News of Kings Point October 2023

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In the vibrant community of Kings Point, the Sun City Center West Master Association, Inc. (SCCW Master) plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth functioning of various essential services. The Association serves as the backbone for the care and maintenance of infrastructure, landscaping, and more. In this article, we will explore SCCW Master's core functions and responsibilities.

Membership and Governance

The Members of the SCCW Master Association consist of the 114 associations within Kings Point, ensuring that all voices are heard. Each association is entitled to one vote on matters requiring Membership approval.

SCCW Master is guided by a sevenmember board of directors, all of whom are Unit Owners within the community. These individuals are not just leaders; they are dedicated volunteers who often invest between 20 to 40 hours of their time per week. Their commitment extends to planning and oversight of infrastructure projects, budgeting, contract negotiations, and addressing matters of the utmost importance to the community. These directors are elected by the members, and their terms are staggered to provide continuity in leadership. Elections are held annually at the November meeting.

Infrastructure Oversight and Management

Much like a public works department in a city, the SCCW Master takes charge of overseeing and managing critical infrastructure components within Kings Point. These responsibilities include the care and maintenance of 33 miles of roads, bridges, sidewalks, traffic control, landscaping within roadway rights-of-way, drainage systems including lakes, weirs, and irrigation systems to include 4 deep wells, 20 recharge wells, 69 pumps, 67 controllers, miles of control wires and pipe and over 1,600 zone valves.

Financial Planning and Budgeting

A cornerstone of the Sun City Center West Master Association's operations is its financial planning and budgeting. The board of directors work diligently to establish both longterm and annual budgets that align with the community's needs and priorities. These budgets serve as roadmaps, ensuring that financial resources are allocated efficiently to


maintain and enhance Kings Point's infrastructure and common areas. Every dollar is carefully considered, and contracts for maintenance work are negotiated with a keen eye on cost-effectiveness.

The Master's commitment to sound financial stewardship ensures that the community's financial health remains robust, providing residents with peace of mind and the assurance that their investments in Kings Point are managed prudently for the betterment of the entire community.

Communication and Community Engagement

The Master Association places a strong emphasis on communication and community engagement to foster a sense of transparency, unity, and involvement among Kings Point residents. They utilize multiple avenues to keep residents informed and connected. “The News of Kings Point” newspaper serves as a communityfocused source of information, while “In Focus and On Point” monthly newsletters provide updates and announcements. Open board workshops offer transparency and direct engagement opportunities, allowing residents to voice their concerns and collaborate with the board.

In a commitment to continuous improvement and responsiveness to the community’s needs, the Master Association has recently introduced surveys to gain valuable feedback from both residents and board members. These surveys provide an additional avenue for residents to share their thoughts and ideas, ensuring that the association’s efforts align with the community’s evolving preferences.

Active social media engagement on platforms like Facebook keeps residents informed in real-time, while round table meetings facilitate direct dialogue between board directors and residents. Through these communication channels and initiatives, the Master aims to create a close-knit and well-informed community, where residents are actively involved in shaping its vibrant future.

Clarifying Roles

In our commitment to transparent communication, it's essential to address a few common misconceptions about the Master

the Facts About the Master Association

There are many ways you can stay informed about what’s happening with the Master; and ask questions to get the facts about concerns.

1. Round table Discussions are held on the last Wednesday of the month and provide the opportunity to ask questions and express yourself to board members in a small setting.

2. Board Meetings and Workshops: Residents can come to the meetings, hear what’s going and ask questions.

3. Call the staff 8-5, Monday-Friday at 813-812-7559 to ask questions.

October 2023

4. You can contact the board directly: their contact info is available on our website at

5. Schedule a meeting with the General Manager by calling 813812-7559 or via email to

6. Visit for information; find us on Facebook, or check out our meetings on the Kings Point Master Association on YouTube.

Just remember, just because you read it, doesn’t make it true. Take the time to educate yourself.

