1112 News of Kings Point

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News of

Thanksgiving November 22


November, 2012

As Election Approaches, Lines Are Drawn Across SCC

By NOKP Staff The line of cars stretched for over a mile, enthusiastic Democrats and curious undecideds waiting to turn into the parking lot of the Sun City Center Community Hall. They came to hear Senator, Bill Nelson, and Vice President, Joe Biden. But first they had to pass through a gauntlet of folks supporting “the other guy.” These lines stretched along either side of N. Pebble Beach, GOP supporters waving bright signs proclaiming their allegiance to Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. These lines of cars and sign wavers clearly delineated the lines that have been drawn in our community and our country. Polls consistently show the race for President to be a dead heat, well within the margin for error. But here in Sun City Center, opinions have not historically been so balanced. According to the Hillsborough County Elections office, of the registered voters in the 8 districts that make up Sun City Center, 8,032 are registered

Democratic speakers, including Vice President, Joe Biden, visited SCC in October. Their central message: “We are preserving and strengthening Medicare.”

Crowd waiting for the Vice President, Joe Biden.

Republicans, 4,979 are registered Democrats, a not quite 2-to-1 margin. In the national election, voters registered with “no party

affiliation” are expected to play a decisive role in the overall outcome. The 4,292 minor party or no party affiliated voters in SCC will likely tip the scales as well. In

Dotty Katz wore her support with pride, including a button that pronounced Big Bird’s candidate of choice.

the 2008 election, John McCain received 11,420 votes here and Barack Obama received 7,687. While the state eventually went Continued on Page 9

SCC Photo Club Announces Competition Winners

Winners have been announced in the September competition of the Sun City Center Photo Club. Five perfect scores were awarded. Kathy Griffith received a 15 for Hawaiian Protea, Elinor Lennox received her perfect score for Dawn in Venice, Robert Price received the perfect score for After the Fire, George Seeley received his perfect score for Lipizzan Stallion and Patt Sulzberger received the perfect score for Lunch on the Veldt. The contest was judged by professional photographer Chuck Stevenson. In the Beginner category, Shirley Bengston won a gold award for Atlantic Morning Sunrise. Erica Collins received silver for Vibrant Chihuly Design. Andre Ledoux won a gold for Reaching Higher and silver awards for But, Ma!, Stormy Skies and He’s Mine! Elinor Lenonox received a gold award and perfect score for Dawn in Venice and a silver for Millau Bridge. Sue McBride received gold awards for Beach Boys, Gimme Shelter and Home Alone. Robert Price received a gold award with a perfect score

Poem ..................................... 2 Where In The World ....... 5 & 6 CARE....................................... 7 Golf................................... 8 & 9 Debbie Caneen 33573 ........................... 13 - 19

for After the Fire. He also received a gold for Jetting Over Japan and silver for Rainman. Rod Rodriguez won a bronze for Roger Williams Park Merry-go-round and a silver award for Under the Chicago Bean. In the Intermediate category, Kathy Griffith won golds for Hawaiian Protea (perfect score), Old Church Steeple and Alaskan Twilight. Pat Jones received silver for Rock Bed Butterfly and bronze awards for Old Country Barn and Mystic Berries. Roger Kele received silver awards for Break Time and Grass Island and a bronze for Shelter at Lake Powell. Beverly Shackelford won a gold for Santa Maria de Tallo, silver awards for Monserrat Mountains and Alcazar and a bronze for Lettuce Lake Bog. Ron Shackelford won golds for Balancing Act and Mother’s Wall of Life Shrine, and silver awards for Watching Over Parliament and Night Heron. Kathy Vitale received silver awards for Jordanian Bedouin Family and Florida Jurassic Park and gold for Mmm! Good! Continued on Page 3

Lipizzan Stallion by George Seeley.

After the Fire by Robert Price.

Lunch on the Veldt by Patt Sulzberger.


Dixon’s Destinations............ 21 Bulletin........................... 22 - 25 Faith Bulletin................. 26 & 27 Military ................................. 28 Contract Bridge................... 29 Hard Knox ........................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

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