December 09 The NEWS of Sun City Center

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The News of December 2009 - ISSUE #17 official publication of the Community Association

December Dates to Put on Your Calendar

VOTE 1st

Sandpiper Room 9 a.m. to noon


Community Hall 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Holiday Walk


Central Campus

CA Board Meeting


Check out the CA web site:

It’s OPEN !!!

By Karen Jones Yes, it’s true. The Atrium construction project involving the pools has been completed and opened to members on November 30. The Atrium restrooms opened on November 19, and the finishing touches were put on the locker rooms and saunas during the last two weeks of November. The walking pool and lap pool ceilings were painted, and the pools are now treated by salination instead of chlorine. There is a sauna in each locker room and full-length mirrors in the locker rooms and the Atrium restrooms. You will also see new decor and seating in each of the areas. Be sure to check it out, and bring your CA membership card to use the The entire area that was under construction since July 6, including the lap pool shown above with facilities. several of its new benches, was opened to all residents on November 30. Photo by Judy Stimson.

Clubs, Entertainers, Volunteers Ready for Holiday Walk

9 a.m.

Rollins Theater Golf Cart Parade


Begins East on LaJolla from Pebble Beach N. and ends at the Band Stand on Central Campus.

10:30 a.m Start


The CA office, library and facilities will be closed for the holidays beginning at 1 p.m. on Thursday, December 24 and all day Friday, December 25. They will also be closed at 1 p.m. on Thursday, December 31 and all day Friday, January 1. On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 3 Entertainment Corner... 3 Club Happenings....... 6-8 CARE........................... 9 Military Affairs............. 10 Atrium Update.............11 Golf........................ 14-15 Consumer Affairs........ 22 Fitness Corner............ 22 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23

“I am delighted that so many people volunteered to help with breakfast, “said Ann Marie Leblanc (center front) who is the Holiday Walk organizer. In early November, 26 volunteers (pictured) gathered to get their assignments. Since then, their ranks have grown to 50. Serving breakfast as part of the event is the brainchild of Joe Kuhn (right— back row). By Phyllis Hodges From 9 a.m. to noon on December 5, the CA Central Campus on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. will be buzzing with shoppers, browsers and diners at the 2009 Holiday Walk. Nan Baytos and Maggie Pliska, the CA decorating committee, are working hard to ensure that decorations will be in place to enhance the holiday atmosphere. The arts and crafts club rooms will be open offering unique gifts and free refreshments. Some other “don’t miss” features are the Model Railroad Club, the Club Tree in the Atrium decorated with CA club ornaments, the Santa display on Cherry Hills Drive, and the free entertainment in Rollins

Theatre and at the bandstand. The German American Singers, Performing Arts Club, South Shore Sound, and Front Porch Pickers will all be performing. In the Florida Room, the Organ and Keyboard Club is providing music again this year. “Breakfast, a highlight of the event, is available in the Florida Room from 7 a.m. to noon. Any profit we make will go to the SCC CA Hardship fund,” said Ann Marie Leblanc, organizer of the Walk that debuted last year. A full breakfast— eggs, pancakes, sausage, toast, coffee, juice—will be offered for only $4, a bargain that attracted about 700 last year. For Holiday Walk information, call 642-2006.

SCC Will Greet Holidays With a Golf Cart Parade Sun City Center will celebrate the holiday spirit with a December 12 parade of golf carts decorated by the community’s many clubs, churches, businesses, homeowner associations and individual owners. The holiday parade has become something of a tradition. One year, it set a record listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, with more than 350 entrants. Participants are encouraged to use their imaginations, and many do just that. “In addition to the traditional holiday observance, the parade will be a celebration of our hospitable people and the volunteer spirit that makes our community unique,” said Community Association President Ed Barnes. The parade will run through residential streets, with entertainment at the beginning, end and along t h e w a y, a c c o r d i n g t o Community Association Director and parade organizer Anne Cross. The route runs east on LaJolla Avenue , turns right on Cherry Hills Drive, and ends at the bandstand on the Central Campus. The Sweet Adelines singers will serenade entrants and spectators at the beginning of the parade, scheduled for

Walter and Esther Geissler pose in front of their golf cart decorated as a Christmas Cake. 10:30 a.m. Memories, a mixed barbershop quartet, will entertain the passing parade at the midway point. The Front Porch Pickers bluegrass group will be pickin’ and grinnin’ at the commu nity b ands tan d, where the parade will end. Light refreshments will be served, and Santa will be on hand to award prizes in five categories: business, church, club, homeowners association, and individual. Entry forms and rules are available at the SCC Community Association office. Registration will continue through December 5. Participants will check in and begin lining up at 9:45 a.m. at the far end of the North Pebble Beach Blvd.parking lot. For further information, call 633-8508.


The News of Sun City Center

December 2009

From the Desk of

From the Desk of

As we start into this holiday season, I hope all of the members who are traveling do so safely, and that everyone spends some time with family and friends. We have a lot to be thankful for. I would like to extend a special thanks to all of our troops that are serving abroad in harm’s way so that we can celebrate this holiday season with freedom and liberty for all. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Golf Cart Path to Walmart This has been an eventful month for Sun City Center. On November 4, the Board of County Commissioners approved a golf cart path from Del Webb East to U.S. 301 at Cape Stone Avenue. Then, on November 10, the BOCC approved the purchase of the right-of-way for the golf cart path. With this vote, we passed a major hurdle in securing the golf cart path to Walmart. The purchasing action should have been completed by the end of November. This right of way will be county property so that, no matter what happens with the commercial property which it traverses, the golf cart path will be there. The County Engineer has indicated that construction could start as early as December. If this happens, the cart path could be completed some time in the 1st Quarter of 2010. FDOT has agreed to lower the speed limit on U.S. 301 between SR 674 and 19th Avenue to 45 M.P.H. which should reduce some of the safety concerns. Getting the golf cart path approved and actually constructed is the culmination of a lot of hard work and effort by the Golf Cart to Walmart Committee and is an example of what a grass roots effort by the membership can accomplish. Congratulations to this committee for their tenacity in seeing this project to completion. In addition to the Golf Cart to Walmart Committee, the golf cart path to Walmart was made possible by county commissioners and the county staff supporting this effort and working hard to get the deal completed. We owe the county thanks for their efforts in getting this project to the point where it can finally be completed. I encourage you to send a letter or email to the BOCC and the county staff thanking them for their efforts. Club Policy At the next Board of Directors meeting on December 9, we will be taking up proposed changes in the club policy. This item was postponed

Board Policy V. Clubs & Organizations On November 12, the decision to vote on changes to policy five was postponed. Upon discussion with club leaders and groups, the following changes will be presented for a vote on December 9.

Director Anne Cross Keeping You Informed

President Ed Barnes

Board Policy V Clubs & Organizations CODE: Words stricken are deletions; Words in bold are additions. at the November 12 BOD meeting. These changes are designed to bring the club policy in line with the Association Bylaws and to correct some administrative issues in the current club policy. I want to thank all of the members who attended the BOD meeting on November 12 and expressed their opinions to the BOD. I certainly encourage all of you to attend every BOD meeting and express your opinion on the business matters being discussed as well as any other issues that may be on your mind. This is your Community Association and is operated for your benefit. Hardship Fund

The response to our plea for contributions to the Hardship fund has been very gratifying – we have received contributions from a number of members. These contributions will help the Hardship Fund tremendously and will help those of us who are less fortunate. My personal thanks to those of you who have contributed to the Hardship Fund, and I hope that others will contribute also. Elections Include Budget Don’t forget we will hold elections on November 30 and December 1 and 2. There are three very good candidates for the BOD, and we will be voting on the membership dues for next year. As you know, the membership dues will be a very small increase of 1.6%. These dues are based on a very tight operational budget which we need to operate the CA facilities. So please get out and vote. Golf Courses The Golf Course Blue Ribbon Panels will be making a formal report at the December 9 BOD meeting. We have had two separate panels working on different venues associated with the golf courses: One headed by Howie Griffin has been looking at options for the North Lakes Course; and one headed by Chuck Collett has been looking at various ways to expand play on all of the courses WCI has placed on the market. Please plan to attend. Happy Holidays to all.

5.01 A. ORGANIZATION The CA President shall, annually, appoint a CA Director to administer and oversee Club affairs. and to represent the CA Board in all matters pertaining to Clubs. He/she shall be designated the Club Liaison Director (CLD). 1. Clubs may become an Affiliate of the CA, and may utilize CA facilities, only after affiliation has been officially approved by the CLD, CA Board. 2. An initial Club membership of ten (10) is required, unless a lesser number is approved by the CLD CA Board. 3. Club Bylaws shall include: a. Name of the Club b. Purpose of the Club c. Criteria for the membership (see 5.01C) d. Requirements for removing members (see 4. below) d. Titles and Duties of Club Officers e. Time and method of electing Officers f. Term of office for Officers g. Schedule of meetings and quorum requirements h. Procedure for amending bylaws i. A statement that the Club will adhere to all CA rules and procedures j. If a club is dissolved, dispensation of cash will go to another 501(c) (3) organization such as the CA. 4. A “Removal of a Member” provision must be in the club bylaws. (Exhibit 5.01.A) (example available at CA Office) 6. At least one Club Officer (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) must be a member in good standing of the CA. B. OPERATION 3. When changes are proposed to Club bylaws, the changes shall be submitted to and approved by the Club’s members, in accordance with Club bylaws. A copy of the revised bylaws shall then be furnished to the CA Reservation Clerk. A copy of the Club’s new or revised bylaws shall be submitted to the CLD to be approved, signed and dated. The original to be put on file with a signed copy sent to the club for their records. The club must operate under the approved bylaws. (A sample of suggested bylaws is available in the CA office.) 6. adding: b. Any club hiring an employee/consultant must sign a contract (see Exhibit 5.01.B) stating the time, duties, compensation/salary, social security number and method of payment with a copy sent to the CLD. This will be required to maintain compliance with our 501 (c) (3) status. (example available at CA Office) 7. Clubs shall ensure the lights and music are turned off when closing rooms. 8. For safety reasons, a minimum of two members must be present in club rooms at any one time. 8. No sale of liquor may be permitted (F.S. 562.12). The cost of liquor may be included in the cost of tickets.

