April 2010 The News of Sun City Center

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The News of April 2010 - ISSUE #21

...an official publication of the Community Association

County Dignitaries and Committee Members Celebrated New Golf Cart Crossing of US 301

Happy Easter

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m.

Rollins Theater

Kevin Beckner and Rose Ferlita look on as Walt Cawein addresses the crowd at the ribbon-cutting for the new crossing at US 301.

By Judy Stimson On Tuesday March 9, Tax Hillsborough County and local dignitaries participated Day in a ribbon-cutting ceremony and inaugural parade for a golf cart crossing from East Del Webb Blvd. across U.S. 301 to Walmart. Ken Hagan, Chairman, Hillsborough Will you be away County Board of County for the summer Commissioners was the Master of Ceremonies. months? He was accompanied by Be sure to leave a Commissioners Mark forwarding address at Sharpe, Vice-Chair, Kevin the CA Office so you Beckner, and Rose Ferlita. Monsignor Harold Bumpus, can keep up on retired Pastor of Prince of The News of Sun Peace Catholic Church, led City Center. the Pledge of Allegiance and For each month you Invocation. Major Ronald H a r t l e y, C o m m a n d i n g are gone, the CA Officer, District IV of staff will mail you a the Hillsborough County copy. Sheriff’s Office reinforced


And remember, if you go online, you can read the newsletter at suncitycenter.org. On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 17 Club Happenings..... 6-9+ Consumer Affairs.... 5, 12 Crossword.................. 15 Cryptoquote................ 13 Entertainment Corner... 3 Fitness Corner............ 22 Golf............................. 20 Military Affairs.........10-11 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23 Sports.................... 21-22 Sudoku....................... 17 We Want to Know....... 15



a safety message, and Ed Barnes, President, Sun City Center Community A s s o c i a t i o n , a n d Wa l t Cawein, Co-Chair of the Golf Cart Path Steering Committee, also spoke. This celebration was the result of three years o f e ff o r t b y S u n C i t y Center residents, local community organizations and businesses, and county and state representatives. It started as a grass-roots effort after Walmart relocated and those Sun City Center residents who depend on golf carts for transportation no longer had access. The GolfCarts2Walmart (GC2W) Committee, cochaired by Walt Cawein and Paul Courter and consisting of Anne Cross, Petition Chair, Martin Hurwitz, Don Renwick, Karen Ryan, and Ron Zelins, led a petition drive to gather over 4,400 signatures. In early 2009, Commissioner Kevin Becker met with residents, took the signed petitions to Tallahassee, and lobbied for support. CA President Ed Barnes brought local, county and state representatives together. In July 2009, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Attorney’s office issued an opinion that the Cape Stone Avenue traffic signal provides a legal golf cart

crossing. On November 4, 2009 the County Commission voted to provide $250,000 to $300,000 from an existing fund for the right-ofway and construction. In December 2009 the County Department of Public Works began construction. Other key contributors included Commissioner Al Higginbotham, District

East Campus. The 800-foot path is a crushed-asphalt surface and includes safety features like golf-cart-only barriers and “Golf Cart Crossing” signs on U.S. 301. The path itself is for golf carts only (no pedestrians or bicycles). However, the traffic-signal-controlled U.S. 301 crossing is for golf carts, pedestrians, and bicycles.


April Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Check out the CA website: suncitycenter.org

Following CA President Ed Barnes across US 301 are carts carrying Commissioner Mark Sharpe with Walt Cawein and Commissioner Kevin Beckner with Paul Courter. Both Cawein and Courter led the committee to get the cart crossing permitted.

4 representative that includes Sun City Center; State Representatives Seth McKeel, Ron Reagan and Ronda Storms; and Commonwealth Plaza developers Stan and Rick Whitcomb of Whitcomb Properties. The path can be accessed from East Del Webb Blvd. between Commonwealth Plaza and St. John Divine

The celebration capstone was the golf cart-led ribboncutting and a parade of over 100 golf carts through the wooded path, across U.S. 301 to Walmart, and a return trip. There is currently no golf cart only parking at Walmart. Like all areas of Sun City Center, automobile and golf cart drivers alike need to respect traffic laws and each other.

2010 FunFest Photo Gallery Photos by Judy Stimson

Jane Keegan, Chair

Pat Looper, Weaver

Pottery Club

Elvis is “in the house”

Line dancing was fun for all.

Sew ‘n’ Sews

Southeastern Guide Dogs


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of


President Ed Barnes On March 9, we held the Grand Opening of the Golf Cart Path to Walmart. The criteria that we followed throughout the approval process was that this path had to be legal and safe. With help from the State DOT and County Highway Department, we figured out a way to make the crossing legal. The county engineers have done a terrific job in making this crossing safe with lower speed limits, warning signs and crossing lights. However, only so much safety can be engineered. It is up to each user to be vigilant and ensure that they operate their cart in a safe manner while crossing U.S. 301. Please use extra caution in that area. Board of Directors Opening We will be appointing a new director to fill the vacancy that exists on the BOD at the May 12 Board Meeting. The Director elected to this position will serve until January 5, 2011. A change in the Florida statutes has dictated that a vacated position can only be filled by Board appointment for the balance of the current year and the balance of the unfilled term must be voted on by the membership. If you are interested in becoming a Director you need to submit an application. These are available from Susan at the front desk of the CA office. The deadline for filing applications is Friday, April 16. In the December elections, we will have four open Director positions – one for the one-year term of the vacated position and three for the expiring terms of the three directors elected in 2007. We are studying exactly how the election of four positions should take place and will let you know how it will work well in advance of the December elections. What the New Sales Tax Means In the fall election, there will be a vote on a 1% sales tax increase to fund transportation and non-transportation projects in Hillsborough County. The South Shore Round Table is working with the county staff to identify specific projects for our area. The projects under consideration include: a golf cart path on the south side of SR674 from KP to Denny’s, a cart path on the North side of 674 from the Catholic church at Valley Forge to the old Walmart (now Bealls) parking lot, bus bay and shelter in the CA parking lot, and a golf cart path to the 19th Street library. These are planning projects that may or may not make the final cut with the BOCC! There are many pros and cons to this tax increase. In order to provide you with information on this project we are hosting Commissioners Mark Sharpe and Al Higginbotham to discuss this topic on April 22 from noon to 2 p.m. at Community Hall. Sharpe and Higginbotham have very contrasting views regarding this tax so it should be a lively meeting.

April 2010

Due to an opening on the Board of Directors, applications for appointment as a Director This increase in sales tax will impact all of us for the next 10-20 years so I think it is important to be informed before going to the polls. Please plan to attend. North Lakes Golf Course On February 23, we had the HC Code Enforcement people here to discuss their role in enforcing the maintenance of the North Lakes Golf Course. As we move into the growing season, it will be necessary to keep alerting Code Enforcement to keep the course at minimum maintenance. Make no mistake; it is highly unlikely that NLGC will ever be a golf course again, but it must be maintained to minimum county standards. In regard to the NLGC, the Task Force we have studying potential options is at this stage a planning effort only–we do not own the NLGC. However, it seems likely to me that we might end up with all or some portion of this area. And we need to be prepared to decide what we want to do with it. One element of this task force is to come up with the various cost estimates in terms of immediate and long-term costs for the various options. It seems to me that this area could become a center piece for Sun City Center residents. There will be more on this subject as we progress through the year. Chinese Dry Wall At the Membership Meeting March 23, there was substantial discussion on the Chinese Dry Wall issue by members of the Contaminated Drywall Coordinating Group (CDCG). The CDCG includes homeowners who have a tremendous problem facing them in remediation. All of us on the CA Board of Directors deeply sympathize with the huge problem these homeowners face. The CA BOD has supported the CDCG over the past 10 months with numerous actions including creating and passing a resolution to the Board of County Commissioners to support the CDCG position on asking FEMA to declare a state of emergency and sharing that resolution with Kings Point Federation so they could present a similar front to the BOCC, coordinating a support group for CDCG members, conducting indepth discussions with individual county commissioners and other local politicians concerning Chinese Drywall, and various articles in the CA Newsletter as well as access to FunFest without charge to raise money for their organization. The CA BOD has been and will continue to be very proactive concerning the Chinese Drywall issue.

are now available in the CA office. This term of appointment will expire on January 5, 2011. Completed applications must be returned to the CA office by 3:00 p.m. on


The Board Workshops held prior to the monthly Board Meetings will no longer be held on the first Wednesday of the month. Beginning in April, they will be held at 9 a.m. in the Board Room on the following dates for the balance of 2010: Monday, April 5 Monday, May 3 Tuesday, June 1 The NEWS of Sun City Center Tuesday, July 6 A publication of the Monday, August 2 SCC Community Association Monday, August 30 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Monday, October 4 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Monday, November 1 813-633-3500 Monday, November 29 News Office: COMMUNITY 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) ASSOCIATION


April 5 14 20 21 26 May 3 12 18 19 24

Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

*Board Workshops are now held the first Monday of each month in the Board Room. Proposed agendas for monthly Board meetings are discussed at the Board workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website (suncitycenter.org under “Association”). Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones sccnews@verizon.net Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn, Judy Stimson Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf newsofsccads@gmail.com 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

April 2010

The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

Director Donald P. Schings CENSUS

In March 2010, every household across the nation received a census form. Required once every 10 years by the U.S. Constitution, the 2010 Census will count every man, woman and child living in the United States. Every year the federal government distributes more than $400 billion to tribal, state and local governments based on census data. But a lack of participation can result in our community and nation receiving less federal funding and less access to important services and resources than we might otherwise have received. Census data also are used to reapportion seats in Congress and assure proper district representation in state and local governments. An accurate count will help ensure the people in this community are fairly represented in all levels of government. During Census 2000, many households in Sun City Center returned their census forms by mail. Nationally, 72 percent did so as of the April 2000 cut-off. I believe we can do even better in 2010. That’s why today, it is important that everyone in Sun City Center take 10 minutes to participate in the Census by answering the 10-question census form. Together, we can create a better tomorrow for ourselves, our family and our community.


