News of Sun City Center September 2020

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The News of


Sun City Center

September 2020 official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association


SEPTEMBER 9 Board Meeting Via Zoom* – 9 a.m. ID: 886 5232 3849 Password: 662439 23 Budget Workshop for CA members Via Zoom* - 9 a.m. ID: 899 5907 0883 Password: 349783 Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA website ( – under “Residents” – Upcoming Meeting Agendas). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Joining a Zoom Meeting *To join a Zoom meeting, at the meeting time, visit “”, enter the Meeting ID, and follow the prompts. IMPORTANT! Prior to the meeting, you must go to “” online, create an account, and download the Zoom app for your computer and/or your mobile device. Alternatively, you may also call into the meetings via a smartphone. Dial 1-646-558-8656. You will be asked to enter the Meeting ID and Password.

Block Party Brings Neighbors Out

By Andrea L. T. Peterson On Sunday August 16, rhythm and blues singer-songwriter David Morris played for the neighborhood in a resident’s backyard on Fairside Court. More than 40 people attended, sang along, danced along, and enjoyed the music. David’s CD, Under the Covers was (and still is) available for sale. This was the second Entertainer Block Party of this summer.

It’s Here! It’s Here!

The Board of Directors, along with the Long Range Planning Committee, has kicked off the process to design and build our new 20,000 square foot building and resort-style pool. They contracted with Jonathan Moore from Invision Advisors to coordinate the project. At the September 9 Board Meeting, we will be sharing with the community where the building and pool will be located. On October 28 at the Membership Meeting via Zoom,, we will have an architecture rendition of our plan for your viewing. We will notify you by the CA news blast on the Zoom user I/D name and password. We anticipate having a final community vote on the project in January of 2021 by community-wide ballot. We are extremely excited about this train moving forward on this project! Please check in and see how this process is coming along. If you are not on the CA new blast, please sign up on the website “www.” on the home page under Community Association Information or at the CA office.

CA Contact Information

Administration Office 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd, SCC Phone: 813.633.3500 Hours – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., M-F Website: Information Center: 813.633.4670

CC’s Grill is Open, and It’s Right on Our Campus

This is the first Florida themed raffle prize. It will be complete with alligators in 2021.

Model Railroad Expanding By Kai Rambow The Model Railroad Club is open for members and preparing for the day when they can reopen to the public. Due to social distancing requirements, the club can at present, only have a few members at a time. Despite the small numbers, the club is actively working on new railroad exhibits. A whole new small gauge display is being worked on. The club estimates it will take at least eight months to complete. Members are also working on a small gauge raffle display. To learn more about the club or if you would like to join, here is the club’s website:


Scan the code with your smartphone to find us online.

By Diane M. Loeffler Would you like to grab a little something to eat poolside, pick up a breakfast sandwich to take back to your club room, or get a burger to take home with you after working out at the Fitness Center? If so, your wish has been granted. CC’s Grill had its “soft opening” on Saturday, August 1, with plans for a “Grand Opening” in September. Located next to the pool in the cafe space at the Atrium, the restaurant is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. All food is packaged “to go” in foil and wax paper, but there is also sociallydistanced seating inside for a limited number of customers. Breakfast items are served from 8 until 11 a.m. and include a variety of egg sandwiches, croissants, and bagels. Lunch is 11:00 until 4. Choose between burgers, hot dogs, Cubans and other sandwiches, along with sides including potato knishes. Veggie options are available. CC’s serves vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, lemon Italian ice, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, lemonade, ice tea, and a variety of canned and bottled beverages. Owner Carrie Vizzari says the menu may change over time. “I am listening to the customers and writing down suggestions. I may change the menu according to demand. I will see what the people want.” Vizzari is taking every measure to keep us safe. Menus are posted on blackboards and printed on paper. Food is served in take-out packaging, condiments are in packets you request rather than out in the open where people may touch them, employees wear gloves and masks, surfaces are wiped down and sterilized. Nancy McPhail was one of the first customers. She says, “The food is

L to R: Fran Lopez, owner Carrie Vizzari and Denise Flynn are ready to serve you at CC’s Grill.

delicious. The owner is a very nice person. It’s a perfect location from the pool and from the Atrium. I ate breakfast. Now I am going to take an airconditioned walk.” Following McPhail’s endorsement, I went inside, ordered an egg and cheese on a warm croissant for breakfast and, later in the day, a hot dog with sauerkraut for lunch. I agree with McPhail’s recommendation. Vizzari is a Sun City Center resident. She formerly lived on Long Island, New York, and Augusta, Georgia, where she ran ice cream stores and a spa. Her Sun City Center management experience includes running Spa Celeste in Renaissance. Ring the poolside doorbell or walk into CC’s Grill to say hello to Vizzari and her staff and order an inexpensive, delicious meal.

You can either enter the restaurant through the inside Atrium walkway or by ringing the bell by the poolside window.

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APPLICATIONS FOR DIRECTOR Available in the CA Office There are three positions open for 3-year terms

January 6, 2021 - January 3, 2024

There is one position open for a 1-year term

January 6, 2021 - January 5, 2022

Completed applications must be returned to the CA office by 3 p.m., Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

Trail Blazing By John Lampkin

Fifty is a nice round number and cause for celebration in life events such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries. So, let’s celebrate! The smallest skipper butterfly in North America, the Southern Skipperling, showed up on the Sun City Center West Campus Nature Trails recently. Copaeodes minima is the fiftieth butterfly species documented on the parcel since I started keeping records in 2015. This is not a rare species by any means and frequents southern meadows from Texas to Florida, so why is it uncommon in SCC? Here’s why. After mating, the female lays eggs on host plant grasses, including Bermuda Grass. At all stages — egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult — skipperlings are prey for other species in the food web like Palm Warblers that glean morsels from low-lying vegetation. But the biggest “predator” in Sun City Center is the lawn mower, because unmown naturally growing grassy meadows are necessary for most skippers to complete their life cycles. If some areas in our abandoned golf courses were mowed only once per year in December, say, meadows would magically appear, and we would see not only more butterflies but other species as well. Such meadows would maintain themselves by naturally occurring wildfires but of course fire is suppressed because of safety concerns for our community. Meanwhile, the SCC Audubon Nature Trail stewards do preserve several small open grassy areas by cutting out encroaching oaks and palmettos. The tiny Southern Skipperling is a sign that our preservation and conservation efforts are succeeding, so indeed, let’s celebrate! The Nature Trails is an ongoing project of the SCC Audubon Club in cooperation with the SCC CA. The trailhead is located opposite North Lake on Del Webb West between Vincennes and Seton Hall. Join us on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. for interpretive walks and the possibility of sighting yet another new butterfly species!

Statement of Purpose

September 2020

The News of Sun City Center

Important Announcement for SCCCA Members Only If you want to be sure not to miss any important announcements, sign up for the “What’s New with the CA” news blast via email. Two ways to sign up: Go to the CA office at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. and see the Receptionist. Or, send an email to “” and include: Name, Address, CA Badge number, Your Email address. Subject of the email should be: “Please add me to CA News Blast”.


Gloria and Ray Hosek, early in the day, working their plot of land at the Tillers & Toilers club.

Tillers & Toilers Keep Planting

By Kai Rambow The entrance sign by Tillers & Toilers reads, “The Garden of Eat’n.” The enthusiasm for planting, growing and harvesting continues throughout the year. Even though the best times are the fall to the spring, quite a few members grow something throughout the year. It’s too hot over the summer months for most fruits and vegetables, but some members find crops they can grow. Club

members, Gloria and Ray Hosek, have enjoyed being able to be outdoors and continue their passion when everything else has been shut down. They seemingly grow everything. Not quite true, but their list of produce is impressive. T i l l e r s & To i l e r s e f f e c t i v e l y summarize what they’re all about on the SCC website: “Sharing the joy and camaraderie of growing gardens and playing in the dirt.”

