News of Kings Point September 2022

Page 1 Wild Boar Prevention in Kings Point

September 2022 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What was the biggest Hog that you have captured? A. A 558-pound Bar (castrated Male set back into the wild) and then a 2nd one a few minutes later that weighed 537-pounds. Q. How are they coming into Kings Point? A. The are coming from the Little Manatee State Park. Q. When a hog damages the sod in the community, who is responsible for getting it replaced. A. Your Association

On August 10, 2022, during the Master Association’s Special Meeting, Billie Wilson from Wilson’s Animal Removal Service, the Master contracted hog trapper for Kings Point, gave his presentation about his role in protecting the community from hog damage. Billie Wilson, a 17 year retired law enforcement officer , has captured thousands of hogs through the county over many years, 681 hogs alone in 2021. As part of his demonstration he brought along his dogs Rambo and Leo who assist him in the capture of the hogs. All of Billie’s dogs have a collar that has a range of over 9 gps miles. Rambo, who has been trained to hunt the

hogs will only bark when he is nose to nose with the hog. Once Rambo starts to bark Leo, the capture dog will hold the hog until Billie can reach the pig and hog tie it for removal. A large reason Kings Point is not facing the same issue with hogs as other portions of Sun City Center is due to the preemptive maintenance plan developed in our community by the Master Association utilizing Bille and his animal trapping stratagies. The maintenance plan consists of practices that have been implemented for many years. First, there are two large pens on property that are moved as needed due to hog activity in the area. These pens are monitored by video surveillance and heat sensors continuously all year round. Second, he brings in his dogs, chasing the hogs out in the early morning and in overnight hours. Finally, we continue to educate the community to STAY AWAY from traps here in Kings Point. The pigs are intelligent creatures and can smell the human scent that gets around a trap when residents go near them preventing the hogs from being removed.

Q. What is the hog population in Florida? A. Although we can not begin to guess how many there are, they can be found in every county in this state and Florida is the 2nd State in the nation behind Texas envolving the wild boar population. Q. Do you just trap boar, or do you capture other animals? A. The Master only contracts Billie for wild boar, but he can be hired to catch smaller nuisance animals. Q. Why do we have a wild boar population problem in Florida? A. The gestation period for a sow is only 119 days and they will rebreed the same day they give birth. Each Sow can have at least ten piglets (litter) each pregnancy, potentially 3 times a year leading to thousands born each year. Q. What should I do if I come across a wild boar in Kings Point. A. Although boar typically do not attack , they have been unusally aggressive this year. If you come across a boar, back away and give the animal space and they will typically go away. When hogs get captured, Billie takes them to his FDA inspected pens on his property. The hogs are separated into four pens determined by size and sex of the animal. Since hogs are a nuisance animal in the State of Florida, they can not be set back into the wild. Typically, the captured hogs are either taken to a Certified Feral Swine Facility/Ranch/Preserve that is licensed through the State or to individuals for meat for table fare. If you would like to watch Billie’s demonstration (or any other Master meetings, special guests or seminars) please visit

If you see hogs in Kings Point or people around the hog traps please report it immediately by calling 813-812-7559 or email to report the activity. Despite a poor economy, Kings Point continued to grow in 1992, with an additional 170 new units, bringing the total units to over 2,875. With the increase in number of new homes, three new Associations were added, bringing the total to 76. Things looked bright for the future of Kings Point with the addition of the Manchester and Nantucket sections. A satellite swimming pool was constructed in the Nantucket area for the use of all Kings Point owners.

Kings Point - The Early Years (Part 2 of 3 part series)

Part 1 was included in the August 2022 Edition of The News of Kings Point which can be found at Source: 2019 COA - Directory

Community. The single-family home design in Quail Pass was the first of this type of home offered. New sales brought an increase in the number of Associations in Kings Point to 83 and occupied units to over 3,100.

