The News of
Sun City Center official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association
FEBRUARY 11 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Board Room – CA Office - 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 14 Volunteer Picnic Florida Room – 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 19 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 25 Coffee & Conversation Caper Room – 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. MARCH 5 Shredding Day North Course Lane - 9 a.m. to Noon 11 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Board Room - CA Office - 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 16 FunFest Central Campus – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 19 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 20 Membership Meeting Community Hall – 4 p.m. Note Time Change 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m.
Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA website ( – under “Association”). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room in the CA office starting at 1 p.m. sharp. CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Website: Information Center 813-633-4670
Check out the Café for their Valentine’s Day special event. Note: This photo does not represent one of the actual offerings at the event.
Café Celebrates Valentines
By Kai Rambow On Valentine’s Day, share with a friend or loved one. From 3 to 7 p.m., on February 14 our Café has a decadent dessert, food and beverage event. Buy any combination of food and dessert and choose one of several non-alcoholic “mocktails.” Dessert will include a chocolate raspberry torte and a chocolate fondue. Gluten and sugar free options will be available as well. A full menu is posted at the Café. To secure a spot, reservations are required. Scan the code with your smartphone to find us online.
February 2019
New Year, New Plans & Changes Coming
By Diane M. Loeffler The January Board of Directors’ Meeting began with swearing in new board member, Larry Smith. After welcoming Smith to the board, Community Association (CA) President, Sam Sudman, then announced that Director assignments were being made. He says, “We are working on long range plans with cost figures. We will keep you in the loop.” A t w o - y e a r l o n g p re l i m i n a r y environmental and design study is underway for 19th Avenue. About fifteen years ago the county committed to expanding most of 19th Avenue to four lanes. Sudman has been invited to participate in FDOT’s monthly update meetings about SR-674. He says, “The county is aware of our concerns including the snowbird issue. This will be a two-year project so it will affect all times of the year. They are committed to minimizing disruption.” Our CA Board continues to remind Hillsborough County of our sidewalk problems. The county is currently about seven years behind on sidewalk projects. During the December Board meeting a CA member brought up a concern that residents who live in Sun City Center
Members of the 2019 Community Association Board are (front row, from left) Secretary Marilyn Cote-Miller, President Sam Sudman, Vice-President Helen Lewis, new CA Director Larry Smith. Back row (from left) Director Jerry Gibson, Director Bob Sullivan, Treasurer Dave Birkett and Director Doug Seipelt. Not pictured Director Joe Elam.
four months or less are not allowed to be members of clubs. During the January 9 meeting, the CA passed amendments that rectify this situation. Now residents with a blue card may “have full usage of all CA facilities including membership in all clubs, at the discretion of the club, and where space is available.” However, they do not have CA voting privileges.
By February 11, members must have their 2019 stickers on their CA badges. Stickers will be available at the CA office a couple of weeks after BB&T has processed your payment. The Volunteer Luncheon is February 14, Shredding Day is March 5, and FunFest is March 16.
New continued on 3.
Recognitions, Good-byes and A Time for Questions By Diane M. Loeffler The January 2, 2019 Community (CA) Membership Meeting was a memorable one. It was an opportunity to learn more about our community, review the year, recognize those who contribute to our community and to ask questions. Treasurer Jim Schwartz says that, as of the end of December, there were 549 home transactions in 2018. Of these, 503 were resales that generated $1800 each. The other 46 were new builds. New builds bring in $23.82 per home. The total revenue from home sales was $841,695.72. Community Manager, Lyn Reitz says the luncheon for all volunteers will be held in the Florida room on February 14. March 5 will be the next shredding date for CA members only. Materials to be shredded should be in boxes or paper bags. The Men’s Club forum on fraud will be held in Community Hall on March 5 as well. FunFest is March 16. New residents should note that orientations are held at 1 p.m. every Wednesday in the CA Administration Building. No appointment is needed. Previous CA President John Luper said, “Our success comes from the hundreds of volunteers who step up.” During this meeting, Luper announced the names of three outstanding volunteers. Brigitt Lewis was thanked for chairing FunFest and taking over the Election Committee at the last minute. Margaret Vaske was recognized for her twelve years of coordinating the Holiday Gift Fund for CA employees. Joanne Baskinger was thanked for her many years as volunteer assistant to the Entertainment Director and her success as President of the Oldies but Goodies Club. Luper also presented outgoing CA Treasurer, Jim Schwartz, with a plaque
John Luper presented (left to right) Brigitt Lewis, Joanne Baskinger and Margaret Vaske with certificates for their volunteer work in Sun City Center.
2019 CA President Sam Sudman accepts the gavel from 2018 CA President John Luper.
and clock in honor of his three years of service to our community including two years as treasurer. Our CA’s new president is Sam Sudman. In the past, Sudman has served as Corporate Secretary and CA Director. His first official act was to thank Luper and his wife, Linda, and to present
2018 CA President, John Luper, was given an engraved clock and his wife, Linda, was presented with flowers
them both with gifts. Sudman says, “I would like to thank everyone who had the confidence to elect me to the board. We will reach out for additional input from you.”
2 - CA
February 2019
The News of Sun City Center
SHREDDING DAY TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2019 North Course Lane 9 a.m. to Noon For SCCCA Members Only You will need to show your CA Membership Card with 2019 Sticker
REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED AT 3:30 P.M. Agenda will be published in the March issue of The News of Sun City Center
Trail Blazing
What’s New at the Library?
By Joanne Gilray, Library Administrator Hello fellow readers! As you know it is dues season, which means we will be checking for the brand new 2019 stickers. Our registration expiration date for Sun City Center residents is February 15, 2019. After this date, if you are not already updated in the system or do not have this sticker, you must visit the CA office to obtain it. Any questions in regard to dues must be directed to the CA office as well. Kings Point residents, please see the SCC library staff to re-enroll. Circulation Note: We ask that as much as possible for every patron to have their library card available when checking out. The Sun City Center library and Hillsborough County library require two different cards. It makes it easier on the volunteers to have these cards available upon checkout. If you are picking up for another patron please have their card or name ready upon checkout. An item on hold must be checked out under the name it is reserved for even when another patron is picking it up.
Happy Reading!
In appreciation of your hard work, dedication and support given to the CA throughout the year, the Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend a picnic lunch in your honor on:
COFFEE AND CONVERSATION with SCCCA BOARD MEMBERS & COMMUNITY MANAGER Monday, February 25, 2019 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. CAPER ROOM An informal exchange of information “Verify the rumors or find the truth”
By John Lampkin We live in a giant sandbox. Like the rest of Florida, Sun City Center was under the sea for millions of years, and our marine heritage largely determines the ecosystems we enjoy on our Nature Trails. Beneath our feet, in layers of varying depth and mixtures, lie three basic soil types atop a deeper limestone foundation: top soil including decaying flora and fauna, whitish marine sand, and beneath that, older layers of sand and silt stained darker from thousands of years of chemical reactions, percolating minerals and debris. We do not have any exposed limestone—it lies buried below. While walking the Nature Trails, we can easily see the different types. The darker brown older soils line the canal bank because they were dug up when Del Webb & Co. excavated the drainage canals that keep our homes dry. Florida Cooters and Softshell Turtles expose the sands anew when the females climb the banks to dig nests and lay their eggs. As we start the outer loop through the oak/cypress hammock, the topsoil is noticeably different with decaying leaves and detritus mixed with the dirt. There are patches of whitish sand scattered amongst the Saw Palmettos. We Stalwart Stewards of the Trails protect these patches and keep the larger ones clear of growth that would be burned off with wildfires were Nature allowed her course. Why do we do this? Because we share our sandbox with native species that call it home as well. One among the many is the sand-nesting sweat bee shown above, poking its head above its entrance hole. Florida is home to over 60 of the 3,500 species of sweat bees found world-wide and as pollinators they are of crucial importance. As shown in the image on the right, note that a sweat bee has no pollen baskets on her legs like honey bees do, but rather she carries the pollen stuck to electrostatically charged hairs on her abdomen. Once inside her nest, she removes the pollen, packs it into a cell and lays an egg on it so that her babies will have food when they hatch. For us, “living in a sandbox” is a metaphor. For sweat bees, it’s the real deal. The Nature Trails trailhead is located opposite North Lake on Del Webb West between Vincennes and Seton Hall. John Lampkin leads interpretive walks on the first Tuesday of each month at 9 am.
Statement of Purpose
The Sun City Center Community Association serves the residents of Sun City Center by providing assistance for the elderly, assistance and essential services to tax exempt entities, and operates in lieu of a municipal government, thereby lessening the burdens of government (Hillsborough County, Florida).
Sew n Sews $150 Pickleball Club $1,200 Dog Owners Group $2,000 Front Porch Pickers $1,728
Information Center Annual Maintenance of the Pickleball Courts Annual maintenance of the Dog Park Hardship Fund
List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.
Last First Num Local Street Hometown St Wittrock Debra 1803 Adrean Pl Florence KY Bogdany Charna 1766 Atrium Dr Kansas City MO Drumm Daniel & Barbara 9905 Augusta Dr Nicktown PA Sidney & Marguerite 1105 Beach Blvd Indianapolis IN Lewis Tanzer Douglas & Sarah 1208 Caloosa Creek Ct New York City NY Detweiler Susan 705 Chipper Dr Apollo Beach FL Romeyn Kevin & Kathleen 808 Chipper Dr Akron OH Powlis-Lighty Denise 305 Club Manor Dr Bronx NY Vaillancourt Terri 1509 Council Dr Chesterfield MI Valenta Kathleen 1509 Council Dr Chesterfield MI Taylor Elizabeth 1702 Council Dr Ocala FL Taylor Joe 1702 Council Dr Ocala FL Olson Robert 263 Courtyard Blvd #204 Elmira NY Del Castillo Raphael & Carole 265 Courtyard Blvd #209 Tampa FL Skinner Steven & June 2026 Del Webb Blvd E Staten Island NY Stern Michele 2321 Del Webb Blvd E Johnstown PA Zimmerman Roger & Paula 1622 Del Webb Blvd W Paola KS Parris Anthea 1725 Del Webb Blvd W Bridgetown Barbados Howe Wayne 1913 Del Webb Blvd W Knoxville TN Huckaby Maria 1913 Del Webb Blvd W Knoxville TN Phillips Robert 709 Desert Hills Wy Medina NY Munzel Clyde 709 Desert Hills Wy Medina NY Kimura Calvin & Cathy 721 Elkhorn Rd Garden Grove CA Kelly Marilynne 2419 Emerald Lake Dr #118 Staten Iisland NY Williams Alice 2421 Emerald Lake Dr #206 Bloomington MN Sebranek Tom & Darlene 1218 Fordham Dr LaCross WI Grath Scott & Denise 1532 Fort Duquesna Dr San Diego CA Nantz Tony 207 Genet Ct Charlotte NC Stinnett Elmer 207 Genet Ct Charlotte NC Gutoski Leonard & Karen 1214 Lakehouse Ct Toms River NJ Curley-Roam Ellen & Lynette 604 Nutmeg Pl East Yaphank NY Moore Betty 1706 Pacific Dunes Dr Kalamazoo MI Wilcher Margaret 1002 Pebble Beach Blvd N Indianapolis IN Whitney Mike & Kim 2005 Pebble Beach Blvd N Omaha NE Taranowski James & Ona 2233 Pebble Beach Blvd S Hudson OH Lariviere Norman & Diane 1201 Peridot Ln Chicopee MA Huff Eric 2142 Platinum Dr Canton OH Callister Jo 2142 Platinum Dr Weinfurter Mike & Diane 2010 Prestancia Ln Kingsford MI Douse Donna 819 Regal Manor Wy Columbia MD Kepchar Connie 103 Sola Ln Naperville IL Curtis Connie 304 Stoneham Dr Roanoke VA
Phone 859-620-2936 813-633-1159 814-410-4640 317-442-9763 813-545-5917 201-323-5795 586-719-7302 586-386-7076 352-895-2112 352-266-7528 813-422-3198 813-633-7310 863-738-0679 813-538-5830 813-853-9874 917-544-4873 865-556-8895 865-556-8895 813-763-9927 813-763-9925 407-873-2087 813-260-3567 813-634-9065 850-598-7627 727-366-9772 727-366-9772 941-266-3524 505-306-6272 813-634-6495 763-246-0637 813-922-9415 813-633-7190 978-877-7188 906-221-7524 202-286-0058 630-222-6938 352-207-6835
February 2019
CA - 3
The News of Sun City Center
President’s Report By Sam Sudman, CA President The recent Community Association (CA) election and annual meeting have come and gone. Out of 11,500 members in the Community Association, approximately 1,800 voted for dues and for Board elections. At the annual meeting, only 192 came, 8 shy of a quorum. Why the low turnout? Perhaps you can and will provide some insight to help us improve voter turnout and annual/membership meeting attendance. We have made voting easier by including an official ballot in the November copy of The News of Sun City Center. All one has to do is cut it out, fill it in and either drop it off at the Community Association office or mail it in. Or, you can pick up a ballot at the office. Or, on two days set aside for the election, you could stop and cast the vote in person. As for the annual meeting, setting the time at 7 p.m. enables those that still work to be able to attend. The down side, however, is that those whose only transportation is by golf cart are unable to attend because of darkness. We will experiment by having a membership meeting during daylight hours so those whose only transportation is by golf cart can attend. The next one is March 20, 2019 at 3:30 at 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. for refreshments, with the meeting beginning at 4 p.m. The takeaway from the election and annual meeting attendance may be interpreted as apathy, although one could also conclude that low turnout may mean everyone is pleased with the Community Association’s management of facilities and governance so there is no need to be involved. Which is it? What are your thoughts? Let us hear from you. Please email the CA at “” or call 813-633-3500 and leave your name and phone number and someone will call you back.
Hardship financial relief for 2019 dues is available to Sun City Center members. The resident owner of the property applying for financial hardship assistance must have been a member of the community in good standing for a period of three years prior to applying for assistance. They must also complete a full financial disclosure. Applications for hardship must be submitted by February 28, 2019 to be considered for the current year. Please see Judy Hill at the CA office to pick up an application.
New from 1.
Internal Audit Committee Chair, David Floyd, reported that the committee completed seventeen audits during 2018. One is pending. Only two problems were found and both were quickly corrected. Hospitality Committee Chair, Janet Ditmore, gave her annual report. The Information Center is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Between May and September, it is also open on Saturdays from 10:30 to 2:30. During 2018, 1622 residents and 1826 out-of-town visitors came to the Information Center. Center volunteers answered 1825 phone calls, sent information to 738 people, and responded to both email and snail mail. Ninety volunteers worked a regular or substitute shift. All Community Association Board meetings are held in The Rollins Theater at 9 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings usually last an hour or less. All CA Members are encouraged to attend. Be sure to wear your badge.
Imposters Want Your Tax Return
By Diane M. Loeffler You worked hard for your money for so many years. You are a law-abiding, tax paying citizen. The IRS calls you. You panic. Who wouldn’t? Do not be taken in by these slick imposters. The IRS will never, ever initiate a contact with you by phone. Their first contact will always be by mail. Don’t let the caller ID fool you either. They can be faked to show any location and any name, company or agency. The caller might know part of your social security number. They may give you a call back number or transfer you to someone they say is their supervisor or supposedly has a title of IRS lawyer or something else important
sounding. These other people are all part of the scam operation. They might even be in the same room. Remember, this is not how the IRS conducts their business. These scammers like to be paid by prepaid debit cards because once they have the numbers, there is no way the cards can be traced. This means that there is no way that you can be reimbursed. If you have been scammed, call Deputy Merry or his assistant, Michelle, at 813 242-5515 or call the Federal Trade Commission at 1 877-382-4357 (1-877-FTC-HELP) or Tty 1-866-653-4261. You can also go online to Your complaints help keep others safe.
ADDITIONAL DONATIONS MADE IN 2018 (12/18/18 thru 12/31/18) Clubs who contributed $1,000 & over: Duplicate Bridge $2,000 Operations Members: Gertrude Coleman Julie Moran
at the Rollins Theater
One Showing Only at 1 p.m.
Tidbits from the Vault
Fitness Corner
CA member Maurice “Duke” Ahearn demonstrating one of the multi-station exercises.
The Precor multi-station, cable crossover gym is a universal piece of Fitness Center equipment. This easy to use machine features eight individual stations. Each station is easily adjustable to accommodate the size and strength of all users. The multi-station gym is the ultimate piece of resistance training equipment and may be used to develop all body parts. A popular way to enjoy your fitness commitment is to find a training partner. Encouragement and friendly competition is a great way to keep your workouts productive and fun. Enroll in a free fitness class to learn the safe and effective way to use all Fitness Center equipment. Call 813.642.2048 or visit the Center on North Course Lane next to the Atrium building for details. Remember, exercise is the fountain of youth!
By Cathy Meyerhoff, SCC History Society He Saved Our History As I searched for a topic for this month’s article, I perused several early editions of The News of Sun City Center. In Issue 2, dated April 1995, I ran across an article of particular interest to me as a member of the History Society. Boyd Neubourne, the Founder of the SCC Historical Society, and his wife Rose moved to Sun City Center in 1968 from Stony Brook outside New York City upon his retirement from handling government contracts for a large pharmaceutical corporation. He became a Civic Association DIRECTOR in 1969 at a time when “Del Webb was pulling out of Sun City Center.” He recalls the fear and apprehension about what would happen with a change of developers; and he recalls how the Association began to realize in 1969 that it now had to become “really fully responsible” for the maintenance and management of its recreation facilities. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Civic Association (and the more active “Hi, Neighbor!” Club) had “official historians.” For several years, he served as such an historian. But Neubourne felt that there was an inadequate system for systematic organizing and retaining official records and Association artifacts. In 1985, he authored a weekly series of SCC history columns for The Sun, and began collecting history items at his home. In the 1980s, when the Community Association designated The Town Room and the adjoining History Room as a home base for the SCC Historical Society, Neubourne’s collection was transferred there.” Those same materials plus many more are now stored in the “vault” of the Information Center. New information is being added constantly and members of the history society continue to organize that information using today’s technology. Thank you, Boyd Neubourne, for saving our early history.
Movies are normally shown the second and fourth Monday each month in the Rollins Theater at 1 p.m. The dates and times may change as necessary. Per the Fire Code of Hillsborough County, seating capacity is limited to 145 attendees. Seating is reserved for Sun City Center Community Association members/guests who present current cards or a Kings Point ID badge.
February 11 Finding Your Feet •1 Hour, 51 Minutes
After Sandra learns her husband of forty years is having an affair with her best friend, she seeks refuge in London with her estranged, older sister Bif. Sandra finds herself reluctantly attending a community dance class with her sister. Starring: Timothy Spall, Joanna Lumley, Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie, David Hayman Director: Richard Loncraine Genre: Romance, Comedy Rating: PG-13 for brief drug use, brief strong language
February 25 • Skyscraper • 1 Hour, 42 Minutes
Former FBI agent and amputee Will Sawyer now assesses security for skyscrapers. On assignment in China he finds the tallest, safest building in the world suddenly ablaze. A wanted man on the run, Will must find those responsible, clear his name and, somehow, rescue his family who is trapped inside the building. Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Neve Campbell, Chin Han, Noah Taylor, Roland Moller Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber Genre: Action, Adventure Rating: PG-13 for violence, brief strong language
4 - CA
February 2019
The News of Sun City Center
NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.
