The News of October 2011 - ISSUE #39 official publication of the Community Association
Check out the CA website:
October Brings Many 50th Anniversary Events October 7 Ice Cream Social 11 Vintage Car Show 15 Antique Appraisals 18 Octoberfest 21 Wedding Vows 30 Caloosa Golf Tourney
“Trash or Treasure?” October 15
By Uta Kuhn Have you e ver wondered what that piece of furniture, that vase or picture that was left to you by your Aunt Esther is worth? Well, here is your opportunity to find out. As part of Sun City Center’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, an event called “TRASH OR TREASURE” October Dates w i l l b e h e l d at C o m mu n i t y to Put on Your H a l l o n S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 15, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Calendar Members of any club in Sun City can reserve a table for $10 Columbus Day Center to display and sell their antiques, artwork, collectibles and treasures. So reser ve your table NOW. All proceeds from the sales should CA Board Meeting be returned to the club’s treasury. In addition, up to two of the items can be appraised by Burchard Galleries Membership Meeting of St. Petersburg to determine if the items are Trash or Treasure, at no cost to you. W U S F, w h i c h c a r r i e s t h e A n t i q u e s R o a d S h o w, Hallowe’en will have representatives and special personalities present who will be giving out “freebies” to those attending. This event is open to the public; everyone is welcome.This day will be SCC’s equivalent of a Flea Next Issue in your Market that benefits local clubs and mailbox on October organizations. So join the fun, invite your friends, do some shopping and enjoy the day. And if you’re in the mood for On the Inside some lunch, the Diamonettes will be CA Schedule................. 3 serving hamburgers and hot dogs to CARE......................... 23 please your palate. Club Happenings...... 14+ So remember to mark Saturday, October 15, on your calendar Consumer Affairs........ 13 TODAY! Crossword.................. 17
Membership Vote on 2012 Dues
For the 50th Anniversay Planning Ahead list, go to page 6.
SCC Community Association Postal Patron
This 1931Model A Ford has been in the family of Sun City Center resident Dan Haegert since 1935. Completely restored by Dan over many years, it is among the antique and collectible vehicles expected to take part in the Sun City Center 50th Anniversary car show October 11.
December 6 & 7
Our community will welcome a bevy Cyrille Cobe (left) and Carla of antique, special interest and collectible open arms for the Sun City Miles invite SCC residents to join vehicles with th Center 50 Anniversary Car Show. During them for Ice Cream Sundaes on the car show, club rooms will be occupied by Friday, October 7 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Florida Room for a triple artisans and hobbyists ready to display their celebration. Carla is chair of the wares and special interests. The show is set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. event. October 11 at the Central Campus bandstand The Ice Cream S ocial commemorates the founding of on Cherry Hills Drive. The show field is the Sun City Center Library, the surrounded by a variety of workshops and 50th Anniversary of the GFWC display rooms, with club members on hand SCC Woman’s Club and the 50th to discuss their activities. Owners and Anniversary of Sun City Center. The admirers of the vehicles on display, with an price of an ice cream sundae is 50 appreciation for all things mechanical, may cents, or the donation of a gently- find the Model Railroad Club’s panoramic layout and HO-gauge trains of particular Cont’d on page 8. interest. South Shore is home to a wide range of SCC 50th Anniversary outstanding collector cars and trucks. Some were new when Sun City Center opened Golf Tournament in 1961, and others date back to the 1930s and beyond. Visitors will find the owners October 30 happy to talk about their vehicles, and most According to Russ Stutz, everyone is sure to see a car that sparks fond tournament director, registrations memories. Spectators are invited to vote for are now being accepted for a their favorite, with the top choice winning a scramble golf tournament (four- trophy. Show participants will also pick a top person teams) on October 30. The choice among their peers. tournament is part of SCC’s 50th Deejay Joey Ferrante will be playing Anniversary event schedule at the songs that were popular when the cars, Caloosa Golf & Country Club. the town and its residents were young. The A 12:30 p.m. shotgun start at Tillers and Toilers garden club will be serving Caloosa Golf & Country Club will hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream. get the tournament underway. Play The show, conducted in cooperation will be limited to 30 teams. (Teams with the Sun City Center Roamin’ Oldies Car must bring their own golf carts.) Club, is free of charge and open to all who Cost for the day will be $80 per team, wish to participate or attend. Contact Paul payable to Caloosa Golf & CC. Courter 633-8540 for information. After the tournament, participants will gather for a social Octoberfest on period with wine, cheese and door prizes. There will also be a 50-50 October 18 and Wedding raffle. Vows on October 21 Call 633-4084 (Russ Stutz) or Information on these two events is 634-2870 (Caloosa Golf & CC) for printed on page 8. more information.
CryptoQuote............... 23 Deputy Chris............... 10 Entertainment Corner... 5 50th Anniversary........... 8 Golf............................. 29 Military Affairs........ 24-25 Movies........................ 31 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 9 President’s Report........ 3 Sports.................... 28-30 Sudoku........................11 We Want to Know......... 5
Will Join the Fun GFWC SCC Woman’s SCC Clubs th Club Celebrates the For 50 Anniversary Car Show October 11 Club’s Founding of SCC Library with Ice Cream Sundaes
2012 BUDGET CALENDAR October 12 Board Meeting 9 a.m. – Rollins Theater Board to vote on 2012 Budget as presented by the Budget Committee which reflects a dues increase for Operations
October 26 Membership Meeting 7 p.m. – Community Hall Additional Discussion on 2012 Budget