Do You Want to Virtually Attend a Board Meeting, Be a Director or Know What is Happening? By Diane M. Loeffler The Community Association Board met through a ZOOM meeting on August 12. ZOOM allows you to attend meetings virtually by using your computer or your smartphone. If you wish to attend one of these meetings, you need to download the free ZOOM app and type in the meeting I.D. and password for the month. If you receive the email blasts from the Community Association (CA), you will automatically receive the codes you need. The Sun City Center Residents and Friends of Sun City Center also post the blasts. Do you have great ideas on how our community should operate and what we should do? If so, this is a great chance to become a board member. There will be four board openings for directors. Three are for three-year terms, one is for a one-year term. Pick up your application at the administration building on the corner of North Pebble Beach Boulevard and Cherry Hills Drive. After a “soft opening” on August 1, the Grand Opening for CC’s Grill will be in September. Please note, the restaurant is open for CA Members and King’s Point Gold Card Members. There are rumors about selling liquor. Since the CA does not have a liquor license, no alcohol will be sold here or anywhere else on campus. For more information on CC’s Grill, please see a separate article in this issue of the paper. House sales are lower than last year. At the end of July 2019, a total of 308 houses had been sold. At the end of July 2020, 253 homes had new owners. On the morning of August 13, a packet of information on hurricane preparation and senior services was passed out to residents driving through in front of Community Hall. If you missed this opportunity to pick up the information, stop by the administration office. They have set aside plenty of packets for

The Sun City Center Community Association serves the residents of Sun City Center by providing assistance for the elderly, assistance and essential services to tax exempt entities, and operates in lieu of a municipal government, thereby lessening the burdens of government (Hillsborough County, Florida).

anyone who was unable to get them. Scams continue to be an issue. You may have heard that some scammers tell residents that someone they know has COVID and they will send them a test kit for $55. Please remember, there is no charge for any COVID testing. They are just trying to get your credit card information. Another scam involves getting a package you did not order. This baiting

scam involves a follow-up phone call offering you a refund for an item you never purchased in the first place. They then say that they need your credit card or bank information so they can send you money. They will also use your information to write glowing reports for their products. Finally, a special thank you to Sunsations for your generous donation to the Hardship Fund.

Everyone maintained social distancing while enjoying the concert. Photo by Debbie Carlson.

Outdoor Concerts Are Back

By Diane M. Loeffler On the evening of August 13, I missed a really great concert. I fully intended to attend it. I was dressed and ready to go. Instead, I was looking out the window of my St. Andrews Estates home watching a light, but steady rain fall from 5 p.m. until after 7 p.m. Surely, the concert was canceled. But, no, it wasn’t. I have lived in Sun City Center for slightly over six years. You would think that I would have realized that just because it is raining where I live, doesn’t mean it is raining elsewhere in town. Thankfully, two friends, Vicki Waller and Debbie Carlson did attend and were happy to tell me all about it. Carlson said, “There was no rain by the gazebo where the concert was held. The concert started on time at 6. There were at least 30 golf

carts plus about ten people standing and five or six cars parked along the street listening through their open windows. It was a really, really good concert.” Waller says, “Nunes at Night played. They are extremely good. They played everything from seventies songs to good country songs. Renee Bray sang ‘Mustang Sally’ along with the band. Appropriate social distancing was maintained. The owner of CC’s Grill (Carrie Vizzari) was passing out menus for her restaurant. People enjoyed slushies and ice cream from a catering truck.” B e sure to read The News for information on future concerts, and remember, just because it is raining at your house doesn’t mean it is raining by the gazebo.

September 2020

President’s Report

By Bob Sullivan, CA President Sun City Center’s new café (CC’s Grill) has opened with a soft open, and there will be a grand opening in September. Many of our residents have already raved about the experience. On Thursday, August 13, “Nunes at Night’’ performed at the Bandstand. The event was well attended; it appeared that all kept socially distanced, and facemasks were used by many. Learn more about both of these stories in this issue of The News. The Board of Directors reviewed the usage of the facilities and felt that hours could be extended at this time. The hours of facilities operations will be 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Outdoor Pool has resumed its dawn to dusk operating times. We hope that these additional hours will help more members be able to utilize facilities more conveniently. The Board of Directors along with the Long-Range Planning Committee, has kicked off the process to design/ build our new 20,000-square-foot building and resort-style pool. We have contracted with Jonathan Moore from Invision Advisors to coordinate the project. More updates and meetings will be forthcoming. The SCC Men’s Club provided Lifeline units in seven of our Clubs: Pottery, Ceramics, Stained Glass, Billiards, Woodcarvers, Shell-Crafters, and Sew’n Sews. Club members feel having these devices will give that added level of personal protection. These units are provided at no cost to the Clubs. We appreciate the Men’s Club’s continued support of our community. We are looking for those interested in joining the Sun City Center CA Board of Directors to pick up their applications at the Community Association Office. The applications need to be turned in before 3 p.m. on October 7. We have four open positions. See the official announcement in this issue for details. I would like to thank the SCCCA Community for their efforts in keeping this community as safe as possible during Covid-19. Because of our efforts, we in the SCCCA area have not been hit as hard as the outside ring around us. Now is not the time to lighten up our efforts.

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The News of Sun City Center

Thank You, Sam Sudman, for Everything

By Diane M. Loeffler After nearly a full decade serving on the Community Association Board, Sam Sudman has stepped down. Reflecting on his years on the board, Sudman says, “I enjoyed being part of a team, working on behalf of our members. Thank you to the members and staff for your support and friendship.” Sudman encourages us all to become involved with our community. “There are many volunteer club opportunities and org an i z at i ons t hat rely on volunteerism to keep us safe such as Security Patrol, and to contribute to our health needs. Emergency Squad, LifeLine, and Meals on Wheels, to name a few.” He also encourages members to “step up and serve our 60-yearold community of 11,400 members providing vision and leadership as a Board member.” Experiences that Sudman found especially rewarding were initiating the Santa and Elf visit each December to show appreciation for support from specific agencies, serving as a liaison to the Fitness Committee and “co-chairing two successful CA holiday breakfasts per year for five years along with my

Joanne and Sam Sudman

wife and with the help of a cadre of hundreds of volunteers.” Sudman ser ved as chair of the governmental affairs committee as liaison to county and state government to facilitate repairs and improvements to the community. In this role, he worked with the county for a number of safety improvements including the golf cart entrance to Publix on East Del Webb, the replacement of 425 storm water inlets by the county, flashing speed indicators on East and West Del Webb, the ADA crosswalk on North Pebble, signs on five major lakes to restrict outside access and other projects.

Sudman’s efforts benefited people beyond the limits of our Community Association. He worked with the county to change the turn lane on East Del Webb onto westbound SR-674 to a right turn only and to make sidewalk and golf cart improvements including repaving major portions of the golf cart path on Upper Creek. He worked with the county Mobility Study for projects currently in the design phase such as golf access to restaurants on 33rd Street. Sudman’s best memories from his nearly ten-year tenure were receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Leadership Award in 2017 from the Hillsborough County Commissioners and “the outpouring of expression of appreciation and thanks from so many of the CA members, CA staff, and government leadership and staff.” Although Sudman is no longer serving on the CA board, he is still actively serving our community installing LifeLine for the Men’s Club, delivering Meals on Wheels, dispatching for the Emergency Squad and working as President of the Caloosa Lakes POA. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do, Sam Sudman!