It’s All About Cattitude: A Feline Behavior Presentation
Join Cat Lovers Club on February 5 from 10 - 11 a.m. in the Armstrong Room for a presentation by Conni Borwick who will be addressing feline behavior. Bring your questions to the presentation or email Conni at “” prior to her presentation, and she will address it during the presentation. Donations of cat food for the “Feed the Tuna Chest” that will be distributed to low income pet owners are always appreciated. If you have any questions please contact Rita M. Bundas at 813-442-3014 or email “”.
Metaphysical Society Fundraiser
10 a.m. Wednesdays in the Heritage Room. Entry fee $1 with love offering requested to benefit our Society. Show your Community ID card. Feb 6 • Dreams and Dream Interpretation presented by Frank Valentin, NDE author and popular Florida speaker. Feb 13 • Comic Event on Earth presented by Mary Lou Houllis, evolutionary speaker on the Bible and all other Ancient Spiritual paths and beliefs. She will share new evidence that a celestial event will alter life on earth. Feb 20 • Past Lives through Astrology and Tarot with Ayla Murray, owner of Bumblebee Astrology in Sarasota returns to wow us sharing her vast knowledge of Astrology and Tarot. Feb 27 • How to be Really Happy presented by Ed Foote, inspirational speaker from Pennsylvania. Based on A Course in Miracles, we will examine how to achieve true happiness and remove roadblocks.
9th Annual SCC Stained Glass Show
The Sun City Center Stained Glass Club is holding their 9th Annual Glass Show on Thursday, February 28 and Friday, March 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Florida Room, Atrium Building, 945D North Course Lane, Sun City Center. Beginners to experienced artisans will display their work in 3 categories; soldered, fused and specialty. Professional glass artist Liana Martin from Firebug Design in Bradenton will judge the fused pieces and Gary La Parl, from Glass Crafters in Sarasota will judge the soldered entries. The judges will collaborate and decide the prestigious “Best of Show” award. There is no admission fee and visitors are invited to vote for the “People’s Choice” award. Stop by our studio in the Arts and Crafts Building on Cherry Hills Lane to see our window display of previous “Best Of Show” pieces. For more information, stop in between 9 and noon, Monday through Friday, or call Cheri Didday at 727-687-3210.
Let’s Talk Trash
“Let’s Talk Trash (and recycle, too)” is being presented by Hillsborough County on February 27 at 3 p.m. in Community Hall. Bring your questions and suggestions. The last time this was presented it was a sellout crowd. Admission by SCC Community Association ID card only.
Potters Throw 101 Bowls for Charity
Potters from the Potters Wheel Club of SCC traveled to the Clay Center of St. Petersburg to participate in a “Throw-A-Thon” event to make clay bowls for an Empty Bowls Fundraiser. Eleven club members created over 100 clay bowls during the one-day Throw-AThon on January 4. They created bowls by throwing clay on a wheel and by building the bowls by hand using pinch pots and coils. The bowls will be trimmed, glazed and fired and be used as part of “Empty Bowls,” an international project to fight hunger. Clay Center St. Petersburg will sponsor an event on March 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. where a simple meal is served in the donated bowls. Guests choose a bowl to use that day and keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. In exchange for the meal and bowl, guests contribute to a local hunger-fighting organization, in this case, St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank. For questions on the Empty Bowls event, contact Clay Center St. Petersburg at (727) 439-8522. For information on the Potter’s Wheel Club, which is open to all CA members, contact the Studio at 813.642.2074 or stop by 952 Cherry Hills Drive in SCC.
Computer Club Monthly Meeting
February 6, 2019 — Wednesday 7 p.m. in the Florida Room, in the Atrium. “An Hour with Matt”. Matt is always on the lookout for new software or tips that will make your computing faster, safer and more fun. Matt plans to talk about blocking ads when using Chrome, setting your PC for higher performance, getting a preview of what’s in your mail before it arrives, an easy way to make labels, an easy and free program to improve your photos and several other worthwhile computer tips.
Computer Club Classes
Sign up for classes can be done online or in the Computer Lab, (Atrium Building) Monday through Saturday, 12:30 - 5 p.m. Student must be a member in good standing at Sun City Center or Kings Point. Tuition is payable upon registration. For additional information email: Beverly Hiller, Education Director at “”. Listed here are brief descriptions of the classes being offered. For all the details, go to the Computer Club website Detailed information also available in the computer lab. Facebook 101 • Monday, February 4, from 9 – 12 p.m. Buying and Using a Chromebook • Tuesday, February 5 from 9 – 11:30 a.m. iPad/iPhone for Seniors • Wednesday, February 6 from 9 a.m. – noon Cloud Computing • Thursday, February 7 from 9 – 10:30 a.m. Pain Free Backup for Your Computer • Tuesday, February 12 from 8:30 a.m. – noon Tuning Your PC Workshop • Tuesday, February 19 from 8:30 a.m. – Noon Cut the Cord? • Thursday, February 21 from 9 – 10:30 a.m
Swim Dancers Club Annual Show
February Gallery Opening Showcases Gail Poe
On Wednesday, February 6 from 1 to 3 p.m., you are invited to the opening reception for the Art Club in Sun City Center’s Fine Arts Gallery Show, featuring the works of Gail Poe. Gail has been oil painting since she was eight years old. Nineteen years ago, she became very dedicated to the study and production of art, and she studied under internationally known teachers. Her works have been included in numerous individual, group, and juried shows in Maryland, Delaware, and Florida; and her paintings were represented and sold by Moray Gallery in Bethesda, Maryland. Mark your calendars to see the paintings of Gail Poe Wednesday, February 6, 1-3 p.m. in the Art Club Gallery on the Central Campus adjacent to the outside pool on Cherry Hills Drive, Sun City Center. These receptions are free and open to members of the community and their guests. Complimentary refreshments will be served. This exhibit will remain in the gallery throughout the month of February.
June may be the month for weddings, but Swim Dancer Barb Boros will be a bride in March at the Swim Dancers Club annual show. She will be swimming as fast as she can to the song “Get Me to the Church on Time.” Most brides arrive at the church in a limousine, but Barb will try to not to be late by arriving on a wave. You can see if she makes it on time at the It’s About Time Swim Show on March 9, 2019 in the lap pool on the Central Campus. New team member Judy McAlvey choreographed this routine. So Barb doesn’t miss her wedding completely, she will be helped by “bridesmaids” Barb D’Entremont, Rosemary Collins-Riley, Jane Eatman, and Sue Muise. All of the Sun City Center Swim Dancers are dedicated to this sport. Even on chilly Friday mornings, they put on their swimsuits and jump into the pool. They practice three routines during each practice. At Monday and Wednesday evening practices, the team meets in the dance studio for an hour before swimming. There they can learn the order of the moves and where they line up for each of the dances. If you like to swim and have fun in the water, call Sue Muise at 813.633.2479 about joining the Swim Dance team. New members will start swimming with the team in April. Ed's note: In our January issue, the Security Patrol was misnamed. We regret this error and appreciate what those gracious volunteers do for our community.
of Sun City Center & South County News Line: 813.938.7441 • Ad Line: 813.938.8721 • • February 2019
A Memorial for Our Veterans
By Diane M. Loeffler On Thursday, January 10, the Veterans Memorial was dedicated in deeply moving ceremonies held in Community Hall and at the site of the memorial. The program began with the SCC United Methodist Church Choir singing a prelude written by Senator Orrin Hatch. Master of Ceremonies Benny Blackshire, LTC US Army (Ret.), spoke of those who served and thanked Walter Cawein. Blackshire says, “Cawein was the leader and the driving force” in building this memorial. Reverend Julian Graham, LTC US Army (Retired) sang in the choir, gave the invocation and, later, the benediction. Walt Cawein, Lt Col US Air Force (Ret.), thanked all veterans, families of veterans and our gold, silver and blue star families. He also thanked those who donated around $136,000 to the memorial. He says he is grateful for each and every donation “ranging from $40,000, contributed by Dallas and Norma Tuthill, to the
Merlene Moll-Smithyman found her husband’s brick at the Veterans Memorial. Moll-Smithyman is also one of the Two Star Donors to the memorial.
three dollars I was given by a little girl, probably someone’s granddaughter.” Cawein thanked his committee. He says, “I couldn’t have worked with a better group
Memorial continued on page 21.
Valencia Lakes Holiday Spirit Shines Through
By Kai Rambow Rain, rain, and more rain resulted in Valencia Lakes residents postponing their Christmas golf cart parade. The festive holiday event was rescheduled and held on December 23. Enjoy these photos of the holiday fun!
That is not an automated Frosty. One resident dressed up as Frosty and ‘began to dance around,’ entertaining everyone.
Scan the code with your smartphone to find us online.
Not only were the golf carts decorated, but so were residents’ pets. Valencia continued on page 10.
Play Detective on the Murder Mystery Train Ride
There’s quite a cast of characters on the murder mystery dinner train ride. Can’t tell you who ends up dead and who does it.
By Kai Rambow If you love the detective genre, then taking the murder mystery train ride just might be the ticket for you. If you have anger issues, sorry, you can’t participate in the murder. During the first stage, on the train ride to Willow, the action gets underway. At Willow, a
dinner is set up. After eating, you can guess the killer and motive. The big reveal will take place on the train ride back to Parrish. The Parrish Playworks theater group is once again delivering the performance. A different murder mystery is selected each year, and the director has
Mystery continued on page 2.
FunFest is Coming March 16
By Diane M Loeffler This year’s FunFest promises to be an event you will not want to miss. Entertainment will include Elvis, Kevin Brooks, The Front Porch Pickers, Swim Dancers, club dance entertainment and other community favorites. This year will also feature some additional musicians who will be new to FunFest. Clubs will be selling their wares, demonstrating their crafts, and offering special items in their raffles. There will be opportunities to learn something new while being entertained, and the health fair returns this year. Also, clubs and vendors will be serving up more delicious food than you can possibly eat. Cars should park at the Community Hall parking lot at 1910 South Pebble Beach Boulevard. There you can board the handicapped-accessible buses provided by Aston Gardens. The continuously operating buses will drop you off right at North Campus, far closer to the action than the limited parking will allow.
Brigitt Lewis (back row, far left) and the rest of her committee have been busily planning for FunFest. This year it will be held from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 16.
Golf cart parking will be in the fields just north of the Atrium near where the modular offices once stood. This year the rows will be numbered to make it easier to find your cart afterwards. All bicycles should park in this area or other locations far away from the events and displays. Certified service animals are welcome; all other pets should remain at home.
Mark your calendar for March 16, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. See you there!
On the Inside Bulletin.......................................................................................... 4 - 6 Comics & Puzzles................................................................ 34 & 35 Community News .................................................................. 8 - 10 Crossword ...................................................................................... 35 Dance ................................................................................................14 Editors Corner ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Entertainment Corner .................................................................14 Faith & Service .................................................................... 26 & 27 Kings Point ........................................................................... 22 & 23
Military....................................................................................20 & 21 Performing Arts ...................................................................14 & 15 Sports .................................................................................... 16 & 17 Solutions ......................................................................................... 24 South County Events ........................................................ 12 & 13 Sudoku............................................................................................. 35 Ticket Window �������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Travel ................................................................................................ 19
February 2019
The News
The Editor’s Corner
Love in Action
By E. Adam Porter The local drugstore, grocer, coffee shop, and retail stores greet me with a phalanx of pink, red, and chocolate. Must be February. The month we tip our hats and open our wallets to celebrate St. Valentine and his cherubic partner in crime, Cupid. Fine and good. My bride deserves the flowers anyway, no matter what the calendar says. Then again, when I sort through the submissions and edit the stories sent in to The News every month, I’m reminded that love is in action year-round. And not just the kind represented by Cupid and his Greek twin, Eros. A different kind of love, described in the New Testament using two Greek words: phileo and agape. Phileo describes an affection motivated by kinship and friendship. It is the love that bonds us together in community, the knowledge that ‘Help Is Out There’ when we need it, because we will ‘Be There’ for our neighbors in their time of need. It was with specific intent that one of the greatest cities in our nation was christened with this word. Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. William Penn wanted the world to know his city was a place where people could live and worship freely, a fitting foreshadowing of the decisions that would be made and documents that would be signed there. Agape is one of the most priceless gifts in human experience: unconditional love. It’s the love that says, “Whoever you are, whatever you need, it’s yours, and I ask nothing in return.” It has also been used to describe sacrificial love, the love we have for those we have lost, and appreciation for those who have sacrificed for others. It is found in the famous maxim from the gospel of John, which has become part of the fabric of our culture: “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” That “greater love” is unconditional. As I read and edit the submissions and articles sent in to The News every month, one of my favorite aspects of the work is seeing all the ways folks in this community are actively living out love for each other. Page after page, phileo and agape are on full display. Just in this issue… We see the Community Foundation and the Mary Petro Fund helping people in need. The volunteers at Our Lady’s Pantry and five other food pantries feeding the hungry. Members of The Potter’s Wheel Club making bowls that will help feed hungry children; and The Rotary Club and The Lions Club donating food to various pantries around town. The Woman’s Club bringing joy to local children for Christmas;
grief support groups that offer comradery, a hot meal, and escape from being alone; and the University Women and veterans groups helping promising students pay for college. There’s Beth Israel informing and empowering people stuck in abusive relationships; Mary Martha House providing support services to homeless women, victims of domestic violence, and their dependent children; and My Warrior’s Place offering comfort to veterans, military service members, first responders, and their families in need of a place to get away, reflect, and heal. And we see volunteers at the Emergency Squad, Security Patrol, Samaritan’s Services, Meals on Wheels, and other organizations protecting the life, health, and safety of people in this community; and Stop the Bleed kits being distributed to facilities around town that will, literally, save lives. The Southshore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging is working with those struggling with age-related illness and educating and supporting the caregivers who love them; and The Shriners are raising money so some kid they never met can learn to walk again. I know, because, decades ago, I was that kid. And I have never forgotten that gift. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are a great many more ways we can see love in action in Sun City Center and South Hillsborough County. We will cover many of those stories in the coming months, because, despite what you see pretty much everywhere else in the media, there really is no shortage of good news out there that needs to be reported. Each of these acts of love only happen because people have embraced the spirits of brotherly love and unconditional love. Because they choose to give their time, strength, and money to love others. So, this year, when the omnipresent red and pink monuments to consumer love threaten to engulf me, I will look past them to see people answering emergency calls, handing out bread, sharing each other’s grief, and sitting in silence, holding hands with strangers, because they understand. I will look for the child sharing a candy bar with his brother, even though they just slugged it out at the park. The woman buying groceries for the exhausted new mom who forgot her debit card at home but still needs those diapers. I will see the man carrying flowers for his wife of 30 years, even though they just had a fight, because even when she drives him crazy, he loves her. And I will see his wife, at home, preparing that knucklehead’s favorite meal. I will stop a moment and appreciate the mom bending down on tired knees to tie a toddler’s shoe for the millionth time, and I will remember to call my own mom to thank her for all she did for me back
when tying my shoes was a mystery I just couldn’t solve. I will see the medical teams and first responders leaving their own families to take care of strangers; and I will see the teachers staying late to help that kid everyone else has given up on. I will visit the new veterans memorial and shake the hand of a hero who insists he was ‘Just Doing His Job’. I will weep with a Gold Star mother who will never forget the feeling of that folded American flag. And I will see a grandmother at the post office mailing cookies and duct tape
to her grandson in Afghanistan, clutching that package to her chest and wishing she could reach halfway around the world to hug him instead. And I will sit with a father who lost his daughter to drugs or depression, who knows he’s not at fault but still blames himself. Because he could have done something. I will look for these people and try to be that hand, that shoulder, and that answer. Because we all have hopes. We all have dreams… We all have regrets and sorrow, pain and need. That’s why it’s so good to see love in action.
Mystery continued from page 1. tailored the script. Rehearsals require forethought and practice, since the actors don’t have a traditional stage, but perform right beside seated patrons. So, for something different and close by, you might want to take the murder mystery train ride. Murder Mystery Dinner Train
rides take place on: February 9, 16 and 23 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.; February 10, 17 and 24 at 2 p.m.; and February 8, 15, 22 and March 1 and 2 at 6 p.m. Florida Railroad Museum 12210 83rd Street East Parrish, FL (941) 776-0906
of Sun City Center & South County Is a publications of NOKPmedia PO Box 6212, Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212
News Line: 813.938.7441 • Ad Line: 813.938.8721
Submission Deadline: 15th of the month prior to publication. ADVERTISING: Neither NOKPmedia, nor its representatives or publications are liable for errors in advertising. THE NEWS does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of claims or representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. SUBMISSIONS: THE NEWS is proud to be the ONLY print media publication distributed to EVERY home and business in Greater Sun City Center, as well as several nearby communities in South Hillsborough County. We are dedicated to providing you a local paper with a “hometown” feel. Submissions we accept include: community events or business news, club or group announcements, stories and poems, as well as your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork, or travel story. NOKP Media (Publisher) reserves the right to edit or otherwise refuse all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor assume any responsibility for the return of submitted items. Mailed submissions can ONLY be returned if a correctly sized SASE is included with the submission. Basic paragraph format required for all submissions. Submissions including ALL CAPS, multiple colors, and other ‘flyer-type’ formatting will not be considered for publication. Email submissions are preferred. Submit stories and photos to “editor@newsofscc. com”. Place the content in the body of the email and attach pictures in .jpeg or .png format. Submissions may be submitted via the SUBMISSIONS link at www. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Sun City Center & South County C/O NOKPmedia PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212. LETTERS: The News of Sun City Center & South County will not publish any political, proselytizing, or complaint letters. We will consider “thank you” notes for good service directed toward local people, organizations, or businesses. DECLARATION: No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of NOKPmedia. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees, or the Sun City Center Community Association.
E. Adam Porter Editor in Chief 813.938.7441
John Wolf Advertising 813.938.8721 Nancy Jean Design and Layout
Ilona Merritt Reporter
Kai Rambow Reporter
Diane Loeffler Reporter
Paula Lickfeldt Reporter
Contributors: Frank Kepley, Garry Higgins, Bob Monahan, Peggy Burgess, Renee Bray, Debbie Caneen, Michelle Jolly, Uta Kuhn, Linda Bowker and John Luper (CA President).
