Like other sugar substitutes, consumers need to watch for any warnings or concerns with stevia. It has been classified as

safe, but it doesn’t hurt to try it out slowly to see what effect it has on individual taste and digestion. This recipe for Fruit Sorbet uses stevia instead of sugar to sweeten the dessert. FRUIT SORBET You’ll need an ice cream machine for this delicious recipe. You can use any fruit juice blend concentrate of your choice instead of raspberry. This recipe also works well if you substitute one (12.3 ounce) box of silken tofu for the yogurt, along with 1 cup of milk or soymilk. 2 cups plain low-fat yogurt 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup unsweetened raspberry juice blend concentrate, thawed 1 tablespoon orange juice concentrate 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 teaspoon stevia suga substitute 1 banana (optional) Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Pour into the container of an icecream machine, and process according to directions. Makes 4 servings. (Information courtesy of Janet Hackert, regional nutrition and health education specialist, Harrison County, University of Missouri Extension.) ******************* Angela Shelf Medearis is known as The Kitchen Diva! She’s the executive producer and host of “The Kitchen Diva!” cooking show on Hulu.com. Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks, including “The New AfricanAmerican Kitchen” and her new cookbook, “The Kitchen Diva Cooks!” Visit her website at www. divapro.com. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

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July, 2011

Good Housekeeping Recipes

Red, White and Blue Ice-Cream Sundaes Give your ice cream some patriotic pizzazz with this berrylicious treat. 1 1/2 cups strawberries or raspberries or both, plus extra for garnish 1 cup confectioners’ sugar, divided 2 teaspoons lemon juice, divided 1 1/2 cups blueberries or blackberries or both, plus extra for garnish 1 pint vanilla ice cream Whipped cream (optional), for garnish Maraschino cherries and/or decorative sprinkles (optional), for garnish 1. Puree strawberries or raspberries (or both) in a blender. Sift 1/2 cup of the confectioners’ sugar on top (depending on how sweet the berries are); blend until smooth. Stir in 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice. Spoon a few tablespoons of the red berry sauce into each of 4 dessert glasses (set aside any extra sauce for garnish). 2. Puree blueberries or blackberries (or both) in a blender. Sift the remaining 1/2 cup of the confectioners’ sugar on top (depending on how sweet the berries are); blend until smooth. Stir in remaining 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice. 3. Dollop 1 scoop of the ice cream on top of red berry sauce in each glass. Top with a few tablespoons of the blueberry sauce and another scoop of ice cream (or two!). Top with fresh berries and any extra sauce. Garnish with berries, whipped cream, maraschino cherries and/ or sprinkles, if you like. Serves 4. Each serving: About 303 calories, 12g total fat (7g saturated), 45mg cholesterol, 45mg sodium, 48g total carbohydrate, 3g dietary fiber, 3g protein.

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Southern Peach Pork Chops Juicy peaches hot off the grill are perfect with tender seared meat. 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch black pepper 1 clove garlic, crushed with garlic press 4 (about 5 ounces each) pork loin chops, 3/4-inch thick 4 large peaches, each cut in half 1/2 cup peach jam, substitute apricot jam or preserves Arugula, for garnish 1. In cup, stir curry powder, brown sugar, olive oil, salt, cinnamon, pepper and garlic. 2. With hands, rub both sides of pork chops with curry mixture. 3. Brush cut side of peach halves and 1 side of chops with some jam. Place peaches, brushed side down, and chops, brushed side up, on grill over medium heat; cook 5 minutes. 4. Turn chops and peaches over and brush grilled side of chops with some jam; cook 5 minutes longer. Remove peaches from grill when browned and place on platter. Turn chops and brush with remaining jam; cook 2 to 3 minutes longer, until chops are browned on the outside and still slightly pink on the inside. Place chops on platter with peaches; garnish with arugula. Serves Each serving: About 475 calories, 24g total fat (8g saturated), 58mg cholesterol, 325mg sodium, 42g total carbs, 23g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/ recipefinder/. © 2011 Hearst Communications, Inc.

All rights reserved

Recipe adapted from . “Good Housekeeping Blend It!” (Hearst Books). © 2011 Hearst Communications, Inc.

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2011, July The News of Kings Point

UCC Mission of the Month

The United Community Church, http://www.uccinscc. org, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center, selected Good Samaritan Mission in Wimauma, FL as a Mission of the month. The Mission has been ministering to the needy for almost 25 years and will continue to provide food, clothing, educational and Photo by Hazel Martin emergency assistance L to R Board member Carla Miles, and spiritual training. United Community Church Mission The core values at the Board Chair Beverly Bassett and Good Good Samaritan Mission Samaritan Mission Executive Director are: Purpose, Community Rev. William R. Cruz and Gratitude. Any gift or kindness that is given instills the children and families with a strong sense of purpose. For the many opportunities to help and ways to volunteer, contact Good Samaritan Mission at (813) 634-7136 or www. gsmission.org.

