The News of
Sun City Center official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association
COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE OCTOBER 9 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Caper Room – 9 a.m. 11 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 17 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 25 Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. NOVEMBER 6 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Caper Room – 9 a.m. 8 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 8 Meet the Candidates Night Community Hall – 7 p.m. 21 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 27 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA website ( – under “Association”). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room in the Modulars starting at 1 p.m. sharp.
CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Website: Information Center 813-633-4670
October 2017
Newest Residents Raise Money for Red Cross
By Kai Rambow, Photos by Kathy Moore What started as a fun get together for our newest residents at Verona, turned into a fundraiser for the American Red Cross. For the second year, a Hawaiian luau was held at their pool. Almost half of the neighbors in Verona participated. First, of course, everyone created a Hawaiian themed dish. Pineapple chicken, teriyaki chicken, BBQ spare ribs, Hawaiian coleslaw, Hawaiian ambrosia and chocolate chip macadamia
nut cookies were just some of the items at the luau. Next were contests for best dressed, Hawaiian trivia and a hula hoop contest. Incorporated for the first time this year, the event raised funds for the American Red Cross. Kathy Moore, is a volunteer with the Red Cross and suggested adding a fundraiser. Five hundred dollars were raised and were matched by Brooks Brothers in Ellenton. Looks like everyone had a great time and contributed to a worthy cause.
Best dressed winner, Cindy Ford.
Verona residents enjoying a luau at their community pool.
Peter and June Hyjek. Peter was unofficially dubbed King Kamehameha.
September Board Meeting • After the Storm By Diane M. Loeffler On September 10 and 11, Hurricane Ir ma p ass e d t hroug h our are a. Thankfully, we fared better than many areas. Buildings were reopened on Tuesday, September 12. CA President John Luper says, “I appreciate the patience and support of the community as we put it [outdoor furniture, potted palms, etc.] all away. We are putting it all back, and that takes time. The wet leaves need to dry out so that we can blow them away and we need to replace the screens that were taken out on purpose.” No CA buildings or signs were damaged from the passing storm. Some limbs and a few trees fell as the result of rain and winds. Brightview will be cleaning up the medians. The maintenance staff will remove a large tree that fell at the entrance of the walking trail. The temporary CA office trailers did not suffer any damage. The construction site for the new CA building weathered the storm well. Only one piece of plywood was damaged. The sheriff ’s substation is located near I-75 in a flood zone. During the storm, the officers stayed in the Community Association’s Fitness Center, a building rated as safe for even a Category 4 storm. Sun City Center is quickly getting back
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Construction is still on schedule for the new Community Association Building. During the rains and winds that resulted when Hurricane Irma passed through Florida, only one sheet of plywood was damaged.
into its routines. Buildings reopened on Tuesday, September 12. CA President John Luper says that snowbirds are returning, “Clubs are gearing up and going full bore, the Club Leaders’ meetings are resuming, and the CO-AP meetings—for presidents of HOAs and POAs—are restarting.” Upcoming Events and Deadlines Do you want to serve your community as a CA Director? The deadline for candidates is October 4 at 3 p.m. Please stop by the temporary CA building before that date to pick up the required paperwork. Elections will be held in December. October 25 will be the first membership meeting. Luper says, “I would love to see a great turn out for the 7 p.m. meeting in Community Hall.” On Saturday, December 2 there will be a Holiday Walk and Breakfast followed by shopping opportunities in the club rooms. The following Saturday,
December 10, will be the golf cart parade. The theme will be decided soon. The more carts that are in the parade, the more fun the parade is for everyone. Consider decorating one and riding in this year’s event. Construction Update Owners Representative Jonathan Moore reported on the status of the C.A. building at the September meeting. The only storm damage was that the porta-toilet tipped over and one piece of plywood was damaged and needs to be replaced. C.A. President John Luper says, “I have been impressed with what ABI has done. The site was buttoned down.” The specialty beams (paralams) to hold up the lobby and cupola, are in place, the plywood has been removed from the windows, and the drywall and glass has been received. A sheet metal roof was ordered from Houston, an area hit by Hurricane
Harvey. The sheet metal roof is on its own schedule and will have no effect on other aspects of the construction. The material for inside the new entryway is coming from Naples, Florida, an area affected by Hurricane Irma. Other Business The C.A.s Internal Audit Committee conducted eight audits so far this year. One follow-up audit is scheduled and two audits are pending. Internal Audit Committee Chair David Floyd reports that clubs have been very cooperative. He also says that most clubs are following good accounting procedures. Floyd says that he and his committee are willing to help clubs when they have a transition in leadership. Funds from a replacement reserve account were used to replace sliding glass doors in the indoor pool area. Janet Love resigned as chairman of the Bingo Committee. The CA Board thanked her for over twenty years doing a fabulous job. They approved Lisa Nolder and Karen Marmon as co-chairs of the Bingo Committee.
“Hi, Neighbor!” Coming Nov. 2
“Hi, Neighbor!” is your opportunity to get to know many of the clubs, groups and organizations that make SCC a great place to live. Come to Community Hall on November 2, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. See you there, Neighbor!
Save the Date!
SCC’s annual Holiday Golf Cart Parade will be December 9, beginning at 10 a.m. This year’s theme is “Holiday Movie Magic and Memories.” Call the CA office for registration information.