C. CRITERIA FOR MEMBERSHIP 2. Clubs may, at the discretion of the Club, also admit as members, persons who reside in Kings Point and such communities which provide reciprocal club memberships and facilities for CA members. Reciprocity need not be based upon a totally equal facility or club existence in both communities; but in the sprit of cooperation. The CLD and the Board will determine whether a community meets these requirements. 3. Clubs that wish to open their activities to participants outside of those permitted above may make written application to the CLD for a waiver. When such a waiver is granted, the Club may be subject to fees to cover P a u l C o u r t e r the additional costs of accommodating such participants. The waiver will i n d i c a t e s t h e be approved or denied by the CA President and the CLD. proposed path the Golf Carts to Walmart will take f r o m D e l We b b East to the traffic light at Cape Stone Avenue. The map was on display during the October membership meeting of the Community Association.

D. OBLIGATIONS OF CA-AFFILIATED CLUBS 2. Each Club shall provide the CA with the following information by January 31 each year or such other time(s) as the CA may request. b. A list of current Club officers and members with their CA number. If a club has a non-CA member (Kings Point or Waiver), that information must also be included.

Reminder: Deadline for registering a golf cart in the Holiday Parade is Dec. 5.

December 2009

The News of Sun City Center


From the Desk of

Director Robert Black


Chairman, CA Hardship Committee

Hardship Fund Appeal

As you may have read in last month’s issue of The NEWS, three major gifts were received for the SCC Hardship Fund to allow us to defray some of our neighbors’ dues when it comes down to troubled times for some of us. The Men’s Club gave $5,000, the Duplicate Bridge Club gave $1,500 and the Interfaith Council gave $4,000. Perhaps some more will be contributed during the Holiday Walk. But we—Neil Rothfeld, Anne Cross and I, your Hardship Committee—would like to ask SCC’s clubs and SCC’s citizens to dig a little, just a little, deeper this year because we’ll need it. According to CA Board policy, no money may be taken from CA funds to pay the dues for people who are having deep trouble keeping their heads above water, particularly in these trying times. Thus, these dollars have to be raised from outside. In 2008, your Hardship Committee approved 19 hardship cases (and disapproved three—we don’t pass them all automatically). This year—2009, we were faced with 30 petitions before the March cutoff date and


December 1 Membership Vote Sandpiper Room - 9 a.m.noon 2 Membership Vote Community Hall - 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. January 6 Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. Annual Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. 13 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. 20 Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m. * Proposed agendas for monthly Board meetings are discussed at the Board workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our web site ( under “Association”).

we approved 27. This represented slightly over $6,800 and it cleaned us out. This is not an easy process for either the applicant or the committee. We ask to see financial material most people consider private. Many of our residents find this embarrassing and we certainly don’t blame them for that, but we have a responsibility to the community and to the contributors to make sure there is actual need. And, we treat everyone with respect and confidentiality. Taking a look ahead to 2010, only a month away, we estimate there will be more requests than last year. Interest rates, on which many retired people depend, have (as you know) tanked and stock market holdings which many without pensions used as their ‘ace in the hole’ are, in some cases, under water. There will be no Social Security COLA this year, but bread and milk at Publix and Walmart continue to climb at inflationary rates. I’ll lead off this drive with $50 from my pocket. Are there some clubs or residents that will pitch in, too? Thanks.


-AGENDA I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Minutes from October 28, 2009 Membership Meeting III. Treasurer’s Report IV. Community Manager’s Report V. Awards & Recognition VI. Installation of newly elected Directors VII. President’s Report VIII. General Discussion by members IX. Adjournment Donald P. Schings Corporate Secretary

Big Thank You to CA Volunteers

The Community Association thanked its volunteers on November 10 with a picnic lunch in the Florida Room. Invitees were those who had helped with CA activities such as the Information Center, Library, Fitness Center, TPO, Bingo, Entertainment Series, Monday Movies, The NEWS, Hi Neighbor, FunFest, etc. Nearly 200 people enjoyed the music of DJ Ovah De Hill as they mingled with friends and fellow volunteers. Hot dogs and traditional picnic fare was served by the CA staff members.

ENTERTAINMENT CORNER A Holiday Spectacular: (NOTE: REMEMBER... THIS SHOW BEGINS AT 1 P.M.) Tickets can be purchased for the Sarasota Concert Band’s holiday show at the Kiosk, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon. This superb holiday performance will be held December 20, 1-3 p.m., at Community Hall. $12/person. Entertainment Shows: Individual show tickets are now on sale at the Kiosk, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon. We have Sunday shows (New Dawn Singers Holiday Show, Showcase, Greg Bonham, VanDells and Five by Design) and Friday dance/shows (Let’s Hang on/Frankie Valli, Phil Dirt and the Dozers and Johnny Thunder with Rocky and the Rollers). All performances are at Community Hall. Assisted Hearing Devices: Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center, we now have these devices available for your use for all shows at Community Hall. They are available at the back of the hall, at the sound booth area. You will be required to Marilyn Balkany at the October CA leave your driver’s license while using the device. Membership Meeting wearing one of the –Questions? Judy Schings (813) 642-2001 hearing devices she had suggested the CA provide for those who have trouble hearing what is said. The equipment will be available for all CA Board meetings and other CA events.


The News of Sun City Center



December 2009

Happy Holidays



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • Phone 813-633-2020 • Fax 813-633-6403


Twintree 2/2/2G - Well maintained home with open backyard, DeGeorge ceiling and fan in kitchen, built-in pantry and storage in utility room, work bench and storage closets in garage, built-in eterge in living room, extra insulation over lanai and garage.

3/2/2G - Water and Golf Course view, 2140 s f of a/c space, oversized side-load garage, split plan, greatroom concept, large eat-in breakfast area, huge 32' x 8'.5" enc lanai, also screen patio, located on cul-de-sac and has a long driveway. Opt membership to exclusive Renaissance Club for social or golf.


1207 WILD FEATHER LN $144,500

Haddington 2/2/2G - waterfront home with splt plan and thousands of $$ in upgrades, lovely open kitchen, top of the line appls, upgraded 42" maple cabinets, corian counters, screened lanai has been extended and has terrific waterviews, prewired for surround sound, lots of tile throughout.

Dedham 2/2/2C - Lovely home with golf course view, freshly painted, roof-2004; A/C2004, new screen room with vinyl slider windows. New tile flooring in kitchen, Sola tube in master bath. Being sold "AS-IS".

2015 SIFIELD GREENS WAY $149,900

340 CLUB MANOR DR $81,500





2210 Platinum Dr.

3/2 $349,000

Exp. St. Thomas-Water, two lanai's

2306 W. Del Webb

2/2 $120,000

Belford-On pond,glass-enclosed lanai

1110 Signature Dr.

3/2 $329,000

Biltmore-Priv-Golf,Lake & Conserv.

1225 Radison Avenue

2/2 $117,500

Hyannis-18x7 Florida room, lots of tile

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $249,900

Villager-Water view,pool,spl bdrm plan

2415 Nantucket Field Way

2/2 $110,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appl

2014 East View Dr.

3/2 $239,900

Custom-Water, split bedroom plan

2417 Nantucket Field Way

2/2 $108,900

Concord-Conservation,screened lanai

2049 Berry Roberts. Dr.

3/2 $235,000

Yorkshire-Water, Split bdrm plan

1761 Atrium Dr.

2/2 $ 95,000

Somerset I-Furnised, many upgrades

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $219,900

Islander-Water,Caloosa Country Club

1201 Lenham Ct.

2/2 $ 95,000

Seabreeze-Open plan/split bedrooms

618 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $199,000

Spanish Main-Golf Crse,A Must See!

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

713 Cypress Place

3/2 $ 89,900

Nottingham-Corner lot, 2 a/c units

203 Grayson Ct.

3/2 $159,800

Driftwood-Side-load garage,encl. lanai

827 Tremont Greens Ln.

2/2 $ 89,900

Albany-Enclosed lanai, screened entry

1509 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $154,000

Twintree-Water, clean-light-bright!

