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The News of

Thanksgiving 11.26.15

Sun City Center November 2015

People Who Care

Meet Frank and Sandy Kepley

By Paula Lickfeldt Sun City Center is a unique retirement community that operates efficiently and offers many unique opportunities because of volunteer efforts. Frank and Sandy Kepley are prime examples of folks who invest in this community so all of us benefit. Frank received a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Louisville in 1962. He joined the United States Navy in 1961 and was accepted for a rotating dental internship at Portsmouth Naval Hospital from 1962 to 63. In 1970 he was accepted for a threeyear residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center. Frank served in the Navy for 26 years in many different places and in many different ways. In 1988, Frank retired from the Navy and joined North Chicago VA Hospital as chief of surgery. In 2000, the Kepleys moved to Sun City Center. Frank accepted a job at James A. Haley VA hospital as chief of dental and OMS services. He was in charge of a team that implemented the electronic medical record system. Frank retired from the VA in 2004.

After Frank retired from the VA he planned to spend most of his time playing golf. He loved the game and decided to golf as much as he could. Then he hurt his hip, had hip surgery and found that he could no longer play the game. Because he could not play golf and needed something “worthwhile” to devote his life to, he began volunteering. Frank told me, “There is no better satisfaction in life then being an active volunteer.” While living In SCC, Frank joined MOAA, MOWW and accepted a position as trustee in the Military Family Support Trust (MFST). He also provides publicity for all three organizations. He received the Silver Patrick Henry Award from MOWW for publicity contributions and MOAA national award for best Legislative Affairs newsletter. He was on the board of directors and published and edited a monthly newsletter for MOAA. Frank told me that he loves contributing to the community and to veterans. This enables him to keep abreast with what is going on in the VA. Volunteer work is meaningful and he believes it gives purpose to his life Not having enough to do already, Frank served as president of

Sandy Kepley

Frank Kepley

the Lake View home owners association for several years. Sandy, Frank’s wife of 54 years, is a “cat lady.” She spends a lot of her “volunteer time” working with cat rescue groups. Part of her feline rescue service is at the FurEver Sanctuary where cats receive a safe place to stay until they can find a forever home. Sandy is also an active member of the CARE Feline Folks, who sponsor the spay and neuter program for cats. Recognizing that cats are excellent companions for seniors, Sandy is a part of the SCC Cat Lovers Group, who work to raise money to help seniors who have cats and cannot afford to feed them. Along with her cat rescue work,

Sandy has been on the entertainment committee for the last ten years, to help bring Sunday afternoon and Friday evening entertainment to SCC. Thank you to Frank and Sandy for all their efforts helping to make Sun City Center the vibrant, fun and engaging community it is. Editor’s Note: “People Who Care” is a new feature about your friends and neighbors who donate significant time and energy to add quality to your Sun City Center lifestyle. Do you know someone who makes SCC a better place to live and play? If so, send in a suggestion to newsofscc.ca@gmail.com.

Volunteers “Step Out” Against Domestic Violence Run benefits Mary & Martha House

Robert Leonard (far right) oversees installation.

Scouts & Audubon Club Build Homes for Birds

By Rosie Korfant Recently, a cadre’ of JSA Medical Group volunteers and their families joined residents and friends from across Sun City Center and SouthShore for the Color Fun Run/Walk to benefit the Mary & Martha House Stepping Out Against Domestic Violence. On a bright Saturday morning, participants met at E.G Simmons Park


Scan the code with your smartphone to find us online. www.newsofsuncitycenter.com

Submitted by the SCC Audubon Club What do the Sun City Audubon Club and Boy Scout Troop #611 of Apollo Beach, led by David Mortus, have in common? Bluebirds! It all started when SCC Audubon members spotted Eastern bluebirds in the vicinity of the closed North Course. Bluebirds require a specific habitat that includes wide-open space and mowed See Step Out on page 4 or grazed grasses. Secondary cavity

in Ruskin to help raise funding for the endeavors of the Mary & Martha House, dedicated to providing emergency shelter, transitional housing and support services to women who are homeless and/or victims of domestic violence and their dependent children. The Walk was fun for everyone: families, beginners, children and even

The News of

nesters, bluebirds have been victims of habitat loss due to development and the removal of dead trees (snags) that pose liability issues. Fortunately, bluebirds are making a comeback because they readily use nest boxes dedicated volunteers are installing in suitable habitat throughout their nesting range. The SCC Audubon Club decided to embark on a bluebird box installation

See Audubon on page 4.

Sun City Center On the Inside

33573.......................................................................................... 12-15 Arts & Entertainment ......................................................... 16 - 18 Comics & Puzzles.................................................................34 & 35 Crossword .......................................................................................35 Editors Corner................................................................................... 2 Events...........................................................................................9 -11 Faith in Fitness................................................................................. 2 Faith & Service .....................................................................30 & 31 Fraud Forum ..................................................................................... 5

Golf ........................................................................................... 22 - 24 Military....................................................................................26 & 28 Pets.................................................................................................... 33 Poetry ................................................................................................. 8 Sports ........................................................................................ 21-24 Solutions ..........................................................................................29 Sudoku..............................................................................................35 Travel .................................................................................................20 Where In The World News of SSC.............................................25


November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

The Editor’s Corner

Faith in Fitness By Rosie Korfant

Grabbing Hold of Moments

In A Thanksgiving “Tizzy”?

By E. Adam Porter Editor in Chief For most of us, at some point this month, we will be sitting around a table and someone will prompt the rest of us to talk about – or at least think about – a few things they are thankful for. It’s the same ritual, year after year, and, if you’re anything like me, “being thankful” comes easier some years than it does others. Sure, most of us can come up with something before the gravy gets cold, but it’s not always on the tip of our tongues. If the ritual takes place between the dinner and the pie, it can be even tougher. After seconds or thirds on the turkey, cranberries and mashed potatoes, you really don’t want to think deep thoughts. You want to doze on the couch, a satisfied grin on your face and a full belly lapping over a belt you already loosened twice. Fortunately, in those blissful moments, you don’t have to think too hard to be thankful. That full belly … and maybe that glass or two of wine … are reason enough. Sometimes, though, a reason to be thankful reaches out and takes you by the hand. When it does, you have to hold on tight, with your hand… and your heart. Back in April we added a golden retriever puppy to our menagerie that currently includes myself, my bride, a cat and two of our three kids, 6 and “almost 4,” respectively. The Big Kid, 22, is currently an ocean away, serving Uncle Sam. The dog has been good for all of us, I think. The daily walks are a chance for us to unplug and just be together. On this particular evening it was dusk, growing darker, and the boys were leading the way with flashlights. As we went along, I held back a little. I wanted to watch them, my wife and boys with the 60-pound “puppy,” as they walked together. I wanted to capture that moment, to remember it. This was a pretty regular practice for me when the Big Kid was little. We spent a lot of time hiking in the woods, walking through our neighborhood or strolling along the shoreline. I would drop off the pace until I was a few steps behind, then allow my mind’s eye to snap a few memories. Looking back now, I can call up some of those moments like leafing through a sepia-tinged photo album. I may not be able to do that

forever, so I try to take advantage when I can. So, again, I hung back, one square of sidewalk, then two. Less than a minute passed before one of the lights stopped bouncing. The beam tilted toward the ground, then back at me. A Hobbitsized silhouette stopped in front of me, and a little hand clutched my own. “Come, walk with us,” he said, “You are important to me.” I held his hand as we closed the distance, once again walking as a tight group. Well, except for the other flashlight, bopping along ahead of us, always one sidewalk square beyond the acceptable, agreed upon, distance. The six-year-old has too much of his old man in him. He will always push the limits. I admire that. A bit later we reached our typical stopping point, where our hike leader waited, eager to begin leading the trek home. My bride passed the dog’s leash to me and we started back. Like a horse headed back to the barn, he strained against the lead, pulling as hard as I allowed. It was full dark now. With the absence of streetlights, we were dependent on the twin flashlights. After a quarter mile, I noticed only one flashlight ahead of us. I stopped and turned back. A flashlight beam bobbed up and down a few paces behind us. I passed the dog’s leash to my bride and closed the distance. The flashlight stopped. I knelt and took his chubby not-quite-four-year-old hand. “Come walk with us…” He smiled as I paused, his eyes patient, hopeful … “You are important to me.” There was no moon to speak of, but those big blue eyes gleamed anyway. He clutched my hand as we caught back up with the rest of our crew. Having been through it once already, I know how fast the years can go. How few those moments truly are and how quickly hands clutched together can become voices over the phone. Even with all our technology today— video chat, Skype and Facetime, social media—nothing can instantly connect you like a hand clutching your own. A week has passed since that frozen little moment in time, and it has lost none of its power to fill my heart. Just recounting it here, I had to take a moment and smile. I had to grab hold, again, because I don’t want to lose it. Maybe one day I will … but not yet. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CFC1425759 PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL

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EXPECTATIONS! That’s a major contender for a stress-filled turkey day. Sometimes the “disconnect” between what’s supposed to be a warm, fun-filled family day and what it’s really like is so far apart that our expectations plummet. Many once-in-a while family gatherings, that look so “Walton-style” as family dinners in our minds, become old familiar dust which starts to fill the air and the old patterns re-emerge causing stress and discouragement. Dreaming about the “perfect Thanksgiving” that never really happened, is an expectation doomed to failure. Ahhh well, look on the bright side— surely there IS one. Yes, once you set some boundaries of what’s acceptable behavior, everyone will settle down into a nice cozy “modified friendly atmosphere.” All the while you can pull out your favorite pecan pie recipe rather than that well-worn pumpkin one. See what happens when you add some zest to the festivities. Yes, let it BE festive. For some, it’s the only time of year, they can pretend to fit in or be half charming. Let them get away with the deception, then lower the boom! Tell them you really have missed seeing them, that you’d like to have a closer family relationship, that you love the way they … Go ahead, just fill in the blanks and let yourself get swept up in what COULD or SHOULD be the family postcard picture of a happy Thanksgiving and let ‘er rip! You’ll be amazed at what dishing out some compliments (even unearned) will do for your table setting.

After the parade, the turkey, the football game, the lethargy sets in. Skip the clean up and go for a walk, even if around the corner, have everyone put on their duds and stroll just for a little while together. Explore the outdoors. Hey, if it’s windy, rainy, chilly or sunny, go for it! Make an effort, you’ll be glad you did. If no walking is possible, then pull out a moldy old game of Scrabble, a deck of cards or even that old standby, Monopoly. If you REALLY can’t do any of the above, then have your dinner in a public place. Hardly anyone goes bonkers at Thanksgiving in a public restaurant. (Do they?) OK, if all else fails, the old axiom works: “Treat your friends like family and your family like friends!” After all, Thanksgiving equals “Thanks” + “Giving,” right? Sources: Dr. John Oldham, Chief of Staff, Menninger Clinic National Alliance on Mental Illness Anxiety and Depression Association of America Cynthia M. Bulik, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Aspen Education Group Dr. Morton Orman, author: The Fourteen Day Stress Cure Dr. Linda Andress, assistant professor of psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine Dr. Nick Stinnet, professor of Family Studies at University of Alabama

The News of

Sun City Center The News of Sun City Center is a publication of NOKP Media PO Box 6212,Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 813.938.8721 News Office located in Old Town Hall

E. Adam Porter Phyllis Hodges Editor in Chief Reporter

John Bowker Reporter

Uta Kuhn Reporter

Kai Rambow Paula Lickfeldt Reporter Reporter

Contributors: Linda Bowker, Agnes Baker, Ilona Merritt, Peggy Burgess, Judy Schings, Debbie Caneen, Ed Feder (CA Board Liaison), Frank Kepley. John Wolf Advertising 813.938.8721 newsofsccads@gmail.com

Nancy Jean Design and Layout

DEADLINE: 15th of the month prior to publication. Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. SUBMISSIONS The News of Sun City Center is proud to be the premier news and events publication in Greater Sun City Center. We are proud to be the only print media publication distributed to every home and business in Sun City Center community, and we are dedicated to providing you with a local paper with a “hometown” feel. Submissions we accept include: community events or businesses, club or group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. NOKP Media (Publisher) reserves the right to edit or otherwise refuse all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor assumes any responsibility for the return of submitted items. Mailed submissions will ONLY be returned if a correctly sized SASE is included with the submission. DO NOT FORMAT SUBMISSIONS. Basic paragraphs without ALL CAPS, multiple colors and other “flyer” formatting are required. Email submissions are preferred. Submit stories and photos to “newsofscc.ca@gmail.com”. Place the content in the body of the email and attach pictures in .jpeg or .png format. Alternatively, submissions may be submitted via the SUBMISSIONS link at www.NewsOfSunCityCenter.com. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Sun City Center C/O NOKP Media PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Letters or Comments The News of Sun City Center will not publish any political, religious or complaint letters. We will consider “thank yous” for good service. Declaration No part of this new publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of NOKP Media. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees.


November 2015

The News of Sun City Center


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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Step Out from page 1.

pets on a leash. Getting “blasted” with harmless, colored powder was part of the excitement. If you haven’t seen one of these type runs, you’re in for a surprise— colors range from bright orange to misty purple, with everything in between. JSA Medical Group volunteered in a variety of ways: registration, t-shirt distribution, water stops, food tents and even filling pet watering bowls! The volunteer spirit is part of the annual, nation-wide Village Service Days (VSD) project presented by the DaVita Healthcare Corporation, wherein clinics from around the country choose a volunteer project to support with time, effort and/or monies for the cause of the 501c3 organization of their choice. JSA Medical Group is a Division of DaVita Healthcare partners whose vision is to “Build the Greatest Healthcare Community the World Has Ever Seen.” Team-building is what makes it happen! Scan the code with your smartphone to find us online. www.newsofsuncitycenter.com

Is your

Audubon from page 1.

Hammering rebar into ground.

Box facing vacant 5 acres perfect habitat.

project and enlisted the help of Eagle Scout candidate, Robert Leonard, to assist them in making it happen. Robert got material donations from Tom Stultz, Manager of the Sun City Home Depot. His troop constructed the nest boxes according to strict specifications from the American Blue Bird Society. Sun City Center Audubon purchased the predator guards that were attached to nest box poles to discourage squirrels, and especially snakes. The Club recruited SCC residents willing to install nest boxes and who met the habitat criteria. Over 40 residents responded. Sixteen were eventually found to meet the requirements and were approved to have nest boxes installed. An additional two boxes were installed on CA property at the back of the Atrium. Residents with

boxes installed have agreed to monitor nest box activity and yearly cleaning; Club members will monitor the Atrium boxes. The nest boxes were installed by Robert and his Scout assistants on October 10. From 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., 18 boxes were installed at residences along the closed North Course, Sandpiper and Renaissance Golf Courses. At the conclusion of the event, the scouts gathered for a pizza lunch provided by Tom Williams of South Shore Pizza. A great time was had by all! If you are intereste d in more information about Eastern bluebirds and other birds you might see in SCC, the Audubon Club will have its first meeting of the season Saturday, November 7, 9:30 a.m. in the Florida Room at the Atrium. Open to SCC and KP residents.

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Bluebird box with Atrium in the background.

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November 2015

Fraud Forum With Deputy Jeffery Merry

Community Resource Deputy, Sun City Center Continuing with his monthly fraud awareness presentations, i n O c t o b e r, Community Resource Deputy Merry conducted a seminar on internet and email fraud, including prevention tips, statistics, and how it affects victims. According to Consumer Reports, between 3 and 20 billion dollars are lost each year to various fraudulent scams and schemes. The actual loss amount from internet fraud is unknown. Most fraud against seniors is unreported or under reported, especially in cases of internet and email fraud. Most of the proceeds generated from these frauds are immediately directed overseas and untraceable once there. Internet fraud encompasses many different types of fraudulent schemes and scams and includes any fraud where the internet is utilized, such as websites, chat rooms, email, message boards, etc. Of the many types of internet fraud the most predominate ones are: auction fraud, which is the misrepresentation or non-delivery of the items for sale, counterfeit cashiers checks, which are sent as payment for items for sale and then the buyer asks for the overage to be sent back to them as payment, internet extortion, where computers are hijacked by various software and money is required to unlock it or remove the virus, employment opportunity, where the job post is to obtain a false identity

The News of Sun City Center or use them as a money launderer, reshipping scheme, where people are recruited to assist shipping stolen items internationally, parcel courier scheme, where an email is sent from a purported legitimate shipper that requires taxes or fees to deliver the package, lotteries, where an email is sent stating that a lottery is won but fees and taxes are required to collect winnings, Nigerian 419 Letters, where supposed dignitaries need assistance moving money to the United States or have an unclaimed inheritance for a minimal fee, and phishing, where an email or website is falsified to look like a legitimate website to obtain financial and personal information. Protect yourself: •Don’t give out personal information unless you know who you are dealing with •Beware of lotteries and sweepstakes that require taxes and fees upfront •Be wary of money-making ads •Talk with a loved one before sending money •Always go to the financial institution website yourself, never click links within emails •If in doubt, ask someone For further information go to the Federal Trade Commission’s website at www.ftc. gov or the Internet Crime Complaint Center website at www.ic3.gov. November’s presentations will be conducted on contractor fraud and how to prevent becoming a victim. The presentations will be held on: Tuesday, November 10, Sun City Center Community Association Sandpiper Room, 9 a.m. Tuesday, November 10, Kings Point Ripple Room, 1 p.m. Wednesday, November 18, American Momentum Bank, 3 p.m. Thursday, November 19, Freedom Plaza Auditorium, 10 a.m.

Shopping for Windows 10.


Photo Courtesy Best Buy

Upgrading from XP to Windows 10 By Kai Rambow Based on discussions, a surprising percentage of computer users in town are still using XP software. XP users cannot get a free upgrade, however, they probably should not be buying the software either. Myth: Moving from XP to Windows 10 is just another upgrade. Reality: You’ll probably need a new machine. Technology changes so rapidly there are points when you need to change. This is one of them. There are several reasons why: (1) If you’re operating on XP, your machine is seven years or older. Even at seven years young, you’re pushing the expiration limits of the machine. It won’t last forever. (2) Microsoft is no longer providing support of any kind. If something goes

wrong, you’re on your own. (3) Each generation of software has required more RAM and more GB. XP has been followed by four software generations. That means even if your machine could take Windows 10, it probably won’t run well at all. If you want to keep XP and want Windows 10, you would need to buy the software and upgrade your computer. The total would be more than a new machine. From a money perspective it probably doesn’t make sense. You won’t need to buy a new machine today, however, it will likely happen sooner rather than later. A new machine will most likely have Windows 10 preloaded. There are two possibilities: a new computer or a tablet. What you should look for and the pluses and minuses of each will be covered in the next few articles.

