Kings Point August 2011

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News of

August 2011

The Women’s Chorus of SCC Has Big News Submitted by Chris O’Hara Welcome to the Fall Concert Season of The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center. A tad early? Not really. Much ado about nothing? Hardly! So many new and exciting changes are in store that it will take at least some time to fill you in on all of the details. Let’s begin with their new director, Mr. Paul Barrientos. Paul came to Sun City Center via New Mexico where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Vocal Performance from the University of New Mexico. He performed as a vocal soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Lyric Opera, Opera Theater of St. Louis, Chamber Orchestra of St. Louis, New Mexico Symphony Orchestra, Santa Fe Symphony and Tampa Oratorio Singers. Singing is but one of Paul’s musical talents. He has conducted the New Mexico Tech Chamber Orchestra and

paramount and be assured that tradition will continue. Stay tuned! And introducing . . . The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center is delighted that Mrs. Valerie Southwell has joined the chorus as its accompanist. Valerie’s love of music manifested itself at age five. Her uncle had a grand piano in his living room and he would pay her twenty-five cents each time she would play a song. When her sister purchased a piano, it was difficult for her to pass by without sitting down to play. She was quite persistent in her love of New director of the Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center, Paul Barrientos is music. The piano was in the living busy choosing music for the fall concert season. Assisting Paul are board room with the TV and Valerie members Mae-Ellen Dowdy, Betty Lance, Joyce Kline, Kris Collett and Mim had to deal with her brothers Quast. in order to find practice time. the South Hillsborough Concert Tech Chamber and Concert High school years found Valerie Band. Choral conducting comes Choruses. The Women’s Chorus playing the clarinet in the band, naturally to Paul. He has served as of Sun City Center looks forward accompanying the chorus and Chorus Master at Teatro Nuevo to Paul’s leadership. Presenting taking organ lessons. Continued on Page 2 Mexico and the New Mexico quality performances has been

LifePath Hospice Offers Compassionate Care By NOKP Staff Hospice is about hope. The simple yet profound hope that life, even the final stages of life, can be lived well. Licensed and practicing in Hillsborough County since 1983, LifePath strives continue this mission by empowering both patients and their loved ones, offering them choices – decisions that provide a sense of control with each day of treatment. In addition, by focusing on pain control and symptom management, Hospice care allows individuals facing “lifelimiting” illnesses to die in a place of comfort and familiarity, in the relative peace that comes with maintaining control of care and surroundings. Because of this, the majority of hospice care is provided in a home setting, either in the person’s house or in a long-term care facility, nursing home or assisted living facility – but not a traditional hospital. The involved, loving support of close family and friends is integral to the Hospice mission. And, as a member of Chapters Health, LifePath can offer a “full continuum” of care to support patients no matter what stage of

CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Ask Anne ............................... 7 Jim & Nell Taze 33573 .............................. 8 & 9 Bulletin.................................. 10

illness they are facing. The care offered is all-encompassing, providing for the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the patient. And it is progressive, continually responding with elevated levels of care and the illness progresses. According to the LifePath website (www.lifepath-hospice. org), these care levels include: •Basic hospice services: provided at the patient’s home and available around the clock, delivered by our experts in pain management and symptom control. A comprehensive team of physicians, nurses, social services specialists, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, respiratory therapists, durable medical equipment technicians, hospice aides, chaplains and trained volunteers coordinate efforts to treat the entire person, not just the disease. Hospicerelated medications, medical equipment and supplies are delivered right to your door. • Continuous care: provided when a patient needs more constant care. With a goal to provide symptom management at the patient’s residence rather than transferring him/her to a

Faith Bulletin......................... 11 Golf....................................... 12 Investment............................ 14 Dixon’s Destinations............ 15 About Town by John Bowker................... 17 Hard Knox............................. 19

hospital, Hospice provides shortterm, periodic and supplemental support in the home, nursing home or assisted living facility. Continuous care is available in short periods of variable lengths up to 24 hours a day. • Respite care: helps caregivers deal with the many demands they shoulder during this trying time. Respite care is available for up to five days and is usually provided in the nursing care setting. • Inpatient care: provided during a medical crisis, to control or manage symptoms that cannot be managed as effectively at home. The patient may be admitted to a Chapters Health hospice house or contracted hospital or nursing home. Although inpatient care takes place outside the patient’s primary residence, teams continue to coordinate care. Hospice care is provided regardless of ability to pay, age, race, creed, sex, lifestyle or specific illness. But Hospice care is not only limited to the patient. LifePath offers in-depth patient care education and training for family and friends who will serve as caregivers. In addition,


Crossword & Sudoku........... 21 Contract Bridge................... 21 Horoscopes.......................... 23 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 23

Hospice provides the guidance and emotional support needed to help family members be successful as caregivers. This care includes: • Chaplains who provide spiritual care for patients of all faiths • Assisting with daily tasks such as bathing, light cooking and household chores • Grief services and continued family support in the event of a patient’s death And, because the need does not take time off, care is not limited to the daylight hours. HospiceHelp24® offers afterhours telephone assistance to address all types of questions and concerns and schedules after-hours urgent-care visits. For additional information on hospice services provided by LifePath Hospice in Hillsborough County, call 1.800.355.8170. Carrier-Route Pre Sort

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News of Kings Point Patron

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 1

The Editor’s Corner An Out of This World Legacy

By Adam Porter, EIC NOKP The 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 15 moon landing was fast approaching, and I was being invited to celebrate it – with the family and friends of astronaut Jim Irwin. This is the kind of invite that clears the calendar, folks. The event, a weekend long celebration that would begin at one of Col. Irwin’s favorite places – Chalet Suzanne in Lake Wales – and culminate on Sunday at Kennedy Space Center, was being organized by High Flight Foundation, a non-profit group founded by Jim Irwin and now headed by his daughter, Joy Irwin Schtakleff. I called Joy to get some details and ended up feeling like I was on the phone with a long, lost friend. When she found out my oldest boy would soon be leaving for Air Force basic training, she asked me to bring him along. We chatted a bit more about what to expect in the coming anniversary celebration and Joy directed me to the foundation website, www., for more information. I was, of course, curious to find out what one does after he has seen the earth from the moon, but I soon learned that this perspective could change much more than your point of view. During his time on Apollo 15 Col. Irwin “felt the presence of God and came away with a profound sense of responsibility to all mankind.” So, in July 1972, the American hero founded High Flight Foundation. Among the organization’s many diverse outreach programs were the mobile space museum, the presentation of flags that had flown to the moon with Apollo 15, speaking to students and POW/MIA families and searching the world for biblical antiquities. As you may imagine, a weekend with these folks was anything but ordinary. Friday night my son and I listened as they shared stories that belong in Hollywood scripts, about men and women who were larger than life – and yet just real folks. In the end, for all that he was an American hero, to Joy and her siblings Astronaut Col. James Irwin was always just “Dad.” Saturday we gathered at the Chalet Suzanne airstrip, some to ride in planes and others to jump out of them. The energy and excitement

was high; and, while the night before I felt a bit like the spouse at a high school reunion, today I felt like one of the family. We laughed and chatted and sweated in the sweltering heat as we waited our turn to go up into the wild blue yonder. When we took to the sky I was reminded, yet again, just how small we really are. I thought about Col. Irwin standing on the moon staring back at the small, blue ball that is, quite literally, our entire world. How much smaller must he have felt as he looked down at a world he described as: having no boundaries, no lines drawn to separate the nations. On Sunday as we toured Kennedy Space Center, we marveled at the incredible accomplishments of the space program. Impressive. Mind-bogglingly impressive. But my eyes kept drifting back toward the family gathered in small pockets here and there and the friends who had joined with them to continue the mission of High Flight. Though Col. Irwin will always be remembered as an American hero for his brave contributions to and accomplishments in the space program, I had been hearing about him all weekend as a man. Not as a famous portrait saluting a flag, but as a person, a father and a friend. Pioneering and passionate and imperfect. So it was that, as the weekend came to a close, as we all said our goodbyes and headed home, the most striking takeaway I had was a call to legacy. Over and over this weekend I had heard the Irwin kids – now parents, themselves – talk about how their dad loved to live life to the fullest and how he passed that passion for faith and adventure on to his kids. Just as they are now passing it on to their children. And in that I found the answer to the question: what does one do when he retires from walking on the moon? The answer? The same thing one does when he retires from writing or selling Buicks or playing baseball or conducting the Philharmonic. He embraces a new chapter in his life and seeks to share with others the adventures he has experienced, the lessons he has learned, the faith he has embraced and the loves that have made life…well… life.

Valerie received her B.S. in Music Education from Warner Pacific College in Portland, Oregon. During her college years she learned to play percussion, trumpet, flute and violin. Currently she serves as organist at the United Methodist Church in Sun City Center. Sing With the Chorus The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center, Florida welcomes women of our surrounding community who love to sing, especially those with some choral experience. Residence in Sun City Center or Kings Point is not required. The chorus performs two

August, 2011

concerts a club year. Members may join us for one or both practice seasons. The spring season begins in January, with the Spring Concert on the fourth Sunday in March. The fall season begins in midSeptember, with our Christmas Concert on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Practices are on Thursday mornings from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Boulevard West, Sun City Center, FL 33573. The chorus sings a wide variety of secular and sacred music and attracts a full house for concerts. For more information email Chris O’Hara at

News of Submissions

The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is your community newspaper, exclusively serving Kings Point, Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a “home town” feeling with family and community oriented stories. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers. It is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and fairness. Send us information about your special events. Tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. Community news, Club events and feature stories are always welcome! Please include photos. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included. We will also review creative submissions including stories – fact or fiction – and poems. Inspire us. Make us smile. Share your favorite story, joke or song. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts, art or photographs. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Sterling Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication or that of the supporting organizations. Pieces will be considered, subject to editing and depending upon space limitations Thanks for reading and for helping us make this truly YOUR community newspaper. We look forward to serving you and can’t wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions are preferred, which you may send by email to: or mail to The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support. Staff and Contributors Adam Porter Editor in Chief

John Wolf Advertising Sales


Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Karen Jones Contributing Editor

Anne Pidgeon Horticulture Correspondent

Jim and Nell Taze 33573 Events

2011, August The News of Kings Point

Spectacular Fireworks! What About 2012?

Page 3

Roberts’ Interior Design Inc.

