The News of Sun City Center Jan 2012

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The News of January 2012 - ISSUE #42 official publication of the Community Association

January All Fitness Month 8 Showcase Show 11 Golden Bingo 13 Phil Dirt Show 14 Tour of Homes 19 Swim Class 21 Fun Run/Walk 22 Bowker’s SCC Show 29 Van-Dels Show

January Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Jan. 16th Next Issue in your mailbox on

Feb. 4th

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 13 Club Happenings...... 16+ Consumer Affairs........ 29 Crossword.................. 27 CryptoQuote............... 13 Deputy Chris............... 10 Entertainment Corner... 5 50th Anniversary........ 8-9 Golf........................... 32+ Military Affairs........ 14-15 Movies........................ 35 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen............ 25 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 30+ Sudoku....................... 25

Check out the CA website:

WHY FINANCING TO BUILD MAKES SENSE Chuck Collett, Vice President Neil Rothfeld, Treasurer We are all at that stage in our personal lives where we don’t want debt. We are retired or near retirement, on the shorter side of the ledger and we don’t want that burden. So when the Community Association Board of Directors proposes a financing plan to fund a building project our first natural response is “we don’t want debt in our personal lives.” But could you close your eyes for a moment and remember when you were 50? You were earning good income and a full life in retirement was still ahead of you. Then spend a moment reflecting on two facts about Sun City Center: 1) Unlike us, our community is perpetual and will continue to have cash flow from transfer fees for as long as it exists; and 2) the plan proposed to you has no personal liability, will be paid for by newcomers to the community and will allow you to benefit from better facilities now at significant cost savings. THE PLAN To f u n d t h e p r o p o s e d $3,000,000 project we intend to borrow $2,400,000 for 10 years at an estimated interest rate of 5% and will use $600,000 from our capital reserve. We will also keep $500,000 in the capital reserve to ensure that if there

are any income fluctuations there will be cash available to cover loan payments. The reality though is that this reserve should never be required because we have used a very conservative approach in deciding how much we can afford to borrow. As we have stated at the Town Hall meetings, our guiding principle in reaching this plan has always been: “NO MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.” The loan will be issued to the Community Association, a Florida corporation, not to you as individuals and there will be NO PERSONAL LIABILITY for anyone. Also, the loan will be secured by Capital Fund Fees (formerly called “Transfer Fees”) which are paid by new folks moving into Sun City Center, a $500,000 cash reserve and, as a last resort, by our annual dues revenue (which we are confident will not be needed). NONE OF YOUR PROPERTY AND NONE OF THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION PROPERTY WILL BE AT RISK. SO HOW SAFE IS THIS PLAN? We now have a nine-year history on Transfer Fees and know that the lowest number of fees received in any year was 240, so we chose that figure for planning purposes when estimating


In a unanimous vote, the Sun City Center Community Association proclaimed John B owker Day to b e Janu ar y 22, 2012. This is the day that John will give an illustrated presentation on the History of Sun City Center in Community Hall at 2 p.m. It is also the day the public will be able to purchase John’s new history book of Sun City Center. It promises to be a wonderful opportunity for the public to say thanks to John for all of the innovative ideas he has given to this community. The CA has honored John in 2010 by dedicating to him the building that houses the Information Center and the History Society. He also received honors for the number of hours he gives to volunteer work; 2,552 volunteer hours in 2008. John is a great believer in volunteerism. Not only do John and wife Linda do a regular nighttime shift in the Emergency Squad, but every Saturday morning they can be found volunteering at the Hillsborough Library on 19th Avenue. He also delivers Meals on Wheels and takes reservations for the Men’s Club luncheons every month. Cont’d. on page 6. John started the Information Center in 2004 so that people who are considering living here could drop by and get all the information they need. There are 40 volunteers who greet folks and escort them around our campuses. While John has recently turned over the reins of this program, he continues to work two hours a week as a greeter. The list is endless. He started the popular “Hi, Neighbor!” annual program. This is intended to help new members of the community to look over the clubs and decide which they would like to join. Many newcomers have formed lasting friendships as a result of this. Architects’ rendition of the interior of the proposed Entertainment Center. Cont’d. on page 7.

Lots of 50th Anniversary January Events

By Phyllis Hodges January/February Fitness Center Challenge “Do 50 for the 50th” says the Fitness Center Committee member Karen Johnson. What a great way to start out the New Year—a challenge to yourself! You can use any or all of the aerobic machines to complete 50 miles during the months of January and February 2012. Each person who

completes the total of 50 miles will receive a certificate and a special tee shirt. There will also be prizes for the oldest man and woman to complete 50 miles, as well as the man and woman who complete the most miles. A random name will be drawn from all who completed the 50 miles for an additional prize. Here’s the way it will work. Just sign up at the Fitness Center for the Challenge. All miles must be completed on the Fitness Center machines. That includes the treadmills, bicycles, elliptical

machines, rowing machines and rotary arm machine. You may use several machines on a single day but must record your mileage for each machine separately. Since the rowing machines measure meters instead of miles, just

Cont’d. on page 8. For the 50th Anniversary Planning Ahead list and December pictures, go to page 8.


The News of Sun City Center

Where Will YOU Take the SCC Story?


We will publish your picture taken elsewhere in your SCC T-shirts or holding a copy of The News of Sun City Center. Email your photo with a caption to or deliver it to the CA office.

January 2012

Roatan, Honduras

Tenerife, Canary Islands

Carol Liedberg and Sharon Rayborn

The Great Wall of China

Chuck & Gerri Roth Patrick and Betty Garland displayed their SCC Shirts in Turkey, Italy and Egypt. They also visited Athens, Greece; Istanbul,Turkey; the islands of Corfu and Kataklon; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Gibralter, UK; Spain; Portugal; Bermuda and the Bahamas. Pat and Charles Bostick

NEWCOMERS November 2011

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last Bowman Hach Messer Bergin Little Botting Flesch Flesch Flint Stemas Dotson Dotson Stahlhut Hannesson Geyser Williams Crim Axtell Shaffer Howard Lewis Finney Cummings Stokes Anderson Kreitzer Levendofsky Crawford Fee Pilley Procise Thomas

First Num Local street Hometown St Al & Marie 1013 Bluewater Dr Riverview FL Edward & Jane 1908 Bosky Ct Oconomowoc WI Norman & Shirley 1303 Burbank Ct Portage IN Richard & Terrill 1829 Del Web Blvd E Savona NY Danny & Pamela 1913 East View Dr Coldwater MI David & Christine 1614 Faxton Dr Vernon CT Paul & Mozelle 1721 Flamingo Ln Shoreview MN Laura 1721 Flamingo Ln Chippewa Falls WI Timothy & Jacqueline 716 Indian Wells Ave Webster NY Jerry 1301 Lambdeth Ct East Peoria IL Donald & Barb 320 Northway Dr Morgantown WV Kathy 320 Northway Dr Salem WV Clara 705 Ojai Ave Amarillo TX Paul 1010 Pebble Beach Blvd N Moss Point MS Thomas & Maryann 203 Pebble Beach Blvd S Medway MA Janet 1736 Pebble Beach Blvd S Cherry Hill NJ Gordon & Esta 1411 Seton Hall Dr N Fort Myers FL Richard 703 Tam O’Shanter Ave Niagara Falls NY Fred & Joan 703 Ward Cir Erie PA Doris 1709 Wolf Laurel Dr White Hall MD Kenneth & Barbara 1709 Wolf Laurel Dr White Hall MD Dale & Barbara 1964 Wolf Laurel Dr Cambridge Springs PA Pamela 2333 Platinum Dr Brookfield WI Cephus 227 Courtyard Blvd Apt 105 Tampa FL Katherine 229 Courtyard Blvd Apt 203 Diane 1055 Regal Manor Wy Dayton OH John & Fayrene 1321 Via Toscana Wy Hebron NE Ann 233 Courtyard Blvd Apt 203 Glen Ferris WV Richard & Virginia 321 Siena Vista Pl Chicago IL David & Sheryl 320 Siena Vista Pl Province ON Fred & Marie 1001 La Jolla Ave Fort Wayne IN Diann 1978 Wolf Laurel Dr Malvern OH

Phone 633-1376 262-424-5401 219-762-5946 260-3467 634-7097 938-4572 938-4211 938-4211 585-330-9924 466-8963 466-8963

774-277-0331 419-4795 607-483-2119 938-4084 938-4384 938-4384 938-4316 633-8584 419-4691 642-3171 937-286-8085 402-768-3513 634-2390 419-4434 938-4613 419-4738 938-4176

The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located in Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn, Judy Stimson Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, Susan Muise, Ron Pelton, Judy Schings, LeRoy Skinner, Marie Wood Photographers: Katherine Benoit, Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center

President’s Report By Ed Barnes

Long Range Enhancement Project - Questions We have had two Town Hall Meetings on the Long Range Plan – one in November and one in December. Both Town Hall meetings have been very successful in that they generated a lot of questions about the Long Range Plan in general as well as about specific aspects of the plan – from building construction to finance. The last town hall meeting went well over two hours! I had the feeling there were a lot more questions but people felt time constrained to ask for more information. In some cases the questions deserved a more thorough response than we gave so we will be providing some additional avenues for you to get more information on the Long Range Plan. Don’t forget the next Town Hall Meeting is on January 19 at 7 p.m. in Community Hall. Coffee and Conversation Questions In the near term, we plan to hold two Coffee and Conversation sessions – January 4 at 10 a.m. in the Caper Room and January 12 at 2 p.m. also in the Caper Room. For those of you who are not familiar, the Coffee and Conversation sessions are informal get-togethers with any and all interested members and the Board of Directors. Members ask questions or make comments and the Board responds or takes the question and researches the answer. There are many aspects of this Long Range Plan that have generated questions and we would like to ensure you have the information necessary to make an informed vote in February. Since the last Town Hall meeting we have received a number of emails

with questions and comments. At the Coffee and Conversations we plan to extract those questions (without identifying the source) and provide answers in a handout. Community Forum on Long Range Plan As was suggested at the last Town Hall Meeting and to encourage additional communication in regard to the Long Range Plan and the financing of this plan, we will print up to four pages of letters from members to the Board of Directors with questions or comments on the Long Range Plan. They will appear in the February edition of the News of Sun City Center and will serve as a Community Forum for the Long Range Plan. Please limit your letters or emails to 300 words so that we can print as many as possible. Letters/emails to the Board MUST be received at the CA Office no later than 3 p.m. January 16. Letters can be mailed to: Board of Directors, 1009 North Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, FL 33573 or emailed to We will hold a final Town Hall Meeting on February 8 at 7 p.m. in Community Hall to provide responses to questions raised in the letters to the Board. Your Decision Alone The enhancement and modernization plans being addressed at the Town Hall Meetings are a member’s decision – we will have a referendum in February where

all members of the Community Association will be asked to cast a written ballot. You, the members, must decide if you want your Board of Directors to pursue enhancing the Central Campus to make it more attractive or to leave the Central Campus as is—it is your decision alone. Only you alone can cast your vote—the only thing that has meaning is your vote. Please vote—in addition to the voting polls, there will be ballots in the News of Sun City Center as well as absentee ballots. Underage Children in Sun City Center I am happy to report that of the 10 known cases of children under the age of 18 living in Sun City Center, nine of those have been resolved and the youngsters have or will shortly move out. The one open case is being worked diligently. Membership Meeting At the Membership Meeting on January 4, 2012 we will swear in two of the three new directors—Al Alderman and Jane Keegan—Howie Griffin is out of town and will be sworn in at the January 11 Board of Directors meeting. I encourage everyone to come to the Membership Meeting in Community Hall at 7 p.m.


At the January 11 meeting, the CA Board will be voting to approve editing of the Community Association policies, Section 3.06 and 3.07, to reflect the December 15 vote of the membership regarding the Capital Fund Fee.

2011 CA Staff Holiday Party to Provide Toys to Children in Need


Hardship Assistance

Financial hardship assistance is available in warranted cases to resident owners. The resident owner of the property applying for financial hardship assistance must have been a member of the community in good standing for a period of three years prior to applying for assistance and complete a full financial disclosure. Applications for hardship financial relief must be submitted prior to February 29, 2012, to be considered for the current year. See Judy Hill at the Community Ass o ci at ion to pick up your application. —Jane Keegan, CA Director

Community Leaders Meeting January 17, 2012 at 9 a.m. Florida Room

The meeting will discuss the latest on the outdoor pool status. We will have the latest information on the plans and finances of the new buildings. It will also include the Sheriff ’s report. Hope you had very happy holidays and plan to see you at the meeting. —Al Alderman, Director

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE January 4 4 9 11 12 17 19 23

Coffee & Conversation Caper Room - 10 a.m. Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Coffee & Conversation Caper Room - 2 p.m. Community Leaders Mtg. Florida Room - 9 a.m. Town Hall Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

February 1 8 8 13 14 21 27

SCCCA employees donated toys to Destiny Church in Ruskin for those that could not afford gifts for their children for Christmas this year. We all feel so blessed for our jobs and friends and family and wanted to give back to the surrounding community this year to those in need, so instead of a gift exchange at the holiday lunch we collected toys for the children in need.

Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Town Hall Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. Membership Vote Sandpiper Room 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Membership Vote Community Hall 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Community Leaders Mtg. Florida Room - 9 a.m. CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association.”) On Wednesday, Jan. 11 and 25: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.


The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

Happy New Year!!!




1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Bel Aire model located in Popular St Andrews Estates. This home has a nice street presence with vaulted ceilings in living and dining room, kitchen has been modernized with oak cabinets and Granite counters. Large garage for the handy man as well as a cul-de-sac location for privacy, Moderate annual

Located in Kingspoint this STUART model 2/2 with aGable roof offers very comfortable seasonal or year round living. Home is owned by Snowbirds who have kept air conditioning going therefor no musty closed up smells. Replumbed in 2004, A/C and roof about 3 years ago. Great home for the money.

Located in Cypressview this DORAL model offers a nice view from the corner lot. Vaulted ceiling in living room, light Oak cabinets in kitchen, covered patio off dinette area. Freezer and extra storage in utility room. Newer range, refrigerator, micro, washer and dryer. Large entry opens to a great room effect.

1807 Orchid Court--This delightful SOUTH PACIFIC model is located on a large lot. A great floor plan makes this 2/2 home very desireable with 1750 square feet of living area. Roof and A/C are newer. This home is private and peaceful but so close to all Sun City ameneties.

2244 Greenwich Drive $ 59,900

1740 Atrium Drive $115,000

1807 Orchid Court $98,000

fee of $25.00 to St Andrews.

