Kings Point December 2015

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News of

Happy r e r yC M h ri st m as December, 2015

SCC Veterans Day Ceremony Features RADM Larry Chambers

RADM Larry Chambers, USN (Ret) (speaker)

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Annual Sun City Center Veteran’s Day Ceremony, sponsored by the combined military veterans organizations, was held at the Community Center on Wednesday, 11 November, 2015. Legionnaire Janet Taylor, introduced the Grand Marshal, Edward Mahoney, USMC WWII Veteran. The Drummers, were Mr. Edmund James, U. S. Navy (Vet) and Mr. Robert Lohr, SCC Shriner Club, USMC (Vet). Presentation of the Colors was by the East Bay High

Stage: On left, Service Organization Leaders, right, Trinity Singers, at podium Vernon Bartz.

School JROTC Color Guard. The Invocation and closing Benediction was carried out by Pastor Julian Graham, United Methodist Church and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lt. Col. Gordon Bassett, USAF (Ret). The National Anthem followed by a musical interlude was led by the Trinity Singers directed by the Rev. James Feist. A veteran’s service tribute was also led by the Rev. Feist.

The honored speaker, retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Lawrence C. (Larry) Chambers, was introduced by Legionnaire Janet Taylor. RADM Chambers graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1954 and became a naval aviator. He received a degree in aeronautical engineering in 1959. He flew combat missions in Vietnam from the carriers USS Ranger and USS Oriskany. In 1975 then

captain Chambers was in command of the carrier USS Midway, which evacuated more than 3,000 U.S. personnel and South Vietnamese citizens following the fall of Saigon. He was subsequently made commander of Carrier Group 3, which was comprised of six ships, 85 planes, and 6000 personnel. In order to refresh the memory of the audience relative to the huge sacrifices of life and limb our country has had to endure, admiral Chambers provided a historical overview of those losses reaching all the way back to the Revolutionary War. It was indeed a sobering reminder of the immense sacrifices our veterans have made, and are still making, to preserve our cherished freedoms. Subsequent to the presentation, God Bless America was led by the Trinity Singers, Taps was played by the bugler, Rev. James Feist, and the ceremony was closed by Legionnaire Vern Barts, a US Navy veteran. Veterans on Page 2

Freedom Plaza Holds Veterans Day Festival

Story by B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret), Photos by Kepley and Adam Porter On Veterans Day, Wednesday November 11, Freedom Plaza held a Veterans Day Festival and hometown Honor Flight. The Retired Officer ‘ Corporation, Freedom Plaza, and Flight to Honor of Polk County invited all citizens to join them in thanking our wonderful Veterans. A Hometown Honor Flight provided the opportunity for Veterans, who are physically unable to attend an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., a “virtual” Flight of Honor. The festivities kicked-off at 9 a.m. with the soldiers of the 181 Infantry Division Reenactment and 82nd Reconnaissance Battalion Groups. They are nonprofit groups of amateur WWII historians and enthusiasts. They portrayed the lifestyle, uniforms, and combat tactics of a US Army Soldier during the WWII years. Their displays included WWII era vehicles, weapons, tents, equipment crates and supplies of Infantry and Reconnaissance

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World War II Veterans.

East Bay High School Color Guard.

Harmony Belles from left Jennifer Eddy, Jennifer Hill, and Robin Miller.

units, the individual soldiers’ gear, and of course WWII soldiers in period uniforms. Soldiers at the event interacted with the public at the various displays. Various local vendors were also in attendance from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jen’s Market brought farm fresh produce, eggs, honey, organic based skin care products, and more. They also displayed local unique arts and

crafts, and provided hot food. A short parade to cheer on our Hometown Honor Flight Honorees began on American Eagle Blvd/Upper Creek and ended at the heart of the festival. (Golfview Terrace Recreation area on Freedom Plaza Circle), took place at 11 a.m. Following the parade, honorees were awarded and recognized at a special ceremony featuring

Gary Vidito, published songwriter, playwright and actor/singer.

the beautiful Harmony Belles and the talented Gary Vidito, a published songwriter, playwright and actor/singer. There were reserved tables present for the various patriotic organizations/ clubs. It was a beautiful day for the festivities and all who attended seemed to enjoy themselves. This program will be an annual event. Continued on Page 4


The News of Kings Point

December 2015

NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Kings Point Bridge News

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA) announces a new policy for the bracketing of its games. Starting on Monday, November 9 and for all its games, Master Points of both players will be averaged instead of using the highest Master Points of the partners. In addition, a two section game, open and 0-299, will be held on Tuesdays starting on November 10. Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before start of games so registration can operate smoothly and games can start on time. In order to facilitate compliance with new Kings Point Security Regulations, please call Club Manager Pat Filliater 813-938-3154 if you reside outside of Kings Point. Pat will register your name at the Visitor Security Gate allowing for a smooth entry. KPDBA takes pride in its comfortable and inviting game atmosphere. New players are always welcome – try our new 0-299 game on Tuesday afternoons. KPDBA schedule is: Monday 9 a.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 1 p.m. For further information please call Pat Filliater 813-938-3154

