June 2010 The News of Sun City Center

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The News of June 2010 - ISSUE #23

...an official publication of the Community Association

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June Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m.

Rollins Theater

Flag Day


Named CA Director at May 12 Board Meeting

May 10, 2011 will mark the kick-off of a year’s celebrations of the founding of Sun City Center. It will begin with a parade and conclude with a community picnic. The year’s activities will be under the leadership of Ann Marie Leblanc with each activity having its own chair. The chair of the Celebration Parade is Roxann CA President Ed Barnes, left, welcomes David Floyd Seeley assisted by Margaret to the CA Board. Photo by John Bowker. K o s s , P a m Tr e a d w e l l By John Bowker personal care, automotive and Dolores Whitfield. T h e C o m m u n i t y and household products. As Association Board appointed his time permitted early in David T. Floyd as Director his career, he served Milford, on May 12 to fill the opening Pennsylvania on the City created by the resignation of Council and as Vice Mayor. a Director earlier this year. Recently he has served His term of office runs until as an Adjunct Professor in the the CA annual meeting on School of Graduate Studies January 5, 2011. at U.C.L.A. and at Fairleigh David brings a Dickinson University in wealth of civic and industrial their graduate division of leadership experience to his Cosmetic Science. new position. A veteran of Since moving to Steve Jerve (above) from the U.S. Navy, and with a Sun City Center in 2005, he NewsChannel 8 will be the graduate degree in biological has been active in a number Master of Ceremonies. chemistry, he was engaged of our clubs and now drives The picnic at noon on in research, development for Samaritan Services May 10 will be sponsored and administrative positions while serving as President by the Entertainment for a number of firms of the Dande Homeowner Committee. Judy Schings specializing in cosmetic Association covering the is chairing this event along chemistry. His patent work Dedham Drive area. with her assistants Barb has been in the fields of Gingrich and Janet McRee. This group will also hold a variety show and a Closing Ceremony Gala during the year’s celebration.



David Floyd


More Membership Directory Corrections

Check out the CA website: suncitycenter.org


Will you be away for the summer months? Be sure to leave a forwarding address at the CA Office so you can keep up on The News of Sun City Center. For each month you are gone, the CA staff will mail you one. On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 17 Club Happenings..... 6-7+ Consumer Affairs........ 13 Crossword.................. 15 Cryptoquote................ 13 Entertainment Corner... 2 Golf............................. 20 Military Affairs.........10-11 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23 Policy changes.......... 8-9 Sports.................... 21-22 Sudoku....................... 17 We Want to Know....... 15

Deputy Chris Girard

Ambulance Transports from South Bay Hospital Curtailed


Father’s Day

In order to raise funds for the affair, “Proud Sponsor” decals will be given to each individual, business or club that donates $50 or more to this cause. The names of these people will be printed in a book that will be delivered to each home in the Sun City Center Community Association. Uta Kuhn has accepted the chair of this activity. Theresa Phillips has taken on the huge task of Ways and Means. She is making certain that the booth that is in the Atrium has someone there to sell raffle tickets, take names of volunteers, and sell memorabilia of the 50th. Be sure to stop by and purchase your tickets and volunteer to help. Other activities such as the Antique Car Show, Antique Appraisals, golf tournaments, Parade of Homes, Anniversary Games and club activities will be featured in future issues. Ann Marie Leblanc promises this to be an outstanding event. She states that “there will be something for everyone. I hope people will volunteer to help with at least one of the activities. There will even be three breakfasts connected to the celebrations!”

Chris Girard has been named Sun City Center Community Resource Deputy, taking over from Deputy Rob Thornton. Deputy Girard has been with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office since 1998, and was most recently with the Street Crimes Unit. He also has experience as the Ruskin Community Resource Deputy. Deputy Girard’s local office is based in the Sun City Center Security Patrol building.

Sun City Center Emergency Squad announced that effective June 1, 2010, the Squad will no longer provide ambulance transportation out of the hospital. Chief Michael Jackson said that the reason for taking this action is because there are less personnel to staff the ambulances. He said, “During the summer months the numbers of available personnel are reduced because many of the volunteers head north thus reducing the number of responding ambulances.” Each ambulance requires three people: an EMT, driver and First Responder. Though the Squad has made recruiting a priority, the number of people volunteering has not kept pace with normal attrition. The Squad will have at least one ambulance available every day on a 24hour basis and will try to staff a second daytime ambulance as well; however, in order to ensure emergency coverage, it will be necessary to curtail all ambulance transports from the hospital as well as all gurney-required direct admissions. The Squad hopes to resume normal service in the fall when many of our members return. The Squad will continue to provide local van services for wheelchair-bound residents daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you require van service, please call 813-633-1411 to reserve this service.


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes Last month I announced a new process designed to collect membership dues from members who are long-term delinquents. For some years now, we have placed liens against the homes of those with delinquent dues—and these have been filed again this year. However, some property owners with way past due accounts have chosen to ignore this process and not pay their dues. Some members have suggested to me that the names and addresses of those members with delinquent dues be published in the Newsletter. Maybe not a bad idea! Maybe you who pay your share should know who is not paying their share. We could, if you wanted us to, also post those names on the CA Bulletin Boards. We are now going to start foreclosure action on these properties with years of unpaid dues in accordance with Florida Statutes. As I have said before, it is not the CA’s desire to get into the real estate business, but we are going to do what it takes to collect the membership fees owed to the Community Association. The message to those with delinquent membership dues is that you have been warned and you have chosen to ignore those warnings. Now is the time to pay the consequences. Along these lines you will read in this edition of the News of Sun City Center that the Board of Directors will consider a policy change to start charging 18% annual interest to delinquent dues payers on top of the current penalties. David Floyd Named to CA Board At the May 12, 2010 Board of Directors meeting, Mr. David Floyd was appointed as a Director to fill the vacated position. Mr. Floyd will serve as a Director until the end of

the current term which is January 5, 2011. In the December elections, the Director position being held by Mr. Floyd will be filled by someone elected by the members. There would be one year left on that term. Mr. Floyd has been actively engaged in various activities in Sun City Center since moving here. Please join me in welcoming David to the Board of Directors and thank him for volunteering to represent you on the Board. I want to personally thank each of the other five individuals who volunteered to fill the vacated Director position. The Board had a tough decision to make choosing only one individual from a group of six highly qualified candidates. I want to encourage each of you who applied for this appointed position to volunteer to run for the Board of Directors in the December elections. WCI Contracts to Sell Land The latest word we have on WCI is that there is a signed contract to sell the development property in Sun City Center and Kings Point. The deal is expected to close by the end of June. The new developer is a Canadian based, family-owned organization that has built over 20,000 houses in Florida. The Board met with the new developer on May 24 to hear what they had to say and where they are going. We have invited the new developer to the Board Meeting on June 9, to tell you who they are and what their plans are for Sun City Center. I encourage all of you to attend the June 9 BOD meeting (9


The Board Workshops held prior to the monthly Board Meetings have returned to the first Wednesday of the month. Beginning in July, they will be held at 9 a.m. in the Board Room on the following dates for the balance of 2010: Wednesday, July 7 Wednesday, October 6 Wednesday, August 4 Wednesday, November 3 Wednesday, September 1 Wednesday, December 1


The Sarasota Concert Band performs “Summer Celebration” on Sunday, July 18, at Community Hall. Tickets are $13/person in advance (or $15 day of show). Tickets now on sale at the CA office, Mon-Fri, 9-noon. RESERVED SEATS. OPEN TO PUBLIC. The second “poolside” party will be Sunday, July 4, 4-7 p.m. Music by “Fred Campbell,” who will perform in the Courtyard area outside the Florida Room. Tables/chairs/canopies will be set up in both the Courtyard area and poolside. NO FOOD/DRINKS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. Please bring your own, but ONLY PLASTIC. In case of rain, see you in the Armstrong/Heritage Rooms. On Sunday, September 19, 2:30-4:30 p.m., at Community Hall, the Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony Championship Show Chorus will perform New Orleans jazz, patriotic, gospel, and traditional American songs, all in their unique four-part harmony barbershop style. Tickets on sale starting Monday, August 2, 9 a.m.-noon, in the CA office. $15/person or $18/person day of show. Open to public. Reserved seats. –Questions? Judy Schings (813) 642-2001

a.m. in the Rollins Theater). This will be your opportunity to hear directly from the horse’s mouth. In addition, the new developer has agreed to field questions from CA members at this meeting. So, if you have any questions you would like to ask the new developer, please submit them to sccboard@ suncitycenter.org, or Susan at the Community Association front desk. In early fall, after the new developer has been here for a couple of months and has had a chance to observe us and we have had a chance to observe them, we plan to have a town hall meeting and introduce them to the membership in general – no date has been selected yet but we will keep you informed. North Lakes Mowed! It appears we have made some progress in getting WCI to do some basic maintenance on the North course. This was made possible because our members complained to the Hillsborough County Code Enforcement Department about the condition of the course. When Code Enforcement got involved and issued violation notices, WCI was in violation of the Agreement that we had with them on outside play on the South Course. The County Code Enforcement citations provided the basis for us to take action. If the condition of the North course again deteriorates in the future, I strongly encourage members to contact Hillsborough County Code Enforcement and register your complaints. All SCC Golf Courses For Sale All seven of the Sun City Center/Kings Point golf courses are on the market to be sold with

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE June 1 Board Workshop* Maintenance Conference Room – 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 16 Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. July 5 Office/Library Closed Facilities Open 7 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 14 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m.

June 2010

an asking price of $13.5M. We have heard that WCI has some offers but how many is not known. From my point of view, the best option for Greater SCC collectively is that one buyer buys all seven courses – seems like this would be the healthiest and best opportunity for success. We sent WCI a letter on May 3, 2010 indicating that the Community Association did not desire to purchase Sandpiper and North Lakes under the terms and conditions WCI offered in their April 5, 2010 letter. Sandpiper and North Lakes were offered at a pro forma price that was offered to all other buyers. WCI made this offer to comply with the 1984 Agreement and no one expected us to buy at this price. If WCI changes the terms by as much as $1, they have to come back to us again with the offer under our right of first refusal. My plan is to continue to meet with WCI and any potential buyers of the courses to obtain the best deal we can get with our bargaining chip – the restrictive play on Sandpiper. There is no doubt that the 1984 Agreement is the key to our future with the golf courses. We will see where this takes us, but I think it will be a very challenging and exciting summer – and yes, things will change. The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones sccnews@verizon.net Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn, Judy Stimson Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf newsofsccads@gmail.com 813-938-8721

The Community Leaders and CO-AP meetings will not be held in June, July or August.

Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association

* Please note change of site for Board Workshop.

Monthly deadline:

15th of each month

Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. Will also be posted on our website (suncitycenter. org – under “Association.”)

Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents.

Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

June 2010

The News of Sun City Center

Membership Directory Corrections

From the Desk of

Director Chuck Collett

golf situation and also about possible future improvements in outdoor recreational activities. The panel also had access to financial information supplied by WCI and consulted with industry experts which resulted in a detailed analysis of the financial aspects of the courses. President Barnes also commissioned and received an evaluation of the courses (physical condition and valuation) from The National Golf Foundation, an industry leader. This report was also used by the panel. The Board ultimately declined to accept the WCI offer. 5. A l s o i n J u l y o f 2 0 0 9 , President Barnes appointed Director Howie Griffin to chair a panel to study the costs of maintenance of the North Lakes course and possible alternative uses for it should the CA ever acquire the property. This proved prophetic, because in October of 2009 WCI closed the North course. That panel also submitted a report in November that outlined potential alternative uses for the course and potential costs associated with its maintenance. 6. At present, a task force headed by Director Martin Hurwitz is doing an in-depth analysis of potential uses of the North Course (utilizing in part the feedback from residents contained in the 2009 survey responses), the costs associated with maintenance of that land, several very important maintenance issues that had been deferred by WCI, and future operating costs for any amenities. A report is due from that group in October. All completed reports are available for your review, and future reports will also be made available. Throughout this process the Board has maintained a constant line of communication with WCI especially since all of the SCC courses have now been offered for sale. As issues have arisen regarding maintenance of the closed North Lakes course, the Board has complained in writing to WCI, elicited the support of Hillsborough County Code Enforcement, and discussed the matter with various County Commissioners as well as personally showing them the condition of the courses. In addition, when the Board granted permission for a temporary inclusion of public play on the Sandpiper course, we included a requirement that WCI keep North Lakes maintained to County standards and have threatened to suspend public play if it does not. This created an economic incentive for WCI to cooperate. In summary, more than 1,000 hours of volunteer time have been expended studying the various issues related to the golf courses, working to find constructive solutions and planning for the future, while at the same time maintaining a vigilant watch on the actions of WCI as relates to the North Lakes course and the sale of the other courses. We will continue to work to protect your interests.

(Cut and place in your 2010 Directory.)


33 33 62 74 93 94 107


Dolores Basak & Val Korolevich, 813-938-3205 Beverly B Beard,813-634-9563 Albert & Susan Huetteman, 813-349-2999 Laura Martin, 813-270-0575 Doug & Susan Seipelt, 813-634-8717 James B & Mary A Shockley, 813-634-3601 Frederick Wiswall, 813-633-5538

From the Desk of

Director Anne Cross

Keeping You Informed On June 9, your Board of Directors will be voting on the following changes to the CA policy manual. The complete text of changes/additions can be found on pages 8 and 9 of this issue. CA Board meetings are held in the Rollins Theater the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 9 a.m.

Policy 3.02 LIENS Policy 6.01 REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS #14 Sale of Tickets at the Kiosk Policy VIII PERSONNEL

Meet Becky Fox, CA Office


At the special Board of Director’s meeting held on April 26th to discuss and vote on an offer from WCI to purchase the Sandpiper, North Lakes and Caloosa Greens golf courses, the Board of Directors received comments from the residents regarding the golf situation. As most of you know, the Board rejected the offer and declined to proceed towards a purchase. While there were a number of opinions given and questions asked by residents, one particular concern needs to be addressed and clarified. Specifically, some residents questioned whether the Board has been doing anything to monitor and stay on top of the golf course issues, suggesting we have done little and should be spending more time on this issue. Actually, the Board has been doing many things along these lines and here’s a report: Since August of 2008, when the Board of Directors received a communication from the Sun City Center Golf & Social Club suggesting that an analysis of the courses was needed because of WCI’s bankruptcy filing, your Board of Directors has taken and continues to take aggressive action on this issue. A number of specific studies have been undertaken, including: 1. Following a Town Hall meeting in September 2008 on the issue of what to do if North Lakes closed, a task force headed by then Vice-President Ed Barnes worked on and submitted a report and minority report to the Board recommending possible firms and pricing for a study to ascertain options should this occur. The panel also undertook a preliminary look at cost of maintenance of the property. The Board determined not to proceed further at that time. 2. In March of 2009 a task force appointed by President Ed Barnes studied, gathered and analyzed information and submitted a report that included: a) a review of the 1984 Agreement and the rights given to the CA under that Agreement; b) examined ways to motivate increased play on the courses; and c) explored potential benefits from WCI to the CA from expanding golf course use. 3. In July 2009 the CA received a letter from WCI offering the three courses for a combined price of $3,400,000. President Barnes appointed me to chair a panel (that included current Board member Martin Hurwitz) to study the golf course operations and to report back on the Board’s options. Our panel conducted two surveys, one sent to identified golfers and one sent to general residents. Between the two surveys, almost 2,000 responses were received and a significant database analysis compiled. 4. The final report (including appendices) is approximately 70 pages long and is available for review at the library. The results of the surveys provide a clear picture of the feelings of our residents about the


Becky Fox is the new Administrative Management Assistant for the Community Association. She more recently worked at Hampton Inn in Ybor City, and also spent five years working for the Tampa Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau. Becky lives in Ruskin, and is enjoying the shorter commute! She is taking over for Millie Stivers who resigned to enjoy the benefits of living in Sun City Center. Millie will continue to work part-time scanning documents for the CA.

Fundraising by GSCCBC Successful

The Board of Directors of THE GREATER SUN CITY CENTER BEAUTIFICATION CORPORATION and those who are required to contribute to the maintenance of State Road 674 appreciate and thank all the residents who voluntarily contributed to the effort to keep State Road 674 beautiful. In November of 2009, they changed the maintenance contractor. They ask your continued patience as they make the necessary improvements to bring the areas back to life. Again, a BIG THANK YOU from the GSCCBC!

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: sccboard@suncitycenter.org Web Site: suncitycenter.org


The News of Sun City Center


June 2010




1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Madison 2/2/2 car garage. WOW!! Spacious floor plan with expansive GOLF COURSE VIEW. Large greatroom, 11x11 den which makes a great computer room, eat-in kitchen, master bath with shower and garden tub, plus a comfy lanai for your enjoyment.

1814 NANTUCKET DR. $149,000

Expanded Exeter 2/2/2 car garage. Beautiful POOL home on WATER and GOLF COURSE. Kitchen has upgraded cabinetry and beautiful Corian sink and counters. Breakfast room overlooks screened pool area and view. Pool has solar heat and spa has gas heat for extra boost. Color-coated drive and garage. Come see this beautiful home !!!!!

2315 LYNDHURST DR. $279,900

Tradewinds 3/2/2 car garage. Beautiful home with golf course view on corner lot. Updated kitchen, new cabinets, island, and corian countertops. New windows throughout. New super efficiency Trane A/C in 2006. Ceramic tile in kitchen and baths. 27x12 screened caged patio. Extra storage in garage.

Custom Built 2/2/2 car garage. This spacious 1842 sq ft home has been recently updated. Split plan with two large master sts, new kitn countertops, newer appls, new ceramic tile floors in kitchen, both baths, and large utility room. Int recently painted, upg Stain Master carpet throughout. Hurricane shutters for all windows. ALL THE WORK IS DONE!!!!!

1701 WOLF LAUREL DR. $169,900

641 FT. DUQUESNA DR. $125,000

1934 33rd St. SE (Ruskin)


Family-friendly mobile home/RV park

2415 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $109,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appliances

102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)


Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

1933 Grand Cypress

2/2 $108,900

Gardenia-Roof ’10, glass enclosed lanai

2023 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. 2/2 $299,000

Custom Islander-Pool, Spa, Waterfront

712 Riviera Dr.

2/2 $ 92,000

DW37-New roof ’08, new a/c unit

2014 East View Dr.

3/2 $239,900

Exp. Atrium-Water,split bdrm plan

1761 Atrium Dr.

2/2 $ 89,900

Somerset I-Furnished, many upgrades

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $225,000

Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

818 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $ 89,000

DW37-roof and CHA ’08, screen porch

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $219,900

Islander-Water,Caloosa Country Club

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 84,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1615 Oracle Dr.

3/2 $199,000

Miller Home-Pool, greatroom floorplan

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

Hanover-“Showcase Home” – Beautiful!!!

2711 Lancaster Dr.

2/2 $ 79,000

Augusta-Golf Course, encl lanai with a/c

1144 Corinth Greens Dr.

2+/2 $194,900

2/1.5 $ 79,900

Sparkle Plenty Lives Here !!

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

2419 Lancaster Dr.

2/2 $ 74,900

Sunrise-split plan-clean, move-in!

1939 Sterling Glen Ct.

2/2 $179,000

Plumeria-Golf Course & Pond, open plan

2005 Heathfield Cr.

2/2 $ 69,900

Brentwood II-Upgrades, new kitchen

Atrium-Water view,newer appliances

702 Brockton Pl. E.

2/2 $ 69,000

DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

2020 El Rancho Dr.

3/2.5 $164,900

832 Regal Manor Way

2/2 $149,900

Cezanne-Short Sale, spacious greatroom

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $ 67,500

Hampton-park-like views, screened patio

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $139,900

DW54-Move-in condition,corner lot

2007 Heathfield Cr.

2/2 $ 67,900

BR I & roofmate BR II 2005 available

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $136,000

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

2206 Horsham Pl.

2/2 $ 65,000

Oxford-Furnished, screened lanai w/view

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enclosed lanai,screened porch

207 Islip Way

902 El Rancho Dr.

2/2 $129,900

Palmtree-Remodeled kitchen, newer roof

1726 Coco Palm Cr.

2/2 $129,900

1716 Danbury Dr.

2/1.5 $ 59,900

Keystone-Priced to Sell! Great location!

1592 Council Dr.

2/1 $ 59,900

Everglades Duplex-cozy, great condition

Custom-totally refurbished in ’07,

403 Feltham Trl

2/2 $ 57,000

Stewart-Updated, golf cart included

2/2 $128,500

On Water-updated/upgraded kitchen

1801 Bedford Ln. B38

1/1.5 $ 46,000

Mansard-Encl. lanai, new appls. ‘08

842 McCallister Ave.

2/2 $127,500

Malibu-Large lot, lanai, vol. ceilings

1902 Dandridge D21

1/1.5 $ 45,900

York- Compact,nice layout

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $127,000

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2248 Greenhaven Dr.

2/2 $ 44,500

Stuart-Sharp, bright, upbeat, Lrg utility

1207 Wild Feather Ln.

2/2 $125,000

Twintree-Move-in condition,open backyd

1906 Canterbury Ln. #1

2/2 $ 42,800

Stuart-Nice location,great amenities

609 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $123,900

So. Pacific-Spacious,clean, screened porch

201 Kings Blvd. #12

2/2 $ 39,900

Villa-WATER, Seller says Sell !!

2015 Sifield Greens Way

2/2 $119,900

Haddington-Waterfront,Seller says Sell !

401 De Grasse Pl. #5

1/1.5 $ 35,000

628 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $118,000

Melbourne-Updated, new landscaping

205 Andover Pl. N. #108

1803 Orchid Ct.

2/2 $115,000

DeSoto-Updated, roof ’03, replumbed ‘98

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 28,000

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

833 Manchester Woods Dr. 2/2 $114,000

Cornell-Florida room, very large kitchen

1801 Bedford Ln. B47

Best price in town and best location!

