August News of SCC

Page 1

The News of August 2010 - ISSUE #25 official publication of the Community Association

More Membership Directory Corrections

Check out the CA website:

Hillsborough County Fixes CMPOA Ponds

Page 3

August Date to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m.

Rollins Theater NOTICE! Lock up your valuables! If you are going to bring items of value (even brand name clothes, hats, glasses) to the locker rooms, make sure you place a lock on the locker and lock them up. The CA has learned of several incidents of items missing, and every time they were left in unlocked lockers or left in dressing rooms unattended.

On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 15 Club Happenings..... 9-10 Consumer Affairs........ 14 Crossword.................... 7 CryptoQuote............... 14 Entertainment Corner... 3 Golf............................. 16 HART Flex.................... 8 Military Affairs............. 13 Movies........................ 19 Newcomers................ 19 Sudoku....................... 15 We Want to Know......... 2

The “Green Manor Pond” with newly sodded banks. By Karen Jones It began in late May of 2009 when Sun City Center was inundated with several heavy rainstorms. They caused flooding all over the area. Readers might remember the Memorial Day storm when the CA party was forced into the Florida Room and once the sun came out, the bandstand area was full of standing water that took nearly two days to dry up. Extensive flooding also occurred on the roads and even up the driveways and lawns of residents on Club Manor Drive. When the county received a complaint about the high water levels that occur during storms, they determined that the ponds were maintained at too high a level and therefore were unable to handle heavy storms. The homeowners’ association, known as Club Manor Property Owners Association (CMPOA), received word from the county that the water level of two ponds (a small one to the north/east of Green Manor and a larger one known as the Club Manor pond east

of Pebble Beach Blvd. S.) would have to be lowered. After 31 years in existence, the CMPOA was faced with the county lowering the retaining ponds’ weirs to enable adequate flow of rainwater. They planned to do a six-month study of the effect of the lowering of the ponds in the prevention of neighborhood flooding. During the summer, the crew came out and cut back

January 2010 shows what the residents around the pond were viewing from their many sunrooms situated around the ponds. Under the direction of CMPOA board member and treasurer Bob Garrod, a meeting was held with the county administrators involved in making decisions about the pond. Former CMPOA president Harold Kyne suggested that

the edges. They took the recommendation to their superiors, and the county commissioners approved the project, estimated to cost about $10,000. While it was expected to be started in late February, the cold winter delayed the project until May. The county began by filling in with dirt, then laying cocoa matting, and finally securing sod around the perimeter of both ponds. Once laid, it was the responsibility of each homeowner to make sure the sod was watered each day for at least a week to allow it to “take.” The larger picture shows the new look of the Green Manor pond in July. The CMPOA appreciates the The Green Manor Pond after the weir was lowered. The visible pipes willingness of catch rainwater draining from the roofs. Photo by Judy Stimson. the county and the commissioners to the weirs on both ponds, the county, if they were make these improvements. lowering them one foot. unwilling to return the ponds As for solving the The above picture of the to their original depths, could flooding problem, the jury Green Manor pond taken in do something to beautify is still out.


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes Election of Directors At the July 14 Board of Directors Meeting we made some policy changes regarding the 2010 directors’ election. First, Florida statutes require that when a board vacancy occurs, the sitting Board can appoint a new director only for the balance of the current year. At the end of the current year the vacated position must be filled by a membership vote. This is the situation we are in – a director resigned in early 2010, the BOD appointed an individual to fill that position for the 2010 calendar year. The balance of the term of the vacated position must be filled by a membership vote. So in the 2010 election for directors, we will have four vacancies to fill – one for one year and three for three years. After doing research, we find there is precedent for a policy where candidates for the BOD must choose the term of the office they will be running for when submitting their application; for this year, the choice will be either a one- or threeyear term. If there are not enough candidates to fill all four positions, the incoming BOD (January 2011) will appoint an interim director or directors. This is a very unusual situation but I think this is a fair and equitable solution that complies with the Florida statutes and our Articles of Incorporation. Golf Courses As most of you know, on June 16 we received a letter from WCI offering to sell the Sandpiper and North Lakes golf courses to the CA. The terms and conditions in this offer were slightly different from the terms offered in the April 5 letter. WCI is undergoing a process to sell the seven SCC golf courses. It is my understanding that they have a number of offers to buy the golf courses and are in the process of negotiating with what they consider to be the best offer. This negotiation is the reason we received the offer letter in accordance with the 1984 Agreement. The BOD voted on July 14 not to accept this WCI offer. More on Golf Courses

I have heard some rumblings about the weeds on the Sutton Golf School. With all of the rain and a little sunshine, the weeds are really growing. After August 1, the Sutton Golf School transitions to Minto who will assume responsibility for maintenance. I have noticed that Minto is performing maintenance on some of the vacant lots in Renaissance, so I am encouraged that they will take a more positive approach to maintenance. Maintenance of the North Lakes Golf Course is a different matter – this is still the responsibility of WCI. I am told that the WCI person to contact concerning maintenance of the North Course is Norm Roberts, 634-6966. It is my understanding that Hillsborough County Code Enforcement has given WCI two citations for code violations on the North course. The first citation was

August 2010

We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise

closed because the county thought they had an understanding with WCI that compliance would continue. After numerous calls from members, the second code violation is being held open and is being scheduled for a court date. A court date will be assigned in about 30 days. At that time the county will attempt to get a court order to force compliance for five years. What I don’t know is whether this Code violation would apply to the new owner or if the process would be repeated. Elections Committee The Elections Committee has been working very hard to come up with some creative methods for improving voter turnout. I hope at the August BOD meeting we will have a report from the Elections Committee and be able to start acquainting the membership with these ideas. The voter turnout last year was disappointing, to say the least, and I want to do as much as we can to make it easy for the members to vote and to substantially increase the number of members voting. Foreclosures Our process to collect membership dues from long-term delinquent members is working very well. To date we have collected over $11,000 in delinquent dues from seven homeowners. The foreclosure actions have been very successful with the owners paying all back dues, penalties and legal fees. This legal action has motivated other members with delinquent dues to pay up. I plan to continue to aggressively pursue these delinquent dues. How Fortunate We Are Sometimes we don’t realize how fortunate we are to live in Sun City Center. We have some of the best services right at our fingertips and probably don’t appreciate them. One spectacular service that we have is the SCC Emergency Squad. After a personal experience with their services I can attest to the professionalism and dedication that is paramount in this volunteer organization. I for one am very grateful for the service that the Emergency Squad provides to all of SCC. I encourage you to volunteer to serve in this organization and to be generous at their fundraisers. SR 674 – Blue Star Memorial Highway I have been advised that, thanks to the efforts of the Elegant Gardeners Club of Sun City Center, SR 674 between U.S. 301 and I-75 has been designated as a Blue Star Memorial Highway. This is a real honor for Sun City Center. A dedication ceremony is being planned to coincide with the Veterans’ Day on November 11. Read more about it on page 13.

“Where is the closest hurricane shelter and are we in an evacuation zone?”

We are not in an evacuation zone, and Hillsborough County does not want us to use the shelters as they are for the folks who will have to evacuate from the areas closest to the water. The CA gets a lot of calls this time of year, especially when a storm is approaching. Make sure your plans are made in advance. If you plan to leave town, make sure your family knows where you are going, leave in plenty of time and take the straightest route possible. Whether you are staying or leaving, remember to have your hurricane kit ready. Parts of our community were without electricity for over four days during the hurricanes of 2005. Make sure you have: - plenty of water. Fill up all available clean containers and the bath tub. - extra flip-top canned food or a hand-operated can opener. Your electric can opener will not be working if the power is out. And don’t forget your pet supplies!! - a two-week supply of your prescription medications. If you have medicines that need refrigeration, make sure you have a cooler available and enough ice until more arrangements are made. If you are on oxygen or are homebound, you need to have made arrangements in advance. Contact your doctor now if you have not made other plans. - flashlights that work and extra batteries. - a portable radio that works and extra batteries for it. - extra cash as credit card or ATM machines may not be working after the storm. - a land-line phone. Portable phones will not work without power. - important papers (special medical information, insurance policies, property

Cont’d. on bottom of page 3.

CA Clubs and the CA Website Is your club listed properly on the CA website? All club presidents are asked to check their club information shown on the website and to pass along all corrections to Becky at the CA Office. Her email is


August 4 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 11 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. September 1 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 6 Labor Day - Office/Library closed, Facilities open 8 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 21 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. 22 Membership Budget Review Florida Room - 9 a.m. 27 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. The Community Leaders, CO-AP meetings and Welcome Newcomers will not be held in August.

The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn, Judy Stimson Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month

Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association.”)

Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents.

Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

August 2010

The News of Sun City Center

Membership Directory Corrections*

From the Desk of

Director Anne Cross Keeping You Informed The Greater Sun City Center Community Plan will be going before the Board of County Commissioners for adoption and transmittal of the plan amendments to the State Department of Community Affairs. This is a public hearing that begins at 6 p.m. on Thursday, August 5, in the Commissioners Meeting Room located on the second floor in the County Center Building, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa. At the time of this writing, there was no set agenda. Please call the Planning Commission at (813) 272-5940 for time certain.

dues from the Hardship Fund is allowable, (waiver of payment of full or partial annual dues is appropriate,) the request will be forwarded to the Board for decision in accordance with Bylaw II, Section 4. H. Applications for hardship financial relief must be submitted annually prior to February 15 February 28 of the current year.

I. The amount of the relief will be limited to a pro rata share the amount of funds available in the Hardship Fund limited to the The following policy changes amount of dues for the current year. will go before your board of directors at the August 11 Board Meeting in Note: K. Non-usage of the the Rollins Theater at 9 a.m. Bold recreational and other facilities of are additions, strike-through are the CA does not relieve members deletions. and/or owners of the obligation to pay the annual membership dues or any applicable fees or assessments 3.03 FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS as established in Board Policy A. Financial hardship assistance 3.02. is available in warranted cases to resident owners of the property VIII. EMPLOYEES for which a waiver is requested. ADD: Section 8.04.I B. A resident owner of the property applying for financial hardship assistance must have been a member of the community in good standing for a period of three years prior to applying for assistance and complete a full financial disclosure as shown in exhibit 3.03A.

Children Children of employees are allowed on CA property for brief, informal visits as long as such visits are infrequent and are not distracting or disruptive. In case of emergencies in which an employee has no other viable child care solution, an exception can be made upon approval by the Community G. If the Panel determines that a Manager in concurrence with the payment of full or partial annual Board President.

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: Web Site:


2010/2011 ENTERTAINMENT SHOWS: A great season is planned! Brochures will be mailed out to current subscribers no later than the third week of August. So ... if you haven’t received your renewal letter by Labor Day, please call me. SEPTEMBER 6 - POOLSIDE/COURTYARD PARTY: Join in the fun, 4-7 p.m. Music by Shout. Hot dog plate/drinks available for purchase by Fun Squad; ice cream treats will be for sale by Softball Club. Plastic only please. ONE DAY ONLY...Extended pool hours for children: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., and 3 p.m.-Dusk. SEPTEMBER 19: HERALDS OF HARMONY: The Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony Championship 50-man Show Chorus (plus Ladybug, a women’s quartet and recent Florida medalist) will perform at Community Hall, Sunday, September 19, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tickets go on sale August 2 (9 a.m.-noon) at the Community Association Office. $15/ person in advance or $18 at the door. Reserved seats. Open to public. OCTOBER 3 - ADVENTURES IN AMERICAN JAZZ: The “Adventures in American Jazz” will be presented by the Sarasota Jazz Project, Sunday, October 3, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. at Community Hall in Sun City Center. A new and exciting 17-piece professional jazz ensemble will perform both contemporary and classic music from the American Songbook: Take the “A” Train, Tapestry in Blue, Just in Time, Polka Dots and Moonbeams ... a special vocal tribute to Frank Sinatra ... and more! Open to public. Tickets on sale at Community Assn. $8/person or $10 at the door. Reserved seats. –Questions? Judy Schings (813) 642-2001


(Cut and place in your 2010 Directory.)


48 70 76 80 90 91 91 97


William & Rose Marie Dravis, 813-633-4739 Glenn & Inge Laucks, 813-260-3511 Edward J. McEneany, 813-938-3062 Kenneth & Janice Myers, 813-634-9747 Martha Russo, 813-634-4149 Richard & Nancy Ryan, 813-634-4245 Paul & Kathleen Sager, 813-349-0680 Brian Stewart, 813-642-0170

*A table showing all reported additions and corrections is shown at www. Click on “Membership Directory.”


Recognized at Board Meetings Jan. 13 - May 12 Club/Organization Amount Applied to Aquasizers Club (proceeds from FunFest) $1,000 Pool Maintenance Art Club $1,535 Art gallery panels Ceramics Club $500 Hardship Fund China Painting $102 FunFest Donations Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center “Give a Little Back Spirit Fund” $2,400 Instructional Seminars for Ceramic Club members Durward & Janet Siville Fund $10,158 Library DAR, Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter $100 Hardship Fund German American Club $300 Hardship Fund Interfaith Social Action Council $4,000 Library Lapidary Club $500 Hardship Fund Lawn Bowling Club $80 FunFest Donations Leathernecks $88 FunFest Donations Low Impact Aerobics $50 FunFest Donations Low Vision Club $108 FunFest Donations $50 Hardship Fund Men’s Club $350 toward cost to replace roof over Lifeline office Monday movies $500 Offset licensing fees Needlecrafters $600 Operations Pickleball Club $131 Locker equipment Potters Wheel Club $195 Hardship Fund $104 FunFest Donations RV Club $200 Hardship Fund Sawdust Engineers $2,929 electrical project in Sawdust room Scottish Rite Club $25 FunFest Donations Shellcrafters $750 Hardship Fund $250 Library $160 FunFest Donations Shuffleboard Club $100 FunFest Donations Square Dance Club $300 Renovations Tennis Association $116 FunFest Donations Tillers & Toilers $200 FunFest Donations $125 Removal of trees Writers Club $20 FunFest Donations

Donations from Clubs Recognized at the July 14, 2010 Board Meeting:

Name Amount Monday Movies $500 Dog Owners Group $610 Horseshoe Club (SCC Ringers) $50

Applied to Licensing Fees Water fountain at park FunFest expenses

We Want To Know from page 2: inventories and photos) and irreplaceable keepsakes in water-tight bags or containers. If you plan to evacuate, in addition to the above, make sure that you also include bedding, towels and wash cloths, extra clothing, eye glasses, personal hygiene items, books, playing cards, etc. Turn off your electricity, water and gas before you leave. DO NOT leave pets here. Either take them with you or arrange a safe place for them to stay. Know that you may not be able to get back just because the storm is over. Conditions here (roads or your own home) may not allow your return for quite a while. And you will need to have identification to get back here. If your driver’s license does not have your Sun City Center address on it, make sure you have utility or tax bills with the address here identifying that you own the property. Hopefully we will never need this, but you always want to be prepared ... just in case!


The News of Sun City Center


August 2010



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Tradewinds 3/2/2 car garage on Caloosa Golf Course. Spacious home, ideal for entertaining, wet bar w/sink and refrigerator. Split bedroom plan, expanded living room, large family room, storage cabinets and workbench in garage, nicely landscaped. This is Florida living at its best!

Sunrise 2/2/2 car garage - Popular split plan model, new roof 3/10, freshly painted interior and carpet cleaned, CPVC plumbing, appliances covered by KPW Service. This home is move-in ready! Come and enjoy this wonderful Kings Point life style and start your new life today!

2419 LANCASTER DR. $74,900

1909 EAST VIEW DR. $244,000

Malibu 2/2/2 car garage. This lovely home is in move-in condition. Bonus room could easily be a third bedroom. Two covered and screened porches to enjoy the treed backyard. Come and enjoy all the great amenities this community has to offer!


GOLF AND WATER is your pleasure at this spacious home. Many improvements, newer roof, and newer 3 ton C/H/A heat pump, newer refrigerator and glass-top range. Huge utility room for lots of storage, oversized garage, additional 12x14 bonus room off enclosed lanai with views of golf course. This is a gem!

717 FOX HILLS DR. $125,000

1934 33rd St. SE (Ruskin)


Family-friendly mobile home/RV park

2015 Sifield Greens Way

2/2 $119,900

Haddington-Waterfront,Seller says Sell !

102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)


Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

833 Manchester Woods Dr. 2/2 $114,000

Cornell-Florida room, very large kitchen

2023 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. 2/2 $299,000

Custom Islander-Pool, Spa, Waterfront

2415 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $109,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appliances

2315 Lyndhurst Dr.

2/2 $269,900

Exp Exeter-Water, Golf Course, Pool

1933 Grand Cypress Ln.

2/2 $108,900

Gardenia-Roof ’10, glass enclosed lanai

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $225,000

Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $ 95,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchen

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $219,900

Islander-Water, greatroom, lrg utility rm

712 Riviera Dr.

2/2 $ 92,000

DW37-New roof ’08, new a/c unit

10905 Hoffner Edge Dr.

3/2 $199,900

On Golf Course, pool, & well maintained

1761 Atrium Dr.

2/2 $ 89,900

Somerset I-Furnished, many upgrades

1615 Oracle Dr.

3/2 $199,000

Miller Home-Pool, greatroom floorplan

818 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $ 89,000

DW37-roof and CHA ’08, screen porch

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 84,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1939 Sterling Glen Ct.

