News of Kings Point September 2012

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News of


September, 2012

Looney “ROMEOs” Gather Where Guys Can Be Guys

By NOKP Staff, with Al Hurlbrink & Phyllis Hodges Photos by Phyllis Hodges Initially, they came looking for a place just to talk and to laugh. They have come away with the sort of fun friendships that only come from getting together simply because you want to. Seven days a week around 7:45 AM they begin to arrive at the McDonald’s at Crossroads Shopping Center. They are the ROMEOs, a group of Retired Old Men Eating Out. The guys come and go for the next 90 minutes or so. They wander in, grab breakfast or a cup of coffee and find an open seat at the bar or at a nearby table. Conversation flows. No topic is off limits. The guys chew on politics, current events, religion, sports – anything that is on their minds. The group is informal and, at times, irreverent. But, according to group member, Al Hurlbrink, the conversation is good-natured and rarely contentious. “If a guy gets out of hand, we let him know. We don’t

Many of the regulars wear the Looney hats or pins, but that’s about as formal as these “meetings” get. There is no agenda, no organization, no official minutes and no roll call. But that doesn’t mean the guys don’t notice if a regular is missing. Al assures me they look out for each other. “If we have a guy who’s been coming and he Continued on Page 3

Looney “ROMEOs”, a group of Retired Old Men Eating Out.

mind different opinions, but we’re there to have a good time. This is about camaraderie.” That group camaraderie began across an ocean with a British men’s club known as the Loonies. One of the Sun City Center ROMEOs met a man overseas who had formed a “Looney” club

in Britain. Eventually the man passed away, leaving a box full of caps, pins and other “Looney” memorabilia. The guys decided to keep the Looney legacy alive. They donned the caps and In thanks for her hospitality, the Loonies adopted the friendly, guys presented McDonald’s Manager, Sue being guys, attitude. Maynard, with flowers.

Former Kings Point Resident in a Fight for Her Life

Special to NOKP Eating should give us energy and strength, not make us ill. But, beginning in 2010, Jan McManus, a former Kings Point resident and former president of the Kings Point Travel Club, started becoming extremely ill every time she tried to eat. After undergoing multiple tests, she was diagnosed with gastroparesis and gastric motility syndrome. These illnesses began to cause her intestines to stop functioning properly. The condition progressed and, sadly, she had to have her stomach removed last year. Doctors say a stomach / pancreas / small bowel transplant is essential to her survival, and she is currently undergoing testing in hopes of being added to the transplant waiting list soon. Despite these challenges, Jan is passionate about life, and she looks forward to feeling healthy again after receiving a transplant. She has a big heart, and her family means the world to her. Jan’s mother, Gloria, is a wonderful, supportive friend,

Where In The World ........ 5 & 6 CARE....................................... 7 Debbie Caneen 33573 ................... 8, 9,10 & 11 Golf....................................... 12 Deputy Chris......................... 14

Jan McManus, former president of the Kings Point Travel Club.

and she is extremely grateful for the love of her siblings, nieces, nephews and friends. Before doctors put in a PICC line, Jan loved to swim. But, because swimming can pose a risk to the PICC line, she cannot swim until she is healthy enough to have the line removed. Whether she’s

Spotlight . ............................. 15 Dixon’s Destinations............ 16 Bulletin............... 17, 18,19 & 20 Faith Bulletin................. 22 & 23 Military ................................. 23 Hard Knox ........................... 25

experiencing good days or bad days, she’s always determined to continue fighting to overcome this frightening health crisis. But right now, she needs your help. Jan’s hope for a new life comes at a very high price. A stomach/pancreas/small bowel transplant costs approximately


Crossword & Sudoku........... 25 Contract Bridge................... 25 Horoscopes.......................... 27 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 27

$1 million. And that’s only the beginning. Even though her health insurance will cover the transplant itself, Jan faces significant medical expenses. For the rest of her life, she will need follow-up care and daily anti-rejection medications. The cost of post-transplant medications can range from $2,000 to $5,000 per month—and they are as critical to her survival as the transplant itself. When she receives her transplant, Jan must temporarily relocate 320 miles from her home to be near the transplant center in Miami during recovery, incurring substantial expenses for travel, food and lodging. What if your life depended on the compassion and generosity of others? The National Foundation for Transplants (NFT) is working with volunteers and supporters to help relieve the growing burden of expenses for Jan and her family. NFT has been assisting transplant patients with advocacy and fundraising Continued on Page 3

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner

September, 2012

Falcon Watch Classic Winners 2012

Falcon Watch Classic held August 22 - 23 & 24th, was a five round team match play.

Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season

By Adam Porter, EIC NOKP North Atlantic Hurricane Season. It begins in June and run through November, a deceptively artificial season that, despite all of our modern prognostication equipment, continues to surprise us. For a Florida boy like me, hurricane lore is something of an inescapable hobby. All of us have our own “hurricane story,” whether it be a hurricane party gone awry or huddling in a bathroom with four other family members and a dog or two listening to the wind howling outside. From watching my neighbor run around in the yard collecting errant shingles as the eye passed to watching the water begin to slosh over the seawall…and holding my breath. In 1992, the first named storm of the season, Andrew, came ashore and devastated south Florida. Two decades later the emotional and financial scars of that beast have yet to heal for many survivors. Seven years prior to Andrew, Hurricane Elena parked off the Gulf coast and dumped rain on us for a week before heading off into the sunset. There was flooding, a few downed trees and little else to mark her passing. There was the 1935 “Labor Day” storm, the most intense hurricane to ever make landfall in the United States. Many in my generation first learned about it from Lionel Barrymore, who goes on at length about the storm in the Bogart movie, Key Largo. I know many people who thought the description of the storm in that movie was pure Hollywood. It was. The truth was far worse. Weather forecasting in the 21st century is a much more precise art than it was when dispatchers sent an ill-fated train backing down the Overseas Railway in 1935. But that still didn’t help us in 2004, when four storms sketched a DNA helix across the state. Coastal dwellers were evacuated inland only to be hit by not one but two storms that cut a swatch across the central and “safest” parts of the state. Not to say these folks would have been better served to stay home. Certainly not. But it just goes to show that hurricanes go where they wish – despite our advanced forecasting methods and safety precautions. By the time you read this we will know the damage – or lack

The winners from left to right by flight are: Denzel & Debbie Lester, 1st Flight - Gene & Lois Scoppettuolo, 2nd Flight - Ron & Lois Pelow, 3rd Flight- Marty Leahy Falcon Watch Golf Professional - Cliff Buck & Linda Suh, 4th Flight - Maggie & Pat Jaccoi, 5th Flight - Ray & Ann Parisen, 6th Flight

thereof – that Hurricane Isaac will have wrought. But today, as I write this, dire warnings are playing on ever TV station and breaking news on every local news website. Talking heads are debating the dangers to the scheduled Republican National Convention while residents are wondering “what about the dangers to us?” What about us, what do we do? That is the number one question I tend to get from folks not from the Sunshine State when a big, bad storm is bearing down. The answer? You never really know until afterward. And, as we saw in Hurricane Katrina, even afterward things can go from bad to worse. All you can do is try your best to be prepared. Get your hurricane preparedness list and stock up. Have an overnight bag packed just in case. Locate all of your important papers. You will need to take them with you if you have to evacuate. Of course, there are some other, rather bizarre precautionary measures. Like yesterday’s message from the wastewater officials in Pinellas County who are cautioning residents to cut back on taking showers and flushing toilets. Yes, really. It seems they have yet to recover from the deluge caused by Tropical Storm Debby, and streets are flooding after a light rain. Thus, the wastewater has nowhere to go. Just one of the many joys of living in a hurricane zone. But we love it here anyway. And why not? It can be as dangerous and inconvenient everywhere else, and we still have the best weather just about anywhere. But despite all the postcard days, Jimmy Buffett was right, there’s no use tryin’ to reason with hurricane season. The storm will go where it will. No amount or worry or shouting will change that. So, stock those cupboards and survival kits, my friends. And, if you haven’t yet, take a moment to meet and greet your neighbors. When the chips are down and the storm is coming, you will need each other.

News of Submissions: The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is you community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point and, then, greater Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a hometown feel. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers, and it is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and objectivity. We are interested in politics and appreciate faith, but are committed to remaining neutral in these pages. If your group or organization, no matter the affiliation, has an event or a story, we would love to print it – but we are not interested in starting, ending or facilitating “spirited debate,” no matter how well mannered. What we are interested in are stories that will enlighten and encourage. Community news and club events that show everyone why Kings Point is a great place to live and why the folks who live here make great neighbors. Share your events, tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. We will also publish thank yous for good service. If someone loved your story, poem or event, we want you to know. In fact, we want you to be able to clip it out and stick it on the fridge. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts or photographs. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Vesta Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication or any included content may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication of that of the supporting organizations. Do NOT format submissions. We strongly discourage submissions with ALL CAPS or indented or double-spaced content. Simple text submissions preferred. Do not center text or create newsletter-formatted press releases. Simply send the message similar to the format shown below: Message Title Submitted by: Name of Person Contact number and/or email Message text in simple paragraph format here. Thanks for helping to make the News of Kings Point YOUR community newspaper. Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted directly through our website at Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212. For additional information, call 813.938.8721. We look forward to serving you and cannot wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions (on or before the 15th of the month) are preferred, which you may send by email to: or mail to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support

Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors

John Wolf Advertising Sales


Karen Jones Contributing Editor

Debbie Caneen 33573 Events

Nancy Jean Design and Layout

2012, September The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 1

doesn’t show up for a few days, we ask around, see if anyone knows anything. If he isn’t there for several days, we give him a call, make sure everything is okay.” And that sort of brotherhood extends beyond both breakfast and typical topics of conversation. Some of the guys get together for Rays baseball games, and they are planning a party on September 5th to mark the start of Monday Night Football. Brats. Pretzels. Beer. Ball game. You know, guy stuff. But this crowd is not just about having fun. They are here to help each other too. “We have guys who have just lost their wives. They feel like they don’t have anybody. It’s tough, and we want to be there to help them through it.” Not that you have to come willing to share your troubles. According to Al, many of the Looney ROMEOs are quiet, just there to enjoy the company. “Sure it’s nice when the quiet guys come out of their shells. But some of the guys that come, they haven’t said four words. They come for the feeling of friendship, of brotherhood.” They come from all walks of life and have stories that began in diverse spots all across these United States. Al spent some time in the military then got out and went to work for AT&T, as a regional manager in central Florida. “It’s a real melting pot.

Some of the guys were career military, some veterans of World War 2 and Korea. Others were doctors or commercial pilots or worked in the auto industry. There’s a lot of talent in that room. A lot of different ideas. It’s fun.” So how do you join a group with no charter, by-laws or official membership list? Well, you just come by and take a seat. The group is open to any Kings Point or Sun City Center resident. “Guys come in and just join the conversation, or, if we see them sitting alone we invite them to join us. Occasionally ladies come, but they realize quick that this is pretty much a guy thing. Not that it’s obscene. We’re just guys being guys.” And how has McDonald’s responded to this invasion of Loonies who just grab coffee and hang out? Al is quick to compliment McDonald’s manager, Sue Maynard. “Sue has been wonderful, so nice to us. She even let us put up a plaque in our little area – The Looney Bin.” Recently, to show public appreciation for Sue Maynard’s tolerance of their antics, the group gave her a hat and flowers, dubbing her an honorary member of the Loonies. Sue was surprised and, as always, gracious. So guys, if you are looking for a fun place to hang out and make some new friends, swing by the Golden Arches one morning. You’ll be among friends. You just haven’t met them yet.

Continued from Page 1

support for 29 years. Your gift— of $25, $50, $100 or more—will enable NFT to provide Jan with the financial support she desperately needs. You can help by visiting janmcmanus to make a taxdeductible donation to NFT in her honor. You can also send donations to the National Foundation for Transplants 5350 Poplar Ave Suite 430 Memphis TN 38119. Make a note “in honor of Jan McManus” in the memo portion of the check. And spread the word about NFT. It may be one of us whose name must go on the list next. The more who know about

From your heart to our ears The new Heart Murmur & Valve Program at Brandon Regional Hospital is a multidisciplinary program that provides the latest in evaluation and treatment of heart valve and murmur conditions, including:

For your free assessment or for more information, please call 855-MUR-MUR1.

