The News of Sun City Center August 2011

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The News of August 2011 - ISSUE #37 official publication of the Community Association

Check out the CA website:

August 19 Ice Cream Social Community Hall See July events on page 6.

August Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.

By Phyllis Hodges SCC Community Association and Kings Point Ass o ciat ion members, mark your calendar for Friday, August 19, to come to the SCC Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Any time between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., you can enjoy a FREE ice cream with toppings and the toe-tapping entertainment of the Front Porch Pickers. Bring your association identification cards. It should be a pleasant afternoon of camaraderie, thanks to the generosity of everyone who has contributed to the 50th Anniversary fund or supported the fundraising activities.

SCC Community Association Postal Patron




Front Porch Pickers will play at the August 19 ice cream social to be held at Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Blvd. Theresa Phillips, who is sharing the duties of chairman with Janet Ditmore, said the location is a change from that shown on page 27 of the 50th Anniversary book. Originally planned for the bandstand lawn, it was changed to Community Hall to

Genealogy Research Reunites Irish Family

Next Issue in your mailbox on September

On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 18 Club Happenings...... 10+ Consumer Affairs.......... 5 Crossword.................. 13 CryptoQuote............... 15 Entertainment Corner... 3 Expand Horizons.......... 8 Golf............................. 20 Military Affairs............. 16 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 7 President’s Report........ 3 Sports.................... 19-21 Sudoku......................... 9 We Want to Know......... 5


Enjoy a Cool Treat at Ice Cream Social

Fourth cousins Cathy Lauro (r) and Joan Partington greet each other at Lauro’s home after connecting this spring through genealogical research. The two family branches had split in the mid-1800s when their Irish ancestors left Ireland for the U.S. and England. By Phyllis Hodges June 29, 2011, was a special day for fourth cousins Cathy Lauro, a Sun City Center resident since 2005, and Joan Partington who was visiting Florida from England. They are descendants of Irish siblings Stephen and Frances Memory, who had gone their separate ways in the mid-1800s. To their knowledge, the two branches of the Memory family had had no contact after their great-greatgrandparents left County Mayo, Ireland. Stephen, Lauro’s great-greatgrandfather, moved to America (New Orleans where Lauro was born and raised). Partington’s great-greatgrandmother, Frances, moved to Manchester, England.

Lauro described the face-toface meeting after months of emails as “an emotional day for sure.” They met at Lauro’s home where they shared more stories and photos over praline scones that Lauro baked to represent both the United Kingdom and New Orleans, Genealogical research brought the two together. “I visited Ireland several years ago to see where the Memory family had started out,” said Lauro. At that time, she was a novice at genealogy but did make some progress by talking to people and visiting cemeteries. She and her husband Mike have also visited England but, unfortunately, that trip was before she learned of long-lost relatives there. Partington’s experience with genealogy research is extensive. She and her husband Bill have visited the U.S. every year since 1981. When in Utah, she searched the Mormon’s records. “You have to be a detective and have lots of patience,” she said. She was thrilled to visit her cousin in Sun City Center and was happy that she and Lauro found each other this spring before this year’s trip. The families plan to get together again soon. They also want to introduce other members of their families to each other. Oddly, Partington has never been to Ireland but now plans to go to do more searching. The two families plan to visit again soon. They want to locate and reunite other descendants of the Memory family.

avoid the summer heat and to accommodate guests comfortably at tables indoors. Phillips said that the summer heat, as well as the overwhelming support of the July 4 breakfast, prompted the move to the Hall. “Since this is the first event of this kind, we have no idea what to expect,” she said, “but we’re planning for up to 600.”

Planning Ahead for 50th Anniversary Events September 11

Patriots Club Third Annual 9/11 Observance 10 a.m. at Community Hall Oldies but Goodies dance with 50-cent root beer floats 7 to 10 p.m. at Community Hall

September 16, 17, 19, 20

Daughters of the American Revolution Events—see page 32 of your 50th Anniversary Book

October 7

SCC Woman’s Club Ceremony and Ice Cream to Celebrate the club’s 50th anniversary and founding of SCC Library 1 to 3 the Florida Room

October 11

Vintage Car Show 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Bandstand Lawn

October 15

Trash or Treasure 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Community Hall

October 18

Oktoberfest 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Community Hall

October 21

Wedding Vow Renewals Bandstand (time not set)

October 30

Golf Tournament Caloosa Golf Course

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