The News of Sun City Center June 2012

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The News of June 2012 - ISSUE #47 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

June Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


Excitement Building for July 4 Holiday

By Phyllis Hodges Folks are all abuzz about another spectacular Fourth of July holiday in Sun City Center. Why go anywhere else? You can start your day in the Florida Room, SCC Community Association Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd. (7 a.m. to noon) with delicious “red, white & blue” pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and juice—all for only $5. Ann Marie Leblanc, who organized the breakfast last year, said they were elated when turnout was extremely high. They estimated 500, factoring

provide live and taped music, starting around 7 p.m. and continuing through the display. “We’re the new kid on the block and want to help make the holiday memorable,” said Egarhos. Bring your own chairs or blankets. Ann Marie Leblanc, who is heading the fireworks effort, said that this year’s display will cost around $21,000. That’s more than 2011 because “this year is bigger and better.” Free glow necklaces will be available on-site while supplies last. The fireworks are being funded primarily by Minto Communities and Brandon Honda. Residents also contributed in a fund started last year.


Flag Day 14th

changes are planned this year that will streamline the serving line and expand seating capacity. The fireworks will start around dusk on ClubLink’s N. Pebble Beach Blvd. property that was the North Lakes golf course driving range. Plan to come early to enjoy an old fashioned barbeque and music provided by the Sandpiper Grill outside the North Lakes clubhouse. Nick Egarhos, owner, is eager to be a part of SCC’s holiday festivities. He said they will be grilling brats, chicken, and boneless country ribs and serving them with baked beans, potato chips, soft drinks and water for one price not yet determined. Music by Tito and Debi will

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June 30

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On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 21 Club Happenings.......11+ Consumer Affairs........ 24 Crossword.................. 21 CryptoQuote................. 7 Deputy Chris............... 30 Entertainment Corner... 5 Expanding Horizons..... 7 Golf........................ 25-27 Military Affairs........ 18-19 Movies........................ 31 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 8 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 25+ Sudoku....................... 23

Sam and Joanne Sudman have stepped up to organize the July 4 breakfast. They need workers for two shifts, 6 – 9 a.m. or 9 to noon. If you want to help, contact them at or 813-633-3106. in the absence of snowbirds and residents expected to leave SCC for the holiday. Actual attendance was nearly twice that, but all were fed and had a good time. Sam and Joanne Sudman, who are chairing the 2012 breakfast committee, said some

Fireworks watchers will be allowed anywhere outside the designated area (dashed line), which will be clearly defined. Watchers with chairs or blankets will be allowed inside a designated roped off area (shown on map with dotted lines). Organizers emphasize that this requirement is a safety “MUST ” and that violations can cause immediate shutdown of the display. Map drawing by John Bowker.

Focus Groups By Uta Kuhn Focus Groups to discuss the Long Range Planning for Sun City Center were formed and have been meeting during the past month. The objective of the Focus groups is to come up with a survey for residents so that they can have a vote in the Long Range Planning Process for Sun City Center. Eleven groups of residents were chosen to participate and each group was comprised of 12 members per meeting. Four meetings were held on Thursdays during the month of May. Meetings lasted anywhere from two to three and a half hours depending on the comments made by attendees and the questions that were asked of the facilitator. The groups taking part were comprised of residents as follows and were chosen from several “geographic” areas in Sun City Center, ie. north side, south side, and Renaissance.

1. Short term residents 2. Long term residents 3. Club Presidents 4. Realtors 5. HOA/POA Presidents 6. Community Association Staff 7. Information Center hosts/ hostesses Also represented throughout the different groups were various age groups and volunteers from Community Service groups. Erika Matulich, Professor of Marketing at the University of Tampa and former Program Director for the Master of Science in Marketing was selected to lead these groups and record their input. Profess or Matulich and her husband John have conducted over 1,000 consulting and training projects over the years and are very knowledgeable in the field of marketing, survey and data analysis implementation.The following

See Focus Groups page 23

Plan Now for the December Cart Parade

By Phyllis Hodges Hold the date! December 8 will be another exciting day in Sun City Center as we attempt to break a “decorated golf cart” parade record. Dave Birkett, who is chairing the committee of 20+ members from both the SCC Community Association and Kings Point Association, said that decorations need not be expensive or elaborate as the goal is to have LOTS of participants having a great time. From research to date, it looks like we will need over 300 decorated golf carts to set a new record. That’s why the theme of “Tis the Sea-Sun” theme was chosen—to widen the scope of possibilities. The $5,000 prize money from Minto Communities is expected to generate ent husiasm in four categories: Individuals, Clubs, Service

See December page 23

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