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News of

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SCC Photo Club Announces Fall Competition Winners

Merrystmas Chri

December, 2013

SCC Shuffleboard Travel League Plays First Game of Season

Pictured are the members of the SCC Center Travel League who played on Wednesday, November 13th at Hawaiian Isles retirement community. Back Row: Frank Watkins, Tom White, Paul Johnson [Bayshore Travel League Chairman], Carlene Bowen, George Bowen, Don Cobleigh, Bill Dias. Front Row; Charlie Vorst, Eileen Caudill, Dorothy Wagasky, Paul Carroll, Roger Kennicutt.

Submitted by Roger T. Kennicutt, CDR, USN(retired) The Sun City Center Travel League entered its second year as a participant in the Bayshore Shuffle Travel League. This year they will play 18 matches in the tournament. The other three teams in the League this year are Rice Creek, Hawaiian Isles “A” and Hawaiian Isles “B”. Captain Roger Kennicutt, CoCaptain Don Cobliegh and

Andre Ledoux “Glass Sculptor”

Club President, George Bowen were in attendance at the kickoff match of the season. Also present, and playing for SCC was Paul Johnson, Chairman of the Bayshore Shuffle Travel League. The SCC Shuffle Travel League has twelve, two person teams, but only five play at any one match. The final score this week was Hawaiian Isles - 10; SCC - 5. Captain Roger Kennicutt Continued on Page 2

A Visit from the Hanukkah Elf

Patt Sulzberge “Going to Market”

Jacquelyn Hanson “Oh Wow!”

Patt Sulzberger “The Tannery”

Winners have been announced in the fall competition of the Sun City Center Photo Club. Five perfect scores were awarded. They were given to Andre Ledoux for “Glass Sculptor,” Jacquelyn

Hanson for “Oh Wow!,” Patt Sulzberger for “The Tannery” and “Going to Market” and Rolf Sulzberger for “Taking the Sun in Morocco.” Continued on Page 5

Submitted by Ruthe Foy “But Mom, who will bring our presents?” my younger son asked. His voice was steeped in pure panic. First, he was d i s t r e s s e d Ruthe Foy because our new home, a small condo, lacked a fireplace. I had assured him that Santa had magical ways and could come to houses without fireplaces. Now I had announced that he wasn’t coming to our house at all. We were changing gears. I had just told them that we would be celebrating Hanukkah, instead of Christmas. Yes, Hanukkah, just like Grandmother and Grandfather. How did I find myself in this place? I was involved in a nasty divorce. My ex-spouse had been going to law school at night and as a newly minted attorney, he was actively advising his lawyer on how to try his divorce.


Poem ..................................... 2 Bulletin.......................... 19 - 21 LEO Letter . ............................. 6 Club News .................... 22 - 24 WITW........................................ 7 Faith............................. 25 & 28 33573............................. 10 - 13 Military ......................... 26 & 27 Contract Bridge................... 29 Golf................................ 16 - 18 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

Along the judicial process, he contested custody and claimed that I was an atheist and therefore, not the parent best suited to have custody of our young boys. It was clear he had no real intention of assuming custody, but I didn’t want to take the risk. I’m not religious and neither was their father, but a choice had to be made. Do I take the kids to a Catholic Church programs, or follow my traditions? I chose the latter and immediately enrolled the kids in a Jewish after-school program at the local Reform Temple. After all, I reasoned, gaining a religious understanding might be helpful in life. Back to Santa’s unwelcome disappearance. How could I avoid feeling like the Grinch that just shot Santa? I didn’t want to disappoint my kids. This called for some quick thinking. “Surely someone’s told you about the Hanukkah Elf, I said. He’ll bring you your presents. Don’t worry.” My youngest, always perceptive about such things

Continued on Page 8

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The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 1

December, 2013


indicated that he was happy with the result. He said, “The team has made a vast improvement over last year and credits the hard work to the SCC players, who have been practicing very hard most of the summer and especially the last two months before the beginning of this years League schedule. The SCC Shuffleboard Clubwill be playing on Wednesdays for the rest of the season. The Club has several members from both Kings Point and Freedom Plaza and invites anyone in these of the SCC community to come check us out on Wednesdays.

Rooms assault my eyes lovingly with bursts of vibrant color; No two alike, multiple inharmonious dissonances of purples, reds, greens and oranges. Everywhere fresh flowers have already brought life to those that long to be. Who can tell them apart? Windows gaze upon rugged, majestic mountains carved from a backdrop called the sky. The veranda wraps itself in wild, erratic greenery hanging high and lying low; Prickly pear cacti bloom brightly in stark contrast. A small table surrenders to the embrace of a worn, plastic gingham tablecloth and celebrates life with wooden high-back chairs painted yellow with artistic abandon. Sitting here cups of rich, flavorful coffee are savored along with the view.


The Editor’s Corner

In the celebration of productivity and time, a calendar proudly announces a month past. When I ask “What day is it?” The walls cry out “It’s today!” Sweet fragrances and memorable sights linger in every room, and ever in my heart and mind.

Suzanne S. Austin-Hill ©2013

News of

Christmas Doesn’t Mean a Thing to Me

By E. Adam Porter, Editor in Chief, NOKP Happy December! The time of year folks hang out a flag or bumper sticker or t-shirt or lifesized flashing inflatable scene on the front lawn proclaiming “What Christmas Means.” If that’s you, don’t toss the paper down in disgust just yet. I love festive and positive declarations of Christmas cheer and Hanukkah happiness and other assorted holiday frivolity. And, frankly, I agree. Too many things seem to have lost meaning these days. We should do anything positive we can do to breathe life back into those things. But somehow, the “meaning of Christmas” has taken on a militant vibe. As a nation we seem to have forgotten the wars being fought across the world, and have chosen to fight each other. But the hills we have chosen to die on will not bring about the joy and peace we champion. Not when the battle becomes about something so ephemeral as the words a cashier chooses to offer as a greeting or a newscaster reads off a teleprompter. Are we so angry about these words that we fail to see the fatigue in that cashier’s eyes? She’s on her second week of double shifts hoping to earn enough to afford toys for her little ones. Remember those days? Are we so attuned to a political position that we forget that people are, well, people? Think about it … what causes more cultural degradation: a stranger not using a phrase you would prefer or people called to love who choose to rage? And that questiontakes me back to where I started thinking on this one. “Christmas” doesn’t mean a thing to me. Not one thing. It’s so much more than that. Christmas is family gathering

around the table again this year. A little fatter, a little balder and a little grayer. Except for Aunt Bea. She’s had some work done. Christmas is passing out on the couch after too much turkey and dressing, catching a few zzz’s before waking up just in time for some coffee and apple pie. Christmas is candlelit snuggling on the couch watching a classic Christmas movie with someone special. Christmas is cups of cocoa with melting marshmallows, cooling and forgotten on the side table because all that snuggling became something more. Christmas is children all snug in their beds, fast asleep … and even faster to wake the next morning. Christmas is finding that perfect gift for everyone on your list, even the ones that missed the naughty list by the finest of frog’s hair. Christmas is countless traditions and destinations. Going places and doing things.The same things with the same people, but they always feel a little bit different, a little bit new. Christmas is stringing lights on the tree and setting up the manger scene, thanking Jesus once again that his tiny ceramic self made it out of the box in one piece again this year. Christmas is a jumble of Eastern tradition, Western fables and the Greatest Story Ever Told. Christmas is redemption born in a dingy stable while a teenage mother cries, cattle low and a weary carpenter hums a lullaby. The meaning of Christmas? The reason for the season? Should you choose only one, I’ll not argue the point. But, please, do not begrudge if, to many others and me, Merry Christmas means a little bit more.

Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at www.NewsOfKingsPoint.com. Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees. Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors


John Wolf Advertising Sales



Nancy Jean Design and Layout


Debbie Caneen 33573 Events


2013, December The News of Kings Point

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Florida Department of Transportation Virtual Public Hearing (VPH) Notice The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District Seven, will conduct a Virtual Public Hearing (VPH) for the State Road (S.R.) 674 (Sun City Center Boulevard) proposed median opening changes. The project limits are from east of El Rancho Drive/Stoneham Drive to East Del Webb Boulevard in Hillsborough County, Florida, Financial Project Number(FPN): 254677-2. This VPH is held pursuant to Chapters 120, 335.18 and 335.199, Florida Statutes. The VPH will be held onThursday, December 5, 2013, from 10:30a.m. to11:30a.m. The hearing is conducted as a VPH, which is a free live presentation, or webinar, over the Internet that is also held concurrently at one or more viewing locations. If you wish to participate in the VPH online, registration is required prior to joining the VPH. Only webinar users need to visit the website below to register: https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/795913602 Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the VPH online from a computer. If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, you may attend the VPH at one of the following locations: - Community Viewing Location: Sun City Center Community Hall,

1910 Pebble Beach Boulevard South, Sun City Center, FL - FDOT, District Seven,Pelican Conference Room, 11201 N. McKinley Drive, Tampa, FL The VPH opens at 10:30a.m., and a project PowerPoint presentation will begin promptly at 10:45 a.m. Please allow adequate login time in order to view the presentation in its entirety. After the project PowerPoint presentation has concluded, there will be an opportunity for participants from both viewing locations, and those online, to provide verbal comments to be included in the official VPH record. After the verbal comment portion of the VPH has concluded, the project PowerPoint will run continuously for the duration of the VPH. This VPH is conducted to afford affected property and business owners, interested persons, and organizations the opportunity to provide comments to FDOT regarding the potential effects of proposed median opening changes to S.R. 674 (Sun City Center Boulevard) at the following locations: * Proposed modification of the existing full median opening at East Del Webb Boulevard. The existing median opening will become a directional median providing S.R. 674 eastbound traffic access to East Del Webb

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Boulevard by a left turn lane in the median. Motorists on East Del Webb Boulevard will no longer be able to directly access eastbound S.R. 674. * The existing full median opening at El Rancho Drive/ Stoneham Drive will become a signalized intersection. Other improvements include extending the existing S.R. 674 westbound left turn lane at El Rancho Drive/Stoneham Drive, extending the existing sidewalks at East Del Webb Boulevard to the intersection, pedestrian sidewalk enhancements including pedestrian crosswalks and upgrading curbs to Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards. FDOT, District Seven, will receive verbal and written comments online and at each virtual hearing location. Emailed or written comments may be sent to:roadwork@dot.state.fl.us, ATTN: VPH #SR 674 TO, or Sandra Gonzalez, P.E., Project Manager,

FDOT, District Seven, 11201 N. McKinley Drive, MS 7-1300, Tampa, Florida 33612-6456. All comments must be emailed or postmarked by December 16, 2013 to become part of the official VPH record. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any person requiring special accommodations or translation services (free of charge) to participate in the hearing is asked to advise the agency at least seven days prior to the hearing by contacting: roadwork@dot. state.fl.us or Sandra Gonzalez, P.E., at 1(800) 226-7220, (813) 975-6250 orsandra.gonzalez@ dot.state.fl.us.If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 1(800) 955-8771 (TDD) or 1(800) 955-8770 (Voice)



JSA Medical Group - Sun City Center Activity Center is open to the community & offers a variety of FREE community & patient events! (Classes are subject to change)

deceMBer upcoMinG eVentS *Register Now! (813) 419-5020 Mon 02:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 03:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

Wed 04:

LINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 05:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

9:30 to 10:30 am

Fri 06:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Mon 09:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Including Humana and CarePlus Medicare Advantage Plan Members

Tue 10:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

JSA MedicAl Group - Sun city center

Wed 11:



Thu 12:


9:30 to 10:30 am 2:30 to 3:30 pm

Fri 13:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Mon 16:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 17:


11 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm

Wed 18:

LINE DANCING*: Beginners or Advanced (Classes Limited to 30 ppl)

11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Thu 19:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

9:30 to 10:30 am

Fri 20:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Mon 23:


10 am to Noon 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

Tue 24:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

11 am to Noon

Wed 25:



Thu 26:

SilverSneakers® (MSROM)*

9:30 to 10:30 am

Fri 27:


10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:30 pm

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Dominoes are always available to play at the SCC Activity Center! Some classes have limited space - waitlists are available if full! Please call for availability Please check your insurance coverage for SIlverSNeAkerS class participation eligibility. *MSrOM: Muscular Strength & range of Movement Classes lINe DANCe ClASS AtteNDeeS: Please wear closed-toe shoes & no perfumes or scented body creams please. Visit us online for the rest of the monthly schedule of classes and events for October: JSAMedicalGroup.com Click “Events”

Season’s Greetings

4 Page


The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

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2333 Emerald Lake Drive$159,900

Rentals Seasonal • Furnished

406 A Flanborough .......1/1.5/1C .......... Fresh / Clean ................................................$1250 202 Bedford C 57 .........2/2/1C ............. Lovely Unit ....................................................$1400 2428 New Haven ...........2/2/1.5G.......... ALL TILE ......................................................$1800 797 Masterpiece ............2/2/2G............. Oh So Fine....................................................$2000

Rentals • Unfurnished

2001 Del Webb W ..........2/2/2G............. Comfy Corner ...............................................$1100 1622 Faxton ...................2/2/2G............. 2 Split Master Suites .....................................$1100 1402 Ingram Drive .........2/2/2G............. Laminate Floors ............................................$1100 314 Caloosa Palms .......2/2/2G............. Kingston on Golf ...........................................$1200 1001 Cherry Hills ...........3/2/1G............. WATERFRONT .............................................$1200 1752 Pebble Beach S ....2+Den/2/G ...... Scrn Porch / Water ........................................$1300

Rentals Annual • Furnished

307 Knottwood...............2/2/1C ............. Knolls-Private Pool..........................................$875 2304 Lancaster ..............2/2/2G............. Augusta Plan ................................................$1200 2116 Acadia Grns..........2/2/2G............. Nearly New ...................................................$1350 912 Kings Blvd...............2/2/2G............. +Den SGL Family ........................................$1300 2248 Preservation Grn ..3/2/2G............. Spacious / Lovely ..........................................$1525


2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 5

Continued from Page 1

In the Color Print category, at the Masters Level, Patt Sulzberger placed first for “Going to Market” and “The Tannery” and Rolf Sulzberger tied with “Taking the Sun in Morocco.” At the Advanced level, Kathy Griffith placed first for “Grooming Daisy.” At Level 2, Andre Ledoux placed first with “Glass Sculptor.” In the Unassigned category, Jacqueline Hanson placed first with “Oh Wow!” In the Monochrome Print category, Gina Hebert placed first in the unassigned category for “Drama Queen.” In the Color Digital category, at the Master’s level, Kathy Vitale placed first with “I’ll Get There.” At the Advanced level, Robert Winch placed first with “1st Blue Lily.” At Level 2, there was a three-way tie for first between Pat Jones for “Concentration” and Stan Lipski for “Frutaria” and

Ceiling 2, Reykjavik.” In the Monochrome Digital category, at the Advanced Level, Rose Stack won with “The Earring.” At Level 2, Rod Rodrigues placed first with “Inside of a Sea Monster.” At Level 1, Roger Kele won with “Bird on a Boulder” and in the Unassigned category, Bobbie Ray placed first with “Taking a Break.” In the Creative print category, Marion Scheller with “Lake Michigan @ Las Vegas” and Jacqueline Hanson with “Moonlight Moment” tied for first. In the Creative Digital category, three shared the top honor: Vicki Breaugh with “Street Musician,” Bobbie Ray with “The Eyes Have It” and Robert Winch with “Sunshine Skyway Bridge.” For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc. com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

Rolf Sulzberger “Taking the Sun in Morocco”

“Kodak.” At Level 1, there was also a three-way tie between Roger Kele for “C’mon We Can Do This” and “Portrait Lighting 101” and Erica Collins for “Llama

Growling.” In the Unassigned category, Cheryl Levin placed first with two photos, “Opera House Ceiling, Reykjavik” and “Opera House

South Bay Recognized as a Top Performer for 3rd Consecutive Year South Bay Hospital was named one of the nation’s Top Performers on Key Quality Measuresfor heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in the United States. South Bay Hospital

is one of only 182 hospitals nationally that achieved the distinction three years in a row. “We are very proud of our recognition as a Top Performer in Key Quality Measures for the third consecutive year,” says Sharon Roush, Chief Executive Officer at South Bay

Hospital. “We strive to provide the best possible care for our patients throughthe use of evidence based practices.” The ratings are based on data reported during the 2012 calendar year that measure how frequently hospitals follow clinical guidelines that have been proven to

provide improved health outcomes. This year’s list of Top Performers represents the top 33% of more than 3,400 eligible accredited hospitals reporting data.