February 2019
The News
1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403 MARGARET “MARGE” CONNOLLY, Lic R.E. Broker • Excellence and Integrity
Happy Valentine’s Day
Sun City Center & Kings Point
For Sale
For Sale
4BR / 3 Baths / 2G 3,000 square ft on Private Golf Course in Caloosa Country Club Estates ! N/S exposure with tiled screen porch to enjoy action & views along w Florida Tropicale landscaping. Walk-in closets * ceiling fans * spacious rooms * Pets OK * 1911 East View Dr YOU WILL BE PLEASED @ $330,000
Strathaven on WATER with Screen Porch from which to enjoy the BIRDS and Lake Antics. Stainless Appliances . . . Stove and Hot Water Heater use GAS. Split BR design - Either 2 BR + Den or 3 BR . Located on Spacious CUL-DE-SAC. 2 Pets OK for New Owner 1207 Peterborough Circle ANOTHER MUST SEE @ $198,000
For Sale
1 BEDROOM 1 BATH Unfurnished Cement Block Home in POA Close to Stores. No Carpet / Tub-Shower Combo / Washer*Dryer in Kitchen / Security Deposit = $ 1,500. YOU PAY: Rent, Electric, Cable/Wifi, if desired. $ 1554 Council Dr. 925 WOOD Burning Fireplace with Beautiful Wood Laminate and Tile Flooring. Newer Double Paned Windows, Some Plantation Shutters plus Brand New Lanai. 1607 Del Webb Blvd. E. THIS IS A MUST SEE @ $213,900
For Sale
1911 East View Drive 814 Fox Hills Drive 1207 Petersborough 2248 Preservation Green 2128 New Bedford Drive 402 Dorchester Pl #33 505B Finsbury Circle 507 A Finsbury Circle 2011 New Bedford 2115 Hereford Drive 1214 Lakehouse Ct 1315 Crystal Greens Dr 1607 Del Webb EAST 520 Rimini Vista Way 206 Andover D 80 202 10th St, SW - RUSKIN
4/3/2G 2/2/2G 2+den/2/2G 2/2/2G 3/2/2G 1/1.5/1C 2/2/1C 2/2/1C 3/2/2G 2/2/2G 2/2/1.5G 3/2/2G 3/2/2G 4/3/3G 2/2/1C 4/2/3.5G
$330,000 4 BR on Private Golf Course $159,500 PENDING $198,000 Screen Porch w WATER $249,900 X-lent Area, WOODED BACK $274,900 WATER / GC VIEW $76,000 5’ walk-in shower – Rental $124,900 PENDING $110,000 NEW Elect Box & CPVC $235,000 White kitchen / guest wing $131,000 SOLD $142,500 SOLD $299,000 PENDING $213,900 BEAUTY/NO Carpet/FIREPLACE $435,000 Club Renaissance + 4 BR’s $79,900 2 Master BR Suites $890,000 Peninsular * Key West Style 10 min 2 Bay POOL/Dock
POOL Home with 3 BR or 2 BR + Den. Home has been completely Redone . . . NEW KITCHEN is major plus, updated baths, Front Load Washer / Dryer, Stately Corner Lot. $ 1717 Pebble Beach Blvd, N 1,850
Unfurnished Annual Tenancy
1554 Council Drive 104 Cactusflower Ln 2232 Grenadier Dr 1717 Pebble Beach N
1/1/1C 2/2/2G 2/2/2C 3/2/2G
Close to Everything Twintree on WATER Stewart - Large Utility POOL Stately Corner
$925 $1325 $1100 $1850
February 2019
The News
NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.
Overeaters Anonymous Can Help
Men’s Club Members Wives & Guests
The Gals & Guys Celebrate Successful Show
Facilities Meet with SCC Emergency Squad to Receive Stop the Bleed Kits
Are you a compulsive overeater? Overeaters Anonymous can Enjoy Holiday Luncheon help! For more information join us, we meet twice a week at: Sun City By Jay Sparkman Center Area Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza on The Sun City Center Men’s Club members, wives, and guests Mondays (10 to 11 a.m.) and Thursdays (9 to 10 a.m.). Learn more enjoyed a presentation of Holiday songs by the Sun City Center online at Men’s Chorus. The festive occasion is an annual event held in the SCC Community Hall. A capacity crowd enjoyed the music, 52nd Annual Art Show seeing members’ spouses/guests, and, of course a great luncheon SmArt & Classy, the theme meal served by Banquet Masters. The SCC Men’s Club is open to for the 52nd annual Art Show residents of SCC and Kings Point. For more info please call Jon Lehr, sponsored by the Art Club in Sun VP Membership, 813-260-3058. City Center was announced by co-chairs, Lee Anne Eckert and Artist of the Month Anne Walker. The SmArt & Classy Audry Wallace Buchner was born and raised judged exhibit will present the in Norwalk, CT. At the age of 30, after a threemost recent retiree artwork. The month camping trip throughout the US, Audry judged exhibition will take place settled in Florida with her husband and two on Friday, February 22, 2019 from children—remaining here for the past 50 years. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, February 23, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 4 In 2007, they moved to Crucita, Ecuador for p.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building, 945 North Course vacation and ended up staying there where we Lane in Sun City Center. Admission to the show is free. All Sun City built a gated community — until the earthquake Center and Kings Point residents and their guests are invited to view of 2016 — when they returned to Sun City Center. the show, meet resident artists and cast a vote for the People’s Audry set out to find ‘something completely Choice Award which will be announced the Club’s monthly foreign to me’ and found painting classes with meeting in March. Visit for more information. Diane G. Simon.
By Salvina Tannenholz The Gals & Guys Productions club hosted a holiday show held on December 12, and it was a huge success. The cast and crew members worked feverishly to put on this showcase in just about four weeks. Quite a large feat considering they had just finished another show early November leaving little time. However, everyone managed to pull it all together. The show featured soloists, duets, and group numbers, with a special appearance by Santa and Mrs. Claus. We sang, danced and laughed to many traditional Holiday songs to help everyone get into the Christmas spirit. It was like a Christmas Party on stage. What fun! The Gals & Guys Productions turned this Holiday performance into a good deed by donating 100% of ticket sales to the SCC Emergency Squad for a total of $2,005 for them to continue their dedicated medical assistance for our SCC community. Contact “” if you want that feel good experience when volunteering a bit of your time for the upcoming April production “Four Musical Acts.”
Chief Mike Bardell met recently with the directors of the facilities in Sun City Center to distribute to each of them a “Stop the Bleed” kit. In addition to the kits, the Squad is offering classes to the employees of the various facilities. Stop the Bleed was the initiative of Homeland Security in light of the events such as Sandy Hook and subsequent mass shootings throughout the United States. To date, the Emergency Squad has already trained approximately 500 people through the class as well as of all of the members of the Emergency Squad. Pictured here in addition to Chief Bardell are Douglas Joyner, Lisa Frank, Corrie Frier, Chris Grella, Kim Haberkorn, and Claudine Jackson with Brookdale; Michael Merritt with Aston Gardens; George Hanley with Palm Gardens; Kimberly Lehigh and Meagan Kopstad with Sun Towers Retirement Community. In addition, Deputy Jeff Merry of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office attended to provide additional information to the meeting.
Bulletin continued on page 5.
DISCOVER WATERFRONT SENIOR LIVING Watch the sun set over the water at Westminster Point Pleasant. Our active senior living community, close to the Manatee River and Riverwalk, offers spectacular views! Choose from a variety of spacious, newly renovated studio, one- and two-bedroom floor plans, offering up to 1,440 square feet. Enjoy services like restaurant-style dining, housekeeping, scheduled transportation and an active lifestyle emphasizing wellness and lifelong learning. Plus, you’ll have the added assurance of a full complement of healthcare services. Call us today at (941) 749-6760 to discover gracious waterfront living.
Live Well Be Happy 1533 4th Avenue West, Bradenton, FL
February 2019
The News
Bulletin continued from page 4.
State of Maine Day
Saturday, March 2, 2019, at Fort Desoto Park, Tierra Verde, Florida, shelter #5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come and see who else from Maine has found this area a great place to live. Bring your own lunch and chairs. No reservations are required. If any questions, call John Bernard 207.229.5387 or Sue Bemis 813.695.8886.
The Wisconsin Club Will Rock
Join us Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 5 p.m., at Community Hall in SCC for the final event of our social season until fall. Catered dinner by Banquet Masters followed by Bill Lindsey providing entertainment and show of music from the rockin’ 50s. Break out those poodle skirts, jeans, and saddle shoes as period attire is appropriate and dancing will be encouraged. Cost will be $20 per person and BYOB. Checks to The Wisconsin Club mailed to Hede Horne, Treasurer, 1226 Caloosa Creek Court, SCC, 33573. Tables of 8 only and all checks/reservations in same envelope. Don’t forget to bring your SCC/KP ID to event. Deadline for reservations is Friday, March 1, 2019. No cash or walk ins will be accepted at door. Questions about event directed to Kim Droege, President, at or Hede Horne at hedehorne@
STAR Samaritan
S-Selfless; T-Trustworthy; A-Accomplished; R- Reliable Meet Jim Vodde, the STAR Samaritan for the 4th quarter of 2018. Jim is one of Samaritan’s out of town drivers and has done so for over 10 years. Like all Samaritan’s, Jim volunteers his time with the organization. He has one of the most positive outlooks on life, and he enjoys his volunteering time and it gives him the opportunity to meet his Sun City Center neighbors. Jim has lived in Sun City Center for 14 years. He relocated here after initially retiring to St. Petersburg from his native Indiana. He was born in Fort Wayne, and also lived in Indianapolis. He retired a bit early than most after a long career in the Insurance industry. He is also proud father of 5 daughters, who in turn have blessed him with 9 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. If this weren’t enough to keep him busy, Jim is also a 4th degree Knight of Columbus and the secretary of the St. Vincent de Paul society at Prince of Peace. Congratulations to Jim on his STAR SAMARITAN award and his continued great work for the Sun City Center Community.
Linda Corbin from Meals on Wheels, DC Palmateer from the Front Porch Pickers & Lee Leverett from Samaritan Services.
Pickers Donate
DC Palmateer, treasurer of the Front Porch Pickers, presents a check for $900 to Linda Corbin from Meals on Wheels and a $900 check to Lee Leverett of Samaritan Services. Each year the Pickers donate the money that they make at their play dates and donations from the Wednesday practices, to local charities.
Men’s Club Donates to Coalition
The Men’s Club of Sun City Center donates money to support The South Shore Coalition purchase of Medical Equipment to support their mission. Shown accepting the check from Vincente Lopez, Men’s Club V.P. of Men’s Health is Debbie Caneen representing the Coalition.
Community Association Presents Basket to Emergency Squad
In appreciation for all that they do for the Sun City Center Community Association throughout the year, the Association recently presented the SCC Emergency with a holiday basket which was very much appreciated by the Squad members. Picture here are Lyn Reitz, Community Association manager; Sam Sudman, Community Association President; and Chief Mike Bardell of the Emergency Squad.
Art Demo at the Rollins
On Monday, February 18, the Art Club in Sun City Center will feature local artist and teacher Sue Downes Allen who will demonstrate the use of “fluid acrylics.” This technique employs methods of applying paint that augment the traditional brush and palette knife applications. Sue will show the audience how to use acrylic paint on canvas to create compelling abstract compositions. Join her to learn more about this free and easy way of painting and composing. The demonstration, which will be preceded by a brief member meeting, will take place at 1 p.m. at Rollins Theatre and is open to all SCC Community Association and Kings Point members
Sun City Center Cloggers
The Sun City Center Cloggers recently held their annual Christmas party at the Sandpiper Grill. Those in attendance are, sitting left to right, Shonnee Conery, Bobbie Cesarek, Millie Grasser, Gail Leino, and Monique Bailey. Standing left to right, Barbara Porter, Joanne Kerr, JJ Roberts, Janet Hough, Sandy Bright, Barbara Longo, Phyllis Ambrose, Rosemary Skummer, and Angie Robenhorst. The group enjoyed a fun Christmas gift swap, and played Christmas games and trivia for prizes. The SCC Cloggers regularly perform in the Kings Point Follies and at the SCC FunFest. They recently won 2nd Place in the Group Category at the SCC Christmas Golf Cart Parade with their Mardi Gras bead covered entry “Bead-dazzled”. They would love for you to join their group. If you are interested, please call instructor Barbara Longo at 813-634-0794 for more information.
Bulletin continued on page 6.
German American Club of Sun City Center Fasching Dinner/Dance
The German American Club of Sun City Center invites you to join them at the annual Fasching Celebration on Thursday, February 14, 2019, in Community Hall. Fasching is the German equivalent of Carnival, or Mardi Gras. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and a buffet dinner, catered by Banquet Masters, will be served at 5:45 p.m. The menu consists of roast pork & apples, Wiener schnitzel, warm German potato salad, red cabbage, garden salad, rye bread and butter, Berliners (traditional jelly donuts), decaf and iced tea. It will be a BYOB. affair. The Manni Daum Trio will provide music for your dancing pleasure. In the German tradition, we suggest that attendees come dressed in costume. Monetary prizes will be awarded for both the best individuals, as well as the best couples. The cost of this festive evening is $ 26 for members and $ 30 for non-members. The last day for reservations is February 4. Please mail or drop off your check, payable to German American Club of SCC to: Fred Rathke, 1058 Emerald Dunes Drive,SCC 33573 (813-938-4845 ); Lenny Crooks,2320 W. Del Webb, SCC 33573 (813-642-9975 ), Joyce Andrews, 2144 Arcadia Greens, SCC, 33573 (603-848-5519 ). Pick up your tickets at the door the day of the event.
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February 2019
The News
Bulletin continued from page 5.
March 5 • Mark Your Calendars
By Diane M. Loeffler Mark your paper or digital calendars for March 5 from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and plan to be at Community Hall at that time. The Men’s Club will be offering its annual Fraud Seminar. After a social hour with displays, coffee and donuts, you will have the opportunity to attend seminars offered by local, state and national experts in a variety of fields. Each and every one of them will be speaking on topics that help keep the members of our 55 and older communities safe.
Community Church College Courses
Philip Coates moved here to Sun City Center nearly ten years ago. A former history and literature teacher, he is not anywhere near ready to retire from teaching yet. Phil is teaching three more courses at the Community Church College this winter: “World History Made Simple,” “Freedom and the Rule of Law,” and “Finding Happiness and Fulfillment.” For more information, see the Community Church College ad in this issue.
SCC Polish Heritage Club
On Tuesday evening February 26, 2019 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., the SCC Polish Heritage Club is holding their monthly membership meeting, in the Sandpiper Room, Atrium Building, 945-E North Course Lane, Sun City Center. They will be selling tickets for their Paczki Ball, which features the live band Northern Sounds, on March 2 at 6 p.m., and making plans for next month’s CA FunFest. Refreshments are provided and admission is free. The Club warmly welcomes all SCCCA, Kings Point, and Freedom Plaza residents who are interested in learning about the traditional Polish Cultural events that the Club offers. Join in the sociable fun and fellowship. Annual Dues are $5 per person. For info, please call Lorraine at 813.677.0026 or Wanda at 813.633.0016.
Elegant Gardeners Club Antiques and More Event
Organ/Keyboard Club Elects New Board
New Board Members for the Organ/KeyBoard Club of Sun City Center are: Barb Carlini, President; Mary Wirsing, Vice President; Pam Krick, Secretary; Larry Lundeen, Treasurer; and Kathy Katz, Member at Large. The Organ/Keyboard club meets every Thursday in the Armstrong Room at 9 a.m. for a group lesson. No instrument is needed and music is provided for you to keep with your notes on from the class. Lesson: 9:30 to 11 a.m. The cost is $3 and no registration is needed. Kings Point welcome. Come join us and enjoy playing music. For further information call Barb Carlini. 813 633 2022.
The Elegant Gardeners Club is happy to announce that they will bring back their “Antiques and More” event on Friday, February 8, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Florida and Armstrong Rooms, at the Atrium on the North Campus of Sun City Center. The appraisals will be made by professionals from the renowned Bouchard Galleries of St, Petersburg, Florida. All appraisals are done by purchasing an appointment time. The cost of a fifteen-minute appointment is only $5, and you may bring in up to three items for each time slot that is purchased. Elegant Gardener Club members will be selling appointment times in the kiosk at the entrance of the Atrium. They will be there February 2 and 4, from 9 to 11:00 a.m. Only residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point are able to purchase appointments, so please make sure you have your membership numbers with you. There will be no walk-ins allowed the day of the event. All proceeds from this event will go to the Sun City Center Alzheimer’s support group. In addition to the appraisals, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., on the morning of Friday, February 8, in the Florida Room, the Elegant Gardeners will hold a Plant Forum. Please feel free to bring in a problem plant, or a picture of one. We’ll do our best to help you to improve the situation. For more information, call 813-938-4845.
Front L to R: Bonnie Matthys, Kathy Lyons, Robbin StrattonUpson. Back: Jim Weening, Sue Snell, Sue Baker, Jack Lyons, Larry Vaughan, Joan Weening, Phyllis Donnelly and Paddy Cooney. Not pictured: Bill Baker, Photo by John Lackey.
Irish Connection Election
The Irish Connection of Sun City Center held its’ 2019 Election of Board Members at a General Meeting held in the Florida Room of the Atrium Building. Elected to the board for the coming year are: President Paddy Cooney, Vice President Sue Snell, Treasurer Bill Baker, Secretary Bonnie Matthys, Membership Joan Weening, Publicity/Photographer Robbin StrattonUpson, Movie Director Larry Vaughan, and Social Director Kathy Lyons. Members-at-Large are Sue Baker, Phyllis Donnelly, Jim Weening, and Jack Lyons. Any ‘Member of Good Standing’ of Sun City Center, who is Irish, of Irish extraction, or has an interest in Ireland, is welcome to join the Irish Connection Club which was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including culture, history, music, and friendship. For membership information, please call Joan at 813.633.5274 (www.
Call: 813.488.7430
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Men’s Club Christmas Cruise
The SCC Men’s Club Christmas Cruise to the Caribbean was again a big success as a fundraiser for the club, and a great deal of fun for the 51 members, family, and friends who sailed on the cruise.
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February 2019
The News
there’s no “check engine” light for your heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Knowing your heart disease risk factors could save your life or the life of someone you love. BayCare is offering free heart-healthy screenings throughout Tampa Bay to help you get to know your heart and the signs you shouldn’t ignore.
Choose the date and location that’s right for you. Wednesday, February 20
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St. Joseph’s Hospital (Tampa)
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Wednesday, March 13
St. Joseph’s Hospital-South (Riverview)
For a complete list of all dates/locations:
Preregistration is required: (855) 546-6304
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February 2019
The News
SCC Lions Donates 360 Pounds of Food to Beth El Mission
The Sun City Center Lions Club annual food drive was a huge success. The Lions donated 360 pounds of food to be given to Beth El Mission for the holidays. Wherever there is a need there is a Lion. The Lions meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Sandpiper Grille, 1702 South Pebble Beach Boulevard, Sun City Center.
L to R: Salvina Tannenholz, Marty Gifford, Squad CFO; and Rod Tannenholz by the new oven.
SCC Rotary Food Drive
The Sun City Center Rotary Club held its 7th Food Drive in partnership with Winn Dixie. The goal was to support to six local food pantries: Beth-El Ministries, Calvary Community Cupboard, Good Samaritan Mission, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Anne’s Catholic Church, and The Lord’s Lighthouse Ministry. Thanks to many generous Winn Dixie customers, over 3,500 pounds of non-perishable goods were delivered to the pantries. Shown here are Bob Reynolds (chair), Flo Vachon, and Buck Albritton (Winn Dixie manager). The SCC Rotary Club meets each Tuesday for lunch at Freedom Fairways (membership – call Tony at 813-642-8715).
