September 2011 News of Sun City Center

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The News of September 2011 - ISSUE #38 official publication of the Community Association

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DAR Plans Busy September to Celebrate SCC’s 50th September


On Sunday, September 11, 2011, the Sun City Center Patriots Club will commemorate the 10 th anniversar y of 9/11/2001 by

11 Annual Observance 11 Oldies but Goodies Dance 16-17 DAR events 19-21 DAR events See review of August events on page 6.

September Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Labor Day


CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Next Issue in your mailbox on October


SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Schedule................. 3 CARE......................... 15 Club Happenings...... 10+ Consumer Affairs........ 14 Crossword.................. 13 CryptoQuote............... 15 Entertainment Corner... 5 50th Anniversary...... 6-7+ Golf............................. 21 Military Affairs........ 16-17 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers.................. 2 Plants Happen.............. 7 President’s Report........ 3 Sports.................... 20-22 Sudoku......................... 9 We Want to Know......... 5

DAR members in period dress.

By Phyllis Hodges The Colonel George Mercer Brooke Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is planning a busy September of special events as part of SCC’s 50th anniversary celebration agenda and to celebrate the 224th birthday of the U.S. Constitution. All events are open to the public. O n S e pte m b e r 1 6 , DA R members will visit the Sun City Center Library at 9 a.m. and the South Shore Regional Library at 10:30 a.m. to distribute information about the U.S. Constitution. They will be inviting anyone present to sign a replica of the Constitution. Contact: Beverly Engles 633-4059. Also on September 16 at 2 p.m., DAR members will visit Freedom Plaza, Sun Towers, Aston Gardens (C our tyards), Aston Gardens (Emerald Lakes) with a presentation about the Constitution. Contact: Beverly Engles 633-4059. September 17 is Constitution Day! At 4 p.m., expect to hear church

Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The agenda includes a social period starting at 5 p.m. (BYOB) followed by a catered dinner, birthday cake, patriotic enter t ainment and audience signing of a Constitution replica. For information or to buy the $20 tickets, call Jan Bassett 642-0691 or Bunny Blackstone 634-6387. Attire is dressy casual. September 19 is the day a movie about American colonial history will be shown in the Florida Room, SCC Central Campus, at 2 p.m. There will be a replica Constitution for all to sign. There is no admission fee. Contact: Jan Bassett 642-0691. September 20 at 3 p.m. is an opportunity to learn how to look up your family lineage. Starting at 3 p.m. in the Caper Room, SCC Central Campus, Jo Prater, Jody Masterson and Mary McIntyre will be on hand to take you through the process on either your laptop or those that they will have on hand. Contact: Jody Masterson 938-4614. September 21 is the DAR’s regular Chapter meeting but they are opening this one to the public. Rebecca O’Dell, constitutional l aw yer, w i l l b e t he sp e a ker. Refreshments will be available at noon in the Florida Room, SCC Central Campus, with the meeting bells, and residents are encouraged following at 1 p.m. Contact: Beverly to fly their American flags. A fun Engles 633-4059. patriotic evening begins at 5 p.m. in

sponsoring the third annual 9/11 Observance at the SCC Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The program will begin at 10 a.m. with Colors presented by East Bay High School. The invocation will be made by Jim Butner, Worship Leader, Nondenominational Christian Worship Services. Uta Kuhn, president, said that the Observance will be a fitting tribute to all of those who lost their lives on that fateful day, and also honor all the first responders who risked their lives. Performing at the observance is the Kings Point Chorus as well as a second choral group who will present patriotic and spiritual music. This group has performed at the annual Yom Hashoa (Holocaust Memorial) Service. As part of the observance, the Patriots Club will be collecting donations for the Wounded Warriors at James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital in Tampa. Attendees are encouraged to contribute to this worthwhile cause. Everyone is invited to help commemorate that fateful day of September 11, 2001.

Root Beer Floats on 9/11 The Oldies but Goodies Dance Club is holding a special event on September 11, 2011. Its contribution to the 50th Anniversary celebration is a Root Beer Float for 50 cents for the dancers. At the intermission, The Reverend Harry Benter will have a few words of rememberance for the heroes and victims of the 9/11 Trade Center attack. The Sunsations will perform a patriotic dance and our entertainers, Tony & Tricia, will do some special music. The dance is open to all SCC and Kings Point residents and the cost is $5. Dress is casual and it is a BYOB event. We have a limit of 500 root beer floats. —Dick and Barb Gingrich

For the 50th Anniversay Planning Ahead list, go to page 6.

See flyer on page 7.

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