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139 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Unit 105, Sun City Center The 2011 fireworks were appreciated by residents & visitors alike. Joella & Jim Benken’s daughter & family were visiting from Auburn, Alabama.

By Phyllis Hodges From the clamor emanating through the community about the July 4 fireworks, it’s clear that SCC folks were delighted with the holiday display that was included in the 50th anniversary year’s agenda. Ann Marie Leblanc, chair of the 50th Anniversary Committee, said she was gratified the fireworks were so well received and proved worth the $17,000 expense. The money was raised through the anniversary fund’s Proud Sponsor donations and fundraisers such as breakfasts and home tours. Leblanc praised ClubLink as a great community partner for allowing the display to be held on its property. The CA board members have been bombarded with suggestions that fireworks be held again next year. “We do not

want to ignore those voices, but we can’t pay for it with member dues. It would have to be funded with community donations,” said Leblanc. “I’ve agreed to head a committee to raise $20,000 to cover any cost increase in 2012 and add music to the display.” She said that the first donation was received as soon as she mentioned the decision to a resident. The Community Association has established an account to receive donations. Checks should be made payable to the SCC Community Association— and marked “For fireworks display.” Mail or deliver them to the association office at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center FL 33573. All contributors will be recognized in some fashion to be determined later.

813-633-8855 Mon-Fri. 9am-4pm or Call For Appointment You have the right to be 100% satisfied with the Home Health Care you receive

“ We guarantee that we will be sensitive to your needs while respecting your pride and independence. Please call us.”

Lindy Blythe, Director of Operations

All Accessible caregivers must pledge to uphold our “Caregivers Ten Commandments”

Investigated, Trained & Experienced Caregivers

RNs/LPNs Private Duty Nursing Wound Care Therapy Services Medication Management Personal Hygiene Bathing/Dressing Meal Preparation Transportation

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The Center for Joint & Spine Care at South Bay Hospital provides full-service orthopedic and spine care, from digital x-rays to rehabilitation, and everything in between. Our experienced and professional orthopedic and neurosurgeons, working with our radiologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and orthopedic certified nurses (ONC), ensure that you receive optimal care in a comfortable setting.

Our new Center offers:  Full service orthopedic and spine care  Experienced orthopedic and neurosurgeons  Nurses certified in orthopedics (National Association of Orthopedic Nurses)  Preoperative education classes  Private and newly remodeled patient rooms

For more information about our center, community lectures, health information and physician referrals, call us at 1-888-685-1595 or visit

4016 Sun City Center Blvd. • Sun City Center, Florida • (813) 634-3301 •

4 Page


The News of Kings Point

August, 2011


1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

WORTHINGSTON model with great pool area and a panoramic view of the Lake and Conservatio area. Large open kitchen, inside utility room, split bedroom plan with very comfortable master bedroom suite. Lots of storage cabinets plus a work bench in garage. This nicely landscaped lot has what it takes for comfortable Southern living.

EXPANDED TWINTREE with a very open floor plan, 1756 heated sq ft with Custom window treatments throughout. Upgraded carpeting, new vinyl in Kitchen, laundry room, and both bathrooms. Home was recently painted including garage floor.$67.00 month covers lawncare. This is a delightful must see listing.

BRENTWOOD II This home is in a peaceful Kingspoint location with WATER and CONSERVATION with lots of birds and wildlife. Recently painted inside with neutral colors for easy decorating. Ideal for year round or seasonal living. Adjoining home (roof mate) is also available. Lots of activities to kkep you busy in this community.

WINDSOR Nicely furnished 2/2 home including pots, pans, linens, large screen TV. Move in condition!! Bring your suitcase and enjoy the wonderful Kingspoint lifestyle. Glass enclosed lanai offers a nice view of the golf course and adds 160 sq ft of C/H/A not included in tax rolls for a total of 1120 square feet. Addl 8x10 lanai could be converted to golf cart room.

2047 Berry Roberts Drive $265,000

1611 Bentwood Drive $125,000

2020 Hawkhurst Circle $68,500

1903 Canterbury Lane B-16 $39,900

2047 Berry Roberts

3/3 $265,000

Worthington-Pool Home on Conservation

1506 Cherry Hills

2/2 $ 84,900

DW37 Newly Renovated, shows nicely

2326 W. Del Webb

3/3 $189,900

St Croix 2 Story Waterfront, Garden Tub

2018 Hawkhurst

2/2 $79,900

Brentwood I-Pond & Conserv-Open Plan

1913 E. View Dr.

2/2 $187,000

Custom Built, 4th Fairway Caloosa Club

1513 Chevy Chase

2/2 $72,900

T-2 Full Furn-Nice Neighborhood

1910 New Bedford

2/2 $185,000

Islander-Golf Course, Entertainers Dream

2212 Hartlebury Way

2/2 $69,900

Sunrise-Large open back yard

2102 W, View Drive

2/2 $178,900

Custom Blt Water, Split Bedroom Plan

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $49,900

Exp Hampton-Just Reduced Make Offer

832 Regal Manor

2/2 $175,000

Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

411 Flanborough Trl.#B

2/2 $49,900

Stuart-Beautifully Furnished “Must See”

803 El Rancho

2/2 $175,000

Long Branch-Pool, Water, Tile Roof

306B Fowling Ct

2/2 $44,900

Windsor-Lite Bright Close to amenities

415 Shellpoint E

3/2 $155,000

Income Property with 2 Bed Apt

1903 Canterbury B-16

2/2 $39,900

Windsor move in cond-Nicely Furn As-Is

607 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $149,900

DW-57 Golf and Water View

1904 Canterbury M22

2/2 $35,000

Stuart-Furn, CPVC Plumb, Encl Lanai

1257 Corinth Greens

2/2 $139,900

Amherst Golf Course , Heat pump

301 Kings Blvd F-143

1/1.5 $29,900

Mansard Nicely Furn Newer Kitchen

1705 Orchid Court

2/2 $127,900

Windjammer-Courtyrd Entry,Cul de sac

301 Kings Blvd F-130

1/1.5 $29,900

Mansard Furnished +Newer Appliances

1611 Bentwood

2/2 $125,000

Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $24,900

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

1321 Bluewater Dr.

2/2 $ 99,900

New Kitchen 2009, Sharp, + Hot Tub

202 Bedford Trl. E111

Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you

1512 N Pebble Beach

2/2 $ 89,900

Dedham-Freshly painted, New garg door

1/1.5 $24,000



Man 1

$ 680

Near Clubhouse

308 Caloosa Woods



$1,100 First Rate

2202 Clubhouse H174


Gable 1

$ 750

Walk 2 pool/club

1001 Yellowbird



$1,150 Waterfront

408B Flanborough



$ 750

Light & Bright

1008 Bluewater Dr



$1,200 Waterfront

1306 Burbank



$ 750

Guest Bedroom

1809 Burlington Circle



$1,200 Waterfront

1801 Bedford B46


Man 1

$ 775

Sharp as a tack

1601 Brookton Greens



$1,200 All Tile New, New

617 LaJolla Ave



$ 775

Cozy & Comfy

1752 S Pebble Beach



$1,300 + Den, WATER

1811 Bedford G164


Man 2

$ 795

Model perfect

206 Andover N 93



$ 800

Nw kitchen/tile flr

307 Knottwood



$ 850

Walk to Pool

702 Augusta Drive



$ 750

Conv Location

1903 Canterbury B-3



$ 850

Golf + Pond

120 Gloucester



$ 775

Level encl Lanai

1912 Grand Cypress



$ 850

Popular Hood

714 Thunderbird



$ 825

Garage CLEAN

1715 Atrium



$ 875


509B Foxglove Cir



$ 850

New carpet

1004 Beach Blvd



$ 875

Walk to ALL

2232 Grenadier Dr



$ 890

Unfurn Spotless

2316 Gainsborough Lp



$ 875

Large LR clean

211 Glenellen


X Hampton

$ 900

2 Screen Porches

1201 Wildfeather



$ 950

Sharp corner 2G

1611 Bentwood Dr



$ 975

Lanai +BBQ Area

324 Green Manor



$ 950

South side

705 Churchill Pl



$ 925


2012 Heathfield



$ 995

Fabulous Water

1622 Faxton



$ 995

Split Bdrm Vault

1921 N Pebble Beach



$1,000 Pristine comfort

314 LaJolla



$1,000 Large Bedroo

309 Stroll Lane



$1,000 1800 sq ft / split plan

1730 Council Drive


Exp T-2


502 LaJolla



$1,100 Pet Friendly

911 Staffordshire



$1,200 Unfurn 2G Newer


Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!


the Wo in

News of


Page 5

Where in the World is NOKP?

d is rl

Whe r

2011, August The News of Kings Point

nt i o P gs

Beginning in June 2011, the News of Kings Point will debut a new feature called: “Where in the World is the News of Kings Point.” We know many of you folks love to travel almost as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So, when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to take along your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper with the News of Kings Point header visible and send a digital image to so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention…THERE’S A PRIZE!!!! The esteemed travel experts at Legendary Journeys have generously agreed to sponsor this new feature by donating a. ONE-WEEK CARIBBEAN CRUISE. That’s right! Each year we will be drawing a name from our submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesy of Legendary Journeys and NOKP.

Diane and Carl Meinardus and Carol and Ray Glover of Jameson Greens took time from their Rhine River Cruise in June to pose with the News of Kings Point. Shonnee Conery, of Highgate IV, and her husband took a copy of NOKP on their trip to Europe. Here she is in front of Stonehenge.

Contest runs from May 1, 2011 to April 31, 2012, so get those photos in! Details are available, by request, from

Back in RhythM after Heart Valve Surgery at Manatee Memorial Three years ago, my physician recommended hospice care. My wife took me home instead. Now, with the help of heart valve surgery at Manatee Memorial Hospital, I am doing great. The warmth of the hospital staff is unmatched anywhere else I’ve ever been, and Dr. Golino’s care was excellent. He called my wife the night before my surgery just to check on how she was doing.

Sun City Center residents Roger L. Hackbarth (center) and wife Trude Hackbarth with Alessandro Golino, MD, Chief of Surgery at Manatee Memorial. Dr. Golino had a 100 percent success rate for mitral valve surgery from January 2009 through December 2009.* Nationally, the overall success rate for mitral valve repair is less than 60 percent. *According to data from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons

I only had one complaint … they gave me too much good food while I was there. – Roger L. Hackbarth, valve surgery patient

When the heart’s valve doesn’t close all the way, it can leak a small amount of blood. Surgeons at Manatee Memorial can access the valve through the breastbone and repair it to create a tighter seal. For more information about heart valve surgery at Manatee Memorial, please call 941.745.7572.