Residents of Sun City Center, Valencia Lakes and Kings Point
Hillsborough County Commissioners are seeking residents to serve on the Independent Oversight Committee. This Committee was created to ensure that the distribution and expenditures of the Transportation Surtax is successfully implemented and to provide independent oversight of the distribution and expenditure of the Transportation Surtax proceeds. Four positions will be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Terms are for three years. Positions are specified as: 1 & 2) two Hillsborough County residents; and 3 & 4) two Hillsborough County residents with *expertise in either transportation, planning, sustainability, engineering, or construction. *Individuals must have at least seven years of experience in their respective subject matter area, and possesses professional accreditations or degrees that are typical of an expert in their respective subject matter area. Residents interested in seeking appointment must reside in and be registered voters in Hillsborough County. These are voluntary positions and members serve without compensation. All applicants must submit a completed Questionnaire for County Appointments and Standards of Conduct form. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The forms are available in the Commissioners’ reception area on the second floor of County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. in downtown Tampa; by calling the Boards and Councils Coordinator at 813-272-5826; or on the County’s website at:
Gals & Guys Productions Donates to Emergency Squad
The Gals & Guys Productions put on a spectacular Holiday show as a fundraiser for the Sun City Center Emergency Squad. The Club was able to donate 100% of the ticket sales to the Squad… in the amount of $2,005. This will help them continue to assist local residents.
Joan Ambrose Awarded 30-Year Pin
The Sun City Emergency Squad recently awarded a pin to Joan Ambrose for 30 years of faithful service in various areas of the Squad. She worked as a EMR and as a Coordinator for her team. In addition, Joan had the longest tenure of all active members with the Squad.
South Bay Genealogy Society Meeting
On Tuesday, February 19, the South Bay Genealogical Society will meet at the United Methodist Church in the Life Enrichment Center (LEC), 1210 W Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. The meeting begins at 10:30 am with a lecture, followed by a sit-down luncheon at noon, and then a second presentation by our guest speaker at 1 p.m. The cost is $15 per person for lunch. For reservations and information, call Dotty Love at 813-634-2749. Mail check to SBGS PO Box 5202, Sun City Center, Fl. 33571. Your check must be received by February 7, 2019.
SCC Emergency Squad “Helping Neighbor” Informational Program
The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is hosting an Informational Program at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. The meeting will take place at the Training Building at 124 S. Pebble Beach. They invite interested residents to find out more about the Squad and the “Helping Neighbor” opportunities they have available. Each year the Squad provides Basic Life Support (BLS) emergency services to the community. In 2018, the Squad made almost 5,000 ambulance runs and approximately 2,000 medical wheelchair van runs. All of the Squad’s services are free, including blood pressure checks that are offered daily at the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They also have wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches that are loaned as needed to members of the community. Helping Neighbors are the lifeblood of the community. Please consider visiting with them and learning more about how you can become a part of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” Refreshments will be served.
Community continued on page 9.
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February 2019
The News
Community continued from page 8.
Dem Club February Meeting
Join the South Shore Democratic Club for the February meeting, held at the (golf cart friendly) Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center on the first Thursday of the month, Feb 7. Meet ‘n mingle with refreshments 1 p.m. General meeting at 1:30 p.m. Join fellow Democrats, Liberals, Progressives & Independents as we welcome Craig Latimer, Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections to discuss a wrap up of the 2018 election including the Amendment 4 outcome and more. All Democrats and like-minded individuals are invited and encouraged to attend this free event. Please visit and like our Facebook page at or website for more information.
Winn Dixie Contributes to the Sun City Center Emergency Squad
Winn Dixie in Sun City Center recently made a contribution of assorted soft drinks to enhance the Holiday Awards Dinner which was held on December 15. Pictured here are Buck Albritton, Manager of our local Winn Dixie store, being given a certificate of appreciation from Mike Bardell, Chief of the Emergency Squad; Chris Jackson, Assistant Manager of Winn Dixie store; and Chris McCann, Assistant Chief of HR with the Squad.
Front L to R: Nancy Williams, Merlene Smithyman, Pearl Ashe, Jan Stevens, Ruth Ann Phelan, Marion McCoy, Sharon Klasse, Sue Daveler. Back: Steve Williams, Ron Clark, Nancy Clark, Gene Stevens, Dottie Smiley, Roger Klasse. Not pictured are John & Vicki Franks, Akemi Schindler & Bob McCoy. Photo by Dave Currie.
Casual Party Club Team at Caloosa Country Club
The 2019 Casual Party Club Team at Caloosa Golf and Country Club has plans for seven months of delicious casual dining, fantastic musicians for dancing and wonderful opportunities to meet new friends.
Roamin’ Oldies Honor Unique 1933 Chrysler
George Stump’s Chrysler coupe is a stunning example of mid-30s automotive elegance and style, now outfitted with 21st century power and amenities. It was voted January Cruiser of the Month for the Roamin’ Oldies Car Club. American Association of University Women Beneath the long, side-ventilated hood, there’s a 700-horsepower Scholarship Fundraiser Hellcat engine, coupled to an 8-speed automatic transmission. Our next meeting with be on Power steering, brakes, windows and seats, along with a modern February 9. It will be a Fun-Raiser suspension system and air conditioning, provide new-car drivability with the program that will begin and comfort. at 12 noon. Tickets cost $30, which George and master car builder Ed Britz of Delmont, Pennsylvania includes a luncheon catered by searched for years for just the right car, then spent three years in the Banquet Masters with a Hawaiian restoration and updating process. Debbie Stump selected the Cool theme as The Pelican Players will Vanilla exterior color and Fawn Beige interior. perform their play entitled “Lethal The Roamin’ Oldies host a cruise-in from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. the first Luau.” There will be raffles and Sandy Dilmuth of AAUW Marilyn Thursday of every month, with a rain date the following Thursday, other surprises. This fundraiser/ Coté-Miller of SCC Community at the Mira Bay Village Shopping Center on US-41 in Apollo Beach. luncheon will take place in the Education and Bevan Gray-Rogel of About 100 of the area’s finest antique and collectible cars often Florida Room in the Atrium off of Encore Tampa. take part, accompanied by classic oldies music played by DJ Joey North Pebble Beach Boulevard. Tickets are still available and will be Ferrante. Event sponsors include Thompson’s Auto Parts and The sold in the Atrium the week of February 4. Florida Railroad Museum. For information, call Chet at 813-842-1511.
Donation Made to SCC Emergency Squad
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Community continued on page 10.
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This spectacularly restored, repowered and updated 1933 Chrysler business coupe owned by George Stump of Lithia is the Roamin’ Oldies January Cruiser of the Month.
The SCC Emergency Squad was the recipient of a generous contribution from the Gladys and Mildred Tomiak Foundation Inc. Pictured above are Marty Gifford, CFO of the Squad; Dr. Arthur Bailyn and Susan M. Bailyn who are the directors of the Foundation; and Mike Bardell, Chief of the Squad
C.R. 672 E. miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790
February 2019
The News
Community continued from page 9.
Valencia continued from page 1.
Show & Movie Favorites Band Concert February 18
The Southshore Concert Band will present a concert on Monday, February 18 at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd W, in Sun City Center. The band will play a concert entitled “Show and Movie Favorites,” which will include a total of 53 songs from Broadway and Hollywood. Featured songwriters include Andrew Lloyd Webber, Disney Pictures, John Williams, and Henry Mancini. Some numbers included in the concert are selections from Fantasia, Jesus Christ Superstar, The Lion King, Jaws, Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T., Forrest Gump, Pink Panther and Pirates of the Caribbean. The concert is open to the public and a $5 ticket will be available at the door.
DAR Invitational Luncheon
February 20 at 12 noon at Club Renaissance 2121 South Pebble Beach Blvd. Guest speaker will be John M. Stewart, Sons of the American Revolution. His program will be “How a Young Lad born in rural Virginia came to write the Declaration of Independence.” Luncheon is open to all DAR and prospective members and local residents. Menu includes Lido salad grilled chicken over crisp romaine, dried cranberry, candied pecans, Mandarin oranges, blue cheese and Mandarin Ginger Dressing. Dessert will be cheesecake with berry sauce. Please make reservations by February 7 with a $20 check mailed to Chapter Treasurer Bunny Blackstone, 1319 Lenox Greens Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. If you have any questions, please contact Regent Jan Bassett, 813-642-0691.
The theme for this golf cart was “The Day After Christmas.”
Credit Card Scam
By Ilona Merritt A call came into our home. I was told that a $3,000 charge had been levied against my Visa Card. I was told that this was a larger charge than I normally would make on an internet purchase and they wanted to warn me. It could have been a legitimate bank call since in the past my bank has called me when I did make a large purchase. Then I was asked which bank was managing our Visa card. That was the first warning sign. Foolishly I gave them my Banks name, then they stated that they were transferring me to the bank. I received a recorded message that sounded like it might have been from the bank asking for my password to discuss the account. Now, I am getting more cautious so I told them it was not available. I then hung up the phone. Before I had a chance to call my bank, I received another call about this transaction. The warning bells are ringing. I advised the caller that I would manage this end of the transaction myself and hung up again. Then I called my bank to learn that there was no such transaction. No surprise here and my bank thanked me for being careful. This is a standard scam call and everyone should be vigilant never give out a password or other very private information.
Valencia Lakes Christmas golf cart parade takes place at night, so most carts were decorated with Christmas lights.
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Men’s Club Donates to Samaritans
Men’s Club of SCC donated $500 to The Samaritans to support their mission. In the photo: David Floyd, Men’s Club President, and Lee Leveritt, Samaritan’s President, with Kirk Warren Samaritan’s Office Manager.
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February 2019
The News
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south County Events
By Debbie Caneen South County Events is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website Send all events by e-mail to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: sccfreeads@ As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-Mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. PLEASE NOTE: This area is for SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at which is updated every weekend.
MON. FEB 4 - WIDOWER’S GROUP 9 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. Meeting for widowers only. We’re taught early on that when adversity hits, “suck it up--get on with it!”. However, history has consistently proven regardless of what we think, you can benefit greatly from the experience of others. We invite you to attend a meeting, coffee and donuts on us. You’ll sit and listen as others share their experiences in dealing with the different stages of the tragic loss of losing your spouse. For more information call Tom Harding 813-634-1236. TUE. FEB 5, 12, 19, 26 - LINE DANCING WITH A BALANCE EVERY TUESDAY 9:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Sun City Center. Do you like to dance but are worried about falling? Join our free line dancing class lead by trained therapists. This weekly class will improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. TUE. FEB 5, 12, 19, 26 - LIFE CHALLENGES SUPPORT GROUP 1 - 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Sun City Center. Your life fully with zest and joy! Rid yourself of depression, anxiety, frustrations with family, children, friends, life changes, health problems, finances and more. All are welcome in complete confidence and free of charge. Your facilitator will be Cheryl Lewis, an effective psychotherapist. No appointment is necessary.
February 2019
The News TUE. FEB 5, 12, 19, 26 SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Beginning Waltz•5:30 p.m. Intermediate Tango•6:45 p.m. Intermediate West Coast Swing •8 p.m. Must have had Beginning West Coast Swing. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 6, 13, 20, 27 THERAPEUTIC TAI CHI FOR HEALTH 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. Our therapists have advanced training in therapeutic Tai Chi for Seniors and will provide guidance in this healthy exercise. Tai Chi has been proven to increase strength and balance. THU. FEB 7 - DEM CLUB FEBRUARY MEETING 1 p.m. for Meet ‘n Mingle with refreshments. General Meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the (golf cart friendly) Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce, 1651 Sun City Center Plaza, Sun City Center on the first Thursday of the month. On February 7, join fellow Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and Independents as we welcome Craig Latimer, Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections to discuss a wrap up of the 2018 election including the Amendment 4 outcome and more. All Democrats and like-minded individuals are invited and encouraged to attend this free event. Please visit and Like our Facebook page at “ SSDEMCLUB” or website: “www.”. MON. FEB 11 - VOLUNTEER DAY AT SUNCOAST YOUTH CONSERVATION CENTER 9 - 11 a.m. Suncoast Youth Conservation Center, 6650 Dickman Road, Apollo Beach, FL 33572. Come volunteer at the Suncoast Youth Conservation Center to help with our saltwater pond maintenance. Our saltwater pond and marsh need a little attention! Please help us tackle some mangroves and potentially harvest some grasses. Water and gloves will be provided. WED. FEB 13, 20, 27 SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Beginning Slow Dance•12:45 p.m. Intermediate Foxtrot•2 p.m. Intermediate Silver Waltz (Must have had the Beginning Silver Waltz)•3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. WED. FEB 13 - DIABETES EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP 2 – 3 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. Sun City Center. Sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. Have you been given the diagnosis of Diabetes? Are you unsure of your dietary and physical future? Discover options and learn information that will prepare you for a healthy future with Diabetes! Our facilitator: Shirley Sullivan, Nutritionist
and Founder of Southshore Wellness, LLC. integrates her love of education and health through personalized nutritional workshops and programs. MON. FEB 18 - VETERANS INVITED FOR A PRESIDENTS DAY TOUR OF PATRIOT PLAZA AND SARASOTA NATIONAL CEMETERY 9:00 a.m. Bus departs from Freedom Plaza. The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay invites veterans for a Presidents Day tour of Patriot Plaza and Sarasota National Cemetery. Complimentary transportation and lunch at Der Dutchman Restaurant provided. Space is limited RSVP at 813.609.4868. MON. FEB 18 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. This month our speaker will be Crista Ellis, Community Program Manager, Parkinson’s Foundation, serving the state of Florida. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group! Complimentary valet parking available at entrance. For additional info, call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. TUE. FEB 19 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center for this Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group. Bring your loved one for a well-
deserved break. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than three days prior to 813-677-1400. WED. FEB 20 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community 101 Trinity Lakes Drive. Do you wonder how others with Low Vision advance through their day? Do they receive care from outside sources? What adaptive vision devices successfully assist them? Learn what assistance there may be for you if you have low vision in order to maintain your independence. Learn what assistance there may be for you if you have low vision in order to maintain your independence. Free valet parking for cars and golf carts. If you have low vision, then this meeting is for you! For more info call Debbie Caneen 813-892-2990. THU. FEB 21 - FREE MEMORY SCREENINGS Beginning at 10 a.m. in the Coalition office at Sun Towers, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center, Suite 254. Maintaining good brain health begins with a simple screening to establish a baseline score. This score is then utilized annually to determine if a loss is present to trigger a medical visit before valuable memory is lost forever. Make your appointment today to have your memory screened along with your hearing. By
South County Events cont. 13
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February 2019
The News
The Newest Credit Card Scam
By Diane M. Loeffler “I am trying to lock up two guys who are raising havoc here,” says Deputy Jeffrey Merry. “We identified one of them last week and one on Monday.” Merry says that at this point the criminals have been calling home phones and seem to be going through the phone directory. The scammers started on December 28 with the residents of Aston Gardens North then went on to Aston Courtyards. Merry says, “They call you up and say they are from your financial institution. They have been saying Bank of America or Wells Fargo. If you say, ‘No, I don’t bank there,’ they just hang up. If you say “yes,” then the caller says he or she is from the fraud department. They give you a fake identification number and an 800 number to call back if you wish. It is their 800 number, not the banks. They say that you aren’t the only one in the area with this problem. They say that there are FedEx people in your area to pick up your credit cards.” “Fifteen minutes later a man pulls up in a large, black Cadillac with tinted windows.
He is wearing a FedEx uniform. You were told that he would have an envelope addressed to the Fraud Department and that you should put in your card in it and seal the envelope. A wellspoken, articulate man hands you the envelope and says, ‘Put in your bank card and any other cards you think might be compromised.’ He gives you a receipt.” “After he and his partner leave, they hit stores and buy $495 or less of gift cards or merchandise from several stores. They choose this amount because if a purchase is under $500 and they have the physical cards in hand, most stores won’t ask for identification.” “These criminals average $2,500 per card per day. This began on December 28. We thought they stopped, but it started up again.” One aspect of these crimes that Merry finds to be especially upsetting is that the scammers are actually going to the doors of their victims. If you are a victim of this or any other scam or even if you are contacted by the scammers but avoid falling victim, call 813.242.5515 and talk to
Deputy Merry or his assistant Michelle. Your information will help them catch the scammers. If someone gets money from you, you will need to write a full report. They can help you with this. “Over 25 individuals have come forward so far. We have more numbers from cards these scammers have used, but right now we don’t know the owners.” A few important reminders. If someone calls you and asks for your credit card number, never give it to them. Banks will never ask for it. The exact details of the scams change from day to day. Second, if someone calls saying they are from your bank, hang up, look in your phone directory or other reference and call the bank yourself. Whenever you are in doubt, hang up and contact places and phone numbers that you can verify are real. Third, anyone can be a victim. Even a law enforcement officer. Someone tried to log into Deputy Merry’s bank account, so the bank sent Merry a code. While Merry was on his way to a call, someone phoned and asked him for the bank code. He was
preoccupied, a perfect situation for scammers. Luckily, it seemed “off” to him, and he didn’t give the scammers the information. If you are a victim, report it. You will save others from the same fate. Finally, consider attending Deputy Merry’s presentations. He will talk to you about the latest scams, you can ask him questions, and you can learn about other schemes from your friends and neighbors. The schedule for seminars is 1 p.m. Ripple Room, Kings Point on the second Tuesday; 11 a.m. Freedom Auditorium, Freedom Plaza on the third Tuesday, and 10 a.m. Sandpiper Room, Atrium on the third Wednesday. Please note, the Community Association’s location and time have changed since last year.
firsthand account of Veterans who served in any branch of the US military in any capacity, from World War I through the present, and are no longer serving are eligible to participate. Civilians who served in support of a US war effort in a professional capacity are also welcome to participate. If you are a Veteran or know Veterans that would like to share their stories, please call Sun Towers to schedule your
interview time at 813-634-3347. MON. FEB 25 - CHRONIC PAIN, ARTHRITIS AND NEUROPATHY GROUP 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Dr. SCC. This month we are fortunate to have speaker, Tina Patch, owner of MJ Natural Resources which is a mission company dedicated to the goal of providing natural remedies from hemp instead of toxic pharmaceuticals. CBD is an
acronym for cannabidiol which is one of the major cannabinoids found in the cannabis/hemp plant. Members are asked to share treatments, exercises, nutrition, etc. that may have worked for them for all members to benefit. Learn what you can do to reduce your pain today. FREE valet parking at Towers entrance. Session located in the theater Questions? Call 813-8922990.
South County Events from 12. appointment only. To schedule, call the Coalition at 813-4194902 Interested in learning more about Clinical? Receive information during the screening to learn more. FRI. FEB 22 - VETERANS HISTORY PROJECT 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. by appointment only at Sun Towers Retirement Community, 101 Trinity Lakes Drive, Sun City Center. The program captures through a video interview,
February 2019
The News
NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.