Meet Your Neighbor: Petey Schissel

By Paula Lickfeldt Petey was an Air Force nurse. In 1952, she was stationed in Korea, and after that she was sent to Japan. When she returned to the U.S., she was stationed in Sacramento, CA, where she met her husband, Jerry. Her husband was a navigator, and after several moves, one of which was a two-year stint in Australia, they moved to Miami. Jerry was a hurricane hunter during their seventeen years in Miami. In 1987, they were preparing for retirement. They visited several different communities to look for their retirement home. They were not having much success, when they went to visit a friend in Stuart, Florida. They showed her the list of the places that they had visited, and she wondered why they had not been to Sun City Center. They had not known about SCC. They went for a visit, returned the next weekend, and bought a home. Jerry likes to play golf, and Petey likes to lawn bowl. They liked the idea that both of these activities were available at SCC. Petey joined the Lawn Bowling Club, and three years ago she helped

get the Croquet Club, which is under the umbrella of the Lawn Bowling Club, successfully started. Petey was also a member of the Red Hat Club, and she is a member of the SCC Travel Club. Petey loves to refurbish antique furniture. She has been called “the stripper of Bryce Court.” She has some very beautiful pieces in her home that she worked on.

Petey and Jerry have three children, two boys and one girl. The boys both live in Florida, and her daughter lives in Massachusetts. Petey will be 90 years young in December, and she says that she must live another ten years, so her daughter can retire and move to her house here in SCC. Stay happy, active and healthy. Petey, you are an inspiration for all of us.

Kings Inn Motor Hotel - For dining and just plain relaxation in a charming and elegant fashion, there is no topping the Kings Inn. Our old English theme is the talk of Florida’s West Coast. John Weir is your host. J.C. Hartsfield is an outstanding chef and in the Chalice Room George and Helen make certain you are not thirsty. Beautifully appointed rooms are available. (Note: The Inn was located across Pebble Beach from the Plaza) Standard Oil - At the entrance to Sun City Center is another member of the Plaza. Complete servicing for your auto, as well as repairs (and here’s hoping you don’t need any!)

Sun City Real Estate, Inc. - This is a newcomer to the family of the Shopping Plaza. John Rigby is the man in charge. Suppose after you move to Sun City Center, you decide you want a bigger home to handle all that company from the old hometown? Well, John will help you sell your present home. Some folks might decide they want a co-operative home; well, John’s the man to see. John is a family man, resides in Tampa. Jackson Logan Insurance / Bruce A. Beihl, Attorney - Beihl and Logan share an office in our Shopping Plaza. Mr. Logan’s firm is one of Tampa’s most respected insurance companies in Hillsborough County, encompassing all aspects of insurance. And an attorney in your own neighborhood is darn convenient when it comes to legal papers, wills, etc. Beats traveling to Tampa or Bradenton for knowledgeable legal representation. Not one of these businesses exists in the Plaza today, but despite many changes in the last 60 years, the shopping center remains a vital part of our community.

Tidbits from the Vault: Shopping at the Plaza in 1964 (Part 2)

By Cathy Meyerhoff, Sun City Center History Society This month continues a presentation of information on Sun City Plaza businesses, which first appeared in the October 1964 edition of Del Webb’s

Sun City Newsletter. Written by Dick Jones, Public Relations Director for Del Webb, it offers a special view of businesses and their owners/ managers early in Sun City Center’s history.

Kwik Chek -What can you say about the most up-to-date food chain in Florida? Jim Stephens manages this modern, completely-stocked store. Jim’s always looking for ways to throw bargains your way. He’s single and, therefore, can take all the non-working time he needs for his favorite pastime — you guessed it, fishing! Pic ‘n’ Pay Drugs - Jason Stafford, Sr., was retired in Sun City Center and doing all the fishing he wanted when his two sons tapped him to manage this store, if only part time. Jason agreed, and “I’m going back to permanent retirement and

fishing just as soon as I can.” Jason and his wife, Corrine, started the family in this business. When he retired, he gave his sons three drug stores. All three men are registered pharmacists, good ones, too. By the way, their store is a Walgreen Agency. Tarr’s Furniture Store - Expert advice on furniture and an expert in interior decorating, that’s Ralph Snow, manager of this business. And a longtime member of the National Society of Interior Decorators, he is well-qualified in this line…you should see some of the homes he has decorated. A family man, Ralph lives in Tampa. He likes golf. Hey! There is a 10% discount on almost every item of furniture, if you’re a Sun Citian. Little Manatee Utilities Company - Here’s where you get your water; and it’s the best water in Florida: Carl Pennington is resident manager. He’s married, resides in Tampa, and likes to putter around the house, does a lot of cooking out and fishing. Incidentally, you can pay your phone bills here. Save a nickel and an envelope!

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September 2020

The News of Sun City Center

NOTICE: Each community and club in Sun City Center and Kings Point has specific rules about membership and attendance. Unless specifically stated or posted, most venues, meetings and events hosted on the Community Association campus and in Kings Point require attendees to bring their SCC CA or KP ID or come with a resident member. When in doubt, contact the club in question - not the venue or association - prior to arrival. Thanks.

Computer Club Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, September 9, from 7 – 8 p.m. 3D Printing – This presentation will cover an introduction to desktop Consumer-Level 3D Printing. It will include a brief history of the technology, discussions of recent advances in both printers and filaments (the material used) and discuss some of the various uses of printers. Computer Club Classes The Computer Club Lab is open with limited activities. Some classes will be held in the lab and some classes will be held as Virtual classes using GoToMeeting teleconferencing software. Registered students will receive an email with instructions, the day before the Virtual class. Sign up for classes can be done online. Student must be a member in good standing at Sun City Center or Kings Point. Tuition is payable upon registration. For additional information email: Pauline Baker, Education Director at “”. For all class details, go to the Computer Club website “”. Detailed information also available in the computer lab. Peppermint 10 Workshop • Tuesday, September 8, from 9 - 11:30 a.m. Virtual - Smartphone SIG • Monday, September 28, from 10 - Noon

Woodcarvers Practice Social Distancing

The Woodcarvers Friday morning class was well attended. Ralph Frenzilli, a Master Carver, was teaching the class. As in all their classes, social distancing and the use of masks is carefully practiced, and classes are limited to 10 members. During the rest of the week, members may come and work on their own.

Star Samaritan

S-Selfless; T-Trustworthy; A-Accomplished; R- Reliable Meet Linda Mayoka, the Star Samaritan for the third quarter of 2020. Linda volunteers as a dispatcher at least one time per month, but often works more on an as needed basis. Linda has volunteered with Samaritans since 2012. She wants to remind everyone that Samaritans is operating on a somewhat limited basis, and all anyone needs to do is check with them as to what is available at this time. Not to mention, they are always looking for more volunteers. Linda’s business background is working in various states’ department of social services. This is why she likes helping people and is a firm believer of what goes around, comes around in case she ever needs future help herself. Linda and her husband have been two-time residents of Sun City Center, the latest being since 2012. They moved away for a while for family reasons, but never felt as if they left. Linda has a son who lives in New York, and also is a stepmother to her husband’s daughter. Congratulations to Linda on her Star Samaritan award and her continued great work for the Sun City Center Community.