2/2 $179,000

Plumeria-Golf Course & Pond, open plan

1108 Beach Blvd.

2/2 $ 78,000

T-2-Newer appliances, priced to sell!

1701 Wolf Laurel Dr.

3/2 $169,900

Tradewinds-Golf Course, updated kit

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

2020 El Rancho Dr.

3/2.5 $157,000

Atrium-Water view,newer appliances

2005 Heathfield Cr.

2/2 $ 69,900

Brentwood II-Upgrades, new kitchen

633 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $149,900

Madeira Exp.-Golf Course & Water

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $ 67,500

Hampton-park-like views, screened patio

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $139,900

DW54-Move-in condition,corner lot

2206 Horsham Pl.

2/2 $ 65,000

Oxford-Furnished, screened lanai w/view

1520 Danbury Dr.

2/2 $134,900

DW52-Everything new, custom kitchen

702 Brockton Pl. E.

2/2 $ 62,000

DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enclosed lanai,screened porch

207 Islip Way

2/1.5 $ 59,900

Keystone-Priced to Sell! Great location!

1702 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $129,900

Twintree Exp-On Water, move-in ready!

1801 Bedford Ln. B38

1/1.5 $ 46,000

Mansard-Encl. lanai, new appls. ‘08

1716 Danbury Dr.

2/2 $128,500

On Water-updated/upgraded kitchen

2248 Greenhaven Dr.

2/2 $ 39,900

Stuart-Sharp, bright, upbeat, Lrg utility

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $127,000

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

1907 Canterbury Ln #13

2/2 $ 39,900

Stuart-End unit, CPVC plumbing

1207 Wild Feather Ln.

2/2 $125,000

Twintree-Move-in condition,open backyd

1906 Canterbury Ln. L1

2/2 $ 37,800

Stuart-Good Location-Needs TLC

641 Ft. Duquesna Dr.

2/2 $125,000

Custom-Updated, 2 lrg master suites

1902 Dandridge St. D21 1/1.5 $ 35,000

York- Compact,nice layout

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $124,900

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

401 De Grasse Pl. #5

York-Nicely furnished,16x8 lanai w/CHA

609 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $123,900

So. Pacific-Spacious,clean, screened porch

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 28,000

2/1.5 $ 74,900

1/1.5 $ 35,000

Sparkle Plenty Lives Here !!

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”




$ 675 Nicely Decorated

1706 Coco Palm


split + den

$1,100 Space+ UNFURN

1552 Council DR S U 1512 Council DR N 820 Fox Hills



$ 700 Furn-Nice

308 Caloosa Woods



$1,200 GOLF Nicely Furn



$ 700 Sharp as a Tack

201 Bedford D-89



$ 695 Nicely Updated

S C C -


DW 41

$ 795 Quiet st – close in

304 Grayston


Exp Hamp

$ 890 Furn, Scrn Porch




$ 800 Move in-Unfurn

2316 Gainsborough


Exp Hamp

$ 900 Nice Loc-Furn

C 721 Torrey Pines I T 1729 Atrium Y 1004 Beach Blvd C E N T E R



Bel Aire

$ 825 Avail Furn or Un

2015 Hampstead



$ 900 Furn & Ready



$ 890 Close to stores **

2016 Hullhouse


Brentwood 1


701 Riviera


Seaforth +

$ 950 Unfurn/Terrazzo

1309 Idlewood



$1,000 Nicely Furn Golf

1803 Butterfly



$ 975 WATER-Unfurn

842 McCallister



$1,100 Unfurnished

705 Churchill Pl



$ 975 UNFURN - NEW

2415 Nantucket Field



$ 995 side by side rentals


306 Stroll



$ 995 Split BR – NICE

2417 Nantucket Field



$1,150 Scn Lanai-Cons view

1622 Faxton



$ 995 Split - SHARP

2521 Lynx



$1,200 his/her DENS (2)

324 Faircross Circle



$1,000 Sharp as a Tack

2709 Lancaster



$1,200 Golf-Unfurn/Tile

376 Club Manor



$1,000 Sharp w/Golf View

2718 Lancaster Dr


Exp Sunrise

$1,200 Stainless Appls

Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!



August 2010

The News of Sun City Center

Are We THAT Unique? By John Bowker

flying back home. So we asked why they were coming to us in Sun City Center and apparently nowhere else on business. “Your center is unique,” their interpreter told us. “We have heard about you from others who have come here and we feel your success Led by the visiting Mayor Weicheng Wang (second from left), in keeping older the group heads for the Arts & Crafts Building. people happy and Photo by Judy Stimson. productive is what What started out as a routine we would like to email to the Information Center have.” They were enough interested asking if we could provide a to keep a barrage of questions tour of our community for some flowing for nearly two hours after our Chinese visitors turned into a visit formal presentations were finished by 20 dignitaries from the city of that morning. Each sentence we Changzhou, including the mayor uttered, of course, was interrupted and his deputies who oversee a by a translation that sometimes went population of some 4.5 million on for several minutes. Our concept people! of management by the residents was As we were gathering in the difficult for them to embrace, and Sandpiper Room on July 9, we noted being an all-volunteer community their travel plans called for them left them shaking their heads in to fly directly to Tampa from their surprise. home in China with a one-night stop Their visit concluded with a in Los Angeles. They spent the next walking tour of the Central and South morning in Sun City Center, and the Campus areas to see the variety of rest of their visit, we learned, was a dedicated facilities we provide for our day of sightseeing in Orlando before arts, crafts, athletic and hobby interests.


Minto Updates The new Sun City Center developer is in the process of getting established and has many projects underway that will impact both Sun City Center and Kings Point. The News of Sun City Center will publish the status of these projects on a monthly basis to keep all of our residents informed.

Update as of July 16, 2010

• Main entry sign on SR 674 is currently being repainted with new landscape. • An enhancement plan for landscape at key focal points along SR 674 is currently being developed including the entry to Kings Point and South Pebble Beach. • Buffer maintenance program along south side of SR 674 is being developed. • First round of Minto-owned vacant lot mowing has occurred and will continue on an ongoing basis. • Model home construction in Kings Point and Renaissance will start late August to early September. • Grand opening for new models scheduled for late November to early December.


The News of Sun City Center

SCC Photo Club Announces June Competition Winners

The Sun City Center Photo Club winners were announced for its June competition. In the digital division, winners were Marion Kundiger with a silver for Old Calligrapher and Rose Stack with bronze awards for Doorway in the Mediterranean and Lone Oak. Both photographers are in the Beginner Classification. In the print division, winners were Matt Batt with silver awards for Canyon Temples (shown below) and Munchin Lunch; Glenn Hockley with

bronze awards for Lighthouse at Peggy’s Cove, Sweet Lips and Sea Gull Over Falls; Doug Moore with bronze awards for Don’t Ruffle MY Feathers and A Colorful Web Site; Patt Sulzberger with a silver award for Lunch on the Veldt and Rolf Sulzberger with bronze awards for Born Today and Phalaenopsis Orchid. All print division entries were at the Advanced Level Classification. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

August 2010

SouthShore Toastmasters Elected 2010-11 Board

L-R standing: Russ Kevala, V.P. of Education; Patricia Leyden, Sergeant of Arms and Tuitamaha Halaufia, V.P. of Membership. Sitting: Jeanette Doyle, President and Barbara Green, Treasurer The Toastmasters Club is a nonprofit educational association of people who meet to hone their speaking, listening and leadership skills or to just maintain the skills they have. These skills can assist in job hunting, achieving a promotion/goal, networking or becoming a better communicator. Toastmasters clubs network throughout the world and are dedicated to helping people become better communicators. The group meets at the Trinity Baptist church on the corner of Del Webb West and SR 674. The club’s regular meetings are from 8:30 to 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Walk-in guests are always welcome. Guests are encouraged to attend at least two meetings before making the decision to join. Enter via the center doors on the northwest side of the church. Guests should arrive by 8:15 a.m., if possible, so they can be paired with a member to answer any questions they may have. All are welcome. Contact is Jeanette Doyle: or William Hodges:

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August 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Answer on page 18.


listen to why they chose Freedom Plaza! We wanted Life Care so we wouldn’t be a burden on our children. Our friends were moving here and with the amenities, the sooner you move the better. - Ardis & Andy Nash

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The News of Sun City Center

August is Marshmallow Month

August is the month to celebrate marshmallows with National S’mores Day on August 10 and National Marshmallow Toasting Day on August 30. If you were a Girl or Boy Scout or ever went camping, you probably fondly remember roasting marshmallows around a campfire and perhaps turning them into a s’mores chocolate gooey treat. The origin of s’mores is unclear. Marshmallows became widely available in the early 1900s, and the first recorded s’more recipe appeared in the Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts handbook of 1927. (At that time, it was not politically incorrect to talk about “tramping” with Girl Scouts.) The word s’more itself is thought to be a contraction of the phrase “some more,” as anybody who just ate one would soon proclaim. The treat itself is traditionally prepared around a campfire by toasting a marshmallow over an open fire, then smashing it between two graham cracker squares with a slab of chocolate that softens as soon as the hot marshmallow makes contact. Picture a sandwich with stuff oozing out all four sides. Over time, the recipes have been enhanced with peanut butter (think Reese’s Cup), and licorice (a Belgian s’more). In the 1947 edition of the Girl Scout handbook, slices of

apples or pineapples were suggested as chocolate replacements. Not surprisingly, the fruit-based versions never really caught on. Since you probably do not have ready access to an open campfire, we have two s’mores recipes to meet your needs: microwaved and grilled.

