News of Sun City Center December 2015

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The News of

merry christmas

Sun City Center

December 2015

“Sun, Sand & Surf” Parade and Winter Festival—Don’t Miss it!

By Phyllis Hodges Are you ready for SCC’s holiday golf cart parade on December 12, followed by Minto’s 5th Annual Winter Festival? As in past years, we expect some great decorations reflecting the theme, which this year is “Sun, Sand & Surf ”. The parade starts at 10 a.m. from the CA parking lot on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. The Festival starts at 11 a.m. and continues until 2:30 p.m. At the Festival in the Central Campus (N. Pebble Beach) courtyard, there will be live music & entertainment, a pet contest (noon), food, fun, holiday shopping and more— all sponsored by Minto Communities. Advance registration is in progress now, with forms available at the SCC Community Association office or the CA Atrium kiosk. All businesses and residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point and Freedom Plaza are encouraged to attend. Registration forms must be submitted by December 8 to the CA office. (There is a slot at the door for after-hours drop-in.) On parade day, registration check-in, staging and judging starts at 8 a.m. in the N. Pebble Beach CA parking lot. Individual entrants will be vying for ten prizes ranging from $800 to $100. Five prizes range from $800 to $100 for clubs, homeowner associations (HOAs), property owners associations

A Special Raffle

“There will again be a special raffle—five prizes from $400 to $100-for just entering the parade. Each cart will receive a raffle ticket at registration and turn it in at the finishing point. It’s that easy!” said Jim Schwartz, parade chairman.

Chase Kendall won first prize for his entry in the Individual category last year.

(POAs) and other non-business groups. Three prizes—$300 to $100—will go to business entrants. “There will again be a special raffle— five prizes from $400 to $100--for just entering the parade. Each cart will

receive a raffle ticket at registration and turn it in at the finishing point. It’s that easy!” said Jim Schwartz, parade chairman. He emphasized that winning a prize for your cart decoration does not preclude you from winning a raffle prize.

Jim said that he feels fortunate to have Minto again contributing the prize money and the group of committee members who are eager to make this a great parade. The committee includes eager new volunteers and returning members with a wealth of experience working the parade. He also said, “It’s rumored that Santa and Mrs. Claus will be part of the procession”. The parade will start promptly at 10 a.m. from the CA parking lot parallel to N. Pebble Beach Boulevard. It will turn right out of the lot on La Jolla, right on El Rancho, right on Ojai and left on Cherry Hills to the bandstand area. There is no rain date; it will go on “rain or shine.” For parade information, contact Jim Schwartz at 813.633.0346 or “shwartzie@”.

Good Bye And Good Luck, Judy Schings

Holiday Walk Breakfast Volunteers are Ready! By Phyllis Hodges Sam and Joanne Sudman assembled their Holiday Walk Breakfast volunteers on November 17 to get questions answered, etc. They expressed their appreciation and recognized the new/veteran breakfast volunteers, along with clarifying roles and explaining changes from last year. The open-to-the-public breakfast on December 5 in the Central Campus


Scan the code with your smartphone to find us online.

Atrium starts at 7 a.m. and continues until noon. For $5, guests can enjoy pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and juice. At 9 a.m., many of the clubs are open to welcome guests for browsing and shopping. Last year, over 800 breakfasts were served to kick off the holiday. They and their 130 of so volunteers are preparing for 900 this year, proceeds of which will help fund the July 4, 2016 Fun Day being planned.

Judy Schings in her office.

By Paula Lickfeldt Judy Schings has been a key personality in the Sun City Center community for many years. In 1998 she and her husband Don came to SCC and rented a home. They had to leave Michigan because Don’s health prevented him from living in the cold MI winters any longer. After one year, they knew that they wanted to live here and they bought a home. As the saying goes, “and the rest is history.”

Husband Don was active in the community and was asked by the association president if Judy might be interested in working for the CA putting together an entertainment series for the residents. Judy thought the idea sounded interesting and she said she would give it a try. Never having done anything like this, Judy had a challenge ahead of her. The Entertainment Series started slowly, but, eleven years later, it has See Judy on page 2.

On the Inside 33573.......................................................................................... 12-15 Arts & Entertainment ......................................................... 16 - 18 Comics & Puzzles.................................................................34 & 35 Crossword .......................................................................................35 Editors Corner................................................................................... 2 Events................................................................................................27 Faith in Fitness................................................................................. 2 Faith & Service .....................................................................30 & 31 Golf ........................................................................................... 22 - 24

Military....................................................................................28 & 29 My SCC ............................................................................................... 5 Pets.................................................................................................... 33 Poetry ................................................................................................. 6 Sports ........................................................................................ 21-25 Solutions ..........................................................................................33 Sudoku..............................................................................................35 Travel .................................................................................................20 Where In The World News of SSC.............................................26


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Judy from page 1. become the “must go” Friday night and Sunday afternoon Series that so many SCC residents have come to love. Each season, Judy schedules 20 to 23 shows. Along with the Friday and Sunday series of shows, Judy has organized the lawn concerts that have become very popular, she is an active part of our Fun Fest each March, where she schedules all of the entertainment for the day and she has initiated an “Adopt A Pet Day” in connection with the Humane Society of Hillsborough County. Judy has a full time job working for the CA but she still finds time to volunteer in many different capacities. She has been on the Security Patrol for seven years serving both as a driver and as a dispatcher; she has been active in her HOA and has been the social chairwoman for six years; she loves to play cards and has been president of the Euchre Club for four years, president of the Thursday/Sunday Pinochle Club for four years and has been on the board of the Galaxy II Bridge club. Judy has also served on the stewardship committee of Prince of Peace Catholic Church. After losing her husband Don, Judy has decided that it is time to move back

Faith in Fitness By Rosie Korfant

JSA Medical Group Activities Coordinator

Seasonal Birthdays

How much “FUN” are they really?

Floyd and Judy.

to Michigan to be close to family. She misses the snow, the spring flowers and the fall colors. Working with a niece, Judy found a Del Webb community just west of Detroit in the city of Brownstown MI. She has had a home built and is ready to move north to be just a three-minute road trip from her niece. She will be close to her immediate family, which is very important to her. The afternoon of Dec. 11, Judy and her canine friend Barney will head north to start a new life. We will sincerely miss you Judy! We wish you all of the very best in your future and we are sure that your new community will have an Entertainment Series in no time.

The Editor’s Corner Events & Advents By E. Adam Porter, Editor in Chief December is Event Season. The “most wonderful time of the year” is also the busiest. From parties to programs to shopping, shopping, SH@&#!NG— this month grabs us by the collar and drags us along on a sleigh ride faster than any horse could pull. And that’s okay, because, sprinkled among all those Events are always a few Advents, timeless moments that change us in sometimes secret, but always indelible ways. In the Christian tradition, Advent signifies the birth of the Christ, a humble arrival for a personage of utmost importance. But, if you ask Webster, “advent” can mean that, or it can simply mean “the arrival of a notable event.” Regardless of your religious affiliation or lack thereof, or those, if any, holiday traditions to which you feel most connected, each of us experiences advents, events that come packaged with deeper meaning. It’s that annual holiday party you almost skipped, but your friend talked you into going. That party turned out to be where you found each other under the mistletoe. And every moment after that which feels just a little bit like that one. It’s that trip of a lifetime you finally got to take, and the feeling you have upon arriving home … which makes you want to jump in the car and gallivant across the map again. It’s holding your newborn in your arms and feeling, for the first time, that wave of unconditional love crashing down to drown the sheer panic you should be feeling. It’s the cheesy holiday movie you’ve watched umpteen times your kids have never seen before. Watching them smile, then laugh or cringe or shout at all the right moments. It’s that content feeling when the candles are burning low, the wine is down to the dregs and you’re snuggled up on the couch feeling as safe and carefree as a kid under his favorite blanket. It’s finding exactly the right gift when you thought you were looking for

something else. Then giving it to them and finding out you did good. It’s learning how to finally get that turkey just right, or figuring out what, exactly, mom’s cookie recipe meant by “a pinch” or “a dollop.” It’s finishing that first handmade project, knowing your craftsmanship will get better, but also realizing there will never be another project of which you are prouder. It’s finally – FINALLY – getting that thing to grow, or finding the right note or the right word or the right tool for the job. It’s a moment that defines you, that stamps a memory on your soul and a signature feeling on your heart. It’s those moments you must capture on film, and it can be that time, years later, when you sit and flip through those photos, lost in memories and telling someone, “you should have been there” or, better yet, “you should have seen it in color.” Advents can happen in the middle of the grind, when you’re just trying to turn that “do” list into a “done” list, or when you just want to throw that list away and go have a beer somewhere dark where there’s good music on the juke. They can happen when you expect them to. At graduations and birthdays and anniversaries. When the doc hands you the test results and he’s smiling … and when he’s not. Advents are not always easy, and they’re not always safe. In that way they hearken back to that one Advent everyone talks about. A road weary couple with a baby on the way, just trying to find a warm place to sleep. Life can be a challenge, the actual moment of Advent can be hard, excruciating even. And it can be filled with joy too intense to contain. I could tell you to look for those moments, but it won’t do any good. Most times, advents happen before you realize it. The best I can do is to remind you – and myself – to treasure the moments you can, the seeds that may become advents if they are allowed to blossom. That can happen, and often does, even in the coldest, darkest time of the year … as long as you keep your eyes … and your heart … wide open.

Ever since my first grandson, Luke, was born on December 19, our family has had a quandary on our hands during the holiday season; what to do to make his birthday special since so much focus is usually on Christmas giftgiving, Christmas parties, Christmas caroling, and, of course, the expected Christmas feast! Daughter-in-law, Marcy, who hails from Brazil, set it straight the very first year—NO, absolutely NO Christmas wrapping on Luke’s birthday gifts. And, of course, his birthday parties were celebrated at a variety of kid-happy venues: the Rainforest Cafe, Universal Studios, a rock climbing warehouse and even a bowling party where “Granny” threw gutter balls all during the party. (I even remember when it was his eighth birthday, we were all --32 of us--in Brazil and celebrated on a pirate ship while the poor birthday kid was green-faced with a stomach virus!) Now that he’s older, we still adhere to the “special celebration” just because we all like to party and it gives us another excuse to do so! And then those “homegrown” birthday parties-- now who can do another thing during Christmas holiday season? Throw a kid’s “friend party” where the absolute thing to do nowadays is to have matching plates, napkins, cups? Not to mention the “entertainment” aspect: Daddy dresses up like a superhero and you play games until you drop, or you hire a puppet show of some sort to make

the child’s version of a fun homestyle birthday party a memorable one. No parent wants a “lack of substantial birthday celebrations” to be a reason their child has to have therapy in later years! I wondered what other Mommies thought about this conundrum; and, on researching, I found that there were many scenarios. One mom-tobe discovered that if she didn’t get pregnant one particular cycle and were to fall pregnant the next cycle, the baby would be due in the middle of December. Then she did a quick turnaround and thought: “what a great gift to have a Christmas baby!” She stopped again to re-think and remembered that her wedding anniversary was also in December. Now wouldn’t that be a load every year in December? Some wouldbe parents have even given up TTC (trying to conceive) during the month of March just to avoid having a Christmas time baby! I have an idea--of course, it’s not a novel one though. Why not celebrate the birthday of only one child this Christmas? That way, all the other kids in the world can have their very own Christmas! Sources: Betsy Shaw, Baby Center Circle of Moms Blog The Pickle Patch Parenting Forum baby and

The News of

Sun City Center The News of Sun City Center is a publication of NOKP Media PO Box 6212,Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 813.938.8721 News Office located in Old Town Hall

E. Adam Porter Phyllis Hodges Editor in Chief Reporter

John Bowker Reporter

Uta Kuhn Reporter

Kai Rambow Paula Lickfeldt Reporter Reporter

Contributors: Linda Bowker, Agnes Baker, Ilona Merritt, Peggy Burgess, Judy Schings, Debbie Caneen, Ed Feder (CA Board Liaison), Frank Kepley. John Wolf Advertising 813.938.8721

Nancy Jean Design and Layout

DEADLINE: 15th of the month prior to publication. Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. SUBMISSIONS The News of Sun City Center is proud to be the premier news and events publication in Greater Sun City Center. We are proud to be the only print media publication distributed to every home and business in Sun City Center community, and we are dedicated to providing you with a local paper with a “hometown” feel. Submissions we accept include: community events or businesses, club or group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. NOKP Media (Publisher) reserves the right to edit or otherwise refuse all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor assumes any responsibility for the return of submitted items. Mailed submissions will ONLY be returned if a correctly sized SASE is included with the submission. DO NOT FORMAT SUBMISSIONS. Basic paragraphs without ALL CAPS, multiple colors and other “flyer” formatting are required. Email submissions are preferred. Submit stories and photos to “”. Place the content in the body of the email and attach pictures in .jpeg or .png format. Alternatively, submissions may be submitted via the SUBMISSIONS link at Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Sun City Center C/O NOKP Media PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Letters or Comments The News of Sun City Center will not publish any political, religious or complaint letters. We will consider “thank yous” for good service. Declaration No part of this new publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of NOKP Media. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees.


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center


1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity

Sun City Center & Kings Point

CUSTOM VILLAGER Pool home with recently replaced screen, Gorgeous remodeled kitchen leads to a spacious laundry room. Split bedroom floor plan. Beautiful landscaping plus the furniture is also available. 1805 Wedge Court Nicely priced at $260,000

Desirable St Andrew’s subdivision this South Pacific floor plan features 2 bedrooms, 2 baths 1.5 Garage ( a/c hobby room) on a quiet cul de sac. Formal living and dining rooms plus a large f 1805 Wedge Courtamily room. Kitchen has eat in area also. Thermopane windows and A/C replaced in 2012. 103 Kenley Way Attractively priced at $163,500

Condominium living your style? This cozy, comfy CONCORD model is ideal for year round or snowbird living. Located close to the Nantucket pool, clubhouses and the great amenities available to the residents. 2512 New Haven Circle A BARGAIN at $105,000

RARE FIND IN KINGSPOINT 3 bedrooms and 2 baths can be yours in this pet friendly area with a spacious backyard. Master bath features a Garden tub with a glass bock window letting in lots of light. $ 1203 Litchfield 135,900

For Sale

December Rentals

1805 Wedge Court



Villager-Cust Pool, Water, Exc. Cond

2324 Lyndhurst Drive



Fairmont Lovely Pool Great PENDING

2411 Richmond Grns



Banyan Minto Energy EfficientPENDING

408 Smithfield



South Pacific St Andrews Estates

103 Kenley Way



St Andrews SOUTH PACIFIC Cul de sac

1229 Caloosa Crk



133 Sq Ft of Updated Living PENDING

104 Lookout Dr

2/ 2


Apollo Bch Waterfront, PENDING

1203 Litchfield



Kingspoint Glass Enclosed Lanai

332 Club Manor



Dedham Clean/Bright Golf View SOLD


2512 New Haven Circle



Concord Cozy Comfy Year Round Living

Let me handle it and you benefit . . .

313 Knottwood



Letsure Knolls of Kingspoint PENDING

202 Bedford St C57



Mansard Clean, Light, Bright PENDING


1508 Council Drive



T-1 Fresh Paint $95. Mo Maint PENDING

705 Indian Wells

2/2/1.5 G



December Rentals 6 months 1614 Council Drive


Button Cute


December - January Rentals 1556 Council Drive 630 La Jolla Ave

1/1/1.5C 2/2/2G

Stately / Spacious Beautiful Comfort

$1300 $2000



The News of Sun City Center

Behind Closed Doors – A Peek Inside Amazon

By Kai Rambow The first thing that strikes you is the constant activity. Something, usually a robot, is moving all the time. People are just as fast or faster than some of the robots. It is fascinating to see how Amazon operates. They are not open to the public, so we are fortunate to show what happens on the inside. In 20 years, tremendous growth has propelled Amazon into the largest internet retailer and into a household name. We were informed that these were their eighth generation (improvement in design) fulfillment centers. I assume the first one was Jeff Bezos (company founder) packing and taping boxes himself. Technology drives not only the business but how the work gets done. The fulfillment center in Ruskin opened a year ago with 1,000 employees. Today there are 2,500. The number would be significantly higher if there were no robots. After you place an order on Amazon, their software program locates the item in a fulfillment center. An Amazon Robotic drive unit finds and brings the item to an associate. The facility has two levels with space equivalent to the size of 59 football fields. Instead of hours spent by someone looking for an item, the automated robotic system can complete the task in minutes. Humans can still beat robots. Associates pack items in seconds. The speed at which this is done is astonishing. Once the order is packaged, it is placed on a conveyor belt to receive a shipping label before being placed in a truck for delivery. All of this takes place 20 hours a day, every day.

RoboStow can lift up to 3,000 lbs. Entire pallets are lifted 24 feet up to the second level. It’s hard work even for the robot. I swear I watched it take two-second breaks.

This umbrella was packed in a few seconds. If you blinked, you missed it.

December 2015

Amazon Robotic drive units moving products around the center.

Associate moving item onto conveyor belt after a quality check.

Swing into Freedom Fairways with a special membership offer.

Freedom Fairways, located on the beautiful grounds of Freedom Plaza Sun City Center, is offering annual membership specials. That means it’s the perfect time to join one of the area’s finest golf courses, which is an excellent venue for meetings and leisure. The course is a challenging, yet playable 3,300-yard, par-63 layout with nine par-3 holes and nine par-4s. We look forward to having you tee off with us. Membership specials: • Single annual membership, using golfer’s own cart: $1,200 + tax • Single annual membership, using Freedom Fairways cart: $1,400 + tax (regularly $1,800) • Household annual membership, using golfer’s own cart: $1,500 + tax • Household annual membership, using Freedom Fairways cart: $1,700 + tax (regularly $2,200) These special membership offers are valid until November 15, 2015. Freedom Fairways is open to the public with annual and seasonal memberships available.

For more information, or to take advantage of our limited-time pricing, sign up at the Freedom Fairways Pro Shop or call (813) 633-4653.

Freedom Fairways Golf Course 3940 Upper Creek Drive | Sun City Center, Florida 33573 (Part of Freedom Plaza Sun City Center Golf Course) 71111-P4-0915-ROP SW

Brookdale® is a trademark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

People Who Care Meet Jay Sparkman By Paula Lickfeldt When we think about people who give time to their community, we have to think about Jay Sparkman. Jay and his wife Joy are the brokers/owners of Sparkman Realty, Inc. When he is not selling houses, he is busy with many volunteer commitments in Sun City Center. Jay seems to have endless energy to help in the community. He believes that giving back by volunteering is the best way to live. Jay Sparkman is a native of Florida. He met his wife, Joy, in New Jersey when he was stationed there while in the Army. They moved to SCC because Joy’s parents lived here in Kings Point. They had visited and they liked the area. The Interfaith Council is very much a part of Jay’s life. He was president of the organization for three years. He is on the scholarship committee which interviews and selects high school students to receive financial grants for their studies after high school. Jay also does all of the publicity for the Interfaith council. When I called him to set up our interview, he was counting the money that had been taken in at The Nearly New Shop that day. Jay is involved with the Men’s Club of Sun city Center. He is a past president and he does most of their publicity, both to all of the area newspapers and the “in house” newsletter. Jay has been the president of the board of directors for the SCC Security Patrol


Operation Medicine Cabinet

Dispose of your unused medication the safe and healthy way! Drop off your expired or unused medications and help save Hillsborough’s water system. WHERE: Sun City Center Community Association Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL WHEN: December 3, 2015, 9 a.m.—12 noon. Operation Medicine Cabinet collects expired or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications for proper disposal. Improper disposal such as flushing drugs down the toilet or drain leads to the contamination of Florida’s aquatic environment. Wastewater treatment systems are not designed to remove these medications from our water. Help keep our water system safe. Bring your medications to Community Hall! Over 11,000 pounds collected in Hillsborough County since 2006! For more information, contact Home Instead Senior Care 813-684-1972.