207 Islip Way

2/1.5 $ 59,900

Keystone-Great Location! Priced to Sell

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $149,900

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

409A Flanborough Trail

1/1.5 $ 56,700

York-Enclosed lanai, many upgrades

628 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $149,000

Melbourne-Updated, new landscaping

201 Kings Blvd. #12

2/2 $ 49,900

Villa-WATER, close to all amenities

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $139,500

Melbourne-Park-like view, encl lanai

1906 Canterbury Ln. #1

2/2 $ 47,800

Stuart-Nice location,great amenities

605 La Jolla Ave.

3/2 $135,000

DW204-New plumbing '05, roof '03

1902 Dandridge D21

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enc lanai,screened porch

1907 Canterbury Ln. #4

1005 Hacienda Dr.

2/2 $129,900

DW37-Golf Course, screened porch

2202 Clubhouse Dr.

1/1.5 $ 31,900

Gable I-Furnished, Move-in Ready

842 McCallister

2/2 $127,500

Malibu-large lot,lanai,updated appls

301 Kings Blvd. #126

1/1.5 $ 29,900

Furnished, being sold “AS-IS”

232 Brockfield Dr. N.

2/2 $124,900

Sahara II, Lrg greatroom, enc lanai

1811 Bedford Ln. G160

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $120,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchn

2/1.5 $ 89,900

1/1.5 $ 45,900 2/2 $ 45,500

2/2 $ 28,000


Villa-Move-in ready, lrg encl lanai

York- Compact,nice layout Windsor-Golf Course and Water view

Mansard II-Park-like view, encl lanai


Seasonal Rentals

2202 Clubhouse Dr 174




Encl Lanai+Golf

1214 Wildfeather


Twintree $1,800

Wtr+Gl Enc Lanai

1306 Burbank Ct




Ex Guest Room

409 La Jolla


Twintree $1,900


706 Augusta Drive





Annual Rentals

820 Fox Hills Dr




Dbl Carport

201 Bedford D89


Mansard $ 650

+ Screen Room

302A Fowling Court


Windsor $1,400

Cute & Comfy

201 Bedford D95


Mansard1$ 650

New New New

110 Carswell Cir


Keystone $1,550

Fl Room +Carport

721 Torrey Pines


Expanded$ 800

Move in Now

2015 Hampstead


Brentwood $1,550

Lovely & Ready

1754 Atrium




112 Wintersong


Twintree $1,600

Pet Okay

1805 Butterfly


Twintree $ 975

Tile & Solar Tube

1222 Wildfeather


Twintree $1,600

King Bed + Twins

1706 Coco Palm


Driftwood $1,000

Bright & Spacious

401 Gladstone


Hampton $1,600

Golf +Carport

1803 Orchid Ct




New Appliances

1505 N Pebble Bch





1315 Bluewater


Twintree $1,000

W/Tile & Berber

1010 Augusta Dr





2315 Del Webb W


Lauderdale $1,200

Delightful w Pool

2125 Meadowlark


Twintree $1,700

Split Bedrooms

803 El Rancho




1309 Idlewood



Golf Course

657 Islebay Dr


MIRABAY $2,000

Pool Canal +++


$ 900



December 2009

We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA)

“What’s the difference between my CA card with my picture on it and cards with no pictures?” With all the snowbirds coming back, we thought you might like to know the difference between the types of CA membership cards. Owners who do not rent their houses out and long-term renters with leases of a year or more are issued Community Association ID cards with their pictures on them. Owners who rent their homes out seasonally (less than a year) are issued CA Resident cards without any pictures. Those cards can then be used by the short-term renters and by the owners when they are in town. Both types of cards can be used to join the clubs and use the facilities; however, there are a few clubs that understandably don’t allow the short-term renters to join because of their waiting lists of full-time residents. If you lose your ID card, it can be replaced at the CA Office. Depending how old your card is and where you are in our computer database, there may be a $5 charge. If you or one of your renters loses your Resident card, there is an automatic $90 charge to replace it. As you know, our cards are updated each year with new stickers which are given at the CA office after the yearly dues are paid. If your ID card is so old that it does not have a bar code on the front or back, please come into the CA Office so that we can update it for you at no charge. If you use the SCC library, you already know that you need the bar code to check out books. Besides needing your card to join clubs and use the pools and the Fitness Center, be prepared to show it if you attend movies in the Rollins Theater on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Also, owners should be prepared to show their card when voting for directors, dues increases or referendums on the ballot each year in early December. Please make sure that your card has a current year’s sticker on it.

The News of Sun City Center




Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon Sandpiper Room in the Atrium Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Room 3, Community Hall Membership dues for 2010 shall be $256 per member consisting of: General Operating Fund Replacement/Reserve Fund Replacement/Reserve for Furniture & Equipment Hurricane Deductible Reserve

$215 $ 33 $ $

5 3


Absentee Ballots are available at the CA Office until 3:00 PM, December 1, 2009 CA membership card or photo ID required to vote.

Help Tell the World About Our Lifestyle

The newly appointed PR Group, a public relations task force, is inviting residents to be part of a campaign to promote Sun City Center and its lifestyle. The team was initiated by Community Association President Ed Barnes to help attract new residents looking for a premium place to live. He said that the community needs a constant influx of people to sustain the way of life that makes it special and to maintain the value of our homes. Most retirement communities are advertised and promoted by their developers or owners. That had been true of Sun City Center until developer WCI encountered severe financial difficulties and virtually closed down its marketing program. The PR Group, made up of communication and marketing professionals, is the community’s response. One of their early findings is that most prospective residents learn about Sun City Center by word of mouth, from folks who already live here. “With that in mind, we decided to ask for help from people who love the lifestyle here,” said chairman Paul Courter. “A lot of folks keep in touch with relatives, friends and former neighbors by e-mail. We’d like to have them help spread the word about Sun City Center. It’s something anyone can do, and it’s a natural for a place with our volunteer spirit.” The PR Group will periodically send email messages about Sun City Center to participants, who can send them on to their out-of-town friends. The messages will be about our facilities, activities, events, people and way of life that will be of interest to people considering a move. If you might want to take part, send an e-mail to “There will be no formal organization, no meetings, and no obligations,” Courter said, “just a simple and fun way to inform your friends and help your town.”

As a matter of policy, this newsletter does not accept Letters to the Editor. But we do want to learn about matters of interest to our readers. Please let us know of issues of concern (or delight) to you. Each month your comments to us and to the CA Board of Directors will be summarized here. You can reach individual Board members at their telephone listing shown on page 15 of your Membership Directory. You can tell us what concerns you by email ( or by dropping a note to us by mail or in person at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd, Sun City Center, FL 33573. There is also a mail slot in the door to the Newsroom in Old Town Hall (960A Cherry Hills Drive).


Years! Have you submitted your idea for a slogan for our 50th Annivarsay celebration? Sun City Center, Florida “.........” What’s our slogan going to be? Festivities here in Sun City Center will start on May 10, 2011, to celebrate 50 years of fun in Florida. That’s the date Del Webb broke ground for our little bit of paradise here. Ann Marie Leblanc, who is heading up the SCC 50th anniversary celebration, is asking you to put on your creativity hat to suggest a slogan to be used for the celebration. Planning is already underway so she needs your input quickly. Email her at or call 6422006 to talk about your idea.

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Club Happenings

The News of Sun City Center

Art Club Artist of the Month – December 2009

Model Railroad Club Holiday Open House

The Model Railroad Club of Sun City Center will be hosting a The Art Club of SCC has chosen Jane Wolfe as Artist Of The Month Holiday Open House from 1 to 4 for December 2009. After moving from West Virginia to Jackson, Alabama, p.m. on Saturday, December 26. All Jane joined a combined ceramic/painting class. While there she observed visiting “Junior Engineers” will be another student painting a swamp scene which so interested her that she offered an opportunity to run a train then joined the painting class and soon after, painted a swamp scene near her and earn a certificate! The Club home. She considered her finished work less than perfection but continued is located at 915 N. Course Lane. in the class to improve her painting ability. In time, Jane moved to Sullivan, Please visit our web site: www. Indiana, joined the art club there and began doing watercolor painting while for directions or call 634-1414. continuing her work in oils. Jane’s artworks will be on display during December at SCC Library, AAUW Meeting SCC Chamber of Commerce, Wachovia Bank, SunTrust Bank, A-1 Connection Realty, South Shore Bank, Community Information Center on The American Association Cherry Hills Drive and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room. of University Women will hold its monthly meeting on December 12 News of other Art Club activities can be found at: in the Florida Room in the Atrium at 11:15 a.m. Jeff Klinkenberg, St. Petersburg Times columnist, will be the guest speaker. Jeff’s specialty is the local color and history of Florida. CERT Graduates 17 at Sun City Center Please contact the president, Marcia Fader, at 633-9736, for additional information. Guests and prospective members are welcome. AAUW is a national organization that promotes equity for women and girls, lifelong education and positive societal change.

December 2009

Patriots Club Annual Meeting in January

The Patriots Club of Sun City Center has announced its Annual Membership Meeting. All members are encouraged to attend and to bring their 2010 membership dues to stay active. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. For those of you who don’t already know, the Club’s main objective is to display those beautiful U.S. Flags along S.R. 674 for Memorial Day through July 4, September 11, and Veterans Day. We are always looking for new members, so if you are interested in becoming a member, please mark your calendar and attend our membership meeting. Light refreshments will be available. DATE: January 14, 2010 TIME: 2 p.m. PLACE: Maintenance Building Conference Room For more information contact Uta Kuhn at 642-9555 or Don Renwick at 634-1794.