337 Green Manor Dr.

2/2 $110,000

Dedham-Remodeled kitchen,new roof ‘09

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $110,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchen

2/2 $ 29,900 1/1.5 $ 21,000

York-Nicely furnished,16x8 lanai w/CHA Mansard-Water view, enclosed lanai




$ 675 Nicely Decorated

376 Club Manor



$1,000 Sharp w/Golf View

S 1552 Council U 1512 Council N 705 Torrey Pines C I 704 Riviera



$ 700 Furn-Nice

308 Caloosa Woods



$1,200 GOLF Nicely Furn



$ 700 Sharp as a Tack

302A Fowling Court



$ 800 Lovely Furn

S C C -



$ 750 Unfur Tile thru

304 Grayston


Exp Hamp

$ 890 Furn, Scrn Porch




$ 775 Unfurn Perfection

2316 Gainsborough


Exp Hamp

$ 900 Nice Loc-Furn



$ 800 Move in-Unfurn

2015 Hampstead



$ 900 Furn & Ready


Bel Aire

$ 825 Avail Furn or Un

2016 Hullhouse


Brentwood 1

$ 950 Furn or Not


Seaforth +

$ 850 Unfurn/Terrazzo

1309 Idlewood



$ 1,000 Nicely Furn Golf



$ 975 WATER-Unfurn

842 McCallister



$ 1,100 Unfurnished



$ 975 NewThru Out-unf

2417 Nantucket Field



$ 1,150 Scn Lanai-Cons view I



$1,000 Sharp as a Tack

2521 Lynx



$ 1,200 Two dens & more



$1,000 Split Plan Unfurn

2709 Lancaster



$ 1,200 Golf-Unfurn/Tile

T 721 Torrey Pines Y 1729 Atrium C 701 Riviera E N 1803 Butterfly T E 705 Churchill Pl R 324 Faircross Circle 306 Stroll

Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!


June 2010

The News of Sun City Center




By mid-summer, a remarkable new view of Sun City Center history will be on display at the SouthShore Regional Library. It’s a 6-foot high glass display case that will depict four early stages of Florida’s development on separate 2-footsquare shelf levels. And the top level? Sun City Center, of course! Starting in March when the Friends of the Library organization approached John Bowker to put a showcase together in anticipation of Sun City Center’s upcoming 50th anniversary, John turned to Kim Droege who he knew would be a true catalyst in getting complex details organized into manageable assignments.

In fact, since April the talents of Woodcarvers, Sawdust Engineers, Model Railroad, Shell Crafters and the Art Club have been hard at work turning out the characters, painting them, creating the accurate landscaping and foliage, and turning the detailed sketches of our history into reality.

Mike Lunny, Dave Houck, Liz Lewis and Rich Johnson are among the many Woodcarvers who will have a piece in the display.

Kim Droege, Jeff Landis, and Lew Resseguie at an early planning session.

Kim immediately turned to two of the most creative people she knew: Lew Resseguie for his overall creativity, and Jeff Landis for his artistic talent and the three of them began a project both imaginative and challenging. The first stop was a visit to the Woodcarver Club where Kim and Lew met Bill Anderson. Bill reviewed the detailed and scaled sketches Jeff Landis had prepared of each character, and immediately recruited others in the club to begin carving 6-inch tall characters that would tell the story of Florida’s west coast development from centuries past. Woodcarver Among the first Bill Anderson revelations was that the getting it all started. Calusa Indians roamed these parts as recently as 300 years ago. The woodcarvers pulled some old pictures of that tribe off the Internet and fashioned the delicate figures

for the new display. Conquistadors and horses in full battle array came next for level two of the glass case! Sawdust Engineer Club’s Ray Leblanc reviews The next challenge was to figure out how to color detail for his Old Town Hall replica create a realistic landscape for the various scenes. with Carol Scoble of the Art Club. Someone suggested using the same technique “We are all amazed, awed, humbled and as the Model Railroad Club. A brief visit with grateful for the commitment and ‘can do’ attitude the club’s president, Bill Brown, provided more demonstrated by each of these clubs,” says Kim enthusiastic support for the display project. Not Droege. “It has reaffirmed to us, once again, the depth and wealth of talent that exists in our community and we feel privileged to work with these fine folks.” The installation of the case this summer will give the surrounding area an opportunity to learn and view our talent in an inspiring display we can all be proud of. Special thanks to the crafters and artists who are not shown in these photos but whose contributions are key to the project’s success: Sally Trenski and Jackie Moretti of the Shellcrafters who fashioned necklaces for the Calusa Indian figurines; the Sew n’ Sews Barbara Paugh and Bill Brown, Model Railroad Club president, with Linda Bowker who fabricated the top (with Floyd Holroyd and Dick Billings showing Floyd’s delicate fringes)and cushions of the three-wheel crafted foliage and early Indian artifacts. golf cart of the 1960s; the Sawdust Engineers Art only has that club conbstructed the palm trees and Droege who produced the Town Hall weather vane artifacts shown in the picture but is now preparing and contributed to the building itself and the golf the four landscapes for each shelf level of the cart replica; and members of the Woodcarvers display case. They are working in new territory Club who carved and painted the conquistadors, now to create the realistic appearance of early horses, Indians and even an open fishing boat: Ted Florida grasses, fields where the cattle thrived Bohachek, Don Erickson, Bill Ferron, Fred Joest, until the mid-twentieth century and the mowed Rich Johnson, Bernie King, Ed Kotek, Bruce lawn and sidewalks that Del Webb introduced to Petrie, Harry Schunk and Mark Vietzke. SCC’s 12,000 acres in 1961.

Prison Dreams Wins National Award The National League of American Pen Women Announced its winners for 2009/2010 Arts, Letters and Music. A Florida woman, Carol Oschmann, won first place for her book Prison Dreams. She was given her monetary award and certificate on Saturday, April 11, 2010 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Prison Dreams details work done by Oschmann at a prison in Balm, FL. Once a week, for almost three years, Oschmann voluntarily visited the prison to help the women find value in themselves by finding meaning in their nightly dreams and nightmares. The more needy a person is, the quicker are the rewards when they finally tune into this gift all people were born having, but early on turned their back on. Rewards witnessed in Prison Dreams included release of addictions, better decision making, finding talents, repairing relationships, and a better view of themselves.

Books can be purchased through any bookstore and online. Oschmann can be reached at oschmann@verizon.net for talks about her work with dreams before your group. The National League of American Pen Women is a not-for-profit organization based in Washington, DC with chapters from Panama to Alaska. It was formed in 1897 to promote the creative talents of professional women in the arts. Membership in the league is comprised of active, associate, international affiliate, and honorary members engaged in creative work. The League offers its members partnership with other creative, professional women. Its website is nlapw.com; the national headquarters contact phone is 202785-1997.

Sun Towers Residents Help Support Local Charities By Arlin Drummond Sun Towers Activities Director

Sun Towers Country Store and crafters give their time volunteering in the Country Store. Proceeds are given to local charities.

John Wilbur, Jr. C.F.R.E. Major Gifts Officer for Life Path Hospice was presented with a check by Mr. Fermin ‘D’ Montes de Oca, Store Supervisor. Checks were also given to Sun City Center Security Patrol and Sun City Emergency Squad. Also pictured (l to r) are Alda Chunn, Mertie Barret, Greta McCloud, Virginia Watson, TJ Sylvain (Administrator of Sun Towers).


Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center

June 2010


Art Club Artist of the Month

A member of the Art Club of SCC since1995, when she moved from Michigan to Florida, Dolores Phelps has been named Artist of the Month for June 2010. Although Dolores works in all media, her preferred medium is watercolor, and her subject matter anything from landscape to stilllife. She also creates many small paintings, ‘miniatures’, that show her talent for fine detail on a petite scale. While her other works will be on display at various locations around SCC, her ‘miniatures’ can be seen during July and August in the

showcase located between the Art Room and Gallery doors. Dolores’ other works will be on display throughout June at SCC Library, SCC Chamber of Commerce, Wells Fargo Advisors, Sun Trust Bank, A-1 Connection Realty, South Shore Bank, Information Center on Cherry Hills Drive and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room News of other Art Club activities can be found at: www. artclubofscc.org. –Ed Laudano


A new art exhibition opened at the SCC Art Gallery in mid-May. The title of the show is “In Your Face!” and features artists’ renditions of all type of faces and facial expressions, both human and animal, faces real and imagined. This exhibition has a unique flavor, featuring some of the most creative works of the artists of the SCC community. The show will run until July 1 and will be open to visitors at regular Gallery hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come and visit the ‘new’ SCC Gallery.

Bridge Plus Learn-to-Play Program Extended

President Ilona Merritt (right) of the Computer Club in Sun City Center presents ten computers to Warden Rhodene Mathis of the Hillsborough Correctional Institution in Riverview. For the past year, members of the Computer Club have been teaching basic computer skills and typing at the facility to help prepare inmates for job opportunities upon their release.

Learn How to Play Music With Us

The Organ/KeyBoard club meets every Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Florida Room for a group lesson. Beginners through Advanced learn two songs a week for $3 and the music is yours to keep. Learning to play music stimulates your mind and is a good way to relax with your friends or just yourself. Come join us this week. For more information, call Kathy Katz 813-634-1663. –Barb Carlini

Men’s Club of SCC

The June 16 Luncheon meeting of the Men’s Club will feature the latest information from Kim McKell, RN/MSN, the Stroke Coordinator, Quality Specialist and Clinical Educator at South Bay Hospital. She will discuss critical care and stroke evaluation and how important these are to our community. This meeting will be held in Community Hall (1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd) beginning at 11:30 a.m. This is a “Members Only” event. Membership information may be obtained from Jerry Mahoney at 6332879. Reservations are required. –Jack Fischer

Thursday morning “Bridge Plus,” a learn-and-play program for players with some knowledge of the game but with limited experience. The Sun City Center Bridge Association announces that, by popular demand, the Bridge Plus learn-and- play program will be extended through the summer months. This program (Thursdays from 8:30 – 11 a.m. in the Horizon Room of the SCC Atrium Building) offers an opportunity for players with limited experience to attend a mini-lecture on fundamentals and to play in a supervised duplicate bridge game. These weekly sessions are open to SCC residents (including Kings Point), and to the public in general. Experience with the duplicate format is desirable, but not necessary. Fee: $1.50 per session. For further information, call John Foster 634-3240.

“Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and the Ring of Fire” was the timely topic presented to a recent monthly luncheon meeting of the SCC Men’s Club by Dr. Charles Kovacik, PhD., retired professor from the University of South Carolina and a Sun City Center resident. Pictured are (l to r) Chris Hubbuch, Bob Pasquarello, Dr. Kovacik, and Mel Fader. For info on Men’s Club membership, please call Jerry Mahoney,633-2879.

Please send your club news to The News of Sun City Center at the following email address: sccnews@verizon.net

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June 2010

Club Happenings 2

The News of Sun City Center




L-R, front: Lindy Langlois - 2nd Vice President - in charge of banquets, Aine Paik – President, Chris Zewin - 1st Vice President - in charge of communications. Rear: l-r, Lynne Murphy - Fun Fest, Ginny Turczyk – Treasurer, Winnie Hicks - Co-program, Dorothy Turner - Asst. Secretary. Missing from photo: Secretary - Anise Tuma, Hospitality - Tommie Mooney and Monica Schofield, Sunshine - Mary Lippold, Blood Pressure Clinic - Lisa Rutloff and Rita Morrison, Hi Neighbor! - Hazel Martin, Coprogram - Brigid Guarino.

Jane Ruth, right, of the Foster Angels presented an excellent program at the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. last meeting. Phyllis Ward of the club’s Home Life Committee, left, is going over the household items that the members graciously and generously donated for this program. Jane Ruth explained that these items are needed to assist young adults reaching the age of 18 who remain in the system and who are continuing to pursue an education. The Foster Angels assists them with finding housing and setting them up with necessary items.