Rockin’ Thru The Years Dance Club
Social Ballroom Dance Classes
Sponsored by the Academy Ballroom Dance Club Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents. Couples and singles welcome. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. Tuesdays, February 5, 12, 19, 26 - Social Dance Classes Beginning Waltz - 5:30 p.m. Intermediate Tango - 6:45 p.m. Intermediate West Coast Swing - 8 p.m. Must have had Beginning West Coast Swing. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. Wednesday, February 6, 13, 20, 27 - Social Dance Classes Beginning Slow Dance - 12:45 p.m. Intermediate Foxtrot - 2 p.m. Intermediate Silver Waltz (Must have had the Beginning Silver Waltz) 3:15 p.m. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5 per class. For information call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. Cost $20 per person for all four weeks. Taught by Bernice Dubro & George Hawn, call 813-634-3205 or
Moonglow Dance Club
Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “Daniel Fugazzotto” at their monthly dance on Thursday February 28 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. As a special treat, Daniel and his National Championship Amateur Ballroom Dance Partner, Janis Merluzzo, will perform a dance exhibition at Intermission. The attire at Moonglow dances is dressy casual. Members are free, and visitors/guests pay $5 per person at the door. Singles tables are always available. Please BYOB and snacks, and the Club provides ice, water, cups and napkins. Visitors are always welcome, so why not get your friends and neighbors to join you at a Moonglow dance? 813-633-1297 or 813633-2755, email “”.
Entertainment Corner By Renee Bray, SCCCA Entertainment Director
The Sunday Series continues on February 10, with the ultimate ABBA tribute band, ABBACADABRA. From Mama Mia to Waterloo, they are cheered internationally as the “Real Deal”. There are still some tickets left for this very popular performance, which is at 2:30 p.m. at SCCCA Community Hall. Tickets are $20. Ken Block, one of the most versatile comic/ impressionists is coming to SCC. He brings Renee Bray over 100 impressions in his show ranging from singers, comedians, politicians, television and movie stars. He has performed in Las Vegas. This performance is at the Rollins Theatre on Feb. 24 at 2:30 p.m. and tickets are just $8. Tickets to these shows, and all the shows in the series are available at the SCCCA Atrium Kiosk off N. Course Lane. The Kiosk is open M-W-F from 10 to noon.
Join Us for a Rockin’ Good Time! Sunday, February 17 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Veterans Theater, Kings Point North Clubhouse. The Theater doors will open at 6 p.m. Admission is $6 per person for non-members. You may bring snacks and BYOB. The Club provides cups, napkins, ice and water on each table. Johnny Charro and his Band will provide the dance music. Please contact Sandi at “” if you would like to attend the dance. Please include your full name in the email and send it to Sandi by Saturday morning February 16 so she can include your name on the list she must give to the Kings Point Front Gate Security Guards so you may get through the KP Security Gate to attend the dance.
SCC Dance Club
Saturday, February 9, The Sun City Center Dance Club will hold a dance from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the South Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., SCC, 33573. They invite Sun City Center and Kings Point residents to warm up for Valentine’s Day with a turn on the dance floor. Dance to an exclusive playlist spun by Gerardo. There will be a complimentary dessert table and decaf coffee. Dressy casual attire. NO shorts! BYOB. Bring your friends, or come and make new friends. Open seating. Singles tables available. Members free, visitors/guests $6 at the door. For additional information call 813-634-9074. Mark your calendar for the next dance on March 23, which will be a dinner dance.
Singles Social Dances
The Singles Social Dance Club will meet in the Atrium Bldg., Florida Room, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. on February 10 and February 24. Live music provided by Thor Stevens and his saxophone for your dancing and listening pleasure. BYOB and snacks. Ice. water, cups and napkins provided on each table. Proper attire requested (please, no shorts or jeans). Membership drive ends at the February 24 dance. Forms will be available at these two dances for Sun City Center residents only. The fee is $15. New members must present a CA or KP badge. Returning 2018 members must indicate if there has been any change in information. For information call Janet at 813-633-3558.
Academy of Ballroom Dance Annual Dinner Dance
The Academy of Ballroom Dance Club will hold its annual Dinner Dance on Saturday February 2, 2019 in the Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd, Sun City Center. Starting at 5 p.m. there will be cocktails and dancing (BYOB), followed by dinner at 6 p.m. (formal attire please). Dinner choices are chicken marsala and salmon with almond sauce, each with vegetables, rice pilaf and a dessert. A professional photographer will provide a portrait photo included with admission. The cost for this once a year event is $25 for members, and $30 for non-members. The doors will re-open at 7:15 p.m. for our normal dance from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. (free for members, $6 for guests). If you are interested, please contact Donna Armstrong at 615.934.7293 or George Hawn at 330.770.0442.
Oldies But Goodies Dance Club
The Oldies but Goodies Dance Club will be enjoying the music of the Southshore Cruisers Band, February 17 at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The cost is free for members and $6 for guests. No advance ticket is needed, pay at the door. The doors will open at 6:15 p.m. for members and 6:30 p.m. for guests. The band is a classic 60’s – 70’s rock dance band and will be playing 7 -10 p.m. BYOB and snacks, the club will provide water, ice, cups and napkins. As always, residents of Kings Point as well as Sun City Center are always welcome. Members and guests are reminded of the request not to arrive at the Hall before 6 p.m. as earlier arrivals interrupt the set up in the lobby to allow people in on time. Any questions contact Club President Joanne at 813-728-1147 or email You may also check out our website: or join us on Facebook
February 2019
The News
TICKET WINDOW Firehouse Cultural Center
101 1st Avenue NE at Shell Point Rd Ruskin • 813-645-7651 Georgia O’Keeffe, Pioneer Saturday, February 9 at 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. & Sunday, February 10 at 3 p.m. Tickets: Advanced: $23- $18. Day of the Show: $28-23
Art Club in Sun City Center 52nd Annual Art Show
SmArt & Classy February 22 & 23, 2019
Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall • 941-953-3368 • Group Tickets: 941-363-2025 Travis Tritt February 5 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $32-$67 Israel Philharmonic Orchestra February 7, 2019 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $87-$177 Van Wezel Gala Starring Seal February 16 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets for the concert are $87-$237 Stomp February 17 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are $37-$72 Group Tickets: 941.363.2025
Ruth Eckerd
Ticket Office 727-791-7400 •
Chatham County Line March 23 at 8 p.m. Tickets priced at $27.50 and $22.50 Jackson Browne April 4 at 8 p.m. Tickets priced at $103.25, $83.25 and $52.75 Yngwie Malmsteen June 7 at 8 p.m. Reserved tickets priced at $50, $40 and $30 Ruth Eckerd Hall Ticket Office 727-791-7400
Friday, 2/22/19 9 am-5pm Saturday, 2/23/19 9 am-4 pm
Florida Room in the Atrium Sun City Center, Florida 33573
For more information see our website: Artwork Created by Larry Schafer
February 2019
The News
SCC Teams Win Medals at State Tournament
By Bob Monahan Sports Writer, President of SCC Basketball Club At this year’s state basketball tournament, 40 teams, 20 male and 20 female, gathered from all over the country to play Senior basketball 3-on-3 at its highest level. The games were held in Largo just north of Clearwater. The SCC Basketball Club was excited because for the first time we had four teams playing in five-year increments starting at age 50 then 65 followed by our 70 year olds and finally our 75-year-old team. Since we play our basketball in Ruskin at a county facility, the county graciously offered to transport our team and fans from Ruskin. Our fifty-year-old team won the silver medal and our 65-year-old group won the bronze.
Tennis Association 2019 Board Members
The Sun City Center Tennis Association (TA) has nearly 200 members playing on ten well-maintained Har-Tru tennis courts, paying only $75 per year dues. In addition, there are currently four traveling competitive tennis teams and regularly scheduled social events. Board Members for 2019 are, first row: Jan Booker, social; Thea Longo, secretary; Paul Shanley, president; second row: Andy Iacurci, treasurer, Ron Doom, vice president; Roger Goding, membership. Not pictured: Sheila Troutman, at-large, and Maggie Pliska, past president. Contact Maggie Pliska at 813-633-7884 for additional information.
Sun City Softball Kicks Off Winter Session
Archery Christmas Party Raffle Winners
At the 2018 SCC Archery Club’s Christmas Party a raffle was held for three wrapped prizes made or donated by club members. The winners were (from left to right): Kathleen Kistler got a leather arrow quiver made by club vice-president and head instructor Jerry Anderson; Linda Anderson won a fruit and vegetable colander donated by June Fiorelli from the Pottery Club; Bob Goodman unwrapped a painting of a train painted by archer/artist Mollie Fleck.
Climb That Wall Again
By Bob Monahan, Sports Writer & Senior Athlete Some people have a wall they want to build, but I had a wall I wanted to climb. Fourteen years ago, I was on a cruise of the Western Caribbean when I saw this giant climbing wall on the top deck of the Royal Caribbean, Rhapsody of the Seas. As a mid-fiftyyear-old, I challenged myself to climb that wall and was thrilled to make it to the top in about a minute and a half. Fast forward to 2019 and there it was again challenging me to see if I could master that same wall again. The attendant said it was thirty feet tall, and, when you get to the top, you ring the bell. This time, I was pushing seventy. Blessed with long arms and legs and weighing about 175 pounds, I was the same size as fourteen years ago. I had kept up my same exercise routines including yoga for flexibility, stretch bands for strength, and basketball, volleyball and swimming for cardiovascular stamina. Up I went and a minute and a half later I was ringing that bell for myself and anyone who accepts a challenge. If I stay in shape I will try again at eighty, possibly becoming the ship’s oldest rock wall climber.
Sun City Softball club started its winter session Friday, January 4. Ten teams play every Tuesday and Friday. There are five games a day beginning at 9 a.m., with a new game starting every 90 minutes (9, 10:30, 12, 1:30, 3). The team with the best record is declared session champion. The four teams with the best record, of the ten teams competing, will play in an end of session tournament on February 15. Winners of the first two games, on that day, will face each other in the final game for the tournament champion crown. The Diamondettes, our fabulous volunteers, serve hot dogs, hamburgers, snacks and soft drinks every Friday game day from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for a modest donation. Sun City Center Softball club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point, and Freedom Plaza members in good standing. Games are played year-round. The club is coed and open to all skill levels. Residents interested in exploring possible membership can go to the website “” or email us at “”.
Lawn Bowling League Winners
The Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club’s Tuesday League wrapped up recently. This year there were three divisions with six teams in each. The Division 2 team of Eric Porr, Rich Cleary, and Robert Trautwein advanced to the final match and defeated the team of Rick Abell, Joel Deitch, and Don Smith. League play is only one aspect SCCLBC Tuesday League of lawn bowling. Whether a Champions, the team of Robert social bowler or a competitive Trautwein, Eric Porr and Rich player, the club is sure to have an Cleary. activity of interest to you. For more information about the club and lawn bowling, visit or drop by the club, located behind the library. The club welcomes residents of the Sun City Center and Kings Point communities.
Sports continued on page 17.
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February 2019
The News
Sports continued from page 16.
2019 Lawn Bowling Men’s Triples Champions
By Garry Higgins After a week of single-knockout play, the final match had the team of Jim Byrne (Skip), Jim Casper (Vice), and Larry Johnson (Lead) against Bob Fladung (Skip), Rich Cleary (Vice), and Chet Baruch (Lead). The teams played a close game however, Jim Byrne and his teammates were the eventual winners and are now the Sun City Center, Men’s Triples Champions. Men’s Triples Champions; Jim For More information visit www. Casper, Jim Byrne and Larry or drop Johnson. the club, located behind the library. We welcome members from the Sun City Center and Kings Point Community Associations.
SCC Lawn Bowling Ladies Pairs Champions
By Garry Higgins In the final match of the Suncoasters (women’s) Pairs Championship, it was the team of Natalie Lanouette and Pam Davis winning over Cindy Higgins and Donna Byrne. It was another exciting match that went into an extra end to determine the winner. For more information visit www. We welcome members from the Sun City Center and Kings Point Community Associations and offer free lessons and special ‘Suncoasters” Pairs Champions, introductory membership plans. Natalie Lanouette and Pam Davis.
Friday Twilight Mixer Winners
The recent weekly Friday mixer at Caloosa Golf and Country Club (CCC) had 54 players playing a 9-hole game. Coordinators were John & Vicki Franks with the winning team coming in with an even par 36. Winners Front L to R: Joan Lamar, Alice Friedlein, Lorraine Hofer, Back L to R: John Skinner, Anne Skinner & Loren Hofer.
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Sun City Center Competitive Tennis Club
The SCC Sunsetter’s celebrated a great day of tennis comradery against the BSAC ladies tennis team on Wednesday, January 16. Pictured from left front row: Rolande Poulin, Edna Carlin, Betty Zeller, Deb Zieg and Sharon Woodruff. Back row: Lee Greenlee, Nancy Clark, Caryn Troxell and Helene Peterson.
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February 2019
The News
the Wo n i
d is rl
Whe r
r e t n e C City
The News of
Joy Dunn and Shirley Walker enjoyed an invigorating boat ride among the icebergs and whales in Ilulissat, Greenland, with their copy of The News.
Joan and Stan Juczak took a Road Scholar trip to Brandon, Vermont. Here they are with their copy of The News in front of an inn that first opened its doors in 1786.
Judy Huss and Anne Shannon stopped in Stockholm with this issue of The News while enjoying a Baltic Cruise.
Diane and John Loeffler recently took a two-week tour of Norway. Here Diane is with a copy of The News at Oslo at Vigeland Park.
Bruce and Barbara Killebrew brought their copy of The News to Reykjavik, Iceland.
Sun City Center
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TRAVEL February 2019
The News
Sarasota Circus Soars - and Sings
By Kai Rambow The sound reminds you of the best surround sound music system in a theater – except it is live. This is one of two great experiences at the Sarasota Circus. Circus Sarasota’s Rich Traditions This circus has everything you remember except for performances with animals. Astonishing body contortions, amazing skills and comic relief in between acts. It is a rich, traditional experience not to be missed. Performers have intriguing backgrounds, beyond their biographies. Here’s a sampling: Ringmaster Joseph Bauer was impressively dressed when I interviewed him. This, it turned out, was his “casual” dress. “No one gets to see what I wear in the ring until I step into the ring,” asserted this enthusiastic performer. Bauer first performed at age six in Osaka, Japan. His parents came to America to perform with the Ringling Brothers. Their sway pole act took them all over the world. “We were in Japan for three months. My parents said, ‘You can’t just stand around.’ I started with my one trick of doing a handstand on my dad’s outstretched arm. Then I started doing my own acts, including a motorcycle on a high wire. I would always watch and admire the ringmasters. You have to have a commanding presence – and you don’t have to be flipping around in the air.” Bauer would introduce the ringmaster and ended up becoming one when he needed to fill in one day. “I’ve been doing it ever since. I’m glad the guy didn’t show up.” Bauer has loved being the ringmaster for 30 years. AJ Silver, from the Bronx, started as a professional trick rider. “As a boy, I had dreams of running
away with the circus,” – and he did. “After college, I found mentors, trained and became a professional rodeo performer.” Opportunities opened for Silver to perform in circuses and he has now performed all over the world. “I do a western act and pay tribute to the cowboy.” Silver has performed in many rodeos in Florida, but 2018 was his first performance in Sarasota. “I love show business, and you can’t get more show business than the circus.” Cirque des Voix The name is French, meaning Circus of the Voices. One hundred choral performers and an orchestra provide live accompaniment for circus performers. The surround sound effect is powerful. The first performer, from Brazil, contorted his body into the shape of a pretzel, or close enough. The speed of his body changes made this impressive act seem like it was on steroids. The last performer was Kurt Wallenda of the famous Wallenda family performing a high wire act. Recommendations Circus Sarasota presents a wonderful family opportunity to experience a rich American tradition. Cirque des Voix is a new way to experience the circus. Both have top performers with renowned international reputations. Note: Performances vary each year. The examples here may not be performing in this year’s circuses. Tips for a Great Trip Comfort: This is under the “big top.” It is a large tent. If the weather is warm, expect it to be warm in the tent. Air conditioning, introduced last year, helps a little. Directions: Circus Sarasota is right beside University Town Center shopping mall in Sarasota. Tickets range from $15 to $55; parking is $5. Tickets: Can be purchased online and picked up 30 minutes before each show.
These soccer dogs love to play. It looks like a real game, but amazingly it is unscripted.
After Show Treat: Close by is C’est la Vie, a French bakery at 8527 Cooper Creek Blvd. (941) 355-2323. Sarasota Circus February 15 – March 10 Cirque des Voix March 22 – March 24 941.355.9805
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The News
February 2019
Military News Sgt. Van Aulen Jr. Vietnam Dog Trainer Addresses MOAA Luncheon
By B. Frank Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret.), Military Correspondent SGT Theodore James Van Aulen Jr. was the featured speaker at the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 2, in the Florida Room at the North Side Atrium. Sgt. Van Aulen was born and raised in New Jersey and was working for NJ Bell Telephone as a lineman when he was drafted into the US Army in April of 1968. He was assigned to Fort Dix, NJ for his Basic & Advanced Infantry Training. He volunteered for Scout Dog training and was assigned to Fort Benning, GA. where he Sgt. Van Aulen Jr. was paired with “Warlock” and underwent 20 weeks of intense training including “Off Leash,” a new type of canine deployment tactic. Scout Dog teams walk point for combat units. In May of 1969 Team Warlock was assigned to the 48th Scout Dog, 196th LIB, at LZ Baldy South of Da Nang. With 30 plus missions not one American was killed with Team Warlock walking point. Hundreds of enemy KIA’s and prisoners were taken due to their efforts. When Van Aulen received his Honorable Discharge in March of 1970, he had received the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star, Vietnam Campaign and Service Medal and National Defense Service Medal. Returning to civilian life, he resumed his career with NJ Bell and became a Telecommunications Engineer and Manager. He retired from Bell Atlantic in 1997 and continued to work in the telecom industry with several international companies including Hitachi. He has authored several engineering manuals and publications. His presentation was both enlightening and entertaining. He focused on the training and substantial accomplishments of the military dogs that were responsible for saving many soldiers’ lives in Vietnam.
Silver Osprey Squadron 64 Host Sun ‘N Fun CEO
At its February 8, 2019, luncheon meeting, John “Lites” Leenhouts, CEO and President of SUN ‘n FUN Fly-In International and The Aerospace Center for Excellence located in Lakeland, Florida will be keynote speaker. “Lites”, as he wishes to be called, is a 27year veteran of the United States Navy with a distinguished record of service as a carrier fighter pilot. Lites’ passion for aviation has spanned over nearly five decades from hitch hiking to his first airshow as a young kid to retiring from the United States Navy in 2001 as the Commodore of the Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic. Lites holds the distinction of being the most experienced US Naval aviator of all time having successfully completed 10 major deployments and achieved 1,645 arrested carrier landings. After his retirement from the Navy, Lites worked for over 10 years for the Northrop Grumman Corporation. He created a successful, teaming arrangement with the Boeing Corporation to modify, repair and overhaul all variants of the F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet. Our organization is open to all and membership in the club is $20 per year. The public is also permitted to attend our luncheons. We meet at the Plaza Club, located in Freedom Plaza, here in Sun City Center, FL on the second Friday of each month, October thru May, except December. Reservations for lunch are members $16 each; non-members $19 each. For reservations contact Mr. Tom Harding, Treasurer, at “”, or 813-634-1236. Mail check to 309 Noble Faire Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. Deadline for the February 8, 2019 event is Tuesday, February 5. For information about membership please email Roger T. Kennicutt, CDR USN(retired), at “”.