204 Austin Hill Ct $ 117,500

2011 Berry Roberts 2/2

$ 199,900

Islander-Private loc, Split Bedrooms

1506 Desert Hills


$ 89,900

DW52-Golfm Water, Nice Updates

2005 E View Dr


$ 187.000

Custom-Golf Course, Split Bedrs

833 Tremont Grns 2/2

$ 83,499

Charleston-Splt Plan, Enc Lanai

2004 Wedge Court 2/2

$ 179,000

Islander-Open Plan, Bamboo Flrs

1512 N Pebble Bch 2/2

$ 79,900

Dedham-Fresh Pt, New garage door

832 Regal Manor


$ 175,000

Cezanne-Appt Only $123. Mo Fee

2009 W Del Webb 2/2

$ 78,700

Camellia-Great full time or seasonal

1530 Ft Duquesna 2/2

$ 165,000

Limetree-Open Plan, New windows

2212 Hartlebury


$ 69,900

Sunrise-Large open back yard

415 Shellpoint


$ 155,000

3/2 & 2/1 Rental apts

1513 Chevy Chase 2/2

$ 67,900

T-2-Fully Furn, Nice Neighborhood

1806 Allegheny


$ 139,500

DW54 North lake with Island view

2020 Hawkhurst


$ 65,000

Brentwood 2-Water & Conservation

1705 Orchid Court 2/2

$ 120,000

Windjammer-Courtyard, Cul de sac

2244 Greenwich Dr 2/2

$ 59,000

Stuart-Nice Updates, Snowbird Res

204 Austin Hill


$ 117,500

Bel Aire-St Andrews-Nice Street

2010 Hereford Dr


$ 48,000

Somerset-Sold As-is, 1.5 Garage

1740 Atrium


$ 115,000

Doral-Cor Lot Covered Patio

407-B Feltham Trl


$ 45,500

Windsor, Grt Inv.Tenant in place

1823 Granville


$ 112,500

Pinehurst-Cor Lot, CPVC Plumbing

306B Fowling Ct


$ 44,900

Windsor, Lite, Bright Close to all

1611 Bentwood


$ 110,000

Twintree-Freshly Painted+ Lanai

411 Flanborough


$ 43,900

Stuart-Beautifully Furn Must See

1807 Orchid Ct


$ 98,000

South Pacific-Large lot, Newer roof

301 Kings F-130


$ 27,000

Mansard Furn-Newer Appliances

381 Club Manor


$ 92,000

Dedham- Encl Lanai, Pond View

301 Kings F143


$ 25,900

Mansard-Nicely Furn, New Kitchen

1415 Langley Dr


$ 89,900

Sunset II-Pond View Stainls Appls

202 Bedford E111 1.1.5

$ 24,000

Mansard-Furn Cozy, close to all




$ 795




$ 795




$ 975




$ 875




$ 975




$ 875




$ 995




$ 875







$ 975








$ 985








$ 1100







SAHARA 1800 sq ft













Rentals are going FAST....

See A1 Connection TODAY!!!

Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center










Monday, February 13, 2012, Caper Room 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012, Community Hall 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Minutes of October 26 and December 15, 2011 Membership Meetings III. Treasurer’s Report IV. Community Manager’s Report V. 50th Anniversary Update VI. Awards and Recognition VII. Installation of Newly-Elected Directors VIII. Announcement of New Officers for 2012 IX. President’s Report X. General Discussion by Members XI. Adjournment David T. Floyd Corporate Secretary

Absentee Ballots will be available in the February issue of the NEWS and at the CA office beginning January 23, 2012

Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.


TOWN HALL MEETINGS CONCERNING LONG RANGE PLANS FOR SUN CITY CENTER Thursday, January 19, 2012, Community Hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday, February 8, 2012, Community Hall, 7 p.m. Referendum Vote: February 13 & 14.

NOTICE GUEST PASS CHARGES AS OF JANUARY 1, 2012 Effective January 1, 2012, there will be a charge for Guest Passes of $1 per day per guest. All guests 18 or over utilizing any part of the CA facilities will be required to have a pass whether they are with a CA member or not. CA members must present their CA member ID to obtain a Guest Pass and can purchase passes for their guests in the CA Office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CLUB/ORGANIZATION Sisterhood of Beth Israel Matthew McDonnell Monday Movies Rolf & Patricia Sulzberger Potter’s Wheel Potter’s Wheel


$100.00 $109.72 $124.00 $500.00 $200.00 $300.00

APPLIED TO Hardship Fund Fireworks Fund License Fee Reimbursement Hardship Fund Hardship Fund Capital Improvement Fund

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: Website:



You still have a variety of shows to choose from to keep you entertained for the next several months. All shows are scheduled at Community Hall except for the operas which will be held at the Rollins Theater. All shows have reserved seats and are open to the public. Tickets are on sale at the Atrium-Kiosk Monday-Wednesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon, through February 3. Then tickets can be purchased at the Community Association Office Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m.-noon. Flyers are available at the Atrium Kiosk, C.A. office, Community Hall and Kings Point North and South Clubhouses. Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001. Tickets on sale: Entertainment Series Shows: The remaining Sunday shows are the Showcase (Jan. 8/$11); Van-Dells (Jan. 29/$16); Simply Streisand (Feb. 19/$13); and Joey Arminio & Family (Mar. 11/$15). Friday Dance/Shows are Phil Dirt & the Dozers (Jan. 13/$18); Fabulons (Feb. 10/$19); and Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons (Mar. 2/$21). St. Petersburg Opera Co.: Two operas are scheduled from 2-4 p.m.: Preview to “Samson et Dalila” (February 26) and Preview to Marriage of Figaro (May 20). Tickets are $10/show/person . Follies Birthday Bash: As part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration, the Pelican Players will perform this show Sunday, February 12, 2012 , 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tickets are $5/person and go on sale Monday, January 16 (wrong date in article last month) at Atrium Kiosk, Sarasota Jazz Project: Swinging into Spring will be held Sunday, March 4, 2012, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Tickets: $12/person will go on sale Monday, February 6 at C.A. Office. 50th Anniversary Gala: The closing event for the year-long 50th Anniversary celebration will be held Friday, April 20, 2012, 7-10 p.m., featuring Flashback Band. This will be a dance (tables of 10) and the theme is the 60’s; you are welcome to dress accordingly. Tickets will be $20/person; includes high-end hors d’ouevres. (Date of ticket sales to be decided later.) Sarasota Concert Band: There are three performances scheduled in 2012, 2-4 p.m.: April 22, 2012: Russian Romance; May 20, 2012: Latin Rhythms; July 1, 2012: Victory Celebration. Ticket prices are $18/person/performance or buy all three as a miniseries for $45/person. They will go on sale Monday, February 6 at C.A. Office. HOLD THE DATE: September 30, 2012, 2:30-4:30 - America, the Beautiful by the Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony (Date of ticket sales/price of tickets to be decided later).

Plan from page 1. what we could borrow. If we look at the four lowest years, the average number of transfer fees has been 258. In reality since the loan payment is approximately $300,000 per year, WE CAN AVERAGE 200 FEES PER YEAR FOR THE ENTIRE 10 YEARS AND PAY THE LOAN IN FULL. As a further safety net, because of the $500,000 reserve we have created AS FEW AS 170 HOME RE-SALES PER YEAR FOR THE ENTIRE 10 YEARS WILL REPAY THE LOAN WITH NO DUES MONEY BEING USED. If we had a series of bad hurricanes it has been suggested that people would quit moving to Florida. But does anyone believe that is a real probability? In 2003 and 2004 we experienced some of the worst hurricanes ever and we experienced two out of our three highest years of re-sales ever. When a plane crashes, do people stop flying? Every day for the next 19 years 10,000 people reach age 65. We need to attract our fair share and modernizing our facilities will help that. HOW REALISTIC ARE OUR COST PROJECTIONS? Drawing on past experience, we are taking a number of steps to ensure that our numbers are realistic and that we will be able to stay within budget. 1. We have already hired a civil engineer to locate all underground utilities to avoid any surprises; 2. Our cost projections are based on the work of our architects and an experienced construction manager who has estimates from numerous potential sub-contractors; 3. We have included a 10% contingency in our projections; 4. We will hire a “clerk of the works” to provide weekly inspections as the job progresses; 5. We will use a strict AIA contract with a performance bond to ensure completion; 6. Thorough planning and review of the project will be completed before work begins to avoid change orders.

The News of Sun City Center

WHY FINANCING MAKES SENSE Some folks have questioned why not wait until we have the money to avoid interest; why not pay as we go and build over time? Building on a “pay as you go” basis by waiting for receipt of enough fees would mean the first building could not commence until late 2013 and the balance of the project would have to wait until 2017-18. With all due respect, because of today’s unique circumstances, TIME IS OUR ENEMY. Today it’s a buyers market for construction because contractors are desperate for work. Interest rates are at an all-time low. As the economy recovers, every economist on the planet predicts a surge in inflation which will significantly increase the cost of construction. That cost increase will exceed our interest cost so that waiting will not only cost more, you won’t have the benefit of these improved facilities now. Building piecemeal also loses the cost advantages of doing the larger project simultaneously. Anyone familiar with construction will tell you there are economies of scale to be achieved by doing all the work at once. Remember that this loan is repaid by receipt of 200 Fees per year; we have projected receipt of 240 fees per year; and we expect even higher receipts (this years’ receipts should be at least 350). Thus, since the loan will have no prepayment penalty, we can use excess receipts to pay the loan early. If we just hit our projected average and apply that excess, the loan will be paid off in eight years with substantially lower interest costs. THE FUTURE IS NOW So, the future is now. As Sun City Center enters its second 50 years we have an opportunity for advancements and a refurbishing that will allow you to enjoy modernized facilities today and allow our community to compete with newer retirement communities. Home values will increase as more people are attracted to purchase here and the best news is that those “newbies” will pay for it.

January 2012

COFFEE AND CONVERSATION with SCCCA BOARD MEMBERS & COMMUNITY MANAGER CONCERNING THE LONG RANGE PLAN Wednesday, January 4 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, January 12 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CAPER ROOM An informal exchange of information “Verify the rumors or find the truth”

Minto Communities 1st Annual Winter Festival

Saturday, January 28, 2012 Noon – 3 p.m. Location: North Lakes Golf Club – 1225 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. , Sun City Center 33573 (located next to the Community Association’s north campus parking lot) Details: Join Minto for a Winter Festival full of fun! Featuring a car show, live music, ready to eat food for purchase and much more! Bring your pet along and enter the pet contest at 1 p.m.! Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs to relax and enjoy the music. This is sure to be a day full of exciting outdoor activities for all to enjoy! For information on Minto’s new homes, call (813) 634-6400 or visit

FunFest Planning Has Started!



By Phyllis Hodges The FunFest Committee met Wednesday, November 30, 2011, to begin planning for the Golden 50th Anniversary and St. Patrick’s Day celebration of FunFest 2012. March 17 is the third Saturday in March when the annual event will be held on the Sun City Center CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members of the Committee include Jane Keegan (chair), Mike Albanese and Bill Barron (Safety/Parking), John and Linda Bowker (Welcome), Sandi Cassel (Assignments), Kelly Emerson and Lyn Reitz (Operations), Phyllis and Bill Hodges (Publicity), Fred Kroog and Uta Kuhn (Sponsors), Joanne Sudman (Vendors), John and Sue Lea (Food Vendors) and Judy Schings (Entertainment). FunFest is open to everyone and folks from surrounding communities Architects’ rendition of the lobby area of the proposed Multi-Purpose Center. are encouraged to attend to see the SCC lifestyle at its best. Put it on your calendar!

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center

SCAMS SCAMS CAN COST US THOUSANDS By John Bowker Every day ... in fact, several times every day ... we receive word from local residents about a phone call offering financial help or warning of dire consequences if certain information is not quickly conveyed to the caller. Recently, emails have been carrying the same unnerving messages. Without exception, each of them is a scam and some may border on a criminal action. This newsletter is giving thought to starting a series giving details of what these awful people are offering our neighbors. But where to start? We have decided to simply start listing what have come to Sun City Center residents. You may want to begin a collection of these just as a reminder of what may come to you the next time your phone rings. If you have had a call or an email that promises either wonderful or terrible things, please send them to us by email at sccnews@verizon. net or in a letter to the News of Sun City Center, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, FL 33573. We only want to hear about these scams first hand, so please don’t tell us about things you have heard that have happened to others. SCAM 1: (telephone) “This is the Tampa Circuit Court calling. You were told to report for jury duty this morning and did not report as instructed.” [You say that you never received a notice.] “Well, everyone else on the list reported — I want to be sure I am speaking with the right person, what is your Social Security Number?” [You tell the caller your SS number.] “Yes, that is what we show, so you will be receiving a $253 fine in the mail

in 7-10 days. If you would prefer to pay the amount by credit card right now, the amount will be only $153.” [You decide to get this taken care of right now.] “Very good, tell me your credit card number and I will see the matter is closed.” By now you are nervous and the kind offer by the caller sounds too good to pass up. So you give him your number. In mere minutes the caller can then pretty well destroy your credit rating through bogus charges. Rest assured: the court system does not operate in this manner. You have been talking to a criminal. SCAM 2: (Email) WINNING NOTIFICATION! “We happily announce to you the draw #951 held on Wednesday, 2 August 2011 produced ticket 56475600545 188. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of $2,000,000 (two million dollars) in cash. Please make contact with Mr. A.H. Homes at the Fedex Delivery Company in West Africa at +44702406-1363 and he will tell you what he needs to finish processing your check.” [Turns out that “Mr. Homes” will only need your bank account and routing information right off the bottom of your checks. It will take “Mr. Homes” less than a day to deplete your checking account totally. The email is from a criminal.]

Bowker from page 1. John initiated the 633-8200 information line where people could call the CA and leave questions. Now t h at h a s b e c o m e s i mp l y a n information line. The past has seen John in various club roles from the Recreational Vehicle Park, Amateur Radio, New England Club and many others. He has also been a regular reporter for The News of Sun City Center. Many people have never met John Bowker but they consider him a jewel in the wonderful lifestyle of Sun City Center. It would be difficult to imagine what it would be like without a copy of eNEWS at hand. It tells what is really important to the residents of Sun City Center. It presents facts without opinions. He is never too busy to stop and put out an eNEWS to some 5,000 people. People from literally around the world read his news about Sun City Center. He is a valuable asset to this community and someone the residents can count on for warmth, example and honesty.


John has won many prestigious awards during his time in Sun City Center. Hillsborough County has given awards for his eNEWS, founding the Information Center and its finest Lonnie Lea Napier Good Neighbor award. MOWW named him “Man of the Year.” In 2010, the DAR gave him their Award for Excellence in Community Service. Now it is our turn. On January 22, come to Community Hall to hear his talk and perhaps to buy one of his new history books. He will be there so drop in and acknowledge his contributions to this community. There are so many more parts to John’s life here, but you can find them out the 22nd. One of the most treasured by John is his wife Linda. They have recently sold their home on Ft. Duquesna and are enjoying a new lifestyle at the Courtyards. While getting settled, they are continuing their usual activities. John is only the fifth person in Sun City Center history to have a day named for him. It is an honor he justly deserves.

Happy 2012!

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News and Notes...

The News of Sun City Center

Holiday Golf Cart Parade

50th January from page 1.


Planning Ahead for 50th Anniversary Events February 10 The Fabulons SCC Community Hall 2:30 p.m.

Best Original Design: Vicki & Chris Robinson

February 12 Pelican Players Follies SCC Community Hall 2 p.m.

February 19 Simply Streisand Show Featuring Carla DelVillaggio SCC Community Hall 2:30 p.m.


February 16 Golf Tournament and Dinner Sandpiper Golf Course & Club Renaissance

Best Cultural Depiction: New England Club (Mark Vietzke)

March 10 SCC Swim Dancers CA Lap Pool 2 p.m.


