News of
Priscilla Pilgrim . welcomes visitors to Kings Point
giveThanksgiving thanks! November 24
November 2011
From SCC Accountant to East Africa Caregiver
Rita Lambdin with Adam Porter Rita Lambdin worked for many years as an accountant in SCC. After retirement she started looking for a change. But, how do you “retire” when you already live in the retirement paradise of Kings Point? Rita looked across an ocean and what she saw filled her heart. The accountant moved to Uganda, Africa to work with children at the Bethany Baby House. My life has taken a whole new direction since moving to Uganda. I have found a new reason for getting up each morning and a new focus for my energy, for my finances and for my life experiences. But what does that life look like? LIFE IN UGANDA Even though Uganda is a third world country, my life here has not been a difficult transition. There are many modern conveniences available because I live just outside the capital, Kampala. Seguku is a suburb of Kampala and has electricity and water available. Just a few months
The children of Uganda inspired Rita to change her geography and her life.
ago we were able to finalize the pumping system that brings city water to our facilities due to the generosity of a group of visitors to our area. We are at 4,000 feet elevation and the water source that we tapped into was at a much lower altitude. It required many feet of piping and a very strong pump to force the water up the hill. Prior to this city water supply, we were dependent upon rainwater collection and when that was inadequate, we had to have water brought up the hill by truck, which was very costly. Uganda generates electricity via dams in the Nile River, but our
RTDM Helps Seniors
By NOKP Staff Though our senior years are supposed to be golden, many folks, says Pastor Wesley Joyner, a not smiling. “Many folks in my age group are not receiving the benefits to which they are entitled. Their lives are harder than they should be, and they are making choices – doing without things – that they should not have to.” Wes’ goal is simple: “Once we have met, I want you to leave with a smile on your face.” Learning What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know Many times, Pastor Wes admits, the most daunting issue facing seniors is a simple lack of knowledge. “Many seniors, myself included at times, simply do not know – or do not know enough – about the number, type and extent of the benefits available to them. And the worst part is, you don’t know what you don’t know. How could you?” Pastor Wes and some likeminded colleagues founded Road to Damascus Ministries: Senior Educational Services to address that very issue. “Folks should not
CARE....................................... 6 Spotlight with Brenda Wiseman................... 6 Ask Anne ............................... 7 Jim & Nell Taze 33573 ........................ 8, 9 & 10
Pastor Tim Wilson Pastor Wes Joyner
miss out on the quality of life they want to enjoy – physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually – just because they don’t have the knowledge or understanding they need.” “We are here to educate and inspire, to provide senior adults with a better quality of life. If we can help you, even in a small way, we will.” The ministry’s website (www. puts it this way: “A person has enough to deal with as they age. Getting the help you need should not just be one more endless headache or needless heartache. Unfortunately, needed information is not always easily or readily available. That is why we are here – to help connect you with the resources for which you qualify.”
Deputy Chris ....................... 11 Golf............................... 12 & 13 Hard Knox............................. 17 Bulletin.............. 18, 19, 20 & 21 Faith Bulletin................. 22 & 23 Dixon’s Destinations............ 24
power is sporadic. We all believe it is because the sale of electricity to other neighboring countries is a big source of income for the government and so they give us rolling power or black outs. Certain foods are difficult to get here but the selection of foods is getting better every week. Chocolate, cheese and snack foods are the most frequently requested items to be brought over by visitors. I have been amazed that the fresh vegetables are not in abundance. Fresh fruit is plentiful. Pineapples and the little sweet bananas are my favorites. The weather here is the
Rita and Elias, one of the children she helps
most ideal that I have ever experienced. The temperature ranges from the mid 60’s to the high 80’s year round. There are two rainy seasons and frequently those rains occur during the night. Here lately they have been in the late afternoon and make the roads very slippery and slimy since there is red clay everywhere. Because I am a single Continued on Page 2
How They Can Help
“The ways in which we can help,” says Pastor Joyner, “are always growing, always expanding.” Common issues RTDM routinely help seniors with include, but are not limited to: debt elimination, mortgage help and other financial issues, Medicare & Medicaid, prescription drugs, meal delivery, dental needs, durable medical equipment, health questions (mental and physical) and certain legal issues. They also have coupon programs to help seniors save money on food and other necessities. How and to what extent they can help, Pastor Joyner stresses, depends entirely on what the individual in question qualifies for. “There are no one-size-fits-all plans that will work best for everyone. That’s why we seek to educate and inspire, person-to-person, one-to-one.” To learn more about RTDM’s Senior Educational Services visit . To schedule a meeting with an advocate . call 727-859-5328. Getting Answers “First and foremost, we help people get answers to questions they may not even know to ask. Then we fully explain the alternatives they may have so that they can make a confident decision. We don’t want to be one more roadblock – we work hard to be a solution, no matter what the problem is.” But Road to Damascus Ministries is not simply about senior advocacy. In striving to keep
Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Contract Bridge................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31
people fully informed about the senior resources and senior benefits that matter to them, RTDM focuses on working with individuals. “We count it a tremendous privilege to sit down and speak with you, one-on-one, to assess your personal situation and determine the local, state and national benefits for which you qualify. We can visit you at your private home or assisted living Continued on Page 7
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