For more information on South Bay Hospital, contact Natalia Diaz (813) 634-0496.

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6 Page

The LEO Letter

With Deputy Jason Castillo

Seasonal Shopping Safety

The lights and displays are already going up at the local stores. You are likely making your list and checking it twice. The holidays are right around the corner so let’s make sure they are as merry as possible. I know we don’t like to think about it during this festive time of year, but the holidays also bring out the worst in some people. Thefts and burglaries increase and people always seem to be hurried, harried and distracted. But there are some simple things you can do to be informed and prepared for a safe and happy holiday shopping experience. Ladies, if you carry a purse please be aware that purse snatchings are one of the most common crimes this time a year. You can make yourself less likely to be a victim by following a few simple steps. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not carry a purse at all. * Keep your wallet, debit cards

The News of Kings Point

and identification in a zipped or buttoned pocket. * If you must carry a purse, opt for one that can be strapped around you tightly and worn on the front. * If you carry a purse but can leave it in your car, do not leave it visible – put it in the trunk. Also, if you can avoid carrying cash, do so. I know many of us like to carry cash in order to avoid overspending, but you can also carry a debit card or checks. If you do carry checks, only bring enough for the shopping you plan to do. Do not bring your entire checkbook with you. And everyone should use extra caution while shopping and while going to and from your vehicle. Thieves may follow you, looking for an opportunity to strike. If you can, always shop with a buddy. Having a friend to watch your surroundings while you are getting out your keys, looking through a shopping bag or perusing your list will give you an added measure of safety. If you must shop alone, request that a security guard or store personnel escort you to your vehicle. If at all possible, do not make multiple trips to the car with gifts. Thieves will often follow a shopper out, wait for them to go back into the store and then break into the car to steal the items. When you arrive back home, check your mirrors before exiting your vehicle, and look around as you are getting into your car to get your bags out. Too often folks

are distracted by the phone or just lost in their thoughts during this time of year. That makes them an easy mark for thieves. After all the giving and receiving is done, well meaning folks will leave boxes out for the recycling not realizing that the picture on the box of the flat screen TV or new tools, entertainment

December, 2013

equipment or home appliances – all that good stuff – is just as good as a shopping list to wouldbe criminals. To avoid advertising what you just received always break down or cut up the boxes and put them into your trash or recycling containers. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Be safe out there.

Blue Ribbon Art on Display

Bruce Fallender, an artist from Sun City Center, who is known for working in many art media categories, is shown surrounded by his works of art, which all received blue ribbon First Prize awards in 2013. The artist won nine First Prize awards in seven different categories. Pictured are “Apples and Grapes”, “Deco Diva,” “Birds of a Feather,” “Woodland Reflection,” Harlequin,” “Poppy Fusion,” “Jellyfish” and “Jungle Masks.” A pastel entitled “China Dragons” was awarded First Prize in the Master Pastel category in the 2013 Sun City Center “Art on Parade Show” and is now in the private art collection of Sun City Center award-winning artist Anne Walker. The public is cordially invited to view these award-winning works of art, which are on display for the month of November in the display case in the lobby of the Kings Point North Clubhouse during normal business hours.

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News of


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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 7

Where in the World is the News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff…and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

t n i o P s g

Aaron Flora and Margie Ditch visiting the grave of Franklin Sousley in Kentucky. Sousley helped raise the American Flag on Iwo Jima.

Vince and Dolores Pirone at the Colosseum in Rome.

Julianne Lovejoy staying at the Cantley House in Wokingham, England celebrating the wedding of granddaughter Julie to Stuart.

s a m t s i r h C y r r e M from e r o o M John g n i r o o l F Kenneth and June Marbes traveled to Croatia. Here they are in front of St. Marks Church.

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The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 1

asked, “But, how will he get here? Does he have a sleigh, too?” More questions. I needed fast answers. “Well, no, Ken. He has a magic carpet. They have lots of those in the Middle East. And your family will give you presents, too. For eight days. And Santa will still leave some gifts for you at your Father’s house.” “Eight days? And Santa will still stop at Dad’s?” The boys smiled in relief and went back to making their wish lists even longer. Now I had to deliver. Like almost everyone who has been through a divorce, I had an overwhelming abundance of bills, and a severe drought of money. It was going to take heavy-duty magic to pull this off. I knew they wanted an Atari and the usual board games and trucks. In years past, I always got them some new, warmer winter clothes, too. How was I going to get these items in my financial situation? I was the one who needed an Elf. Fortunately, with an Eastern European background on both sides, I was equipped with a skill that has proved to be invaluable through the years. I had learned to sew as a child. I could even crochet a bit. The remnant table at the local fabric store was my next stop. The store was crowded

Ruthe Foy, her father, Nathan Nemerofsky, and her sons, Michael and Kenneth.

with customers. I worked my way to the remnant tables in the rear of the store and found it overflowing with holiday fabrics. I was sure there had to be something I could use if I looked hard enough. I dug down to the bottom of the heap and started pulling out some potential treasures. Luckily, I found just what I was looking for. Stretch velour, fake lamb fur and brushed corduroy pieces. I could do some sewing when the boys were asleep. But the Atari was still MIA. Just in the nick of time, someone had listed a used Atari and a stash of accompanying Atari games for sale in the local paper. It was still expensive. On my budget,

everything was expensive. But, it worked. The Hanukkah Elf must have been watching over me. I was able to distribute all the loot, night-by-night, right after the Hanukkah lights were lit. The highlight was the first night, of course, when the Atari and one of the games were opened. You guessed it, the Atari had come from the Hanukkah Elf. Two new board games were good for another night. I had made the matching velour turtleneck shirts, to go with the fake fur lined, brushed corduroy vests and crocheted scarves for them. The Elf must have been with me at the sewing table, too. Everything fit perfectly and looked absolutely adorable. Sewn items were good for another three nights. And then the remaining Atari cassettes were good for two

December, 2013

more nights, magically arriving “from my relatives, without their complicity.” Little matchbox cars and a few other small toys finished out the eight days. The boys seemed happy to enjoy this new experience and their new treasures. I savored the moment as I gave a huge sigh of relief. Somehow, I had pulled it off. My financial situation improved after that Hanukkah, but as a single parent, life always had its “ups and downs.” The boys are now grown men and they are each doing their own thing. I have to confess, I found it difficult to part with the shirts and vests long after they were outgrown. They brought back memories I hold dear. I still remember those bleak, yet magical days, when I was saved by the Hanukkah Elf.

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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Care for The Caregiver Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers Retirement Community “I can’t understand why my mother has suddenly become so argumentative. I think she is doing this intentionally!” “My father will not give up the keys to his car despite the fact that he has gotten turned around in his own subdivision several times!” “My mother was always the most well dressed woman in our neighborhood, and now she wears the same dress for weeks.” The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute teaches us that 50% of the population 80 years or older will have some form of Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Do you have the feeling that your loved one may be showing some signs? Last year I attended the most amazing seminar presented by nationally renowneddementia expert Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA - Dementia Care & Training Specialist, Positive Approach, LLC, Consulting Associate, Duke University School of Nursing. Teepa brought to life the journey of the disease during this one day seminar. In a room with over 200 attendees you could hear a pin drop as Teepa walked us through the progression of the disease in order to provide the crowd with the information required to survive as a caregiver. We also received the tools to assist our loved ones in

order to provide them with quality of life in their final years. Many seniors with dementia refuse to shower. As a caregiver, this is often the most difficult issue to deal with due to dignity and control. Just one simple technique taught by Teepa during the day was immediately an “a-ha” moment for us all. As the day with Teepa continued, she transformed in front of our eyes, turning into a dementia patient herself. Understanding of the disease and its process filled the room. While the topic was heart wrenching, Teepa provided the information in an entertaining manner that really hit home. I’ve read numerous books in an attempt to be helpful to caregivers and their loved ones but I must say that this one day in my life with Teepa last year gave me more resources than all of the books combined. I share my experience last year with you because I am excited to announce that Teepa will be back in our area on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 providing two sessions under the heading “Understanding Dementia Care.” The morning class from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm will consist of “Throughout the Journey of Dementia” and the afternoon class from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm is titled: “Providing Service and Support Throughout the Progression of Dementia.”

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Southshore Library News Once again, the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library were

spreading the joy in area elementary and middle schools! The Friends organized an art contest in early fall and students at participating schools submitted their artwork. The competition for this 5th Annual Holiday Art Contest was open to local students. Ten students were selected as winners. Their designs were transformed into Holiday Greeting Cards by Ruskin-based M&M Printing Company, Inc. The cards are being sold NOW through December at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. A bundle of ten cards costs just $5. Proceeds from the sale will supplement free Library programs offered to the public.

Beth Shields Middle School L to R: Sean Davenport 6th Grade and JoAnna Gaff 6th Grade; with TerrenaConson, Art Teacher, and Tibor Kovacs, Principal.

Cypress Creek Elementary School L toR: Fatima Guia 5th Grade, Vellenia Pena 2nd Grade and Kenneth Saldana 5th Grade; with Roy Moral, Principal, and Sandra Shelton, Art Teacher.

This event is FREE to all registered caregivers and takes place at St. John the Devine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd East, Sun City Center, FL There are a limited number of seats available and many have already been reserved. To RSVP, call 813-6771400.

If you are the caregiver of someone showing signs of memory loss, this one day seminar will be just the resource to aid you in your journey. I hope to see you there! I wouldn’t miss it! For questions about this article, email: sccfreeads@tampabay. rr.com

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

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33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com . Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. rr.com. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com which is updated every weekend. SUN. DEC 1 - UNITY COMMUNITY OF JOY GUEST SPEAKER/MUSICIAN: SUE 10:30 a.m. at Henry G. Gibson Social Hall of the Beth Israel Temple at 1115 Del Webb Blvd. East, Sun City Center. Sue K. Riley will perform the entire Sunday service as a “sermon in songs” at Unity Community of Joy. This talented spiritual musician/ songwriter describes herself as “A Life built around Music.” She believes in the power of music to touch hearts and heal lives. She loves to share her passion for music by creating songs that remind people of their connection with the Divine and their true nature as spiritual beings. Sue has been the Music Director of Unity Church of Clearwater for the past 10 years, and also serves as chairperson of the Unity Worldwide Ministries Music Team that offers support across the entire Unity movement through original music and educational conferences. Contact info: Rev. Betty Martin-Lewis, phone: 813-4819060. SUN. DEC 1 - THE BAYSIDE STRING QUARTET IN CONCERT 3:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center, FL. The Bayside String Quartet composed of The Florida Orchestra strings, will be in concert Tickets are available at the Church office or at the door day of the concert. Ticket price for individual concert are $10.00 or you can buy a Season ticket for $40.00 that will include this concert plus 4 additional concerts in January through April 2014. For more information call the Church office 813-634-1252 or Judy Voorhees 813642-8125.

The News of Kings Point

SUN. DEC 1 - CANDLE LIGHTING MEMORIAL CEREMONY 4:00 - 5:30 p.m., Heritage Room, Atrium Building. (For all who lost a child, grandchild or sibling of any age from any cause no matter how long ago) Free and open to all. Candles provided and refreshments served. For information, call Cora: 813-634-1654. SUN. DEC. 1 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 -10:00 p.m. in the Atrium Bldg., Florida Room. Come to dance to the live music of Thor Stevens. Members $3.00; Non-members $5.00. BYOB, setups provided. Dressy/casual attire. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. DEC 2 and WED. DEC 4 INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC AUTHOR TO SPEAK AT PRINCE OF PEACE 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (mirror session) each day in the parish hall at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Sun City Center will be hosting Jon Leonetti, an international Catholic speaker, author and radio host from December 2nd through December 4th for our annual Advent Parish Mission. The talks are free of charge and open to the public. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, you are encouraged to attend. For more information, please visit www.popcc.org. MON. DEC 2 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS – EVERY MONDAY 10:00 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively overeating. OA is an international 12-step organization/program that addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees and all are welcome. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at http://www. oa.org/newcomers/is-oa-for-you MON. DEC 2 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Armstrong Room, Central Campus. Features “The Feminine Aspect of Spirituality,” with Facilitator Alice Williams. Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Free admission. For Info call Alice at 813 / 634-9065. TUE. DEC 3 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP – EVERY TUESDAY 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations with family, children, friends, retirement, changes, aging, health, finances, etc. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Your facilitator is Frank Koebrich, MA (813-642-0773) an experienced and effective psychotherapist. We meet every Tuesday in the 1st floor Lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment necessary. Sponsored by the South Shore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. WED. DEC 4 - HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION OF SUN CITY CENTER (HLA-SCC) 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. Persons with hearing loss, their spouses & friends are invited to bring a dish to share of finger food (anything that does not require silverware) to the holiday party. Cynthia Moynihan and her dog, LaRue II, will answer questions about hearing dogs as well as discuss the impact of hearing loss on family and friends. Both Cynthia & LaRue II have been trained by Canine Companions for Independence. CART provided by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, Inc. & meeting room is equipped with an induction loop for those with a telecoil in their hearing device. HLA-SCC is sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. Contact Richard Herring at rhmann@ tampabay.rr.com or Barbara Riley at 634-1706. WED. DEC 4 - THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – EVERY WEDNESDAY 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic

Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. DEC 4 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Annual Elections.” Come and vote for those you want to represent you in 2014. A great time for members to bring their ideas and suggestions to the incoming 2014 Board. Open to Metaphysical Society members and guests. Free admission. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. DEC 4 - FRONT PORCH PICKERS – EVERY WEDNESDAY 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: davidlickfeldt@rocketmail.com or 813-633-6739. WED. DEC 4 - SCANDINAVIAN CLUB OF SUN CITY CENTER CHRISTMAS DINNER 5:30 p.m. at Club Renaissance on Wednesday, December 4, at 5:30 p.m. The menu will include traditional Scandinavian cuisine. Keith Rasmussen will provide musical entertainment. The cost is $25 for members and $30 for non-members. Reservation checks and the names of the people in your group should be mailed to Jim Sullivan, 2204 Del Webb Blvd. W., Sun City Center, 33573, by November 27. Jim can be reached at 813-633-3917. WED. DEC. 4 – K.P. CHORUS, ‘HOLIDAYS IN THE CITY’ CONCERT 6:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre, the North Clubhouse. A Concert of seasonal songs presented by the Kings Point Chorus. Roundtable Cabaret seating is provided and you can BYOB. Tickets are $6.00 available at the Kings Point Box Office. THU. DEC 5 - OPERATION MEDICINE CABINET 9:00 a.m. - noon at Sun City Center Community Association Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL. Drop off your expired or unused medications and help save Hillsborough’s water system. Operation Medicine Cabinet collects expired or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications for proper disposal. Improper disposal such as flushing drugs down the toilet or drain leads to the contamination of Florida’s aquatic environment. Wastewater treatment systems are not designed to remove these medications from our water. Help keep our water system safe. Bring your medications to Community Hall! Over 9,000 pounds collected in Hillsborough County since 2006! For more information, contact Home Instead Senior Care 813-684-1972. THU. DEC 5 - SCC RN CLUB CHRISTMAS/ HOLIDAY LUNCHEON 11:00 a.m. for fellowship in the Florida Room. Lunch will be served at 12 Noon. Please bring contributions for Sr. Sara and labels for education. The cost is $16; checks are payable to the SCC RN Club. Questions may be directed to Lynne Murphy, RN, President at 813 634 6707. THU. DEC 5 - AGING GRACEFULLY SUPPORT GROUP 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. This is a support group for individuals who are learning to live with the effects of aging in a graceful, healthy manner with some humor to make it better! Facilitated by Kay Coburn Dyer, Geriatric Care Manager. THU. DEC 5 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS – EVERY THURSDAY 7:00 p.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively overeating. OA is an international 12-step organization/program that addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/