Beth Israel Offers Gift

Beth Israel Sisterhood of the Jewish Congregation of Sun City, is offering a gift package to celebrate the September 28th, 2011 holiday of Rosh Hashanah. The package consists of a gift boxed 8 ounce jar of honey, gift card and postage included. The cost is $10.00 per box. It’s a wonderful way of celebrating the Jewish New Year for family and friends. Even though it seems early, orders must be in by August 10th, so that you can receive the gift package in time. You can mail your check, made out to Beth Israel Sisterhood, to Carol Sisskin, 1609 Laughton Place, Sun City Center, 33573. She can be reached at 813-642-9266.

Page 19

The Fun Brigade Picnic

Photo by Hazel Martin Seated left to right Tom and Jean Mitchell, Karl Buffington. Standing left to right Anne Kemmeling and Linda Shaw

The United Community Church, http://www.uccinscc.org, 1501 La Jolla Ave, Sun City Center is celebrating an old fashioned Fourth Of July Picnic (one week late). Everyone in the community is invited and will be welcomed on Sunday, July 10th at 12:00 noon. We will be enjoying a fantastic, delicious and very generous box lunch prepared by the Metropolitan Ministries. There will be pulled pork and pulled chicken sandwiches, potato salad, and baked beans for a cost of $10 per ticket. Beverages will be provided by the Fun Brigade. Tickets are available following the 10 AM Sunday service or on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 12 noon in the Narthex of the church. For further information, please contact Paula Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl Buffington at 634-7062. July 5th, 2011 will be the last day to purchase tickets.

Friday Night Movie

The upcoming Friday Night Movie, “Letters to God”, will be showing July 8th, at the Sun City Center United Methodist Church, located at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West. The doors will open at 6:00 P.M. with the welcoming mouth-watering odors of coffee, cookies and popcorn. While you are munching away, you will be catching up on what is happening around the neighborhood and who has returned to their Northern home for the summer. The movie will begin at 6:30 P.M. “ Letters to God” is about a little boy, Tanner Maguire, who is battling cancer, and decides to write to God. The mailman, Jeffery Bolten, must decide what to do with them. This is a touching story of faith, hope, love and God’s ultimate answer. This is a movie that you will remember for quiet some time.

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Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

Taking the Mystery Out of Credit Scores Dollars And Sense By David Uffington FICO, short for Fair Isaac Corporation, was founded in 1956 by a mathematician and an engineer who were interested in the analysis of numbers -- including credit scores. Their work gave creditors a means of predicting which customers are more or less likely to default on loans. Your score can pre-determine how you’re treated by creditors: 1. A high credit scores equates to a lower anticipated rate of default. 2. Creditors raise or lower the interest rates they offer you

based on your likely risk of default. 3. The higher your credit score, the better the deal you’ll get on interest and the more money you’re likely to save over time. The front screen of the MyFico. com website gives a perfect example of potential savings: “A 100-point difference in your FICO score could mean over $40,000 extra in interest payments over the life of a 30year mortgage on a $300,000 home loan.” FICO scores range from 300 to 850 and are based payment history, length of credit history, new credit you might open,

amount of established credit and the types of credit. A mix of credit types -- perhaps vehicle, mortgage, credit card -- will yield a better score than all credit cards or vehicle only. With all the lender emphasis on credit worthiness, a simple late payment can damage your credit score. The later it is, the more damage is done. Here’s an additional credit fact: Unfair though it is, the higher your credit score, the bigger the “ding” to your credit if you do miss payments. Here is a comparison of late payment and bankruptcy at two levels of credit score and the length of

July, 2011

time for the score to rise again: Thirty days late: Credit score of 680 might be cut to 600-620, but can rise again in nine months. A score of 780 might be cut to 670-690, and it could take three years for the score to rise again. Bankruptcy: Credit score of 680 might be cut to 530-550, and could take five years to rise again. A score of 780 might be cut to 540-560, and it could take seven to 10 years for the score to rise again. For more information on keeping your credit score healthy, visit MyFico.com. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Jill Jackson’s Hollywood