March 2 Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons From Let’s Hang On SCC Community Hall 7 p.m. Best Holiday Theme: Wisconsin Club with eight tiny (?) reindeer in front (Kathy Doane)

March 11 Joey Arminio & The Family SCC Community Hall 2:30 p.m. March 17 FUNFEST CA Central Campus 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Note: The March North Lake boat tour listed in 50th book is cancelled due to insurance issues.

January 2012

record the meters. The committee will convert that to miles for you. The grand finale ceremony on March 21, 2012, will celebrate your accomplishments with refreshments and awarding of prizes. January 8 Entertainment Showcase 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. You’ll be entertained from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. by various Florida entertainers. Come and go as you please. Food will be available for purchase from the Softball Club. Tickets are $10. Open seating. Call 813-642-2001 for more information. January 11 Golden Bingo Event The 50th Anniversary Bingo Committee is planning a special event on January 11 at Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The doors open at 6 p.m. with games beginning promptly at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 for a three-card strip. There will be three $250 and four $100 jackpots. Every game prize is $50. The event is open to all Community Association and Kings Point residents (no guests). For further information, call AnnMarie Leblanc at 633-3500. January 13 Phil Dirt and the Dozers At 2:30 p.m. on January 13, make your way to Community Hall for America’s premier rock ’n roll oldies review. You’ll be transported to the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, beginning in the days of poodle skirts and saddle shoes. This show is a high-energy romp of contagious good humor, dazzling musical talent and amazing recreations of the hits you love best. Tickets, available at the Atrium kiosk or the CA office, are $10. Call 813-633-3500 for more information. January 14 Home Tour Spans Five Decades For Sun City Center’s year-long 50th Anniversary Celebration, a special six-home tour is planned on Saturday, Jan 14, 2012 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). A $5 ticket admits you to the homes. After the tour, all participants are invited to the SCC Information Center at 1002 Cherry Hills Drive for refreshments and to enter the Home Tour ticket in a drawing for a 50th Anniversary prize. (You do not have to be present for the drawing to win.) Del Webb built SCC as a “retirement community for people of modest means.” Over the past 50 years, architectural changes occurred to reflect an expanded view of life for seniors. The six tour houses represent each decade of the past 50 years. Hosts are: 1960s-Lickfeldt’s, 1409 Fox Hills Dr; 1970s-Odell’s, 1727 Flamingo Lane; 1980s-Erath, 708 Elkhorn Rd; 1990s-Jacobs, 2119 Sterling Glen Ct; 2000s-Attles, 737 Camellia Greens Dr; and 2010-Minto Communities, 303 Siena Vista Place. At each home, a host will be talking about its history. For tickets or tour information, call Mike Brock, tour coordinator, at 365-0003. Tickets are also available at the Lifeline office, 1002A Cherry Hills Drive (behind the Information Center).

Cont’d. on page 9.

Best Portrayal of 50th Anniversary: Ernie Cuzzi There were 42 carts participating in this year’s Holiday golf cart parade. Dignitaries aboard carts included State Senator Ronda Storms, County Commissioners Al Higgenbotham and Ken Hagan, Minto V.P. Bill Bullock, our own President Ed Barnes and Community Manager Lyn Reitz. Hot chocolate and cookies provided by Minto were enjoyed during the awards ceremony.



One of the homes you’ll visit during the seond 50th Anniversary House Tour:1960s-Lickfeldt’s, 1409 Fox Hills Dr.



January 2012

The News of Sun City Center

Anniversary Golf Tournament

This event will be held Thursday, February 16, 2012 at the well-manicured Sandpiper Golf Club in Sun City Center, Florida. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. with tee off at 12:30 p.m. The cost for this event is $200 per team. This price includes entry, 18 holes of golf, riding cart, awards banquet. There will be an awards banquet at 6 p.m. at Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Blvd.


By Phyllis Hodges

Participants will enjoy a complete program that includes 18 holes of golf (with cart), gifts for each player and dinner—all for just $200 per four-person team. The entry fee includes coffee and pastries, box lunch, free range balls, putting challenge on the practice green, longest drive contest and a closest-to-the-pin challenge. Golf attire is required (no steel spikes). Registration on tournament day begins at 11 a.m. with tee off at 12:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 Cost:$200 per 4 -person team Registration 11:00 am Coffee & Pastries

Chairmen: Chuck and Gerri Roth Questions call 642-0679

50th Anniversary Golf Tournament

Golfers have another opportunity for a 50th Anniversary event—this one at the Sandpiper Golf Club on February 16.

Sandpiper Golf Club 1702 South Pebblebeach Blvd Sun City Center, Fl 33573

Enjoy a complete program of special events, 18 holes of golf (including cart) ,gifts for each player and an exciting awards banquet… All for just $200 per 4-man team: Box Lunch Free range balls Putting challenge on the practice green Longest drive contest Closest to the pin challenge Dinner guests $25


To help us properly plan for this event, please preregister on sign-up sheets in the pro shops at: Renaissance, Sandpiper, Falcon Watch, Scepter, Caloosa CC and Caloosa Greens or call Chuck and/or Gerri Roth at 642-0679.

Golf attire is required. No steel spikes are allowed on the course.

50th January from page 8. January 19 Master Swim Club Offers Stroke Assistance The Master Swim Club is participating in the 50th Anniversary celebration by offering 50 minutes of help for 50 cents. On January 19, 8:10 to 9 a.m., club members will be at the Lap Pool on the CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd., to help swimmers with their stroke techniques. You are being asked to register for the session at the desk by the pool by January 12 so that organizers can plan appropriately. For further information, contact Jean Allen at 633-9268. January 21 Fun Run/Walk The Fun Run/Walk sponsored by the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club is On January 21. You and your group will meet at the Armstrong Room at 8 a.m. Runners will begin at 8:45 a.m.; walkers will start at 9 a.m. to start the route on the first nine holes of ClubLink’s closed golf course adjacent to the CA Central Campus. Distance you’ll run or walk—three miles or half that distance—is your choice. Ending time is when the last runner/walker reaches the finish line. The entrance fee of $5 includes a tee shirt, refreshments after the run and a participation ribbon.

Register on Monday, Wednesday or Friday from January 2 to January 15 in the Atrium from 9 a.m. until noon. The event is open to all SCC CA and Kings Point residents. January 22 SCC’s First 50 Years The January 22 presentation about Sun City Center’s first 50 years will be unlike any you’ve seen before. With enthusiasm and his unique style, John Bowker, who heads the SCC History Society, will narrate visuals describing the community’s struggles and successes over the past five decades. It begins at 2 p.m. at Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Included on the program is recognition of those residents who are the second and third generation of their families to live in SCC. It is the culmination of a program over the last few months headed by Dee Kelly. January 29 Van-Dells The month’s 50th Anniversary event schedule ends with a fast-paced show by the Van-Dells, a five-piece band that rocks through the ‘50s and ‘60s. Join the fun at SCC Community Hall, 2:30 p.m. for an afternoon performance of non-stop action. For ticket info, call 813-642-2001

Debbie Bates, CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center © 2011 Allstate Insurance Company

An exciting awards banquet will begin at 6 p.m. at Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach Boulevard. Dinner guest cost is $25. To help with planning, the organizers are asking participants to preregister as soon as convenient on signup sheets in the pro shops at: Renaissance, Sandpiper, Falcon Watch, Scepter, Caloosa Country Club and Caloosa Greens. Chuck and Gerri Roth are chairing the tournament and can be reached at 813-642-0679.

If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s... ...then maybe it’s time we talked. Caring for an elderly loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s or dementia is one of life’s great challenges. But the memory care program at Homewood Residence at Freedom Plaza can enhance the quality of life, not just for your loved one, but for your entire family as well. We understand the nature of Alzheimer’s and we deliver compassionate care in a program that focuses on Daily Moments of SuccessSM. If your family has a loved one with Alzheimer’s, then call us. We can talk about the details later, but for now let’s just talk. Call (813)

633-4340 for more information

or to schedule your personal visit.

Personalized Assisted Living Respect for Individual PreferencesSM Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Daily Moments of SuccessSM 3910 Galen Ct., Sun City Center, FL 33573 Assisted Living Facility # 9634 Respect for Individual Preferences and Daily Moments of Success are Service Marks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. ®Reg. U.S, Patent and TM Office




The News of Sun City Center

Don’t Miss the January Crime Awareness Seminar Submitted by Deputy Chris Girard


Fol k s m ove t o Kings Point and Sun City Center for many reasons. But, for most of them, their motivations are their own version of “retiring in style.” They want less stress and more fun. They want to know and trust their neighbors and feel comfortable in their own community. And, for the vast majority of SCC and KP residents, that’s the lifestyle they enjoy every day. But that doesn’t mean you should not be vigilant. There are still those out there who seek to take advantage of your relaxed attitude to your life of fun in the sun. But, as with anything else, a little knowledge can go a long way toward keeping you and yours safe in this new year. To assist you in getting the knowledge you need to stay safe in 2012, the HCSO will be hosting two Crime Awareness Seminars this month. Both of these seminars offer you the opportunity to learn about crime happening in your area and to be aware of how to prevent it! Tuesday, January 10, join me from 1- 2:30 p.m. in the East Social Room in the KP Main Clubhouse. Wednesday, January 18, join me from 2– 3 p.m. at the Sun Trust Bank, 1525 Rickenbacker Drive, Sun City Center.

Don’t miss these opportunities to learn not only what sort of criminal activity has been happening in your community but also about preventative measures you can take to protect yourself, your family and your home and to help prevent yourself from becoming a victim. Another upcoming event to look forward to is the grand opening of our new HCSO substation here in 33573. We are moving our offices to 948 Cherry Hills Drive, SCC. That’s east of the lawn bowling greens in between the wood shop and the ceramic shop. And, finally, there is an additional matter that needs to be addressed this month. It concerns handicapped parking. Recently I have noticed many occasions where more than one vehicle is attempting to park in a single designated spot. This is illegal. Regardless of the size of type of vehicle, only one vehicle is permitted per designated space. This also includes the exterior lines that surround the handicap-designated space. Even if you believe there is room or you will “only be a minute,” do not double park. To be clear, this applies to golf carts and scooters as well as other vehicles. When you try to squeeze into a spot, particularly if you park on the lined pavement around the actual space, your vehicle is restricting access to those who use those areas to safely exit their vehicles and traverse the parking lot. Thank you for your attention to this and see you at the seminars. Happy New Year and be safe out there.

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January 2012

SCC Generations Two and Three to Gather January 22 Dee Kelly is continuing to find people who are the second or third generation to settle in Sun City Center. A fun part of the project has been sharing memories. She recalls her family driving down for many Christmas holidays with gifts from Santa hidden in the car, hoping the kids wouldn’t find them, getting closer to SCC and guessing what grammy was going to have for dinner. Once they arrived, there was the excitement of frosting cookies, fishing and hanging stockings—without the fireplace, of course. SCC is a family affair for many of the community’s residents. Rosie Elam followed her mother Tealta Tuffiash here and so did her siblings. Eleanor McClew writes about her parents coming to visit the Hanfords, friends in SCC, and moved in 1971. She and her husband followed eight years later. Lynn Bentz tells how her parents, the Ehrenbergers, moved to SCC in 1983 and became immersed in the various activities. No doubt there will be many stories exchanged on January 22 at John Bowker’s presentation about SCC’s struggles and successes over the past 50 years. “It’s a new presentation, prepared especially for this event,” he says. The recognition of generations two and three is included on the program as the culmination of a months-long “search” project. Info on the project: Dee Kelly 642-8678. Info on the January 22 presentation: John Bowker 633-1427.

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Edmund Barnes, President Bob Black, Vice President Neil Rothfeld, Treasurer Al Alderman Chuck Collett David Floyd - Corporate Secretary Martin Hurwitz Jane Keegan Ann Marie Leblanc Sam Sudman BUDGET COMMITTEE Jerry Mahoney, Chair Nate Bell Bob Kobe CONSUMER AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Dale Potter, Chair Andy Bosko Bob Cobe Jerry Decker Bill Hackbarth Val Korolevich Dave O’Donnell Ted Verzino ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Tommy Wardlow, Chair Barbara Gingrich, Vice Chair Barbara Biddle Jim & Kathy Bittman Sheila Borchert Gail Bouverat Doug Carroll Paul & Eileen Courter Michael Cullen Thomas & Fran Fallon Jane Fischer Eleanor Folley Priscilla Gruber Uta Kuhn Pat McNeil Ray & Donna O’Karma Marian Olbina Carol Oschman Barbara Pfeil Maggie Pliska Kyle Rollins Frank Sanyour Karen Stanhope Mary Jane Tovey Barbara Walker Jerry & Barbara Werle Jean Wheat Frank Zahrobsky GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bob Shangraw, Co-chair Don Nathan, Co-chair Marilyn Balkany Jim Brandt Sam Sudman INTERNAL AUDIT COMMITTEE Tom Culliton, Chair Mary Culliton THE PROJECTS OFFICE (TPO) Martin Hurwitz, Chair Bob Deutel Louis Lee Richard Edwards COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Bob Black, Chair

John Cortese Liz DiRocco Elaine Dixon Janet Doherty Dorothy Erickson Dorothy Eveleigh Bill George Vi Gillen Pat Hayes Richard Keister Rosemary Kobylak John Kostenjak Adeline McNeil Felicia Nixon Barbara O’Donnell Betty Pompei Naomi Powers Larry Ratliff Gale Rust Fred Slatcher Peg Stockett Susan Swift Sally Welch ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Judy Schings, Chair Janet McRee, Assistant to Chair Martha Alderman Nan Baytos Jack Craig Linda Clapp Rose Ciaravalo Dorinda Degnan Margie Driscoll Bonnie Fisher Fran Fallon Dick & Barbara Gingrich Barbara Henbest Kristine Hofmann Barbara Kanoza Mary Klopp Sandy Kepley Margaret Kuss Uta Kuhn Maryanne Laviano Eileen & Marvin Lent Paula Lickfeldt Betty Maloney Lorraine McDaniel John McRee Pat Nadeau Maggie Pliska Mary Jane Tovey Bonnie Vaught Dolores Whitfield Jay Wolfe Peggy Wolfe 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE Ann Marie Leblanc, Chair Elaine Armstrong Gordy & Jan Bassett Bob Black John & Linda Bowker Mike Brock Nan Baytos Judy Bullock Paul Courter Joe Elam Beverly Engels Barbara Gingrich Phyllis Hodges Uta Kuhn Carl & Cam McGary Theresa Phillips

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERS IN 2011 PUBLIC RELATIONS TASK FORCE Bob Black, Chair Maggie Pliska Nan Baytos HISTORY SOCIETY John Bowker - Chair Judy Bullock Doris Palmer Arthur Erickson Kitty and Lew Matzkin HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Joe Elam - Chair COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTER Theresa Phillips, Coordinator Elaine Armstrong Bruce and Naomi Arnold Dick and Dee Babbits Dave Bartku Jan Bartku Jack Baytos Nan Baytos John and Linda Bowker Mike Brock Elaine Brulpot Judy Bullock Roz Cruthis Janet Ditmore Mae-Ellen Dowdy Bob and Germaine Dufresne Joe Elam Carmen Font Kathy Gauthier Marian Grover Phyllis Hodges Vivian Kann Jane Keegan Joyce Kline Uta Kuhn Ann Marie Leblanc George Lott Cam McGary Anne McGervey Phyllis McGrath Andy Nove Donna O’Karma Doris Palmer Wilma Payne Maggie Pliska Bob Powers Ginny Rottman Phil Saxton Sally Schierkolk Sue Swift Howard and Dorothy Volgenau Elaine Wardlow Barbara Wurth HI, NEIGHBOR! Joe Elam - Chair John Bowker Linda Bowker Judy Bullock Linda Cannarella Sandi Cassel Rosie Elam Dotti Volgenau BINGO COMMITTEE Jan Love, Chair Linda East Swede Nolder Linda Lewis Patricia Bauman Marilyn Bohl Janet Chick