My SCC A Journey to Sleepover Camp for Seniors… for two terms. He is a dispatcher and the deputy captain for team 15. Both Jay and Joy deliver meals for “Meals on Wheels.” They deliver meals in November with St John the Divine Episcopal Church and in July with the Men’s Club. The North Lake Association has 119 homes that surround the lake. Jay has been on the board several times and has served as association president twice. This board is not an HOA. Its function is to work for the protection and betterment of the North Lake. In his spare time, Jay is a member of the American Legion of Sun City Center post 246. Sun City Center is very fortunate to have a volunteer like Jay Sparkman.

Star Samaritan Awarded

S-Selfless T-Trustworthy A-Accomplished R-Reliable. The recipient of the Star Samaritan Award for the fourth quarter, 2015 is Mildred Uhl who - with her husband Walter - moved to Sun City Center in 1998 after being “snowbirds” for 5 years. She was born in the “Thumb of Michigan” and from a large family of eight. She started being a caregiver at a young age when her mother became ill. Mildred drove for the Security Patrol for five years then, after the death of her husband, began working with Samaritan Services, starting around 2001. She has driven for Sun City Rides and often assisted a blind person with her special needs. She left Rides to work with the Companion Program, and, now that she is older, donates only seven to eight hours per month, giving the caregiver some relief as well as some personal time. Mildred will read or play games if the client wishes. She also finds time to visit previous clients, just to stay in touch. She lives with the philosophy “Helping others, helps me.” Her second oldest son, when he heard of this honor, said “Tell them she came from the School of Hard Knocks and majored in Children.” Congratulations, Mildred! A well deserved honor!!

Formerly Manatee Sarasota Eye Clinic

By Sam and Joanne Sudman Where and when to retire—two questions we in SCC all dealt with along the way. For Joanne and Sam Sudman the process took ten-plus years. When they found SCC they knew they had found the perfect place—a peaceful community that offered every imaginable activity, with a local hospital, a place of worship, a military base nearby, restaurants, theaters and other arts within a 45-minute radius. So over ten years ago they moved to Florida and began their journey of becoming active members of the community. Joanne’s love of children and thosein-need led her to become a speechlanguage pathologist. She received an MA from Kent State University and then used her skills in public schools, universities, private non-profits, and a private practice for 43 years before retiring. She, too, was a volunteer in many organizations. Sam’s first professional love was microbiology and public health. He received a Masters from Cincinnati, a Master of Public Health and Doctorate from UNC Chapel Hill and then an MBA in Executive Leadership from Xavier University in Cincinnati. Oh, did we mention, concurrent with all this he was an active member in the U S Army for 34 years before retiring. Sam and Joanne had the opportunity to live and work in Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, OH, Chapel Hill, NC, Atlanta, GA, Lansing, MI, Nashville, TN, and Chicago IL before 1978 when they moved back to Cincinnati to help out in the family business, staying for 30 years. During this time Sam had a car leasing business, retired first at 52, became a professional volunteer, experienced boredom and went to work for the IRS before finally retiring permanently in 2005. When the Sudmans came to Sun City Center in 2005 their commitment to helping others did not change. Sam is a dispatcher and Joanne a cook for

the Emergency Squad, Team 3. They both drive for Security Patrol and are Assistant Captains for Team 29. Sam has served on the Community Association Board for five years, is a lifeline installer for the Mens Club, treasurer of the Ohio Club, president of their POA-Caloosa Lakes. Joanne is the President of Beth Israel Congregation and a member of the Potters Club and past-secretary of the Ohio Club. They also volunteer at the Straz Performing Arts Center in Tampa. When will Sam and Joanne finally retire…well, your guess is as good as mine. In their spare time, they coordinate the SCC Community Holiday and July 4th breakfasts – each with the help of 125plus volunteers, making sure that those who come for breakfast have a good time and get plenty to eat. This year the breakfast will take place on December 5 in the Florida Room from 7-12. For $5 you will receive a full breakfast of eggs, pancakes, sausage, toast, strawberries, orange juice and coffee. Joanne and Sam know they live in paradise—no snow, no freezing rain, easy living, plenty of activities and lots of good neighbors and friends. When they need a shot of cold they go to Philadelphia to visit their son and wife and two grandchildren; when they need an instant “fix” they visit their daughter and husband and two grandchildren in Orlando. “Life is good” … no, life is great and we are blessed in Sun City Center, FL. Why wouldn’t anyone want to retire here?



Fluid Miracle

(haibun) A Poem by John F. Foster Casting my eyes out over the pier, I comb the waving sea grass of a shallow estuary below. Against the slow current of liquid wind, a languid shadow shifts in mesmerizing motion. A cresting, as shape meets surface, the ripple then gone. I crane to follow. A slanting sun sequins the water as if to dress it for a special occasion. I squint, searching. A swirl, a curl of gray descends into quietness….


The News of Sun City Center


December 2015


sea mother settles waiting water is broken manatee calving

haibun: a Japanese verse consisting of a prose poem followed by a haiku.

The Masks She Wears... This is where son, his wife, and grands - girl and boy- live. The driveway is full of cars. We park on the steep incline of the front yard. That nagging thought of our vehicle rolling backwards returns. In my head I hear the crashing, crushing sounds of metal upon metal; car meeting car or car meeting mailbox, if not both. I close my eyes and shake it all away. We knock and announce “We’re heeeere!” Expected, the door opens wide. This time a young lady, other than the wife, greets us accompanied by the quiet, quick melody of a door sensor. She welcomes us with hugs, kisses and loving words spoken with glee near our cheeks. And for a moment, we wonder who she is. And then as we enter the house, we remember.... Photos of her line the matter how many times we pass them, our heads always turn slowly to the left. We are always cautious as we go down three, short steps that quickly move us forward in time. Like mile-markers each photo measures her progress on the road of life and how she’s growing in every sense of the word. At this very moment, she seeks a balance, a truce between the child she was and the young woman she is becoming. Her focus is to keep the desirable qualities of both in all that she does. Still honoring her parents as her decisions move the earth and scale the mountains that lie before her.

Do you see dementia? We see moms and dads. From the moment we say hello, we learn everything we can about a new resident and their life story. Not only because we care. Because that’s what families do. Do you know someone who is facing dementia? We are here to help and guide you. Personalized



Caregiver Support Group Monday, December 14 • 10 - 11 am Please join us for our monthly caregiver support group facilitated by Katie Colwell Williams, director of advocacy services at Aging Care Advocates.

— 2nd Monday of each month — Light refreshments

Respite care available

Call to RSVP (813) 579-1406

She is honest with others and with herself. She is frank, personable, purposed, creative and appropriately confused. The plan is to not sleep-in, but to rise each day to accomplish something; Maybe travel, higher education (sooner or later)... The little girl with the round face, bright smile and dimple who looked up at the camera as she stroked the tiny hand of her brother through the porthole of a hospital isolette has hurdled and “marathoned” her way to high school graduation. While the photos on wall have stopped, her story is just beginning.

1320 33rd Street SE | Sun City Center, FL 33573 (off Rt. 674, to the right of Bob Evans restaurant) Find us on Facebook Badge

CMYK / .ai

©October 2015 Suzanne S. Austin-Hill Assisted Living Facility Lic. #12603


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center


NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Irish Connection Movie Night

Monday, Dec.14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rollins Theater Feature: The Nephew Starring: Nail Tobin, Pearce Brosnan and Hill Harper An Irish bachelor farmer receives word from a long lost sister in America that she is dying and will send her only son to live with his uncle in Ireland. When the lad arrives, he is black. Adjustments become a challenge as old village secrets are revealed. All are welcome. Sub titles not available

Michigan Club Christmas Party

By Stephanie Casey Santa Claus is coming to town and he’ll be making a stop at the Michigan Club Christmas Party on Thursday, December 17. Tickets for the BYOB Potluck Dinner are on sale in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse lobby each Tuesday morning from 9 to 12. The party will be in the Kings Point Banquet Room from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 each for members or $7 for non-members. The club will provide the meat dish and you are asked to bring a salad, side or dessert for eight. There will be a $5 gift exchange for those who would like to participate. Anyone in the greater Sun City Center area is invited to join us for an enjoyable evening of Holiday spirit filled with good food, good fun and good friends. We’d love to see you there. Another reminder, be sure to mark your calendars for the up-coming Sno-Ball on Saturday evening, January 30. The Kings Point Veterans Theater will be transformed into a breath-taking Winter Wonderland. This beautiful and elegant dinner dance gala is a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of the New Year. Tickets for this event are going fast and they are also available on Tuesday mornings at the Michigan Club table in the corner of the Kings Point North Clubhouse lobby. You don’t want to miss this one. For more information, you may contact Paul at (813) 634-8506.

International Brew Club – Holiday Party

The Holidays are coming and we will celebrate with a PARTY! This is our first holiday party. It will be memorable...What better way to celebrate than with coffee, chocolate and more... Guests and Members are welcome to bring their own wine and one bottle of lager or ale whichever you prefer. Beer Shots with espresso will be prepared with your beer. Prefer wine? You are welcome to bring it. Everyone is asked to bring a dish—hot, cold or dessert to share. A unique coffee and chocolate menu will be presented for you courtesy of Cafe Di Luna. Hope you will join us on Thursday, December 17, at 4:15p.m. in the Sun City Center Caper Room in the Atrium Building. It will be lots of fun!

Wisconsin Club Potluck Announced

By Kim Droege The Wisconsin Club of SCC/KP will hold their annual potluck on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at Community Hall in SCC. Festivities will begin at 5 p.m. Main course will be fried chicken and the cost will be $5 per person. BYOB. Coffee, water and table service provided. Family names ending in A through L will bring a side dish for eight to pass and those ending in M through Z will bring a dessert. CHECKS ONLY to The Wisconsin Club, mailed to Hede Horne, Treasurer, 1226 Caloosa Creek Ct., SCC, 33573. Deadline for reservations will be Monday, January 11, 2016. No cash will be accepted for this event or at the door. This event is always well attended so you will want to get your reservations in early. You can view past events and check out our website We will be holding a White Elephant Raffle again this year due to popular demand. No food items, please. Details to follow in next announcement. Questions about this event can be directed to Art Droege, President,, Bev Hetzel, Membership, or Hede Horne, Treasurer, hedehorne@ We hope you will join us and share in the fun and fellowship!




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Front L to R Joan Weening, Membership; Kathy Lyons, Social Chair; Bonnie Matthys, Secretary; Sue Snell, VP; Phyllis Donnelly, Member-At-Large; Robbin StrattonUpson, Publicity Chair. Back L to R: Jack Lyons, website; Larry Vaughan, movies; Paddy Cooney, President; Ian Donnelly, Member-At-Large; Jim Weening, Member-At-Large. Missing: Eileen Cole.Treasurer.

Irish Connection November Elections Held

By Robbin Stratton-Upson A bit of ‘craic’ was had by The Irish Connection Club at the November Elections Party held Friday, November 6, 2015, in the Florida Room. ‘We’re a’ met thegither here tae sit and crack, Wi oor glasses in oor hands’. Business was conducted, prior to the fun, with President Paddy Cooney introducing the 2015 Board Members. After the official tally, with no additional nominations received, all Board Members were voted to move forward with their responsibilities into the new year 2016. A beautiful fall presentation of gourmet desserts and nibbles, created by Kathy Lyons and her helpful assistants, was enjoyed by members and guests followed by a musical program. Donna Fiore, Tom Bennis, and Herb Stack sang Irish numbers, with bits of wit interspersed, accompanied by Karn Johnson on the baby grand. The jovial crowd joined in on the singing of many tune favorites; a marvelous time was had by all. Please note that the renewal of your 2016 IC Membership Dues ($5 per person) has a firm deadline of December 31, 2015. Please make your CHECK payable to “SCC Irish Connection”with your CA or KP Badge Number listed on your check (no cash accepted), and mail to 706 Ward Circle, SCC, FL 33573, Joan Weening, 813.633.5274. Anyone who is Irish, of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club which was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. For additional IC club info, go to

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The News of Sun City Center

December 2015

Clubs from page 7

Best of the Best Competition

The Sun City Center Photo Club Meets Tuesday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m. If you want to see the best of Sun City Center’s photography all in one place, join the SCC Photo Club for its annual Best of the Best competition. Entries include photographs that have won awards during the last year and they will be judged according to category. You will be able to see a wide variety of landscapes, architecture and portraits with over thirty photographers represented. Awards will be given to the Best of the Best in each category, as well as a Best in Show and a Judge’s Award. Professional photographer, Carmen Schettino will serve as judge. He is a master in photographic lighting. He has worked in the trade producing beautiful images for his clients for more than 25 years, and has taught professional photographers around the United States the best lighting for products, people and machines. His goal is to produce the best possible image in the camera and minimize the need for digital image editing. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room with a short tutorial. After a short business meeting and election of officers at 7 p.m., the judging will begin. Club meetings are open to all in the area. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at “www.” or visit the learning lab at 1203 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Dues for the 2016 year are $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

SCC Men’s Club Hosts Hall of Fame Aerialists

By Jay Sparkman Ron Pelton, President of the Sun City Center Men’s Club, Dolly Jacobs, Circus Hall of Fame member, Pedro Reis, Circus Ring of Fame Member, and Don Murphy, Men’s Club Program Chairman, pose for a picture before the aerialists spoke to a large crowd of Men’s Club members. Dolly Jacobs and Pedro Reis are married, live in Sarasota, and in 1997 combined their experience, passion, and dreams to create Circus Sarasota, which has since been renamed The Circus Arts Conservatory, a nonprofit performing arts educational organization. Dolly Jacobs performed her Roman Rings act that garnered her the title “Queen of the Air” for eight years while with Ringling Bros. circus. Men’s Club members were treated to a film of Dolly Jacobs’ rings performance. Mr. Reis, was born in Capetown, South Africa, told of travels around the world in a thrilling aerialist act which he helped create and his arrival in the USA. Mr. Reis is a member of the Florida Council of Arts and Culture, appointed by the governor. The Sun City Center Men’s Club is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. For information call 813-260-3058.

SCC German-American Club Enjoys a Busy Holiday Season

The annual Christmas tree was decorated and lighted on November 28 in the Atrium in Sun City Center, with attendees joining in singing carols and eating cookies and stollen baked and arranged by the club members. The following weekend, Sunday, December 6, at 3 p.m., the Singers of the German American Club will participate in a service done in the German language at Redeemer Lutheran Church (corner Valley Forge Blvd. and 674). Retired Pastor Peter Stiller will do the service, and many of the traditional old carols will be sung by both chorus and attendees. Following the service, cookies and coffee will be available in the church’s social hall. The final event of this season will be the Christmas Dinner Party and dance on Friday December 11 to be held in the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach. This festive occasion will begin at 4:30 p.m. with a buffet turkey and ham dinner with all the trimmings, ready at 5:45 p.m. The club’s Singers will entertain with a few carols, and again audience sing-along. Dance music for the evening will be presented by the well-known Europa Band. The price for this event is $22 for members and $27 for nonmembers. Please send your check made out to the German-American Club of SCC, along with a self-addressed envelope to Mike Albanese, 1808 Granville Lane, Sun City Center, FL 33573. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CFC1425759 PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL

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SCC Audubon Club Plans Holiday Treat

Please join members of the Club for a special holiday program at Community Hall. The date is Saturday, December 5, 2015. Plan to arrive at 9:30 a.m. for delicious refreshments and a silent auction. The exchange table will also be available for you to donate an item or take something that you like. At 10 there will be a brief business meeting, followed by the program. Matt Edmonds’ Wonders of Nature show will highlight his array of interesting animals and their funny ways. Historic Spanish Point in Osprey, Florida is the destination of the field trip on Thursday, December 10. Details about the field trip will be available at the meeting. Guests are welcome to attend. For more information, call Lynn at 813-938-1065.

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Clubs from page 8.

Sew ‘N Sews Offer Beginner Classes

The Sew‘N Sews Club of Sun City Center are offering beginning quilting and beginning sewing classes. Both classes will be 4-6 weeks long and begin in January, 2016. You must be a member of the SCC Association and the Sew‘N Sews. The membership fee is $10 per year. The cost of the class is $10. Beginning Sewing will introduce you to the sewing machine so that the student may become proficient to complete individual projects. Students will be able to read and follow a sewing pattern to create a project and become familiar with sewing terms and the many new gadgets available. Three or more projects will be completed. The class is limited to 10 participants. Beginning Quilting will offer lessons on color choice and types of fabric, cutting fabric, piecing, and completing a small lap or baby quilt. The club does have sewing machines available. For further information, and a supply list, there is a sign-up sheet in the club room located at 915 Cherry Hills Drive in the Arts and Crafts building.


Irish Hooley Christmas Dinner Party With The Irish Connection

By Robbin Stratton-Upson The Irish Connection Club invites you to join us for an Irish Hooley Christmas Dinner Party on Saturday, December 12, 2015, 5:30PM, in the Florida Room, Atrium Building, 945 N. Course Lane, SCC, FL, 33573. Come celebrate an olde-fashioned Christmas with a surprise visit by the bitter olde miser Ebenezer Scrooge of A Christmas Carol, an 1843 novella by Charles Dickens, and enjoy a potluck dinner with musical entertainment. Dickens period attire or Victorian era garb is encouraged. RSVP is REQUIRED by calling Kathy Lyons 813.633.2951. Members are free and there will be a charge for guests, which has yet to be determined. Please bring a potluck dish to share with a serving spoon. Bring your adult beverage of choice and your CA or KP membership badge, per the CA/KP rules, for entry. Anyone who is Irish, of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club which was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including Culture, History, and Music. The renewal of your 2016 IC Membership Dues ($5 per person) has a firm deadline of December 31, 2015. Please make your CHECK payable to ‘SCC Irish Connection’ with your ‘CA or KP Badge Number’ listed on your check (no cash accepted), and mail to 706 Ward Circle, SCC, FL 33573, Joan Weening 813.633.5274. For additional IC club info, go to

Sawdust Engineers Club raffle

Fusing Tuesday

The Sun City Center Stained Glass Club members are bursting with excitement as they attend the Fusing Tuesday “Show & Tell” session. Members gather to show finished fused projects and learn new techniques.

By Annette Smith Christmas Log Cabin On Display Now This log cabin dollhouse decorated for the holidays is on display at the Sawdust Engineers Club Wood Shop located at 919 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. You are invited to come by to see the stockings hung on the fire place and the house decorated for the holidays. Each room is fully furnished with slip covered sofa and chairs and quilted bed spreads. The sinks have tiny faucets and LED lights are over the kitchen sink and fireplace. Bette Grunkmyer has an eye for detail that will delight the viewer. Raffle tickets are available at $1 each or $5 for your arms length. The drawing will take place on December 5 at the close of the Holiday Walk. The Sawdust Engineers Club is open from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. everyday except Saturday. Hours on Saturday are 8 a.m. until noon. Saturday, December 5, this the day of the Holiday Walk and the shop will remain open until 2 p.m. for that event. Drawing for the Log Cabin dollhouse will take place at 2 p.m.

British Connection Celebrates

The British Connection Of Sun City Center recently celebrated its monthly party combined with Terry and Veronica Harris becoming American Citizens in October of this year. Terry, who is club treasurer and Veronica who is an events coordinator for the British Connection moved from the U.K. to Connecticut in 1983. They moved to Sun City Center in 2011 and are proud to call it home. The event was held in the Florida room and began with the movie, “Mrs. Brown”. Members enjoyed popcorn during the movie after which apple pie was served with Wassail, followed by the cake celebrating Terry and Veronica’s new citizenship. Next event for the British Connection will be their annual Christmas party to be held on December 7 in the Florida Room. In the photo: Veronica and Terry Harris being offered congratulations by club president, Margaret Davis.