A new special tram was purchased to accommodate the needs of the handicapped residents was delivered in December of the same year. Phase IV of the community road rehabilitation program was

With completion of Manchester II and IV in 1993, Kings Point had grown to over 3,000 units with 78 Associations. With the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew, on August 24, 1992, our Master Insurance Policy, formerly held by Allstate, was not renewed, however, a new policy was secured. The old street signs were replaced with attractive, legible, wooden signs with white letters and green background. New native landscaping was added to the Kings Point Boulevard median as a community inhancement. The following year (1994) was the introduction of still another style home within the Kings Point

If you have old photos during the devlopment of Kings Point that you would

like to share, please email them to

completed, providing an asphalt overlay for the Associations of Andover and Bedford. During the summer and fall of 1994, The biggest issue within the Sun City Center and the Kings Point community was the 674 Beautification Project, which provided maintenance for the landscaping from S.R. 301 to Cypress Creek. Not all the Associations within Kings Point were required to pay for the maintenance of this landscaping and the Federation was working on a solution to share the expense throughout the community. In 1995, the putting greens were to be replaced on the Cypress Greens Golf Course, providing the same type putting surfaces for all holes on the course. Then In 1996 a radar traffic control had been added to the security at Kings Point & The bridge crossing Cypress Creek was expanded from two lanes to four. The Oxford Condominiums' land development was completed. Nantucket 3 was completed, as was construction of Nantucket 4 roads. The number of Condominium Associations increased to 86 and we had grown to over 3,800 units.

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September 2022 The News of Kings Point

Mosquito-borne Illness Advisory Issued for Hillsborough County Fl. Dept. of Health in Hillsborough County - August 19, 2022

TAMPA, FLA. – The Florida DepartmentofHealthinHillsborough County (DOH-Hillsborough) advises residents that there has been an increase in mosquito-borne disease activity in areas of Hillsborough County. West Nile Virus has been detected in two Sentinel Chickens, heightening the risk of transmission to humans. Hillsborough County Mosquito Control and DOHHillsborough continue surveillance and prevention efforts. Drain standing water to stop mosquitoes from multiplying. • Drain water from garbage cans, house gutters, buckets, pool covers, coolers, toys, flowerpots, or any other containers where sprinkler or rainwater has collected. • Discard old tires, bottles, pots, broken appliances, and other items not being used. • Empty and clean birdbaths and pets’ water bowls at least twice a week. • Protect boats and vehicles from rain with tarps that do not accumulate water. • Maintain swimming pools in good condition and chlorinated. Empty plastic swimming pools when not in use. Cover skin with clothing or repellent. • Clothing - Wear shoes, socks, and long pants and long-sleeves. This type of protection may be necessary for people who must work in areas where mosquitoes are present. • Repellent - Apply mosquito repellent to bare skin and clothing. • Always use repellents according to the label. Repellents with DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthane-diol, 2-undecanone and IR3535 are effective. • Use mosquito netting to protect children younger than 2 months old. • Check and repair screens on doors and windows. Keep them closed and use air conditioning when possible.

Make sure window screens are in good repair to reduce the chance of mosquitoes indoors. Tips on Repellent Use • Apply insect repellent that contains DEET (10-30%), picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, paramenthane-diol, 2-undecanone or IR3535. • Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5%. Do not apply permethrin directly to skin. Some sports clothing and gear come pretreated with permethrin. • Use insect repellent approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on exposed skin and clothing. EPA’s helpful search tool can help you find the product that best suits your needs. • Follow instructions on the product label, especially if you’re applying it to children. • Apply insect repellent to exposed skin, or onto clothing, but not under clothing. • Always follow instructions when applying insect repellent to children and do not use repellents with DEET on babies younger than 2 months or oil of lemon eucalyptus on children under 3 years old. • Avoid applying repellents to the hands of children. Adults should apply repellent first to their own hands and then transfer it to the child’s skin and clothing. Travel Tips Mosquitoes spread viruses and parasites that cause diseases. Before you travel to areas wherein mosquito-borne diseases are found, talk to your healthcare provider about your health concerns.