Roxann Seeley Judy Schings Anne Skinner John & Merlene Smithyman Dolores Whitfield MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Karen Ryan, Chair MONDAY MOVIES John McRee, Chair Chris Golik Dorothy Hull Janet McRee FITNESS CENTER COMMITTEE Jim Blackstone, Chair Duke Ahearn Bruce Anderson Mara & Stephen Attles Al & Janet Cardulla Jim Curtis Butch James Karen Johnson Becky Leichtman Gary Marchman Chuck Murray John Persinger Doug Seipelt Joe Volpe John Wilkins Bart Main, Special Advisor RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS COMMITTEE Paul Wheat, Chair Chester Ferguson, Notary Dolores Whitfield, Notary EASE VOLUNTEER Dolores Miller LIBRARY Jean Beardsley Jill Bell Sheila Borchert Marge Brown Carol Burns Sally Dittman Helen Faden Rita Foley Lo Gibson Linda Hansen Barbara Henbest Judy Herreweyers Katherine Howell Betty Jones Rosalie Kelleher Rebecca Keller Sharon Kennedy Teresa Klinger Inga Laucks Angela Lewit McBride, Susan Faye Mc Dowell Evelyn McLean McLeish, Sally Ann Miller Bill Pappmeire Myrna Persinger Clara Rafinski Solange Rangle Shirley Rigsby Mary Robinson Paula Shilkett Grace Spence Norma Tuthill Marilyn Valentine Lanna Wheatley Jennette White


Marie Wood Mary Kay Young NEWS OF SUN CITY CENTER Karen Jones, Editor-in-Chief Katherine Benoit John Bowker Linda Bowker Uta Kuhn Phyllis Hodges Ron Pelton Judy Stimson John Wolf Marie Wood FUN FEST Jane Keegan, Chair Mike Albanese John & Linda Bowker Bill & Phyllis Hodges Gary Keegan Fred Kroog Uta Kuhn John & Sue Lee Judy Schings HOLIDAY WALK Ann Marie Leblanc, Chair Gert Affsyrou Mary Boyes Barbara Brulport Judy Bullock Jack & Carolyn Burgess Linda Clap Chuck & Kris Collett Ed & Mae Ellen Dowdy Joe & Rosie Elam Art Erickson Mel & Maracia Fader Jim & Janie Fischer Julie & David Floyd Carol Fritschel Kathy Hold Cathy Howie Jane Keegan Dee Kelly Joe & Marcy Kuhn Uta Kuhn Lorraine McDaniels Lucille Meloney Loren & Nancy Mercer Dolores Miller Theresa Phillips Bob Powers Dave O’Donnel Karen Jean & Vince Renzi Dee Romando Janet Selwaka Ray & Helen Skinner Sam & Joanne Sudman Margaret Vaske Ted & Melba Verzino Tommy & Elaine Wardlow Jim & Mary Weller Mary Williams GOLF CART PARADE Dolores Whitfield - Chair Carol Donner Uta Kuhn Judy Hill Ann Marie Leblanc Susan Muise Judy Schings SUN CITY CENTER WEBSITE Tom Schmitt, Web Master


The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

Donations to the Community Association Received During 2011 Thank you All! Ed Barnes, President

-AAnderson, Bruce & Joan Abell, Pamela

-VVesche, Nickie & Dolores -WWhite, Malcolm & June Wick, Gerald & Mary Wyrick, Donald & Barbara

-BBlanche, Carl Bullock, Annette

Hardship Fund Donations 2011(sent to CA w/dues)

-CChordas, David & Judy Cori, Robert & Joan -DDaane, Gail DaCosta, Wanir Davis, Paul & Elaine Dowdy, Edward & Mae-Ellen -FFarrell, Evelyn Frercks, Elizabeth -GGasper, Steve & Dorothy -HHaas, John Hamm, Alfred & Dolores Held, Robert & Zelda -JJakusz, Richard -LLaTorre, Alan & Sandra Levine, Arthur & Bernice Long, Joseph Lott, George/Wurth Barbara -MMcLeod, Ronald Muise, Susan -NNarten, Susan Newman, William & Nancy -PPrater, Larry & Jo -QQuitsch, Dieter & Judith -RRobinson, Mary Rogers, William Roop, Ronald & Ola -SSlaughter, Billie & Carol Sturniolo, David & Norma

-AAnderson, Mary Avella, Nicola & Christina

-KKail, Glen Kann, Vivian Kepley, Frank & Sandra -LLa Torre, Alan & Sandra Landis, Betty Levine, Arthur & Bernice Littrell, Paul & Kristine Lombardi, Paul & Margaret Long, Joseph LoRusso, Vincent & Frances Lowell, John & Margaret

-BBaker, Willard & Nora Barnes, Edmund & Nancy Barringer, Kenneth & Joan Beck, Mira Bizzano, Robert & Katherine Bukowski, John & Barbara Bullock, Annette Burford, Bonnie & Reynolds, Ruth Burns, Leonard Butte, Juanita

-MMathews, Karen McCoy, Robert & Marion Miesionczek, Edward & Margrit Misner, Jack & Isabel Mitchell, Thomas & Jean Montagna, Joseph & Regina Muise, Susan

-CCallan, Frances Clapp, Richard & Paula Cobe, Robert & Cyrille Cohen, Tina Cook, Michael & Carol Cox, Leslie & Jean Cronn, James & Alice

-OO’Connell, Joseph & Anita Odell, William & Ella O’Farrell, Ronda

-DDieden, Robert & Cornelia Donnelly, Bernard & Rosemarie Dowdy, Edward & Mae-ellen -EErickson, Arthur Erickson, Edie -FFitzpatrick, Mary Ann Florance, Virginia Folley, William & Eleanor Franklin, David Frercks, Elizabeth -GGagliardi, Dominick & Dolores Gasper, Steve & Dorothy Griffin, Patricia -HHamm, Alfred & Dolores Hawkins, Virginia Hiller, Margaret -JJakusz, Richard

COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER SUN CITY CENTER We are also grateful to the Community Foundation for their grants in 2011 benefiting the: Sun City Center Library $21,234 from the Durward & Janet Seville Fund Photo Club $5,000 Cignet Yacht Club $2,400

-NNarten, Susan

-PPerry, Gene

Roop, Ronald & Ola Ruth, Jane -SShirley, William & Karin Smith, Sharon Spencer, James & Nancy Syvertsen, Diane -TTemple, Sumiko Thomas, Maryellen Turczyk, Florian & Virginia -VVanGelder, Warren & Carroll -WWeeks, Jo Ann Weisshaupt, Anton Weitzman, Charles & Adele Wepfer, Russell & Sally Werle, Gerard & Barbara Wheat, Paul & Jean White, Malcolm & June Whiteside, Dolores Wyrick, Donald & Barbara -YYentes, Gerald & Lee -ZZalusky, Donald

-RRogers, William

SPECIAL RECOGNITION TO THE FOLLOWING CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO CONTRIBUTED $1,000 & OVER TO THE BENEFIT OF THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION IN 2011 (thru 12/20/11) Name Amount Applied To American Legion Post 246 $13,937 Military Ball Aquasizers $ 1,000 Pool Heating Bridge Club $ 1,500 Hardship Fund Computer Club $ 3,584 Reimbursement of Fios & Verizon Dog Owners Club $ 5,990 Maintenance Agreement, Reimbursement of ribbons For Dog Show and Turfkeepers Fun Squad $ 1,669 Capital Fund Men’s Club $ 7,340 Automatic doors Palm Room Automatic door Pool area Minto Communities $10,150 Sponsor 50th Anniversary Picnic & Golf Cart Parade Monday Movies $ 3,163 License Fee Reimbursement Potter’s Wheel $ 1,726 Electrical outlets, materials, Supplies, surge protector, Door installation, Home Depot, Hardship Fund, Capital Improvement Fund Softball Club $11,966 Picnic tables, sand/clay/ Marble chip, field Renovation & annual Maintenance Agreement Tennis $10,000 Maintenance Agreement

VOLUNTEER PICNIC In appreciation of your hard work, dedication and support given to the CA throughout the year, the Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend a picnic lunch in your honor on: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 NOON TO 2 P.M. FLORIDA ROOM

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center



C. A. R. E.

Lou Lou is an adorable Chihuahua. He had a home for five years. Sadly, his owner dumped him when she decided to get two new dogs. If you are patient and gentle with Lou, he will warm up to you. He likes to cuddle under your chin. He has a sweet personality. Lou loves to play fetch with his stuffed ice cream cone. He gets super silly if you lie down on the ground and play with him. Lou’s former owner told us that he is used to cats and housebroken. He would do best in a single dog home. Lou is neutered, microchipped and current on his shots. Est. DOB: 11/2/2006.

Scoppy Scoppy (pronounced Scopeee) is an very friendly boy who is partially gray with a lot of white who would like to find a forever home. He was brought in to the shelter quite suddenly and is adapting well even though he is a newcomer. Scoppy is a very sweet disposition cat. He was named by one of our volunteers after another cat that they had once owned. Scoppy has been neutered and is up-to-date on his shots and as part of his adoption will be micro-chipped. Est. DOB: 5/2/2011.

Solution on page 34.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

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The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

Military Affairs

Three New Members Join the DAR

Dr. Michael Deeb to Speak at January Meeting


The January Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) meeting featuring Dr. Deeb will be held in the Atrium building in the Florida Room at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, January 4, 2012. Reservations can be made by calling 877-332-3016 ($14) no later than the Sunday before the Wednesday meeting. Following graduation from Aquinas College, Michael Deeb earned his Master’s Degree from Michigan State University. The emphasis of both degree programs was American History. Dr. Michael J. Deeb This was followed by 20 years of teaching at the high school, college L to R: Mary Culliton, chaplain; Pat Fricke, membership; new and university levels. During this this trilogy, Duty Accomplished, was members Barbara Canaday, Rae Zile and Patricia White-Moore time he earned his doctorate from published in 2008, the third, Honor and Beverly Engles, Regent. Wayne State University. For the Restored, in 2009 and the fourth, The Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter of DAR in Sun City Center next 25 years Dr. Deeb owned an Lincoln Assassination: Who Helped welcomed three new members at the November meeting. There was also a accounting and investment advisory John Wilkes Booth Murder Lincoln. presentation by Southeastern Guide Dogs on their Paws for Patriots program practice. Upon retirement from Currently, Dr. Deeb is writing and they brought one of the dogs to the meeting. his business activities, Dr. Deeb book reviews for both The Civil War returned to his first love, American News and the New York Journal of History. He published his first Civil Books. War era historical novel, Duty and —CAPT. B. Frank Kepley Honor, in 2007. The second novel in

MOAA Installs New Officers for 2012

Capt. Don Freese, USNR/RET, center, current president of the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters, was the featured speaker at monthly luncheon held on December 7, 2011, in the Florida Room Atrium Building. Capt. Freese discussed the current status and activities of the National MOAA organization and also installed the newly-elected Sun City Center Chapter MOAA officers for the coming year. LTC Paul Wheat, USA, (Ret), on right, will replace this year’s president COL. James Shumway, USA, (Ret), on left, for 2012.



Pearl Harbor survivors honored at MOAA luncheon

World War II veteran Fred Gorman was honored at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) monthly luncheon held on December 7. Mr. Gorman is a survivor of the surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941. Standing behind Mr. Gorman is Capt. Don Freese, USNR/RET, president of the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters. On the right is CDR. Ed Socha, USN (Ret) who is also a survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack.

Pictured is Chief Petty Officer Karen Leonard presenting Adjutant Paul Bornstein with a U. S. flag that was flown over Iraq. In the background is her husband Quartermaster Robert Leonard. CPO Leonard recently returned from duty in Qatar. (Provided by Ron Shackelford, VFW Post 1288)

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center

Rear Admiral Larry Chambers, USN Ret. to the Silver Osprey Squadron on February 3.

Military Order of the World Wars


MOWW Features Brigadier Colin H. C. Howgill at Luncheon

Brigadier Colin H. C. Howgill spoke to the Military Order of the World Wars (M0WW) at its December meeting and luncheon held at the Plaza Club, Sun City Center, on Thursday, December 15, 2011. General Howgill, a 31-year veteran of the United Kingdom Royal Marines, provided the group with information on Britain’s activities in Borneo, Aden, New Hebrides (now Vanustu) and Ireland in the 1960’s and 70’s. He provided first-hand insight into the transition of New Hebrides into what is now called Vanustu. General Howgill was commissioned in May 1958 and served both as a helicopter pilot and a Commando Special Forces infantry officer. He possesses extensive, worldwide combat experience in security, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations. He has been awarded numerous combat decorations. He was also appointed the Royal Marines Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. He retired from the Royal Marines as a one-star officer in April 1989 and settled in the USA becoming a US Citizen in 1997, —CAPT B. Frank Kepley


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On Friday, February 3, Rear Admiral Larry Chambers, USN Ret. will recount highlights of his 37 career Navy years. One occurred when he was a Captain and Commanding Officer of the Carrier Midway, CV-41 This was in 1975-1976 and during the fall of Saigon. The Midway was the first step to freedom for over 3000 South Vietnamese. Helicopters made untold trips carrying refugees from the roof of the American Embassy to the deck of the Midway. Eventually it became impossible to escape from the Embassy. Admiral Chambers will tell you how a resourceful family of seven escaped to the Midway in a different way! Many of the lunch meeting attendees are retired aviators and air crewmen, but all persons with an interest in Military Aviation are welcome. Wives are welcome. We often have Air Force retirees as guests and occasionally as speakers. The membership of the Silver Osprey Squadron has indicated that they would especially like to hear speakers from the following three categories: 1. Women Aviators. They could be Naval Aviators, or others such as airline pilots, air show stunt pilots, or astronauts. 2. The non-f lying Chiefs and First Class Petty Officers, and C ommissione d Of f icers, who were essential to keep the

Rear Admiral Larry Chambers, USN Ret. aircraft flying. These include men and women with the ratings that maintained, armed, launched and retrieved the aircraft. Air Controllers would be included here. 3. Pilots who flew for the CIA and Air America during the Viet Nam war period. If any of you readers are in any of the above categories, or if you know anyone who is, please e-mail us at To make reservations for the February 3 lunch meeting, contact Bill Shanks by phone, e-mail, or regular mail. His phone is 813-6343194, e mail is wshanks@tampabay. and his mailing address is 1010 American Eagle Blvd. #750, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

Thank You for Supporting the Wounded Warriors Fund The Patriots Club of Sun City Center would like to thank all of the residents of the Sun City Center community who contributed to the Wounded Warrior Fund; these funds will benefit the James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital’s Wounded Warrior Rehabilitation Program in Tampa. The club will continue to support not only this fund but also other projects in support of our veterans. The Patriots Club collected over $1,500 in donations for this worthy project. The club would especially like to recognize the following individuals and organizations that generously supported our fund drive: Commissioner Kevin Beckner, Mr. & Mrs. Davidoff, Ms. Joye Gasser, Mr. & Mrs. McNamara, The GFWC Women’s Club, DAV, Leathernecks, MOWW and Sun City Center Coins & Collectibles


The News of Sun City Center

Dance Clubs

January 2012

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club Saturday, January 7, at Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Dressy attire, BYOB. Members free; guests $6. Music by Bernice May.