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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Clubs from page 9

Anne Walker - December 2015 SCC Art Club Exhibitor


Phyllis Black was the featured speaker at the Sun City Center’s Woman’s Club October Meeting. She is the owner of “Clutter Chasers” and is a professional downsizing expert. She cannot only tell you how to stage your home for sale, but can also point out items you own, which need professional evaluation to be sold. She has numerous resources which she can recommend to you. And if you feel you just have too much clutter in your home, she can help you de-clutter your closets, your garage, etc. etc. She can be reached at the following e-mail address “”.

Metaphysical Society

Spiritually uplifting! Please join us! Presentations & Meetings: 10 a.m. – Wednesdays – in the Heritage Room December 2 “Master Energy Color Healing” presentation with Rev. Natalie Mitchell. Rev. Mitchell is available for afternoon sessions. December 9 “Compassionately Listening” presentation with member Glenda Harrison, M.A, who demonstrates through fun exercises how to really “hear” others. December 16 Holiday Party Potluck” [in the Sandpiper Room]. Join in the fun, festivities, and fellowship. Members will vote for the 2016 Board and By-law updates. Members are to bring a dish or dessert to share. Beverages are provided. December 23 “Meditation, Mirth, and Messages” meeting. Take time for yourself to savor the loving spirit of the season. Members are invited to bring their intuitive talents (cards, crystals, insight, etc.) to share messages. December 30 “Sacred Circle Dance” presentation [in the Florida Room] with Janalea Hoffman. Celebrate and enjoy music, lyrics, and movements, sitting or standing, to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. Activities Sunday, December 6 at 2:30 p.m., Metaphysical Movie Sunday in the Rollins Theater features “Sedona.” 2011 film starring Frances Fisher and Seth Peterson - a soul-searching comedic adventure drama about finding miracles in magical Sedona, Arizona. Info: 813-398-7033 or 786 475-5297. Mondays, December 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 1 p.m., Book Group, in the Heritage Room features book by Neale Donald Walsch. Info: 813 813 634-9065. Mondays, December 14 and 28 at 6 p.m., in the Palm Room, Drum Circle features drums, rattles, shakers, tambourines, and more. Feel the Spirit! Info: 813 419-4704. Wednesdays, December 2 and 16 at 4 p.m., at Katarina’s. Kitchen Table Wisdom - Chatting about Metaphysics features metaphysical discussions. Info: 813 938-3414. Thursday, December 10 at 1 p.m., at Debra Jo’s. Meditation Circle features various meditation methods in a group setting. Info: 813 331-3193. Presentations, Meetings, and Activities are open to SCCCA and Kings Point residents. To benefit the Society, a love offering is requested for Presentations. Free admission for Meetings and Activities. Info: call Holli at 813 419-4704 or Frank at 813 562-4404.

By Mel Solochek The Art Club in Sun City Center is very proud to announce that Anne Walker will honoring will her one-woman show. Anne is one of the Art Club’s instructors. Her present teachings include acrylics and drawing. The gallery opening will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2015, from 1 to 3 p.m. Anne’s passion for art drives her creativity and color in her artwork. Every day she is inspired to capture the essence of the day by the vivid colors outside on her back porch and the world beyond. Anne loves to explore both the vivid and more subtle use of color. She loves to inspire the viewer. Anne studied at the Philadelphia Museum college of the Art in her youth but did not pursue painting until her children were grown. Anne was inspired in New England to paint the landscapes of the mountains, lakes and snow in oils. Moving to Florida awakened Anne’s senses and need to explore color. She studied with Virginia Laudano and Roberta Snyder. Her pursuit to develop skill has taken her to Manatee Art Center in Bradenton, FL to study with Joanna Coke. She has studied with many artists. Presently, Anne is teaching acrylics and color in Sun City Center, Art Center Manatee and South Shore Library in Ruskin. Anne’s teaching has challenged her to constantly learn and study in order to bring art alive for her students and to inspire them to be creative. Anne values both teaching students the basics of painting but also instills creativity and self-expression in their paintings. Above all Anne feels that painting should be fun and enjoyable. Come to the gallery during the month of December and enjoy Anne’s multitalented artwork.

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Clubs from page 10


Polish Heritage Club Traditional Christmas Wigilia Dinner

Christmas Caroling By The Pool

On Saturday, December 5 Sun City Center Holiday club invites everyone to participate in singing Christmas Carols by the outside pool at the Atrium from 3 p.m. until sundown. There is no charge. It is BYOB and Appetizers. Rene Morin, the founder of this new club will grill Hot Dogs and Hamburgers for a small charge. Cups and ice will be available. Reservations are not needed.

Italian Club Pastry Night

The Italian Club presents Pastry Night with Demitasse & Brown Coffees with Sambuca. Choice of cannoli or sfogliatelli. Our very own “Salvina” will sing Italian songs and DJ for your dancing pleasure. Tuesday, January 12 at KP Veteran‘s Theater, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Pastries served at 7 PM. Members $6 and Guests $7. Extra pastry may be ordered at $3 for each additional pastry. Tickets will be sold in the North Club Lobby on Monday, January 4 and Tuesday, January 5 between 9 a.m. and noon. Sun City Residents please have your badges with you. Kindly mark your choice of pastry on check. For more information, please call Tom Barba at 813-633-0264. Tables of 8, please keep your checks together. Cut-off date: Jan. 9.

Come join the Sun City Center Polish Heritage Club on December 6, 2015 Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in the Sun City Center Florida Room in the Atrium Building for the annual Wigilia Dinner. This is will be a traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner. Wigilia is the time-honored Christmas Eve vigil supper celebrated in Poland. The word Wigilia derives from the Latin verb vigilare, “to watch”, and literally means “eve”. The meatless meal consists of mushroom soup, bread and butter, baked whitefish with lemon and butter, potato pierogi (onion, sour cream and sauerkraut on the side), au-gratin potatoes, carrots, green beans, coffee and tea. Desserts will be provided by the club members. BYOB. Cost is $10 for club members and $15 for nonmembers. Tickets must be purchased before November 30. No tickets will be sold at the door. For Tickets call: Ted Puzio (813) 642-9374 or Bob Smolenski (813) 419-4316.

Science, Engineering and Technology Club Meeting

MON. Dec 14 - 7:30 p.m. in the Caper Room, Atrium Building, 954 North Course Lane. There is no cost for guests; anyone interested in science and technology is invited. Patent Law Patents are no longer just for machines: for example, a better mousetrap, but these days people are trying to get patents on unusual things: living biological organisms, software, and many unusual items. With apps for smart phones numbering in the millions, software patents are among the more interesting items that may affect your life and wallet. Our speaker, James Coleman, a patent attorney, will explain reasons for obtaining a patent, what a patent does and does not do for the inventor, and recent legal rulings. MON. Jan 11 - 7:30 p.m. in the Caper Room, Atrium Building, 954 North Course Lane. There is no cost for guests; anyone interested in science and technology is invited. Black Holes Returning to the SET Club by popular demand for the third, Fulvia Fiorani will lecture on “Black Holes.” Although these mysterious cosmic objects have earned a place in everyday conversation (e.g., my boat is a black hole for cash), few people realize the exotic properties of these objects. So strong is their gravity that particles and even light cannot escape, yet paradoxically matter streaming toward them can emit light! These remnants of former star are so dense that their incredible mass is contained in a 2-3 mile radius. Learn where in our Milky Way galaxy these black holes can be found and how many there are.

Maestro Speaks to SCC Men’s Club

By Jay Sparkman Maestro Robert Gutter was guest speaker at the October meeting of the Sun City Center Men’s Club. Maestro Gutter is a 3 year resident of Sun City Center and has directed symphonies and opera companies around the world including New York, Washington, London, Paris, Vienna, and Milan. He is a teacher and mentor of conductors and is founder and artistic director for the International Institute for Conductors. For the last 12 years he has been principal guest conductor in Bacau, Romania. Maestro Gutter is a member of the Sun City Center Men’s Club. Pictured, from left, are Ron Pelton, Men’s Club president, Maestro Gutter, and Don Murphy, VP of Programs. The Men’s Club is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. Call Jon Lehr at 813-260-3058 for information.

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9:30 to 10:30 am *DECEMBER 3 Event: 11 am to Noon Christmas Concert 1:30 to 2:30 pm with Sun City Men’s 3 to 4 pm Chorus and Fletcher 10 to 11 am; 11:15 Music Centers. RSVP am to 12:15 pm REQUIRED -CALL ROSIE (813) 419-5020 2 to 4 PM ALL OTHER CLASSES JSA will be closed CANCELED TODAY for the holidays on 10 to 11 am December 24 & 25; 11:15 am to 12:15 pm January 1, 2016. 1 to 2 pm Happy Holidays! 2:15 to 3:15 pm Check out our 10 am to Noon Facebook page! 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm 3 to 4 pm JSAMedicalGroup 10 to 11 am; 11:15 SCCAC am to 12:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am *LINE DANCING 11 am to Noon PARTICIPANTS: 3 to 4 pm •Closed-toe shoes with non10 to 11 am 11:15 am to 12:15 pm stick bottoms only 1 to 2 pm permitted 2:15 to 3:15 pm *ALL CLASSES 10 am to Noon • Please do not 1 to 2 pm wear fragrances 2:15 to 3:15 pm • Please RSVP to Rosie 813.419.5020 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 1:30 to 2:30 pm View entire Monthly 3 to 4 pm Events Calendar & 10 to 11 am; 11:15 other community am to 12:15 pm events online at: 9:30 to 10:30 am click the Events tab 11 am to Noon 3 to 4 pm Facebook Like Button

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33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website w w w. S C C AdsAndEvent s.c om . S end a l l e vents by e-mai l to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at which is updated every weekend. TUE. DEC 1 - ADVENT MORNING OF REFLECTION “AN ENCOUNTER OF MERCY” Following the 8:00 a.m. Mass at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in the Conesa Center where we are hosting Father Joseph Eddy, O. de M., Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg, for an Advent Morning of Reflection. Father Joseph, will offer two spiritual talks based on Kevin Cotter (FOCUS), Austin Ivereigh “The Great Reformer”, and Evangelii Gaudium. The talks are free of charge and open to the public. For more information please call 813-634-2328 or visit TUE. DEC 1,8,15,22,29 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Do you like to dance but are worried about falling? Join our new FREE line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. We can boot, scoot and boogie safely together and make exercise fun! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. TUE. DEC 1,8,15,22 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Cheryl

The News of Sun City Center Lewis facilitates this group and is an effective psychotherapist. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. DEC 1 – SUN CITY CENTER REPUBLICAN CLUB HOST S “CHRISTMAS BASH” 1 – 3 p.m. in the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce Banquet Room. There will not be a formal program. Just come and join your fellow Republicans for some Christmas refreshments. Memberships are available and 2016 dues may be paid if you wish. Come and bring a friend. WED. DEC 2,9,16,23,30 THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. DEC 2 - FREE LUNCH AT ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EVERY WEDNESDAY 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the church at 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. To help impoverished seniors in Sun City Center, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church volunteers will serve Metropolitan Ministries’ freshly-prepared hot lunches at no charge. You do not have to be a member of the church but we welcome your attendance. For more information, call the church at 634-1252 or Sally McLeish at 634-4936. WED. DEC 2 - JOIN THE “LUNCH BUNCH” A GROUP OF JEWISH FRIENDS FOR LUNCH 1 p.m. Meet at Mimi’s Café, 804 Providence Road, in Brandon. Mingle, laugh, and make new friends. Everyone is requested to bring a coloring book and a pack of crayons that will be given out to 1st graders at an elementary school in Riverview. Please RSVP to or call Carol at (813) 829-7227 if you wish to attend. WED. DEC 2 - WED. DEC 16 - GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. in the chapel of St. Andrew Presbyterian at 1252 Del Webb Blvd., W. in Sun City Center. The first and third Wednesdays of each month. The class will be facilitated by Carol Liedberg, RN and Ann Ray, an RN who is also a Stephen Minister. “Beyond the Broken Heart” by Julie Yarbrough will be the group’s text, complemented by a video. This will be a spiritual and loving support group for those grieving the death of a loved one. This group will offer coping strategies, a personal journal, a survival kit, and will hear guest speakers. Please call the church at 634-1239 and ask to be enrolled. For questions, ask for Carol Liedberg. WED. DEC 2 - THE SAMARITAN SERVICES ALZHEIER’S MONTHLY MEETING 2 p.m. at the Redeemer Lutheran Church. The speaker will be Jill Smith the Assistant Director for Clinical Research at the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute. She will be speaking on “The Latest Advancements in Research”. For more information please call Doris at 634-3489 or the office at 634-9283. WED. DEC 2 - GUARDIAN AD LITEM PROGRAM OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY INFORMATION SESSION 2:30 - 3:15 p.m. at the South Shore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL Community Room 1 & 2. There are over 2700 children in Hillsborough County’s foster care system. Over 800 of them do not have someone to advocate

for their best interest in the courtroom. Join a representative from the Guardian ad Litem Program of Hillsborough County to learn how you can help make a difference in the life of a child in need. Questions? Call 813-273-3652. T H U. D E C 3 - O P E R AT I O N MEDICINE CABINET - DROP OFF your EXPIRED or UNUSED Me d i c at i on s a n d H E L P S AV E HILLSBOROUGH COUNT Y’ S WATER SYSTEM 9 a.m. - 12 noon Sun City Center Community Association Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL. Over 11,000 pounds collected in Hillsborough County since 2006! Operation Medicine Cabinet collects expired or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications for proper disposal. Improper disposal such as flushing drugs down the toilet or drain leads to the contamination of Florida’s aquatic environment. Wastewater treatment systems are not designed to remove these medications from our water. Help keep our water system safe. Bring your medications to Community Hall! For more information, contact Home Instead Senior Care 813-684-1972. THU. DEC 3 - BETTER BREATHERS SUPPORT GROUP 10 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. This month’s speaker will be Amor Dougherty A.R.N.P. and Reyna Bragg, Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Dougherty and Bragg are representing Sun City Center Health and Wellness and will be addressing the benefits and affordability of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine for Respiratory Health. Be sure to attend this support group! Annettia Simpson, RRT, Director of Sun Towers’ Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation will answer any questions you may have regarding pulmonary disease management. Jennipher Lenoir, COTA will have therapeutic Tia Chi for this meeting. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. DEC 3 - THE SCC REGISTERED NURSES CLUB HOLDS CHRISTMAS/ HOLIDAY LUNCH 11 a.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. Chicken is on the menu and we’ll have the usual Holiday Punch, live Christmas music and Lindy’s beautiful decorations. The cost for salad, bread and boursin, lunch, desert and coffee, including tip, and surprise goodies, is $17/person. Remember, this makes a nice gift for that person who has everything. Reservations may be made by calling Lindy Langlois at 634-3250 before November 30, 2015. Questions? Call Lynne Murphy 634 6707. THU. DEC 3 - ANNUAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY AT PRICE OF PEACE 11:30 a.m. doors open in the Conesa Center, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center, FL for the annual Council of Catholic Women’s Christmas Party. A choice of lunch entrée will be offered for a ticket price of $20 per person. Tickets go on sale at the November 5th CCW General Membership. Tickets will also be sold in the Conesa Center Lobby on 11/16 10 a.m. - 12 noon. Last day to purchase tickets will be 11/27. Ladies please join us for a wonderful lunch with entertainment! Guests are welcomed!! For questions, contact Barb Caleca at 314-703-0729. T H U. DE C 3 - PROP ORT ION POLITICS: HOW TO FEEL BETTER IN YOUR CLOTHES 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at the South Shore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2. You are not a size! Do not tie your self-esteem into that little number sewn into the back of your pants! Nationally recognized stylist and author Jackie Walker will teach

December 2015 you about the architecture of your body and how to layer the horizontal lines of your clothing against your personal space so every woman can look taller and slimmer. Funded by the Friend of the SouthShore Regional Library. Questions? Call 813-273-3652. F R I . DE C 4 - L I V I NG W I T H A G E - R E L AT E D M A C U L A R DEGENERATION 12 p.m.- 1 p.m. 1515 Sun City Center Plaza Sun City Center, FL. Please join Dr. Anita Shane, MD as she provides a FREE Lunch and Learn on Macular Degeneration. During this seminar, Dr. Shane will discuss symptoms to look for, as well as treatment options for you. A light lunch will be provided to attending guests. To reserve your spot please call Coastal Eye Institute (941) 782- 5832. F R I . DE C 4 – K I NG S P OI N T COUNTRY COUPLES 6 p.m. for beginners and 7:00 p.m. for more advanced dancers in the Studio of the main club house. All Sun City residents are welcome. This is a pattern dance class and we do very little two step. There is no cost but SCC dancers need to call so we can give the gate a list. Classes are taught by Butch and Emma. Please call us at 633-7210. FRI. DEC 4 - HOLIDAY DANCE 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Blvd in SCC. Please bring light refreshment to share. BYOB the dance is in the Community Hall on South Pebble Beach. Call 215-7127 for more info. S AT. DE C 5 - S C C HOL I DAY BREAKFAST - WALK 7:00 a.m. to noon in the SCC Central Campus Atrium building on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Don’t miss the Holiday Breakfast/ Walk. Breakfast served: Pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and juice are only $5. The clubs will open their doors at 9 a.m. for visitors to shop or browse. This event is open to the public. S AT. DE C 5 - AC A DE M Y OF BALLROOM DANCE “CHRISTMAS PARTY” 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach. Holiday Attire - BYOB - Everyone welcome singles table available. Members free, guests $6. Come celebrate the holidays with your friends at 6:30 p.m. before the dance starts at 7:30 p.m. It would be appreciated if you could bring some kind of finger food or appetizer to add to the festivities. We are planning some special activities and prizes. Come and enjoy the fun! There will be no dance lesson at this dance. Music by Bernice DuBro. More information, call Charlie Brown at (813) 712-0869 or e-mail: battman12@ SUN. DEC 6 - PIANIST ELEANORA LVOV P E R F OR M S I N S A I N T ANDREW PRESBY TERIAN CONCERT SERIES 3 p.m. at Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center, FL. Tickets are $10. For more information contact Judy Voorhees at 642-8125 or John Scott at 642-9554. M O N . D E C 7 - W I D O W E R’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. See 33578 on page 13.

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. W E D. DE C 9 - DIA BET E S EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Have you been given the diagnosis of Diabetes? Are you unsure of your dietary future? Discover options that will assist you! Join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates this support group. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. DEC 10 - HOLIDAY MAGIC BY SOUTH SHORE CONCERT BAND 7 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Songs will include Christmas On Broadway, Cest Noel, Greensleeves, Sleigh Ride and more. Ticket price is $5. Ticket sales will begin Monday, Nov 30, and will be available for purchase from 9 a.m. until noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Sun City Center Atrium-Kiosk, 945 North Course Lane (North Campus). Tickets will also be sold at the door on the day of the event at 6:30 p.m. Open to the public If you have any questions about tickets, please call 813 642-2001. THU. DEC 10 - SAY IT WITH MUSIC CONCERT BY EASTERN HILLSBOROUGH COMMUNITY BAND 7 p.m. at United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Web Blvd. West, Sun City Center. $5 suggested donation at the door. The community is invited to celebrate the sounds of Christmas with the Eastern Hillsborough Community Band. EHCB is a full-sized concert band that has been entertaining the Tampa Bay area since 2009. The “Say it With Music” series includes Sleigh Ride, A Christmas Portrait, A Chanukah Celebration and other audience favorites. Reservations are not required. For more information about the band, call (813) 569-1771, email “” or visit FRI. DEC 11 - RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP 2 – 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Are you suffering with pain? If so, don’t miss this group! Scott Hopkins, MS PT will be our facilitator for this monthly support group of education and sharing. Scott has been a licensed physical therapist since 1997. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY) in 1993 and went on to receive his Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 1997. Scott has been employed with Gentiva Home Health for the past three years as Rehabilitation Director and he has extensive experience in orthopedics as well as Balance Dysfunction/Vestibular Dysfunction. For more information, please call Debbie Caneen 813-8922990.