Col. Pecinovsky, LCDR John Glynn, USN (Ret), Mr. Donald Jarrell. Gene Ehlers, Patricia Ehlers, Rebecca Hill and Leo Hill.
Retired USAF Lt. Col. Bill Moline Addresses MOWW
Lt. Col. Bill Moline, USAF (Ret) was the featured speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) luncheon on Thursday, December 20, 2018. The luncheon/meeting took place at 11:30 a.m. at the Freedom Plaza Club. Bill Moline is a retired business developer, career adviser and Master Networker. He was born in Tokyo, Japan and has lived in many foreign countries and various parts of the U.S. He joined the U.S. Army to fly helicopters. At the time, most helicopter pilots, including Bill, were sent straight to Vietnam. Bill served in Vietnam for a year and then applied for and was accepted into West Point with the Class of 1973. While attending West Point, Bill was trained as a paratrooper and was selected as the “Outstanding Paratrooper” for his airborne class. In June of 1973, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Science and Engineering and a commission in the US Air Force as a Second Lieutenant with orders to Jet Pilot Training. In 1988, Bill was awarded a Master of Science Degree in Aeronautical Technology from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Bill flew fighter aircraft in Texas, North Carolina, the Far East, Europe and the Middle East. He completed his military career as the Commander of Avon Park Air Force Range, Avon Park, Florida, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Bill, speaking from his position as Docent at the Tampa Bay History Center and History Krewe, discussed the Spanish American War and the 1st Volunteer Cavalry, Rough Riders, Inc. Prior to Bills presentation, Gene Ehlers and Leo Hill were sworn as new companions to the Sun City Center Chapter of the MOWW.
Col. Steven Pecinovsky, Tampa USCIS Chief of Staff Addresses MOWW
By B. Frank Kepley, CAPT USN (Ret.), Military Correspondent Col. Steven J. Pecinovsky, USAF (Ret), was the featured speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) luncheon on Thursday, January 17, 2019. The luncheon/meeting took place at 11:30 a.m. at the Freedom Plaza Club. Colonel Pecinovsky is currently the Chief of Staff for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Tampa District. There are five Field Offices and five Application Support Centers in the District throughout the state of Florida. Colonel Pecinovsky graduated with honors from the University of Notre Dame in 1977. After graduating from Ohio State College of Law with a Juris Doctorate in 1980, Colonel Pecinovsky began his career with the U.S. Air Force as a Judge Advocate. He served on active duty for 22 years and retired in 2003 as an appellate judge on the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals. Colonel Pecinovsky was awarded the Legion of Merit by the Air Force upon his retirement. Following his retirement, Colonel Pecinovsky joined the Department of Justice as the Deputy Chief of Employment Litigation in the Civil Rights Division. In 2003, he served as Senior Litigation Counsel and from 2004-2008, he served as a senior advisor to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary. In 2008, he transferred to the USCIS where he serves as the Chief of Staff for the Tampa District. Col. Pecinovsky and Mr. Donald Jarrell, Community Relations Officer, discussed all the various aspects of the citizenship and immigration process. The presentation was very comprehensive and informative. Prior to the USCIS presentation, Darlene Craig was presented an Outstanding Service Award for her long-standing service as the chapters monthly meeting reservationist and Companion welfare coordinator.
February 2019
The News
Military News Keep the Flags Flying
Save the date March 26, 2019. A fundraiser to benefit the flags flying on SR-674 on Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Veterans Day will be held at the Community Hall. The Colonel George Mercer Brooke Chapter DAR will sponsor the event. More information will follow.
Annual Spring Dinner and Dance - “Sock Hop”
The Annual Spring Dinner and Dance sponsored by the Veterans’ Organizations of Sun City Center will take place Saturday, March 9, 2019 in the Community Association’s Florida Room located in the Atrium. A social hour with appetizers will start at 5 p.m. A three-entrée buffet with a dessert bar will be provided by Banquet Masters at 5:45 p.m. The program will be a mix of patriotism and entertainment. Music and dancing will be provided by “JUST THE TWO OF US” from 7 to 9:15 p.m. Additionally, Lily Meyers will present a Special Tribute to all Veterans. Dress is casual (theme is Sock Hop - 1950’s/60’s). Please no shorts or flip flops. BYOB and setups. There will be both 50/50 and “Happy Hour Basket” raffles. Cost is $30 per person. All checks should be made payable to “American Legion Post 246/ww”. Tickets can be purchased by calling 813-260-3221 or by email at “”. All veterans, friends and guests are invited. Attendees are requested to wear name tag(s) issued (if applicable) from one of the sponsoring military veterans’ organizations. For further information call Paul Wheat at 634-7777.
True Story Defies Imagination
By Kai Rambow Imagine it’s in the middle of World War II, a few days before Christmas 1943. A severely damaged B-17 bomber on its first mission, with half its crew dead or wounded is struggling to fly back to base – still over German territory. Suddenly a Messerschmitt 109, piloted by an ace, appears, and the crew thinks this is the end. Instead of shooting them down, this lone fighter accompanies them out over the North Sea. After flying side by side for 10 minutes, the fighter pilot salutes the crew and flies home. Fast forward to 1990. The bomber pilot and fighter pilot both survived the war and connected for the first time. When they met, they hugged and cried, then became very good friends. This incredible, true story is grippingly told in a terrific book, “A Higher Call.” The details, the stories are left out for you to discover. This would make a great gift. “A Higher Call” by Adam Makos with Larry Alexander. Special thanks to Sun ’n Fun.
Memorial continued from page 1. of folks.” He also expressed his gratitude to Lyn Reitz, the staff of the Sun City Center Community Association, Mark Johnson, Bright View, ProCrete, Kim Livingston, The News of Sun City Center, The Observer, Sun Radio (96.3), Bertha Wagner, and Jane Trefen. When her husband, Michael, tragically died, Trefen asked that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the memorial. Cawein introduced Keynote Speaker, Mike Davis, Col. US Marine Corps (Ret.). Cawein says, “Davis logged 3,700 flight hours as a helicopter pilot and also flew Air Force One during the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.” Before Cawein could leave the front of the auditorium, he was surprised with a special presentation and plaque from retired Commander Navy, Ed Socha. Socha is the oldest survivor of Pearl Harbor living in Sun City Center. Davis’s rousing Keynote Speech reflected his patriotism and his appreciation for all of those who served. He says, “This land of ours is about service and sacrifice. The protected seldom do understand the sacrifice. It is my privilege to honor veterans who look beyond their own self interests.” A medley of songs honoring each branch of the military was sung by the SCC United Methodist Church followed by Salvina Tannenholz singing God Bless the USA. Outdoors, there was a ribbon cutting ceremony. The SCC United Methodist Church Choir sang The Star Spangled Banner and Salvina Tanneholz sang America the Beautiful. After Cawein’s closing remarks and Graham’s benediction, attendees walked around the
new memorial taking photos of the statues, flags and engraved bricks. The memorial is located in front of Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Boulevard and is open to everyone. If you wish to purchase a brick to honor the service of a particular individual or to all who serve, you can continue to do so. You can go on line to or mail your donation for a brick to SCC Charitable Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 6105, Sun City Center, FL 33571. Bricks measuring 4” x 8” with text only are $100; with text and military service clip art they are $115. The larger 8” x 8” bricks are $200 with text only and $215 with text and clip art. For more information, email “servingscc@ charitablefoundationsccorg”.
Ted Van Aulen and his dog Warlock served in Vietnam together. The statue of Warlock represents all dogs who served in wars.
Well before the ceremony began, the auditorium at Community Hall was almost full.
During the outdoor portion of the ceremony, The Men’s Choir of the SCC United Methodist Church sang. Later Salvina Tannenholz sang as well.
KINGSPoint 22
February 2019
The News
NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.
Canadian Club’s Golf Day
The Canadian Club’s Golf Day is being held at the Sandpiper Golf Course Sunday, February 24 with a 9 a.m. shotgun start, Cocktails are at 5 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m. in the Veterans Theater. Cost: ClubLink members no charge for golf. $32 for non ClubLink members. $10 per person for dinner. All participants should bring a dessert for four people. Tickets will be sold at the Meet and Mingle. For tickets and further information, call Ed Ristan at 813.331.3859 or Brian Adams at 813.634.1643.
Art Demonstrations and Classes
Renee Vickery attended The Nanyang Academy of Fine art for Chinese brush/ink painting and later studied in the calligraphy Department of Ming Dho University in Taiwan. She continues to paint and share these fantastic art forms. Her paintings hang in the United Kingdom, Singapore and the USA, and she has participated in various exhibitions. She is now teaching classes for all levels every Monday at 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the Kings Point North Clubhouse. There’s a small charge for instruction, and students can use her equipment initially. Bring your enthusiasm and leave with a completed painting. For more info call 941.554.6952.
Renee Vickery demonstrating Chinese brush/Sumi-e painting in Rollins Theater.
The Singles Mingles of Kings Point Dance
Monday, February 25 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Kings Point Veterans Theater. The admission is $5. The dance is BYOB. Come listen to the music of DJ Bobalu’s DJ Sounds. If you live outside Kings Point, please call Dottie Beyer at 813-812-6972 to have your name added to the gate list.
New York Club Sock Hop
The New York Club will be having a Sock Hop with RB and the Gang on Tuesday, February 5 at the Kings Point Veterans Theater at 5 p.m. Food by Banquet Masters which consists of leg of lamb au jour, chicken piccata, eggplant parmesan, veggies, dessert, coffee and soda. For further information please contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942. Members $25 and guests are $28.
Kings Point Ohio Club Delivers the Christmas Mail
Neither torrential rain nor tornado force winds could stop the Kings Point Ohio Club from delivering 284 Christmas cards and candy canes to Sun Tower residents. This delivery was only possible due to our members’ generosity in donating all the cards during our Holiday Dinner Dance. On December 21, Sheila Kiraly, Sun Tower Activity Director, coordinated the event so each Sheila Kiraly, Sun Towers Activity resident would receive a card Director; Lori Brezec, Viceon Christmas morning. For more President; Linda Dulik, President, information on joining the KP and May Fleming,Secretary. Ohio Club, please contact Lori Brezec at (813-938-4883) or lormik@
Feline Folks Meow Mixer
Thursday, February 7 is the monthly Meow Mixer. Join the group at 4:30 p.m. for the Meow Mixer in the Kings Point 2020 building’s Culinary Room. This is a fun way to learn about the group’s important mission of feeding and spay/neutering the community cats in Kings Point and the surrounding areas. Light snacks and great conversation are available at this monthly event. The Meow Mixer is a wonderful way to learn about volunteer opportunities. If you miss this event, join them on March 7. Feline Folks is a 501c3, not for profit operating on donations and through the kindness of volunteers. Currently there is a need for help feeding the community cats. Contact us at “Info@FelineFolks. us” or better yet, stop by the Meow Mixer. Starting at 3:30 is the Board Meeting which is open to everyone.
Egret at Purple Dusk, saluting Audubon. Calligraphy by Lo Ching’Che.
Cranes against the Moon. Ink and Chinese pigment on rice paper.
Kings Point continued on page 23.
Wellness and a Healthy Diet: A Deeper Look at Food Decorative Curbing, Interior/Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing • Driveway • Walkway • Garage Floor
• Patio • Pool Deck • Etc.
813-601-6801 Serving Hillsborough County for over 20 years.
10 off %
Expires February 28, 2019
with Donation of Canned or Box Goods for the Hospice House in Sun City Center
A Free lecture – presentation by Will Tuttle, Ph.D. Date: Saturday, February 23rd, 2019 Time: 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Location: Southshore Regional Library Community Rooms 1 & 2 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL. 33573 Free refreshments and free raffle prizes
Author of the #1 best-seller "The World Peace Diet", Dr. Will Tuttle delivers an inspiring talk about the hidden dimensions of our culture’s food system. You will discover new connections and learn how to make positive changes that nurture wellness and a healthy diet, awaken insight and awareness, and bring healing to our world.
February 2019
The News
KP Line Dancers
Kings Point continued from page 22.
Mardi Gras Party Italian Club of Kings Point
The party will occur March 15 at the Veterans Theater Kings Point. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Dinner at 5 p.m. Fixings by Banquet Masters. Menu includes mojo pork, lasagna with marinara sauce, potato crusted cod, yellow rice pilaf, salad, rolls, and butter, dessert, coffee, tea, and soda. BYOB. Let the Good Times roll with our very own DJ’s from the South Club, Spirit Entertainment. Plenty of your favorite tunes of the 50’s 60’s and 70’s will be played for your dancing pleasure. Ticket sales for this event will occur at the Veterans Theater lobby on February 27 and 28. Members $25, guests $28. Make out checks to The Italian Club. Plan to purchase tickets early for this popular event. Have questions? Call May Fleming 813.419.4790 or Terry Devoti 813.260.3220. Sun City Center residents please remember to bring your ID badge in order to gain entry through the security gate when purchasing tickets. Costumes are preferred but not required.
The KP Line Dancers are having a social dance on Wed February 6 at 7 p.m., Veterans Theater. Red & white are the colors to wear. Free to KP and SCC residents. Guests and visitors must purchase a $2.50 guest pass from KP Security. Appropriate dance shoes required. BYOB. Call Jan 634-6226 for more info.
Free Balance Screenings
Kings Point Residents only, please. Wednesday, February 27 from 9 to noon in the Ripple Room of the North Clubhouse. Have your fall risk screened at no cost to you! Screenings are available by appointment and takes less than 10 minutes. See the results before your eyes through biofeedback. Interested in knowing more now? Call Debbie at 813-892-2990 today.
Live Kite, Falcon, Owl at February Eagle Audubon Meeting
Back by popular request, the President of Clearwater Audubon, Barbara Walker, will speak at the February 21, 2019 Eagle Audubon Meeting. Ms. Walker, an expert handler of raptors, will present “Learn About and Photograph Kites, Falcons and Owls” in the Banquet Room at the Kings Point Main Clubhouse, 1900 Clubhouse Drive, Sun City Center. She plans to bring a swallow tailed kite, a peregrine falcon and an owl. While introducing each species, handlers will bring the birds around Experience and photograph (flash the room for flash free photo free) a swallow tailed Kite, plus a opportunity. peregrine falcon, and an owl at The doors open at 1:20 p.m. the Thursday, February 21 Eagle for social time, trip sign ups and Audubon Meeting. (Kathleen refreshments. The brief meeting Finnerty Photography) begins at 2 p.m. with speaker to follow. The monthly meetings are free to the public. Membership ($10) is required to participate in EAS’s field trips. There are six remaining outings after the Feb. 21 meeting which include bird walk trails, airboat ride, trolley tour, boat trip plus more. The April 11 trip to the Lower Green Swamp offers a guided tram ride that in previous visits members saw a swallow tailed kite and a barred owl. This trip should be an enriching follow up outing to Ms. Walker’s presentation. For more information visit www.
Krafters Club Donation
The ladies from Kings Point Krafters Club who donated $1,500 to The Samaritans of Sun City Center. Lee Lovitt is the president of the Samaritans. She came to our club to talk about all the services they provide to residents of SCC. The Krafters sell items all year long which include crochet, knit and canvas. Then all the proceeds go to charities here in Sun City Center. We believe in giving back to our community.
Do you Facebook?
Get “social” in Sun City Center. Share your favorite SCC pictures and news and view pictures from fun SCC events. “LIKE” the News of Sun City Center Facebook page at “”.
Shorter Wait Times are Just Around the Bend • Nationally recognized by the Joint Commission in Heart Failure, Stroke, Joint Replacement Hip/Knee and Sepsis. • Joint Commission Top Performer in Key Quality Measures 5 Years in a Row. • HealthGrades Five Star Recipient for Hip Fracture Treatment 3 Years in a Row. • Certified Advanced Primary Stroke Center • Expert emergency medicine physicians, 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, 365 days-per-year • South Bay Hospital has one of the shortest Average ER Wait Times of all hospitals in Hillsborough County, according to latest published data on the government’s Hospital Compare website – less than half the national average!*
Heart Failure Hip/Knee Surgery Sepsis Stroke
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Message and data rates may apply. For more info, visit *CMS Hospital Compare Q3 2015 - Q1 2016
Adogable Pets Pet Salon & Spa
February 2019
The News To show our support Adogable Pets is offering Law Enforcement & 1st Responders a 15% discount on all Grooming services for your civilian pets. K-9 Officers Grooming services are 100% on us! In lieu of our services, Officers are welcome to use our facility to bathe their own police dog ! For an appointment call 813-419-4972
Quality, Convenient & Dependable
Sun City Center’s Premier Grooming Salon & Holistic Pet Supplies Store Answers to Puzzles on Page 35
4884 Sun City Center Blvd. east end of Publix Plaza
813-419-4972 Mobile Grooming
Call for an Appointment
Dog-Gone Exciting Happenings at Kings Point
Land designated for the Kings Point Dog Park.
The Men's Club of SCC Offers Peace of Mind!
At Affordable Prices! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you lived alone and there was an emergency? Or do you like to take your dog for a walk but are concerned about falling and no one being there to assist you? For Greater SCC residents who think they need a medical alert button and don't believe they can afford it, the Men's Club of Sun City Center would like for you to contact our office. Because the Men's Club is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit club, we offer the Philips Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) at a more competitive rate than what Philips charges at the national level. Our pricing is comparable to other systems in the market as well – just compare systems with similar capabilities. Installation and all service calls are completed by Men's Club volunteers at no charge to the Subscriber. The Men's Club was formed in the early 1960's. In 1991, the Men's Club decided to offer Philips Lifeline Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point with no annual contract. The PERS offering began with the purchase of four units with installation provided by Men's Club volunteers. This offering continues today with multiple systems from which to choose - including one that will work anywhere in the U.S., a dedicated office staff, and over 25 trained Men's Club volunteers who provide personable and knowledgeable service for our Subscribers. Get prompt caring assistance at the push of a button, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
By Ilona Merritt The morning was spent with Lizzy, a charming black standard Poodle, and Mischief, a Yorkshire Terrier, a cutie true to his name. They showed me the land which has been designated to them for the Dog Lovers Club of Kings Point (DLCKP) by the Master Association of KP. The park will be located at the end of Cambridge Trail and I was impressed with the beautiful grandfather Oak trees which are putting a roof of shade over the park. There are enough trees that even the golf cart parking area is in the shade. The dogs can hardly wait for that red banner day when they can enter those gates without being tied to a leash and, yes, they are planning to take their humans along. Their mistresses, Sally Reisman, President, and Judy Johnson, Vice President, were also there this morning. The land has been surveyed and marked. As soon as the lease is signed, the officers of the club are ready to purchase the insurance and award the contract for the fence. They have a long to do list and a long wish list. But as
the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and so they will do all they can one step at a time. A major item on their list is an Arborist who will make sure that those beautiful trees are trimmed correctly. DLCKP has had a fundraiser this past December with Viki Ryan and Chuckie B providing live music. Also, a 4th of July celebration “hot dog” fundraiser will be held. DLCKP and its members are most grateful for a very generous donation from the Gladys and Mildred Tomiak Trust. To date, The Master Association of KP has approved the lease of land to the DLCKP (Dog Lovers Club of Kings Point) and are most supportive. Sally Reisman and Judy Johnson have been spearheading this project for the last five years. Dan Senecal is treasurer. Judie Schafers, Director-at-Large has shared her expertise for the development of the By-Laws. Bonnie McCauslin, Secretary and her husband Jim, who is an all-around great helper. These ladies and gentleman are working continually to get a dog park. Any support would be appreciated.