Ballroom Dance Club Saturday, June 5 Community Hall 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free, guests $5. Refreshments and door prizes at intermission. Attire - Dressy Casual, BYOB. - Everyone Welcome! Ms. Bernice Dubro-May will be teaching a Hustle lesson at 6:15 p.m. for $2.50 per person. This is the best deal ever, and so much fun! Info. call Charlie Brown at 642-9817. –Charlie Brown

SCC Dance Club

welcomes you to their dance on June 16. Join us, for a delightful evening of social dancing. Community Hall 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Music by DJ Darlene Guest $5/person. Attire: Dressy Casual Singles always welcome. Set up and snacks will be provided. BYOB For more info call: 633-7173

L-R: President Paik with the new co-chairs of the Program Committee: Brigid Guarino and Winnie Hicks. At the final gathering of the 2009-2010 season, the Registered Nurses Club of Sun City Center held their banquet at the Renaissance Club on Thursday May 8. In addition to their annual Chinese Auction, the next year’s board was inducted. The club will resume meetings the first Thursday in October, October 7, in the Caper room in the Atrium at 9:15 a.m. (social time), and at 9:45 a.m. for a general meeting with a

speaker. For further information, call Aine Paik - 634-7740 Outgoing members of the board were presented with flowers: Terry Jacoby - Asst. Treasurer; Eileen Robbins - 2nd Vice President, in charge of banquets; Lindy Langlois - Program Chairman Jan Shangraw - President. –Jan Shangraw


The News of Sun City Center

From Page 3 - Policy changes to be voted upon at June Board meeting. Policy 3.02. LIENS (Entire section is new wording.) Policy 6.01. REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS #14 Sale of Tickets at the Kiosk Policy VIII. PERSONNEL (New wording is in Bold print.) 3.02

LATE FEES/LIENS A. All dues, assessments or other lawful claims made by the Community Association must be paid in full by check or money order presented at the CA office in person, by a representative or by mail on or before the close of business on the announced due date for such payment. If the due date falls on a non-business day, the due date is the first business day after the announced due date. If payment is received at the CA office after the due date, late charges and interest are assessed at the following rates: 1. A late fee of seven percent (7%) shall be added to all unpaid balances effective the first day after the due date. 2. On the thirty-first calendar day after the original announced due date, an additional 7% late fee shall be added. 3. Effective January 1, 2011, beginning on the sixtyfirst calendar day after the original announced due date, interest shall be assessed on all unpaid balances (including late fees) at the rate of .0493 percent (.000493) per day, which equates to a rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum based on a 365day year. B. All liens filed as a result of non-payment of dues, assessments or other lawful claims shall include appropriate claims for penalties, legal fees, recording fees and interest. C. The following procedure shall be followed: 1. Within ten (10) working days after the original due date, a statement, with 7% late fee added, will be sent to members along with a copy of this policy and Policy 3.03 Financial Hardships. 2. When a balance remains unpaid after 30 days from the original due date, a statement will be sent notifying the member that payment must be received within 15 days. The statement will reflect the sum of the unpaid balance on the 30th day (including the previously assessed 7% late fee) plus an additional 7% of that balance. Information will also be included regarding the possibility of a lien against the property. 3. When a balance remains unpaid after 60 days from the original due date a certified letter shall be sent notifying the member that payment must be received within 10 days. This letter will state that the CA may exercise its right to lien. 4. On the 70th day after the original due date, a Claim of Lien, properly prepared for signature by the Corporate Treasurer, should be executed and filed by the CA in the public records of Hillsborough County. 5. Upon CA receipt of the duly recorded Claim of Lien, a copy shall be forwarded to the owner of record. 6. In those cases where the dues or assessments are not collected, the lien shall be updated and filed annually.

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June 2010

Sales of Tickets at the Kiosk a. The Entertainment Committee Chairperson is responsible for the overall operation of the Kiosk. b. The use of the Kiosk is for the sale of tickets for events performances and dances taking place in the Greater Sun City Center area taking place in Community Association (CA) space. Sale of tickets for events being conducted in nonCA space is not permitted unless a waiver is granted by the Entertainment Committee Chair and the Entertainment Committee Liaison Director. c. Each group/club is responsible for their ticket sales. d. Ticket sales for performances and dances are events may be conducted Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, unless other arrangements are made with the Entertainment Committee Chair. e. Ticket sales are only allowed at the Kiosk. Walk around ticket sales are not allowed permitted in the Atrium. f. No easel stands will be used to advertise any events. The Kiosk may be used for non-ticket sale events (i.e., Funfest raffles, class registration, etc.) between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. g. One poster per event (not to exceed 11” x 17”) will be allowed on the Kiosk bulletin board in the Atrium. Two posters will be allowed at the Kiosk: one not to exceed 11” x 17” on the Kiosk bulletin board and one 8-1/2” x 11” will be allowed on the Kiosk. Posters will be approved by the Entertainment Committee Chair.

The News of Sun City Center

5. Non-exempt employees can take time off in parts of a day. Exempt employees can take time off in no less than ½ a day and count the hours against vacation or personal time.

The following are highlights of additions and deletions from Policy VIII – Personnel to be approved at the Board of Directors meeting on June 9, 2010. The complete text of the policy with all of the changes is available on the CA website at www.suncitycenter.org/legal/legal.html and is available for review in the CA Library. 8.02


C. Holidays Observed by the CA: 6. Employees may take religious holidays not designated as CA holidays, either in lieu of a CA holiday or without pay or can use vacation or personal time pay, if scheduled in advance with the Supervisor.

EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES C. Drug Testing, Physical Examination and Background Check The CA has the right to require random drug and alcohol tests at the discretion of the Community Manager, HR Representative or Board’s request. Any employee found to test positive for drugs and/or alcohol will be subject to immediate discharge.

D. Personal Leave 1. A regular full-time employee will earn one-half day of personal leave for each month worked (i.e. four hours for a 40-hour work week employee and three hours for a 30- hour work week employee those employees working less than 40 hours per week).

EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS A. Work Week – Full-time (30 hours or more) and Work Week – Less than 30 hours Breaks are to be observed according to the procedure of the work in accordance with work activity and scheduling. Breaks may not be combined or accumulated to cover a late arrival, early departure, or extended lunch.

3. Personal leave should be scheduled by the employee with his or her Supervisor as far in advance as possible. Leave should be used in increments of ½ day at a time unless otherwise approved with 24 hour notice.

B. Classifications 5. Hourly, non-exempt employees – positions that are subject to Federal Wage and Hour regulations.

G. Credit Union (no longer available)

C. Pay Day and Pay Deductions 2. The following deductions will automatically be made from employee earnings. f. Credit Union (if enrolled) No longer available f. Supplemental Insurance (if enrolled) D. Time Card System Time cards are to be signed by Supervisor and employee prior to submission to HR Department. E. Overtime An unpaid lunch period is scheduled for each Maintenance employee and permission will not be given to work through the scheduled lunch period unless authorized by the Supervisor. 8.04 EMPLOYEE CONDUCT A. Smoking All smoking debris shall be disposed of properly. C. Sexual Harassment Any employee believing that he or she has been subjected to any kind of sexual harassment in our workplace should report the incident immediately to their Supervisor, HR Representative or the Community Manager. G. Dress Code * Closed toe shoes are required for maintenance positions. 8.05 EMPLOYEE EVALUATION A. Evaluation The Supervisor Community Manager may terminate an employee during the probation introductory period without further recourse. 8.06 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A. Insurance 2. Health Insurance 3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance (Add) 4. Supplemental insurance (Add) Note: all costs for this benefit are paid by the employee. B. Vacation 2. Vacation time, in lieu of pay increase, may be granted with prior approval of the employee’s Supervisor and the Community Manager which, if approved, would exceed maximum days allowable. This would be calculated on a case by case basis. 5. Vacation time may be used in increments of no less than ½ day at a time.




Club Participation Any CA regular full-time or part-time employee may participate in a club activity before or after such employee’s working hours, if such club has requested their participation.


Leave of Absence Short Term Disability (Serious Illness, Injury or Disability) For yearly salaried employees, this is not to exceed 90 calendar days in any twelve month period. For hourly employees, if a disability results during working hours, this is covered by Workmen’s Compensation Insurance. Any other disability away from the workplace shall not be compensated. The CA provides a short-term disability (STD) benefits plan that is not to exceed 90 calendar days in any twelve month period to eligible regular salaried employees who are unable to work because of a disability due to an injury or illness. Eligible regular salaried employees may participate in the STD plan subject to all terms and conditions of the CA. All other employees can pursue STD benefits through the supplemental insurance program. The supplemental coverage and its premium is the total responsibility of the employee.

TERMINATION 1. Termination of Employment a. Employees are required to give two weeks or more notice upon voluntary termination of employment. e. Upon employee’s termination without two weeks notice to the CA, any earned benefits shall be forfeited.

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June 2010



The News of Sun City Center

June 2010

Military Affairs

Dr. Charles W. Turner Addresses MOAA

Dr. Turner, MD, NREMT-P, MPH, MSPH, FACS, a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, gave a presentation entitled “Terrorism Awareness” at the May 5 luncheon of the Military Officers Association of America. The luncheon was held in the Florida Room at the Sun City Center Atrium Building. Dr. Turner works under contract for Lockheed Martin and in that capacity travels around the world to the various natural and man-made catastrophes, addressing the various medical and other humanitarian needs of the populace in the affected areas. He has had extensive training in WMD technical emergency response as well as treatment of chemical, biological, radiological/ nuclear and explosive injuries. L to R: Gordon Bassett, Bob Rush, Richard Wallace, Much of his training was obtained Ed Socha and Ken Barringer. through his association with FEMA The Military Order of the Atrium every fourth Saturday at and the Department of Homeland World Wars (MOWW) continues to 10 a.m. Many vets have stopped Security. conduct interviews for the Library by just to talk. Bob Swing is the Dr. Turner presented a program of Congress Veterans History videographer, editor and DVD vividly describing the global existence of terror and emphasizing the need Project. The Library will preserve publisher. The interviews are at no for around the clock vigilance, by both government and private individuals, the military veteran’s record for cost. to assist in minimizing the occurrences of these devastating events. perpetuity at its American Folklife Veterans interviewed to date: –Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, Ret Center. Part of MOWW’s charter is Ken Barringer (US Navy) for it “to cherish the memories of Ed Mahoney (US Marine Corps) the World Wars ...” and “to acquire DAR Welcomes Three New Members Bob Held (US Army) and preserve records of individual services.” Its interviewing team Vince Persutti (US Army) has conducted nine interviews of Hal Heil (US Army) World War II veterans to date. Any Ken Runyan (US Army Air veteran who has a story to tell is Corps) eligible. Contact Gordon Bassett (642-0691), Richard Wallace (642Bob Rush (US Army Air Corps) 0212) or Ken Barringer (633-8490) Ed Socha (US Navy) for information. The interviews are Arno Whitbread (US Army) conducted in the Florida Room at the SCC Community Association Military Order of World Wars



Veterans History Project Continues

Colonel George Mercer Brooke Chapter welcomed three new members at their April Meeting. Dee Kermode, chair of the State National Defense Committee spoke on “Women in the military from the Revolutionary War to present.” New Members -(l to r): Linda Berry, Acting Chaplain Jan Bassett, Cornelia Winn and Barbara Gilanyi. –Jo Prater, Treasurer

Sun City Center resident Gordon Bassett was inducted as the Commander of Region Six of the Military Order of World Wars (MOWW) at the region’s annual May conference in Jacksonville. The region includes the Florida and Puerto Rico chapters of the MOWW.