December, 2013

or overeating. No scales, dues or fees and all are welcome. Please join us at this newly formed Thursday evening meeting. You can learn more about OA online at www. oa.org/newcomers/is-oa-for-you THU. DEC 5 - HOLIDAY DANCE PRESENTED BY SCC DANCE CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Community Hall, 1910 So. Pebble Beach Blvd., SCC, 33573. Featuring the Exclusive SCC Dance Club Playlist spun by Gerardo. Selections include East & West Coast Swing, Fox Trot, Slow and Line Dance, Latin variations, Waltz, Country and Polka. Complimentary Coffee and cookies will be served. BYOB and bring your friends. Attire is dressy casual. Free to members, visitors/ guests are $6 per person at the door. Singles are welcome. For more info call 813-634-9074. FRI. DEC 6 - THE IRISH CONNECTION GENERAL MEETING POTLUCK DINNER 5:00 p.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. Please bring a passing dish for 6-8 people to share and a serving utensil. There will be a silent auction to benefit a local charity; if anyone has an item to donate, please contact President Fred Lofland at 813.600.7415. The 2014 slate of officers will be presented with all positions open except for the Treasurer and Publicity Chair who have offered to serve once again. Musical entertainment will be performed by Linda and Wayne Conklin of The Solid Gold Entertainment Show for your enjoyment. To RSVP, please call Membership Chair Bonnie at 813.642.8663. FRI. DEC 6 - BRAUN & WOLF RETURN TO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOR VIOLIN/PIANO CONCERT 7:00 p.m. at The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center. We will be hosting a duo recital by Matitahu Braun, violin and Gary Wolf, piano. They will be performing the Sonata in C Major, K. 296 by W. A. Mozart, the Sonata in G Major, Opus 78 by Johannes Brahms and Edvard Grieg’s Sonata in A Minor, Opus 36. A donation of just $10 is requested at the door on the evening of the concert. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Worship Arts, at 813-634-2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www.umcscc.org. FRI., SAT. DEC 6, 7. PELICAN PLAYERS PERFORM “DON’T DRESS FOR DINNER” 7:00 p.m. Kings Point Borini Theatre. Matinee Dec 7 at 1:30 pm. Tickets are $12 on sale at the Borini Theatre Box Office, Kings Point. Cabaret Seating. This comedy/farce by Marc Camoletti has illicit romance, questionable cuisine and mistaken identity. The Pelican Players is a voluntary community theatre, committed to providing high quality, affordable entertainment. In addition to its major productions, Pelican Players’ “Off-Stage Productions” provides local entertainment to clubs, organizations, or groups for a small fee that supports our Pelican Players Scholarship Fund. For more information, please call Judy Michael 813-633-3868. SAT. DEC 7 - SPEAKER TO PRESENT SAR HISTORY AT LUNCHEON 11:30 a.m. at Freedom Plaza, 1010 American Eagle Boulevard, Sun City Center. The new South Shore Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution hosts this luncheon. South Shore Charter members and prospective members are encouraged to attend. Wives of SAR members and DAR members are welcome to attend all monthly meetings. Freedom Plaza Dining Services will cater lunch. Cost is $13 per person. Following lunch, Jack Bolen, Advisor from the Tampa SAR Chapter, will speak about the history of the SAR and provide interesting tidbits throughout his presentation. A complete slate of officers for 2014 will be installed. Call SSSAR Treasurer, Bill Love, 634-2749 on or before December 2nd if you wish to attend. Continued on Page 11

2013, December The News of Kings Point

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33573 From Page 10 SAT. DEC 7 - THE PERFORMING ARTS COMPANY PRESENTS WALL TO WALL CHRISTMAS BENEFIT CONCERT 7:30 p.m. Rollins Theater. Tickets are $10.00 and are on sale at the SCC Atrium Kiosk from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, Mon thru Fri. For Credit Card orders call 813.400.7803. All proceeds from Wall to Wall Christmas will go to the Make a Wish Foundation. Get into the Christmas spirit early this year with the Performing Arts Company’s annual benefit Christmas concert, “Wall to Wall Christmas.” Highlighting the concert are favorite Christmas songs and stories. Featured performers include PAC favorites Lew Resseguie, Ellen Kleinschmidt, Kathy Straub, Alex Burns, Dan Tackitt and Babs Cominoli. Special guests are dance troupe, Jazz Ma Tazz and Tickled Pink, an award winning Sweet Adeline’s quartet. Talented young musical theater performers Alex Council and Caroline Howard round out the holiday musical ensemble. SUN. DEC. 8 - HOLIDAY MEMORIES 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Simply Streisand (Carla DelVillagio) and Johnny Mathis (David Robbins) perform this special holiday show. Part of Sunday series. $16 per ticket. Info: 813-642-2001. SUN. DEC 8 - THE WOMEN’S CHORUS OF SUN CITY CENTER 50TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT 3:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Web West. The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center warmly invites you and yours to attend their 50th Annual Christmas Concert. ‘A Christmas Concert’ is a free gift to the community and no tickets are necessary. Refreshments will be served following the concert. SUN. DEC 8 - “O HOLY NIGHT” AT TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 6:00 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb W. This is a multi-media Christmas presentation with singing and drama. Admission is free, seating

is limited, come early. For more information, please call the church at 813.634.4228. SUN. DEC 8 - SINGLES MINGLE CHRISTMAS DANCE 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio. Refreshments will be served at 6:00 so please try to arrive early. Admission $5.00. BYOB. Ice, water, napkins and cups provided. Proper dress, please. Enter Kings Point thru Visitor Gate and state “going to dance” Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. DEC 9 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Armstrong Room, Central Campus. Features “The Feminine Aspect of Spirituality,” with Facilitator Alice Williams. Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Free admission. For Info call Alice at 813-634-9065. MON. DEC 9 - THE IRISH CONNECTION CLUB MOVIE NIGHT 6:30 p.m. in Rollins Theater. Feature: Brassed Off Starring: Pete Postlethwaite, Tara Fitzgerald & Ewan McGragor. In the backdrop of the closing of the colliery in a Welsh mining town, the local brass band attempts to find redemption for themselves and their struggling community. A combination; musical, romantic comedy, drama, historical and enjoyable film. Don’t miss it. All are welcome. Bring a friend. MON. DEC 9 - WOODY HERMAN ORCHESTRA 7:30 p.m. at the Borini Theater, Kings Point. Critics universally agree that The Woody Herman Orchestra lives up to the legend of the Herman name that has been synonymous for energy and swing for more than half a century. The orchestra remains a soloist-oriented jazz ensemble, which is not content to relive the glories of the past. Instead, the influence of Woody Herman encourages the young jazz musicians to express themselves using the band’s original unique style as the basis for that expression. Tickets available for $25

at the King Point Box Office. For more information, please contact 813-387-3447. WED. DEC 11 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Holiday Party.” Taking time out from the busy holiday hustle and bustle to enjoy each other, good food, good song and great music. Open to Metaphysical Society members and guests. Free admission. Entrees provided; to donate a dish, an appetizer, a dessert, etc., to add to the table or for info, call Linda at 813-407-8899. WED. DEC 10 - “ADANCEMENTS IN CATARACT TREATMENT” WITH DR. JEFFREY DAVIS 12:00 noon Sun City Senior Living located at 3855 Upper Creek Drive. Light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to 941-7825832. WED. DEC 11 - UNDERSTANDING DEMENTIA CARE - ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA SEMINAR WITH TEEPA SNOW 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Helping Throughout the Journey of Dementia and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Providing Service and Support Throughout the Progression of Dementia at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd East, Sun City Center. Nationally renowned dementia expert Teepa Snow is coming to our area to present a special Alzheimer’s and dementia seminar for family members caring for loved ones with dementia and Professionals. RSVP IS A MUST. For more information, call 813-677-1400 or visit: www.seniorhelpers.com/ UDC-Seminer-Series WED. DEC 11 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Please join Judy Naugle, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990.

WED. DEC 11 - KP LINE DANCERS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION PARTY 7:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. No ticket to purchase; mark your calendar. Please sign in upon arrival. BYOB and setups. Casual Christmas attire appropriate. Couples always welcome. Contact Jan for more info 634-6226. THU. DEC 12 - PURPLE BUTTERFLIES TRIP TO BOK TOWER 9:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Meeting at Community Hall for a trip to Bok Tower for their Holiday Home Tour package. This includes the Pinewood Estates, a 20 room Mediterranean-style mansion that will be decked out for the holiday season, tour the landscaped gardens and hear a live 60 bell carillon concert. Lunch at the Blue Palmetto Cafe will be from a pre-selected menu when you sign up. Choose Tropical Salad, Turkey and Swiss Sandwich, or a Vegetarian Wrap. There is also the Tower & Garden Gift Shop where you will find unique treasures to take home just in time for the holidays. Women guests, as well as the man in your life, are invited to this function. The cost of this function is $44.00 and includes the bus, gratuity, lunch, and tours. THU. DEC 12 - SOUTH SHORE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION LUNCHEON AND PROGRAM Seating begins at 11:00 a.m., program 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at Club Renaissance, 2121 S Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, with Inspirational speaker Joanne Byrns. Joanne will share “Missing in Action”. The riveting story of how her husband, a pilot during the Viet Nam War, was shot down and MIA. Joanne reveals how she learned to place her faith and trust in God. The program , “Fashions from Rose Boutique by Jan. Menu, Turkey Dinner Plus Beverage and Dessert. Alternate meal of tossed salad with grilled chicken. If you desire this option, be sure to order it when Continued on Page 12

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

33573 From Page 11 you make your reservation. Cost is $17 inclusive. Reservations are required. Please call Pat Butler, 938-4320 or e-mail aunt.butler@gmail.com. Make reservations or cancellations before noon Monday December 9, 2013. THU. DEC 12 - DESSERT & CARD PARTY AT PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 12:00 noon - 3:30 p.m. at Conesa Center, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. The Council of Catholic Women of Prince of Peace invites anyone who likes to play cards or any board game to make up your own table in advance and come to our dessert & card party. The Dessert & Card Party is the second Thursday of the month. Santa may visit on December 12th! Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished. For additional information call 633-2460. THU. DEC 12 - THE BRITISH CONNECTION TO HOST TRADITIONAL ENGLISH CHRISTMAS TEA 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Bldg. The British Connection will be hosting their annual “Traditional English Christmas Tea” with a selection of Tea Sandwiches, Sausage Rolls, Mince Pies, Trifle, and Christmas cake served with English Tea and eggnog. Cost to Members-$20.00 and for Guests-$25.00. RSVP deadline for Members is Thursday, December 5th and Guests (not accompanied by a Member) can RSVP after December 6th to Katherine Howell–Tel:567-3358 (limited seating). Please make checks payable to: The British Connection, 316 Green Manor Dr., Sun City Center, FL 33573. THU. DEC 12 - MENTAL WELLNESS 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health professional, facilitates this group. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990.

THU. DEC 12 - WHEN MUSIC WAS MUSIC HOLIDAY CONCERT 7:30 p.m. Borini Theatre, Kings Point. starring Barbara VanEycken. Tickets: $10 (plus tax). On Sale at KP Box Office. Cabaret Seating, BYOB & Snacks. KP & SCC residents welcome. Barbara brings us Holiday with a Twist. FRI. DEC 13 – NEUROPATHY SUPPORT GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Caper Room at the Community Assoc. on North Pebble Beach. Are you suffering from pain and numbness in your extremities? Attend this meeting where Don Koester, Program Manager from Lifeline will present on behalf of the Men’s Club of Sun City Center. Elissa Deusner, DPT will also share the stage and will describe the benefits of E-stim along with the Antigravity Treadmill for those with Neuropathy. Learn methods to deal with this condition and provide support for other members of the group. For more information, call Debbie Caneen at Sun Towers 813892-2990. FRI. DEC 13 - TAMPA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCC HOSTING “MEET THE DOCTOR” 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. at TGMG Sun City Family Care, 1647 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Dr. Jeffery Lester was born and raised in St. Petersburg, FL. Attended USF in 1997 earning a degree in chemistry, went on to Ross University School of Medicine graduating with a doctor of medicine degree in 2004. Completed his internal medicine residency at University of Oklahoma in Tulsa. Became board certified in internal medicine in 2007. Also completed training in medical genetics at University of Miami 2009. He is a general internist seeing patients 18 years of age and older. We welcome you to come meet Dr. Lester and staff. FRI. DEC 13 - UNITED METHODIST CHURCH TO PRESENT FINAL EPISODE OF MADRIGAL DINNERS 6:00 p.m. at The United Methodist Church of Sun

City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in the Life Enrichment Center. We will be presenting A Christmas Madrigal Dinner VI, “The Finale”. This traditional Elizabethan madrigal dinner is an evening of dinner theatre in which diners join a 16th century English court in its celebration of Christmas dinner, typically a fourcourse meal that is eaten along with a royal family and their immediate friends. The emphasis is on silliness, slapstick comedy, good music and, as much as possible, period food. Besides toasting and eating, diners are also encouraged to participate in the festivities by singing and dancing. Characters from each of these past Dinners appear in scenes that retell in summary the entire story. The evening of comedy ends with dessert and a short concert of Christmas madrigals, 16th century a cappella choral pieces. The experience of a madrigal dinner is unlike that of any other dinner theatre. SAT. DEC 14 - GFWC RUSKIN WOMAN’S CHRISTMAS TEA There will be two seatings, 12:00 noon and 2:30 p.m. with seating to begin 15 minutes prior. at the historic Ruskin Woman’s Club 503 South Tamiami Trail, in Ruskin across the street from Granny’s Restaurant. The theme of this festive event is “Memories of fun in the Snow”. The ladies of the club will serve a special blend of tea, scones with Devonshire Cream, a selection of savory offerings, and of course a divine selection of sweets. There will also be holiday items lovingly made by the ladies of the club for sale along with other unique items. This is a very popular event that will sell out so call today for tickets, Sonja Council 813244-1015 or email sonjacouncil@ gmail.com. Tickets are $20 per person and must be purchased in advance, they will not be sold at the door. MON. DEC 16 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Sandpiper, Central Campus.

