News of
America’s Fastest Growing Sport NOKP Staff It’s the fastest growing sport in the United States, a recent “question” on Jeopardy and the favorite hobby of thousands. You may have never heard of it, but many of your neighbors are doing all they can to change that. We’re talking, of course, about Pickleball. This undeniably fun and happily addictive sport is played on a badminton court with a net lowered to 34 inches at the center. The “ball” in question is a perforated baseball – similar to a
whiffle ball. Wood or composite paddles are used to smack that ball. While the game is easy to learn and can be played at a leisurely pace by beginners, more experienced players can quickly create a competitive, fast-paced match. HISTORY Pickleball was invented in 1965 by Washington State Congressman, Joel Pritchard, and his friend, Bill Bell. After a morning playing golf, they returned to Pritchard’s home to find the their families sitting Continued on Page 3
Advanced / High Intermediate players.
October 2011
National Pickleball Champion Visits Kings Point On Wednesday, August 24, Steve Wong an original founding member of the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) was in the Sun City Center area for a clinic at Valencia Lakes. Steve is a former Pickleball national singles and doubles champion and current top national contender and was visiting the local area distributor for his L to R: Kneeling: Tony Bucci, Ralph Hamp, pickleball equipment Steve Wong, Felix Vazquez. 2nd Row: Byron business. While here, Fresco, Don Edwards, Ed Markowitz. Top: Jim he accepted the Butner, Rick Stroscher. challenge of the local Kings Point Pickleball Club to play eight of the top local players. It was a great honor to host him for an entire afternoon while playing both with and against him. All members in attendance were thoroughly impressed with his exceptionally relaxed personality and his ability to provide key pointers. It was a great opportunity to learn from a national top tier player. Steve enjoyed himself so much he is scheduling a return visit sometime this December. The whole afternoon was a great example of the social and playing camaraderie that exemplifies what great pickleball is all about!
Relay For Life Committee Gearing Up For 2012 Submitted by Evelyn Lunsford The steering committee for the 2012 Relay For Life of Sun City Center, a signature fundraiser of the American Cancer Society, met on September 2 to begin preparation for the Relay to be held on April 10-11 at Trinity Baptist Church. Event Chair Vivian Hodgkin outlined an ambitious program designed to surpass the $35,000 raised during the 2011 Relay. Community support is needed to meet this goal and “more” was the buzzword at the meeting. The committee wants to see more teams participate in the Relay, surpassing the 18 teams who walked in April 2011. Teams garner support through friends and family who contribute to their individualized fundraising goals and through other fundraising opportunities. The Team Development Chair is Sharon Alvarez, who can be contacted at 813.260.3827. Enrollment of more cancer survivors, those living the American Cancer Society’s
CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Ask Anne ............................... 7 Jim & Nell Taze 33573 ........................ 8, 9 & 10
Photo by Cathy Vallianatos. Shown are members of the steering committee of the 2012 Sun City Center Relay for Life. Shown kneeling from left are Evelyn Lunsford, Char Treadway and Vivian Hodgkin. Standing from left are Walter Cawein, Cheryl Kaplan, Terry McGovern, Joanne Sudman, Ellen McGovern and Hud Richard.
slogan of “Celebrating More Birthdays”, is front and center for this year’s event. The survivors’
Deputy Chris ....................... 11 Golf............................... 12 & 13 Hard Knox............................. 17 Bulletin.............. 18, 19, 20 & 21 Faith Bulletin................. 22 & 23 Dixon’s Destinations............ 24
walk at the beginning of the Relay is the inspiration for the volunteers, all of whom have
Crossword & Sudoku........... 25 Contract Bridge................... 25 Horoscopes.......................... 27 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 27
been touched by cancer in some fashion. A query at the September 2nd meeting revealed that each member had been impacted personally or through a family member or friend. More entertainment as a fundraising tool took center stage at the meeting as Joanne Sudman, Fundraising Chair, described an original cabaretstyle performance by Armand and Angelina to be held at Community Hall in March 2012. Armand contributes rock-androll to the act, while Angelina performs classical music. Those who have seen the duo perform describe their act as an exciting blend of the two styles. Relay For Life is a celebration of life in honor of those touched by cancer. Relay For Life also raises funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs of research, education, advocacy and service – programs that can reduce cancer deaths and cancer incidence, and improve Continued on Page 2
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