June 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Military Affairs

MOWW’s Focus on Law and Order in SCC

MOWW Chapter Commander, Lt. Col. Gordon Bassett, right, presented the chapter’s Distinguished Law Enforcement Award to Major John Marsicano, recently retired from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Marsicano was the guest speaker who discussed highlights of his 35 years in that office.

Major Marsicano, surrounded by Hillsborough County guests and MOWW Law and Order Committee members. From L to R: Deputy Rob Thornton, Lt.Col. Jack Schiffer, CWO4 Richard Wallace, Major Ron Hartley, Fire and Rescue Captain Chuck Marsicano, Lt.Col. Harry Lascola, Marsicano, Lt.Col. Gordon Bassett and Captain Stephen Launikitis. Schiffer, Wallace, Lascola and Bassett are members of the Law and Order Committee.

Club Happenings 3 The Hope Fund for Children Says “Thank You”

Phyllis Ward (front right) and Maxine Johnson served bagels and Danish to attendees.

Bethune Park is part of the Hillsborough County Recreational System; the Hope Fund is not. The Fund is a 501 (c)(3) organization that is made up of volunteers who care about the children. They work in conjunction with the Recreation Department. The programs provided include tutoring and mentoring programs, a reading program, a master gardener class, working with computers, a running program, sex and drug workshops for older kids, and much, much more. During the cold snap last winter, some of the children were provided with jackets and coats by some of the board members to help them keep warm.

The Hope Fund Board thanks all those who made their April 10 Breakfast and Bingo such a success. Thank you to those who cooked, worked in the kitchen, ran the bingo, poured coffee and juice, directed traffic, cleaned up, handled the bagel and Danish table, greeted guests, and offered moral support. All help was very greatly appreciated!! Bill Danek chats with a guest as he prepares to flip an omelet.

Margie Castiglia (left) and Uta Kuhn sold bingo cards. A huge thank you to those who attended and enjoyed the breakfast and the bingo, and a morning out with friends, all for a good cause. All funds raised support the Hope Fund afterschool and summer programs at Bethune Park in the neighboring town of Wimauma. Most of the children in the program are from low-income families.

The Hope Fund also provides scholarships to those whose families cannot afford to pay to send their children to the Park after school. Breakfast and Bingo is held twice a year. The next one is scheduled for October 30, the last Saturday in the month. For further information about the B&B, or to volunteer to work with the children, call Carla Miles at 634-4268, or go online to www.the-hope-fund.org. And, once again, THANK YOU from the Hope Fund. –Robi Jackson

Former SCC Resource Deputy Rob Thornton, coming from SWAT training, made his quarterly presentation to the MOWW Chapter. Senior Vice Commander Sheila Greason introduced Thornton.

“SALUTE TO DADS” Square Dance Good Ole’ Dads–they can fix anything– Right! At least that’s what our kids–and even our wives think–and we can, can’t we? Ha, Ha!!! Therefore, in appreciation of all Dads, the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will dedicate the Special Event for June as a “Salute to Dads” Mainstream/Plus Square Dance on June 18, 2010. To please the dancers’ sweet tooth, especially this night–the Dancer Dads–members will provide all kinds of pies: apple, cherry, blueberry etc. The club will supply the beverages. All you square dancers, wherever you are, come and enjoy. These special dances, along with the club’s regular Friday Night Mainstream/Plus Dances, are held in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7 - 7:30 p.m. Mainstream/Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Van Coble calls and Pat Hagen cues. A Mainstream and Plus Workshop is held every Tuesday night, 7 - 9 p.m. in Community Hall. Van Coble is the instructor. At the end of June, the club’s Tuesday Night Mainstream and Plus Workshop classes will shut down for the summer. Classes will begin again in November. New Dancer Square Dance lessons will begin in January 2011. At our annual meeting in April, the following new officers were elected: * Presidents: Sue and Don Lynch * VP Special Events: Geri and Tom Kilgallon * VP Tuesday Night Square Dance Classes: Gail and Ron Bouverat Square Dancers: join the club for this special dance and also every Tuesday and/or Friday night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. For further information, call Sue at 633-8780 or Gail at 633-1297.


Club Happenings 4

The News of Sun City Center

June 2010

Academy Dance Club Classes

“All Kids Matter” Presentation at the Woman’s Club


Patriots Club Invites All to Flag Day Celebration

Nan Dorsey, left, Program Chairman of the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. is shown above introducing Kim Wirick of All Kids Matter. This was an interesting and enlightening presentation of this organization that provides handicapped children a way to reach their full potential by providing them with necessary equipment, toys, tools and scholarships that are not provided by their insurance carriers.

TUESDAY - June 1,8,15,22,29 EVENING SOCIAL BALLROOM & LATIN DANCE CLASSES Beginning Cha Cha 5:30 p.m. The Patriots Club of Sun City Intermediate Fox Trot 6:45 p.m. Center would like to invite all Beginning/Intermediate members of the community to a Night Club 2-Step 8 p.m. FLAG DAY CELEBRATION. Monday, June 14, 2010 WEDNESDAY - June 2,9,16,23,30 Scottish Rite Masonic Center DAYTIME SOCIAL BALLROOM 5500 Memorial Hwy., Tampa & LATIN DANCE CLASSES 4 p.m. until approx. 9 p.m. The program consists of waving Beginning Tango 12:45 p.m. flags along the boulevard in front of Intermediate Swing 2 p.m. the Masonic Center. (The flags will Intermediate/Advanced Rumba be supplied to you.) A BBQ dinner 3:15 p.m. will be provided afterwards for a reasonable donation. All classes are taught at the In the evening there will be dance studio in the Atrium Building. a patriotic program presented by on N. Pebble Beach. Classes are $5 various groups to help us remember per lesson. Info: Bernice May at 634- how blessed we are to live in the 3205. Sponsored by The Academy good old USA. Club President Uta Dance Club in SCC. Learn some Kuhn has attended this event for the new steps and review some old steps. past several years and would like to Great exercise for the mind, body and encourage everyone to attend this spirit. A nice opportunity to be with patriotic celebration. Let’s all show friends and make new ones. Couples America that we really love our and Singles welcome. Sun City country and our Flag. If you plan on attending, please call 813-642-9555. Center and Kings Point welcome. –David Floyd PE R S ONA L I Z E D S U PPORT

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June 2010

The News of Sun City Center


A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... By Susan Muise

Hurricane Film & Shutters Since hurricane season is now upon us, we hope that you already have everything in place, but if not, just a word (again) about hiring contractors. Please make sure that anyone working on your property has the proper licenses and insurance. Hurricane or solar film installation does not require any specific license, but contractors installing hurricane shutters are required to have state and county builder’s licenses. They should also pull permits to install the shutters. Never let any contractor talk you into pulling the permit for any job. If they ask you to do that, it should be a red flag that something may be amiss with their license. There is a large variety of hurricane window protection from plain old plywood to special solar film to impermeable plastic, fabric or metal curtains. Check with neighbors and friends to see what they have and how they like them, ease of usage and cost. If you find a product that you think you like, ask the contractor for references and check them out. If you need someone to help you put yours up or down, please make sure you have made arrangements in advance. Handy people get busy very quickly when a hurricane is near. If your older shutters have not been used in a long time you might want to make sure they open and close easily. Don’t wait till you really need them to find out they don’t work. We surely hope we don’t get any serious storms this year, but please be prepared anyway. Better safe than sorry! The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at suncitycenter.org -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page; -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page.

Solution on page 22.


The News of Sun City Center

June 2010

North ... South ... East ... West ...

Expanding Our Horizons

Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales The Gardens

In 1921, Edward W. Bok was spending the winter months in the residential mountain lake community located adjacent to one of the highest hills of Florida’s Lake Wales Ridge, 298 feet above sea level. He enjoyed taking evening walks to the top of “Iron Mountain,” among the virgin pines and sandhill scrub, to enjoy Florida’s dramatic sunsets and bird life. The idea came to him to preserve this hilltop and create a bird sanctuary – a place of beauty, serenity and peace. Integral to Bok’s idea was the availability of a famous landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. Having made arrangements to buy land on the hilltop, Bok commissioned Olmsted to change this arid sandhill into “a spot of beauty second to none in the country.” The first year was spent digging trenches and laying water pipes for irrigation, after which rich black soil was brought by the thousands of loads. With the requisite conditions for a subtropical garden in place, planting of bushes and trees was begun that would provide food for visiting birds. Today, these plantings provide shade to visitors as well as refuge for squirrels and more than 100 bird species.

design to the characteristics of the Florida landscape. Lee Lawrie, a noted sculptor from New York, was engaged to design the elaborate marble sculpture that adorns the Tower.

Created to entice wildlife to take residence, the Reflection Pool gives visitors one of the most memorable experiences in the Gardens. Its location captures the reflection of the Singing Tower and offers the first image visitors have when entering the gardens.

General Information Bok Tower Gardens is open every day of the year from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with last admission at 5 p.m. The Visitor Center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. General admission tickets are good for one day only and do not include specially ticketed events. Voted Florida’s “Best Garden” by readers of Florida Monthly Magazine, you can also become a member of Bok Tower Gardens and enjoy the beauty of the Gardens 365 days a year.

The Singing Tower

In all the natural beauty of the Gardens, Bok believed something was missing. Remembering the glorious sound of carillons in his native Netherlands, he decided to build a beautiful Singing Tower as the focal point of the Gardens which would be crowned by a large carillon. Bok commissioned fellow Philadelphian, architect Milton B. Medary, to design and build the majestic Singing Tower. Medary drew his main inspiration from the Gothic towers and churches of Europe, but wanted to adapt his

Although Medary’s overall design is neo-Gothic in its conception, he, like Lawrie, was a man of the times. Thus, Lawrie incorporated art deco influences into the sculptural decoration of the Tower. Construction of the Tower began in 1927 and was completed in time for the dedication on February 1, 1929. Get more information at the Bok Tower website: www.boktower. org.

A map shows the walking trails through the Gardens and up to the Bok Tower..


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1010 American Eagle Blvd., Apt. 114, Sun City Center, Florida 33573

June 2010

The News of Sun City Center


We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise

“How could people get in touch with me if we have a major hurricane and lose electricity and telephone?” They are calling for several major hurricanes this year, and we just want to remind you again that, thanks to our Amateur Radio Club, there is a way for folks to check on us in case we lose power to communicate. Friends, relatives and snowbirds can go through a special website, http:// www.sccarc.info, which is checked often by outside amateur radio folks and radioed back here. Messages can be sent to us by logging on to that site. It’s a big job that the Amateur Radio Club has agreed to take on. They are most dedicated folks, and we’re lucky to have them. Please make sure that at least one of your computer savvy friends or family members has this information tucked away in a safe place. Make sure to give your loved ones this information in advance of hurricane season. It won’t do any good if they don’t have the site information before a storm hits. And if you plan to evacuate, please make sure that your family knows your plans so they know where to find you if you’re not in Sun City Center. Keep your fingers crossed that we have another quiet hurricane season this year.

Answer on page 22.