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SUN. DEC 13 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6 9:30 p.m. - Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio to celebrate the holidays by dancing and listening to the music of Thor Stevens and his saxophone. BYOB. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Dressy/casual attire. Because of the limited number of people designated by the hall, this dance REQUIRES A TICKET for admittance. If you did not receive a ticket at the Nov. 29 dance or by signing up, you may contact Janet by Dec. 5 to see if there are still tickets available. Info: Janet 633-3558, 3341439, email: MON. DEC 14 - WID OWER’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. DEC 14 - “FOR TODAY” M E E T I N G O F O V E R E AT E R S ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12-step organization/ program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and stop compulsive food behaviors. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. TUE. DEC 15 - TOTAL OPTIONS FOR KNEE ARTHRITIS SPONOSRED BY SOUTH BAY HOSPITAL 12 noon - 1 p.m. at The United Methodist Church, Life Enrichment Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center, FL. Presented by Dr. Robert Maddalon, Orthopedic Surgeon. TUE. DEC 15 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Cheryl Lewis facilitates this group and is an effective psychotherapist. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. See 33578 on page 14

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FRI. DEC 11 - SUN CITY CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WILL BE SHOWING “THE C H R I S T M A S C A R D” A S I T S MONTHLY FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE 6 p.m. doors at 1210 Del Webb Blvd West open giving you time to enjoy yummy snacks and drinks that are being served before the lights are dimmed. The movie begins at 6:30. Faith Spelman (Alice Evans) decides to send Christmas cards to some servicemen serving in Afghanistan so they will know that they are thought of during the holidays. One of the cards are given to Cody Cullen (John Newton) who reads it again and again and wonders about the kindness from a stranger and what she looks like. A buddy is killed and Cody is told that he needs R&R. While on leave, he was asked to deliver a message to his buddy’s future bride. After leaving his buddy’s fiancée Cody decides to look up the person that sent his Christmas card. Arriving in Nevada City, CA, Cody meets Faith over curly French fries; goes on to meet her family and decides to stay and help them in the family business while on his leave. Then Faith’s boyfriend shows and is jealous of having a rival. What will happen? Who will get Faith? Wow! I suggest that you come to the Friday Night Movie and find out. Hope to see you there! SU N . DE C 1 3 - A TAST E OF HANUKKAH AT BETH ISRAEL 2 p.m. at Henry Gibson Social Hall hosted by Beth Israel Sisterhood & Men’s Club. A Taste of Hanukkah, A Little Latkes, A Little Donuts, A Little Fun, What’s wrong with that? Please bring a Hanukkah menorah and enough candles to light on this 8th day of Hanukkah. There will also be a Silent Art Auction featuring donated Jewish art. Cost: $5 per person. Please make checks out to Beth Israel Sisterhood and mail to: Rochelle Lafer, 2247 Oakley Green Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. All reservations must be paid by Monday, December 7, 2015. SUN. DEC 13 - THE NUTCRACKER 2:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. This show is part of the Sunday afternoon series of shows. Dance Alive National Ballet is a radiant jewel of a company that features an international roster of technically brilliant and stunningly gorgeous dancers. With swirling snowflakes, toy soldiers, mean mice, the exquisite Waltz of the Flowers, a handsome Prince and the beautiful Sugar Plum Fairy, the Nutcracker will bring a smile to your face and life into your spirit. It wouldn’t be the Holiday Season without The Nutcracker! Ticket price is $15. Ticket sales will begin Monday, Nov 2, and will be available for purchase from 9 a.m. until noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Sun City Center Atrium-Kiosk, 945 North Course Lane (North Campus). Tickets will also be sold at the door on the day of the event at 2 p.m. Open to the public If you have any questions about tickets, please call 813-642-2001.


33578 from page 12. MON. DEC 7 - “FOR TODAY” M E E T I N G O F O V E R E AT E R S ANONYMOUS 10 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12-step organization/ program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and stop compulsive food behaviors. No scales, dues or fees. This meeting is open only to those who have a problem with their weight or eating patterns. Please join us any Monday morning. MON. DEC 7 - NAMI SOUTHSHORE SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. in Room 2 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 1239 West Del Webb Boulevard, Sun City Center, FL. NAMI Southshore announced its support group for family members and caregivers of those living with mental illness. Bridget Sweeney, DARC (Drug and Alcohol Recovery Counselor) and Reverend Nichia Ackerman, will continue to co-facilitate the group’s meetings. Ms. Sweeney said, “We look forward to meeting with family members and caregivers of those affected by mental health challenges in the more intimate space offered to us at St. Andrew’s.” Education Forums sponsored by NAMI Southshore will continue to meet on the third Thursday of very month at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center at 1:30 p.m. For additional information call 813-6346747 or 914-469-2323 MON. DEC 7 - “WHEN CHRISTMAS HURTS” SPECIAL SERVICE AT ST. JOHN THE DIVINE 7 p.m. at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church at 1015 Del Webb Blvd. Sometimes, Christmas hurts. The death of a loved-one, a divorce, loss of work, illness, or other circumstance, can cause a sense of pain and grief that can be especially difficult to bear during the Joy of the Christmas season. “When Christmas Hurts” will be offered at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 E. Del Webb Blvd., in Sun City Center. The service will provide a setting of support where people will gather for words of comfort, prayers of hope, and fellowship. For more information, call: The Rev. Paulette Carney: 813-938-4234, or “” or TUE. DEC 8 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Cheryl Lewis facilitates this group and is an effective psychotherapist.


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14 33578 from page 13 No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. DEC 15 - ALZHEIMER’ S A S S O C IAT I O N C A R E G I V E R SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than three days prior to 813-677-1400. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. DEC 16 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP OFFERS FLU SHOTS AND EDUCATION ABOUT INFLUENZA 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Dr. Kaley Tash Dr. Tash will review the history of influenza, its prevention, and currently available treatments. She received her medical degree in 2011 from Harvard Medical School in Boston. Learn what assistance there may be for you if you have low vision in order to maintain your independence. For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. DEC 16 - GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. in the chapel of St. Andrew Presbyterian at 1252 Del Webb Blvd. W. in Sun City Center. The first and third Wednesdays of each month. The class will be facilitated by Carol Liedberg, RN and Ann Ray, an RN who is also a Stephen Minister. “Beyond the Broken Heart” by Julie Yarbrough will be the group’s text, complemented by a video. This will be a spiritual and loving support group for those grieving the death of a loved one. This group will offer coping strategies, a personal journal, a survival kit, and will hear guest speakers. Please call the church at 634-1239 and ask to be enrolled. For questions, ask for Carol Liedberg. WED. DEC 16 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 p.m. at Kings Point main clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783, “acjjr@tampabay.”. THU. DEC 17 - WIDOW’S WELLNESS GROUP 9 - 11 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Have you lost your husband and have no one to share your feelings of loss with? Are you adjusting with a new plan for your future? Are you managing your grief or overwhelmed with sadness? Attend this monthly meeting with Krista Owen, RN, BSN and Jennifer Morgan, owner of Always Best Care and receive the support you need. This group will concentrate on coping skills and healthy living by sharing among members with the guidance of women in the field of caring for others. For more information, please call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. THU. DEC 17 - MICHIGAN CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY WITH VISIT FROM SANTA CLAUS 5 - 8 p.m. in the Kings Point Banquet Room. Tickets for the BYOB Pot Luck Dinner are on sale in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse lobby each Tuesday morning from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Tickets are $5 each for members or $7 for nonmembers. The club will provide the meat dish and you are asked to bring a salad, side or dessert for eight. There will be a $5 gift exchange for those who would like to participate. Anyone in the greater Sun City Center area is invited to join us for an enjoyable evening of Holiday

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center spirit filled with good food, good fun and good friends. We’d love to see you there. Another reminder, be sure to mark your calendars for the upcoming Sno-Ball on Saturday evening, January 30. The Kings Point Veterans Theater will be transformed into a breath-taking Winter Wonderland. This beautiful and elegant dinner dance gala is a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of the New Year. Tickets for this event are going fast and they are also available on Tuesday mornings at the Michigan Club table in the corner of the Kings Point North Clubhouse lobby. For more info contact Paul at (813) 634-8506. MON. DEC 21 - WID OWER’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. DEC 21 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this monthly meeting. This month, our speaker will be Hiral Patel, Pharmacist with Sunrise Pharmacy. Hiral is a 2003 graduate of the University of Toledo School Of Pharmacy, Ohio. With eleven years of experience as a pharmacist, he has an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of pharmaceutical care. There will even be a gift prize raffled off so don’t miss this meeting! (FREE Valet parking for car or golf cart available at Terrace entrance by blue awning.) If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING AVAILABLE AT TERRACE ENTRANCE For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. DEC 28 - WID OWER’ S WELLNESS GROUP 8:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Widower’s Wellness Group: “A group of men who have lost their spouse committed to sharing and listening.” Promoting member wellness that comes from the unsolicited sharing of personal feelings and experiences during their on-going grief journey at weekly meetings while being willing to listen. Also discussing plans for coping with the present and future without our spouses. All grieving widower’s welcome. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. MON. DEC 28 & TUE. DEC 29 - THE S.C.C. MODEL RAILROAD CLUB FREE CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE! 1 - 3 p.m. Railroad Club at Community Association. Grandkids visiting for the Holidays? New Train: The Spirit of Sun City Center! New Scene: Ruby Resort at Silver Springs! See and hear ten trains running under computer control! Seek out sights & sounds on The Sun City Central R.R.! Youngsters can run a train, learn train safety and earn a Junior Engineer Certificate! Over 1100 issued to date. Conductor hats & handbooks for all visiting kids! For directions visit or call 633-5322. Donations accepted to support our Jr. Engineer Program. TUE. DEC 29 - LIFE CHALLENGES

SUPPORT GROUP WISHES YOU HAPPY NEW YEAR! (NO MEETING THIS WEEK) 1 - 3 p.m. starting again January 5th at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Live your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more.

Relief comes by sharing and receiving support and making a positive plan of action. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Cheryl Lewis facilitates this group and is an effective psychotherapist. We meet every Tuesday in the first floor lounge of Sun Towers. No appointment is necessary. Sponsored by the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging.

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center



NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Sun City Center Square Dance Club

DANCING Moonglow Dance Club

Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club proudly presents a very special evening of live music by “The Good Times Ballroom Fantasy Band” at their Holiday Dance on Thursday, December 17, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. This six-piece professional band from the Orlando area has played for Arthur Murray Studio Special Dances, and for numerous ballroom dance events in Central Florida from the Atlantic Coast to the Gulf Coast. We scheduled this special dance during the holiday season to benefit the great number of ballroom dancers in the area. The attire at Moonglow Dances is dressy casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay only $5 per person at the door. Singles table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and snacks, and the Club will provide ice, water, cups and napkins. Our great 2016 schedule of year-round monthly dances featuring talented entertainers booked for your dancing and/or listening to live music is now available. New and current membership registration, a wonderful bargain for $25 per person, and reservations for our Annual Dinner Dance on Thursday January 28, 2016, are now available. Banquet Masters will be catering, and Mario DeLeon will provide the music for your dancing and listening pleasure. Both current and new members still pay only $15 for the Dinner Dance and visitors/guests are welcome for $30 per person. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends & neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t ballroom dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more information call 813-633-1297 or 813-633-2755, or if you would like to receive Moonglow information by email, contact “”.

Singles Mingle Dance Club Of Kings Point

By Janet Doherty Sunday, December 13 - 6 to 9:30 p.m. Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio celebrate the holidays by dancing and listening to the music of Thor Stevens and his saxophone. BYOB. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Dressy/ casual attire. Because of the limited number of people designated by the hall, this dance REQUIRES A TICKET for admittance. If you did not receive a ticket at the Nov. 29 dance or by signing up, you may contact Janet by Dec. 5 to see if there are still tickets available. Info: Janet 633-3558, 334-1439, email:

The SCC Swingers Square Dance Club will be dancing only three Fridays this month: Friday, December 4, 11 and 18. Mainstream plus square dance with rounds. square dances come join us for great dancing, fellowship and delicious refreshments. Square dance clothes or dressy casual is acceptable. Because of the holidays the Club will not be dancing on Friday, December 25, Christmas Day, or Friday, January 1, 2016, New Years Day. The Club dances in the SCC Atrium Dance Studio, 945 North Course Lane (North Complex, off N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). Dance workshop 7- 7:30 p.m., Mainstream plus dance with rounds 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Callers for December are Ron Reardon December 4 and 18, Marty Van Wart December 11. Cuer to be announced. For further information call Veanna at 941776-0477 or Geri at 813-633-9742 and or see our website “floridasquaredance. com/suncity”.

Rockin’ Thru The Years Dance Club

“Join Us for a Rockin’ Good Time”
On Sunday, December 13, 2015, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Veterans Theater in the Kings Point North Club House located at 1900 Club House Drive, Sun City Center, FL. 
The music will be provided by The Sugar Bear Band. If you are not into dancing, you will still enjoy listening to their music while the dancers enjoy a fun night of dancing. Tickets are $5 per person. Tickets will be sold Tuesday, December 1 and 8, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Kings Point North Clubhouse lobby. You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. The Club provides cups, napkins, water and ice on each table.
The dress code is dressy casual. Everyone is welcome! Singles are encouraged to attend. Do you enjoy ‘60s music? Join us on January 17 as the band, Yesterdayze, will entertain us with the ultimate ‘60s experience. Yesterdayze is a high energy 60s show band with great vocals, recreating your favorite songs from that magical decade...the era that changed modern music forever! Every tune a Top-40 hit from 1960 to 1969. You may want to check out their website for further information. Please email Sandi at “” for more information.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Christmas Party

Saturday, December 5, 2015. Academy of Ballroom Dance “Christmas Party”, Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach - 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Holiday Attire. BYOB. Everyone welcome. Singles table available. Members free, guests $6. Come celebrate the holidays with your friends at 6:30 p.m. before the dance starts at 7:30 p.m. It would be appreciated if you could bring some kind of finger food or appetizer to add to the festivities. We are planning some special activities and prizes. Come and enjoy the fun! There will be no dance lesson at this dance. Music by Bernice DuBro. More information, call Charlie Brown at (813) 712-0869 or e-mail:battman12@

Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club

If you like to dance, enjoy good music and fellowship with fellow dancers; then you should make plans to dance with the Oldies But Goodies Social Dance Club (OBG). You are invited to the next dance on December 20, 2015, 7 till 10 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The dance is in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd, with live music by RB & The Gang. The music is a little bit rock and roll and a little bit soft and slow with a few line dances thrown in for good measure. Cups, water, and ice are provided at each table and you can BYOB and snacks. There is no cost for OBG members and $5 for each non-OBG member. The dress is always casual at the OBG dances.

SCC Dance Club

Dance the night away Sat. Dec. 19 Those who love to dance will want to make it to the Dance Party sponsored by the Sun City Center Dance Club on Saturday, Dec 19, at Community Hall. Dance to the club’s exclusive playlist, spun by Gerardo from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Musical selections include East and West Coast Swing, Fox Trot, Slow and Line Dances, Latin variations, Waltz, Country and Polka. Enjoy a complimentary dessert table and coffee throughout the evening. Attire is dressy casual. No shorts. BYOB. You don’t need to be an accomplished dancer to enjoy this social evening out. Take your friends along, or come and

make new friends. The dance is free to members; visitors/guests pay $6 per person at the door. Singles tables will be available. Our next dance parties: Jan. 9, Feb 13, March 12 (Dinner Dance) and Apr. 9. For more information about the above events, call (813) 634-9074.

Kings Point Line Dancers

By Jan Ulics Join the KP Line Dancers at a free Christmas Holiday Social Dance Wed., Dec 16, 7 p.m., Veterans Theater. Wear your Christmas festive attire. BYOB. Couples always welcome. This dance is open to all KP residents. Due to new rules and regulations, SCC residents must be on my guest list. The security gate will allow 1) SCC residents with SCC badge listed on my current guest list. 2) The KP gate also should allow SCC residents with badge but not listed on my guest list entry for this dance; but please inform me if this is the first time you attend this monthly social line dance and I will add your name to my guest list; I will need your name, address and phone number. Please call Jan 634-6226 should you need any clarification of new rules. We all need to interact and be friends and to have fun and dance! Let’s celebrate the love and joy of Christmas!

Foxy Senior Dance Club

Tickets for the New Years Eve are on sale $34 per person. Call Angelina to get all information at 813-454-9572. There will be no Foxy on December 26. We’ll be back in January 2016. See Dance on page 17.

ENTERTAINMENT BLAST By Judy Schings 813-642-2001 As most of you know, I will be heading back to Michigan full time midDecember (just in time for some snow!). I have booked the series shows for 2016-2017 so no worry there. It has been a great 10-1/2 years. Thanks for your support! I will miss you all. The season has started with a bang! There are two shows this month (see below). Individual tickets are on sale at Atrium Kiosk, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9-noon for the series shows and operas. The Remaining Shows Are: January 10-Ryan Ahern (pianist with 6-piece band) February 7-Ambrosia (yes, the originals!) March 13-Rod Stewart Tribute. Fridays will be January 15 Shindigs; February 19 British Invasion Beatles (with opening band); and March 4 The Torch. The Showcase is Wednesday, January 27. This season’s “extra” shows are December 10 Holiday Magic/South Shore Concert Band (tickets on sale now); January 24 Harem Today, Gone Tomorrow: Preview to Abduction from the Seraglio/St. Petersburg Opera Co.; February 11 A Tribute To... South Shore Concert Band; March 6 Opera Goes to the Movies/ St. Petersburg Opera Co. and April 1 Rocky & the Rollers Dance. Thursday, December 10, 7-8:30 p.m. Holiday Magic presented by South Shore Concert Band. Songs will include Christmas on Broadway, C’est Noel, Greensleeves, God Rest You Merry Gentlemen, A Canadian Brass Christmas, A Hanukkah Festival, Christmas “Pops” Sing-A-Long and Sleigh Ride. Tickets are $5. Sunday, December 13, 2:30-4:30 p.m. The Nutcracker (part of series). Dance Alive National Ballet is a radiant jewel of a company that features an international roster of technically brilliant and stunningly gorgeous dancers. With swirling snowflakes, toy soldiers, mean mice, the exquisite Waltz of the Flowers, a handsome Prince and the beautiful Sugar Plum Fairy, the Nutcracker will bring a smile to your face and life into your spirit. It wouldn’t be the Holiday Season without The Nutcracker! Tickets are $15.


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Shows To Go: Kings Point Mixed Chorus

Are you in charge of entertainment for your next party, club meeting or event? The Kings Point Mixed Chorus can simplify your job. We are pleased to announce that the well-received and highly successful “Shows To Go” is still going strong. At your next gathering, a select group of performers can amuse you with an enjoyable and varied program. We can present a show that can ranges from 30 minutes to one hour in length. No two presentations are the same. Among our many diverse offerings, we have vocal and instrumental music, comedy, short theatrical performances, and even original Mystery Dinner Theater productions, which can be tailored specifically to your particular interests. The Kings Point Mixed Chorus has been entertaining local audiences for the past 40 years and we are proud to expand our repertoire for the pleasure of the people of Sun City Center and surrounding South County. We will bring the entertainment directly to you. To find our more about “Shows To Go” or to book an event, please contact Rose at (813) 633-1753.