Identifying unwanted wildlife in the landscape By Lynn Barber, Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM agent

Most of us enjoy attracting wildlife to our landscapes. However, there are some wildlife species that we would prefer just go elsewhere. Nuisance wildlife can damage turfgrass, landscape beds and vegetable gardens. The first step in managing the issue is to identify problem species. We can identify these species several ways, as these unwanted interlopers cause specific problems. The damages can include soil disturbances, bark damage, vegetation consumption, pilfering in vegetable gardens and leaving behind animal tracks and scat. Starting with soil disturbances, the culprit can be identified by the size, location and shape of the holes. Small holes can be created by small critters, such as chipmunks, voles, rats or snakes. Larger holes are dug by larger animals, like a red fox, skunk or armadillo. Moles make underground tunnels and consume soil insects. Their feeding tunnels are just below the soil surface. You will see raised ridges and soil in small symmetrical, volcano-shaped mounds. Be careful if you are walking over them because it’s easy to twist an ankle … yes, I know from experience. Armadillos create underground “homes.” Wild hogs greatly disturb soil and plants. Bark damage can be caused by gray squirrels, deer, black bears,

wild hogs and woodpeckers. Gray squirrels remove tree bark. Male deer rub against bark, removing one side of it. Wild hogs rub against the trees, leaving mud and coarse hair on that area. Woodpeckers drill holes in live trees to secure food. Rabbits, deer and beavers can clip vegetation. Rabbits have sharp teeth and make clean cuts at low to ground levels. White-tailed deer rip vegetation (no upper incisors), which leaves a jagged cut at a higher level. Beavers chew shoots, saplings or trees off at the base near water bodies, 2 feet from the ground. Their cuttings leave a tapered point in the middle. Vegetable garden pilfering can be challenging. Some critters dig a small hole in the side of a watermelon, then claw out the contents. Others consume the center of the fruit or vegetable. You can identify animal tracks and scat by their droppings. The size, shape and color help determine the nuisance. The smaller the critter, the smallerthescat.Youcantakeaphoto of the scat if you want to compare it with wildlife management field guides at the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management. Lynn Barber is the Florida-Friendly Landscaping TM agent for UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County. Contact her at

Mosquitoes need standing water to reproduce, so you may want to consider planning your travels to tropical regions during the dry season when mosquitos are less prevalent. That’s not to say that there are no mosquitoes outside of the rainy season, but higher temperatures and fewer puddles in which to breed, make them considerably less active.

Can you Volunteer? Every year folks transition off the COA, for health issues, relocating or moving on to other volunteer opportunities, whatever the reason, we wish them well and know they will be big shoes to fill! Our question to the members of the community is, can you come in and volunteer with the COA? We would love to have you and we need you. Please consider volunteering one day or two days a week. Our hours are 9 AM to 12 PM, Monday through Friday. You can choose your hours, we are flexible about the schedules, we train our volunteers, and you will be able to learn a lot about our community while helping others. Please feel free to stop in and get an application at the COA or go online to and click on COA. An application is available for printing. Hope you will consider this opportunity and become a volunteer.

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Reopening the COA

The Condominium Owners Association has been closed for the month of August, with the exception of scheduled requests for notary services. We are pleased to announce we will open our doors again on September 1, to begin services again for the community of Kings Point. Volunteers were busy during August doing some housekeeping and reorganizing within the offices. Feel free to stop by and say hello. The COA thanks the folks who were in the office helping prepare for the fall season. We are working on the preparations for the first Monthly Board Meeting of the COA on October 4, 2022 at 2pm in the Banquet Room of the North Clubhouse. Please mark your calendars for this meeting, we will have a guest speaker to welcome everyone back.

The 2022 Kings Point COA Membership Directory was published and distributed to Association Presidents in August. Directories are being distributed by Association Boards to owners in their Association. The COA thanks all the volunteers that worked on the Directory. Kings Point COA Members who have individual memberships (not Association Members), can stop by the COA Office beginning in September to pick up their directory. Big Shredding Event We are doing our biannual shredding eventonTuesday,November1,2022, in the parking lot adjacent to the North Club Pool. We will use Sign Up Genie as we did in the spring of 2022. Please watch for more information in the next edition of News of Kings Point and the email blast coming out in early October with all the instructions to sign up for shredding day.

Welcoming Volunteers Back

The COA services are available to our community because we have volunteers who are dedicated to helping our fellow residents. We are fortunate to have folks who are scheduled to work and come in utilizing their knowledge about our services and the KP community. We welcome these volunteers back with open arms.