Page 3

this organization’s efforts, the more people NFT can help. You can make a difference for Jan and for many others who seek financial help for transplants each year…and, in doing so, you may be helping yourself or a loved one down the road.

• Treatment plan developed jointly with your primary care physician, a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon with valve expertise • Assist your physician with a long-term monitoring plan for your condition

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• Access to the latest minimally invasive heart valve repair options • Surgeons who have earned the highest distinction in cardiac surgery

Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval™ Heart Failure

4 Page


The News of Kings Point

September, 2012



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

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ALBANY Located on the Golf Course in KINGSPOINT This fully furnished home is great for year round or seasonal living and is fully furnished, PLUS has been recently reduced in price.

651 Tremont Greens Lane $ 77,500

CEZANNE Model located in Renaissance is a Short Sale (need banks approval). This 2/2 home features a split plan with a den. Corian counter tops, ceramic tile and more. Being sold As-Is for Sellers convenience. 832 Regal Manor Way $175,000

DW54 Spaceaboundsinthisdelightfully laid out home with both formal and casual living space. Wood flooring in living room doesn’t extend under carpet. Great location for access to amenities etc. 1743 Council Drive $ 97,000

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102 22nd NW St



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Amesbury Cozy layout with Den

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301 Andover Pl S #187 Annual $ 750. Month on annual basis

Located in Kingspoint on the Golf Course this Gable roofed 1/1.5 furnished unit is in a quiet area. Easy care Berber carpet, home is clean ready for you. Features full sized washer/ dryer on glass enclosed lanai.

1809 Burlington Circle $1,200. monthly. on annual basis

DW52 Located on Middle Lake this 2/2 with double garage can be yours unfurnished on an annual basis. 12x21 Glass enclosed tiled lanai offers a great water view plus your own dock. Workshop features a sola tube for natural lite

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STUART model home in a fabulous location close to North clubhouse. Home is in perfect condition with a KPW contract in place. Golf cart parking garage and landscaping have just been redone.


1712 W Del Webb $1,300. Monthly on annual basis DW 52 Plus DEN can be yours. This home has been totally renovated and perfect for NEAT-NICKS. Home is located on Conservaton with fabulous floor plan changes plus a screened porch overlooks a large back yard with a wooded buffer area.


Bedford D 85


no carpet

$ 750

2213 Grenadier



$ 795

Bedford A 13


all new

$ 775

1306 Lambdeth


St George 5star *****

$ 850

1301 Warwick Ct


Close in - no pets

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115 Atrium


Capri- Lite n Airy

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509B Foxglove


Hampton NW A/C

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1903 Canterbury B3


Golf course

$ 875

825 La Jolla Ave


New carpet/paint

$ 875

660 Allegheny



$ 985

1219 Del Webb


all new – close in

$ 875

2232 Grenadier


Stewart-cart garage

$ 890

Andover H 187


Doll house

$ 1200

705 Indian Wells



$ 890

307 Knottwood


Private pool

$ 1500

Simmons Loop


6.5 acre paradise

$ 1100

2215 Nantucket


Golf Course – FINE

$ 1550

1702 Wedge Ct


Caloosa area – spacious

$ 1200

2012 Heathfield


WATER Cypress Creek

$ 1600

1013 Apollo Beach BL


Lovely apt with BOAT SLIP

$ 1200

2211 Brookfield Grns


S Clubhouse proximity

$ 1600

1809 Burlington



$ 1700

2313 Del Webb



$ 1700

1309 Idlewood



$ 1700

1505 Pebble Beach


Golf spacious

$ 1700



2012, September The News of Kings Point

Page 5


the Wo n i

News of


Barbara and Lloyd Flagg took their NOKP out west to Mt. Rushmore.

d is rl

Whe r

Where in the World is NOKP?

nt i o P gs

The inaugural 2011-2012 "Where in theWorld is the News of Kings Point" contest was an unmitigated success. Scores of our enthusiastic readers submitted photos of themselves holding theNews of Kings Point all over the world. Building on that success, we areannouncing the Second Annual "Wherein the World is the News of Kings Point" contest. We know that many ofyou folks love to travel as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So,when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to takealong your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper withthe News of Kings Point masthead clearly visible. Send your digital image so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention…THERE'S A PRIZE!!! The esteemed travel experts at LegendaryJourneys have generously agreed to continue sponsoring this annualcontest event by donating a ONE WEEKCARIBBEAN CRUISE. That's right! Each year we will be drawing a name fromour submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesyof Legendary Journeys and News of Kings Point. The 2012-2013 contest will run from June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013. So get those photos in ASAP! Details are available, by request, from

Dave & Barb Green took the NOKP to Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. Continued on Page 6

You’ve never seen a surgery recovery program quite like this.

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For more information, please call 941.745.7572.

206 Second Street East, Bradenton, FL 34208 Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

6 Page

The News of Kings Point

Where in the World is NOKP?

Evelyn Villa took her NOKP to the Big Ditch with her son, Joseph, and grandson, Thomas.

Mark Salmon, minister of Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church of Sun City Center is pictured in the photo taken in Antigua, Guatemala.

News of Vicki & Chris Robinson took the Cog Railway to the top of Mount Washington, New Hampshire.


September, 2012

Show To Benefit The Athena House

If you had a chance to make a difference in the life a veteran, wouldn’t you want to do whatever you could? That was Brenda Coman’s response when Pam Treadwell approached her about producing a variety show to benefit the Athena House in Tampa. Brenda had enlisted in the Air Force as a young woman and served as a medic at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois for three years before leaving the service as an Airman First Class in 1964. Brenda remembers how tough it was for women in the military at the time she served and that was long before women were deployed to fight alongside male soldiers on the front lines in combat zones. “I couldn’t say no when Pam explained to me what the Athena House offers women veterans who have been adversely affected by their experiences on the front lines. “Fortunately, everyone I asked to perform felt the same way. All I had to do was tell them about how the Athena House helps women veterans regain control of their lives and helps them become stable, independent, productive and healthy members of the community. All of the performers, including the backstage personnel and Continued on Page 7

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2012, September The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Toni is asuper charming gal with the cutest ears. She has a Shepherd face and alonglegged hound body. Toni was dumped in Wimauma. Poor puppy! Fortunately, anangel came along and scooped her up. This is a real diamond in the rough. Tonimakes fast friends and is a joy to be with. She is currently spending her timegoofing off in the play yard with her pals and learning obedience commands. Sheis a good student who is eager to please. As part of her adoption, Toni hasbeen spayed, microchipped. She is current on her shots. DOB: December 02, 2011.

Bigger is better! Noel is a longhaired beautiful Grey cat with pretty white markings.Noel is adjusting to people thanks to our volunteers. She allows people to pether and seems to enjoy it. She will also allow you to pick her up on specialoccasions. But, the screened-in lanai is her favorite place to be. Please giveher a forever home. Noel is spayed and up-to-date on her shots. DOB March 2, 2005.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit or call 813-645-2273

Page 7

Continued from Page 6

technical people, were eager to participate,” Brenda related. Brenda is producing and directing the Cabaret show to be held at Community Hall on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at 7 pm. Tickets are $10 per person. One hundred percent of the ticket cost will go to support the programs at Athena House, which help homeless and at-risk women veterans. Brenda believes the show will be very uplifting and will entertain everyone. Some of Sun City Center’s best-known performers will participate. Bill Barker will emcee. Sun City’s very own Bright House Senior Idol, Troy Coman, will sing at the event. Other featured entertainers include pianist Charles Wirick, comedian John Cortese, poet and banjo player John Foster, singer Joann Podgurski, and Dee and Frank Weder along with several dance troupes. According to Sara Romeo, CEO of Tampa Crossroads and Executive Director of Athena House, “We are grateful for this opportunity which will allow people to honor our female veterans. This fundraiser will support women veterans who have served our country honorably.” The Athena House offers a highly structured program which is staffed 24/7 and offers counseling support and treatment exclusively to homeless female veterans.

The Athena House provides safe housing to its clients for up to 24 months. During this time the women learn the life skills they will need to support permanent, independent living and leave the life of homelessness behind them forever. The Athena House is a 16-bed transitional housing program located in Tampa, which provides safe housing and employment services specifically for female veterans who are homeless after an honorable discharge from the armed forces. It is the first transitional housing program within the State of Florida specifically designed to address the unique needs of homeless female veterans. The event is open to anyone in the Southshore area. Tickets may be purchased at the Atrium on North Pebble Beach in Sun City Center beginning August 27 and will be available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am until 12 noon. Anyone wishing to reserve a table of eight (8) or who may be outside Sun City Center may contact Jody at 938-4614 or Pam at 634-4218 for tickets. Due to SCCA restrictions, everyone is asked to bring their own liquor. Ice, water, napkins and cups will be provided. Come taste the wine. Come hear the band. Come blow a horn, start celebrating. Your table’s waiting. For more information on how you can “Sponsor-A-Vet”, contact Wendy Cartwright at 813-2388557 extension #100.

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The News of Kings Point

MON. SEP 3 - SAT. SEP 8 - HOGANS GOLF CLUB WEEKLY SCHEDULE 9/3 Mon Buffalo Creek 8:45 4 9/5 Wed Sandpiper 8:00 4 9/8 Sat Freedom Fairways 8:45 4 Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Pam Jones at or visit The Club is open to all SCC and KP residents and their guests. MON. SEP 3 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either personal or with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Join the group in the library on the second floor across from the elevator. Experience both healing and 33573 is provided by Debbie enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) Caneen, Director of Admissions, 642-0773, and Harriet Suskind (813) Sun Towers from items submitted 633-9899 are both experienced for publication. To submit events psychotherapists. Sponsored by for future publications, send the Southshore Coalition for Mental them by the 15th of the prior Health and Aging. month. Debbie also publishes TUE. SEP 4 - LEARN TO WEAVE Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail BEGINNING CLASS 9:00 a.m. to noon containing information about what’s happening in 33573. on Monday through Wednesday in the Weaving Studio located Your event will also appear on Cherry Hills Dr for four weeks. in the weekly Ads and Events The cost is $75.00 which includes e-mail and on the website lessons, materials, sampler, and one project as well as membership . Send all events by e-mail to and equipment fee. For more information, call Charlene at 634You only need to submit your 2651. Event one time each month for TUE. SEP 4 - CONGESTIVE HEART it to appear in both The News FAILURE “CHF” SUPPORT GROUP of Kings Point and SCC Ads and 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Events. Retirement Community 101 Trinity SPECIAL EVENTS Lakes Drive, Sun City. Join our Please include all basic facilitator Jennifer Petit, from information, especially Price Hometown Homecare as she (or list it’s Free) and Contact introduces you to cutting edge Information (phone, e-Mail, or resources. This group is exclusively website). Six lines maximum. for those living with heart failure Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. and their families and caregivers. As soon as space permits, For additional information, contact we will put it in the weekly e-Mail Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 and it will run until event date TUE. SEP 4 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS passes. You do not need to Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM submit it again. Intermediate Bronze - . PLEASE NOTE: This area is for Fox Trot - 6:45 PM SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, Intermediate Silver - . Tango - 8:00 PM MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS Classes are held in the Dance are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at. Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and is updated every which Singles welcome. $5/per class. For weekend. information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. SAT. SEP 1 - PET VACCINATIONS WED. SEP 5 - FIRST FALL MEETING 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the United OF HEARING LOSS ASSOC. OF SUN Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb CITY CENTER 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Blvd. West. Folks in Sun City Center Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb and our surrounding communities Blvd. W. Aural Rehabilitation in 2012: love their pets, and pet do make What is New & What It Means to a difference in the quality of life! You will be presented by Theresa The United Methodist Church of Chisolm, PhD, Chair, Dept. of Sun City Center is focused on Communication Sciences, USF. All hearing and meeting community will be captioned by Tess Crowder, needs. As the cost of caring for Communication Access, Inc. & pets can become challenging, meeting room is equipped with the Outreach Team of the church induction loop. Contact Richard is sponsoring affordable pet Herring at rhmann@tampabay. vaccinations for healthy adult dogs, or Barbara Riley at 634-1706. cat and puppies at a significant WED. SEP 5 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS savings. About Pets Mobile Clinic Beginning - Waltz - 12:45 PM will be available at the church Intermediate Bronze - . campus parking lot. Please call Rumba - 2:00 PM the church office at 813-634-2539 Beginning/Intermediate - . for additional information. Polka - 3:15 PM SAT. SEP 1 - THE ACADEMY OF Classes are held in the Dance BALLROOM DANCE 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Studio in the Atrium building. Open Community Hall for their monthly to all Sun City Center and Kings dance, 1910 South Pebble Beach Point Residents. Couples and Blvd., Sun City Center. Members Singles welcome. $5/per class. For free, guests $6.00. Dressy Casual information call Bernice DuBro at Attire. BYOB. Music by Bernice 634-3205. Dubro. Singles Table available. WED. SEP 5 - MAH JONGG CLUB Free lesson “Samba” from 6:30 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the SouthShore - 7:15. All members and other Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields friends are welcome. For further Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This event information, call Jean Kostka at is FREE! Enjoy an evening of the 813-634-1235 or Lennie Crooks at popular table game, Mah Jongg, 813-642-9975. featuring challenging play for SUN. SEP 2 - SINGLES SOCIAL experienced players and instruction DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. In for beginners. The American Rules will the Florida Room to dance to the be used. Spectators are welcome! music of Thor Stevens. Members Participants are asked to bring their $3; Guests $5. BYOB. Ice, water own Mah Jongg card. Register in and snacks provided. Proper dress advance by calling 813-273-3652. requested. Info: Janet 633-3558.