On Thursday, April 22, from noon til 2 p.m. at Community Hall, the Community Association is sponsoring an Informational Discussion on the pros and cons relating to the probable 1% Sales Tax Referendum to appear on the November voter ballots. Currently the Board of County Commissioners is working out the specific details as relates to the issue (see - http://www.hillsboroughcounty. org/transportref/). The discussion is open to the public. While final details are being worked out, it is anticipated there will be opening remarks by CA President Barnes, then one hour of discussion by Hillsborough County Commissioners Al Higginbotham and Mark Sharpe followed by a chance for the public to ask questions. A second discussion is being planned for the October 2010 time period at Kings Point.


Membership Directory Corrections (Cut and place in your 2010 Directory.)

PAGE CHANGE 1: Community Information Center … 642-2044 5. Meals on Wheels ... 634-9283 5: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sun City Center, 633-0396 6: American Cancer Society & Women with Cancer Concerns should be 642-9020 7: Hearing Loss Association, email is rhmann@tampabay.rr.com, 634-1706 7: Lifeline Medical Alert ... 633-7091 22: Gadabouts: President - Barbara Hancock...633-5999 22: Minibus; President is Clara Rafinski … 642-9365 38: Kelly Bryant .. 938-5075; Hometown is Beattyville, KY 48: Claire Dowd, 2425 Emerald Lake Drive - Apt. 209, 633-3064 51. Martha Finley, 1605 Comfy Court, 633-1631 55: Arthur & Elizabeth Graham, 910 Regal Manor Way, Phone should be: 813-600-5350 57: Alonzo Lee Hall, 633-3464 58: Richard B. & Sarah C. Hardy, 2307 Platinum Drive, 813-938-1351 66: Gary & Jane Keegan have moved to 403 Blackhawk Circle. 72: Robert Long, 706 Augusta Dr, 813-633-0375, Hometown: New Orleans, LA 73: Judy Bradley Lynch, 1014 Regal Manor Way, 938-5965 73: Elmer F. and Betty J. Mack, should be 391-4561 74: John & Carolyn Manning, should be 634-5075 76: Tom & Mary McNichol, correct Area Code to: 813-938-5064 87: Lucy Ray, 633-3464 89: Robinson, Peter X. & Carolyn A. Robinson, 649-4664 90: Kenneth & Lynne Rome, 329 Northway Drive, 633-7780 92: Daniel & Marilyn Schettle, 730 Tam O Shanter Ave, 920-203-3443, Hometown: Wautoma WI 101: Edward & Gerry Towers, 262-2064 106: Patricia Wilson .. 938-5075; RN, South Bay Hospital Nurse Auditor 107: Cheryl Wright, 1601 Del Webb Blvd W., 813-938-3846 108: William J. Jr. & Pauline Yannotti, 810 Ojai Ave., 633-6450 148: Joyce A. McCoy / Hoffman, 2205 Sifield Greens Way, 634-6878 149: Wesley W. Hoffman, 2205 Sifield Greens Way, 634-6878 163: Mel and Marian Olbina, 1601 Flamingo Lane, 642-9100 164: Charles V. Parker, 402 Dorchester Place, 634-7894

SouthShore Library to Showcase the Area’s Past for SCC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

From the Desk of

Manager Lyn Reitz

Del Webb

Toyota Recalls in SCC

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: sccboard@suncitycenter.org Web Site: suncitycenter.org


A special thanks to all of you who supported the Sunday/Friday Entertainment shows this year. It was another super year! Hope to see you in the fall. Several new upcoming events include “Preview to Carmen...What Makes a Great Opera Melody?” by the St. Petersburg Opera, Friday, April 9, 2:00-3:30 p.m., Tickets $8. Two Sunday concerts are scheduled: May 23, “Salute to Heroes” and July 18, “Summer Celebration.” Both will be presented by the Sarasota Concert Band. Tickets are $13/person (or $15/person at the door). Or buy a ticket to both the May and July concerts and save $1 (both shows for $25). Tickets are on sale at the Community Association (CA) office, MonFri, 9 a.m.-noon, NOW for Carmen and starting Monday, April 12, for Sarasota Concert Band performances. RESERVED SEATS for all three performances. And on that note, it has been decided that the CA will no longer accept credit card payments (only check or cash) for any of the CAsponsored Entertainment shows. It has proven to not be cost-effective. This goes into effect immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. –Questions? Judy Schings (813) 642-2001

Cattle and the Cracker Cowboys

deLeon, deSoto and the Spaniards

The Calusa Indians


On April 6, 7 and 8 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Courtesy Toyota of Brandon will be given space at the west end of the Arts and Crafts building (we will cone off) to do the brake pedal recall repairs on their noted affected vehicles. An appointment will need to be made with the dealership by calling (813) 622-8372 ext. 391. The repairs should take approx. 45 minutes. This is being done to help those in need of the recall repair by not having to drive all the way to the dealership.

As preparations begin to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2011 of the founding of SCC, we have been given a golden opportunity to share our story with folks in surrounding communities and others who visit the South Shore Regional Library. The Library and its Friends have graciously given us space for a 6 ft. x 2 ft. glass display case to tell the story of who we were hundreds of years ago to who we are today! John Bowker, a member of the 50th Anniversary Committee, asked Kim Droege and Lew Resseguie to lead the effort to design, implement and maintain the exhibit. They hope to have it in place by early summer of this year utilizing the talents of several SCC clubs. During the next year, they plan to update certain parts of the exhibit in order to more completely reveal the history, current vitality and potential growth of our community. Please stay tuned for updates as plans progress and the implementation of this unique display nears. When it opens later this spring, we hope you will then take an opportunity to visit the South Shore Library to view our exhibit while enjoying the many services offered us by this wonderful facility. –Kim Droege and Lew Resseguie


The News of Sun City Center


April 2010




1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Brentwood II 2/2/1 car carport. Located in lovely treed area across from Cypress Creek conservation. Split plan, many recent upgrades, totally new kitchen and appliances, lots of closets, family room, spacious enclosed lanai, and covered front porch.

DeSoto 2/2/1 car garage. Totally refurbished in 2007. New tiled floor, new kitchen cabinets, sink, china cabinet and appliances. Countertops are man-made stone HI MAC. Dining room with French door leads to spacious lanai with new double pane windows throughout. Both baths also updated.

1726 COCO PALM CIRCLE $129,900


1102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)

Plumeria 2+/2/2 car garage. This lovely home has it all - POOL (added in ‘06), offers a delightful view of GOLF COURSE and POND. Open floor plan, dining room, den/office, and master bath and kitchen which have been modified for convenience and accessibility.

Custom Islander 2/2+den and 2 car garage, located close to Caloosa Country Club Estates with beautiful pool, spa, and lake frontage. Totally remodeled and renovated throughout, Gorgeous gourmet kitchen with granite countertops and custom cabinets, 5 sets of French doors....Sun City Center living at its best!!!!!!

2023 N. PEBBLE BEACH BLVD $299,000

1939 STERLING GLEN CT. $179,000

$495,000 Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

818 Oakmont Ave.


$119,000 DW37-roof and CHA ’08, screen porch

1916 East View Dr.


$239,900 Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

1803 Orchid Ct.


$115,000 DeSoto-Updated, roof ’03, replumbed ‘98

2014 East View Dr.


$239,900 Exp. Atrium-Water,split bdrm plan

1933 Grand Cypress


$112,500 Gardenia-Roof ’10, glass enclosed lanai

2003 Wedge Ct.


$219,900 Islander-Water,Caloosa Country Club

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.


$110,000 Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchen

2049 Berry Roberts. Dr.


$210,000 Yorkshire-Water, Split bdrm plan

2415 Nantucket Field Way 2/2

$109,900 Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appliances

603 Deep Lake Ln.


$199,900 Berkshire-Pool, lots of upgrades

712 Riviera Dr.


$100,000 DW37-New roof ‘08, new a/c unit

1144 Corinth Greens Dr.


$199,900 Hanover-Golf Course, many upgrades

326 Club Manor Dr.


$ 99,800 Dedham-Golf Course, Home Warranty

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.


$182,000 DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

1201 Lenham Ct.


$ 95,000 Seabreeze-Open plan/split bedrooms

2020 El Rancho Dr.


$174,900 Atrium-Water view,newer appliances

905 Hacienda Dr.


$ 92,000 North Golf Course, newer appliances

1505 Blackstone Cr.


$170,000 DW55-Middle Lake,leisure rm. + lanai

1206 Beach Blvd.


$ 90,000 T2-Replumbed, a/c ’03, encl. lanai

13011 Sea Pines Way


$154,900 Beautiful home w/large patio, hot tub

827 Tremont Greens Ln.


$ 89,900 Albany-Enclosed lanai,screened entry

832 Regal Manor Way


$149,900 Cezanne-Short Sale, spacious greatroom

2507 Lambdin Dr.


$ 89,900 Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

2015 Sifield Greens Way


$144,900 Haddington-Water,many, many upgrades

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.


$ 84,900 Immaculate, lovely furnished home

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.


$139,900 DW54-Move-in condition,corner lot

2307 Lancaster Dr. #13


$ 75,000 Augusta-Golf Course, enclosed lanai

1507 Cloister Dr.


$136,000 Twintree-Water view, new carpet

2206 Horsham Pl.


$ 65,000 Oxford-Furnished, screened lanai w/view

1509 Cloister Dr.


$135,000 Twintree-Water, clean-light-bright!

