The News of January 2012 - ISSUE #42 official publication of the Community Association
January All Fitness Month 8 Showcase Show 11 Golden Bingo 13 Phil Dirt Show 14 Tour of Homes 19 Swim Class 21 Fun Run/Walk 22 Bowker’s SCC Show 29 Van-Dels Show
January Dates to Put on Your Calendar
CA Board Meeting
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan. 16th Next Issue in your mailbox on
Feb. 4th
SCC Community Association Postal Patron
On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 13 Club Happenings...... 16+ Consumer Affairs........ 29 Crossword.................. 27 CryptoQuote............... 13 Deputy Chris............... 10 Entertainment Corner... 5 50th Anniversary........ 8-9 Golf........................... 32+ Military Affairs........ 14-15 Movies........................ 35 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen............ 25 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 30+ Sudoku....................... 25
Check out the CA website:
WHY FINANCING TO BUILD MAKES SENSE Chuck Collett, Vice President Neil Rothfeld, Treasurer We are all at that stage in our personal lives where we don’t want debt. We are retired or near retirement, on the shorter side of the ledger and we don’t want that burden. So when the Community Association Board of Directors proposes a financing plan to fund a building project our first natural response is “we don’t want debt in our personal lives.” But could you close your eyes for a moment and remember when you were 50? You were earning good income and a full life in retirement was still ahead of you. Then spend a moment reflecting on two facts about Sun City Center: 1) Unlike us, our community is perpetual and will continue to have cash flow from transfer fees for as long as it exists; and 2) the plan proposed to you has no personal liability, will be paid for by newcomers to the community and will allow you to benefit from better facilities now at significant cost savings. THE PLAN To f u n d t h e p r o p o s e d $3,000,000 project we intend to borrow $2,400,000 for 10 years at an estimated interest rate of 5% and will use $600,000 from our capital reserve. We will also keep $500,000 in the capital reserve to ensure that if there
are any income fluctuations there will be cash available to cover loan payments. The reality though is that this reserve should never be required because we have used a very conservative approach in deciding how much we can afford to borrow. As we have stated at the Town Hall meetings, our guiding principle in reaching this plan has always been: “NO MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION.” The loan will be issued to the Community Association, a Florida corporation, not to you as individuals and there will be NO PERSONAL LIABILITY for anyone. Also, the loan will be secured by Capital Fund Fees (formerly called “Transfer Fees”) which are paid by new folks moving into Sun City Center, a $500,000 cash reserve and, as a last resort, by our annual dues revenue (which we are confident will not be needed). NONE OF YOUR PROPERTY AND NONE OF THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION PROPERTY WILL BE AT RISK. SO HOW SAFE IS THIS PLAN? We now have a nine-year history on Transfer Fees and know that the lowest number of fees received in any year was 240, so we chose that figure for planning purposes when estimating
In a unanimous vote, the Sun City Center Community Association proclaimed John B owker Day to b e Janu ar y 22, 2012. This is the day that John will give an illustrated presentation on the History of Sun City Center in Community Hall at 2 p.m. It is also the day the public will be able to purchase John’s new history book of Sun City Center. It promises to be a wonderful opportunity for the public to say thanks to John for all of the innovative ideas he has given to this community. The CA has honored John in 2010 by dedicating to him the building that houses the Information Center and the History Society. He also received honors for the number of hours he gives to volunteer work; 2,552 volunteer hours in 2008. John is a great believer in volunteerism. Not only do John and wife Linda do a regular nighttime shift in the Emergency Squad, but every Saturday morning they can be found volunteering at the Hillsborough Library on 19th Avenue. He also delivers Meals on Wheels and takes reservations for the Men’s Club luncheons every month. Cont’d. on page 6. John started the Information Center in 2004 so that people who are considering living here could drop by and get all the information they need. There are 40 volunteers who greet folks and escort them around our campuses. While John has recently turned over the reins of this program, he continues to work two hours a week as a greeter. The list is endless. He started the popular “Hi, Neighbor!” annual program. This is intended to help new members of the community to look over the clubs and decide which they would like to join. Many newcomers have formed lasting friendships as a result of this. Architects’ rendition of the interior of the proposed Entertainment Center. Cont’d. on page 7.
Lots of 50th Anniversary January Events
By Phyllis Hodges January/February Fitness Center Challenge “Do 50 for the 50th” says the Fitness Center Committee member Karen Johnson. What a great way to start out the New Year—a challenge to yourself! You can use any or all of the aerobic machines to complete 50 miles during the months of January and February 2012. Each person who
completes the total of 50 miles will receive a certificate and a special tee shirt. There will also be prizes for the oldest man and woman to complete 50 miles, as well as the man and woman who complete the most miles. A random name will be drawn from all who completed the 50 miles for an additional prize. Here’s the way it will work. Just sign up at the Fitness Center for the Challenge. All miles must be completed on the Fitness Center machines. That includes the treadmills, bicycles, elliptical
machines, rowing machines and rotary arm machine. You may use several machines on a single day but must record your mileage for each machine separately. Since the rowing machines measure meters instead of miles, just
Cont’d. on page 8. For the 50th Anniversary Planning Ahead list and December pictures, go to page 8.