Kings Point Master Association Annual Meeting and Election 2023

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Master Association Annual Meeting & Election. With a total of four seats up for election, we’re looking for dedicated individuals to step up and contribute to the betterment of our neighborhood. Each of the four elected candidates will serve a 2-year term.

If you’re a qualified owner who’s passionate about contributing your skills, knowledge, and time, you can declare your candidacy by submitting the Candidate Nomination Form. that was sent out on September 15th. Be sure to review

Association and clarify its roles and responsibilities. One notable misconception is the assumption that the Master is responsible for projects or matters related to clubhouses, pools, restaurants, pickleball courts, and other amenities within the community. It's important to clarify that these amenities fall under the purview of the Federation.Furthermore, the Master is entirely unaffiliated with the land trust, Federation, and FirstService, nor the Vesta Amenities management and staff. These entities operate independently and have distinct roles and responsibilities within Kings Point that do not pertain to the Master Association.


The Sun City Center West Master Association, Inc. operates much like a dedicated public works department within the Kings Point community. It oversees critical infrastructure, manages budgets, and promotes community engagement. By understanding the SCCW Master's multifaceted role, residents can appreciate the collective effort that goes into maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Kings Point. Just as a city relies on its public works department for essential services, Kings Point counts on the SCCW Master to keep the community vibrant and well-maintained.

the qualifications for candidates provided in the notice to ensure you meet the criteria for eligibility. If you need a form, please stop by the Master Office to retreive one. Meet the Candidates is to be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 9:30 AM in the Card Room. During the meet the candidates meeting, there will be a question and answer session where the candidates will have the chance to express to the community why they would be a good fit to hold a seat on the Master Association Board. We invite all residents to attend and stay informed.

Let's shape the future of our community together!

Milestones and Successes of the Current Master Board

• Despite significant cost increases, the 2022-2023 Budget was held to only a twenty-cent increase

• Only a 3% insurance increase while insurance rates were sky rocketing

• Opened weekly workshops to the public to promote transparency

• Established the News of Kings Point publication

• Established an Emergency Call system that has answered all calls to date within 15 minutes

• Tremendously improved irrigation throughout the community

• Improved common area landscaping.

• Established working relationships with local government officials

• Established good working relationships with FSR Landscape Coordinators

• Established a working relationship with the Federation and hold joint meetings as needed

• Established irrigation workshop to help boards understand their irrigation and how to use the work order system

• Established Disaster Planning workshop to help boards understand their role and create their own DP plans

• Established the Volunteer of the Month program

Understanding the Role of the SCCW Master Association

Know Your Pond Plants

To build Kings Point, a permit from Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection Agency was required to design and manage the stormwater created by the roads, roofs, sidewalks, driveways, and mowed surfaces. The permit requires 10% to 35% of the pond surface to be planted and maintained during the life of the pond. One of the plants you will see in some of the ponds in Kings point is duck potato.

Duck potato is an herbaceous,

aquatic, native, mono-cotyledonous perennial plant that commonly grows in swampy ground or standing water in ponds, lakes, streams, and ditches and typically blooms in the spring. The large lance-shaped leaves grow from underground rhizomes and are 4 inches wide and up to 2 feet long.

Duck potato flowers grow on stalks that are taller than the leaves. The showy flowers have three white petals and three green sepals. This plant is commonly referred to as duck potato because of its large potato-like corms that form underground. The fruit is a greenishblue achene, and the fruiting heads contain many small, hooked seeds. This plant can be used as an emergent along pond and lake edges or in aquatic gardens. It is not considered salt-tolerant; instead, it prefers sand, loam, or organic soil. “

According to the U S Department of Agriculture, Duck Potato has several important uses: “This is a

Kings Point Ask the Pet Vet – October Edition 2023

Q. How can I find out why my 13-year-old Chihuahua is coughing or having a respiratory problem?

A. The causes of what appears to be coughing, sneezing or breathing funny is sometimes hard to diagnose, especially if episodic or random. Causes include environmental, infectious (i.e. virus, bacteria, mold or parasites such as worms), immune disease, tumor or asthma/ bronchitis. An underlying heart condition often presents as a “ cough”. A veterinarian starts with a complete history, previous records, and a complete physical exam. From there patterns, symptoms, or possible causes emerge. Diagnostic tests that are ordered to eliminate or confirm diseases or risks may include blood work, x-rays, ultrasound, and other specific tests such as heartworm tests.