1908 Canterbury Ln. #K3


$ 59,900 Stuart-Lots of upgrades, enclosed lanai

628 Masterpiece Dr.


$133,500 Melbourne-Updated, new landscaping

1592 Council Dr.


$ 59,900 Everglades Duplex-cozy, great condition

1207 Wild Feather Ln.


$133,000 Twintree-Move-in condition,open backyd

2223 Grenadier Dr. #145


$ 58,900 Windsor-Neat unit! Glass-enclosed lanai

1611 Bentwood Dr.


$130,000 Twintree-Enclosed lanai,screened porch

1902 Dandridge D21


$ 45,900 York- Compact,nice layout

902 El Rancho Dr.


$129,900 Palmtree-Remodeled kitchen, newer roof

201 Kings Blvd. #12


$ 45,000 Villa-WATER, close to all amenities

609 Allegheny Dr.


$129,000 So. Pacific-Spacious,clean, screened porch

1906 Canterbury Ln. #1


$ 42,800 Stuart-Nice location,great amenities

842 McCallister Ave.


$127,500 Malibu-Large lot, lanai, vol. ceilings

401 De Grasse Pl. #5


$ 37,900 York-Nicely furnished,16x8 lanai w/CHA

644 Masterpiece Dr.


$127,000 Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174


$ 31,900 Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

337 Green Manor Dr.


$119,900 Dedham-Remodeled kitchen,new roof ‘09

1801 Bedford Ln.


$ 25,000 Best price in town and best location




$ 675 Nicely Decorated

324 Faircross Circle



$1,000 Sharp as a Tack

S 1552 Council U N 705 Torrey Pines



$ 700 Avail April

306 Stroll



$1,000 Spac Split Plan



$ 750 Dbl Carport

1710 Orchid Court



$1,000 RENTED

C 704 Riviera I 721 Torrey Pines T Y 1729 Atrium



$ 775 Nice Comfy Size

376 Club Manor



$1,000 Sharp w/Golf View



$ 800 Move in Now

2417 Nantucket Field



$1,150 Scren lanai-ConsView


Bel Aire

$ 825 Avail Furn or Un

201 Bedford D89



$ 650 + Screen Room

1805 Butterfly



$ 975 Tile & Solar Tube

206 Andover Pl S 168


Mansard 2

$ 750 Glass Enc Lanai

705 Churchill Pl



$ 975 New Thru Out 1G

302A Fowling Court



$ 800 Lovely Furn

112 Wintersong



$ 975 Furn Split Plan

304 Grayston


Exp Hamp

$ 890. Furn, Scrn Porch

1622 Faxton



$ 995 RENTED

2015 Hampstead



$ 900 Furn & Ready

314 Caloosa Palms



$1,000 Golf Crse Beauty

1309 Idlewood



$ 1,000 Nicely Furn Golf


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April 2010

The News of Sun City Center

Consumer Affairs

National Consumer Protection Week – March 7–13, 2010

Commissioner Kevin Beckner presents a proclamation to Consumer Protection Agency Chief Investigator Kevin Jackson, and Investigator Debora Brown. Local consumer reporters and other consumer advocates were also recognized for their contributions to educating consumers. From left: Commissioner Beckner; Kevin Jackson; Debby Brown; Ivan Penn, St. Petersburg Times; Eric Seidel, Fox 13; Jackie Callaway, ABC Action News; Joan Noble, Paul Grossman, Dan LaValley, SouthShore Community Justice Center. Front: Don Schings, Sun City Center Community Association.


The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners honored local community and media consumer advocates at their March 3rd BOCC meeting. The proclamation kicked off National Consumer Protection Week. Sun City Center is the only community in Hillsborough that actually has a Consumer Affairs Committee to help its residents, and we were very honored to be recognized for the work we do. Director Don Schings was able to attend the meeting and appears in the photo below with other honorees. Kevin Jackson, head of the Hillsborough County Consumer Protection Agency, said “We’re very thankful for the efforts made by the Sun City Center Community Association on our behalf and greatly admire your diligence and concern for your residents as it relates to consumer issues.”

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Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center

Art Club Artist of the Month

Bringing an International flavor to the Art Club of SCC, Karen Koop has been named Artist of the Month for April 2010. Karen and her husband, German citizens, have been spending half of each year in Luxembourg and the other half here in SCC. While in Germany, Karen studied art in high school, then completed her studies at the Istitut Catholique in Luxembourg. She worked for two decades as an art and religion teacher at public schools and the Art a l’Ecole Luxembourg, while at the same time conducting periodic public art exhibitions for young artists. Retiring part-time to SCC, Karen joined the Art Club and started painting again. Working primarily in acrylics, she took lessons from Charna Bogdany and Virginia Laudano to finetune her talent. Karen’s works will be on display during April at SCC Library, SCC Chamber of Commerce, Wells Fargo Advisors ( formerly Wachovia ), Sun Trust Bank, A-1 Connection Realty, South Shore Bank, Information Center on Cherry Hills Drive, and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room. News of other Art Club activities can be found at: www.artclubofscc. org. –Ed Laudano

The Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association sponsored a three-day Sectional Bridge tournament in March at Community Hall. Players from as far as Orlando and Fort Myers helped fill the 200 tables of players at this 17th annual tournament that is geared for all levels of play. Lectures by local bridge instructors Virgil Eveleigh and John Foster were highlights of each day’s activities. The ACBL Director in Charge, Patti Johnson, told the News that our facility, with its fine lighting and air conditioning, is among the best in the whole southeast. Tournament Director Pat Rippel added that we are known for our community hospitality and smooth operation thanks to so many local volunteers. John Foster contributed to this article; Rosie Clifton provided the photograph.

Model Railroad Club Open House on April 2


The Model Railroad Club of Sun City Center will be hosting an Open House from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, April 2. All visiting “Junior Engineers” will be offered an opportunity to run a train and earn a certificate! The Club is located at The regular monthly luncheon 915 N. Course Lane. Please visit meeting of the Men’s Club will be our website: www.sccmrrc.org for held on Wednesday, April 21. Dr. directions or call 634-1414. –Bill Brown Charles Kovacik, a retired professor from the University of South Carolina, will explain Earthquakes, Volcanoes and the Ring of Fire. Very Dance April 21 SCC Dance Club is having its timely subjects today. dance on April 21. Come check us Reservations are needed by out and bring your friends for an April 18. This meeting will be held enjoyable evening of dancing and in Community Hall (1910 S. Pebble camaraderie. Beach Blvd), beginning at 11:30 Community Hall 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. a.m. This is a “members and invited guests only” event. Membership Music by: NANCY & the VIP’s information may be obtained from Guest $5. Attire: Dressy Casual Jerry Mahoney at 633-2879. Singles always welcome. BYOB For more info, call 633-7173.

The Computer Club “Free Software”

W a n t some highly recommended PC software for FREE? That will be the subject of the April 7 meeting of the Computer Club. Several great programs will be described, downloaded and demonstrated. And they are all FREE! The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Florida Room. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited. For membership or meeting information, contact Ilona Merritt at 633-9496.

April 2010

Weavers Meet April 14

April’s Weavers of SCC Meeting will be Wednesday, April 14, at 10:30 a.m. in the Sandpiper Room. Sherri Feldman will be presenting “Weaving to Wear,” and Charlene Roberts will explain threedimensional weaving.

February Luncheon Was the DAR Chapter’s 34th Annual

Back row (l to r): Roberta Schofield–State Curator, Mary Culliton–Chapter Chaplain, Donna Cullen–State Vice Regent. Front Row (l to r): Billie Brock–Chair American Heritage, Rebecca Lockhart–National Reporter General, Barbara Makant–State Regent, Beverly Engles–Chapter Regent, Mary McIntyre–Chapter Vice Regent.

Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter DAR held their 34th Annual Invitational Luncheon February 17 at Renaissance Club in Sun City Center. Rebecca Lockhart, Reporter General NSDAR and Honorary State Regent gave an outstanding talk on “Women of Purpose.” State Regent Barbara Makant, State Vice Regent Donna Cullen and State Curator Roberta Schofield and several other National Chairmen and other Chapter Officers were also in attendance. Catherine Goodrich was presented her 50th Anniversary Certificate by the State Regent. Funds were raised for the State Regent’s Project, “Paws for Patriots.”


At its April 20th luncheon, Ann Mohr Osisek will show members of the South Bay Genealogical Society how to better organize their Genealogy records. Her talk is entitled “Once upon a Desk– Organization is not a Fairy Tale.” She has served as managing instructor for genealogy programs at the Disney Institute, taught genealogy classes for the Orange County Adult Education Program and is a genealogy instructor at Seminole County Community College.

The luncheon meeting will be held at noon at the SouthShore Regional Library. Reservations required by April 14. Cost is $13. Contact Sally Wepfer for reservations and membership information at 634-7539. The Society is a Special Interest Group of The Computer Club. It provides “Ask a Genealogist” assistance at SouthShore Regional Library on a scheduled basis, holds monthly program meetings, as well as workshops and seminars to assist those tracing their family history.

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April 2010

Club Happenings 2

The News of Sun City Center

SCC Big Band Dance Club

Saturday, April 17 - SCC Big Band Club Dance, 7 - 10 p.m. at Community Hall. Come join us for a fun filled evening dancing to the music of Sun City Center’s own live 18-piece Swing Band playing “Music of Your Life” from the 40’s, 50’s & 60’s. Non-season ticket holders $9 at the door. Attire: Dressy casual. No shorts or jeans. Ties optional. Info. call Charlie at 642-8172 or 642-9817.