Features “The Feminine Aspect of Spirituality,” with Facilitator Alice Williams. Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Free admission. For Info call Alice at 813-634-9065. MON. DEC 16 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking will be available at the entrance.) USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. This month, our speaker will be Luke Janssen, Therapy Representative for Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation. Are your Parkinson’s medications not working as well as they used to? Are you spending more hours a day with shaking, stiffness, or difficulty moving? Does relief take longer to kick in and wear off before the next dose? Do you have unwanted movements? Come with questions and leave with answers. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! FREE Valet Parking available at Entrance. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. DEC 17 ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. DEC 18 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATION 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Central Campus. “Crop Circles – Mystical? Magical?” Speaker James Lynch believes it is somewhere between the two -

Continued on Page 13

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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 13

33573 From Page 12 having been in the fields, hopping over fences and aboard helicopters researching over 100 crop circles, for many years up close and personal. Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Love Offering Requested. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. WED. DEC 18 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP WITH DR. OLIVA - SPONSORED BY THE SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CLUB 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This support group is facilitated by Ana Maria Oliva, M.D. who will present “Cataract Surgery and Beyond”. Dr. Oliva completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and earned her medical degree from the University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa where she remains a member of the prestigious medical honor society Alpha Omega Alpha. She completed a rigorous internship in internal medicine, as well as a highly competitive residency in ophthalmology at the University of South Florida where she was subsequently fellowship trained in cornea and refractive surgery. For more info call Debbie Caneen 813892-2990. WED. DEC 18 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM across hall from South Social Room. Please note new meeting room. Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-6339783 - acjjr@tampabay.rr.com. WED. DEC 18 - WALK TO BETHLEHEM “LIVING NATIVITY” 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at The United Methodist Church in Sun City Center. Come celebrate with us, the living Nativity “WALK to BETHLEHEM,” a magical evening of lights, live scenes and narrations depicting the time and birth of our Lord. The evening will start with heavenly music in the Sanctuary and

end in the Life Enrichment Center with Cookies, Cocoa n’ Coffee. Tickets are FREE and will be available starting Dec. 9th. Inquire @ the Church office #634-2539 for tickets and any special accommodations needed. THU. DEC 19 - THE MICHIGAN CLUB CHRISTMAS POT LUCK 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Banquet Room of KPN. BYOB, bring a dish to pass and bring a wrapped Christmas gift ($5 value) for Santa to give to a lucky attendee. Chicken, coffee and set-ups provided. Members $5 non-members $7. Ticket sales KPN Lobby Tues 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 9:00 a.m. to noon. KP and Sun City residents are invited to attend this more casual evening. Questions? Call Paul - 634-8506. THU. DEC. 19 - A CHRISTMAS CONCERT 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Join the South Shore Concert Band in their presentation of “A Christmas Concert”. (Note: They will also present “A Pop Concert” on Thursday, February 27.) Tickets for either performance will be on sale MonWed-Fri 9:00 a.m.-noon, Mon-Wed-Fri, at Atrium-Kiosk, starting November 18. $5/ticket/performance. Open to public. Open seating. Info 813-6422001. WED. DEC 20 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PRESENTATION 1:30 p.m. in the Community Hall, South Campus. “Holiday Concert” Special presentation featuring Elaine Silver who returns to serenade us with her melodious holiday music and song. Elaine’s CDs will be available for sale through the Metaphysical Society. Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Love Offering Requested. For info call Holli at 813-419-4704. SAT. DEC 21 - ARE YOU READY FOR CHRISTMAS? SCHEDULE FOR SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION 8:30 until 9:30 a.m. Priests will be available to hear confessions, 12:00

until 1:00 p.m. and again from 3:00 until 3:50 p.m. at Prince of Peace Catholic Church is located at 702 Valley Forge Blvd in Sun City Center. Confessions will also be offered on Sunday, December 22nd from 9:00 until 9:50 a.m. and 11:00 until 11:50 a.m. Expanded times for confessions will also be offered throughout the week. Throughout the liturgical season of Advent, Prince of Peace Catholic Church will expand its usual schedule for the Sacrament of Confession to help Catholics prepare for the celebration of Christmas. More information can be found on our website at www.popcc.org. SUN. DEC 22 - SINGLES SOCIAL CHRISTMAS DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Atrium Bldg., Florida Room. Enjoyable live music by Thor Stevens. Members $3.00, Non-members $5.00. BYOB. Ice and water provided. Dressy/casual attire. Info: Janet 6333558. TUE. DEC 24 - SPECIAL THANKSGIVING MASS AT PRINCE OF PEACE 4:00 p.m. at Prince of Peace Catholic Church is located at 702 Valley Forge Boulevard in Sun City Center in the Conesa Center. Midnight Mass will be offered in the church with carols beginning at 11:30 p.m. On Christmas Day, Masses will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 noon. If you have been away from the Church for any length of time, we invite you to come join us for one of our Christmas liturgies and celebrate the birth of our Lord. We would love to worship with you. WED. DEC. 25 – CHAI CHAPTER OF HADASSAH HAWAIIAN LUAU 4:00 p.m. at Beth Israel, 1115 Del Webb Blvd. East; Sun City Center, FL 33573. The menu includes luscious Hawaiian Chicken, roasted chicken, a vegetarian dish, sweet potatoes, rice, assorted vegetables, desserts, fruit and beverages. Prizes will be awarded

for “best dressed”, and the winner of the bubble gum contest, the hula dancing contest, and the hula-hoop contest. Lots of fun for everyone! All Hadassah members, their guests and members of the community are invited to attend. Tickets are $20 per person and payment must be made in advance. Please RSVP to Carol Balent at monkeyandwife@yahoo. com or 813-829-7227. THU. DEC. 26 - MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:309:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members FREE; Visitors $5.00 per person at the door. Live Music by “Rudy Rosa”. Bring your Holiday visitors along to enjoy dancing and/or listening to this unique Entertainer. Dressy Casual. BYOB & snacks. Club provides Ice, water, cups & napkins. Singles Table(s) Available. Now registering New and Current Members for our exciting 2014 Schedule of 12 monthly dances to Live Music for only $25.00 per person. Also accepting Reservations for our Annual Dinner Dance on Thursday Jan. 23rd, catered by Suncoast and with Music by “Mario DeLeon”. Information: 813-633-1297 OR 813642-8845. Email gail3357@gmail.com. MON. DEC 30 - METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY BOOK GROUP 1:00 p.m. in the Armstrong Room, Central Campus. Features “The Feminine Aspect of Spirituality,” with Facilitator Alice Williams. Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Free admission. For Info call Alice at 813-634-9065. TUE. DEC 31 - NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY SPONSORED BY THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. at Community Hall, 1910 Pebble Beach Blvd. South, SCC. Music by The KEGG. Elegant hors d’ oeuvres and desserts. Novelties Galore and Champagne at Midnight. Tickets are $40.00 – Call 813-633-5649. Everyone is welcome.

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14 Page

Braun & Wolf Return to UMC for Violin/Piano Concert

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

Pelican Players Season Begins

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center, will be hosting a duo recital by Matitahu Braun, violin and Gary Wolf, piano, on Friday, December 6th at 7PM in their beautiful sanctuary. They will be performing the Sonata in C Major, K. 296 by W. A. Mozart, the Sonata in G Major, Opus 78 by Johannes Brahms and Edvard Grieg’s Sonata in A Minor, Opus 36. Violinist/Violist Mati Braun is s native of Israel where he graduated from the Israel Academy in Tel Aviv. He came to America in 1962 to study at the Juilliard School where he received Artist and Post-Graduate diplomas and was the recipient of the prestigious Naumburg Prize. In 1969 he joined the New York Philharmonic, a position he held until 2006. He also served as Principal and Solo Violist with the Dallas Symphony in the late 1970s. Mr. Braun is well known as a recitalist and chamber musician. He teaches violin and viola, works with students and professionals coaching orchestras and chamber music groups and presenting master classes. Mr. Braun has performed through the country as a soloist with many orchestras and chamber groups. Hi latest CD is Voices of Time: Works for Solo Violin and Solo Viola by Bach, Biber, Prokofiev, Sung and Varga. Pianist Gary Wolf has performed as a recitalist and ensemble musician throughout the United States and Europe. Dr. Wolf conducts workshops, master classes, clinics for teacher groups, and has taught many award-winning students. He holds the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from the Eastman School of Music where he studied with Cecile Staub-Genhard. He previously studied with Gordon Terwilliger and Adrian Pouliot at Wichita State University and also as a Fullbright Scholar with Kurt Neumuller at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria. Dr. Wolf taught at the University of Denver, the University of South Florida and as Distinguished Professor of Music at the University of Central Florida. He is presently a Professor Emeritus at UCF and an Adjunct Professor of Piano at Rollins College. A donation of just $10 is requested at the door on the evening of the concert. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Worship Arts, at 813-634-2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www.umcscc.org.

The Pelican Players start their season with a new “younger” look and renewed enthusiasm for the art of live theatre. With a cast of returning favorites and some new faces, debut director Linda Halperin has selected a challenging script by French playwright Marc Camoletti, who wrote the popular farce Boeing - Boeing. He followed up that hit with the same characters in Don’t Dress for Dinner, which was translated to English by Robin Hawdon. The play ran in France and then in London, running there for six years, and opened on Broadway in 2012. Now less than a year later it will open in Sun City Center.This sexy French farce has it all: affairs, mistresses, plans that unravel, the high cost of deception, extortion, and physical violence. In the end everyone settles for less, but friendships survive and the Actress Mary Anne Moseley in the audience walks away entertained role of Suzanne shows her shock to Jolanda Nel, as Jacqueline. and happy returning to their less exciting lives. The experienced and talented cast includes: Erik Hann as Bernard, Jacqueline’s husband, Jolanda Nel as Jacqueline, Bernard’s wife and Robert’s lover, Jack Parry as Robert, Bernard’s friend and Jacqueline’s lover, Mary Anne Moseley as Suzanne, Bernard’s mistress, Brenda Harris as Suzette, the cook, and Clint Shepherd as George, Suzette’s husband. The show runs Friday Dec. 6th at 7:00 pm and Saturday Dec. 7th at 1:30 and 7:00 pm. Tickets are only $12 and on sale at the Borini Theatre Box Office (only) in Kings Point, at 1900 Clubhouse Drive, Sun City Center. The show is open to the community, so stop by and get your tickets now for best seats and to reserve a table for you and your friends. Bring your favorite adult beverage or soda (ice provided), and a full picnic basket to make it a memorable event. Doors open half an hour prior to curtain time and “Manny” will be at the piano in the lobby for early arrivals. Live theatre is flourishing in the community of Sun City Center, so catch the excitement by being in the audience. As life flies by, don’t miss this opportunity to hang out with old friends or just make new ones.

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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 15

The Performing Arts Company of SCC presents at the ROLLINS THEATER

Your Favorite Songs of The Season

TEAM WYMAN - The Pomeroy family came together to honor Wyman Pomeroy at the Alzheimer’s Walk.

Wall toWall Christmas Saturday, December 7th 7:30 pm

all proceeds go to the Foundation

Tickets $10 on sale now

Mon-Fri 9-Noon SCC Atrium Kiosk Credit Card Orders 400-7803

PUBLIC WELCOME! www.PerformingArtsCompany-SCC.org Alzheimers Walk.

Memory Walk Observations

The morning of Saturday, October 26, 2013 could not have been more perfect for the Walk to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Foundation. The crowd, gathered at the United Methodist Church, strolled down Del Webb Blvd. to Golf View Terrace at Freedom Plaza.Walking the mile route was a diverse group, each at his or her own pace. This walker observed senior retirees, some with caretakers, families with toddlers and babies in strollers, groups from many SCC facilities, school children of all ages, all had one in mind purpose,raising funds to help find a cure for the disease that robs our memories.We walked along, perhaps with own memories ofloved ones, friends and relatives who are living with orwere struck down by the dread disease. A happy crowd walking together on a gorgeous morning made the 2013 Memory Walk for Alzheimer’s in Sun City Center a successful venture.

Annual Military Week

Freedom Plaza and the Retired Officers Corporation (ROC) kicked off Military Week on November 11, 2013, Veterans’ Day. The weeks’ events started with a packed house in the auditoriumwith a special Veterans’ Day program. The dynamic guest speaker, Valerie Burham, USN retired gave meaning to the day. After retiring Valerie continued to be of service. She was a Center Director for the USO in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. She then moved on to become Alumni Director of the Wounded Warrior Project, an organization funded entirely by donations from private citizens.Valerie reminded the audience, so many of whom are retired from service, that even after retiring our military men and women continue to serve their country. On Wednesday Freedom Plazas’ own Plaza Players presented “America Celebrates Freedom” to a packed house. Set in a classroom, a history teacher led his students and the audience through Americas’ battles for freedomstarting with the Boston Tea Party and ending with the protests of the ‘60s, history was brought to life. The production included actors portraying well-known characters from our history books, readers of historic speeches, timely music, with a chorus on stage and some taped songs. The audience was dramatically reminded of the struggles endured through the years, as our country fought for the freedoms that we enjoy today. The struggle continuesas our military is called upon to fight for and protect freedom around the world. The ROC party to celebrate and thank Americas’ military is an annual event at Freedom Plaza. The well-planned events are fun for all as we meet and greet our military guests. Thanks to ROC for hosting a great party. God Bless the men and women serving in the military and God Bless America.

The Perfoming Arts Company of SCC presents at the ROLLINS Did the man make the music? or... Did the music make the man?

January 9, 10, 11, 16, 17,18

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$25 SHOW & GALA tickets available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk Monday - Friday 9am - noon credit card sales 813.400.7803 www.performingartscompany-scc.org

16 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

Golf Scores - Hogans Golf Club Of Sun City Center & Kings Point

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Course: Sandpiper Oaks - Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: Hank Smythe and Bob Jacobs - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Burt Easter, Paul Maki, Doug Banning, and Mike Brock - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Hank Smythe - 62 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 75 Birds: Bob Jacobs - #10 Par 5 and #13 Par 5; Mike Brock #1 Par 5 and #7 Par 4; Doug Banning - #4 Par 4; Burt Easter - #18 Par 4; Paul Maki - #17 Par 3; Reggie Ryan - #14 Par 3; and Hank Smythe - #14 Par 3

Flight #2 1st: Paul Swakow and Don Mowry - Tied at 3 Skins 2nd: Mike Arghittu - 2 Skins 3rd: Norm Taylor, Rex Gibbons, and Terry Upson - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Paul Swakow - 64 Low-gross: Paul Swakow - 78 Birds: Paul Swakow - #9 Par 5 and #11 Par 4 and Norm Taylor - #13 Par 5

Back L to R: Terry Upson, Rex Gibbons, Don Mowry, & Paul Swakow. Front L to R:Mike Arghittu, Norm Taylor, and Bill Smythe. Back L to R: Paul Maki, Doug Banning, Mike Brock, and Reggie Ryan. Front L to R: Rex Gibbons, Bob Jacobs, Hank Smythe, Burt Easter, Tom Rosata, Rich Lucidi, and Jim Robertroy.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: H-Skins 1st: Tom Rosata - 6 Skins 2nd: Norm Taylor and Ray Webb - Tied at 3 Skins 3rd: Rex Gibbons - 1 Skin Low-net: Tom Rosata - 69 Low-gross: Tom Rosata - 96 Birds: Tom Rosata - #1 Par 4

Back L to R: Ray Webb, Rex Gibbons, and Rog Toussaint. Front L to R:Bob Decastillo, Dan McGee, Tom Rosata, & Norm Taylor.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Oaks - Lakes Play: A-Skins Flight #1 1st: Bob Jacobs, Frank O’Brien, and Rich Lucidi – Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Tom Rosata, Hank Smythe, Jenice Taylor, Susan Fitts, and Mike Brock – Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Hank Smythe and Tom Kirchen – Tied at 68 Low-gross: Mike Brock and Frank O’Brien – Tied at 83 Birds: Frank O’Brien - #9 Par 5, #10 Par 5, and #15 Par 4; Bob Jacobs - #1 Par 5; Rich Lucidi #5 Par 3; Jenice Taylor - #14 Par 3; Mike Brock - #12 Par 4

Back L to R: Bob Jacobs, Mike Brock, Frank O'Brien, & Rich Lucidi. Front L to R: Tom Kirchen, Hank Smythe, Jenice Taylor, & Sue Fitts.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Bill Giblin - 6 Skins 2nd: Bob Hull - 4 Skins 3rd: Charlie Brown - 3 Skins Low-net: Bill Giblin - 50 Low-gross: Bill Giblin - 71 Birds: Bill Giblin - #5 Par 4 and #8 Par 3; Bob Hull - #9 Par 4; and Charlie Brown - #16 Par 3

Friday, November 8, 2013

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: H-Skins 1st: Tom Rosata and Jack Phillips - Tied at 2 Skins Low-net: Jack Phillips - 73 Low-gross: Jack Phillips - 93 Birds: Jack Phillips - #7 Par 4 Back L to R: Doug Banning, Tom Rosata, Bill Konopasek. Front L to R:Jim Robertroy, Ruben Jones, and Norm Taylor.