This is a Hammer

By Samantha Mazzotta Fairy Rings Q: I believe that I have two areas in my back lawn that are “fairy rings.” They have a center of green grass that is surrounded by dead grass. Is there anything I can do about this? -- Fred J., Toronto A: Fairy rings are caused by growth of a certain type of fungi (mushrooms), which, above the surface, grow within the dead or thin area of the circle. Below the surface, a dense fungal mat is usually well established by the time the characteristic “ring” appears on the lawn. These rings measure a couple feet in diameter but gradually expand over time, to as large as 20 feet. The rings are annoying and, like most fungal growth, are very difficult to control. However, there are options to try. One method, which can be undertaken quickly with minimal damage to the lawn, is to reduce the influence of fairy rings. Fertilize the area several times per year with nitrogenrich fertilizer to mask the fairy rings somewhat. To stimulate grass growth in the dead areas of the rings, you’ll need to aerate and get water beneath the fungal mat (comprised of weblike mycelium fungus) that’s causing the problem. Do this by attaching a root feeder to

your garden hose. Punch holes in the dying area about a foot apart and at least 12 inches deep, then insert the root feeder into the holes and saturate the ground underneath the mat with water. Repeat often. The idea is to change the soil moisture, increase airflow, and change the chemical makeup of the soil to retard fungal growth. A more invasive option, which must be undertaken carefully so as not to spread the fungus to other parts of the lawn, is to completely remove the affected sod, cutting out an area 1 foot beyond the edge of the rings. Then, dig out the soil to 1 foot in depth. Note that the sod and soil must be completely isolated from the rest of the lawn and disposed of far away. Replace the soil with new, unaffected soil. Then either reseed or resod. North Dakota State University’s Agricultural Extension recommends reseeding rather than replacing the sod, as the risk of reintroducing the fungi is much lower. HOME TIP: Fungi are the most common cause of lawn disease, but they can be managed and prevented with routine lawn maintenance, including proper watering, fertilization, mowing and ensuring the soil is aerated. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

By Tony Rizzo A Michigan reader asks, “Why did ‘Gunsmoke’s’ James Arness and his brother, Peter Graves, have different names?” Years ago, Peter Graves, of TV’s “Mission: Impossible,” sat next to me on a plane headed to the Jack Benny tennis and golf tournaments in Texas, and I asked him that very question. Peter explained, “My grandfather came to America and told immigration his name was Aursnes but they wrote Aurness, which became our family name. When my brother, James Aurness started acting, he dropped the “u” and became James Arness. When I started acting, I couldn’t be Peter Aurness when my brother was James Arness, so I took the last name of my maternal grandfather and became Peter Graves.” The last thing Peter did was narrate the computer game “Darkstar: the Interactive movie,” released eight months after he passed away. Having met James Arness, who left us on June 3, and his brother, Peter Graves, who left us in March 2010, I can honestly say that they were extraordinary dedicated actors and devoted

family men. We won’t see their like again!

We reported earlier that “Will & Grace” star Sean Hayes would play Larry Fine and “Madtv’s” Will Sasso would play Curley in “The Three Stooges Movie.” Now we can tell you that Moe Howard will be played by Chris Diamantopolas. You saw him as Robin Williams in the “Mork & Mindy” TV movie, in the eighth season of “24” as chief of staff Rob Weiss, and as Frank Sinatra in the “Kennedy’s” mini-series. To check out what they’ll look like, Google the new Three Stooges film. Add “Glee’s” Jane Lynch, “Modern Family’s” Sofia Vergara, “Dreamgirls” Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson, “Boston Legal’s” Craig Bierko and “7th Heaven’s” Stephen Collins, and you’ve got a great cast. It looks as if The Farrelly Brothers will give “The Stooges” the send-up they truly deserve. After this movie comes out, though, if anyone asks you to “pick two fingers,” trust me ... DON’T! Send letters to Tony Rizzo’s Hollywood, 8306 Wilshire Blvd., No. 362, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Top Ten Movies

1. Super 8 (PG-13) Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning 2. X-Men: First Class (PG-13) James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender 3. The Hangover Part II (R) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms 4. Kung Fu Panda 2 (PG) animated 5. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (PG-13) Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz 6. Bridesmaids (R) Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph 7. Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (PG) Heather Graham, Jordana Beatty 8. Midnight in Paris (PG-13) Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams 9. Thor (PG-13) Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins 10. Fast Five (PG-13) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Top 10 DVD Sales

1. True Blood: The Complete Third Season (R) (Warner) 2. Gnomeo & Juliet (G) (Buena Vista) 3. I Am Number Four (PG-13) (Buena Vista) 4. Drive Angry (R) (Summit Entertainment) 5. The Mechanic (R) (Sony) 6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (PG-13) (Warner Bros.) 7. Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (G) (Paramount) 8. Tangled (PG) (Disney) 9. True Blood: The Complete Second Season (R) (Warner) 10. No Strings Attached (R) (Paramount) Source: Rentrak Corp. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

P U Z Z L E S &more!