Page The News The News of Kings 4 Page of Kings Point Point

July 2022 2021 September


Septembers’s Club Spotlight - Kings Point Photography Club

CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE MASTER ASSOCIATION! Septembers Volunteer of the Month is Arleen Sanders of Tremont I. She has been volunteering in our community in many capacities for over 15 years. Coming from Boston, her and her husband Irv Sanders moved into Kings Point in 2005. Once settled, she began her volunteerism with the Sun City Center Emergency Squad and South Bay Hospital, both as the receptionist. In addition to her services in health, she also donates time to the Kings Point Library, Feed Tampa Bay, Meals on Wheels, and donates to Metropolitan Ministries. When asked what she liked most about volunteering, she said she just loves to help people. Arleen is a wonderful person in our community we’re happy to present her with her award. If you know of someone that deserves to be recognized for all they do, please send your submission with details about how they help the community to for consideration.

The Kings Point Photography Club restarted January 2022 after going dark due to Covid. Hearing that several members wanted the club to restart, Kenna Westerman of the original Photo Club announced a meeting in January to gauge interest. In doing so, she kicked started the group and now they are very much in action in the Kings Point community. Current meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the KPNCH Banquet Room. Although there are no other events or group outings are scheduled

at this time, they do intend to in fall once the weather gets cooler. Current Offices are as follows: President - Kenna Westerman, Vice President - Paul Quinn, Treasurer - Colleen Costello, Secretary - Gail Crowley, FB Assistant Admin-Jackie McDowell. Anyone is welcome to join, and no experience is needed; just the desire to have fun. Starting Janurary 2023 there will be a $20 new member fee. If interested, please reach out to Kenna Westerman at 501-837-6550 or visit there Facebook group Kings Point Photo Club.

There are many opportunities to volunteer in Kings Point to include on a committees with the Master Association. To see what committees we currently have please visit

Labor Day is Mon. September 5, 2022! The Master Office will be closed in observance of the holiday and will return Tues. the 6th.

Happy Labor Day from The Master Association

Master Maintenance Updates

Irrigation Repairs September

114 Irrigation Inspections 526 Work Orders 9 Emergency Calls 21 Alteration Requests 11 Mainline Repairs 6 Lateral Line Breaks 16 Valves Repaired/Replaced 3 Control Boxes Replaced 2 Breakers Replaced 3 Lateral Line Reroutes 2 Gate Valve Replaced

Misc. Repairs September

1 Sidewalk Repairs 13 Trees Removed 8 Street Signs Repair/Replace 3 Pot Hole Filled 1 Benches Replaced Golf Course Cart Path Clean Up LED Lights Installed at Back Gate LED Lights Installed on the Gazebo Nutrient Abatement treatments on Ponds 5, 19, and 30

SCC CERT (502c3) is looking for a Google Workspace Manager to administer the system management functions associated with the SCC CERT domain and professional workspace account. This includes the SCC CERT Website, the document library, user account administration and user group management. Some system administration experience is required and a working knowledge of Google Workspace apps is desirable. The time required is minimal but opportunities to learn are endless. Please reach out to Bob Preston at bobp@ for more information.

Every Saturday at 6:00PM

Doors Open at 4:00 PM Kings Point North Clubhouse Packages and Specials can be purchased until 5:45 PM $3.00 - $6.00 - $9.00 Packages All Specials, Snacks, and Duabers are $1.00 Huge Payout on all specials! If you have questions please Email Find us on Facebook “Kings Point Bingo”

Please Help Keep Our Community Safe! July 15th - August 15th Traffic Count 31-35 MPH - 29,014 Vehicles 36-40 MPH - 6,762 Vehicles 41-45 MPH - 1019 Vehicles 46-50 MPH - 156 Vehicles 51-55 MPH -28 Vehicles


September 2nd @ 9:30am Federation Board Meeting - KPNCH - Card Room September 16th @ 9:30 am Federation Membership Meeting - KPNCH - Veterans Theater September 21st @ 9:30am Master Association Membership Meeting KPNCH - Card Room September 28th, @ 2:00pm Master Association Round Table - KPNCH - Ripple Room Association Board Members Only

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