Needlecrafters Club

Open for members and shoppers, by appointment By Paula Lickfeldt In the Needlecrafters work room, the tables have been moved six feet apart. Ten people may work at a time. The work room is open on Wednesday and Friday. In order to have time to work, the member must call president, Debra Collins, at 727-858-9443 to sign up. When the members arrive to work, they must sign in, sanitize, and wear a mask. When they leave the work area, they must sanitize their work area. Handmade needle-crafted projects are available for sale. Residents of Sun City Center CA who would like to shop, may do so by calling Debra for an appointment. Appointments for shopping in the store can be made for Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Weavers Club

Social distancing and seasonal class updates By Paula Lickfeldt There are 30 looms in the weavers workshop. The looms had to be moved six feet apart and numbered. By calling the designated person to sign up, a weaver can work on an even numbered loom on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday or an odd numbered loom on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Work is left on the loom and the weaver has three months to complete the project. Weaving classes are usually offered for a six-week period starting in October and January. With the pandemic, the schedule may change. Details will be announced at a later date.

Sew’n Sews Making Children’s Masks

The members of Sew’n Sews have stopped making adult masks and have moved on to children’s masks. With children coming in such a variety of sizes, it is difficult to determine what to make. They have settled on two styles in a range of different sizes from the very tiny to the almost adult size. These will then be turned over to the Kings Point mask makers and then eventually to the school children in Wimauma. Sew’n Sews is open on a limited basis weekdays. They do still have some adult masks available for those adults still in need of a mask. They are taking new memberships by appointment only. For information call 813.505.9503 or email “”.

Swim Dancers Looking for Experienced Synchronized Swimmers

By Ilona Merritt Putting on a show in the lap pool takes a lot of practice, and doing that at the proper social distancing makes this quite a challenge. However, the members of the club have figured out how to do that even in a pool. The practice hours have changed to Monday and Wednesday from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and Friday mornings from 7:30 to 9 a.m. New members are always welcome, but at this time, only swimmers with synchronized swimming experience are accepted. Due to the social distancing, the teachers are unable to help inexperienced swimmers.

Dollhouse Miniature Club Still Meeting & Creating

By Ilona Merritt The Ladies of the Dollhouse Miniature club are still getting together, at a safe distance. They enjoy making small items for dollhouses and for decoration. Pictured are Lisa Hendricks, who made beautiful furniture, and Glenna McFarland, who made a shop full of tiny handbags. Club members meet Mondays at 1 p.m. in the Needlecraft room.

Sawdust Engineers Working Through the Summer

By Ilona Merritt It is summertime, and activities usually are lower in the number of attendees. However, with the Corona Virus turning our world into seclusion, the number is less than ever. During a recent stop at the Sawdust Engineers, there used to be about 30 members during the morning busy making or fixing things. Now there are only approximately 15 members working. In the afternoon, it is down to about six to eight members. Social distancing is observed.

Women’s Chorus Postpones Registration

L to R: Art Smith, Men’s Club VP of Communications; John Bowker; Linda Bowker; and David Floyd, Men’s Club President.

SCC Men’s Club Recognizes John and Linda Bowker

The Men’s Club of Sun City Center is pleased to recognize all that John and Linda Bowker have done in their many years of service and commitment to both the Men’s Club and Sun City Center. Their support, selflessness, and dedication have contributed greatly to the success of both our club and the community of Sun City Center.

The Women’s Chorus of Sun City Center has postponed registration, rehearsals and the concert for the fall season due to updated COVID-19 reports of increased cases in Florida and in our community. At this time, singing in an enclosed space is unsafe for choral groups. We do not want to create a health risk for our members or for our loyal and treasured audience. Registration for the spring season is planned for Wednesday, January 6, 2021, 9 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, with the first rehearsal and auditions for prospective members from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on that date and continuing until the spring concert, March 21, 2021, at 3 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. For more information, please call Janet Warren, president, at 813.634.6692 or visit our website at “”.


of SCC & South County News Line: 813.938.7441 • Ad Line: 813.938.8721 • • September 2020

Sailing Across the Pacific from Hawaii to San Diego

By Kai Rambow, Photos by Gary Mull “It was so dark in the middle of the Pacific. You see so many stars it’s difficult to make out constellations. Venus was so bright, I thought, ‘There’s a ship out there.’ We saw Mercury, the comet and the Milky Way. The night sky was phenomenal,” enthused Gary Mull. SCC residents, Mull and his wife, Janet Wright, recently sailed from Hawaii to San Diego on a 44-foot catamaran. While some people were stuck on cruise ships for weeks, Gary and Janet deliberately decided on this adventure. They had sailed up and down the Atlantic seaboard, but never been this far away from land. “Friends of a friend of a friend, recently moved from Hawaii to California, and needed someone to sail their boat to San Diego,” shared Gary. The coronavirus made some of the logistics interesting. When Gary and Janet landed in Kauai, they headed straight to the boat to quarantine.

The track looks a little unusual. “When the wind is blowing in the wrong direction, that’s what you do,” explained Gary Mull. Satellite weather helped the sailors with their journey. Most of the time they had six to eight foot waves, although they did keep an eye on Hurricane Douglas south of them. Photo courtesy of Gary Mull.

Kimberly, one of the other sailors, shopped for provisions. She would place the food on the boat deck, and Gary and Janet would store it in the fridge and freezers. Kimberly and her husband couldn’t board until they were ready to leave, due to the virus. Once everyone was on board, they spent four days sailing to various scenic spots on Kauai, staying on the boat. This was to

Janet Wright and Gary Mull in the middle of the Pacific. At one point, they were at the same latitude as San Francisco, so it was a little chilly. Photo courtesy of Gary Mull.

View from the bow of the Hypnautic, a 44-foot catamaran. The boat averaged six to seven knots covering about 150 miles a day. Photo courtesy of Gary Mull.

ensure no one needed medical help. Once satisfied everyone was well, they began their 21day trip across the Pacific. A total of six people crewed the boat. None had sailed together before. Success on board was fostered with a routine. Three

staterooms, three heads and the ability to shower were, no doubt, a big help. “Janet and I worked the 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Then we’d sleep for three hours. Our later shift was 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Then we’d

Sailing continued on page 2.

Mote Rescues Turtle Hatchlings

By Kai Rambow “We have baby turtles in our swimming pool,” the caller began. Mote rescued the three turtle hatchlings who’d become confused and wandered in the wrong direction. After checking on their health, Mote works on returning hatchlings to their proper place as quickly as possible. Despite coronavirus, Mote Aquarium, located a little north of St. Armands Circle, has continued their important work with turtles. During the initial lockdown, Mote received special permission for their Sea Turtle Patrol volunteers to continue covering 36 miles of beach every morning, monitoring turtle activity and marking off nests so people do not disturb the turtle eggs. Once the turtles start to hatch, Mote’s work can become even more critical. They will rescue and return as many lost turtle hatchlings as possible. When you consider that only 1 in 1,000 hatchlings will make it to adulthood, every single rescue is important.


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A Hope Fund volunteer shares a hug with a local child.

How Has Corona Affected the Hope Fund?

This turtle hatchling needed some healing care before being released. When they hatch they are less than two inches long. If they reach adulthood, loggerheads are three feet long weighing 300 pounds, with some reaching 1,000 pounds.