THU. SEP 6 - THE WOMEN’S CHORUS INVITES YOU TO JOIN “THE GOLDEN GIRLS” 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W., Sun City Center. All women who love to sing and are willing to commit to weekly rehearsals are warmly welcomed each September and January. Membership is open to women from Sun City Center, Kings Point and surrounding communities. Fall rehearsals begin Thursday, September 6 are held each Thursday. The Women’s Chorus was established in 1963 and has become a well loved and integral part of Sun City Center. In the spring of 2013 the chorus will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. For additional information, call Chris at 634-4341 or Mary at 6337610. THU. SEP 6 - AGING GRACEFULLY SUPPORT GROUP 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. This is a support group for individuals who are learning to live with the effects of aging in a graceful, healthy manner. Facilitated by Laura Slater from Hanson Services, In Home Care. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 FRI. SEP 7 - WRITE YOUR LIFE STORY 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Hillsborough Community College/SouthShore, 551 24th St. N.E. on Shell Point Road in Ruskin. Create an important legacy for your heirs in eight sessions as you learn to write interesting stories about your life and times. Class size is limited and you must register in advance. For more information call 813-259-6010 or check out the HCC/SouthShore Lifelong Learning catalog on line at http://www.hcccontinuinged. com/training-courses/course-details. cfm?id=901 SAT. SEP 8 - SELF-DEFENSE CLASS FOR WOMEN 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This event is FREE! Learn self defense tactics and techniques to avoid and escape violence. These classes will cover awareness, prevention, risk reduction strategies and conclude with hands-on self defense. This program is for adults and teens, Females only. Participants are asked to wear comfortable, athletic clothing and tennis shoes. Register in advance by calling 813-273-3652 SUN. SEP 9 - OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. at Community Hall. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Come Dance With Us. Entertainment: “White Hot Grill”. Cost: $5.00 per person. OBG Club Members Free. BYOB For more info call: 633-5649 MON. SEP 10 - SAT. SEP 15 - HOGANS GOLF CLUB WEEKLY SCHEDULE 9/10 Mon Buffalo Creek 8:45 4 9/12 Wed Sandpiper 8:00 4 9/15 Sat Freedom Fairways 8:45 4 Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Pam Jones at or visit: The Club is open to all SCC and KP residents and their guests. MON. SEP 10 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. at the Dance Studio in the Atrium Building. This is a special dance class for singles only. We will be teaching a few basic steps in the Fox Trot. Cost $15 per person for all 3 classes. Taught by Bernice Dubro and Tom Giannina. For more info: 634-3205 or email dancewithbernice@gmail. com TUE. SEP 11 - SEPTEMBER 11th OBSERVANCE 10:00 a.m. at Community Hall 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. As part of the program, the Patriots Club will be collecting donations for the Wounded Warriors Rehabilitation Project at the James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital. Everyone is invited to attend this special observance in order to honor and remember those who lost their lives on that awful day in our history. Please plan on attending to support this observation. For more information contact MS Uta Kuhn – 813-642-9555

September, 2012

TUE. SEP 11 - COPD SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Joy Barlaan, ARNP and Jan Whitaker, LPN from Ace Homecare have over 50 combined years of experience and will be your facilitators. Your available resources are endless! For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 TUE. SEP 11 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM Intermediate Bronze - . Fox Trot - 6:45 PM Intermediate Silver - . Tango - 8:00 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUE. SEP 11 - SUN CITY CENTER PHOTO CLUB COMPETITION 6:30 p.m. In the Caper Room. This is a great opportunity for community members to view digital and print photographs taken by our talented photographers. Media show “shorts”, developed by our photographers, will also be shown. Community members and guests are welcome to attend this competition. At 6:30 p.m., we will begin with our media shows on a wide-range of topics. The judging of print and digital photographs begins at 7 p.m. by professional photographer Chuck Stevenson. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2012 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. WED. SEP 12 - MEMORY SCREENINGS 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the Media Center, Main Clubhouse, Homewood Residence and Innovative Senior Care Home Health will partner with the Alzheimer’s Association to offer complimentary memory screenings. Innovative Senior Care will have a Speech Therapist to answer questions. Also, receive information about the Walk To End Alzheimer’s Disease scheduled for October 6. Get your team together to help end this terrible disease! WED. SEP 12 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Waltz - 12:45 PM Intermediate Bronze Rumba - 2:00 PM Beginning/Intermediate Polka - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. SEP 12 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Please join Patricia Stephens, LPN from Comprehensive Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care”. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 WED. SEP 12 - DANCE CLASSES FOR MEN 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. In the Studio, Main Clubhouse, Kings Point. Wednesdays, for five weeks for $20.00. Learn basic waltz and fox trot or improve your skills. Call Ron to pre-register. 813-385-5569 This is not just for singles but any interested gentlemen who want to feel more confident on the dance floor. THU. SEP 13 - THE WOMEN’S CHORUS INVITES YOU TO JOIN “THE GOLDEN GIRLS” 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W., Sun City Center. All women who Continued on Page 9

2012, September The News of Kings Point

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33573 From Page 8 love to sing and are willing to commit to weekly rehearsals are warmly welcomed each September and January. Membership is open to women from Sun City Center, Kings Point and surrounding communities. Fall rehearsals begin Thursday, September 6 are held each Thursday. The Women’s Chorus was established in 1963 and has become a well loved and integral part of Sun City Center. In the spring of 2013 the chorus will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. For additional information, call Chris at 634-4341 or Mary at 6337610. THU. SEP 13 - CAN HEARING LOSS LEAD TO DEMENTIA 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Can Hearing Loss Contribute to Dementia? Brad Mason with Manatee Hearing and Speech with be discussing new research that shows a correlation between hearing loss and dementia. Brad is a Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist and is Audigy certified. Manatee Hearing and Speech does the audiometric testing for Ear Nose and Throat Associates of Manatee located here in Sun City. THU. SEP 13 - CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION LUNCHEON 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Club Renaissance, 2121 S Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, with guest speaker Betty Smith. Betty will share some of her experiences living on a Caribbean Island. Menu, Shaved Roast Beef Sandwich, Beverage and Dessert. Alternate meal of tossed salad with grilled chicken. If you desire this option, be sure to order it when you make your reservation. Cost is $17 inclusive. Reservations are required. Please call Pat Butler 9384320 or Tara Flood 383-7540 or e-mail Make reservations or cancellations before noon Monday September 10, 2012.

THU. SEP 13 - GRIEF, LOSS OR DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 THU. SEP 13 - SCC PHOTO CLUB FEATURES PAT LASKOWSKI PHOTOGRAPHY 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the SCC Chamber of Commerce at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza. Come meet Pat and enjoy some wine and cheese. Her work will be on display through October 11th. For more information on the SCC Photo Club and its activities, please see our website at http://www. or visit the photo learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. THU. SEP 13 - HOEDOWN PICNIC POT LUCK 5:00 p.m. at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue. The Fun Brigade is planning a special evening! Just bring your favorite dish, and the Front Porch Pickers will provide music and entertainment and maybe some square dancing. The Men’s Famous Bake-Off is also on board for the evening. Read that again, yes, Gentlemen, put on your apron and bring your dessert creation for all to enjoy. There is no admission, just your covered dish and smiles. For further information, contact Paula Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl Buffington at 6347062 FRI. SEP 14 - “THE MIGHTY MACS” MOVIE 6:00 p.m. at the Sun City Center United Methodist Church located at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. in Creason Hall at 6:00 P.M. The popcorn machine will be going and the coffee maker will be perking. If

See Spot.

the mixed aromas are not enough entice you to come through the doors, the thought of home baked cookies and other beverages should. When you do come through the doors, you’re sure to be greeted by friends and neighbors that you enjoy talking to. Not to worry, the movie doesn’t start until 6:30 which gives you plenty of time to catch up on all that is going on around Sun City Center and who is doing what. The Mighty Macs is a true story about a young woman, Cathy Rush played by Carla Gugino, that wanted to make a difference in a low income are by taking a job as a girls basketball coach. SAT. SEP 15 - SELF-DEFENSE CLASS FOR WOMEN 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This event is FREE! Learn self defense tactics and techniques to avoid and escape violence. These classes will cover awareness, prevention, risk reduction strategies and conclude with hands-on self defense. This program is for adults and teens, Females only. Participants are asked to wear comfortable, athletic clothing and tennis shoes. Register in advance by calling 813-273-3652 SUN. SEP 16 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Florida Room to dance to the music of Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. BYOB. Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress requested. Info: Janet 633-3558. SUN. SEP 16 - HIGH HOLIDAY CELEBRATION AT BETH ISREAL - ROSH HASHANAH 7:45 p.m. at Beth Israel, The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center. Services will continue on, Monday, September 17th and Tuesday, September 18th at 10:00 AM. On Tuesday, September 25, Yom Kippur will start with Kol Nidre services at 7:45 PM and services will continue on Wednesday, September 26th

See Spot Change.

at 10:00 AM, continuing at 3:00 PM, and Yiskor services at 4:30 PM. Rabbi Phil Aronson and Cantor Sam Isaak will lead the services. For more information, call Joanne Sudman at 813-633-3106. MON. SEP 17 - SAT. SEP 22 - HOGANS GOLF CLUB WEEKLY SCHEDULE 9/17 Mon Buffalo Creek 8:45 4 9/19 Wed Sandpiper 8:00 4 9/22 Sat Freedom Fairways 8:45 4 Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Pam Jones at or visit The Club is open to all SCC and KP residents and their guests. MON. SEP 17 - SUN CITY CENTER LOW VISION CLUB 1:30 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce building. Please note the meeting location change. The Chamber of Commerce is located in the Sun City Plaza, next to Payant Financial. The guest speaker for this meeting is Dr. Marguerite Kohlhepp. She is a retina specialist & will address new techniques for treating macular degeneration. This meeting is open to anyone who would like more information on low vision. Contact Ben Green, president, at 385-5590 for further information. MON. SEP 17 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP AT SUN TOWERS WITH USF 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Our Parkinson’s Support Group is facilitated by Eden Feldman, MSW who is the Director of Outreach at the USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group where needed assistance is readily available! For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 Continued on Page 10