For microwaved s’mores: On a microwave-safe plate place the bottom graham cracker square. On top of that place a square piece of chocolate and one large marshmallow. Cook on high for 10 to 15 seconds or until the marshmallow puffs and grows. Remove the plate, add the top graham cracker, smoosh and eat. For grilled s’mores, preheat the grill to medium hot. Build your s’more (two graham crackers with chocolate and marshmallow in between), wrap it aluminum foil

Forget return on investment. Think return on insurance. I can help you earn money for driving safely. These days, money market funds are paying less than 2%. But Allstate rewards safe drivers with 5% of their premium back every 6 months they go acccident-free. Does your insurance do that? Call me today. Debbie Bates, CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center

Safe Driving Bonus® is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire And Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company

and place on the grill. Grill four to five minutes or until marshmallow is melted. If you get bored (unlikely) with these, you can find more recipes at, www. and www.KOA. com/recipes. You can also try an inside-out s’more better known as a Moon Pie. If you want to forego the graham crackers and chocolate completely, you are ready to celebrate National Marshmallow Toasting Day. This tradition was invented by Earnest Patrick Finn in the late 18th century. The best toasted marshmallow is held on a stick over an open flame until it turns a golden brown. This creates a caramelized outer skin with a liquid, molten layer underneath. Most people eat them whole. Enjoy!

August 2010

HART Flex Offers Curbside Service

HART Flex is a shuttle/vanbased service open to all passengers. HART Flex has all the advantages of a traditional fixed bus route along with the convenience of curbside pickup. The HART Flex pilot program is in South Hillsborough County (Wimauma/ Sun City Center). Service in South Hillsborough is structured as a route with timepoints, to provide targeted service to major destinations such as La Estancia Apartments, Kings Point, and the Southshore Regional Service Center. The approach is being evaluated for ridership and customer satisfaction, as well as their appropriateness for expansion into new areas (Seffner & Ruskin possible FY 2011.) Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. NO Sunday service Customers can request a trip from one week to up to three hours before the desired trip time. Customers who book the same trip in the same zone at least three times a week can request subscription service. Fares: 85¢ one way; $1.85 for a 1-Day pass. All valid HART fare media— annual passes or 31 day passes are accepted. Bilingual reservation services are available during the service’s operating hours.

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Lifetime Price Lock Program applies to Independent Living in Aston Gardens at Sun City Center community only. Cannot be combined with all offers and some restrictions may apply. All offers subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Speak with a Senior Lifestyle Counselor for all the details. ©2010 DISCOVERY MANAGEMENT GROUP | MANAGED AND OPERATED BY

August 2010

Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center


Art Club

ART CLUB TRIP TO WINTER PARK ARTS FESTIVAL The Art Club is sponsoring a bus trip to the Winter Park Arts Festival on Sunday, October 10, 2010. The bus will leave from the SCC Library at 8 a.m. on the 10th. Admission to the festival is free and everyone will be ‘on their own’ to view the exhibits and have lunch. The bus will leave the festival at 4 p.m. with a scheduled return to SCC by 6 p.m. Tickets for the trip are $20 and must be purchased no later than September 18. Checks should be payable to Art Club In Sun City Center and mailed to Marsha Lucidi, 2203 New Bedford Drive, Sun City Center FL 33573. For additional trip information, call Marsha at 938-5100.


Novice Bridge Meets Thursday Mornings


The Art Club of Sun City Center has welcomed a new teacher, Mike Parker, to the club. He will be conducting an ongoing series of classes for club members. Raised in Boston, Massachusetts, Mike has a BFA from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, and likewise, a BFA from the University of South Florida. He has had numerous public and community commissions, including Tampa. While his preferred medium is acrylics, he is more than qualified to provide guidance and instruction in other media. Mike’s classes are held in the Art Room, Tuesday mornings, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A sign-up sheet for the classes is in the Art Room. Class fee is $10 per session and Art Club membership is required. For more information about the class, contact Virginia Laudano at 633-6042. For membership info only: Bev Majewski / 633-8325. –Ed Laudano

The Bridge Teachers recently donated $200 to the Community Association Membership Hardship Fund. Pictured standing (l to r): Leslie Cox, John Foster, Virgil Eveleigh, and seated (l to r) Joan Macholl and Ronda O’Farrell. Pat Rippel and Marian Howarth also contributed.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club Saturday, August 14, 2010 (originally scheduled for August 7) at Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.. Members free, guests $5. Coffee, cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy casual, BYOB. Everyone welcome! There will be no lesson prior to the dance this month. Info. call Charlie Brown at (813) 642-9817. Thursday morning “Novice Bridge”, a learn-and-play program for players with some knowledge of the game but with limited experience.

Ohio Club Picnic

Want to brush up on your bridge game? The Sun City Center Bridge Association has created “Novice Bridge,” a Thursday morning duplicate game for beginning players (0 – 20 masterpoints) which features a half-hour mini-lecture before each game. The lecture and game are open to beginning players from Kings Point and Sun City Center. Single players welcome. Fee: $1.50. There is no charge for those attending the lecture only. Horizon Room Thursdays. Lecture 8:30 a.m. Game begins promptly at 9 a.m. and concludes shortly after 11 a.m.

The Summer Indoor Picnic is planned for Saturday, August 14, in the Florida Room starting at 5:30 p.m. The club will provide the fried chicken, sides, salad, coffee and iced tea. Bring your favorite dessert to share ... along with any other beverages you prefer (BYOB). The cost is $7 per person. The dress is picnic casual. 50/50 tickets will be sold, and the Ohio map will display the home location of all of the club’s members. Members are encouraged to invite their Ohio friends and neighbors. Some entertainment is planned with local favorites: the Front Porch Pickers! Mark your calendars for these other Ohio Club parties:

Oldies But Goodies Dance August 15 The Sun City Center “Oldies But Goodies” Social Dance Club will hold its August dance on Sunday, August 15, due to renovations being done to the Community Hall. The theme for the dance is a “Beach Party” that was originally scheduled for July 31 but has been changed to Sunday, August 15, starting at 6:30 p.m. Hot dogs, chips, and cookies will be served. Club members are free and others pay $5.00 at the door. The dress is “beach casual.” BYOB. Please call Barb at 633-5649 for more information or to make your reservation. –Mary Mobley

Sunday, October 10: Florida Room (Details to be announced.) Saturday, November 27: Community Hall (The Buckeyes vs the Wolverines Football Party) Reservations: Make your reservation for the Summer Indoor Picnic by delivering your check for $7 per person made out to the “Ohio Club” to Social Chair Jane Foppe at 1206 Emerald Dunes by August 10th! Don’t forget to bring your favorite dessert made to serve six people. Call Jim Rottman at 634-8122 with any questions. –Jim Rottman


Club Happenings 2

The News of Sun City Center

August 2010

Photo Club to Meet August 10

Sun City Center Photo Club meets Tuesday, August 10, at 6:30 p.m. A panel of experts will help all levels of photographers at the Tuesday, August 10 meeting of the Sun City Center Photo Club. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room with a tutorial presenting tips and techniques of the new Photoshop CS5. After a short business meeting at 7 p.m., a panel of experts will present on a variety of topics of interest to all levels of photographers. Matt Batt will show useful, free computer utilities for photographers. Stan Lipski will demonstrate how to safely store and organize photos. Rolf Sulzberger has prepared a program on the history, ethics and possibilities of image

manipulation and Doug Moore will talk about blur in photos: how to eliminate it and how to use it effectively. There will be ample time for questions and the experts will be available after the meeting for individual concerns. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2010 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. -John Breaugh

“ICE CREAM SOCIAL” SQUARE DANCE The hazy, crazy, lazy days of summer are once again upon us in Sun City Center. It’s hot, hot, hot, and what better way to cool off than with a big dish of ice cream covered with your favorite toppings. That’s exactly what the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club is going to do to help square dancers cool off—celebrate the month of August with an “Ice Cream Social” Mainstream/Plus Square Dance on Friday, August 20, 2010. The club will supply the ice cream and the members will provide the toppings. Square Dancers: keep cool and enjoy a great dance. These special dances, along with the club’s regular Friday Night Mainstream/Plus Dances are held in the SCC Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds are 7 - 7:30 p.m.; Mainstream/Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Van Coble calls and Pat Hagen cues. The club’s Tuesday night Mainstream and Plus Workshop classes are discontinued for the summer. Classes will begin again in November, then new dancer square dance lessons will begin in January. Join us for this special dance and every Friday Night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. For further information, call Sue at 633-8780 or Gail at 633-1297.

