News of Kings Point September 2014

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September, 2014

Silver Osprey Squadron Prepares for New Season If you have been involved in military aviation as an aviator, flight crew member or ground support or if you are just interested in military aviation you should look into the Sun City Center chapter of the Association of Naval Aviation, the Silver Osprey Squadron. The Silver Osprey Squadron has been part of Sun City Center for a number of years and membership is open to anyone who has an interest in Military Aviation. We meet once each month during the fall, winter and spring of each year. Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of the month at the Plaza Club located at Freedom Plaza. Our goal is to bring interesting speakers to Sun City Center who can provide both a historical and contemporary perspective on topics relating to military aviation activities. During this past year we featured a Marine Aviator, Major Fred Stankovich, who flew the A-4 Sky Hawk in the

#2 wing position with the 1978-81 Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration team. In addition, we were fortunate to host Special Agent Robert Robbins of the DEA who provided some interesting detail on current drug intervention activities being carried out from the Tampa Bay area. Last year we made a special attempt to attract active duty military officers from local commands who were able to provide current updates on their activities. As a result we enjoyed the presentation of Captain Richard Lorenzen, USCG, the current Commanding Officer of the USCG Air Station in Clearwater, FL. Captain provided an overview of the Coast Guard aviation activities in the area including their

peripheral tie-in with the DEA operations. We also featured the Base Commander, Six Air Mobility Command at MacDill AFB in Tampa. COL Scott DeThomas, USAF provide the group with a comprehensive overview of the activities of both the base activities the units they support, including their Tanker squadron. Another

activity duty visitor was COL Richard Jordan, USMC who represented USCENTCOM with an excellent presentation on their activities. Our group has also been quite interested in the progress of the JSF-35 program. We received a briefing from our own Captain Dick Petrucci, USN(retired) during one of our Continued on Page 3


The Musical Walk Down Memory Lane Returns for a Very Special Charity Showing

Join Actors Against Alzheimer’s in a very special one night only concert for a cause, which will include a Silent Auction with goods and services donated by local businesses.


a musical walk down memory lane”, will be presented on Friday, September 19 at 6:30 PM at Sun City Center-United Methodist Church. Tickets for “Unforgettable” are available at SCC United Methodist Church for $10 in advance and $15 at the door. The church is located at 1210 Del Webb Blvd W. For ticket information please call the church at 813.634-2539. Joining hosts Dan Tackitt and Fran Eckert are local favorites Ellen Kleinschmidt, Barbara VanEycken, Teri and Alex Council, Kathy Straub, Michael Boyer, and Alex Burns. Fresh off a run as Tarzan in the Manatee Players production of the Broadway musical “Tarzan” is Brian Kleinschmidt, who will be making a special

Editor’s Corner........................ 2 WITW........................................ 5 33573................................. 6 - 8 Care...................................... 11 Bridge News......................... 12

Photo by Ellen Kleinschmidt Performing Arts Company favorites, Kathy Straub and Dan Tackitt, rehearse “I Remember it Well” for their appearance in the upcoming benefit concert “UNFORGETTABLE,” a musical walk down memory lane.”

appearance. Appearing for the first time in SCCaresinger Yamika McGee, andsaxophone player, Roger Zwieg. A special

Golf Scores .......................... 13 Club News..................... 14 - 16 Bulletin.......................... 17 - 19 Faith .............................. 20 - 22 Military ................................ 23

appearance by George Burns and Gracie Allen, aka Ed Brown and Jeanne Naish,plus a couple of swing dancers will round


Poem .................................... 24 Crossword & Sudoku........... 25 Contract Bridge................... 25 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 27

Photo by Barbara Van Eycken Local & regional favorite, Barbara Van Eycken, best known for her Patsy Cline tribute show, is a featured soloist.

outthe evening which will be filled with music from the 1930’s to the present. The show is being Continued on Page 9

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The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner

When the News is Not the News

By E. Adam Porter EIC, News of Kings Point I got into the news business for several reasons. I love a good story, and I enjoy telling them. I also believe that freedom of the press is the foundation to every other freedom. If the public is not properly informed, they cannot be free. That puts the First Amendment’s protection of free media at the top of the list for me. Not that the 4th Estate always lives up to that sacred duty. Sure, not every day can be Woodward and Berstein breaking Watergate, but does every day really have to be Dewey Defeats Truman?It’s time tobreak ranks and drag my Chosen Profession out behind the woodshed. Let’s just throw out a few questions that were still unanswered weeks after they were first reported: Was Ferguson teenager Mike Brown shot in the front or the back? Were the demonstrators and looters from in town or out of state? Did Rick Perry withhold funds because a drunken District Attorney was unfit to lead, or did he engage in a felonious abuse of power? Do we have troops on the ground in Iraq or not? Who really controls Mosul and its vital dam? Are there a bunch of murderous gang bangers infiltrating those groups of immigrant kids who flooded across the border, or are they just elementaryaged refugees from failed nation states? And how many of them are there, anyway? We could ask it another way and wonder if anyone out there still cares whether or not anything is EVER going to be done about the VA crisis. I know I do, but when is the last time it was mentioned, except in passing? No matter how you get your news, you probably have an opinion about these issues. You probably have some accurate information about them (now). It’s just as likely, you got your information from sources that did not have all the facts the first time they sold those facts to you. Because of the pace of today’s 24-hour instant news cycle, producers are faced with a dilemma. They can either wait until they have the story, or they can report what they have and make up all the rest.

Instead of honest reporting, we get Cliffs Notes, social media rants and network news agencies clamoring to say something—anything— just to avoid being the last to comment on a story. By the time we actually have all the facts, sides have been chosen. Either that or we are so exhausted, we’re glad tofinally hear about something else. Journalism has always been tainted with bias. But there was also a time when the line between real news and tabloid entertainment was clear. Today, it’s getting tougher to tell the difference between the National Enquirer and the Nightly News. Journalists are trained to stick to the “5W” facts. We are expected to be as impartial as possible. Social media mavens have no such boundaries. They can afford to spout off to their heart’s content, sharing false or misleading or incomplete information. And it’s already mainstream. Recently, New York Times reporter, David Carr, said this about Twitter: “…in a situation hostile to traditional reporting, the crowd-sourced, phone-enabled network of information Twitter provides has proved invaluable.” That might be wonderful for a cash-strapped “new media” with an incessant need to fill airtime, but it’s not news. The Weekly World News, maybe, but Twitter feeds should not be treated as legitimate journalism. Think about it, Carr’s comment in the Times was made the day before a private autopsy blew holes in several current “narratives” related to the Ferguson story. And two more conflicting reports came in this week. Never mind that people have been rioting off and on for weeks now, and that the riot itself became “The Story,” well before the actual story had been accurately reported. Folks have been choosing sides based on media reporting forever, and that’s fine by me. We need stuff to “politely discuss” over golf or dinner or Facebook. Speculation is fun, and debating can be an entertaining way to pass the time. But if you’re going to lose friends, ruin relationships, condemn a stranger or burn a town to the ground, it might be a good idea to get all the facts first.

News of Kings Point online

September, 2014

News of Submissions The News of Kings Point is your community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point, and then the greater Sun City Center community. We are dedicated to providing you with a local paper that has a “home town” feeling. We aim to represent every resident, business and organization with respect, dignity and equanimity. Submissions we currently accept include: Information about community events or businesses, club and group announcements, stories and poems, your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork or travel story. In fact, if you send us a photo of you on your travels holding the News of Kings Point and we guarantee publication. Do not format submissions. Simple paragraphs without ALL CAPS, etc. are preferred and will receive first consideration for publication. The publisher reserves the right to refuse or edit all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor of the News of Kings Point assume any responsibility for the return of advertising or submitted materials. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. All content is subject to space limitations and other considerations. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212 Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted through the SUBMISSIONS link at Letters or Comments The News of Kings Point will not publish political or religious letters to the editor, no matter how impassioned or well intentioned. We will publish thank-yous for good service. However, we do offer our readers an opportunity to comment on our feature articles. To do so, please visit www.NewsOfKingsPoint. com and find the articles published there. As a rule, we publish all front page, Editor’s Corner and Dixon’s Destinations articles. In keeping with our editorial guidelines, comments will be moderated to insure civility and polite language. Opposing opinions and honest commentary are encouraged and appreciated in this forum. Abusive or prejudicial language or conduct will not be permitted. Declarations The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Minto Properties or the Federations of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this news publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees.

Staff and Contributors Adam Porter Editor in Chief

John Wolf Advertising Sales


Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Debbie Caneen 33573 Events

2014, September The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 1

luncheons. Dick brought us up to date on the status of the aircraft production and testing. At our next luncheon were privileged to hear from Captain Frank Naylor, USN, Executive Officer of the Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division, Orlando, FL who discussed his Command’s work on both Shipboard and Aircraft simulators, including the work on the flight training simulator being used with new JSF-35. The Silver Osprey’s also try to have at least one field trip

JSF-35 refueling.

each year. Our last two years included a trip to Fantasy of Flight and a VIP seat at the Mac Dill “Air Fest” rehearsallast spring featuring the USAF Thunderbirds. We are looking forward to a

great 2014-2015 season. We will be starting off the year with a historical look at a secret squadron of P2V aircraft that flew secret missions during Vietnam for our October meeting. We will follow in November with a presentation by Captain Erik Etz, USN, the new, Executive Officer of the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division, Orlando, FL, who, prior to his current assignment was involved in the JSF-35 testing program at the Naval Aviation Test Center at PAX River Naval Air Station. We also plan to bring other active duty personnel again

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this year from USCENTCOM, MacDill AFB and the USCG Air Station Clearwater as well as a presentation or two from our own members who have special expertise in a number of aviation related areas. We will also plan at least one field trip, T.B.A. If you would like to become a member of the Silver Osprey or just get on our email notification list please let us know. Our luncheon meetings are open to the public. You may contact us at silverosprey@yahoo. com or call Roger Kennicutt, CDR,USN(retired), 813-260-3221.

Tips on How to Protect Yourself Against Fraud

Men’s Club guest speaker for the August 20, 2014 meeting, Alexander Warmka’s, topic was “How to protect yourself from fraud, deception, and unfair business practices.” Alexander, a Regulatory Consultant for the Florida Department of Consumer Protection, keeps consumers and businesses updated on current consumer issues as well as coordinating consumer outreach programs. In this presentation he touched on a number of scams that affect residents in Sun City Center. Some of the scams covered are related to charity, identity theft, government, emergencies, money transfer request /

Photo by Gary Bowman L to R:Jim Rottman, Men’s Club Past President; Alexander Warmka, Regulatory Consultant for the Dept of Consumer Protection, and Art Smith, Men’s Club VP Programs.

checks, telemarketing, taxes, lottery/sweepstakes, service contracts, travel, loans /


lending, and vehicle repair, all scams. These are some of the known scams, there are probably more that go unreported. Alexander said, “One way to protect yourself is to think about the situation before you act, if it’s too good to be true it’s not”. If you need help from Consumer Services and have a computer contact them at, their web site covers subjects from A-Z. If you don’t have a computer you can contact Consumer Services at 1.800.435.7352, their representatives are knowledgeable and helpful. Following the presentation Banquet Masters served a

great buffet lunch. The next Club meeting is Sept. 17, 2014, 11:30 am in the Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. The guest speaker will be from the U.S. Coast Guard. So watch for your Men’s Club News Letter and reservation email after the first of Sept. Members without emails will receive a reminder post card and should call 633.7091 to make your reservation. Still time to make a reservation for the Men’s Club November Cruise. Contact Jayne Kirse, telephone 813.634.3318, or email for cruise info.

JSA Medical Group Sun City Center Activity Center


JSA Medical Group - Sun City Center Activity Center is open to the community & offers a variety of FREE community & patient events including Yoga, Salsa, health lectures, parties, line dancing & more! (*Classes are subject to change)

JSA Medical Group in Sun City Center is a comprehensive primary care clinic with many services offered in-house including radiology and labs! There is no better time to become a member of JSA!

Mon 01: Tue 02:



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SEPTEMBER 2014 EVENTS *REGISTER NOW! (813) 419-5020 Facebook Like Button

Fri 05: Mon 08: Tue 09:

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Wed 10: Thu 11: Fri 12: Mon 15: Tue 16: Wed 17:

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9:30 to 10:30 am 2 to 3 pm 10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 10 to NOON 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 2 to 3 pm 11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 2 to 3 pm 10 to 11 am 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 10 to NOON 1 to 2 pm 2:15 to 3:15 pm 9:30 to 10:30 am 11 am to Noon 1 to 3 pm 11 am to Noon; 12:15 to 1:15 pm

CMYK / .eps

We now have a Facebook page! JSAMedicalGroup SCCAC UPCOMING WORKSHOPS DIABETES: Tues, Sep. 16 Tues, October 7 Tues, Nov. 4 1 to 3 pm COPD: Tues, Sep. 30 Please register for these workshops by calling Arlette at (727) 828-2411 We’re looking for a Square Dance Caller! If you’re interested call Rosie at: 813-419-5020 LINE DANCING PARTICIPANTS: Close-toe shoes with non-stick bottoms only permitted. No scented perfumes & lotions to class.