Call the Men’s Club
or stop by our office 1002 Cherry Hills Drive,SCC
L to R: Sally Reisman with Mischief and Judy Johnson with Lizzy.
February 2019
The News
Community ChurCh College
Registration is open on website and mail order now through FEB. 11, 2019. Trips may be purchased at any time.
• Pick up a Mail Order Form outside the college office, or print a Mail Order Form at • Paper catalogs will have a perforated order form near the back of the catalog • Mail or drop off form at the college office with payment. • If college office is closed, please slide under the door • Credit Card orders may be placed on our website: www.4lifelearning. org • Follow links on the “Classes and Trips” Regular courses: $35 for six 90-minute classes
Adult Education Sponsored By
SOUTHSHORE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1501 La Jolla Avenue, SCC (813) 634-8607
(Some curriculums will vary in length/cost and are explained in course description.)
Walk-In fee: $7 per session, for Unlimited classes only
(Fees for walk-ins are collected in the college office prior to the class)
Trips and Tours: Cost varies according to expenses involved. Credit cards will be accepted online and at the college office.
These are noncredit courses with no previous education needed. Classes are open to everyone in the entire community and surrounding areas.
Payments may be made by cash or check. Make checks payable to Community Church College No refunds unless the course is cancelled. College Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - noon PLEASE NOTE: the office is not open on Fridays
Curriculums and programs are planned and implemented independent of the SouthShore United Church of Christ
FREE CATALOG with full details for the courses available at college office in the church, SCC Library and around town. For information, call (813) 634-8607, or email:
Activ 8 Your Brain Ashley Peterson ............................... 8:30 - 10 a.m. Beginning Sign Language Bonnie De Vagno........................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Organizing Computer Docs & Pictures* Phil Sorrentino ............................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Continuing Sign Language Bonnie De Vagno........................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Combined Basic Drawing & Watercolor Pencil* Barbara Weskot ............................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Conversational Spanish* (Begins 2/4, ends 3/25) Cynthia Lowe ................................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
LECTURE Intimacy Should Be Fun. What’s Age Got To Do With It? Feb. 5 • 10:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Hall NO REGISTRATION NEEDED
Dr. Samuel Smith
Birds Are Beautiful Raymond Webb .......................... 10:30 a.m. - noon The Native American Flute as a Meditation Tool - How to Play* Janalea Hoffman ........................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Joan It Up Floral Design* (5-week class begins 2/12) Joan Lawhead .................................... 10:30 - noon MAH JONGG for Beginners* Eileen Spector ............................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Exploring Psychic Ability, Intuition, ESP, 6th Sense Carol Ann Liaros ................................. 10:30 - noon Creative Writing Insights Jeff Tannen .................................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. What Camera Should I Get?* (One-day class on 2/12) Peter Bates........................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Diabetes Self-Management Education* FREE CLASS (7 weeks, ends March 26) Deanna Davis ................................ 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Fitness Challenge Susan Winter ................................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. MAH JONGG Intermediate* Eileen Spector ............................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Basic Android Smartphones & Tablets Workshop* Phil Sorrentino ............................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Yoga 101* Cheryl Lynn Okke .......................... 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Dabbling in Mixed Media* Barbara Weskot ............................. 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Graduate of Dartmouth College and University of Rochester School of Medicine
Sexuality in our elder years is not based just on our aging bodies. Societal changes, myths that shaped our knowledge of sex, gaps in our knowledge of facts and barriers to intimacy that confront us, all contribute to who and how we are at this age. Smith obtained his specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology at Tripler Army Medical Center. Following his military obligation he joined an OB/GYN practice in Manchester, Connecticut. With a particular interest in women’s sexuality, he was certified as a sex therapist and educator by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. He created sex education seminars for the community, taught medical students at Yale and the U. of Connecticut how to help patients with sexual problems. Building upon a seminar about the normal changes that occur in sexual desire and response as we age, he tailored it to quality of life issues that result from prostate cancer therapy and has presented it to support groups and at retirement centers many times.
Interior Design Denise Bloom ................................... 8:30 - 10 a.m. Life Transition and Estate Planning Paul Sponseller .......................... 10:30 a.m. - noon Learn How to Make People Laugh! (One-day class 2/13) Keith Connes .............................. 10:30 a.m. - noon Why Type t When You Can Say it? (One-day class 2/20) Keith Connes .............................. 10:30 a.m. - noon Tips & Tricks for Creating Documents (One-day class 2/27) Keith Connes .............................. 10:30 a.m. - noon How To Make Your Life Story Enjoyable And Where To Go For Help (One-day class 3/13) Sid Nachman .............................. 10:30 a.m. - noon Our Growing National Debt and Deficits Frank Slesnick ............................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Basic Spanish* (Begins 2/6, ends 3/27) Cynthia Lowe .............................. 10:30 a.m. - noon Android Apps Descriptions and Demos* Phil Sorrentino ............................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Diamonds and Gemology 101 Rich Dominguez ............................ 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. World History Made Simple (5-weeks begins 2/20) Phillips Coates ............................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. What’s So Grand About Opera? Peggy Burgess .............................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Basic Spanish II* (Begins 2/6, ends 3/27) Cynthia Lowe ................................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Cut the Cord? Phil Sorrentino ............................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
111 Years of Broadway, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater ....................... Mon., February 4 $37, includes bus trip and show ticket. Departs 5:30 p.m., returns 10:30 p.m. Vienna Boys’ Choir, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater .......................... Thurs., February 21 $51, includes bus trip, performance, brunch buffet. Departs 10:15 a.m., returns 4:30 p.m. A Day In Winter Park, Florida ................................................................ Fri., February 22 $28 bus trip only. Additional $12 for scenic boat ride. Departs at 8 a.m., returns at 5 p.m. The Marina Jack II Sunset Dinner Cruise, Sarasota ................................... Fri., March 1 $73, includes bus trip and cruise fare, buffets and gratuities. Departs 3:30, returns 8:30 p.m. Sarasota Spring Fine Art Festival............................................................... Sat., March 9 $23 for bus trip. Departs 9 a.m., returns 4 p.m. St. Petersburg Florida Learning/Foodie Adventure .................................. Fri., March 22 $21, tour Pinellas County solid waste management system, then visit Mazzaro Italian Market and Jo-El’s St. Pete Kosher Deli. Bring a cooler! Departs 8:30 a.m., returns 3:30 p.m. Historical Spanish Point, Osprey, Florida ................................................Wed., March 27 $42 includes bus trip and docent tour. Departs 8:30 a.m., returns 6:30 p.m. Webster Flea Market ................................................................................... Mon., April 1 $28, includes bus trip. Shop and lunch on your own. Departs 8 a.m., returns 5 p.m. Shepherd King: The Story of the Bible, Avon Park .................................... Sun., April 14 $51 includes bus and show tickets. Departs at 2 p.m., returns 9 p.m.
CUBA-Past, Present and Future (2 weeks, 2/21 and 2/28) Rudy Fernandez ............................... 8:30 - 10 a.m. Solution-Focused Hypnosis (3 weeks: 2/14, 2/21 and 2/28) Bill Smith..................................... 10:30 a.m. - noon Understanding and Organizing Your Investments (5 weeks, begins 2/21) Rudy Fernandez ......................... 10:30 a.m. - noon “Issues in Christian-Jewish Dialogue” Rabbi Carla Freedman/Rev. Tim Shirley .... 10:30 a.m. - noon How to Use Essential Oils From Plants For Wellness (Class on 2/14, 2/21, 2/28 and 3/1) Janalea Hoffman ........................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Selling on EBAY (2/14, 2/21 and 2/28) Jon Wagner ................................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Selling on EBAY (3/7, 3/14 and 3/21) Jon Wagner ................................ 10:30 a.m. - noon Wills, Trusts and Probate (5-weeks, begins 2/14) Edwin Jacobs ................................ 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. The Native American Flute II* (2/14, 2/21, 2/28 and 3/1) Janalea Hoffman ........................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Finding Happiness and Fulfillment (1 day only 2/14) Phillip Coates................................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Freedom and the Rule of Law (2 days 2/21 and 2/28) Phillip Coates................................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Qigong - Life-Energy for Health and Fitness “Day” Dudley.................................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Three-Dimensional Drawing* Barbara Weskot ............................. 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Discover Your “Self” With Numerology Gail DiNola .................................... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Yoga Refresher* Cheryl Lynn Okke .......................... 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Socrates Café Kenneth McLoone ......................... 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Cut the Cord?
$7 • Wed., March 20 • 1 p.m. Registration required Instructor: Phil Sorrentino Class will review cable TV and phone alternatives. Cable offerings from Spectrum and Frontier, like the “triple play” (TV, Internet, and Phone) will be discussed, and alternate sources, with their limitations, will be explained. Alternatives like broadcast TV and Streaming Services and devices like Roku and the Amazon Fire Stick will be described. Get your entertainment, information and news using, and paying for, only the Internet. Come and see the alternatives so you can make your own “cut the cord” decision.
FAITH &service 26
February 2019
The News
Happy, Happy Children at Our Lady’s Pantry
“Our Lady’s Pantry was the scene of many smiling faces from the children who visited us on December 22,” says Anita Bullaro, codirector of the Pantry with her husband Tom. “Not for the first time, parishioners of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church in Riverview blessed our children with countless dozens of wonderful toys to share,” she says. “We had dolls and balls and trucks and all kinds of fun things for the children to play with — and they were thrilled!
CCW Membership Breakfast Meeting
February 7, following 8 a.m. Mass in the Conesa Center at Prince of Peace enjoy a continental breakfast and our two guest speakers. Judy Mohl, president of the St. Vincent De Paul Society will share the many ways in which they help the broader community in times of need. Barb Caleca, member and chair of the health ministry at POP will describe the many services provided to parishioners including monthly blood pressure screening and educational programs. Guests welcome.
Monthly Card Games Dessert Social
February 14, doors open at 11:30 a.m. in the Conesa Center at Prince of Peace Catholic Church with games beginning at 12 noon and concluding at 3 p.m. Serving homemade desserts, drinks, and door and table prizes. Bring friends and play your favorite table game for $3.
Scholar in Residence Rabbi Daniel Swartz at Beth Israel Temple
The Beth Israel Temple is proud to host guest speaker Rabbi Swartz, spiritual leader of Temple Hesed of Scranton, PA and the Executive Director of the Coalition of the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL). This program “Laudato Si and the Sages: Caring for our Common Home” explores parallels between Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change, Laudato Si, and a wide variety of Jewish texts. It will highlight social justice dimensions of climate change. The program is open to the public. February 17 at 2 p.m. Cost is $5 per person payable at the door. RSVP by Sunday, February 10 to Betty Schare 248-568-7610 or “”.
SCC Interfaith Council Presents Grant to Mary Martha House
By Jay Sparkman The Sun City Center Interfaith council recently presented to Mary Martha House in Ruskin a grant for $10,000 for the program “A Better Night’s Sleep, A Better Tomorrow”. Mary Martha House provides emergency and transitional housing and support services to homeless women, victims of domestic violence, Cici Goodyear, Manager, Mary and their dependent children. Martha House; Leticia M. Feregrino, The SCC Interfaith Council Admin/Intake Specialist, Mary supports such programs using Martha House; Kathy Woelfel, monies raised through the sale Interfaith Council Member and of donated goods at the Nearly Nearly New Shop volunteer. New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza. For information on making donations, sale days, becoming a Nearly New volunteer, or applying for an organizational grant call 813-642-9099 or go to
Beth Israel Sisterhood Presents a Meeting on Abusive Relationships
February 5, free, all are invited Sheri Rosedale will be the featured speaker at the Beth Israel Sisterhood meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m. The Temple is located at 1115 Del Webb Blvd. East in Sun City Center. The meeting is open to all in the community and we encourage those who find themselves in an abusive relationship or those who want more information to join us. There is no cost for this program. Sheri will have copies of her book for sale (cash or checks only). Refreshments will be served.
Home Instead Donates to Mary Petro Fund
David Scott, owner of Home Instead Senior Care in Sun City Center is shown presenting several boxes to Mary Petro Fund volunteer Madeline Hughes for distribution to several Petro Fund recipients this past Christmas. Scott sponsored an Angel Tree in the area and collected the presents for the second year in a row for distribution to many of the clients who receive food and medical assistance from the fund which is administered by the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay. Many of the clients are widowed seniors who live on limited incomes and are often alone during the holiday season. Don Hinderliter, Director of the Mary Petro Fund, reported that several clients informed him that their gifts were the first ones received in several years and they were very grateful.
The Angels of Wimauma
Last November members of the Women’s Club of Sun City Center met to pick a name from a lot prepared by the Hope Fund listing the name, age, gender and size of a Wimauma child. Each woman (aka “angel”) then purchased and wrapped the gift for her child having it ready for the arrival of Santa Claus. Each of these gifts was an article of clothing, greatly appreciated by the children and their family. Sharon Alvarez, President of the Women’s Club, joined Santa on December 20 for the annual Hope Fund Christmas party and to distribute the 80 + presents. Sharon Alvarez, President of the The Hope Fund is also a Women’s Club, Santa Claus and non-profit 501c3 tax-exempt Wimauma child. organization run entirely by volunteers dedicated to helping Wimauma school children learn, grow and have fun in a safe and nurturing environment. Anyone interested in joining or obtaining more information can call 813-634-4268 or 813-634-1247. Mentors, tutors and readers are always needed to work with the children on a one-on-one basis.
South Shore
UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST An Open and Affirming beloved faith community where God is still speaking
8:30 am Sunday - Chapel Communion
10:00 am - Sunday Worship
1501 La Jolla Ave., Sun City Center 813-634-1304 Welcoming and Inclusive
Theologically Progressive
Redeemer members beginning preparation by sorting and pricing clothing.
Rummage Sale February 8 and 9
Preparations are in process for the annual Rummage Sale at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 701 Valley Forge Blvd. in Sun City Center. Sale dates are Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 9. There will be bargains galore from many donated items.
February 2019
The News
New Grief Support Group Starting
SouthShore UCC Women Support My Warrior’s Place
A grief and loss group will meet on Wednesday, January 23, at 1 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 West Del Webb Boulevard, and is open to anyone who seeks support. Come replenish your body in Andy’s Kitchen (free hot meal provided by Metropolitan Ministries) from 12 pm to 1 pm in Fellowship Hall. Then at 1 pm, replenish your mind and soul at a weekly Grief and Loss Support Group, being offered by Anne Ray, a licensed registered nurse and counselor. She is also a Stephen Minister. The group will meet in the church library adjoining Fellowship Hall.
SouthShore United Church of Christ Women’s Fellowship welcomed Louise Sutherland-Hoyt as speaker at their January General meeting. She talked about My Warrior’s Place which is a retreat center for veterans, military service members, law enforcement officers, firefighters, Blue, Silver and Gold Star Families. It is a place where they can get away from their stress and relax. Christian Women’s Connection They also have several different Valentine’s Luncheon Event programs that help with coping Friday, February 15 at Club Renaissance, 2121 S. Pebble Beach, and healing. Blvd., Sun City Center. Husbands are included for this event. Dancing exhibition with audience participation will be led by Bernice Dubro and George Hawn of Academy Dance Class. Our speaker will be Naima Johnston Bush from the Florida Panhandle. Luncheon includes salad/dressing with bread and butter, breaded chicken or steak rolls with garlic herb butter sauce served over mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans, and for dessert, turtle cheesecake. Price is $21 inclusive. Reservations are required. Kindly make or cancel your reservations before noon on Tuesday, February 12 by calling Gail Green at 813-634-2159 or Pat Butler at 813-938-4320 or e-mailing Gail at “”. For more information, please call Kay Newsom, Chair, 813-296-1168.
Anita and Tom Bullaro, Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry, and Kathy Woelfel, member of Interfaith Council and Nearly New Shop volunteer.
SCC Interfaith Council Provides Grant to Food Pantry
Flowers in a Mug
The Trinity Women’s Fellowship (TWF) of Trinity Baptist Church in Sun City Center enjoyed pizza and floral arranging. The ladies, coordinated by Marge Weber, crafted beautiful floral arrangements in mugs. Approximately 20 of these arrangements were personally delivered to shut-in church members. The February 19 luncheon and creativity will be “Make It & Take It Stamping Party.” Ladies will make cards for shut ins and for sending to friends. These luncheons and programs are free, and signup sheets are available near the church office at 702 W. Del Webb Blvd. For more information about TWF, visit www.trinitybaptistscc. com or call the church office at 813-634-4228.
By Jay Sparkman The Sun City Interfaith Social Action Council recently presented a grant of $10,000. to Our Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry to assist in providing food to over 1,500 families registered at Our Lady’s Pantry. The SCC Interfaith Council supports non-profit organizations in the South Shore area that apply to the Council for grants. For more information go “www.InterfaithCouncilofSunCityCenter. com” or call 813.642.9099. The SCC Interfaith Council uses monies raised through the sale of donated goods at the Nearly New Shop in the Sun City Center Plaza. The Nearly New Shop is staffed by volunteers from the South Shore are and volunteers are always needed.
Advanced Cardiac Services at Manatee Memorial We take technology to heart
We’re dedicated to the health of your heart and vascular system. That’s why we continue to add to our range of services. Reduced risk of possible stroke with the WATCHMAN™ Implant The Heart and Vascular Center is the first in the region to offer patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation an alternative to long-term warfarin medication. The WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) Implant helps to catch harmful blood clots before they enter the bloodstream, reducing the risk of stroke.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) TAVR is a minimally-invasive alternative to traditional valve replacement for patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. It involves the insertion of a balloon-expandable heart valve replacement, via a catheter.
MitraClip® for mitral regurgitation The Valve Institute at Manatee Memorial is among the first in Florida to offer the highly advanced MitraClip procedure for mitral regurgitation. Mitral regurgitation decreases the amount of blood that reaches the heart, which can cause heart failure. MitraClip, inserted through a catheter, can help keep the mitral valve open so that blood can flow to the heart.
