The News of March 2012 - ISSUE #44 official publication of the Community Association
Check out the CA website:
Swim Dancers Show on March 10 March 10 Swim Dancers Show 11 Joey Arminio Show 12 Lawn Bowlers Lessons 17 FunFest 26 Auction at Club Renaissance
March Dates to Put on Your Calendar CA Board Meeting
FunFest & St Patrick’s Day
Membership Meeting 7 p.m.
This year the Swim Dance Show on March 10 will pay tribute to the 50th Anniversary of Sun City Center with a revisit of some of the former numbers from past shows. ”The Way We Were” will feature a performance of swimmers emeritus as well as current swimmers swimming to “After the Lovin.” This year’s group is coached by Anne Decker, who is an original member of the Swim Dancers.
Dancers. Frolicking mermaids will be featured in “Under the Sea” and some tired swimmers in the “Old Grey Mare.” Carolyn Pate has choreographed a float number to the song “The Way We Were” while most of the swimmers are featured in “Columbia the Gem of the Ocean.” A surprise visit by the “Swim Dandies” will also perform. Various Swim Dancers have choreographed the songs to be presented in this year’s show interpreting the music combining rhythm, swimming and dancing. The Swim Dancers are a synchronized swim group organized in 1983 by Becky Tuttle and Hazel Reagan. These two women were also coaches, trained in the methods of teaching skills to beginning swimmers. Their efforts have been carried on by Edith Anderson, Nancy Meissner, Mary Blose and Verlee Clinefelter. This year’s show on March 10 will be at the Atrium Lap Pool (945 North Swimmers Emeritus: (Top row L to Course Lane off North Pebble Beach) at R) Lorraine Lowell, Tina Lockwood, 2 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the Atrium Elaine Dow, Anne Decker. (Front row the week of March 5, Monday - Friday seated L to R) Nancy Meissner, Becka from 9 a.m. - noon. Meksa, Verlee Clinefelter. Tickets can also be purchased from any Swim Dancer. If you are interested in All of the songs chosen by Show Director Sue Muise reflect the joining our group or would like further past 26 years of shows by the Swim information, please call President Ginny Williams at 634-1710.
Next Issue in your mailbox on
March 31st
SCC Community Association Postal Patron
On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE........................... 9 Club Happenings...... 16+ Consumer Affairs........ 28 Crossword.................. 23 CryptoQuote................. 9 Deputy Chris............... 12 Entertainment Corner... 5 Expanding Horizons..... 8 50th Anniversary........ 6-7 Golf........................ 31-32 Military Affairs........ 14-15 Movies........................ 35 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............11 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 29+ Sudoku....................... 25
Top row L-R: Rosemary Reily, Carolyn Pate, Anne Decker, Ginny Williams, Barbara D’Entremont, Lynn Bentz , Judy Quitch, Ilona Merritt. Seated L-R: Dottie Blanchard, Mary Bergquist, Sue Muise, Karen Jones, Lorraine Lowell, Kathy Thomas, Deana Pachler.
Silent and Live Auction Generating Interest Hard to believe…March is here! That means in three weeks or so (March 26—5 p.m.) at the Renaissance Club, the Silent and Live Auction begins. It will be exciting to peruse the auction catalog for the wonderful items to be available, then hearing the gavel sounding and the auctioneer announcing, “Sold, to the lady in the purple dress!” Is a hot air balloon ride on your bucket list? Or are you more interested in a week’s stay at a beach resort, or a two-night, three-day stay at Little Harbor sound more appealing? Will you be the highest bidder for a baseball signed by
pitcher Jeremy Hellickson of the Rays Baseball Team? Maybe a more practical item gets your attention—like an area rug ($500 value) or that beautiful stonepaver entry for your home ($500 value). Perhaps you need new golf cart batteries or a new microwave. These are just some of the items that will be available to the highest bidders. ClubLink, sponsor for the auction, is preparing the Renaissance clubhouse for arrival of the auction items. C a m Mc G a r y a n d Me r l e n e Smithyman, co-chairs for the event, say they are excited about the “word on the street” about the high level of interest and expect all 200 tickets will be sold quickly.
Cont’d. on page 6.
FunFest will be Special This Year!
By Phyllis Hodges On March 17 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.), the Community Association Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd., will be rocking with FunFest 2012. Admission is FREE and it’s open to the public. This is the day we showcase the Sun City Center lifestyle! Five to six thousand people flood the campus each year to enjoy the entertainment, exhibits and food. “This year’s FunFest is part of SCC’s year-long 50th Anniversary Celebration, so the golden anniversary theme is being combined with the ‘green’ of St. Patrick’s Day,” says Jane Keegan, FunFest chair. She added that there will be more “golden oldies” music on the agenda to highlight the era of Del Webb’s unique vision of the lifestyle we enjoy today. Shuttle Service/Parking To avoid a parking hassle at the Central Campus, park at Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach and ride the two buses which will be making continuous loops throughout the day. The free transportation starts at 8:30 a.m. with the last bus departing the Central Campus at 3:30 p.m. If you’re driving, golf carts are the optimum way to go. Parking spaces will again be available at N. Pebble Beach and Cherry Hills, as well as on a blocked-off area of the North Lakes Golf Course with an entrance directly in front of the Fitness Center. Vendor Displays Wit hout our sp ons ors, t his event would not be possible. Take the opportunity to pick up valuable product and service information at their displays and tell them you appreciate their support. Health Fair Don’t miss the Health Fair! Health care professionals will be offering information and various tests in the Atrium rooms. The mobile units participating will be parked on the east side of the Atrium. Fo o d / C l ub s / C o mmu nit y Gro up Participation Numerous clubs and community organizations will have representatives on campus to tell you all you want to know about their activities. Food offerings to suit all tastes are sponsored by SCC clubs, and club displays and
Cont’d. on page 6.