2011, July The News of Kings Point

Super Crossword

Take A Hike!

Page 21

Contract Bridge

By Steve Becker THE ODDS ARE 3-TO-1

If you toss a coin, it is even money that it will not come down heads. If you toss two coins, the odds are 3-to-1 they will not both be heads. (Toss three coins, and the odds become 7-to-1.) It is not really necessary to understand how probabilities of this sort are determined, but it is important to recognize that bridge leans heavily on such calculations. A player who understands and abides by probabilities will do very well over the long haul. Consider this deal where South took the opening diamond lead with the king and led a

low trump to dummy’s jack. East won with the ace and returned a diamond, taken by declarer with the ace. After cashing the king of trumps, South led a heart to the queen, losing to East’s king. Back came a diamond to West’s ten, and the contract went down one when West cashed the ace of clubs. South did not give himself the best chance for the contract. Instead of leading a trump at trick two, he should have finessed the queen of hearts. True, the queen would lose to the king and East would return a diamond, but, even so, South would make four spades. He would take the diamond return with the ace and finesse the ten of hearts. After the ten won, declarer would discard his diamond loser on the ace of hearts and eventually score 10 tricks. As the hand was actually played, South in effect based all his hopes on the 50 percent chance that West had the king of hearts. But if he had finessed the heart queen at trick two, planning to finesse the ten later if the queen lost to the king, he would have had two chances to make the contract instead of only one. This would have given him about a 3-to-1 chance of succeeding, just about the same probability as the toss of two coins. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Solutions on Page 23

22 Page

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

The News of Kings Point


•It was 19th-century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer who made the following sage observation: “There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five, by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity.” •Those who study such things say that half of all money spent on food in the United States is spent in restaurants. •If, like me, you are constantly finding excess wire hangers in your closets, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that more than 2.7 billion of them were imported in 2010 alone. •You might be surprised to learn that beer brewers in Australia are on the cutting edge of alternative energy production. They have created a “beer battery” -- the world’s first, they claim -- in which electricity is generated by bacteria consuming the waste that is created by the brewing process. •Companies today sometimes seem to go too far in advertising their products, but consider Richard Chesebrough, who invented the petroleum jelly Vaseline in 1872. In order to market his new creation as a salve for cuts and burns, he traveled around New York state demonstrating the efficacy of the product by burning his skin with acid, then applying Vaseline to the injury. A display of his past burns that had been healed with Vaseline would, in theory, convince people to buy the product. •If you’re looking to brighten up your living space with some greenery, you might want to consider getting a bonsai tree. They live longer than any other houseplant. Thought for the Day: “Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.” -Marilyn Monroe © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc

News of

News of Kings Point On the Web


July, 2011


2011, July The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

Week of July 4 , 2011 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You clever Ewes and Rams love nothing more than to rise to a challenge. So, by all means, if you feel sure about your facts, step right up and defend your side of the issue. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You’ve done some great work recently. Now it’s time to reward yourself with something wonderful, perhaps a day at a spa or a night out with someone very special. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You love to talk, but don’t forget to make time to do a little more listening; otherwise, you could miss out on an important message someone might be trying to send to you. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your aspect indicates some uncertainty about one of your goals. Use this period of shifting attitudes to reassess what you really want and what you’re ready to do to get it. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your social life is picking up, and you’ll soon be mingling with old friends and making new ones. But ‘twixt the fun times, stay on top of changing workplace conditions. VIRGO (August 23 Sept.22) A trusted friend offers understanding as you vent some long-pent-up feelings. Now, move on from there and start making the changes you’ve put off all this time. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) You might well feel uneasy as you face a difficult situation involving someone close to you. But you know you’re doing the right thing, so stick with your decision. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.21) You’re a good friend to others. Now’s the time to allow them to be good friends to you. Rely on their trusted advice to help you get through an uncertain period. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Family and friends are always important, but especially so at this time. Despite your hectic workplace schedule, make a real effort to include them in your life. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.19) That project you’ve been working on is almost ready for presentation. But you still need some information from a colleague before you can consider it done. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Don’t let those negative attitudes that have sprung up around you drain your energies. Shrug them off, and move ahead with the confidence that you can get the job done. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Aspects favor some dedicated fun time for the hardworking Piscean. A nice, refreshing plunge into the social swim can recharge your physical and emotional batteries. BORN THIS WEEK: You love to travel and be with people. You probably would be happy as a social director on a cruise ship. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc..


Answers to Puzzles from Page 21

Page 23


24 Page

The News of Kings Point

July, 2011

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