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10 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

33573 From Page 9 MON. SEP 17 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. at the Dance Studio in the Atrium Building. This is a special dance class for singles only. We will be teaching a few basic steps in the Fox Trot. Cost $15 per person for all 3 classes. Taught by Bernice Dubro and Tom Giannina. For more info: 6343205 or email dancewithbernice@ TUE. SEP 18 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOC. SUPPORT GROUP - BRING YOUR LOVED ONE FOR A BREAK 2:30 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break and Attend our Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. The needed resources are endless! For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 TUE. SEP 18 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM Intermediate Bronze Fox Trot - 6:45 PM Intermediate Silver Tango - 8:00 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. SEP 19 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Waltz - 12:45 PM Intermediate Bronze Rumba - 2:00 PM Beginning/Intermediate Polka - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For

information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. SEP 19 - GET FRANK WITH YOUR MONEY 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This financial seminar will explore the 5 concepts to help individuals protect and grow their money. The 5 concepts discussed will include: foundation, rebalance, asset allocation, nervous decisions, and knowing the rules. Seating limited to 20. Register in advance by calling 813-273-3652. This event is FREE! WED. SEP 19 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, West Social Room. Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783. EMAIL: acjjr@ WED. SEP 19 - MAH JONGG CLUB 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This event is FREE! Enjoy an evening of the popular table game, Mah Jongg, featuring challenging play for experienced players and instruction for beginners. The American Rules will be used. Spectators are welcome! Participants are asked to bring their own Mah Jongg card. Register in advance by calling 813-273-3652. WED. SEP 19 - KP LINE DANCERS 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre for a “sparkling” good time. Dance the night away among glow sticks & necklaces, sparkles and sequins. Dress up with bright colors and sequins. Tickets are $5.50, available at the KP box office, open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB and setups Call Jan for info 634-6226 THU. SEP 20 - THE WOMEN’S CHORUS INVITES YOU TO JOIN “THE GOLDEN GIRLS” 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W., Sun City Center. All women

who love to sing and are willing to commit to weekly rehearsals are warmly welcomed each September and January. Membership is open to women from Sun City Center, Kings Point and surrounding communities. Fall rehearsals begin Thursday, September 6 are held each Thursday. The Women’s Chorus was established in 1963 and has become a well loved and integral part of Sun City Center. In the spring of 2013 the chorus will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. For additional information, call Chris at 634-4341 or Mary at 6337610. THU. SEP 20 - SOUTHSHORE READERS BOOK DISCUSSION 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This month we will be discussing “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern. Waging a fierce competition for which they have trained since childhood, circus magicians Celia and Marco unexpectedly fall in love with each other and share a fantastical romance that manifests in fateful ways. This event is FREE! THU. SEP 20 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Jennifer Petit from Hometown Homecare will facilitate this group. If you are facing the challenges of low vision or caring for a loved one facing this issue, this support group is a must! A FREE quick vision health questionnaire assessment will be provided. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. SAT. SEP 22 - COME TO THE CABARET 7:00 p.m. Community Hall - All proceeds to benefit Athena House. The ATHENA House is the first transitional housing program within the State of Florida specifically designed to address the unique needs of homeless

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female veterans. ENTERTAINERS: Bill Barker, Emcee; Joann Podgurski; Troy Coman; Charles Wirick; John Cortese; John Foster; Silver Tappers; Sunsations; Time Steppers; Jazz MaTazz; Hula Honeys; Dee & Frank Weber. Urgently needed donations of new single sheet sets and towels will be taken at the door. Tickets on sale at the Atrium Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 am – 12 noon beginning August 27. (BYOB; Ice, water, napkins & cups provided.) To reserve a table (8) call: Jody: 9384614 or Pam: 634-4218 SUN. SEP 23 - HIGHLIGHTS OF SWEENEY TODD 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Rollins Theater. The St. Petersburg Opera Co. returns with its first of three “highlights” of operas. (Highlights of Tosca is scheduled January 20, 2013, and Highlights of Ariadne auf Naxos will be May 19, 2013.) Tickets go on sale Wednesday, August 29, at the Atrium-Kiosk. Tickets for the mini-series are $30/person or buy just one opera ticket for $12. Starting August 31, tickets can be purchased 9:00 - Noon, Mon-WedFri, Atrium-Kiosk. Open to public. Reserved seats. Info: 813-642-2001. SUN. SEP 23 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB - “CASUAL ATTIRE DANCE” 6:30 9:30 p.m. In the Studio located in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse. Music by Thor Stevens. Admission $5.00. BYOB. Ice and water provided. Info: Jeannette 634-5560. MON. SEP 24 - SAT. SEP 29 - HOGANS GOLF CLUB WEEKLY SCHEDULE 9/24 Mon Buffalo Creek 8:45 4 9/26 Wed Sandpiper 8:00 4 9/29 Sat Freedom Fairways 8:45 4 Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Pam Jones at or visit The Club is open to all SCC and KP residents and their guests. Continued on Page 11

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Blue Feet and Discoloration

2012, September The News of Kings Point

Page 11

33573 From Page 10

SCC’s Finest Flooring Store is now offering SCC’s FINEST CABINETRY 30 colors and finishes to choose from... at prices you can afford.

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Casual. BYOB & snacks. Ice, water & cups provided. Singles always welcome. Information: 813-6331297 or 813-642-8845. SAT. SEP 29 - PET VACCINATIONS THAT YOU CAN AFFORD 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West. Folks in Sun City Center and our surrounding communities love their pets, and pet do make a difference in the quality of life! The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is focused on hearing and meeting community needs. As the cost of caring for pets can become challenging, the Outreach Team of the church is sponsoring affordable pet vaccinations for healthy adult dogs, cat and puppies at a significant savings. About Pets Mobile Clinic will be available at the church campus parking lot. Please call the church office at 813-634-2539 for additional information. SUN. SEP 30 - TAMPA BAY HERALDS OF HARMONY 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Community Hall. The Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony presents “America, the Beautiful”. Tickets are $15/person. Starting August 29, tickets can be purchased 9:00 - Noon, Mon-Wed-Fri, Atrium-Kiosk. Open to public. Reserved seats. Info: 813-642-2001.


Update the look of your kitchen with new cabinets.

by this dynamic speaker who has worked with Dr. Oz! For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. THU. SEP 27 - ELDER LAW SEMINAR 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. This program will provide information and education regarding legal issues for seniors including planning for incapacities and long term care with emphasis on public benefits. Medicaid, Medicare, and V.A programs will be discussed. This event is FREE! THU. SEP 27 - GRIEF, LOSS OR DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347 THU. SEP 27 - MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:309:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Bch. Members FREE; Visitors $5.00 per person at the door. Live Music by “Mario DeLeon”; Dance Exhibition by Bernice DuBro & Tom Giannina at Intermission. Dressy


WED. SEP 26 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Waltz - 12:45 PM Intermediate Bronze Rumba - 2:00 PM Beginning/Intermediate Polka - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. THU. SEP 27 - THE WOMEN’S CHORUS INVITES YOU TO JOIN “THE GOLDEN GIRLS” 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W., Sun City Center. All women who love to sing and are willing to commit to weekly rehearsals are warmly welcomed each September and January. Membership is open to women from Sun City Center, Kings Point and surrounding communities. Fall rehearsals begin Thursday, September 6 are held each Thursday. The Women’s Chorus was established in 1963 and has become a well loved and integral part of Sun City Center. In the spring of 2013 the chorus will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. For additional information, call Chris at 634-4341 or Mary at 633-7610. THU. SEP 27 - DO YOU KNOW DR. OZ? “PLAYING” TO REFINE AND MAINTAIN YOUR THINKING 10:00 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Geraldine Novy, Holistic RN & Integrative Health Coach from Pinwheel, The Art of Wellness Lifestyle does and will be here to present: “Playing” to Refine and Maintain Your Thinking. Discover how your thought process functions and how to enlighten your mind with healthy eating and “playing” to prevent mental decline such as Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia



MON. SEP 24 - SINGLES DANCE CLASSES 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. at the Dance Studio in the Atrium Building. This is a special dance class for singles only. We will be teaching a few basic steps in the Fox Trot. Cost $15 per person for all 3 classes. Taught by Bernice Dubro and Tom Giannina. For more info: 634-3205 or email TUE. SEP 25 - AMPUTEE SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City. Facilitated by Ty Wilson, Patient Care Advocate with Orthotic & Prosthetic Centers. The group is open to amputees, their family member, friends and involved medical personnel. It is our goal to enrich the lives of amputees and help them reach their full potential. The tools we use are peer support, education and activism. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. TUE. SEP 25 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM Intermediate Bronze Fox Trot - 6:45 PM Intermediate Silver Tango - 8:00 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/ per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUE. SEP 25 - YOM KIPPUR 7:45 p.m. at Beth Israel, The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center. Yom Kippur will start with Kol Nidre services at 7:45 PM and services will continue on Wednesday, September 26th at 10:00 AM, continuing at 3:00 PM, and Yiskor services at 4:30 PM. Rabbi Phil Aronson and Cantor Sam Isaak will lead the services. For more information, call Joanne Sudman at 813-633-3106.

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12 Page

Hogans Golf Club

Monday, 7/16/12

Course: Buffalo Creek Play:A-Skins 1st Place: Paul Gorney and Ruben Jones . - Tied at 3 Skins 2nd Place: Rich Lucidi - 2 Skins Low-net: Ruben Jones and Rich Lucidi - Tied at 75 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 90 Birds: Ron Doncouse - #8 Par 3 and Paul Gorney - #9 Par 5, #11 Par 4,

L to R: Ruben Jones, Paul Gorney, Ron Doncouse, and Rich Lucidi.

The News of Kings Point

(of Sun City Center and Kings Point)

Saturday, 7/28/12

Course: Freedom Fairways 1st Place: Charlie Brown - 6 Skins 2nd Place: Don Koester - 4 Skins 3rd Place: Mike McClintic - 2 Skins Low-net: Don Koester - 56 Low-gross: Mike McClintic - 77 Birds: Charlie Brown - #4 Par 3, #5 Par 4, and #9 Par 4.

Monday, 7/30/12

Course: Buffalo Creek Play:H-Skins 1st Place: Ruben Jones, Paul Gorney, and Rich Lucidi Tied at 2 Skins 2nd Place: Mike Brock and Ron Doncouse - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rich Lucidi - 68 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 84 Birds: Paul Gorney - #14 Par 5

L to R: Standing: Ron Doncouse, Rich Lucidi, and Mike Brock. L to R: Seated: Ruben Jones and Paul Gorney.

Wednesday, 8/1/12

L to R: Charlie Brown, John Apostolou, Paul Gorney, & Rich Lucidi.

Saturday, 7/21/12

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st Place: Charlie Brown, Don Koester, and Art Swallow Tied for first place Low-net: Bob Russell - 54 Low-gross: Gary Marchman - 73 Birds: Art Swallow - #1 Par 4, #5 Par 4, #9 Par 4, #13 Par3; Bob Russell - #1 Par 4, #13 Par 3, #16 Par 3; Don Koester - #4 Par 3, #13 Par 4; Van Dacosta - #16 Par 3; Gary Marchman - #9 Par 4. Golf

Wednesday, 7/25/12

Course: Sandpiper Palms-Oaks Play:H-Skins 1st Place: Ruben Jones and Charlie Brown - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd Place: Rich Lucidi - 1 Skin Low-net: Ruben Jones and Paul Gorney - Tied at 67 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 83 Birds: Ruben Jones - #1 Par 4 and Paul Gorney - #11 Par 4

L to R: Charlie Brown, Ruben Jones, and Rich Lucidi.

L to R: Burt Easter, Charlie Brown, Don Mowry.