SCC New England Club

Spring Fling

North Lake Yacht Club members enjoyed a raft-up and dinner on St.Patrick’s It’s Lobstah Roll Time Again Day. Members Erwin Hansen, Joe Hastings, Janet Odell, Bob Hill, and The date is Friday, April 23, at Jolene Bracken participated in the best costume contest. Janet Odell won 6 p.m. (doors open at 5:30) in the first prize with Erwin Hansen second and Rita Hale third. Florida Room. You get lobster roll, seafood chowder with crackers, cole International Forum to Meet March 5 slaw, potato chips, Boston cream pie, The International Forum announces a “town meeting” program on decaf coffee and iced tea. Tableware Friday morning, April 2, consisting primarily of comments from the audience provided, but BYOB. Entertainment: on current American foreign relations and on future International Forum Magician Nathan Coe Marsh, an programming. illusionist with a sense of humor. All Forum programs are held from 9:30 to noon in the Florida Room of Call 633-5032 to see if there’s still the Atrium building off North Pebble Beach Blvd and are free and open to room. all residents of Sun City Center. Although the typical program begins with Reservations required: Send initial remarks by four or five panelists, there will be no panelists on April 2. $16 (payable to New England Club) During the first half to two-thirds of the program, moderator Dean and CA # for each person to Maureen Mahin will pose several broad questions about current and future American Alletson, 2028 Prestancia Ln, Sun foreign relations and invite brief reactions from the audience. The moderator City Center, FL 33573. Your table will make no prepared presentation but may contribute briefly to the assignment (tables of 8) will be on discussion. Members of the Forum and other participants may express a card for you at the door. Submit all briefly their views on the general objectives of U.S. foreign policy, on any names and payment for each person specific foreign policy issue or program, or on the conduct of U.S. foreign you wish to have at your table in one relations. In keeping with the non-partisan Forum bylaws, the participants envelope. will be requested to focus on substantive issues and programs and to avoid partisan evaluations. The discussion will be limited to international problems and issues. After a ten-minute break, the remaining time will be used for discussion on previous and future Forum programming. Mahin, who has been Forum vice president for programming or program coordination since 2004, will comment briefly on factors that limit the choice of program themes and the recruitment of panelists, indicate several programs that are being developed for the 2010-2011 season, and invite suggestions on the format and themes of future Forum programs and of potential panelists. These suggestions will be considered by the Executive Committee in its spring meeting on April 9. At the end of the program, there will be an election of members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. –Dean Mahin

Bowker Honored by National DAR

John Bowker, left, was presented the National Daughters of the American Revolution Community Service Award at the Antique Adventure held on March 1. Beverly Engles, Colonel George Mercer Brooke Chapter Regent, presented the award. It was based on his years of volunteer service to the community and was the first time the Chapter has presented this award.

Please send your club news to The News of Sun City Center at the following email address: sccnews@verizon.net


Academy of Ballroom Dance Club

The April dance will be held on Saturday, April 3, at Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free, guests $5. Refreshments and door prizes at intermission. Attire - Dressy Casual, BYOB. Ms. Bernice Dubro-May will be teaching a Polka lesson at 6:15 p.m. for $2.50 per person. This is the best deal ever and so much fun! Info. call Charlie Brown at 642-9817.


Tuesdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27 – Evening Social Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes: 5:30 p.m. Beginning Swing; 6:45 Intermediate Rumba; 8:00 Silver Fox Trot. Wednesdays, April 7, 14, 21, 28– Daytime Social Ballroom and Latin Dance Classes: 12:45 p.m. Beginning Fox Trot; 2:00 Intermediate Cha Cha; 3:15 Intermediate West Coast Swing continued from last month. Classes are $5 per lesson in the new Dance Studio in the Atrium Building on N. Pebble Beach. Info: Bernice May 634-3205. Sponsored by The Academy Dance Club in Sun City Center. Learn some new steps and review some old steps. Great exercise for the mind, body and spirit. A nice opportunity to be with friends and make new ones. Couples and Singles. Sun City Center and Kings Point residents welcome.


Club Happenings 3

The News of Sun City Center

The Hope Fund’s Breakfast and Bingo to be Held April 10th

Ready to greet and serve you are, from left to right, Jan Shangraw, Jan Burr, Pat Ganshirt, and Chris Avella. Come to Community Hall on So. Pebble Beach Blvd, in Sun City Center, on Saturday, April 10, between 8:30 and 11a.m., and enjoy a wonderful breakfast. For $6, you’ll receive a large omelet of your choice (cooked by the best omelet makers in Florida), a bagel and cream cheese or a Danish, orange juice, and coffee or tea. After breakfast, play bingo for cash prizes if you wish. Bingo cards cost extra. Tickets are available at the door. All are welcome! Breakfast and Bingo, which is held twice a year, is a major fundraiser for the Hope Fund for Children. The Fund is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. It sponsors and runs programs for at-risk children who attend the after-school and summer activities at Bethune Park in Wimauma. The children served need an extra boost to help them get a good start in life. The Hope Fund provides mentoring and tutoring, extra help with reading and math, a running program (Marathon Kids) that emphasizes self esteem and physical fitness, a computer lab, field trips, a gardening program, sex and drug classes for older children.

Last year a new program called “Project Share” was launched. The children are sponsored for their 26-mile run. In an effort to show the children that helping others is rewarding, the cash raised will go to the veterans at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa to help them purchase needed items at the shops at the hospital. This April the children will visit the veterans at the hospital. Funds are needed so that these programs may continue. By attending Breakfast and Bingo you will help the children. There are no administrative costs. All funds raised go to the children. Call Carla Miles at 634-4268 if you like kids and would like to volunteer, or for more information regarding The Hope Fund and/or Breakfast and Bingo. Also, check out the Fund’s website at www.The-Hope-Fund.org. The next Breakfast and Bingo will be held October 30, 2010! Save the date! Thank you for your support. –Robi Jackson

April 2010

Swingers Square Dance Club to Celebrate “April in Paradise” with a Dance on April 9 Those of us living in Sun City Center can agree that it is Paradise most of the time. Therefore, the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will celebrate the great month of April and Sun City Center with an “April in Paradise” Plus/Mainstream Square Dance on April 9. To help the dancers get in that so-called spring fever mood, club members will provide delicious finger food for them to enjoy. The club will supply the beverages. Also at this special dance, the club will be honoring, and sadly saying goodbye to, our longterm club members Chuck and Dotty Hinxman. They are moving north at the end of April to be with their family. Chuck and Dotty have been residents of Sun City Center for 21 years and members of the Swingers Square Dance Club for 20-1/2 of those years. They were very instrumental in the success of the club over the years holding the positions of president, vice president, treasurer and other major functions. Chuck and Dotty even held a weekly Square Dance Workshop in their garage to help beginners become better Square Dancers. Chuck and Dotty will be sorely missed. We wish them good health, good luck and God-speed.

These special dances, along with the club’s regular Friday Night Plus Dances, are held in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7–7:30 p.m. Plus Dance with Rounds 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Van Coble calls and Pat Hagen cues. A Mainstream and Plus Class is held every Tuesday night at Community Hall. Mainstream 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Plus 8 to 9 p.m. Van Coble is the instructor. On Tuesday night April 13, the club will hold a Graduation Ceremony and Dance for our Beginners Square Dance Class. This event will be held in Community Hall. The club will hold its annual meeting, election of officers and pot luck dinner (members only) on Friday night, April 23, in Community Hall. The regular Friday Night Square Dance (open to all square dancers) will follow the annual meeting. Square dancers, come join us for this Special Dance and also every Tuesday and/or Friday night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. For information, call Gail at 633-1297 or Sue at 633-8780. –Dick Schultz

DAR Donates to Athena House After Successful “Antique Adventure”

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Left to right: Co-Chair Natalie Tryon, Appraiser Roger Wilson, Regent Beverly Engles, Co-Chair Mary McIntyre, and Honorary Regent Mary Lou McFate. The “Antique Adventure” event presented March 1 by the Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter of DAR of Sun City Center was such a great success that the Chapter is considering having another such affair in early 2011. Co-Chairs Natalie Tryon, Mary McIntyre and Regent Beverly Engles want to thank the 90 attendees who shared the evening enjoying the expertise of Appraiser Roger Wilson as he discussed and priced their items. The DAR Chapter, as a result, was able to present a $1,700 check from the proceeds to Athena House that provides transitional housing to homeless female veterans. Roger Wilson may be contacted at rwilson999@verizon.net or at 1-941232-2761 to give free personal appraisals for people who are interested.

April 2010

The News of Sun City Center

SCC Audubon Club Toured The Everglades in March


Club Happenings 4


Barbara Paugh, president of the SCC Sew ‘n’ Sews Club, admires doll clothes being made by Claire Smith, left, and Florence Seymour for the children at Redland Christian Migrant Association in Wimauma at a recent community service sew-in day.

Photo Club Meets Tuesday, April 13

If you want to learn how to develop a media program showcasing photos of your family or your travels, you will want to attend the SCC Photo Club meeting on Tuesday, April 13 in the Caper Room. Mr. Bernie Hynes, professional photographer and competition director of the Florida Camera Club, will demonstrate how to develop an effective media show, incorporating photos, music and narration. At 6:30 p.m., there will be a tutorial program, followed by a short business meeting. Dues for the 2010 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, slide scanners and large format printers. Please join us for this dynamic presentation. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at http://www.photoclubscc. com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

SCC Men’s Club Officers for 2010

White Pelicans seen in The Everglades. Members of the Sun City Center rivers in the park. I’m sure that my Audubon Club went on a three wife and I would still be out there day birding trip to the Everglades hopelessly lost and probably looking National Park. for a divorce lawyer. The day was Our first stop Tuesday morning finished off by stopping at two on the way to the Park was at birding walks that were filled with Cork Screw Swamp Audubon Bird birders and birds which seemed to Sanctuary that is southeast of Fort be tame or complacent to humans. Meyers and a must if you enjoy What great photo shots; they seemed birding. The variety of migrating to pose for our picture taking. and Florida birds is outstanding and Thursday we headed north from the migration is just starting, so now Homestead Florida and then east is the time for a day visit to Fort on US-41 to Shark Valley Visitor Meyers and Cork Screw Sanctuary. Center. We boarded a 15-mile twoOur next stop was for a guided hour Guided Tram Tour through tour of the Castellow Hammock the heart of the Everglades. George Park where we were treated to was the park naturalist who pointed a viewing of a pair of Painted out most of the unique wonders Buntings which were feeding and of the “River of Grass.” The birds we were able to photograph. They that we viewed included Horned are multi-colored with a dark blue Grebe, Double-crested Cormorant, head, red underpants, light green White and Glossy Ibis, my favorite back and wings. Their song is a the Roseate Spoonbill and Purple sweet continuous warble unbroken Gallinule were plentiful. Our Bird count for the three days was 80 singsong rhythm. varieties of birds. We also saw On Wednesday we visited hundreds of alligators and numerous Flamingo Marina Sea Horse Bay for crocodiles and one manatee with her a guided boat tour of the wilderness calf. It was a fantastic trip and our water ways and canoe trails. Again Leaders Ed and Clara Clancy were the birding was great and the commended for putting together a waterways were filled with beauty trip that was enjoyed by the forty views of natural Florida. We met couples who participated in it. a couple in their kayak that were –Paul Davenport finishing a nine-day trip along the

Gadabouts Planning Summer and Fall Excursions

Back Row - Jerry Mahoney, Jack Fischer, Gary Geers, Jay Sparkman, David Houck, Al Andersen, Don Koester. Front Row- Dick Grove, Terry Parker, Lou Tovey, President Peter Walker, Richard Schaffer. Missing - Gary Kaukonen and Frank Hostetter.