The two biggest reasons for rescue are (1) nests disturbed by predatory animals, and (2) disoriented hatchlings found by the public. As of the end of July, Mote had rescued and returned almost 500 turtle hatchlings. They are astonishingly small and amazingly strong. One morning I watched two patrol volunteers as they carefully dug out one nest. They already knew most of the eggs were hatched and were checking on the total number, hatched and unhatched. In order to protect the eggs, turtles bury their eggs deep. This means a hatchling after breaking free from its shell has to dig out of two feet of

sand before heading out to the ocean. When you consider their small size, this is incredible. It is possible to see the hatchlings at the hospital. Remember Mote returns any hatchlings as quickly as possible, so there are no guarantees. I attempted last year without success, but saw about a dozen this year. Tip: If you love nature and really want to see the hatchlings, call first to see if any hatchlings are out for public viewing. Mote Aquarium 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy Sarasota, FL (941) 388-4441

Although the coronavirus appears to have brought many activities in our community to a halt, the Hope Fund continues to work with migrant worker families where needed during this most difficult time. Meanwhile, we are planning orientation programs for new and experienced mentors, tutors, and readers, which we have scheduled for the end of January 2021. We hope to be working with the children again sometime in February. The Hope Fund is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers dedicated to helping the Wimauma children learn, grow and have fun in a safe and nurturing environment. All Hope Fund children are eligible for a scholarship when they are ready for college. More

Hope continued on page 2.


September 2020

The News

Come Again Another Day

By E. Adam Porter Editor, News of SCC & South County Novelist Elmore “Dutch” Leonard used to say “never begin a story with the weather.” As a writer, I think that’s pretty good advice. But Dutch never said anything about beginning your day with the weather. One of the first things I do every morning is check the weather app on my phone. Checking the weather early and often is a habit I picked up back in my travel writing days. You don’t want to be caught on the highway or out on the water with a big blow bearing down. Over the years, the weatherman in my pocket only failed me once. That’s pretty good for a weather guy, digital or otherwise. Fast forward more years than I care to think about, and I’m still in the habit of starting the day with the forecast. Though, these days, I can tell a lot about the conditions outside by checking in with my knees. They’ve become a pretty accurate barometer. One of the handiest features of my weather app is the lightning tracker. Functionally, it tells you where Thor is slinging his bolts, and if any are likely to hit you and yours. Most of the time around our house, though, I use the lightning tracker to answer the question, “Dad, can we go play in the rain?” In Florida, in August, you don’t get much choice. If you’re going outside, for work or for play, you’re probably going to get wet. Too many times these past few days, I’ve had to answer that earnest, hopeful question with a regrettable, “no.” Frequent lightning storms are like kryptonite to energetic boys who have been cooped up in the house for too long. The day before yesterday, though, the rain came without the accompanying angels rolling strikes and spares. I gathered my crew up, two boys and two dogs, and we headed out for a walk in what might best be described as “good Irish weather.” The residual drizzle from an earlier storm was light and refreshing, rather than a deluge that will soak you to the skin. If there’s anything that encapsulates the concept of “joy” more than a kid and a dog skipping through rain puddles, I haven’t seen it. The boys and their furry companions hopped and splashed, flip-flops slapping soggy feet as they jumped from

puddle to puddle. As I watched them, I wanted to put myself in the picture, to shed all the worries and stresses weighing me down and to embrace the simple joy of cool, clear rainwater falling soft on my head and splashing up as we walked. So, I did. Stepping in a rain puddle is a strange dichotomy that serves as a pretty good metaphor for life. When you find one by accident, it’s apt to ruin your day, and your pants; but when you hop in one on purpose, atavistic joy wells up inside, a feeling that strips away the years and the worries, unlocking an invisible cage to let the kid you used to be run free. In this way, hopping in a rain puddle is like stepping into a time machine. One splash was all it took. I was a kid again, looking for a bigger puddle. My boys heard the splash and turned, wearing identical huge, toothy grins. They are at the age where a grownup making a splash is must-see TV, whether it’s in a swimming pool or puddle hopping. “Dad!” they chorused, “Do it again! Let’s see how big you can make the splash!” I obliged. Unfortunately, the next puddle was smaller, and the laws of physics tend to work every time. Smaller splash and smaller smiles. They immediately suggested we find a bigger puddle. But it wouldn’t happen that day. After a few more minutes, we walked back home with soggy shins, sopping wet Golden Retrievers, and goofy grins. It’s funny how you don’t realize how much you need those moments of silliness until you indulge in one. I usually wind up wondering why I put them off so long. There’s never a good answer to that question. Always something about bills and deadlines and chores that keeps the little kid living inside me locked away in his cage. So, as I check the weather this morning, and I see that two massive storm systems are planning on meeting up somewhere in the gulf, a big part of me is praying that the rain, and the wind coming with it, will go away. I’ve been through too many hurricanes to want another one coming anywhere near us… But, somewhere way down deeper, there’s a little boy trying to remind the Responsible Adult carrying him around what it feels like to hop in rain puddles. So, when I sing the old rhyme, I find myself leaving out that middle part: “rain, rain… come again another day…” We don’t want the wind or the lightning, but a little rain might be nice. Lately, I’ve spent too much time listening to the voice that keeps my cooped up inside, shoulder to the grindstone. I could use a break… And I still owe my boys a bigger splash.

sleep again starting at 9 p.m. and waking up for our shift. The team before us would prepare coffee for the start of our shift,” explained Gary. All six would be up and eat together for most meals. Jay, the owners’ son, knows how to fish successfully while under sail, and added fresh fish such as Bluefin, yellowfin, skipjack, and Mahi Mahi. The tuna were seven to ten pounds, plenty for six people. “We ate well; it becomes routine,” remarked Gary. In between, the six talked and played cards. One thing did slowly change with the routine. The schedule was set and maintained to Hawaiian time. California is three hours ahead of Hawaii. As they got closer to San Diego, instead of sailing completely in the dark, it started to get light 30 minutes after taking over. This meant that the fantastic night skies disappeared, and another night highlight. “In

any of our programs, please call Carla Miles at 813.732.8320 and visit our website: “www.”.

Hypnautic at the dock. Photo courtesy of Gary Mull.

the dark, we could see the phosphorescent plankton behind the boat. Really a phenomenal sight. I tried not to put on any lights at night to see these natural lights in the water,” reflected Gary. Thanks to Gary and Janet for sharing their adventure.

of SCC & South County Is a publications of NOKPmedia PO Box 6212, Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212

News Line: 813.938.7441 • Ad Line: 813.938.8721

Submission Deadline: 15th of the month prior to publication.

ADVERTISING: Neither NOKPmedia, nor its representatives or publications are liable for errors in advertising. THE NEWS does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of claims or representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. SUBMISSIONS: THE NEWS is proud to be the ONLY print media publication distributed to EVERY home and business in Greater Sun City Center, as well as several nearby communities in South Hillsborough County. We are dedicated to providing you a local paper with a “hometown” feel. Submissions we accept include: community events or business news, club or group announcements, stories and poems, as well as your favorite joke, song, photo, artwork, or travel story. NOKP Media (Publisher) reserves the right to edit or otherwise refuse all submissions. Neither the publisher nor the editor assume any responsibility for the return of submitted items. Mailed submissions can ONLY be returned if a correctly sized SASE is included with the submission. Basic paragraph format required for all submissions. Submissions including ALL CAPS, multiple colors, and other ‘flyer-type’ formatting will not be considered for publication. Email submissions are preferred. Submit stories and photos to “”. Place the content in the body of the email and attach pictures in .jpeg or .png format. Submissions may be submitted via the SUBMISSIONS link at Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Sun City Center & South County C/O NOKPmedia PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212. LETTERS: The News of Sun City Center & South County will not publish any political, proselytizing, or complaint letters. We will consider “thank you” notes for good service directed toward local people, organizations, or businesses. DECLARATION: No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of NOKPmedia. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this publication, its officers or employees, or the Sun City Center Community Association.

