News of Sun City Center Feb 2013

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The News of February 2013 - ISSUE #55 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

February 6 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Volunteer Picnic Florida Room - Noon-2 p.m. 19 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. March 5 Coffee & Conversation “Long Range Plan” Caper Room - 9 a.m. 6 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. 20 Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. 22 Shredding Day Behind SP/CA offices 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association”). Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room at 1 p.m.

March Issue in your mailbox on

March 2

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CARE..................................... 23 Club Happenings.................. 12+ Crossword.............................. 23 CryptoQuote............................. 9 Entertainment Corner............... 5 Expanding Horizons................. 9 Golf.................................... 30-31 Military Affairs.................... 20-21 Movies.................................... 35 Newcomers.............................. 2 President’s Report.................... 3 Sports..................................... 29 Sudoku................................... 27

Long Range Planning Committee Announced at Annual Meeting News Staff At the January Membership Meeting, President Ed Barnes announced the appointment of an implementation committee to be chaired by Dave Floyd with Chuck Collett and Howie Griffin as members—all current CA Board

President Barnes Recognizes Volunteers at the January Annual Meeting

its work solely on the results of the membership survey and the LRPIC will base its work on those results. The results of the LRPIC will be presented to the CA Board in three ways. A table of the sequence of events Seven SCC residents were with the associated costs, a schematic given Certificates of Appreciation with the current site layout with an by President Ed Barnes on behalf of the Board o f Directors at the January 2 Annual Membership Meeting. All photos were taken by Phyllis Hodges.



Ed Barnes thanks Joanne Sudman for her work on the Holiday breakfasts.

Chuck Collett, Committee Chair Dave Floyd and Howie Griffin members. This committee has been given the name “Long Range Plan Implementation Committee,” or the LRPIC. T he C A B o ard has l ong recognized the need for improvement and expansion of some CA amenities. The LRPIC is the latest phase in the effort to develop a detailed plan for the next 10 years. This committee will deliver a prioritized list of projects and costs associated with each based on the results of the Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) but with more analysis. The BRC based

outline of the proposed changes and some proposed financing methods to shorten the time where it seems appropriate, should that option be desirable. Any money borrowing plans will have to be approved by the CA membership but it will be in much smaller amounts than the previously presented financing plan, and there will be completed projects for the community to evaluate before any money is borrowed. “The LRPIC plans to finish

See Plan on page 7.

Giving Back to the Community

CA Employees held their annual holiday toy collection for Destiny Church.

Ed Barnes recognized Dave Birkett for chairing the successful Holiday Golf Cart Parade that had 160 particpating carts.

See Honorees on page 7.

Correction: The parade photos in the January edition were taken by Andy Ledoux.


Members showed an interest in the January 3 Membership Meeting and we had a quorum (294)! The last time we had a quorum (200) was October 2011. Why is a quorum important? Without it, the assembly is not official and it is simply an informational gathering. No votes can be taken or decisions made such as approving past meeting minutes or voting on Bylaw changes. Business matters must be carried forward until a meeting when 200 members attend so that business can be validly conducted. Editor’s note: If you have a suggestion about something that would be useful to others, send it to

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