SCC Organ/KeyBoard Club is a year-round club for beginners through advanced musicians. All Sun City Center & Kings Point residents are welcome to attend their group lessons. They meet every Thursday in the Armstrong Room in the Atrium Building from 9 – 11 a.m. The teacher varies from week to week and provides a copy of music for each student to take notes on and to keep. The cost is $3 per class; you do not need an instrument for the meeting. Come join us and learn to play an Organ, KeyBoard, or Digital Piano. Enjoy music with neighbors of mutual interest. Call for further information: Bob at 633-4628 or Mark at 742-8877. -Barb Carlini

Barron to Speak at Men’s Club

If a hurricane knocks out the phones in Sun City Center, no doubt your friends and relatives are going to worry when they can’t reach you. At the August 18 luncheon meeting of the Men’s Club, Bill Barron, of the SCC Amateur Radio Club will explain how this organization will handle internet inquiries and your replies. He will also talk about the many other services the group provides our community. This meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the SCC Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. It is a “members and invited guests only” event. Reservations are required. Men’s Club membership information may be obtained from Jerry Mahoney at 633-2879.

August 2010

Every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m., you can find a gathering of Arbor Glen homeowners at Sun City Café. This weekly social event is the brainchild of Eileen Shea, the wife of Joe Shea (deceased), who was past president of the group. Denis Wintersteen, an Arbor Glen homeowner says it this way, “Just one way—one lady—made a big difference. Thanks, Eileen!”

The News of Sun City Center

Arbor Glen Revives Camaraderie

moving in, but they weren’t connecting with others in the vicinity. She asked herself, “How can I make the neighborhood better?” and took the bull by the horns. Letters went to homeowners in the neighborhood suggesting the breakfast get together and 20 people signed up right away. A feeling of improved camaraderie now pervades the Arbor Glen neighborhood. It’s commonly noted that the breakfast gathering is fun and many close friendships have evolved. Neighbors are inviting others back to their homes and there is a truly caring attitude. It’s beginning to get back to “the good old days.” Not only the homeowners are benefitting, but the Café appreciates the business in these slow economic times. “The café owner has been most accommodating,” says Wintersteen, “including having the exact number of chairs and tables set for the gathering, and the staff at the Cafe Eileen Shea is beginning to know the group The movement began when members by name.” Eileen noticed new people were

HOME DEPOT MAKES DONATION TO GOOD SAMARITAN BALL 2011 Although the Good Samaritan Ball is months away, plans are in full swing. So is the community with its support. The SCC Home Depot has been generous, providing materials for decorations. It’s normal for Home Depot to become involved since they are known for their community spirit and giving back, as well as their excellent customer service, doing the right thing, creating shareholder value, entrepreneurial spirit, and respect for all people. This matches perfectly with the unlimited services provided by the Samaritans.

Chris Dralus, SCC Home Depot assistant manager, and Larry Meadows, co-chair of the Good Samaritan Ball 2011. The Good Samaritan Ball is March 25, 2011, at Kings Point Borini Theatre.Ticket price is $125 per person. People wishing to attend this unforgettable event should call Darlene and Larry Meadows at 813-633-7173 or email them at for tickets. Many people tend to renew year to year so tickets sell quickly.

Seats are still available, however, and in case of a sellout, there will be a waiting list from which seats will be filled in the order requests are received. All net proceeds from the Good Samaritan Ball will go to Samaritan Services, Inc. Home Depot’s donation reduces the cost of decorating for the Good Samaritan Ball which will leave more funds from the ticket sales for Samaritan Services to use in their extensive free services for the Greater Sun City Center area. The services of Samaritan Services, Inc. include free transportation to South Bay Hospital and doctor’s visits—even as far as Brandon, Tampa and Bradenton. SCC Ride also provides rides for local shopping and other necessities. Alzheimer’s respite and support for caregivers are other services provided, as well as assisting Meals on Wheels and providing financial assistance. Samaritan Services, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization; it is provided and funded totally by volunteers and contributions. They gratefully accept all donations and volunteers that enable them to provide their invaluable services. Next time you are at Home Depot, you might want to thank Assistant Manager Chris Dralus for reaching out for this good cause. Larry and Darlene Meadows and the entire Good Samaritan Ball committee certainly are appreciative.

Arbor Glen homeowners enjoy weekly breakfast gatherings at Sun City Cafe. Photo provided by Denis Wintersteen.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company



Proud Sponsor Committee: (Standing left to right) Merlene Smithyman, John Smithyman, Carl McGary and Cam McGary. Seated: Uta Kuhn We invite the community, clubs and business owners to participate in the Sun City Center 50th Anniversary Event. Be a “PROUD SPONSOR” by giving a monetary contributionof $50 or more. Checks should be payable to Sun City Center Community Association (notation: Anniversary Sponsor Program) and mailed to or dropped off at the SCC Community Association office at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. This will express your pride in our community and keep our wonderful events reasonably priced. Being a “Proud Sponsor” displays our community lifestyle and spirit. CA Director Ann Marie Leblanc is the 50th Anniversary Chairman. –Hazel Martin

South Bay Hospital Celebrates Volunteers Sun City Center, Florida (July 7, 2010) -- South Bay Hospital celebrated their volunteers by hosting the Annual Volunteer Awards Banquet held at the Kings Point Clubhouse Theater. The evening was filled with great food, entertainment, dancing and awards. South Bay Hospital’s 2009 Female Outstanding Volunteer Award was presented to Bunny Cocco, Outpatient Surgery Registration Volunteer. Bunny is described as having a huge smile and positive attitude. She consistently goes the extra mile for those who stop at her desk. Bunny is a ray of sunshine. Since coming to South Bay Hospital in 2002, she has captured the hearts of many with her smile, positive attitude and willingness to go above and beyond. South Bay Hospital’s 2009 Male Outstanding Volunteer Award was presented to Al Burke, Volunteer Transporter. Al is described as always cheerful and full of spirit. His sense of humor and his warm demeanor are appreciated by staff

August 2010

Advantages of Living in Sun City Center


Be a “Proud Sponsor”

The News of Sun City Center

members and patients alike. Since becoming a volunteer in 2005, he has touched the hearts of departments and patients in the hospital. South Bay Hospital also honored its Frist Volunteer Humanitarian Award winner, Juanita Moon. The Frist Humanitarian Award was created in 1971 to honor outstanding individuals for their humanitarian and volunteer activities. Juanita is always willing to offer her assistance and has an excellent rapport with the many groups served by our hospital including patients, physicians, employees, families and vendors. When not volunteering at South Bay Hospital, she can be found in the community assisting her neighbors. If she hears of anyone doing without clothes or food she is the first to provide it for them. Juanita is the “grandmother” of the neighborhood. She truly exemplifies the humanitarian spirit. For more information on volunteering at South Bay Hospital, please call Paula Hange at (813) 634-0187.

By Uta Kuhn Ever wondered why it is so great to live in Sun City Center, other than the great amenities and activities? There are some good reasons to settle here—and stay. Most people who moved here came from somewhere other than Florida and left behind family and friends; but once they move here, they make new friends. One of the advantages of living in Sun City Center is that you can shop, go to the doctor, beauty salon, barber shop, restaurant, etc. without ever having to get on a main highway. And let’s not forget that if you no longer drive a car, everything is readily accessible by golf cart, including South Bay Hospital. Well, there is another really good reason to stay here. You moved into a nice home and enjoy your yard with its flowers/shrubs/wildlife, etc. You enjoy gardening and your screened patio. Then the time comes when you are no longer able to take care of the gardening and some of the other chores that come with owning your own home. Now what??? You’re in luck. You don’t have to move far to find an independent living facility; there are several in the community. This means your friends can still come for a visit without having to travel a long distance. These facilities offer dining rooms, club rooms, exercise rooms, planned activities such as day trips and more. You can choose to cook, or have your meals in the dining

room. You also have a multitude of choices as far as accommodations to meet your needs. Cleaning service, etc. is included in most instances. If you no longer drive, most of these facilities can accommodate you with transportation. Let’s take this one step further. Your health is diminishing and you need more help. In many instances, you can stay in the same facility and take advantage of what is called “assisted living.” Here, the services can include personal help as needed such as bathing, dressing, medications, etc. Most of these facilities also have on-site rehabilitation centers. Ok, now you’ve gotten to the point in your life, where you need more personal care than an assisted living facility can provide. This means that you are probably ready for a nursing home where the special care that you require is available. In many instances that transition can be as easy as moving into a special section of the same building complex. Then the friends that you made would be within walking distance. Last, but not least, there are two Hospice facilities right here in our area. Having all of these things available within a reasonable distance from the home you originally moved into means you can stay in touch with friends and neighbors. So when all is said and done, the Sun City Center area is definitely the perfect place to live as you get on in years.