E. Adam Porter Editor in Chief 813.938.7441

Ilona Merritt Reporter

Diane Loeffler Reporter

Andrea L.T. Peterson Reporter

Hope continued from page 1. volunteers are always needed. If you would like to join us as a mentor, tutor, or reader in 2021 or receive more information on

Sailing continued from page 1.

John Wolf Advertising 813.938.8721

Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Kai Rambow Reporter

Bob Sanchez Reporter

Paula Lickfeldt Reporter

Contributors: Frank Kepley, Garry Higgins, Bob Monahan, Peggy Burgess, Renee Bray, Debbie Caneen, John Lampkin, Cathy Meyerhoff, and Bob Sullivan (CA President).

A1 September 2020

The News


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September 2020

The News

Emergency Squad Celebrates Noreen Schramm’s 20th Anniversary

Noreen Schramm celebrated her 20th anniversary with the Squad in August. She has worked tirelessly for the Squad in many areas and contributed so much. Noreen has served as Chief, Assistant Chief of Community Relations, Asst. Chief of Human Resources, EMT, EMR, Certified CPR Instructor, Emergency Medical Responder Instructor and Special Assistant to the Chief for both Robert Leonard and Mike Bardell. She is currently the Squad’s Government Affairs Liaison, a representative on the State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee and a member of the Squad’s Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team. On the Country level, Noreen served as the Alternative position for the Emergency Medical Planning Council (EMPC) to the Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners. She attends the Trauma Advisory Council (TAC) meetings and is a member the Board of Directors for South Bay Hospital. In 2017, Noreen won the Salt & Pepper Award in the Healthcare category from the Senior Connection Center, our Area Agency on Aging.

Local Musicians Celebrate Beethoven’s 250th Birthday with Concert

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West, welcomes several area musicians to come together for a celebration of Beethoven’s 250th birthday with a concert on Sunday, September 20 at 3 p.m. Local talented pianists Kate Baldwin, Valerie Southwell, Kai Vera and Haig Yaghoobian will join the church’s organist, Keith Rasmussen, Worship Arts director, Jeff Jordan and local flutist, Cindy Mitze for a unique concert that will highlight some of Beethoven’s best compositions. Concertgoers will hear the following pieces: Egmont Overture, Moonlight Sonata, 4-Hand Sonata, Op 5, The ‘Pathetique’ Piano Sonata, Fur Elise, Sonata in Bb, and, perhaps Beethoven’s most well-known composition, Symphony No, 5 (Allegro con brio). This is a one-of-a-kind concert you don’t want to miss! The church will employ safe, socially distant and CDC-sanctioned safety measures including masks and a 25% venue capacity, which means only the first 175 people will be admitted. A donation of $10 is requested at the door on the day of the concert. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, please visit our website at “”.

Concerts for a Cause in Kings Point

Come enjoy the musical talents of Matt Billor on Tuesday, September 8. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Music starts at 6:30. Concert will be held in the field by the North Club Pickleball Courts. Come enjoy tacos and Kona Ice. Reservations required. Call 813.922.1860 or visit “” and click the “outdoor concert series” link. The concert is free, but donations to the Mary Petro Fund will be accepted on behalf of the Community Assistance Foundation.

Back row: Walt Bowers Instructor, Brian Saffell, Sally Reid, John Irvin, Annie Symington. Front row: Diane Fay, Julie Tappen, Shirley Bardell, Assistant Chief Education/Medical

New Emergency Medical Responders

The Emergency Squad is pleased to announce its newest class of Emergency Medical Responders. “Our EMR’s are important members of our ambulance crews,” Chief Mike Bardell said. Emergency Medical Responders go through 54 hours of training including eight hours of CPR class. They must pass CPR in order to become an EMR. After finishing the class, all the volunteers go through mentoring before working on the ambulance or wheelchair van. The EMR is responsible for recording the patient’s medical history, medications, allergies and preparing the Patient Care Report in conjunction with the EMT. They also must be prepared to assist with any patient care as requested by the EMT. “I’ve had no medical or healthcare training,” said new EMR Sally Reed, “but this was well done. So many different instructors bring different experiences. I thought it was great.”

Back L to R: Nick Caleca, Jeff Stephanz, Fred Kunkel, Dave Farrugia, John Holtzhauser, Bob Pitcher, Frank Rzeszutko, Tim Kaspzyk. Front L to R: Frank Martin, Bill Ingham, Father Kovanis, Ed Wurdarsky.

Knights of Columbus Officers Installed

L to R: Senior Associate Pastor, Sam Rorer; staff members, Tiffani and Bobby Martinez.

Giant Food Donation to United Methodist Church Food Pantry

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, recently received a very generous gift of food from Joe Roberts of the ‘Jeep Krewe’ for the Church’s Food Pantry. Joe is a member of the ‘Jeep Krewe’ that is based out of Orlando, Florida. Joe recently saw a Facebook post stating that even though the Church is not having in-person services, our Ministries are still helping the families in the SouthShore area. Joe didn’t want to just send a check, he wanted to be more involved and so he went online and ordered the food items and had them delivered directly to The United Methodist Church. Joe is currently living in the Deland, Florida area. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, please visit our website at

An Officers Installation Ceremony was held at the Prince of Peace Catholic Church Conesa Center on July 14. The Covid-19 pandemic rules impacted the ceremony, but it was still held in accordance with CDC guidelines to honor the Knights elected to their respective offices for this fraternal year. The Knights of Columbus Council 7282 Officers elected for the Fraternal Year 2020-2021 are Grand Knight Bill Ingham, Deputy Grand Knight Ed Wurdarsky, Chancellor Jeff Stephanz, Treasurer Bob Pitcher, Financial Secretary John Armstrong, Warden Bob Tatem, Advocate John Columbia, Inside Guard Dick Heitzman, Outside Guard Frank Martin, Recorder Frank Rzeszutko, 1st Year Trustee Fred Kunkel, 2nd Year Trustee Nick Caleca, and 3rd Year Trustee Larry Seick. The Chaplin for the council is Father Joel Kovanis, Pastor of Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Sun City Center. The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.7 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. The Knights are guided by the principles of Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism.

Community continued on page 5.

September 2020

The News

Community continued from page 4.

Haven of Hope Receives Grant

Haven of Hope recently received a grant from the Interfaith Council for their ministry. Haven of Hope is a nonprofit volunteer-driven, faith-based support program for female inmates recently released from incarceration. It is located in Ruskin. The website is “”. The mission is to minister to women whose lives have been devastated by crime, drugs, and alcohol in order to help them get on their feet during the critical time following their release from Jack Brooks, Treasurer, received prison. They achieve this by the check. providing food, shelter, employment opportunities, life skills training, and short-term Christian housing for those recently released from prison. For more information about the Interfaith Council, go to “”.

Men’s Club Virtual Community Forums

Deputy Jeff Merry will discuss scams and other safety issues affecting the community David Floyd, president of the Men’s Club of Sun City Center, has announced that the club will host a virtual community forum featuring well-known community leaders as speakers. The forum is free of charge and open to all residents of the community. It will be accessible by computer, smartphone or even landline telephone. “With the pandemic still impacting our lives, we recognize that residents of our community are crying out for contact with others in the community,” Floyd said. “We felt that holding a virtual forum would give the community one more connection point.” The event will take place at 11 a.m. On September 9, the speaker will be Dan Bender, CEO of South Bay Hospital, who will discuss hospital operations. For October, the club has scheduled Mike Bardell, Chief of the SCC Emergency Squad, who will discuss how the squad’s operations have been impacted by the pandemic. That event will be on October 14. The club has been using the virtual forum format for its monthly meetings and has had great success in keeping in touch with members. The forum will be hosted on the Zoom software which has become quite popular in this time when face-to-face meetings are not possible. To connect to the meeting, residents should connect on the internet to: “” Or connect by phone at 312.626.6799, webinar 98653725137. The Men’s Club of Sun City Center, founded in 1963, is the community’s second-oldest service organization. Membership in the club is open to men in Sun City Center, King’s Point, Aston Gardens and Freedom Plaza. For information about membership, visit the club’s website at For questions about the Community Forum or for the link to join, contact the club by email at “”.