Monday, November 4, 2013 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: Ray Webb, Jim Sari and Bill Konopasek - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Bob Jacobs, Jim Robertroy, Syl Amos, and Tom Rosata - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Bob Jacobs - 71 Low-gross: Bob Jacobs - 85 Birds: Jack Phillips - #14 Par 4 and Jim Sari - #3 Par 3

Back L to R: Syl Amos & Ray Webb. Front L to R: Jim Robertroy, Bob Jacobs, Tom Rosata, Jim Sari, and Jack Phillips.

L to R: Tom Rosata & Jack Phillips.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Course: Sandpiper Lakes - Palms Play: A-Skins Flight #1 1st: Sue Fitts - 3 Skins 2nd: Dan McGee - 2 Skins 3rd: Mike Brock, Syl Amos, and Rich Lucidi - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Rich Lucidi - 66 Low-gross: Paul Swakow - 80 Birds: Mike Brock - #7 Par 4 and Dan McGee - #18 Par 4

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

L to R: Bill Giblin, Bob Hull, and Charlie Brown.

Saturday, October 30, 2013 Course: Sandpiper Palms - Oaks Play: A-Skins 1st: Paul Maki - 3 Skins 2nd: Chuck Feldschau - 2 Skins 3rd: Charlie Brown and Bob Deutel - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Bob Jacobs - 66 Low-gross: Bob Jacobs - 80 Birds: Bob Jacobs - #5 Par 4

Back L to R: Paul Maki, Bob Deutel, Chuck Feldschau, & Rog Toussaint. Front L to R: Charlie Brown, Bob Jacobs, and Tom Rosata.

Friday, November 1, 2013 Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: A-Skins 1st: Ruben Jones, Tom Rosata, and Norm Taylor - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Doug Banning, Bill Konopasek, and Jim Robertroy Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Tom Rosata - 73 Low-gross: Ruben Jones and Doug Banning - Tied at 92 Birds: Ruben Jones - #1 Par 4

Course: Sandpiper Oaks - Lakes Play: A-Skins Flight #1 1st: John Colgren - 3 Skins 2nd: Hank Smythe - 2 Skins 3rd: Jenice Taylor, Syl Amos, Frank O'Brien, and Dick Ihrke Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: John Colgren - 60 Low-gross: Frank O'Brien - 82 Birds: John Colgren - #9 Par 5

Back L to R: Paul Swakow, Mike Brock, Rich Lucidi, and Syl Amos Front L to R:Dan McGee, Sue Fitts, and Jackie Amo.s

Flight #2 1st: Jay Sparkman and John Colgren - Tied at 2 Skins 2ndPlace: Terry Upson, Bill Konopasek, and Rex Gibbons Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Jack Phillips - 67 Low-gross: Jack Phillips - 87 Birds: Jay Sparkman - #1 Par 5 and Terry Upson - #12 Par 4.

Back L to R: Dick Ihrke, Syl Amos, and John Colgren. Front L to R: Hank Smythe, Jenice Taylor, and Frank O'Brien.

Flight #2 1st: Doug Banning - 2 Skins 2ndPlace: Bill Konopasek, Norm Taylor, and Reggie Ryan - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Reggie Ryan - 62 Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 77 Birds: Doug Banning - #1 Par 5 and #7 Par 4; Norm Taylor - #9 Par 5

L to R: Norm Taylor, Bill Konopasek, Dan Stephens, Doug Banning, and Reggie Ryan.

L to R: Jack Phillips, Bill Konopasek, Jay Sparkman, Rex Gibbons, Terry Upson, and John Colgren.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Jim Hiller - 2 Skins 2ndPlace: Bill Giblin, Bob Hull, Mike McClintic, Andy Betz, and Karen Jones - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Jim Hiller and Karen Jones - Tied at 55 Low-gross: Karen Jones - 74 Birds: Jim Hiller - #8 Par 3, #11 Par 3, and #14 Par 4; Bill Giblin - #12 Par 4; Bob Hull - #3 Par 4; Mike McClintic - #9 Par 4; and Karen Jones - #1 Par 4 and #3 Par 4. Continued on Page 18

2013, December The News of Kings Point

Kings Point Ladies Nifty Niners Submitted by Lorraine Rings

Game: Net Score

October 31, 2013

Flight A Winner Cathy Marquis 33 Flight B Winner Liz Lister 31 Flight C Winner Rosemarie Quinn 33 Game: Net Score

November 7, 2013 Flight A Winner Cathy Marquis 29 Flight B Winner Mary Winter 30 Flight C Winners Judy Stevens 29 Joyce Bissonette 29 Game: Net Score

November 14, 2013 Flight A Winner Cathy Marquis 32 Flight B Winner Liz Lister 33 Flight C Winner Judy Stevens 33

Page 17

Falcon Watch Ladies 9 Hole League Results October 18, 2013

November 1, 2013

3 Clubs and a Putter 1st Flight 1st Jane Boccieri 44 2nd Wally McIntosh 51 T-3rd Mary J. McClafferty 52 Sue Skolnick 52 2nd Flight 1st Claudia Woolley 53 2nd Lorraine Fritzel 54 3rd June Krueger 55 3rd Flight 1st Kathy Boccieri 57 2nd Mary Arpaia 61 T-3rd Terry Wynne 63 Rosa Ricciardi 63

1-2-3 1st Place - 64 Mary J McClafferty Marge Ditch Donna Berger June Krueger 2nd Place - 73 Rosalie Killian Claudia Woolley Mary Winter

Vince Pirone

October 26, 2013 Hole#7 Falcon Watch - Sands 117 Yards 9 Wood Witnessed By: Bill Salowitz, Kurt Hoffmann & Gary Waldron

November 8, 2013

Tee to Green 1st Flight 1st Jane Boccieri 28 2nd Wally McIntosh 30 3rd Rosalie Killian 31 2nd Flight T-1st Meg Towner 36 Sue Freed 36 2nd Donna Berger 38 3rd Alice Chura 49

October 25, 2013

Pink Ball - Net Score 1st Flight 1st June Krueger 33 2nd Jane Boccieri 35 3rd Janine Johnson 36 2nd Flight T-1st Kathy Boccieri 36 Mary Arpaia 36 3rd Judy Delaney 38

Clyde Schafer

November 12, 2013 Hole #8 135 Yards 5 Wood Falcon Watch - Cypress Witnessed By: Ken Lightle, Richard Vollrath

Ralph Fuente

November 15, 2013 Hole #2 135 Yards 5 Iron Falcon Watch - Cypress Witnessed By: Bryden Rosborough

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to:

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18 Page

Continued from Page 16

The News of Kings Point

Birds: Mike Brock - #1 Par 5, #7 Par 4, and #9 Par 5; John Colgren - #4 Par 4; Tom Rosata - #14 Par 3; and Paul Swakow #10 Par 5

L to R: Bob Hull, Andy Betz, Jim Hiller, Karen Jones, Mike McClintic, and Bill Giblin.

Monday, November 11, 2013 Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins Flight #1 1st: Tom Gotschall - 2 Skins 2nd: John Colgren, Dennis Horne, Travis Lansberry, Syl Amos, and Dan Stephens - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Dick Ihrke - 67 Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 82 Birds: Tom Gotschall - #5 Par 5, #13 Par 4 and #14 Par 4; John Colgren - #4 Par 4; Travis Lansberry - #8 Par 3; and Dan Stephens - #15 Par 4 Flight #2 1st: Frank O'Brien and Jim Hiller - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Rich Lucidi, Bill Smythe, Andy Betz, and Jim Robertroy Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Frank O'Brien - 63 Low-gross: Frank O'Brien - 78 Birds: #13 Par 4 and #15 Par 4; Jim Robertroy - #16 Par

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Course: Sandpiper Palms - Oaks Play: H-Skins 1st: Sue Fitts - 4 Skins 2nd: Rich Lucidi and Rex Gibbons - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: John Colgren and Tom Rosata - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Sue Fitts - 68 Low-gross: Rex Gibbons - 95

Back L to R: John Colgren, Rex Gibbons, and Rich Lucidi. Front L to R: Sue Fitts & Tom Rosata.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Course: Summerfield Crossings Play: A-Skins 1st: Tom Rosata - 3 Skins 2nd: Dan Stephens, Mike McClintic, Frank O'Brien and Terry Upson - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Terry Upson Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 88 Birds: Dan Stephens - #1 Par 4 and #18 Par 5; Mike McClintic - #1 Par 4

Back L to R: John Colgren, Paul Swakow, Mike Brock, and Syl Amos Front L to R:Dan McGee, Tom Rosata, and Bill Smythe.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Jon Blanchard - 6 Skins 2nd: Bob Hull and Charlie Brown - Tied at 3 Skins Low-net: Jon Blanchard - 50 Low-gross: Jon Blanchard - 71 Birds: Jon Blanchard - #4 Par 4 and #12 Par 4; Bob Hull - #16 Par 3

L to R : Norm Caplette, Bill Healey, Jenice Taylor, Syl Amos, and Terry Upson.

Membership is required to play with the Hogans. Please contact us if you are interested in membership in the Hogans at: http://hogans-golf.com/ The Club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point and Associated residents and their guests. Submitted by: Pam Jones Email: mrspkjones@gmail.com Phone: 813-419-4376.

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to:


Executive Committee for the 2013-2015

L to R: Charlie Brown, Jon Blanchard, and Bob Hull.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Course: Imperial Lakewoods Play: A-Skins 1st: Hank Smythe, Joe DeFelice, Syl Amos, Tom Gotschall, and Norm Taylor - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Norm Taylor - 62 Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 82 Birds: Tom Gotschall - #13 Par 4 and #16 Par 3; Hank Smythe #7 Par 4

L to R: Rich Lucidi (Past-President), Ruben Jones (Vice-President, Secretary, and Chair of League Committee),Charlie Brown (VicePresident, Chair of Membership), Andy Betz (Treasurer), andRex Gibbons (President).

The Hogans Golf League of Sun City Center and Kings Point recently elected their Executive Committee for the 2013-2015 period Anyone interested in joining the Hogans is welcome to contact any of us. We accept both Male and Female members. Our membership total at the end of 2012/13 season was 125. Website www.hogans-golf.com

L to R: Tom Gotschall, Syl Amos, Hank Smythe, Joe DeFelice, and Norm Taylor.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Course: Apollo Beach Play: A-Skins Flight #1 1st: Hank Smythe - 3 Skins 2nd: John Colgren - 2 Skins 3rd: Bill Smythe and Reggie Ryan - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: John Colgren - 62 Low-gross: John Colgren and Reggie Ryan - Tied at 93

Saturday, November 16, 2013 Course: Sandpiper Oaks - Lakes Play: A-Skins 1st: John Colgren - 3 Skins 2nd: Dan McGee and Tom Rosata - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Paul Swakow, Mike Brock, and Norm Taylor - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Dan McGee and Tom Rosata - Tied at 63 Low-gross: Mike Brock - 79

Flight #2 1st: Bill Healey - 4 Skins 2nd: Syl Amos and Norm Caplette - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Jenice Taylor and Terry Upson - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Norm Caplette and Bill Healey - Tied at 66 Low-gross: Norm Caplette - 90 Birds: Bill Healey - #14 Par 4 and Terry Upson - #12 Par 3

December, 2013

L to R : Hank Smythe, Bill Smythe, John Colgren, and Reggie Ryan.

Falcon Watch - Halloween Scramble - Oct 29th

Overall Winners Butch Gadd • Vince Pirone • Jim Hamilton • Ken Stugill Flight 1 - 1st - Butch Gadd, Vince Pirone, Jim Hamilton, Ken Sturgil 2nd - John Neuland, Harry Porter, Jim Shaffer, Ralph Fuente 3rd - Mel Bushart, Jean Bushart, George Fenwick, Judy Fenwick Flight 2 - 1st - Fred Held, John Carrol, Marvin Barnes, Dave Hoffman 2nd - Bob Condon, Buddy Surloff, Fred Mayes, Duke Martin 3rd - Bob Ewing, Neal Spontak, Jim Lahti, Dick Mclaughlin Flight 3 - 1st - Ginny Dunn, Kathy Payne, C Schultes, Joy Dunn 2nd - George Waring, Hunt Paul, Norm Cochran, Dan Waldman 3rd - Cliff Ryan. Jennie Ryan, Cuck Thelen, Loretta Thelen Nine Holes - 1st Tee Bomba, L Frutzel, Sue Freed, Alice Chura 2nd Wally Mcintosh, Elly Sullivan, R Killian, Mary McClaferty 3rd C Wooley, Connie Gilbert, June Krueger, Pat Conklin

2013, December The News of Kings Point

When Christmas Hurts

A service of comfort and hope Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00PM SJTD Sun City Center. Everyone in the community is invited to prayers reflection and fellowship for those having difficulty handling the holidays Refreshments will be served. For more information, please callthe church office at 813-633-3970.

Kings Point Dance Club Submitted by Judy Fenwick

Come dance to Thor Stevens on December 3 in the Borini theatre from 7:30- 9:30. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Members get in free and kings point and sun city center residents are welcome as guests, with the cost at the door $10 per couple. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins will be provided. Proper dress is tie and jacket for men; dress or dressy pants for women. Non-members should call Judy at 813-938-3187 for reservations and information.

Page 19

The Irish Connection General Meeting Potluck Dinner

Friday, December 6th, 2013, 5PM in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. Please bring a passing dish for 6-8 people to share and a serving utensil. There will be a silent auction to benefit a local charity. If anyone has an item to donate, please contact President Fred Lofland at 813.600.7415. The 2014 slate of officers will be presented with all positions open except for the Treasurer and Publicity Chair who have offered to serve once again. Musical entertainment will be performed by Linda and Wayne Conklin of The Solid Gold Entertainment Show for your enjoyment. To RSVP, please call Membership Chair Bonnie at 813.642.8663.

Fireworks Benefit from 12-14 Holiday Walk Breakfast By Phyllis Hodges

Since SCC began having fireworks on Independence Day a few years ago, the proceeds from the Community Association Holiday Walk and Breakfast have been used to help cover expenses not covered by the generous donations Brandon Honda and Minto Communities. A miniature house created The event, set for December 14, 7 and donated by Ilona Merritt a.m. to noon this year in the Florida will be raffled at the Holiday Room on the CA Central Campus, Walk Breakfast on December has been exceedingly popular with 14. Ilona is well known for her with miniatures with the area residents. Sam and Joanne work Lakeland Miniature Guild. Sudman, who are organizing the breakfast, say they are thrilled with public support and also by the 120 or so volunteers who have stepped forward to help. The $5 breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and juice. The event is open to the public. Club rooms on the campus open at 9 a.m. for shopping or browsing. Information contact: jsudman@tampabay.rr.com.

Moonglow Dance Club

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Goodson Produce Market

The welcome mat is out! The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center warmly invites you and Gert Affayroux is honing up her sleigh guiding skills! yours to attend their 51 Annual Christmas Concert at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Web West on Sunday, December 8, 2013, 3:00 P.M. ‘A Christmas Concert’ is a free gift to the community and no tickets are necessary. Enter a magical winter wonderland and usher in the holiday season as the chorus delights you with a combination of traditional and eclectic holiday music sprinkled with a few special surprises. Warm your voices and hearts as you join them in singing a few of your favorite Christmas songs! Chorus members are pulling out their best cookie recipes, so plan to stay and enjoy refreshments following the concert.


