July 2012 News of Sun City Center

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The News of July 2012 - ISSUE #48

...an official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

July Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Independence Day


Pools open to children from 11 a.m.-1p.m. and 3 p.m. until Dusk

Fireworks to begin about 9 p.m.

Ready for July 4?

By Phyllis Hodges For a fun Fourth of July, plan to start the day with your friends in the Florida Room on the SCC Central Campus. Breakfast Committee Chairs Sam and Joanne Sudman (813-633-3106) have marshaled 100+ volunteers to serve the $5 “red, white & blue” pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and juice from 7 a.m. to noon. Later in the day—after 6 p.m.— make your way to ClubLink’s former North Lakes Golf Course clubhouse on N. Pebble Beach Boulevard. Sandpiper Grille will be there offering an old fashioned barbeque dinner that includes hot dogs, brats, chicken, boneless pork ribs, baked beans, potato chips, soft drinks and water. To add to the festivities, Sandpiper (Nick Egarhos, owner) is arranging live and taped music by a dynamic duo—Tito and Debi. Bring your own

CA Board Meeting


Next Issue in your mailbox on

July 28

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 21 Club Happenings.......11+ Consumer Affairs........ 24 Crossword.................. 21 CryptoQuote................. 7 Deputy Chris............... 30 Entertainment Corner... 5 Expanding Horizons..... 7 Golf........................ 25-27 Military Affairs........ 18-19 Movies........................ 31 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 8 President’s Report........ 3 Scams........................ 31 Sports....................... 25+ Sudoku....................... 23


Hello everyone! I would like to thank you for the warm welcome that has been extended to me and my research team at Sun City Center. As you may already know, I am heading up the Sun City Center Community Association study that is taking place over the next few months. I have had so many people asking me questions about this study that I thought I would cover the most common questions and answer them here so everyone can be informed. Why is this study being conducted? Answer: Your Community Association Board would like to have a statistically accurate and unbiased understanding of the people of Sun City Center in order to make appropriate strategic decisions for the future. More specifically, they would like to better understand the needs of the Sun City Center members so they can plan for appropriate budget allocations in both the short- and long-term. It is normal for any organization to spend a tiny percentage of their budget on market research to ensure the appropriate

decisions are m a d e on h ow to spend their dollars wisely. What makes you qualified to do this study? Answer: I have 20+ years of experience in the research industry and have done research projects for over 1,000 clients, including studies with other active senior communities around the country and in Florida. I am a Professional Certified Marketer, and hold a BBA, MBA and PhD in marketing research and statistical analysis. I also teach classes in this type of research in the graduate program at the University of Tampa. Who is your research team? Answer: The remainder of my research team consists of my partner (and

Cont’d. on page 9.

Tito and Debi will liven up our Fourth of July party with oldies and patriotic music. seating so you can eat comfortably wherever you wish in the fireworks viewing area. Come early enough to visit the Minto Communities and Brandon Honda displays in the parking lot adjacent to the clubhouse and thank them for their generosity. Fireworks Chair Ann Marie Leblanc said that their contributions ($11,000 and $10,000) are making this year’s display even bigger than last year. That was Sun City Center’s first and it was spectacular. Leblanc also credits residents for their donations that are paying for permits, security, giveaways, etc. Reminders: 1) DON’T DRIVE YOUR GOLF CART! It will be dark after the fireworks. 2) CHECK OUT THE MINTO AND BRANDON HONDA DISPLAYS and tell them “thanks.” 3) GET YOUR FREE GLOW-INDARK NECKLACES in the food area while the supply lasts. 4) S T A Y W I T H I N T H E DESIGNATED VIEWING AREAS. Violations could cause the fireworks company to stop the display. That would NOT make your fellow viewers happy.

Fireworks watchers will be allowed anywhere outside the designated area (dashed line), which will be clearly defined. Watchers with chairs or blankets will be allowed inside a designated roped off area (shown on map with dotted lines). Organizers emphasize that this requirement is a safety “MUST ” and that violations can cause immediate shutdown of the display. Map drawing by John Bowker.

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