206 Second Street East Bradenton, FL 34208 Get the free mobile app at

Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

6 Page

The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Spotlight Br with end


Cloud is a gray-silver female domestic short hair. She tends to be on the shy side but can be pryed out of her shell for a pleasurable up front petting experience. Cloud was found as a stray but is making great strides to fit in and she just wants to go to her forever home soon. She has been spayed and brought up-to-date on her shots, and microchipped. Visit Cloud and make her part of your family. DOB: Approx. January 2, 2010

a W ise


Meet the Beckers

By Brenda Wiseman If we had the time, I would still be sitting with Jean and Joe Becker on their patio listening to the adventures of their lives. And what mind grabbing adventures they are-- told with passion, sincerity and an infectious gleam in the eye! The Beckers moved to Sifield Greens Way four years ago from Lakewood Ranch. The first weekend in Kings Point they hosted a wine and cheese party where they found friendly, new neighbors. That’s how this couple rolls. If they see something they want to attempt or investigate-they do it! As they both say, “Do it with a smile, or don’t do it!” Before we sat down to indulge in conversation, Jean gave me a tour of their condo. They each have their own office and we began our tour in the “man cave.” Joe’s office is a reflection of the man. It is neat, organized and holds many diverse projects which boggled my mind. His toy inventions, notably, the U-Fly-It, was seen on the Johnny Carson Show, invented for his own kids and used by pilots for training, is located high on a bookshelf. His love of music and song is apparent as he talks about rehearsing for “Fiddler on the Roof” and the grueling schedule. I also got a glimpse into his hobbies as he explained his love of little theater for the last 15-20 years. Not to mention his appearance in the Tampa Bay Senior Idol Competition. As we moved into Jean’s office, I spied a copy of her book, An Orphan’s Song, sitting on her desk. A desk, which by the way

Gumbo is a spunky Shih Tzu who was found wandering alone and in rough condition. He is now receiving the TLC and medical care that he needs. We expect him to bounce back in no time. Gumbo is easy going and has a very endearing personality. His quirky smile is sure to make you laugh. Gumbo is anxious to find a place to call home. Could that be with you? As part of his adoption, Gumbo will be neutered, microchipped, and brought current on his shots. DOB: July 2, 2006 was built by Joe, as was all the furniture in her office. Jean’s book recounts her experiences growing up as an orphan, went into a second printing with added material after she found her sister and is being used as a textbook in college courses. Jean’s computer was humming with her latest projects. All these projects mirror her outlook on life-caring and sharing. When we sat down to talk, I was struck by not only the couple’s accomplishments, but with their beautiful attitude toward life. It starts with Jean’s caring and sharing, at which Joe vigorously nodded his head in agreement and continued with Joe’s three words for life--communication, tolerance and forgiveness, to which Jean vigorously nodded her head in agreement. The Beckers find joy in all they do for others. When Jean turned 75 she requested that partygoers bring food for a local food bank instead of gifts for her. As she asked, “How many pairs of slippers can an old lady use?” Many pounds of food were picked up by the food bank at the Kings Point Clubhouse, and a good time was had by all. Especially the kids who could chow down on peanut butter later! Jean and Joe have been married for 56 years and are parents of four children. All of their children have inherited their parents’ talented genes. That includes son, Tom, who, according to mom and dad, took up the guitar to help him overcome his shyness. Now he happily sings for his supper as a member of the New Christy Minstrels. Tom is especially proud of writing a song entitled “Sailor” which he performed for a U.S. Navy Memorial fundraiser in Washington, D.C. The song is now sold on a CD in Navy PXs around the world to continue raising money for the Navy Memorial Foundation. Tom says, “I always look for a positive edge…” I guess it is true-the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

August, 2011

C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit or call 813-645-2273 Feline Folks will conduct its Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic (OFF) . Operation Feline Fix for free-roaming cats on Saturday, Aug 20th, 2011. at C.A.R.E in Ruskin. $10 per Cat or Kitten [must weigh 4 pounds and be at . least 4 months old]. No soft-sided carriers allowed.. Only one cat per trap or hard-sided carrier. . Reservation Required.. Must call – 813 633-7302.. Drop-off time at C.A.R.E. – 7:30 a.m. . Pickup time – 2:30 p.m. You have the right to be 100% satisfied with the Home Health Care you receive

“ We guarantee that we will be sensitive to your needs while respecting your pride and independence. Please call us.”

Lindy Blythe, Director of Operations

All Accessible caregivers must pledge to uphold our “Caregivers Ten Commandments”

Investigated, Trained & Experienced Caregivers

RNs/LPNs Private Duty Nursing Wound Care Therapy Services Medication Management Personal Hygiene Bathing/Dressing Meal Preparation Transportation

“We Accept, File & Collect from Most Insurance Carriers”

887-403-7947 (24/7)

We’re Saving the Next Dance for you!

Join us on the third Thursday of each month for an evening of good fun and entertainment at the all-new Freedom Plaza Dance club. Each dance will feature “live music” by a different, popular local artist. The Dance Club promises to be a great way to jump start the weekend and introduce you to the relaxed, active lifestyle at Freedom Plaza.

3rd Thursday of each monTh 7 To 9:30 p.m. in The freedom plaza audiTorium Complimentary admission Affordable cash bar offering beer, wine and sodas ReseRvations: Call (813) 634-1824 thursday, august 18: Popular Music by “Mario” thursday, september15: Speak Easy with “Thor Stevens” A Life Care Community Exceptional Experiences Every DaySM 1010 American Eagle Boulevard, Apt. 114 Sun City Center, Florida 33573 Sponsored by the Retired Officers’ Corp. Open to folks from all walks of life. Exceptional Experiences Every Day is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. 51111EF-ROP02-0811 LB

2011, August The News of Kings Point

Page 7

The Mango Festival Was Fruit-tastic!

By NOKP Staff Each month in the pages of the News of Kings Point our community’s resident floriculture expert, Anne Pidgeon, answers your questions about growing things. Recently, Anne held a festival at her Wonderful World of Colorfield farms. Over 2,500 guests attended the weekendlong event celebrating that tasty tropical fruit, the mango! “People came from all over

Anne answers a question about mangos.

the place, even as far away as Georgia.” Attendees learned about growing tropical fruit in Central Florida, got culinary tips with a mango flavor, discovered tips about mango trees and learned how to select the very best mango varieties. Best of all, there were FREE mango tastings all weekend long. “We had over 20 different varieties of mango to sample, so everyone had a chance to find their favorite.” The often-fickle July weather held, offering sunny skies overhead while the tropical

tunes of a steel drum band provided a soundtrack for the festivities. “Everybody seemed to have a really good time.” Anne reported, “I was very pleased at how it all turned out.” The Colorfield Farms nursery and garden center is open 7 seven days a week, from 9 AM to 5 PM and is located at 8221 Hwy 674 Wimauma, Florida 33598. Call 813.833.2545 or visit www. for more information. If you missed the event, enjoy these pictures. And if you have a question you would like Anne to answer, email us at editor@ Put QUESTION FOR ANNE in the subject line.

The freshest honey you can get! A lively crowd listened and learned about mangos.

A bright spot in the Colorfield Garden. A little island spice at the festival!

More Pictures on Page 16

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33573 is provided by Jim and Nell Taze from items submitted to them for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the previous month. Jim and Nell Taze also publish Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website Send all events by e-mail to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www.SCCAdsAndEvents. com which is updated every weekend. MON. AUG 1 - FRI. AUG 5 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PROGRAM - PANDAMANIA 5:45 - 8:45 p.m. St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, Ruskin Campus, 705 9th St. S.E. There is no charge to attend. Info: and to register, please call 645.1521. For young children 5-11 years old. Program begins with dinner and features Bible-learning, crafts, music, games, and a mission project. For all the children in the community. At Pandamania VBS, children explore a bamboo forest full of fun-loving pandas as Psalm 139 comes to life. They share God Sightings and decorate backpacks for homeless. MON. AUG 1 - FRI. AUG 5 - A PROGRAM FOR YOUTH 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, Sun City Center Campus, 1015 E. Del Webb Blvd. There is no charge to attend. Please call 645.1521 for information or to register. Program for youth entering the 6th grades and higher. Program begins with dinner and features Bible-learning, crafts, music, games, and a mission project. TUE. AUG 2 - SUN CITY CENTER ESTATE PLANNING DISCUSSION 12 noon. Cypress Village Golf Club, E-Mail Spencer Faircloth for reservations. Group will hold their luncheon meeting. Speaker will be Honorable Pat Frank, Clerk 13th Judicial Circuit. She will discuss the operation and procedure of the Office of the Clerk of Court. Members, guest and attorneys,