Women’s Chorus Annual Christmas Concert

US 301 SunCity Center

Christmas spirit is evident on the faces of Chorus members. Back row: Joan Bashaw, Janet Cardulla, front row:Johnnie Bates, Lynn Webb.

Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “Rudy Rosa” at their monthly dance on Thursday, December 26th from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. We encourage you to bring your Holiday Visitors along to enjoy dancing and/or listening to this unique Entertainer. He takes Requests, so think of your Holiday favorites! The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay $5.00 per person at the door. Singles Table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and Snacks, and the Club will provide Ice, water, cups and napkins. We are now registering New & Current Members for our exciting 2014 Schedule of 12 monthly dances. You will experience Dancing and Listening to Different Live Musicians every month for this Amazing Bargain of only $25.00 per person. New members are always welcome, so encourage your friends and neighbors to join too! We are also taking Reservations from Members and Guests for our Annual Dinner Dance on Jan. 23rd, 2014. Suncoast Catering will prepare an excellent “served” meal with two Entree Choices. Following the Dinner, “Mario DeLeon” will provide our Music for Dancing from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. instead of our normal dance time of 7:30-9:30 p.m. We hope that you will join us at one of our Moonglow Dances. If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. No one will be judging your unique style because we each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more Information call 813-633-1297 OR 813-642-8845, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact gail3357@gmail.com.



C.R. 672 E. miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

Holiday Grief Workshops

Candis Smith, MS, Grief Specialist to Offer 3 Workshops for Dealing with the Holidays. For those dealing with grief, the holidays can be an especially stressful time. Candis Smith, a resident of King’s Point, has worked in the field of grief and loss for over thirty years is offering a series of workshops for those interested in information and support for dealing with the holidays. The workshops will take place on the first three Wednesdays in December in the North Clubhouse at King’s Point. They will be held in the Atrium from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. The topics will be as follows; December3rd: Holiday Time for the Griever. December 10: Holidays and Grief; Reducing Stress. December 17: Tools and Plans for the holidays.

December, 2013

Nurses Club Christmas Luncheon

The SCC Registered Nurses Club Christmas luncheon will take place in the Florida Room at the SCC atrium Thurs. Dec. 5, 2013. Social time starts at 11:15 AM and luncheon starts at 12 noon. Luncheon includes pear and pomegranate salad, pesto-crusted chicken with sundried tomato sauce, vegetables and caramel apple cheese bars. Music, wine and punch will be provided. Cost is $16. and the deadline for signup is Fri. Nov. 29. Contact Linda Langlois at 813-634-3250 for further information.

Charley Belcher Named Parade Grand Marshal By Phyllis Hodges

The Grand Marshal for the 2013 Golf Cart Parade on December 7 is year will be Charley Belcher, a three-time Emmy award-winning FOX 13 reporter. His stories air Monday through Friday mornings on Good Day Tampa Bay in a segment called “Charley’s World.” The theme for this year’s parade is Sights and Sounds of the Season which, according to Chairman Dave Birkett, allows people to do “whatever they want as long Belcher of FOX 13 will as it has something to do with Charley be the Grand Marshal of the the holidays” but carts must be 2013 Golf Cart Parade. decorated to enter the parade. The schedule for the parade and Winter Festival is as follows: •9am Carts check in and line up in the SCC Community Association N. Pebble Beach parking lot. •10am Carts exit from parking lot onto LaJolla and proceed to El Rancho (right), Ojai (right) and Cherry Hills(left) to bandstand area where prizes and raffle winner will be announced. •11am Winter Festival begins (CA Central Campus courtyard) •2:30pm Winter Festival ends Entrants will be vying for $5,000 prize money for best decorated carts in three categories (Individual, Group, Business) and for a raffle prize of $1,000. Every decorated cart that finished the parade is eligible for the raffle. All the prize money is being donated by Minto Communities, which also is sponsoring the Winter Festival. Information contacts: Dave Birkett (davesccic@gmail.com) or Chris Robinson (chris4171948@gmail.com).

The Performing Arts Company Presents Wall To Wall Christmas Benefit Concert

Get into the Christmas spirit early this year with the Performing Arts Company’s annual benefit Christmas concert, “Wall to Wall Christmas” on Saturday, December 7 at 7:30pm at the Rollins Theater in Sun City Center. Highlighting the concert are favorite Christmas songs and stories. Featured performers include PAC favorites Lew Resseguie, Ellen Kleinschmidt, Kathy Straub, Alex Burns, Dan Tackitt and Babs Cominoli. Special guests are dance troupe, Jazz Ma Tazz and Tickled Pink, an award winning Sweet Adeline’s quartet. Talented young musical theater performers Alex Council and Caroline Howard round out the holiday musical ensemble. All proceeds from Wall to Wall Christmas will go to the Make a Wish Foundation. Tickets are $10.00 and are on sale at the SCC Atrium Ticket Kiosk from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. For Credit Card orders call 813.400.7803.

Caregiver Symposium Recap

255 Caregivers received care themselves at the 2nd Annual Caregiver Symposium on October 31st held at Community Hall in Sun City Center. Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions at Sun Towers, who sponsors this annual event stated that attendance had doubled since last year. “It seems that more people are realizing they are in fact caregivers of loved ones, or are just interested in receiving information for their own aging process.” With seven different speakers who presented everything from “Coping with Caregiver Stress” to “Technologies to Help Caregivers”, everyone who participated gained additional knowledge to assist them in their journey as a caregiver. Over 40 vendors were present to assist attendees with resources such as the Samaritan’s Alzheimer’s Auxiliary, the Alzheimer’s Association, and even Dr. Vo who is a mobile dentist willing to come to your home to name just a few. Senior Helpers was kind enough to provide free care for those loved ones with Dementia who were unable to be left at home so that their caregiver could attend the event. Lara Cudvat, one of the attendees said: “Having all of this information under one roof, along with the lovely lunch I enjoyed, has given me a break from my caregiving duties. This event has provided me with resources to feel comfortable that I am doing the very best for my loved one. I am looking forward to next year’s event!” If you were unable to attend the event and would like more information about the speakers or vendors who might assist you in your caregiving journey, contact Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions at Sun Towers at 813-892-2990

Pelican Players Present French Farce

Pelican Players are presenting the French farce “Don’t Dress for Dinner” on Friday, Dec. 6th & Saturday the 7th at 7:00 pm with a matinee at 1:30 pm Saturday as well. Tickets ($12) are available at the box office for the Borini Theatre in the Kings Point main clubhouse, 1900 Clubhouse Drive, Sun City Center. With Cabaret Seating you can BYOB plus snacks. This hilarious and naughty farce has illicit romance, questionable cuisine and fast moving snappy dialogue.

Kings Point Jazz Lovers Group

The snowbirds have flown down, the holidays are coming and the Jazz Lovers will be having a fun and busy month. The Jazz Lovers will be enjoying some really great Jazz in December. On December 9th, following dinner at the Sand Piper Room of the Main Clubhouse, we will all be listening to the Woody Herman Orchestra. Our regular December meeting will begin in the Ripple Room of the Main Clubhouse on December 20th at 1:00 PM with an information session on smooth contemporary jazz. From 2 PM to 4 PM our regular monthly meeting will consist of a variety of your favorite jazz for your listening pleasure. All are welcome. For more information contact Bill Ferron at 813.938.3571 or bferron2@tampabay.rr.com.

Trick or Treat at the Nearly New Shop Ceramic Club Raffle Tickets Available

Hurry to the Ceramic Club to purchase tickets for the raffle to be held at the Christmas Walk on December 14th. Pictured above are the items being offered. A pair of Delightful Christmas Moose and a birdbath with a playful gnome breaking through. Tickets are 6 for $5.00 or $1.00 each.

Linda Atkins, Louise Lee, and Joyce Falandysz, all volunteers at the Nearly New Shop, were in the Halloween spirit as they assisted shoppers. The Nearly New Shop, located in the Sun City Center Plaza, is a Interfaith Council project and funds gained from sales of donations are used for grants and scholarships in the South Hillsborough County area. For more information about donations and sale hours please call 813-642-9099

2013, December The News of Kings Point


Please note that the Dec. 12 Concert presented by the Eastern Hillsborough Community Band at Rice Creek has been cancelled and we ask that you not promote this event. We regret any inconvenience this has caused.

New Year’s Eve Party

Sponsored by the Oldies But Goodies Dance Club. Sun City Center Where: Community Hall, 1910 Pebble Beach Blvd. South, SCC When: December 31, 2013, 8:00 pm till 1:00 am. Music by The KEGG. Elegant hors d’ oeuvres and desserts. Novelties Galore and Champagne at Midnight.Tickets are $40.00. Call 813-633-5649. Everyone is welcome!

KP Line Dancers

Mark your calendar to come and join the KP Line Dancers for a joyous Christmas celebration on Wed Dec 11, 7 PM in the Borini Theatre. No ticket to purchase, but please sign in upon arrival. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB and setups. Dress is casual, but of course Christmas attire would be seasonally appropriate. Couples always welcome, we dance to all genres of music. For more info contact Jan 634-6226.

Pickleball at the Tampa Bay Senior Games

Kings Point Medal Winners were led by former National Singles gold medal winner, John Sprainitis, and two-time Florida State singles gold medal winner, Arthur Chilvers. Gold Medal Winners Gary Ball – Mark Stemerman (60+ Men’s Doubles) John Sprainitis – Arthur Chilvers (70+ Men’s Doubles) John Maddaloni – Sam Montana (75+ Men’s Doubles) Silver Medal Winners Lewis Lange – Jane Michelin (60+ Mixed Doubles) Jane Michelin – Carol Cuthbertson (60+ Women’s Doubles) Tom Cuthbertson – Carol Cuthbertson (65+ Mixed Doubles) John Morinchek – Vincent Quintolino (75+ Men’s Doubles) Bronze Medal Winners Sharlene Peter – Diane Barnes (60+ Women’s Doubles) Pedro Alvaro – Mike Weder (60+ Men’s Doubles) Mel Gass – Collin Marines (75+ Men’s Doubles)

Sinatra! Comes to the Rollins Theater,SCC

The excitement continues at the Rollins Theater (970 Cherry Hills Dr) as The Performing Arts Company presents a new musical revue, “Sinatra!”. Did the man make the music or did the music make the man? The cast of Sinatra! poses that question through songs, stories and dance. The music of Frank Sinatra, the voice, will fill the Rollins Theater on January 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 and 18th at 7:30pm with a matinee on the 18th at 2:30. Starring in Sinatra! are PAC favorites Lew Resseguie, Ellen Kleinschmidt, & Teri and Alex Council. The PAC welcomes singer Michael Boyer and dancer Kristen Zemina who round out the talented cast. The multi-talented Dan Tackitt will be the host of the show. On January 8th, opening night of Sinatra!, theater goers will enjoy the show and a special champagne and dessert gala after the curtain closes. Star of Sinatra and author, Lew Resseguie, will present a brief book talk and will sign copies of his latest book The End of the Tunnel, which he will have for sale at the gala. Gala guests will have the opportunity to mix and mingle with the cast of Sinatra! Tickets for the opening night show & champagne and dessert gala are $25.00. Tickets for all other performances of Sinatra! are $10 until January 1st when they will be $12 and available at the SCC Atrium kiosk Monday through Friday from 9am – noon with cash or check or with credit card by calling the box office at 813.400.7803. For further information go to www.performingartsco-scc.org. “”Come fly with The Performing Arts Company” for an evening or afternoon of a few of the hit songs of Ol’ Blue Eyes sung our way. Frankie’s back in town!

Page 21

Entertainment Corner

The season has begun and there’s a lot more coming up! The Atrium-Kiosk is open Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00-noon, for my ticket sales. And all of my shows are open to the public. The 2013-14 Entertainment Show tickets are on sale now.... SUNDAY SHOWS (2:30-4:30 p.m.) Streisand/Mathis Holiday Show-December 8 ($16); Top 10 Rockand-Roll Revue -January 12 ($14); Jay White as Neil DiamondFebruary 9 ($17); and Finis-March 30 ($15). Ticket price includes a wine-and-cheese reception, sponsored by Brandon Honda. FRIDAY DANCE/SHOWS (7:00-10:00 p.m.) Flashback-January 24 ($13); Phil Dirt & the Dozers-February 14 ($20); and Fabulons-March 21 ($19). WEDNESDAY, January 29 (1:00-3:30 p.m.) Showcase (included in ticket price if you bought either the Sunday or Friday series)($11). Come early (11:30-12:45) and purchase lunch from the SCC Softball Club. And then... Other Performances to look forward to: •December 19 (Thursday) 7:00-8:30 p.m.- A Christmas Concert South Shore Concert Band. Tickets on sale now - $5/person - open seating. •January 26 (Sunday) 2:00-3:30 p.m. - Highlights of Susannah -St. Petersburg Opera Co. - Tickets on sale now - $12/person. Reserved seating at Rollins Theater. •February 27 (Thursday) 7:00-8:30 p.m. - A Pop Concert - South Shore Concert Band. Tickets on sale now - $5/person open seating. •March 2 (Sunday) 2:30-4:30 p.m. - The Platters, Coasters, Drifters and Temptations Salute. Tickets will go on sale January 20 - $20/person. Reserved theater seating. •March 23 (Sunday) 2:00-3:30 p.m. - Seven Most Unwise Moments in Opera - St. Petersburg Opera Co. - Tickets on sale now - $12/person. Reserved seating at Rollins Theater. •March 28 (Friday) 7:00-9:00 p.m. - Patrick & Matilda - A fabulous ventriloquist act performed in a nightclub setting; BYOB. Reserved tables of 8. Tickets will go on sale February 24 - $12/person. •April 6 (Sunday) 2:30-4:30 p.m. - Big Band Jamboree - the Sarasota Jazz Project. Tickets will go on sale March 3 - $12/person. Reserved theater seating. •April 27 (Sunday) 2:30-4:30 p.m. - Billy Joel Tribute - Tickets will go on sale March 24 - $15/person. Reserved theater seating.

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22 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

Best of the Best Photographs Featured at the SCC Chamber

If you want to see the best of Sun City Center’s photography, come to the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce to see a display of award winning photographs taken by members of the SCC Photo Club. The photos in this display have won club awards during the year and were also winners in the club’s year-end Best of the Best competition. This is part of a series of monthly photographic displays at the SCC Chamber of Commerce at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza. Come to the opening of this display at the SCC Chamber of Commerce between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on December 12th to meet some of the photographers and enjoy wine and cheese. These works will be on display through January 15th. For more information on the SCC Photo Club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc.com or visit the photo learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

Muriel Altus, Kathy Smith and Sue Batt.

Bridge Classes

The new EasyBridge class recently received a visit from Muriel Altus, editor of the Sunshine Bridge News, ACBL district 9. Muriel was here to report on the great progress of this new bridge class, now in it’s fourth week with eighty plus participants each week and more people joining to learn the great game of bridge. Directors and Instructors, Kathy Smith and Sue Batt, together with their volunteers, have been instrumental in keeping this class exciting with many humorous moments and laughs to share. On November 12th a reception was held at the Renaissance Club for the students and on November 15th the first competition was held with awards being presented to many winners. Classes will continue on Friday mornings at 8:30 a.m. in the Horizon Room located in the Sun City Center atrium building building with new and exciting happenings every week. To register or for more information, call (813) 480-3368 or check out the website at www. sunccbridge.com.