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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Residents Save Over $1.7 Million Thanks to Emergency Squad

By Kai Rambow Yes! The headline is correct – and that’s a conservative figure. Every year residents are collectively saving about $2 million. How can it be so much? Let’s take a quick look at one service provided by the Emergency Squad. Many patients who need dialysis rely on the Squad to transport them. This lifesaving help – at no charge – saves patients $500 for each trip. Other 911 related costs are even higher. This is why smart residents call the Emergency Squad number and not 911. Over the last few months, we featured the volunteers on the ambulance crews. While these are critical, life-saving roles, 50 percent of the volunteers are in not so obvious roles. Without them, however, the Emergency Squad would have challenges providing services. Some of the volunteers and roles are featured here.

IT volunteer, Steve Livingston, checking the phone system.

While there are many worthwhile causes, few give so clear a return on investment. Every volunteer hour and every donation comes back to our community in measurable dollars. The Emergency Squad’s motto is, “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” If you’d like to help residents save money and be part of a great organization, stop by and leave your contact information for Betty Richner, Assistant Chief of Human Resources.

Joyce Kline and Mary Reter greeting visitors at the front desk.

Nick Avella maintaining a wheelchair, before it is sanitized and returned into service.

“They all like my food,” exclaims Frank Gatto, one of the original cooks.

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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Seniors vs. Crime Update By Agnes Baker

An update ——a few months back, we did an “alert” bulletin regarding the availability of the Seniors vs. Crime office located here in Sun City Center. Since that item appeared, this office, manned entirely by volunteers, has helped in the following ways: Complaints were investigated regarding a company that sells door to door contracts for a large TV service, at a reduced rate to the older citizens. The prices written by the salesperson for the two-year commitment are not prices honored by the television service so, when the citizen gets the bill from them the first price is higher, but the second year increase is significant. Should the citizen try to get out of the contract, $20 per month of the remaining time on the contract must be paid. The efforts by the Seniors vs. Crime to have the TV service respond to the complaints have met with great resistance, so, beware. Several citizens reported on a face cream sales pitch that allowed them to try the cream, asking for a credit card number. The small print indicated they would be charged each month for the product and a charge was placed on that card or bank statement. When the additional charges were noted, these folks complained to the Seniors vs. Crime office and they were successful in having the contracts terminated with refunds/credit given to the clients. A resident complained that a company selling vitamins and other health products sent additional items without his request, knowledge or permission. The company had placed these charges on his checking account but, after he complained, the company sent appropriate return labels. He sent back the unwanted items and, after assistance from this office, his checking account was credited. Hats off to these hard working volunteers. Remember, they are here to help all of us so, if you have a problem, call the office at 813-634-8666.

Metaphysical Society EXPO Fund Raiser A Special Treat for Your Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Interests

Saturday, November 14, 2015 • 10 am - 4 pm Spiritual Readers, Intuitives, Vendors and More Free Admission - Open to the Public

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You Could Win a Gift Card Valued up to $400!* Minto will award 5 lucky golf carts with a gift card ranging from $100 - $400 just for joining the parade! Each decorated golf cart will receive a raffle ticket at registration, participate in the parade, turn in your ticket as you finish the parade and listen for your raffle number to be called at the awards ceremony… it’s that easy to win up to $400!* FLORIDA’S NEW



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POETRY To Thee I Thing

An opera singer named Keith, to Maestro he said “If you pleath, I’ll thing allegretto that high thee libretto; just find me my falthetto teeth!” John F. Foster

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Wing Into tindered hills he climbs though lifeless char and blister and smoldering rock. Fire-rigged and vigilant for damage done, he probes the smoking earth, charting an inferno. Eyes burning and ashen-faced, he discovers a bird sitting petrified in firedust at the foot of a barren pine.

D u ri n g th e Hol i d ays

A careful nudge and three tiny chicks scurry back under their dead mother’s wing. Disaster impending, a loving mother had carried her offspring to the base of a tree and gathered them under her wing, instinctively knowing smoke would rise. From a sudden sob, a single teardrop softly splashes into the ash of a small, scorched body. A body once warm with life, and maternal, and steadfast.

John F. Foster (Note: based on an account reported in the aftermath of the Great Yellowstone Fire of 1977.)

A Floridian at the DeKalb Farmer’s Market Regardless of the season, dress as if you’re spending the winter in New England. And if by chance it is winter, dress as if you’re Arctic-bound. Inside is a sea of hats, coats, puffy jackets, scarves and gloves rushing about... Who works here? Those wearing soiled butcher aprons that struggle to cover their mundane outerwear. Fashion trumps form among the patrons. I’m unprepared for the assault on my senses that awaits.

Stop by Inspired Living at Sun City Center to drop off a non-perishable food item any day from November 1st – 19th between 8 am and 8 pm You’ll be entered into a drawing to

win a free pie! (10 pies will be given away)

All food donations will be delivered to the Good Samaritan Mission by our residents.

Like an experienced artist’s palette, a rainbow of herbs, spices, and seasonings lines a wall.

A constant, audible, industrial hum overpowers the sounds of normal conversations. Its source pushes out air so cold you can see your breath. The Coffee Bar counters with cups of hot, dark and steamy javas from exotic places. Each pastry, in the parade of delightful, sugar-ladened delicacies from everywhere peers from behind a neighboring glass, vies to be the mate of a cup of joe.

Per sonalized Memory C are

Heat emanates from rows of peppers in various sizes, shapes, colors and countries of origin. My eyes begin to tear; my nose starts to run. A single stream of sweat forges its way from the nape of my neck to the base of my spine. Up ahead are rows and rows of festive fruits and vibrant vegetables that eventually give way to rows and rows and rows of breads, fish, meats, and dairy.

Call to schedule a tour

But, my shoulders ache from the unfamiliar weight of outer garments. I’ve lost all feeling in my hands and feet.

1320 33rd Street SE | Sun City Center, FL 33573

Numb, I must flee. Strangely, the thought of my next visit warms me. © October 2015 Suzanne S. Austin-Hill

(813) 579-1406

(off Rt. 674, to the right of Bob Evans restaurant)

InspiredLivingSunCityCenter.com Facebook “f ” Logo

Assisted Living Facility Lic. #12603

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EVENTS November 2015

The News of Sun City Center


NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Save This Date for Your Holiday Schedule!

December 5 is the Community Association’s Holiday Breakfast/Walk on the Central Campus (N. Pebble Beach Blvd.).

SouthShore Library Programs

By Chely Cantrell, Principal Librarian Below are the November Adult programs scheduled at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. All programs are FREE and open to the public! Holiday Pie Making – Friday, November 6, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Learn how to make easy and elegant pies. Program will feature demonstration, recipes, and samples. Registration required at either the SouthShore Regional Library Information Desk or by calling (813) 273-3652. West African Kora Music Concert – Monday, November 16, 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. Sea Gaskell will give a performance and educational demonstration on the Kora, an ancient 21-stringed harp from West Africa. He will feature traditional songs that are the heart and soul of the Kora’s musical repertoire in addition to some of his own compositions. Introduction to Online Shopping – Tuesday, November 17, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Learn how to safely shop online, protect your personal information, find product reviews, and choose the appropriate type of website for your needs. Movie Matinee – Enjoy the movie Unbroken on the library’s big screen. Angelina Jolie directs this true – life tale of Louis Zamperini, The Olympic track star who survived a plane crash in World War II, only to fight for his life against nature and eventually as a prisoner of war. Starring Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, Finn Wittrock, Garrett Hedlund, Jai Courtney, and Takamasa Ishihara. Rated PG13. 137 minutes. Master Gardener: Terrariums – Friday, November 20, 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. Learn about nature in a whole new way! During this hands-on presentation, learn how to create a unique indoor garden with Master Gardener, Maryhelen Zopfi. Learn about container and plant selection, care and maintenance, and personalizing your terrarium. A suggested plant list and handouts will be provided.

Samaritan Services And SCC Ride Holiday Hours

Samaritan Services and SCC Ride will be closed starting 12 noon, Wednesday, November 25, all day Thanksgiving, November 26, and Friday, the day after. We will be closed for Christmas Holidays all day Thursday, December 24 and Christmas Day, December 25. We will also be closed for a half day Thursday, December 31, starting at 12 noon and closed all day New Years’ Day. Please make a note of this on your calendars.

Operation Medicine Cabinet

By John Bowker It is very important that you not throw your old or unused medications down the toilet, because the processing plants that handle our sewage cannot remove some of the most dangerous chemicals. Your waste is re-circulated to the bay or aquifer for ultimate reuse as potable drinking water. On Friday, November 6, Deputy Jeff Merry will be conducting an “Operation Medicine Cabinet” for the disposal of all unused medical supplies. In fact, he will accept your old needles too – but be sure to warn him about any needles. Put it all in a sealed plastic bag so there won’t be any bits, pieces or fluids leaking into his container. Just come to the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church parking lot at 1239 West Del Webb Blvd between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. that day.

SCC Holiday Golf Cart Parade

The parade is scheduled for December 12, 2015 rain or shine. This year’s decorating theme is Sun, Sand, and Surf (one or all). Thousands of dollars in prizes and raffle prizes for just participating in the parade from start to finish. More info coming in the near future.

L to R: Dawn Simon, Elysia Cabili, Maria Vasquez, Marisol Neri-Baxcajay, Brittany Wilhelm.

Beth Shields Girls Enjoy Tech Trek Summer Camp

The October meeting for AAUW/SCC/SouthShore was a PowerPoint presentation by the two directors of the summer Tech Trek camp. Shirley Reid and Marge Ostrom from the Venice area AAUW Branches discussed the many activities; the presentation ended with a video set to music showing events from registration to last night bonfire with skits performed by each group. Out of 44 girls chosen statewide to attend the camp, two also present at the meeting were from Beth Shields Middle School and were sponsored by the local AAUW Branch. Elysia Cabili accompanied by grandmother Maria Vasquez and Marisol Neri-Boxcajay spoke regarding their favorite activities at camp (i.e. building a hot-air balloon with an early morning lift-off later in the week). Representing Beth Shields was Science Coach Brittany Willhelm and Writing Coach Dawn Simon. The week started off with the girls making banners on the theme Dream It-Do It. They had hands-on core classes in robotics, aeronautics, forensics, and even being an App Inventor. Workshops delving deeper into STEM activities were building islands that hopefully did not succumb to hurricane winds, figuring out how long bungee cords must be on Barbie dolls so they did not hit the ground, dissecting animal eyes, geology in a bottle, and the chemistry of food. Then there were fun games and field trips to make each day very filled as well as fun and educational. Applications for 2016 Tech Trek camp will be due in December. Girls finishing 7th grade are nominated by math or science teachers at area middle schools. The local AAUW Branch interviews those who have completed applications including a written essay and makes recommendations to the state committee that makes final selections in the Spring. Any teachers or counselors at local middle schools wishing to learn more about this process contact Diane Waronka at 813-641-2722.

See Events on page 10.


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The News of Sun City Center

Events from page 9.

Want to Lose Those Extra Pounds?

Our TOPS FL-788 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) weight reduction support group meets every Tuesday morning. Weigh-in from 8 to 8:30 a.m. Meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. We would love to have you join us, as our guest, so you can experience how our motivational programs can help you start shedding those extra pounds. For more information, email Sharon at “shar.sharp@gmail.com”, or call Marie at (813) 425-3566.

Reaching Out to Long-Term Care Residents

Florida’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program has advocate positions available in the Hillsborough and Manatee areas. Volunteers visit with residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities and adult-family care homes to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect. Training and certification are provided and volunteers participate in council meetings, administrative assessments and complaint resolution in facilities. If you would like to become an ombudsman and make a difference in your community, visit ombudsman.myflorida.com, search for us on Facebook or call 888-831-0404.

SCC International Forum Program on Putin’s Russia, November 6

The International Forum of Sun City Center will present a program on “Putin’s Russia: Domestic and foreign policy since the fall of USSR”, Friday, November 6, 2015. The program will feature two speakers. 1. Professor Kees Boterbloem, author of A History of Russia and its Empire: From Mikhail Romanov to Vladimir Putin, will discuss the historical background to the Crimea and Donbas conflicts between Ukraine and Russia and how specific readings of history and historical experiences have an impact on them. 2. Dr. Chris Stroop (Ph.D. Stanford U., 2012) will discuss life in Putin’s Russia and how the conflict with Ukraine and the economic boycott of Russia (as well as the other aspects of the renewed tension between Russia and the West) has had an impact on the country. Dr. Stroop has recently returned to the US from a three-year stint as a senior lecturer at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in Moscow. The program will be held in the Florida Room in the Atrium Bldg. of Sun City Center’s main campus on North Pebble Beach Blvd. from 9:30-11:30. Residents of Sun City Center, Kings Points and their guests are welcome.

November 2015

Siesta Key Crystal Classic International Sand Sculpting Festival

On Thursday, November 12 we kick off the return of the 6th Annual Siesta Key Crystal Classic International Sand Sculpting Festival with a party at Mattison’s Forty-One. What better place to meet all master sculptors and artist team sponsors then at Mattison’s? Tickets are still available for a limited time for $39. Dinner, entertainment, libations and a Quick Sand show will get you ready for this year’s fabulous event. Artists hailing from as far away as Russia will compete in this year’s Crystal Classic. Twelve teams of two will sculpt for four days, creating elaborate sculptures 8-10’ in height, vying for $15,000 in prize money. To purchase tickets or learn more visit www.siestakeycrystalclassic.com or check out the party from 2014. The production of this year’s festival is a partnership between the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce and Mote Marine Laboratory. Founded in 2010, The Crystal Classic is a result of discussions between master sand sculptor and Siesta Key resident Brian Wiglesworth and representatives of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, Sarasota County Parks and Recreation, Mote Marine Laboratory and Visit Sarasota County. For more information about Siesta Key Crystal Classic contact the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce – 941-349-3800; email siestakeycrystalclassic@gmail. com; or visit www.SiestaKeyCrystalClassic.com. For video, please visit the Siesta Key Crystal Classic YouTube channel. For more information about Mote Marine Laboratory please visit www.mote.org or contact Kaitlyn Fusco, Public Relations Manager, at 941-388-4441, ext. 417; Cell: 941-302-4997; orkfusco@mote.org.

SCC CERT Installs Smoke Detectors in Wimauma

More than 300 smoke detectors have been installed in Wimauma, thanks to work by the Sun City Center Community Emergency Response Team and nine other groups. The program, organized by the Red Cross, was a proactive effort aimed at preventing loss of life during home fires. Residents were especially pleased that the smoke detectors are up-to-date units powered by long-life lithium batteries that will last ten years. Participating CERT members were Charlotte Knaub, Henry Scheetz, Steve Uhlman, Dee Cesarini, Ron and Phyllis Brown, Hud Richard, Alice DeSchryver and Nancy DeWilde.

Lions Donate to Library

International Lions President, Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada has requested all Lions to bring dignity to children. Through a project or program, he has requested Lions to make the lives of children better. To that end, Sun City Center Lions Club presented a check to Library Media Specialist, Laura Robinson, Wimauma Elementary School, to help children in that school with their reading program. The Lions will pay for the Reading Counts Program, by Scholastic Publishing Company, which is a computer generated advanced reading program for the third and fourth graders. When the children are done with the book, they take a comprehensive reading test so that teachers can monitor the results. If the program is successful, they plan to extend the program to other grades. Remaining money will be used for incentives for the children, shelf markers, and to purchase additional books for the library and for the fourth graders to compete nationally in “Battle of the Books” to see who can read the most books. The Wimauma Elementary third graders will participate in their own “Battle of the Books” to prepare the students for their national competition the next year. We wish them much success. To learn more about the Sun City Center Lions Club, check out our website at www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/suncitycenterflor contact Gloria Rodzielowicz - 813419-4187 or Ellen & Terry McGovern at 813-633-4202. Lions meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at Sandpiper Grille, 1702 South Pebble Beach Boulevard at 11:15 a.m.

Notice to All Sports Teams Please send your results/schedules/news to newsofscc.ca@gmail.com by the 15th of each month.

Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild of Brandon Quilt Show

Lots of excitement in the Fall air as final preparations are in the works for the November 6 and 7 “Harvest of Quilts” Show and Sale at The Regent put on by Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild of Brandon. Hundreds of handmade items will be displayed for sale in the gift shop. Think Holiday Shopping! Also over 50 small quilts will be offered in the silent auction. Seventeen raffle baskets will be available with all proceeds directed to The Porch Light, a local resource for victims of human trafficking. Enter a drawing for a Janome 6600 sewing machine also. 147 quilts will be judged and on display, including a Modern Quilt category. Come see the work of local quilt artists. Location: 6437 Watson Road in Riverview. Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $7 admission. 813-486-4419 for more information.

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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Events from page 10.

Sun City Center Photo Club To Host A Virtual Exhibition

The Sun City Center Photo Club will host a virtual exhibition at its newly furnished lab located at 1203 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. on November 7 between 2-4 p.m. This exhibit will feature a looping video of the photographs exhibited at two prominent galleries in the area by four of the club members. Also, winning photos of the Quad Competition will be exhibited. Light refreshments will be served. More details on the two exhibits are as follows: The TECO Public Art Gallery of Tampa, 702 N. Franklin Street, Tampa, will open a unique exhibition featuring the photographs of Peter Bates, Cheryl Levin and Robert Winch on November 4, and will be on view until January 4. “The Offbeat Side of Florida” will feature 27 works by the three photographers, presenting an unusual view of Florida that includes junkyards and scrap heaps, bodegas and corner stores, popular local monuments and architecture. There is an artist talk and walk on December 10 at 5:30 to 7 p.m. In addition, more of their photographs will be on display at the Spain Restaurant and Toma Bar at 513 N. Tampa Street in Tampa during that period. The Longboat Key Center for the Arts, 6860 Longboat Drive S., Longboat Key, Fl. 34228 is currently showing the exhibit “Documented Travel Photography” by James Corwin Johnson in the Cultural Corridor through December 18. This collection documents photography adventure trips that James regularly leads to capture wildlife, landscapes, and exotic natural beauty from the local shores of Florida up to the mountains of Yosemite National Park and then to Tanzania’s varied and vast vistas. There is also an artist talk & opening reception on Wednesday, December 9 from 5:30-7 p.m.


