The News of April 2012 - ISSUE #45 official publication of the Community Association —Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011
Gala Concludes 50th Anniversary Year
April 20 Gala Celebration Community Hall
April Dates to Put on Your Calendar
Easter 8th
CA Board Meeting
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April 28th
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On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 13 Club Happenings...... 15+ Consumer Affairs........ 24 Crossword.................. 21 CryptoQuote................. 9 Deputy Chris............... 30 Entertainment Corner... 5 Expanding Horizons..... 7 50th Anniversary........... 1 Golf........................ 25-27 Military Affairs.........10-11 Movies........................ 31 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 8 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 25+ Sudoku....................... 23
By Phyllis Hodges Tickets are selling at a brisk pace according to Judy Schings who is chairing a committee to coordinate the Sun City Center 50 th Anniversar y Celebration Gala on April 20, 7 to 10 p.m. at Community Hall. Ann Marie Leblanc, chair of the 50th Anniversary Celebration, says that it has been a busy year for her and all those who worked on the special events through the past 12 months. FLASHBACK, a popular group, will be providing music for dancing, and FOOD FOR FUN will be catering fantastic hors d’oeuvres. The evening’s program will include photos from 50th events over the past year. Dress is either casual or 50s/60s styles. Tickets ($20) for reserved seats at tables of 10 are available at the Community Association office 9 a.m. – noon. Information contact: 642-2001.
351 Accept “Fit for 50” Challenge
By Phyllis Hodges The “Fit for 50” challenge—a 50th anniversary event sponsored by the Sun City Center Fitness Center—was a resounding success, according to Karen Johnson who chaired the challenge. She reported that 33,280 miles were logged on five designated machines in the Center during January and February. Of the 351 people who participated, 269 reached their goal of 50+ miles to earn a “Fit for 50” tee shirt and ribbon. At the closing ceremony March 21, Sam Sudman, chairman of the Fitness Committee and Board Liaison to the Center, said that, although Fit for 50 was a personal challenge to achieve 50 miles in two months, the committee decided five people deserved special awards. They presented Publix $25 gift certificates to the following five individuals:
Minto to contribute monetary prizes...
The Parade is Coming!
The Kings Point entry in 2011 won Best Original Design. By Phyllis Hodges A golf cart parade planned for December 8 has a goal—setting a record for the most decorated golf carts for a community our size! Dave Birkett, parade chair, said the theme of “Tis the Sea Sun” was chosen to let your creativity and imagination soar. The cash prizes are spectacular—thanks to the generosity of Minto Communities. There will be $5,000 in cash prizes for the best decorated carts—three for individuals, three for clubs and one for nonprofit organizations such as Lions, Kiwanis, etc. (First prize in each category is $1,000!) Commercial and other groups such as homeowner associations are welcome to join in the parade but they will not be eligible for prizes. Birkett says more details will be forthcoming later this summer. He can be contacted by email at dmbirkett@yahoo. com for early inquiries. Free training for proper machine use is available on Tuesday and Saturday at 2 p.m. A sign-up sheet is at the attendant’s desk. The Center is open seven days a week from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. (closed for cleaning Thursday 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.).Phone number: 813-642-2048
Gene DiNisio and Laurie Klimeczko Most Senior Hitting Goal—Female/Male: Libby Hawbaker, 90 and Howard Morrell, 90 Mo s t Tot a l M i l e s — Fem a l e / Ma l e : L au r i e Klimeczko—435 (bicycle, treadmill, rowing), and Gene DiNisio 1,050 (bicycle, treadmill, elliptical) Most Miles Using Most Machines—Bob Gevry, 958 miles (treadmill, bicycle, elliptical, rowing, rotary arm) Two drawings netted $25 Publix gift certificates for Roma Gerbus and Judy Kucera. Sudman thanked Karen Johnson and her committee for the work they did on the challenge and for their contributions to the Fitness Center throughout the year. The Center on the CA Central Campus is heavily used by residents to build muscle, burn calories, improve balance, ease arthritis pain and delay the aging process.
Sam Sudman (left) officiated at the Fit for 50 closing ceremony. Special recognition went to Bob Gevry for using the most machines to log 958 miles. Photos by Phyllis Hodges.