A video taken during an episode can be helpful especially if the problem is random. Treatment can also be a diagnostic tool. You can obtain a copy of your complete medical record and test results and bring that to another clinic for

further help or return to the same veterinarian. Depending on the findings or how old the information is, it is not always necessary to repeat tests. Sometimes another opinion can be helpful. Sometimes the answer is not initially obvious but with time the answer AND treatment options can be effective even if the diagnosis is not known.


This month is most famous for Halloween and fall weather. Our Kings Point Community will not be overrun with trick or treaters but

multipurpose emergent plant, however the greatest value this species offers is as food and cover for aquatic animal life. The seed and tubers of duck potato are readily consumed by waterfowl, songbirds, wading birds, muskrats, and beaver. The emergent foliage of this species provides cover for the same animals with the addition of fish and aquatic insects.

During the growing season notable amounts of nutrients and metals are extracted by Sagittaria Latifolia from sediments and water. Turbidity and wave energy is reduced” An important role of the plant is the reduction of shoreline erosion which is an issue throughout the ponds in Kings Point. It was a sustainable food source for Native Americans.

Duck potatoes are common from Canada to Mexico and in Europe. Duck potato occurs in ponds naturally and spreads by seeds generally by birds.

there are some things to be aware of for our pet families. Protect black cats during this season—keep them indoors. Use pet safe costumes and make up. Don’t forget stress relief products if needed.


Chocolate and raisins are harmful to pets and one Tylenol (acetaminophen) can kill a cat. XYLITOL is a commonly used sweetener in foods and medicines including peanut butter, which is commonly given to pets. Sadly, XYLITOL and other artificial sweeteners can be found in many foods/ treats and even in Benadryl allergy liquid. Organic foods/medicines/supplements might be a better option but.

All Medicines, Suppliments, and food additives should be screened before giving to your pet. A product might not be safe for a dog or a cat but even if safe -- the doses can be very different for each species. Even a safe product for a healthy animal might be harmful to a sick pet. Be careful mixing medications.

Also, when you see your veterinarian for any medical reason - Tell your veterinarian if you have given any medications or supplements (names, doses, and times given) at home. To avoid incompatibility Stop, Look, and Scan. When in doubt, avoid, or check with your

The Master Association with the assistance of Solitude Lake Management staff planted duck potato in seven ponds last year with partial funding by a Florida Audubon Society grant. Additional planting willl proceed along with other aquatic plants to comply with our permit requirements and improve the water quality in our ponds which enter our rivers and drinking water aquifer. Please contact the Master Association Pond Committee for further information on our ponds.

Rob Davies, Chair or email master@

Breast Cancer Awareness - CDC

Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms?

There are different symptoms of breast cancer, and some people have no symptoms at all. Symptoms can include: any change in the size or the shape of the breast, pain in any area of the breast, nipple discharge other, than breast milk (including blood) and/or a new lump in the breast or underarm. If you have any signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.

What Are the Risk Factors?

Some main factors that affect your chance of getting breast cancer include: being a woman, being older, (most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old or older) or having changes in your BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.

How Can I Lower My Risk?

Keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly, don’t drink alcohol or limit the amount of alcohol you drink, if you are taking hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills, ask your doctor about the risks, Breastfeed your children, if possible. Again, if you have symptoms, please speak with you doctor.

