The News of
Sun City Center official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association
JANUARY 1 CA Office & Library closed All facilities closed 2 Annual Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. 7 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Boardroom - CA Office - 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. FEBRUARY 11 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Board Room – CA Office - 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m.
Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA website ( – under “Association”). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Boardroom in the CA office starting at 1 p.m. sharp.
CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Website: Information Center 813-633-4670
January 2019
Your Newly Elected CA Directors By Diane M. Loeffler In D e cemb er, t he C ommunity Association (CA) Membership elected Larry Smith, Doug Seipelt and Sam Sudman to three year terms. Larry Smith has been very active in our community, but this will be his first term as a CA Director. Smith says, “It is important that I get out to talk to people. A lot of people don’t like to come to meetings, so I developed a form that they can fill out.” Doug Seipelt previously served a oneyear term as a director. He says, “Thank all of you who voted for me. I appreciate each and every one of you. I will do my best to provide the best leadership I am capable of doing.” Seipelt also says, “I hope we can move forward and look at what we’ve done well and not so well. Our fiscal policy needs some adjustment. We need to provide up-to-date facilities for current and future residents. We need to look ahead to 2039. Will we still be viable or will we fall into mediocrity?” Sam Sudman has served on the board previously. After the December 2018 election, those who will be serving as directors in 2019 elected Sudman to be the new CA president. Sudman says, “As Director and
L to R: Doug Seipelt, Sam Sudman, and Larry Smith were elected as Community Association Directors. Sudman will also be the CA President for 2019.
President of the CA Board, my goal is to continue in the footsteps of a long line of volunteer leaders, supported by an outstanding staff and professional management, and to be an effective disciplined team member who provides stability of responsible governance.” “Planned but reasoned change is ess ent i a l for t his ac t ive s enior
community. Facilities and services must keep up with the needs of a dynamic populace. People who have chosen Sun City Center came here because of what it is and has become. A community that represents the lifestyles of 11,500 members, which has evolved over almost 60 years, must continue to be open to new ideas.”
A Festive Breakfast to Start the Season
The Holiday Breakfast is a great opportunity to gather with friends and meet new people before heading out to shop.
The Sew’n Sews sales allow them to donate money and goods to charities.
Holiday Shopping in SCC
By Diane M. Loeffler The Sun City Center Holiday Walk was held on December 1 this year. Many of the shoppers started their morning at the Holiday Breakfast and continued their holiday kickoff by perusing the artwork, crafts and creations made right here in our community. In many clubs, we could also watch members creating new items while we shopped. Many of the most popular items were holiday items, but there were useful and decorative offerings for other holidays and year-round use and enjoyment. An
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additional benefit is that by buying here in Sun City Center, we are also helping a number of charitable causes. All of the clubs donate at least a portion of their sales to a charity. Many clubs sell their merchandise all year round. You will also have an opportunity to buy additional items during FunFest on March 16. On that day, there will be many demonstrations as well as sales and an opportunity to indulge in a variety of culinary treats.
More Pictures on Page 8
Happy New Year
Linda Luper and her husband John were among the helpers for the Holiday Breakfast. John will be leaving his position as CA President but plans to remain very active in volunteer activities.
By Diane M. Loeffler Is there any better way to start the holiday season than with a hearty breakfast followed by an opportunity to shop locally? Sun City Center held its Holiday Breakfast in the Atrium on December 1. This annual event is open to all area residents and their guests. From the moment you entered the Atrium you were greeted by smiling volunteers and music provided by The SCC Organ and Keyboard Club. After paying a mere $5, you walked through one of two serving lines to receive your meal of pancakes, eggs, sausage and toast. Servers quickly appeared with
coffee and juice. Ornament carrying hosts and hostesses seated you at festive tables where you had the opportunity to meet new friends and connect with those you already knew. Floyd Curvin says, “We served 677 meals thanks to the 155 hard working volunteers who gave up their Friday afternoon and Saturday morning to serve their friends and neighbors.” If you attended this year’s Holiday Breakfast, we look forward to seeing you again next year. If you didn’t, check your November 2019 News of Sun City Center for the time and date of next year’s event. You will be glad you did.