Kings Point Art League
Artist of the Month

Location: Kings Point North Clubhouse, Art Studio
 Dates: December 5, 2015 – January 2, 2016
 Kings Point Art League’s Artist of the Month for December is Bernadette Mueller. Bernadette lived in N. Olmsted, Ohio before moving to Kings Point in 2000. Having majored in art in High School, she decided to take some watercolor classes held at night at the local high school and was immediately enchanted with the medium. Watercolor is still her medium of choice, but she also likes to work in colored pencil. She gradually increased her involvement in art and became a member of The Westlake Watercolor Society, The Lakewood Art League and The Cuyahoga Falls Art Society. It gave her the opportunity to take classes and workshops with a variety of artists, many of them known nationally. These days she likes to experiment with watercolor and colored pencil on surfaces other than paper, yupo, aquaboard and masa being some. Working with watercolor on canvas has been both challenging and frustrating, but fun and a growing experience for her art. Don’t miss the opportunity to view Bernadette’s award-winning art from December 5 through January 2 in the Art Room window in the Kings Point North Clubhouse.

Harmoniguys Playing Sun Towers

The “Harmoniguys” are playing Sun Towers in the dining room every Monday from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. They play a variety of music and are always looking for new harmonica players. The group celebrated their 20th anniversary this year, and two members attended the Harmonica convention in Denver, CO this past August. For more information call 813.633.9085. Come on out and see the show!

Say It With Music

December Concerts - Eastern Hillsborough Community Band The community is invited to celebrate the sounds of Christmas with the Eastern Hillsborough Community Band as it presents its December concerts. EHCB is a full-sized concert band that has been entertaining the Tampa Bay area since 2009. The “Say it With Music” series includes Sleigh Ride, A Christmas Portrait, A Chanukah Celebration and other audience favorites. Performance dates and locations are: • Thursday, Dec. 10, 7 p.m., United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, Sun City Center. $5 suggested donation at the door. • Thursday, Dec. 17, 7 p.m., Chapel, First United Methodist Church of Brandon, 115 Knights Ave., Brandon. $5 suggested donation at the door. Reservations are not required. For more information about the band, call (813) 569-1771, email or visit

Kings Point Mixed Chorus Holiday Concert

By Stephanie Casey The Kings Point Mixed Chorus is proud to announce their annual Holiday Concert. Welcome this happy time of year by joining the Chorus for an afternoon of holiday-themed music, which is sure to put you in a festive mood. The men and women will be dressed in their holiday finery, ready to entertain you with a variety of songs ranging from traditional and nontraditional Christmas and Hanukah music to seasonal music with a country twang and a gospel twist. The concert, which is entitled BELIEVE, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, December 2, in the Kings Point Veterans Theater, at 4 p.m. Well-known Director, Charles Wirick leads this versatile group of singers who come not only from Sun City Center, but also from as far away as Apollo Beach and Brandon. It is genuinely a Community Chorus. Seating will be round-table Cabaret style, so round up your friends and neighbors, gather your munchies and drinks of your choice, and sit back and delight in music of the season. Tickets are available for $6 and can be purchased at the Kings Point Box Office, Main Clubhouse, between now and concert time. The Box Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you live outside of Kings Point, just tell the guard at the Visitors Gate that you are going to buy Chorus Concert tickets. You’ll be sorry if you miss this chance to spend an afternoon rekindling that spark of joy, which the Holiday Spirit brings. Hope to see you there. For more information, you may contact Rose at (813) 633-1753.

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Dance from page 15.

Need a Place to Practice Your Dance Steps?

Every Sunday afternoon from 2 – 3:30 p.m. the Dance Studio in the Atrium complex in SCC is open for those who want to hone their dance skills. This is not a lesson, just time to practice with some good music. The session sponsored by the SCC Dance Club, is open to all members of the Community Association and residents of Kings Point.

Jazz Lovers Group Meeting

The Jazz Lovers are in full swing. After dinner out followed by a wonderful evening listening to the Ken Loomer Big Band at the Firehouse Cultural Center, we are looking forward to some great listening in our own Jazz Club (the Ripple Room of the Kings Point North Clubhouse). Our meeting on Friday, November 20 will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and will focus on hearing jazz artists putting their spin on Broadway tunes. All are welcome. For more information contact Bill Ferron “bill.” or 938-3571.

Front Porch Pickers – Come See Us!

Wed. Dec. 2 -The Front Porch Pickers meet every Wednesday 2-4 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: or 813-633-6739. Wed. Dec 9 -The Front Porch Pickers meet every Wednesday 2-4 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: or 813-633-6739. Wed. Dec 16 -The Front Porch Pickers meet every Wednesday 2-4 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: or 813-633-6739. Wed Dec 23 -The Front Porch Pickers meet every Wednesday 2-4 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: or 813-633-6739. Wed Dec 30 -The Front Porch Pickers meet every Wednesday 2-4 p.m. in the Rollins Theatre, Cherry Hills Drive, to play country, bluegrass, traditional and gospel music. Acoustic guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, ukulele, dobro and bass fiddle players are welcome to join us. Listeners are welcome to enjoy the music and it is free. For more information: or 813-633-6739.


Feline Folks Meow Mixer

Join Feline Folks on Thursday, December 3 from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Kings Point North Club House Pool Gazebo for their holiday meow mixer. Everyone is welcome. Members, guests and visitors are asked to bring a festive snack and beverage to share, if they wish. The group will also graciously accept a can of cat food for the community cats. Feline Folks is a not-for-profit all volunteer job that feeds and cares for the community cats in Kings Point. For information email “”.

Buying a Windows 10 Computer

By Kai Rambow If you decide to get a new computer, what should you be looking for? Buying the cheapest computer or the one that looks pretty may lead to disappointments and frustrations. Here are a few guidelines to help: (1) At least 500 GB (gigabytes) of hard disk space – and 7200 rpm. This is your storage space. Word documents may not take up a lot of space but photos will. Kirk Warren, Office Manager, at (2) At least 4 GB of RAM (random Samaritan Services. Their computer access memory), with 6 GB or 8GB system works well, hence the smile. even better. processor is four times more powerful Anytime you open a document to than an i3, and an i7 is twice as powerful look at it or do some work on it, the as an i5. document and software will be running For AMD processors, steer clear of in RAM. Generally speaking the more E1, A4 and A6. A8 is o.k., but an A10 RAM your machine has the easier things is better with an FX being the fastest. will run. There are tradeoffs between Intel and (3) A really good processor. This is a AMD. Intel processors do some things tricky one because there is no easy way better than AMD, and AMD processors to tell what you’re getting. The processor do some things better than Intel. is the key to how fast everything will run Hard disk space and RAM are cheap; on your computer. a good processor will cost more. If a Here are some researched guidelines to computer is really cheap, it’s probably help you. Computers will have either a because it has a cheap processor. One processor from Intel or AMD. For Intel of the biggest complaints from users is processors, steer clear of Celeron and the slow speed of their machines, so pay Pentium. i3 is all right but not really attention and be aware you may have to great. Your best bet is either an i5 or i7. spend a little more to avoid everyday The difference can be significant. An i5 frustration.


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Emergency Squad

American Strategic Insurance Donates to The Emergency Squad

Volunteer of the Month: Why Not You?

If you have lived in Sun City Center any time at all you probably have seen the Security Patrol cars driving up and down your street. The drivers in these cars are your neighbors, who volunteer their time each month to help keep us safe. Other than being cautious drivers, and obeying traffic laws, they have no particular skill set that makes them uniquely qualified to do the job. Instead, they attended a three-hour training session at the Patrol office and learned how to be aware of the needs of those living in our town. An example of this is seeing someone’s garage door open, especially after dark. The driver calls the dispatcher in the office and the dispatcher calls the resident to let them know their garage door is open. We log locations of golf carts on the road after dusk. We turn that information over to our Community Resource Deputy. These are common sense solutions that everyone can offer. Maybe you do not want to drive and instead are comfortable in the office as a dispatcher. Again, you would be well trained for this job, and you always have a captain assigned each day to answer questions if they arise. You decide how many hours you can volunteer, the days that accommodate your schedule, and whether you prefer day or night shifts. Some dispatchers and drivers volunteer three hours a month, while others contribute more hours. It is up to you. Every volunteer is necessary part of the Security Patrol and your time is very much appreciated. All residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point, Courtyards, Aston Gardens, and Sun Towers are welcome to join the Security Patrol. You will be guaranteed the satisfaction knowing you are helping your community and neighbors. Please stop by the Patrol office, Monday-Friday, to fill out an application. The Patrol is located at the corner of Cherry Hills and Pebble Beach North. We would enjoy having you as a part of our Patrol team.

By Robin Watt The Emergency Squad was the beneficiary of a generous donation from American Strategic Insurance. The company donated $7,500 to support the Squad’s service to the community. ASI is the general property insurer for Kings Point.

L to R: Eileen Peco, Chairman of the Squad Board of Directors; Marty Gifford, Squad Chief Financial Officer; Andrew Mason, Commercial Unit Lead, ASI; Robert Munns, Commercial and National Sales and Marketing Leader, ASI; Greg Waltz, President Mack, Mack & Waltz Insurance Group; Emergency Squad Chief Dennis Floto; Danielle Andrew, ASI; Bill Peters, ASI; and Marty Mallak, former Squad Chief and member of the Board of Directors.

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center


Cub Scouts Visit the Emergency Squad

On November 10, the Emergency Squad hosted Cub Scout pack 205 from Riverview. The Cub Scouts had been working on their First Responder badge and needed a field trip to finish their requirements. Emergency Squad volunteers Robert Leonard and Tina Drury greeted and walked the scouts and their parents through the Squad building explaining all the things the Squad does in the community. Barry McKee, Squad CPR Instructor and Ambulance driver, showed the scouts how to do CPR and provide assisted breathing with a bag-valve mask. After having the opportunity to give the CPR mannequin chest compressions, Team 7 captain George McInnes showed the scouts one of the Squad’s ambulances and allowed to see how the gurney and lights operate. Shirley Trevino, Webelos Den Leader, who organized the outing stated that “the Squad made it very fun and kept the Scouts interest by showing and explaining all the emergency equipment!” She was amazed to learn that the Squad does everything on a volunteer basis.

Catch The NEWS on the web at L to R: Jim Malinowski, Betty Richner, Robert Leonard, Marci McKee, Jennie Casey, Linda Conklin, Karen Crippen, Chris McCann, Shirley Bardell, Asst. Chief of Education, Ed Davis, Dick McCormick, Gary Krcil, Chuck Russ, Pete Blair, Linda Hughes (seated) Paul O’Connor, Ted Adamcyzk, Barry McKee, Tim Zion, George McInnes and Ed Berken. Instructors not in the photograph include: Judy Myette, Jim Smith, Noreen Schramm, Jan Huber, Tim Baker, Kay Bogart, Walt Bowers, Bob Mulcahy, Peter Gallagher and Linda Eargle.

Emergency Squad Introduces Instructors to Community

By Robin Watt Almost every month, the Emergency Squad trains new Emergency Medical Responders, Ambulance drivers and dispatchers. In addition, the Squad teaches CPR to all Squad ambulance volunteers and offers Heartsaver CPR to the community. In 2015, the Squad has taught more than nine EMR classes, ten driver classes (new and recertification), ten dispatcher classes (new and recertification) and seventeen Basic Life Support CPR classes for more than one hundred students and eight Heartsaver-AED classes for more than fifty non-squad members. Instructors for CPR and Emergency Medical Responders must go through certification themselves in order to become instructors. The Squad is fortunate to have so many people willing to give their time to educate new volunteers and serve the community.


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Seated: Chief Dennis Floto and Jim Hiller. Standing, L to R: Jim Goss, Jim Raymond, John Mynanhan, Russ Johnson, Joe Hetsel, Bob Boose, Beverly Hiller, President of the Bay Area Arbor; Sis Goss, Nancy Sanders, Debbie Hanson, Anita Bullaro, Judy Horobec, Kathy Miller, Ed Miller, Doris Ferron, Bob Bizzano, Bill Ferron Mike McClintic, Julie McClintic, Linda Ramond, Sheila Green, Bill Green.

Gleaner Insurance and Bay Area Arbor Donate to the Emergency Squad

By Robin Watt The Gleaner Life Insurance Society recently awarded Jim Hiller their 2015 Fraternal Agent of the Year award for his tremendous work in our community. As a part of his recognition, the Society donates a $1,000 to the charity of his choice. Mr. Hiller chose the Sun City Center Emergency Squad to receive this donation. Gleaner Life Insurance Society is a not-for-profit faith-based organization that assists its members in achieving their financial goals through a broad range of life insurance products. As a fraternal organization, Gleaner provides volunteer opportunities through its local service clubs (arbors) and supports programs that make a difference in the lives of its members and the communities where they live and serve. “Giving of yourself, is what fraternalism is all about. Helping people help others in the community to make a better place is important,” says Jim Hiller Their service organization, Bay Area Arbor supports many local organizations including the Mary and Martha House, Elmira’s Wildlife Sanctuary, My Warriors Place and Southeastern Guide Dogs. Supporting Mr. Hiller in presenting the check to Chief Floto are members of the Bay Area Arbor, where Jim’s wife Beverly is President.

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Everglades Adventure – Swamp Walk with Clyde Butcher the Ansel Adams of Florida

By Kai Rambow “Oooooh! Ooooh! Oooh!” were the loud squeals from one member of our group as we entered the swamp. The water was cooler than the air temperature but not freezing. I had been challenged to take on this “wonderful” experience. Trekking through the swamp was not my idea of fun, but I enjoyed this unique experience. Even on a short walk, the change in vistas is surprising, from low sawgrass to large cypress trees. The longer one is in the swamp the more plant life and wildlife one notices. It’s a view you can’t get driving down the road. The walk is relatively easy. Once in the water, the biggest challenge is feeling where you’re stepping. Root systems and fallen logs make for uneven surfaces. In deeper parts you can’t see the bottom. Walking sticks enable you to locate obstacles to avoid tripping over them. Tip: If you’re close to the front, you can often clearly see the bottom, making walking much easier. Clyde Butcher, Artistic Photographer Clyde Butcher’s is in Big Cypress National Preser ve bordering the northeastern portion of Everglades National Park. The biodiversity in the Everglades watershed is unique; the hundreds of plant and animal species here are found nowhere else on the planet. After the walk, visit the gallery to see the swamp through the eyes of Clyde Butcher. Most readers will be familiar with the black and white photography of Ansel Adams, and Clyde Butcher has been described as “the Ansel Adams of the Everglades.” Great photographers transcend capturing the moment; their work looks like art. “A lot of people don’t want to get wet,” reflected Clyde Butcher. He has also lugged 60 pounds of camera equipment to take pictures. Clearly his work is a labor of love. Butcher has used large format cameras to capture great detail. This has enabled him to make huge prints, which he creates in his own specialized darkroom in Venice. It may be considered old school, but one can’t argue with the results. Life and Work Transformed The Butcher family is easy going and unassuming. Niki Butcher, an artist in her own right, joined us on our walk. Afterward I had the pleasure of an

Museum Reciprocal Pass Travel Tip

By Kai Rambow This one comes from one of our readers after reading the Edison Ford Winter Estates travel article: Consider purchasing the Edison Ford annual membership. Dues are $55 single, $75 dual and $85 for a family. An annual pass will enable you to visit North American reciprocal museums at no extra charge. The reader who suggested this used his for discounted guided tours at Edison and to visit Ringling and Dali. So the annual membership more than paid for itself. extended conversation with her. “Clyde was a successful commercial landscape photographer, shooting in color. He has always had a good eye for photography. After the death of our son, Ted, at 17 from a drunk driver, Clyde decided to start taking pictures he wanted to take. He gave up his color photography and started to shoot in black and white. When he changed to black and white we didn’t think it would sell because it wouldn’t match people’s décor. We were humbled and amazed when it did sell. Clyde’s images have helped people see the unique beauty of the Everglades.” To see the beauty of Florida you can visit the darkroom and gallery in Venice. To literally immerse yourself in the experience, sign yourself up for a swamp walk and the gallery at Big Cypress. Tips for a Great Trip When to Go: The swamp walks are held from October to March. February and March (dry season) usually mean lower levels of water in the swamp. Tours are offered seven days a week, however, a minimum of four people is required. Another possibility is wait for an event weekend, when there is usually an opportunity to meet Clyde, Niki and Jackie. What to Wear: Old clothes will serve you well. Old running shoes are important as these will be thoroughly wet. Old pants (consider putting socks over pant bottoms) and a long sleeved shirt are basics. Sunglasses and a hat will be helpful and bug spray is a must, even during the months you think there won’t be any mosquitos. Walking sticks are provided. Be sure to bring a change of clothes,

Looking at my blue swamp shoes in clear water and the reflection of the trees surrounding us.

Dunes by Clyde Butcher. Courtesy Clyde Butcher.

We start to notice the wildlife only after we became more comfortable walking through the swamp.

Clyde Butcher standing beside one of his very large prints. The detail is amazing and each is basically hand crafted.

This 3-foot alligator quickly swam away from us.

a towel and a plastic bag for your wet clothes. When you’re finished with the walk, you can hose off with a garden hose. There are change rooms. Food: There are no restaurants nearby. It’s a good idea to pack a cooler with snacks. You’ll need this after the walk, and perhaps a little more later depending on your timing. Where to Stay: It’s a three-hour drive. If you have more than one driver and don’t mind starting early, you can do this as a day trip. I choose to overnight at exit 101 off the I-75. There are plenty of hotel choices here, and it reduced morning

driving time to one hour. If you really want to immerse yourself in the Everglades, another option is to stay at the Butchers. You can rent the swamp bungalow or swamp cottage (minimum two nights). Clyde Butcher’s Big Cypress Gallery 52388 Tamiami Trail (Mile marker 54.5) Ochopee. FL 34141 (239) 695-2428 Special thanks: Jayne Kirse, Manager at Travelworld, who nudged me to take this adventure.

Walking through the swamp. We got a little deeper but not by much.