The lights at the Gatehouse, Hassel Park, and the South Gate will shine pink in observance of Breast Cancer Awarness Month! Look for different variations of pink each week!

veterinarian first. evr_multi_halloween_safety_tips

sources-tools/pet-owners/ petcare/halloween-pet-safety


2 Page The News of Kings Point October 2023
To ask Dr. Sandy general questions about animals send them over to kpnews@kpmaster. com and if selected, the questions will be posted in next months Ask a Pet Vet column. We look forward to hearing from you.

Either you love or hate “to-do” lists. For those of you that love lists, here’s my list of Fall “to- do’s.”

• Mulch more frequently and as needed: Mulch retains soil moisture, regulates soil temperature, adds nutrients to the soil as it decomposes, suppresses weed growth, reduces stormwater runoff and erosion, enhances the beauty of your landscape, provides increased area for root growth, and protects plants from lawnmowers and weed eaters. Mulch should be two to three inches deep after it settles.

• Plant: You can plant fall vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, carrot) and shrubs and trees that are cold hardy. For more information on what and when to plant, type one of the following in your browser: UF Central Florida Gardening Calendar, which provides information about what to plant and do each month of the year, and the UF Florida

As the Community Resource Deputy of Sun City Center, I am asked a lot of questions about what to do when a death occurs in the home. Who do you call, what is done next, what steps should you take. Death of a loved one or a family member is never an easy subject but having some mental preparation can reduce anxiety of the situation.

First and foremost, if a loved one is having a medical emergency, call 911. If you are certain that a loved one has already passed, still call 911. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office will respond and assess the death. Be mindful, there are a few circumstances where a Deputy would not need to respond, such as someone under Hospice care and or someone under the direct care of an attending physician, typically in a medical facility setting. However, still call 911 and let the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office make the determination if they are going to respond.

When calling 911, please have

Vegetable Gardening Guide that provides recommended varieties, days to harvest, spacing and seed depth. Both are great resources.

• Check for pests and handle accordingly. The most challenging aspect of controlling insects can well be proper identification which is critical to selecting the proper method of control. These methods include cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical. There

are several environmentally safe pest solutions available.

• Divide and conquer your perennials: Dividing clumping perennials is a great way to spread their beauty throughout your landscape or ‘gift’ them to a special friend or neighbor.

• Cuttings for spring: Take cuttings of plants that will not survive the winter outdoors. This is a terrific way to start your spring plant collection

inside, on your lanai or porch, depending on the temperatures.

• Relocate houseplants: If your houseplants were outside for the summer and early fall, consider bringing them inside your home before temperatures dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fall is an exciting time to manage what needs to be addressed in your landscape. The heat, humidity and thunderstorms of summer have moved on. Now it is much more pleasant to go outside and garden.

For more information about the Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program or assistance with gardening related questions, contact the UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County at 813-7445519, visit us at 5339 County Road 579, Seffner, FL 33584 or http:// hillsborough./

We hope you will stop by to stroll through the Bette S. Walker Discovery Garden in our courtyard. investigate, they will come and take the body from the home. Because of the size of Hillsborough County this usually takes time and may be hours before the body is picked up. Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Deputies will remain on scene with the body until the medical examiner picks it up. Deputies then gather all pertinent evidence, documents, and medications, which are impounded and taken to the Evidence Control Section.

some information available for dispatch and the responders:

• Is there a DNR in place

• Is the deceased under Hospice care

• Deceased physician’s name

• List of medications and prescription containers

Hillsborough County Fire Rescue and the Sun City Center Emergency Squad may also respond. They will determine if medical assistance is needed and conduct those lifesaving procedures as necessary. In addition, HCFR and SCC


It is getting to be that time of year when Kings Point starts gearing up for the Holidays! For the last couple of years, the Festival of Trees and Tradition has been filling the halls of the North Clubhouse with festive cheer. This is the 3rd year that Kings Point is hosting the event, and we anticipate an even bigger turnout than in previous years. As in years past, the Festival of Trees will be looking for generous donations of new (or nearly new), themed, decorated, artificial trees (2’ to 6’ tall), wreaths, dreidels, or menorahs for the upcoming season.