Forget return on investment. Think return on insurance. I can help you earn money for driving safely. These days, money market funds are paying less than 2%. But Allstate rewards safe drivers with 5% of their premium back every 6 months they go acccident-free. Does your insurance do that? Call me today. Debbie Bates, CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center DebbieBates@allstate.com

Safe Driving Bonus® is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire And Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company


More Residents Aided • The SCC Tax-Aide program assisted more than 3,178 people this tax season at the United Community Church and the Ruskin Neighborhood Service Center sites. • Thirty-four SCC resident volunteers worked more than 3,088 hours preparing 1,927 federal tax (1040) returns and assisting many shut-ins with their taxes. Ten volunteers greeted clients, helping them identify records needed. • They used an all-day phonein appointment schedule at the Community Church site to better accommodate working people and those who have trouble waiting for assistance. • SCC volunteers used new computers provided by the SCC Community Foundation and the Sun City Center Community Association to eFile 1,864 returns, up from 1,822 last year. About 95% of our 1040 returns were filed by computer, a process that saves tax money, simplifies recordkeeping and speeds refunds greatly. • SCC Tax-Aide volunteers assisted older persons and working poor from Riverview, Gibsonton, Ruskin, Lithia, Wimauma, Apollo Beach, and Baum, as well as Sun City Center. More than 83% of the clients were over 60 years old. The

The News of Sun City Center

AARP Tax-Aide Report

average adjusted gross income of the greater SCC residents assisted was about $28,500. The returns they filed resulted in nearly $3.1 million in tax revenue while more than $1 million was processed in tax refunds, $162,000 in child tax credits, and $238,000 in earned income credits for local residents. The IRS has estimated that local residents were saved more than $248,000 in tax preparation fees in Sun City Center and $85,000 in Kings Point.

volunteers eFiled an additional 745 returns in Kings Point. • For the fifth year, Tax-Aide joined with Hillsborough County and HUD in a statewide initiative to increase free tax service to low-income Hillsborough County residents. We operated a site at the Ruskin Neighborhood Service Center on Saturdays, assisting 309 local citizens and preparing 205 1040 returns.

A Lot of Help from Others

• The Computer Club provided training and storage facilities, • Tax-Aide trained 21 Kings Point loaned critical equipment and important technical residents in tax preparation law, provided filing procedure, and in eFiling tax assistance. returns by computer using SCC • SCC Community Foundation volunteers. Those Kings Point and Sun City Center Community

More Service Provided

June 2010

Association grants as well as AARP equipment donations allowed the group to obtain the computers and printers. For the third year in a row, they are the largest noncommercial eFile return preparer in Hillsborough County. Together with Kings Point, SCC Tax-Aide filed more than 20% of the 1040 tax returns in the county prepared by nonprofit groups. • The United Community Church provided essential facilities and services to their programs for the last 22 years. • The SCC Community Association has provided invaluable support for many years. • Thanks also to John Bowker, Jim and Nell Taze, St. Andrew Presbyterian and St. John the Divine Episcopal Churches for publicizing hours and work site locations throughout the tax season. For more information about the AARP Tax-Aide program in Sun City Center, call Marilyn Wilson at 633-5679 or visit their website at http://mysite.verizon.net/resr3sdp/ scctaxaide/. Call Jeanie O’Brien at 6348108 for more information about the program in Kings Point. We are always looking for volunteers to train to prepare free tax returns in 2011.

June 2010

The News of Sun City Center




C. A. R. E.

Bam Bam is definitely a star! He is a handsome poodle who woos the ladies with his cool tricks. He acts as if no one is a stranger to him. He walks great on a leash and is eager to learn new things. Bam Bam came to C.A.R.E. due to no fault of his own. Sadly, his owners became incapable of caring for him any longer. This little man has a ton of love to give and a lot of life yet to live. He is currently holding auditions for a new forever family. As part of his adoption, he will be neutered, microchipped and brought current on his shots.

Caesar is a great cat who rules the adult cat room from the top of his cat tower, just like Caesar. But he’s a friendly guy with a kind of cross to his eyes that makes him regal and cute at the same time. Won’t you come and give Caesar a forever home? He was a former resident of C.A.R.E. and his owner, due to health reasons, had to bring him back along with his friend, Baby. Caesar is up-to-date on his shots, neutered and will be microchipped as part of his adoption.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273

Answer on page 22.


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The News of Sun City Center

June 2010

NORTH LAKE DUCK RACE: VICTORY! A whole bunch of fun and $700 for the SCC Emergency Squad

The Finish!

The Start!

Duck Adopters! On April 17, the North Lake Yacht Club held a Duck Race and Picnic on North Lake in Sun City Center. They did it just for fun and to raise some donations for the SCC Emergency Squad. 145 plastic, numbered ducks were “adopted” via donations; each then raced in one of three “heats.” Propulsion was primarily wind-power, aided by brooms and a mini-boat with an electric engine. Winners were Harriet Young, Irene Davidson, Sandy Gill, Helen Wagner, Mickey Rogers; and the Kellys, Banthers, Tottens and Spiegels. Generous sponsor donations from the following for prizes, and picnic and duck costs, were much appreciated: The Resort and Club at Little Harbor, Accurate Air (air conditioning), Manatee River Boat Tours, Mac’s Mini Storage, Tuberosa Construction, Gal Friday Home Maintenance, Sun City Golf Carts, Publix Super Markets, Red Lobster Restaurant, and Alpha Pizza Pasta Prime Restaurant.

Having leg pain? It could be PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease) When fatty deposits, called plaque, build up along the walls of blood vessels and restrict blood flow, this causes peripheral vascular disease (PVD). If left untreated, PVD can lead to a serious condition called critical limb ischemia, which occurs when a severe blockage in the arteries decreases blood flow to the hands, feet and legs, and causes severe pain, skin ulcers or sores. Signs of Possible PVD · Cramps in the leg muscles (calf, thighs or buttocks) during activity, such as walking or climbing stairs · Sores or wounds on toes, feet or legs · One leg feels noticeably colder than the other leg · Discolored skin on the foot or leg

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June 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Sun City Center’s Walk Score By Judy Stimson

How walkable is Sun City Center? According to www. WalkScore.com, not very! The 33573 zip code scores 22 out of 100, which compares poorly to a national average score of 49 and a Tampa average score of 60. Our surrounding neighborhoods of Ruskin (33570), Riverview (33569), Apollo Beach (33572), Gibsonton (33534), and Wimauma (33598) also score poorly with walk scores of 37, 14, 11, 11 and 0, respectively. Scores are determined by using Google maps to compute the distance between residential addresses and nearby destinations. The Walk Score algorithm looks at destinations in 13 categories and awards points for each destination that is between one-quarter mile and one mile of the residential property. The 13 categories are grocery store, coffee shop, movie theater, park,

bookstore, drug store, clothing and music store, restaurant, bar, school, library, fitness, and hardware store. What makes a neighborhood walkable? A neighborhood center like a main street or public space is important. Enough people with mixed income and mixed use for affordable housing near businesses are also important. Other factors include parks and public spaces, a pedestrian design where buildings are close to the street and parking lots are in the back, and complete streets designed for bicyclists, pedestrians and transit. What are the Top 10 most walkable neighborhoods? They are, in order: (1) San Francisco, (2) New York City, (3) Boston, (4) Chicago, (5) Philadelphia, (6) Seattle, (7) Washington D.C., (8) Long Beach, (9) Los Angeles, and (10) Portland. In addition to increasing the quality of life, walkable neighborhoods reduce car-related pollution and climate change, the average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs seven pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood, one point of walk score is worth up to $3,000 of value for your property (www. ZipRealty.com has started including walk scores to their listings), and studies show that for every 10 minutes a person spends in a daily car commute the time spent in

Out and About Looking for something new to do while on the road or to entertain the grandkids? If so, then factory tours may be right for you! They are always fun and informative, and often free. To find a factory tour in the USA visit: www.FactoryToursUSA. com and click on the state you plan to visit. There are several tours within driving distance of Sun City Center.

community activities falls by 10%. Wow! Congress spends around $60 billion a year on transportation and nearly 85% of that goes toward expanding or maintaining highways. Only 1.5% - about $3 per American per year – goes to support walking and biking. About 15% goes to support public transportation. Walkable neighborhoods result from smart policy. Want your voice heard? You can weigh in at: www. walkscore.com/transportation-bill. shtml.

Call 813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary plimentary hearing screening




The News of Sun City Center


Hogans League Of Sun City Center and Kings Point

League Results, Pictures and More

SCC WGA 9-Hole April 22: Tee to Green: First Place Sandra Hurwitz – 14; Second Place - Gloria Nunn - 15.5. April 29: Low putts: First Place Jan Churchill – 15; Second Place tie - Jean Vazquez and Connie Ream – 17. May 13: Throw out par 5’s: First Place -- Aileen Engel - 17.5; Second Place -- Millie Stanek - 18.00. New members welcome–call Sandpiper Pro Shop.

Men’s Golf Assn. March 4: Individual low net: White Tees: 1st Chul Kim 73; 2nd Bill Pachler 74. Green Tees: 1st Walter Wight 64; 2nd tie Harold Geldbach 66 and Les Easton 66. March 11: Two man team total net: White Tees: 1st David Ransbury, Michael Sharp +8; 2nd William Pachler, Jim Cosgrove +11. Green Tees: 1st Les Easton, Don Marborough -8; 2nd Butch Fetcher, Bob Keyes(blind draw) -2. March 25: 3-Man Shamble: White Tees: 1st Bill Pachler, Kiby Hawks, Ken Defreeuw 119; 2nd Kevin O’Keefe, Tom Williamson, Chuck Roth 121. Green Tees: 1st Harold Hodge, Les Easton, Butch Fletcher 106; 2nd-tie Harold Geldbach, Mike Zwissler, Bob Keyes 121 and Tony Torre, Bernie Pomorski, Carl Sacchetti 121. March 28: Individual Chicago: White Tees: 1st Tom Convey +3; 2nd-tie Ron Chaban +2, Chuck Roth +2, and Jim Rottman +2. Green Tees: 1st Butch Fletcher +7; 2nd Harold Geldbach +6. April 8: 2-Man - 1 best ball net: White Tees: 1st David Ransbury, Mike Sharp; 2nd-tie Kenneth Wagner, Bill Pachler and Chul Kim, Jim Rottman. Green Tees: 1st Chuck Roth, Mike Zwissler; 2nd Bob Keyes, Walter Wight. April 15: Individual low net: White Tees “A” Flight: 1st-tie David Ransbury and Joe Piska 70. “B” Flight: 1st Thomas R. Williamson 68; 2nd-tie Kenneth Wagner and Jim Cosgrove 71. Green Tees: 1st Mike Zwissler 63; 2nd Les Easton 64.