Sun City Center Photo Club Announces Quad Club Competition Results

The Quad Club is held annually between four photo clubs in the area, Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota, Bradenton and Sun City Center. It took place on October 1 in Lakewood Ranch. Our club submitted 15 color and 10 monochrome prints, all of which had previously won first or second place awards in competitions taking place throughout this year. Thus, the photos that score in the top 25 will be chosen to be on display in the South Florida Museum in Bradenton during November and December. Our club is pleased to announce that five photos representing four photographers qualified to be on display in the museum. Robert Winch (2 photos qualified) The Pump (19) and Lighting the Library (18) Madlyn Blom Sit and Relax at Polytech (19) Stan Lipski Quebec Archway (19) Andy Ledoux Sunset (18). Congratulations to our photographers! For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www. photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 1203 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Stan Lipski : Quebec Archway

Hearing Loss Association of America Sun City Center Chapter

Learn about traffic safety and hearing loss The automobile is part of life in America today. For one of every three Hillsborough County residents over the age of 65, so is some degree of hearing loss. What does that mean to the safety of those folks and others when they get behind the wheel? What kinds of extra driving precautions should the hard-of-hearing take? What kinds of assistive devices are available? Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Steve Gaskins will discuss those questions and more, at the next meeting of the Sun City Center Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America, at 9:30 a.m. November 4 at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 West Del Webb Blvd. All area residents are welcome to attend, especially those with any degree of hearing loss. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and the meeting is free of charge. Big-screen captioning will be provided by Tess Crowder of Communication Access, Inc. so attendees can see what they can’t hear. The meeting room is equipped with an induction loop for those with a telecoil in their hearing device. Come early for coffee, conversation and donuts. HLAA of SCC is sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. For information, contact Clement Hill at cehill44@gmail. com or Paul Courter at “pcour58516@aol.com”.

Andy Ledoux: Sunset

Lions White Cane Drive

Any questions, please contact Ellen McGovern at 633-4202 The Sun City Center Lions Club will be holding their White Cane Drive on the weekend of November 6-7, in conjunction with International White Cane safety days. The Lions will be stationed at various business locations throughout Sun City Center on those days. In the past, the residents have been very generous to the Lions. Along with the Lions, there will be service dogs from Southeastern Guide Dogs, accompanying some of the Lions. The Sun City Center Lions are able to support many charities in the local area, because of the local residents donations. Please be generous when you see our Lions out and about in the bright yellow vests or purple shirts. Thank you so much.

South Shore Dems November Meeting Announcement

By Gina Hebert South Shore Democratic Club Director of Publicity The South Shore Democratic Club announces its next meeting, Thursday, November 12, at the South Shore Regional Library. Speaker and topics to be announced. Refreshments are served at 1 p.m. and the general meeting begins at 1:30. All Democrats and like-minded individuals are invited to attend. Please visit www.southshoredemocraticclub.org as well as Facebook at www.facebook.com/ SSDEMCLUBfor more information.

Male Call For Prostate Health

This 1934 Ford 3-window coupe owned by Doug Glover of Tampa is October Cruiser of the Month for the Roamin’ Oldies Car Club.

’34 Ford Coupe Voted Cruiser of the Month

Doug Glover has always been a car guy at heart, so when he decided to leave the risky sport of high-powered boat racing, he bought a nice 1934 Ford three-window coupe and got back together with his old street rod buddies. He’s a regular participant at the monthly cruise-ins of the Sun City Center Roamin’ Oldies Car Club, where his car was voted cruiser of the month for October. Doug’s flat-black coupe is powered by a 350 cubic-inch GM engine backed by an automatic overdrive transmission. He found the car at a restoration shop in Georgia about two years ago, finished the interior and it was ready to cruise. The Roamin’ Oldies host a cruise-in from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the first Thursday of every month in the Apollo Beach Winn-Dixie Plaza on US-41, with a rain date the following Thursday. There is no charge for spectators or participants, who vote to select the cruiser of the month. About 100 of the area’s finest antique and collectible cars often take part, accompanied by classic oldies music played by DJ Joey Ferrante. The event is sponsored by Thompson’s Auto Parts and the Florida Railroad Museum. For information, call Chet at 813-842-1511.

Male Call for Prostate Health” sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center will host its next meeting Monday, November 9, 2 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd., West. Our speaker will be Dr. Kosj Yamoah MD, PHD. The title of his presentation is “Prostate Seed Implantation: Perspective and Promise”. Dr. Yamoah is a member of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Yamoah is a physician scientist who is in high demand in the fast growing field cancer disparities. It is suggested that patients, partners and physicians attend. Refreshments will be served.


33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website w w w. S C C AdsAndEvent s.c om . S end a l l e vents by e-mai l to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated every weekend. SUN. NOV 1 - MIKE MARKAVERICH JAZZ TRIO PERFORMS IN SAINT ANDREW PRESBY TERIAN CONCERT SERIES 3 p.m. at Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center, FL. Five concert season ticket is $40 and individual concert tickets are $10. For more information contact Judy Voorhees at 642-8125 or John Scott at 642-9554. SUN. NOV 1 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Atrium Building, Florida Room. Live music for your dancing and listening pleasure by Thor Stevens and his saxophone. Members $3, guests $5. BYOB and snacks. Cups, napkins, water and ice provided. Proper dress requested. Membership forms available with the payment of $15 and presentation of your CA or KP badge. Info: Janet 633-3558. M ON . N OV 2 - W I D OW E R’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. NOV 2 - “FOR TODAY” M E E T I N G O F O V E R E AT E R S ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room

The News of Sun City Center (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12-step organization/ program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and stop compulsive food behaviors. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. T U E . N OV 2 - I N C R E A S I N G INCOME & REDUCING RISK IN RETIREMENT 1 - 2 p.m. at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza. This presentation is open to the public at no charge. Featured Speaker, Chris Fontana will discuss the challenges of historically low interest rates and propose ways to increase your monthly income without additional risk. Lunch will be served. For more information please call Zach Chenet at 813-324-8989. MON. NOV 2 - NAMI SOUTHSHORE SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. in Room 2 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 1239 West Del Webb Boulevard, Sun City Center, FL. NAMI Southshore announced its support group for family members and caregivers of those living with mental illness. Bridget Sweeney, DARC (Drug and Alcohol Recovery Counselor) and Reverend Nichia Ackerman, will continue to co-facilitate the group’s meetings. Ms. Sweeney said, “We look forward to meeting with family members and caregivers of those affected by mental health challenges in the more intimate space offered to us at St. Andrew’s.” Education Forums sponsored by NAMI Southshore will continue to meet on the third Thursday of every month at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center at 1:30 p.m. For additional information call 813-6346747/914-469-2323. TUE. NOV 3, 10, 17, 24 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Do you like to dance but are worried about falling? Join our new FREE line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. We can boot, scoot and boogie safely together and make exercise fun! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. TUE. NOV 3, 10, 17, 24 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Cheryl Lewis facilitates this group and is an effective psychotherapist. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. NOV 3, 10, 17, 24 SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Fox Trot - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Trot - 6:45 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Bolero - 8 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $20 per person for a four-week session. For information call Bernice DuBro at 6343205.

WED. NOV 4 - HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA SUN CITY CENTER CHAPTER 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 West Del Webb Blvd. Learn About Traffic Safety And Hearing Loss. The automobile is part of life in America today. For one of every three Hillsborough County residents over the age of 65, so is some degree of hearing loss. What does that mean to the safety of those folks and others when they get behind the wheel? What kinds of extra driving precautions should the hard-of-hearing take? What kinds of assistive devices are available? Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Steve Gaskins will discuss those questions and more. All area residents are welcome to attend, especially those with any degree of hearing loss. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and the meeting is free of charge. Big-screen captioning will be provided by Tess Crowder of Communication Access, Inc. so attendees can see what they can’t hear. The meeting room is equipped with an induction loop for those with a telecoil in their hearing device. Come early for coffee, conversation and donuts. HLAA of SCC is sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. For information, contact Clement Hill at cehill44@gmail.com or Paul Courter at “pcour58516@aol.com”. W E D. NOV 4 , 1 1 , 1 8 , 2 5 THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. NOV 4, 11, 18, 25 SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Swing - 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Swing - 2 p.m. Intermediate/Advanced - Swing - 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $20/per person for 4 week session. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. NOV 4 - WED. DEC 16 - GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. in the chapel of St. Andrew Presbyterian at 1252 Del Webb Blvd., W. in Sun City Center. The first and third Wednesdays of each month. The class will be facilitated by Carol Liedberg, RN and Ann Ray, an RN who is also a Stephen Minister. “Beyond the Broken Heart” by Julie Yarbrough will be the group’s text, complemented by a video. This will be a spiritual and loving support group for those grieving the death of a loved one. This group will offer coping strategies, a personal journal, a survival kit, and will hear guest speakers. Please call the church at 634-1239 and ask to be enrolled. For questions, ask for Carol Liedberg. WED. NOV 4 - KINGS POINT COA MONTHLY MEETING 7 p.m. in the Banquet Room of the Main Clubhouse. The speaker will be from WSCQ-FM our local Sun City Center radio station. Mr. Peter Swartz will tell us about programing, personalities, and what the station does for our community and how it can be of benefit to clubs and organizations in Kings Point. All clubs and organizations in Kings Point should attend. Refreshments will be served and a $25 attendance prize given. All residents are welcome. THU. NOV 5 - GENERAL MEETING CCW PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH Beginning with Mass at 8 a.m., followed by a continental breakfast

November 2015 business meeting in the Conesa Center, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. Our guest speaker is Mariam Scorby who will share information on The History of Christmas Decorations, Getting Ready for Christmas the Christian Way. This will be a very lively presentation, guaranteed to get you in the decorating mood. THU. NOV 5 - THE SCC REGISTERED NURSES CLUB MEETS 9:15 a.m. in the Caper Room of the Atrium Building. Our speaker for that meeting is Gene Kelly, RPh. He plans to discuss medications in older patients and the relationship to falls. This is an important topic and the public is always invited to attend. We’ll have coffee, goodies and fellowship, a brief business meeting just prior to the lecture. We’ll have a sign up sheet for the Christmas luncheon (always fun). The cost this year is $17, including the tip, coffee, tea and fruit punch. Bring wine if you wish. THU. NOV 5 - BETTER BREATHERS SUPPORT GROUP 10 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. This month’s speaker will be Leslie Miller, M.D. who is a widely known and respected cardiologist with a distinguished record as a professor. Be sure to attend this support group! Annettia Simpson, RRT, Director of Sun Towers’ Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation will answer any questions you may have regarding pulmonar y disease management. Jennipher Lenoir, COTA will have therapeutic Tia Chi for this meeting. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. NOV 5 - PRACTICAL TIPS TO REDUCE CAREGIVER STRESS 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Homewood Residence at Freedom Plaza, 3910 Galen Court, Sun City Center. Description: Research reveals that it is not the act of caregiving that causes increased caregiver health issues but how caregivers respond to and manage stress. Come hear author and speaker, Heidi Crockett, LCSW, CMC, with Aging Care Advocates explain the practical suggestions you can do to improve your health and the health of your loved one. Topics will include: Cutting-edge science on what happens in your body when there is stress. The specific long-term effects of stress for caregivers, Brain-based, stressreducing exercises practiced during the presentation. Free event, please contact Homewood Residence at Freedom Plaza to RSVP 813-633-4340. FRI. NOV 6 - FREE HEALTH FAIR AT ST. ANDREW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 1239 Del Webb Boulevard W. in Sun City Center will host over 25 different agencies providing health care information. St. Joseph Hospital will provide free cholesterol screening and glucose checks. Dr. Kirk Parrot, dentist; Dr. Sean Shanahan, podiatrist; and Travis Rogers, dermatology physician assistant, will be available to answer questions in their special fields. The Memory Mobile will perform memory tests sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association. The Digital Mammography Bus will perform mammograms. Seniors vs. Crime will be attending, as well as attorney Amanda Wolf with information on elder law. Medication disposal will be provided by Sgt. Jeff Merry, as well as medication evaluation by a pharmacist from WinnDixie. Other activities: hearing checks, vision checks, and fitness information. Many other medical professionals and businesses will be on site. QUESTIONS? Contact Carol Liedberg, 813-634- 1252. Come, bring your neighbors and join in the fun! See 33578 on page 13.

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

33578 from page 12. FRI. NOV 6, 13, 20, 27 - SUPPORT YO U R SU N C I T Y C E N T E R SOFTBALL PLAYERS 9 a.m. games begin with food served from 11 a.m. 2:30 p.m. on the softball fields behind Community Hall. Relive the days of yesteryear and root for your neighbors and friends who may be members of the Sun City Softball Team. Come and show your support! The Diamondettes host a barbeque (hamburgers, cheeseburgers and hot dogs) raising funds to support the Softball Team. Take South Pebble Beach to East on Weatherford. It is the street on the North Side of Community Hall. The softball fields are at the end on the right side of the street. Parking lot is on the right or there is street parking. Come show support for your friends and neighbors and enjoy a great barbeque while watching the teams play. FRI. NOV 6 - THE INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF SUN CITY CENTER PRESENTS “PUTIN’ S RUSSIA: DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN POLICY SINCE THE FALL OF THE USSR” 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium Bldg. of Sun City Center’s main campus on North Pebble Beach Blvd. The program will feature two speakers: Professor Kees Boterbloem, author of A History of Russia and its Empire: From Mikhail Romanov to Vladimir Putin, will discuss the historical background to the Crimea and Donbas conflicts between Ukraine and Russia and how specific readings of history and historical experiences have an impact on them and Dr. Chris Stroop (Ph.D. Stanford U., 2012), will discuss life in Putin’s Russia and how the conflict with Ukraine and the economic boycott of Russia (as well as the other aspects of the renewed tension between Russia and the West) has had an impact on the country. Dr. Stroop has recently returned to the US from a three-year stint as a senior lecturer at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in Moscow. Residents of Sun City Center, Kings Points and their guests are welcome. FRI. NOV 6 & SAT. NOV 7 - 2016 KINGS POINT FOLLIES AUDITIONS 3 to 7 p.m. in the Kings Point Veterans Theater, or Saturday, November 7th, from 1 to 3 p.m., in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio. All Kings Point and surrounding area entertainers, including Snow Birds, are not only welcome to try out for one of the most anticipated shows of the year, but encouraged to do so. Veteran Director Rose Ostrander is once again in charge of this highly enjoyable annual production. The first of three shows will be presented on Friday evening, February 26, with repeat


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performances on Saturday afternoon and evening, February 27, 2016. For the auditions, all musicians, soloists, duos, trios, etc., are asked to provide their own CDs or accompanists. A computer and iPad will be available. A Capella tryouts are also acceptable. To facilitate the audition process, anyone wishing to be in the Chorus is asked to come to the Kings Point Theater at 6:00 PM on Friday, November 6, or to the Kings Point Clubhouse Studio at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 7. Chorus auditions will not require a vocal presentation. Since Chorus numbers will also include some stage movements, tryouts will also entail some dance direction by choreographer Diane LeFrancois. The Kings Point Follies has a long standing reputation of showcasing many area amateurs and professionals. It has become a tremendously successful musical and variety production that draws near sell-out crowds. Please take this opportunity to join us on November 6 or November 7 to find out just how much fun the next few months can be. Follies rehearsals are generally on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons. We hope to see you at try outs. If you are not a Kings Point resident, simply tell the Visitors gate that you are going to Follies auditions. For more information, you may e-mail Rose Ostrander at rostrander1@tampabay. rr.com or call 813-633-1753. FRI. NOV 6 – KINGS POINT COUNTRY COUPLES 6 for beginners and 7 p.m. for more advanced dancers in the Studio of the main club house. All Sun City residents are welcome. This is a pattern dance class and we do very little two step. There is no cost but SCC dancers need to call so we can give the gate a list. Classes are taught by Butch and Emma. Please call us at 633-7210. FRI. NOV 6 - IRISH CONNECTION ‘FALL SOCIAL’ 6:30 p.m. FLORIDA Room, Atrium Bldg. RSVP REQUIRED for free party, call Kathy Lyons 813.633.2951 with your information. BYOB. Finger Food courtesy IC Club. Slate of officers to be presented by Pres. Paddy Cooney. Contact Paddy 813.938.5345 with your info if interested in serving on a board position. Bring CA/KP Membership Badge, per CA/ KP rules, for entry. Renewal of $5 Dues deadline 12.31.2015. Check payable to ‘Irish Connection’ with CA/KP Badge Number listed on check, mail to 706 Ward Circle, SCC, FL 33573, Joan Weening 813.633.5274. See club info at www.sccirishconnection.com. SAT. NOV 7 - INDIANA CLUB PARTY 5 p.m. in the Florida Room. Social hour 6 p.m. Dinner $5 at the door. Pot luck, br ing covere d dish to share. Entertainment scheduled. For