Saturday, August 11,2012

Wednesday, 7/18/12

Course: Sandpiper Palms - Oaks Play: H-Skins 1st Place: Rich Lucidi - 3 Skins 2nd Place: Charlie Brown and Paul Gorney - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd Place: John Apostolou - 1 Skin Low-net: John Apostolou - 62 Low-gross: John Apostolou - 82 Birds: None

Wednesday, 8/8/12

Course: Sandpiper: Palms - Oaks Play: A-Skins 1st Place: Charlie Brown - 3 Skins 2nd Place: Don Mowry - 2 Skins 3rd Place: Burt Easter - 1 Skin Low-net: Don Mowry - 65 Low-gross: Don Mowry - 88 Birds: Don Mowry - #6 Par 5 and Burt Easter - #4 Par 5

Course: Sandpiper, Lakes - Palms Play: H-Skins 1st Place: Ron Doncouse - 4 Skins 2nd Place: Rich Lucidi - 1 Skin Low-net: Burt Easter and Ron Doncouse - Tied at 70 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 90 Birds: Burt Easter - #1 Par 5 and Ron Doncouse - #3 Par 4

L to R: Ruben Jones, Rich Lucidi, Ron Doncouse, and Burt Easter.

Monday, 8/6/12

Course: Buffalo Creek Play:H-Skins 1st Place: Ruben Jones - 2 Skins 2nd Place: Gary Marchman, Bob Russell, Don Mowry, and Charlie Brown - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Bob Russell - 65 Low-gross: Bob Russell - 83

L to R: Standing: Charlie Brown, Bob Russell, Don Mowry L to R Seated: Gary Marchman and Ruben Jones.

Course: Freedom Fairways 1st Place: Mike McClintic - 4 Skins 2nd Place: Don Koester - 3 Skins 3rd Place: Gary Marchman - 2 Skins Low-net: Mike McClintic - 55 Low-gross: Mike McClintic - 70 Birds: Mike McClintic - #3 Par 4 & #4 Par 3, . Don Koester - #3 Par 4, . Gary Marchman - #13 Par 3

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Course: Sandpiper Oaks - Lakes Play:H-Skins 1st Place: Burt Easter & Sharlene Peter - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd Place: Charlie Brown, Butch Gadd, and Rich Lucidi - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Charlie Brown - 65 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 87

September, 2012

Kings Point Nifty Ninners

Results 8/10/12 Even Holes 1st Flight Emma Gadd 24 2nd Flight Dot Mulford 27 3rd Flight Peggy Flippen 38 Results 8/16/12 Low Net A Flight Emma Gadd 27 B Flight Judy Marr 34 C Flight Peggy Flippen 33

Falcon Watch 9 Hole Ladies

Results 8/10/12 Odd holes minus 1/2 Hdcp. 1st Flight 1st. Mary McClafferty 17 2nd. Emma Gadd 21 2nd Flight Terry Wynne 17.5 Lorraine Fretzel 22 3rd Flight Mary Arpaia 22.5 Tied Kathy Boccieri 24. Marilyn Mc Cormick 24 Results 8/17/12 Hit and Sit Scramble 1st Place Emma Gadd 43 Carolyn Schultes Kathy Boccieri 2nd Place Jane Boccieri 44 Judy Delaney Rita Fedock 3rd Place Mary McClafferty 45 Lorraine Fritzel Pat Ernst

L to R : Charlie Brown, Butch Gadd, Burt Easter, Ruben Jones, and Rich Lucidi (Not Pictured: Sharlene Peter).

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st Place: Mike McClintic - 3 Skins 2nd Place: Ruben Jones - 2 Skins 3rdPlace: Charlie Brown - 1 Skin Low-net: Ruben Jones - 52 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 61 Birds: Ruben Jones - #5 Par 4, #8 Par 3, #9 Par 4; Mike McClintic - #5 Par 4 and #8 Par 3; Charlie Brown - #3 Par 4

L to R: Mike McClintic, Charlie Brown, and Ruben Jones.

Submitted by: Pam Jones Email:

Accomplished by: vvv Linda Belanger vvv

August 22, 2012

100 Yards 8 Iron Course: Falcon Watch on . #8 Cypress Witnessed By: Bob Belanger, Lois Scoppettuolo & Gene Scoppettuolo

2012, September The News of Kings Point

September Is Happy Cat Month

The CATalyst Council has dedicated the month of September as Happy Cat Month, dedicated to keeping our feline buddies happy, healthy and purring all year long. If you are the lucky owner of a feline buddy, the C.A.R.E. Animal Shelter in Ruskin joins The Council in suggesting several way to keep your cat happy, including: visiting your vet for a checkup, providing a scratch post to allow your friend to stretch and care for their paws, providing toys and regular play time to help strengthen your bond with your friend, as well as keeping him/her from getting bored and putting on too much weight. If you are not yet lucky enough to own a feline buddy, C.A.R.E. suggests you consider adopting an adult friend from their shelter. Adult cats are much better companions for adult humans since they generally know how to use a litter box, are more mellow than their younger species, are more content to sit and accept your pets and/or “listen” to you, and seem to be more grateful for getting a second chance to live in a home. Volunteers at C.A.R.E. generally know the personalities of the adult cats at the shelter better since they normally are not adopted as quickly by young families who prefer kittens, and therefore

Page 13

Mary Petro Fund for Kings Point and SCC Residents

Mary Petro was a resident of Sun City Center who died in 2005. She left a sizeable amount of money to the Sun City Center Community Foundation, which is a part of the Tampa Community Foundation. Mary Petro’s instructions for the use of her bequest was “To provide temporary relief to Sun City Center and Kings Point residents who are in dire need of assistance with food and/or medicine.” This has become the Mission Statement for this Fund’s payments to qualified residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. There are three basic requirements for a person to apply for assistance from this fund:

the volunteers can help match your personality with one of the C.A.R.E. adult cats. Won’t you consider joining C.A.R.E. and The CATalyst Council in helping make September a memorable Happy Cat month for one of the shelter’s adult cats? Please call C.A.R.E. at 813-645-2273 for more information or visit us at 1528 27th Street S.E., just off SR674 in Ruskin.

1. They have to be a legal resident of Sun City Center or Kings Point. 2. They have to provide documentation that their taxable income falls within the guidelines of $16,335 for an. individual or $22,065 for a couple. (“Taxable Income”. may be found on Line 43 of Form 1040, Line 27 of Form. 1040A and Line 6 of Form 1040EZ.) 3. They must have a “dire need” for food assistance and/ or prescription drugs. The Mary Petro office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-2. Qualified volunteers are there to provide applications and help process them. Interested individuals can either stop by the office or call 634-8306 to make an appointment. If a person qualifies for assistance with food costs, he or she will be given a gift card to a local grocery store. If prescription drug assistance is needed, the cost will be paid directly to the pharmacy.

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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

A Few Important Reminders

By Deputy Chris Girard First, I wanted to say welcome home to all of our returning residents. Kings Point and Sun City Center really are terrific places to live and play. But, because no place is quite perfect, there are a few things residents should keep in mind to help them have make the most of your fun in the sun. Just a quick reminder that school is back in session. Morning and afternoon traffic will be heavier heading to and from Ruskin and Wimauma. And keep a sharp eye out for kids crossing the street. They may not be looking for you, so please look out for them. Recently, there have been a fair number of break-ins or attempted break-ins in our community. The bad guys are either trying to or succeeding at prying open the back windows or sliding glass doors of homes. Generally the motive behind this crime is theft, particularly jewelry theft. You may not realize this, but many of these crimes are committed when the resident has simply stepped out for a bit, sometimes as little as 20 or 30 minutes. This means that someone was likely watching the house or casing the neighborhood for an opportunity. With the right tools, which can be hidden in pockets, it takes very little time to pop open a door or window and slip

into a home virtually unnoticed. While you cannot stop bad guys from trying to commit crimes, there are several things you can do to thwart their attempts. First, be vigilant. There is no substitute for simply looking around and paying attention. Do you see a suspicious vehicle? Someone sitting in a parked car that you do not recognize. Vehicles left running parked on the easement. Strangers moving through the neighborhood passing out flyer or workers loitering suspiciously, even if they have equipment. All of these are potential signs of people that are possibly up to no good. If you see someone who fits this description, do not engage them. Instead, if possible, take down their tag number and get a description of the car. Then call the Hillsborough County Non-Emergency Number at 813.247.8200. And, of course, if you witness a crime in progress, call 911. Again, do not engage the bad guys. Let us handle that. Next, a word about screen doors. Whether it be garage, sunroom or porch doors, none

September, 2012

of these are adequate security systems. These are not deterrents and they will simply not keep bad guys out. Also, never leave your garage screen open and your garage door closed when you leave. You may not realize it, but this is basically advertising to the bad guys that no one is home. So, when you leave, take a moment to secure your screen


as well as your garage door. It may not be convenient, but it could save you from a break-in. Also, remember to keep your valuables locked up in a heavy fireproof safe. Preferably one that is bolted to the floor and too heavy for the thief to just pick up and carry out. And, as always, be safe out there.

813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary hearing screening



2012, September The News of Kings Point






Spotlight with a Wise

“I Voted”

By Brenda Wiseman If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain. These were not the exact words all the voters I talked with after the August primary said, but it is the exact meaning they all voiced. We talked about how wonderful it is to be involved in the election process--not what choices they made, but that the choices were ours to make. As Kings Point resident, Len Terrell put it, “It’s hard not to vote when people are dying for the privilege.” It was evident that folks in Kings Point were exercising their privilege as they sported their “I Voted” stickers. One resident even came back to the “voting room” to get his sticker, because he had forgotten to get one. And the poll workers made sure he was accommodated. Being a poll worker is not the easiest job ever, but does have some of the longest hours ever (6am to 7pm). Yet there are still folks who enjoy working the polls year after year. There is a small amount of money to be made; however, serving the community seems to be as important as the money. While talking with the poll workers, they indicated they wanted to remain anonymous, while making it clear they could always use more poll workers. If you are interested in working on Election Day, you can call Poll Worker Services at 813-744-5855 or visit to look into it. If that possibility does not appeal to you, but you still want to contribute, just make sure you vote! You can go to your polling place--Kings Point has two precincts, 904 and 908-on Election Day, or you can participate in early voting at the South Shore Regional Library, or you can Vote by Mail. Voting by mail is not only if you are going to be out of town on Election Day. Anybody can request a ballot by mail. Call 813-612-4180 or go to the website already given and you can get a ballot mailed to you. Then all you have to do is return it by mail or take it to a ballot drop site. This is the old absentee ballot. Now you don’t have to be absent. Of course, if you are not planning on being absent and would rather place your ballot in the ballot box, you can go to the Main Kings Point Clubhouse and

fill out your ballot there. Check your voter registration card for your precinct number. Are you in Precinct 904 or 908? Your card will tell you. You don’t have to have this card with you to vote, but you will need a photo I.D. Precinct 908 votes in the Banquet Room and Precinct 904 votes in The Studio. As you are waiting to vote you may run into the following neighbors who agreed to share some of their thoughts. Robert J. Couter. Robert shared that he is not a “political person, but I vote because it is my duty.” He remembered when he was a kid the candidates handed out cards which resembled baseball trading cards and the kids collected the candidate cards just as they did the baseball player cards. He has missed

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Page 15

voting in only one election. Edwina Peyton & Burt Easter. Edwina remembered the first time she voted. She didn’t know what to do, so she pulled all the levers hoping to get the curtain behind her to swing open and swing open fast! That first scary time didn’t stop her, she has been voting ever since. Edwina feels we have “a choice to vote and we need to.” Burt thinks it is important that we do “have a voice.” And then he added with a big grin, “I need to pick my poison.” He always votes, as it is “my opportunity” to be involved. He thinks there needs to be better media coverage of the candidates and the issues. Joan & Len Terrell and James & Carol Howley. This crew was eating lunch in the café after

September Special Proper Brushing

voting. They were in agreement on many thoughts. James indicated he wanted a say in moral issues. Carol shared they had checked with their church for recommendations. Joan stated how important it is to vote for the right person, not the party, and Len wanted his vote to reflect his thought, “This country was not built on greed.” So on November 6, 2012, be sure to get your own sticker--I Voted!

