We Are “The Squad”
Submitted by Jan Huber Asst. Chief PR We come from all walks of life, different backgrounds, different ages, different talents but we have several things in common. We are all part of a 440-person family known affectionately in town as “THE
SQUAD.” We have all made the decision to volunteer our time and efforts to this organization and we believe in our motto of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” You may know some of us. We are EMT’s, front office personnel, cooks, maintenance men, dispatchers, drivers, blood
Chief Noreen Schramm
pressure technicians, IT specialists…the list goes on and on. There are so many ways to serve! We all help to make this organization function smoothly and we’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
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News of
Time in The t o
August, 2012 And here is a bit of our history: Sun City Center Emergency Squad was started in 1964 by 14 “first aiders” trained by the Red Cross. Today we are over 400 volunteers consisting of licensed Emergency Medical Technicians, Emergency Medical Responders, Emergency Medical Responder-Drivers, and Dispatchers. Support staff consists of receptionists, mechanics, washers, sanitizers, instructors, technicians, maintenance and administrative staff. With our computerized locator program, your Sun City Center Emergency Squad is ready to help you in any medical emergency. We are here to help, and we will respond to your call for emergency medical assistance when you need it. If you think you might like to know more about us and if there may be a fit somewhere for you, please call 813-633-1411 or visit our web site www.scc-ems.us. More Pictures on Page 3
Cabaret Performance to Benefit Athena House
Come one, Come all, Come to the Cabaret! What good is sitting alone In your room? Come hear the music play. Come to the Cabaret. Put down your knitting, your book and your broom and come to the Cabaret. Bring your partners, bring your friends and your neighbors to the Cabaret at Community Hall on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at 7 PM. Tickets are $10 per person. Proceeds from the event will benefit The Athena House in Tampa. Sun City Center resident Pam Treadwell was channel surfing one evening when she came upon an interview with a staff member of Athena House. She heard the staff member describe the problems of women veterans and how invisible these valiant women are when they return. She believes that despite the fact that women soldiers face the same challenges on the front lines as men, the services available to them have not caught up to the needs they have. Pam said, ‘Here you have women putting their lives on the line, some wounded as severely
Memorial ............................... 2 Where In The World .............. 5 CARE....................................... 7 Debbie Caneen 33573 ............................. 8, & 9 Golf................................ 12 &13
as their male counterparts, and not only do they not get the recognition they deserve, they don’t have the services they need to reintegrate into society.” After learning more about what Athena House offers to local homeless women veterans, Pam was motivated to spearhead a fundraiser for the shelter. She and another Sun City resident, Brenda Coman, a veteran, have put together a cabaret variety show that will entertain everyone. Bill Barker will emcee. Sun City’s very own Senior American Idol, Troy Coman, will sing at the event. Other featured entertainers include Charles Wirick, John Cortese, John Foster, Joann Podgurski, Frank and Dee Weder, and several dance troupes. The nature of women’s roles in the military have changed drastically in recent years so that many are now deployed on the front lines where their experiences adversely affect their mental health. Because of the effect their service has on
Deputy Chris......................... 14 Spotlight . ............................. 15 Dixon’s Destinations............ 16 Bulletin.................... 17, 18 & 19 Faith Bulletin................. 22 & 23 Hard Knox ........................... 25
them, a woman who has served in the military is four times more likely to be homeless than a non-veteran woman. Currently, of the nearly 18,000 homeless individuals in Hillsborough County, 10%, or approximately 1800, are veterans, which is twice the national average. The Athena House is a 16-bed transitional housing program located in Tampa, which provides safe housing and employment services specifically for female veterans who are homeless after an honorable discharge from the armed forces. It is the first transitional housing program within the State of Florida specifically designed to address the unique needs of homeless female veterans. According to Sara Romeo, CEO of Tampa Crossroads, Inc. and Director of Athena House, “Our goal is to assist our homeless and at-risk veterans back into a life of independence through economic self-sufficiency.” The Athena House offers a highly structured program which is staffed 24/7 and offers counseling support and
Crossword & Sudoku........... 25 Contract Bridge................... 25 Horoscopes.......................... 27 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 27
treatment exclusively to homeless female veterans. The Athena women are provided safe housing for up to 24 months. During this time they learn the life skills they will need to support permanent, independent living and leave the life of homelessness behind them forever. All proceeds from this cabaret variety show will benefit homeless and at-risk women veterans being served by the Athena House. Tickets will go on sale at the Atrium beginning August 27 and will be available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am until 12 noon. Anyone wishing to reserve a table of eight (8) or has questions, please contact -- Jody: 938-4614 or Pam: 634-4218. Come taste the wine, Come hear the band. Come blow a horn, start celebrating. Your table’s waiting. Carrier-Route Pre Sort
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