Would you believe this club has been serving SCC for 28 years? From a meager beginning of 40 members over the years, the membership has reached as high as 2000. Recognizing the need to get residents “out of town,” the group led by Mary Crest in 1982 set about offering a service for those who were unable to travel on their own. The club started with volunteers and continues in its notfor-profit status with an entire board of volunteers. Presidency of the club, after Mary Crest, passed to Frank Zaeick, then his wife Marie, who kept it until George Flowers took over in 2000. Next came Richard Groves, then Emil Moritta followed recently by Barbara Hancock, the current President. The six presidents who served during the period averaged approximately 4.5 years each. The duties have included finding venues, planning, budgeting; scheduling flights, coach transport, seating, hotel reservations, meals, tours and shows. And this only represents a few of the many important responsibilities.

In its history, members have traveled from the east coast to the west coast, from the Caribbean to Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, Panama, Great Britain, the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas; and had innumerable trips to dinner theaters, performing arts centers, theme parks and hundreds of other fun and interesting places. The enthusiasm and joy of club travelers is reflected by their continuous support, and the laughter and conversations by members during their travels. Gadabouts are life-long learners who enjoy the arts, historical locations and thrilling events. Examples appear in the recent monthly newsletter. Now is the time to plan your summer and fall excursions. To become a member of the SCC Gadabouts, call 633-0369. For information on travels call 6335999. For info on this article, contact Jack Craig at 633-2722.


The News of Sun City Center

April 2010


Paul Wheat of the Sun City Center Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) Chapter has a big smile on his face with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels Air Demonstration behind him in the background. Wheat along with 50 other chapter members were at MacDill Air Force Base’s Air Fest practice day. The MOAA Chapter was the guest of MacDill’s Sixth Airlift Wing and was invited to watch the practice show on Friday, March 19, before the main event on Saturday. The group spent the day at MacDill AFB enjoying other facets of the air show including parachute drops, flight displays by a Marine Corps Osprey aircraft, and the C-130 known as Fat Albert that is used by the Blue Angels to provide logistical support for the team.

Helen Arnold will be the featured speaker at the Military Officers of America Association meeting and luncheon to be held in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building on Wednesday, April 7, at 11 a.m. She has been employed at Southeastern Guide Dogs for nine years as the Community Outreach Coordinator. Her job entails representing the guide dog school at major functions, conventions and seminars. She also schedules all tours and presentations and presents many of them herself She is originally from Indianapolis, having attended Indiana University in Bloomington. Most of her free time is spent doing volunteer work for her local Lions Club, the Ellenton-Parrish Lions, where she served as president in 2007/2008. She also belongs to several state and national organizations that advocate for the rights of the blind and visually impaired. Mrs. Arnold strongly believes that being blind is not a handicap or disability — it is an inconvenience, but one that having a guide dog helps her to overcome. She will have her dog with her and will discuss her job as it pertains to various veterans programs that utilize the specially trained dogs. Reservations can be obtained ($14) by members and guests by calling 1-877-332-3016 no later than Sunday, April 4, 2010. –Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, Ret


A group of youngsters look at the MacDill Air Force Air Fest as the Navy’s Blue Angels perform. (Right photo) –Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, Ret

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Colonel John Cully, USA (Ret), was the guest speaker for the March meeting of the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. Seated next to him is the MOAA president, Major Kirk Faryniasz, and on the right is Major Jerry Foppe. Colonel Cully served 27 years on active duty in the US Army as a helicopter pilot and intelligence officer. He served with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. In 1980, he branch transferred to Military Intelligence. During his last 17 years of active duty, he led special mission units commanding at the battalion and brigade levels. In 1996, COL Cully retired from active duty joining with Resort Condominiums International as National Vice President. In 2000, he founded the Government and Armed Forces Travel Cooperative and later joined International Cruise and Excursions as VP of Government Sales. He advised the MOAA members of the various benefits and opportunities that are available to them through the Armed Forces Travel Cooperative. –Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, Ret

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April 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Military Affairs

The Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce invited the SCC Chapter of the Military Order of World Wars (MOWW) to participate in its annual Military Appreciation Day Banquet. The guest speaker was General Norton A. Swartz, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force. Over 700 attended the banquet. The MOWW attendees were (from left) Lt.Col. Gordon Bassett, Jan Bassett, Mary Foster, Lt. Col. Harry Lascola, Darlene Craig, Lt. Col. Jack Craig, Angela Wallace and CWO4 Richard Wallace.

Members of the Sun City Center Chapter of MOWW posed for a group picture at this year’s annual Veterans Dinner Dance in the Florida Room. This year’s theme was a Hawaiian Luau. Photo provided by Harry Lascola.

MOWW History Project

The Military Order of World Wars is sponsoring locally the Veterans’ History Project (Library of Congress). The first series of interviews were held on February 27 and will continue in April. The interviewees were WWII veterans and each spoke on camera for about an hour. Pictured above are Ken Barringer (US Navy), Gordon Bassett (MOWW Chapter Commander), Bob Held (US Army), John Bohne (US Army to be interviewed in April), Richard Wallace (MOWW Chapter Vice Commander), and Ed Mahoney (US Marine Corps). Contact Ken Barringer at 633-8490 for details.

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During the MOWW Chapter’s February meeting, Col. Roy Conklin, left, and Lt. Col. Bob Russell, both former Regular members, were inducted as Perpetual members. Chapter Commander Lt. Col. Gordon Bassett, right, conducted the presentation. –Harry Lascola



The News of Sun City Center

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... Tip-offs to Potential Rip-offs!! By Susan Muise The Federal Trade Commission tells us that finding a reliable and competent contractor is the first step to a successful and satisfying home improvement project. You may need a general contractor for large projects such as adding on a room or a specialty contractor to install cabinets, windows, paint your house, fix your plumbing, etc. They have a good list of warnings we’d like to share with you. They say that “a less than reputable” contractor: • solicits door-to-door, • offers you discounts for finding other customers, • just happens to have materials left over from a previous job, • only accepts cash payments, • asks you to get the required building permits, • does not have a business number in the local telephone directory, • tells you your job will be a ‘demonstration,’ • pressures you for an immediate

decision, • o f f e r s exceptionally long guarantees, and • asks you to pay for the entire job up front and suggests that you borrow money from a lender the contractor knows. If you are not careful, you could lose your home through a home improvement loan scam. They tell us to remember that radio, TV or yellow page ads are not an indication of the quality of a contractor’s work. Check with friends, neighbors or co-workers who have had work done. Ask for references and check them out. Get more than one estimate and ask for explanations of price variations. Don’t automatically choose the lowest bidder. That’s good advice from the Federal Trade Commission. We hope you take heed! And, you should check the files in the CA office for any complaints or accolades that we may have received.

April 2010

Discounted Florida Aquarium Tickets

The Community Association has made an agreement with the Florida Aquarium for our members and employees to receive a 20% discount on tickets. To receive these discounted tickets: Go To: http://exticket.flaquarium.org Click: One of the following tabs General Admission, membership or special events Type: scc2010 – click update to receive your special rates Payment: American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover Print: Your tickets will print once payment has been made. Note: There are no limits on the number of tickets you can buy. Tickets CANNOT be copied/duplicated. Only ORIGINAL TICKETS will be accepted at the door. This program was made possible by the efforts of Doug Moore, president of the Photo Club, and has been used by him. If you have any questions, please call Doug directly at 634-4550. Sales Service Parts Accessories

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April 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Solution on page 22.


The News of Sun City Center

April 2010

Elegant Gardeners Sponsor Youth Program

North ... South ... East ... West ...

Expanding Our Horizons On April 28, 1945 toward the end of World War II, Operation Cowboy saved the Lipizzan breed from almost certain extinction. The stallions had been moved from the Spanish Riding School for their safety, but the mares and foals were taken prisoner by the Germans and being held in the town of Houstau in then-Czechoslovakia (so much for saving women and children first)! A German Veterinarian contacted the advancing U.S. 2nd Calvary Regiment soldiers under General Patton and asked them to save the horses. A task force was formed to execute Operation Cowboy, and the 350 Calvary soldiers broke through a line of German SS troops to rescue the horses and Allied POWs who cared for them. This event of saving the horses from both the Germans and advancing Soviet Red Army was the theme of the 1963 Disney movie “Miracle of the White Stallions” (available on DVD from Amazon. com). Less than 10 of the horses were sent to the U.S. in October 1945, and were later transferred to private owners. With fewer than 3,000 purebred Lipizzans in the world, they are considered the rarest horse breed. The Lipizzan name came from the location it was first bred in 1580


Lipizzan Stallions Outing

– the Imperial Stud at Lipizza in then-Italy. Lipizzans were developed exclusively for the Hapsburg royalty, which controlled both Spain and Austria. The old Austrian House of Hapsburg fell during World War I, and the Italian and Austrian governments divided the horse herd equally. Lipizzans are born a dark color, and gradually lighten to the white coat they are known for between the ages of 6 and 10. They are renowned for the “school jumps” or “airs above ground” where the horse leaves the ground. These high-level maneuvers were originally thought to have been developed for combat purposes. The Spanish Riding School, founded in 1572, uses Lipizzans exclusively due to their classic Renaissance history

Join us for our

and maneuvers. Located in Vienna, Austria, it is called “Spanish” because Lipizzans descended from Spanish horses. Short of a trip to Vienna, you can enjoy these beautiful horses with just a one-hour drive to Myakka City. Colonel Herrmann served with General Patton, and two subsequent generations of Herrmanns maintain a 200-acre farm in Florida to ensure the continuation of this tremendous breed. Winter training sessions are available December through April. Shows are Thursdays and Fridays at 3 p.m. and Saturdays at 10 a.m. If you do not want to sit on the bleachers, take a lawn chair. Get there at least a half-hour early to stakeout your lawn chair close to the arena fence, then visit the barn, which is fairly clear before the show but crowded afterwards. Admission is free, but donations are strongly encouraged. To get there, take I-75 South, get off at Exit 217 for SR-70, go East on SR-70, turn right on Verna Road, turn left on Singletary Road, at stop sign turn right to continue on Singletary Road, and farm is 32755 Singletary Road on your left. More information is available from www. HLipizzans.com or by calling 941322-1501.