View the whole monthly calendar online: click the events tab


4 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity

Sun City Center & Kings Point ST






IDLEWOOD in Kings point can be your new home in this AUGUSTA model with many recent upgrades, Newer CPVC plumbing, water heater, Aquarius water system and reverse osmosis for drinking water. Inside utility room with loads of cabinets also. $ 1406 Idlewood Drive 99,900

MADEIRA II Beautiful well kept floor plan with an enclosed air conditioned lanai., Formal dining room and a GREAT room plan. New air conditioner in May 2014. Kingspoint could be your new home destination. $ 753 McDaniel 164,900

Beautifully updated SIERRA home features 1707 square feet of air condioned space. CPVC plumbing, solid surface counters, solid wood cabinets, Plantation Shutters throughout, updated bathrooms. Double Garage has a new workbench & storage cabinets. New SOD in the yard. $ 1019 Ardmore Way 159,900

SCC expanded DEDHAM MODEL with 1644 heated square feet of living area. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious family room plus a formal living & dining room. Kitchen features a separate walkin pantry/storage room as well access to your garage & laundry room with utility sink. Investors delight a tenant in place until May 2015.

BUCKINGHAM model with POOL. This home offers plenty of privacy with the conservation area behind. Option of joining Renaissance available in this area. This is a 2 bedroom unit with a Den or optional 3rd bedroom. Cathedral ceilings, split bedroom plan with lots of potential. $ 2014 S. Pebble Beach Blvd 225,000

CAPE COD model located in the Nantucket area of Kings point Kitchen features top of the line No Smear Stainless steel appliances, beveled edge counters, vaulted ceiling extra lighting with dimmer switches, new windows and lots more. KPOW in place and can be transferred to new owner. $ 2467 Nantucket Harbor Loop 129,900

324 Green Manor Drive



For Sale

For Sale

176 N Spring Blvd ........... Vac ........ $480,000 .................. ½ Acre Plus Tarpon Springs Wtrfrt

2243 Grenadier................ 1/1.5 ...... $48.000 .............. York Adorable Utility Room PENDING

1015 River Dr SW............ 2/1 ......... $250,000 ......... 1.29 AC 1950 Home Near Manatee Rvr

201 Kings Blvd A-17 ....... 2/2 ......... $40,900 ..............Mansard Lots of Updates CPVC Plum

2014 S Pebble Beach ...... 2+/2 ....... $225,000 .......Buckingham Pool Home on Conservation

201 Kings Blvd A-23 ........ 1/1.5 ...... $29,000 .........Mansard Kingspt Wtr Location PENDING

1149 Emerald Dunes ....... 2/2 ......... $189,900 .......... Tavernelle Renaissance Scr Rm & Den 347 Caloosa Palms ......... 3/2.5 ...... $186,000 ...................St Croix 2 Story Overlooks SOLD 2001 Wedge Court .......... 2/2 ......... $175,000 ...............Islander Caloosa Estates PENDING 1019 Ardmore .................. 2/2 ......... $159,900 ........ Sierra Beautifully Appointed Immaculate 212 13th St NW ............... 3/2 ......... $159,000 .......................... WATER WATER Ruskin Inlet 1103 Beach Blvd ............. 2/2 ......... $155,000 ............... T-2 Swan Lake Recently Renovated 797 Masterpiece .............. 2/2 ......... $144,900 ..................... Sandpiper Corner Lot, Spacious 941 Villeroy Greens ......... 2/2 ......... $143,000 ....................Cimarron Golf Course PENDING 1301 Fairway Greens ...... 3/2 ......... $134,900 ................Exp Westport Bright Open with Gas 1501 Fort Duquesna ........ 2/2 ......... $130,000 ........... Palmtree Lovely Home with Encl Lanai 2467 Nantucket Glen ....... 2/2 ......... $129,900 .......... Cape Cod New Windows, Wood Floors 2022 W Del Webb ............ 2/2 ......... $129,000 ...............Camellia Pond Location Great Value 1002 La Jolla ................... 2/2 ......... $127,000 .........................Dw41x Great Location SOLD 839 Tremont Greeens ...... 2+/2 ....... $123,900 ...................Madison Neat as a Pin PENDING 715 Thunderbird .............. 2/2 ......... $119,900 ........................ DW37 UNIQUE Nice Features 907 Augusta Drive ........... 2/2 ......... $110,000 ............... T-2 Lots of Updating with Pond View 212 Stoneham Dr ............ 2/2 ......... $100,000 ....................Cozy Comfy St Andrew’s Estates 1406-Idlewood ................. 2/2 ......... $99,900 .....................Augusta Encl Lanai, Great Layout 1534 Ingram .................... 2/2 ......... $95,900 ............... Augusata Screened Porch PENDING 1810 Foxhunt ................... 2/2 ......... $57,600 ................. Stuart Granit Counters Tile Flooring 2202 Clubhouse #189 ..... 2/2 ......... $57,000 .............. Gable 2 New Windows/Tile PENDING

Seasonal Rentals 2116 Acadia Grns............ 2/2/2G ........Nearly New...................................................... $2000 1008 Bristol Grns............. 2/2/2G ........Beautiful .......................................................... $2000 1301 Beach Blvd ............. 2/2/1G ........Swan Lake PRIMO .......................................... $1700 660 Allegheny .................. 2/2/2G ........Park Setting ..................................................... $1600 2022 Del Webb W ............ 2/2/2G ........Water with Screen Porch ................................. $1600 1715 Atrium Dr ................ 2/2/1C ........Open, Lite n Airy ............................................. $1500 305 Kings F 140 .............. 2/2/1C ........New Kitchen .................................................... $1400 1500 Council.................... 1/1/1C ........Across Street RECREATION .......................... $1250 1614 Council.................... 1/1/1C ........Cute and Cozy ................................................ $1250 406A Flanborough ........... 1/1.5/1C .....Close to Clubhouse ......................................... $1250

Rentals Annual • Unfurnished 103 Wintersong .............. 2/2/2G ........Single Family-ON WATER ............................... $1500 224 Glenellen .................. 2/2/1C ........Hampton with Views .......................................... $925 1810B Foxhunt Trl ............ 2/2/1C ........Close to Clubhouse ........................................... $850

Rentals Annual • Furnished

2248 Preservation Grn ... 3/2/2G .............Spacious/Lovely ......................................... $1525


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2014, September The News of Kings Point

News of


Page 5

Where in the World is the News of Kings Point

Thank you so much for continuing to send all the exciting travel pictures! It continues to be a blast to vicariously relive your travels with you through those shots. See how much fun these folks are having? We hope their fun travel photos and stories will inspire you to go see some things and do some stuff…and when you do, take News of Kings Point along for the ride! Remember, if you send us a picture of you in your travels holding the News of Kings Point, you will see yourself in these pages.

t n i o P s g During a continental Europe tour, Leo and Rebecca Hill visited the old Jewish cemetery in Warsaw, Poland, the Jewish Museum in Prague Czech Republic and here they are in front of the Hilton Hotel in Vienna Austria.

Millie Post and Father Kovanis from Prince of Peace were among a group of pilgrims to Rome to witness the canonization of Popes John XIII and Pope John Paul II.

Pat and Bob Phillips enjoyed a Globus Tour of the Canadian Rockies and Glacier National Park in Montana. Here they are stopping for a photo op at the Park.

Knee Pain? Relief is here with MAKOplasty®! The MAKOplasty® partial knee resurfacing system is a breakthrough solution for those suffering with knee pain.

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MAKOplasty is a highly advanced, minimally invasive surgical system that allows surgeons to treat knee conditions with a new level of precision using 3D computer imaging.

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This means a more natural range of motion, rapid relief from pain, shorter hospital stays and quicker return to daily activities when compared to traditional knee replacement surgery. In many cases, patients can walk and drive a car soon after surgery.

We are committed to making your surgery and therapy experience as easy and pleasant as possible in an atmosphere of comfort and understanding ... a very different atmosphere than other replacement centers. We wouldn't have it any other way.

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John R. Ayres, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Joint Replacement Specialist, and the only physician in the region currently performing partial knee resurfacing.

Are you a candidate for MAKOplasty? Call us at 941.745.7545 for more information. Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

206 Second Street East | Bradenton, FL 34208

Connect with us!

6 Page

33573 33573 is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website Send all events by e-mail to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at which is updated every weekend. EVERY MON - SEP 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 - “FOR TODAY” MEETING OF OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 10:00 a.m. at the Sun City Chamber of Commerce meeting room (private entrance to meeting room is on the left side of the building). The only requirement for attending is a desire to stop compulsively eating. OA is an international 12step organization/program which addresses the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of those desiring to stop compulsively eating and/or overeating. No scales, dues or fees and all are welcome. Please join us any Monday morning. You can learn more about OA online at http://www. EVERY TUE. SEP 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE 10:00 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Do you like to dance but are worried about falling? Join our new FREE line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. We can boot, scoot and boogie safely together and make exercise fun! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. EVERY TUE. SEP 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 UKULELE JAM SESSION 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Music Avenue, 3822 Sun City Center Blvd, SCC. Ukulele players are invited to jam weekly with other ukulele players. To reserve your seat at the studio phone Steve or Ruth, 633-9688. Space is limited. EVERY TUE. SEP 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning Tango - 5:30 PM Intermediate Fox Trot - 6:45 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Polka &

The News of Kings Point

Polka Waltz - 8:00 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/ per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. SEP 3 - THE NEARLY NEW SHOP RETURNS TO FULL HOURS 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon located in the rear of the Sun City Center Plaza on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Funds raised by the Nearly New Shop allow the Sun City Center Interfaith Council to provide grants and scholarships in South Hillsborough County. Please take donated items to the Nearly New Shop on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. WED. SEP 3 - SUN CITY CENTER CHAPTER OF THE HEARING LOSS ASSN. OF AMERICA 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. Lindsay Pratt, M.D., will discuss how Hearing Aids Can Be Your Best Friend—what to expect of a hearing aid and why some patients have problems with them. Dr. Pratt is a retired otolaryngologist and a SCC resident. CART (captioning) provided by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, Inc. Contact Richard Herring at or Barbara Riley at 634-1706. EVERY WED. SEP 3, 10, 17, 24 THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance! This class will be offered EVERY Wednesday due to increased demand. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED SEP 3 – MOAA MONTHLY MEETING 11:00 a.m. in the Florida Room at the North Side Atrium Building. Robert Reed CDR USN (Ret) will be the featured speaker. Bob joined the Navy May 31,1941 as a Seaman 2nd Class. After receiving his Navy Wings of Gold in May of 1942 he was ordered to VS1D14 in American Samoa on the Pacific island of Tutuila. After a one and a half year tour in the South Pacific flying antisubmarine patrols, he went through fighter training and was assigned to VF16. He flew sorties off the carriers Bon Home Richarde and Randolph flying a Hellcat. He made 97 carrier landings without mishap. He will discuss the Pacific Ocean theater during WWII. Reservations ($14) can be made by calling 642-0497 and must be made by 6 pm Sunday, Aug 31. For more information call Frank Kepley at 642-0801. EVERY WED. SEP 3, 10, 17, 24 - DREAM CIRCLE 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. at 1606 Chevy Chase Dr Sun City Center. Join us for a discussion on dreams, mine or yours. Learn if someone greater than you is speaking to you. For more info call Carol, 813-909-3233. EVERY WED. SEP 3, 10, 17, 24 - SOCIAL DANCE CLASS Beginning - Rumba - 12:45 PM, Intermediate - Tango - 2:00 PM Beginning/ Intermediate - Merengue - 3:15 PM Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/ per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. SEP 3 - SAMARITAN SERVICES ALZHEIMER’S MONTHLY MEETING 2:00 p.m. at the Redeemer Lutheran Church. This month, our speaker will be Katie Colwell Williams. Ms. Williams is a Care Manager Certified (CMC) and is the Director of Quality Assurance for all the clients served by Aging Care Advocates. She will be speaking on “Tips for Caregivers.” For more information please call Doris at 634-3489 or the office at 634-9283. WED. SEP 3 SOUTHSHORE NEEDLE PEOPLE 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join other needle

people to share techniques, tips and experiences about knitting and other fiber and fabric crafts. Beginners and questions are welcome! Stay the entire two hours or as long as you can. Bring a project to work on. WED. SEP 3 MAH JONNG CLUB 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Enjoy an evening of the popular table game, Mah Jongg. Participants are asked to bring their own Mah Jongg card. Registration required. Call (813) 273-3652 to register. WED. SEP 3 - COA MONTHLY MENBERSHIP MEETING AT KINGS POINT 7:00 p.m. in the Kings Point Banquet room the COA will have their monthly membership meeting. The program for the evening will be the Kings Point Mixed Chorus, “Shows to Go” with select entertainers, with a short business meeting following. WED. SEP 3 MASTER GARDENER: BEES 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Master Gardener, Nancy Ham as she discusses the ins and outs of keeping bees. WED. SEP 3 - SCC SWIM DANCERS BEGIN INSTRUCTION 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the CA lap pool on N Pebble Beach. Practice is from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesday nights and Friday mornings from 7:30-9:00 a.m. Interested ladies must know how to swim and be a resident of Sun City Center. Practice includes instruction for figures used in dance numbers for our March show. Practice options include attending one, two or all three weekly practices.Judy Quitsch (CA) 642-0157 or Dana Ellerbrock (KP) 633-5927. THU. SEP 4 - LGBT SUPPORT GROUP 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Ave. SCC, corner of Pebble Beach and La Jolla. The group will continue to meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Any questions, please feel free to call Sandra McCaw, Life Coach @ 973902-8401. All members of the LGBT community are welcome. THU. SEP 4 COOKIES & CONVERSATION WITH KAY COBURN DYER 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Expect to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with new friends! Facilitated by Kay Coburn Dyer, Geriatric Care Manager. All are welcome! For more information, call Debbie Caneen at 813-892-2990. FRI. SEP 5 COOKING WITH WINE 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Chef Warren as he explains the benefits and addresses the misperceptions about cooking with wine. He will discuss what kind of wine to cook with and the drawbacks to cooking with wine. The presentation culminates with a 10 minute cooking demonstration and food tasting. No registration required. SAT. SEP 6 - THE ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, attire dressy casual, BYOB, everyone welcome, singles table available. At 6:30 before the dance, Bernice DuBro will be teaching a MAMBO lesson. Members free, guests $6.00 which includes the lesson. Music by Bernice DuBro. More info. Call Jean Kostka at (813) 6341235 or Charlie Brown at (813) 6429817at SUN. SEP. 7 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 Pebble Beach Blvd. S. Music by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Casual/dressy attire. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. SEP 8 - IRISH CONNECTION MOVIE NIGHT FEATURE “AGNES BROWNE” 6:30 p.m. at the Rollins Theater. Anjelica Huston & Marion O’Dwyer (Guess who she’s related to in SCC?) When a Dublin mother of 7 loses her husband to a sudden illness, she faces an emotional and financial crisis. But, she’s Irish and