German-American Dancers Delight Audiences

CERT Program graduates (from left): Bill Barron (instructor), Steve Uhlman, Marilynn Harmon, Marshall Cook, Gary Jones, Jayhee Smith, Phyllis Brown, Lynn Galway, Roger Casey, Kim Ford, Kelly Galway, George McInnes, Larry Bardsley, Tom Devine, Rick Clark, Judy Lawhon, Barb Bardsley. Not pictured: Esther Mendez. The Sun City Center Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) added 17 new members with the graduation of its latest class on November 14, 2009. CERT is designed to complement professional fire and police organizations in disaster situations where the normal, uniformed rescue and medical services are overwhelmed. CERT is sponsored, trained and equipped by Hillsborough County Fire Rescue. The hands-on training included basic search and rescue, firefighting, triage and emergency first aid classes; with additional sessions on hazardous materials, terrorism, disaster psychology and the national incident command system. The new graduates reside in Kings Point, Sun City Center, Apollo Beach, Bradenton and Riverview. The two-weekend class session was taught by Bill Barron, president of the local Sun City Center CERT team, with assistance from Dick Tattarelli, Kings Point CERT leader. With the addition of this latest class, SCC CERT now boasts 130 members, making it one of the largest Florida CERT teams. The CERT program helps train people to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities. When emergencies happen, CERT members can give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. CERT members can also help with non-emergency projects that help improve the safety of the community. Sun City Center CERT is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, designed to support our local Florida community. CERT members meet for refresher training on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Florida Room, Atrium building at 6:30 p.m. Residents of Sun City Center and surrounding communities interested in joining or making a tax-deductible contribution to SCC CERT should contact Bill Barron (642-9079) or Dick Tattarelli (634-9468) or by email to The next CERT classes will be offered in March 2010.

Please send your club news to The News of Sun City Center at the following email address:

The German-American Dancers have been busy this fall with Oktoberfests throughout the area. Among others, they performed at Kings Point, Valencia Lakes, Freedom Plaza, the Pennsylvania Club, a SCC neighborhood party, and their home club’s Oktoberfest. Members of the folk dance group are Dieter Quitsch (leader), Kathy Thomas, Audrey and Mark Vietzke, Wilma and Helmut Haberl, Marty Gifford and Reinhold Baal, Rosemary and Gene Skummer, Jack and Delores Dudzick. Judy Quitsch is also a member, but was not dancing due to recovering from surgery. The German-American club dancers invite newcomers to join them. Potential members and any other visitors can stop by the Dance Studio in the Atrium any Friday at 6:45 p.m. and watch them practice.

Academy Dance Welcomes Back Snowbirds The Academy Dance Club is pleased to have so many of its snowbird dancers back to dances and classes. Charlie Brown, Academy president, stresses that in addition to dancing being “good for you, both mentally and physically,” it’s a fun social outing with friends. The monthly dance in December is 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 20, at Community Hall; that’s a change from the club’s usual Saturday evening dances. Prior to each dance (6:15 p.m.), a 45-minute class is offered with instructor Bernice DuBro May. One-hour dance classes are available in the Dance Studio on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons in monthly segments. In the December Tuesday classes, she will teach Beginning Swing, Intermediate Rumba and Intermediate/Advanced Samba. Wednesday afternoon classes will cover Beginning Rumba, Intermediate Waltz, and Intermediate/Advanced Polka. For information on the club, call Brown at 642-9817. For class information, call May at 634-3205.

December 2009

Club Happenings

The News of Sun City Center


SCC Volleyball Club Elects New Officers

For the 2009-10 season, the SCC Volleyball Club recently re-elected Joe Polomski as president, Lou Lee as vice president, Nancy DeWilde as treasurer, Sue Baker as secretary, and Nan McNamara to take care of publicity. A new position, Prison Coordinator, was filled by Dave Keifer. The club has expanded its schedule to include two teams that play volleyball at the Hillsborough Women’s Prison on alternating Saturdays during the “snowbird” season. The club’s win-loss record is 31-16 to date, but, according to Kiefer, the ladies are steadily improving. The club is donating a new ball to the prison so the ladies will be able to practice better on their own. The club accepts a $5 per year donation, and residents of both SCC and Kings Point are welcome to join. Regular play at the South Campus courts are Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m. PHOTO BY MONICA MCPHILLIPS

GFWC Women’s Club Donates to Angel Flight SE

Hardship Fund Donation

Left to right: Greg Church, Nan Dorsey, Bob Krouse Members and guests of the GFWC Woman’s Club, Inc. were enlightened and impressed with a presentation by Angel Flight Southeast at the October meeting. Angel Flight S.E. is a member of the Air Charity Network, one of the world’s largest charitable aviation networks. They coordinate missions when commercial air service is not available, practical or affordable. They arrange flights to meet needs in medical cases, trauma, accidents and other critical situations. All this is voluntary and free. Nan Dorsey, Program Chairman, presented a donation to Greg Church, vice president of Angel S.E. and Bob Krouse, Director of Fund Development presented Nan Dorsey with an Angel Flight Bear for the Club.

The Interfaith Council of Sun City Center has contributed $4,000 to the Hardship Committee’s 2010 Fund, bringing to $10,500 contributions from clubs in SCC to the Hardship Fund. From left, Naomi Foreman, Grants Officer of the Interfaith Council; Bob Black, Hardship Commitee Chair and Community Association director and Dot Rowland, ‘Nearly New’ Shop manager.

Bowker Recognized for Community Information/History Efforts

John Bowker, supported by his wife Linda, was the driving force behind the Sun City Center Community Information Center almost six years ago. On November 12, he was heaped with accolades at a ceremony that unveiled a plaque recognizing his efforts. About 100 people gathered at the facility on Cherry Hills Drive for the occasion. The building also houses the SCC History Society headed by Bowker.


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Club Happenings LAFF*A*LOT To Meet December 11

The club will meet in the Caper Room at 1:30 p.m. in the Atrium Building. We get together on the second Friday of every month. Join us for laughter and light refreshments. No dues, and all SCC and KP residents are welcome. Laughter is FREE 'MEDICINE'! It reduces stress and lowers your blood pressure in a natural way. It increases those 'feel-good' endorphins in the brain and fights against depression. Endorphins work as natural pain relievers, and help create a sense of well-being. Many of our snowbirds will be back; so come and make new friends! For questions, call Helen at (813) 401-9901.

The News of Sun City Center

December 12 Concert Combines Two Group Talents

December 2009

Hi, Neighbor! Photos ... Were you there?

The German-American Club loves to delight audiences. At a December 12 (3 p.m.) holiday concert, the club’s singers will join with the South Shore Concert Band at Community Hall. Both the band and the German-American club are excited about the entertainment that will present music in German and English. The singers are led by Director Lynn Hirschfeld with Thelma Roggenkemper accompanying on the piano. The band performs under the baton of Edwin Nawrock. Their traditional music for the holidays is always a pleasure to enjoy. An Free Lawn Bowling audience sing-along of Christmas is included in the program. Classes in December carolsTickets are $5 and will be Sign up for free lawn bowling sold in the Atrium Kiosk starting classes on the bulletin board in the November 30 (Monday through clubhouse (behind the Library). Friday from 9 a.m. to noon). They December classes will be on also are available from members of December 7-11, at 9:30 a.m. The both groups or by calling Margot signup for these classes is on the Gunther at 644-0446. bulletin board in the clubhouse.

For those who might have missed Hi Neighbor!, you can see it online. Following its announcement at the”Meet the Candidates” night, over 200 people have viewed it. Hi, Neighbor! is a Sun City Center Community Association annual event. It allows residents and guests to interact with reps from area clubs and organizations. Hundreds of people attended the November 5 event at Community Hall. With the Holiday Walk coming up fast, last year’s event can be seen by going to the Special Events section. If you have questions, contact Billl Hodges at bill@

Edith Cacciola has served refreshments at the annual Hi, Neighbor! for over 25 years. (No one has been with the program longer!).


The Patriots Club would like to remind all residents: please do not fly torn/tattered flags. If you do not have a new flag to replace the old one, take it down until a new one can be flown. You can drop off your torn/ tattered flag for proper disposal at the Community Association office, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. M-F from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. When you drop off your flag for disposal, for a $5 donation you can pick up a “flag which has been flown on S.R. 674.” These flags are in excellent condition, just a bit faded. So be proud to fly your flag and replace it when needed.

Hi Neighbor! Videos Online


Patriots Club Offers Flags

Linda Cannerella is the “Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer” for the Hi, Neighbor! every year.