This summer, the Elegant Gardeners Club (EGC) of Sun City Center will sponsor high school and/ or grade school students to attend Environmental Conferences and Camps. The four-day environmental conference called SEEK (Save Earth’s Environment through Knowledge) is held at special venues run by the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC). The Elegant Gardeners Club will sponsor up to two students from each of the following schools: East Bay and Lennard High Schools, Ruskin and Cypress Creek Elementary Schools. EGC pays the registration fee which is $200 for each student. There are modest additional costs for the students’ needs and for transportation to and from the camps. The purpose of SEEK is to focus on today’s environmental issues to instill a love and respect for wild Florida. There is a scholarship application form that the students complete, which includes an essay written by the student on selected environmental topics. Along with essay, the student must get two teachers’ recommendations. For more information, check out www.ffgc.org.

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April 2010

The News of Sun City Center


We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise “Can I park my RV or boat in my own driveway?” Hillsborough County Code Enforcement tells us that NO recreational vehicle or boat can be parked or stored on public rightof-ways. NO vehicle or boat may be lived in while parked or stored on a residential lot and cannot be hooked up to utilities. NO vehicle or boat may be parked in a vacant lot adjacent to a residence, even with the owner’s permission. The only exception is if the vehicle, residence and lot are all owned by the same person and set-back requirements are met. If the vehicle is 20 feet or less in length, it may be parked in your driveway but must not extend beyond the front property line, or onto the sidewalk, and must be at least 5 feet from side property lines. If the vehicle is more than 20 feet in length as are most RVs, it may be parked in your driveway but must be at least 20 feet from the front property line or front sidewalk and 5 feet from the side property lines. In Sun City Center it is almost impossible to be 20 feet from the sidewalk unless it fits in your garage or carport. All vehicles greater than 20 feet in height shall be set back 7½ feet from the

side or rear property lines. A vehicle not conforming to the above set-back requirements may be parked in your driveway for up to 24 hours for the purpose of loading or unloading. The Hillsborough County Code Enforcement Officer can issue a citation to the owner of the vehicle or property if in violation. To report violations or obtain additional information, call the Code Enforcement Department at 641-6946 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please be informed that if you leave a message on their machine with your name and/or personal information, it becomes a matter of public record. Many property owners’ associations in Sun City Center have additional restrictions concerning the parking of vehicles which may be stricter than the County Code. The County does not enforce the restrictive covenants of these associations. Violations of specific restrictive covenants should be reported to the appropriate HOA or POA Board of Directors for appropriate action.

Protection for your favorite mode of transportation.

Answer on page 22.

Banks of Memories By Judy Stimson

Talk to me about Golf Cart Insurance.

Debbie Bates CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center DebbieBates@allstate.com

Average monthly premium based on Florida customer data for policies written in 2008. Actual premium will vary based on amount of insurance purchased and other factors. Insurance subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company.


Did you know that you can get a policy for about $5 a month? Call me and I can help you select the right coverage to fit your needs and your driving preference.

On March 13 and 14, many Sun City Center residents enjoyed the Manatee Arts Festival in Apollo Beach. One participant from North Port (south of Venice) offered “Banks of Memories.” As old Post Offices were being demolished, the Post Office Boxes were finding their ways into auctions and antiques stores. The old boxes were uniquely engraved and were just as collectible as coins of the same period. Many of the boxes were patented. For example, the Federal Eagle Key was patented in 1892 by The Yale & Towne Lock Company of New Haven, Connecticut. Paul King recognized that the boxes were an important part of American history and started collecting the box doors in 1980 before they were lost forever. When Paul retired he transformed the box doors into “Savings Banks.” Each door is inset in beautiful wood, with a coin slot on the top. Given the size of the box, it can also be used to keep small valuables not unlike a bank lock box. The “Savings Banks” displayed at the Arts Festival represented over 30 years of collecting boxes. Each box comes with its own history, many of which are from Florida. To learn more about the boxes, make an appointment, or find out about the next art show, contact Paul King at (941) 423-8162.


The News of Sun City Center

April 2010


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April 2010

The News of Sun City Center



C. A. R. E.

Ivy Ivy is a black and white female domestic short hair mix. She and her two siblings were brought to CARE as scared little kittens. Ivy is the most outgoing of the trio. She was the first to venture out from their nest and to desire the touch of her human caretakers. Ivy is a delightful kitten who is looking for a forever home where she can continue to grow. As part of her adoption, Ivy will be spayed, brought current on her shots and microchipped.

Fi Fi Fi Fi is a pretty Shih Tzu mix. She has unusual eyes and a silky soft coat. Fi Fi came to CARE because her owner became critically ill and could no longer care for her. Once Fi Fi gets to know someone, she wags her tail excitedly in anticipation of taking her spot on their lap. She seems to like to explore and then find a cozy quiet corner to nap. She is looking for a patient and loving owner who will help her transition into the next phase of her life. As part of her adoption, Fi Fi will be brought current on her shots and microchipped.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273

Answer on page 22.

Medicare Questions??? SHINE HAS THE ANSWERS!! Your local SHINE program has highly-trained volunteers who can explain the Medicare system and help you decide on the plan that best meets your needs and fits in your budget. Let us provide you with free and unbiased information:

By phone:

You can reach your local SHINE program by calling the Elder Helpline, a free service of the West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, at 1-800-96-ELDER or 1-800-963-5337, weekdays from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

On the Internet:

You can watch video clips where SHINE volunteers answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Medicare by going to the Agency’s website at www.AgingFlorida.com, and clicking on the Videos link.

In person:

Join us for a light breakfast and a Medicare 101 presentation and the opportunity to have your questions about Medicare answered on Thursday, April 22nd, 9:00 AM at Freedom Fairways Plaza Club, Freedom Plaza at Sun City Center, 3940 Upper Creek Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. Space is limited. Please reserve your seat by calling 813-676-5605.


The News of Sun City Center

April 2010

COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER SUN CITY CENTER PROVIDES GRANTS TO THE SUN CITY CENTER COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION By Spencer Faircloth Since the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center (CFGSCC) was formed by local residents in 1992, more than $258,852 has been granted to the Sun City Center Community Association (CA) to fund various projects. The Community Foundation is a separate and distinct organization unrelated to the Community Association and is a division of the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay. Through a grant process, current and former residents have established accounts in the CFGSCC to be used to fund a great variety of much needed projects for 501(c)3 charitable organizations within our community. A review of the financial records of the Community Foundation since 1992 reveals that the following projects of the Community Association have received grants. You may have benefited or used the results of these funds without even knowing how they were financed: Aid for the Hearing Impaired Audio Visual Equipment Bingo Console Bleachers & Lockers for Softball Field Cabinets for Arts & Crafts Bldg Ceramics Kiln Chairs for Community Hall Covers for Horseshoe Pits Defibrillators

Drainage Solution at South Campus Enhancements for Sweet Adelines Equipment for Amateur Radio Club Equipment for Health Center Equipment for Photo Club Expansion of Pickle Ball Facility Footpath at the Dog Park 40th Anniversary Celebration Golf Cart Parade Historical Preservation for SCC Kiln & Supplies for Stained Glass Kilns for the Potters Wheel Lawn Bowling Wall & Landscaping Library of SCC Looms for the Weavers Guild Men’s Chorus Pavilion at the Tennis Courts Pavilion at Tillers & Toilers Scoreboard for Shuffleboard Courts Teachers for China Painters and Woodcarvers

These are projects only for the Community Association. Many other charities have also received grants for their projects. Our community is fortunate to have residents who are so appreciative of the wonderful life they have experienced in Sun City Center that they donated monies to the Community Foundation to establish their fund to support their favorite charity! The beauty of a fund within the CFGSCC is that it will go on forever. That’s right, because only the interest is paid out, so your principal will continue to grow thus providing an unending fund. Ed Barnes, President of the Sun City Center Community Association,

says, “The Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center has made it possible for many worthwhile and beneficial projects to be funded for the members of the Community Association. In many cases, these projects would not otherwise have been possible. I encourage those residents who love SCC and want to endow SCC to establish a fund with the Community Foundation which will continue to fund worthwhile future projects in our community.” Durward and Janet Siville designated monies from the interest earned on their fund to help with the many projects that make our lives better. Since they established their fund, both Mr. and Mrs. Siville have passed on, but their fund continues to earn interest which can be granted to much needed projects in Sun City Center. The beauty of this fund is that it will continue to earn interest forever! Think of this! It is possible for you to become immortal and continue to contribute forever to SCC where you spent some of your happiest last days. Another donor named the Community Foundation in her will to establish a fund in her name with the proceeds from her estate, including her home. She passed in 2001 and had specified that the interest earned on her fund was to be

used for worthy projects in Sun City Center and the surrounding area. These are just two of the funds in the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center which restrict the use of the interest each year to projects in Sun City Center and South County. There are currently SEVENTY-THREE (73) separate funds set up by City Center residents with a total value of more than TWENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($25,000,000). This past year over $1.4 million were granted to local charities who requested grants through the Sun City Center Council of the Foundation and to charities specified by donors. There is no better way to be remembered and help our community than establishing a fund in your name designating how you want the interest to your fund used through the Community Foundation. Ask your attorney, CPA or banker about establishing your fund in the Foundation, or call or write the COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER SUN CITY CENTER P.O. BOX 5914 SUN CITY CENTER, FL 33571