MOONGLOW DANCE CLUB Bryan and Dawn Ashley will provide entertainment for the Moonglow Dance Club from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, at Community Hall. Join them for an evening of listening and dancing pleasure. BYOB and snacks. Members free; guests $5 at the door. Singles are always welcome. Dressy casual attire recommended. For more information, call Claire at 642-0171.

Come Dance With Us

Singles table available. Everyone welcome!

Oldies But Goodies Dance Club

6-7 p.m. Celebration of recent marriage of Bernice May & Tom Giannina. All members and other friends are welcome. For further information, call Jean Kostka at 634-1235.

Community Hall 7 – 10 p.m.

Classes in January 2011

Music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s

Sunday – January 15 Music by

“Just the 2 of Us” BYOB Members free, Non-members $5 For more info call: 633-5649

“Chili Daze” Square Dance The New Year - 2012 - is suddenly upon us and to help welcome it, the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will hold its worldfamous Homemade Chili Mainstream/Plus Square Dance on Friday, January 20, 2012. Dancers will be treated with all you can eat, Super Delicious Homemade Chili and all its’ “Fixins.” Beverages and dessert will also be served. You don’t want to miss this Special Event Dance. Come join us for great dancing and delicious chili. It’s a night you’ll never forget. These Special Dances, along with the club’s regular Friday Night Mainstream/Plus Dances are held in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7 - 7:30 p.m. Mainstream/Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Bob Ellis calls on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month;

SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents. Couples and singles welcome. $5 per class. For information, call Bernice DuBro May at 634-3205. TUESDAY EVENING CLASSES (Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31) Beginning - Swing 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 6:45 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Silver Waltz 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY DAY CLASSES (Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25) Beginning - Fox Trot 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Rumba 2 p.m. Beginning Silver - Quick Step 3:15 p.m.

SCC Dance Club

Art Springer calls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Pat Hagen cues. A Beginners Square Dance C l ass is hel d e ve r y Tu e s d ay Night, 6:30 - 8 p.m., in Room 3 of Community Hall. A Plus Workshop follows, 8 - 9 p.m. Van Coble is the caller/instructor. Come join us, have great fun and learn the Art of Square Dancing. Club members once again donated Christmas presents to the guests of the Mary and Martha House in Ruskin. The gifts were warmly received and appreciated. The Mary and Martha House provides comfort and shelter to abused women and their children. AT TENTION DANCERS: There will not be a dance on Friday, January 13, February 3, 10 and 24. Sorry, we’ve been pre-empted. For f u r t h e r i n for m at i on call Geri at 633-9742 or Leah 6333986.

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to its dance on Wednesday, January18, at Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by “GERARDO” with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual. Members Free. Guests $6 at the door. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks For more info, call 633-7173.

NOTICE The CA Board is accepting letters for Publication in the NEWS Re: Long Range Plan. Send by email to: Mail to: SCC Board Community Forum on Long Range Plan 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 OR Drop off at the CA Office

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January 2012

Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center

GADABOUTS to Meet January 21

The Sun City Center GADABOUTS travel club has an open invitation to new members and those who have not renewed or are planning to have their neighbors join them in their renewal process into this stellar “Pampered” group of travelers. Whether it is education, entertainment socialization or just plain old fashion fun, come and join us in our travels. The beauty of traveling with the GADABOUTS is that you are accompanied with an escort whom you know and you are with a group of friends and neighbors. Also, for your protection, you are traveling with a group that is licensed by the state of Florida and fully insured for your protection. Join us and plan a trip for “Two Stepping Across Texas,” or our “Colorado Rail Adventure” and perhaps even “A Ride On The Wild Side” through South Dakota. These and numerous other adventures

are available when you become a “Pampered” club member where your transportation is totally arranged, your bags are carried for you, reservations await your use, and a monthly newsletter is your gateway to fun and frolic. For those of you who have not yet signed up for next year, remember that the current fee is $10 per member for 2012, if you sign up before January 31, 2012. After that date, the fee becomes $15 per member for 2012. If you current members have any neighbors, friends, or people who are new to the area, you might want to inform them of the opportunity to join us prior to January 31. And if preferred, join us on January 21 at 10 a.m. for our monthly meeting in the Florida Room of the Atrium. For more information on available trips call 633-5999; to join the gathering of friends call Terry Waters at 633-0369.

Sun City Center Photo Club Meets Tuesday, January 10 The January 10 meeting of the Sun City Center Photo Club will feature a special presentation by two of the area’s foremost nature photographers, Lou Newman and Ron Mayberry.

are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Newman and Mr. Mayberry with us on January 10. For more information, please visit their web sites: and

Dr. Lou Newman has always had an interest in photography. It was a leisure time activity throughout his years as a rancher and veterinarian in Montana. He has been a veterinary pathologist, professor, clinician, diagnostician and administrator and in all of those roles, his photography was part of his work and his relaxation.

At 6:30 p.m., we will have a tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7 p.m. This is an open meeting and you do not have to be a member to attend.

Fr o m A f r i c a t o A l a s k a , professional photographer Ron Mayberry has pursued his passion for photographing wildlife. He leads seminars and wildlife trips and has entertained us in the past with his stories and his photographs. We

The Computer Club


Computer Club COMPUTER CLASSES SCHEDULED The Computer Club is now accepting enrollments for its Winter 2012 classes. USING YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA WITH YOUR COMPUTER A three-hour mini course, 9 a.m. - noon. Tuition $10 Your choice of two course dates, January 16 or January 23 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS A four-session class, on four consecutive weeks. Your choice of : January 19, January 26, February 2 and February 9 or January 20, January 27, February 3 and February 10 10 a.m. - noon Tuition $20. MICROSOFT EXCEL A four-session class, on four consecutive Tuesdays January 10, 17, 25, and 31. 10 a.m. - noon Tuition $20. Classes will be held in the Computer Club Classroom in the Sun City Center Atrium Building, beginning at 10 AM. Tuition is payable upon registration. You may register any day except Sunday at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5 p.m. Due to the popularity of these classes, and an enrollment limitation of 12 students per class, early registration is recommended. These classes are open to any Sun City Center or Kings Point resident. For further information regarding the Computer Club’s Educational Programs, call or email Bob Wehrle, 633-4516,

Dues for the 2012 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at http://www.photoclubscc. com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.


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Members of the Organ/Keyboard Club enjoy sharing their music in club and community events, especially during the holiday season. They view it as one SCC club helping another. Members had a busy month in December, performing at such gatherings as the SCC CA Holiday Walk Breakfast, the Stained Glass Club Christmas party and the Hogan’s golf club Christmas dinner. Shown are some of the members who performed at recent events. L to R: Bob Mulcahy, Linda Hawken, Yvonne Williams, Frank Guffin, Kathy Katz, Ed Myers, Verna King, & Mira Beck. Call 813-633-2022 for booking information. You have the right to be 100% satisfied with the Home Health Care you receive

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The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 2 Art Club In SCC

Men’s Club

January 2012



A s t h e S C C C o m mu n i t y Association celebrates its 50th Anniversary, The Art Club In Sun City Center will be presenting its 45th Annual Art Show. This unique show will feature a collection of new artworks by the club’s members and include creative works done in a variety of media on a diverse assortment of subject matter. An extra feature planned for inclusion in the show as part of the CA’s 50th Anniversary celebration will be “Visions of Sun City Center,” a collection of artworks depicting many of the familiar (and perhaps some not so familiar) SCC landmarks and locations. The Art Show will be on display in the Florida Room on Friday, January 27 and Saturday, January 28 , 2012 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free and all are welcome. Come meet the artists and enjoy the exhibit. —Ed Laudano

On January 9, 2:00 p.m., at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Del Webb Blvd. W., Dr. H.E. “Pat” Crow will speak on “The development of a geriatric service and its effect on the quality and cost of medical care for our aging population.” Dr. Crow, certified and re-certified in family practice has had numerous appointments in academic medicine, written extensively about the practice of medicine and has spoken to groups in the past about medicine for seniors and problems with over medication. This year he will talk about his efforts to establish a geriatric service here in collaboration with USF Medical School, and how this will affect the quality and cost of medical care under the impact of the new health care law. Refreshments will be served.


The Potter’s Wheel Club of SCC works hard to provide a creative learning environment in which to practice the art of pottery. Our state of the art studio is equipped with everything needed to turn clay into fine finished products. If you like pottery, come to the studio and look over the facilities from 9-11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. We love to have visitors and will welcome you with a nice tour.


On Monday, January 9, 2012, at 3 p.m. in the Florida Room, The Art Club In SCC will offer the second in its series of Social Mixers. Featured at this Mixer will be films and discussion on some art-related topics, including “Renoir,” “Painters of Modern Life” and “The Shock of the New.” This series should be of interest to those who look to broaden their appreciation of art and its many forms. Both the “art novice” and the “art pro” can benefit from this series. All are welcome. Admission is free and membership in the club is not required. Refreshments will be available. Come to the Mixer and meet with some of the SCC artists, as well as other community residents who share an interest in the arts.

See Spot.

If you are interested in pottery, we offer an excellent learning experience. Our volunteer teaching staff offers beginners lessons in both handbuilding and wheel throwing. We also offer a knowledge clinic once a month for advanced potters. There is a nominal fee for classes to help cover costs of equipment & supplies. Social events include casual gatherings in the studio, local pottery-related field trips and dinners out.

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January 2012

Club Happenings 3

The News of Sun City Center


The Art Club of Sun City Center has designated Jean Miller as Artist of the Month for January, 2012. Retired in 1990, after thirty years of teaching, Jean began painting, taking lesson from various artists in Elmira, NY. She belonged to the Senior Art Gallery there and sold many of her paintings. Jean enjoys working in oils, creating large landscape paintings, some complete with the wildlife that inhabit the portrayed area. Moving to SCC in April of 2011, she joined the Art Club and participated in the Club’s annual art show. Jean’s works will be on display during the month of January at SCC Library, SCC Chamber of Commerce, Sun Trust Bank, South Shore Bank, Wells Fargo, A-I Connection Realty, Information Center on Cherry Hills Drive and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room.


GFWC SCC Woman’s Club Hosts District-Wide Reporting Workshop The GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club recently hosted a District 8 Reporting Workshop for the 13 Woman’s Club chapters in the district. The local club was honored to have Teddy Hulse, president of the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs, as the workshop presenter. The purpose of the workshop was to learn the proper technique to report all the hours of service work and dollars of donations made by each club in the past year. These 11 end-of-year reports are sent to the Florida Federation which then reports the state totals to

the international organization, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) located in Washington, D.C. Each year, the members of over 3,200 clubs in the United States and overseas raise an average of $42 million dollars to fund charitable projects. Over 104,000 club members of GFWC contributing 5.5 million hours of service annually. Last year, the GFWC Sun City Woman’s Club contributed $12,710 in monetary and in-kind donations to support our community. Club members contributed 23,531 hours of service through club work alone.

Walker Featured in One-Woman Show

A reception for the new show at The Gallery will be on Wednesday, January 4, 2012, from 2 to 4 p.m. Featured will be a one-woman show, displaying the artworks of Anne Walker, a former president of the Art Club. Anne would describe herself as a colorist, in love with color. Starting out painting primarily in oils, she now most often works with acrylics and mixed media, working quickly to get in touch with her emotions and those of the subject. She feels that the challenge of the colorist is to engage with color in a way that engages the viewer to see something in a new way. She will be showing a variety of pieces done some years ago in New England as well as some more recent abstracts, plus florals and portraits depicting scenes from the Dominican Republic. Her works, which are primarily acrylics, will also include mixed media and watercolor. Her exhibit will be on view during the months of January and February. For those who do not attend the opening reception, The Gallery, located adjacent to the Art Room, welcomes visitors each Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission is free.

Pictured are club officers who served as committee members: (L to R) Nancy Russell, Arts Chair; Helen Zeiders, Home Life Chair; Carla Miles, Education Chair; Ann Bohachek, Hospitality Co-Chair; Connie Williams, VP Hospitality; Dorothy Myers, Treasurer; Peggy Person, Recording Secretary; Janet Cardulla, President; Jeanne Nenarella, Conservation Chair; Nell Elliott, Membership Secretary; and Linda Smith, Opportunity Tickets Chair. Rosie Clifton, Communications Chair, took the picture.

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Club Happenings 4

The News of Sun City Center

International Forum

January 2012

Friday, January 13, the International Forum of SCC will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building off North Pebble Beach Blvd. and is open to all residents of SCC and Kings Point. Philip Leto, J.D. Professor of Government and World Affairs at the University of Tampa will present a program on Twenty-First Century Canada.


Catch The NEWS on the web at

Ceramic Club Offers Workshops THE BRITISH CONNECTION of Sun City Center invites all residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point to join us on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 The Sun City Center Ceramic past. Your ID card is required to for a Scottish Celebration showcasing the Sarasota Scottish Country Dancers Club will offer another set of free participate. No experience necessary. workshops to introduce members of A small ceramic piece, tools and and featuring Charlie Murray playing the bagpipe. The event, from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m., will be held in the Florida Room the community to the world of bisque, paints will be provided at no cost greenware, glazes, underglazes, and it will be your “personal work of in the Atrium on North Pebble Beach Boulevard. stains and acrylics. The workshops art.” Workspace is limited so please BYOB and a main course dish to share for six. are offered on three consecutive sign up in the Ceramic Studio any Cost for the event is $3 for members and $5 for guests. The price Monday afternoons from 1 p.m. Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 includes salad, dessert, tea, coffee and non-alcoholic beverages including to 3 p.m. The mystery of various p.m. by January 10, 2012. Dates of soda for setups. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in a Scottish techniques will be offered to current workshops are January 16, 23 and 30. CA and Kings Point members who Come join the fun! reel and sing-along to Auld Lang Syne. are novices and have never been a For reservations, contact Kathy Howell at 567-3358 NO LATER THAN member of our ceramic club in the Friday, January 20. Send a check payable to The British Connection to Ms. Howell at 316 Green Manor Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

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January 2012

The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 5

Patriots Club to Meet January 20


The Sun City Center Sew ‘n Sews Club recently came together to sew for The James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, FL for their holiday party which was held on December 17. Carol Acosta, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Sun City Center Chapter, asked for help, and the Sew ‘n Sews members were eager to assist her. About 25 women got together to sew, quilt and make a difference in a stranger’s life. The project included sewing lap quilts, walker bags, adult bibs, personal bags and other items. “Through their generosity and skills, these women provided


comfort and dignity to veterans receiving health care services at the hospital, while showing them that they are loved and remembered,” said Carol Acosta. Carol recently came to the Sew ‘n Sews work room to meet and thank the sewing group and to pick up the multitude of items that had been made over the summer. “Many of the items were made in very patriotic material. It was heartwarming to see the talents and time that the Sew ‘n Sews put into helping bring comfort to our veterans during this holiday season”, concluded Carol.

