News of Sun City Center Nov 2012

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The News of November 2012 - ISSUE #51 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011


November 7 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 14 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 14 Meet the Candidates Night Community Hall - 7 p.m. 20 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. 26 Co-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. December 4 Membership Vote Sandpiper Room 8 a.m. -3 p.m. 5 Membership Vote Community Hall 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 5 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 12 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 20 Community Leaders Florida Room 9 a.m. Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association.”) Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

Dec. Issue in your mailbox on

Sun City Center Member Survey

Residents Are Happy Here! By Dr. Erika Matulich, PhD, PCM

Hello everyone! I would like to once again thank the community association members for their participation in the Sun City Center survey. Detailed results of the survey results, individual questions, and the presentation are available online at http://www. Here I would like to summarize the high points of the survey. Results O v e r a l l S a t i s f a c t i o n . Mo s t respondents were pleased with the continuous improvements being made to CA amenities and the way funds were being spent. Over 80% of respondents would decide to live in SCC if they could do it again, and over 85% would recommend SCC to others. 85.3% reported they were satisfied with living in Sun City Center. O ver 5,000 sur veys were returned, yielding a valid response rate of 42.9%, which is a very high response rate (typical mail surveys return less than 10%). This high response rate resulted in a statistically valid sample, with an

are snowbirds. Most respondents were Caucasian, married, had two adults in the household, and had grandchildren. 50% of respondents volunteer their time to SCC, and most respondents dine out two or more times per week, supporting the notion of increased food services/ offerings. What amenities and services are used? The most popular amenities were the Atrium, Library, Fitness Center, and Community Hall, followed by the Rollins Theater and various pools on campus. The Nearly New Shop was the most popular service used, followed by the CA offices. What items are owned? SCC residents show high ownership rates of computers, with most of those computers connected to the Internet, indicating that improved methods of online and electronic communication would be an option. There was also a high ownership rate of automobiles and golf carts, indicating that parking issues are a priority. Communication about Sun City Center. Most people get their information about Community

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CA Ballot................................ 21 CARE..................................... 23 Club Happenings.................. 13+ Consumer Affairs.................... 32 Crossword.............................. 23 CryptoQuote............................. 7 Entertainment Corner............... 5 Expanding Horizons................. 7 Golf....................................... 33+ Military Affairs.................... 24-25 Movies.................................... 39 Newcomers.............................. 2 Plants Happen........................ 10 President’s Report.................... 3 Sports................................... 33+ Sudoku................................... 31


December 1

Dr. Erika Matulich presented summary slides of the survey results. This slide indicates that residents get the “most information about SCC CA activities/ issues/news” from The News of Sun City Center monthly newsletter. Summary and detail (Appendix) slides may be found on the CA website SunCityCenter. org Home Page under SURVEY RESULTS “Click Here.” error rate of plus or minus 1.08%, which is far better than the industry accepted error rate of plus or minus 5%. In other words, you should be confident in the scientific accuracy of the results! Who responded to the survey? Respondents were evenly mixed across age groups, educational levels, as well as amount of time they had lived in Sun City Center. There were somewhat more female respondents and more respondents living on the North side of SR 674. Almost 70% live in SCC fulltime; the rest

Association activities and news from The News of Sun City Center monthly newsletter, which you are reading now, closely followed by John Bowker’s email newsletter. News from town hall meetings and directly from CA leaders and meetings were not preferred sources of information. Respondents strongly preferred that SCC CA news be disseminated via an email digest with links to further information on the SCC website,

Cont’d. on page 23

Volunteers/ Clubs Preparing for Holiday Walk

By Phyllis Hodges We’re only four weeks away from the Holiday Walk/Breakfast on the CA Central Campus on December 1. Is it on your calendar? A $5 breakfast will be served 7 a.m. to noon in the Florida Room.

Club rooms open at 9 a.m. and close at noon. The Campus will be rocking with music as the Organ and Keyboard Club members entertain diners in the Florida Room, and a DJ, Joseph La Piana, at the Bandstand sets a lively mood for strolling visitors. Sam and Joanne Sudman who are organizing the event say clubs who are participating should contact them immediately if they haven’t already to let them know which clubs will be open during the walk. Based on the tremendous turnout for the July 4 breakfast, they are preparing to serve 700 or more breakfasts. That’s a lot of eggs, pancakes, sausage, toast, coffee and orange juice. Serving hundreds of breakfasts takes about 100 volunteers to make things run smoothly. They are pleased with the response, although they had a few anxious weeks since the response to their call for help was slow. S o just what is expected from these 100 volunteers? At the entrance, there are the ticket sellers and greeters. Ticket takers at the food line collect the tickets. In the kitchen, workers crack, mix and scramble eggs, prepare pancake batter and sausage. On the primary food line,

See Holiday on page 6.


There are three state-approved intersections in Sun City Center where golf carts may cross 674. They are Pebble Beach Blvd., Kings Blvd/Valley Forge, and Trinity Lakes/SCC Plaza. See page 10 of your 2012 Membership Directory (Golf Cart Usage). Editor’s Note: Have you recently heard or read something about the SCC community that you think a lot of other people might like to know? Email your suggestions to

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