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OF SUN CITY CENTER 2 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Have you been given the diagnosis of Diabetes? Are you unsure of your dietary future? Discover options that will assist you! Join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates this support group. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. NOV 12 - CARD AND GAME SOCIAL AT PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 12 noon - 3:30 p.m. Conesa Center, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, sun City Center. The Council of Catholic Women invites anyone who likes to play cards or a variety of games to attend our monthly card and game social. Feel free to come alone or bring a friend. A selection of homemade cakes and refreshments will be served. Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished as well. A donation of $2 per person is accepted. For additional information, call Catherine at 813-633-2460. THU. NOV 12 - SUN. NOV 15 - THE LIVELY LOAFERS CHRISTMAS TRIP TO BRANSON Time not given. The LIVELY LOAFERS have a Christmas in Branson trip planned. Many great entertainers i.e. Johnny Mathis, Yakov Smirnoff and many more. Hotel, eight meals and transportation in Branson. Call Elaine Novosel at 813-746-1051 for more details. FRI. NOV 13 and SAT. NOV 14 GIANT GARAGE SALE TO BENEFIT UNITY SHOUTHSHORE CHURCH 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. at 635 Oakmont Ave (off Cherry Hills Dr.) in SCC and includes furniture, clothing, home décor, and many other items. FRI. NOV 13 - RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP 2 – 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Are you suffering with pain? If so, don’t miss this group! Scott Hopkins, MS PT will be our facilitator for this monthly support group of education and sharing. Scott has been a licensed physical therapist since 1997. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY) in 1993 and went on to receive his Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1997. Scott has been employed with Gentiva Home Health for the past 3 years as Rehabilitation Director and he has extensive experience in orthopedics as well as Balance Dysfunction/Vestibular Dysfunction. For more information, please call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. FRI. NOV 13 – KINGS POINT COUNTRY COUPLES 6 p.m. for beginners and 7 p.m. for more advanced See 33578 on page 14

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reservations call as follows: A-H Mary Nightengale 633-2436; I-O Ann Miner 260-433-3942; P-Z Mira Beck 634-5892. M ON . N OV 9 - W I D OW E R’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. NOV 9 - “MALE CALL FOR PROSTATE HEALTH” sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center 2 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd., West. Our speaker will be Dr. Kosj Yamoah MD, PHD. The title of his presentation is “Prostate Seed Implantation: Perspective and Promise”. Dr. Yamoah is a member of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Yamoah is a physician scientist who is in high demand in the fast growing field cancer disparities. It is suggested that patients, partners and physicians attend. Refreshments will be served. MON. NOV 9 - IRISH CONNECTION MOVIE NIGHT 6:30 p.m. at the Rollins Theater. Feature: An Everlasting Piece, starring: Barry McEvoy, Brian O’Bryne & Anna Friel. A delightful Irish comedy set in the 1980’s during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Two good friends, one a Catholic & one a Protestant, become partners in a scheme to corner the wig market. A comic twist brings humor to life during tense times. All in SCC welcome TUE. NOV 10 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Cheryl Lewis facilitates this group and is an effective psychotherapist. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. W E D. N O V 1 1 - D IA B E T E S EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB


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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

33578 from page 13 dancers in the studio of the North Clubhouse. All Sun City residents are welcome. This is a pattern dance class and we do very little two step. There is no cost but SCC dancers need to call so we can give the gate a list. Classes are taught by Butch and Emma. Please call us at 633-7210. FRI. NOV 13 - FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE “SINGING IN THE RAIN” AT THE UMC 6:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, Sun City Center. “Singing in the Rain” starts when silent movies are giving way to the talkies. Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor grow up together and start in show business together. When Gene becomes an idol and his leading lady (Jean Hagen) can’t make the transaction, due to her voice, a scheme is planned so Debbie does her talking for her. Things go wrong when Jean wants Debbie to continue behind the scenes without recognition; however, the tables are turned. What will happen next? You’ll have to come to the movie and see for yourself. Before the movie starts, yummy cookies, and popcorn as well as drinks, to quench your thirst, are being served. At 6:30 p.m. the lights are dimmed and the movie begins. SAT. NOV 14 - CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center. We will have various raffles including delightful gift baskets. (Like: Chocolate Lovers, Spa, Doggie, Tailgater, Wine, Happy Hour.) We will be selling crafts, attic treasures, Christmas items, and best of all, homemade baked goodies. SAT. NOV 14 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE “HARVEST BALL” 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach. Attire – DRESSY CASUAL – BYOB - Everyone welcome. At 6:30 before the dance, Bernice DuBro

& George Hawn will be teaching a SWING lesson. Members free, guests $6 which includes the lesson. Music by Bernice DuBro. More information, contact Charlie Brown 813-712-0869, battman12@gmail.com. SUN. NOV 15 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Atrium Building, Florida Room. Thor Stevens and his saxophone will provide live music for your dancing and listening pleasure. Members $3; Guests $5. Membership forms are available for 2016 for $15 and presentation of CA or KP badge. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkin provided. Dressy/ casual attire. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. NOV 16 - WID OWER’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. NOV 16 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this monthly meeting. This month, our speaker will be Leigh Donharl, CCRC, CRA-USF, Clinical Research Administrator with USF Health Byrd Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Excellence and

the National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence. Leigh will present: “Clinical Research Opportunities in Parkinson’s Disease and a patient’s perspective.” (FREE Valet parking for car or golf cart available at Terrace entrance by blue awning.) If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. NOV 17 - FREE MEMORY S C R E E N I NG S PROV I DE D B Y SOUTHSHORE COALITION FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND AGING Beginning at 9:30 a.m. at The United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd West in Sun City Center by appointment only. To schedule, call the Coalition at 813-419-4902 TUE. NOV 17 - ALZHEIMER’S A S S O C IAT I O N C A R E G I V E R SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-677-1400. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. NOV 18 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP - SPONSORED BY THE SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CLUB 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. FREE VALET PARKING for Cars and Golf Carts at Terrace Entrance by Blue Awning. Our speaker this month will be Matthew Wolf, from the Law Office of Matthew D. Wolf. Matthew is an attorney who focuses his practice on Elder Law and Estate Planning. He will be speaking about accessibility to information technology maintained by

the federal government and its agencies for those with low vision. Becky Radford from the Lighthouse for the Blind will also be available for assistance during the meeting. If you have low vision, this meeting is for you! Learn what assistance there may be for you if you have low vision in order to maintain your independence. For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. NOV 18 - WED. DEC 16 - GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. in the chapel of St. Andrew Presbyterian at 1252 Del Webb Blvd., W. in Sun City Center. The first and third Wednesdays of each month. The class will be facilitated by Carol Liedberg, RN and Ann Ray, an RN who is also a Stephen Minister. “Beyond the Broken Heart” by Julie Yarbrough will be the group’s text, complemented by a video. This will be a spiritual and loving support group for those grieving the death of a loved one. This group will offer coping strategies, a personal journal, a survival kit, and will hear guest speakers. Please call the church at 634-1239 and ask to be enrolled. For questions, ask for Carol Liedberg. WED. NOV 18 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 p.m. Kings Point north clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783, acjjr@tampabay.rr.com. WED. NOV 18 - LET’S HANG ON! A Tribute to Frankie Valli 7 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. This is a nightclub (tables of 10)/BYOB performance. Let’s Hang On! is a group of 10 seasoned entertainers who are preserving the music and style of the iconic group Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Let’s Hang On! See 33578 on page 15

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Erin Crowell, BSN, CCRN Valve Coordinator

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Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. 150103

November 2015 respectfully pays tribute to all the classic “Seasons” details while also paying tribute to the Broadway show “The Jersey Boys”. This show includes all the great Four Seasons’ mega hits. Ticket price is $18. Ticket sales will begin Monday, Oct 26, and will be available for purchase from 9 a.m. until noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Sun City Center Atrium-Kiosk, 945 North Course Lane (North Campus). Tickets will also be sold at the door on the day of the event at 2 p.m. Open to the public. If you have questions about tickets, please call 813 642-2001. WED. NOV 18 - HARVEST TIME AT THE KP LINE DANCERS SOCIAL DANCE 7 p.m. Veterans Theater. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. Couples always welcome, plenty of room to dance. Dress in fall colors. BYOB. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info. THU. NOV 19 - WIDOW’S WELLNESS GROUP 9 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Have you lost your husband and have no one to share your feelings of loss with? Are you adjusting with a new plan for your future? Are you managing your grief or overwhelmed with sadness? Attend this monthly meeting with Krista Owen, RN, BSN and Jennifer Morgan, owner of Always Best Care and receive the support you need. This group will concentrate on coping skills and healthy living by sharing among members with the guidance of women in the field of caring for others. For more information, please call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. FRI. NOV 20 - VETERANS HISTORY PROJECT, A PROGRAM OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. by registration only at Sun Towers

Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr SCC. The Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Red Cross in partnership with the Veterans History Project, a program of the Library of Congress, is seeking Veterans to participate in this project. The program captures through a video interview, firsthand account of Veterans who served in any branch of the US military in any capacity, from World War I through the present, and are no longer serving are eligible to participate. Civilians who served in support of a US war effort in a professional capacity are also welcome to participate. We recently conducted our first interview with a Vietnam Veterans, and are very excited to capture his personal account and add it to the Library of Congress Collection for all to see. If you are a Veteran or know Veterans that would like to share their stories, please call Sun Towers to schedule your interview time at 813-634-3347. This recording of history will take place on the 3rd Friday of each month. MON. NOV 23 - WID OWER’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. SUN. NOV 29 SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. North Clubhouse Studio.


Enjoy listening and dancing to the music of Thor Stevens and his saxophone. Admittance $5. Proper dress, please (no jeans/shorts). If not a Kings Point resident and have not received or asked for a badge you will need to submit your name, address and phone number by email to janjdoherty@aol.com, or by phone to Janet 813-633-3558. MON. NOV 30 - WID OWER’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s

Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990.

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The News of Sun City Center

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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center


NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Moonglow Dance Club

DANCING Academy Social Dance

OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, November 1 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Community Hall (1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Come join us for a FREE fun filled afternoon to learn more about what the social dance classes are all about here in Sun City Center. If you are new in the community, it will be a great opportunity for you to meet new people who enjoy dancing. We will have dance demonstrations, introductor y dance lessons, refreshments, fun mixers, plus some general dancing. This event is open for all residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. Couples and singles welcome. For more information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205 or email “dancewithbernice@gmail.com”.

Oldies But Goodies Dance Club Plan New Year’s Eve Dance

Club members and guests are invited to the Oldies But Goodies Dance Club’s (OBG) 2015 New Year’s Eve Dance. The dance is in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd, starting at 8:30 pm till 12:30 a.m. The doors will open at 8 p.m. for early arrivals. Tables are reserved and seats ten people each. Cost for this year’s dance is $15 per person and the tickets are LIMITED. Payment by Check is Preferred. No food is served at this year’s dance so BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, napkins, and cups will be on each table. This year’s entertainers are Del & Gary. The duo always plays entertaining music and has performed for the OBG in the past. Tickets are available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 9 a.m. till noon, until sold out. For more information contact Joanne Baskinger atjjlatenite@aol.com or 813.728.1147 or visit the Club web site atsccoldiesbutgoodiesdanceclub.com

Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club

If you like to dance, enjoy good music and fellowship with people; then you should make plans to dance with the Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club (OBG). You are invited to dance on November 8, 7 p.m. till 10 p.m., in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Live music by Reflections. The music is a little bit rock and roll and a little bit soft and slow with a few line dances thrown in for good measure. Cups, water, and ice are provided at each table and you can BYOB and snacks. There is no cost for OBG members and $5 for each non OBG member. The dress is always casual at the OBG dances. Save your next dance date for November 22 when Impacts will provide the dance music for the OBG.

Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the Live Music of “Daniel Fugazzotto” from Sarasota at their monthly dance on Thursday November 19th from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in the SCC Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. As a special treat, Daniel and his National Championship Amateur Ballroom Dance partner, Janis Merluzzo, will present an Exhibition at Intermission. The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay $5 per person at the door. Singles Table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and Snacks, and the Club will provide Ice, water, cups and napkins. The Moonglow 2016 Schedule of year-round monthly dances has a great lineup of talented Entertainers booked for dancing and/or listening to live music. 2016 Membership Registration Forms and January 28, 2016 Dinner Dance reservation form and menu will be available for Moonglow members and fans at the November dance. If you will not be able to attend the November Moonglow Dance and would like to have

Dance Classes in November, 2015

By Bernice DuBro Tuesday, November (3,10,17,24) Beginning - Fox Trot - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Fox Tro - 6:45 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Bolero - 8 p.m. $20/person for the 4-week month. Wednesday, November (4,11,18,25) Beginning - Swing- 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Swing - 2 p.m. Intermediate/Advanced - Swing - 3:15 p.m. $20/person for the 4-week month. Taught by Bernice Dubro & George Hawn. For information call 634-3205 or email dancewithbernice@gmail.com.

KP Line Dancers Social Dance

It’s harvest time at the KP Line Dancers social dance on Wed Nov 18, 7 p.m., Veterans Theater. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. Couples always welcome, plenty of room to dance. Dress in fall colors. BYOB. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info.

Sun City Center Square Dance Club

The Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance will be Dancing every Friday night in November - Mainstream/Plus Square Dances with Rounds. Square Dances come join us for great Dancing, Fellowship and Delicious Refreshments. Square Dance clothes or Dressy Casual is acceptable. The Club Dances in the SCC Atrium Dance Studio, 945 North Course Lane (North Complex, off N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). Dance Workshop 7- 7:30 p.m., Mainstream/Plus Dance with Rounds 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Callers for November are Ron Reardon November 6 and 20, Marty Van Wart November 13 and 27. Cuer to be announced. For further information call Veanna at 941-776-0477 or Geri at 813-6339742 and or see our website at http:// floridasquaredance.com/.s. See Dance on page 17.

ENTERTAINMENT BLAST By Judy Schings 813-642-2001

Let the season begin! There are four shows this month (see below). Individual tickets are on sale at Atrium-Kiosk, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9-noon for the series shows and operas. The remaining shows are: December 13-Nutcracker; January 10-Ryan Ahern (pianist with 6-piece band); February 7-Ambrosia (yes, the originals!); and March 13-Rod Stewart Tribute. Fridays will be January 15-Shindigs; February 19-British Invasion Beatles (with opening band); and March 4-The Torch. The Showcase is Wednesday, January 27. This season’s “extra” shows are: December 10-Holiday Magic/SouthShore Concert Band; January 24-Harem Today, Gone Tomorrow: Preview to Abduction from the Seraglio/St. Petersburg Opera Co.; February 11-A Tribute To.../South Shore Concert Band; March 6-Opera Goes to the Movies/St. Petersburg Opera Co./ and April 1-Rocky & the Rollers Dance. NOTE: I have been told that there has been a change in the Florida laws that now prohibits us from serving alcoholic beverages at the shows as part of the ticket price. This affects the Sunday shows only (as Friday dances are BYOB). So.... We will have the cheese and crackers and NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (probably soda/cider). If you have any questions about this, please call Lyn Reitz or David Floyd at 813-633-3500.

Daniel and Janis

any or all of this information, please send an email to “gail3357@gmail.com” with your request and/or questions. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends and neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more information call 813-633-1297 or 813-633-2755, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact “gail3357@gmail.com”.

Foxy Senior Dance Club

The next Foxy Senior Dance will be on November 14. Members $3, nonmembers $5. BYOB. Coffee, water and cups will be on each table. New Years Eve tickets on sale, $34 per person all in the Florida Room. Call Angelina for more information, 813-454-9572.

Jamila Cristi

Vale/Sequel Band

Sunday, November 15: Jamila (part of series). She sang with the 5th Dimension, starred in Elton John’s and Tim Rice’s Aida and is touring now with her Celebration of Music. A nice mix of pop, jazz, Motown and Broadway. Tickets are $12. Friday, November 20: Cristi Vale with Sequel Band (part of series). Cristi has shared stages with Dwight Yoakam and Charlie Daniels and headlined in clubs coast-to-coast. Tickets are $14. Wednesday, November 18 (7-9:00 p.m.) Let’s Hang on, Tribute to Frankie Valli. Nightclub setting with tables of ten and BYOB. $18 per person. Sunday, November 22 (2-3:30 p.m.) St. Petersburg Opera Co. presents Opera Idol 2015 at the ROLLINS THEATER. Tickets are $13 per person or, if you buy all three operas, $33 per series per person.

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Dance from page 16.

Rockin’ Thru the Years Dance Club

Our November dance will be held Sunday, November 29, 2015 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Veterans Theater, Kings Point North Club House located at 1900 Club House Drive, Sun City Center, FL. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. for our dances.
Music will be provided by SoulRcoaster, a fun, dynamic and popular Southwest Florida cover band. SoulRcoaster covers a diverse array of genres appealing to even the most discriminating taste! SoulRcoaster can turn any party into a memorable event! Their repertoire includes Etta to Lady Gaga, classic rock to Motown, jazz, ballads, disco and even a little country. You may purchase your tickets, $5 per person, for the November dance on Tuesday, November 3, November 10, November 17 and November 24, 12 to 2 p.m. at the ticket table in the Kings Point North Clubhouse Lobby.
Table reservations may also be made when you purchase your tickets.
Singles are Encouraged and Welcome to attend Rockin’ Thru the Years dances!
You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. The Club provides Cups, Napkins, Water and Ice on each table. Please email Sandi at rockinthrutheyears@gmail.com for more information.

Catch The NEWS on the web at suncitycenter.org

Kings Point Dance Club

Kings Point & Sun City Center members and guests are invited to the Tuesday, November 10 dance. Playing for your listening and dancing enjoyment will be Brian Ashley in the Veterans Theater. Doors open at 7 p.m., with dancing from 7:30 - 9:30. Dance is free to members and $5 for singles or $l0 for couples. Our new dress code is “Business Dressy Smart”. Dress slacks and dress shirt for men (jacket & tie optional) and dress pants, skirt or dress for the ladies. Guests should contact Judy 6345364 for reservations. With our new gate policy a list of SCC guests will be submitted to the guard gate 48 hours in advance, so plan ahead. See you on the dance floor.

Academy of Ballroom Dance - November 14

Saturday, November 14, 2015- Academy Of Ballroom Dance “Harvest Ball”– Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Attire – dressy casual – BYOB - everyone welcome. At 6:30 before the dance, Bernice DuBro & George Hawn will be teaching a swing lesson. Members free, guests $6, which includes the lesson. Music by Bernice DuBro. More information, call Charlie Brown @ 813-712-0869, battman12@gmail.com.

Jazz Lovers Meeting

In November the Kings Point Jazz Lovers will be enjoying listening to jazz artists putting their spin on Broadway Tunes. We will be meeting in the Ripple Room of the Kings Point North Clubhouse from 2 to 4 p.m. on Friday, November 20. If you love jazz come and join us. You are always welcome. We charge no dues. We just want to you have a relaxing Friday afternoon. For more information contact Bill Ferron at 938-3571.