April 22: Renaissance, K-skins: 1st: 2-way tie @ 6 skins each – Don Koester & guest Evans. Low-net: Don Koester, 68; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 85. April 24: Sandpiper, Skins: 1st : two-way tie @ 6 skins each – Larry Clark & Rich Lucidi. Low-net: Fred Zizelman, 63; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 82. April 28: Sandpiper, K-skons: 1st: three-way tie @ 4 skins each – Mac McKay, Fred Zizelman & Art Swallow. Low-net: Fred Zizelman, 63; Low-gross: Fred Zizelman, 83. April 30: Imperial Lakewoods, Match: 1st: two-way tie @ 73’s – Van daCosta & Bill Shaver . May 1: Sandpiper, Chicago: 1st: Don Mowry, +7 (10 skins); 2nd: two-way tie @ +6’s (5 skins each) Rich Lucidi, & Jay Sparkman. Individual Low-gross: Chip Wood, 80. May 4: Apollo Beach, Match: 1st: Fred Mayes, 64; 2nd: Rich Lucidi, 70. May 8: Buffalo Creek, K-skins: 1st: two-way tie at 8 skins each – Ron Kingston & Art Swallow. Low-net: two-way tie at 66’s, 1 skin each – Ron Kingston & Fred Mayes; Lowgross: Chip Wood, 84. May 10: Diamond Hill, Match: 1st: Frank Carlin, 72; 2nd: Fred Mayes, 73. May 12: Summerfield, K-skins: 1st: two-way tie @ 6 skins each – Ron Kingston & Don Mowry. Lownet & Gross: (3 skins) Don Mowry, 68/89. May 14: Buffalo Creek, K-skins: 1st: Chip Wood, 8 skins; 2nd: twoway tie @ 4 skins each – Fred Mayes & Ron Kingston. Low-net: two-way tie at 67’s – Fred Mayes & Ron Kingston; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 82. May 15: SandPiper, K-skins: 1st: Two-way tie @ 8 skins each – Rich Lucidi & Ron Kingston. Low-net: Ron Kingston, 62. Low-gross: 84’s, Dave Domrose & Ron Kingston. Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact ArtSwallow@aol.com or visit http://hogans-golf.com/ The Club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests.

House Watch Service for Snowbirds

Weekly visits to your home to give you the Security and Peace of Mind you deserve while you are away from your home.


June 2010

2010 Women’s Triangular Golf Tournament

Triangular Golf Tournament held on April 14 at Caloosa Country Club, Sun City Center. The three groups that participated were Women’s Golf Association of Sun City Center, Women’s Golf Association from Kings Point, Falcon Watch Golf Course, and the Women’s Golf League from Caloosa Country Club. The winners of the event were Women’s Golf League from Sandpiper Golf Course, this event has been held for the pastthree years and has been won each year by Women’s Golf Association of Sun City Center, Sandpiper Course. Hogans League May Schedule Date 6/1 6/3 6/5 6/7 6/9 6/11 6/12 6/15 6/17 6/19 6/21 6/23 6/25 6/26 6/29

Day Course (09:30 a.m.) Tue Apollo Beach Thur Riverside Sat SandPiper Mon Diamond Hill Wed Summerfield Fri Buffalo Creek Sat SandPiper Tue Apollo Beach Thur Renaissance Sat SandPiper Mon SandPiper Wed Buffalo Creek Fri Imperial Lakewods Sat SandPiper Tue Apollo Beach

Credit Where Credit is Due

In last month’s NEWS we stated that the visiting Brits prevailed in three of the contests (running, bicycling and swimming), with Dot Guerrera winning the kayaking match. It turns out there was some confusion in reporting the results. Jean Allen did, in fact, win the swimming event. The reporting became fuzzy though because, with the Brits and the Seniors tied with two “won” events each, a swim-off was held. A swimmer from each team was chosen (other than the one who just swam). Rudy Lindner represented the seniors and he lost, so the young Brits were declared winners of the overall competition. –Phyllis Hodges

June 2010

Sports Pages

The News of Sun City Center


TABLE TENNIS CLUB RENAMED AND CELEBRATES 30 YEARS with a membership of 40 men and women. The club plays from 8 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Room 5 at Community Hall. On Wednesday mornings beginning at 9 a.m. Bob Hoffman, a club member, teaches the fundamentals of table tennis to new and experienced players. Bob uses the Robo machine,

which automatically serves balls at various speeds and spins so players can learn how to handle each shot. If you would like to participate in table tennis, stop by any day the club is scheduled to play. You will find a friendly group of people who will welcome you.

In December 1980, John Donnelly, who had recently moved to Sun City Center, placed an ad in the local newspaper inviting anyone interested in playing table tennis to contact him with the idea of forming a club. Thirty years later John is still playing and the club has been renamed in John’s honor. It is now the John Donnelly Table Tennis Club of SCC. A stockbroker from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he has played table tennis since the 1920s. John started playing for recreation, but after completing his business career and moving to Sun City Center, John has

been competing in club, regional, state and national events. John has played in nine National Senior Games and has the gold medals to prove he is a top player. Want to get rid of the famous extra ten pounds everyone wants to lose and enjoy the exercise? According to Steven Horowitz, M.D. who is Chief, Division of Cardiology at a key hospital in New York City, table tennis is no boring workout. You stay alert when competitng and scores are involved. When it is played right, you get an aerobic workout. The club is still going strong


(L to R) - Board members Bob Hafey, Bob Benford (President), John Donnelly (Founder), Jan Cline and Carlos Patriarca celebrate the Table Tennis Club’s 30th Anniversary.

New member Paul Fournillier practices with the automatic ball machine.

Softballers Win Medals in Softball Skills


Karen Sellers, left and Rolande Poulin, right, recently participated in the Good Life softball tournament in Lakeland, Florida. Both took medals in the Softball Skills segment of the tournament. Each participant competed in the pitch, hit, run and throw. Karen earned a silver in the 60-69 division and Rolande got a gold in the 70+ division. Their team, The Vintage Babes of Sun City Center, took the bronze in the 50-54 year old division. –Nancy Williams

Please forward your sports results and upcoming events to The News of Sun City Center editor at sccnews@verizon.net


The News of Sun City Center

Silver Striders Win Medals

June 2010

Who Are The Hogans

The Hogans Golf Club was formed in February 2008 by Sun City Center and Kings Point residents who wanted to play with other golfers who chose to play the area public golf courses (including several WCI courses that offer “public” play for non-WCI members). The club has male and female golfers of various handicaps who enjoy the competition, camaraderie and relaxed fun and who like to play in a skins (typical) game at nominal cost. The USGA handicap indexing system levels the playing field among the golfers. In 2010 the club will be playing various weekdays and Saturdays at a variety of public and WCI courses. The schedules are published for Nov. – Apr. and for May – Oct. Greens fees have been negotiated with the courses to provide for the best price available and to provide reliable tee times. Membership in the Hogans costs $30 (includes GHIN membership) per year with meetings every two years (next meeting is December 2011). Election of officers is held in November/December. Twice-annual “SnoBird and SunBird,” simple social events (typically dinners) are arranged for the golfers and their spouses. Members hold impromptu pizza parties and the like on occasion. Membership is open only to Sun City Center and Kings From left: Mike Marenovic, Jack Stevens, Joy Johnson, Point residents. Morris Johnson, Bob Ranta. Not pictured -Sue Auger. Additional info (membership application, bylaws, detailed schedules) Sun City Center residents Mike Marenovic, Jack Stevens, Joy Johnson, may be had by contacting ArtSwallow@aol.com or visiting http://hogansMorris Johnson, Bob Ranta and Sue Auger recently completed in the St. golf.com/ Anthony’s Triathlon in St. Petersburg, FL. Over 4,000 athletes from 13 countries competed in the .9 mile swim, 25 miles bike ride and 10K run.

Bruce Andersen, member of the SCC Silver Striders Running Club, recently won his age division in the Kentucky Derby Marathon, held in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 24. Bruce finished in a time of 4 hours and 20 minutes, over five minutes ahead of his nearest age group competitor. –Melanie Higgins

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June 2010

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS April 2010

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last Nixon Williams Whiting Avis Quinn Stelzner Staples Shekleton Chabot Eckert Chappel Petursson Aanensen Kirk McIntosh Kingsbury Blanchard McDaniel Fracher Scudder McVitty Slagle Bowers Betz Lisko Waggoner Green Duncan Revill Vance Nieto Allen

First Num Local street Hometown St Phone Bobby 718 Augusta Dr 633-3069 Ray & Donna 1515 Blackstone Cir Charleston WV 260-3045 Linda 1416 Bluewater Dr Palmetto FL John & Linda 226 Brockfield Dr N Northport MI 634-3534 James & Donna 306 Caloosa Woods Ln Munster IN 219-644-9483 Lorraine 265 Courtyards Blvd Apt 110 Chicago IL 634-8103 Lesley & Marjorie 1522 Del Webb Blvd W Indianapolis IN 812-545-9854 Mary 1612 Dower Ln Burlington IA Paul & Mary 1907 East View Dr Brea CA 634-7279 Kenneth & Lee 1312 Emerald Dunes Dr Towaco NJ 938-1962 Marion 2419 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 218 Brooksville FL 938-5747 Leifur & Elsa 676 Fort Duquesna Dr 703-405-2406 Barbara & Tina Marie 201 Genet Ct Mt Sinai NY 645-1661 Barbara 1916 Grand Cypress Ln Charlotte NC 704-651-3830 James & Joyce 905 Hacienda Dr Au Gres MI 989-646-0006 Ronald & Carol-Ann 703 Huxley Pl Taunton MA 633-4248 Jon & Dorothy 304 LaJolla Ave Portland ME 207-850-8617 Patricia & Mary Beth 314 LaJolla Ave Hollywood FL Michael & Judy 1208 Lakehouse Ct Portsmouth NH 603-380-4338 Wayne 303 Linger Ln Fleischmanns NY Patricia 303 Linger Ln Fleischmanns NY Eugene & Gala 1706 Magnolia Landings Ct New Springfield OH Gary & Linda 1811 New Bedford Dr Frederick MD 307-258-2091 Stephanie & Andy 2205 New Bedford Dr Toledo OH 633-7013 Louis & Rita 1510 North Lake Dr Bridgeport CT Elizabeth 830 Oakmont Ave Gaylord MI 989-858-1307 Maria 746 Ojai Ave Paris KY 633-2650 Mary 1606 Pebble Beach Blvd N Eastford CT 860-377-4025 John 1606 Pebble Beach Blvd N Eastford CT 860-377-4025 Larry & Debra 314 Pebble Beach Blvd S Pittsburgh PA 941-538-1956 Ramon & Paula 808 Regal Manor Wy South Windsor CT 860-268-3316 William & Judith 1830 Wolf Laurel Dr Muskogee OK

Feline Folks Reorganized The press release from Feline Folks run in our May issue contained inaccuracies. Feline Folks was founded in 2007 but reorganized in late January 2010 and is essentially a new organization with the same name. As stated by Dick Nabak, president, in a February 3, 2010 email to “Cat Lovers of Kings Point:” “In January, Feline Folks voted to reorganize our board and to localize our mission and purpose by focusing on the community cats of zip code 33573.” The popular monthly Operation Feral Fix (OFF) has not been run since the reorganization. Reportedly, a May 22 OFF was to take place but could not be verified by our reporting deadline. Also, the Ruskin, Riverview and Apollo Beach Trap Depots have been closed as the focus is no longer the South Shore Area but zip code 33573


instead. All but one (86%) of the reorganized board members reside in Kings Point where the new Sun City Center Trap Depot is located. Community Association residents with free-roaming cats in their area are encouraged to contact Wendy Twiggs of the Animal Coalition of Tampa (ACT) at 813-818-9381 or Mary Ann O’Donnell of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay (HSTB) at 813-625-0910. ACT runs a spay/neuter clinic for these cats the second Sunday of every month, and the HSTB runs a similar clinic every Monday. Humane cat traps for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) can be borrowed from either organization with a fully refundable deposit. Instructions are provided on trap use and cat care.

