Aug 2012 News of Sun City Center

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The News of August 2012 - ISSUE #49 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

August Dates to Put on Your Calendar

SCC Photo Club Announces June Competition Winners

CA Board Meeting


Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.

Items for the next issue due on


Lavade by George Seeley

Surveys Due

31st Next Issue in your mailbox on

Sept. 1

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 21 Club Happenings.......11+ Consumer Affairs........ 24 Crossword.................. 21 CryptoQuote................. 7 Deputy Chris............... 30 Entertainment Corner... 5 Expanding Horizons..... 7 Golf........................ 25-26 Military Affairs............. 18 Movies........................ 31 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 8 President’s Report........ 3 Scams........................ 29 Sports.................... 25-28 Sudoku....................... 23

Watching by Roger Kele

Winners have been announced in the June competition of the Sun City Center Photo Club. Five perfect scores were awarded. Stan Lipski received a 15 for What the Painter Sees, George Seeley received the perfect score for Lavade, Gayle Fischer received her perfect score for Moon Lit Sun Flower, Roger Kele received his perfect score for Watching and Kathy Vitale received the score for What Will I Face Today? In the Color Print category, at the Advanced level, George Seeley won golds for Lavade and Airborne. Rose Stack won a silver for Costa Rica Ginger Plant. Marianne Strehar won silver awards for Desert Pita Bread Maker and Bedouin Weaver. Glenn Laucks won a silver award for Golf, Anyone? Stan Lipski won a bronze award for Coming Home and Bill Leasy received a silver award for Does Anyone Give a Hoot? and a bronze for On Eagle Watch. At the Intermediate level, Bill Odell won silver awards for Orchids at Biltmore and Let’s Go Fishing. In the Monochrome Print category at the Advanced level, Gayle Fisher won a gold for Old Man. George Seeley received a gold for Get Out of My Way and Bill Leasy received a silver for Everyone’s Grandmother and a bronze for Are You Looking at Me? In the Color Digital category, at the Advanced level, Glenn Laucks won a silver for Erding Cathedral, Germany. Gayle Fischer received a gold for Moon Lit Sun Flower and a bronze for Gentle Friend. At the Intermediate level, Kathy Vitale won golds for I See You and What Will I Face Today? and a silver for A Simpler Place. Ron Shackelford won gold awards for Lake Moraine and Shazam and a bronze for Yummy. Pat Jones won a bronze for A Scent of Beauty and Matt Steers won a silver for Santo Domingo Street Lamp. At the Beginner level, Andre Ledoux won gold awards for Orchid and Watching the Sunset

Cont’d. on page 19


What Will I Face Today? by Kathy Vitalee

Moon Lit Sunflower by Gayle Fischer

For more information on the Photo Club and its activities, visit its website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

The SCC Community Association is now sending email updates about “What’s New with the CA.” There are three ways to make sure you’re on that list. 1. Go to the CA office and fill out a simple form (name, street address, email address) at the front desk. (See form on page 3.) 2. Send an email to sccboard@ with your name, street address, and email address, requesting to be added to the email list. 3. You can also join the list on the CA website: Editor’s Note: DID YOU KNOW??? is a new feature. If you have a suggestion about something you know that would be useful to others, send it to

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