The Patriots Club will hold its Annual Membership Meeting in January. The Meeting is scheduled as follows: DAY/DATE: Friday, Jan. 20, 2012 TIME: 1:30 p.m. PLACE: Palm Room (Old Town Hall) This is an important meeting as it is time to elect the president and also a Board of Directors for 2012. The club has been very active and will continue its mission of promoting patriotism by flying those flags for special patriotic holidays and supporting our military/veterans. So mark your calendar and plan on attending.


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(L to R) back row: Beth Clarke, Josefina Foky, Linda Swift, JoAnn Hobbs, Linda Nolder, Front Row: Carol Acosta, DAR; Edith Cacciola, Deanna Montes de Oca.

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Club Happenings 6

The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

Sew ‘n Sews Offer Beginners Quilting Class to start January 26


The Sun City Center Sew ‘n Sews Club recently held a one-day “SEW IN” to make and donate new pajamas for the children at “A Kids Place” in Brandon, FL, a licensed residential group care provider for abused, neglected or abandoned children. “Cute, cozy and comfortable PJ’s were the pattern of the day,” stated Pam Davis, president of the Sun City Center Sew ‘n Sews group. “Even if it brings one smile, it’s worth it. Pajamas provide the comfort of being tucked in bed even if they are away from home,” Davis added. Over 25 members spent the day laying out patterns, pinning, cutting

fabric, sewing and serging the day away. Pajamas for 33 children were produced for kids ranging in age from 1 to 16 years of age. A Kids Place Information A Kids Place, a licensed residential group care provider, is a unique, state-of-the-art 60-bed facility for abused, neglected or abandoned children. A Kids Place has five 3,200-square-foot homes, located on five acres in Brandon, FL. They currently utilize a live-in house parent model which provides the children with consistency and simulates family living.

The Sun City Center Sew ‘n Sews Club announced this week that applications are being accepted for the “Beginning Quilting Classes” which begin on January 26, 2012 in the Arts and Crafts Building in Sun City Center Sewing Club Room. The objective of the class is to have participants make a table runner or placemats which will incorporate the skills learned in the class. Participation requirements include prior sewing experience and attendees must be (or become) a member of the Sew ‘n Sews club ($10). There is a one-time class fee of $10. Participants may bring their own machines or use one at the clubroom. All classes will be held on Thursday mornings (9 am-noon). The dates and topics that will be covered in the classes are: January 26 : Introduction including Fabric Selection and Preparation, Color Theory, Rotary Cutting, Square and Cutting Fabric, and Quilt Square #1, Rail Fence. February 2: Quilt Square #2, Churn Dash February 9: Squaring Squares, Quilt Square #3 and Ohio Star February 16: Quilt Square #4, Paper Piecing March 1: Sashing and Borders March 8: Quilting and Binding

Sew ‘n Sews Members display the pj’s for A Kids Place.


Class size is limited. Interested parties should contact Jan Ring at (813) 634-9058. A complete list of materials is available from Jan as well.

Friday, January 20th United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West Sun City Center, FL

Doors open at 11:00 A.M. and movie starts at Noon. Free Lunch, Free Health Screenings, and Free Inspiration to become a champion!

While 52% of participants in a new year’s resolution study were confident of success with their goals, only 12% actually achieved their goals.

About the Movie

Age of Champions is a documentary that follows a group of athletes—a 100 year old tennis champion, 86 year older pole vaulter, octogenarian swimmers who are all chasing the gold at the National Senior Games. This movie will inspire you to follow your dreams and find the champion in you.

RSVP required. To Register call 1-888-685-1595.

January 2012

Club Happenings 7

The News of Sun City Center


Metaphysical Society Announces January Meetings January 4 – Open meeting and Metaphysical Society Presidential and Board of Directors election Everyone will also have the opportunity to share their personal experiences, book reports, spiritual insights, an interesting article, newsletter or e-mail. Come to the Heritage Room on SCC’s Central Campus, 1009 North Pebble Beach Blvd, at 10 a.m. January 11 – The Seven Sacred Flames

At present, The Irish Connection has 170 members. The club was formed three years ago and is open to all residents of SCC and Kings Point. You don’t have to be Irish to join, just have an interest in Ireland, its people, its culture, or just want to have some “CRAIC” (fun)!

Speaker: Jennifer Lutz, former president of the Metaphysical Society and secretary to TELOS-USA, will be speaking about The Seven Sacred Flame energy that surround the Earth every day. Jennifer will explain that each day of the week is dominated by a certain color energy and how we can benefit from that energy. Come to the Heritage Room on SCC’s Central Campus, 1009 North Pebble Beach Blvd, at 10 a.m. January 18 – Movie: “Archangels Speak,” Wisdom from the Angelic Realm Speaker: Margaret Doner, Angelic channel. This program includes a fascinating channeled experience and a profound angelic meditation. Our own Pinkie Sands will give a short talk about OMNIPURE DNA Music. Come to the Heritage Room on SCC’s Central Campus, 1009 North Pebble Beach Blvd, at 10 a.m. January 25 – Discovering your Soul’s Purpose Speaker: Ed Foote will speak on why we are here, and what we are meant to do while on earth. He will discuss universal purposes that we are all meant to work toward as well as each person’s individual purpose. Come to the Heritage Room on SCC’s Central Campus, 1009 North Pebble Beach Blvd, at 10 a.m.

Carol and Paul Ward, Bonnie Mathys, Brigid Guarino at the Irish Connection display booth during November’s Hi, Neighbor!

For information on any or all of these meetings, contact Ed Leary, 383-7594.

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SCC Medical Director: Naushin Jobe, MD., Chicago Medical School

Blue Feet and Discoloration


Club Happenings 8

The News of Sun City Center

Photo Club Announces

Winners of “Best of Best”

Beginners 1st Place: “Snowy Beach on Lake Tahoe” by Nancy Williams The Sun City Center Photo Club is proud to announce the winners of its annual Best of the Best competition. The Grand Prize winner is Worker Bee by Rolf Sulzberger and the Judge’s Choice Award went to Nancy Williams for her photo, Snowy Beach at Lake Tahoe. Award winners in each class were: Beginners: First place, Snowy Beach on Lake Tahoe by Nancy Williams; Second place, Played Out by Ron Shackleford; and Third place (tie), Exit Glacier on a Cloudy Day by Bev Shackleford and St. Louis Cathedral by Ron Shackleford. Intermediate: First place, Sunset on Tampa Bay by Rose Stack; Second place, Pompeii by Allen Maser; and Third place, But if e=mc squared by George Seeley. Advanced: First place, Worker Bee by Rolf Sulzberger; Second place, Great Blue Hunting by Rolf Sulzberger; and Third place, Overlooking Key West by Marianne Wexler. There were 116 entries for this competition.

Finally, free yourself from back pain.

January 2012

Sun City Center Holds Successful Candle Lighting Memorial

On Sunday, December 11, a group of mothers and fathers, grandparents and brothers and sisters gathered in Sun City Center, for an annual candle lighting memorial to remember their loved ones who died too soon. This candle lighting memorial was held in collaboration with the Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle lighting, held every year on the second Sunday in December. The Worldwide Candle lighting, now in its 15th year is unique, because tens of thousands of bereaved families around the world, join together in an act of symbolic remembrance. This mass candle lighting lasts an hour and begins when candles are first lit at 7 p.m. local time, just west of the International Date Line. As candles burn down in one time zone, they are lit in the next time zone, thus creating a 24-hour wave of light as the observance continues around the world.

The local event held here in the Heritage Room, and started by three bereaved mothers in the Osprey Place neighborhood, six years ago, was co-sponsored by the South Shore Coalition on Mental Health and Aging. This was a special time for local families to come together and dedicate the evening in memory of all children whose lives ended too soon. The ceremony consisted of memorial tributes by individual parents and brothers and sisters, a dramatic presentation, and reading of names of children each followed by a chime. Then each individual present, lit a candle in memory of their loved one, in the hope that their light would always shine. A sharing time followed with light refreshments. Attendees were reminded to save the date, December 9, 2012, for the next candle lighting memorial. The event was a source of peace and comfort for all of those who attended.

Did you enjoy all of the wonderful Christmas decorations around Sun City Center again this year? The lights around the lakes and ponds made the evenings sparkle. Once again the Sawdust Engineers’ Sleigh and Reindeer were lighted near the Bandstand. The clubs decorated one of the Christmas trees in the Atrium. The NEWS staff hopes that you have had an enjoyable holiday season

Attend our complimentary Medical Seminar. To register, call 1-866-432-1497 today. Tuesday, January 17 at 5 p.m. Saturday, January 21 at 10 a.m. Laser Spine Institute 3001 N. Rocky Point Drive E. Tampa, FL 33607 Wednesday, January 18 at 12 p.m. Vinoy Golf Club—Sunset Ballroom 600 Snell Isle Boulevard NE St. Petersburg, FL 33704 Tuesday, January 24 at 12 p.m. Cypress Creek Golf Club 1011 Cypress Village Boulevard Ruskin, FL 33573 Learn about minimally invasive spine surgery. We’ll discuss the latest surgical techniques to relieve your neck or back pain, and answer your questions. Meet one-on-one with our physician. Bring your MRI or CT scans to the seminar, and our physician will review them and discuss treatment for your specific condition.

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January 2012

The News of Sun City Center



By Ron Pelton

Cold Protection of Plants

If you don’t want to live with the unattractive results of a hard freeze, a little selective pruning can remedy a dreadful sight without greatly increasing risk from additional cold events. Remove the blackened foliage and cut back the damaged stems not to the good, healthy tissue, but to a point that would be cosmetically acceptable. You do not want to stimulate new growth if possible. Timing is an issue here. We use to recommend that pruning be delayed past danger of cold damage. Early pruning was discouraged because it stimulates new growth that would be vulnerable to more cold damage. Leaving dead plant tissue in place to provide some limited cold protection to the plant by not allowing frost to settle on new growth that would be exposed with early pruning was also encouraged. Another school of thought on the subject is that by about midFebruary most plants will have started producing new growth in

response to warm weather and longer day length regardless of whether you prune or not. If you delay pruning you will remove much of the spring flush of new growth that will have already occurred. A major advantage of reducing the size of damaged plants early is that they can be protected much more easily if additional freezes follow. Throwing a sheet over a 10-foot plant is quite different than covering a three-foot specimen. Consider that many tropical landscape plants will be drastically cut back in the spring anyway to promote lush branching. Healthy, well-established root hardy landscape plants such as our lovely hibiscus will regain their pre-freeze stature before the summer is through anyway. R e fe re nc e s : e d is . i f as . u f l. edu/mg025 by DL Ingram; Coldprotection.pd

Catch The NEWS on the web at

(Figure 2)

(Figure 1)

I am writing this at a time when our temperatures are in the mid 70’s but trust me, this will not last long and by January the temperatures will be frequently low enough to cause injury to tropical, subtropical, and occasionally temperate plants not adapted to Florida climatic conditions. So how does one prepare your landscape plants for frost or freezing temperatures? Just as importantly what does one do for the plants after such an occurrence? I will try to answer these for you. First, a simple but very important step is to water your landscape plants several hours before a freeze. A well-watered soil will absorb more solar radiation than dry soil and will reradiate heat during the night. However, do not prolong the watering as saturated soil conditions may damage the root systems of most plants. One can legally hand water in Hillsborough County as long as a shut-off device is used on the hose. Container plants can be moved into protective structures such as garages where heat can be provided if necessary. Containers that must be left outdoors should be protected by mulches and pushed together before a freeze to reduce heat loss through the container sidewalls. Roots of plants in exposed containers can be injured by low temperatures. Plants in the landscape can be covered with materials such as cloth sheets, blankets, paper grocery sacks, empty garbage cans cardboard boxes or plastic to protect them from frost damage. (Figure 1) Covers should extend to the ground and not touch the plant tissue. If you do use plastic, do not drape it directly on the plants because it will conduct cold through to the leaves. Keep in mind that some cold spells are accompanied by strong winds. In a windy freeze plant covers must be secured to the ground in order to capture heat given off from the soil. (Figure 2) As a tip, I have purchased a bag of the wooden spring clothespins that I reuse every year to hold the sheets, etc. together when covering a large area. Metal spring clips work well also. A low wattage incandescent light bulb (40 to 60 watts) can be placed under the covers to provide heat to the plants when very low temperatures or a long duration below freezing is expected. Some people have also used strings of christmas lights. All covers, especially plastic, must be removed as temperatures rise during a sunny day

Mulching will protect most fine and tender feeder roots that are close to the soil surface and will help the soil retain some warmth for a short period. Do not mulch near the trunk of citrus trees as root rot may occur. Do not wash frost off plants the morning after a freeze. This action raises the temperature too quickly and usually damages cell tissue. Here are some guidelines on how and when to prune your damaged plants after a frost or freeze. The University of Florida recommends that severe pruning be delayed until new growth appears to ensure that live wood is not removed. Cold injured wood can be identified by examining the food conducting tissue under the bark for black or brown coloration. If scratching into the bark reveals black or brown tissues, continue the search until you find green tissue when scratched.

Solution on page 34.


The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

Beginning January 2012

Local Talent Shines in Variety Show

FREE Diabetes Self-Management Education Classes Manage Your Diabetes

This free eight-week program is offered by the Florida Department of Health –Hillsborough County and hosted by the Sun City Center Community Association.


You Can Manage Diabetes!

Correction to the names of performers listed in the December issue: (L to R) Manuel Escudero, Gerardo Piserchia, Tom Bennis, Joe Huckestein, Bill Hodges (emcee), Dorothy Zander, Eleanor Schreiber, John Heimbold, Bill Fiacco, Roy Gardner, Dick and Julie Lee. Participants John Foster, Bob Mills and Vince Robbio are not pictured. To the delight of an audience of about 200 at Community Hall, 14 area residents performed in the 50th Anniversary Amateur Variety Show on November 13.

• Classes are led by a Certified Diabetes Educator or licensed health care professional • Each class provides valuable tools and information designed to help you take control of your diabetes Location: Sun City Center Atrium Building 945 North Course Lane Sandpiper Room Class Dates: Every Wednesday beginning January 18, 2012 through March 7, 2012 Meeting Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Eligibility: Must be over the age of 18 and have a diagnosis of diabetes to participate Cost: Free, but registration is required (see below) Register Now!


Beginning January 1, 2012, if you wish to have copies of the News of SCC forwarded to an address outside of Sun City Center, there will be a $3 per month service charge. This charge is to offset the costs of mailing the paper to an additional address. The fee must be paid in the CA Office before the News of SCC will be mailed. If you want the paper forwarded for an extended period of time, months can be paid in advance. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. **Remember, you can always view the most current News of SCC on our website for free**

Don’t Miss The NEWS!!! Are you going to be away? The CA Office can mail you a copy of the News of SCC so that you will not miss any important issues being decided & voted upon. There will be a $3 per month service charge to receive the paper. Please complete the information below and bring this form to the CA office along with payment for the total number of months you would like to receive copies. FORWARD THE NEWS OF SCC Name:_________________________________________ SCC Address:___________________________________ Forwarding Address:____________________________ _______________________________________________ Date Leaving:___________________________________ Date Returning:_________________________________

Pre-registration is required and class size is limited. Contact the Health Department at 813-307-8015, extension 7107 or 7103 for additional information and to register for the program.

