The News of Sun City Center May 2012

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The News of May 2012 - ISSUE #46 official publication of the Community Association —Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

Fireworks 2012 are a GO!

50th Comes to a Spectacular Close

CA Board Meeting


Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.

by Ann Marie Leblanc

Memorial Day 28th Next Issue in your mailbox on

June 2nd

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 Club Happenings...... 20+ Consumer Affairs........ 27 Crossword.................. 25 CryptoQuote................11 Deputy Chris............... 34 Entertainment Corner... 5 Expanding Horizons..... 7 50th Anniversary........... 8 Golf........................ 31-33 Military Affairs........ 12-13 Movies........................ 35 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen............ 10 President’s Report........ 3 Sports....................... 30+ Sudoku....................... 29


Mother’s Day 13th By Phyllis Hodges Plan now to stay right here in Sun City Center for a great Independence Day celebration. After the fireworks last year were so phenomenally well received, the Community Association immediately started a fund for a 2012 display. “We now have the expenses covered, thanks to the generosity of Minto Communities and Brandon Honda, as well as donations from residents,” says Ann Marie Leblanc, who chaired the project in 2012 and agreed to serve in that role again.

In making the announcement, she added that the planned display is going to be even more impressive than last year. Also, breakfast on July 4 was so popular that another is planned. Sam and Joanne Sudman have stepped up to organize it. (If you want to help, contact them at or at the CA office 813-633-3500.) To add to the festivities, Nick Egarhos, owner of the Sandpiper Grill, is planning a food station outside the North Course clubhouse later in the day. The fireworks will start around dark. Stay tuned for more details in next month’s NEWS.


May Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Ann Marie Leblanc at the Gala

Last night, as the curtain came down on the year-long celebration of the 50th Anniversary, it was a moment of pure joy for me. I looked around the room and saw nothing but smiling faces in our community. It was a moment when I knew this was the perfect retirement community. At the end of the year I knew the whole 12 months of events had put smiles on the faces of many, many residents and guests. While President Special Board Meeting Held on Monday, April 23 Barnes heaped many complimentary remarks on my plate, I knew that none A Special Board of Directors deposit. Two corporate sponsors have of this would have been possible without meeting was held at 9 a.m. on come forward to support this event. The the wonderful chairmen of the events Monday, April 23, 2012 in the Rollins Community Association thanked Minto and mostly, YOU the residents! If you Theater. Communities, LLC and Brandon Honda Cont’d. on page 8. The 50th Anniversary year for their generous support. was briefly reviewed by Ann Marie The petition to request a community Leblanc. All events were well attended vote on approval or disapproval of the NOTICE with most events sold out. The 50th sending of the December 30, 2011 Letter Beginning January 1, 2012, if Anniversary showed a profit for of Intent to ClubLink, LLC was rejected you wish to have copies of The News the year. The 50th Anniversary by the Board after a long discussion by of SCC forwarded to an address Committee suggested using the the Board and community members. outside of Sun City Center, there will profits to fund projects within the The rejection was based on Article XV be a $3 per month service charge. Sun City Community. Proposed of the Articles of Incorporation which This charge is to offset the costs of projects were a TV for the Atrium allows the Board to reject a petition if it mailing the nresletter to an additional Building to showcase upcoming and is not in the community’s best interest. address. The fee must be paid in the past community events; refurbish Before the vote, President Ed Barnes CA Office before The News of SCC will the Sandpiper Room; contribute announced that ClubLink has agreed to be mailed. If you want the newsletter $10,000 to the Capital Fund; and, the removal of paragraph one in “Other forwarded for an extended period of the remaining funds to go toward Considerations” which limited the time, months can be paid in advance. future July 4th fireworks. The Board Board’s ability to take a formal position Thank you for your cooperation in agreed with the recommendations on any building plans on the North this matter. and approved the disbursement of Lakes Golf Course. The Board will go the funds. forward with acquiring the 5+/- acres of **Remember, you can always In a second action, the Board the North Lakes Golf Course. The land view the most current issue approved the contract and a $10,000 is being donated by ClubLink. After the meeting, ClubLink signed the revised deposit for the July 4, 2012 fireworks. of The News of SCC Letter of Intent. It is on page 11 in this The fireworks fund will reimburse on our website for free** the Community Association for the issue.

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