The News of Kings Point

CPA’s, Bank and Trust Officers and CFP’s who have offices in SCC are invited to attend. Attendees order from the menu and pay for what they order. TUE. AUG 2 - CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE “CHF” SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Join our facilitator Shayne Kull, MSR, from Hometown Homecare as she introduces you to a cutting edge resources. This group is exclusively for those living with heart failure and their families and caregivers. WED. AUG 3 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY - ORIENTAL MEDICINE 10:00 a.m. Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. The Chakra Center 813.633.9400. w w w . t h e c h a k r a c e n t e r . n e t . Speaker: Cathy Hoffman, Director of Oriental Medicine. WED. AUG 3 - COMMANDER SEAN REILLY, USCG, TO ADDRESS MOAA 11:00 a.m. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. $14. Reservations can be made by calling 877.332.3016 no later than the Sun. before the Wed. meeting. CDR, Reilly will be the featured speaker. He has had numerous assignments during his career, including Marine inspectors, Casualty investigations, Contingency Planning, Aids to Navigation and Port Operations. He will be speaking on the activities of the Coast Guard in the Tampa Bay Area. THU. AUG 4 - SURVIVING THE SUMMER CINEMA: “SEABISCUIT” 1:00 p.m. The Fun Brigade of the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. FREE. Info: Paula Lickfeldt 633.6639 or Karl Buffington 634.7062. Popcorn, soda and candy available for purchase. Remember to bring your family, friends and neighbors. A Free movie will be available every Thursday during the summer. All are welcome. FRI. AUG 5, 12, 19, 26 - KINGS POINT DUPLICATE BRIDGE ASSOCIATION 12:30 p.m. Kings Point card room. Info: Pat 938-3154. The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association announces a new ACBL approved Friday afternoon game. NLM (nonlife masters). Join a friendly group of bridge players in the comfortable Kings Point North Clubhouse. Show security your ACBL card to gain entrance. Please go to www. and click on the WEEKLY and MONTHLY link for this event in the future. SAT. AUG 6 - CAMP BAYOU’S ANNUAL BACK TO SCHOOL-BACK TO NATURE EVENT 9:00 a.m. - Noon. Camp Bayou is located 3 miles south of SR674 at the end of 24th St SE in Ruskin. Free. More info: website http://www.campbayou. org or call 813.641.8545. Registered families will visit several nature stations where they will learn something about frogs, fossils, forests or one of several nature topics. Children will be given a free school item. This year we will again hold a Teacher Exchange- an area for educators to leave materials they no longer need and pick up something new. SAT. AUG 6 - VEGETARIANISM: A HEALTHY CHOICE & RAW FOOD COOKING DEMO 1:00 p.m. SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Free Event. Info: Denise Anderson 941.284.4612. SilverbackPeaceGroup@gmail. com. Learn about vegetarianism and the many healthy benefits associated with it. View a raw food cooking demonstration. Literature, snacks, and beverages will be provided. SAT. AUG 6 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:30 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. SCC. Members free, guests $6.00. Info: Jean Kostka 813.634.1235. Dressy Attire; BYOB;

No lesson this month. Everyone Welcome. Substituting for Bernice May will be DJ Darlene Meadows. SUN. AUG 7 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Members $3. Non-Members $5. Info: Janet 633.3558. Live music by Thor Stevens. BYOB, Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress (no jeans/shorts). We will be collecting donated items (small stuffed animals, one-use eye-drops, wipes, etc.) for the Care packages for our troops. We will also pickup any donations. Call Janet 633.3558. TUE. AUG 9 - UNPREPARED? GET PREPARED! FREE SEMINAR 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. Free. Register online at or call 1.855.690.4673. If you got a call today and learned a loved one had an illness or was involved in a serious accident, what would you do? Find answers at this Free Seminar, Expo with Door Prizes, Food, Gift Baskets. Over ten prominent speakers including UMC’s Congregational Care CoCoach, Doug Moore. This is an absolute necessity for anyone who currently cares for someone else or wants to be prepared when that day comes. TUE. AUG 9 - COPD SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Joy Barlaan, ARNP and Jan Whitaker, LPN from Ace homecare have over 50 combined years of experience and will be your facilitators. Your available resources are endless! TUE. AUG 9 - SCC PHOTO CLUB MEETS 6:30 p.m. Tutorial. 7:00 p.m. Program begins with a short business meeting. Caper Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Club member Matt Batt will demonstrate free utilities for PC’s that will help photographers in such areas as resizing photos, finding duplicate photos, restoring accidentally deleted photos, syncing file directories, organizing your desktop and keeping your computer running smoothly. Website http://www. or visit learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Dr. WED. AUG 10 - GROWING GOODNESS METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY 10:00 a.m. Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Free, Info: Ed Leary 813.383.7594. Speaker: Sue Meixner, a Licensed Psychotherapist, Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, Inspirational Speaker and current president of the SCC Metaphysical Society. Using a blend of Spiritual Principles and Psychology, Sue provides the knowledge and tools needed to grow goodness in all aspects of our lives. WED. AUG 10 - OLD FASHION ICE CREAM SOCIAL 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. With music from 50’s performed by Eddie Fisher. Join us for this cool summer time event! THU. AUG 11 - STOP INCONTINENCE 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Alicia C. Garner PT, PMDB presents “Stop Incontinence!” This informative session is for you or someone you love who suffers from urinary or bowel incontinence. You will be surprised at the results available to you without medications or surgery. Don’t miss this opportunity for answers. MON. AUG 11 - SOUTH SHORE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION LUNCH/MEETING 11:00 a.m. Doors Open. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Luncheon and program. Club Renaissance, 2121 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. $17.00 inclusive. Reservations or cancellations before noon Mon. Aug 8, call 813.938.4320

August, 2011

or 813.383.7540 or email aunt. Speaker: Cindy Churchill, director of Steppin’ Stone Farm will speak about “AT RISK” for teenage girls. All ladies welcome, no membership required. Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries. Sponsored by South Shore Christian Women’s Conn. THU. AUG 11 - SURVIVING THE SUMMER CINEMA: “THE BUCKET LIST” 1:00 p.m. The Fun Brigade of the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. FREE. Info: Paula Lickfeldt 633.6639 or Karl Buffington 634.7062. Popcorn, soda and candy available for purchase. Remember to bring your family, friends and neighbors. A Free movie will be available every Thursday during the summer. All are welcome. THU. AUG 11 - MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional facilitates this support group for those suffering from depression, loss or grief or are the caregivers of someone facing those issues. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging and The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. FRI. AUG 12 - FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES “WHAT IF?” 6:00 p.m. Doors open with aroma of coffee, popcorn and homemade cookies. Other beverages also served. Free. United Methodist Church of SCC, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. 6:30 p.m. movie starts. Movie is about a young man who left his college sweetheart and his calling to be a preacher, to see a business career. After fifteen years, and working himself up to become a highpaying executive, having a trophy fiancé and a new Mercedes, he has an opportunity of seeing what life would have been like. FRI. AUG 12 - SOUTH SHORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA’S FIRST CONCERT OF SEASON 7:00 p.m. St. Anne Catholic Church, Corner 11th Ave NE and Route 41, Ruskin. First concert will be a Free concert with a goodwill offering. No tickets required. Under the direction of its new Artistic Director and Primary Conductor, Dr. Susan B. Robinson. Future concerts: Oct 7, Dec 9, Feb 10, Mar23 and May 4th will be $18 each or 5 concerts for $90. To purchase tickets visit SSSO web site at or call 813.667. ssso (7776). Mr. Galati is president, founder and Associate Conductor. SUN. AUG 14 - SOUND THE SHOFAR 2:00 p.m. South Shore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Info: Pastor David 477.1517. Pastor David Jones of Ruach Ministries in Brandon will continue with “Teaching Torah from a Messianic perspective”. Everyone is welcome to attend. SUN. AUG 14 - OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Community hall, South CA Campus. Members free. $5 per person for guest. Info: 633.5649. Entertainment by Sundown. BYOB. Singles are welcome. Dress is casual. MON. AUG 15 - COMPUTER CLUB CLASS: “VIRUS REMOVAL WORKSHOP” 9:00 A.M. This threehour session will be held in the Computer Club classroom, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. SCC. Tuition is $10. Info: Bob Wehrle 633.4516. If you wish to learn how to protect yourself from viruses, and/or how to remove them, this is for you. . Enroll at the Club’s Atrium Building Classroom, daily except Sun. from 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. All SCC and KP residents are invited to enroll. TUE. AUG 16 - COMPUTER CLUB CLASSES “INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS” 10:00 a.m. This is 33573 Continued on Page 9

2011, August The News of Kings Point

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33573 From Page 8 a four-session course and will continue on successive Tuesdays. The Computer Club, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. SCC. Tuition $20. Tuition $20. Info: Bob Wehrle 633.4516. Enroll at the Club’s Atrium Building Classroom, daily except Sun. from 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. All SCC and KP residents are invited to enroll. TUE. AUG 16 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Join Katie Colwell Williams, MA, CMC from Aging Care Advocates for our Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group. The needed resources are endless! WED. AUG 17 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Marcia A. McCall, M.T.S, retired Coordinator of Research Department of Neurology College of Medicine USF and co-author of “100 Questions and Answers about Parkinson’s” will be here for our Parkinson’s support group. WED. AUG 17 - KINGS POINT LINE DANCERS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Borini Theatre in Kings Point. Tickets available at the box office, $5.51. Info: Jan 634.6226. The Kings Point Line Dancers are celebrating everyone’s birthday. Line dancers and couples welcome. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB and setups, but the best cake in town in provided. THU. AUG 18 - “TRUSTS: OPENING THE BLACK BOX” 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Presented by: Justin Klatsky from Owens Law Group. Justin is an estate attorney focusing his practice on

wealth preservation. He has his Masters degree in tax law and serves as Co-Chairman of the Tax Section of the Hillsborough County Bar Association. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your financial future! THU. AUG 18 - PLAY BINGO AT THE UNITED COMMUNITY CHURCH 1:00 p.m. United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. No admission charge. Info: Paula Lichfeldt at 633.6739 or Karl Buffington at 634.7062. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship, great fun and prizes playing Bingo. The Fun Brigade is sponsoring this Bingo Party. Supplies are provided by the church, and there will be grab bag fun prizes. Snacks will be available for purchase. THU. AUG 18 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Alina Moser RN BSN from Vital Care Home Health Care will facilitate this group. If you are facing the challenges of low vision or caring for a loved one facing this issue, this support group is a must! A FREE quick vision health questionnaire assessment will be provided. FRI. AUG 19 - JUDY ROGERS SINGER AND STORYTELLER 6:30 p.m. United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. A donation of $5 is requested at the door. Info: Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, 813.634.2539 www.sccumc. com. SUN. AUG 21 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Florida Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Members $3. Non-Members $5. Info: Bobbie 813.215.7127. Dance to the music of Thor Stevens. BYOB. Ice, water, snacks provided. Proper

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dress (no jeans/shorts). Care package donations for troops will be accepted. TUE AUG 23 - WWII VETERANS: HONOR FLIGHT OF WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. World War II Veterans, This is for you! Honor Flight of West Central Florida (HFWCF) provides all-expense paid flights to World War II veterans in the Tampa Bay area to visit their memorials in Washington, D.C. Please attend as James Haake presents this topic. WED. AUG 24 - ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND DEMENTIA - PART 2 11:00 a.m. Box Lunch will be served with presentation to follow. Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Ct. Reservations Required. 813.633.4340. Presented by Carol White, MSW, CDP, Brookdale Senior Living. 3 Part Presentation: 2nd Part: Aug 24: Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s. Now What? 3rd Part: Sep 21: the Truth About Dementia medications. WED. AUG 24 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Please join Shelley Tanner, R.N. from Angels Care Home Health as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” THU. AUG 25 - MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional facilitates this support group for those suffering from depression, loss or grief or are the caregivers of someone facing those issues. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging and The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center.