June 14 “It’s Complicated” 120 min. R-rated Two-time Academy Award® winner Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin star in this hilarious look at marriage, divorce and everything in between. Jane (Streep) has three grown kids, a thriving Santa Barbara bakery and an amicable relationship with her exhusband, Jake (Baldwin). Now, a decade after their divorce, an innocent dinner between Jane and Jake turns into the unimaginable - an affair. Caught in the middle of their rekindled romance are Jake’s young wife and Adam (Martin), a recently divorced architect who starts to fall for Jane. Could love be sweeter the second time around? It’s… complicated! From writer/director Nancy Meyers comes the comedy that critics call “laugh-out-loud funny” (Rex Reed, The New York Observer). Actors: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin. June 28


134 min.


What does Nelson Mandela do after becoming president of South Africa? He rejects revenge, forgives oppressors who jailed him 27 years for his fight against apartheid and finds hope of national unity in an unlikely place: the rugby field. Clint Eastwood (named 2009’s Best Director by the National Board of Review) directs an uplifting film about a team and a people inspired to greatness. Morgan Freeman (NBR’s Best Actor Award winner and Oscar nominee for this role) is Mandela, who asks the national rugby team captain (Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominee Matt Damon) and his squad to do the impossible and win the World Cup. Prepare to be moved–and thrilled. Actors: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon. These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2010 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

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The News of Sun City Center

June 2010

Legendary Journeys

...Americas #1 Vacation Specialist 813-633-4521 800-511-5411 www.GoLJ.travel 3818 Sun City Center Blvd. • Sun City Center • Next to Home Depot

You Are Invited! SUN CITY CENTER ~ KINGS POINT TRAVEL CLUB MEETING Sunday, June 13th, 2:00 PM • Kings Point Clubhouse Bingo/Card Room

COME ENJOY Refreshments & hear about new DAY TRIPS, TOURS plus the latest CRUISE deals you can’t get anywhere else. Guests are always welcome. Not a member? A $5.00 guest fee will be charged at the door. RATES BETTER THAN WHAT YOU CAN GET FROM THE CRUISE LINE DIRECTLY!

Special Guest Speaker: Gayle Fortin Radio City Christmas Spectacular for Thanksgiving 3 Days $349

Private Motorcoach Transportation Sanibel & Captiva Island Sightseeing Ft Myers ~ Special Thanksgiving Holiday Performance, direct from New York, Radio City Christmas Spectacular starring The Rockettes ~ 5 Hour Thanksgiving Dinner Cruise on the famous Captain JP through the Franklin Locks ~ Edison & Ford Winter Estate Holiday Tour ~ Escorted ~ Great Thanksgiving!

World’s Largest Ship Allure of the Seas • Inagural • $540

5 Days/FreeBus • 1 CRUISE ONLY on “big” sister to Oasis of the Seas & 231,000 ton ship. The most expensive ship ever built!


13 Days/FREE AIR ....................$1199 Fly to San Francisco and tour. Cruise to Alaska via Inside Passage, Ketchikan, Skagway, Juneau, Glaciers!


23 Days/FREE AIR ...................$1899 Brazil & South America CRUISE to Canary Islands, Portugal, Med & Spain tour


26 Days/FREE AIR ...............$2099

CRUISE Beijing, Shanghai, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Anchorage, Glaciers, Alaska Inside Passage, Vancouver!


18 Days/FREE AIR.................... $1199 CRUISE Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Azores to Orlando Port Canaveral! ADD Russia & Baltic pre cruise, Norway tour & more!

CANADA Rail/Sail

13 Days/FREE AIR.......................$799 TOUR Montreal to Quebec City, CRUISE Quebec, PEI, Nova Scotia, New England, New York, FLA. SCC Bus

VEGAS hollywood

12 Days/FREE AIR.......................$899 Las Vegas for Thanksgiving & Hollywood for Christmas Parade. Then unique cruise to the Mexican Riviera. A wonderful Holiday trip!

Fun Cruise

3 Days/Free Bus ............................$99 Cruise to Bahamas on lovely ship with 7 story atrium & glass elevators, 4 restaurants, more.

South America Cape Horn Los Angeles to Sao Paulo Rio, Brazil 35 Days/FREE Air $2499

ONE TIME ONLY CRUISE! ~ FREE Air from select Florida cities ~ $200 SHIP BOARD CREDIT per Cabin with reservations made by June 15th! ~ FREE 1 Night Los Angeles Pre Stay ~ 31 Day cruise on Mariner of the Seas ~ Cabo San Lucas, Mexico ~ Acapulco ~ Costa Rica ~ Lima, Peru ~ Arica, Chile ~ ADD Macchu Picchu Optional ~ 2 days Santiago, Chile ~ Chilean Fjords & Glaciers ~ Strait of Magellan ~ Ushuaia, Argentina ~ Cape Horn ~ 2 days Montevideo, Uruguay ~ Santos, Brazil ~ FREE 2 Night Sao Paulo, Brazil Post Stay ~ ADD Optional 4 Day Rio de Janeiro Post Tour just $249! ~ FREE Transfers from Miami Airport to select Florida cities!

SPAIN cruise

21 Days/Free Air ......................$1399 Cruise on one of the largest ships in the world from San Juan to Spain. Spain Tour. Sail to Canary Islands, Seville, Cartagena, Mallorca, Corsica, French Riviera and tour of Spain!

NEW YEARS cruise

9 Days/Free Bus ....................$499 What are you doing for New Years Eve? How about a CruiseTour! Enjoy tour to Space Coast, great New Years Eve dinner party & Cruise to Carribbean. FUN!

DUBAI cruise

19 Days/Free Air...................... $1999 Cruise from Dubai to Egypt, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Jordan, Spain and more! The BEST middle east cruise!

BALLOON albuquerque

8 Days/FREE AIR....................$899 Unique trip to Albuquerque Balloon Fesitival and tour of Western National Parks and Las Vegas. Great!

Mystery Trip for July 4th Fireworks 3 Days $299

Highlights: Motorcoach transportation from select Florida locations ~ Most Meals ~ All Sights ~ All Attractions ~ Great Hotel Accommodations ~ Lots of Surprises ~ Also for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years

England Hub & Spoke 15 Days/FREE Air $2199

FREE Air from select Florida cities ~ 1 Week Garden of England Stay in Kent ~ 1 Week Heart of England Stay ~ SUPER VALUE FEATURE of Breakfast & Dinner Daily ~ Escorted ~ Day Trips to ALL CORNERS of England & Wales ~ Ashford ~ Charles Dickens Country & Rochester ~ Brighton & English Coast ~ Dover & The White Cliffs ~ London ~ Coventry ~ Cardiff, Wales ~ Shakespeare Country & Cotswolds


BEST OF ALASKA..................$699 9 Days/FREE Air, Seattle, Juneau, Ketchikan, Skagway, Glaciers! GRAND ALASKA.................$1599 16 Days/FREE Air, Sail Vancouver to Anchorage, Tour Denali interior


BEST OF ORIENT................$2399 21 Days/FREE Air Royal Caribbean cruise China, Korea, Japan, Taipei


CANADA RAIL/SAIL..............$899 12 Days/FREE Air Boston/Quebec cruise plus Montreal Train tour! FALL FOLIAGE CRUISE.........$999 15 Days/FREE Air NYC, Boston, Maine, Nova Scotia, PEI, Quebec


ORLANDO CRUISE..............$259 8 Days/FREE Bus Sail Canaveral to Eastern or Western Caribbean SOUTHERN CRUISE.............$399 9 Days/FREE Bus choice of sailings to Grand Turk, Aruba, Curacao, St Lucia, St Kitts, St Maarten, Dominican Republic EAST or WEST CRUISE........$299 9 Days/FREE Bus choice of sailings to St Thomas, St John, St Maarten, Key West, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Mexico, more!


CANAL & 3 Continents........$499 11 Days/FREE Bus One sailing to Jamaica, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, and Mexico from Florida!

ITALY cruise

25 Days/Free Air...................... $1799 CELEBRITY EQUINOX from Florida to Azores, Lisbon, Seville, Barcelona, French Riviera to Italy. Enjoy 9 day Italy tour of Rome, Tuscany (with breakfast/ dinner daily) and Venice. FANTASTIC!

California Coast Rail & Sail Mexican Riviera 12 Days/FREE Air $699

Unique new CruiseTour with 2 nights San Diego and 10 cruise to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, 2 days in Cabo San Lucas, Ensenada and more. Add 5 Day California Coast Rail Pre Tour from San Francisco to San Diego just $299 ~ Add 4 Day Las Vegas Post Tour just $249


EGYPT/GREECE Cruise .............$1699 16 Days/FREE Air.Barcelona,.Rome Athens, Turkey, Cairo, Malta TUSCANY Italy Cruise........$1799 25 Days/FREE Air Italy tour with most meals, Med cruise to Florida


YOSEMITE RAIL/SAIL............$799 12 Days/FREE Air Mexico cruise, California Coast tour to San Fran! CANADA WESTCOAST.........$648 10 Days/FREE Air Cruise Seattle, Victoria, Portland, Frisco, LA. Add Canadian Rockies $499 or Reno Tahoe by High Siera Train $399! WINE CRUISE......................$799 12 Days/FREE Air Seattle, Victoria San Francisco,.Monterey,.San Diego COSTA RICA.........................$699 8 Days/FREE Air Stay in 1 hotel with day trip across Costa Rica!


10 Days! This very unique tour travels to the highest point in the eastern USA for wonderful Fall color in North Carolina. Stay in 1 bedroom fireplace suite & enjoy daytrips all over the smokies for sightseeing & fall craft and Oktoberfest festivals!


Nov 19 Radio City Christmas starring The Rockettes ...............................$89 Broadway National Tour at Straz Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Direct From Broadway and top MAIN Floor Orchestra Seats ......only$99.00 Oct 30…................9 to 5 The Musical Nov 20…............................Dreamgirls Dec 4.....Irvin Berlin’s White Christmas Jan 22…..Disney’s Beauty & The Beast Feb 19…...........Billy Elliot The Musical Mar 5.......................…West Side Story Apr 16............................…Jersey Boys May 7…..................Shrek The Musical May 28….....................................Hair

On Behalf of our more than 20,000 guests this Season...Everyone here at Legendary Journeys would like to thank the residents of Sun City Center for our best ever season here! If you are a winter resident preparing to return North, we wish you a pleasant Summer. If you are a year round resident you can be assured we will have new specials from Sun City Center all summer long. Legendary Journeys provides more group travel programs than all our local competitors COMBINED! There is a reason why...and we thank you for making us #1 in Sun City Center! We have been serving you since the mid 1990’s and we are the ONLY local travel company that provides: *Our own coaches for transfers/tours *Our own 100 seat meeting room * More CruiseTour choices than ALL our competitors in Sun City Center COMBINED! * More Sun City Center residents to Europe, The Orient, South America, Alaska & South Pacific than ALL our competitors in Sun City Center COMBINED! * FREE Air or FREE Bus provided on almost every trip from Sun City Center! All rates plus additional taxes & fees • Florida Seller of Travel # 29220 12 Florida Offices: Bradenton ~ Englewood ~ Ft Myers ~ Lakeland ~ Largo ~ Naples ~ Ocala ~ Port Charlotte ~ Sarasota ~ Sun City Center ~ Venice ~ The Villages

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