The News of December 2012 - ISSUE #53 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011
December 4 Membership Vote Sandpiper Room 8 a.m. -3 p.m. 5 Membership Vote Community Hall 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 5 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 12 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 18 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. January 2 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 2 Annual Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association”). Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.
Jan. Issue in your mailbox on
December 29
SCC Community Association Postal Patron
On the Inside CARE..................................... 19 Club Happenings.................. 10+ Crossword.............................. 19 CryptoQuote............................. 7 Entertainment Corner............... 5 Expanding Horizons................. 7 Golf....................................... 25+ Military Affairs.................... 16-17 Movies.................................... 31 Newcomers.............................. 2 Plants Happen.......................... 8 President’s Report.................... 3 Sports................................... 24+ Sudoku................................... 23
The Parade is Coming! By Phyllis Hodges It’s only one week now until the Sun City Center Golf Cart Parade. December 8 promises to be a fun addition to Sun City Center’s holiday season. The parade begins at 10 a.m. and a Winter Festival sponsored by Minto Communities starts at 11 and continues until 2:30. The SCC Community Association Central Campus will be brimming with entertainment, a car show and vendors offering food and other wares. The parade starts at the Central Campus parking lot on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. and continues right on LaJolla, right on El Rancho, right on Ojai, and left on Cherry Hills back to the Campus Bandstand. Residents along those streets should plan accordingly if they need to leave their homes during the parade hours. The committee has been hard at work encouraging entries, inviting government officials and soliciting sponsors to cover expenses. Dave Birkett, committee chair, said, “The overall goal is to make this an enjoyable community event. We have no doubt that will be the case. At press time, entries had well exceeded the 42 carts which participated last year.” The $5,000 golf cart prize money donated by Minto is adding to the
excitement, but the committee has been emphasizing that carts do not have to be elaborately decorated to join in the fun. A cart can be adorned with a lot or a little of something that reflects either the holiday or some aspect of life in Florida. The theme of the parade—‘Tis the Sea-Sun—offers a wide spectrum of opportunities. Entries will be accepted anytime, including the day of the parade. Registrations can be picked up at the Community Association office, Kings Point clubhouses or Freedom Plaza marketing office. Information contacts: Dave Birkett ( or the Kings Point representative, Chris Robinson (
The Golf Cart Parade Committee is stressing that community participation is the goal. Entries can be decorated minimally, as is this one.
THE PERFORMING ARTS COMPANY TO PRESENT WALL TO WALL CHRISTMAS BENEFIT CONCERT Get into the Christmas spirit early this year with the Performing Arts Company’s annual benefit Christmas concert, “Wall to Wall Christmas” on Saturday, December 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the Rollins Theater in Sun City Center. Highlighting the concert are favorite Christmas songs and stories. Featured performers include PAC favorites Lew Resseguie, Ellen Kleinschmidt, Kathy Straub, Alex Burns, Michael Peacock, Eileen Valentino and Chuck Collett. Special guests are modern jazz dance troupe Jazz Ma Tazz and J.A.M., a children’s chorus from the Sun City Center United Methodist Church. All proceeds from Wall to Wall Christmas will go to the Make a Wish Foundation. Tickets are $10 and are on sale at the SCC Atrium Ticket Kiosk from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. For credit card orders, call 813-642-0606.
A New Year’s Resolution
By Karen Jones Do you, as a member of the Community Association, participate in its many activities? Do you go to Board meetings or regularly scheduled Membership meetings which require a minimum of 200 residents for a quorum so that business can be conducted? Perhaps you could make a resolution this year to attend some of these meetings. The dates, times and locations are listed in the “Schedule” printed at the left on this page. Here’s an opportunity for you to be involved. Vote for three board members who will serve for three years and for the 2013 dues. If you haven’t voted yet, you still have several ways to have your vote count. First, you can find ballots in last month’s NEWS and take them to the CA office; second, you can pick up ballots at the CA office; third, you can vote in person on Tuesday, December 4, in the Sandpiper Room from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; or fourth, you can vote in person on Wednesday, December 5, at Community Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you pick up ballots or use one from The NEWS, you will need to get it to the CA office by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5. There is a mail slot to the left of the entrance if you get there after 3 p.m. Other ways to participate is to attend SCC events such as the Holiday Walk (today), the Golf Cart Parade on December 8, FunFest in March, the Fireworks on the 4th of July and Hi, Neighbor! in November. And, there are always opportunities to volunteer. Hope to see you at some or all of these community activities.
Two important facts about golf cart usage: 1) Hillsborough County does not allow a cart to be driven after dark, regardless of whether it has lights. 2) A homeowner’s insurance policy generally does not cover a cart driven other than to and from a golf course. Check with your insurance agent about coverage availability and page 10 of your 2012 Membership Directory for more on cart usage. Editor’s Note: Have you recently heard or read something about the SCC community that you think a lot of other people might like to know? Email your suggestions to