Pelican Players present


A Hilarious Comedy in Three Acts Cast includes Mary Anne Moseley, Dan Tackitt, Brenda Harris, Greg Potvin, Robert Monheit, Linda Halperin, Kevin Steinke, Fran Eckert and Erik Hann

Thursday and Friday November 12, 13 @ 7:00 pm Saturday, November 14 1:30 pm & 7:00 pm The Veterans Theater in Kings Point 1900 Clubhouse Drive Tickets $15 at the Box Office Weekdays, 9-4 • Cabaret Seating


Kings Point Follies Auditions

By Stephanie Casey Attention all area singers, dancers, comedians, and any other talented individuals who wish to audition for the 2016 Kings Point Follies. Mark your calendars for Friday, November 6, from 3 to 7 p.m., in the Kings Point Veterans Theater, or Saturday, November 7., from 1 to 3 p.m., in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio. All Kings Point and surrounding area entertainers, including Snow Birds, are not only welcome to try out for one of the most anticipated shows of the year, but encouraged to do so. Veteran Director Rose Ostrander is once again in charge of this highly enjoyable annual production. The first of three shows will be presented on Friday evening, February 26, with repeat performances on Saturday afternoon and evening, February 27, 2016. For the auditions, all musicians, soloists, duos, trios, etc., are asked to provide their own CDs or accompanists. A computer and iPad will be available. A Capella tryouts are also acceptable. To facilitate the audition process, anyone wishing to be in the Chorus is asked to come to the Kings Point Theater at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 6., or to the Kings Point Clubhouse Studio at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 7. Chorus auditions will not require a vocal presentation. Since Chorus numbers will also include some stage movements, tryouts will also entail some dance direction by choreographer Diane LeFrancois. The Kings Point Follies has a long-standing reputation of showcasing many area amateurs and professionals. It has become a tremendously successful musical and variety production that draws near sellout crowds. Please take this opportunity to join us on November 6 or November 7 to find out just how much fun the next few months can be. Follies rehearsals are generally on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons. We hope to see you at tryouts. If you are not a Kings Point resident, simply tell the Visitors gate that you are going to Follies auditions. For more information, you may e-mail Rose Ostrander at rostrander1@ tampabay.rr.com or call 813-633-1753.

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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

News of Freedom Plaza

Sun City Center Gallery Opening for November Exhibit “Marcie Hansen and Class” Sun City Center Art Club announces the November Gallery Exhibit. This month’s exhibit features Marcie Hansen and Class. Exhibiting with Marcie are: Faye McKeown, Yoshihiro Koseki, Hollie Lynch, Pam Cardwell and Dennis Tumminelli. Dennis is an art club new member. Marcia Hansen is an instructor of pastel art at the Art Club in Sun City Center. She is a graduate of Russell Sage College and has taken graduate level fine arts courses at the College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY and DUNY Albany, NY. Marcia taught art classes out of her studio in upstate NY for many years before moving permanently to Florida. Her artwork has won numerous first place awards in New York and Florida. More recently, Marcia’s work has shown in Florida at the John Crawford Gallery and at Sun City Center Art Club Gallery. Her

work has sold throughout the country and is in permanent collections. Marcia has a background in both fine arts and decorative arts. Her use of pastels incorporates a variety of application methods that include pastels on paper, canvas, and sanded board. She also enjoys layering pastels using rich intense colors often over painted backgrounds. Marcie’s love of Florida is apparent with her paintings depicting a colorful variety of wildlife including birds, animals, and landscapes that will be very familiar to folks who live in the Tampa Bay area. Come join Marcie and her students at the Gallery open house on November 4, from 1 to 3 p.m. Enjoy the snacks and drinks, which are free to those attending. The open house is free to the public and can be also viewed every Monday and Thursday morning. The exhibit will run through November 25.



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By Peggy Burgess The Freedom Plaza Auditorium echoed with a wide variety of sounds during the month of October. There was the usual hum of Bingo being called, movies being shown or meetings being conducted. Grad School classes held there injected an intellectual tone, and the Freedom Singers rehearsing for their Oktoberfest program added a German note. Gales of laughter swept through when the Plaza Players presented Joe Birnbaum’s Comedy Tonight…We Hope!, And Broadway music resonated when that same group practiced for their show, Music, Music, Music! slated for November 4 and 5. On the second and fourth Tuesdays of October, the same as every month, the auditorium resounded with vocal music, for those are the evenings of Freedom Plaza Opera Club meetings. Not actually a “club” with fees assessed or membership required, it might better be described as a gathering of people who are interested in opera... or operetta…or films pertaining to such. An autobiographical video of the late Beverly Sills, opera star, was enthusiastically received, as was a filmed Tribute to Pavarotti. During the recent summer months Opera Club meetings focused on operetta, with Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald movies the favorites, but with fall’s advent the programs will transition into opera. This is realized in two bi-weekly sessions: the first an enlightening introduction to the featured opera, plus Act I; the second session showing subsequent acts. In the month of October Opera

Club began a study of “fairly tale” operas, works based on stories found in fairytale books. The series started with Hansel and Gretel by Englbert Humperdinck (the 19 th Century composer, not the 20 th Century singer). For November the opera will be Rossini’s La Cenerentola (Cinderella) with the video featuring tenor sensation, Juan Diego Florez. In Januar y it will be Rusalka, composed by Antonin Dvorak and based on a Czechoslovakian fable. The Met recently revived Rusalka for prima donna Renee Fleming, who stars in our video version. In December Opera Club will offer special Christmas videos. Freedom Plaza Opera Club is open to the community and is free. Call (813) 642-1215 for information. Glorious music fills the Freedom Plaza auditorium every November, and will do so again on Sunday evening, November 1 with a concert by the “Rising Stars” of Sarasota Opera, an event open to the public. These are opera apprentices, talented young singers who have competed nationally for an opportunity to sing and study for one season with the Sarasota Opera. Nine of them will grace our stage this year. Their vitality and virtuosity, along with their splendid voices, always make their programs thrilling. Ticket proceeds from their Freedom Plaza concert go to support the Sarasota Opera Apprentice program, one of the many similar programs sponsored by opera companies across the nation, a vital element in keeping opera in America alive and well. Freedom Plaza is pleased to play a part in this effort.

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center


Emergency Squad New Dispatchers Join Emergency Squad

By Robin Watt, Assistant Chief Communications The Emergency Squad is pleased to announce its newest graduates from dispatcher class. When a resident calls our emergency line, our dispatchers answer the call. It’s the dispatcher’s job to get accurate call information and get our ambulance crew on the road in a timely manner. Dispatcher training is 16 hours long plus additional time for mentoring before being qualified to dispatch our emergency calls. We welcome and thank our newest volunteers for joining the Squad.

L to R: Barry McKee, Instructor; Dustin Hewett; Bob Burns; Lloyd Banfield; Lou Balance; Manya Ogle, Larry St. John; Rose Rife; Walt Bowers, Instructor. L to R: Instructor Linda Conklin; M.J. Ricketts; Robert Leonard, (kneeling), Manager of Dispatchers; Helga Robinson; Harriet Bailey; Dayle Martin; Linda Hughes, seated; Cynthia Slaughter; John Hargraves; and Karen Crippen, Instructor.

Emergency Squad Routinely Needs New Volunteers

By Robin Watt, Assistant Chief Communications One of the most frequent questions The Emergency Squad receives about volunteering is, “Why do you need so many volunteers?” As an organization comprised primarily of retirees, there are multiple reasons why the Squad is always seeking new volunteers. First, as retirees, people still have other plans for their retirement. Being a volunteer isn’t a full-time job and shouldn’t be. Although the average length of volunteer service with the Squad is slightly over five years, many of our volunteers “age out” of the job they initially trained for and then find another position they can assist us with. For example, often members of our ambulance crews will become dispatchers when they feel they can no longer be effective in direct patient care. Sometimes our volunteers “retire” from the Squad to care for loved ones or because of their own health changes. It’s not unusual for people to realize that they need to be closer to their children and move back to their original hometown. And we still have some volunteers who work – either full-time or part-time and this often interferes with their ability to volunteer. This past year, the Squad’s ambulance crews were hit particularly hard with injuries and illnesses, causing a severe summer shortage of volunteers who work on the ambulance. Since then, the Squad has made changes to its long and short-term recruiting plans to hopefully avoid the shortages of this past summer. With that in mind, the Squad began hosting volunteer information meetings the second Wednesday of each month. We invite all members of the public interested in learning more about the volunteer positions we have available to join us at our education building at 124 S. Pebble Beach. The program begins at 6 p.m. and usually concludes by 7. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community. Please consider visiting with us and learning more about how we are “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” Coffee and cookies will be served.

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Emergency Squad Gets 8 New EMRs

By Jan Huber Eight students have successfully completed the intense 52-hour “Emergency Medical Responder” course given at the SCC Emergency Squad Training center. Students are first trained and certified in CPR. Following this aspect of the course, the students studied medical and environmental emergencies, airway management, the human body, bleeding, shock and poisoning. Students also learned the proper technique for splinting, bandaging, back boarding and scooping a patient. Each student has now been assigned to one of eight teams and will begin a period of mentoring with an experienced ambulance crew. The Squad has 440 members and is growing. If you are interested in finding out more about this all-volunteer organization, please call 813-633-1411 or visit our web site at www.scc-ems.us.

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The News of Sun City Center

November 2015

Revisit Edison Ford Winter Estates and Discover Matlacha

By Kai Rambow The Edison Ford Winter Estates have been a number one attraction for decades with good reason. Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were two of the most famous men of their time. Edison we immediately associate with the lightbulb. He also invented the phonograph and the motion picture camera. Ford we associate with the mass production of cars. Their impact is even more significant than our initial thoughts. Edison created the first industrial invention lab, getting teams to work on inventions. Ford created a mass production so efficient that cars became something many could afford instead of it being a curiosity item. This is a classic, worth a revisit if you’ve already been. To see where they spent their winters and see Edison’s winter labs is a rare opportunity to get close to two men who changed the world. Where would we be without lightbulbs? Where would we go without cars? Matlacha After finishing at the Edison Ford Estates, consider heading to Matlacha for lunch. Matlacha (pronounced Mat-la-SHAY) is a fishing-villageturned-artist colony. There are only 700 residents, but this is a fun addition to any trip for the fresh seafood and art. Before browsing through the galleries, you’ll probably want to refuel. Many of the restaurants here serve fresh seafood at reasonable prices. One local shared, “The mullet here [Olde Fish House Marina] is a great choice, and if you love grouper go to Bert’s.” Leoma Lovegrove is probably the most famous artist here, and she started the transformation. “We wanted a property near the water,” she explained, “and this

To create a guesthouse, Edison, ever practical, had the floor plan reversed, saving time and money.

was an affordable option 18 years ago. At that time it was just an old fishing village. After we opened the gallery a few more galleries opened here.” Lovegrove spearheaded art walk tours to promote the galleries in Matlacha. (They’ve stopped them now because during the winter season the small village is becoming overrun.) Lovegrove has worked with Bealls for the past three years. She paints and a team at Bealls selects what they would like to use/create and as Lovegrove describes it, “do their magic. It’s great because I get to concentrate on painting.” While Lovegrove is expressionistic in her art, she is wonderfully down-toearth in conversation. Tips for a Great Trip When to Go: If you’re staying in Sanibel or the Ft. Myers area, this is an easy trip. If you’re planning a day trip, it’s an easy drive to both locations. I recommend arriving when the Estates open, especially if you’re going to follow the suggested itinerary. Keep thinking it’s not your average white picket fence.

Leoma Lovegrove’s gallery; hard to miss.

Statue of Thomas Edison in front of the banyan tree he planted. He wanted to see how much it would grow. It’s huge and keeps growing.

Suggested Itinerary: Option one: Arrive at Edison Ford Estates at 9 a.m. Take guided tour or use audio guide to visit homes and lab. This will take two to three hours. Head to Matlacha for lunch. After eating, tour galleries. Option two: Arrive Edison at 9 a.m. After touring, head to Fort Myers (downtown) R i v e r

District (5 minutes away) and eat lunch. Return to Edison Ford to take 90-minute cruise on Caloosahatchee River departing at 2:30 p.m. (Check times cruise times before.) Driving: From Edison Ford Winter Estates head north on 41. At Pine Island Road, turn left. You’ll know you’re near Matlacha when you see the elevated drawbridge (think small hill). There are restaurants about 600 feet before the bridge; more restaurants and the galleries extending about 1,200 feet after the bridge. Getting Something to Eat: These were some of the places recommended by locals. Nothing fancy, but fresh food at reasonable prices. Note: some of these places close as early as 6 p.m. So, don’t count on a long day and dinner in Matlacha. Island Seafood Market 4330 Pine Island Road Matlacha, FL 33993 (239) 283-2525 Bert’s Bar and Grill (before the bridge on left) 4271 Pine Island Rd. Matlacha, FL 33993 (239) 282-3232 Olde Fish House Marina Restaurant (after bridge on right) 4530 Pine Island Rd NW Matlacha, FL 33993 (239) 282-9577 Edison Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd. Ft. Myers, FL 33901 (239) 334-7419 www.edisonfordwinterestates.org Special thanks: Jayne Kirse, Manager at Travelworld (across from Bank of America) provided research assistance.

Fresh seafood at several local restaurants.

Interior of Edison home. Edison lived simply. Ford wanted to give him a new car every year, but Edison refused.

SPORTS November 2015

The News of Sun City Center



Pictured standing are the Buckhorn Baseliners team: L to R: Liz Bridges, Donna Kyle, Julie Haynes, Jill Horst, Margareta Henderson, Arlene Maloney, Kim Aguayo, Kristin Williams, Audrey Cull, Stephanie Simpson and Barb Jones. Seated are the Sun City Center Sunsations team: L to R: Edna Carlin, Debbie Zieg, Nancy Williams, Sheryl Doom, Helene Peterson, Lee Greenlee, Petra Stimmel, Rolande Poulin and Betty Zeller!

Tennis Club News

By Debbie Zieg It was a great day of Competitive Team camaraderie at Sun City Center on Wednesday, October 21. Sun City Sunsations celebrated an overall win for the day!

L to R: Erika Barfels, Charles Bonaventure, Edward Bruno, Wayne Galpin, Brigitt Lewis, Marvin Lewis, Bill Noyes, Barbara Porter, Jean Smith, Trainers are; Ava Casper and Bob Fladung.

Welcome New SCC Lawn Bowlers

By Jerry Healy The Sun City Center LBC welcomes the following new bowlers. They recently completed their training and are already enjoying a wonderful sport. If you would like to try this wonderful sport just come by the lawn bowling clubhouse and a member will help you sign up for training classes. Don’t worry about bowles they are available at the club.

Sun City Center Bridge

Aquasizers enjoy wine at their monthly luncheon. Want to join? Call 813-419-4013 for information.




Most Insurance Accepted



Easy Bridge 1 in the evening, started on October 14. 65 people came and are already playing bridge. The first four games are FREE. New director Jim Heston is off to a great start. It is not too late to join this group of enthusiastic new bridge players, Wednesday evenings at 6:30 in the Horizon room. Social Duplicate is now being offered Wednesday mornings at 8:30 in the Horizon Room. If you want to have a good bridge game with lousy cards, and have fun, meet some new players, join new social activities, come and try this social duplicate game. Bridge lessons are being offered daily. The Tuesday classes are individual lessons, both for intermediate and more

See Bridge on page 24

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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Best Nine Holes 1st Sue Wyckoff

Purple Tee

GOLF SCORES Hogans Golf Club of Sun City Center & Kings Point Saturday, September 26, 2015 Falcon Watch Challenge-Sands 1st: Ron Doncouse - 4 Skins 2nd: Laura Parziale - 3 Skins 3rd: Paul Swakow - 2 Skins 4th: Don Mowry, Mike Greenwood, and Ray Bui - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Don Mowry - 64 Low-Gross: Paul Swakow - 82 Birds: Laura Parziale - 3 Ron Doncouse and Paul Swakow - 2 Don Mowry - 1

L to R: Ruben Jones, Doug McFaul, Mike Greenwood, and Jack Hugill.

Monday, October 12, 2015 Imperial Lakewoods 1st: Ruben Jones - 3 Skins 2nd: Jack Hugill - 2 Skins 3rd: Tom Rosata, Rich Lucidi, and Tom Gotschall - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Ruben Jones - 71 Low-Gross: Tom Gotschall - 85 Birds: Ruben Jones - 1

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Sandpiper Palms-Palms 1st: Rich Lucidi - 2 Skins 2nd: Rex Gibbons, Reggie Ryan, Doug McFaul & Don Mowry - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Reggie Ryan - 71 Low-Gross: Tom Gotschall - 90 Birds: Rich Lucidi - 1

Club Link One Membership More Golf Sandpiper Men

Thursday, September 17, 2015 Three on the Fives. Two on the Rest 1st: Walter Wight, Dick Mooney, Rocky Pucci Thursday, October 1, 2015 1st Flight A: Gerry Montminy 1st Flight B: David Abounader 1st Flight C: Ken DeFreeuw 1st Flight D: Michael Prach Thursday, October 8, 2015 Three Best Balls of Four 1st: Dick Mooney, Stan Senecal, Bud Tolley

Black Tee

Back L to R: Don Mowry, Tom Gotschall, Doug McFaul and Rex Gibbons. Front L to R: Reggie Ryan and Rich Lucidi.

Saturday, October 10, 2015 Falcon Watch Sands-Cypress 1st: Mike Greenwood - 2 Skins 2nd: Jack Hugill, Doug McFaul, and Ruben Jones - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Mike Greenwood - 68 Low-Gross: Ruben Jones - 88 Birds: Doug McFaul - 1

Prize Fund

Thursday, September 24, 2015 Scramble 1st: George Micklatcher, Don Frederick, Mary Merrill, Stan Senecal


Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Low Net 1st Tie: Ruth Kramer, Anne Skinner Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Low Net 1st Flight 1: Maggie Jaccoi 1st Flight 2: Erma Faron Tuesday, September 22, 2015 One Best Ball of Two 1st Flight 1: Linda Majewski, Maggie Jaccoi 1st Flight 2: Karen Gibson, Betty Rollins Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Blind Draw Quota 1st: Quy Nguyen, Emily Rohner


L to R: Rich Lucidi, Ruben Jones, Tom Rosata, Jack Hugill and Tom Gotschall.