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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

St. Pete’s Downtown Waterfront

By Eddie Dixon So, yes, technically it’s “St. Petersburg,” and that may be confusing for tourists, transplants and snowbirds, but let me clear that right up for you. St. Petersburg is also St. Pete, but it is not St. Pete Beach, which used to be St. Petersburg Beach until they changed it. Clear as mud? Great! Well, no matter what you call it, the St. Petersburg downtown waterfront district offers tons to do on any given day. From distinctive architecture, posh boutiques, al fresco seafood dining, excellent concert venues and world class art museums, downtown St. Pete has something to offer everyone. First, let’s talk about a particularly time sensitive destination, the landmark inverted pyramid on the St. Pete Pier (www.stpetepier. com). Why time sensitive? Because the powers that be are planning to tear it down and build something ghastly. For something free that’s tons of fun, as well as a great photo op, watch folks feed the pelicans. If you are feeling your sea legs, take a dolphin tour. A sighting is promised, but you may also spy manatees, stingrays and waterbirds. Call 727.647.1538 for schedules and fees. Inside the pier offers touristy shops, some handcrafted art and a few interesting novelty stores. Grab a bite to eat at the first floor food court or hop the elevator up to the classic Columbia restaurant or funky Cha Cha Coconuts. The pier is located at 800 2nd Avenue Northeast, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Paid parking lot with senior and military rates. For art lovers, St. Pete’s downtown waterfront is heaven on earth. Not only is the weather amazing, but there are several world-class art venues within walking distance of each other. The venerable Museum of Fine Arts feels bigger inside than out and hosts a respectable array of both permanent and feature collections. Exhibits include Greek, Etruscan, African and Asian antiquities, and masterpieces by Monet, O’Keefe and many

others. The staff is outstanding and the venue, while being artsy chic, maintains a laid-back Florida feel. Get more info online at and find it at 255 Beach Dr. NE. The Dali Museum (www. is the media darling of downtown St. Pete. If you like surrealism, even a little bit, you get more than your fill here. It’s not really my cup of coffee, but my bride adores it. I will tell you the work is impressive. Wall-height paintings in exquisite detail and a history of the artist’s work way back to when he was a kid. Take your grandchildren. Maybe one day their refrigerator art will be framed for the world to see. Find it at 1 Dali Blvd. Dale Chihuly is a glass sculpture megastar, and his exhibit at the Morean Arts Center (www. is incredible. The art is colorful, fragile and breathtaking. While Chihuly works in glass, he would tell you he works in color and light. I’d say that’s more than a fair assessment. Find it at 400 Beach Drive NE. One of my favorite places to stop here is the St. Petersburg Museum of History ( This little building at the foot of the St. Pete Pier houses 32,000 artifacts. My favorite is the working replica of the world’s first commercial aircraft, Tony Jannus’ plane used for the short hops across Tampa Bay from St. Pete to Tampa. But St. Pete’s downtown waterfront is not all art and history. It’s also about performance. There are several terrific concert venues and small clubs with great live music. The Mahaffey Theater ( is the spot for famous soloists as well as their annual Broadway extravaganza. Find it at 400 First Street S. The Palladium Theater (www. offers terrific musical variety that includes classical, blues, rock, folk and excellent jazz. Check it out at 253 5th Avenue N. If all this touring, looking,

The Mahaffey Theater, courtesy Wikimedia.

The landmark inverted pyramid on the St. Pete Pier, courtesy Wikimedia.

walking and listening gets your appetite going, my personal recommendation is lunch or dinner at 400 Beach Seafood & Tap House (www.400beachseafood. com). Great quality food at reasonable prices. And the view from the outdoor patio can’t be beat. For dinner and drinks, check

out The Garden (www. The atmosphere is cheesy tropical, but the Mediterranean menu is no joke. Live jazz on Friday evenings. 217 Central Ave. So there you have it, several can’t-miss options for a fun day trip just over the Bay. Enjoy, folks. And happy travels.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at Kings Point Clubhouse, Sun City Center


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Museum of Fine Art Saint Petersburg, courtesy Wikimedia.

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2012, September The News of Kings Point

Page 17

B U L L E T I N Post Polio Group Breakfast

The Post Polio Syndrome Support Group will meet the 1st Friday of every month for breakfast. They meet at the Sunshine Cafe just off of RT 674 in the Cypress Creek Shopping Center. Meeting time is 10am. Please call Lillian at 642-0242 if you can make it or email Pam Vogelsang at; please put PPS in the subject box.

Post Polio Group Monthly Meeting

The Post Polio Syndrome Support Group meetings will start up again on September 20, 2012. They will meet at 12 noon at Denny’s off of Rt. 674 in Sun City Center. For more information please call Pam Vogelsang at (813) 642-8707 or email her at: flgrammypam@ Please put PPS in the subject box. This group meets the 3rd Thursday of the month September thru November and again January thru May.

September Programs for Adults at SouthShore Regional Library

All programs are FREE and open to the public. Some programs require advance registration as seating is limited. Register by calling 813-273-3652. The SouthShore Regional Library is located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573.

Wednesday, September 5 & 19 from 6:30-8:30 pm Mah Jongg Club

Enjoy an evening of the popular table game, Mah Jongg, featuring challenging play for experienced players and instruction for beginners. The American Rules will be used. Spectators are welcome! Participants are asked to bring their own Mah Jongg card. Registration required.


September 27 from 2:00-4:00 pm Elder Law Seminar

This program will provide information and education regarding legal issues for seniors including planning for incapacities and long term care with emphasis on public benefits. Medicaid, Medicare, and V.A programs will be discussed.

Presentation: The Antioxidant Myth

September 6th & 20th. Get the truth about antioxidants and discover a supplement that, according to 12 peer-reviewed clinical studies, gets it RIGHT. Build wealth while you protect your health. Learn how. Meeting begins at 7:30 PM at 7215 Alafia Ridge Rd. Riverview, FL. Space is limited. To RSVP call Tim at 888-544-4261.

Italian Heritage Club Luau

Come in your grass skirt or sarong or as a shipwrecked sailor! The Americans of Italian Heritage Club is going to start the season off with a Luau Party on September 10th in the Borini Theater in Kings Point. The doors will open at 5 pm. As always it is a BYOB with coffee, ice tea and punch supplied. There will be salad, Carved Ham with Pineapple Sauce, Sweet & Sour Chicken, Chinese Rice, Asian Vegetable Blend, Stewed Apples and Dessert. Schuler will be the caterer. ELVIS (Bill Lindsey) will be your entertainer. $13 for members and $15 for non-members. There will be seating reservations. Those wishing to reserve a table of 8, please send all names and checks in together. Please mail checks made payable to A.I.H. to Annette Macdonald (633-9697), 2450 Kensington Greens Drive, SCC 33573. Cut-off date is Sept. 4th.

GFWC Lunch Bunch Enjoys Palmer House Tour

Saturday, September 8 & 15 from 2:30-4:30 pm Self-Defense Class for Women

Learn self defense tactics and techniques to avoid and escape violence. These classes will cover awareness, prevention, risk reduction strategies and conclude with hands-on self defense. This program is for adults and teens, Females only. It is recommended that participants attend both sessions as different topics will be covered in each class. Participants are asked to wear comfortable, athletic clothing and tennis shoes. Registration required.

Wednesday, September 19 from 2-3 pm Get Frank With Your Money

This financial seminar will explore the 5 concepts to help individuals protect and grow their money. The 5 concepts discussed will include: foundation, rebalance, asset allocation, nervous decisions, and knowing the rules. Seating limited to 20. Registration required.

Thursday, September 20 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Southshore Readers Book Discussion

This month we will be discussing The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Book synopsis: Waging a fierce competition for which they have trained since childhood, circus magicians Celia and Marco unexpectedly fall in love with each other and share a fantastical romance that manifests in fateful ways. Copies of this book are available at the library.

A group from the GFWC SCC Woman’s Club recently enjoyed a lunch and a tour of the Palmer House Bed and Breakfast in Lithia. The inn was built in 2008 and is a charming Victorian farmhouse nestled on eight acres. Pictured on the front porch are (front, left to right) Gloria Brooker, Norma Gillespie, Anne Rankin, Linda Smith, Jean Smith, and Kathy Mahoney. In the rear (left to right) are Angie Maze, Rosie Clifton, Joyce Olwin, Marsha Selman, Aine Paik, Nan Dorsey, and Peggy Person. Club members keep busy with fun and friendship activities during the summer. Regular meetings resume in September. If you’re interested in joining the group, please call the Membership Chair, Peggy Person, 813-633-0255.

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

B U L L E T I N Wednesday, September 12th Apollo Paranormal Investigations

Kings Point Chorus Invites You To Sing Submitted by Mary Hilderbrand, Publicity chairman

Held, 10:00 am In the Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Cliff and Lisa, Founders of Apollo Moon-Landing Paranormal Investigations, will be on hand to talk about the on going Night Flight Paranormal Investigations at Fantasy of Flight in Polk City, Fl. Night Flight allows guest to take the role of a paranormal investigator as Apollo Paranormal lead investigators through the Hangers and exhibits and inside the very active B-17 project. All evidence is reviewed and placed on the Night Flight website. They will also explain about their service as a paranormal investigation team. For information, call Ed Leary 813-383-7594.

South Shore Democratic Club

The South Shore Democratic Club will meet on Thursday, September 13th at the South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way. This month the club program will be dedicated to Meet the Candidates. Will Bronson-U.S. House of Representatives, District 17, Paula House-FL State Senate District 26, Bruce Barnett-FL House of Representatives, District 57 Mark Nash-Hillsborough County Comm. Precinct 4 Refreshment at 1PM. The meeting will begin at 1:30PM. All Democrats and Independents are welcome.

Presentation: Residual Income for Retirees

September 13th & 27th. Learn how to build a $10,000 monthly income with minimal risk. This hour-long presentation will show you exactly how to increase your monthly income and fix your “fixed budget.” Stop “just getting by” and start enjoying retirement! Light refreshments. Meeting begins at 7:30 PM. Located at 7215 Alafia Ridge Rd. Riverview, FL. Space is limited. To RSVP call Tim at 888544-4261.

Medical Center of Trinity Hosts Lymphedema Support Group

Medical Center of Trinity will host monthly Lymphedema support group meetings with the next meeting to be held on Thursday, September 20 at 3 p.m. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month. Lymphedema is a persistent swelling, usually affecting an arm or leg, that sometimes occurs as a side effect of cancer treatment. This condition results from the abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid and tissue proteins. The underlying cause in all cases is damage to the lymphatic system, an important part of the immune system that circulates infection-fighting proteins throughout the body. The Lymphedema support group meetings are held at Medical Center of Trinity, 9330 State Road 54, Trinity, FL 34655. Seating is limited and reservations are required. For more information and reservations call 727-834-5630.

Do you like to sing? If you do, please come join Kings Point Chorus. Rehearsals will resume every Monday beginning September 10, 2012 in the East West Social Rooms of the North Clubhouse. Dues are $10. Check in will begin at 1:30 PM. Announcements will be at 1:45 PM with practice following. The next concert will be December 8, 2012. Kings Point Chorus is directed by Charles Wirick. Bring a sweater and water. For more information, you may call Brenda at 813-447-0388.

SCC Community Association Declares October 25, 2012 “Sun City Center Men’s Club Day”

Wednesday, September 26 - Access Spiritual Powers through Your Creative Abilities

Held, 10:00 am In the Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Central CA Campus. Dr. Carol Roberts, founder of the Brandon Wellness Works, Author of “Good Medicine: A Return to Common Sense” and who helps physical bodies heal themselves, will speak on creativity, the creative process as a component of vigorous health as well as an experiential component (a surprise). She will also be introducing her newest creative program for helping you prepare nutritionally and through easy lifestyle changes, and for dealing with elective surgery of any kind – all having a high potential for benefit to health! For information, call Ed Leary 813-383-7594.

