The News of Sun City Center February 2012

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The News of February 2012 - ISSUE #43 official publication of the Community Association

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Revised Site Plan with the ClubLink Agreement February All Fitness Month 10 Fabulons Show 12 The Follies Show 16 Golf Tournament 19 Simply Streisand March 2 Frankie Valley & the Four Seasons Tribute Show

Concerns Expressed Over Design Concepts of the Buildings By Phyllis Hodges If you have suggestions about the building design concepts or overall Whether you’re a golfer, fitness buff appearances, please supply sketches/drawings of your ideas or concerns. Please forward them to Al Alderman, CA Director of TPO, at Sun City Center Community or enjoy a good show, February is filled Association office. We will review with the architects your concept designs that with fun opportunities. we may consider incorporating as the process moves forward. Thank you for your January/February concern and input. See more information on page 5. Fitness Center Challenge

February Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


Valentine’s Day

14th Next Issue in your mailbox on

March 3rd

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE........................... 7 Club Happenings...... 18+ Consumer Affairs........ 35 Crossword.................. 33 CryptoQuote................. 7 Deputy Chris................. 9 Entertainment Corner... 5 50th Anniversary........... 8 Golf........................ 39-40 Military Affairs........ 16-17 Movies........................ 43 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen............ 31 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 38+ Sudoku....................... 31

February Offers Entertainment, Golf and Fitness Fun


Chuck Collett CA Vice President This month you will decide the future of our community. On February 13 and 14 you will have the opportunity to vote on the direction we will take as we begin the next 50 years of our wonderful community. For the last year and especially over the past four months, the Board and you have engaged in productive discussions of plans for modernizing our Central Campus. Since we began holding public meetings in November, several important things have occurred. Most importantly we have received significant input from the community and have had the good fortune to finally acquire some additional land, which will allow us to more effectively build for the future. WHAT YOUR INPUT HAS MEANT TO US As a result of the continuing dialog, the original concept plans have been altered and will continue to evolve. However, make no mistake, we are committed to remaining within the parameters of our original promise, a sound financial plan and a resolve to not impact membership dues to complete the project. 1. You have told us the building exterior designs are not well received and we intend to find a way to alter them to your satisfaction. A study group will be formed to examine alternatives and a methodology will be

created to allow you to indicate your preferences. We have told you all along that final design will be completed after we know we have your permission to proceed and that is what will happen. 2. With the additional land we will complete a redesign of the parking areas around the Atrium building to alleviate the inadequate situation that presently exists. Very, and we stress very, preliminary concept plans have been presented and they will be refined before we begin construction. But at the end of the day we will be able to create an expansion of at least 100 new spaces and a far more efficient traffic pattern. 3. We heard your concerns about the Lawn Bowling Club and the Shuffleboard Club and with the additional land are working on logistical re-designs that will eliminate the problems noted in the original site plan. 4. We have heard some concerns about providing space for the Samaritans and are engaged in reviewing our options regarding their needs. Again, the addition of new land has made this possible. FINANCING TO BUILD: FACTS AND FICTION There has been considerable debate in the community on whether to build now or build on a “pay as you go” basis over the next 10 years. The Board has laid out a detailed explanation of the reasons for its plan, including all of the

Cont’d. on page 6.

According to Karen Johnson, Fitness Center Committee, lots of people are accepting the challenge to “Do 50 for the 50 th.” The Center’s machines are staying busy as participants are working toward completing 50 miles during January and February on the Center’s aerobic equipment. There’s still time to register and get started. A March 21 award ceremony is planned to award participants their tee shirts and certificates. Info contact: Karen Johnson 634-6562. Friday, February 10 The Fabulons The Fabulons are one of Florida’s favorite party bands and are always a hit when they perform in Sun City Center. Their repertoire includes Motown, ‘50s, Doo-Wop, classic rock, disco, R&B, Beach Boys, Beatles and lots more. You name it—they will play it! If you are not an Entertainment Series season ticket holder, you can still pick up a ticket for this event ($19) at the CA office Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, or at the door on the day of the show. The Friday show starts at 7 p.m. Info contact: Judy Schings 642-2001 Sunday, February 12 Pelican Players Follies The Pelican Players are participating in SCC’s 50th anniversary celebration schedule with a special performance at 2:30 p.m. at the CA Community Hall for only $5. The Pelican Players have been entertaining Sun City Center audiences with comedy, singing and dancing for more than 30 years. Tickets are available from the CA office Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon or at the door on the day of the show. Info contact: Judy Schings at 642-2001. Thursday, February 16 50th Anniversary Golf Tournament Preregistration is underway for a great 50th Anniversary Golf Tournament at Sandpiper Golf Club. Sign up a team of four for just $200. Included in the entry fee: box lunch, free range balls, putting challenge on the practice green, longest drive contest and a closest-tothe-pin challenge. Registration starts at 11 a.m. on Feb. 16, with tee off at 12:30

Cont’d. on page 8. For the 50th Anniversary Planning Ahead list and additional information, go to page 8.

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