SPORTS December 2015

The News of Sun City Center



Golf Tourney Raises $10K for Cancer

“Chipping Away At Prostate Cancer” Raises $10k Check Presented To Moffitt Cancer Center

Organizers of “Chipping Away at Prostate Cancer,” a charity golf event, announced that they raised $10,000 to benefit prostate cancer awareness and research. The group also announced today at a check presentation ceremony that the recipient of the funds is the Moffitt Cancer Center of Tampa. Moffitt is Florida’s only National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center, and is ranked by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top 20 hospitals in the country for cancer care. Accepting the donation on behalf of Moffitt was Special Events Officer Allison Fonner. “C h i p p i n g Aw a y a t P r o s t a t e Cancer” president Gene Pliska said

his organization was grateful for the support of the people and businesses in the area who made the inaugural event a success: “The golfers and our sponsors were generous in their support, and it is because of them that we are able to present this donation to Moffitt.” “We are planning to make this tournament an annual event, and will make an announcement soon regarding the “2nd Annual ‘Chipping Away at Prostate Cancer’ Golf Scramble,” Pliska said. “Chipping Away at Prostate Cancer” is a charitable, non-profit organization and eligible donations are tax deductible. For more information, contact Gene Pliska at 813-634-1470 or golfergenep@

SCC Softball Club

New Lawn Bowlers Welcomed


By Garry Higgins This month, Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club instructors completed a week of coaching sessions with five new lawn bowlers. They are now ready to enjoy the sport with the rest of the members in regular play. Pictured

Sun City Center Hosts Invitational Lawn Bowling Tournament

On Wednesday, November 11, the Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club hosted their annual Mixed Pairs Invitational tournament. Twenty-eight teams in total were entered, including visitors from the Sarasota Lawn Bowling Club, Clearwater LBC, Top of the World LBC and the Sun-n-Fun LBC (Sarasota). In order to compete in this and similar tournaments, bowlers must be members of Bowls USA (the United States’ lawn bowling governing body). This event was won by the Sun City Center team of Cindy Higgins and Bob Fladung (pictured). Second place went to Carmen and Clare Morris (Sarasota LBC) and


The SCC Softball Club started their Fall season on October 23 at the Don Senk Field. What a beautiful start to the new fall season! The local radio station showed up to give a play by play for the first game. Johnny “Gold” Sauber and Gary Gentzler helped announce the first game. The day started with the honorary first pitch that was thrown out by Lyn Reitz, caught by Claudia Hinson and our very own president of Sun City Center David Floyd was the umpire! There are 10 teams in the fall season with 12

expected for the next winter season. Our president of the softball club Doug Seipelt also welcomed the new season and talked about the new field and scoreboard that was purchased. There are currently over 120 active members in the softball club. We play five games each Tuesday and Friday from 9 to 4:30. The club has other special games throughout the year such as the Ohio vs. Michigan, Ohio vs. New York and the Military game, which is always an honor to watch. Each military service is always represented in this game. The Diamondnettes cooked hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch that day which are served every Friday for a donation from 11:00 - 1:30. If you would like to have more information about our club check out our web site at www.Sun City Center Softball .org or come down on Monday’s for an open practice. The next session starts January 5.

are; Bob Fladung (instructor), John Clarkin, Corkey Grzankowski, Tom Bohan, Gloria Clarkin, Gail Weber and Ava Casper (instructor). Free lessons are provided the second week of every month and are open to anyone who would like to try the game. All you need to start is a pair of flat-soled shoes (to protect the Green). A sign-up sheet is posted in the Eberhardt Building, North Pebble Beach Blvd. For more information about the sport of lawn bowling and the Club, visit www. Or stop by the Green (main campus) and any member will be more than happy to help you.

third place to Al and Margo Pelliccio, Sarasota LBC. For more information about the sport of lawn bowling, please visit www.

Lawn Bowling – 2015 Fall League Wraps Up

By Gary Higgins Nine teams entered in this year’s edition of the Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club’s “Fall League”. A somewhat casual affair, organized with fun in mind. The three-player (triples) teams played for six weeks, including the Championship Series. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were

awarded and cash prizes for 1st to 4th place. It was Bob Ferguson’s team winning over the Mike Perkins team in the best of 3 series, 2 games to none. Pictured, left to right, Mike Perkins, June Eva Paciga & Greg Gonnella (Team Perkins) and Mike Mitchell, Corinne Bailiff and Bob Ferguson (Team Ferguson).


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

GOLF SCORES Hogans Golf Club of Sun City Center & Kings Point Saturday, October 31, 2015 Freedom Fairways 1st: Charlie Brown - 3 Skins 2nd: Bob Hull - 2 Skins 3rd: Ray Bui and Bob Russell Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Charlie Brown - 53 Low-Gross: Bob Hull - 73 Birds: Gary Marchman - 2 Ray Bui, Charlie Brown and Bob Hull - 1

Monday, November 9, 2015 Imperial Lakewoods 1st: Hal Wold - 3 Skins 2nd: Jack Hugill and Jan Conley Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Greg Brash - 67 Low-Gross: Doug Banning and Denny Sutphen - Tied at 88 Birds: Hal Wold - 1

L to R: Jan Conley, Greg Brash, Jack Hugill, Doug Banning & Denny Sutphen.

Saturday, November 7, 2015 Freedom Fairways 1st: Ray Bui - 8 Skins 2nd: Bob Martin - 6 Skins Low-Net: Ray Bui - 61 Low-Gross: Ray Bui - 73 Birds: Bob Martin - 2 Skins

Saturday, November 14, 2015 Falcon Watch Cypress-Challenge 1st: Jack Hugill - 1 Skin Low-Net: Paul Swakow - 64 Low-Gross: Paul Swakow - 78 Birds: Doug Banning & Paul Swakow - 2

SP Members Don Frederick, Joe Pliska, George Anderson and Bill Sherrick. L to R: Doug Banning, Jack Hugill and Paul Swakow.

Club Link One Membership More Golf Sandpiper Men

L to R: Bob Russell, Charlie Brown, Ray Bui, Bob Hull and Gary Marchman.

Saturday, October 31, 2015 Falcon Watch Cypress-Challenge Flight 1 1st: Rick Selby - 3 Skins 2nd: Cau Huynh, Ruben Jones, and Joe Pickett - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Rick Selby - 64 Low-Gross: Cau Huynh - 83 Birds: Ruben Jones and Laura Parziale - 1

Back L to R: Joe Pickett, Rick Selby and Ruben Jones. Front L to R: Cau Huynh and Laura Parziale.

Flight 2 1st: Tom Gotschall - 2 Skins 2nd: Bill Konopasek, Jack Hugill, Mike McClintic, Jackie Amos, and Doug McFaul - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Jack Hugill - 67 Low-Gross: Tom Gotschall - 86 Birds: Ron Leombruno and Tom Gotschall - 1

Back L to R: Bill Konopasek, Tom Gotschall, Jack Hugill, Ron Leombruno and Doug McFaul. Front L to R: Jackie Amos and Mike McClintic.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Sandpiper Palms-Oaks 1st: Nancy Phillips - 2 Skins 2nd: Ruben Jones, Paul Swakow, Hal Wold & Rich Lucidi - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Ruben Jones - 62 Low-Gross: Ruben Jones - 81 Birds: Ruben Jones - 3 Tom Kirchen, Denny Sutphen, Nancy Phillips and Paul Swakow 1

Back L to R: Ruben Jones, Paul Swakow and Rich Lucidi. Front L to R: Nancy Phillips and Hal Wold.

L to R: Bob Martin, Ray Bui & Ray Shaw.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Sandpiper Oaks-Palms Flight 1 1st: Joe Pickett - 4 Skins 2nd: Jenice Taylor, Paul Swakow, and Jack Hugill - Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Joe Pickett - 61 Low-Gross: Dan Stephens - 82 Birds: Joe Pickett, Paul Swakow and Dan Stephens - 1

L to R: Jack Hugill, Dan Stephens, Jenice Taylor, Paul Swakow and Joe Pickett.

Flight 2 1st: Mike Arghittu - 4 Skins 2nd: Tom Gotschall, Tom Kirchen, and Rich Lucidi - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd: Denny Sutphen, Nancy Phillips, Jan Conley, and Cau Huynh Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Rich Lucidi - 67 Low-Gross: Tom Gotschall - 83 Birds: Tom Gotschall and Denny Sutphen - 2

Thursday, October 15, 2015 Shamble – Two Best Balls 1st: Gerry Montminy, Garry Ingles, Bud Tolley Thursday, October 29, 2015 Three-Two-One 1st: Bob Stowe, Bert Poulin, Mike Prach, Alex Trevino Thursday, November 5, 2015 Low Net-Better Nine Flight A 1st: Chuck Kim Flight B 1st Tie: Joe Plisksa 1st Tie: Wayne Zellers Flight C 1st: Les Easton Thursday, November 12, 2015 Two Best Balls of Four 1st Tie: David Abounader, Jim Fischer, Alex Trevino 1st Tie: Rocky Pucci, Dick Mooney, Harold Geldbach, Ken Wagner Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Black Tee -Scotch Twosome 1st: Mike Prach, Jack Libby Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Two Person Better Ball Front or Back 1st: Bill Schofield, Wayne Zellers


Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Better Nine Front or Back 1st: Annetta Pucci Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Three’s and Five’s 1st: Annetta Pucci

Purple Tee

Thursday, October 15, 2015 Scramble 1st: Mary Klopp, Janie Fischer, Noreen Schramm


Back L to R: Tom Kirchen, Tom Gotschall, Cau Huynh, Mike Arghittu, Denny Sutphen and Rich Lucidi. Front L to R: Nancy Phillips and Jan Conley. Saturday, November 14, 2015 Freedom Fairways 1st: Chieu Nguyen - 2 Skins 2nd: Bob Martin and Bob Hull Tied at 1 Skin Low-Net: Bob Martin - 62 Low-Gross: Ray Bui - 74 Birds: Ray Bui - 2 Birds Bob Hull and Chieu Nguyen - 1

L to R: Chieu Nguyen, Ray Bui, Bob Martin and Bob Hull.

Thursday, October 22, 2015 One Best Ball of Two Green Flight 1st: Bob Arendt, Jerry Monnot Forward Flight 1st: Bucky Devling, Bud Swift

Play it Forward

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Two Best Balls of Four 1st: Mary Merrill, Mary Klopp, Joan Camelio Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Low Net-Flight 1 1st: Jim Fischer Flight 2 1st: Sue Freed Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Two on the Odd, One on the Even 1st: Wayne Zellers, Janie Fischer, Jim Fischer Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Shamble 1st Tie: Janie Fischer, Vince Pater, Pat Conklin, Jim Fischer 1st Tie: Tom Hare, Pat Head, June Krueger, Armand Deluca

Falcon Watch Men

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 Two Best Ball 1st: Joe Spaziano/Jim McClafferty/Bob Trombetta/Ron Kunze Wednesday, October 21, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: Vid Valiusaitis/George Fenwick/ Vince Pirone/Bill Fitzhugh Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Two BB on Three & Four, One BB on Five 1st: Joe Spaziano/Mel Bushart/George Fenwick/Jim McClafferty Wednesday, November 11, 2015 One BB on Odd, Two BB on Even 1st: George Fenwick/Marvin Barnes/ Butch Gadd

Eighteen Hole Ladies Friday, October 16, 2015 Low Net 1st: Judy Roberts Friday, October 23, 2015 Low Putts 1st: Judy Roberts

Nine Hole Ladies

Friday, October 16, 2015 Two Best Balls 1st: Emma Gadd/Wally McIntosh/ Donna Berger/Meg Towner Friday, October 23, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: Emma Gadd/June Krueger/Pat Conklin/Terry Wynne Friday, October 30, 2015 Low Net 1st: Terry Wynne Friday, November 6, 2015 Two Best Balls 1st: Jane Fischer/Liz Lister/ Pat Conklin Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Welcome Back Tournament Eighteen Hole: Jim Lahtii/Norm Noggle/Norm Cochran/Jay Wildasin Nine Hole: Elly Sullivan/Terry Wynne/ Wally McIntosh/Donna Berger

Play It Forward – Falcon Watch Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Individual Low Net – Flights Flight 1 - 1st: Jim Fischer Flight 2 - 1st: Sue Freed Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Shamble 1st Tie: Jim Fisher/Pat Conklin/Jane Fisher/Vince Pater 1st Tie: Armand DeLuca/June Krueger/Tom Hare/Pat Head

Renaissance Men

Monday, October 19, 2015 One Best Ball of Two Flight 1-1st: Paul Baskwell, Ken Deragon Flight 2- 1st: Tim Broad, Herman Weston Monday, October 26, 2015 Team Quota 1st: Stan Pearsall, Ken Deragon, Don Faron, Carl Burroughs Monday, November 2, 2015 Three-Two-One 1st: Mike Schoonover, Jack Stiles, Ed Sauer, Dave Bartku Monday, November 9, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: King Slater, Mike Schoonover, Don Faron, Tim Broad

See Golf Link on page 23.

December 2015 Club Link from page 22.

The News of Sun City Center Friday, November 6, 2015 Scramble Flight 1-1st: Kyle Rollins, Betty Rollins Flight 2-1st: Rich Johnson, Bonnie Johnson


The luckiest man in Sun City Center, SP Member Bob Roettger surrounded by fellow members MaryLou Anderson and Phyllis Roettger.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015 One-Two-Three 1st: Kathy Hannell, Kathleen Records, Betty McLoone, Kathy O’Connell Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Two Best Balls of Four 1st: Maggie Jaccoi, Nancy Birkett, Betty McLoone, Star Glock Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Best Nine Flight 1- 1st: Ruth Kramer Flight 2- 1st: Patti Ducharme Flight 3 - 1st: Deloris Durm


Friday, October 16, 2015 One Best Ball of Two Flight 1- 1st: Kevin McPherson, Dianne McPherson Flight 2- 1st: Bob Winters, Linda Winters Friday, October 23, 2015 Texas Scramble Flight 1- 1st: Kyle Rollins, Betty Rollins Flight 2- 1st: Don Faron, Erma Faron

Captain’s Cup Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Flight 1-1st: Dick Jackson Flight 2-1st: Frank Wright Green Tees Flight 1-1st: Jim Betts Flight 2-1st: Kurt Hoffman Flight 3-1st: Don Freed Flight 4-1st: Jeff Stevens Flight 5-1st: Bruce Kanoza Flight 6-1st: Tom Grillo


Flight 1-1st: Carolyn Avrett Flight 2-1st: Chris Sparks Flight 3-1st:: Sharon Wallace Flight 4-1st: Grethe Lindman Flight 5-1st: Barb Kanoza


Wednesday, October 14, 2015 One Best Ball of Two Flight 1-1st: Bill Yost, Kurt Hoffman Flight 2-1st:: Frank McCarthy, Vince Robbio Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Team Quota Points 1st Tie: Bill Yucuis, Tom Costello, Ken Kirwin, Jerry Buteau Frank Paris, Bob Walker, Bill Humes, Tom Giddings Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net Flight 1-1st: Gross Ray Parisen, Net Al Bulis Flight 2-1st: Gross Don Freed, Net Kurt Hoffman Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Two Best Balls of Four 1st: Jim Betts, Mike Evans, Bernie Gleason, Tom Grillo

EighteenHole Ladies

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Team Quota 1st: Dolores Stieper, Linda Belanger, Kathy McNamara, Pat Head Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net Flight 1-1st Gross: Judie Schafers, Net: Liz Lewis Flight 2-1st Gross: Fern Duval, Net: Sharon Wallace Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Shamble 1st: Paula Jimaki, Pam Coda, Joan Richardson, Karen Tomle

Nine Hole Ladies

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Team Quota 1st: Alice DeSchryver, Elsie Mergesky, Judy Stevens, Donna Lesyshen Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Two Best Balls of Four 1st: Karen Crippen, Colleen Savas, Judy Stevens Tuesday, November 3, 2015 One-Two-Three Best Ball 1st Tie: Karen Munford, Barb Kanoza, Judy Stevens, Donna Lesyshen Barb Meyer, Lindy Langlois, Alice DeSchryver, Bev Buteau

Nifty Niners Ladies Thursday, November 5, 2015 Falcon Challenge & Cypress Scramble #1 Winning Team with 36 Ellen Doncouse, Cathy Marquis, Mary McClafferty [1] and Laura Schwandner #2 Winning Team with 37 Gail Bush, Bev Buteau, Jane Maasen and Diana Roberts

23 Thursday, November 12, 2015 Falconwatch Cypress T&F Holes Winners with 16: Janet Brown Sun Hui Hilmer Mary McClafferty with 18 Cathy Marquis with 19 Judy Botts with 20 Winners with 21: Kathy Morrison Janine Johnson Karen Crippen Jay Remec Liana Bublitz Lorraine Rings

Caloosa Golf & Country Club CWGA 18 Weekly Winners 11/11/2015 Throw out 2 par 3 holes (1 Front/1 Back) Flight I 1st: Bobbie Cesarek 60 2nd: Jan Harding 61 3rd: Carmen Fields 62 4th: Kathi Nicolay 63 Flight II 1st: Judy Chordas 59 2nd: Anita Ciota 64 3rd Tie: Jaye Carroll 65 3rd Tie: Judy Walters 65 Flight III 1st: Lolita Johnson 60 2nd: Joan Roberge 63 3rd Tie: Sue Daveler 64 3rd Tie: Val Pelkowski 64 Flight IV 1st: Linda McDougall 59 2nd: Ruth Ann Phelan 63

See Caloosa on page 24.


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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Caloosa Golf from page 23.

CWGA 18 Weekly Winners

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net Flight I T-Low Gross: Anne Skinner 81 T-Low Gross: Bobbie Cesarek 81 1st Low Net: Kim Roush 66 2nd Low Net: Barb Struble 68 T-3rd Low Net: Jan Harding 69 T-3rd Low Net: Maryanne Starret 69 Flight II Low Gross: Aileen Engel 96 T-Low Net: Jeanne Kolls 72 T-Low Net: Joyce Stafford 72 T-2nd Low Net: Karla Pia 74 T-2nd Low Net: Sally Stammen 74 Flight III Low Gross: Barb Larsen 100 T-Low Net: Sue Daveler 73 T-Low Net: Patty Hersey 73 3rd Low Net: Lucille Lanese 75 Flight IV Low Gross: Joan Lamar 108 1st Low Net: Ruth Ann Phelan 64 2nd Low Net: Linda McDougallv70 3rd Low Net: Alice Friedlein 72 Caloosa Women’s Golf Association 18 hole Club Championship was held on Monday, 10/26 and Wednesday, 10/28. This is a stroke play tournament – 36 holes. The player with the lowest total gross score from any flight shall be the champion.

The 2015 Club Champion for the CWGA 18 is Bobbie Cesarek with a 36 hole score of 167.

1st Flight: Jan Harding - 182 2nd Flight: Aileen Engel - 200 3rd Flight: Linda McDougall - 216

T-2nd: Joan Lamar 217 T-2nd: Ruth Ann Phelan 217

CWGA 18 Weekly Winners

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Low Gross/Low Net Flight I Low Gross: Barb Struble 97 Low Net: Maryanne Starrett 73 Flight II Low Gross: Jan Harding 97 1st Low Net: Sarah Chambers 75 2nd Low Net: Barb Stebler 76 Flight III T-Low Gross: Rose Huggard 109 T-Low Gross: Hazel Winklmann 109 1st Low Net: Marion McCoy 74 T-2nd Low Net: Lucille Lanese 76 T-2nd Low Net: Joyce Shade 76 Flight IV Low Gross: Joan Lamar 109 1st Low Net: Ruth Ann Phelan 71 2nd Low Net: Sue Hablett 72 T-3rd Low Net: Nancy Cleary 74 T-3rd Low Net: Linda McDougall 74 T-3rd Low Net: Dee Hanes 74

2015 FSWGA TOURNAMENT – October 19-22, 2015

Ninety four women from across the state met at Mystic Dunes Resort in Celebration, Florida to play in the 61st annual Florida Senior Women’s Golf Association Tournament. Seventeen women from Caloosa Golf and Country Club represented Sun City Center at this event.

Devine Results

Thursday, November 5, 2015 One Best Ball @ Least Players: 28 1st: Maynard Stebler, Woody Nelson, Bob Oler -25 Tie: Chuck Reeve,Chuck Schundler Tie: Cliff Korn, Don Johnson 4th: John Pelkowski, Max Cook, Jon Lehr -21 5th: Russ Stutz, John Franks, Jack Morton-19 Scores: Bill Smith 78 Chuck Schindler 79 Jose Rodriguez 86 Russ Stutz 87 John Pelkowski 88 Dick Lanese 89 Jock Morgon 89 Roland Laprade 89

Front row L-R: Anita Ciota, Vicki Franks, Sandy Nodruff, Jana Roberts, Pearl Ashe 2nd row: Sally Stammen, Carmen Fields, Lynn Noyes, Aileen Engel, Bev Valentine, Kim Roush, Jodie Allison Back row: Terry Cox, Joyce Stafford, Judy Walters, Kathi Nicolay, Karen Buono.

While there were many winners from Sun City Center, Joyce Stafford was a big winner: Low Net overall, Low Putts overall, Grandmother Low Putts, and 7th place with her team in the 2 Best Balls of the 4-Ball Tournament. Congratulations Joyce!

Pearl Ashe presenting prizes to Joyce Stafford.