Call 813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary plimentary hearing screening



August 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Military Affairs


MOAA August Luncheon to Feature Marrone

Col George Mercer Brooke Chapter, DAR had 18 members who participated in the Memorial Day Remembrance at Kings Point. Pictured at the flagpole with the Memorial Wreath are of some of the participants. Back row: Left to right: Jo Prater, Pat Peltz, Jody Masterson, Mary McIntyre, Fran Eilert. Front row: Left to right: Ruth Day, Jan Bassett, Pat Fricke, Bunny Blackstone, Beverly Engles, Elsie Lalor, and Linda Berry. Other members in attendance were Carol Acosta, May Albertini, Florence Ellenberger, Felicia Grant, Sandra Harnishfeger, and Natalie Tryon.



Louise Hutt celebrated her 105th birthday July 3, 2010. She was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1905 and was a second grade teacher until she married. She and her husband retired to Sun City Center in 1966 and he passed away in 1968. Louise became a member of the Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter of Sun City Center in 1977, a year after the chapter was chartered. She has been Chapter Regent three times. She played golf until the age of 90 and that same year wrote a book titled “Life is for Living.” Louise is still active and plays bridge.

The Sun City Center Military Officers Association Chapter recently awarded its annual scholarship to Sarah Heyl from Santa Fe Catholic School in Lakeland in a ceremony at Freedom Plaza. The scholarship is valued at $2,000. Pictured left to right are Brigadier General, Royal Marines, re t i re d C o l i n H o w g i l l , w h o represented the Military Family Support Trust which provides administration oversight of the scholarship program, Sarah Heyl and Sun City MOAA President Major, US Air Force, retired Kirk Faryniasz. (Photo courtesy MFST)

Patriots Club Sponsors September 11 Observance

The Patriots Club will again be hosting a Sept. 11 Observance. Included in the program will be the United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, The Pelican Players, Pat Raimondo - who will do a patriotic medley and readings which are pertinent to that fateful event. He will be accompanied by Chuck Wirick. Also on the program again this year is John Cortese performing “The Ragged Old Flag.” Invited guests/speakers include Ronda Storms, Colonel Luther Lloyd and many others. Come and join us to honor/remember those and their families who made the ultimate sacrifice on that horrible day in American history. WE SHALL NEVER FORGET. DAY/DATE: Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 TIME: 10 a.m. PLACE: Community Hall 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd.

The August 4 meeting of the Military Officers of America (MOAA) will feature Yvonne Marrone, a Volunteer Recruiter and Community Outreach Coordinator for the Hillsborough County Guardian ad Litem Program. The Guardian ad Litem Program’s sole responsibility is to represent the best interests of children who are abused, neglected or abandoned. With this single mission, the program is uniquely independent in its advocacy. Thousands of abused, abandoned and neglected children become the subject of judicial proceedings each year in Florida. Their voices are often unheard and best interests overlooked in the complicated and overburdened adversary process. A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a citizen who volunteers to become part of a court program to represent the best interests of an assigned child. The volunteer Guardian ad Litem is a representative for the child before the court, social service agencies and the community. He/she also protects the child during the family crisis and court proceedings, and then follows the child’s progress. The presentation and luncheon will be held in the Florida Room on the Central Campus of the SCC Community Association at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, August 4. Reservations ($14) can be made by calling 1-877332-3016 no later than Sunday, August 1.

SR 674 Now Blue Star Memorial Highway

On June 21, 2010 the Secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation designated SR 674 between Interstate 75 and US 301 as a Blue Star Memorial Highway. This was done in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 335.091, a statute that provides for the designation of such roads at the request of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs [FFGC]. Via the statute, once a road is so designated, a local garden club that is a member of FFGC can purchase and erect a Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker and hold a dedication ceremony for the installation. In the U.S., the National Garden Clubs, Inc. [NGC] established a program in 1945 to honor past, current and future members of our armed forces for their service to our country. This was done by the creation of highway markers and markers that could be placed in other civic locations that are called Blue Star Memorial Markers. Roads and highways across the U.S. have been dedicated as Blue Star Memorial Highways since that time. There are more than 134 Blue Star markers in the state of Florida. Some are Highway Markers on designated highways, and others are in parks, veterans’ sites and hospitals, and other civic locations. To learn more about the program, and to see a picture of the Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker, go to http://www. BlueStarMemorial.aspx.The Elegant Gardeners Club [EGC] of Sun City Center is a member club of FFGC, and plans to order the Highway Memorial Marker the first week of August and hold a dedication ceremony for installation of the Marker on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2010. Installation will be completed

by the local D.O.T., and the marker will be placed in the east median strip at the intersection of SR 674 and Pebble Beach Blvd., a site central to most activities in Sun City Center. The ceremony will be part of celebrations being held by the various military service groups in SCC that day. Further information will be released nearer that date. The Blue Star Memorial Highway Markers are beautiful and built to last several lifetimes. The purchase price of the marker is $1,250, a cost which is prohibitive for the EGC to bear alone. Thus the club is gladly accepting donations from local residents, veterans and any interested parties. Anyone who wishes to make a contribution can make checks payable to “The Elegant Gardeners Club” and write “Blue Star” on the notation line. Please include the donor’s name, address and email/ telephone number when sending a donation. We’d like to keep everyone in the loop, and be sure to cite donors in the program for the dedication ceremony. Since the club needs to order the marker by the first week of August, it will be helpful to receive donations in a timely manner. Checks should be sent to: Blue Star Memorial Marker, c/o Molly Tenney, 1109 Emerald Dunes Dr., SCC 33573. On behalf of the Elegant Gardeners Club and FFGC, a hearty “thanks in advance” to all who contribute to and participate in this exciting, historic event. The road designation and memorial marker will become part of South Shore history and remain a tribute to our military service members in perpetuity!


The News of Sun City Center

August 2010

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... By Susan Muise

Permits and Licenses We just wanted to let you know what types of contractors who work on and in your homes are required to have licenses by the State of Florida: - air conditioning & heating contactors - general, building and residential contractors - lawn spraying and pest control companies - swimming pool construction and repair contractors - roofers - electricians and plumbers You can check current state license status for contractors and any complaints against their license by going to or by calling 850-487-1395. You can also check pest control licenses at 850-921-4177. Hillsborough County requires additional specialty licenses called “Competency Certificates” for certain types of contractors. All of the above contractors are required to have these as well as their state licenses. Other contractors that may service your home and are required to have county licenses are: - hurricane shutters installers - aluminum structure contractors - concrete and paving contractors - siding, window and door installers - drywall and insulation installers - tile and marble installers - pool and spa installers and maintenance contractors - garage door installers - carpenters (cabinetry and trim work not required) - natural gas installers - irrigation system installers - all painters—both exterior and interior Current status for these and others can be checked by going online to: or by calling 813-635-7308. Permits are required for any structural work or changes as well as electrical (which includes new air conditioners), gas, mechanical or plumbing system changes. To determine whether a permit is required for the type of job you need, you can contact our local building department at 813-276-2254. You should never pull the permit yourself unless you are the actual contractor. If a contractor asked you to pull it, there is probably something wrong with his license and he doesn’t want to get caught. A Tree Removal Permit is required for the removal of many types of trees, especially the Grand Oak. There is a list of trees not required to have removal permits at or you can call them at 813-272-5920. Remember, if you use an unlicensed or improperly licensed contractor and then have a problem with the job, your insurance company may deny your claim. You can check our Consumer Affairs Register to see who we have listed. Those contractors in our book have up-to-date licenses and insurance. Contractors should all carry their licenses for your inspection. Make sure that the license is current. We can’t stress enough how important it is that you know who is working on your property. The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page; -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page.