The decorated trees and wreaths will be assembled on November

25th-26th and will be on display November 27th to December 11th for bid during the holiday season in the North Clubhouse. All Kings Point residents, clubs, or local organizations are invited to participate. Last year the leadership group raised over $5,400 during the festival and we want to raise even more this year. All the funds raised this year will benefit A Kids Place, a safe haven for abused and neglected children.

More information will be available soon, but if you would like to express your interest so that you can receive updates, please reach out to Sue Martucci, Coordinator at

Emergency Squad may transport the person to a nearby emergency room.

When a deputy responds to the scene, they will assess and investigate the scene to determine if further investigation is needed. If no further investigation is needed, they will contact the decedent’s physician and the medical examiner’s office. It is the medical examiners choice to investigate the cause of death further.

If the medical examiner decides to

A Message from the COA

We are open now, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 12 noon. The volunteers enjoy seeing the residents come in to purchase stamps, request copies, use our notary services, or put items for sale or rent on the North Clubhouse bulletin board. They also enjoy hearing about a residents summer.

We have welcome packets for those of you who are new to the community. Stop by and get one if you received a letter from us and forgot to come by to pick one up.

The COA is run by all volunteers.

We are: Eileen Peco President; John Wohlrab, Treasurer; Mary Ann Meeker, Vice President, office manager and Notary; Marcia Doscher, Secretary and Notary; Forrest Davis, Assistant Treasurer and Notary; Pauline Andrews, Notary; Ed Cohen, technical projects; Marcia Coyle, maintains the membership information; Joyce Kuzmick, Notary; Howie Nardin, manages the community copy machines; Laurie Palermo, knowledge about all things COA; Micky Rodgers, knowledgeable of all things COA and handles the changes for the bulletin board; Sheila Houlihan manages gifts and grants and oversees the equipment room; and Patti Malamas, is our newest volunteer learning all things COA.

Besides the individual jobs mentioned above we are all here to greet the residents, give out general information, and support

If the medical examiner declines jurisdiction, the body can be released to the family. This allows the family and loved ones to have the funeral home come pick up the body per the decedents instructions. When and if the time comes, you can prepare.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sun City Center Community Resource Deputy Jeff Merry at (813) 242-5515.

the COA as an independent organization for the residents in the community.

Our October Board Meeting is Tuesday, October 3, 2023, in the Banquet Room of the North Clubhouse starting at 2:00pm. Our guest speaker will be Jeff Merry, our Community Resource officer with the County. Our November meeting will be on November 7, 2023, in the Banquet Room of the North Clubhouse starting at 2pm. Our Guest speaker will be Lynn Penley from the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Lynn is the regional manager for the Florida long term care Ombudsman program. The program provides oversight to assisted living and long term care facilities and additionally provides support and investigation for families and residents of such facilities.

COA sponsored events for the holidays are listed below:

• Judging of the Resident Decorating Contest will be Friday, December 15, 2023.

• Holiday Golf Cart Parade Saturday, December 16, 2023.

• Detailed information will follow in the November issue of The Wrap.

Note - Shredding will be in the spring of 2024. More info to follow.

October 2023 The News of Kings Point Page 3
Fall Gardening “To-Do” List Lynn Barber, FFL Agent, UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County Photos Credit: Jacqlyn Rivas A Message From Sheriff Merry to Kings Point Residents


October Volunteer of the Month is Robin Watt of Oakley Green Association. Robin has been a very active and valuable volunteer for many years. She is a working EMT on the Sun City Emergency Squad and has been for the last 19 years. She recently became the Vice Chairman of the Sun City Center Emergency Squad Board of Directors. She was just appointed Director of Recruitment to assist the Squad in getting new volunteers to help the entire Sun City Center Community, including Kings Point, in continuing to provide emergency services. Her services to the community are outstanding and she is well deserving of being nominated for Volunteer of the month.