September, 2014

with the help of a close friend, she rises to the challenge. A charming story with sub titles. All in SCC invited. Bring a friend. If no friends, come meet some. WED. SEP 10 - CHARLES SCHWAB INVESTMENT SERIES - ADVICE AT SCHWAB 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with Ann MacKay, CFP with Charles Schwab and Discover the range of investment help and guidance available through Schwab. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. SEP 10 - NAMI SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce. This support group is for anyone with a friend or loved one who struggles with mental health issues. WED. SEP 10 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Please join Lisa Endick, RN from Nurse on Call Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care.” For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. SEP 11 - CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at 1901 Haverford Ave. Suite 106 (behind South Bay Hospital), Sun City Center. This support group will take place on the 1st Monday and 2nd Thursday of each month. Anyone who has been touched by cancer is invited to attend. This month the guest speaker will be Susan Scherer, CEO of RN CancerGuides and should be especially informative to the nonprofessional care giver. The support group will strive to provide speakers to provide support and information to those who are living with cancer or caring for someone who has cancer. To learn more, please call 813-634-0496 or 813-634-7375. THU. SEP 11 – DESSERT & CARD PARTY AT PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH 12:00 Noon at Conesa Center, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 702 Valley Forge Blvd, Sun City Center. The Council of Catholic Women of Prince of Peace invites anyone who likes to play cards or any board game to make up your own table in advance and come to our dessert & card party. The Dessert & Card Party is the second Thursday of the month, from Noon until 3:30 p.m. in the Conesa Center. Cards, pencils and tallies are furnished. For additional information call 633-2460. THU. SEP 11 – NEUROPATHY SUPPORT GROUP - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, SCC. Are you suffering from pain and numbness in your extremities? Be sure to attend this group. Our speaker this month to be announced. Brice Zoecklein, Esq. of Zoecklein Law PA. Mr. Zoecklein is a graduate of Stetson’s University College of Law where he received his JD and MBA. He currently devotes a significant portion of his practice to estate planning and asset protection. Mr. Zoecklein will be providing a presentation on estate planning and financial planning concerns for people dealing with diseases and long term care obligations. Topics will include advanced care directives, probate, trusts and wills, durable power of attorney forms and an overview of the probate process. All legal questions are welcome. There will be time for a question and answer period subsequent to the presentation. COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING AVAILABLE AT ENTRANCE. For more information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. FRI. SEP 12 - FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES WILL BE SHOWING “ANOTHER PERFECT STRANGER”The doors open at 6:00 and the movie starts at 6:30 at the United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West. Popcorn, cookies, coffee tea and lemonade will be on hand to be enjoyed. A considerate donation will be appreciated. ANOTHER PERFECT STRANGER begins when the daughter, Nikki of the First Perfect Stranger that we showed Continued on Page 7

2014, September The News of Kings Point


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a few months back, is packing to is take a plane to a college that she hopes to attend. She is sitting between two men. The one strikes up a conversation with her and finding her disinterested starts to read. She and the other stranger start to talk. As she talks she suddenly remembers a story that her mother had told her about having dinner with a perfect stranger nearly a decade ago. Could this be the very same stranger? It’s unlikely because this man doesn’t seem old enough to be the same one. But can it be? You will have to come and see for yourself. SUN. SEP 14 - THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Community Hall on 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, FL. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s will be provided by The Reflections. The cost is $5.00 per person, Oldies but Goodies Social Dance Club Members are free. You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. Please contact Sandi by email for more information: MON. SEP 15 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB OF SCC 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. (FREE Valet parking will be available at the entrance). USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center facilitates this meeting. Our speaker this month will be: Dr. Babette Pachence, MD with Tampa General Medical Group who is a graduate of Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons where she received her MD in 1978. She did an internship at Temple University Hospital in Internal Medicine and then completed a residency in Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia Presbyterian, followed by post-graduate work in pathology at UMDNJ Hospital. She became Board certified and from 2001 – 2006 was a private internal medicine

practitioner in Princeton, NJ and an instructor for UMDNJ. Most recently, she practiced at Bradenton Internal Medicine where she covered both Manatee Memorial and Blake hospital. COMPLIMENTARY VALET PARKING AVAILABLE AT ENTRANCE. Come with questions and leave with answers. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. SEP 16 ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. For additional information, contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. SEP 17 - YOUR MONEY MATTERS 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Sponsored by Chris Redhead, CFP®, ChFC®, CFS®, Executive Vice President of Sequoia Financial Group. During these turbulent times many investors are plagued with challenging questions and difficult decisions that may significantly impact their family’s financial future. Join us each month on the third Wednesday as we share prudent strategies that have helped us guide our clients to achieve successful results through uncertain markets. For more info: Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. SEP 17 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP - SPONSORED BY THE SUN CITY CENTER MEN’S CLUB1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. This support group is sponsored by the Sun City Center Men’s Club. Our speaker this month will be Dr. Edwin Detweiler who received his Bachelor

Community Church College

United Community Church (in the Great Hall) 1501 La Jolla Ave. Sun City Center, FL 33573 •813-634-8607

Fall 2014 Semester

Monday, October 13 - Thursday, November 20, 2014

Adult Education Classes. These are non-credit courses with no previous education needed. Classes are open to everyone in the entire community & surrounding areas.


8:30 - 10:00 Qi Gong for Health & Healing 8:30 - 10:00 Avoiding Accidents Keeping Senior Drivers Safe 10:30 - 12:00 Floral Arranging by Joan * (wks 1 to 4) 10:30 - 12:00 Medication Interactions, Marijuana, Medical Insurance, etc. 10:30 - 12:00 Music "FUN" damentals * 10:30 - 12:00 Beginning Sign Language 1:00 - 2:30 Continuing Sign Language



8:30 - 10:00 Acting for Fun and Personal Growth 8:30 - 10:00 Substance Abuse is a Family Disease * 8:30 - 10:00 Interior Design 10:30 - 12:00 Getting What You Want By Understanding Others and Being Understood 10:30 - 12:00 Tampa General Health Series 10:30 - 12:00 Education, Earnings & Inequality 10:30 - 12:00 Getting Oriented: An Introduction to Eastern Religions 10:30 - 12:00 How to Appreciate ART when you're not an Artist 1:00 - 2:30 Android Tablets & Smartphones * 1:00 - 2:30 Should I Copyright or Patent my Idea? 1:00 - 2:30 How to Buy, Sell and Recognize Good Jewelry * 1:00 - 2:30 Economics of Modern Investing 3:00 - 4:30 Sudoku - Understand, Doing and Loving it 3:00 - 4:30 What's So Grand About Opera? 3:00 - 4:30 Advanced Jewelry Buying and Selling * 3:00 - 4:30 Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement

8:30 - 10:00 Intriguing Home Computer Applications * 8:30 - 10:00 "New and Views" 8:30 - 10:00 Manage Your Diabetes * 8:30 - 10:00 Memory Techniques 10:30 - 12:00 More Income…Less Worry 10:30 - 12:00 An Apple a Day 10:30 - 12:00 Making Responsible Life Choices for Senior Living 10:30 - 12:00 Florida History 10:30 - 12:00 Classical Music - Beautiful, Powerful, Inspiring 10:30 - 12:00 American Jazz History * 1:00 - 2:30 Death, Dying and the Afterlife 1:00 - 2:30 Take Better Pictures * 1:00 - 2:30 Health Literacy 1:00 - 2:30 How To Think Better & More Clearly THURSDAY 8:30 - 10:00 The Who, What, Where, When, 3:00 - 4:30 Astrology & Horoscopes Why & How of the Summer Olympics * An Introduction * 10:30 - 12:00 Tax and Estate Planning for 3:00 - 4:30 The Universe: A Cosmic Journey Florida Retirees 3:00 - 4:30 The Zen of Happiness * 10:30 - 12:00 Computer Organization Clean your WINDOWS * 10:30 - 12:00 Music Appreciation What to Listen For! * with full details for the courses & 10:30 - 12:00 Early American History (1600-1790) trips available at college office in the 1:00 - 2:30 iPAD's for Fun and Reading church, SCC Library & around town. 1:00 - 2:30 Dealing With Everyday Stress For information 1:00 - 2:30 Bible 101 (No Experience Needed) Call: 813-634-8607 or 1:00 - 2:30 Probates/Wills/Trusts Email: 3:00 - 4:30 Ancient Rome, The End of the Republic Website:


* Limited enrollment courses do not permit walk-ins unless noted.

of Arts at the Connecticut College and then attended the University of South Florida for postgraduate education. He then went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree and a Doctor of Optometry at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. His professional affiliations include memberships with the American Academy of Optometry and the American Optometric Association. He now practices with The Eye Associates. If you have low vision, then this meeting is for you! FREE Valet Parking available at Sun Terrace Entrance. For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. WED. SEP 17 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 PM, Kings Point main clubhouse, RIPPLE ROOM (across hall from South Social Room.) Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783 or email at acjjr@ WED. SEP 17 - KINGS POINT LINE DANCERS 7:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. During Heart Health Month, your heart will be happy and healthy when you dance with the Kings Point Line Dancers. Red is the color to wear. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB. Please sign in upon arrival. Call Jan for info 634-6226. THU. SEP 18 - MOWW MONTHLY MEETING The luncheon will take place at 11:30 a.m. at the Freedom Plaza Club in Sun City Center. Reservations ($15) can be made by calling 633-6513 and must be made by 6 pm Monday September 8th. Frank Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret), will be the featured speaker. Dr. Kepley’s military and civilian career included 26 years in the USN and 15 years in the Veterans Administration. Eight years were spent as the chief of surgery at the Great Lakes Naval Hospital and 11 years as chief of surgery at the James A. Lovell VA Hospital in Chicago. He then spent 4 years as chief of the oral and maxillofacial

surgery service at the James A. Haley VA Hospital before retiring in 2003. Dr. Kepley will discuss the recent crisis that has engulfed the VA since the negative patient care findings were exposed at the Phoenix Arizona VA hospital. For more information call Frank Kepley at 642-0801. THU. SEP 18 – MEDICARE: COVERING THE “DONUT HOLE” & PREVENTATIVE SERVICES 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. In this meeting we will learn about “Medicare Preventive Services” - This presentation gives an overview of the low or no cost screenings now available to Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries in addition to “Bridging the Gap” which will provide information to beneficiaries about the coverage gap or “doughnut hole” and techniques and tips on how to deal with the coverage gap. Our presenter will be from the SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Program with West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. FRI. SEP 19 - VETERANS HISTORY PROJECT 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. by registration only at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr SCC. The Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Red Cross in partnership with the Veterans History Project, a program of the Library of Congress, is seeking Veterans to participate in this project. The program captures through a video interview, firsthand account of Veterans who served in any branch of the US military in any capacity, from World War I through the present, and are no longer serving are eligible to participate. Civilians who served in support of a US war effort in a professional capacity are also welcome to participate. We recently conducted our first interview Continued on Page 8

Open Registration

Wednesday September 24, 2014 • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Great Hall Regular courses: $25.00 for five 90-minute classes (unless otherwise noted) Walk-Ins & Seminars: $6.00 per class & seminar Trips and Tours: Cost varies according to expenses involved. Payment may be made by cash, check or Credit Card via PayPal (make checks out to Community Church College) Credit Cards may be used to purchase classes/trips via PayPal There is a $1 handling fee charged for each class/trip using PayPal. No refunds unless the course is cancelled!

Early Registration (for unlimited classes only)

online: at • Mid-August thru Registration day. You may use PayPal online to pay for a small number of limited classes, trips and unlimited classes. They will also be available on registration day.

Late Registration

Continues in the College Office Mondays thru Thursdays: 8:30am - Noon September 25th thru October 9th

College Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30 - Noon. During class sessions 8:00 to Noon.