THU. AUG 25 - MOONGLOW DANCE CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, South CA Campus. Members are already paid. Guests $5 at the door. Info: Al 633.8170 or Claire 642.0171. Dressy casual. Singles welcome. Live music by Mercy. FRI. AUG 26 - CHILDREN OF AGING PARENTS (C.O.A.P) SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. This is an ongoing support group for individuals who are assisting and/ or caring for older, adult parents. Facilitated by Mimi Buderas, owner of Right At Home in-home care and assistance. For more information about the group, please visit: www. SUN. AUG 28 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Main Clubhouse Studio. Admission is $5.00. Info: Jeanette 634.5660. Come dance to the music of Thor Stevens and mingle with new and old friends. BYOB. Ice, water provided. Dressy/casual attire (no jeans/shorts). We will still be accepting donations for our troops. TUE. AUG 30 - CONSIDERING JOINT REPLACEMENT? 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Free. 813.634.3347. South Bay Hospital presents Aaron Gibson, Rehab manager who will be addressing the question: “Considering Joint Replacement?” If this possibility is in your future, you don’t want to miss this informative session! PLEASE NOTE: The Above Section Contains ONLY information about SPECIAL EVENTS. For WEEKLY, MONTHLY & ONGOING MEETINGS, go to www.SCCAdsAndEvents. com and click on the Weekly & Monthly Meetings link.

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The News of Kings Point

August, 2011

B U L L E T I N Senior Friendly Fest will be a blast!

Hey Seniors! Join us for the 3rd annual Senior Friendly Fest, August 4, 2011 at the Sun City Community Hall, South Campus. This event will bring all the great things that our Fun Fests are known for, and more! Free Admission! Free Parking! A Senior Friendly lunch only $3.50, or bring your own lunch. Free coffee and goodies provided by our friends at Costco all day long. Over 70 Senior Friendly exhibitors will provide information on services and programs in the area. Plus many important Free Health Screenings will be available throughout the day. Entertainment will include the popular Denise Looney, the “DJ with a Twist,” Richie Merritt of the Marcels, and Introducing Troy Coman, Bright House Networks Bright Star Finalist. Enjoy Luis of A-1 Magic with his magic and balloons. Of course there will be Free Bingo, Putting green, Beanbag toss and basketball throw for prizes. Chances to win $1,000 in prizes and giveaways throughout the day. Come on out...bring a friend and enjoy the day inside the air conditioned Community Hall, located at 1910 S. Pebble Beach, Blvd. Sun City Center. Doors open at 9 a.m. and close at 2 PM. Call 813.653.1988 for information. See you there!

Robert Hopkins is one of the many volunteer teachers who offer classes through the Computer Club. In this picture he is teaching Introduction to Computers. This course is for the novice user of computers. The course teaches the basic introduction of the computer functions. Functions that include how to double click, get on the Internet, access and use the many programs and commands of the computer.

Bingo Fun Bingo

Model Train Event at Palmetto Historical Park!

Everyone is invited to come and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship, great fun, and prizes playing Bingo at the United Community Church, <>, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center. The Fun Brigade is sponsoring this Bingo Party on Thursday, August 18 at 1:00 PM. There is no admission charge, supplies are provided by the church, and there will be grab bag fun prizes. Snacks will be Photo by Hazel Martin available for purchase. Paula Seated L to R: Jean Fenney, Larry Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl Piechoski, Clare Fenney and Karl Buffington at 634-7062 for Buffington. Standing L to R: Paula further information. Lickfeldt and Linda Shaw

The Singing Tree @ Rollins Theater

Singing Tree is an acoustic duo playing folk music on a hammered dulcimer and a double bass with a classical twist. Singing Tree performs a wide variety of folk music from around the world employing traditional, classical and contemporary styles of arrangement and performance. This program consistently leaves audiences surprised and elated with both the vibrant acoustic sound of the instruments and the originality and inventiveness of the arrangements. The Singing Tree will take place at the Rollins Theater Sunday, October 9, 2011, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Tickets ($10/person) will go on sale Tuesday, September 6, 9:00 a.m.-noon, Community Association Office. Info 642-2001. Reserved seats. Open to the public.

Kings Point Bridge

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association announces a new ACBL approved Friday afternoon game. The NLM (non-life masters) game will be held in the Kings Point card room at 12:30. Join a friendly group of bridge players in the comfortable Kings Point North Clubhouse. Show security your ACBL card to gain entrance. For information call Pat 813.938.3154.

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Palmetto Historical Park and Manatee County Agricultural Museum’s summer social will be a “Model Train Social.” Held over two days on Friday, August 5th from 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm and Saturday, August 6th, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, this family event is sure to please any train enthusiast. The Florida Garden Railway Society and Real Rail will be visiting and bringing their model trains. There will be trains set up all over the park as well as two Speeders. A hands-on train play area, train crafts, train activities, and train movies are all part of the event. Included will be a Thomas the Tank Engine set-up and a Tropicana set-up. There will even be several contests to participate in and a swap session that will be open to the public. Come visit the park and have a great time! Word of Mouth BBQ will be selling lunches on both days and Alex’s Lemonade Stand will be raising funds for childhood cancer research. This family event is FREE! The park is located at 515 - 10th Ave. West, Palmetto. For more information, call 721-2034 or 723-4991. This event is sponsored by R.B. Chips Shore, Manatee County Clerk of the Circuit Court, Palmetto Historical Commission, Manatee County Agricultural Museum, Inc., & the City of Palmetto.

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance club welcomes you to our Dance on Wednesday, August 17th Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by “dj” Darlene, with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual. Members Free Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks. For more information call 813.633.7173.

2011, August The News of Kings Point

UCC Mission of the Month

A mission that the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, heart fully supports is the Southeastern Guide Dogs. A special program they provide is the Paws for Patriots. This is a service provided free of charge for qualified veterans and very meaningful to the church. Paula Paula Lickfeldt, Development Associate Lickfeldt, member Darren Rivera of Southeastern Guide Dogs of the Mission Board presented a donation to Development Associate Darren Rivera from the congregation. For further information, please contact Southeastern Guide Dogs at 941-729-5665 or email

Beth Israel Sisterhood

Summer may be here, but Beth Israel Sisterhood of Sun City Center hopes you will take advantage of their Rosh Hashana gift package offer celebrating the holiday of Rosh Hashana, which is on September 28tth of this year. It is a gift boxed 8-ounce jar of honey, gift card and postage included, for $10.00 per box. Checks are made out to Beth Israel Sisterhood and can be sent to Carol Sisskin, 1609 Laughton Place, Sun City Center, FL. 33573. She can be reached at 813-6429266. Orders must be in by August 10th. Sisterhood has a wonderful Judaica shop stocked with lovely gifts for every occasion. Elayne Grossman is the person to see about purchases. It is open on Friday nights before services, and also before Sisterhood meetings. Stop by, or call Elayne at 813-634-9993. You won’t leave empty handed, for sure. The Temple is located at 1115 Del Webb Blvd. Sun City Center.

NCWS Makes a Patriotic Contribution

Phyllis Butner, pianist, (L), & Ev Villa, liturgist, (R) are shown presenting checks from (NCWS) Nondenominational Christian Worship Services to Uta Kuhn, President of Patriots Club of SCC. The donation of $1,477 was given from love offerings for the month of June. Uta Kuhn said, “The donation from NCWS will help to fund the installation/removal of, & replacement of faded/tattered flags. It will also help the Patriots Club to expand its projects in order to promote patriotism in our community. We are very thankful & grateful to NCWS for their continued support to this worthy project.”

Fun Brigade Fun

The Fun Brigade of the United Community Church, http://, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center is featuring many events for the community where everyone is invited and will be welcomed. The Summer Cinema continues with “Seabiscuit” on Thursday, August 4th at 1:00 pm and the film “The Bucket List” on Thursday, August 11th at 1:00 pm. There is no admission charge and snacks/beverages are available for purchase. On Thursday, August 18, at 1:00 pm, enjoy an afternoon of Bingo. Again, no admission charge and great grab bag fun prizes. Watch for the news of the Vintage Style Show on Tuesday, September 6th at 2:00 pm. We would be so happy to have you in the show------easy, just sign up in the Narthex or church office. What is Vintage???That is any clothing you wore before the year 2000. Oh dear, that is most of my closet, oh well. A great feature of the day will be the potluck hors d’oeuvres party, after the show. Remember, September 6th at 2:00 PM, come for fun to enjoy the show and even more fun, wear that great old dress or sport coat from the last decade or before. Best part, eat and share the delicious appetizer you made and brought to share. For further information, contact Paula Lickfeldt at 813-633-6739 or Karl Buffington at 813-634-7062.

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Old Fashioned July 4th Picnic

There was great joy and laughter as the United Community Church, http:// www.uccinscc. org, 1501 La Jolla Avenue enjoyed an old fashion Sunday a f t e r n o o n picnic in their Great Hall. The Fun Brigade Group planned Photo by Hazel Martin the event- L to R: Clare Fenney, Linda Shaw, Larry Piechoski, b a r b e q u e , and Karl Buffington potato salad, baked beans, cookies, brownies and lemonade on colorful dishes-it was super fun. The afternoon concluded with everyone singing patriotic songs led by Bill Barker and Tara Richards Swartzbaugh on keyboard. It really was special as no sunscreen needed or ants---just delicious food, music, fellowship, and fun.

Friday Night At The Movies

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center; 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, will be having our monthly Friday Night At The Movies; August 12, 2011. The name of the movie is “What If”. It is about a young man who left his college sweetheart and his calling to be a preacher, to seek a business career. After fifteen years, and working himself up to become a high-paying executive, having a trophy fiancé and a new Mercedes, he has an opportunity of seeing what his life would have been like had he taken the path God had intended for him. We will never know unless we see the picture. The main characters are played by Kevin Sorbo, Kristy Swanson, John Ratzengerger, who played the mailman in “Cheers” and Debby Ryan, often seen on the Disney Channel. The doors will open at 6:00 PM. with the aroma of coffee, popcorn and the smell of home made cookies. Other beverages will be served also. This is the time to relax and visit with friends and neighbors and to catch of the latest happenings. The lights will dim and the movie will start at 6:30 PM.