All Volunteers who were nominated or received the Volunteer of the Month will be honored during a special Volunteer Banquet In August 2024. To submit a volunteer for consideration, please email with the details of there community service.

5 Halloween Party Games

Older Adults Will Love

From creepy-crawlies to candy and costumes, Halloween is frightfully fun for kids and adults of all ages. Who doesn’t love dressing up, acting a little silly and eating sweet treats? And better yet, who doesn’t love gathering to celebrate, play games, and go a little wild?If you’re looking for spooktacular ideas to transform your Halloween party into something terrifyingly terrific, here are some fun Halloween games for older adults that will ensure everyone can join in for a ghoulishly good time.

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

For a game that will get guests searching for thrills and chills, there’s nothing better than a scavenger hunt. Gather up a bunch of Halloween-themed items (jack-o’-lanterns, witches, creepy bugs, black cats) and scatter them in the rooms where you’re holding your party. Provide guests with a list of everything they need to look for and then set them free to hunt. Whichever person (or team) finds everything first gets a special prize—and, of course, anyone who succeeds at all will get some treats as well.

Halloween Bingo

If you’re searching for sit-down Halloween games or easy games for seniors with dementia, Halloweenthemed bingo is a calmer game that is lively while also being easy to play. There are all sorts of bingo cards available online, or you can make your own. This is a fun game because it’s easy to keep playing until everyone yells “bingo!” at least once.

Pumpkin Bowling

There are all sorts of pumpkin-themed games for residents in a nursing home that are also easy games for older adults. Pumpkin bowling is one of those—you can make it as easy or as challenging as you like. You can set up small pumpkins and try to bowl them over, or you can set up plastic cups decorated to look like pumpkins for a slightly less demanding game.

Hot Pumpkin

This is an easy party game for older adults who may not be very active. This is played adjust like Hot Potato but uses a gourd, small pumpkin or orange balloon that is tossed to one another until the music stops. Once the music stops, that person is out—and you continue playing until just one person remains.

Candy Count

Fill a big jar with candy corn, small chocolate bars or other similar candy and have guests guess how many pieces of candy there are. The individual who comes closest to the number wins a prize—perhaps the jar of candy itself!

During the Ice Cream Social and Concert for a Cause the management entities of Kings Point collected $1,300 from the residents

of KP for the Employee Appreciation Luncheon that is to be held on Oct. 31, 2023. If you missed the concert and want to show your support for the employees in Kings Point, please consider submitting a donation. The donations will be collected Between October 2nd and October 20th at the Master Association Office at 1902 Clubhouse Dr. We are accepting cash, or a check made out to the SCCW Master Association.

4 Page The News of Kings Point July 2021 4 Page The News of Kings Point October 2023
Updates Irrigation Repairs Misc. Repairs UPCOMING MEETINGS October 11th @ 9:30 AM Master Assoc. Board Meeting KPNCH - Veterans Theater Open to All Residents Oct. 4th, 18th, & 25th @ 9:30 AM Master Association Workhop North Forum in 2020 Building Open to All Residents October 25th @ 2:00 PM Master Association Round Table KPNCH - Ripple Room Association Board Members Only RSVP to Please Report Speeding Vendors to 114 Irrigation Inspections 424 Work Orders 19 Emergency Calls 13 Alteration Requests 13 Mainline Repairs 9 Lateral Line Breaks 13 Valves Repaired/Replaced 3 Lateral Line Reroutes 1 Badger Meter Replaced 3 Gate Valve Repaired 1 Pressure Release Valve 5 Control Boxes Replaced 4 Breakers Replaced 9 Wire Issues 1 Moisture Sensor Installed 6 Control Boards Replaced 5 Decoders Replaced 2 Radio Replaced 1 Pump Replacement 3 Sidewalk Repairs 14 Trees Removed Annuals Replaced 3 Cleanups on Golf Course 12 Pot Holes 1 Radar Sign Replaced 2 Street Signs Repaired Sidewalk Pressure Washed 1 Drain Repair
Master Maintenance

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