Trips & Tours *(all trips are limited enrollment) Towles Court Arts District

You will find all styles and mediums of art from realism to abstract at Towles Court Artist Community. A colorful collection of “Old Florida” bungalows that house galleries, studios and cafes. Friday, October 17, 2014•Depart 6:00 PM Return to the Church at 10:00 PM•Cost: $18.00

Mt Dora Craft Fair

Throughout this historic community, the streets come alive with more than 350 talented crafters & artists from all over the country displaying and offering for sale their finest works. Saturday, October 25, 2014•Depart 8:00 AM Return to the Church at 4:00 PM•Cost: $21.00

Tour of Asolo Theatre

Step behind the curtain & discover the dynamic artistry & remarkable history of a world beyond the stage! Friday, October 31, 2014•Depart 10:00 AM Return to the Church at 3:00 PM•Cost: $20.00

Miracle on South Division Street

Miracle on South Division Street is the story of the Nowak family, living amidst the urban rubble of Buffalo, NY’s East Side. Includes Buffet. Saturday, November 1, 2014•Depart 10:00 AM Return to the Church at 4:00 PM•Cost: $56.00

Dali Museum

The exhibition “Picasso/Dali, Dali/Picasso” promises to be an international blockbuster for the museum as it will feature rarely loaned works from more than 25 international art museums and private collections worldwide pairing works of these leading artists of our era. Tangerine Lunch after Dali tour. Friday, November 14, 2014•Depart 10:00 AM Return to the Church at 3:00 PM•Cost: $54.00

Florida Orchestra

The multi-talented Grammy Award winner Matt Catigub invites you to a swinging night of big band tunes made famous by Las Vegas’ Rat Pack. Saturday, November 22, 2014•Depart 6:30 PM Return to the Church at 11:00 PM•Cost: $32.00

Christmas in the Park

The Morse Museum helps launch the holiday season in Winter Park when it lights up Tiffany windows in Central Park and presents the Bach Festival Choir and Brass Ensemble in concert. Thursday, December 4, 2014•Depart 1:00 PM Return to the Church at 10:00 PM•Cost:$ 28.00

GIFT CERTIFICATES will be available for purchase on Registration Day September 24, and in the College Office thereafter. Give the gift of fun and learning – one size fits all!! The price for one certificate/course is $25.00, and the recipient can select the course they wish to take. The gift certificate will be valid for one year from date of purchase.


8 Page


The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

From Page 7

with a Vietnam Veterans, and are very excited to capture his personal account and add it to the Library of Congress Collection for all to see. As Teresa Fazio, an Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran stated, “It is important to get every veterans’ story so future generations can learn about military life from first-hand accounts. Our individual experiences may have been different, but when compiled they form a powerful snapshot of history.” If you are a Veteran or know Veterans that would like to share their stories, please call Sun Towers to schedule your interview time at 813634-3347. This recording of history will take place on the 3rd Friday of each month. FRI. SEP 19 WRITING & PUBLISHING SEMINAR 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Penny Fletcher, author of Trial By Fire, as she discusses the ins and outs of the writing and publishing process. Penny has been a reporter, columnist, and Bureau Editor in Hillsborough County for over 35 years. She has worked for Amazon and has published books both traditionally and print on demand. No registration required. FRI. SEP 19 - ACTORS AGAINST ALZHEIMERS PRESENT: “UNFOGETTABLE” 6:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd W. $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Tickets available at the church Mon - Thu 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Fri 8:30 a.m. - noon. Starring Ellen and Brian Kleinschmidt, Mika McGee, Roger Zwieg, Barbara Van Eycken among other favorites. One night only benefit concert for Alzheimer’s - information call 813-789-8271 or ellasings2@gmail. com. SUN. SEP. 21 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 Pebble Beach Blvd. S. Music by Thor Stevens. Members $3, Guests

$5. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Proper dress requested. Info: Janet 633-3558. TUE. SEP 23 - GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR CELL PHONE 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce Banquet Room. Marc Malaj from Verizon will be our presenter. Prior to this seminar, please submit one or two questions back to us here at the chamber for Marc to answer during this session. You may email your question to: or call it in to 813-634-5111. WED. SEP 24 - FAMILY CENTER ON DEAFNESS TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Art Studio at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! FTRI will be at the library to provide free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. The equipment will enable residents to place and receive phone calls. For more information call 813-952-6625. WED. SEP 24 - SOUTHSHORE NEEDLE PEOPLE 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join other needle people to share techniques, tips and experiences about knitting and other fiber and fabric crafts. Beginners and questions are welcome! Stay the entire two hours or as long as you can. Bring a project to work on. THU. SEP. 25 MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members FREE. Visitors $5.00 per person at the door. Live Music by “Rudy Rosa”. Dressy Casual. BYOB & snacks, and we provide the Ice, water, cups & napkins. Singles Table(s) Available. We have a great 2014 Schedule of 12 monthly dances to Live Music! Information: 813-633-1297 OR 813-633-6453. Email

We’ve been together since way back when

FRI. SEP 26 - FREE MEMORY SCREENING 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. provided by Dr. Mary Stedman from Stedman Clinical Trials and Wendy Burkhard, LCSW from Wyndbeach Counseling. How much of my memory have I really lost? Are you interested in Clinical Trials designed to cure Alzheimer’s? Want to learn more about memory loss? Don’t miss this opportunity! For more information, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. SAT. SEP 27 - SPIRITUAL SONGS: THE HISTORY OF THE NEGRO SPIRITUAL 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Spanning the 1600s to the present, Dr. Naima Johnston uses her dynamic voice to present a historical musical lecture that explores the impact of song to build faith, sustain hope and launch movements that spurred a nation to challenge oppression and overcome adversity. No registration required. SUN. SEP 27 - “I AM A CUBAN SANDWICH” PAYS HOMAGE TO YBOR CITY 7:30 p.m. at THE FIREHOUSE CULTURAL CENTER, 1ST Ave. NE at Shell Point Road, Ruskin, FL. See a retelling of Richard DiPietra’s childhood at the Firehouse Cultural Center. This live performance by Richard and Mary Ellen DiPietra called “I am a Cuban Sandwich,” pays homage to Tampa’s historic Ybor City through live music and theater. Not the Ybor of today with its bar scene and late-night revels, but what Ybor was, before time and Interstate 4 cut through the heart of a very special place. DiPietra, a native of Tampa, looks back and blends his fond remembrances with stories to create an honest and touching look into the human experience of growing up - especially growing up in a melting pot that simmers with the smell of Spanish Bean Soup and

g ! n C i t C a in S r b e l Ce Year!

fresh baked Cuban Bread - the kind that has a palm frond in it. DiPietra is quoted by saying ‘So I have Spanish, Cuban and Sicilian descendants in my family … and when people ask my nationality, I get a kick out of telling them I’m a Cuban Sandwich. TICKETS: $12-20. Cash Bar. Reserve your tickets NOW! 813-645-7651. SUN. SEP 28 - “ALL ABOUT CATS” 1:00 4:00 p.m. at THE FIREHOUSE CULTURAL CENTER, 1ST Avenue NE at Shell Point Road, Ruskin, FL. In partnership with Meowser Productions, Firehouse Cultural Center presents “All About Cats.” Throughout history domestic cats have fascinated the world. Join composer, singer, storyteller, and lifelong cat aficionado, Denny Mitchell, for an afternoon of entertainment and music, as you learn about these beautiful, amazing creatures with sight and sound that will have you laughing with surprise. Denny Mitchell, who works for Big Cat Rescue, will answer all questions related to these frolicking felines. South Shore veterinarians, animal hospitals, pet stores and animal rescue/shelters will be participating in a “Cat Expo” to present their services and to answer questions. “All About Cats” TICKETS: $10-$12, Children $5. About the Firehouse. The Firehouse Cultural Center, a non-profit visual and performing cultural center serving the south region of Hillsborough County provides, quality programming in arts and education for all ages. Call 813-645-7651 or visit for more info. SUN. SEP. 28 - SINGLES MINGLE DANCE CLUB OF KINGS POINT 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. at Kings Point Main Clubhouse Studio room. Come and enjoy the music of Thor Stevens. Admission $5.00. BYOB. Ice, water, cups and napkins provided. Attire is dressy/casual (please, no jeans/ shorts) Info: Janet 633-3558.



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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Page 9

Continued from Page 1

produced by Ellen Kleinschmidt and directed by Donn Keith. All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association which will fuel their mission-related initiatives of care, support and research in hopes of changing the course of this devastating disease by finding methods of prevention, treatment and ultimately a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. For further information about the show, to donate or to join Team Actors Against Alzheimer’s, contact Ellen Kleinschmidt ( or call her at 813.789.8271.

Photo by Teri Council Talented young singer and actor, Alex Council, will delight once again take to the stage in “UNFORGETTABLE.”

Photo by Brian Kleinschmidt Fresh off a run as Tarzan in the Manatee Players production of the Broadway musical “Tarzan” is Brian Kleinschmidt, who will be making a special appearance in “UNFORGETTABLE”, a musical walk down memory lane.”

Photo by Jay Filter Singer and Actress, Ellen Kleinschmidt, is headlining an amazing cast of singers and dancers.

Photo by Ed Brown Ed Brown and Jeanne Naish, appearing as George Burns and Gracie, will share some humorous words of wisdom.


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10 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

Adult Floridians Concerned About Care for Aging Parents, New Survey Shows

Special Submission A clear majority of Florida adults are deeply concerned about their ability to help aging parents face the increasing challenges of agerelated decline, according to a newly released statewide poll. Leaders of Florida’s long term care profession said the findings underscore the need for Florida’s next governor to ensure that a range of service options is in place to help the state’s large and growing aging population. “As Florida begins to feel the impact of aging Baby Boomers, it’s important we identify the needs and concerns of those who will be responsible for their care,” said Joe Mitchell, president of FHCA. “Many adult Floridians will soon be taking on greater responsibilities for their parents’ care. Fortunately, Florida is a national leader in providing quality care for the elderly, with a wide range of care options that are among the best anywhere.” Almost one in three Florida skilled nursing facilities were included in U.S. News & World Report’s recent “Best in Nursing Homes” list. In other surveys, 91 percent of Florida skilled nursing facility residents describe their overall satisfaction level as “excellent” or “good,” and

the same percentage say they would recommend their long term care facility to others. The Mason-Dixon poll shows clearly that as they consider the potential challenges of aging parents and an aging population, most Floridians are nervous about their ability to help meet parents’ needs, apprehensive about the strain those needs might place on their own lives and families, and anxious for Florida to provide enough options as their parents advance in age. According to the poll: Almost three out of five adults (58 percent) say they are concerned about their ability to care for the physical health of an aging parent. More than two-thirds (67 percent) are concerned about their ability to care for the diminishing mental capabilities of an aging parent. Almost half (48 percent) are concerned that the needs of a parent will place a financial strain in their own lives. More than two-thirds (67 percent) are concerned that their parents’ needs will create an emotional strain in their own lives. Only about one-third are very confident of their ability to personally meet the needs

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Replace Old Drafty Windows & Cut Energy Bills With Special “No Cost Now Program" Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

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of an aging parent, whether that parent remained in his or her own home (33 percent) or moved into the adult child’s home (35 percent). “These survey results provide our first detailed look at the thinking of Floridians who will soon be faced with the challenge of caring for aging parents,” said Tom Groesbeck, a member of FHCA’s Executive Committee. “By understanding their concerns, we can help shape care options that best meet the needs of aging Floridians for years to come.” The poll offers insights into the attitudes of the so-called “sandwich” generation, working-age adults who have children of their own but also must help with the care of their own parents. The survey found that more than one in three adult Floridians (36 percent) who have family members in assisted living also have children under the age of 18, creating added stress to deal with two generations that require additional time and care to meet their needs. The survey results also indicate that an overwhelming majority of Floridians (93 percent) consider it important for Florida to have a strong system of assisted living facilities and skilled nursing facilities to meet

the state’s growing long term care demands. Additionally, 71 percent said they would be very supportive if a parent who needs daily medical and living care makes the decision to live in a skilled nursing or assisted living community. “Those of us in the long term care profession are grateful for the support provided for Florida’s elders over the years by governors and legislators,” said Emmett Read, FHCA executive director. “As seniors grow to be one-fourth of our state’s population, it will be especially important for our next leaders to recognize the challenges and meet the needs of this large and important group of individuals.”

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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Page 11

Community Cats Need Your Help

Feline Folks has not yet said “Welcome Back” to many of our loyal community cat feeders. If you are an animal lover and can help even one day a month, Feline Folks would love to talk to you. We feed the cats daily. Food, training and support are provided. Any day that works for you will work for the cats. If you would like to take a test ride to learn more about the process, contact us at: 813-5457611 or or by email at

Please DO NOT Feed the Cats Around the North Club House

The cats are well fed every morning by FELINE FOLKS. Our food has ingredients to treat for fleas & worms. Food that does not contain these ingredients may put the cats in danger of contracting these issues and that could lead to them being captured and euthanized. We would love to tell you more about this and about an opportunity to help us care for the cats. Sincere “Head Bumps” from the cats

Clover is a petite Sheltie/Terrier mix with a beautiful brindle and white coat. She was abandoned near the Apollo Beach area but was scooped up by guardian angel. Clover is still adjusting to shelter life and is a little timid when you first meet her. With time and patience she can be your best friend. Clover would do best in a home with no children and is hoping you will come to see if she is the gal for you. As part of her adoption Clover will be spayed, micro chipped and current on her vaccinations. DOB: August 12, 2012.