Caloosa Golf and Country Club Men’s Championship Winners November 12 Champion

Gold Flight Winners

Green Flight Winners

CWGA 18 Weekly Winners October 26 and 28, 2015 Club Championship Championship Flight Champion: Bobbie Cesarek 167 2nd: Pearl Ashe 176 3rd: Mary Jane Stutz 183 First Flight 1st: Jan Harding 182 2nd: Anita Ciota 189 3rd:Vicki Franks 191 4th: Joan Macholl 193 Second Flight 1st: Aileen Engel 200 2nd: Lolita Johnson 211 3rd: Elizabeth Rodriguez 212 Third Flight 1st: Linda McDougall 216

Tom Butler being presented with the Championship Trophy by Russ Stutz Director of Golf.

L to R: Low Net: Brandon Michaels and Low Gross: Roger Hebert.

L to R: Low Gross: Charles Schindler and Low Net: Jose Rodriguez.

Experience Caloosa Golf & Country Club! Join and Play the Rest of 2015


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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Tennis Club Board Announced

The newly installed SCC Tennis Association 2016 Executive Board of Directors includes Scott Cooper, Lynn Seever, Jackie Goding, Dee Kelly, Alice Friedlein, Greg Hodge and Bea Bohm.

Competitive Tennis Club News

Swim Dancers News


Little Miss Cutie Lucy Mermaid, granddaughter of Dottie and John Blanchard of Sun City Center, is too young to swim but she loves the water! The Swim Dancers invited grownup mermaids who can swim and love the water to join us as we practice for our annual swim show on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at 2 p.m. This year’s theme is “Dancing with the Stars, Moon and Sun”. The swim dancers will perform to such songs as “ Moonlight in Vermont “ and “ Stars and Stripes Forever”, eight songs in all. Since we are in full swing with our pre show practices, good swimmers will be comfortable joining at this time. Mermaids new to swimming, should plan on attending our March annual show and our FunFest demonstration the following weekend. Then consider trying out the sport in March and April when we teach basic figures. Three songs are on the practice schedule for Monday nights, and two songs are performed on Wednesday Evenings in the CA indoor Lap Pool. Classroom time is from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and swim time is from 7:30-9 p.m. On Friday morning, there is swim practice only for another set of three songs. You can attend one, two or three practices. Mermaids from Sun City Center can contact Judy (642-0157) or Dana (633-5927).


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Seated: Betty Zeller, Anne Gibson, Petra Stimmel, and Edna Carlin. Standing: Rolande Poulin, Debbie Zieg, Nancy Williams and guest Trudy Donnelly.

By Debbie Zieg The Sun City Center Sunsations celebrated a five-line win against Tampa Palms Shotmakers on Wednesday, November 4 by going to lunch at Sandpiper Grill in Sun City Center!

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center


h eW t n o i

d is rl

Whe r


r e t n e C y t i C Sun

The News of

Anne Rankin took her News of Sun City Center along on a trip to Sasebo, Japan.

Steve Williams and wife Nancy took the News of Sun City Center to his 50th Reunion banquet at The Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.

Pegge Bahr got together with her childhood friend from England (now Australia) to enjoy a 10 day cruise in Tahiti. Favorite port: Moorea, pictured here.

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EVENTS December 2015

The News of Sun City Center


NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Samaritan Services and SCC Ride December/January Closings

We will be closed all day Thursday, December 24 and Christmas Day, December 25. We will also be closed for a half day Thursday, December 31 starting at 12 noon and closed all day New Years’ Day, January 1. Please make a note of this on your calendars.

Golf Cart Courtesy Shuttle at Hospital Needs Volunteers

We are in need of Golf Cart Shuttle Drivers for the South Bay Hospital. If you are 21 years of age or older, have a valid driver’s license, and Completion of Drivers Safety Course (test given at Volunteer Services office) and have a desire to serve, we could use you. We have openings for Monday through Friday (morning and afternoon). Volunteers would circle our various parking lots and scout for visitors and patients to shuttle to and from our ER/Main Entrance. This is an outdoor role driving a multi-passenger golf cart. Can be done in short shifts if we get a good base crew of volunteers in place. Please contact Paula at 813-634-0187 if interested in becoming a Volunteer.

SCC Lions & Little Birdie Adopt A School Donates

The Sun City Center Lions Club and the Little Birdie Adopt a School program donated 900 English/Spanish dictionaries to the students of the Reddick Elementary School in Wimauma, Florida on November 2, 2015. The presentation was held in the office of the school and attended by Lion dignitaries: Past District Governor and Zone Chairman Andrew Moos, District Governor David Skillin, Past Council Chair and Partner in Service Jackie Cameron, SCC Lions Gloria Rodzielowcz, Betty Rodzielowicz, Rich Cohen, Harry Eberle and Patrick Soja. Simon Bailey, Executive Director, and Connie Miller, Program Director, represented the Little Birdie Foundation. The dictionaries were accepted by Joan Story and eight student leaders from the school. The 900 dictionaries, enough for the 870 students in the school and future transfer students, are hard cover and slightly larger than a paperback book. Each definition is in English and Spanish and many of the definitions have pictures. They are suitable for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. After the event, Lions and the Little Birdie executives exchanged information and talked about how this activity could be expanded to the other three Florida Lions districts. More information is available on the Little Birdie website, “”.

Eagle Audubon Meeting

The Eagle Audubon Group’s next meeting will be held Thursday December 17 at 1:15 p.m. in the Kings Point North Clubhouse Banquet Room. The speaker for that meeting will be Ann Paul who is the Regional Coordinator of Florida Coastal Sanctuaries for Florida Audubon. She will be discussing “The History of Bird Conservation on Tampa Bay and Little Bird Key” We will serve refreshments starting at 1:15 p.m. followed by a business meeting at 2 p.m. The lecture program will begin following the business meeting. The Eagle Audubon welcomes all SCC Residents and there is no charge to attend the meetings.

New York Club

The New York Club will be having their black and white dinner dance on Monday (not Tuesday) January 4, 2016 at 5 p.m. in the Kings Point Veterans Theatre. Music by Daniel Fugazzotto. Food catered by Banquet Masters which consists of beef bourguignon, onion crusted salmon, chicken florentine, rice pilaf, vegetables, salad, dessert and coffee. Proper Attire. Members $20 guests $25. For further information please contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942.

FAN Club News

Shay Gomez, a Kings Point resident, was the guest speaker at the October 13 meeting of the Friends and Neighbor (FAN) Club. She spoke on the topic of Memory Improvement and introduced the members on a new way to make connections when meeting new people. Everyone had a wonderful time and the program was a great success. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 11 at noon in the Banquet Room at the KPCH and the topic will be How to Relieve Stress.

Smart Phone Photography Exhibit At Sun City Center Chamber Of Commerce The Sun City Center Photo Club is pleased to announce that club member Stan Lipski will be the featured photographer for Novemb er and December at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce, located at 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center. His exhibit, entitled, “Travel Photography” will be on display through January 14. All of the 15 photos were taken with his Smartphone. Stan is an active member of the Sun City Center Photo Club, serving on their board and creating and maintaining their website. He is a talented photographer who has won several local and state competitions and had displays at the SouthShore Regional Library. Stan’s website,, shows many of his award-winning photos. He had a number of pictures published in the former National Geographic children’s magazine, National Geographic World, and produced an article along with photographs for Motorhome Life magazine. In those days, he had his own black and white darkroom and was content with that art form. When digital cameras came along, he started to shoot digital and began to use various editing software. With the advent of Smartphone photography, Stan added that technology to his photography interest. Stan’s Smartphone photography has won awards at our photo club’s competitions and one of the past FCCC digital winners in the Second Triannual Competition was a Smartphone photograph.

Rescued, Rebuilt Camaro Is Cruiser of the Month

Cockroach Bay Trip with Eagle Audubon

On Friday November 6, The Eagle Audubon Group went on a trip to Cockroach Bay and to Bahia Beach Preserves. Cockroach Bay’s name originated with early explorers who observed numerous horseshoe crabs on the beach and thought they were giant cockroaches. There were 20 participants for this wonderful trip. The tour started out in Cockroach Bay where they met with Andy Fairbanks who was the tour guide for the trip. The trip included a tram ride which gave a spectacular view up on Mount Cockroach. The view encompassed the wetlands surrounding the area where several bird species and alligators were seen. At that height it was possible to see views of Tampa, St. Petersburg and the Skyway Bridge. Included in the view were beautiful native plants and trees. It was explained how through controlled fire, the Department of Environmental Protection eradicates invasive plant species to allow native species to flourish. After exploring Cockroach Bay, the tour went to Bahai Beach Coastal Restoration Area which is a nature preserve that includes walking trails. In all 21 different bird species were seen at both locations which was a special treat. The hike was followed by a lunch at the Fish House. The Eagle Audubon welcomes all SCC Residents and there is no charge to attend the meetings. Our meetings are held the third Thursday of every month from October through April.

When Steve Penta bought his 1968 Camaro five years ago, it was a rusty mess, infested with rot throughout the body. Today, after five years of work, including installation of many new body panels, floors, interior and a 350-horsepower cubic inch V8 engine, it is the Roamin’ Oldies’ November Cruiser of the month. The Apollo Beach resident has been a car guy for as long as he can remember. He This 1968 Camaro owned by Steve and did much of the work himself, including Amber Penta of Apollo Beach is November application of a sparkling black finish. Cruiser of the Month for the Roamin’ Oldies Car Club. But he had a lot of help from family and friends, including wife Amber, dad Joe, brother Scott, and friends Rodger Peet and Carol Crane. The Roamin’ Oldies host a cruise-in from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the first Thursday of every month in the Apollo Beach Winn-Dixie Plaza on US41, with a rain date the following Thursday. The December 3 cruise-in, and a special show December 13 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Ruskin Big Lots store on SR-674 will be benefits, with participants asked to bring a new unwrapped toy for distribution to area children. About 100 of the area’s finest antique and collectible cars often take part, accompanied by classic oldies music played by DJ Joey Ferrante. The event sponsors include Thompson’s Auto Parts and the Christopher Ligori and Associates Law Firm. For information, call Chet at 813-842-1511.


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Military News DAR Attends Military Ball

Several members of the Colonel George Mercer Chapter of DAR attended the Sun City Center 5th Annual Military Ball on Saturday, November 7 in Community Hall.

Photo by Gordon Bassett Mary Culliton, Jan Bassett, Felicia Grant, Bunny Blackstone, Dorothy Love and Kathryn Glynn.

MOWW Sponsors 5th Annual SCC Military Ball

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The SCC Military Ball sponsored by the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) was held at the SCC Community Hall, on November 7, 2015. All military and non-military residents were invited to the event and by all accounts it was enjoyed by all who attended. The event began with a welcome by retired USAF Lt Col Jim Warcol commander of the local MOWW Chapter and was followed by the invocation by retired Navy captain Harry Benter. Subsequently, the Colors (Honor Guard - MacDill AFB) were presented and Lt Col Gordon Bassett, USAF (Ret) followed with toasts made to the Colors, the President of the United States, all of the military services and the POW/MIAs. All Purple Heart recipients were recognized. A flag parade consisting of flag bearers from all of the military organizations then took place followed by an award presentation honoring Diane Ladzinski by Jim Warchol for her years of continued outstanding support of the Sun City Center veterans’ organizations. A POW/MIA ceremony was then held with a bugler sounding taps. Following a delicious meal the Sun City Center Leathernecks Club cake cutting ceremony celebrating the 240th Birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps was conducted. Corpsman serving, or having served, with their Marines were honored during the ball. A 12-minute Hospital Corps tribute video was shown, and medical and dental personnel present from all armed forces were recognized and applauded by the Ball attendees. Dancing then commenced for the remainder of a memorable evening.

MFST Thanks Community Leaders at Luncheon By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret)

The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) recently held a luncheon to honor the leaders of the Sun City Center (SCC) and Kings Point (KP) military and civic organizations that have supported the many MFST endeavors. The luncheon was held at the Sun City Center Freedom Plaza Club on October 23, 2015. Colin Howgill, (far right in photo) MFST chairman, thanked all of the honored guests for their generous support of the MFST goals. He then introduced each guest and provided background material on the organization. MFST is a 501(c)3 organization that supports through their grant programs military families, past and present. The beneficiaries include, but are not limited to: four year scholarships for high school seniors; JROTC Honors Program; Homeless Women Veterans; Operation Warm Heart; Veteran Guide Dog; South Eastern Guide Dogs Paws for Patriots program; My Warriors Place; Operation Helping Hand and sponsoring ‘Guardians’ for the Honor Flight Support Program. Contributions are always welcome as without them none of the above assistance programs would be possible. For more information please Visit their website at “” or call Nancy Alguire at (813)634-4675.

Barbara Winter Discusses Escape From East Germany at MOAA Luncheon

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) Mrs. Barbara Winter, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) auxiliary member, was the featured speaker at the MOAA November 4 meeting. The meeting/luncheon was held in the Florida Room at the Sun City Center North Side Atrium. Mrs. Winter was born in Eastern Germany, and her formative years were spent under the cruel and intolerant occupation of Communist Russia. Those unbearable political circumstances forced From left Lyn Winter, Barbara’s husband; her widowed mother to plan an escape. Thom Brown, SCC MOAA chapter Barbara shared her poignant, enormously president; and Barbara Winter. harrowing experience as the family fled to freedom. Against many challenging circumstances she successfully accomplished her cherished goal to flee the brutal constraints of East Germany Communism and is now an enormously grateful U.S. citizen. Her emotional presentation was enthusiastically received as evidenced by the standing ovation she was given subsequent to her detailed remarks.

MOWW Donation

Lt Col Gordon Bassett, USAF (Ret), Diane Ladzinski, Lt Col Jim Warchol, USAF (Ret).

Empty table honoring POW-MIA --Bugler on stage sounding taps

Dorothy Hill, USMC (PFC) WW II, Ray Hill, USMC (SSGT) WW II, Don Renwick, USMC (SGT), Barry Myers, Corpsman (Inchon & Panmunjom), Korean War.

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Sun City Center (SCC) Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) recently donated funds to the Community Association (CA) to purchase flags representing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and United States Public Health Service to complete their federal service organizations flag collection. They are currently on display in the newly refurbished Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Blvd. in SCC, Florida. Pictured: Lt Col Charles Conover, USA (Ret); past MOWW Commander; Lynne Reitz, SCC CA manager; Lt Col James Warchol, USAF (Ret), current MOWW commander; David Floyd, CA president; and Maj James Haney, USMC (Ret), MOWW treasurer. The two flags seen in the middle of the photo are the new additions. The approximate cost of the flags plus accouterments was $600.

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

MFST Presents Operation Warmheart Donation

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) presented a $3,000 donation to the MacDill First Sergeants Council to assist in supporting Operation Warmheart (OWH). The donation was presented in the Sun City Center Freedom Plaza Auditorium, on November 6, 2015. Representing the First Sergeants was 1st. Sgt. Adrian Wright, left in photo, and 1st Sgt. Chris Sheppard, center, president of the 1st Sgts’ Council. MFST chairman, Colin Howgill, on right, presented the check. Operation Warmheart, one of the many beneficiaries supported by MFST, is an organization that assists families in all branches of the military in time of need. One of its primary missions is to provide emergency grants to MacDill AFB members. They also provide various types of gift cards and gasoline and in general provide morale, health and welfare assistance to as many needy military families as funds will allow. MFST beneficiaries also include, but are not limited to: four year scholarships for high school seniors; JROTC Honors Program; Homeless Women Veterans; Veteran Guide Dog; South Eastern Guide Dogs Paws for Patriots program; Operation Helping Hand and guardians for Honor Flights.


MFST Presents “One Man Show” for Freedom Plaza Residents

By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) The Military Family Support Trust (MFST) featured John Foster in a “One man show” in the Sun City Center Freedom Plaza Auditorium, on November 6, 2015. Colin Howgill, chairman of MFST, emceed the event and advised the residents that the entertainment was being provided to thank them for their generous support of the MFST goals and objectives. John Foster’s one man show was highly entertaining and well received by the John Foster providing entertainment. residents. Some of John’s achievements include being an award winning poet, author of three collections of poetry and serving as a national poetry judge. He is a former Air Force pilot, educator, administrator and tennis coach. He produced the SCC Follies for 12 years and was a bridge teacher for 22 years. MFST is a 501(c)3 organization that supports through their grant programs military families, past and present. The beneficiaries include, but are not limited to: four year scholarships for high school seniors; JROTC Honors Program; Homeless Women Veterans; Operation Warm Heart; Veteran Guide Dog ; Southeastern Guide Dogs Paws for Patriots program; My Warriors Place; Operation Helping Hand and sponsoring ‘Guardians’ for the Honor Flight Support Program. MOAA Donates $3,200 to MWP Contributions are always welcome as without them none of the above assistance By B. F. Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) programs would be possible. For more information please Visit their website at Kelly Kowall, owner of My Warriors Place (MWP), was presented with a donation or call Nancy Alguire at (813)634-4675. check for $3,200 at the November 4 Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) luncheon. The luncheon was held in the Florida Room at the SCC North Side Atrium. The check was from Call me today to hear about these optional the proceeds of the recent MOAA golf features: New Car Replacement, Accident tournament held at the Freedom Plaza Golf Course on October 10. Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. Kelly started the MWP project after her son was killed in Afghanistan and she realized that there were few places for RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, veterans and Gold and Silver Star families, LUTCF to help them overcome their grief from Dave Murphy, Golf tournament chairman; (813) 634-7100 the horrors of war and/or the death of a Kelly Kowall, owner MWP; Thom Brown, 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 SCC MOAA president. Fallen Warrior. MWP plays an important Sun City Center role in the healing and coping process RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM and the support that MWP provides through their programs is, at the very least, substantial and certainly impressive. MWP is supported through donations. The staff is all volunteers. For more information you can visit It is located at 101 22nd Street Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. NW Ruskin, FL 33570. Telephone (813) 321-0880. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

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Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. 150103


December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

FAITH & service “When Christmas Hurts,” Dec. 7

Service at St. John the Divine Sometimes, Christmas hurts. The death of a loved-one, a divorce, loss of work, illness, or other circumstance, can cause a sense of pain and grief that can be especially difficult to bear during the Joy of the Christmas season. On December 7, at 7 p.m., a special service, “When Christmas Hurts” will be offered at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 E. Del Webb Blvd., in Sun City Center. The service will provide a setting of support where people will gather for words of comfort, prayers of hope, and fellowship. For more information, call: Rev. Paulette Carney: 813-938-4234, or

Redeemer Lutheran Women to Meet

The women’s organization of Redeemer Lutheran Church (Women of the ELCA) will meet on Wednesday, December 16 beginning at 9:30 a.m. with refreshments. Everyone is invited to attend the 10 a.m. presentation on Senior Nutrition which will be provided by a dietician from South Bay Hospital. Following the business meeting, members will enjoy a Christmas luncheon. For more information, call 813-634-1292.

Beth Israel Announces New Class

Rabbi Carla Freedman is offering a new class entitled “What Happens After I Die?” Over the 3500 years of Jewish history, this question has been asked many times, and has generated many different answers. Some of these answers have had a profound influence on Western civilization. The most prominent views are summarized in the book by Rabbis Rifat Sonsino and Daniel Syme What Happens After I Die? It will be the basis of the class taught by Rabbi Carla Freedman at Beth Israel Congregation, 1115 E. Del Webb Blvd. The class will meet from 3 to 4:30 pm on Thursdays, beginning on November 12, for at least six weeks. The class is open to the community, and there is an $18 registration fee for those who are not members of Beth Israel. Participants are asked to read the book and come prepared to discuss its contents.

St. Andrews Pipe’s and drums.

UCC Celebrated with St. Andrews Pipes & Drums

On Sunday, October 25, at the 10 a.m. worship service, United Community Church celebrated Reformation Sunday with a “Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans” and music led by St. Andrew’s Pipes & Drums. The worship service featured portions of traditional Scottish liturgy, along with the bagpipes, drums, and tartan banners. The Kirkin’ is a creative and special way to celebrate Protestant heritage that has been handed down from the Reformation. There was a bagpipe concert in the west Portico following worship.