January 2012

Club Happenings 9

The News of Sun City Center


AAUW to Meet on January 14

Dorothy and Charles Churchill The Sun City Center Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will host a luncheon meeting beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 14, in the Florida Room on the Central Campus. A “Revolutionary War Reenactment” will be presented by Charles and Dorothy Churchill in Colonial attire. Charles is a G4 grandson of Freegift Patchin, who on April 7, 1780, while serving in the New York Militia, was captured by Indians not far from Albany, New York. Led by Chief Joseph Brant, his captors forced Freegift and ten other Minutemen to march 300 miles in deep snow and freezing temperatures to Fort Niagara. They were sold to the British for eight dollars a head. Freegift found himself in prison, placed in irons, and deprived of just

e v a H

about everything needed to survive. After two years in captivity, Freegift was released. He returned to Wilton, Connecticut, where he courted and married Molly Morehouse. In 1828 Freegift wrote a narrative entitled, “The Captivity and Sufferings of Freegift Patchin Among the Indians as Told by Himself.” It was published in 1833 and handed down from generation to generation. Charles obtained a copy of the narrative in August 2005 and decided to become a re-enactor portraying his ancestor. Helping Charles in the program will be his wife Dorothy, who plays the role of Molly Patchin. After the meeting, lunch will be served followed by the presentation. Contact Mary Marro to reserve, 707 Ward Circle, SCC. Phone 634-5483. Reservations must be received by January 8.

o t P n r l a a e y L Bridge B d n a n u F e Bridge Teachers’ Association Sun City Center Bridge Lessons for players on all levels

Answer on page 34.


Courses are $50 & Include textbook • Register Now!

call or email the Teacher or email: Ronda O’Farrell at

Beginning Bridge, for the Starting or Novice

9 week class, Starting Monday, Jan. 16, 9 a.m., Royal Room Instructor: John Foster, 634-3240

Declarer Play, for Returning Players

9 weeks, Starting Tuesday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m. Horizon Room Instructor: Pat Rippel, 642-9216,

Winning with Good Defensive Play

8 weeks, (includes review of basic bidding and play of the hand) Starting Wednesday, Jan. 11, 9 a.m., Horizon Room Instructor: Leslie Cox, 634-4296,

Strategy: Squeeze, End Plays, Throw Ins 8 weeks, Starting Tuesday, Jan. 10, 9 a.m., Royal Room Instructor: Virgil Eveleigh, 642-9005

“What Every Bride Player Should Know”

8 different topics as advertised on the Horizon Room Bulletin Board Starting Thursday, Jan. 12- $5/session, Royal Room Instructor: Marian Howarth, 642-0719


Club Happenings 10

The News of Sun City Center


China Painters Club Announces Holiday Walk Raffle Winner; Plans New Raffle for FunFest

January 2012

SCC Audubon Club Featured “Bird Man” Matt Edmonds The Sun City Center Audubon Club enjoyed an entertaining program in December—Matt Edmonds, the “Bird Man” and his traveling wildlife show which featured indoor flights by an eagle owl, hawk and golden parrot from South America. The club meets the first Saturday of each month from November through April, its purpose being to promote an understanding of and interest in all wildlife and the environment that supports it and to further the cause of conservation of natural resources for the benefit of posterity. The January 7 program will feature Central Florida birding information, followed by a field trip to Cockroach Bay on January 18. This tour will be led by a park scientist at the beautiful Aquatic Preserve and ELAPP property. The February program features birding in the Galapagos Islands and a field trip closer to home, the Circle Bar B Reserve, home to a tremendous bird population. If you enjoy birds and wildlife, please join us on January 7 at 9:30 a.m. in the Florida Room.

“It was hard to find someone to draw the winning ticket who had not participated in the drawing,” said Martha Klos, president. “We found a gracious lady from Stained Glass to do the honors for us. We use these funds and monies obtained from a grant from the SCC Community Foundation to bring teachers to our members to improve our skills in porcelain painting. Also, some funds are used to take our club members to the State of Florida World Organization of China Painters (WOCP) Convention held once a year in January in Orlando. We learn much from attending this convention and some of our members enter this statewide competition. Every year, some of our painters have their works selected to be shipped to the WOCP Museum located in Oklahoma City, OK for one year. This is quite an accomplishment because these winners are then ‘Published’ in the WOCP magazine distributed all over the world,” said President Klos. The next big event for the clubs and the Community Association of SCC will be March 17, 2012 for FunFest. A new raffle painting is already in the works. It’s called “Swan Lake Platter.” The SCC China Painters Club is among many art clubs located in the Arts and Crafts Building (with the blue roof) with views of the actual Swan Lake, the inspiration for the new original work of art painted by Martha Klos, who is holding her painting. People can buy a chance to win this raffle prize for $1 or can buy six tickets for $5. The drawing Martha Klos holding her Swan Lake will occur near the end of FunFest. Platter to be raffled off at FunFest. “As you now know,” continued Martha Klos, “my daughter-in-law and her friends in Clearwater are great supporters of our club’s efforts, but I want to thank everyone who supported our club members by their attendance at these special events and by buying raffle tickets and buying our one-of-a-kind, hand-painted porcelain items in our club. We are open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.”

Jim Edmonds and volunteer showcase parrots.


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On December 3, 2011, Sun City Center (SCC) held its Christmas Walk of all its clubs. At the China Painter’s Club on Cherry Hills Drive, a lady from the Stained Glass Club picked the winner of the China Painter’s Club raffle. The winner is Anna Jean, a manager of Supercuts in Clearwater, FL. Stacey Klos, artistic director of Supercuts of Clearwater, FL, is shown with Jean’s prize of “Holly and Berry Punch Bowl Set” along with the artist and president of the SCC China Painter’s Club, Martha Klos. Stacey Klos said, “A.J. (Anna Jean) is so excited to win this and can hardly wait for me to bring it to her. She said, ‘I never win anything but I’ll go ahead and contribute to the cause.’ Here is her winning ticket in the picture.” This Supercuts store sold a total of 144 tickets toward this raffle. A total of $519 was raised for the China Painter’s Club. It’s no wonder someone from Supercuts won the raffle as they purchased about 1/3 of the total tickets sold.


Stacey Klos with raffle prize and its artist, Marth Klos.


✪ To Sun City Center ý

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center


A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... Heating and A/C Workshop “A/C Units for Dummies!” By Susan Muise

Did you ever wonder how your air conditioner really works and whether your A/C contractor is taking advantage of you? The Consumer Affairs Committee is sponsoring another workshop to help us all learn how our A/C unit actually works so that we can feel more confident that we are not being scammed.

Wills • Trusts • Probate • Real Estate • Contracts Attorney available to meet you at your home in Sun City Center three days a week! Call for your complimentary consultation.

We seem to get the most complaints against air conditioning contractors. Air conditioners are very expensive items, and we really, really need them most of the year. This puts us at the mercy of contractors who speak a language most of us don’t understand. Many of them charge exorbitant prices, and we don’t know how to say “No.” We need to learn to speak some of that language so that we can protect ourselves from unscrupulous contractors.


The workshop will be on Wednesday, February 29, at 11 a.m. in the Sandpiper Room. Mark your calendars now so that you don’t forget! Last year’s workshop was very informative and very well attended, so plan to get there early if you want a seat. Think about it … if you are not interested in protecting your pocketbook ahead of time, it may be too late to protect it later. Plan to attend….

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“AIR CONDITIONING 101” WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 11 a.m., SANDPIPER ROOM The Consumer Affairs Register is working hard to get our Register back online. We hope to be up and running in the very near future.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisments. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications.



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The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

SPORTS Accolades from British Lawn Bowlers

Two Lawn Bowling teams from England played matches against the Sun City Center Lawn Bowlers, on November 11 and November 25. The visitors came from various parts of the UK, and both three-week tours included matches against the top Lawn Bowling clubs throughout Florida. The tour company organizes visits and matches in various parts of the world, usually two tours per year, to such places as South America, California, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Kenya, etc. This was their first visit to Florida, and by all accounts it has been very successful. With so much knowledge about clubs throughout the world, it was pleasing that the tourists were so impressed with our wonderful Lawn Bowling facility here at Sun City Center. They favorably commented on our clubhouse, the three excellent Greens and the high standard of play of our home-grown Lawn Bowlers. The results were shared, the Brits convincingly won the first match on November 11, but the Americans were equally successful when they played against the second group. The British Tour Company carries the name of the world-famous

Kayak Club Tours Port of Tampa

Lawn Bowler David Bryant. He holds 20 World and Commonwealth titles representing England at outdoor and indoor Lawn Bowling throughout the world for over 35 years. He retired from International Lawn Bowling in 1996. David Bryant rarely travels on Lawn Bowling tours nowadays, so it was a great thrill when we heard that he would be playing with the second batch of tourists here on November 25. He was made very welcome with many people asking to be photographed with him. The format for each of the two games was one game in the morning and the other in the afternoon, with lunch between games, and a refreshing drink and an exchange of memorabilia after the match. Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club is always pleased to welcome visiting clubs, whether from abroad or from this country. At Sun City Center, we have some of the best Lawn Bowling facilities in Florida, and we are proud to show them off. Additionally, these visits give our Lawn Bowlers a chance to test their skills against some of the best Lawn Bowlers in the game.

The SCC Kayak Club celebrated the holidays by taking the Port of Tampa Tour with lunch afterwards. The Port of Tampa operates the free one and a half hour-long boat tour. It was a very educational and enjoyable experience on their new double-deck boat. Above is a photo of the group taken along the waterfront near where the tour boat is docked.

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Roslyn Carter Senior Vice President - Investments 1701 Rickenbacker Drive, Ste 101 British tour group November 11, 2011.Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-634-0850

Sun SunCity CityCenter, Center,FLFL33573 33573 Jill Kelly, CFP® 813-634-0850 813-634-0850

©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0509-2351 [74021-v1] A1266

Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured  NO Bank Guarantee  MAY Lose Value

©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0509-2351 [74021-v1] A1266

Financial Advisor 1701 Rickenbacker Drive, Ste 101 Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-634-0850

Investment  NOT Investmentand andInsurance InsuranceProducts: Products: NOTFDIC FDICInsured InsuredNO NOBank BankGuarantee GuaranteeMAY MAYLose LoseValue Value

©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. AllAll rights reserved. 0509-2351 [74021-v1] A1266 ©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. rights reserved. 0509-2351 [74021-v1] A1266

Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured  NO Bank Guarantee  MAY Lose Value ©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0509-2351 [74021-v1] A1266

British tour group November 25, 2011.

Sun SunCity CityCenter, Center,FLFL33573 33573 813-634-0850 813-634-0850

January 2012

The News of Sun City Center


SPORTS Fitness Center

A New Year, A New Direction Sun City Center is turning 50 years old so it can be considered a senior citizen as far as an Active Adult Community goes. As Sun City Center is in the process of making our community a better place, we have a chance with the new year to improve the way we, as individuals, feel and look. I think we all promise ourselves to eat better and exercise more at this time of year but the biggest problem seems to be getting started. The Fit for 50 Contest at the Fitness Center would be an excellent way to begin. Starting January 1, 2012, everyone who completes a total of 50 miles by March 1, 2012 on any of the aerobic machines which include the treadmills, bicycles, rowing machines, elliptical machines, and rotary arm machine will receive a free t-shirt. We will also award gift certificates to the oldest man and woman to complete 50 miles and also to the man and woman who complete the most miles. An additional gift certificate will also be awarded in a random drawing from all who complete the 50 miles. The registration forms to sign up are in the Fitness Center as well as the cards to track your mileage on each machine you use. You may use any or all of the aerobic machines to complete a total of 50 miles. Complete rules for the contest are also available in the Fitness Center.

Jazzmatazz Dance Group Performs

Stephen Attles Fitness Center Director Jim Blackstone, who has been the director of the Fitness Committee for the last two years, is retiring. The Fitness Committee would like to thank him for his dedication and for all the improvements he has made. He has been a pleasure to work with. Our new director is Stephen Attles. You may have met Stephen as he has been volunteering to work individually with CA members to answer fitness questions and provide fitness advice. He has some ideas for improving the Fitness Center and providing more personalized training. We look forward to working with him and helping implement his ideas. The Fitness Committee wishes all the CA members a Happy and Healthy New Year and we hope to see you all at the gym.

(L to R) Julie Moran, Ann McKenzie, Kris Collett, Janet Cardulla, Kathy Hatfield, Lee Benford, Margot Gunther. Instructor: Diane LeFrancois. The Jazzmatazz Dance Group rocked the house with their spirited performance of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town at the Wall to Wall Christmas production by the Performing Arts at the Rollins Theatre.

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Master Swimmers Place in State Senior Games This g roup of Masters Swimmers from Sun City Center went to Lakeland for the Florida State Senior Games. Jim Pitts placed 3rd in the 100 free, 200 free and the 500 free, and 4th in the 50 free. Peggy Homans placed 2nd in the 50 free,100 free and 200 free and 3rd in the 500 free. Harry Homans placed 2nd in (L to R) Jim Pitts, Peggy Homans, Harry Homans, Jean Allen and Cliff Eastwood. the 200 back, 3rd in the 100 back, 4th in the 100 free, 200 free and 50 back and 5th in the 50 free. Jean Allen placed 1st in the 50 back and 2nd in the 50, 100, and 200 breast, 100 IM and 100 back. Cliff Eastwood placed 1st in the 50,100,200 and 500 free. —Jean Allen

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The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

SPORTS December was a month filled with activity here in Sun City Center on our six ClubLink golf courses. From our weekly Men’s and Ladies Day events to our monthly special events, golfers do not have to look far for something to do. December began with 88 golfers participating in the Member-Member at Renaissance playing the popular Texas scramble format followed by a delicious BBQ dinner and awards presentation at Club Renaissance. Sandpiper hosted its monthly Mixed Couples event followed by dinner at Club Renaissance. The Falcon Watch Golf & Social Club held its annual Holiday dance on December 6 with 240 light-footed dancers in attendance. On December 8 the men at Renaissance hosted the men from Caloosa Country Club in a home to home competition on the wall-towall over-seeded Club Renaissance golf course. In the middle of the month Sandpiper held special events for both Ladies day and Men’s day. Ladies day was followed by a wine and cheese social, Men’s Day was followed by a BBQ both catered by the new operators of the Sandpiper Grille and Bunkers Snack Shop. The participants in Ladies Day at

Scepter held an awards luncheon to recognize the flight winners of the Captains Cup held in November. The Academy courses Caloosa Greens and Kings Point had quite a bit going on as well. Kings Point hosts its monthly Guys & Dolls event at 80 strong on the first Sunday of every month and its Sunday Matinee on the third Sunday. Caloosa Greens has a couples event on Sunday afternoon every other week and the ladies of Caloosa Greens held a Christmas party with 35 in attendance. The later weeks of the month were fairly quiet due to the holiday season. January looks to be shaping up to be an amazing month of events and activities around the courses as the golfing members get back into the swing of things after the festive holiday season. Some of the events will be serious like the Falcon Watch 9-hole Ladies beginning their Club Championship and others will just involve camaraderie and enjoying our Florida weather. I hope everyone has an enjoyable month of golf, ­—Tom Ritenour, PGA Director of Operations Sun City Center

Aquasizers Honor Instructors at Christmas Party


ClubLink Golfing News

L to R: Sue Baker, Kathy Sager, president of the club, Kris Collett, Marilyn Hall ( treasurer) LaDonna Kiefer, Barbara Larsen. Gifts were presented by Judy Valley, vice president. The Aquasizer Christmas Party was held on December 7, 2011 at Little Harbor. The photo is of the instructors who received gifts from club members in appreciation of their hard work.