Concetta was found in a container in the shelter’s parking lot in September of 2013. She is quiet, but playful when the other cats and kittens get rambunctious. She loves to nap on the bed on the lanai, watching the squirrels and birds that frequent the back yard. She’s a little standoffish at first, but will be happy to have a home to call her own. Please give her that forever home. As part of her adoption Concetta will be microchipped. She is current on her vaccinations and has been spayed. EST. DOB: September 2, 2012.

C.A.R.E. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (59-3678003) registered with the FL Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services, No. CH-14526. The shelter is funded solely through donations, adoptions, spay/neuter fees, fundraisers, and small grants. For more information, volunteer opportunities or donations, please visit our website ( or give us a call 813-645-2273. We are very grateful for your support. C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit or call 813-645-2273.

Entertainment Corner

Hi! By the time you receive this edition of The News, you should have received your renewal notification for the Sunday and/ or Friday series of shows. If you have not, please call me ASAP. And if you would like a copy of this year’s brochure, they are available at the Community Association Office, Community Hall Lobby, Atrium-Kiosk, & Kings Point North & South Clubhouse lobbies. See you soon! Judy Schings 813-642-2001 Sunday series shows are Tribute to John Denver (Nov. 16); Heralds of Harmony Holiday Show (plus The Liberty Voices) (Dec. 7); Hotel California (Eagles Tribute) (Jan. 18); A Valentine’s Date with Klassica (Feb. 15), and Motown Magic (March 8). Friday series dance/shows are Rafael & Co. (Nov. 7); The HubCaps (Jan. 23); Rocky & the Rollers (Feb. 27); & Orlando Transit Authority-A Chicago Tribute-with Rock this Town Band (March 13). And, of course, the Showcase on Wednesday, Jan. 28 (free to series customers). Cost of each series per person: $75.00. Series tickets for new customers go on sale Oct. 13. Individual tickets go on sale Nov. 3. REMINDER: ALL ticket sales will take place at the Community Hall Lobby through Dec. 31. Good news for you Opera buffs. St. Petersburg Opera Co. will return. Opera Idol 2 (Nov. 23); Figaro, Figaro, Figaro: Preview to the Barber of Seville (Jan. 25); and Opera Therapy: Exploring Characters that Really Need Help (March 15). Ticket sales begin Monday, Nov. 3.

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12 Page

The News of Kings Point


Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge member, Henry Schultz, recently celebrated his 90th birthday at the bridge table where he is a regular player. Henry moved from Hoboken, N.J., to Brandon 28 years ago and from Brandon to Parrish three years ago. He began playing the game of bridge about 10 years ago, the last several years as a member of the Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association. A happy 90th birthday cake was enjoyed by all present. We wish Henry many more years of enjoyment playing bridge here in Sun City Center. In the photo Henry Schultz being congratulated by Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association Manager, Ron Golik.

SouthShore Library September Events

Wednesday, September 3 MASTER GARDENER: BEES 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Master Gardener Nancy Ham as she discusses the basics of bee keeping as a hobby as well as other ways home owners can have a positive impact on the bee populations. No registration required. Friday, September 5 COOKING WITH WINE 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Chef Warren as he explains the benefits and addresses the misconceptions about cooking with wine. He will discuss what kind of wine to cook with and the drawbacks to cooking with wine. The presentation culminates with a 10 minute cooking demonstration and food tasting. No registration required. Friday, September 19 WRITING & PUBLISHING SEMINAR 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! Join Penny Fletcher, author of Trial By Fire, as she discusses the ins and outs of the writing and publishing process. Penny has been a reporter, columnist, and Bureau Editor in Hillsborough County for over 35 years. She has worked for Amazon and has published books both traditionally and print on demand. No registration required. Wednesday, September 24 FAMILY CENTER ON DEAFNESS TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Art Studio at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! FTRI will be at the library to provides free specialized equipment and training to qualified Florida residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. The equipment will enable residents to place and receive phone calls. For more information call 813-952-6625. Saturday, September 27 SPIRITUAL SONGS: THE HISTORY OF THE NEGRO SPIRITUAL 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE EVENT! This musical adventure uses powerful storytelling, historical facts and vocal performance to trace the creation and development of the Negro Spiritual as a distinct American Art Form. Spanning the 1600s to the present, Dr. Naima Johnston-Bush uses her dynamic voice to present a historical musical lecture that explores the impact of song to build faith, sustain hope and launch movements that spurred a nation to challenge oppression and overcome adversity. No registration required.

September, 2014

SCC Duplicate Bridge Invites You

L to R: Pat Rippel, Sue Batt, Ronda O’Farrell and Marian Howarth. Missing from the picture is Kathy Smith.

On Monday, October 6th at 9:00 a.m., Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association will be hosting a “Meet and Greet” event. We would like you to meet our teachers and learn about the fall classes being offered this year. Meeting place will be in the Horizon Room located in the atrium and refreshments will be served. Enjoy a free lesson “10 Pearls of Wisdom” - special hints to improve your bidding, play and defense. Meet Pat Rippel: Pat will be teaching Play of the Hand. A Silver Life Master, Professional educator and an accredited bridge teacher for many years. Pat also teaches on cruise ships, is a bridge director and previous director of bridge education for the Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association. When Pat was at the 300-point level in bridge, she was a North American Pairs winner in her Unit winning an All-Expense paid trip to Dallas for the Nationals. Meet Marian Howarth: Marian will be teaching Opening Leads Against NT. She is a member of ABTA, American Bridge Teachers Association, Master Teacher, Director and Gold Life Master. Marian also teaches on cruise ships in addition to teaching and directing in Sun City Center, the Community Church College and Freedom Plaza. Marian was recently appointed director of bridge education for the Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association. Meet Ronda O’Farrell: ABTA member, Ronda will be teaching six different workshops, some for intermediate and advanced intermediate players. Topics that she will be teaching include transfers, negative doubles, takeout doubles and signaling. An accredited teacher for seven years Ronda also teaches on cruise ships, is a Gold Life Master, bridge director and also a previous director of bridge education here in Sun City Center. Ronda won a National event in 2007 for the most Silver Points. Meet Kathy Smith: ABTA member, Kathy presents EasyBridge!, is a Life Master, an accredited teacher and directs bridge for the Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association. Meet Sue Batt: Sue presents EasyBridge!, is a bridge director, recent Life Master and is the elected President of the Sun City Center duplicate Bridge Association. For info click www.

You’ve Never Had So Much Fun While Challenging Your Mind

We’re all living longer and we want to be healthy. We know that our brain processing power slows down as we age. But recent research has shown that our brains can continue to develop at any age. This has revolutionized our thinking about aging and has emphasized the importance of growth and learning at all ages. We want to stay both physically and mentally active. Bridge has been proven to increase memory and concentration skills, as well as help to develop improved logic and judgment. But we want to have fun too! Through bridge you can meet new friends. You can go to social activities such as potlucks, happy hour, and dinners out. The Sun City Center Bridge Association is offering four FREE Easybridge! lessons to introduce you to this great pastime. The lessons are for beginners and for people returning to bridge after some years. The lessons are also for social players who want to learn the modern methods of bidding. The four FREE lessons start on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 8:30-11:00 AM in the Horizon Room in the Atrium Building at 947 North Course Lane, off Pebble Beach N. in Sun City Center. Come yourself or come with a partner. Parking is free and refreshments will be served. You’ll play a game the first day. You’ll have so much fun that you won’t remember this is good for you. For more information, call Kathy Smith at 813 480-3368. Or just show up on October 15 – but come early. The word is out that we have a lot of fun!

2014, September The News of Kings Point

Page 13

Golf Scores - Hogans Golf Club Of Sun City Center & Kings Point

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms Play: H-Skins 1st: Rich Lucidi, Ruben Jones, & Hank Smythe - Tied at 2 Skins 2nd: Bob Wright, Joe DeFelice, Paul Swakow, and Reggie Ryan - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Paul Swakow - 60 Low-gross: Paul Swakow - 76 Birds: Ruben Jones - #5 Par 3 and #13 Par 5; Bob Wright - #9 Par 4; & Joe DeFelice - #3 Par 4

3rd: Ray Bui - 1 Skin Low-net: Don Koester 52 Low-gross: Ray Bui - 66 Birds: Ray Bui - #1 Par 4, #5 Par 4, & #14 Par 4; Gary Marchman #3 Par 4 & #8 Par 3; & Charlie Brown - #4 Par 3 & #9 Par 4

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms Play: A-Skins 1st: Ruben Jones - 3 Skins 2nd: Paul Swakow - 2 Skins 3rd: Don Mowry - 1 Skin Low-net: Ruben Jones - 65 Low-gross: Paul Swakow - 81 Birds: Ruben Jones - #2 Par 4 and Paul Swakow - #3 Par 4

Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms Play: A-Skins 1st: Frank Rovnanik - 4 Skins 2nd: Ray Webb - 3 Skins 3rd: Paul Swakow - 2 Skins 4th Place: Don Mowry - 1 Skin Low-net: Don Mowry and Paul Swakow - Tied at 70 Low-gross: Paul Swakow - 84 Birds: Don Mowry - #5 Par 3

Membership is required to play with the Hogans. Please contact us if you are interested in membership in the Hogans at: The Club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point and Associated residents and their guests. Submitted by: Pam Jones Email: Phone: 813-419-4376.

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to:

Standing L to R: Ruben Jones, Bob Wright, Rich Lucidi, & Joe DeFelice. Seated L to R: Hank Smythe, Reggie Ryan, and Paul Swakow.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st: Charlie Brown - 3 Skins 2nd: Don Koester and Gary Marchman - Tied at 2 Skins

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Standing: Ruben Jones. Seated L to R: Don Mowry and Paul Swakow.

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14 Page

The News of Kings Point

German-American Singers Re-start Rehearsals

The singers of the SCC German-American Club will begin their weekly rehearsals on Tuesday, September 2nd at 6:00 pm in the music room of Redeemer Lutheran Church on Valley Forge Blvd. This group of men and women will begin preparing songs in German and English, under the able direction of Mr. Lynn Hirschfeld and accompanist, Ms. Claire Hadley. Singers from Kings Point and Sun City Center are encouraged to stop by and listen in (or join in) to see if this friendly, talented group is of interest. For any questions concerning this group, please call either Judy Quitsch at 642-0157 or Margot Gunther at 633-0446.

Yodel-Ay-Ee-Oooo! Mark Your Calendars!

It’s time to start planning ahead. The SCC Women’s Chorus will begin rehearsals for their holiday concert on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at 9 AM. Rehearsals will be held every Tuesday from 9 to 11 AM at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, main sanctuary, located at 1239 Del Webb Blvd W in SCC. If you love to sing, have had previous choral experience or want to begin a new chapter in your life, please come and join us. The chorus is open to every lady in the surrounding South Shore area, so tell your friends! Our concert will be held on Sunday, November 30, 2014 at St. Andrew’s and we are so grateful for the use of their beautiful facilities. So come join us for some great music, good times and the joy of song. If you have questions, please contact our President, Janet Cardulla at 634-6692 or Barbara Brtva, Membership at 633-9028. You might want to come a bit early on September 9, especially if you will be a new member as we will be collecting some information and dues. We look forward to seeing all you new and returning songbirds!

September, 2014

Scandinavian Club News

The Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center is a CA-affiliated club with some 70 members descending from or related to Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. We come together at monthly meetings during October through May to explore and celebrate the culture and history, food and artistry that make that part of the world unique. Past meeting programs have been Travelogues from the five Nordic countries, visits to IKEA with lunch, Show & Tell of Nordic mementos and traditional folk costumes, and a Scandinavian Christmas dinner with musical entertainment at the Club Renaissance in SCC. The first club meeting of the 2014-2015 season will be held on Wednesday 22 October 2014 at 2:30 PM in the Florida Room in the CA Atrium Building on the central campus. If you are interested in a membership and would like to hear more about the Club please contact the President Fritz Brinck at 813.260.3422. Our website site/scandiscc/ provides details about the Club and programs.

KPAL Artist of the Month

Moonglow Dance Club

Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “Rudy Rosa” at their monthly dance on Thursday September 25th from 7:309:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center.The attire at Moonglow Dances is Dressy Casual. Members are FREE, and Visitors/Guests pay $5.00 per person at the door. Singles Table(s) are always available. Please BYOB and Snacks, and the Club will provide Ice, water, cups and napkins. The Moonglow 2014 Schedule of year-round monthly dances has a great lineup of talented Entertainers booked for your dancing and/ or listening to Live Music. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends & neighbors to join you at a Moonglow Dance? If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember that we are not “Dancing With the Stars”. We each do what our bodies allow us to do in time to the music. For more Information call 813-633-1297 OR 813633-6453, or if you would like to receive Moonglow Information by email, contact

Dorothy McNerney was born and raised in New York City, and graduated from the school of Industrial arts. She moved to Kings Point in 2001. Dorothy has 4 children, and has been married 62 years to (the love of her life) Richard McNerney. She has always enjoyed art in any form, as evidenced by the very creative and innovative projects she is known for during the Wednesday morning ‘Open Studio’ in the Art Room. She invents and tries all kinds of projects using various mediums, the result being some very ‘one of a kind’ pieces. Be sure to stop by during the month of September to admire some of these many techniques!