Cancer Concerns Group

Everyone is welcomed to join us, for the afternoon, on Friday, August 12 at 1:00 PM. The feature this month is “Day by Day to Wellness and Recovery”. Excellent information and the community support available for survivors, caregivers and those who enjoy learning and being informed There is no charge or reservations and the location is the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center. For further information, contact facilitator, Hazel Martin at 813.642.9020.

12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Wednesday, 6/29/2011

KP Ladies Nifty Niners

Course: Summerfield Play: Match 1st: tied at net 75’s Paul Maki & Art Swallow 2nd: Jim Stanton

Game played: July 7,2011 Game: Scramble Winning Team Carol Kowalski Tee Bomba Lorraine Rings Marge Miller

Friday, 7/1/2011

Course: Buffalo Creek Play: h-skins 1st: Denny Wintersteen, 2 skins 2nd: tied at 1 skin each – Tom Convery, John Apostolou & Paul Maki Low-net: Denny Wintersteen, 68 Low-gross: John Apostolou, 91 Also playing: Terry Upson, Jim Stanton & Roy Clark

Saturday, 7/9/2011

Course: The Links of Greenfield Plantation Objective: evaluate course for consideration to adding to the Hogans schedule 1st: John Kirkland,99 2nd: Art Swallow, 108 3rd: Melanie Higgins, 112 The 4th member of the Evaluation Team, . Sharlene Peter, was on vacation. Note: par 4, 362 yds from the senior T’s (cannot see fairway . from the tee box)

August, 2011

Melanie Higgins driving off tee#1:

Submitted by Lorraine Rings

Art Swallow off tee #13

Saturday, 7/16/2011

Course: River Run (Bradenton) Play: Match (no handicap) White T’s: Charles Ward (95) Senior T’s: Art Swallow (96) Rich Lucidi (97) Red T’s: Melanie Higgins (102)

Note: this is the third of four courses to be evaluated for consideration in adding courses to the Hogans SnoBird schedule (Nov 2011 – Apr 2012). This course will definitely be added to the schedule. Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact or visit The Club is open to all Sun City Center & Kings Point residents & their guests. Submitted by: Art Swallow

L-R: Rich Lucidi & Melanie Higgins (with Charles Ward’s shadow) putting on green #1. note the great condition of the course and its natural geography.

Kings Point Men’s Golf Leagues 2011 League Champion Fred Welsford

Fred & his wife Hazel have lived in Kings Point for 22 years. They have been married for 64 years. Fred is 92 & has been playing golf for 80 years. Fred recalls his first club he bought when he was 12, a 2 iron with a wooden shaft from a 5&10 cent store for 25 cents. Fred has had 9 Holes in one during his golf life. Fred is a joy to golf with. His short game is out of this world. Looking forward to many more years of fun on Fred with Jim Hoyt the links.

Bob Ewing hits a hole in one!

Bob hit a hole in one, on the first hole of the Championship round. Bob & his wife Arline live in Kings Point. Bob has been golfing for 43 years. In 2001 Bob suffered a stroke. Bob did not pick up a club until 2003, then started to teach himself to golf all over again. Bob never had a hole in one until after his stroke. Since then he has hade 6. Bob’s present handicap is 8. Bob is a very intense golfer. Bob With Jim Hoyt Every shot or stroke is thought out thoroughly. We are looking forward to many more years of golf with Fred & Bob. Two other winners in the tournament were Norm Kranz & Lawrenc Cloutier. Both men are snow birds & will receive their Trophies in the fall.

Jim Hoyt (Club Captain) Fred Welsford, Marty Leahy ( Golf Pro. & Club Links Rep.) Bob Ewing. Don Ashton, (Club Ast. Captain)

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to:

2011, August The News of Kings Point

Page 13

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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

Investment Ryan R. Hughes is a Senior Financial Consultant with Brownstone Wealth Management. He is available for consultation regarding all forms of wealth building and retirement protection vehicles. 813.961.6600.

Do You Have An Efficient Investment Portfolio?

By Ryan R. Hughes, Senior Financial Consultant, Brownstone Wealth Management Group Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation These days…getting the most out of what you have is critically important! The more efficient you become, the farther you can stretch your money. While many people can translate efficiency into their everyday finances through purchasing items on sale, coupon clipping, carpooling, etc….efficiency related to their investments is often overlooked. As noted at, the application of efficiency to investment portfolios is called Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). It was developed by Harry Markowitz and others during the 1950s and 1970s, and received the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences in 1990. MPT, as explained at Wikipedia.

org, attempts to maximize a portfolio’s expected return for a given amount of portfolio risk, or equivalently minimize risk for a given level of expected return, by carefully choosing the proportions of various assets. The result of this process provides a combination of assets, i.e. a portfolio, and is referred to as “efficient” if it has the best possible expected level of return for its level of risk (usually proxied by the standard deviation of the portfolio’s return). In simple terms, the theory, applied to your investments, attempts to get you the most out of what you have for the least amount of risk. When was the last time you looked at such an objective for your investments? Never? Occasionally? Today, many tools exist which make obtaining the goal of an efficient portfolio much easier to achieve. What is most important is for the investor

August, 2011

For more information, please call Ryan R. Hughes at 813961-6600 Ext. 202 at Brownstone Wealth Management Group, 207 E. Robertson St., Suite A, Brandon, FL 33511. INVEST Financial Corporation is not affiliated with Brownstone Wealth Management Group. INVEST Financial Corporation does not provide tax or legal advice. Please contact your tax and/or legal advisor for guidance on your particular situation. Securities, advisory services and insurance products offered through INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA, SIPC, and affiliated insurance agencies. to determine which approach they desire to take. Are you looking to decrease risk? Once you have determined the best approach for you, your investment professional should be able to help you get your portfolio fine-tuned and operating efficiently. Every dollar counts. Account for every dollar now so it is there for you in the future when you rely on it. Be efficient and your portfolio could be too. For more information or assistance, please call RYAN R. HUGHES at 813961-6600, Ext. 202, Brownstone Wealth Management Group, 207 E. Robertson St., Suite A, Brandon, FL 33511. Securities, advisory services, and insurance products offered through INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/ SIPC and affiliated insurance agencies. INVEST is not affiliated with Brownstone Wealth Management Group and does

not provide tax or legal advice. This article has been written for information purposes, does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of INVEST. EDITOR’S NOTE: The preceding article is presented for informative purposes only. The information offered in this article is strictly that of Ryan Hughes, Brownstone Wealth Management and INVEST, not the News of Kings Point. NOKP is a community news publication and is, in no way, endorsing a particular financial plan or investment vehicle. Those decisions should only be made with the aid of a qualified financial advisor, not by simply reading a topical editorial.

What’s on your

Bucket List?

Everyone has a Bucket List: A “wish list” of things to do before “moving on” to bigger and better places. But when it comes to fulfilling those wishes, getting started can be the hardest part. So your friends at Freedom Plaza Sun City Center are here to help. All you have to do is think about your “wish list” and share it with us, in writing, by August 12. Then join us on August 29 at 3 p.m. and we’ll draw one person’s name and make their wish come true. It’s a great way to contemplate the meaning of one’s life … the legacy you wish to leave behind … and to have a whole lot of fun, too! Make plans now to be here. In fact, put it on your list!

A Life Care Community Exceptional Experiences Every DaySM 1010 American Eagle Boulevard, Apt. 114 Sun City Center, Florida 33573

Submit Bucket List Wish in writing to: Cindy Graham at

Wishes Due: Friday, August 12 | Bucket List Drawing: Monday, August 29 at 3 p.m. Call (813) 634-1824 for more information. RSVP by August 25. Complimentary admission, food & refreshments Sponsored by the Retired Officers’ Corp. Open to folks from all walks of life. Exceptional Experiences Every Day is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. 51111EF-ROP01-0811 LB

2011, August The News of Kings Point

H&R Trains Keeps You on the Right Track By Eddie Dixon I was one of those kids who never got one. You know, that Christmas train set that you could set up and play with yearround, add to here and there – tiny cars, tiny buildings and tinier people going about their business in a miniature world. I have said for years I would start my own train set…but, until then, my favorite place to live the vicarious train set dream (other than the North Clubhouse model train room) is at H&R Trains in Pinellas Park. Florida’s top train store is now #2 in the NATION. One trip and it’s easy to see why. From wall to wall, trains and tracks are all you can see. Not sitting idle, mind you. There are always several tracks busy, trains chugging along, mesmerizing young folks and the young at heart in equal measures. The attention to detail in each display is incredible – towns, mountains and valleys rendered in perfect miniature. You are sure to find something for all the engineers in your group as you browse, new merchandise for any scale as well as vintage stuff from Marklin, LGB, Lionel and more. They even have trains for the little engineers with brands like Playmobil and Thomas & Friends. And what a selection of all the accessories that will bring your model to life! Bridges, steel tracks, woodland scenes, and true scene modeling are just the beginning. And, both novices and veterans will enjoy the Chester Holley Research

A view of the large scale train room.

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Library, where you can find the information you need to make sure to maintain the ultimate in historical realism for your model. And, the in-house repair shop, staffed by a trio of full-time factory-trained technicians will install accessories, trouble shoot, restore and otherwise help you keep your model train in perfect working condition. Plus, you will find videos, books, specialty train items and even real railroad signs to decorate your home or garden. Speaking of which, there is as much to see outside as there is inside. Stroll through the Garden Railroad, chat on the swing or sit a spell in the shade of the gazebo. What ever you do here, when you visit H&R Trains you are on the right track for a day full of fun! Visit the website at www. to stay up to date on any new products or train news. H&R Trains is located at 6901 US 19 N. Pinellas Park, FL 33781. Call 727.526.4682 for more information. Happy travels, folks.

Enjoy the garden railroad in the shade of this gazebo.

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The News of Kings Point

August, 2011

Continued from Page 7

Stop by Colorfield and say Hi to Anne.

The flowers are blooming at Colorfield.