April 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Clubs and Organizations from A to Z Sixth Installment: Groups beginning with T-Wi

*Note: Information for all of these clubs should be available online on the CA website: suncitycenter. org. If your club has an asterisk before it, your club could not be found there. Your president should contact Millie in the CA office with the information so your club can be added. All club presidents are listed on the CA website even though their club might not be found in the alphabetical listing. –Karen Jones CLUB NAME/Meeting Day(s)/ Times(s)/Place “T” Table Tennis: Games are played in Room 5 of Community Hall (1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd) on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to noon, and on Tuesday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. *Tai Chi: Contact club president Susan McBride at 642-0456 for meeting dates, times, and sites. Tax Aide Club: Informal meetings are held during the fall planning period, the January training period, and during the season as necessary. An annual meeting is scheduled at the close of the tax season to evaluate the season and set goals for next season. The club

is normally inactive from May to November. Contact Bob Larson (634-3047) or Marilyn Wilson (633-5679) or click: TaxAide Club Website for more information. *Tennessee Club: Contact club president Brenda Swank at 6339894 for meeting dates, times, and sites. Tennis Association: The Tennis Association is responsible for supervising play at the ten HarTru soft-surface tennis courts at the South Campus recreation complex. Courts are reserved for Tennis Association Members each day until noon through a volunteeroperated reservations system. Afternoons and most evenings the courts are open for CA members and their guests. There is no charge to use the courts. All players are required to use approved footwear. *Three-Handed Pinochle: Contact club president Hal Turner at 634-5929 for meeting dates, times, and sites. Thursday Night Partners Bridge (Go to Cards): Every Thursday, 6:45 p.m. in the Horizon Room, Atrium Building. Tillers & Toilers: For those who wish to have a small vegetable or flower garden, socialize,

and compare notes with other gardeners. A limited number of garden plots, each measuring approximately 15 x 75 feet, are available to club members. Membership is open to all CA members interested in gardening. Annual dues are $10 per garden plot. An annual meeting is held on the first Wednesday of November. Water is available at each plot. The middle of September starts the fall garden season, but some crops are grown year-round. The gardening plots are located just off West Del Webb Boulevard. Timesteppers (Tap Dancers): Mondays 10-11:45 a.m., Thursdays 4:30-5:30 p.m., and Fridays 9:30 a.m.-noon in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Trimnastics: Classes meet every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday year round starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Dance Studio. Stand-up exercises last one-half hour, and are done to music. *Tuesday/Friday Woman’s Lawn Bowlers: Contact club president Carolyn Bilharz at 634-1510 for meeting dates, times, and sites. VFW Post 1288 (Go to Veterans): Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 9 a.m.

in the Sandpiper Room. Volleyball: Pick-up games are played every Monday, Thursday and Saturday 9–11 a.m. year round. Weavers Guild: Guild meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month, September through April in the Guild weaving room. The room is open Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to Noon and 1- 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday the room is open 9 a.m. - Noon. *Wedgewood Men’s Cards: Contact club president Louis Lee at 633-2309 for meeting dates, times, and sites. *Wednesday Afternoon Progressive Bridge Club: Contact club president Helen Phillips at 642-8467 for meeting dates, times, and sites. *Wisconsin Club: Contact club president Sandy Lantz at 634-3208 for meeting dates, times, and sites. The last six clubs will be listed in the May issue. If any new clubs have formed since this article began, please send an email to the editor at sccnews@verizon.net for inclusion in next month’s issue.


Golf League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf 18-Hole February 25: 2 Man Teams – 1 Best Ball: White Tees: 1st Place Teams (Tie - 64) – Chul Kim, Kevin O’Keefe & Tom Edge, Frank Martinelli. Green Tees: 1st Place Team (60) – Harold Hodge, Butch Fletcher; 2nd Place Team (63) – Bill Klitzke, Bob Keyes. March 11: 2 Man Teams – Total Net: White Tees: 1st Place Team (-8) – Les Easton, Don Marlbouough; 2nd Place Team (-2) – Butch Fletcher, Bob Keyes. Green Tees: 1st Place Team (8) – David Ransbury, Michael Sharpe; 2nd Place Team (11) – William Pachler, Jim Cosgrove.

SCC WGA 9-Hole The SCCWGA 9 Hole League Operating Committee for 2010 is Gloria Nunn, Jan Churchill and Jean Corbett. The SCCWGA 9 Hole League has reorganized and plays on Thursdays at Sandpiper Golf Club. New Members are welcome. For information call Jeanne Nenarella @ 642-9885. February 25: Tee to Green: Jan Churchill and Jeanne Nenarella, tied for first place with a score of 17. March 4: Pick best 6 holes of 9: First Place - Betty Klitzky; Second Place - Aileen Engel. March 18: 3 clubs and a putter: First Place - Connie Ream - 33.5, Second Place - Christel Fraebel 35.5.

Hogans League Of Sun City Center and Kings Point Saturday, February 20: SandPiper, Oaks > Lakes, K-Skins: 1st : Fred Mayes, 6 skins; 2nd : six-way tie @ 3 skins each – Dave Diehl, Rich Lucidi, Ron Kingston, Charlie Strimpel, Fred Zizelman & Mo Lang. Low-net: Fred Mayes, 57; Low-gross: Fred Mayes, 83. Tuesday, February 23, Apollo Beach, K-skins: 1st : twoway tie @ 6 skins each – Tom Kirchen & Rich Lucidi. Low-gross: Tom Kirchen, 86. Monday, March 1: Apollo Beach, K-skins: 1st :two-way tie 6 skins each – John Schachte & John Kazlauskas. Low-net: Jim Sari; Low-gross: John Kazlauskas. Wednesday, March 3: Summerfield, Classic Skins: 1st : Charlie Strimpell, 9 skins, 2nd : Bill Baldwin (guest), 4 skins. Low-net: Charlie Strimpell, 68; Low-gross: Charlie Strimpell, 94. Saturday, March 6: SandPiper (Palms to Oaks), K-Skins: 1st : Fred

The News of Sun City Center

Hogans League Of Sun City Center and Kings Point (continued) Mayes, 8 skins; 2nd : five-way tie @ 4 skins each – Jerry Stemas, Bill Shaver, Rich Lucidi, Dave Diehl & Frank Carlin. Low-net: John Schachte, 67; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 82 (tied the course record). Tuesday, March 9: Apollo Beach, Low Net: 1st : Art Swallow, 66, 12 points; 2nd : John Schachte, 68, 6 points. Low-gross: Jim Sari, 93, 2 points. Thursday, March 11: Riverside, Skins: 1st : John Schachte, 3 skins; 2nd : two-way tie @ 2 skins – Paul Maki & Chip Wood. Low-net: John Schachte, 70; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 87. Saturday, March 13: SandPiper (Oaks to Lakes), Skins: 1st : Charlie Strimpell, 14 skins; 2nd : three-way tie @ 7 skins each – Doug Seipelt, Dave Grenke & Rich Lucidi. Lownet: Rich Lucidi, 70 (3 skins); Lowgross: Terry, 82. Monday, March 15: Diamond Hill, Flighted Skins: Flight #1: Tied at 2 skins each – Art Swallow, Maynard Dreas (guest), Frank Carlin, Bob Oler, Mo Lang & John Kazlauskaz. Low-net: Mo Lang, 69 (2 skins); Low-gross: Mo Lang, 101 (2 skins). Flight #2: 1st : two-way tie @ 4 skins each – Fred Mayes & Bill Hagen. Low net: John Schachte, 69; Low Gross: John Schachte, 96. Wednesday, March 17: Summerfield, Skins: 1st: John Schachte, 8 skins; 2nd : Chip Wood, 5 skins. Low-net: John Schachte, 72; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 89. Hogans League April Schedule Date 2-Apr 3-Apr 6-Apr 8-Apr 10-Apr 12-Apr 14-Apr 16-Apr 17-Apr 22-Apr 24-Apr 26-Apr 28-Apr 30-Apr

Day Fri Sat Tues Thur Sat Mon Wed Fri Sat Thur Sat Mon Wed Fri

Course Imp. Lakewoods Sandpiper Apollo Beach Riverside Sandpiper Diamond Hill Summerfield Cypress Creek Sandpiper Renaissance Sandpiper Apollo Beach Sandpiper Imp. Lakewoods

Sandpiper Schedules Special Tuesday Fun Days

9-HOLE EVENT SHOTGUN START- 3:00 PM CA $18 - PUBLIC - $20 9 Holes Golf, Cart, Prize Money All events, except the four-person Scramble, will be scored on the POINT SYSTEM. 40% of golfers will win. PLEASE CALL 634-3377 TO REGISTER TO PLAY. YOU CAN PLAY IN ANY FOURSOME YOU WANT.

April 2010

April 2010

Rex Pickles Overall Tournament Winner

The Southeast Open Men’s Lawn Bowling Tournament was played at Sun City Center from March 6-11. A total of 70 lawn bowlers from 11 different clubs competed in singles, pairs and 4’s matches. The “Bowler of the Tournament” award was presented to the player who had entered all three events and had accumulated the highest amount of points. The winner was our own Rex Pickles of Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club who was presented with a handsome glass bowl by Tournament Director John Phillips. He was runner-up in the singles, won his flight in the pairs and came third in the 4’s. –David Burbery

The News of Sun City Center


March was a Busy Month on the Lawn Bowling Greens

Ladies Champion Sandy Gill The Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club has enjoyed a busy and enjoyable season and March has been especially active. It all started with the Club Singles competitions. Sandy Gill emerged as the Ladies’ Champion and Bob Ferguson the Men’s Champion. Then followed a match between the two champions. Played in cold windy conditions the winner and 2010 Club Champion is Bob Ferguson. From March 6 to 11, the SCC Lawn Bowling Club was privileged to host the Southeast Open Men’s singles, pairs and 4’s tournament. See story to the left. The organizer of the event on behalf of the United States Lawn Bowling Association was Jack Phillips of Sun City Center.