2014, September The News of Kings Point

The Phoenix Art Group 2014

September/October the Art Club in Sun City Center will feature the Phoenix Art Group in it’s Art Gallery Exhibit. The Phoenix Group traditionally exhibits for two months. This year they will feature two different exhibits. During September the members will feature two of their chosen works of art for display, then change the display to an all black and white exhibit for the month of October. The September exhibit will have it’s opening on Wednesday, September 3rd, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM in the Art Room Gallery. This display will be up through September 29th. The black and white show will begin on Wednesday, October 1, with an open house from 1:00 PM to 3:00PM. Refreshment will be served at both open houses. In 1978 and 1979 some Sun City Center Art Club members regularly painted together in the Art Room on Thursday afternoons. Discussion among them led to the idea of becoming a “group” to share experiences and uphold certain standards for presentation of their work. They were formed as the“Paleteers.” The Palateers disbanded in 1993 due to some controversy. In March of 1994, The Phoenix roses out of the flames of controversy and reformed with the name “The Phoenix.” The Phoenix carries on the same fine tradition of high standards. It’s consists of highly qualified artists and those who have been very active in the Art Club. They all have the best regards for Art Club in Sun City Center, and they all are members of the SCC artist club. The Phoenix is limited to 20 members due to their meeting in member’s homes once a month. New members are added by invitation only. Current members are: Jean Beardsley, Theresa Buck, Nancy Cooper, Jeanne Danek, Shirley Engle, Audrey Erickson, Robi Jackson, Claire Jacobs, Ellen Klein, Virginia Laudano, Kristine Littrell, Marsha Lucidi, Bev Majewski, Dolores Phelps, Dee Sleziak, Mel Solochek, Mary Underwood, Carole Wehrle, Jeanie Will, and Barbara Wurth. Both Shirley Engle and Audrey Erickson were charter members.

The Oldies but Goodies Social Dance Club Invites You to Come Dance With Them!

When: Sunday, September 14, 2014 7:00 pm to 10:00 PM. Where: Community Hall 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, The Reflections will provide FL. Music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. The cost is $5.00 per person, Oldies but Goodies Social Dance Club Members are free.You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. Please contact Sandi at the following email address for more information

Members Attend DAR National Conference Submitted by Jo Prater

Several members of the Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter of DAR in Sun City Center, Florida attended the National DAR Continental Congress in Washington DC. The gathering is attended by members of Chapters all over the world, and is a celebration of women, education & patriotism. One of the speakers was Admiral Michelle Howard, the first female 4 Star Admiral in Navy History.

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NOKP Monthly News Release 10.12.2014 British Connection Movie “HOT FUZZ” Event

The British Connection invites you for the viewing of “Hot Fuzz”, a 2007 action comedy film set in England, hugely entertaining with lots of details and clues, fast paced and outrageous. Simon Pegg is an overly aggressive policeman who has a bumbling partner. He has been transferred to a quiet village, or so it appears. Showing on Sunday, October 12th, 2014, in the Florida Room, Atrium Bldg., from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. A Wine and Cheese Reception will follow. BYOB if desired; nonalcoholic beverages, popcorn, and setups will be provided. Cost to Members-$3.00 and for Non Members-$5.00. RSVP deadline is Tuesday, October 7th to Heather Holmes, call 813-634-5353. Checks should be payable to: The British Connection, 305 Caloosa Palm Ct, Sun City Center, FL 33573. NOTE: Parking available on Cherry Hills Drive and nearby area.

Community Church College Sponsors a Panel discussion on


Wednesday, September 17, 2014, at 1:30 p.m. In the Great Hall at the United Community Church 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center, FL TOPICS: 1. Should we have open borders; and, if not, what should be done to protect them? 2. Why are thousands of children being bused to the U.S.? What is happening to them, and what should be done about them? 3. What are the economic ramifications of illegal immigration? 4. Should anyone illegally in the U.S. get amnesty; and, if so, under what conditions? The Panel discussion will be followed by written questions from the audience.

The moderator for the program is Bill Hodges. He is president of Hodges Seminars International, a management and communications consulting firm. Bill interviews government officials on the TV show “Spot Light on Government” and writes the syndicated column “Positive Talk” which is carried in the Observer. Bill devotes much of his Bill Hodges time conducting seminars and training groups in communications. The panelists, Philip Coates, Robert L. Mills, Frank Gomez and Frank Slesnick are instructors at the Community Church College. They are all knowledgeable about and deeply interested in America's public policy on immigration. The opinions of the panelists do not necessarily represent the positions of the Community Church College or the United Community Church.

L to R: Mary McIntyre, Regent - Carol Acosta, Historian - Fran Eilert, Corresponding Secretary.


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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

Personalized Memory Care Kings Point Mixed Chorus Resumes Rehearsals Submitted by Stephanie Casey

WHO: Kings Point Mixed Chorus WHAT: 2014 Fall Season WHEN: Monday, September 8, 1:30PM WHERE: Kings Point Borini Theater stage WHY: Preparation for December 17th. Holiday Concert HOW: Sign up. Pay dues $10:00 per season. Sing After a summer hiatus, the Kings Point Mixed Chorus is kicking off the new season on Monday, September 8th., at 1:30PM in the Borini Theater of Kings Point. It would be a pleasure to welcome some new people and add some new voices, Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. The chorus is open to all Southshore residents, Snow Birds included. Tryouts are not required. A love of singing is all you need to join in the fun. If you do not live in Kings Point, just tell the gate you are going to Chorus. We meet every Monday afternoon at Kings Point. Sign in begins at 1:30PM. Singing is from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Dues are $10:00 per season, Fall and Spring, and help cover concert and music expenses. We perform two concerts a year. Our Holiday Concert is scheduled for Wednesday, December 17th., in the KP Borini Theater. We invite you to be a part of our sixty to seventy voice chorus, under the direction of Charles Wirick, accompanied by Ruth Hewitt. We look forward to seeing some new faces on September 8th. For more information, please contact Rose at 813-633-1753, or Al at 319-481-7869.

Artist of the Month

Ken Fallender, Artist of the Month for September, first joined the Art Club in Sun City Center when he accompanied his brother, Bruce, to the Spring Luncheon. His conclusion was that such great cooks must be equally accomplished artists. Classes with Virginia Laudano, MaryAnn Tucci of the Treasure Island Art Guild, and his brother led to some completed works, but any ribbon awards are due to the superb efforts of Bruce whose framing skills add dramatic dimensions to the works so that we may call them art.

Art Club Murder Mystery Dinner

The Art Club in Sun City Center will be having its first Murder Mystery Dinner on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at the Community Hall on the South Campus, starting at 5:30 PM. Join us for Pasta, Passion and Pistols. There will be a performance by the Pelican Players involving the audience. A 30’s speakeasy restaurant is the scene as murder is in the air. You may be the person to solve this “who-dun-it.” Costumes are not required, suggested. There will be prizes for the best costume and murder solutions. The menu is: Caesar salad, chicken parmesan, pasta, desserts, coffee and tea. BYOB. Tickets go on sale Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 AM to noon in the South Community Hall lobby, beginning September 3rd. Bring your friends. Tables will seat 10. Reserve your table now. $30.00 per person. See you there. For additional information, call Marsha Lucidi at 813-938-5100.

Italian Club Columbus Day Dinner Dance Submitted by Annette Macdonald, Publicity

The Italian Club will hold its Columbus Day Dinner Dance on Monday, October 13, 2014 at the Kings Point Borini Theater. The doors will open at 4:30 PM and the Banquet Masters Buffet will begin at 6 PM. The menu will consist of Spinach Lasagna, Onion Crusted Salmon and Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions. The entertainer will be Jack Brown. Members $21 and guests $23. Please make checks payable to The Italian Club and tables of 8, kindly keep your checks together. Tickets will be sold at the Kings Point main clubhouse on September 30 and October 1stfrom 9 AM till 12 Noon. Please note: This is a dinner dance; therefore the dress code is “elegant casual”. No shorts please!! The dates for all our future affairs are as follows: November 10th (to be announced), December 12th (Christmas D/D), January 13th (Pastry Party), February 13th (Carnival D/D), March 10th (Election Night, members only), April 14th (Sandwich Night) and May 12th (Pizza Night). For further information, please contact President Gerry Barba at 813-633-5589.

Kings Point Dance Club Schedule

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Submitted by Judy Fenwick

Kings Point Dance Schedule for 2014 - 2015. Playing for your listening and dancing enjoyment. October 21, 2014........Brian Ashley November 18, 2014....Bobby Remp December 16, 2014....Thor Stevens January 20, 2015........Mario DeLeon February 10, 2015.......Bobby Remp (Dinner for current members only) March 2, 2015.............Mellotones April 21, 2015...............Thor Stevens Kings Point Dance Club invites Kings Point and Sun City Center members and guests to monthly dances. Dances are from 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. in the Borini Theater, located in the Kings Point North Clubhouse. Doors open at 7:00 P.M. for check in. Guests are $10 per couple. BYOB and snacks. Ice, water, cups and napkins will be provided. Proper dress is tie and jacket for men, dress or dressy pants for women. For guests and non-member reservations or more information, call Judy at 813-938-3187.

ALF License Pending

2014, September The News of Kings Point

South Bay Hospital Starting Cancer Support Group

Page 17

Art League Sale

South Bay Hospital is starting a support group for any person who is undergoing treatment for cancer. Group will focus on coping with cancer diagnosis and treatment for both cancer patients and non-professional caregivers. All whose lives have been touched by cancer are invited to attend. The first meeting was August 14th, 2014 at 9:30 AM. The group will meet twice a month on the first Monday and second Thursday at 9:30 AM. All meetings will take place in South Bay Hospital’s Medical Auditorium, 1901 Haverford Ave, Suite 106, Sun City Center, FL. If you are interested in attending the new cancer support group, please call 813-634-0496 for more information. For more information about South Bay Hospital, please call 813-634-0496.

September Meeting Announcement

November Ballot Amendments Discussions Meeting Planned The South Shore Democratic Club will host a discussion of two amendments on the November ballot at its next meeting, Thursday, Sept. 11, at the South Shore Regional Library. Refreshments are served at 1 p.m. and the meeting begins at 1:30. The Water and Land Conservation Amendment #1 and Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions Amendment #2 will be discussed. In addition, as the meeting follows on the Aug. 26 primary election, local candidates are expected to attend. All Democrats and like-minded individuals are invited to attend.Please visit www.southshoredemocraticclub. org as well as Facebook for more information.

“I am a Cuban Sandwich” at Firehouse Cultural Center

On Saturday, September 27, 7:30 PM see a retelling of Richard DiPietra’s childhood at the Firehouse Cultural Center. This live performance by Richard and Mary Ellen DiPietra called “I am a Cuban Sandwich,” pays homage to Tampa’s historic Ybor City through live music and theater. Not the Ybor of today with its bar scene and late-night revels, but what Ybor was, before time and Interstate 4 cut through the heart of a very special place. DiPietra, a native of Tampa, looks back and blends his fond remembrances with stories to create an honest and touching look into the human experience of growing up - especially growing up in a melting pot that simmers with the smell of Spanish Bean Soup and fresh baked Cuban Bread - the kind that has a palm frond in it. DiPietra is quoted by saying ‘So I have Spanish, Cuban and Sicilian descendants in my family … and when people ask my nationality, I get a kick out of telling them I’m a Cuban Sandwich.’“I am a Cuban Sandwich” TICKETS: $12-20. Cash Bar. Reserve your tickets NOW! 813645-7651. “All About Cats” Sunday, September 28- 1PM On Sunday, September 28, 1:00-4:00 PM, in partnership with Meowser Productions, Firehouse Cultural Center presents “All About Cats.” Throughout history domestic cats have fascinated the world. Join composer, singer, storyteller, and lifelong cat aficionado, Denny Mitchell, for an afternoon of entertainment and music, as you learn about these beautiful, amazing creatures with sight and sound that will have you laughing with surprise. Denny Mitchell, who works for Big Cat Rescue, will answer all questions related to these frolicking felines. South Shore veterinarians, animal hospitals, pet stores and animal rescue/shelters will be participating in a “Cat Expo” to present their services and to answer questions. “All About Cats” TICKETS: $10-$12, Children $5. About the Firehouse. The Firehouse Cultural Center, a non-profit visual and performing cultural center serving the south region of Hillsborough County provides, quality programming in arts and education for all ages. FCC programs encourage participation, engagement, discovery and learning while offering connections to our unique history, culture and natural environment.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

The Art Room has undergone renovations and during the first month of reopening, the Art League will have a sale of Ted Daubresse’s artwork. Ted passed away on June 15 and was very well known for his miniature paintings and his wonderful dry sense of humor. Ted’s family has given the Art League 200 pieces of his artwork to be sold to benefit the Art League’s mission throughout the greater community. The sale will begin on September 21st and continue through October 3rd. On September 26th there will be Fall Expo with many exciting events, and this will provide the Art League with an opportunity to sell to the greater Sun City Community. The Sale will be held in the Art Room in the North Clubhouse at Kings Point.We welcome you to stop by and see what humor in art can do for the soul.