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The News of Sun City Center

2010 FunFest is March 20; Theme is Spring Fling


FunFest 2010 Committee: Standing L to R—Bill Hodges, Fred Kroog, Linda Cannarella, Uta Kuhn, Judy Schings, John Bowker, Kelly Emerson, Phyllis Hodges; Seated—John and Sue Lea, Jane Keegan (chair), Ann Marie Leblanc, Lyn Reitz. Not pictured—Lannie Cardwell, Mike Albanese, Barbara Gingrich, Janet McRee, Jerry Mahoney, Peter Walker. By Phyllis Hodges over 6,000 people came last year to It’s not accurate to say that browse club and sponsor displays, FunFest 2010 planning is starting; enjoy the great food, and delight in it actually began as soon as the last free entertainment. one was over in March. But the “A lot of help is needed for a FunFest Committee, chaired by Jane successful FunFest,” said Keegan. Keegan, did start meeting formally “We can find a job for anyone who in November. “We’ve decided to call wants to help.” Call her at 634-9329 the 2010 FunFest on March 20 our for general information and to inquire Spring Fling since that date happens about volunteer opportunities. to be the first day of spring. It’s One of the subcommittees wonderful that most of our former n e e d i n g a b o u t 4 0 p e o p l e i s committee members are back and Hospitality, headed by John Bowker. we have several new ones,” said He is busily lining up volunteers Keegan, who is serving as chair for to man the information booth and the first time. greet guests throughout the campus. FunFest is the SCC Community Anyone interested in helping on Association’s largest annual event this subcommittee should call John to showcase its activities. Well directly at 633-1427.


C. A. R. E.

Cat - Evan

Evan is an attractive male orange domestic short hair mix. He thinks the kitty door from his condo to the lanai is the second best thing that humans have ever created. Kitty Kaviar ranks number one, of course! Evan seems to play nice with his furry friends and is always up for a belly rub from the staff. He is neutered, microchipped and upto-date on his shots.


December 2009

Dog - Marco

Marco is a sweet little Wirehaired Terrier. He was pulled from Animal Services, which likely saved his life. He is a happy and affectionate dog. The volunteers have noticed how the little guy perks up and wiggles when the ladies (fourlegged) walk by. What a flirt! As part of his adoption, Marco will be neutered, microchipped and brought up-to-date on his shots.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday For directions visit or call 813-645-2273

da Vinci® Robot Arrives in Manatee County Manatee Memorial Hospital is the first in Manatee County to offer minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery using the da Vinci® Surgical System robot. Developed by Intuitive Surgical, the da Vinci® robot provides the look and feel of traditional “open” surgery, while minimizing risk of infection by eliminating the need for a long incision, thereby speeding recovery. How Does It Work? During surgery, the surgeon makes a series of three tiny incisions (ports for instruments) in the body through which the da Vinci® robotic arms are inserted. The three robotic arms are inserted through the ports. One of the arms is a tiny video camera and the other two hold surgical instruments. Sitting at a computer console located about ten feet from the operating table, the surgeon views a three-dimensional image from inside the patient’s body. From the console, the surgeon controls the robotic arms that are inside the patient. Surgeons at Manatee Memorial use the da Vinci® robot to perform a variety of minimally invasive procedures:

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The News of Sun City Center

December 2009

Military Affairs Sun City Center LEATHERNECKS Club Meets on Third Tuesday of Each Month

The SCC LEATHERNECKS Club’s purpose is to support local Marine veterans, deployed Marine units with phone cards, and MacDill military families with coupons, as well as participating with other local veteran groups during remembrances and other community activities. The LEATHERNECKS Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the Sandpiper Room in the Atrium Building off North Pebble Beach Boulevard. Refreshments are provided during business and social activity. Membership eligibility is open to all SCC and Kings Point Marine veterans and Navy Corpsmen having served with Marine units. For more information, call Jim Glass at 633-4298.

MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA The monthly meeting of the SCC Military Officers Association of America will be held on December 2 at 11 a.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium. Members and invited guests are welcome. Colonel Troy Scott, USAR/Ret, president of the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters, will be the featured speaker. He graduated from the United States Military Academy with a Bachelor of Science, General Engineering in 1966 and was commissioned in the Infantry. After West Point he served two tours in Viet Nam. He obtained a Master’s of Science from the University of Nevada, Reno and obtained a Master’s of Science in Civil Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He finished his military service with the Army National Guard Headquarters in Arlington, Va. as the Energy Program Manager. He will bring the SCC Chapter up-to-date on the current status and activities of the national MOAA organization. Lunch ($14) will be served subsequent to the presentation.

MOAA Past Presidents Honored at November 4 Luncheon

On November 4, Dr. Steven Scott, Medical Director of the Polytrauma and Rehabilitation Center at the James A. Haley VA, gave an outstanding presentation to the Military Officers of America Association. Shown above with MOAA member Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, R (left), Dr. Scott, who in 2007 received the highest award the U.S. presents for treating war-related injuries in the VA, presented the association members with the latest medical advances available for badly injured soldiers returning from war. He is the principal investigator of the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Program and has made numerous presentations on the Polytrauma System of care throughout the nation as well as on national television.

Pictured from left to right: LTC William Schick USAF; Marilyn Hatem AUX representing her late husband COL Roy Hatem AUS; MAJ Sala Halm USA; CDR Edward Socha USN; LTC Spencer Faircloth USAF; COL George Hammond USA; LTC Howard Musgrave USAF; CAPT Eleanor L’Ecuyer USCG; MAJ Robert Stuckey USMC; MAJ Richard Morris USA and CAPT Hugh Howarth USN. On November 4, the Military Officers Association of America honored On Wednesday, November 11, Sun City Center observed Veterans the past presidents during the monthly luncheon at the North Side Atrium Day at Community Hall. The ceremony was sponsored by the Sun City building. The past presidents’ luncheon is held annually to honor those Center combined military veterans organizations in recognition of our who have selflessly volunteered to donate their time and efforts to assist many community veterans. MOAA in achieving their varied national and community goals. The guest speaker, Capt. James W. Cluck, US Marine Corps (Ret.), was from Headquarters, United States Special Operation Command, MacDill Air Force Base. A musical interlude was presented On Saturday, November 14, the Military Officers Association of by the Trinity Singers directed by James Feist, and there was a special appearance by Lily Marlane singing the National Anthem and America held their annual golf tournament at the Freedom Plaza Golf America the Beautiful. The Color Guard was composed of JROTC Cadets Course. The event, held to assist in providing funding for the four MOAAsponsored local scholarships, was very successful, raising $2,500 for the from East Bay High School. scholarship fund. The prizes were donated by various local merchants as This ceremony was complemented by the efforts of the Sun City well as generous local individuals. In addition to the tournament, a delicious Center Patriots Club which has, through its fundraising efforts, ensured lunch was served for all who participated. that the flags will continue to fly along SR 674 during this special period of recognition to our veterans and active military forces.

Veterans Day Ceremony

MOAA Golf Tournament

Drummers Harry Goldenberg and Robert Lohr of the SCC Shrine Club led the processional to start the SCC observance of Veterans Day. Several hundred residents and friends attended the ceremony.

December 2009

The News of Sun City Center

What’s going on in the Atrium?


Locker Room and Restroom Photos by Lyn Reitz; Pool Photos by Judy Stimson

The new 10-person jacuzzi is ready for the soakers!

The refreshed exercise pool, commonly called the “walking pool,” is ready for the walkers.

A view of the sauna in one of the locker rooms.

The new sinks, mirrors, and counter top in a locker room.

A sitting area in the entrance to the women’s Atrium restroom. The new sinks, mirrors, lighting, countertop, soap and towel dispenser along with an attractive plant display.

Locker room stalls.


The News of Sun City Center

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

December 2009


MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2009 10 A.M. TO NOON FLORIDA ROOM PublishAmerica Presents

Trish’s Daughter by Betty Flora

Chief Christine Patrick, of the SCC Emergency Squad, is shown receiving a check for $1158 from Jim Butner, worship leader for Nondenominational Christian Worship Services. The love offering was given for the month of October. The squad currently has 375 volunteers. Remember, the squad exists solely on the generosity of the community and is always in urgent need of additional volunteers and donations.

Frederick, MD November 3, 2009 -PublishAmerica is proud to present Trish’s Daughter by Betty Flora of Sun City Center, Florida. After an amicable divorce from Bill Sutton, Danielle (better known as Danie) and her two children, Belinda and Kyle, returned to Danie’s hometown of Kensington to live on nearby Pelican Lake, close to her mother and stepfather, Trish and Rock Trenary. Danie and the children moved into the cottage on Pelican Lake owned by her mother, where Danie had spent her childhood. She found contentment in watching her children grow and in pursuing her prosperous art career. But the empty-nest syndrome hits Danie when Belinda and Kyle leave home and launch off into their own careers. Danie’s life is abruptly interrupted by a crisis in her son’s life and an unexpected romance.

“Although now claiming Florida as home, my roots are in Minnesota,” Betty Flora said. “I have acquired wonderful friends both in Minnesota and in Florida. My husband Paul, our five children and fourteen grandchildren have always given me incentive and encouragement to write my stories.” PublishAmerica is the home of 40,000 talented authors. PublishAmerica is a traditional publishing company whose primary goal is to encourage and promote the works of new, previously undiscovered writers. Like more mainstream publishers, PublishAmerica pays its authors advances and royalties, makes its books available in both the United States and Europe through all bookstores. PublishAmerica offers a distinctly personal, supportive alternative to vanity presses and less accessible publishers.