Tennis Association Mixed Doubles Fun Day April 17

Club Champion Bob Ferguson Some of the Sun City Center lawn bowlers were amongst the honors, and Rex Pickles, the Bowler of the Tournament, was presented with a handsome glass bowl. Next came the beginners class with coach Gretchen Meixner and helpers. These classes are held monthly; they are free and they help residents decide whether they would like to take up the sport and become members. Then followed two other club tournaments, and a Mixed Pairs Invitational. Finally came a chance for members to relax, eat, dance and let their hair down at the Awards Banquet. In the summer, life continues on the Greens with lawn bowling every morning. On Tuesday and Friday evenings, mixed casual lawn bowling is followed by dinner at a local restaurant on Tuesday and hot dogs or burgers on Fridays. –David Burbery

The Sun City Center Tennis Association will hold their 7th Mixed Doubles Fun Day at the South Sports Complex on Saturday, April 17. Pictured is the organizing team: 1st row (l to r) Norma Tooley, scheduling caller; Nancy Williams, event coordinator; 2nd row (l to r) Chuck Tooley & Ozzie Sweet, scheduling coordinators; Lee Greenlee, name tags; John Purcell, logistics coordinator. Over 50 TA members have signed up for the morning and afternoon doubles play, rotating courts and partners every 17 minutes. A catered lunch, provided by Danny Boy’s, will be served between both sessions. For information about the Fun Day, contact Nancy Williams at 642-9121 and for joining the TA, contact membership director Donna Waikel at 633-5132. Photo by Jeff White. –Nancy Williams

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The News of Sun City Center

Fitness Corner Pickleball Club Holds Machine of the Month Women’s Doubles Tournament

The Cybex Arc Trainer is our Machine of the Month. This cross-trainer is the latest in cardio equipment and has been installed in our Fitness Center on a free trial basis so that our members can try it and supply feedback. The Arc Trainer is similar to an elliptical machine but has a unique motion to reduce stress and fatigue on the knee and ankle joints. Resistance can be changed at the push of a button and an adjustable crossramp allows for 21 incline levels to modify knee and hip angles. Mild to intense workouts can be easily selected. The Arc Trainer is currently being used by the local professional sports teams (Bucs, Lightening and Rays) for conditioning and rehabilitation. Also, five new True CS 3.0 treadmills have been installed in the Center. They feature a short 7” step up height and individual on-board fans for your safety and comfort. Remember, the Fitness Center is your Fountain of Youth.

Doubles winners (left to right): Carol Krieger (3rd Place), Sylvia Sjoberg (1st Place) and Darlene Miller (2nd Place). Sylvia won a Walmart Gift Certificate for her 1st Place finish.

All the above participants played hard and had a good time (back row, l to r): Pam Nash, Nancy DeWilde, Kathy Smith, Judy Lamb & DeeDee Montana; (front row, l to r): Carol Krieger, Sylvia Sjoberg and Darlene Miller. The Sun City Center Pickleball Club encourages prospective players to come to our courts beside Community Hall to see and try the fun sport of pickleball. Games begin around 8 a.m. daily. The club offers trial paddles, workshops to learn to play and a two-week trial membership before joining the club. Come on out and have some fun! Visit our website: www.pickleball. suncityctr.org.

Marion von Bargen’s “Best Buy”

Recently remodeled 2BR/2BA Beautiful home. New kitchen w/42” cabinets & newer appl, new tall bath vanities, new plumbing, new roof, newer A/C unit, new garage door, new carpeting & more! A1 Connection Realty only $119,000 634-8416

April 2010

April 2010

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS February 2010

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last Kratzer Long Flemm Salerno Schaub Militello Preble Feder Gardner Chalone Talbot Smellegar Mihm Leistl Hamilton Morris Zappi Chordas Shellhamer Berlin Kramarsky Williams Barry Bever Chiavetta Orban Sparr Torres-Barrios Altman

First Num Local street Hometown St Phone Robert & Saundra 617 Allegheny Dr Leesburg OH 937-763-0387 Robert 706 Augusta Dr New Orleans LA 633-0375 Charles & Joan 308 Caloosa Palms Ct Massapequa NY 516-946-2466 Carmela & Gianfranco 338 Club Manor Dr Virgil Ont Can 938-1723 Rudy & Donna 105 Kilby Wy Muskegon MI 634-5705 Charles 1615 New Bedford Dr William & Johannah 1 724 Pebble Beach Blvd S Corinth ME 938-1683 Ed & Phyllis 1217 Peridot Ln Maplewood NJ Thomas 1008 Warwick Ct Oswego NY Theresa 1008 Warwick Ct Oswego NY Donald 2316 Del Webb Blvd W Pittsburgh PA Janet 237 Courtyards Blvd Apt 110 Spring Valley NY 633-2332 Mary 249 Courtyards Blvd Apt 209 Milwaukee WI 938-5606 Peter & Charlene 2354 Emerald Lake Dr Birmingham AL 634-2646 Lawrence & Judith 2216 Preservation Green Ct West Chester PA 381-3182 Krendall 1110 Signature Dr Destin FL 850-974-7874 Barbara 1110 Signature Dr Bluffton SC 850-974-7874 David & Judy 1931 Sterling Glen Ct Guilford CT 203-988-8067 Samuel & Carole 2209 Pebble Beach Blvd S Wheaton IL 630-624-7969 Sydelle 255 Courtyards Blvd Apt 112 New York NY 633-5775 C. P. 1001 Andover Cir Delhi NY 321-243-3507 Bruce 306 Brockfield Dr Brandon FL 448-4933 Mary Lou 1217 Chevy Chase Dr Grosse Pointe MI 313-719-5000 Christia 1706 Coco Palm Cir Germany 938-1705 Eleonora 1706 Coco Palm Cir Italy 938-1705 David & Karen 1514 Council Dr Riverview MI 766-5922 Tina & Wanda 404 LaJolla Ave Fair Oaks CA 633-8903 Luz 1349 New Bedford Dr Hackensack NJ 938-1598 James & Sylvia 1202 Wildfeather Ln Newcastle PA 938-5425

Registered Nurses Club Donates for Haiti Relief Tre a s u re r G i n n y Turczyk presents a check to President Aine Paik at the March monthly meeting of the Registered Nurses Club. The donation will go to Doctors Without Borders for the Haiti relief. Many doctors from this organization have already been to Haiti and have set up clinics for the devasted people there. The Registered Nurses Club meets monthly, the first Thursday from October until May, in the Caper Room at 9:15 a.m. Members must be Registered Nurses from the Greater SCC area only. For further information, call Aine at 6347740 or program chair Linda Langlois at 6343250.

NOW is the time to upgrade your air conditioning system and take advantage of incentives to upgrade old inefficient units to more energy efficient systems. Federal stimulus money, power company rebates and manufacturer’s promotions are available immediately. In addition to these savings, the Cool team is offering discounts through the end of February.

SCC Author Speaks at Men’s Club

Program VP Gary Geers, left, Robert Lockwood Mills, and Peter Walker, president, are pictured after Mills, author and local resident, spoke to the February luncheon meeting of the Sun City Center Men’s Club about his new book, “Baseball Then and Now.” The book contains 22 chapters, some of which cover the boob tube – baseball’s best friend and worst enemy; the modern world of baseball business; erroneous rule interpretations; and many more baseball topics. For information about the book, contact Bob Mills at RMills6126@earthlink.net.

upgrade now up to

April 26

“Hachi: A Dog’ Tale”

93 min.

Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2010 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

Up to $1,000 cash back from manufacturer!

3,000 OFF expires 2/28/09

TUNE-UP $19.95 79 valUE

*A combination of federal tax credit, power company rebate and manufacturer’s promotion. Check with your tax professional for specific details.


From Academy Awardnominated director Lasse Hallström comes Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, a film based on one of the most treasured and heartwarming true stories ever told. Golden Globe winner Richard Gere stars as Professor Parker Wilson, a distinguished scholar who discovers a lost Akita puppy on his way home from work. Despite initial objections from Wilson’s wife, Cate (Joan Allen), Hachi endears himself into the Wilson family and grows to be Parker’s loyal companion. As their bond grows deeper, a beautiful relationship unfolds embodying the true spirit of family and loyalty, while inspiring the hearts of an entire town. Bring your tissues as this movie is quite moving and has left many audience members in tears. Actors: Richard Gere, Sarah Roemer, Joan Allen, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Jason Alexander. These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired.

*see details below


Toll Free: 877-348-1343 Pinellas/Pasco: 727-894-4900 Hillsborough: 813-933-1000

April 5 & 12 “The Blind Side” 129 min. PG-13 The Blind Side takes the true story of a young man who went from abandonment to success as a pro-football player and treats it with respect. To the credit of writer-director John Lee Hancock, adapting Michael Lewis’s acclaimed book, the result is intelligent, genuine, and alternately funny and moving. Leigh Anne could easily have been grandstanding and virtuous, but Bullock doesn’t shy away from her vain and domineering side. The football scenes will be gripping even to non-sports fans because they’ve been so successfully grounded in Michael’s emotional life. The all-around solid cast includes country music star Tim McGraw, pintsized Jae Head (Hancock), and Kathy Bates as the tutor who guided Michael’s academic success. (By Bret Fetzer) Actors: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Kathy Bates, Quinton Aaron, Lily Collins. It is expected that demand for seating will exceed the capacity of the Rollins Theater. This movie will be shown on TWO separate Mondays at 1 p.m. to accommodate expected demand. Bring CA id card.


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The News of Sun City Center

April 2010

Legendary Journeys

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You Are Invited!


Sunday, April 11, 2:00 PM Kings Point Clubhouse Bingo/Card Room

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