Dance Classes In September, 2014

Tuesday, September (2,9,16,23,30) - Social Dance Class Beginning - Tango - 5:30 PM Intermediate - Fox Trot- 6:45 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Polka & Polka Waltz - 8:00 PM Wednesday, September (3,10,17,24) - Social Dance Class Beginning - Rumba - 12:45 PM Intermediate - Tango - 2:00 PM Beginning/Intermediate - Merengue - 3:15 PM Taught by Bernice Dubro and Tom Giannina. Call to register: 634-3205 or email

Jazz Jazz Jazz

It’s been a typical WARM summer here in Kings Point and the snowbirdswill soon be flying back. Things have been a little quiet aroundKings Point except on the third Friday of each month when the RippleRoom of the KPNC comes alive with jazz. Come on in and give a listen on Friday, September 19th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.For more information contact:Bill Ferron 813-938-3571 or email

Nearly New Shop Has New Hours By Jay Sparkman

The Nearly New Shop, located in the rear of the Sun City Center Plaza, will resume opening on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Wednesday, September 3rd. The sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop allows the Sun City Center Interfaith Council to provide grants and scholarships in South Hillsborough County. Donated goods may be taken to the NNS on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 8 AM and 3:30 PM. For information about donations please call 642-9099.

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

Kings Point Line Dancers

During Heart Health Month, your heart will be happy and healthy when you dance with the Kings Point Line Dancers onWednesday, Sept 17, 7 PM, in the Borini Theatre. Red is the color to wear. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB. Please sign in upon arrival. Call Jan for info 813-634-6226.

The Academy Of Ballroom Dance

SATURDAY, September 6, 2014 - 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, attire dressy casual, BYOB, everyone welcome, singles table available. At6:30 before the dance, Bernice DuBro will be teaching a MAMBO lesson. Members free, guests $6.00, which includes the lesson. Music by Bernice DuBro. Call Jean Kostka at (813) 634-1235 or Charlie Brown at (813) 642-9817at

Purple Butterflies Strut

The Purple Butterflies put on a style show with clothes from The Rose Boutique and Bon Worth. After a luncheon consisting of soup and a variety of sandwiches, prepared by Mary Stewart, the Butterflies “flitted” around the room showing off their various outfits. The variety of outfits was outstanding and the gals in the audience had a good time watching their “sisters” strut their stuff.

Sun Towers Donates to Security Patrol

Computer Club News

Virginia Watson, manager of the Sun Towers Country Store and an 11-year resident of Sun Towers, presents a $1,000 donation to Bob Powers, SCC Security Patrol chief. The store also gave $1,000 to LifePath Hospice, $1,000 to the Samaritan Services and $3,500 to the SCC Emergency Squad from sales proceeds. Photo taken by: Jim Detrick

Windows 8/8.1 Workshop Your choice of September 11 or September 19. 9:00 AM – 12 NOON In the Computer Club Classroom. Tuition $10 (members) $15 (nonmembers) payable upon registration. Learn to Tune Your Own PC Your choice of September 23 or September 24. 9:00 AM – 12 NOON In the Computer Club Classroom. $30 includes CD – Payable upon registration. This workshop is for Computer Club Members Only. Laptop Running Slow? Very long boot times? Tired of waiting for web pages to come up? Here’s your chance to learn to tune your own laptop! Experienced members of the Computer Club will teach you how to remove spyware, viruses, browser add-ons, bad registry entries, junk files and other software that slows down your system. You can get your computer to run faster at the workshop and receive a CD so that you can do your own tune ups at home. Limited to six people, so signup early. Bring your Laptop and come a few minutes early to set up your laptop. No one admitted after 9:00 AM. Sign up in the Computer Lab Monday through Saturday 12:30 to 5:00 PM.

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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

The Security Patrol has planned another baseball outing. Tickets for the Rays vs. Yankees baseball game on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. Section 134 baseline seats are $20/ea. with bus transportation at $15/ea. Tickets can be purchased at the Patrol Office at 1005 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. from Barbara Lewis, Betsy Burns, or Bob Powers M-F, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. So, if you are a baseball fan, this will be your last chance to see Derrick Jeter , and a great chance for Rays fans to see them beat the Yankees! Deadline for ticket sales is September 8th, so get your tickets early and reserve a seat on the bus too. For more information, please contact the Patrol Office 642-2020.

Page 19

Sellers Sought For Senior Sellers Sale

Want to sell “stuff” you no longer can use? Sun City Center area residents will have an opportunity to rent a table at a Senior Sellers Sale at the SCC Chamber of Commerce meeting room on October 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nell and Jim Taze, who have volunteered as the organizing team, said the Chamber is providing the space for this public event as a community service. Chamber CEO Dana Dittmar and Debbie Caneen, Board of Directors Chair, are assisting them in an advisory role. Because space is limited, only 26 tables (10 ft. long) will be available for $20 each This is not a fundraiser, although any net proceeds after expenses of advertising, signs, cleanup, etc. will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. Two sellers can share a table if they wish. Professional buyers and collectors from surrounding areas will be invited to attend.Nell Taze is excited about the event. “Most of us have collectibles, etc. sitting around the house or garage that we have treasured over the years. Our children don’t want them and we have limited display or storage space. This is an opportunity to sell them to others,” she said. Please direct inquiries about table reservations and further details to the Tazes at 813-505-7080.

Country Store Donates to the Emergency Squad

The volunteers at the Country Store of Sun Towers made a generous donation of $3,500 to the Emergency Squad on August 4th. Shown below is Virginia Watson, Store Manager with Chief Dennis Floto.

Make sure you can get help at

a moment like this! Every year one out of three seniors will have a fall. How do you get HELP when you can’t get to a phone?

The Men’s Club of Sun City Center and Philips Lifeline (the #1 medical alert provider) offer various solutions for summoning help – whether medical, fire or sheriff response is needed. All help buttons are waterproof and can be worn in the shower – where most falls occur.

NEW • GoSafe – designed for Seniors on the go with 6 different locating technologies to find you – even when GPS isn’t available • HomeSafe – no need for a home phone line • Lifeline with AutoAlert – automatic fall detection • Standard Lifeline – peace of mind at a low price

Men’s Club of Sun City Center trained volunteers provides local service and support – at no charge. Philips Lifeline provides a nationwide response center. Call now to discuss which system would work best for you or your family.

Call the Men’s Club at 813-633-7091 or stop by our office at 1002-A Cherry Hills Drive

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

Interfaith Council Donates to Nearly New Shop

Dick Gibbs, left, a volunteer at the Nearly New Shop in Sun City Center, presents a check for $3,000 from the Sun City Center Interfaith Council to Charles Conover, commander of the local MOWW chapter, to help fund a youth leadership conference in Tallahassee. The Interfaith Council uses funds raised by the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop to award grants to 501c3 non-profit organizations in South Hillsborough County. The next time period for submitting grant applications is the month of September 2014. Go to or call 6429099 for more information.

September, 2014

Pickers N Pizza At UCC

September 26, 2014 at the United Community Church, United Church of Christ, 1501 La Jolla Ave enjoy a pizza buffet and listen to SCC own Front Porch Pickers. The fun will begin at 6:00 PM in the Great Hall of the church. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased on Sunday morning after service or on Tues. or Thurs. from 10 until noon, at the church. To get a ticket or additional information you can also call Paula 633-6739.

Trinity Women’s Fellowship luncheon

A recent Trinity Women’s Fellowship luncheon featured Peggy Kerwin, from SOLVE, a Christian home for unwed mothers to be. The home provides a safe living environment while they await the delivery of their baby. After a wonderful luncheon, the Trinity ladies learned about the operation of the home and brought things that could be used at the home. For more information on the church, please call 634.4228 or see the website at

Trinity Baptist Missions Fund

Photo by Fred Joest

Trinity Baptist Church maintains a Mission Endowment Fund, which provides annual investment distributions that are used to help establish new churches in Florida. This fund, which was created with a church wide campaign in 2004, has continued to grow through new contributions and investment growth. Over the years, the fund has assisted many pastors in their efforts to start new churches. Pictured here are the Fund Trustees: (L-R): Vern Elarth, Chairman; Dick Stanhope, Spencer Faircloth, Robert Thompson and Herb Weidlich. For more information on the church, please call 813.634.4228.

Trinity Baptist Church Decorations Committee Taking Shape

The dream of a new facility to house the Saint Anne Food Pantry is steadily taking shape. Located on the parish campus at 106 11th Avenue N.E. in Ruskin, this Saint Anne ministry has been blessed with the faithful support of parishioners and local community philanthropic organizations such as the Simmons Foundation, the Community Foundations of Tampa Bay and of Greater Sun City Center, and the Interfaith Council of Sun City Center. Run strictly by volunteers, the Food Pantry currently serves more than 400 families every Wednesday and partners with Feeding America once a month to provide additional foods not available on a weekly basis, primarily fresh vegetables, fruit and meat. The expanded quarters will not only provide the ability to store perishable foods on site, but will also enable the ministry to accommodate the expected growth in the number of South Shore residents needing assistance. For more information regarding Saint Anne Catholic Church, visit its website at

BETH ISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center, 1115 Del Webb Blvd. E. Sun City Center (813)634-2590



Trinity Baptist Church Decorations committee members are responsible for decorating the church throughout the year. This involves seasonal decorations as well as decorations for holidays and other special events. Their creativity and work with the decorations garner frequent favorable comments from members and visitors alike. Pictured are: (L-R) Sharon Humphreys and Paula Conners. For more information on the church, please call 813.634.4228 or visit the website at www.trinitybaptistscc. com. Photo by Fred Joest

Prince of Peace Catholic Church

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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Unique Ladies Opportunity From the United Methodist Church

Page 21

Community Church College Fall Semester

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is offering a unique spiritual opportunity for all women of the community – the first Abingdon Women’s Cruise with Bible study, prayer, time for real conversation, sunshine and ocean breezes. The cruise features three popular women’s conference speakers: Babbie Mason – a Dove Award-winning, Grammy-nominated American gospel singer, Jessica LaGrone –Associate Pastor at The Woodlands United Methodist Church in Texas and Melissa Spoelstra - Bible teacher and author. An opportunity for reflection and relaxation with other Christian women. Contact Barbara Kanoza for additional information: 813-298-7213.

Introducing Community Church College Instructors

The Community Church College is very excited with the lineup of instructors for the Fall 2014 and this article introduces just a few: Dr. Pat Crow will be discussing medications and the interaction between prescriptions and “over the counter” drugs. Some combinations can be lethal. He will also be discussing the pros and cons of the legalization of medical marijuana. Florida voters will be making the choice this fall at the ballot box regarding the legalization of this drug. Come to the College and find out the doctor’s choice. Peggy Burgess, well-known coordinator of entertainment activities for Freedom Plaza, will be teaching “What’s so grand about Opera?” at the Community Church College. Peggy’s experience as a performer and opera lover will make you a believer that opera has it “all”. Come and experience an opera, see for yourself. Phil Sorrentino. What is an Android? How is it different from an iPod? Phil Sorrentino, an expert Instuctors top to bottom: Dr. Pat Crow, Peggy Burgess with computers, will be teaching and Phil Sorrentino. about Androids for his six-week (once a week) class. Phil has had the experience as a teacher and a professional computer user. He will take time to answer your questions at the end of each of his classes. It is a family affair! Frank & Shay Gomez, husband and wife, and Shay’s Father Walt Dunn are all teachers at the Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Ave, Sun City Center, FL. Frank will be teaching Florida history. For those of you who are new to Florida, it is a good way to understand and appreciate this wonderful state. Shay is a memory expert. For some who occasionally have a “Senior Moment,” this is the perfect class to attend. Shay will tell you how to remember names as well as dates and times. She makes the class fun and it is perfect to help to solve your thought process. Walt Dunn – Shay’s Father – is a drummer and a lover of jazz music. He knows the history, some of which he has lived, and loves to talk about it. Come sign up for one or more of these classes and get to know this family. Registration is Sept. 24th in the United Community Church Great Hall.Sign up now on line or at the General Registration to be held on Sept. 24th at the United Community Church. There will be no exams and no previous education is required.

Photo by Larry Piechoski L to R: Frank Gomez, Shay Gomez and Walter Dunn.

Sally Erath, Academic Dean and Larry Piechoski, Office Manager.

The Dean and Office Manager of the Community Church College are ready for classes to begin on October 13th. There will be a choice of 51 mostly secular courses and seven trips available to the public, regardless of any previous educational background. Checkout the college website ( where courses and trips are ready to purchase before Registration day. Registration will be held on Sept. 24th in the Great Hall at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center, Florida. Look for the complete schedule printed in the papers and catalogs in early September.