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December 2009

The News of Sun City Center

Your Membership Directory: A Great Resource


Community Hall Gets Facelift

By Uta Kuhn How many of you know how much important information you can find on the first 29 pages of the GREATER SUN CITY CENTER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY?? There is a wealth of useful information on those pages, which will keep you from having to make a phone call to the C.A. office for answers. Here are a few examples: 1. Need information about government offices/agencies - see page 13 2. Where can you dispose of Hazardous Waste - see page 11 (all about recycling) 3. Find a map of the layout/rooms of the Central Campus - page 28 4. Emergency/Priority Phone numbers - page 1 5. Community Support Services - page 6 and 7 6. Community Numbers - page 5

This photo shows just one part of the new furniture that now exists in the lobby of Community Hall, thanks to our Decorating Committee’s (Nan Bartos and Maggie Pliska) eye for style. Check out the new areas on both sides of the entrance.

So before you make that phone call to the C.A. office, check out the first 29 pages of your directory, and most likely you will find what you are looking for. All of this information is updated yearly as it becomes necessary.

Solution on page 22.

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Golf League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf 18-Hole September 17: 2 Man Team – 2 Low Net: Flights A/B: 1st Place Team (136) – King Slater, Bill Quinlan; 2nd Place Team (142) - Ed Weber, John Kirkland; 3rd Place Team (143) – Chul Kim, Ralph Wilson; Flights C/D: 1st Place Team (142) – Jim Rottman, Ron Chaban; 2nd Place Team (151) – Ed Muller, Klaus Fraebel; Green Tees: 1st Place Team (147) – Butch Fletcher, Jim Johnson; 2nd Place Team (149) – Walt Wight, Jim Cosgrove. October 29: 4 Man Teams: 1st Place Teams (Tie - 121) – Chul Kim, Jerry Rippel, Jim Rottman, Mike Zwissler & William Pachler, Ed Weber, John Gibson, George Sturdevant; Green Tees (2 Man) – 1st Place Team (61) – Walter Wight, Bob Keyes; 2nd Place Team (62) – Joe Holl, James Sutter. November 12: 2-Man Teams – 1 Best Ball: White Tees: First Place Teams (Tie – 64) – William Pachler, Ed Weber & Kenneth Wagner, Phillip Dirosario; Third Place Team (66) – William Quinlan, Les Easton; Green Tees: 1st Place Team (61) – Mike Zwissler, Bob Keyes; 2nd Place Team (63) – Harold Geldbach, Peter Brock.

SCCWGA October 22: Net Points to Par: Flights A and B: 1st: Connie Toussaint 45, 2nd: Lois Scoppettuolo 38, 3rd (tie): Connie Holl/Jeannie Shively 36. Flights C & D: 1st: Lois Gluntz 35, 2nd: Suzy White 34, 3rd: Jean Mooney 33. October 29: 1-person Shamble net/best ball: First Flight: 1st (tie): Bette Mannon/Lois Scoppettuolo, Laura Hammaker/Joyce Marbrey 59. 3rd: Kiyoko Ashendorf/Ilene Hemingway 61. Second Flight: 1st: Lois Gluntz/Connie Toussaint 59. 2nd: Connie Holl/Suzy White 60. 3rd: Sue Wyckoff/Sue Torre 62. November 5th and 12th: Presidents Cup: Overall Winner: Lois Scoppettuolo 138. First Flight: 1st: Louise Caulfield 141, 2nd: Judie Schafers 149, 3rd: Jeanie Shively 152. Second Flight: 1st and 2nd (tie): Marcia Morris and Jan Lawrence 141, 3rd: Sue Wyckoff 144. Third Flight: 1st: Suzie White 147, 2nd: DeLoris Durm 151, 3rd: Susan Torre 154. Fourth Flight: 1st: Anne Dean 152, 2nd: Carolyn Schwehr 154, 3rd: Claire Mielak 162.

SCC WGA 9-Hole Home to Home with Caloosa Greens: First place: Jan Hulme, Jean Corbett, Elaine Van Der Baan, Caloosa 9 Hole President and Jeanne Nenarella, SCCWGA 9 hole President.

The News of Sun City Center

SCC LGA 18-Hole November 5: Net Points to Par: First Place (39) – Alice Friedlein; Second Place Tie (37) – Carolyn Fry & Eleanor Sauret. November 12: Pick Best Nine: 1st Low Gross (40) – Cecile Young; 1st Low Net (28) – Patti Ducharme; 2nd Low Net (31.5) – Eleanor Sauret.

Hogans League Of Sun City November Continued

November 2: Diamond Hill: Skins: 1st : tied at 6 skins each – Paul Maki & Chip Wood, 3rd : Shar Peter – 4 skins. Low-net: Paul Maki, 62. Low-gross (& new course record): Chip Wood, 84. November 3: Riverside: Individual Skins & team “best one” Individual: 1st : Rich Lucidi, 2nd : Tied– Art Swallow & Noel Caloosa Women’s 18-Hole Kohn. Team: Diehl, Swallow, Koester & Lucidi – net 56, Lang, October 28: One Best Ball of Harris, Clark & Kohn – 58. partners-net: 1st Mary Anne Individual Low-net: Rich Lucidi, Starrett and Jean Atkins 60; 2nd 63. Low-gross: Bob Harris, 87 Joan Macholl and Sue Daveler 61; (course record). 3rd Mary Jane Stutz and Jeanne November 4: Summerfield: Kolls 62. Match: 1st : Paul Maki, 73, 2nd : November 4, 9 and 11: Ladies’ Fred Mayes, 75. Club Championship. Match November 6: Cypress Creek: play: Championship Fight: Pearl Match play: 1st : Rich Lucidi, net Ashe Champion and overall winner 69, 2nd : Wayne Velten, 73, 3rd : 1st place, Caroll Tubbs 2nd, Mary Tom Higgins, 75. Jane Stutz Consolation. First November 7: SandPiper, Palms/ Flight: MaryLou Underwood 1st, Oaks: Match play, Low-net: 1st : Jeannie Kolls 2nd, Dottie Morgan Paul Maki, 61, 2nd : Rich Lucidi, Consolation. Second Flight: 65, 3rd : Bob Harris, 68. Shirley Coniglio 1st, Jean Atkins November 9: Diamond Hill: Consolation. Third Flight: Jodie K-skins: Six players tied: Dave Allison 1st, Ruth Ann Phelan Bublitz, Liana Bublitz, Larry Clark, 2nd, Timi Pratt Consolation. Jenice Taylor, Wayne Velten & Chip Fourth Flight: Gerry Ramsey 1st, Wood. Low-net: Jenice Taylor, 66. Patty Hersey 2nd, Janis Ingram Low-gross: tied at 84’s – Dave Consolation. Fifth Flight: Vera Bublitz & Chip Wood. Thompson 1st, Marleta Newberg November 10: Imperial 2nd, Laura Horwath Consolation. Lakewoods: K-Skins: 1st : Ron Congratulations to all the winners Kingston, 2nd : Noel Kohn, 3rd : and participants in the Ladies two-way tie– Ted Sandford & Rich Club Championship considering Kolm. Low-net: Ron Kingston, 68. the 60-M.P.H. winds and sporadic Low-gross: Ron Kingston, 87. rainy weather for the three days of the golf tournament!

Hogans League Of Sun City Center and Kings Point October 21: Summerfield: Team 1-2-3: 1st : Maulers Team, net 126, (Art Swallow, Ron Kingston, Paul Maki & Chip Wood). 2nd : Mashers Team, net 146 (Big Diehl, Rich Lucidi, Don Mowry & Fred Mayes. Individual Low-net: Art Swallow, 66. Individual Low-gross: Chip Wood, 88. October 23: Imperial Lakewoods: Team 3-2-1: 1st : Team #1 “Bogie Busters”, 126 (Noel Kohn, Ron Kingston, Rich Lucidi & Paul Maki). 2nd : Team #2 “Ball Kings”, 143 (Art Swallow, Fred Mayes, Chip Wood & Wayne Velten). Individual Low-net: Ron Kingston, 68. Individual Low-gross: Ron Kingston, 86. October 27: Renaissance: K-Skins: 1st : Wayne Velten, 2nd: five-way tie – Rich Lucidi, Larry Clark, Mo Lang, Don Mowry & Chip Wood. Low-net: (tie) Noel Kohn & Don Mowry with 70s. Low-gross: Don Mowry, 90. October 29: Cypress Creek: Match: 1st : Rich Lucidi, 70, 2nd : Paul Maki, 73, 3rd : Noel Kohn, 75, 4th: Terry Seipelt, 86. October 31: SandPiper – Lakes/ Palms course: Best-2 Team & lownet scores: 1st : tied at 121 Team best-2: Zizelman, Dispenziere, McKay & Mowry and Carlin, D. Seipelt, T. Seipelt & Wintersteen, 3rd : 124 Swallow, Kingston, Morrell & Diehl. Individual Lownet: Don Mowry, 60. Individual Low-gross: Chip Wood, 79.

December 2009

11: Summerfield: Classic Skins: 1st : Ron Kingston, 2nd : Art Swallow, 3rd : Fred Mayes. Low-net: Fred Mayes, 74. Low-gross: Ron Kingston, 97. November 12: Renaissance: Skins: 1st : Noel Kohn, 2nd : Rich Lucidi, 3rd : Dominick Fanelli. Low-net: Chip Wood, 71. Lowgross: Chip Wood, 82. November 14: SandPiper (Oaks to Lakes): Team Best-2: 1st : Team #1, 61/57/118 (Ron Kingston, Fred Mayes, Don Mowry & Melanie Higgins), 2nd : Team #2, 60/64/124 (Rich Lucidi, Liana Bublitz, Bob Harris & J. Kirkland), 3rd : Team #5, 64/60/124 (Larry Clark, Big Diehl, Karen Jones & Art Alves). Individual Low-net: Rich Lucidi, 65. Individual Low-gross: Art Alves, 84.

