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News of www.newsofkingspoint.com
July, 2012
British Connection Celebrates Diamond Jubilee
Members take part in international celebration honoring Her Majesty The Queen with afternoon tea, cake and champagne.
About 45 members of The British Connection, residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point, gathered Tuesday, June 5, 2012 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In keeping with the Jubilee theme, the Board and Committee members decorated the room with the Union Jack, bunting, and two arches adorned with flowers. The decorations were quintessentially British. One member, Donna McLennan, embroidered a silhouette of the Queen, which she designed. It was used as a decoration on the serving tables. We took photos of members under the floral arches for our scrapbooks. Linda Peterson, British Connection President, said the group wanted to join in the
About The Club
The British Connection is comprised of people from Sun City Center and Kings Point who are British (English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh), of British heritage or who have traveled to Great Britain and are interested in its culture and history. The purpose of the club is to meet with likeminded individuals to enjoy various British-themed activities organized by the Club. Each year, the British Connection hosts a traditional Christmas Tea for which Board and Committee members prepare authentic British food. The tea leaves are hand delivered from England. Membership and participation in the club is open to all residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point, and their guests.
Silhouette of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth embroidered by Donna McLennan.
Jubilee celebrations. “We had a right, jolly old time. Even though we are across the pond, we are proud of our heritage and especially wanted to celebrate with our compatriots the world over. This is only the second time in Britain’s thousand-year history that a British monarch has celebrated sixty years on the throne.”
British Connection President Linda Peterson at Podium decorated with Jubilee Tea Towel and flanked by US Flag and British Flag leading assembled group in singing British National Anthem, “God Save the Queen”.
While munching on finger sandwiches and drinking tea, the British Connection members watched the military muster at Windsor Castle in which all Continued on Page 3
SCC Photo Club Announces June Competition Winners
What Will I Face Today?
Winners have been announced in the June competition of the Sun City Center Photo Club. Five perfect scores were awarded. Stan Lipski received a 15 for What the Painter Sees, George Seeley received the perfect score for Lavade, Gayle Fischer received her perfect score for Moon Lit Sun Flower, Roger Kele received his perfect score for Watching and Kathy Vitale received the score for What Will I Face Today? In the Color Print category, at
Where In The World .............. 5 CARE....................................... 7 Debbie Caneen 33573 ........................ 8, 9 & 10 Golf................................ 12 &13 Deputy Chris......................... 14
the Advanced level, George Seeley won golds for Lavade and Airborne. Rose Stack won a silver for Costa Rica Ginger Plant. Marianne Strehar won silver awards for Desert Pita Bread Maker and Bedouin Weaver. Glenn Laucks won a silver award for Golf, Anyone? Stan Lipski won a bronze award for Coming Home and Bill Leasy received a silver award for Does
Dixon’s Destinations............ 15 Bulletin.................... 17, 18 & 19 Military News . ..................... 20 Faith Bulletin......................... 23 Spotlight . ............................. 24 Hard Knox ........................... 25
Anyone Give a Hoot? and a bronze for On Eagle Watch. At the Intermediate level, Bill Odell won silver awards for Orchids at Biltmore and Let’s Go Fishing. In the Monochrome Print category at the Advanced level, Gayle Fisher won a gold for Old Man. George Seeley received a gold for Get Out of My Way and Bill Leasy received a silver for Everyone’s Grandmother and
Crossword & Sudoku........... 25 Contract Bridge................... 25 Horoscopes.......................... 27 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 27
Moon Lit Sun Flower.
a bronze for Are You Looking at Me? In the Color Digital category, at the Advanced level, Glenn Laucks won a silver for Erding Cathedral, Germany. Gayle Fischer received a gold for Moon Lit Sun Flower and a bronze for Gentle Friend. At the Intermediate level, Kathy Vitale won golds for I See You and Continued on Page 6
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