News of Sun City Center Jan 2013

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The News of January 2013 - ISSUE #54 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association”). Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

February Issue in your mailbox on

February 2

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CARE..................................... 27 Club Happenings.................. 16+ Crossword.............................. 27 CryptoQuote........................... 13 Entertainment Corner............... 5 Expanding Horizons............... 13 Golf....................................... 33+ Military Affairs.................... 24-25 Movies.................................... 39 Newcomers.............................. 2 Plants Happen........................ 14 President’s Report.................... 3 Sports................................... 32+ Sudoku................................... 31

By Phyllis Hodges Laughter and merriment was bountiful December 8 as hundreds of spectators and participants flocked to the Golf Cart Parade and Winter Festival. Dave Birkett, parade chair, said, “Our committee accomplished exactly what we set out to do last April—provide a community event with the sole purpose of adding a fun day to the holiday season.” It was indeed a community-wide effort that attracted 160 entries reflecting the parade’s theme, ‘Tis the Sea-Sun. Creativity was the order of the day as participants vied for the $5,000 prize money offered by Minto Communities. Following the parade, the Winter Festival, First Place ($500) in the Individual category was Ron and Linda Ringenback. with its vendors, car show, pet They also won the Best in Show when gave them another $400 plus a trophy. show, vendors and entertainment, Their cart featured a frolicking dolphin, thanks to Ron’s ingenuity. was well attended and considered a More photos of the parade are on page 6. huge success by Minto Communities which sponsored that part of the day. PHOTO BY ED CONNOLLY

January 2 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 2 Annual Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. February 6 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

Golf Cart Parade and Winter Festival Draw Hundreds

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD ELECTS ITS OFFICERS The members of the 2013 CA Board of Directors met following the membership election to select the Board officers following their swearing in on January 2, 2013. Ed Barnes was named president once again, Jane Keegan will take office as vice president, David Floyd will once again be board secretary, and last year’s treasurer, Neil Rothfeld will continue as treasurer but now will have a vote as a director on the board. The other five members of the CA Board will be Al Alderman, Chuck Collett, Howie Griffin, Mike Killian, and Sam Sudman. The board meets regularly each month on the second Wednesday in the Rollins Theater starting at 9 a.m. and CA members are invited to attend. There is a “workshop” on the first Wednesday each month in the CA Office to plan the agenda for the regular board meeting and members may session that meeting as well. Please mark your calendar for the evening meeting coming up on Januar y 2. This is the of f i c i a l An nu a l Me e ti ng i n Community Hall starting at 7 p.m. The meeting agenda is shown on page 3.

Holiday Walk/Breakfast Ushers in Holiday Season



Over 600 people enjoyed the December 1 breakfast that kicked off the Holiday Season for them. By Phyllis Hodges On December 1 in the Florida Room, the first shift for a cadre of over 100 volunteers readied their stations as the doors opened at 7 a.m. for a pancake/sausage/egg breakfast that has been an integral part of the annual SCC Holiday Walk since 2008. At 9 a.m., holiday music from the bandstand set the mood for visitors strolling through the club rooms, learning about the clubs, admiring members’ work, and taking advantage of low prices on unique creations. Throughout the morning, over 600 people enjoyed a great meal and music performed by The Organ and Keyboard Club members.

See Walk on page 7.


Seniors vs. Crime helps senior citizens (at no cost) who were taken advantage of, i.e., cheated out of money, did not receive delivery on promised goods or services, etc. You can contact them at 1-800203-3099, www.seniorsvscrime. com or by visiting the office on the 2nd floor in the building behind CVS Pharmacy. Editor’s Note: Have you recently heard or read something about the SCC community that you think a lot of other people might like to know? Email your suggestions to

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