The News of
Sun City Center
December 2017 official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association
DECEMBER 5 Membership Vote Sandpiper Room – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 6 Membership Vote Community Hall – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 Golf Card Parade 11 Board Workshop to Discuss Agenda Caper Room – 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 24 All Facilities Close at 1 p.m. 25 CA Office & Library Closed All facilities closed 26 CA Office & Library Closed Facilities open 31 All facilities close at 1 p.m. (with exception of planned events) JANUARY 1 CA Office & Library Closed All facilities closed 2 CA Office & Library Closed Facilities open 3 Annual Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. 8 Board Workshop to Discuss Agenda Board Room – 9 a.m. (Note change of location) 10 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 16 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA web site ( – under “Association”). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room in the Modulars starting at 1 p.m. sharp.
CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Website: Information Center 813-633-4670
Historical Society of SCC Hosts Second And Third Generation Gathering By Paula Lickfeldt Sunday afternoon of October 22, the Historical Society of Sun City Center, led by Dee Kelly, hosted a gathering of folks that had come to SCC as a second or third generation family member. About twenty people showed up to share their stories and to meet other second or third generation folks. There was a lot of storytelling while enjoying the light snacks that were provided by the Historical Society. Dee asked the group to provide information about themselves if they would be interested in sharing their stories with the community through the “Family Connections To SCC” column. A good time was had by all.
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“Hi, Neighbor!” Delivers Plenty of Goodies
By Kai Rambow “There was a lot of good information about all the activities here,” commented new residents Mike and LaDonna Dent. The Dents spent about an hour learning more about what’s available in their new community. This annual smorgasbord of clubs, organizations and activities in Sun City Center, was packed once again this year. Several organizations featured here contribute to the quality of life in Sun City Center. Always represented – and providing vital services – the Emergency Squad and Samaritan Services had several volunteers present. The Emergency Squad provides life-saving assistance to 15 residents every day. And remember, they are open every day throughout the year. It takes a team to run an ambulance and even bigger team to run everything. This is a great organization to volunteer with and support.
Fifteen residents are helped every day by the Emergency Squad. Here two of volunteers check a vehicle before starting their shift.
Shortly after the doors opened, the hall was packed.
Samaritan Services helps 30 people every day. Monday through Friday, Samaritan provides rides to those who can no longer drive and assists residents who need help getting to and from medical appointments. Like the
Thirty residents a day receive rides from Samaritan Services.
Make Your Voice Heard - Vote
By Diane Loeffler Do you have an opinion on how our community is run? Do you wish something was done differently? If so, be sure to vote this month. November’s News of Sun City Center included two ballots, one per CA member. If you need additional ballots, please stop by the CA office for absentee ballots. This Decemb er you have the opportunity to choose 3 individuals for three year terms as directors and 1 person for a one year directorship. You also are able to decide to vote for or against a $9 increase in CA Membership Dues for 2018. You can vote by mailing your ballot into the Sun City Center Community Association or by putting it in the ballot box in their temporary office in the modulars on North Pebble Beach. You also have the option of voting in person in the Sandpiper Room on December 5 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., or in Community Hall on December 6 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Be sure to have your CA badge with you. All ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on December 6 to be valid. When you vote, be sure to write your CA Membership Number and your printed name and address in the designated place on the outside of the ballot. Include your signature on the line on the top of the inside of the ballot and be sure to vote for up to three candidates for three-year terms and one for a one-year term. On the
bottom vote either for or against the membership dues increase. Do not write any other messages on the ballot. Shelba Fields is our chairman of the election committee. She says that once a ballot is in the ballot box, your vote is kept private. She keeps track of who has voted by CA number and also by alphabetized names. Identifying information is removed before the election judges see the ballots. Fields says, “We have over 11,000 residents. We are lucky if we receive 5,000-6,000 votes. March was a small election. In March 1,678 ballots were received from newspaper ballots, 23 from mailed in votes, and 464 from walk-in votes.” She also says that during every election a few votes have to be thrown out because voters chose too many candidates or do not include their printed name, CA number or both. Not sure how to vote? You can look back at the November issue of the News Of Sun City Center. If you no longer have your paper copy, you can type into Google. Another way to access it is through, our community’s website. It has a link to the paper. Information on candidates is on pages 4 and 5 of the CA section of the paper. Information on the dues increase is on page 3 of the CA section. Show you care. Vote, then keep in touch with your directors via email or by attending board meetings and workshops. Get involved. You can make a difference.
Emergency Squad, they have been a vital part of this community, helping residents for decades. More recent additions, included the Charitable Foundation and the Community Foundation. They sound similar, but are different. The Charitable Foundation, recently created, is working on creating a memorial for veterans. This big project is already halfway funded, but the Foundation still needs to continue raising funds before taking next steps. The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay donated $800,000 last year to various groups and projects not just here but across the South Shore area. The organization has several residents volunteering with this substantial contributor. Numerous clubs use their activities to meet members’ needs and give back to Sun City Center. The Sawdust Engineers have already created 300 educational pieces for 50 teachers this fall. Both the Pottery and Lapidary clubs sell some of their beautiful creations. Funds generated are used to cover club expenses and extra funds are then donated to various organizations such as the Emergency Squad and Samaritan Services.
Hi, Neighbor! continued on 3.
Members of Sawdust Engineers have already created 300 educational pieces for teachers this fall.
Some clubs were creative in their presentation: Patti Parker promoting pickleball. That really is her name.