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January 2012


The News of Sun City Center


Caloosa CC Couples Golf

League Results, Pictures and More

12/3&4/2011: 2011 Couples Championship: Gross Champions: Gary & Kathi Nicolay. 1st Flight Low net: 1st: Russ & Mary Jane Stutz; 2nd: Butch & Mary Annanne Starette. 2nd Flight: 1st: Larry & Ruth AnnPhelan; 2nd: John McDougall & Karen Buono. 3rd Flight: 1st: Loren & Lorraine Hofer; 2nd Vince & Shirley Conigilo. Gold Division: 1st: Dick & Lucille Lanese; 2nd: Jose & Elizabeth Rodriguez. 12/ 11/2011: Annual Christmas Couples Sunday Mixer. Sixty couples participated in the 18-hole tournament. Thank you, Elizabeth T. Rodriguez, Caloosa Greens Ladies’ Golf Publicity Chairlady. 1st place: Sasz, McCue, Buono, Sack, Allison; 2nd place: Kunkel, Heffernan,Totero, Offenbach; Thompson, Roberts, Friedlein; Egger, 12/1/2011: Best Nine (Front or Chambers, B. Brown, P. Morgan. Back): A Flight 1st: Mary Miller, 22; 2nd: Sandy Letendre, 24.5 (by match of cards). B Flight 1st: Janet Chick, 24; 2nd:Gil Evens, 25. C Flight 1st: Nancy Mast, 22; 2nd: Joanne Edwards, 26. D Flight 1st: Jo Smalley, 24.5; 2nd: Yvonne Rocheleau, 27.5.


12/15/2011: “Hate Em”: A Flight 1st: Gil Evens, 42; 2nd: Doby Ras, 43. B Flight 1st (tie): Monica Schofield and Elfie Nolden, 40. C & D Flights 1st: Jo Smalley, 36; 2nd: Nancy Mast, 37.

Caloosa Greens Men’s Golf 11/16/2011: Team Chicago: 1st: John Lay, David Sherman, Bud Swift, Hoyt James, 87; 2nd: George Baker, Jack Libby, Ed Troy, Stan Smalenski, 86.

(L to R)Back row: 1st place winners: Karen Buono, John McCue, Honey Lu Sack, Patricia Sasz, Stephen Sasz and Jody Allison. Christmas Tournament Committee: Front row: John Franks, Vickie Franks (CCC Board Member), Pam and Donald Davis.

11/ 30/2011: Team low net: 1st: Ed Annen, Ed Troy, Dave Sherman, Vince Pater, 260; 2nd: Jerry Knopp, SCC WGA Don Marlborough, Jack Libby, 11/2011: President’s Cup Winner – Wayne Zellers, 264. Ruth Kramer. Flight A: 1st: Jeannie Shively, 70; 2nd: Judie Schafers, Caloosa CC Men’s Golf 71. Flight B: 1st: Bev Heil, 68; 2nd: 12/15/2011: Bill Devine men’s group: Marcia Morris,72. Flight C: 1st: Game: 1on5,2on4,3on3 par=136: Insook Kim, 68; 2nd: Emily Rohner, White Group: First Place: 121/-15, 76* (*Tie/Card Match). Flight D: 1st: John McDougall, Clayton Webb, Phyllis Lee, 71; 2nd: Shirley Villinsky, Russell Rowe; Second Place: 122/-14, 75. Jim Bodner, Gary Adcock, Charles Reeve. Gold Group: First Place: 114/22, Jose M. Rodriguez, Bill Stonefield, Carl Greeno; Second Place: 115/-22, Larry Chambers, Richard Ventrone, Al Duncanson.

Caloosa CC Women’s Golf 12/14/11: ABCD Florida Scramble: 1st: Barbra Struble, Timi Pratt, Janice Churchill, Jackie Wrigley, 76; 2nd: (3-way tie) Kathi Nicolay, Aileen Engel, MaryAnn Wellander and Shirly Coniglio; Jeanne Kolls, Maxine Thompson, Judy Taylor and Shari Reeve; Pearl Ashe, Sandra Gaither, Janis Ingram and Nancy Cleary, 79.

L/R Jackie Wrigley,Barbara Struble, Timi Pratt and Janice Churchill. The Christmas luncheon,general meeting and Year End Awards followed. Receiving Most Improved for 2011 were 1st: Sandy Nodruff; 2nd: Karen Buono.

Ruth Kramer 2011 President’s Cup Winner December 8, 2011“BEAT THE PRO” FLIGHT 1: 1st Low Gross: Kathy Lawrence, 80; 1st Low Net: Judie Schafers, 71. FLIGHT 2: 1ST Low Gross: Connie Toussaint, 93; 1st Low Net: Ruth Kramer, 71; 2nd Low Net (tie): Diane Dotos and Bobbie Ulbrich, 73. Seven ladies’ net scores beat the Pro Lisa Lipnicky: Kathy Lawrence, Judie Schafers, Diane Doto, Carolyn Avrett, Bobbie Ulbrich, Ruth Kramer and Connie Toussaint.

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point 11/16/2011: Diamond Hill, h-Skins: 1st : Jenice Taylor, 5 skins; 2nd : Rex Gibbons, 4 skins. 11/18/2011: Riverside, h-Skins: 1st: Steve Parks, 4 skins; 2nd : Dick Hatch, 2 skins. Low-net: tied at 65 (par 70) - Rube Jones & Steve Parks; Low-gross: Rube Jones, 82. 11/21/2011: Summerfield, h-Skins: 1st : tied @ 2 Skins each – Rich Lucidi & Rex Gibbons. Low-net: Jerry Stemas, 67; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 83. 11/22/2011: Bloomingdale, match: 1st : Jenice Taylor, 98; 2nd : Dick Ihrke, 114. 11/23/2011: River Run (2nd nine rained out): match: 1st : Tom Gotschall, 43; 2nd : Art Swallow, 50. 11/24/2011: Buffalo Creek, match: 1st : Jerry Stemas, 68; 2nd : Rich Lucidi, 77. 11/26/2011: League #1: Riverside, match: 1st :Bill Anderson, net 68; 2nd : Rich Lucidi, 69. League #2: Freedom Fairways, match: 1st : Ray Dahlquist, net 65; 2nd : Charlie Brown, 78. 11/29/2011: Imperial Lakewoods, h-Skins: 1st : John Apostolou, 6 skins; 2nd : Dick Hastch, 3 skins. Low-net: John Apostolou, 60; Low-gross: John Apostolou, 83. 11/30/2011: Diamond Hill, h-Skins: 1st : Trav Lansberry, 4 skins; 2nd : Paul Maki, 2 skins. Low-net: Jerry Stemas, 75; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 90. 12/2/2011: Riverside, match: 1st: Tom Gotshall, 88; 2nd: Chuck Feldshau, 97.

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point 12/3/2011: Greenfield Plantation, match: 1st : Dick Ihrke, net 79; 2nd : Karen Jones, 80. 12/5/2011: Summerfeild, a-Skins: 1st : Ray Dahlquist, 4 skins; 2nd : Dave Britton, 2 skins. Low-net: Dave Britton, 69; Low-gross: Dave Britton & guest Dan Driver, 87. Natural Birds: Jerry Stemas, #6. 12/6/2011: Imperial Lakewoods, a-Skins (awards for birds + Skins): 1st : Trav Lansberry, 2 skins; 2nd : tied at 1 skin each – John Apostolou, Jerry Stemas & Dick Hatch. Lownet: Trav Lansberry, 65; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 81. Natural Birds: Jerry Stemas, 3 (holes #2, 7 & 16); Trav Lansberry, 1 (hole #14). 12/7/2011: Diamond Hill, match: 1st : Chuck Feldschau, 106; 2nd : Jim Kistler, 116. 12/8/2011: Buffalo Creek, a-Skins: 1st : Denny Wintersteen, 77; 2nd : Dick Ihrke, 79. Natural Birds: Mary Ihrke (hole #7), Dick Ihrke (#14) & Denny Wintersteen (#4). 12/10/2011: Riverside, match: 1st : Rich Lucidi, net 67; 2nd : Jim Sari, 69. Freedom Fairways, h-Skins: 1st: Bill Anderson, 10 skins; 2nd : Ray Dahlquist, 3 skins. Low-net: Bill Anderson, 51; Low-gross: Bill Anderson, 62. 12/12/2011: River Club, match: 1st : Bill Anderson, net 66; 2nd : John Kirkland, 70. Low-gross: Bob Drosky, 82.

Hogans League January Schedule Date 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/14 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/20 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/28 1/30 1/31

Day Course Mon Summerfield Tue Imperial Lakewoods Wed Diamond Hill Fri Riverside Tue Bloomingdale Wed River Run Thu Buffalo Creek Sat Freedom Fairways Mon Summerfield Tue Imperial Lakewoods Wed Diamond Hill Fri Riverside Mon River Club Tue Bloomingdale Wed River Run Thu Buffalo Creek Sat Freedom Fairways Mon Summerfield Tue Imperial Lakewoods

Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact or visit


The News of Sun City Center

AAUW Committee to Plan Women of Distinction Luncheon

South Lake Association

Holes in One!

Caloosa Greens member David Wilkie, at the weekly men’s league tournament got a hole in one! David used his hybrid 4 on the 137 yd par 3 13th hole to nail his ace,witnessed by Stan Smalenski and George Baker. On Dec. 13, Susan Wyckoff had a hole-in-one on Sandpiper Lakes # 5 using a 7 -wood. She was playing with Joan Huebner, Linda Deslondes and Jean Mooney. Connie Murray (below) had a hole-in-one on Nov. 29 on hole #14 at Renaissance Golf Club. Witnesses were Ilene Davidoff and Linda Lentz. She used a 24-degree rescue club and drove the ball about 105 yards.

Front Row: Edith Rice, Judy Voorhees, Yvonne Ponsor and Beverly Fletchall. Back Row: Mary Smith, Mary Ann Worthington, Carolyn Lundy, Bunny Blackstone, Sally Erath & Sandy Dillmuth. The luncheon will be held on Tuesday, February 7, at Community Hall at 11:30 a.m. The money raised is used for scholarships that are granted to mature women attending college. Tickets may be purchased for $20 from Bunny Blackstone at 813634-6387.

Caloosa CC Men’s Golf

South Lake Association held a “Seasonal Sparkle” social in the Florida Room recently. Board members for 2012 were introduced - 1st row (L to R) Vice President Rob Stanis, President Lynn Clayton, Treasurer Jim Twitty, Secretary Nancy Williams. 2nd row: Directors Jan Parsell, Barbara Hendrickson, Norm Willems and Richard Banning. Not pictured were Shirley Burch & Dave Perkins. After a delicious ham dinner, the South Shore Sweet Adelines performed followed by audience Christmas caroling.

Reminder... The Sun City Center


Russ Stutz is shown presenting the trophy to Tom Butler, the Caloosa Men’s Club Champion for 2011.


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January 2012

January 2012

Bi-Annual Meeting & Dinner Hogans Golf Club

The Hogans Golf Club held its bi-annual (every two years) meeting on Monday, December 5, 2011 in the Florida Room of the Sun City Center Atrium building. T he re we re 4 3 me mb e rs (and their spouses) attending the very short business meeting after which a buffet dinner was served. Entertaining the attendees was Frank Guffin and his Rolland keyboard on which he played styled and unique scoring of Christmas numbers. Frank is President of the Organ & Keyboard Club and he donated his talents to the Hogans for the evening. Tr av e l i n g t ro p h i e s w e re presented to two “most improved golfers.” The male winner was Bill Poirier and the female winner was Jenice Taylor. Also recognized were the Charter members Art Swallow, Rich Lucidi, Jay Sparkman and Karen Jones. Additionally, original members Dave Diehl, Charlie Strimpell (up North) and Dave Worthington were honored. Officers and Leaders - president Art Swallow, treasurer Andy Betz, VP Rich Lucidi, Scheduling – Terry Upson, League - Rube Jones (Syl Amos and Doc Lamiano not present), and auditor Terry Seipelt were recognized for

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

their contributions to the success of the Hogans.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

A random drawing for a golf The Monday Movie will normally show two movies each month in the Rollins caddy concluded the ceremonies Theater at 1 p.m. Dates and times may change as required. Seating is limited to 200 per showing and is reserved for current SCCCA members who present an (won by newly wed Roy Clark). up-to-date membership card/badge. Please come early as seating is LIMITED. The next meeting will be held in NOTE 2013 but informal dinners and get- Starting in January 2012 The Monday Movies will, in addition to the 2nd and togethers will be held all year long. 4th Mondays, show movies on the following dates. Mark your calendar and The club is open to all Sun City join the fun: 1/30, 2/6, 3/5 and 4/30. Center and Kings Point residents and January 9 “Crazy, Stupid Love” 118 min. Rated: PG-13 their guests. 40-something straight-laced Cal Contact ArtSwallow@ Weaver (Steve Carell) is living the or visit dream—good job, nice house, great kids and marriage to his high school sweetheart, Emily (Julianne Moore). So when Cal learns that his wife has cheated on him and wants a divorce, his “perfect” life quickly unravels. Cal, who hasn’t dated in decades, stands out as the epitome of un-smooth so handsome player Jacob Palmer (Ryan Gosling) takes him on as wingman and protégé, opening Cal’s eyes to the many options before him: flirty women, manly drinks and a sense of style. Despite Cal’s makeover and his many new conquests, the one thing that can’t be made over is his heart.which seems to keep leading Cal back to where he began. Frank Guffin and his Rolland keyboard.

The Observer News • Sun City Center Observer • Riverview Current • November 12, 2009 • WELCOME BACK m 11

January 23 “Water for Elephants” 120 min. Rating: PG-13 When Jacob, a veterinary student who almost earned his degree, is orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, drifters, and misfits, a secondrate circus struggling to survive during the Great Depression, making onenight stands in town after endless town. Jacob is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie and meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her. Water for Elephants is illuminated by a wonderful sense of time and place. It tells a story of a love between two people that overcomes incredible odds in a world in which even love is a luxury that few can afford. Actors: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, Hal Holbrook.

January 30

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“The Help”

146 min.

Rating: PG-13

Set in Mississippi at the dawn of the civil rights movement during the 1960s, Skeeter (Stone) is a southern society girl who returns from college determined to become a writer, but turns her friends’ lives—and a Mississippi town—upside down when she decides to interview the black women who have spent their lives taking care of prominent southern families. Aibileen (Davis), Skeeter’s best friend’s housekeeper, is the first to open up—to the dismay of her friends in the tight-knit black community. Despite Skeeter’s life-long friendships hanging in the balance, she and Aibileen continue their collaboration and soon more women come forward to tell their stories—and as it turns out, they have a lot to say. Along the way, unlikely friendships are forged. Actors: Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sissy Spacek. These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2011 membership card must be presented for admission.


The News of Sun City Center

January 2012

Featured trip:




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Sun, Jan 8th, 2 PM

Kings Point Club House


Globus Tours


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