Back L to R: Don Mowry, Mike Greenwood & Ron Doncouse. Front L to R: Ray Bui, Laura Parziale & Paul Swakow.

Thursday, September 17, 2015 Points Plus Handicaps 1st: Noreen Schramm Thursday, October 8, 2015 Low Net 1st: Gerry Towers

Monday, October 5, 2015 Scramble Vic Morris, George Wilkens, Clyde Schafer, Jim Gengelbach

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Low Net 1st: Wayne Zellers Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Three Best Balls 1st: Mike Prach, Bill Pachler Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Low Net – Better Nine 1st Tie: Don Kedrowski, Wayne Zellers Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Low Net – Front Nine 1st: Bud Swift


Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Odd Holes 1st: Annetta Pucci

Play it Forward

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Texas Scramble 1st: Phyllis Wright, Sue Freed, Claudia Woolley Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Three-Two-One 1st: Noreen Schramm, Phyllis Wright, Carol Slaughter, Pat Johnson


Prize Fund Wednesday, September 23, 2015 1st Flight 1 Tie: Dave Liehr, Dick Prosman, Jim Scinta, Vlad Michna Terry McCarty, Bill Stinchcomb, Pat Gilbert, Gary Morris 1st Flight 2: Dan Widener, Doug Carroll, Bob Stephens, John Harter 1st Flight 3: Bob Majewski, Linda Majewski, John Durm, Deloris Durm 1st Flight 4: Ken McLoone, Sonny Durham, Ray Tourangeau, Chuck Roth 1st Flight 5: John Richards, Bob Noelte, Ron Iannazzi, Stan Lipski


Monday, September 14, 2015 1 on 1-6, 2 on 7-12, 3 on 13-18 1st: Chuck Kim, Don Faron, Clyde Schafer, Herman Weston Monday, September 21, 2015 3 on Odd, 2 on Even 1st: Chuck Kim, Ken Deragon, Carl Burroughs Monday, September 28, 2015 1 Best Ball of 2 1st Flight 1: Steve Lockom, Mike Schoonover 1st Flight 2: Pat Jaccoi, Carl Burroughs

Friday, September 18, 2015 Scramble 1st Flight 1: Bob Majewski/ Linda Majewski 1st Flight 2: Paul Kip/Judy Kip Friday, October 2, 2015 Quota Points 1st Flight 1: Kyle Rollins, Betty Rollins 1st Flight 2: Bob Winters, Linda Winters

Falcon Watch Men

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Two Best Ball 1st: George Krauss/Will Kuxhousen/ Dave Brady/Jack Mulford Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Two Best Ball on 3 & 4’s – 1 BB on 5’s 1st: George Fenwick/Bob Condon/ Bob Trombetta/Bob Bryan Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Scramble 1st: Vid Valiusaitis/Butch Gadd/Jim Lahti/Norm Cochran Wednesday, October 7, 2015 One Best Ball 1st: Joe Spaziano/Jim McClafferty/ Hank Smythe

18 Hole Ladies

Friday, September 25, 2015 Odd Holes – ½ HDCP 1st: Judy Roberts Friday, October 2, 2015 Low Net 1st: Joy Dunn Friday, October 9, 2015 Throw Out the Worst Hole Minus ½ HDCP 1st: Judy Roberts

Nine Hole Ladies

Friday, September 18, 2015 Throw Out the Worst Hole 1st: Wally McIntosh Friday, October 2, 2015 Throw Out the Worst Hole 1st Tie: Emma Gadd/Sue Freed

See Golf Link on page 23.

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November 2015 Club Link from page 22.

The News of Sun City Center

Friday, October 9, 2015 Throw Out the Worst Hole 1st Tie: Emma Gadd, Wally McIntosh

1st Flight 3 Gross: Frank McCarthy Net: Tom Grillo Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Shamble 1st: Ray Parisen, John Lyons, Mike Noone, Jerry Barrett

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Two on Odd, One on Even 1st Tie: June Krueger/Sue Freed/ Carol Slaugther/Phyllis Wright 1st Tie: Jim Fischer/Tom Hare/ Joan Camelio 1st Tie: Jane Fischer/ Claudia Woolley/Mary Merrill/ Noreen Schramm

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Best Nine Holes 1st Flight 1: Carolyn Avrett 1st Flight 2: Sue Sussman 1st Flight 3: Pat Eytcheson Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Scramble 1st: Jane Boccieri, Joan Richardson, Sue Sussman, Carol Salowitz

Couples Match Play Tuesday, October 6, 2015 1st Flight 1: Vern Elarth, Kathy Lawrence Wednesday, October 7, 2015 1st Flight 2: Mel Bushart, Liz Lewis Friday, October 9, 2015 1st Flight 3: Mike Evans, Rose Killian 1st Flight 4: Bill Salowitz, Carol Salowitz 1st Flight 5: Kyle Rollins, Betty Rollins 1st Flight 6: Jeff Stevens, Judy Stevens

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 1st: Karen Munford Tuesday, September 22, 2015 1st: Barb Kanoza

Play It Forward Falcon Watch



Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Two Man Quota Points 1st Flight 1: Jim Betts, Doug Tanzer 1st Flight 2: Bob Walker, Vincent Sortino Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Two on Odd, Three on Even 1st: Bill Yost, Kurt Hoffman, Bruce Cook, Tom Grillo Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net 1st Flight 1 Gross: Larry Lutz Net Tie: Jim Deslondes, Bill Yucuis 1st Flight 2 Gross: John Lyons Net: Duke Munford

Eighteen Hole Ladies


C.W.G.A. Member/Member Tournament October 7, 2015

Forty ladies (twenty teams) participated in the 2015 Member/Member Tournament. There were three flights. This tournament is planned as a twoday event, but weather and special conditions reduced play to one day - the rain date. It is the first major tournament of the Fall golfing season. The format was Better Ball Total of the twosome for one day on the rain date. There were three flights, seven teams in Flights 1 & 2 and six teams in Flight 3. Prizes were Low Gross and 1st Low Net in all flights. 2nd Low Net in all flights and 3rd Low net in flights 2 and 3.

Nine Hole Ladies

Caloosa Golf & Country Club BG's Results

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 One Best Ball @ Least Players: 21 1st: Russ Stutz , Joe Defelice and Ron Jewell-28 2nd: John Mc Dougall,Bill Noyes and Rene Morin -24 3rd: Jack Last, Dick Lanese and Russ Rowe -22 4th: Bob Clapp, Angelo Valdes and Chuck Reeve -21 Scores: John Mc Dougall 79 Russ Stutz 79 Bob Jacobs 80 Joe Defelice 83 Joe Pelkowski 84 Angelo Valdes 84

See Caloosa Golf on page 24.

Flight 1 Winners

L to R Low Gross Winner: Mary Jane Stutz and Jan Harding. Low Net Winners: Jeanne Kolls and Judy Walters.

Flight 1 Jan Harding &Mary Jane Stutz Low Gross: 85 Jeanne Kolls & Judy Walters 1st Low Net: 62 Joyce Stafford & Maryanne Starrett 2nd Tie Low Net: 63 Barb Struble & Anita Ciota 2nd Tie Low Net: 63 Flight 2 Jana Roberts & Andrea Long Low Gross: 93 Barb Stebler & Joyce Shade 1st Low Net: 63 Sandy Nodruff & Ruth Ann Phelan 2nd Low Net: 65 Karla Pia & Lynn Noyes 3rd Low Net: 66 Flight 3 Barb Larsen & Linda McDougall Low Gross: 102

Flight 3 Winners:

L to R Low Gross Winners: Barb Larsen and Linda McDougall. Low Net Winners: Joan Lamar and Barb Sarman.

Sarah Chambers and Aileen Engel, Co-Chairs of the CWGA 18 Member/Member Tournament

Barb Sarman & Joan Lamar 1st Low Net: 67 Lolita Johnson & Sue Habblett 2nd Low Net: 68 Alice Friedlein & Vera Thompson 3rd Low Net: 69


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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Caloosa Golf from page 23. Roland Laprade 85 Bob Clapp 86 Jack Last 86 Chuck Schindler 87 Bill Noyes 87 Dick Lanese 88 Jim Scherburne 88 Birds: John Mc Dougall #2 3 for 2 Russ Stutz #2 3 for 2, #13 2 for 1 Angelo Valdes #5 4 for 3, #14 3 for 2 Bob Jacobs #8 3 for 2 Joe Defelice #11 4 for 3

BG's Results

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 One Best Ball @ Least Players: 17 1st: John Mc Dougall, David Lickfeltd and Chuck Reeve -32 2nd: Maynard Stebler, Bob Dufresne and Don Johnson -29 3rd: John Pelkowski, Chuck Schindler and Schindler 24 Scores: John Mc Dougall 78 Maynard Stebler 82 Bob Dufresne 87 John Pelkowski 87 Bill Noyes 87 Joe Deflice 87 Jack Last 87 Russ Stutz 87 Birds: Maynard Steble #3 2 for 1 John Mc Dougall #4 3 For 2 Don Johnson #15 3 for 1 Chuck Schindler #17 2 for 1

Devine Results

Thursday, October 1, 2015 54' Players:19 1st: Jim Sherburne +9 2nd: Bill Noyes +6 3rd: John Franks +5 Tie: Chuck Schindler 5th: David Lickfeld +3 Tie: Jack Last Tie: Russ Stutz

8th: Maynard Stebler +2 9th: Roland Laprade +1 Tie: Jon Lehr and John Pelkowski Birds: Jim Sherburne #10 3 for 1


Weekly Winners September 23, 2015 Two Week Select Scores Flight I 1st Tie: Kim Roush 66 1st Tie: Pearle Ashe 66 Flight II 1st: Jan Harding 59 2nd: Barb Stebler 65 3rd Tie: Jeanne Kolls 67 3rd Tie: Sandy Nodruff 67 Flight III 1st: Jana Roberts 62 2nd: Lolita Johnson 69 Flight IV 1st Tie: Linda McDougall 63 1st Tie: Sue Hablett 63 2nd: Joan Lamar 65 October 14, 2015 ABCD Florida Scramble 1st: Roush, Kim 73 1st: Engel, Aileen 73 1st: Larsen, Barbara 73 1st: McDougall, Linda 73 2nd: Struble, Barb 75 2nd: Chordas, Judy 75 2nd: Phelan, Ruth Ann 75 2nd: Friedlein, Alice 75 3rd: Franks, Vicki 79 3rd: Nodruff, Sandy 79 3rd: Huggard, Rose 79 3rd: Habblett,Sue 79 4th Tie: Ashe, Pearl 80 4th Tie: Roberts, Jana 80 4th Tie: Hanson, Linn 80 4th Tie: Lamar, Joan 80 4th Tie: Harding, Jan 80 4th Tie: Pia, Karla 80 4th Tie: Lanese, Lucille 80 4th Tie: Morgan, Phyllis 80

Devine Results

Thursday, October 15, 2015 Two Best Ball Players: 24 1st: Roland Laprade, Jim Sherburne and Don Johnson -25 2nd: John Mc Dougall , David Lickfeldt and Larry Chambers -21 3rd: Jack Stevens, Chuck Schindler and Chuck Reeve -18 4th: Bob Jacobs, Jose Rodriguez and Dick Lanese -17 5th: Max Cook and Jon Lehr -16 Scores: Roland Laprade 78 Larry Chambers 80 Bob Jacobs 81 John Pelkowski 82 Maynard Stabler 84 Jack Stevens 88 John Mc Dougall 89 Birds: Roland Laprade #2 3 for 2, #3 2 for 2 Larry Chambers #3 2 for 2 Bob Jacobs #15 3 for 2,#17 2 for 2 Max Cook #16 3 for 2 Maynard Stabler #17 2 for 1

Bridge from page 21.

advanced players. It is never too late to come. The list of topics is on our website, sunccbridge.com. The play of the hand and defense classes have started but you might be able to join if you call the instructor. Easy Bridge 2 is Friday mornings. Bridge games are every day, complete schedule is on our web site.sunccbridge. com.

HOLE IN ONE Accomplished By:

Stan Senecal

Thursday, April 23, 2015 Course: Sandpiper Golf Club Hole: Lakes #5 Yardage:120 Club: 6 Iron Witnessed by: Mike Prach, Jerry Hart and Tom Bennis

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association Announces Pat Filliater As New Club Manager

Ms. Filliater, a resident of Kings Point, has been playing Duplicate Bridge since 2003. An enthusiastic bridge player, she began to educate herself – took Duplicate lessons, obtained her Life Master, Bronze Life Master and took the Director’s Course. After becoming a bridge director for Kings Point, Pat then took the bridge teachers’ course from Audrey Grant, a notable bridge teacher and author of bridge books. “Love to teach the novices, they are our future,” she says. Bridge has become a family hobby. Ms. Filliater has passed her love of bridge to her son and grandson. Her husband, Tony, helps out also. After joining the Board of Directors of Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA), she became President, and now Club Manager. Pat enjoys attending bridge tournaments with friends and helping others to obtain those gold, silver, and red points needed to climb the ladder to Bridge Life Master. Ms. Filliater believes, “The game is a never ending learning game and good for the mind. It’s great for analysis, strategy, math, and just plain social interaction.

Swing into Freedom Fairways with a special membership offer.

Freedom Fairways, located on the beautiful grounds of Freedom Plaza Sun City Center, is offering annual membership specials. That means it’s the perfect time to join one of the area’s finest golf courses, which is an excellent venue for meetings and leisure. The course is a challenging, yet playable 3,300-yard, par-63 layout with nine par-3 holes and nine par-4s. We look forward to having you tee off with us. Membership specials: • Single annual membership, using golfer’s own cart: $1,200 + tax • Single annual membership, using Freedom Fairways cart: $1,400 + tax (regularly $1,800) • Household annual membership, using golfer’s own cart: $1,500 + tax • Household annual membership, using Freedom Fairways cart: $1,700 + tax (regularly $2,200) These special membership offers are valid until November 15, 2015. Freedom Fairways is open to the public with annual and seasonal memberships available.

For more information, or to take advantage of our limited-time pricing, sign up at the Freedom Fairways Pro Shop or call (813) 633-4653.

Freedom Fairways Golf Course 3940 Upper Creek Drive | Sun City Center, Florida 33573 (Part of Freedom Plaza Sun City Center Golf Course) 71111-P4-0915-ROP SW


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The News of Sun City Center



the Wo n i

d is rl

Whe r

November 2015

Friends for 30 years, Tim & Betty Giles, Toni & Shep Sheppard and Pat & Bill Brothers now enjoy life together in SCC … when they’re not cruising in Glacier Bay, Alaska that is.

r e t n e C City

The News of


Joan Lamar and Jack Cronan took their News of Sun City Center to Edinburgh, Scotland. Here they are on the bridge at the 18th hole at St. Andrews Old Course.

Kyle and Charlie Creasy (center) posed with their News of Sun City Center and Kyle’s Class of 1970 from Neshannock High School in New Castle, PA.

George and Dolly Banes visited Pipersville, PA for the wedding of their granddaughter, Rebecca, and they brought along their News of Sun City Center.


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Bernice Dubro and Janet Warren pose with The News of Sun City Center at the Auersberg Palas in Vienna, Austria where they attended an evening Mozart and Strauss concert.


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November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Military News Chief Of Staff, Navairweps Training To Speak To Silver Osprey’s

Captain Jiancarlo Villa, Chief of Staff/ Military Deputy for Program Training at the Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division located at the Naval Support Activity in Orlando, FL will be the guest speaker at next luncheon meeting. The meeting will be held on Friday, November 13 at the Plaza Club, Freedom Plaza. Captain Villa represents a continuation of the local chapter of the Association of Naval Aviation to present speakers who are actively involved in military aviation and related fields with current experiences to relate to the audience. Captain Villa will speak on “21st Century Training and Readiness”. He has also indicated that he will share Speaker Villa some of his other activity duty experiences with the group. CAPT Jiancarlo Villa is still on active duty and began his military career by enrolling in the delayed entry program in 1987 as a Nuclear Machinist Mate. He was selected for the Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training (BOOST) program and attended Jacksonville University where he was commissioned in May 1993. After graduation, he commenced flight training and was designated a Naval Flight Officer in August 1995. CAPT Villa joined the “War Eagles” of Patrol Squadron SIXTEEN for his first operational tour. During his tour, he completed three deployments to Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, Keflavik, Iceland, Panama and Sigonella, Sicily during which he participated in Operations ALLIED FORCE, JOINT GUARDIAN and NOBLE ANVIL. In February 2000, CAPT Villa returned to Patrol Squadron THIRTY for duty as Fleet Replacement Squadron Instructor. He was assigned to the Weapons Tactics Unit (WTU) as Fleet Projects Officer and Fleet Instructor Under Training (IUT) Instructor. He was also a member of the Fleet Introduction Team for the AntiSurface Warfare Improvement Program (AIP) and was a Fleet NATOPS Evaluator. CAPT Villa was assigned to Staff, Commander, THIRD FLEET as the Air ASW Officer and VP LNO aboard USS CORONADO (AGF-11) in February 2002. While stationed in San Diego, CA he coordinated Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Operations in support of the Global War on Terrorism Operations NOBLE EAGLE and ENDURING FREEDOM. He attended the College of Naval Command and Staff at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, where he earned a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies in June 2004. In October 2004, he reported as a Department Head to the “Pelicans” of Patrol Squadron FORTY-FIVE, NAS Jacksonville, FL. During his tour, he served as Operations Officer and OIC in Djibouti and Ali Air Base, Iraq where he supervised operations in the Horn of Africa and those in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Upon completion of his Department Head tour, he reported to Millington, Tennessee to serve as the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force (VP) Placement Officer on staff with Naval Personnel Command. CAPT Villa joined Patrol Squadron EIGHT in April 2009 as Executive Officer and assumed command in April 2010. While in command, he led the “Fighting Tigers” in combat in support of operations ENDURING FREEDOM, NEW DAWN and on deployment to the Pacific, in support of operation TOMODACHI. From June 2011 through July 2014 CAPT Villa was assigned as the Branch Chief for Afghanistan and Pakistan plans in the USCENTCOM. He is currently serving as the Chief of Staff at the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division, Orlando. His awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, two Air Medals (Strike/Flight), Navy Commendation Medal (four awards), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and various other campaign medals and unit award. The Silver Osprey luncheons and membership are open to all. The only requirement is that you have an interest in military aviation and related topics. For a reservation to the November luncheon please mail your check in the amount of $17 to Mr. Tom Harding, 309 Nobel Fare Drive, Sun City Center, FL. For membership information please email the Commanding Officer, CDR Roger Kennicutt at tkennicutt@aol. com. Reservation should be in by Wednesday, November 11.