Metropolitan Ministries Arrives in Sun City Center

October 28, Wednesday, marked the beginning of Metropolitan Ministries’ free food service for hungry residents who wanted to stop in between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Boulevard West, Sun City Center. A free meal will be served every Wednesday at St. Andrew at 11:30 a.m. There is no charge. Although diners are asked to sign in, they need not give their names. Food stamps aren’t needed nor is approval from any government agency. The first meal served consisted of a generous slice of ham, rice, broccoli, donuts, cookies, plus bread and beverage. If you know of someone struggling to make ends meet, let them know of this free meal. Call 813-634-1252 for more information.

UCC Learns About Recycling

By Jo Prater United Community Church Women’s Fellowship had Travis Barnes, Recycling Coordinator with Solid Waste Management as speaker at their October luncheon meeting. He presented a slideshow with information on the ins and outs of recycling and what items are to be put in the blue bins.

Photo provided by Vern Elarth L to R: Senior Pastor Dr. Ron Churchill, Missionaries Tara and Tim Ellis, their children Rebekah and Andrew and Tara’s father and mother, George and Karen Krell of Plant City, FL.

Missionaries Visit Trinity Baptist

Roz Cruthis, Vice President & Travis Barnes.

Photo by Beverly Bassette Beverly Majewski, Marlus Johns, Mary Houston, Sally Erath, Beverly Bassette and Becky O’Dell.

UCC Women Attend Regional Retreat

Six women attended the United Church of Christ 2015 Southern Region Women’s Retreat held October 15 - 19 at the Sumatanga Conference Center in Gallant, Alabama. They traveled by bus with other UCC women from all over Florida. They attended workshops on social justice, personal freedom, immigration, spiritual health and liturgical dancing.

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

702 Valley Forge Blvd, SCC • • 813.634.2328



Sun. 8am, 10am, 12n Sat. Vigil 4pm Daily 8:00 a.m.

Mon.-Sat. 7:30 a.m. Wed. 2:30 p.m. Sat. 3:00 p.m.

Trinity Baptist Church recently hosted Tim and Tara Ellis, along with their two children, supported missionaries from Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Ellis’ made a presentation on their work during the Sunday evening service. After the service there was a reception, with cookies and brownies, to give the Ellis’ time to answer questions from the congregation. Missionaries Tara and Tim Ellis have served in (PNG) since 2012, working on behalf of Wycliffe Bible Translators, which translates the Holy Bible into native languages around the world. The goal of Wycliffe is to have Bible translation started in all languages by 2025. PNG is a series of volcanic islands, about the size of California, just north of Australia, with a population of 7.3 million people, and 800 different languages. There is no translated Bible in 280 of their languages and there is a Wycliffe team of some 600 people working on the project. The country is considered Christian, but there are still many tribal beliefs, so it tends to be Christianity mixed with Sorcery. There are many tribes scattered among the islands and they tend to be very retaliatory in nature. Thus, if another tribe causes a death of a tribal member, that tribe would seek to retaliate and take three lives from the offending tribe. In PNG, women do most of the farming and food is plentiful in the country, due to the fertile soil and warm climate. Cattle, chickens and pigs are also raised and pigs are very important culturally, as they are used in various feasts and as a woman’s dowry. Clothes and dishes are washed in the rivers. Native clothing is very colorful, as you see in the tops that Tara and Rebekah are wearing in the photograph. Tim serves as the Information Technology manager and is responsible for maintaining the office machines, the computer systems, email, electrical power, and the radio station. Tara serves on the Human Resources team and spends considerable time recruiting new project members. Trinity Baptist church is located at 702 West Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center. For information or call 813-634-4228.

United Community Church United Church of Christ 1501 La Jolla Ave. • 813-634-1304

Chapel Communion 8:30 AM •Worship 10:00 AM REV. DR. TIMOTHY W. SHIRLEY

No matter where you are on Life’s journey, you are welcome here. A place where God is still speaking.

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

October Project – Redeemer Lutheran Church

As an outreach project, members of Redeemer Lutheran Church recently donated 100 blankets, 74 sweatshirts, and 20 ponchos for children in need of extra warmth this winter. The items were divided between Wimauma Elementary School and Balm Good Samaritan Mission. The picture shows Mike and Jane Trefren delivering items to Bill Cruz at Good Samaritan Mission.

CHAI Chapter Hadassah Event

Please join the “Lunch Bunch” a group of Jewish friends for lunch. Mingle, laugh, and make new friends. Everyone is invited! Meet at Mimi’s Café, 804 Providence Road, in Brandon, on December 2, 2015 at 1 p.m. Everyone is requested to bring a coloring book and a pack of crayons that will be given out to first graders at an elementary school in Riverview. Please RSVP to “” or call Carol at 813-829-7227 if you wish to attend.

Daughters of the King Featured Speaker

Cam McGary was the featured speaker at the “Daughters of the King SWFL” annual retreat held in Ellenton, Florida. Cam spoke to the ladies about human trafficking occurring around the world and in our own backyard. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery involving the illegal trade of humans for exploitation or commercial gain. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the Cam McGary and Dr. Vickie Stevens, United States. Recognizing key indicators president of the Daughters of the King of human trafficking is the first step in SWFL. identifying victims and can save a life. Cam encouraged the women to put the hotline number in their phones (1-888-3737-888) and, if they see anything that could be human trafficking, to call that number. The mission of the Sun City Center/South Shore Campaign Against Human Trafficking is to provide support for the Tampa Bay Task Force by fostering community and faith based interactions to end Human Trafficking. If you would like more information or would like to schedule a presentation for your organization, call Cam at 813-642-9800 or go to the local website which is www.SCCblueheart@


Nearly New Shop Volunteers Enjoy Halloween.

Helen Lee, left, Dee Kelly, Jim Davis, and Linda Maslyk dressed up for Halloween at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center. The sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop provides monies for the Sun City Center Interfaith Council to offer grants to organizations and scholarships to college bound students from local high schools. The Thanksgiving holiday schedule for the Nearly New Shop is as follows: Closed on Wednesday, November 25, and open for sales on Saturday, November 28.

Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon

We have a special treat in store for you on Thursday, December 10, at Club Renaissance, 2121 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Please join us for a delicious Roast Turkey Dinner, fashions by Rose Boutique and inspirational speaker LuAnn Rutherford who will share her “Secret Treasure.” If turkey is not to your liking, you may select the alternate tossed salad with grilled chicken when you make your reservation. Price is $17 inclusive. Seating begins at 11 a.m. with meal and program from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please make your reservations or cancellations before noon on Monday, December 7 by contacting Gail Green at 813-634-2159 or or Pat Butler at 813-938-4320.

Card And Game Social At Prince Of Peace Catholic Church

The Council of Catholic Women invites anyone who likes to play cards or a variety of games to attend our monthly card and game social. Feel free to come alone or bring a friend. A selection of homemade cakes and refreshments will be served. Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished as well. A donation of $2 per person is accepted. For additional information, call Catherine at 813-633-2460. Conesa Center, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. December 10, 2015 -12 Noon – 3:30 p.m.

Beth Israel Announces Annual Mah Jongg Card Sale

Congregation Beth Israel is once again selling Mah Jongg cards to the public. Card prices are the same as last year and the same as the Mah Jongg League price. The cost is $8 for a standard print card and $9 for the large print card. Payment can be made for a table, a group or individually but everyone must include all names and addresses so that the cards can be mailed directly to each person on the list. Please mail checks to Lois Berman (made out to Beth Israel) 703 Plumbrook Rd., Sun City Center, FL 33573. Lois will also be available to sell cards at the Sun City Atrium, Sandpiper Room, Mondays from Noon to 3 p.m. Please do not mail cash. All cards must be ordered by January 15, 2016. Contact Lois Berman at “” or 813-968-4778.

From left, Barbara Lauer, Mirdza Derngers, Donna Wolski, guest speaker, Dorothy Peterson, Jane Trefren, and Mike Trefren.

Redeemer Hosts Interfaith Council

By Jay Sparkman. Redeemer Lutheran Church in Sun City Center hosted the October meeting of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council. Guest speaker for the evening was Donna Wolski, Director of Development, Hillsborough Community College Foundation. Ms. Wolski spoke about the growth of HCC since its founding in 1968, the courses offered by HCC, and the student makeup of the school. She specifically pointed out the growth of HCC Ruskin campus, what the school plans for the future, and how HCC is a benefit to the South Hillsborough area. The SCC Interfaith Council uses monies from the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center to fund grants and scholarships in the South Shore area. For info call 813-942-9099.

Happy Holidays From the Folks At Our Lady’s Pantry

Thanks to your amazing generosity, Our Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry (Our Lady’s Pantry) has been providing hundreds of boxes of food to our neighbors in need every week throughout the year. “We are humbled by your continuous support,” says Tom Bullaro, co-director of the Pantry along with his wife Anita. “Especially with the holidays coming up soon, many families, who are living paycheck by paycheck, or depending on Social Security, will be planning to share a meal with their friends and relatives. “We hope to provide the makings of a feast for these families less fortunate than ourselves.” According to Bullaro, donations of nutritious, non-expired, non-perishable food are always welcome and can be dropped off at the Pantry any Tuesday, Friday, or Saturday morning. Should you wish to donate a frozen turkey, please bring it on Friday or Saturday, December 18 or 19, between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. The Pantry is located behind the classroom building on the far right-hand corner of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission at: 16650 U.S. Highway 301 South; Wimauma, Fl. 33598. “We welcome monetary donations as well,” says Bullaro. If you are able to help, kindly send your donations to Our Lady’s Pantry, c/o Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Migrant Mission at the above address. “Thank you again for everything. Wishing you a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.”

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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

SouthShore Library Events

TUE. DEC 1 – INTRODUCTION TO IPAD AND IPHONE 1 – 3 p.m. at the SouthShore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab. An introduction to the Apple iPad’s basic hardware and software including AppleIDs, WiFi, the App Store, Safari internet browser, camera features, and much more...Limit: 12. Registration available 30 minutes prior to program. WED. DEC 2- GUARDIAN AD LITEM PROGRAM OF HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY INFORMATION SESSION 2:30 – 3:15 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2. There are over 2700 children in Hillsborough County’s foster care system. Over 800 of them do not have someone to advocate for their best interest in the courtroom. Join a representative from the Guardian ad Litem Program of Hillsborough County to learn how you can help make a difference in the life of a child in need. THU. DEC 3 - PROPORTION POLITICS: HOW TO FEEL BETTER IN YOUR CLOTHES! 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2. You are not a size! Do not tie your self-esteem into that little number sewn into the back of your pants! Nationally recognized stylist and author Jackie Walker will teach you about the architecture of your body and how to layer the horizontal lines of your clothing against your personal space so every woman can look taller and slimmer. Funded by the Friend of the SouthShore Regional Library. Questions? Call 813-273-3652. TUE. DEC 8 – FLORIDA LICENSING ON WHEELS 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2. Florida Licensing On Wheels brings the following motorist services directly to the customer: first time licenses, convert out of state license, renewals, replacements for lost or stolen license, address/name changes, ID cards, reinstatements, emergency contact information registration, vehicle registration renewals, disabled parking placard issuance and renewals. Fees may vary. Please visit the GatherGoGet website ( for a complete listing of documents needed. TUE. DEC 8 – PHOTOGRAPHY FOR IPAD 1 – 3 p.m. at the SouthShore Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab An introductory class to taking, editing, and sharing photos with your iPad. Limit 12. Registration available 30 minutes prior to the program. THU. DEC 10 – PHOTOGRAPHY FOR ANDROID 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab. An introductory class to taking, editing, and sharing photos with your Android device. Limit 12. Registration available 30 minutes prior to the program. MON. DEC 14 – ASTRONOMY AND TELESCOPE VIEWING 7 – 8 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2.Join astronomy enthusiast, Craig MacDougal as he presents a short astronomy lecture inside the library detailing what will be observed in the night’s sky. Immediately following will be an outside viewing of the moon and planets through a telescope. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. TUE. DEC 15 – ACCESSING EBOOKS ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE 1 – 3 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab. Learn how to download the e-books from the library onto your mobile device (tablet or smartphone) and discover the library’s large selection of e-books! Limit: 12 Registration available 30 minutes prior to program. WED. DEC 16 – ELDER LAW 2 – 4 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2. This program will provide information and education regarding legal issues for seniors including planning for incapacities and long-term care with emphasis on public benefits. THU. DEC 17 – INTRODUCTION TO IMOVIE AND GREEN SCREEN 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab. Learn how to make your own movies using iMovie! We will show you how to create custom backgrounds with the green screen, add special effects, voice-overs, music, transitions, and more. Limit: 12. Registration available 30 minutes prior to program. Funded by Friends of the SouthShore Library. SAT. DEC 19 – MUSICAL INSTRUMENT PETTING ZOO 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Community Room 1 & 2. The New Music Conflagration, Inc. presents an interactive, hands –on experience allowing the public to get up close to a variety of musical instruments. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. WED. DEC 23 – FAMILY CENTER OF DEAFNESS TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 1 – 3 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL John Crawford Art Education Studio. Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. (FTRI) will be on site to provide free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired. The equipment enables them to place and receive phone calls. TUE. DEC. 29 – TINKERCAD BASICS: LEARNING SIMPLE 3D MODELING 1 – 3 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab. Learn the basics of 3D modeling with Tinkercad, the free webbased 3D editor. Use and manipulate basic objects to create a variety of designs, from simple to complex. And then find out how you can submit your design to be printed for free! Limit: 12. Registration available 30 minutes prior to program. THU. DEC 31 – WALK IN TECH HELP 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin, FL, Computer Lab. We are here to answer your tech questions. Drop in any time during this 2 hour open lab for quick training in computer basics, tablets, smartphones, eBooks and eReaders, and more.

Catch The NEWS on the web at




Join the Parade & 5 Lucky Golf Cart Parade Entrants Will Win a Gift Card Valued up to $400!*


awarded in gift cards for golf cart category winners including 5 raffle ticket drawings with a grand prize of up to $400!*

Join us at Sun City Center for the Sun, Sand & Surf Golf Cart Parade. After, enjoy a day of live music & entertainment, a pet contest at 12pm, food, fun, holiday shopping & more at the Winter Festival presented by Minto! Saturday, December 12, 2015 Parade starts at 10am WinterFest 11am-2:30pm 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center FL 33573 (Corner of N. Pebble Beach Blvd. & Cherry Hills Dr.)

You Could Win a Gift Card Valued up to $400!* Minto will award 5 lucky golf carts with a gift card ranging from $100 - $400 just for joining the parade! Each decorated golf cart will receive a raffle ticket at registration, participate in the parade, turn in your ticket as you finish the parade and listen for your raffle number to be called at the awards ceremony… it’s that easy to win up to $400!* FLORIDA’S NEW



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December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Fundraiser for the Cat Lovers Club of SCC



Gift Wrapping at Barnes & Noble

Have your gifts wrapped and help the CLC feed in-need kitties in our community. Cat Lovers Club of SCC volunteers will be at Barnes & Noble to wrap your store purchases just for a donation to the Cat Lovers Club “Feed the Tuna Chest”. Any donation amount will be greatly appreciated! Friday, Nov. 27 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12 – 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 122 Brandon Town Center Drive in Brandon, FL 33511. Email “” for more information.

Holly Jolly Cat Food Drive December 1 – December 31

struggling cat owners in our local communities. All cat food donations will be distributed to local low-income residents and colony caretakers through the Cat Lovers Club’s Cat Meals program and Mary Petro Fund. If you prefer, you can make a cash donation directly to “Feed the Tuna Chest”. This money is used to purchase cat food for the program. Please send your donation to Cat Lovers Club, PO Box 5772, Sun City Center, FL 335715772 and mark your donation “Feed the Tuna Chest” food fund. Cat Lovers Club is a registered 501c3 non-profit. Please take a moment to stop by and make a donation. Any size dry cat food and/or canned food would be greatly appreciated. For more information, contact or call 813-442-3014.

Brick Pavers Done by real Professionals! We have 27 Years of Hand’s on Brick Pavers Installation Experience



C.A.R.E. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (59-3678003) registered with the FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, No. CH-14526. The shelter is funded solely through donations, adoptions, spay/neuter fees, fundraisers, and small grants. For more information, volunteer opportunities or donations, please visit our website ( or give us a call 813-645-2273. We are very grateful for your support. C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday through Saturday. For directions visit or call 813-645-2273.

Adogable Pets Pet Salon & Spa

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appy Cust om er s

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City Cen


Exp. 12/31/15

Coupons must be presented at time of contract.

Driveways / Pool Decks / Patios

Roger is a small reddish brown Dachshund that had to have his tail cropped due to injury. Roger is a super friendly boy and loves to spend time in the play yard with C.A.R.E.’s volunteers. He will fall asleep in your lap if you give him a massage. Roger will make a perfect companion and be a wonderful addition to any home. Come and visit Roger today as he won’t last long. As part of Roger’s adoption he will be neutered, microchipped. He is current on vaccinations. DOB: October 2, 2012.

Piper was brought back to the shelter when her owner was unable to care for her, or her sibling, any longer. She and Lilly are have a bonded relationship and finding a home for both of the kitties together would be best. Although initially shy and reclusive, spending time only with each other, they are making the adjustment to their temporary home while they wait for their forever family. Please visit C.A.R.E. soon. These beauties won’t be here long. As part of her adoption Piper will be microchipped. She is current on vaccinations and has been spayed. DOB: October 2, 2009.


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Any Project of $2,500 or More

Not Valid with any other offer



300 Off

Exp. 12/31/15

Coupons must be presented at time of contract.

Any Project of $5,000 or More

Not Valid with any other offer

401 South Parsons, Brandon, FL Call for showroom hours


Travertine / Pool Tile Remodeling

In the spirit of the season, Cadence Bank, 4842 Sun City Center Blvd, Sun City Center, FL will host a cat food drive for Cat Lovers Club to “Feed the Tuna Chest on Monday, Dec 14 through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and Friday, Dec 18 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Boggs Jewelers
4845 Sun City Center Blvd
Sun City Center, FL 33573
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. – noon. Men’s Club of SCC
1002 Cherry Hills Dr
Sun City Center, FL 33573
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
 SCC Security Patrol, 1005 N Pebble Beach Blvd, every day, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Feed the Tuna Chest program is 100 percent donation driven supported by animal lovers from our local communities. All the bags and cans of cat food donated to our food drives provide a temporary resource for

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The News of Sun City Center

December 2015

In a Class of its Own. The E-Z-GO Freedom RXV A better driving experience starts here.

• The E-Z-GO® Freedom® RXV™ features an advanced, energy-efficient AC Drive with an automatic braking system. • Enjoy better handling from an independent A-arm suspension.

• And your Freedom RXV will continue to look new thanks to the automotive-quality finish and unique, 360-degree bumpers. • Customize it to fit your lifestyle and see how the Freedom RXV can help you live free.

120 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. • Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-634-6671 These Comics are brought to you by West Coast Golf Cars! We Sell Fun!

December 2015

The News of Sun City Center

Now “I had a great drive” takes on a whole new meaning. The Shelby Cobra® takes the golf cart to a whole new level. Now the most enjoyable part of the game will be a great drive.


120 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. • Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-634-6671 These Puzzles are brought to you by West Coast Golf Cars! We Sell Fun!



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James S. of Apollo Beach was shocked to learn he had prostate cancer, but comforted that he could be treated close to home. He underwent minimally invasive robotic surgery, which offers less scarring and a faster recovery, at St. Joseph’s Hospital-South.

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Find a doctor who performs surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital-South: (813) 443-3001

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Watch James’ story:

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