Solution on page 19

If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s... ...then maybe it’s time we talked. Caring for an elderly loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s or dementia is one of life’s great challenges. But the memory care program at Homewood Residence® at Freedom Plaza can enhance the quality of life, not just for your loved one, but for your entire family as well. We understand the nature of Alzheimer’s and we deliver compassionate care in a program that focuses on Daily Moments of SuccessSM. If your family has a loved one with Alzheimer’s, then call us. We can talk about the details later, but for now let’s just talk.

Call (813) 633-4340 for more information or to schedule your personal visit. Personalized Assisted Living Respect for Individual PreferencesSM Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Daily Moments of SuccessSM 3910 Galen Ct., Sun City Center, FL 33573 Assisted Living Facility # 9634 Respect for Individual Preferences and Daily Moments of Succes are Service Marks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ® Reg. U.S. Patent and TM Office




August 2010

The News of Sun City Center



C. A. R. E.


Hop along “Cassidy” is a male Hound mix who limped right up to the shelter entrance one day. Don’t worry, he is getting the TLC he needs and will be fine. Cassidy is a gentle boy who appears to love everyone he meets. His favorite pastime is to eat Doggy Paws ice cream while sitting on a volunteer’s lap. Do you have room in your heart and home for Cassidy? He is ready to hop right into your life. Cassidy will be neutered, microchipped, brought current on his shots, and treated for heartworm as part of his adoption. DOB: January 2009.


Victoria is a young black female cat who claims Kettle as her mom. Her sister is Remy. She has settled in at C.A.R.E. but would really love to be part of a loving forever home. She is playful and a real lover. Lounging on the lanai is one of her favorite afternoon pasttimes. As part of her adoption, Victoria will be brought current on her shots, spayed and microchipped. DOB: February 2010. “Summer Special” -- 50% OFF

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday For directions visit or call 813-645-2273

Answer on page 18.


Golf League Results, Pictures and More

SCC WGA 9-Hole June 24: Low Putts: First Place Marty Mallak – 15; three-way tie for Second Place - Pat Hoying, Christel Fraebel, Dorothy Morris - 16. July 8. Low Net: First Place Jeanne Doherty – 34; Second Place - Sandra Hurwitz – 41. -Gloria Nunn

Men’s Golf Assn. June 17: Event: 2 Man team - 2 low net total: White Tees: 1st Jerry Hart, Bill Pachler (BD) -4; 2nd Bert Paulin, Jim Cosgrove -1. Green tees: 1st Anthony Torre, Harold Geldback -16; 2nd Carl Lingertot, Bud Tolley (BD) -14. -James Cosgrove

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point June 17: Renaissance, Play: K-skins: 1st: Barry Kolin, 4 skins; 2nd: four-way tie @ 2 skins each – Ed Weber, Frank Carlin, Dave Diehl

The News of Sun City Center

& Chip Wood. Low-net: Ed Weber, 72; Low-gross: Ed Weber, 85. June 19: Sandpiper, Play: K-skins: 1st: Don Mowry, 4 skins; 2nd: five-way tie @ 2 skins each – Chip Wood, Jay Sparkman, Mac McKay, Andy Betz & Ron Kingston. Lownet: Jay Sparkman, 60; Low-gross: Jay Sparkman, 80. June 23: Buffalo Creek, Play: NCO-Skins: 1st: Frank Carlin, 6 skins; 2nd: Bob Oler, 4 skins. Lownet: Jay Sparkman, 65; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 79. June 26: Sandpiper, Play: NCOSkins: 1st: Dave Diehl 6 skins; 2nd: two-way tie @ 4 skins each – Jay Sparkman & Andy Betz. Low-net: Dave Diehl, 66 (3 skins); Lowgross: Chip Wood, 86 (3 skins). June 29: Apollo Beach, Play: NCOSkins: 1st: two-way tie @ 6 skins each – Bob Oler & J. Kirkland. Lownet: two-way tie (69) – Sharlene Peter & Jay Sparkman; Low-gross: two-way tie (90) – Jay Sparkman & Ed Weber. July 3: Sandpiper, Lakes/Palms, Play: nco Skins: 1st: two-way tie @ 3 skins each – Bob Layer & guest D. Layer. Low-net: Woody Nelson, 70, 3 skins; Low-gross: Bob Layer, 99, 2 skins. July 7: Summerfield, Paired COSkins: First pairing: Karen Jones 4 up over Art Swallow. Second Pairing: Dave Diehl 6 up over Mac McKay.

July 9: Buffalo Creek, Play: NCO-Skins: 1st: three-way tie @ 4 skins each – Frank Carlin, Jay Sparkman & Bob Oler. Low-net: Jay Sparkman, 69; Low-gross: Jay Sparkman, 86. July 13: Apollo Beach, Play: NCO Skins: 1st: two-way tie @ 3 skins each – Bob Oler & Chip Wood. Low-net: Chip Wood, 67; Low-gross: Chip Wood 78 (course record). July 15: Renaissance, Play: NCOSkins: 1st: Frank Carlin, 4 skins; 2nd : Chip Wood, 3 skins. Low-net: Chip Wood, 73; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 84. -Art Swallow Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact or visit

August 2010

Hogans League August Schedule Date 8/2 8/4 8/6 8/7 8/10 8/12 8/14 8/18 8/20 8/21 8/24 8/26 8/28

Day Course (09:30 a.m.) Mon Diamond Hill Wed Summerfield Fri Buffalo Creek Sat Sandpiper Tue Apollo Beach Thur Renaissance Sat Sandpiper Wed Buffalo Creek Fri Imperial Lakewods Sat Sandpiper Tue Apollo Beach Thur Riverside Sat Sandpiper

The club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests.

August 2010

The News of Sun City Center

Tennis Doubles Event Held at Local Correctional Institution

Three Sun City Center volunteers at the Hillsborough Correctional Institution for women hosted the first lady inmate women’s doubles tennis tournament recently. Twenty-four inmates participated while tournament director Nancy Williams (1st row, far left) officiated and Kathy Norton (2nd row far left) along with Barbara Gingrich (2nd row far right) assisted. Inmates Laura & Lela were the tournament winners. Williams teaches a weekly tennis clinic at the prison, and her SCC Tennis Association has donated tennis balls and rackets. SCC also sends regular volunteers to this facility from the Volleyball, Softball, Pickleball & Computer Clubs.

Hole-in-One Jack Libby, in the Caloosa Green’s weekly tournament, had a hole-in-one on the 151-yard 9th hole. Jack used his 7-iron to capture his ace. Witnessing his ace were fellow Caloosa Greens members Ed Troy, John Fuqua and club president John Mooney.



The News of Sun City Center

August 2010

Caloosa Golf and Country Club members enjoyed a delicious Father’s Day dinner after a thunderstorm interrupted the golf mixer.

Anne Pidgeon’s WONDERFUL WORLD of The new Luxury-Lift® recliner...exclusively designed for the safest, most dependable operation.


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August 2010

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater


List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last Blessing Bonit Boyd Chandler Clark Collins Cooper Curry Dennehy Edwards Fenimore Fiset Flood Fogarty Harville Hazleton Hochfelder Jones Kellerhouse Kelly Kenner Kovach McKim Neel Rathgeber Rye Sannem Sayers Scaringe Shaw Sheff Strong Titus Yudofsky

First Num Rick & Janet 1814 Joseph 2429 William 1311 James & Carolyn 1622 Michael & Starling 1518 Bill & Luci 633 Jim & Sandy 1615 Alyce 1322 Mari 2507 David & Cindy 2306 H Haines & Ann 1007 Donald & Theresa 610 William & Margaret 317 M Rosanne 102 Marzetta 725 Douglas & Edith 1508 Richard & Julie 1608 Robert 2429 Lloyd & Carolyn 1801 Bob & Dee 1610 Michael & Karen 2333 Glenn & Debra 2315 Michael 1710 Rose 216 George 2507 Walter 1705 Bob & Phyllis 2417 Erlie 1811 Raymond & Rebecca 2008 Wayne & Latria 740 Joseph & Dorothy 904 Ernest & Barbara 713 Robert 719 Melvin & Carol 2006