Do you Facebook?

Get “social” in Sun City Center. Share your favorite SCC pictures and news and view pictures from fun SCC events. “LIKE” the News of Sun City Center Facebook page at “www.facebook.com/NewsofSCC”.

MFST Contributes to Homeless Women Veterans

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) recently presented the Supportive Services for Veterans & Families (SSVF) a check for $3,000 at the Tampa Crossroads office in Tampa, FL. The check was presented to Sara Romeo, CEO, Executive Director of Tampa Crossroads by Colin Howgill, MFST chairman, Nancy Alguire, MFST president and Doris Glass, MFST trustee. SSVF promotes housing stability for low-income veterans and veteran families. MFST contributed to the SSVF through their Women Veterans Homeless Prevention Fund. MFST is a 501(c)3 organization that supports through their grant programs military families, past and present. The beneficiaries include, but are not limited to: four year scholarships for high school seniors, JROTC Honors Program, Homeless Women Veterans, Operation Warm Heart, Veteran Guide Dog, South Eastern Guide Dogs Paws for Patriots program, Operation Helping Hand and sponsoring ‘Guardians’ for the Honor L to R: Nancy Alguire, Sara Tomeo, Doris Flight Support Program. Contributions are always welcome as Glass, Colin Howgill. without them none of the above assistance programs would be possible. For more information please Visit their website at www.mobc-online.org or call Nancy Alguire at 813-634-4675.

Marines Pitch in for Deputies Darlin’s

By Don James Sun City Center Leathernecks Club Commander Don James presents a $400 check to Sheriff Major Rob Bullara for the Deputies Darlin’s 2015 campaign. From left, campaign coordinator Deputy Bobby Howard, Don Renwick, Bud Brubaker, Barry Myers, Jim Glass and Al Klein. The Hillsborough County Sherriff’s Office conducts the program annually to help brighten the Christmas holidays for area children who might otherwise go without.

Military Ball

Sun City Center Community Center 5 p.m. Saturday, November 7, 2015 By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) There are still tickets available for the Military Ball, which takes place on Saturday, November 7, 2015. The Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW), will be hosting the 5th Annual Formal Military Ball; starting with a Social Hour at 5 p.m., at the Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. This has been a very popular, sellout event for the past five years. The Ball will feature a Patriotic Program, hors d‘oeuvres before a served dinner, entertainment, and dancing. Dining and dancing configuration and the Community Hall will be limited to 40 tables of eight. Formal dress is encouraged (military, black tie, dark business suit)—wearing military decorations is encouraged. Dinner will be served by Orange Blossom Catering. Music and dancing will be provided by the Jim Burge Orchestral. This is a BYOB event. Cost is $50 per person. Check should be made payable to MOWW. Attendance is open to all—prior military service is not a requirement. Individual tickets, for singles or couples are available. A self-appointed table captain can reserve a table of eight (8). Call or see James Warchol 633-1063 for additional information and reservations.

See Military on page 28.

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Yes, often time you need to do this for folks with dementia. Buy a bag of frozen rolls and about half hour before a meal pop one in the oven. Instant aroma therapy and frugal appetite stimulant!

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center


Day Festival & H s n a r e t e V o metown H a z a l P onor Flig m o d ht Wednesday, November 11th e e r F 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Freedom Plaza, Golfview Terrace Area • 1010 American Eagle Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 The Retired Officers’ Corporation and Freedom Plaza invite you to join us in thanking our wonderful Veterans. Organization Participants Vendors American Legion 15th District East Bay High School JROTC Flight to Honor of Polk County Freedom Fairways Freedom Plaza Hillsborough County Sheriffs Kings Point Elks Lodge Kiwanis Club Military Family Support Trust MOAA Military Order of the World Wars Navy Seabees Patriot Guard Riders Retired Officers’ Corporation Samaritans Alzheimer Auxiliary Sons of the American Revolution Southeastern Guide Dogs Sun Radio

Entertainers Sun Radio

Over 40 Vendors Including:

Emily's Cool Stuff Jewelry Essentials of Nature Oils & Soaps Farmer Pete Produce & Eggs Kona Ice Le'Anns Cheesecakes Loring Stone Jewelry My Sweet Bees Honey Oobalamode Desserts in a Jar Papa Burgers & More Pristine Farms Salty Dawg Spice Company Tungett Produce


Parking at Freedom Plaza will be minimal. DON'T STRESS PARKING. Feel free to park at one of the following places. Two beautiful, air conditioned, Freedom Plaza buses will be constantly driving route from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Freedom Plaza (minimal) 1010 American Eagle Blvd. Prince of Peace Catholic Church 702 Valley Forge Blvd. Sun City Center Community Hall 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd.

We will be hosting our 2nd Hometown Honor Flight with Flight to Honor of Polk County. A Hometown Honor Flight provides the opportunity for Veterans who are physically unable to attend an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. a “virtual” Flight of Honor.

Agenda 11:00

WWII Veteran Honoree Parade on American Eagle Blvd. 11:30 Opening Ceremony • East Bay High School Color Guard • National Anthem - Harmony Belles • Pledge of Allegiance Harmony Belles • WWII: A Survivor’s Story - Gary Vidito • Veteran Awards & Recognition Flight to Honor Polk County • Musical Montage - Harmony Belles • Closing Prayer - CAPT Harry Benter 1:30 - 2:30 “Remember When” - Gary Vidito Gary Vidito

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The First Infantry Reenactment Group will portray the lifestyle, equipment, uniforms, and combat tactics of a United States Army soldier during the World War II years.

Over 40 Vendors from Jen's Market as well as Over a Dozen Military Organization Recognition/Promotional Tables.

The Festival Starts at 9 a.m.

With the WWII Re-Enactments Groups and Vendors.

Festival proudly sponsored by

1010 American Eagle Blvd. BOX 352. Suite 301 Sun City Center, Florida 33573 Phone: 813-633-4467 Fax: 813-419-4944 For More Information Contact: The Retired Officers’ Corporation at (813) 633-4467 or email Corena Fristad at cfristad@brookdale.com.


The News of Sun City Center

Military from page 26.

Lt. Col. Benny Blackshire USA (Ret) Addresses MOAA

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Lt. Col. Benny Blackshire, USA (Ret) was the featured speaker at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) luncheon at the Sun City Center Atrium on October 7, 2015. Benny attended the University of West Virginia State College earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and graduated as a Distinguished Military Graduate. He attended Ranger and Airborne training at Ft .Benning, GA. receiving On left Benny Blackshire; on right Thom his Ranger Tab and Airborne Wings Brown, president of MOAA. before being assigned to the 8th Infantry Division in Bad Krueznach, Germany. Benny volunteered for Special Forces training at Fort Bragg, NC and upon receiving his “Green Beret” was sent unassigned to Viet Nam. After Viet Nam, Benny was assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group, Fort Devens, MA, whose area of operation was Europe. During this tour Benny earned his Master’s Degree in International Relations from the University of Southern California and then completed the Command and General Staff College courses. Benny had two tours at the Pentagon, the last being with the Department of Army Inspector General’s Office. After retirement from the military with 22 years’ service, Benny worked as a Project Manager for government contracts and then was promoted to Vice President for Support Services. Benny’s second retirement came 12 years after working in the civilian environment. His military awards include a Bronze Star Medal, Legion of Merit Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal (2), Army Commendation Medal (3) and several service and campaign medals and ribbons. He discussed several combat and personal experiences while serving in Viet Nam.

Group photo of all YLC students.

MOWW Sponsors YLC Awards Ceremony

The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) recently held a special Youth Leadership Conference (YLC) Recognition and Special Awards Program honoring high school students from seven area high schools. The affair was held at the Sun City Center Renaissance Club on October 15, 2015. The schools involved in the YLC program were East Bay; Lennard; Riverview; Spoto; Newsome; Durant; Plant City and Steinbrenner. The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) is also a participator and contributor in the YLC program. Lt. Col. James Warchol USAF (Ret), Commander of the MOWW local chapter coordinated the event and Lt. Col. Robert Russel USA (Ret) was the emcee. The affair included a luncheon and participation in the YLC Recognition and Special Awards Program. Special MOWW Patrick Henry Awards were presented to Taylor Berlin, Lennard High School; Hannah Hines, Durrant High School; and Clayton Radford, and Katelyn Wojtiuk, Newsom High School for their outstanding leadership qualities. The outstanding conference student, Katlyn Woutiuk was presented a check for $250 from Colin Howgill, chairman of the Military Family Support Trust.

Formerly Manatee Sarasota Eye Clinic

November 2015

MOWW Nominates Detective Philip Merkle for Law and Order Award

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Sun City Center chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) nominated Detective Phillip R. Merkle for the National Law and Order Outstanding Performance Award on September 29 at the District IV Hillsborough County police department in Ruskin, FL. On April 6, 2014, Detective Merkle observed a loaded tractor trailer drive through a retaining wall on I-75 and fall more than seventy feet into the marsh below the bridge. The cab separated On left, James Haney, Major, USMC (Ret), from the trailer and was sinking into the and Detective Philip R. Merkle marsh. The detective radioed for help and scaled down the seventy-foot wall into the marsh. He and an off duty reserve fire fighter, John Fragomeni then proceeded 100 feet through the marsh to reach the motorist who was bleeding severely from a lacerated arm and was displaying symptoms of shock. The rescuers used a shirt to apply pressure to halt the bleeding and carried the motorist thirty yards through the marsh to a citizen’s boat, which took him to the boat ramp. From there Hillsborough County Fire Rescue provided medical assistance and transported him to the hospital. Detective Merkle’s rapid and courageous action was instrumental in saving the motorist’s life and qualifies him for nomination to receive the MOWW national Law and Order Award.

From left Dave Murphy, tournament Chairman: Bob Beck; Tom Payant; Sal Scrozzo and Ryan Wise.

MOAA Charity Golf Tournament Held

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held their annual charity golf tournament on October 10, 2015, at the Freedom Plaza Golf Course in Sun City Center. The tournament was held to benefit My Warriors Place, located in Ruskin, and MOAA scholarships. Prior to the tournament start a continental breakfast was provided and following the tournament a luncheon was served and prizes awarded for the various identified skill categories. The tournament winners were: 1st place: Dave Murphy, tournament chairman; Bob Beck; Tom Payant; Sal Scrozzo, and Ryan Wise. 2nd place: Jack Driscoll, Mike Bauer, Pete Easter and Barry Cachran. In addition a putting contest was held, which was won by Pat Knies, who won $70. MOAA would like to extend a special thanks to our Exclusive Signature Sponsor, Buy Cruises; to Freedom Plaza for the use of their golf course & Plaza Club; and Dave Murphy, who put many hours of work into organizing and running an excellent tournament.

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

To Your Good Health By Keith Roach, M.D.

Do Prednisone Benefits Outweigh Its Risks?

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 80-year-old woman who always had excellent health until about four years ago, when I was diagnosed as having bronchiectasis. Since then, I have had to use an albuterol solution, plus an Airway Vest, in periodic daily treatments in order to continue breathing. A few weeks ago, my doctor prescribed 10 mg of prednisone daily in addition, and the results have been amazing. Instead of five to six inhaler treatments each 24 hours, I need only two or three, and (the best result) I can sleep through the night! Previously, I woke every three to four hours nightly for a treatment with the inhaler and vest, and I often slept poorly afterward. My prednisone dosage has been reduced to 5 mg daily, and although I know it is a (possibly dangerous) corticosteroid, I dread the prospect of going back to the days of arranging my life around the use of the albuterol inhalers, as well as feeling so much less able to enjoy what life I have left. What would be the result of continuing a minimal dosage of prednisone (5 mg or less per day)? What alternatives do I have? -- C.B. ANSWER: This is a good question, not just for bronchiectasis (a scarring condition of the airways, so they can’t clear mucus properly), but for the many, many diseases treated with prednisone. Long-term use of high-dose prednisone (and similar steroids, such as cortisone and methylprednisolone, or Medrol) can cause diabetes in susceptible individuals, and it raises blood pressure, weakens bones, increases hunger and causes weight gain in most, causes thinning and other skin problems and, in high doses, causes confusion or psychosis. It is indeed a dangerous drug. However, as bad as it is, it sometimes is so effective at improving the disease it’s treating that the benefit is worth the risk of all these side effects. There are some conditions where the prednisone has to be permanent, although we are finding more and more alternatives to reduce or replace the prednisone. The body makes its own steroid, cortisone, at the daily equivalent of roughly 5 mg of prednisone. At that dose or less, the risks of prednisone are much less than at the high dose of 40 mg, 60 mg or greater used for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. If you have to stay on this dose, it sounds like the benefit outweighs the risk. One alternative you haven’t mentioned is steroid inhalers. For asthma and sometimes for bronchiectasis, steroid inhalers, which use far more potent steroids than prednisone, can have as good a benefit. They are poorly absorbed, and as such have little or no systemic side effects, like raising blood sugar and blood pressure. If you are doing well on a 5 mg dose of prednisone, you would likely do well on a steroid inhaler. DR. ROACH WRITES: I wrote recently about loss of eyebrow hair. One reader wrote in to tell me that in her case, a magnesium supplement solved her problem entirely. I did find that magnesium deficiency can cause hair loss, so it may be worth a try. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health pamphlets, visit www.rbmamall.com, or write to Good Health, 628 Virginia Drive Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved




November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

FAITH & service Hope Fund Breakfast & Bingo Cancelled

Due to unforeseen circumstances, The Hope Fund’s Breakfast and Bingo scheduled for November 14 will not be held. We want to say “thank you” to all of those who have attended in the past, and we hope to see you all in the spring.

Milton and Winslow in Concert

Kimberly Milton, soprano, and Robert Winslow, pianist, accompanist, will be in concert at the United Community Church, United Church of Christ on Sunday November 22 at 2 p.m. The concert will be in the sanctuary of the church. Tickets are $10 per person and may be purchased in advance at the church office or at the door the day of the concert. Kimberly Milton has performed at a previous Fantastic Friday Dinner Theatre at the church and is back by popular demand. This is a concert not to be missed. Everyone is invited and all are welcome. For more information call Paula 633-6739.

Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon

Please join us on Thursday, November 12 at Club Renaissance, 2121 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, for a delicious lunch, informative program and exciting speaker. John Wilbur of LifePath Hospice will tell us all the things we don’t know about Hospice and Al Cartwright will share his near-death experience. Men are welcome and would enjoy both of these presentations. Pasta Salad and Italian Grinder will be served or you may request the alternate Tossed Salad with Grilled Chicken when you make your reservation. Price is $17 inclusive. Seating begins at 11 a.m. with meal and program from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please make your reservations or cancellations before noon on Monday, November 9 by contacting Gail Green at 813-634-2159 or “rgreen01@tampabay.rr.com” or Pat Butler at 813-938-4320.

Alternative Gift Fair to be Held at St. Andrew

By Rosie Clifton St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Sun City Center will offer an Alternative Gift Fair on November 15 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of the church. This event will offer birthday or holiday shoppers a choice of “gifts” to honor family and friends while supporting local and international charities and nonprofit organizations in a festive atmosphere. The Fair offers shoppers an opportunity to choose gifts of charitable donations, rather than more “stuff ” that most of us have too much of already. The money goes directly to participating organizations, and the giver will receive an information sheet that can be used to document a tax deduction. “Gifts” will range from $1 and up. For example, $1 might buy one pound of nails for Habitat for Humanity; $5 might buy seeds and a trowel for a Guatemalan mission; or $50 might buy groceries for a homeless family. With many more offerings to choose from, the Fair provides something for everyone on a giving list. For each donation, the donor receives a gift card with an envelope, along with a description insert of the organization, to give to the person in whose name they are buying the gift. On November 15 there will be tables in St. Andrew’s Fellowship Hall with information about each of the eighteen charities represented, with someone to answer questions for each charity. Light refreshments will be served. Come and enjoy time with others, learning about charities and select a gift(s), which celebrates personal charity, community health and well-being, and the preservation of God’s World. St. Andrew is located at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West and can be reached at 6341252. Questions? Leave a message for Lori Bossman or John Rathmell.

Card and Game Social at Prince Of Peace

November 12, 2015, Catholic Church, Conesa Center, 702 Valley Forge Blvd., Sun City Center, 12 noon – 3:30 p.m. The Council of Catholic Women invites anyone who likes to play cards or a variety of games to attend our monthly card and game social. Feel free to come alone or bring a friend. A selection of homemade cakes and refreshments will be served. Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished as well. A donation of $2 per person is accepted. For additional information, call Catherine at 813-633-2460.

St. John The Divine Hosts Interfaith Council

By Jay Sparkman St. John The Divine Episcopal Church in Sun City Center hosted the monthly meeting of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council. Guest speaker was David O’Dell of the Mary Petro Fund in Sun City Center. Mr. O’Dell spoke on the purpose of the fund and the need and importance of assisting SCC residents in need of food and prescription medicines. The fund has assisted over 200 households in the past four years. Pictured are Fr. Kevin Warner, Rector of St. John The Divine; Jay Sparkman; David O’Dell; Dawn Hennen; Karin Risley; Cher Cerebe, and Trisha Saalbach. The Interfaith Council uses monies from the sale of donated goods at The Nearly New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza to fund scholarships and grants in the South Hillsborough County area.