Moonglow Dance Club

The Moonglow Dance Club will feature the live music of “Mario DeLeon” at their monthly dance on Thursday September 27. Please join us at Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach. Blvd., for listening and dancing from 7:30-9:30 PM. Dressy Casual. BYOB with cups, ice, water & napkins provided. Singles are always welcome. Club members are FREE and visitors pay $5.00 per person at the door. As a Special Treat this month, we will have a Dance Exhibition by Bernice DuBro and Tom Giannina at Intermission. For more information, please call 813-633-1297 or 813-642-8845.

Empire State Club Dinner Submitted by Frank Gatto

The New York Empire State Club will be having a dinner dance on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 in the Kings Point Borini Room at 5:00 PM. Food catered by Richard Schuler includes chicken cordon bleu, roast loin of pork, twice baked potato, veggies, salad, dessert, soda, coffee and ice tea. Music by Bill Lindsey. Members $12.00 pp, guests $15.00 pp. For more information contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942 or mail check to 1925 New Bedford Drive, SCC 33573.

L to R: Carl McGary, President SCC Men’s Club and Ed Barnes, President SCC Community Association announcing SCC Men’s Club Day

SCC Community Association President, Ed Barnes announced that Thursday, October 25, 2012 has been declared by the SCC CA as SCC Men’s Club Day to honor their 50th Anniversary and to thank the Men’s Club for all the contributions they have made to Kings Point and Sun City Center through the years. To celebrate the occasion the Men’s Club is hosting an event with live entertainment and coffee with cake and ice cream. Mark your calendar now for Thursday, October 25, 2012, 1:00 to 4:00pm at the Community Hall 1902 South Pebble Beach Blvd. For more information on this event call Jim Rottman, SCC Men’s Club President Elect and Anniversary Event Coordinator at 813-634-8122.

Oktoberfest - One of the Biggest Parties of the Year

Who better to host this party than the Sun City Center GermanAmerican Club? On Thursday, October 11th starting at 4:30 p.m. the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach will become the local version of the famous renowned Munich party. Dance music will be provided by The Alpine Express band, German buffet (bratwurst, knockwurst, sauerkraut) will be catered by Banquet Masters and a dance performance of the traditional Crown Dance will be presented by members of the local SCC club. Oh, and German beer is also included in the price of $20 for members and $25 for non-members. Send or drop off your check for the Oktoberfest to: Mike Albanese, 1808 Granville Lane, SCC, FL 33573.

2012, September The News of Kings Point

Page 19

B U L L E T I N SCC Organ/KeyBoard Club Submitted by Barb Carlini

The Organ/KeyBoard Club planning a Concert-Luncheon-Lesson for all of Sun City and Kings Point. Artist is DyAnne Awe. She has played concert venues at Radio City Music Hall, Disney World, and Las Vegas. Also played for the Long Island Ducks baseball team in New York. She will be playing the Lowrey Sterling Organ November 1, 2012 in the Florida Room. Lesson @ 10am, Lunch @ 11:45, and concert @ 1pm. Tickets available in the atrium for $10. A world renowned Organist & Virtuoso performing and teaching in Sun City Center!

SCC Photo Club Competition Tuesday, September 11 at 6:30 pm

The Sun City Center Photo Club is holding its fall photo contest on Tuesday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room. This is a great opportunity for community members to view digital and print photographs taken by our talented photographers. Media show “shorts”, developed by our photographers, will also be shown. Community members and guests are welcome to attend this competition. At 6:30 p.m., we will begin with our media shows on a wide-range of topics. The judging of print and digital photographs begins at 7 p.m. by professional photographer Chuck Stevenson. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2012 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA) held the first Sun City Center individual games. Emulating the London Olympics, the torch, held by Chuck Roth, opened the games. Duplicate bridge player Dot Warke topped the field of 36 players; medals were also awarded to the next 8 top scorers. Don Reid, KPDBA member and 65+ year bridge player, suggested the games. Board of Director member Don Acker, with the help of many, carried through on the organization Dot Warke topped and implementation. the field of 36 players In individual games players change partners with each round, not relying on the same partner to score points. Many of the participants were enthusiastic about the format, had lots of fun, played with interesting and different partners and want the KPDBA to hold individual games more often. The KPDBA Board of Directors is receiving feedback from players The torch, held by Chuck Roth, opened the games. and will discuss the issue at their September board meeting. Meanwhile, regular games continue to be held in the Kings Point Clubhouse card room: Mondays 9am, Tuesdays 1:00pm, Wednesdays 12:30 pm and Thursdays at 6:30 pm. For further information call 813-642-8491.

Featured Photographer at the SCC Chamber of Commerce

SCC’s Golden Girls

Remember “The Golden Girls?” Would it surprise you to know that Sun City Center has its own golden girls? That’s right. It’s called The Women’s Chorus. “ Why,” you ask? The Women’s Chorus was established in 1963 and has become a well loved and integral part of Sun City Center. In the spring of 2013 the chorus will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. Plans for the Golden Jubilee Spring Concert are already well underway. There are so many exciting things in store. This is a concert you definitely won’t want to miss. Better yet, join them now, become a part of their rich history, and experience the fun firsthand. All women who love to sing and are willing to commit to weekly rehearsals are warmly welcomed each September and January. Membership is open to women from Sun City Center, Kings Point and surrounding communities. Fall rehearsals begin Thursday, September 6 are held each Thursday morning from 9-11 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb W, Sun City Center. For additional information, call Chris at 634-4341 or Mary at 633-7610.

Organ/KeyBoard Club bringing a World Renowned Organist to SCC

DyAnne Awe has performed in Las Vegas, Disney and Radio City Music Hall in New York. This should be a great experience for all the organists in Sun City & Kings Point. Place: Florida Room Time: 10am-3pm Date: November 1, 2012 Cost: $10 per person Tickets may be purchased in Atrium September & October 2012 Included: group lesson, lunch, and concert on the latest Lowrey Console Organ. Everyone that loves organ music should attend this once in a lifetime event presented by the SCC Organ/KeyBoard Club.


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Pat Laskowski is the Sun City Center Photo Club’s featured photographer for the September photo display at the SCC Chamber of Commerce. This is part of a series of photographic displays at the SCC Chamber of Commerce at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza. Pat’s exhibit is entitled Sights of Florida. She was raised in Speedway, IN where the photography bug struck early. Pat’s father, a photographer himself, bought her first camera for her when she was in elementary school. Growing up a few blocks from the Indianapolis 500, she enjoyed going to the track and shooting the racecars during practice. Pat made the move from film to digital photography just a few years ago and enjoys shooting flora and fauna, landscapes and cityscapes and the occasional photo of the grandkids. Pat loves to travel and among the places she has visited are Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, capturing it all with her camera. Pat became a full-time Florida resident in 2011. She moved to Florida not only for the climate but also for the diversity that Florida offers a photographer. When not shooting she works at the Diabetes Center at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Come to the opening of her display at the SCC Chamber of Commerce between 3:30 pm and 4:30 pm on September 13th to meet her and enjoy some wine and cheese. Her work will be on display through October 11th. For more information on the SCC Photo Club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc. com or visit the photo learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

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20 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

B U L L E T I N Computer Club Classes Using a Digital Camera with Your Computer A THREE-HOUR WORKSHOP ON Sept. 24, repeated on Oct. 15 9:00 AM In the Computer Club Classroom Tuition $10 payable upon registration Virus Removal Workshop A THREE-HOUR WORKSHOP ON Sept. 17, repeated on Oct. 8 9:00 AM In the Computer Club Classroom Tuition $10 payable upon registration Introduction to Computers A FOUR SESSION CLASS, HELD ON CONSECUTIVE TUESDAYS SEPT. 18, 25, Oct. 2 and 9. 10 AM TO NOON) Tuition $20, payable upon registration Register Now In Classroom

12:30 – 5 PM, Monday thru Saturday South Shore Symphony Orchestra In Tribute To Mendelssohn

Three performances scheduled for Riverview and Sun City Center The South Shore Symphony Orchestra begins its Fall/Winterseason September 15 and 16 with a tribute to Felix Mendelssohn, widely regarded as the greatest composer of the 19th century. Conducted by Dr. Susan BaileyRobinson, the SSSO will present Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 4 “Italian,” and his Violin Concerto in E minor. Also on the program: Overture to L’italianain Algeri by Gioachino Rossini. Performances are Sat., Sept. 15 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at St. John The Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd. E., Sun City Center, and Sun. Sept. 16 at 2:00 p.m. at The Regent, 6437 Watson Dr.,Riverview. $20 tickets are available online at www.thessso. org; also at the St. John The Divine church office from 10:am to 1:pm, Mon. thru Fri., and during business hours at the following: The Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce, Sun City Center Plaza; South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Sweetbay/MiraBay Plaza; and the Riverview Chamber of Commerce, 10011 Water Works Lane,Riverview. Tickets at the door prior to performances are $25.

SCC Dance Classes

Tuesday, September 4,11,18,25

Social Dance Class

Beginning - Cha Cha - 5:30 PM Intermediate Bronze - Fox Trot - 6:45 PM Intermediate Silver - Tango - 8:00 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 6343205. Wednesday, September 5,12,19,26

Social Dance Class

Beginning - Waltz - 12:45 PM Intermediate Bronze - Rumba - 2:00 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Polka - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205.

KP Line Dancers Event

Come join the KP Line Dancers for a Sparkle, Glow, Sequin line dance on Wed Sept. 19,7 - 10 PM, in the Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Tickets available at the KP box office, $5.50, open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. New line dancers, beginners, and couples always welcome. Wear costume or clothes that sparkle, glow or have sequins. BYOB and setups. Call Jan. for info 634-6226.

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2012, September The News of Kings Point

Page 21

Patriot’s Club September 11th Observance program, the Club will again be collecting donations for the Wounded Warriors Rehabilitation Program at the James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital. We would like to invite everyone to attend this special observance in order to honor and remember those who lost their lives on that awful day in our history. For more information contact: Uta Kuhn - 642-9555

The Patriots Club will again present its annual Sepember 11th Observance. The event will take place as follows: Day/Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 Time: 10:00 A.M. Place: Community Hall 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Bill Barker well known member of the community will be the MC. Pat Raimondo will do narrations and sing patriotic/spiritual songs. This year’s program will also include a children’s choir from Wimauma Academy, and organ music provided by Fletcher Music of SCC. .Members of East Bay H.S. Senior ROTC will be responsible for the posting of the colors New this year....punch and cookies provided by Freedom Plaza and Homewood Residence will be served prior to the observance. As an important part of the


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22 Page

The News of Kings Point

NCWS begins Saturday PM Worship Service

NCWS (Nondenominational Christian Worship Services) in conjunction with Sun Towers is pleased to announce the beginning of a Saturday afternoon casual worship service. The service will be open to the community. All are welcome. The service will begin on September 01, and will be offered weekly from 4:00-4:30. The service will be held in the chapel. Jim Butner, Worship Leader for NCWS, stated, “We’ve had some requests from the community regarding a Saturday PM worship experience. We are fortunate that Sun Towers is opening its facility to the community in order for us to conduct the service. We are looking to draw Sun Towers/Sun Terrace residents, SCC residents, as well as folks as far away as Valencia Lakes. This also, will be an excellent opportunity for those individuals who may not be regular church attendees to partake of a worship service. Another real blessing; Nancy Harris, a well-known & very talented organist/pianist will be providing the music. Please plan on arriving early because seating is limited.” For more information please call Jim at 813-634-3114.

September, 2012

Interfaith Council of SCC Prepares for Grant Proposals

Hoedown Picnic Pot Luck

Roz Cruthis, (L), newly appointed Grants Committee chairperson, Jay SparkFor a great evening of food, fun, man, President of IFC, and Naomi Foreman, past chairperson of the Grants and entertainment, join us at the Committee, plan a course of action for the 2012-2013 year. United Community Church, 1501 The Interfaith Council offers grants to South Shore 501-3C nonLa Jolla Avenue. The Fun Brigade profit organizations using funds derived from sales at the Interfaith is planning a special evening on Council’s Nearly New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza. Support is Thursday, September 13 at 5:00 given to food banks, schools, and other service groups that make PM. There will be a Hoedown formal requests between September 1 and September 30. Picnic Pot Luck Dinner, just bring Information on the grant application forms and contact info can your favorite dish, and the Front be found at or by calling Porch Pickers will provide music 813-642-9099. and entertainment and maybe some square dancing. The Men’s Famous Bake-Off is also on board Recognition and Honor of 90 Years for the evening. Read that again, yes, Gentlemen, put on your apron and bring your dessert creation for all to enjoy. There is no admission, just your covered dish and smiles. Photo by Hazel Martin For further information, contact Fun Brigade Chair Karl Buffington Paula Lickfeldt at 633-6739 or Karl and Paula Lickfeldt. Buffington at 634-7062.