Beth Israel to Present Sex Trafficking Program

Congregation Beth Israel will present a program on sex trafficking on October 7th at 1 PM at the Henry Gibson Social Hall located on Del Webb Blvd,Sun City Center. There will be a special emphasis on sex trafficking in Florida. Speakers will include: Kelly Murphy, Director of Victims Services for Central and Western Florida Kelly was awarded the “Woman of Importance of Tampa Bay” in 2012. She was also named the “2012 Law Enforcement Officer for the Middle District of Florida.” She is considered an expert in domestic and minor sex trafficking in the states of Texas and Florida. Sally Dittman, President of the Sun City Center Campaign Against Human Trafficking Joan Kramer, Chairman of the Sun City Center Campaign Against Human Trafficking Victim Service Team. Connie Rose, Survivor of sex trafficking. Crystal Valery Survivor of sex trafficking. Please plan to attend this important and informative event.Guests are welcome.There will be a question and answer period following the presentations.Refreshments will be served.For more information contact Rochelle Lafer

Trinity Baptist Personnel Committee

Members of the Trinity Baptist Church Personnel committee pose for their annual photo. The Personnel committee is responsible for the personnel needs of the church. It develops and maintains the Personnel Policy manual. It makes recommendations to the Church Council on compensation, benefits and other personnel matters. For more information on the church, please call 634.4228 or see the website at

22 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

Parish Staff at Prince of Peace Catholic Church

In our photo, members of the staff of the parish of Prince of Peace Catholic Church celebrate the acceptance of Thomas Pringle, a past staff member, as he was recently received into the seminary. In the photo are, from left, Keith Rasmussen, music coordinator, Maureen Vilcheck, business manager, Pamela Hadden, pastoral outreach, Diane Cerulli, evangelization & stewardship, Melissa Zumpano, stewardship & development, and Father Joel M. Kovanis, pastor. Our mission at Prince of Peace is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, foster mutual love and spiritual growth, and provide outreach to the community by sharing our time, talent, and treasure. For more information about our parish community, call 813-634-2328 or visit our website at We are also active on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Please join us today.

Musicians Attend Conference

Church musicians from around the country attended the 64th Annual Sewanee Church Music Conference, established in Sewanee, TN in 1951. The conference is based at the DuBose Conference Center in Monteagle, TN, where the one hundred twenty-five church musicians from all parts of the USA gathered for lectures, rehearsals, classes, fellowship and performances. St. John the Divine Music Director, Chuck Wirick, Mary Kay Merrill, choir member and soloist, and Jim Smith, choir member and on the sound system team attended this year’s conference.

Nearly New Shop Volunteer of the Month

Gerry Harding, left, vice-president of the Sun City Center Interfaith Council, presented a certificate of appreciation to Joyce Falandysz, volunteer in the jewelry department at the Nearly New the leader of the jewelry department for 13 years. The Interfaith Council uses funds raised by the sale of donations at the Nearly New Shop to provide grants and scholarships in the South Hillsborough County area. For information about grants and/or donations call 642-9099.

James McDuffy Returns to Perform at UMC

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is proud to present popular gospel singer James McDuffy in concert on Friday, August 29th at 6:30PM in the church sanctuary. Mr. McDuffy will be singing several well-known gospel selections and will be accompanied for this concert by the fine gospel pianist, John Davis. From his home in Cape Coral, FL, James has been invited to sing all over the country including the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. He has been a regular here in Sun City Center and has garnered quite a following. Known for his big baritone voice, gentle nature and powerful testimony, an evening with James, and for this special concert John Davis, is always a memorable event. Concertgoers are encouraged to come early for a good seat. James’ CDs will also be available for purchase. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door on the night of this performance. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Kevin Goodenow, Concert Series Coordinator at (813) 362-0956 or Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813-634-2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www.

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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Page 23

Military News Frank Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret) to Discuss VA Crisis at MOWW Luncheon

Frank Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret), will be the featured speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) luncheon on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Dr. Kepley will discuss the recent crisis that has engulfed the VA since the negative patient care findings were exposed at the Phoenix Arizona VA hospital. The luncheon will take place at 11:30 a.m. at the Freedom Plaza Club in Sun City Center. Reservations ($15) can be made by calling 633-6513 and must be made by 6 PM Monday September 8. Dr. Kepley’s military and civilian career included 26 years in the USN and 15 years in the Veterans Administration. Eight years were spent as the chief of surgery at the Great Lakes Naval Hospital and eleven years as chief of surgery at the James A. Lovell VA Hospital in Chicago. He then spent four years as chief of the oral and maxillofacial surgery service at the James A. Haley VA Hospital before retiring in 2003.

MOWW Presented with National Award Submitted by B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

Thom Brown, president of SCC MOAA, Doran Lucas.

VA Women’s Outreach Program Coordinator Addresses MOAA B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

Doran Lucas was the featured speaker at the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) monthly meeting, which was held at the Sun City Center, North Side Atrium Building on August 6, 2014. She graduated in 1971 from Georgetown University and also studied at the University of Minnesota Graduate School of Public Health and the Pacific College of Naturopathic Medicine in California. From 1990-1996, she served as a Captain in the USAF Nurse Corps, and in 1998 began working for the James A. Haley Hospital as a cardiac nurse. She is now the Clinical Coordinator HCHV (Health Care for Homeless Veterans) Women’s Outreach Program at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa. For the past 11years, she has had the honor of helping women veterans. Her mission has been to prevent homelessness, offer gender specific care, and teach veteran families to improve their health. Many women Veterans face challenges when returning to civilian life that are different from those of their male counterparts, including raising children on their own or dealing with the psychological after effects of events such as military sexual trauma. These issues, without intervention, can put women Veterans at greater risk of becoming homeless. This makes VA’s efforts to provide housing and health care support all the more critical. It is a challenge VA continues to embrace.

The Sun City Center (SCC) chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) was recently presented the award for the Best Mid-Size Chapter in the country at their National Convention, which was held at the Marriot Hotel at the Baltimore International Airport in August 2014. This was the sixth straight best mid-size chapter award the local chapter has won. The chapter was well represented with nine companions attending. Accepting the award in the above photo, from left to right are: Frank Zahrobsky; James Warchol; Deborah Kash (presenting award); Charles Conover; James Haney; Sheila Turpin; and Henrietta Zahrobsky. The current MOWW Commander in Chief, Deborah Kash, center, presented the award. Frank Zahrobsky is the Region 6 commander; James Warchol is the SCC chapter commander and Charles Conover and Sheila Turpin are past SCC chapter commanders. James Haney is the SCC chapter treasurer and Henrietta Zahrobsky is the Region 6 adjutant. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CFC1425759 PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL

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24 Page

The News of Kings Point


Recollections of the others before YOU have grown dim, Hidden in the shadows of time; Filed away in aging, sepia memories. But YOU, are my here and now. May this beginning be the one I never forget. My omega, YOU are. The quiet room is divinely disturbed once more; This time by YOUr cries. YOUr face will be the last one I see as the diminutive version of one’s eventual self. Arms that move in jagged staccato terminate in long, slender fingers that will eventually point to YOUr life’s true north. Folded legs will straighten as will roads before YOU far and wide. Some day slate gray eyes will focus on the good that lies within and around YOU. But for now, they look deep into mine, trusting... and words unspoken are heard. For just a short time YOU and I breathe as one; Our hearts beat in familial syncopation. And a loving light flickers ear-to-ear, the basis of a smile. This YOU is but for awhile... These precious moments flee to cerebral albums only to encounter abuse at the hands of time. Other phases of life demand YOUr participation. So for the memory of YOU, I’ll stop the clock.

September, 2014

Best for Last! W E S AV E D T H E

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LAST CHANCE ~ FINAL 2 PHASES 10 Decorated Model Homes

Sun City Center Salutes “Athena House”

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A Transitional Home for our Female Veterans

Sunday, October 5th 2014—A new variety show is coming to Sun City Center with all of the proceeds from this show are being used to help support the ATHENA HOUSE, the ONLY transitional housing in Florida for our female veterans returning from active duty in the war-zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. ATHENA HOUSE is the only program in Florida specifically created to address the unique needs of homeless female Veterans. These women have served our Country in many capacities and are in need of our help. They are often victims of mental, sexual, and substance abuse. Many have returned to suffer from domestic violence. Their duty and subsequent battles have resulted in a lack of training and educational skills required to obtain any meaningful employment. ATHENA HOUSE provides individual and group counseling, safe housing, training and other support services. Its primary goal is to return these women to permanent and safe independent living. ATHENA HOUSE, located in Ybor City, Florida was originally a boarding house. It has been converted to a sixteen (16) bed transitional housing facility for female veterans operated by a non-profit program needing community support. To this end, once again, a benefit show is being presented with all proceeds going directly to ATHENA HOUSE. Two years ago, the original variety show was conceived by Pam Treadwell and Brenda Coman from Sun City Center. They organized and directed a production, which received rave reviews after selling out in two weeks! The show netted a profit of over $5,000. Donations were also accepted of bed linens and ladies’ toiletries; items which were greatly needed and appreciated. Once more there is a Call to Action! Because of the previous response, two shows will be offered. Place: Sun City Center Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center: Date: Oct. 5th, 2014 Matinee performance at 2:00pm Evening performance at 7:00pm. Tickets: $10.00 pp. Tables set for eight (8). Napkins, glasses, ice and water will be provided. BYOB. All are welcome. Due to parking restrictions at SCC Central Campus tickets will be sold at the Sun City Center Community HALL. Tickets sales will commence on Monday, September 22nd to Friday, October 3rd from 10am - 12noon. No tickets will be sold at the door. Urgently needed by Athena House: NEW sets of single/twin size sheets, towels all sizes, female toiletries and monetary donations will be accepted at the door. Please come and support “OUR” Female Veterans!

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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Page 25

Contract Bridge Super Crossword



The Merrimac Coup is featured in many books on the play of the cards, but it seldom occurs in real life. However, the opportunity to use it arose on this deal from the 1979 world championship. The hand was played at six tables, and at four of them East proved equal to the task. South was declarer in three notrump at all six tables. In the Brazil-United States match, the opening lead at the first table was a heart. After taking the ace, East returned the king of

Solutions on Page 27

spades! This was the Merrimac Coup, a defensive play aimed at killing a vital entry to dummy. In the actual case, South went down one after the king-ofspades play. At the other table, West’s lead was the queen of diamonds. Here, too, East won with the ace and returned the king of spades, and declarer also finished down one. In the match between the Far East and Australia, the opening lead at both tables was a heart. At one table, the Far East declarer made four notrump after the Australian East won the lead with the ace and mechanically returned the nine of hearts. At the other table, East took the heart lead with the ace and returned the king of spades to sink the contract. In the match between Italy and a Caribbean team, both Souths made the contract. At the first table, West led the diamond queen, and instead of playing the ace, East signaled with the nine. This allowed the Italian declarer to score 10 tricks. At the second table, West led a heart to his partner’s ace, and East found the killing king-ofspades lead. However, West, for reasons unknown, later discarded two hearts when the A-K-J of clubs were played, and declarer wound up with nine tricks. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

26 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver • It was German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who made the following sage observation: We have art to save ourselves from the truth. • If you live in Waukegan, Illinois, you might be surprised to learn that your property tax is 12 times higher than it would be if you lived in Honolulu. • If you can’t remember the word you want to use, you’re suffering from lethologica. But you probably won’t remember that when it happens. • A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. • Have you ever made a bet when you’d been drinking too much, and later wondered what you’d been thinking? If so, it might make you feel better to consider the case of a pilot named Thomas Fitzpatrick. In 1956, he was drinking at a bar in New York City when a rather boisterous argument ensued regarding his flying ability. To prove his skills to his drinking buddies, Fitzpatrick went to New Jersey, stole a small plane and landed it on the street in front of the Manhattan bar -all while allegedly drunk. The story, remarkable as it is, doesn’t end there, however. A couple of years later he was boasting about the incident, but his story was met with disbelief. To prove himself once again, he repeated the stunt. •Every spring, one of the world’s great migrations occurs. At the end of March, 500,000 cranes descend upon an 80mile stretch of Nebraska land, representing about 80 percent of all the cranes on the planet. Thought for the Day: I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. -- Sir Winston Churchill © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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2014, September The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Changing your mind doesn’t come easily for Lambs, who place a high value on commitment. But new facts could emerge that might persuade you to rethink your situation. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) This is a good time to put that fine Bovine’s eye for beauty to work in redecorating your home or workplace. And don’t forget to indulge yourself in some personal time as well. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your sense of loyalty to someone who asks for your help is commendable. But make sure there are no information gaps that should be filled in before you move too far too quickly. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Don’t let difficult people raise the Crab’s ire levels this week. Avoid them if you can. If not, resist telling them off, even if you think they deserve it. Things improve by week’s end. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your suspicions about a colleague might be on the mark. But you also could be misreading the signals you believe you’re getting. Do some discreet checking before jumping to conclusions. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) Take some time out from your many tasks and see if someone might be trying to reach out to you. You could be surprised to learn who it is and why you might want to reciprocate. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) You still might want to do more investigating before taking on a new commitment. Later would not be the time to try to fill in any crucial gaps in what you need to know about it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) A new opportunity should be carefully studied. It might offer some of the things you’ve been looking for. Or it could contain new possibilities you never considered. Check it out. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) You might have to work harder this week to get people to listen to what you have to say. But if you stay with it, you could start to get your message out to many by the week’s end. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Although family matters again take up a big chunk of the Goat’s time, the week also offers a chance to explore a new career move you’d been contemplating for a while. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) Applying your practicality (what does it offer me?) and your creativity (how can I improve on it?) could provide sound reasons for seriously considering that new offer. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) The single set will find that keeping their romantic aspirations on high gives Cupid a better target to aim at. Paired Pisces will find that this week helps reinforce their relationships. BORN THIS WEEK: You believe in encouraging others to demand the best from themselves. You would be a fine sports coach, as well as an enlightened teacher. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 25

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28 Page

The News of Kings Point

September, 2014



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