News of
August 2011
The Women’s Chorus of SCC Has Big News Submitted by Chris O’Hara Welcome to the Fall Concert Season of The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center. A tad early? Not really. Much ado about nothing? Hardly! So many new and exciting changes are in store that it will take at least some time to fill you in on all of the details. Let’s begin with their new director, Mr. Paul Barrientos. Paul came to Sun City Center via New Mexico where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Vocal Performance from the University of New Mexico. He performed as a vocal soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Lyric Opera, Opera Theater of St. Louis, Chamber Orchestra of St. Louis, New Mexico Symphony Orchestra, Santa Fe Symphony and Tampa Oratorio Singers. Singing is but one of Paul’s musical talents. He has conducted the New Mexico Tech Chamber Orchestra and
paramount and be assured that tradition will continue. Stay tuned! And introducing . . . The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center is delighted that Mrs. Valerie Southwell has joined the chorus as its accompanist. Valerie’s love of music manifested itself at age five. Her uncle had a grand piano in his living room and he would pay her twenty-five cents each time she would play a song. When her sister purchased a piano, it was difficult for her to pass by without sitting down to play. She was quite persistent in her love of New director of the Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center, Paul Barrientos is music. The piano was in the living busy choosing music for the fall concert season. Assisting Paul are board room with the TV and Valerie members Mae-Ellen Dowdy, Betty Lance, Joyce Kline, Kris Collett and Mim had to deal with her brothers Quast. in order to find practice time. the South Hillsborough Concert Tech Chamber and Concert High school years found Valerie Band. Choral conducting comes Choruses. The Women’s Chorus playing the clarinet in the band, naturally to Paul. He has served as of Sun City Center looks forward accompanying the chorus and Chorus Master at Teatro Nuevo to Paul’s leadership. Presenting taking organ lessons. Continued on Page 2 Mexico and the New Mexico quality performances has been
LifePath Hospice Offers Compassionate Care By NOKP Staff Hospice is about hope. The simple yet profound hope that life, even the final stages of life, can be lived well. Licensed and practicing in Hillsborough County since 1983, LifePath strives continue this mission by empowering both patients and their loved ones, offering them choices – decisions that provide a sense of control with each day of treatment. In addition, by focusing on pain control and symptom management, Hospice care allows individuals facing “lifelimiting” illnesses to die in a place of comfort and familiarity, in the relative peace that comes with maintaining control of care and surroundings. Because of this, the majority of hospice care is provided in a home setting, either in the person’s house or in a long-term care facility, nursing home or assisted living facility – but not a traditional hospital. The involved, loving support of close family and friends is integral to the Hospice mission. And, as a member of Chapters Health, LifePath can offer a “full continuum” of care to support patients no matter what stage of
CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Ask Anne ............................... 7 Jim & Nell Taze 33573 .............................. 8 & 9 Bulletin.................................. 10
illness they are facing. The care offered is all-encompassing, providing for the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the patient. And it is progressive, continually responding with elevated levels of care and the illness progresses. According to the LifePath website (www.lifepath-hospice. org), these care levels include: •Basic hospice services: provided at the patient’s home and available around the clock, delivered by our experts in pain management and symptom control. A comprehensive team of physicians, nurses, social services specialists, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, respiratory therapists, durable medical equipment technicians, hospice aides, chaplains and trained volunteers coordinate efforts to treat the entire person, not just the disease. Hospicerelated medications, medical equipment and supplies are delivered right to your door. • Continuous care: provided when a patient needs more constant care. With a goal to provide symptom management at the patient’s residence rather than transferring him/her to a
Faith Bulletin......................... 11 Golf....................................... 12 Investment............................ 14 Dixon’s Destinations............ 15 About Town by John Bowker................... 17 Hard Knox............................. 19
hospital, Hospice provides shortterm, periodic and supplemental support in the home, nursing home or assisted living facility. Continuous care is available in short periods of variable lengths up to 24 hours a day. • Respite care: helps caregivers deal with the many demands they shoulder during this trying time. Respite care is available for up to five days and is usually provided in the nursing care setting. • Inpatient care: provided during a medical crisis, to control or manage symptoms that cannot be managed as effectively at home. The patient may be admitted to a Chapters Health hospice house or contracted hospital or nursing home. Although inpatient care takes place outside the patient’s primary residence, teams continue to coordinate care. Hospice care is provided regardless of ability to pay, age, race, creed, sex, lifestyle or specific illness. But Hospice care is not only limited to the patient. LifePath offers in-depth patient care education and training for family and friends who will serve as caregivers. In addition,
Crossword & Sudoku........... 21 Contract Bridge................... 21 Horoscopes.......................... 23 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 23
Hospice provides the guidance and emotional support needed to help family members be successful as caregivers. This care includes: • Chaplains who provide spiritual care for patients of all faiths • Assisting with daily tasks such as bathing, light cooking and household chores • Grief services and continued family support in the event of a patient’s death And, because the need does not take time off, care is not limited to the daylight hours. HospiceHelp24® offers afterhours telephone assistance to address all types of questions and concerns and schedules after-hours urgent-care visits. For additional information on hospice services provided by LifePath Hospice in Hillsborough County, call 1.800.355.8170. Carrier-Route Pre Sort
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