Local street Hometown St Phone Granville Ln Vienna WV 260-3171 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 108 Warwick Ct Yulan NY 863-513-0279 Vincennes Dr Jasper AL Allegheny Dr Indianapolis IN 727-244-1970 Oakmont Ave Terre Haute IN 812-605-0851 Council Dr Hewitt TX 254-749-1852 New Bedford Dr Charlotte NC 704-288-6428 Runningbrooke Wy Chicago IL 634-3949 Del Webb Blvd W Shepherd MI 989-285-2941 Fordham Dr Moorestown NJ 260-3265 Allegheny Dr Chicago IL 260-3193 Brockfield Dr Warwick NY 383-7540 Cactusflower Ln Chicago IL 634-9031 Camellia Green Dr Southfield MI 642-0110 Belle Glade Ave Rockland MA 508-873-1625 Dower Wy New York NY 786-546-5947 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 103 San Antonio TX 661-6626 Bunker Hill Dr Tivoli NY 845-417-6039 Vincennes Dr Oradell NJ 642-8678 Del Webb Blvd W Hillsboro OH 513-659-3370 Del Webb Blvd W Sharon PA 634-3285 Orchid Ct 634-8535 Pebble Beach Blvd S Farmington MO 260-3255 Runningbrooke Wy Chicago IL 634-3949 Danbury Dr Matthews IN 434-941-4808 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 107 Chicago IL 260-3220 Allegheny Dr New Bedford Dr Hillsborough NJ 908-872-8570 Winterbrooke Wy Tyler TX 929-8938 Augusta Dr Flint MI 634-4494 Cypress Pl Hastings MI 269-967-1581 Thunderbird Ave Senoia GA 678-857-7175 New Bedford Dr Cincinnati OH 941-705-0996

SCC Woman’s Club Honors Rosie The Sun City Center Woman’s Club held its installation of officers at the May 20 meeting. Rosie Clifton, who chaired the event, decided that she would conduct this in a more lighthearted mood. Everyone received some kind of candy that was fitting for that person or for the office they would be holding. Keeping in line with this theme, one of the candy bars given to a member was a package of “Dark Chocolate Peter Paul Mounds.” Rosie’s remark while handing this to the recipient was “sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.” This brought chuckles from that person, because it fit her to a “T.” Rosie’s efforts were much appreciated, so newly elected President Janet Cardulla presented her with a beautiful bouquet of roses.

August 9

“Leap Year” 101 min. Rating: PG When Anna’s (Amy Adams) four-year anniversary to her boyfriend passes without an engagement ring, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Inspired by an Irish tradition that allows women to propose to men on Leap Day, Anna follows Jeremy (Adam Scott) to Dublin to propose to him. But after landing on the wrong side of Ireland, she must enlist the help of the handsome and carefree local Declan (Matthew Goode) to get her across the country. Along the way, they discover that the road to love can take you to very unexpected places. August 23 “Georgia O’Keeffe” 89 min.

While there are numerous documentaries about the iconoclastic modernist painter Georgia O’Keeffe, there has been a dearth of dramatized renditions of her life. Maybe the waiting has not been in vain, because we now have this lovely and respectable biopic courtesy of director Bob Balaban. Georgia O’Keeffe stars Joan Allen as Georgia, and Jeremy Irons as the astute yet eccentric gallerist and artist Alfred Steiglitz. Though the couple’s artistic reign was extensive and highly influential, the crux of this film’s narrative centers on Georgia and Alfred’s tumultuous love affair. These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2010 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

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The News of Sun City Center

August 2010

Legendary Journeys

...Americas #1 Vacation Specialist 813-633-4521 800-511-5411 3818 Sun City Center Blvd. • Sun City Center • Next to Home Depot CARIBBEAN

Get our 78 page Super Value Brochure with the lowest rates on EVERY 2010 & 2011 CRUISE!

Celebrity Sampler ................... $199 3 Days/Free Bus, Ultra Deluxe , One sailing ONLY , Cocktail Party and more!!!

EXOTIC SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN........................... $ 399

9 Days/Free Bus Choice of ports Grand Turk, Casa de Campo, Aruba or St Martin, St Lucia, St Kitts

SOUTHERN Value...................$369

10 Days/FREE Bus. NEW cruise to St Lucia, Barbados, Dominican Republic, more!

Orlando Cruise.........................$259

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BUS Only Canal..........$499 11 Days/FREE Bus. 1 sailing to Panama, Costa Rica and more.


Get our 32 page Super Value Brochure with the lowest rates on EVERY 2010 CRUISE!

Alaska/ Cruise .............. $ 749 10 Days/Free Air. Cruise to AK Best ports. You can add Canadian Rockies. Unbelievable


Get our 32 page Super Value Brochure with the lowest rates on EVERY 2010 & 2011 CRUISE!


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Italy & Med ............... $ 1999

14 Days/ Free Air New Ship Venice Pre tour, Croatia, Cicily, Naples, Rome, French Riveria, Barcelona Post tour !!

Florida to Greece/Italy .$1599 26 Days/Free Air & Hotels, Nassau/ Dominican Republic/ Tortola/ Antigua, Canary Islands/ Malaga, Spain/ Corfu, Greece/Dubrovnik, Croatia/Venice

Germany ......................$1999

26 Days/Free Air, Rhine tour day trips in 4 Countries – Sail Denmark, Belgium, England, Spain, Portugal, Azores, Bermuda, New York

WEST COAST & MEXICAN RIVERIA Get our 16 page Super Value Brochure with the lowest rates on EVERY 2010 & 2011 TOUR!

Best of Hawaii .............. $ 999 14 Days/ Free Air. Honolulu, Kauai, Kona, Hilo, Maui. Wow

California Coast Rail & Sail ..................... $ 699 12 Days/ Free Air. Puerto Vallarta, Mazalan, Cabo San Lucas. Add Cal Coast Rail tour Just $ 299 or Add Las Vegas Just $ 249

Yosemite Rail & Sail ..................... $ 999

14 Days /Free Air. LA Pre tour, Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta plus California Coast & Yosemite National Park Tour, Hearst Castle, Scenic Big Sur Drive, Monterey & Carmel, San Francisco. Fantastic !

You Are Invited!


Sunday, August 8, 2:00 PM Kings Point Clubhouse Bingo/Card Room

COME ENJOY Refreshments.&.hear about new DAY TRIPS, TOURS plus the latest CRUISE deals you can’t get anywhere else. Guests are always welcome. A $5.00 guest fee will be charged at the door. RATES BETTER THAN WHAT YOU CAN GET FROM THE CRUISE LINE DIRECTLY!

Special Guest:Debbie Meyers, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines Travel club membership has its Privileges !! See Travel club membership only trips below !!

America’s Got Talent Tour November 7th .........$199.00

Travel to Orlando/Hotel • Visit Downtown Disney • Reserved Premium Seats for America’s Got Talent • Historic Mt. Dora Sightseeing & Shopping • Yahala Bakery & Lakeside Winery Visits

Allure of the Seas Ship Tour ..$129

History In The Making - Will you be there ? This is the largest ship afloat at 223,000 tons! Be the first to see this Magnificent Ship !! Ship tour, hotel overnight, shopping included.

Broadway National Tour ............ $99

Choice of : 9 to 5 - The Musical - Oct 30 • Dreamgirls - Nov 20 • Irvin Berlin’s White Christmas - Dec 4 • Disney’s Beauty & The Beast - Jan 22 • Billy Elliot the Musical - Feb 19 • West Side Story - Mar 5 • Jersey Boys - Apr 16 • Shrek The Musical - May 7 • Hair - May 28

Bermuda Cruise .............$ 499 9 Days/ Free Bus Visit Historic Savannah & Charleston. Cruise 7 days to St George & Hamilton.

Canada/Bermuda to Fl . $999

15 Days/Free Air & Hotels, Montreal, Quebec City, Bar Harbor, Bermuda, Scenic Fall Foliage Train Tour Between Montreal to Quebec City



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St Augustine ................ $ 249 3 days Historic sightseeing, 6 hr cruise from Jacksonville to St Augustine & More

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St Johns River .............. $ 349

Canada Rail/Sail.............$899

Radio City Christmas .........$ 349

12 Days/FREE Air. CRUISE Boston, Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward. Rail Tour from Quebec to Montreal & Rail tour from Montreal to NYC!

Canada Fall Cruise ...........$899 13 Days/Free Air, Fall Foliage Cruise Montreal, Quebec, Saguenay Fjord, PEI, Nova Scotia, Maine, Boston, Newport, N.Y.


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Norway Fjords & Transatlantic............... $1399

20 Days/Free Air Cruise London to Fla. Bergen & Norwegian Fjords, Shetland & Faroe Islands, Iceland, Nova Scotia Fantastic !!

3 days Historic sightseeing, day cruise from Sanford to Jacksonville, Palatka at St Johns River 3 days Sanibel & Captiva Sightseeing, Ft Myers, Dinner Cruise through Franklin Locks, Edison & Ford Winter Estates Holiday tour.



10 Days/FREE Bus. TIRED OF THE HEAT? This escorted 2010 hub & spoke tour stays 8 days in North Carolina mountains & 1 hotel for FALL FOLIAGE. Fireplace suite, day trips all over the Smokies and most meals. LEISURELY!




15 Days/FREE Air. Stay 1 hotel with Breakfast & Dinner daily, sightseeing, escorted. Choices Alpine Oktoberfest, England, Ireland, Tuscany, Switzerland, Italy.

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