Awards made at the annual Hogans’ Snowbirds dinner: Art Swallow for leadership and organization; Judie Schafers for top ranked golfer among the 44 SunBird membership; Ron Kingston for most rounds played (36) and most total skins won; and Fred Zizelman: best average number of skins per round.

December 2009

The News of Sun City Center


The Hogans Hogans info (membership application, bylaws, detailed schedules) may be found at

Hogans December Schedule Diamond Hill: Mondays 11:30 a.m.

12/7, 12/14, 12/21, 12/28

Riverside: Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.

12/1, 12/15, 12/29

Imperial Lakewoods: Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.

12/8, 12/22

Summerfield Crossings: Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.

12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12/23, 12/30

Renaissance: Thursdays 11:00 a.m.

12/10, 12/24

Cypress Creek: Fridays 11:40 a.m.

Sun City Center Women’s Golf Association 2010-2011 Board Members. (front row) President, Joanne Brennan; Corresponding Secretary, Sue Torre. (back row) Recording Secretary, Jean Mooney; 1st Vice President, Judie Shafers; co-treasurers, Karen Stanhope, Patrice Munson. 2nd Vice President, Marcia Morris (not available for picture).

12/4, 12/11, 12/18

Sandpiper: Saturdays 11:30 a.m.

12/5, 12/19

Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Art Swallow at email:

SCCWGA President’s Cup winners: (Left to right) Ann Dean, 4th Flight; Lois Scoppettuolo, OVERALL WINNER; Louise Caulfield, 1st Flight; Suzy White, 3rd Flight.

Champion and five flight winners at the Caloosa Country Club. The format was a three-day match play golf tournament. November 4, 9 & 11, 2009. Left to right holding pink roses: Pearl Ashe Champion, Mary Lou Underwood Flight 1, Shirley Coniglio Flight 2, Jodie Allison Flight 3, Jerry Ramsey Flight 4, Vera Thompson Flight 5. Photo by Elizabeth T. Rodriguez.


The News of Sun City Center

December 2009

Tampa Area Home Prices are still


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December 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Sun City Center Resident Honored at Memorial Garden Dedication

(L. to r.) Warden Mathis, Hugh Burns, Sun City Center prison volunteer, and Assistant Warden Hayes of the Hillsborough Correctional Facility. Photo provided by Nancy Williams. Hugh Burns was honored recently at a dedication of the Hugh Burns Meditation Garden on the grounds of this first-in-the-nation women’s faith-based/character-building prison in Riverview. Burns, a 20-year prison volunteer, was instrumental in the planning for this lovely garden, and the inmates painted the beautiful mural in the background. The Sawdust Engineers built two benches for the area, and the prison Carpentry Class finished these benches and built the rose trellis. Volunteers from Prince of Peace Church helped coordinate and fund this special project. Answer on page 22.

Harmony Hall Presents..

A Holiday Tribute Series Nat King Cole Enjoy Nat King Cole Favorites like: The Christmas Song, O Holy Night, O Tannenbaum, Frosty the Snowman and many more!!

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The News of Sun City Center

Cygnet Yacht Club Finds Calm Waters

December 2009

Library Gets New Lighting

Operating the tiller and sails of their six-foot sailboats by remote control are several of the club members at Swan Lake in November. Volunteers (left to right) Sheila Borchert, Susan McBride and Rebecca Keller sort videos in the Sun City Center Library under new lighting installed in November by the CA Maintenance Staff. Irene Glow explained that the new lighting has enlarged the reading area in the reference section and brightened the corridors throughout the stack areas.

Two of the Swan Lake swans enjoy a quiet morning on the lake.



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December 2009

Caloosa Golf & Country Club Reports Financial Condition and Announces Dues for 2010 On November 10, Caloosa Golf & Country Club held its annual financial informational meeting and announced the dues for next year. Treasurer Kay Dudek presented to the membership the 2009 preliminary budget summary and the budget for the calendar year 2010. She announced that again this year Caloosa will end the year with a financial surplus and will be in strong financial condition entering 2010. As a result of cost savings and greater efficiency, Caloosa, the only member-owned golf club in Sun City Center, will lower the annual dues for 2010. Members will again be offered a payment schedule affording them the opportunity to spread out the payment of their dues. –Pat Mahoney

The News of Sun City Center


Caloosa G & CC Match Play Women’s Champion

Pearl Ashe defeated Carol Tubbs on the 18th hole 1 up. The match play tournament was a three-day format played on November 4, 9 and 11. Photo by Elizabeth T. Rodriguez.

Answer on page 20.

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Robyn Payant President


 

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*Tom Payant Chairman and C.E.O.

Payant Financial Services, Inc. 1653 Sun City Center Plaza • 813-633-7333 ASSET MANAGEMENT • TAX PLANNING • RISK MANAGEMENT REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR • SINCE 1979 *Securities offered through SagePoint Financial, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through Payant Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment advisor not affiliated with SagePoint Financial, Inc.


The News of Sun City Center

District asks homeowners to “Skip a Week” of irrigation this winter

Overwatering in winter can encourage pests and disease The Southwest Florida Water Management District recently launched a new campaign to encourage residents who irrigate their lawns to “Skip a Week” of watering during the cooler months of December, January and February. According to research by the University of Florida, grass doesn’t need to be watered as often during the cooler months. In fact, one-half to three-quarters of an inch of water every 10–14 days is sufficient. “Over-watering in the winter can encourage pests and disease in your lawn,” said Sylvia Durell, Florida-friendly landscaping project manager. “Turn the timer to ‘off’ for the week that you want to skip, and ‘on’ for the week that you want to water,” said Durell. Homeowners can determine when their grass needs water when:


Send your news items, sports results or interesting pictures for publication to You can leave a note in the slot in the Newsroom door (in Old Town Hall facing “Cherry Hills Drive”) or drop items off at the CA office between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. We welcome your news!

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December 2009

• Grass blades are folded in half lengthwise on 30 percent of the lawn • Grass blades are blue-gray • Footprints remain on the lawn for several minutes after walking on it Skipping a week of irrigation will help conserve drinking water supplies. Following the “Skip a Week” plan saves water that the public needs for other critical uses during the dry season. In addition to entering the dry season, the region is experiencing the effects of a four-year drought. All 16 counties within the District are under one-day-per-week lawn watering restrictions through the end of February. For more water conservation tips, information about the drought and the current water restrictions, please visit the District’s web site at


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December 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Clubs and Organizations from A to Z Second Installment: Groups beginning with D-K

CLUB NAME/Meeting Day(s)/ Times(s)/Place “D” ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE: Dances are held at Community Hall from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of each month. Mini Lessons are taught preceding the monthly dances. BALLROOM DANCE CLUB: Dances, always with a live band, are held the third Wednesday of each month, year round, in Community Hall from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. DAR: Unless otherwise ordered by the Chapter or by the Executive Board, regular meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Florida Room from September through May. DAV CHAPTER 110: Supports the program of the Disabled American Veterans. Contact the club president for meeting information. *DECK AND A HALF PINOCHLE: Contact the club president for meeting information. *DEL MAR VA: Contact the club president for meeting information. DINNER DANCE CLUB: Meet on the first Thursday of each month October through May. Contact the

club president for meeting site and time. DOG OWNERS CLUB: An annual membership meeting will be held in December of each year for the purpose of electing officers for the following year, and for voting on any other business which may arise. Contact the club president for other meetings. *DUPLICATE BRIDGE ASSOCIATION: Contact the club president for meeting information. “E” ELEGANT GARDENERS: Meet on the second Wednesdays, October through May, starting at 10 a.m. in Room 3 of Community Hall EUCHRE (Go to “C” CARDS): Meet on Fridays starting at 7 p.m. sharp in the Sandpiper Room in the Atrium building. Players are urged to arrive 15-20 minutes early to assure that everything is settled at the starting time. “F” FITNESS CENTER: Call the Fitness Center at 642-2048 for specific daily operating hours. FOXY SENIORS DANCE CLUB: An annual meeting will be held in June of each year. Contact the club president for other meeting information.