UMC Supports Back To School

Photo by Hazel Martin

A Sunday Service at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla was the greatest morning and a day of celebration and honor. Associate Pastor Ruth Richardson recognized all individuals who would be ninety years old this year. Then each year was celebrated passing well over 100 years old. A great looking group. Their motto was “just keep praying and moving” A fine lesson for everyone.

UCC Singles Group

L to R: Pat Hill, Tammy Lucht, Destiny Lucht, Nikki Roberts, Dustin Lucht, JoAnne Podgurski.

As Mission of The Month at the United Methodist Church, the congregation supported Good Samaritan Mission’s Back to School event with a contribution in excess of 3,500. Volunteers from the church served as guides for children receiving backpacks, shoes, haircuts, manicures, plus vision and dental care. As a recipient of a 10,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center, George A. Lutz Fund for Project Tooth, the church was able to provide preventative dental care through the Suncoast Mobil Dental Unit with vouchers for identified need for the children in attendance at this event. Sponsorship of this Back to School Event is an annual mission of the church.

UMC Wellness Advocacy for Children

The Mobile Medical Clinic Mission of St. Joseph Hospital recently visited the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center to provide free well child care and immunizations for children. The MMC project began in 2004, with the goal of addressing the community-wide challenge of reduced immunization compliance among young children. The Health Ministry Team of the United Methodist Church focuses on providing health/wellness information and services for residents of South Hillsborough County.

Photo by Hazel Martin Seated L to R: Bev Majewski, Sandra Glenner, Roz Cruthis, and Lois Stone Standing L to R:, Jane Kutsch, Nancy Wyrick, Marne Zieg and Phyllis Arentson.

It might be a holiday, it may be 8:30 AM the fourth Monday of the month at Bob Evans or a trip to a local feature, the Singles Group of United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue welcomes you. It was a potluck dinner and swim time for the group this month.

2012, September The News of Kings Point

Seminarian Shares His Story Of Religious Persecution In Vietnam

Deacon Viet and parishioners Jim Sullivan and Susan Torre.

Page 23

Reverend Lee Miller Named Assistant Rector at Saint John Divine, SCC/Ruskin

Saint John the Divine Episcopal Church, with campuses in Sun City Center and Ruskin, has announced the selection of the Reverend Lee Miller as Assistant Rector to the Church. Miller, an Episcopal priest for over 30 years, started his journey in broadcasting; serving major market television stations as a news and sports director, later anchoring his own syndicated program. He authored a bestselling book and recorded several programs in the field of motivation. Prior to seminary and entering the Episcopal priesthood, Miller worked with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. In later years, he joined with the National Episcopal Church in developing (and voicing) radio/ TV public service announcements. He has also served on the National board of directors for LOGOS, a ministry that Reverend Lee Miller equips hundreds of churches in more than 20 denominations, with training and educational materials for youth. Previous congregations include parishes in Kentucky, Ohio and Florida.

Parishioner Nel Tiongson and her grandson Ethan J. Tiongson Terry with Deacon Viet.

Deacon Viet Vu Nguyen, currently a seminarian at St. Vincent de Paul Seminary, Boynton Beach, gave a talk on July 25th to members of Prince of Peace Catholic Church; where he spoke on the religious persecution his family has suffered at the hands of the Vietnamese government. Â In 2001, Deacon Viet, his brother and sister were imprisoned because they were relatives of Father Nguyen Van, an uncle who was already in prison and remains there still today. Released from prison in 2004, Deacon Viet and his siblings were able to come to the United States in 2005, thanks to intervention on their behalf by the U. S. Congress and the Department of State. Ordained to the deaconate in April of this year, Deacon Viet just completed his summer internship at Prince of Peace and returns to Seminary this fall, looking forward to his ordination to the priesthood in the summer of 2013.

News of Kings Point online

Military News Leathernecks Club Dedication

A dedication ceremony of their newplaque was held by the Sun City Center and Kings Point Leathernecks Club onJune 19th at the Welcome Monument on SR 674. Attending left to right areJim Haney, Barry Myers, Jim Glass, Ed Annen, Al Schneider, Wayne Flietner andTom Culliton.

The club founded by Jim Glassrecently celebrated their 10th anniversary. Semper Fi. Plaque was createdand installed by Dale’s Designs.

24 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

Kings Point Art League’s “Artist of the Month” is Yoshihiro (Yoshi) Koseki

Kings Point Art League’s “Artist of the Month” is Yoshihiro (Yoshi) Koseki Born in Japan, my interest in painting began in elementary school. In middle school I got first place in a county’s plein air painting contest, which was sponsored by the arts supply shop. This award inspired me to continue painting. Although I did not have special arts education, I spend time to draw with charcoal with the arts club members during my high school. I chose a career in the scientific field and obtained a PhD in Pharmacology. I came to the United States in 1975. I spent many years working in various Institutions doing research on Hormones and developing anti-cancer drugs until I retired in 2000. I did not have much chance to paint for a very long time, but enjoyed

visiting art shows whenever I could. After retiring, I took short courses on basic techniques for acrylic painting at the University of Tennessee, summer continuing

education courses. I moved to Clermont FL in 2006 and started to paint. I switched media to pastel drawing when I was inspired by a book about

the work of Elizabeth Mowry, “The Pastelist’s Year.” My favorite subjects are landscape and cityscapes. I have taken three workshops by famous pastel artists Maggie Price, Richard Mckinley, and Doug Dawson. I moved to Kings Point in December 2011. Before moving here, I was a member of the following Art Associations where I accumulated numerous awards: Pastel Society of Central Florida, South Lake Art League, Mount Dora Art League, Leesburg Art League and Lake Eustis Museum of Art. Now, I am a member of Kings Point Art League, Pastel society of Central Florida, and Pastel Society of Tampa Bay. NOTE: To see Yoshi’s awardwinning art, stop by the Art Room Display Window in Kings Point Clubhouse.

Brandon Regional Hospital Announces September Community Events

Submitted by Vince Vanni Brandon Regional Hospital has announced the following community events that will be held during the month of September. All events will be held in the Oakfield Medical Plaza on the campus of Brandon Regional Hospital, 119 Oakfield Drive, Brandon, Florida 33511, unless otherwise noted. •Heart Healthy Nutrition – September 5, 2:30 pm, Palm Room – Hospital Cafeteria •Nutrition for Cancer Prevention & Treatment Class – September 12, 2:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 260 •Cardiac and Stroke Support Group – September 13, 12 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 260

• Do You Suffer from Chronic Sinusitis? – September 18, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 260 • Outpatient Diabetes Self-Management – September 19, 8:30 am, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 260 • Heartburn? Reflux? It’s Time to Talk – September 20, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 260 •Surgical Solutions for Weight Loss – September 27, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 262 •Surgical Weight Loss Support Group – September 27, 6:30 pm, Oakfield Medical Plaza, Suite 262 Seating is limited and reservations are advised. For more information and to register call 813-653-1065 or visit

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Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

News of Kings Point online Assisted Living Facility # 9634 Respect for Individual Preferences and Daily Moments of Succes are Service Marks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ® Reg. U.S. Patent and TM Office




2012, September The News of Kings Point

Page 25

Contract Bridge Super Crossword

By Steve Becker DUCK SOUP


The holdup play, whether it is used by declarer or a defender, is one of the most effective plays in bridge. It comes in a variety of forms and, properly applied, can completely alter the outcome of a deal. Today’s hand, from a national team championship, provides an unusual example of the holdup play. At both tables, declarer wound up in four spades, and both Wests led a club. At the first table, declarer put up dummy’s ace and returned a club, planning to ruff one or two

of his club losers in dummy. But East had no trouble diagnosing South’s intention. He won the club with the king and played the ace and another spade. Declarer eventually lost two more clubs and finished down one. At the second table, South anticipated that the defenders would switch to trumps if he played the ace and another club. So instead of taking the first trick with the ace, he played low from dummy. This simple maneuver rendered the defense helpless. If East, after winning the club, returned anything but a trump, declarer would win and ruff two clubs in dummy to finish with 11 tricks. So East played the ace and another trump, just as his counterpart had at the other table -- but this time, to no avail. Declarer won the second trump, cashed the A-K of hearts and ruffed a heart. When the opposing hearts divided 3-3, South had the rest of the tricks, using the still-present ace of clubs as an entry to collect dummy’s two good hearts. Withholding dummy’s ace of clubs at trick one, inconsequential as it might seem, thus made a two-trick difference in the outcome. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

Solutions on Page 27

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

• It’s still not known who made the following sage observation: “To succeed in politics, it is sometimes necessary to rise above your principles.” • It was beloved American poet Robert Frost who made the following sage observation: “A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.” • In 1938, Time magazine featured Adolph Hitler on the cover as its Man of the Year. • You might be surprised at some of the amazing feats that can be accomplished with the aid of modern medicine. In 2008, two women in India gave birth at the age of 70. With the aid of egg donation and postmenopausal in vitro fertilization, Rajo Devi Lohan gave birth to her only child, a girl. Charan Singh Panwar and his wife, Omkari Panwar, already had two daughters and five grandchildren, but they wanted a son. Using the same procedure, Omkari had twins, a boy and a girl. • The first time a toilet was ever seen on television was in the pilot episode of “Leave It to Beaver,” in 1957. • The most common name in the world is Muhammed. • If you live in the South, home of huge roaches, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that a cockroach can live for a week without a head. When the headless insect does finally die, it’s from starvation, not from the loss of its head. • Those who study such things say that there are 45,000 chickens for every person on the planet. *** Thought for the Day: “The reason that adulation is not displeasing is that, though untrue, it shows one to be of consequence enough, in one way or other, to induce people to lie.” -- Lord Byron © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.


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2012, September The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

Week of Sept. 3, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You might not like the sudden setback in your plans. But keep that headstrong Arian temperament in check and wait for explanations. Things will begin to clear up by week’s end. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Enjoy the respite from your recent hectic schedule, but be ready to plunge into a new round of social activities. A new contact holds much potential for the future. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A trusted colleague has news that could change your perception of a current workplace situation. What had seemed unfair might prove to be highly favorable after all. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You still need to watch what you say and how you say it. What you assert as honesty, others might perceive as Crabbiness. Be patient. This difficult period clears up by the weekend. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your Royalness needs time away from the limelight to catch up on things, from tidying your desk to making those calls you’ve put off. You’re back in the center of things by the weekend. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) Honesty is the best policy, of course. But you’ll do better at achieving your goals if you can be less aggressive and more circumspect in how you phrase your comments. LIBRA (Sept.23 to Oct. 22) Your ability to maintain your balance in confusing situations continues to work for you. Stay on the steady course, one step at a time. The weekend shows improvement. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Your indecisiveness could simply be your keen Scorpian sense warning you to be wary of making a commitment. Take this time to do a more thorough investigation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Good news: New information comes your way to help you make a more informed decision on how to deal with the opportunity that has opened up for you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) This is a good time to reinforce your self-confidence by acknowledging your good qualities to yourself. A lull in your social life ends by the weekend. Have fun. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) It’s a good time to let those recently pent-up emotions flow more freely. Why not start by letting the people you care for know how you really feel about them? PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Resist offers, no matter how well-intentioned, to help with a personal decision. Only you know what must be done, and you have the emotional strength to follow through. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a talent for getting things done. You also have a gift for bringing people together in both personal and professional relationships. © 2012 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 25

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28 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2012

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