The News of Sun City Center

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The News of April 2011 - ISSUE #33 official publication of the Community Association

Check out the CA website:

50th Anniversary Fun Begins May 1! April Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.

By Phyllis Hodges Lifestyle for the Young at Heart—that’s the theme of Sun City Center’s year-long 50th Anniversary celebration. Whatever your plans are for Sunday afternoon, May 1, they should include two special events that begin the celebration. At 1 p.m., the kickoff will be marked by church bells and a fantastic parade that begins at the SCC Community Association’s Central Campus, 1010 N. Pebble Beach. Well over 50 participating groups— bands, dignitaries, floats, vintage cars, horses, dancers, clowns, decorated vehicles—


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Easter Steve Jerve, Chief Meteorologist for Channel 8, will be Grand Marshall for the parade on May 1. will make a two-mile loop starting south on N. Pebble Beach to Rickenbacker, Valley Forge, LaJolla, Cherry Hills and north on Pebble Beach to the starting point.

– 4:30 p.m.) sponsored by Minto Communities. For only 50 cents, you will be treated to a hot dog, chips and a drink. Free Italian ice mini-cones will also be available. The Dukes, a popular music duo will be

The Sundance Quadrill Riding Team is participating in the parade. Our own Sr. Maintenance Supervisor Kelly Emerson is a member of the group, as is his wife, Amy.

In the parade’s first car will be the Grand Marshal, Steve Jerve from WFLATV NewsChannel 8. He will ride the parade route in the first car, disembark at t he g randst and and announce participants in the parade as they pass there and continue back to the starting point. Jerve has been Chief Meteorologist for The Storm Team since 1998. He brings us the weekday weather forecasts at 5, 5:30, 6 and 11 p.m. Following the parade, everyone is invited to the Central Campus courtyard to continue the fun with a community picnic (2:30

performing during the picnic with their “rocking” style of entertainment. The United Community Church is graciously making its parking lot available to viewers starting anytime after noon on May 1. The accompanying map will help you plan parking and viewing locations.

Your Yearbook is Coming Soon!

Expect to see this commemorative book with 50th Anniversary celebration information in your mailbox in mid-April. It will have the major events being held from May 1, 2011, through April 2012. If you will be leaving SCC for the summer before then, be sure to let the CA office have your new address so the book can be mailed to you. Drop off your information or send it to the CA Office, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd.

Notice! All CA Central Campus facilities will be closed all day on May 1 for the 50th Anniversary Parade. This includes the Fitness Center and the swimming pools.

Don’t Miss The NEWS!!!! Are you going to be away? The CA Office can mail you a copy of The News of Sun City Center so you won’t miss any of the important issues being decided and voted upon. Just complete the form below and bring or send it to the CA Office, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd.


Postal Patron

SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center FL 33573


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 22 Club Happenings...... 10+ Crossword.................. 17 CryptoQuote............... 19 Deputy Chris................. 5 Entertainment Corner... 3 Expand Horizons.......... 6 Golf............................. 24 Military Affairs........ 20-21 Movies........................ 27 Newcomers................ 27 President’s Report........ 2 Sports.................... 23-25 Sudoku......................... 7 We Want to Know......... 3

Expected to join the parade are the four bicycle riders now participating in the Sammy Rides trek between Sun City AZ to here. Conclusion of their trip was scheduled to coincide with SCC’s 50 th celebration kickoff.

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