News of Sun City Center September 2019

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The News of


Sun City Center official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association


SEPTEMBER 9 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Board Room - CA Office - 9 a.m. 11 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 17 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 23 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. 25 Bandstand Concert w/Dave “Motown” Morris 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 26 Membership Budget Review Florida Room – 9 a.m. OCTOBER 7 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Board Room – CA Office - 9 a.m. 10 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. Note: Day changed to Thursday 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 23 Membership Meeting Community Hall – 3 p.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m.

Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on the Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA website ( – under “Residents” – Upcoming Meeting Agendas). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room in the CA office starting at 1 p.m. sharp.

CA Contact Information

Administration Office 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd, SCC Phone: 813.633.3500 Hours – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., M-F Website: Information Center: 813.633.4670

SCC China Painters

By Paula Lickfeldt In years past, china painting was an artistic hobby for wealthy women. They would gather at each other’s homes and paint on porcelain. Today, everyone can participate in china painting. Sun City Center is fortunate to still have an active china painting club. Around 1987, SCC resident Mary Kindall taught classes on making porcelain dolls in her home. The students would make a head, hands and arms and legs and feet in molds. They would paint the parts, put them together and dress them. To dress the dolls, they would use cotton lace dipped in liquid porcelain slip. When the clothing was fired in the kiln, the cotton would burn away leaving only the very beautiful porcelain costume behind. Mary eventually moved to the Masons Retirement Home in St. Pete. She took her dolls with her and they are still on display at the home.

China continued on page 2.


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September 2019

Books, Tapes, Puzzles and Computers: All Right Here on Our Campus

By Diane M. Loeffler Sun City Center is a great place for book lovers! How many other senior communities can boast a library like ours that is right on our central campus? Thanks to the Community Association, we have a wonderful facility that is easy to reach by foot, golf cart, scooter, motorcycle, car, or bicycle. We also should be grateful to the Hillsborough County Library System for working cooperatively with our private library. Our library houses hardcover books including a sizable collection of largeprint books. You can also check out paperbacks, DVDs, Blue Ray disks, music CDs, audio book CDs, magazines, and jigsaw puzzles. Two low-sight readers are available. There are three computers you can use, although you cannot print anything at our library. Are grandchildren or greatgrandchildren visiting? The library does have a section with books for them as well as many family-friendly movies. The library also has a conference room that can seat six people. This room should be reserved in advance. Interested in being in a book club? The library even allows an informal book

Librarian Joanne Gilray is in charge of the SCC Library. She loves her job and the people she meets.

club to meet in the reference room on the second Thursday of the month. You can learn more about this group from the library volunteers. The reference room in the library contains general reference books such as dictionaries, art references, World War II books, the bible, bus schedules, assisted living information, and pamphlets addressing various topics. The SCC

Library also houses some items that are unique to our community, including a binder with John Bowker’s e-newsletter, the Community Association budget, our by-laws and Sun City Center’s history. If you are a Sun City Center resident, your fees help support the library. If you live in Kings Point you can purchase a one-year membership for $24. Show

Books continued on page 3.

Long Term Planning Committee Report

By Doug Seipelt, Chairman, Long Range Planning Committee Our Committee is charged to evaluate our current capital assets and future needs over the next five to seven years, for new projects and replacing outdated facilities with new buildings or facilities. We have a 10-person group representing the Board, Staff, and members from both North and South of SR-674. Our group has been meeting now for about two months and we have developed a process which we will follow in doing our job to produce a report for the membership and CA Board’s evaluation. This process will share with you our recommendations

and your input as to what you think about space for: clubs, facility use, new amenities, aquatic issues, functional aspects of existing buildings, and other ideas to keep our community viable as a long-term home. Our plan is to do this project in phases. Phase One is to develop a new electronic survey for the whole community to share what we are thinking and get your input on other ideas you might think we need to do over the next few years. We will be developing this survey over the next few months and will be sending it to you in November when our friends get back so we have the broadest coverage of information. This is your notice to

watch for it and participate. Phase Two will then develop recommendations for B oard consideration and sharing with you our thoughts. We anticipate having electronic information as well as town hall meetings. Phase Three will be decision time for all parties involved, where we present our final recommendations for membership approval, financial and timing decisions. Phase Four is Implementation. This is our future, so file this away and be prepared to work with us! And stay tuned for Long Range Planning Committee updates each month in The News.

SCC Parents Very Proud of Their Daughter

By Paula Lickfeldt George and Veronica Bonelli are extremely proud of their daughter, Master Chief Carla Kelly. Master Chief Kelly is only the third woman to reach the rank of Master Chief in the U.S. Navy. Carla is a native of Tampa, Florida. She enlisted in the United States Navy in 1994 and reported for recruit training at Orlando, Florida. She holds an Associate of Arts in general studies from Central Texas College and is a graduate of the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy. Carla graduated from AG “A” School in Biloxi, Mississippi in July 1994. She was then assigned to Naval Atlantic Meteorolog y and Oceanography detachment Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico from August 1998 to March 2001. She reported to AG “C” School and completed training in October 2001.

Carla completed a tour from October 2001 to October 2002 at Naval Central Meteorology and Oceanography Center Bahrain in support of Operation

Enduring Freedom where she was promoted to Petty Officer First Class. She then transferred November 2006 as a plank owner to Naval Oceanography ASW Center, Stennis Space Center, MS. She deployed with NOAT on the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Stennis, USS Bainbridge, USS Normandy, USS Truman, and USS Eisenhower. In June 2009, she reported as an AG “C” School instructor at CNATTU Keesler AFB and where she was promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. During her tour, she was hand selected to serve as AG-C1 Course Supervisor. In June 2012, she accepted a position to fill a 3MC billet onboard USS Pearl Harbor (LSD-52), where she deployed in support of Pacific Partnership in 2014 and was promoted to the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer. In 2015,

Proud continued on page 4.

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