Scandinavian Club Christmas dinner

The Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center will hold a Christmas dinner at Club Renaissance on Wednesday, December 4, at 5:30 L to R Back Row: Elaine Shaefer, Toria Smith, Tom Murphy. p.m. The menu will include traditional Scandinavian cuisine. Musical L to R Front Row: Chief Schramm, Bonnie Murphy. entertainment will be provided by Keith Rasmussen. The cost is $25 Squad Supports Men’s Club for members and $30 for non-members. Reservation checks and the names of the people in your group Submitted by Jan Huber, Asst. Chief PR The Men’s Club of SCC recently should be mailed to Jim Sullivan, 2204 Del Webb Blvd. W., Sun City held a community wide open Center, 33573, by November 27. Jim can be reached at 813-633-3917. house to welcome and introduce St. Joseph’s Hospital South to Michigan Club Events the residents of SCC and King’s The snowbirds are back, activities are well underway for the 2013- Point. The Emergency Squad was 2014 season and you are invited to attend. Two events of major invited to participate in the festivities interest are planned for December and January. and Chief Schramm addressed A Christmas “Pot Luck” is scheduled for Thursday Dec 19 from 5pm the audience of several hundred to 8pm in the Banquet Room of KPN. BYOB, bring a dish to pass and residents regarding the role of the bring a wrapped Christmas Gift ($5 value) for Santa to giveto lucky Squad in our community. Also, attendees. Chicken, coffee and set-ups are provided. Members $5 Squad volunteers set up a display non-members $7. Ticket sales KPN Lobby Tues 12/3, 12/10, 12/17. table at the entrance and The annual Sno-Ball Gala will take place Sat Jan 25 - 5pm to 10pm welcomed all visitors while providing Chief Noreen Schramm and - KPN Borini Theater. Circle the date. Gather your friends and guests valuable “Files of Life” and”Key Jim Rottman, President of the Men’s Club. and plan to attend this most elegant affair of the season. Locator” information.

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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 23

Duplicate Bridge Lessons

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association will be sponsoring free mini-lessons on Tuesday mornings starting November 26th. All lessons will take place in the Kings Point Clubhouse Card Room for an hour starting at 10 AM. Lessons will be a half hour with time for discussion. Area bridge players are invited to attend. The topics: December 3 What is a Reverse? How to Recognize and Use It December 10 Negative Doubles – Why They Are So Important December 17 Understanding Roman Key Card (Ace Asking)

Local Swim Team Travels

The SCC Swim Dancers (a synchronized swim team) travelled to The Villages (near Ocala) on October 26 and 27th to perform in the annual swim show of The Villages’ Aquatic Dancers. The show was entitled “A Splash of Color” and was presented on Saturday and Sunday afternoon in the outdoor pool. Our local team performed to “Little Brown Jug” and “Yellow Bird” as well as in the combined patriotic finale, which included all 26 swimmers from both teams. This was a great opening for the “season” of the Sun City Center ladies, who begin rehearsals and practices to prepare for their own annual show to be presented on March 8, 2014. Any women interested in learning and swimming along, please contact Ginny Williams at 634-1710.

New Year Dinner Dance

New York Empire State Club will have their New Year dinner dance on Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 5:00 in the Borini Room. Catered by Banquet Masters, Music by Gari. Menu is roast pork loin, chicken Florentine, crab stuffed filet of sole. Members $15.00, guests $22.50. Please call Frank Gatto at 633-8942 for more information.

Irish Connection Hosts Fall Dinner/Mind Magic Event

54 Members and Guests of the Sun City Center Irish Connection Club enjoyed a bountiful Fall Dinner of Brats, Kraut, German Potato Salad, Pecan Pumpkin Cheesecake, and all of the trimmings in the Florida Room, prepared by “Catering Specialties by Steve” with Paddy Cooney leading the prayer of thanks. President Fred Lofland warmly greeted the crowd, Sue Snell manned the table of the club’s official shirts available for sale, and Brigid Gaurino spoke of her exciting experience representing Ireland in the 32nd International Shuffleboard Association World Singles Championship held in St. Petersburg, FL, October 21-25, 2013, with 150 players from 14 countries including Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway. Brigid was presented with the pictured tournament shirt worn by Dorothy Wagaski years ago, who, with her late husband, were the first to introduce the game to Ireland with courts established in Portumna, Co Galway, Ireland. A spectacular magic show followed, presented by one of our own local talents, Mr. Ed Feder of Mind Magic, a memorable entertainer who included crowd participation; there were laughs a plentiful with total amazement of his special talent. Anyone who is Irish, those of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club. The club was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. For membership information, call 642.8663, Bonnie Matthys, Membership Chairman.

Christmas Concert

It’s a busy season, parties everywhere. We’re encouraging you to take time out from parties and come and listen to uniquely special music. The 40 members of the SCC German American Club Singers have been preparing for this holiday program under the capable director on Mr. Lynn Hirschfeld and accompanied by the talented Ms. Claire Hadley. For the first time, The Singers will present a concert in the Buhr Social Hall of Redeemer Lutheran Church, located at the corner of Valley Forge Blvd. and Rte. 674. It will be presented at 3 pm on Saturday, December 14. There will be solos, choral numbers and sing-alongs sung in both German and English. And, there will be no admission fee. A freewill offering will be accepted.akl

British Connection Traditional English Christmas Tea

The British Connection will be hosting their annual “Traditional English Christmas Tea” with a selection of Tea Sandwiches, Sausage Rolls, Mince Pies, Trifle, and Christmas cake served with English Tea and egg nog on Thursday, December 12th, 2013, in the Florida Room of the Atrium Bldg., from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. Cost to members, $20.00 and for Guests, $25.00. RSVP deadline for Members is Thursday, December 5th and guests (not accompanied by a Member) can RSVP after December 6th to Katherine Howell–Tel:567-3358 (limited seating). Please make checks payable to: The British Connection, 316 Green Manor Dr., Sun City Center, FL 33573.

Lions Cuise Fundraiser

It’s not too late to sign up for the Sun City Center Lions cruise fundraiser. Please join your neighbors and friends on the beautiful Royal Caribbean Brilliance of the Seas, on February 15, 2014, for five wonderful nights. There will be a $50 cabin credit for each cabin booked. In addition, there are plans for a round trip bus trip to and from the port of Tampa. Cost will depend on the number of people taking the bus. The brand new, updated Brilliance of the Seas leaves Tampa, on Sunday, February 15, and returns to port on Thursday, February 20, after visiting Grand Cayman and Cozumel. Prices for the cruise range from $539.80 to $729.80 per person, depending on which type cabin you choose. For more information, please contact Jayne Kirse, Sun City Center Travelworld at 634-3318, or Lion Ellen McGovern at 633-4202.

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24 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

The Computer Club Windows 8 Workshop Getting Acquainted With The New Operating System

Your choice of December 9 or December 16 from 9:00 AM – 12 NOON In the Computer Club Classroom. Tuition $10 payable upon registration. Pre-register in classroom 12:30-5PM, Monday through Saturday.

Performing Arts Company Gifts Certificates Now For Sale

Just in time for the holiday season, The Performing Arts Company is selling gift certificates sure to please the theatergoers on your gift list. Each gift certificate may be exchanged for a ticket to any PAC show at the Rollins Theater. Gift certificates are $10.00 and are available at the SCC Atrium Kiosk Monday – Fridays from 9am –noon. They may be ordered with a credit card by calling 400-7803. Happy Holidays from the Performing Arts Company of SCC.

Best of the Best Competition: The Sun City Center Photo Club Meets Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 pm

If you want to see the best of Sun City Center’s photography all in one place, join the SCC Photo Club for its annual Best of the Best competition. Entries include photographs that have won awards during the last year and they will be judged according to category. You will be able to see a wide variety of landscapes, architecture and portraits with over thirty photographers represented. Awards will be given to the Best of the Best in each category, as well as a Best in Show and a Judge’s Award. John Livernois, professional photographer and past president of the Florida Camera Club Council, will serve as judge. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room with media shows produced by our club members. After a short business meeting and election of officers at 7 p.m., the judging will begin. Club meetings are open to all in the area. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2014 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

Easy Bridge The New Game In Town

October 25th marked the beginning of a new bridge era in Sun City Center. One for all to enjoy and, with the smiles and laughter from the 80 people attending this unique event, enjoy it they did. The game, held in the Horizon Room was sponsored by the SCC Duplicate Bridge Club in association with the American Contract Bridge League, (ACBL) The event was presented and planned by SCC bridge directors Sue Batt and Kathy Smith who were assisted by their great committee. The first person to sign in on the day of the event was Kitty Florian, Kitty was closely followed by 80 other people, all looking to try their hands at the game of bridge and to have fun doing it. Kathy and Sue hosted the event and will continue to do so. They have many exciting activities planned for the weeks ahead. So, if you are looking for a fun time and want to learn to play bridge at the same time, come join us in the Horizon Room on Friday mornings, game begins at 8:30 a.m. There is still room for a few more people to join the group. For more information contact Kathy at 813 480 3368.

Kings Point Lawn Bowling

Attention all LB jocks, the annual Christmas Dinner Party is Tuesday, December 17th starting at 5 PM. There will be a catered dinner, Santa will be arranging the exchange of gifts and afterwards, dancing for the young at heart. It will be dressy/casual, which means as usual, the guys will be in shorts and the gals will be wearing makeup & jewelry. The sign-up sheet will be at the clubhouse.

Ceramics Club Classes

The response to free classes at the Sun City Center Ceramic Club has been so successful. The Club will once again offer free workshops on three consecutive Mondays, January 13, 20, 27, 2014 at the club studio from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The only requirement is that you must be a current CA or Kings Point member. Your ID card is necessary. You will be introduced to the world of bisque, underglazes, greenware, acrylics stains and glazes. The mystery of “how we do it” will be solved for you. A small ceramic piece will be provided at no cost and it will be your own personal work of art. Workspace is limited to 12 so please sign up in the ceramic club studio any Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. by January 6th. Please note that the Club will be closed from December 20th for cleaning and inventory and will reopen on January 6th. Call Carol Cook with questions 633-0293.

German American Club Celebrates Christmas

The club started the season with a traditional tree-lighting event in the Atrium. The community was invited to sing carols as Walter Geissler turned on the tree, and Dieter Quitsch and Sandy Gundacher led all in attendance in singing of traditional carols. All were treated to cookies and coffee. The following Sunday (December 1st) the community was invited to join in at a service to begin the Advent Season. This service was conducted in the German language, as Pastor Peter Stiller returned from retirement, to his former parish, Redeemer Lutheran Church. The Singers of the SCC German-American Club also participated in the service with four carols, to make this a joyful beginning for the holidays. A week and a half later,on Thursday, December 12th, the community is invited the club’s annual Christmas Party in the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach. This special gala event will feature music by the Alpine Express, the band that recently created such a successful Oktoberfest party. Those who attended will remember what a happy, good time it was! This party will feature a Carved New York Striploin, and Salmon En Croute dinner with all the trimmings for $25 members and $29 non-members, and it will be BYOB. To be included send your check in to Mike Albanese at 1808 Granville Lane, SCC. And, to round out the season the club’s music group, The Singers, will present a program of all Christmas music. This will take place in the social hall of the Redeemer Lutheran Church to begin at 3 pm on Saturday, December 14th. There will be carols in both English and German and sing-along opportunities in both languages as well. There is no admission fee. A goodwill offering will be accepted.

Organ/KeyBoard Club Halloween Luncheon Bash

Pictured here is Evelyn Evans, a member, playing the song Bewitched in her bewitching costume.The Organ/KeyBoard Club meets every Thursday in the Florida Room for a group lesson, 9am11am.No instrument is needed, beginners through advanced players welcome.$3 payable at the door, 2 songs will be taught, music is yours too keep.Come join us or call Barb Carlini for more details about our club. 813-633-2022.

2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 25

More Faith News on Page 28

Sunday Dec 8 Christmas Presentation

“O Holy Night” will be performed at Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb W., at 6:00 p.m. This is a multi-media Christmas presentation with singing and drama. Admission is free, seating is limited, come early. For more information, please call the church at 813.634.4228.

Are You Ready For Christmas?

NCWS Tops $100,000 in Local Donations

Jim Butner, Worship Leader for NCWS, (Nondenominational Christian Worship Services) commented: “We give our thanks & blessings to all our attendees in Sun City Center, who have supported our ministry down through the years.” The beneficiaries of our donations include, but are not limited to, the 5th grade students at Reddick Elementary School shown above. These students are involved in our Role Model Program. Our ministry is composed of more than 50 volunteers. We donate all our love offerings to 8 local non-profit organizations.” NCWS currently conducts 10 weekly worship services, along with sponsoring 2 AdoptA-Highway Programs, 1 Adopt-A-Family Program and provides visitations to patients at South Bay Hospital on Thursday afternoons in the form of pastoral visits. To learn more about NCWS, please call Jim at 634-3114.

Throughout the liturgical season of Advent, Prince of Peace Catholic Church will expand its usual schedule for the Sacrament of Confession to help Catholics prepare for the celebration of Christmas. On Saturday, December 21st priests will be available to hear confessions from 8:30 until 9:30 a.m., 12:00 until 1:00 p.m. and again from 3:00 until 3:50 p.m. Confessions will also be offered on Sunday, December 22nd from 9:00 until 9:50 a.m. and 11:00 until 11:50 a.m. Expanded times for confessions will also be offered throughout the week. More information can be found on our website at www.popcc.org. Prince of Peace Catholic Church is located at 702 Valley Forge Blvd in Sun City Center.

UMC to Present Final Episode of Madrigal Dinners

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, will be presenting A Christmas Madrigal Dinner VI, “The Finale” on Friday, December 13th at 6PM in their new Life Enrichment Center. This traditional Elizabethan madrigal dinner is an evening of dinner theatre in which diners join a 16th century English court in its celebration of Christmas dinner, typically a four-course meal that is eaten along with a royal family and their immediate friends. The “Happy Holidays with George and Gracie” emphasis is on silliness, slapstick comedy, good music and, as much At St. John the Divine Episcopal Church as possible, period food. “Happy Holidays with George and Gracie,” a live, musical reBesides toasting and eating, diners are also encouraged to creation of the funniest George Burns and Gracie Allen Hanukkah participate in the festivities by singing and dancing. The plot of this and Christmas routines, will be staged at St. John the Divine Episcopal final installment of the show has the King and Queen reminiscing Church, 1015 Del Webb Blvd. E., Sun City Center, Dec. 12, 13, 14. about the previous five episodes. Characters from each of these Performances: 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $12 at the church office, Mon-Fri, past Dinners appear in scenes that retell in summary the entire story. 9:00am to 1:00 p.m. The evening of comedy ends with dessert and a short concert of George: Gracie, these gifts you’ve bought are too expensive. There Christmas madrigals, 16th century a cappella choral pieces. The isn’t enough money in the bank to pay for all this. experience of a madrigal dinner is unlike that of any other dinner Gracie: Of, sure there is. I went by the bank this morning and a sign theatre. “So the story unfolds before ye this night; watch and enjoy on the window says they have twelve million dollars. as it all comes to light!” The roles of Gracie Allen and George Burns are played by Jeanne The players in this year’s Madrigal include Barbara Kanoza, Barbara Naish and Ed Brown, both familiar to south shore audiences for their LaPierre, Bill & Diane Turcotte, Rod Peterson, Herb & Shirley Silbert, many appearances with the Pelican Players and The Performing Arts Erik Appleyard, Melva Potvin, Mike Sekol, Kathy Straub, Tom & Sue Company. Montgomery, Manny Escudero, Amanda Jordan, Chip Churchill, Chuck Wirick, Director of Music at St. John the Divine and one of the Shirley Bengston, Shirley, Walker, Jene Evans, Donn Keith and Tiffani area’s most prominent choral conductors, leads the show’s musical Martinez. Costumes are by Carol Stewart, dinner by Jeff Cofer, and contingent in performances of seasonal songs, holiday parodies and the play is written and directed by Jeff Jordan and Glenn Appleyard. familiar hymns and carols. Musical performers, well-known locally, There are still several tickets available for this final performance. include: Troy Coman, Annie Hunter, Barbara Van Eycken, Jack Tickets, at just $15 each, include a home-cooked four-course meal Edison, Vince Robbio, Jean Brown, Rick Barfield, Yoneice Miller, Bob and may be purchased in the church office between the hours of Garrod, Ellen Stein, Mary K. Merrill, Nancy Lillie, BridgieBrelsford, Joan 8:30 AM and 4PM, Monday through Friday. For more information Frankel and John Foster. about this and other concerts and special events at the United Produced by Wendy Smith, the show’s music ranges from “I’ll be Methodist Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Broke by Christmas,” and “I’m Spending Hanukkah in Santa Monica” Director of Worship Arts at 813-634-2539. to all-time favorites including “The Christmas Song,” and new favorites such as “It’s Christmas Once Again.” Wirick will also lead a choral group in seasonal and sacred music.