Our Structural Heart Clinic Staff Is Here to Help! To make an appointment or for more information, please call 941.708.8064. 206 Second Street East Bradenton, FL 34208
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The News
Creative Person: Suzanne S. Prach
By Paula Lickfeldt Suzanne and her husband Mike were both born in upstate New York. Twenty-eight years ago, they came to Sun City Center for the 4th of July. They loved all of the celebration activities in SCC and they liked all of the available activities and clubs, so many different activities to choose from. Suzanne said that SCC was like “small town USA.” They moved to SCC and never looked back. Both Suzanne and Mike were educators. Suzanne taught first grade and then became an elementary and middle school principal. Although she did not have any formal art training, she was basically a creative person and came from a family of creative people. She believes that sharing with others is a very important part of life. When the Prach’s moved to SCC, the first club that Suzanne joined was the SCC Art Club. Even though she had no art background she decided to take the many wonderful classes that the SCC Art Club had to offer. She firmly believes that you must never stop learning; even in retirement. She compliments the Art Club for getting her passion for Botanical Art activated. Fifteen years ago, Suzanne seized the opportunity to create a legacy for her SCC friend Mr. John Crawford, a master artist and art collector. He wanted to
donate his large art collection to the South Shore Regional Library, which was under construction at the time and to offer an art education program in conjunction with his collection. Suzanne met with county library officials who agreed to accept and hang John’s collection in the library and offer art lessons at no cost to all ages through the Friends of the Library and other sources. The John Crawford Gallery and art classes continue today. Mr. Crawford passed away at age 94, before the library opened. Mr. Crawford, an art mentor to Suzanne, urged her to one day draw, paint and write a
botanical book. She is presently doing just that. Her first botanical book for children will be Princess Blue’s Berry Delicious Tales. Princess Blue is a blueberry and has a beautiful garden of flowers each with a special meaning. Suzanne grew up enjoying plants. Nine years ago, she enrolled in the Academy of Botanical Arts in Sarasota. After five years and 88 classes, she was granted Certification in Botanical Art by a review team including the Vice President of Botany at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. Her thesis for the Academy of Botanical Art certification was about her love of Henry David Thoreau.
February 2019
According to Thoreau, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” Suzanne says she loves the research she does before she paints and she loves the structure of the plants. In an effort to further her study of Botanical Art, Suzanne holds membership in American Society of Botanical Art, Florida Society of Botanical Art, and the Colored Pencil Society of America. Being a member of these three societies means that all of her paintings must be botanically correct. She studies the plant by reading about it, looking at it under microscopic power and matching the plant color with her paints or colored pencils. Suzanne works on all kinds of surfaces; including sand paper, and art film. She works with Graphite, water colors, colored pencils ink and collage. In March, she will be joining members of the Florida Chapter DC 113 of the Colored Pencil Society of America in an art exhibit at the Art Center Manatee in Bradenton. All paintings will be done completely in colored pencils. Suzanne could not stress enough how thankful she is the SCC Art Club. She loves to share her art and says it is such a joy when people want her art. Sun City Center has an abundance of talented and creative people. Suzanne Prach is certainly one of them.
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Your story continues here... FL 33573 1010 American Eagle Blvd.Sun City Center, Q. What is an Active Living Community? What is a CCRC? A. Freedom Plaza offers a community that places priority on remaining active and staying engaged with maintenance-free residences and a full continuum of care available. Freedom Plaza offers independent living, assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing and other health services. Q. What’s the difference between a rental community and a Life Care* community? A. Rental communities do not require the upfront fees of a Life Care* community. Renting gives you the ability to pay for services if, and only if, the services are needed. You can also terminate the lease without significant financial loss. On the other hand, the upfront fee of a Life Care* community can be thought of as a down payment for your future, as it can guarantee your accommodations, even if your financial resources are eventually exhausted due to no fault of your own. Q. What is the true benefit to moving to a senior living community? A. This can be different for each individual. Freedom Plaza offers a wide variety of lifestyle activities, lifelong learning and the ability to fill your social calendar. Residents often tell us that the biggest factor in their decision was the peace of mind that comes with having a complete plan for the future.
Q. Will I qualify to live at Freedom Plaza? A. In order to enjoy the lifestyle and Peace of Mind that Freedom Plaza offers you must be at least 62 years of age or older. A future resident must also meet physical and mental requirements, including a physician’s opinion and medical records indicating you are able to live independently. A financial qualification will also be required. Q. Does Freedom Plaza require prior military service? A. Everyone is welcome at Freedom Plaza. In Fact, out of 529 Independent Living Residents, 210 have served in the military. Q. Why should a person move to Freedom Plaza rather that waiting to hire help at home? A. When one stays at home, there are still a lot of obstacles and “housekeeping” items, such as cooking, laundry and yard work that need to be done. The cost of paying for assistance in all these areas can be many times greater than the cost of Freedom Plaza. Q. What is the financial status of Freedom Plaza? A. Freedom Plaza is owned by Joint Venture, consisting of a 51% ownership from Brookdale and 49% from HCP, Inc. Freedom Plaza has a 2018 YTD Net Operating Income of $2,808,748 and is in good standing with the FL Office of Insurance Regulations.
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February 2019
The News
D.O.G. - SCC’s Best Friend Park
By Ilona Merritt Sun City Center’s Best Friend Dog Park is located behind the tennis courts at the South Campus. Once inside the section of the large dog park I was greeted, complete with dog kisses, by Jennifer, a Husky, Mattie a Boxer, and Lady, a 10-month-old German Shepherd. I moved over to the small dog part of the park and met Karma, a pug, Yasha, a Pomeranian, and Rascal. Occasionally there are squirrels who are bold enough to go into the trees in the park, and everyone who has a dog knows that squirrels will deliberately tease the dogs from their lofty perches in the trees. Rascal loves to climb up into a tree in pursuit of those pesky varmints. SCC’s Best Friend Park has been in existence since 2001. Members of this community worked hard to raise funds and to persuade the powers to be of the need of a dog park. The expenses of a park are ongoing making membership important. This is a unique two-acre offleash park. It provides a private, country club setting for fitness, recreation, relaxation and socializing opportunities for the entire pack. Dogs can run off leash to their heart’s’ content in a safe, controlled environment. The park offers dogs a variety of amenities, including wading pools, tunnels, and jumps.
Rascal loves climbing trees.
Membership to the dog park is available to all residents who are paid members of the Community Association. (SCC, Freedom Plaza, and Aston Gardens.) Residents who do not want to join the D.O.G. may use the park before 8 a.m. and after 6 p.m. only. All park visitors are required to have their Community Association badge with them at all visits. As of January 1, 2019, all nonmembers will also be required to complete an application to show proof of up to date vaccinations and proof that they have been spayed/neutered. The forms are available on the D.O.G. website “” and in the park. Yasha Lady and Jennifer
Kaufman Eye Institute is pleased to announce that Retina Specialist Walter Moscoso has joined our practice.
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February 2019
The News
The SouthShore Poets L to R: Suzanne Austin-Hill, Tomi Reneau, Carla Nankervis, Joe Birnbaum, John Foster, Marilyn Hayden, Mac Miller, Cheryl Licata, Dave Welsh (deceased).
SouthShore Poets Display at Library
The SouthShore Regional Library will unveil a special display of poetry during February, National Library Lovers Month. The library is coordinating with the Southshore Poets, a group of local educators and writers, to display poems relating to libraries or a particular library. Their display represents a celebration of libraries and their vital place in American culture. It can be viewed immediately upon entering the main room of the library. The poets represented in the display have won awards at both state and national levels. They cordially invite the public to join in this February celebration of our libraries nationwide.
ABWC January 9th Longevity Luncheon recognized members active 10, 15, 20 years or more (active years in parentheses): Back L to R: Claudia Gassett, 2nd VP Membership, Ginny Burrow (20 years), Kathy Baryza (10), Carol Newsome (25), Katherine Cintron, President. Front L to R: Janet Pizzichetti (35), Sonja Davidson (40), Beverley Brooks (10), Beverly Fletchall (25), Marion Loverde (10). Unable to attend: Stephanie Betz (10), Dottie Drouin (10), and Genevieve Waite (20).
Apollo Beach Woman’s Club Membership Luncheon
On Wednesday, February 13, please join the Apollo Beach Woman’s Club (ABWC) at their next monthly luncheon at Apollo’s Bistro. The Bistro is located at 6520 Richies Way in Apollo Beach. The luncheon cost is $18. For menu details and reservations, contact Sharon Vasquez at 813-6417856 or “sharonlvasquez@”. Reservations must be made and paid for by Friday, Feb. 8. The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. for socializing. Lunch will be served at noon. Georgia Vahue, Executive Director of Firehouse Cultural Center will speak on the history of the Cultural Center and its hopes for the future. ABWC 2019 College scholarships are now available: If you are a 2019 high school senior zoned for
attendance at East Bay or Lennard high schools, you are eligible to apply for an ABWC college scholarship. Each applicant must be accepted and enrolled as a full-time student at one of Florida’s two-year colleges or four-year universities and must demonstrate financial need. The ABWC Scholarship application and criteria can be downloaded at “www. apollobeachwomansclub. com”. East Bay or Lennard students must submit the application to their college or career counselor by Feb. 22. Students who attend another high school in Hillsborough County and meet the zoned requirement for attendance at East Bay or Lennard, should contact Mrs. Doyle and postmark/mail or email the application by Feb. 22.
Louie Salmorighi works on his design.
Stained Glass Club
By Paula Lickfeldt The Stained Glass Club was founded in 1991. The first president was Phyllis Colleran, who was president from 1991 until 1996. In the beginning, the Stained Glass Club shared a room with the Railroad Club. The Club had three tables, two grinders and a sink. The grinder could be filled at the sink but when the work was finisher, the grinder had to be carried outside and the water dumped into a nearby sewer. During the early years, the members of the club did anything and everything to raise money. If they were ever able to move to a larger space they would need more equipment. In 2001, The Arts and Crafts building was going to become a reality. The Stained Glass Club had one member who had been in construction and knew what was needed to create the state of the art craft room that the club was looking for. In 2003, the new Stained Glass Club Room was opened. Dave Tichey, donated the first kiln and that was the beginning of glass fusing for the club. The art of glass fusing has grown in popularity over the years, and the equipment for use has expanded too. The club now has two large kilns, five small table top kilns and three medium kilns. Kay Bogart, a member of the club, liked glass fusing so much that she took it upon herself to learn everything
that she could regarding kilns and fusing schedules. She is now the kiln manager and is more than willing to share her knowledge to insure the end result of the project is what the artist intended. Membership in the Sun City Center Stained Glass Club is open to all members of the SCC community association. The dues are $30 per year. When a person joins the club, however, they are required to take a series of classes that will familiarize them with all of the kilns, grinders and other machines available for use. The cost of the class is $30. Each member is asked to donate two projects to sell at FunFest or the Holiday Walk. With the money that is obtained from the yearly dues, new member classes, and sales, the club is able to maintain the equipment and replace equipment when necessary. With 184 club members, the equipment gets quite a workout. Each year the Stained Glass Club has a juried Art Glass Show. The 2019 show will be in the Florida Room on Feb. 28 and March 1. This show has been very successful over the years as the community enjoys seeing what the members have created. The Stained Glass Club also gives back to the community with donations to the CA Hardship Fund and the Mary Petro food and medicine fund for the residents of SCC and KP.
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February 2019
The News
Don Frederick speaks to the volunteers who will be helping with taxes. Freedom Plaza residents Charles Amisano and Michael Nahalka brace for cold winds on the waterfront of St. Augustine while viewing that city’s “Nights of Lights” exhibition.
News ofBy Freedom Plaza Peggy Burgess
St. Augustine, Florida is not only the oldest continuously inhabited European-settled city in the United States, it can also be the coldest city in America! At least that was the consensus of a group of Freedom Plaza residents visiting there in early December. Their threeday jaunt to enjoy the historic town’s “Nights of Lights” illumination had been planned months before, and on the assumption that St. Augustine would have its normal brisk December weather. However, Mother Nature never likes to be taken for granted, and she proved it by sending a sudden December snow storm eastward, its icy fingers reaching down to embrace northern Florida, including St. Augustine. The pre-set agenda for this St. Augustine excursion included an evening boat ride to view, from the water, the city’s allencompassing illumination and the sight was, indeed, spectacular. However, the open-sided boat offered little protection from the frigid wind off the water and set people pulling up jacket hoods and huddling together for warmth. The same situation existed on the following day when the Freedom Plaza group boarded the trolley, also open-sided, for their private tour of the town. Packed tightly together on the trolley seats they realized that the term, “turn the other cheek” could have more than one positive effect. Despite St. Augustine’s 30-degree weather and a coach ride through a severe rainstorm to get there, the Freedom Plaza travelers agreed that their trip had been enjoyable. After all, they had witnessed the city’s dazzling lights display, been treated to some fine dining experiences and gained a fresh perspective of the harsh conditions early settlers to our country endured. That made them all the more appreciative of the modern comforts of their luxurious... and warm! Completely thawed out by the warmth of Christmastime at Freedom Plaza and a gala New Year’s Eve bash, the St. Augustine travelers joined their fellow residents in perusing the January calendar for things to enjoy. They were pleased to see their regular fitness classes, local excursions, special interest clubs and organized group activities continuing in 2019 and delighted to find some interesting special events offered. One of those was an open invitation extended by the Freedom Plaza Art League to a wine and cheese reception at their annual exhibit in the Auditorium. All art pieces displayed were current works of members, now totaling thirty. This artwork will continue to grace the walls of the Auditorium during 2019 for all to enjoy. Another enticing January happening was “La Famiglia”, a murder mystery dinner presented by the Plaza Players, Freedom Plaza’s own drama group. This comic mystery was written by Freedom Plaza resident Judy Michaels.
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FreeBy Tax Services Diane M. Loeffler
Don Frederick says that the Tax-Aide Program will be offered again this year. Beginning on February 1, free tax services will be available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Southshore United Church of Christ, 1501 La Jolla. Anyone can use these services. There are no age or income limits. Call 813-634-3502 between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to make your appointment.
Monroe Crossing Returns to Southshore UCC
By Paula Lickfeldt On Thursday January 10, the Bluegrass Gospel group Monroe Crossing returned to Southshore United Church of Christ to entertain more than 300 people. Monroe Crossing dazzles audiences with an electrifying blend of classic bluegrass, bluegrass gospel and heartfelt originals. The evening began with Sun City Center’s own Front Porch Pickers. The audience enjoyed
their style of acoustic music. When the Monroe Crossing took to stage, the audience was thrilled and quickly joined in with all of the music they played. The evening ended with Monroe Crossing asking the Pickers to join them on stage and together they sang “Will the Circle Be Unbroken,” and “Old Home Place.” Everyone left the church with a smile on their face and one question: “When will Monroe Crossing be back next year?”
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Get Active, Get Connected, Get Involved! By Bradd Robinson
w/Marilyn Coté-Miller Sun City Center Connects is a new program designed to c o n n e c t residents with volunteer opportunities. Each month we will feature a Sun City Center volunteer to show you how enriching volunteering can be for you. This month, our feature volunteer is a well-known figure here in Sun City Center – John Bowker. John has led the Sun City Center History Society for 25 years! When we asked John how he got started on his volunteer journey, he told us, “I attended a lecture by one of the founders in 1993 and I asked why there is no other community in the world like Sun City Center. I inquired if any of what he had told us was written down. He answered my question by lifting a packing box full of papers and replied, “No, but it’s all in there. You write it!” John took that to heart and took on the monumental task of organizing The Sun City Center History Society in 1996. For several years, John promised to write a book on the history of Sun City Center, and in 2011 he complete his book The History of Sun City Center. The following
February 2019
The News
John Bowker
year John was named the President of The Sun City Center History Society. When we asked John about those residents that just want to enjoy their leisure time, his response was, “Most people, after a few months of playing cards, or enjoying other activities, begin to realize that after accomplishing things for 30-40 years, they now go to bed at night with nothing to look forward to for weeks, months or years. Offering them something meaningful to do becomes very important to them.” Sun City Center was founded on the philosophy of volunteerism. If you’d like to explore the many opportunities available to you, please contact Marilyn CotéMiller at 813-642-2006 or visit
“It’s All About Time!”
Amazon Hosts Party for Local Kids
December 14, Amazon hosted a holiday party for 250 local children and donated $15,000 in in-kind gifts for families and children at the Vinik Family Boys & Girls Club at Winston Park. The online retailer also presented a donation of $60,000 to Feeding Tampa Bay as part of their fight against hunger and to improve household stability for a total $75,000 donation. Children were greeted by over 80 local Amazon employees as they entered the “Winter Wonderland” where they sipped hot cocoa, decorated holiday cookies and ornaments, adorned and stuffed their own Christmas bags with candy, danced, played holiday games,
and more. Children then made their way to “Santa’s Workshop” where they met the famous Santa Claus and took home a toy of their choice. This local donation is part of Amazon’s larger initiative to give more than $1 million in donations during the month of December to nonprofits supporting families in need in areas near Amazon fulfillment centers across the nation. This effort will supplement the $15 million in donations that Amazon has contributed to nearly 450 local nonprofits and schools and more than 15 million pounds of food to food banks across North America throughout 2018.
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February 2019
The News
Rotary Classic Car Show to Benefit Caregivers
Beautifully restored classic cars, antiques, street rods, and resto-mods will be on display at Freedom Plaza’s Golfview Terrace (819 Freedom Plaza Circle, SCC) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 17. Hosted by the Rotary Club of Sun City Center, the car show is a charity fundraiser to support local charities and students. Stop by Freedom Plaza to talk with classic car owners, meet classic car restoration experts, enjoy great music and hot food, and help us raise money for local caregivers and scholarships. Classic car registration costs $10, which includes a food coupon worth $5. Public visitors are asked to make a $5 donation. Proceeds from donations, auctions, sponsorships, and the sale of food and beverages will benefit the SCC Samaritan’s Alzheimer’s Auxiliary, the Hillsborough Community College Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training scholarships, and the SCC Rotary Club’s student scholarship programs. To date, we have funded two CNA scholarships and support for one new client for the Samaritans. Pulled pork sandwiches, burgers, hotdogs, chips, and
restoration company from Tampa will also be displaying some of their recent projects and available to talk about the craftsmanship of restoring old cars to their original glory. The Golf Cart Shop of Sun City will be displaying some of their vehicles, as will a new car dealership and an RV dealer. Bring your appetite, your love of old cars, and your checkbook to Freedom Plaza on Sunday, February 17th and support our valued local caregivers! A rain date of March 3 is ready in case of bad weather. Updates will be available by calling beverages will be for sale, as be featured as will cars from 813.777.2971 or online at well as a selection of Indian a classic car dealership snacks prepared by the in Ruskin. A classic car suncitycenterfl Rotary club’s members from India. Music from the 40s, 50s, and 60s is also on the menu, served up by local DJ Introduces PA Victoria Capezza Joey Ferrante. Tickets will be Victoria joined Southwest Florida Rheumatology in November 2017. on sale for 50/50 raffles and She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree auctions of items donated in Biology and later graduated with Honors from Nova Southeastern by local businesses, and tax- University’s Physician Assistant program with a Master’s degree in Sciences. She is licensed as a Certified Physician Assistant by deductible donations will be Medical the state of Florida. She is an active member of Florida Academy of gratefully accepted in cash Physician Assistants, American Academy of Physician Assistants, and PA Victoria Capezza or checks payable to the Florida Society of Rheumatology. Victoria worked for 1 year in the field of Neurology in Tallahassee, FL and then moved back SCC Rotary Foundation. to central Florida. Victoria grew up in Plant City, Florida, the Winter Strawberry Capital of the We expect at least 100 world, and she likes to spend time with her parents whenever she gets the chance. In her spare classic cars will be on time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, reading, writing, and exercising. Victoria has quickly in love with rheumatology and is excited to be practicing medicine here and giving back display, with many examples fallen to the community. from the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 11954 Boyette Rd., 60s. The Roamin’ Oldies, a Riverview www.SWFLRHEUM.COM local classic car club, will
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February 2019
The News
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