Feeding the Hungry

Members of local community congregations met in the Sukkah (a temporary hut or shelter) at Beth Israel in Sun City Center prior to attending a meeting to plan a joint fundraiser for the hungry in Sun City Center. Rabbi Carla Freedman explained the purpose of the Sukkah and the use of the lulav (myrtle, palm and willow branches) and the etrog (a citron) and how they are used during the festival of Sukkot. Members of this committee have planned “A Day of Cabaret”, a variety show featuring various known and unknown talent that will be brought in to entertain those attending the concert. This will be held in the South Community Hall, Sun City Center, on Sunday, February 21 at 2:30. All proceeds will go toward feeding the hungry at local food pantries including Beth El, Lord’s Lighthouse and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Tickets will be available in November at the local congregations. They will go on sale in the Atrium in January.

Front row: Rabbi Carla Freedman, Beth Israel; Jane Keegan, United Methodist; Trish Saalbach, St. John the Divine; Jan Heuman, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship; Liz Hood, St. John the Divine; Bev Campbell, St. Andrew Presbyterian; Sally McLeish, St. Andrew Presbyterian; Dianne Cerulli, Prince of Peace. Second row: Rev. Dr. Mark Salmon, St. Andrew Presbyterian; Carol Slagle, St. Andrew Presbyterian; Doris Palmer, United Universalist Fellowship. United Community Church representatives were not in the picture.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • www.popcc.org • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Sat. 7:30 a.m. Wed. 2:30 p.m. Sat. 3:00 p.m.

Volunteering with The Hope Fund Brings a New Friendship

When Pat Opletal of Kings Point volunteered to tutor last year as part of The Hope Fund’s after-school programs at Bethune Park in Wimauma, she didn’t know how much her life would change. The Reyes family of Wimauma didn’t know how much their life would change either. Pat was tutoring a boy named Eddie Reyes, a smart, quiet boy. Eddie revealed that his family was living in a trailer with no heat, no flooring, no beds and no place to sit. They had been renting a home for some time but had to relocate because the owner wanted to move back to the house. Pat and her husband, Bob, who teaches chess to the children, saw a need and took it upon themselves to help the family “get back on their feet.” The Opletals and the Reyeses installed carpeting (donated by John Moore Floor Covering) in the trailer. They received a contribution from Sam’s Club of two bunk beds and mattresses for the family. Friends and the Opletals’ children contributed blankets and sheets. A sofa was contributed. When the air conditioning broke down, the Opletals agreed to pay half of the cost of replacement. The Reyeses wanted to pay half also. The Opletals respected their wishes. As Bob said, “You can do too much to help people. They become resentful.” The Opletals want the Reyes to keep their dignity and help out only when needed now. The two families have become friends. The Reyes, Agueda and Antonio, and their children, Eddie and Kaelsey, are finding that their lives are much better now. The Opletals played a big part in the improvement, all because Pat was tutoring a nice boy named Eddie. The Opletals represent what The Hope Fund, a 501(c)3 organization, is all about. Volunteer tutors, mentors, readers, and many others spend one hour a week at Bethune Park. They help with a running program, a music and an art class, a woodworking class, and much more. They have a love of children, and the truth is they get as much, or more, out of the time they spend with the children as the kids get spending time with them. They are giving the children a good start in life. If you have some time to share, call Carla Miles at 813-634-4268 to learn about volunteer opportunities or to make a tax-deductible donation. Visit www.the-hope-fund.org to learn more about The Hope Fund.

United Community Church United Church of Christ 1501 La Jolla Ave. • 813-634-1304

Chapel Communion 8:30 AM •Worship 10:00 AM REV. DR. TIMOTHY W. SHIRLEY

No matter where you are on Life’s journey, you are welcome here. A place where God is still speaking.


November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

When Christmas HURTS

A service of comfort and hope will be on Tuesday, December 7 at 7 p.m. at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church. Everyone in the community is invited to prayers, reflection and fellowship for those having difficulty during the Christmas season. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call the church office at 813-633-3970.

St. John the Divine Episcopal Church The Divine Marketplace

Open for business on Nov 21. If you are a crafter, baker, grow fresh veggies or plants we are looking for you. The Marketplace will operate on the third Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. – noon. Space rental is only $20, with tables available for an additional $5. The Marketplace is open to the community, so tell your neighbors and friends. Vendor Applications are available now, stop in the office and see Candy for your application. If you have questions please contact Annie Hunter at (813) 645-8366 or (813) 842-0755.

Redeemer Lutheran Women to Meet

The women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church (Women of the ELCA) will meet on Wednesday, November 18 beginning at 9:30 a.m. with breakfast provided by Board members. The 10 a.m. program will be presented by the SCC Campaign Against Human Trafficking. Everyone is invited to attend the presentation. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

Community Church College, College Trips

The Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Ave, Sun City Center (www.4lifelearning.org) has some great trips scheduled for November and December. On November 6 spend a day strolling the grounds and museum at the Ringling in Sarasota ($40 includes admission). Spend an evening on November 20, at the Columbia Restaurant and enjoy a Flamenco Dance Show ($24 includes show, dinner OYO). Best yet, we have scheduled an additional bus for the Singing Christmas Tree in Sarasota for 12-12-2015 ($29 includes admission). Also, we are still keeping a wait list for our St John Rivership Cruise on November 14, in case of cancellations. Check back our website often as we begin to schedule our classes and trips for the Spring Semester 2016. For more info call us at 813-634-8607 and send a note at www.4lifelearning.org/contact.

Sisterhood Announces November Luncheon

The Sisterhood of Beth Israel congregation in Sun City Center will be holding its Paid Up Membership Luncheon on Tuesday, November 10th at 12 noon in the Henry Gibson Social Hall at the Synagogue on Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center. There will be a DVD presentation of “A Night of Entertainment” as well as a delicious lunch featuring vegetable lasagna, salad, bread, beverages and desserts. RESERVATIONS are a must! Please call or email Rochelle Lafer (813) 938-3824 “orsisterhood@jcscc.org”.

Valencia Lakes Hosts Campaign Against Human Trafficking

The West Woman’s Club of Valencia Lakes hosted a presentation by the Sun City Center/SouthShore Campaign Against Human Trafficking at its recent meeting. Cam McGary, chairperson of the Awareness Team and Kelly Murphy of the FBI shared the podium in telling a packed room of interested ladies about the plight of victimized children, teenage girls and boys and adult men and women. The local 501(3)(c) organization work to raise money to help shelter and clothe rescued victims, some of whom may be in our own backyard. For more information or to arrange a presentation for your group, President Marilyn Kuffner presents a call Cam McGary at 813.679.4705. check for CAHT to Cam McGary.


Beth Israel Announces Hanukkah Program

A Taste of Hanukkah: a little latkes, a little donuts, a little fun—what’s wrong with that? Hosted by: Beth Israel Sisterhood & Men’s Club When: Sunday, December 13, at 2 p.m. Where: Henry Gibson Social Hall Please bring a Hanukkah menorah and enough candles to light on this 8th day of Hanukkah. There will also be a Silent Art Auction featuring donated Jewish art. Cost $5 per person. Please make checks out to Beth Israel Sisterhood and mail to: Rochelle Lafer, 2247 Oakley Green Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. All reservations must be paid by Monday, December 7, 2015.

Beth Israel Announces Program Event

“It’s not your old English teacher’s poetry!” Come have your funny bone tickled! Award-winning poet, John Foster, will present a PowerPoint program, “The Funny Bone in Poetry -or- Probing for the Humerus.” The audio-visual program will feature a discussion and reading of John Foster’s humorous poetry. There will be time for Q and A and a book signing after the presentation. John is the author of three collections of poems introducing the reader to more than two-dozen different forms of poetry. His work has won many awards at both the state and national levels and has appeared on numerous professional journals. John is a Sun City Center resident and his poems have often appeared in local publications. Save the date: Wednesday, November 11 at 3:30 at Temple Beth Israel, 1115 E. Del Webb Blvd. This entertaining program is open to the community. Call Judy Branch for questions, 746-1222. No reservation required.

Steve Green In Concert

Trinity Baptist Church will be hosting an exclusive concert featuring Christian artist Steve Green. This one evening event will be held at 6pm on December 10, 2015 at 702 W. Del Webb Blvd., SCC. $10 tickets may be purchased through the Internet at www.itickets.com/register/new/350682 or by telephone at 800-965-9324. All tickets are general admission. Doors open one hour before the concert.

Beth Israel Holds Victorian Tea

Beth Israel Congregation of Sun City Center’s opening Sisterhood meeting featured guest speaker Marylyn Butcher. Marylyn presented a Victorian Tea complete with photos and appropriate decor as well as an assortment of teacups, teapots and posters of various Queens. Each woman received a decorated program with songs and facts about the Victorian era. She dressed in period costume, as did many of the guests. The women participated in answering questions about proper etiquette for Tea and for many social requirements of the era. Seventy-four members attended and many were dressed in Victorian style attire with hats and gloves. Marylyn Butcher presents programs for several Rehab and Assisted Living Communities in Ruskin and Sun City Center. The teapots and some of the serving dishes were donated by sisterhood members and an anonymous donor who saw the publicity for the event. The refreshments were prepared and donated by sisterhood members. This was truly a beautiful event thanks to the efforts of chairman Barbara Grossman.

New Members: Marsha Doschers, Ilene Unruch, Debra Chernock, Vicki Courregas, Wendy Jennings, Deanne Greenwald, Marilyn Kuffner

Simchat Torah at Beth Israel

On Monday evening October 5, 2015, congregants of Beth Israel the Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, assembled at the Temple to celebrate Simchat Torah to mark the completion of the annual reading of the Torah. The Torah scrolls were taken from the ark and carried or danced around the synagogue seven times. The Torah was unrolled around the perimeter of the Sanctuary and the concluding section of the fifth book of the Torah, Deuteronomy, was read and immediately followed by the opening section of Genesis. This practice reminds us that the Torah is a circle that never ends.

Bluegrass Concert

The Sun City Bluegrass Group will present a special Christian music concert at Trinity Baptist Church on Saturday, November 7, at 3 p.m. The group is made up of five local residents: Reath Blickenderfer, fiddle; Dusty Rhodes, guitar; Jan Ring, upright bass; Tom Clawson, banjo; and Sterling Ruark, dobro. Admission is free and a love offering will be taken during the concert. Doors open one hour before the concert. For more information, please call the church at 813.634.4228 or visit the website atwww.trinitybaptistscc.com.

The Torah is unrolled. Pictured: Barbara Nova, Ina Stull, Deborah Schwalm, Joy Rosen, Rochelle Lafer, Bill Goldman, Richard Marshall, Arlee Boyette, Delyse Axinn, Herb Cashvan, Tzipporah Whiteman, Verdna Kelley, Bob Whiteman, Peggy Cohen Rabbi Carla Freedman.


November 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Security Patrol Security Patrol Volunteer of the Month

Terri Zell is from Springfield, Illinois and moved to Sun City Center in April 2014. In a short time, she has become a valued member of the Security Patrol. She came into the office and offered to be a driver. After a few Patrol shifts, Terri offered to be trained as a dispatcher. Because of her eagerness to support the Patrol, she was trained as a deputy captain. When Team 29 Captain’s slot opened, Terri was at the top of the list to be promoted as captain for that team. Being on Security Patrol has helped her find her way around town, although driving in St. Andrew’s was a challenge the first time. She says she kept coming back to the same intersection until she found the correct way back to the entrance. Terri found Sun City Center through her realtor who told her this is a safe community. In addition, Terri likes the many amenities, the friendly people, and the fact that she can get to most places in her golf cart. When she is not volunteering, Terri finds relaxation in gardening. She has many plants and flowers as well as a plot at Tillers and Toilers. She grows peppers, tomatoes, green beans, and strawberries. Her recent crops were abundant and she was able to share with others who returned the favor by sharing their harvest. On top of her many activities, Terri also works part-time at Winn-Dixie, but still finds time to enjoy her cat and dog. Being on Security Patrol has been a rewarding experience, Terri said. She was able to help a woman who had fallen in her home. Neighbors called the Patrol when they had not seen her and noticed newspapers in the driveway. Captain Terri responded and when no one answered the doorbell, she called the Sheriff ’s Dept. A deputy was able to enter the home and call for emergency services. According to the woman’s neighbors, Terri’s quick action and Patrol training may have saved this woman’s life.

Chief Floto Pins Captains Bars On Jim Ryan

By Jan Huber Congratulations to the newly appointed Captain of Team 8. Jim Ryan joined the Emergency Squad in 2004 as a Ambulance Driver. Two years later he was selected to attend EMT school. Upon successful completion of his studies he was assigned to Team 8. His wife Grace also works for the Squad as a dispatcher. Jim and his wife live in Kings Point and are also very active in the Southeastern Guide Dog organization as Puppy Raisers. The Squad is indeed fortunate to have such a true professional heading up Team 8.

JSA Medical Group Sun City Center Activity Center


Division of DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc.

JSA Medical Group - Sun City Center Activity Center is open to the community & offers a variety of FREE community & patient events including Yoga, Salsa, health lectures, parties, line dancing & more! (*Classes are subject to change)

NOVEMBER 2015 *REGISTER NOW! (813) 419-5020 Dr. Korah

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Mon 02: Tue 03: Wed 04:

JSA MEDICAL GROUP - SUN CITY CENTER has two primary care physicians to better serve you!

Our comprehensive primary care clinic includes imaging rooms, a community activity center, and a functional design which includes several comfortable waiting areas throughout the clinic. We also perform many services in-house including radiology and labs! There is no better time to become a member of JSA!


Including Humana and CarePlus Medicare Advantage Plan Members

Thu 05: Fri 06: Mon 09: Tue 10:


Wed 11: Thu 12:

CALL US TODAY! 813.634.2500

Fri 13:

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Mon 16:


Tue 17:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm CANCELED TODAY 11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am; 11:15 am to 12:15 pm 2 to 3 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am 11:15 am to 12:15 pm 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm CANCELED TODAY 11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am; 11:15 am to 12:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 3 to 4 pm 10 to 11 am 11:15 am to 12:15 pm 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4 pm

*November 4 Event: Learn how to use Skype to get in touch or keep in touch with friends and family! Register with Rosie. JSA will be closed for the holidays on November 26 & 27. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Check out our Facebook page!

facebook.com/ JSAMedicalGroup SCCAC *LINE DANCING PARTICIPANTS: •Closed-toe shoes with nonstick bottoms only permitted *ALL CLASSES • Please do not wear fragrances • Please RSVP to Rosie 813.419.5020 View entire Monthly Events Calendar & other community events online at: JSAMedicalGroup.com click the Events tab

Catch The NEWS on the web at suncitycenter.org

November 2015

The News of Sun City Center


Sparrow is a very affectionate adult female with the most incredibly beautiful markings. She’s a small girl, gets along well with the other cats in her room, and loves to play with anything the volunteers share at playtime. She has adjusted quickly to the shelter cats and volunteers and is very affectionate! As part of her adoption Sparrow will be microchipped. She is current on her vaccinations. She has been spayed. Approximate DOB: July 2, 2012.

Cat Lovers Club Accepting Food Donations

Lizzie is a robust bulldog mix with a beautiful chestnut and white coat. She is may be a bit round but is gentle and willing to please. She is still adjusting to the shelter and not sure how she landed at C.A.R.E. but is hoping her stay is a short one. Lizzie will be a great companion and all around friend so come give visit her and see if she wins your heart over. As part of her adoption Lizzie will be spayed, microchipped. She is current on vaccinations. Approx. age: 2-4 years. DOB: TBD

C.A.R.E. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (59-3678003) registered with the FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, No. CH-14526. The shelter is funded solely through donations, adoptions, spay/neuter fees, fundraisers, and small grants. For more information, volunteer opportunities or donations, please visit our website (careshelter.org) or give us a call 813-645-2273. We are very grateful for your support. C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday through Saturday. For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273.

Adopt A Cat Or Dog Event Have you been thinking about adopting a dog or a cat? The Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center is bringing adoptable pets to Sun City Center on Friday, November 27, 9-11 a.m., to make it easy for you! The dogs will be located at the North Campus under the Big Ole Oak Tree (near the Shuffleboard Courts). The cats will be located in the Palm Room (in the Old Town Hall Building, across from Bandstand). The dogs and cats will be available for adoption that day for FREE. All adoptables come fully spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and more. So come check these critters out and maybe you’ll see a tail awaggin’ or hear some purring and know you want to take that dog or cat home with you now! Info 813-642-2001. (Or for more information about the Pet Resource Center, visit HillsboroughCounty.org/Pets or call (813) 744-5660.)

Last month four lucky cats went to new homes in SCC and puppy Solara was adopted by Chris Curley.

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By Rita M Bundas Cats are often thought of as independent and self-sufficient creatures, but they’re sometimes overlooked in times of real need. Hard economic times may result in tough choices regarding family pets for households struggling to stretch their limited resources. Families are faced with the choice of purchasing pet food or providing for their family’s needs. Many low-income cat lovers will do whatever it takes to keep their pets with them and not give up their pet. Pet food donations are literally a lifeline for these pet lovers. To help families keep their pets at home, Cat Lovers Club is partnering with the Sun City Center Security Patrol to collect cat food for “Feed the Tuna Chest”. We’re excited to partner with the Sun City Center Security Patrol to raise awareness and make a difference for our community. With your help, Cat Lovers Club and the Sun City Center Security Patrol want to support struggling families and prevent them from making the difficult decision to give up a loving pet when a family is faced with very limited resources. Your donations will decrease the number of pets separated

from their families - where their love, loyalty and enthusiasm for life are needed the most. To help families keep their pets at home, the following locations accept donations to “Feed the Tuna Chest” Boggs Jewelers
 4845 Sun City Center Blvd. 
Sun City Center, FL 33573
9 a.m.–5 p.m.
 Saturday, 9 a.m. – Noon Sun City Center Security Patrol 1005 N Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 Every Day 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Men’s Club of SCC
 1002 Cherry Hills Dr
 Sun City Center, FL 33573
9 a.m. – 5 p.m. SCC Chamber of Commerce 1651 Sun City Center Sun City Center, FL 33573
 Second and fourth weeks of the month Monday-Friday
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
 Wednesday 9 a.m. - Noon If you have any questions email Cat Lovers Club at info@CatLoversClub.org or call 813-442-3014.

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Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

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The News of Sun City Center

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The News of Sun City Center

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Choose the Shimberg Breast Center at St. Joseph’s Hospital-South for your next imaging appointment. StJosephsSouth.org

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