Singers, Poets and Storytellers needed for 9-11 Tribute For their community presentation on the 10th Anniversary of 9-11-01 entitled A Service of Remembrance, Reflection and Recovery, the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is seeking singers for a community choir and storytellers who were present or personally impacted by the tragic events of that day. Jeff Jordan, Minister of Worship Arts at the church, has put together a program of music, poetry, video, scripture, imagery, dance and storytelling to commemorate this important occasion. Accompanied by orchestra, the community chorus will be performing excerpts from the Requiems of Brahms, Fauré, and Mozart as well as patriotic selections including several arrangements by Joseph Martin. Rehearsals will be on Thursdays August 25 and September 1st, and on Saturday morning September 10th. Music will be provided and there are no auditions. Interested singers should call Jeff at (813) 634-2539 [X207] or visit the church office at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center. Part of the program will also be dedicated to personal testimony. If you or someone you know was personally impacted by the events of 9-11 or you have written or would like to write a poem for the occasion, please submit these texts via email to jeff@sccumc. com. The approximately 90-minute program will be presented to the public at 2PM on

Aerial view of Colorfield Farms.

Anne Pidgeon’s WONDERFUL WORLD of


September 11th, 2011 in the church sanctuary. A worship service with choir and orchestra using many of the elements of the afternoon presentation will also happen at 10:55AM in the church sanctuary. Earlier that morning, there will be a service of remembrance outlining the chronological events of that day. This service, to be held in Creason Hall, will run from 8:46AM (the time of the first plane crash) to approximately 10:03AM (the crash of Flight 93). For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813-634-2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at

News of Kings Point on Line

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2011, August The News of Kings Point

About Town …… By John Bowker Submitted by John Bowker LONG RANGE PLANNING CA At the monthly open meeting of the Community Association Board of Directors this morning, President Ed Barnes announced that first steps are being taken for a long-range plan for the amenities of Sun City Center. It is my understanding that this will include a fresh look at the buildings and outdoor facilities on CA campuses, but Ed made it clear that no details are yet available – he just wants the members to be aware that a plan is being developed that will set the future of Sun City Center for the next 8-10 years. To that end, the intent is to hold Town Hall meetings in September and October to explain the plan and its ramifications, and to have the members vote on it in December. HOUSES ARE SELLING The Treasurer reported receiving 38 Transfer Fee payments during June, bringing the total of resale homes sold in 2011 to 205 in Sun City Center alone! No one predicted that number of sales would occur so soon but, with regret, we recognize that many of the sales were probably the result of the lower house prices. Informally, I understand that, in the past 2-3 months, the average price of resales in Sun City Center has actually increased a small amount and, the inventory of

homes for resale appears to be diminishing slowly. NEW HARTLINE BUS SCHEDULE Hartline has new bus routes for this area. Service is provided to the Brandon Westfield Mall from Kings Point, the SCC Library area, and from the bus stop along North Pebble Beach in front of the Travel Agency. The new Route Number is 53 LX. The new times for weekday departures from Kings Point are at 9 and 10 a.m., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p.m. with the two stops in Sun City Center just 2 or 3 minutes later than each of those. Arrivals at the Brandon Mall are 50 minutes later. The return times leave the Mall at 12, 2, 4 and 6 p.m. and take just under an hour to arrive back at our local stops. One-way cash fare is $1.75 (for those over 65, the fare is $0.85) Be careful: Note that the bus that leaves here at 5:00 p.m. gets you to the Mall just 10 minutes before that last bus of the day leaves the Mall .. if everything is running on time! IN OTHER NEWS Cherry’s Restaurant in Apollo Beach has changed hands and is now “Iguana Mamas”. On Wednesday nights, starting at 7:30 p.m. there is a live “Trivia” game with gift certificates good for future meals and drinks at Iguana Mamas! When the Water Bureau changes your water meter you

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should run each of your faucets until the water is clear once again from each of them. Just to wrap up an earlier item, the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners voted on the redistricting issue and Sun City Center will remain in District 4 just as the CA Board had requested. The CA president and treasurer both commented on budget planning for 2012 at the CA meeting this morning. That work is just underway by the Budget Committee but, from the remarks today, I will be surprised if the CA dues remain at their present low level next year. Remember, the Transfer Fees we receive on the sale of each home are only used for capital improvements. The dues are used for CA operations, replacements or renovations .. insurance, electricity, maintenance and office staff salaries, and all the other things that usually go up in price. The new Sheriff Office in the old Pelican Room is not yet open. The telephone and required

Internet service is on order – maybe in 3 weeks they will move from the Security Patrol office. The Community Association Directors makes formal decisions about CA operations at preannounced CA Board Meetings. They meet on the second Wednesday of each month and vote on items that are preannounced about a week in advance. Today, there were only 7 of us in the audience to hear their formal and informal remarks about a wide range of topics: how to have a July 4th show again next year like we did this year (we used money from the funds donated to the 50th Anniversary this year .. something like $12,000-15,000) and plans for another $5.00 breakfast later in the year (did you know they served over 1,000 meals at the breakfast on July 4th?)... and more. Why don’t you mark your August calendar right now for 9 a.m. in the Rollins Theater on August 10. (The meeting today ran 35 minutes.)

Making SenSe of MeMory LoSS

Looking for a real, full-service investment relationship that you can depend on, especially during volatile times? Let’s get acquainted. As a Senior Financial Consultant, I can help guide you through the complex maze of investment options and develop strategies that honor your long-range goals. Call today for a no-cost, no-obligation portfolio review.

Ryan R. Hughes Senior Financial Consultant

813-961-6600, ext. 202 Located at: 207 E. Robertson St. Suite A Brandon, FL 33511

Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation (INVEST), member FINRA/SIPC. INVEST is not affiliated with Brownstone Wealth Management Group. Securities, advisory services and certain insurance products are offered through INVEST and its affiliated insurance agencies.

A 3-PArt PresentAtion on Alzheimer’s DiseAse & DementiA Presented by Carol White, MSW, CDP, Brookdale Senior Living® Your Host: Homewood Residence® Join us for an Alzheimer’s Education Series that will address the challenges associated with providing care for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. This series will be of interest and value to anyone who is either caring for a loved one with dementia, or who simply wants to learn more about memory disorders. Each installment features a Question & Answer session and the opportunity to interact with others facing similar situations. Make plans now to attend.

Monday, August 29 • Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s. Now What? Wednesday, September 21 • The Truth About Dementia Medications Boxed lunches will be provided at 11 a.m. • Presentation to follow Complimentary admission & refreshments

Reservations required. Please call (813) 633-4340. Personalized Assisted Living Respect for Individual PreferencesSM Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Daily Moments of SuccessSM 3910 Galen Ct., Sun City Center, FL 33573 Assisted Living Facility # 9634 Respect for Individual Preferences and Daily Moments of Success are Service Marks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ® Reg. U.S. Patent and TM Office. 52130-ROP02-0711-VH

18 Page

The News of Kings Point

August, 2011

Alzheimer’s Education Series @ Homewood

Join us for an Alzheimer’s Education Series that will address the challenges associated with providing care for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. This series will be of interest and value to anyone who is either caring for a loved one with dementia, or who simply wants to learn more about memory disorders. Each installment features a Question & Answer session and the opportunity to interact with others facing similar situations. Make plans now to attend. A 3-Part Presentation on

Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia, Presented by Carol White, MSW, CDP, Brookdale Senior Living Your Host: Homewood Residence •Wednesday, July 27,Is It Really Alzheimer’s Disease? • Wednesday, August 24, Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s. Now What? • Wednesday, September 21,. The Truth About Dementia Medications Boxed lunches will be provided at 11:00 a.m., Presentation to follow. Reservations required. Please call (813) 633-4340.

Twenty at North Lake and Counting

Some of the 2nd and 3rd generation SCC North Lake residents gathered for a photo recently. (L to R) Joe Zaricor, Nan Baytos, Ed Dowdy, Dee Kelly, Joy Sparkman, Marcy Hansen.

By Phyllis Hodges You are moving where? Dee Kelly, daughter of Phil and Irene Lange, says, “I remember my parents telling me about SSC and what a great place to retire. I was floored when they

moved from our NJ home after 30 years. However, they did remind me I was welcome to visit any time. “Over the years of visiting, Bob and I fell in love with the various activities available and the

location being a short distance from the St. Pete, Tampa and Sarasota areas. So when it came time for us to think about retirement and opening the door to a new style of living, it was no surprise to anyone that it would be SSC. Of course, visiting my parents five times a year for 28 years made the transition effortless.” Dee Kelly is interested in meeting people with a similar story and is now leading a project to find others who are in SCC , including Kings Point, as a 2nd or 3rd generation resident. “I am hearing that many are actually living in their parents’ original home. We have several of those on North Lake where I live. Some of them were shown in the News of Sun City Center last month,” she says. Would you like to share how

you followed your parents/ grandparents to Sun City Center? Forms will be available in September at various SSC locations (to be announced next month) so you can make yourself known. In the meantime, tell your friends about the project. The information will be used for human interest articles in various local papers, and acknowledgement January 22, 2012, when John Bowker presents a Sun City Center slide presentation as part of the SSC 50th Anniversary celebration. What a wonderful project for this special year in which we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of SSC. It truly is a great place to live! For more information about the project, Dee Kelly can be reached by email at

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Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

2011, August The News of Kings Point

Page 19

SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles

Going Online -- Or Not

Enjoy a Cool Treat at Ice Cream Social

By Phyllis Hodges SCC and Kings Point residents, mark your calendar for Friday, August 19, to come to SCC Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Friday, August 19. Any time between 2PM and 4PM, you can enjoy a FREE ice cream with toppings and the toe-tapping entertainment of the Front Porch Pickers. Bring your association identification cards. It should be a pleasant afternoon of camaraderie, thanks to the generosity of everyone who has contributed to the 50th Anniversary fund or supported the fundraising activities.

Theresa Phillips, who is sharing the duties of chairman with Janet Ditmore, said the location is a change from that shown on page 27 of the 50th Anniversary book. Originally planned for the bandstand lawn, it was changed to Community Hall to avoid the summer heat and to accommodate guests comfortably at tables. Phillips said that the summer heat, as well as the overwhelming support of the July 4 breakfast, prompted the move to the Hall. “Since this is the first event of this kind, we have no idea what to expect,” she said, “but we’re planning for up to 600.”