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FRIENDS OF EUROPEAN BRASS: An annual general meeting will be held during the month of April each year. Contact the club president for other meeting information. FLORIDA SENIOR AMERICAN CAMEO CLUB: Provides a support system for the National, State and local Ms. Senior America Pageants. Meetings will be held four times annually as arranged by the Cameo Club president. FUN SQUAD: Club members meet regularly throughout the year to participate in numerous activities. A general meeting is held once per year in November. An attempt is made to have one walk, one trip and one gathering around the pool each month. With few exceptions, pool gatherings are on the fourth Friday of the month. “G” GADABOUTS: (Go to “T” TRAVEL): Regular monthly meetings are held in the Caper Room starting at 10 a.m. on the third Saturday of every month. GALAXY BRIDGE: Galaxy is divided into three groups. Galaxy I meets the fourth Thursday of the month. Galaxy II meets the second Thursday of the month. Galaxy III meets the third Thursday of the month. Each group meets for lunch and bridge at 11:30 a.m. at a local facility. GERMAN AMERICAN CLUB: An annual general meeting will be held within the first quarter of the year. Contact the club president for other meeting information. *GREAT BOOKS: Contact the club president for meeting information. GUILD OF TECHNICAL & ELECTRONIC EXPERIMENTERS: Instructional meetings open to Seated Members will be conducted on a regular advertised schedule. Annual Meetings open to all Seated and Non Seated Members will be held yearly on a day to be determined during the month of July. “H” HAND & FOOT CLUB: The club will meet for card playing on the first and third Thursday of each month. The first meeting of the group in December of each year shall be considered the Annual Meeting. Contact the club president for the time and place. HANDICAPPED CLUB: The club meets on the second Saturday every month with the meeting place to be determined at each meeting . HIGH TWELVE MASONIC CLUB #397: The club meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the Sandpiper Room. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF GREATER SCC: Meetings are held on an ad hoc basis throughout the year. Guests

are welcome; no advanced request is needed to attend any meeting. HOGAN GOLF CLUB: Play is held on most days during the week at area public golf courses. At least one General Meeting shall be held every two years. *HOPE FUND: Contact the club president for the meeting information. HORSESHOE PITCHING: Intramural play is scheduled every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. with the monthly membership meetings held just prior to play on the first Tuesday of each month. “I” INDIANA CLUB: There will be an annual meeting of the club. Contact the club president for additional meeting information INTELLECTUAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE CLUB: Contact the club president for meeting information. INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF SCC: Program meetings will be scheduled at monthly intervals during the September to May season. Contact the club president for meeting information. INVESTMENT CLUB: Meetings are held in the Sandpiper Room of the Atrium building on the third Friday of each month starting at 9 a.m. *IRISH CONNECTION SOCIAL CLUB: Contact the club president for meeting information. “J” JAZZMATAZZ: Contact the club president for regular meetings. “K” *KAYAK CLUB OF SCC: Contact the club president for days the club meets. *Note: Information for all of these clubs should be available online on the CA web site: suncitycenter. org. If your club has an asterisk before it, your club could not be found there. Your president should contact Millie in the CA office with the information so your club can be added. All club presidents are listed even though their club might not be found in the alphabetical listing. –Karen Jones


The News of Sun City Center

Fitness Center Machines Of The Month

Looking for a change of pace from your regular workout? Look no further, the versatile Cable Crossover Machine will put a charge in your workout and a change in your routine. Located at the rear of the Fitness Center, in the “free weight” area, are two identical pieces of equipment which face each other. These are the highly adaptive Cable Crossover units which are capable of training virtually every part of the body. Due to the multiple uses of these machines we will not attempt to explain individual exercises, but rather refer you to pictorial instructions on the face of the units. However, keep in mind the following procedures and techniques which should be followed regardless of the specific exercise. –Each column on the machine may be adjusted radially and vertically. When exercising left and right body parts simultaneously, make sure both columns are positioned identically. Also, make sure that both weight stacks are set at the same resistance. –Maintain a consistent pace. An aggressive two-count on the positive move and a deliberate four-count on the negative move. –Exhale on the two-count and inhale deeply on the four-count. In addition to the illustrated exercises on these machines, use your imagination to create new and beneficial exercises


By Uta Kuhn This event is being sponsored by Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and Senior Living Options. If you have unused/expired prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs in your medicine cabinet, be sure to drop them off for proper disposal at this event. The consequences of flushing your meds down the drain/toilet leads to contamination of Florida’s aquatic environment. Wastewater treatment systems are not designed to remove these chemicals from our water. Throwing them into the garbage is also NOT AN OPTION. So please help keep our environment and water supply safe from pollutants. This is an important event. Mark your calendars. The Sheriff’s Office has made it easy for you you don’t even need to get out of your car. You just drive up in the circle drive, stop and hand your meds to personnel in attendance, and they will happily accept them from you. DAY/DATE: Friday, December 4 TIME: 8 a.m. to noon LOCATION: Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. For more information, contact Sun City Center Security Patrol: 813642-2020.

December 2009

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... The Florida Construction Lien Law By Susan Muise What’s this…..they put a lien on my house!!!!! According to Florida law, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid in full have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This is known as a construction lien. It allows a contractor or supplier to place a lien on your house because they were never paid for work or supplies even though you paid the general contractor directly. The Florida Construction Lien Law is very detailed and complicated. Contractors often feel it is not their responsibility to explain this to you, but it is very important that you understand it before you start a large project in your house. We h a v e d o n e a l o t o f research to be able to help residents understand this law. Hillsborough County has been kind enough to give us breakdown that is about as

easy to understand as legal stuff can be. We have copies of this “short version” available in the CA Office. It has excellent advice and tips you should know before you start a costly project. Included are things such as requesting a list of all subcontractors and suppliers, filing a Notice of Commencement, obtaining building permits and getting a Release of Lien. We also have the more detailed “longer version” from Hillsborough County available for your reading pleasure. So if you are planning any project or renovation that would cost more than $1,000, please make sure you are well armed with information. We want your project to go smoothly without any serious problems.

The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page; -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page. The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc

LAST CHANCES! Only two days left. Flu Shots Schedule Sandpiper Room

The Patriots Club participated in “Hi Neighbor!” on November 5 at Community Hall. Pictured is Dick Persons, the 2nd vice president of the club.

Thursday, December 3 9 to 11 a.m. Monday, December 7 1 to 3 p.m. Medicare B: No charge for flu or pneunomia Others: $25 Flu $45 Pneumonia Cash, Check, Visa or MasterCard

Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

December 2009

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS October 2009

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last Rossman White Penna Layton Pichierri Gibbons Pruitt Powell Petitto Selavka Wiles Carswell Hollis Popovich Fallender McKnight Sagese Horner McCorkle Ritchie Wise Youngberg Gatto Kutzner Boudreau Cunningham Morris

First Num Nancy 1705 Sandra 2204 Joseph 2204 George 904 Jack 1208 Rex & Marge 904 Edouardina 709 Charles 377 Sam 1748 Carl & Janet 2020 David 641 Rose 1914 Helen 305 Frank 402 Bruce & Kenneth 1006 Rimma 216 Brian & Kathy 2201 Dale & Diane 1505 Corky & Pam 704 Margaret 1705 Alan & Judith 709 Brian 710 Hannelore 302 Herta 302 Clara 311 Ronald 718 Mark 710


Local street Hometown St Phone Amhurst Cir Willsboro NY 425-345-9269 Arbor Glenn Ct Manchester NH Arbor Glenn Ct Manchester NH Augusta Dr 938-4626 Beach Blvd Worcester MA 417-4264 Cherry Hills Dr New Foundland Can 709-364-5926 Churchill Pl 938-1257 Club Manor Dr Charlotte NC Council Dr Warren MI Del Webb Blvd Willimantic CT 413-992-7298 Fort Duquesna Dr Decatur IL 645-8028 Grand Cypress Ln Trilby FL 633-4574 LaJolla Ave Greentown IN 633-7031 LaJolla Ave Northfield OH 216-534-6146 LaJolla Ave Adelphia NJ 633-0875 Linger Ln Tampa FL North Creek Ct East Hartford CT 938-1348 North Lake Dr Maysville KY 606-407-0288 Ojai Ave Sutersville PA 746-2694 Orchid Ct Brick NJ Reading Pl Spruce MI 989-464-7148 Riviera Dr Fort Myers FL 770-598-9516 Thornhill Pl Irvington NJ 641-1990 Thornhill Pl Irvington NJ 641-1990 Thornhill Pl Lima Peru 398-6994 Torrey Pines Ave Akron OH 330-281-7923 Ward Cir Athens PA 863-255-4082

December 14 “Angels and Demons” 138 min. PG-13 In Dan Brown’s thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Illuminati. With the Cardinals’ lives on the line, and the Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon embarks on a nonstop, actionpacked race through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on Earth! Actors: Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer, Stellan Skarsgård, Pierfrancesco Favino. Director: Ron Howard. December 28 “The Proposal” 108 min. PG-13 Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) terrorizes her publishing house coworkers with her abrasive management style, especially her overworked assistant Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds). But when she is threatened with deportation to her native Canada because of an immigration technicality, the quick-thinking exec announces that she and Andrew are engaged to be married. Ambitious Andrew agrees to go along with her scheme—if there’s a long-awaited promotion in it for him. Everything is going according to Margaret’s plan, until an overzealous immigration official makes it his business to prove that the couple’s engagement is bogus. To demonstrate her commitment to her new fiancé, Margaret agrees to celebrate the 90th birthday of his colorful grandmother (Betty White) — in Alaska. The editrix’s type-A ways put her at odds with her eccentric future in-laws with hilarious consequences, until the Paxtons teach Margaret a thing or two about family. Each of these movies has English subtitles for the hearing impaired.

Jay Sparkman, left, president of the Sun City Center Men’s Club, and Club Membership Chairman Jerry Mahoney present a donation of $5,000 to Sun City Center Librarian Irene Glow. The funds will be used to purchase new books and media for our Sun City Center Library. Authorized E-Z-Go & Western Dealer

Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2009 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

Sales Service Parts Accessories

120 South Pebble Beach Blvd.• 813.634.6671


The News of Sun City Center

December 2009

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