Campaign Against Human Trafficking Receives Grant

Campaign Against Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence-SouthShore, known as CAHT, was one of the grant recipients from the Interfaith Council of Sun City Center this June. This is the second year CAHT has been awarded a grant to apply to their safe shelter program for domestic violence and human trafficking victims in the SouthShore area. This year’s $4,850 award was accepted by CAHT board member and Healthcare Committee chair, Sandra McCaw, at the Nearly New store located in Sun City Sandra McCaw accepted the Center shopping plaza. The Interfaith Council provides grant. community grants twice a year to social services nonprofits, churches, schools, and food pantries. “We are thrilled to receive this much-needed funding for our safe shelter housing program this year as the COVID-19 pandemic has displaced more families who are desperately in need of rent assistance or a place to stay,” says CAHT President Annie Garrison. “Our partnership with the Interfaith Council in supporting our marginalized struggling families is key to the success of our mission”, adds Annie. CAHT’s mission is to support the fight against Human Trafficking and related domestic violence issues by providing educational awareness and prevention activities to schools and the communityat-large. For more information call 813-938-5660 or go to CAHT’s web page “”


Squad Recognized as Volunteer EMS Service of the Year

The Emergency Squad was recently notified that it was selected by EMS World in association with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, for national recognition as the Volunteer EMS Service of the Year. This is a national award, with multiple categories, open to agencies across the country. The Squad does an average of 5,000 emergency calls a year, all free of charge; it has never billed anyone. The Squad accepts no tax money; it is funded entirely through donations and grants from a grateful community. In addition, the Squad makes over 1,000 wheelchair transports to doctors’ appointments and dialysis for wheelchair-bound residents. Our “loaner closet” of walkers, wheelchairs and canes, loans out approximately 1,100 pieces of equipment each year – again, free of charge. We provide an average of 2,200 blood pressures checks for residents who stop in daily to get a blood pressure reading.

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The Men's Club of SCC Offers Peace of Mind!

At Affordable Prices! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you lived alone and there was an emergency? Or do you like to take your dog for a walk but are concerned about falling and no one being there to assist you? For Greater SCC residents who think they need a medical alert button and don't believe they can afford it, the Men's Club of Sun City Center would like for you to contact our office. Because the Men's Club is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit club, we offer the Philips Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) at a more competitive rate than what Philips charges at the national level. Our pricing is comparable to other systems in the market as well – just compare systems with similar capabilities. Installation and all service calls are completed by Men's Club volunteers at no charge to the Subscriber. The Men's Club was formed in the early 1960's. In 1991, the Men's Club decided to offer Philips Lifeline Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point with no annual contract. The PERS offering began with the purchase of four units with installation provided by Men's Club volunteers. This offering continues today with multiple systems from which to choose - including one that will work anywhere in the U.S., a dedicated office staff, and over 25 trained Men's Club volunteers who provide personable and knowledgeable service for our Subscribers. Get prompt caring assistance at the push of a button, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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September 2020

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Creating Ways to Keep Us Informed

By Diane M. Loeffler On Thursday, August 13, Community Resource Officer Deputy Merry, Community Resource Aide Michelle Mortimer, Community Manager Lyn Reitz and Entertainment Director Renee Bray, stood outside Community Hall handing out bags to members in cars and carts. These totes were filled with informational materials. Deputy Merry says, “I came up with the idea for this community event after giving the Kings Point Federation magnets to hand out along with the hurricane safety guides they were giving their members.” Before COVID forced worldwide shutdowns, the deputy conducted monthly seminars at the Sun City Center Community Association, The Kings Point Federation, and Freedom Plaza. He wants us to continue to be safe and informed during this time of social distancing. Deputy Merry says, “I emailed and texted organizations asking

L to R: Lyn Reitz, Renee Bray, Michelle Mortimer, and Deputy Jeff Merry gave away 500 bags of information in less than three hours. Photo by Bob Sanchez

Residents came by cart, car and bicycle to pick up resources. Photo by Bob Sanchez

for materials.” He collected a large amount of information. Sun Towers donated tote bags. Placed in these bags were The 2020 Community Resource Guide, The Hillsborough County Disaster Preparedness Guide, information from Sun Radio (96.3 FM), a newspaper and

Resource Guide, The Disaster Preparedness Guide, and the Golf Cart Drivers Handbooks at the Community Association Administration Building on the corner of North Pebble Beach Boulevard and Cherry Hills Drive between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

coupons. Also in the bags were brochures from SHINE, The Elder Justice Initiative, Helping Hands, and Consumer Connections. The Community Association contributed Golf Cart Drivers Handbooks and their time. If you missed this event, you can still pick up The 2020

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September 2020

The News


Sheriff Chronister Receives Award from World War Veterans

The Sun City Center Chapter of The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) recognized Sheriff Chad Chronister and the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard with two distinguished awards on Monday, August 3. During a ceremony at the Sheriff’s Operations Center in Ybor City, military veterans presented Sheriff Chronister with the Silver Patrick Henry Award for Patriotic Achievement, the highest award the MOWW can give. The award is in recognition of

Sheriff Chronister’s brainchild, the Veterans Resurgence Program. The program, which launched in 2019 at the Falkenburg Road Jail, focuses on stopping recidivism among military veterans by providing them with resources including group therapy sessions, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, and access to services that will help them start over upon release. “While serving as the Sheriff, you have instilled pride within and outside of the Office through continuing a recruitment and selection program that allows

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Veterans to go from serving their country to serving their community,” said Retired LtCol. Charles Conover, Commander of the Sun City Center MOWW. Under Sheriff Chronister’s leadership, HCSO has greatly expanded its efforts to recruit and hire U.S. military veterans, increasing the number of veterans hired by 23% last year alone. The Office also proudly supports deputies who have chosen to serve their country on two fronts, both as law enforcement officers and milrlitary members. “Being raised by my grandfather,

a World War II Marine Veteran, I’ve always had a fondness and appreciation for people who served and sacrificed for our country. This makes today’s award such a special honor, and I will always do whatever I can to help our veterans,” said Sheriff Chad Chronister. The HCSO Honor Guard was also presented the Merit Award for Outstanding Service for their continued involvement in Memorial Day ceremonies and their efforts to take part in escorts

Award continued on page 9.

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September 2020

The News

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Firehouse is Here for the Community

By Paula Lickfeldt The Firehouse Cultural Center a 501(c)(3) non-profit was first developed and sponsored as a project of the Ruskin Community Development Foundation (RCDF), a nonprofit focused on supporting the development of significant community projects. The desire to have such a center has been a vision and was included in the Ruskin Community plan. The Firehouse Cultural Center became a real possibility as a new fire station was being built and a community group began to envision the use of this unique property. RCDF’s proposal for the Firehouse Community Center was reviewed and approved by the county commission in 2011. The Firehouse Cultural Center opened its doors to the public in 2013. It is located just off 19th Street in the old firehouse. Their mission is to bring cultural events, classes on a multitude of subjects, and summer camps for children, to the people of the South Shore of Florida. In January of 2020, Chris Bredbenner came on board as the Executive Director of the Firehouse Cultural Center. He was very excited about

this appointment and had many ideas for new programs. Groundwork was laid for painting classes for seniors, summer camps for children in which scholarships were available. Plans had been implemented, contacts were made and then along came Covid-19. Much of the planning had to be put on hold. The board of the center wants the community to know that they are open and ready to go. They “want to be there for the community.” The board will be trying many different things to see how they go. They also want everyone to know that they are following all of the CDC guidelines. Among other events in the works, plans are being made for poetry workshops to be held in October and December, musical theater workshops for kids age 8 to 17, and a figure drawing workshop in December. They are continually bringing new ideas to keep the Firehouse Cultural Center a strong cultural asset in the community. Information about all of the upcoming events and activities can be obtained by going to their website, “”, or by calling 813.645.7651.