Photo Credit: Carol Corcoran

Board members at a recent planning meeting.

Redeemer women to meet

The women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church (Women of the ELCA) will meet on Wednesday, December 18th beginning with refreshments at 9:30 AM. For the program, Mariam Sorby wil provide a presentation on “Crosses in History”. Following a business meeting, members will enjoy a Christmas potluck luncheon. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • www.popcc.org • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Trinity Baptist Church Mission Fund

Trinity Baptist Church has a Mission Endowment Fund that provides annual distributions that are used to help establish new churches in Florida. Pictured here are the Fund Trustees as they meet to discuss the management of the fund. (L-R): Vern Elarth, Chairman Shan Hise, Richard Stanhope, and Spencer Faircloth. For more information on the church, please call 813.634.4228.

BETH ISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, 1115 Del Webb Blvd. E. Sun City Center (813)634-2590



26 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

Military News SCC Veterans Day Ceremony Story and Photos by Frank Kepley

The Annual Sun City Center Veteran’s Day Ceremony, sponsored by the combined military veterans organizations, was held at the Community Center on Monday, November 11, 2013. Ret Army Lt. Col. Paul Wheat, who emceed the event, introduced The Grand Marshal, retired Army Col. Darrell Katz, who served 40yrs in the Special Forces, and was awarded the Silver Star for Valor in Vietnam. Prior to the introduction of the guest Steve Otto – Tampa Tribune. speaker there was a musical interlude by the Trinity Singers, directed by the Rev. James Feist, which was followed by a tribute to the individual services. The guest speaker, Mr. Steve Otto, columnist for the Tampa Tribune, was introduced by Ed Socha, a Pearl Harbor survivor. Steve was born on Davis Islands about the same time his dad was flying the hump into China during World War II. He is now in his 45th year at the Tampa Tribune, where he is an award-winning columnist. He stated that he is always somewhat emotional on Veterans Day and provided some historical perspective on the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Noting that Veterans Day was first called Armistice Day as it was supposed to end all wars. It did not, and so, in 1954, it was changed to Veterans Day to include all additional wars. Color Guard – East Bay High He lamented the fact that history is School JROTC. not taught much anymore and was sad that the average citizen was not more aware of the military and what the veterans have done for the country. The Rev. Julian Graham provided the invocation and closing prayer. The ceremony was extremely well attended, appreciated and enjoyed by all.



Paul Wheat – Veterans Day 2013.

Pledge of Allegiance.


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ts Center for the Sigh Join us at Sun City rade. eason Golf Car t Pa S e th of s nd ou S & ent, a music & entertainm e liv of y da a y jo e After, en ay shopping & mor lid ho n, fu , od fo t, pet contes to! al presented by Min at the Winter Festiv

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CA office, Sun City Center tained from the ob be house. n ub ca Cl s h rm ut North and So Registration fo the Kings Point or , sk kio d. t 3r ke r mbe Atrium tic stration is Dece Deadline for regi

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minto creates better places to inspire life *One raffle ticket per golf cart entry. Every golf cart must have decoration relating to the theme or holiday decor in order to receive a raffle ticket. Raffle tickets will be distributed at the registration table. The $1,000 grand prize will be awarded in the form of a gift card. Golf cart parade participants are limited to greater Sun City Center area residents. Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Not an offer where prohibited by state statutes. CGC 1519880. 12/13.



2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 27

Military News

Photo courtesy of Ainie Smith L to R: Past Commander Ron Engles, 15th District Commander Eunice Butts, and Current Commander Vernon Bartz.

SCC American Legion Post 246 Honored

At a recent meeting, American Legion Post 246 was awarded a plaque and certificate for attaining over 100% membership renewals from the 15th District Commander Eunice Butts. Accepting the honors above (L to R) are Ron Engles, Past Commander, Eunice Butts and current Commander Vernon Bartz.

Military Ball Pays Tribute to Armed Services

The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) sponsored a Military Ball that was held on November 9, 2013, at the Sun City Center Community Center. Retired Army Lt. Col. Charles Conover, commander of the local Chapter of MOWW presented Ed Barnes with the MOWW Bronze Patrick Henry Award. Ed Barnes, president of the SCC Community Association (CA), accepted the award on behalf of the CA. The award reads in part “The STAFF of the Sun City Center Community Association is recognized for their many years of exceptional service to the Military Order of the World Wars and the other military and patriotic organizations of Sun City Center.” The event paid tribute to all of the local military organizations, retired veterans and veterans of past wars no longer with us. There was also a POW/MIA Ceremony. Following numerous toasts to the various service branches, a delicious dinner was served followed by dancing. The Military Ball has become a popular annual event in SCC and due to the positive responses of the attendees, will continue to be a regular MOWW gala.

Photo by Frank Kepley L to R: Maj. Tom Kilbourn USAF (Ret) President MOAA, and Mary Anne Keckler, FL DAV Chairman.

DVA State Chairman addresses MOAA B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

Mary Anne Keckler, the State Chairman for the Disabled American Veterans of Florida, was the guest speaker at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) monthly meeting on November 6, 2013. The meeting was held in the Florida Room in the North Side Atrium building. Mary Anne’s responsibilities include overseeing all of the VA Hospitals in the State. She is a veteran of the United States Navy, having served during the Vietnam conflict. She is the sitting Commander of the Disabled American Veterans in Sun City Center, and also represents the DAV at the James A. Haley VA Medical Center. Mary Anne presented information on entitlements, service connections and eligibility requirements. She emphasized the importance of the veterans continuing to pursue their eligibility ratings if they feel they are currently not correct. The veterans were given the opportunity to describe the frustrations they encountered in seeking disability ratings. She addressed each one and provided information relative to which organizations i.e., DAV, VA hospitals, American Legion, etc., that are the most effective and efficient to use when seeking ratings evaluations and reevaluations. The presentation and discussion was most informative and appreciated by the MOAA members.

Operation Warm Heart Welcomes Contributions

Around Christmastime, the Military Family Support Trust (MFST) collects funds to be donated to the 1st Sergeants Group at MacDilll Air Force Base. The funds are used to purchase vouchers at the base commissary and PX and are distributed to needy base personnel for their use around the holidays. Anyone wishing to make a contribution this year may drop it off at the MFST Office in Freedom Plaza, 1010 American Eagle Blvd., 4th floor or call (813) 334-4675 by Dec. 5, 2013.

Patriots Club Says Thank You L to R: Ret. Army Lt. Col. Charles Conover, local MOWW Commander; Ret. Air Force Lt. Col. Gordon Bassett; and Edward Barnes, CA president.

Thanks to the generosity of those who attended the Veteran’s Day Ceremony at the Sun City Center Community Hall, the Sun City Center Patriots Club was able to make a donation of $605 to the Wounded Warrior Rehabilitation Program at the James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital in Tampa. Thank you for your support.

POW/MIA Table setting.

28 Page

The News of Kings Point

Messiah Sing-A-Long

On Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 3:00 p.m., the United Community Church, at 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center is sponsoring a Messiah Sing-A-Long. Everyone is invited to come and participate or just come and enjoy. Members of all church choirs in the surrounding area are invited to participate in the Master Chorus seated in the Chancel and front pew areas. You may bring your own Messiah score, or purchase one for $10.00. To register to sing in the Master Chorus or order a score, please call Jo Winslow at 634-3510. The afternoon will feature a string ensemble under the direction of guest conductor, RaymundOcampo with Robert Winslow at the organ and LinneaNosworthy at the harpsichord. Soloists for the performance will be announced at a later date. We hope you will want to join with others in the community to enjoy singing what many consider the greatest Christmas music ever composed, culminating in the grand and glorious “Hallelujah Chorus!”

December, 2013

Beth Israel Sisterhood Program Announcement

Please join us at our meeting on January 7, 2014.Jeanne Shanin will be our guest speaker.She will be talking about health improvement with the focus on “Healthy Eating.” Ms, Shanin will give us some ideas for delicious recipes and show us how to substitute healthier ingredients in our cooking.The meeting will be held at the Synagogue on Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center.It will take place in the Henry Gibson Social Hall at 1 PM.Please mark your calendar and plan to come!

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Oktoberfest Was Big Success

Fellowship Hall at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church was practically overflowing with members and many guests at the church’s recent Oktoberfest. The event included German food and live music, authentic decorations, dancing, and a toy pig race. In the photo Dick and GinnyTattarelli, church members, are shown with a display of items collected while they lived in Germany when Dick worked for the Department of Defense. St. Andrew hosts a fun family dinner once a month. Join us for another dinner and come to one of two worship services each Sunday – a traditional one at 9:00 a.m. and a contemporary service at 11:00 a.m. St. Andrew is located at 1239 Del Webb Boulevard West.

SCC Interfaith Council hears about Mary and Martha House

Judy Voorhees, IFC member, left, Pat Pelton, IFC Vice-President, and Jan Falcione, retail and marketing director of Mary and Martha House in Ruskin, are pictured before the October meeting of the IFC held at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. Ms. Falcione thanked the IFC for a recent grant and spoke of current and future plans for Mary and Martha House. The Interfaith Council provides grants to South Hillsborough County non-profit organizations in the fall and spring of each year. Funds for grants are from sales of donations at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center. For additional information please visit interfaithcouncilofsuncitycenter.com.

Dory is a beautiful black and white kitten. Her mother is Nellie a gorgeous tabby cat.. Dory loves to play with the other kittens at the shelter and really loves to chase the cat toys for hours. She is cute and adorable and would like to come to live at a forever home of her own. Please come and see this sweet little girl and give her that home. Dory has been spayed and he is current on her shots. As part of her adoption Dory will be microchipped. DOB: April 25, 2013. C.A.R.E. Is Open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tuesdays thru Saturday For directions visit: www. CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273

We have puppies! The precious Shepherd mix puppies were abandoned at a local mission when they were just 4-5 weeks old. They have been flourishing since their arrival at C.A.R.E. Four of them have black fur and two of them have a tan and black brindle pattern. Every day is play time! They are beginning to form their personalities, their individuality. They love attention, being held, playing with toys, playing with each other, and getting kisses. Please stop by and spend some time with the puppies. Maybe one or more would be a great fit for your home. As part of their adoption they will be brought up to date on their shots, spay/neutered and micro chipped. There are 4 Females and 2 males. DOB September 1, 2013.

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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Page 29

Contract Bridge Super Crossword



Assume you get to five clubs on the bidding shown and West leads a heart. East wins with the ace, felling your king, and returns a heart. What is your best chance for the contract? The outlook certainly is not promising. In addition to the heart already lost, it seems likely that you’ll have to lose a spade and a diamond. True, you also

Solutions on Page 31

might lose a trump trick, but you should discount that possibility because East is almost sure to have the king of clubs for his opening bid. Despite this dim outlook, though, you should try to visualize a lie of the opposing cards that might give you a chance for the contract. It can’t be right to just give up without a fight. This brings you to the conclusion that while there is practically no chance of West holding the ace of diamonds, there is a chance of his holding the J-10 of that suit. Accordingly, you discard a spade on the heart queen at trick two and lead the jack of clubs from dummy. When the jack wins, you continue with a trump to the ace and then lead a diamond toward the K-Q-9. After West follows low, you insert the nine, hoping it will force East’s ace. Luckily, this long shot comes through, and you later discard a spade on one of dummy’s diamonds to make your game. Note that even if dummy’s nine loses to the ten or jack, you still go down only one. A second diamond lead later will force out the ace, allowing you to avoid a spade loser. © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

30 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver • It was lexicographer Samuel Johnson who made the following sage observation: “Always, set a high value on spontaneous kindness. He whose inclination prompts him to cultivate your friendship of his own accord, will love you more than one whom you have been at pains to attach to you.” • On Jan. 31, 2013, it officially became legal for women to wear pants in Paris. Before that, a law on the books only allowed women to wear pants if they were “holding a bicycle handlebar or the reins of a horse,” or if they had requested special permission from the police to dress like men. • Japanese consumers are now able to buy a smartphone attachment that emits the odors of short ribs, beef tongue and buttered potatoes. Other attachments are also available, with scents such as the ylangylang flower, cinnamon rolls, coffee, corn soup, mint, strawberries, jasmine and curry. • It’s well known that famed children’s book author Dr. Seuss had no children of his own, but you might be surprised to learn that he created an imaginary daughter, Chrysanthemum Pearl. He dedicated his book “The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins” to her: “To Chrysanthemum Pearl, aged 89 months, going on 90.” • If you’re like 6 percent of Americans, when you vacuum you do it in your underwear -- or naked. • Before the invention of the electric light, people slept, on average, nine hours a night. Since then, it’s been about 7.5. Sleep researchers say that in a lab setting, people deprived of electric light go back to sleeping nine hours a night. ********************************* Thought for the Day: “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” -Nora Roberts © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.


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2013, December The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

WEEK OF Dec. 2, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Decisions involving your finances might seem to be foolproof. But they could have underlying risks you should know about. Don’t act on anything until all the facts are in. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You’re attracted to a situation that appeals to your Bovine intellect. And that’s good. But don’t neglect your passionate side when romance comes calling later in the week. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A recent development enhances that special relationship. Spending more time together also helps make the bonding process stronger. Expect news about a possible career change. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A suspicious situation should be dealt with before it leads to serious problems. Get all the facts needed to resolve it. Then refocus your energies on those tasks that need your attention. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Try to be more open-minded in working toward a resolution of that standoff between yourself and a colleague or family member. A little flexibility now could work to your advantage later. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) You might feel a bit threatened by a proposed workplace change. The best way to deal with it is to ask questions. You’ll find that those involved will be happy to provide you with the facts. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Feeling alone in a crowd during the early part of the week is an unsettling emotion. But your spirits soon perk up, putting you into the right mood to start making holiday plans. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) A pesky problem should be dealt with immediately so you can put your time and effort into something more important. Someone from your past could have significant news for you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) High-energy aspects dominate, both on the job and at home. Use this time to put some long-range plans into operation. Things level off later in the week. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Even the usually gregarious Goat might feel overwhelmed by a flurry of activities. Be patient. Things soon return to your normal social routine. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Career choices that seem too confusing to deal with at this point probably are. More information would help uncomplicate them. On the personal side, a friend might need your advice. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Your Piscean imagination is stimulated by possibilities you see in a new opportunity. But keep those ideas to yourself until you feel ready to translate them into a workable format. BORN THIS WEEK: You have an ingratiating way of helping people deal with their fears. Have you considered a career in social work or with the clergy? © 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 29

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32 Page

The News of Kings Point

December, 2013

December 2-6

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