The conversation started easily enough: A local group of seniors were enjoying a monthly lunch when one said: “My son wants to buy me a computer.” The responses ranged from “Oh, lucky you!” to “You poor thing.” We quickly got on to the topic of whether to join the “technology revolution” -- or not. Back in 2004, a Pew research report revealed that a full 80 percent of seniors didn’t have any intention of going online. A 2009 study revealed that 42 percent of seniors use a computer. How far we’ve come in a few years. We took a vote, and our statistics were higher: Seventy percent of us already had a computer, and of that number, about 50 percent felt competent to do all they wanted. Email was a given. When it came to downloading and printing or filing photos, the percentage fell. The success rate was related to having taken a class or having a nearby grandchild to give instruction. As for social media -- engaging with others via the Internet -- only one of us confessed to that, saying he had Twitter and Facebook accounts and used them to keep up with his children. But successfully searching on the Internet, that was more difficult. Still, with some effort, it’s possible to find all sorts of helpful information online: worldwide news, vacation research, the latest health data. Our group’s apparent guru, the one with the Facebook account, cited another reason for being on the Internet: One of his old school chums was able to look him up, and they’ve been able to share memories, stories and photos. In case you’re on the fence: If nothing else, finding old friends would make having computer access worthwhile. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

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and click "Like" Ohio Club Annual Indoor Summer Picnic

The Ohio Club will hold its annual indoor summer picnic on Saturday, August 20 at 6:00pm in the Florida Room. Traditional picnic foods including fried chicken, baked beans, potato salad and Rita’s Italian Ice for dessert will be served. Entertainment will be provided by Bill Vinhage who will be singing a variety of the old favorites. Cost is $12.00 per person with your check made out to the OHIO CLUB. Reservations should be sent or taken to Marianne Turman, 1954 Wolf Laurel Drive, SCC OR put it in the OHIO mailbox on her front porch. Reservations close on August 10, 2011. Call Jane Foppe at 813.642.8129 with any questions.

Third Annual 9/11 Observation

On Sunday September 11, 2011, the Sun City Center patriots Club will sponsor the third annual 9/11 Observation in Sun City Center at Community Hall 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The Observation will commence at 10:00 AM. The program for this observance is being coordinated by Chuck Wirick. The Colors will be presented by East Bay High School. The invocation will be made by Jim Butner, Worship Leader, Non Denominational Christian Worship Services. Joining the Patriots Club will be a choral group who will present a patriotic and spiritual musical. This group has performed at the annual Yom Hashoa (Holocaust Memorial) Service. The Observance will be a fitting tribute to all of those who lost their lives on that fateful day, and also honor all the first responders who risked their lives that day. Please join the Patriots Club to help commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The event is open to everyone.

Flags Along Our Main Street An Investment in Patriotism

The parade of 106 American Flags flying from the lampposts along Sun City Center Blvd. S.R. 674 reflects the patriotism and pride of country that are part of the Sun City Center community’s character. It also reflects a substantial investment in time, effort and money Purchasing the flags and fittings and seeing to their proper display is the responsibility taken by the Patriots Club of Sun City Center. Each flag, pole, and fitting costs $75.10. With 106 flags flying on S.R. 674, each display costs $11,811.00 with the installation and removal costs included. Winds from storms inevitable bring some of the flags down. Most are never recovered. During the recent flag display, April 29, 2011 through July 5, 2011, unusually high winds brought down 18 of the flags. Patriot Club members retrieved six. Another was picked up and returned by a Kings Point couple, who we given tickets to the June 26th show at Community Hall. After the flags were replaced, another five were lost in a subsequent wind storm. Altogether 16 flags were lost. The cost of the lost flags was over $1,200.00. The Patriots Club which relies on donations for funding is working to find a way to identify the flags so that people who find them know what to do to return them. Meanwhile, the Patriots Club asks that anyone who finds a downed flag to please turn it in the Sun City Center Security Patrol at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. or call 813-642-2020 and a Patriot Club member will pick up the flag.

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

August, 2011

Bridge Seminar Attracts a Variety of Players

Submitted by John F. Foster In response to an expressed interest by the bridge community, The Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association conducted a day-long seminar on June 30th for area bridge players. The advertising done in the News of Sun City Center and the Kings Point News allowed organizers to attract even more new players than expected. The event, chaired by Ronda O’Farrell, was held in memory of the late Ed Weiss, local resident and player of wide repute. The seminar attracted 135 beginner and intermediate players who attended morning workshops offered by the SCCBA teaching staff, Virgil Eveleigh, John Foster, Marian Howarth and Pat Rippel. A buffet luncheon followed. The afternoon program included a special game for novices and a nonLife Master game. Although many players were unfamiliar with the duplicate bridge format, a staff of helpers provided assistance with scoring and protocol during the novice game. Partnership chairman Mary Rutledge matched up many players for the afternoon games. Trophies were awarded to the following players: in the non-Life Master game, North- East-West winners left to right- Janet Selavka and Flavia Robertson South winners: Bob V. Mills and Jan Geoghegen; East-West winners: Flavia Robertson and Janet Selavka. In the novice game, North-South winners: Abby Habberfield and Eloise Warming; East-West winners: Ruth Craft and Bonnie Hampton. Each novice who played in the afternoon game was given a free ticket to the regularly scheduled Thursday morning novice game where John Foster provides a free lesson at 8:30 and partners for the game (9 AM) are not required. Many participants inquired about lessons and were informed that the SCCDBC sponsors a comprehensive series of bridge courses (October and January) for players from outright beginner through intermediate courses and advanced levels. For further information, please call Ronda O’Farrell at 813.634.7393. A poll of participants indicted virtually universal enthusiasm for the seminar and a desire for more events of this kind. Ronda O’Farrell expresses great thanks to the many volunteers who helped with the event. North-South winners Jan Geoghegen and Bob V

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2011, August The News of Kings Point

Puzzles &More! Whirled Tour

Page 21

Contract Bridge By Steve Becker AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE

Super Crossword

It is often correct to tackle your longest and strongest suit first when playing a notrump contract, but not always. The best way to spot the exceptions is to count your tricks before you begin to play. Take this case where West leads the queen of hearts against three notrump. After you win with the king, how would you proceed? If you guess which way to finesse in clubs and the suit divides normally, you are sure to make at least nine tricks. But if you misguess, the opponents will drive out your last heart stopper, and you will then have to fall back on a diamond finesse for your ninth trick. When it loses, East’s heart return puts you down one.

Before attempting to guess the location of the club queen, you should ask yourself if there is a way to give yourself an extra chance to make the contract. And when you give the matter some thought, you realize that another possibility exists. You start with two heart tricks, one spade, one diamond and two clubs. So you can bring the game home if you score four diamond tricks. Alternatively, if you can make two diamond tricks without losing the lead, you can afford to lose the club finesse. In that case, you’ll wind up with two diamonds, four clubs, two hearts and a spade. Therefore, you should tackle the diamonds first. A very reasonable approach is to lead a small diamond to the ace and return the diamond five to the queen. If the queen wins, you then take a club finesse through West to ensure nine tricks. If the queen loses to the king, you will get a chance to see if the diamonds are divided 3-3 before taking the club finesse against West as a last resort. Finally, if West should happen to put up the diamond king when you lead the five from dummy in order to drive out your last heart stopper, you will have four diamond tricks and the contract if the suit divides 3-3 or 4-2, as in the actual case. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Solutions on Page 23

22 Page

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

• It was 20th-century U.S. Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson who made the following sage observation: “The price of freedom of religion or of speech or of the press is that we must put up with, and even pay for, a good deal of rubbish.” • It’s common knowledge that Microsoft founder Bill Gates is regularly ranked as one of the world’s wealthiest people, but you might not realize that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the world’s wealthiest charitable organization, with an endowment of $36.7 billion. • If you’re planning a trip to Iowa anytime soon, you might want to schedule a stop in the town of Walcott. There you can visit the Iowa 80 Truckstop, the world’s largest. With a whopping 220 acres, the truck stop is 1.5 times the size of Disneyland. • In a traditional Hungarian wedding ceremony, the bride wears a headdress made of woven wheat, thought to help ensure the couple’s fertility. • Historians say that famed German composer Ludwig van Beethoven was quite particular about his coffee. It is claimed that he counted out exactly 60 coffee beans for each cup that he drank. • The longest mountain range on Earth is located underwater -- in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, to be specific. It’s nearly 25,000 miles long, and the only part of it that’s above water is the nation of Iceland. • If you are an American of a certain age, you almost certainly spent time watching the 1960s sitcom “I Dream of Jeannie.” The iconic bottle where the genie lived wasn’t actually created for the show; the set dressers used a Jim Beam holiday decanter from 1964. Thought for the Day: “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” -- Mark Twain © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

The News of Kings Point

Puzzles &More!

August, 2011

2011, August The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

Week of August 1 , 2011 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A misunderstanding tests the temperament of the sometimes headstrong Aries. Instead of blowing your top, take time for a pleasant diversion while things cool down. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A workplace problem could make the divine Bovine see red. But talk it out before you consider walking out. Some surprising facts emerge that change your earlier focus. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You face a choice between ignoring your uneasy feelings about your relationship with that special person and demanding explanations. A close friend offers wise counsel. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A change you’d been hoping for carries an unexpected complication. Stay the course, and things will work themselves out. Be sure to make time for family and friends. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Aspects favor spending time with loved ones. On the job, new ideas are generally welcomed. But some demands for changes could cause problems. Be ready to defend your choices. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept.22) Good news: That workplace problem is close to being resolved with results that should please everyone. Take time off to indulge your love of fun and games. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) Most of the time you are the most unflappable person around. But be ready to be thrown offbalance in the nicest way when Cupid takes aim in your direction. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) It’s not often when someone tries to “sting” the sharp-witted Scorpion. But it can happen. Continue to be skeptical about anything that seems too good to be true. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Your strong sense of self-esteem helps you serve as a role model for someone who needs personal reassurances. Your efforts pay off in an unexpected way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.19) Someone close considers revealing a painful secret. Withhold judgment. Instead, open your generous heart, and offer dollops of your love and understanding. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Your talents as a peacemaker are called upon once more as an old problem re-emerges with new complications. Move cautiously in order to avoid falling into hidden traps. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Your artistic side is enhanced with the reception given to your new project. Use this success as encouragement toward fulfilling your larger goals. BORN THIS WEEK: Your natural sense of leadership is combined with a deep sense of responsibility. People trust you to give them both guidance and understanding. © 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

Puzzles &More!

Answers to Puzzles from Page 21

Page 23

24 Page

The News of Kings Point

August, 2011

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