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge

Co-chairs Betty Sarlin and Fran LeBoeuf met with their committee members to plan the Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association’s annual banquet. This year’s banquet “Bridge to Laughter” will be held in the Veterans Theatre in the Kings Point Clubhouse on January 27, 2016 at 5 p.m. Members and guests are welcome to attend. Each annual banquet embraces a new theme. Committee members spend hours planning a sumptuous catered banquet, lavish decorations, prizes, awards, and notable skits. Last year’s skit was featured in the Sunshine News bridge magazine which is distributed to bridge players throughout Florida. Tickets will be available for $18 starting December 1st at the Kings Point Clubhouse. For information call 941-531-3946 Veterans continued from Page 1.

Trinity Singers.

SCC Service Organization Leaders: Front row from left Rev. Julian Graham; Legionnaire Janet Taylor; RADM Larry Chambers; and Legionnaire Vernon Bartz, CDR USN (Ret). Veterans contined on Page 3.

News of Freedom Plaza By Peggy Burgess On the afternoon of December 7, 2015 the Atrium of Freedom Plaza will be packed with people and filled with familiar sights and sounds: punch bowls brimming with eggnog and ornaments gleaming on the tree; the “clink “ of cups as a toasts are exchanged; excited chatter mingling with the piano music and greetings of the first “Merry Christmas!” of the season. At a designated time Freedom Plaza’s Executive Director will extend his welcome to everyone, then, on a count of three, proclaim , “Let there be light!” A triumphal chord from the piano will sound as hundreds of lights –from the Atrium tree, from trees on the four balconies, from swags of holly draping stair railings—all explode into brilliance simultaneously and voices sing out, “O, Christmas Tree, O, Christmas Tree, How brightly shine your branches!” The Tree Lighting Ceremony will have been enacted, following the same pattern for over two decades, and Freedom Plaza will officially begin its 24th holiday season. Conversation will continue to flow with the eggnog and one topic will be the elegant Atrium Christmas tree, how quickly it was erected and adorned. These comments will, inevitably, lead to some resident who was present in 1992 recounting the now-familiar story of Freedom Plaza’s first Christmas and the tree-lighting that almost didn’t happen … it goes like this: Freedom Plaza opened its doors in July of 1992 and, although totally sold out, was still in the process of moving residents in as the Christmas holidays approached. It was decided that holiday decoration be centered on the Atrium, other areas to be considered in coming years. Therefore, an enormous, 25-foot artificial tree

was ordered—from a company in Maine-- and an enthusiastic group of new-resident Christmas crafters went eagerly to work creating ornaments. With a Victorian theme selected they bought ropes of pearls and beads; they utilized paper doilies and flowers; they fashioned lace angels, miniature umbrellas and tiny dolls. Wallpaper samples were gilded and folded into fans and donated costume jewelry converted into dazzling ornaments. One thousand tiny lights waited to be attached to tree branches, stand by strand. But where was the tree? A mere two weeks before the treelighting date, a frantic phone trace revealed that it had been mistakenly shipped to Ohio; redirection would take days. The big boxes finally arrived, yielding “miles” of metal poles plus a sea of enormous-- some 5-feet long—branches in which the Christmas crafters’ hopes began to sink. Then the Holiday Heroes, gentlemen residents with engineering experience, came to their rescue. Freedom Plaza Maintenance brought in lifts and ladders, long poles with hooks (for placing ornaments from the second-floor balcony) were quickly devised and work went forward, dawn to dusk. From the top, down, the tree went “up”, lights, beads, bows and decorations went on and all was finished just hours before the words, “Let there be light!” were spoken...right on schedule. That tree, gradually deteriorating along with its fragile handmade ornaments, has since been replaced with one pre-lighted, smaller and easier to access, and it is always magnificently trimmed. Yet memories of “The Big Tree”, its problems and its pleasures, add a rich, resonate note to Freedom Plaza’s tree-lighting tradition and give the refrain, O, Christmas Tree, special meaning.

December 2015 The News of Kings Point

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News of


East Bay JROTC Color Guard.

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Veterans continued from Page 2.

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Where in the World is The News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff‌and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

Drummers from left, Edward James, Robert Lohr.

Aaron Flora was selected for the Veterans’ Honor Flight flying from Kentucky to Washington, D.C. Here he is with the News of Kings Point at the Korean War Memorial. Flora served in the Korean War from 1952-1956 and said this was a trip of a lifetime.

Daughters of the American Revolution - The first two ladies are Mary Cullinton and Jan Bassett. If you decide to use this photo I will find out who the other two are.

Bob Smolenski and Kathy Vitale took their News of Kings Point to Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on a trip that also included a stop in Uzbeckistan.

4 Page

The News of Kings Point

December 2015

Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Freedom Plaza Veterans Day Festival and Hometown Honor Flight

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