Do you Facebook?

Get “social” in Sun City Center. Share your favorite SCC pictures and news and view pictures from fun SCC events. “LIKE” the News of Sun City Center Facebook page at “”.

The Da Vinci® XI® Surgical System at Manatee Memorial Hospital Offers Patients Surgical Options that are Less Invasive

When pain from a recurrent abdominal hernia began holding back the moves of professional dancer and instructor John Dembiec, he received a robotic-assisted, minimally invasive treatment to help put the spring back into his step.

Robotic surgery is performed using smaller incisions than traditional surgery. Therefore, patients often experience less pain and a shorter recovery time. John had three small incisions and was able to go home the same day of his procedure. He’s now dancing again and hopes to get back to top dancing form as his recovery progresses.

Robotic-assisted surgery is offered at Manatee Memorial Hospital for a wide range of conditions. Learn more at Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out if robotic surgery is right for you. Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Memorial Hospital, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. For language assistance, disability accommodations and the non-discrimination notice, visit our website. 200129-7587 8/20

206 Second Street East Bradenton, FL 34208 A Member of the Manatee Healthcare System

September 2020

south County Events

By Debbie Caneen South County Events is provided by Debbie Caneen, Director of Admissions, Sun Towers from items submitted for publication. To submit events for future publications, send them by the 15th of the prior month. Debbie also publishes Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events e-mail and on the website Send all events by e-mail to You only need to submit your Event one time each month for it to appear in both The News of Kings Point and SCC Ads and Events. SPECIAL EVENTS Please include all basic information, especially Price (or list it’s Free) and Contact Information (phone, e-mail, or website). Six lines maximum. Send to: As soon as space permits, we will put it in the weekly e-mail and it will run until event date passes. You do not need to submit it again. P L E A S E N O T E : T his a r e a is f or SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at which is updated every weekend.

Bunkers Presents Social Distancing Outdoor Karaoke

The News

Silent Movie and Concert at UMC

Friday, September 4 The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West UMC of SCC welcomes back theater organ virtuoso, Tom Hoehn for a performance of the Buster Keaton silent movie, Cops, followed by an organ concert of pop music and show tunes. Hoehn will present all the organ music on the church’s Rodgers Infinity organ. Mr. Hoehn has been enthusiastically received at United Methodist Church twice in the past year and a half for similar performances. The church will employ CDC recommended safety measures including masks (they can give you one if you don’t have one), social distancing and 25% venue capacity, which means the first 175 persons only will be admitted. A donation of only $5 is requested at the door on the night of the concert. www.


This Is Why in Today’s World

Sponsored by Hearing Loss Association of America Tuesday, September 15 at 12:30 p.m. Free webinar presented by Virgi Mills, M.E.D. Certified Educator. Accessed on ZOOM virtual meeting platform - www. Our Zoom Meetings are supported by CART (captions). Join us to discover how much more you can hear and understand. Tell others about our online meetings so they do not miss out! For more information or support, email “”.

Award continued from page 7. for military members who have died for their country. The MOWW was created in 1919 as a fraternity for American military officers coming out of the Great War. It welcomes members in current military service, retired military service or former military service from World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, and peacetime service.

Catch The NEWS on the web at

SunTowers Retirement

Where Couples Stay Together & Singles Find Friends

Beth Israel Jewish Congregation High Holy Day Schedule Friday, September 18 and Monday, September 28

Rosh Hashanah Services:

Friday, September 18 7:30 p.m. via live streaming Saturday, September 19 10 a.m. via live streaming and 7:30 p.m. via Zoom Sunday, September 20 10 a.m. via live streaming

Enjoy your retirement years together, with activities ranging from playing cards to fishing in Sweetheart Lake. Call to learn more today!

Yom Kippur Services:

Every Wednesday, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 From 5 to 8 p.m., Public welcome 1702 S. Pebble Beach Blvd.

Alzheimer’s Association Support Group

Tuesday, September 15 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Now in a virtual format, hosted by Aging Care Advocates. Please gather on the phone to talk about your experiences, challenges, and victories. Directions to Join the Call: Dial 312-874-7636. At the menu, press 1 to enter the conference. Enter the access code 01636 then press # and state your name (when prompted)

Sunday, September 27 7:30 p.m. via live streaming Monday, September 28 10 a.m. morning service followed by Yizkor via live streaming 2 p.m. Healing service via Zoom 4:30 p.m. Discussion group with the Rabbi via Zoom 5:30 p.m. Concluding service via live streaming 7 p.m. Shofar blowing (approximately) There will be no cost to join us for any services that are live streamed. Join us on our Temple website at “”. For additional information contact Rochelle Lafer, President at 813.938.3824 or “rlafer@gmail. com”.

813-634-3347 101 Trinity Lakes Drive · Sun City Center, FL 33573

Catch The NEWS on the web at

We Welcome Selina J. Lin, M.D.


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September 2020

The News

Men’s Club Hosts Presentation on Senior Safety

By Bob Sanchez On August 12, the Men’s Club hosted Deputy Sheriff Jeffery Merry in the first of a series of virtual presentations using Zoom. Speaking from the CA boardroom, Merry brought viewers up to date on the tactics used by the ever-present scammers. There’s been an increase in their activities, with a focus on cheating grandparents. “The bad guys are dialing for dollars,� he said – that’s your dollars – and they are very skilled. So don’t give out any information over the phone. Be a lot more diligent with your own personal safety and security. Lock up your homes, your garages, and your vehicles including your golf carts. Don’t talk to people you don’t know, and be sure to look out for your neighbors. Merry also talked about traffic

safety. Stop sign violations and failure to yield are the biggest causes of traffic accidents in Sun City Center. They cause more accidents than speeding. Crime data is available on the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s website: “�. He concluded the session by fielding questions from participants. Future presentations will feature Dan Bender, CEO of South Bay Hospital, on September 9, when he will talk about hospital operations. On October 14, the Men’s Club has scheduled Mike Bardell, Chief of the SCC Emergency Squad, who will discuss how the squad’s operations have been affected by the pandemic.

Catch The NEWS on the web at

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TRAVEL September 2020

The News


Returning to a Favorite - Anna Maria Oyster Bar

By Kai Rambow Anna Maria Oyster Bar (AMOB) is a favorite for many of you, especially the location in Ellenton. After visiting Myakka or Selby, you may want to consider revisiting AMOB in Ellenton on the way home. Update on Figure Skater Josh Some of you may remember the feature article on Josh and his skating partner Jessica. To refresh your memory, Josh was working full-time at AMOB, training full-time, and working on his degree in business. He finished his degree and is now just working and training. Josh and Jessica are still training, but as Josh indicated “we don’t know when the next competition will be scheduled.”

Several readers really like having him as their server and supporting his exemplary work both on and off the ice. Impressed with AMOB’s Safety John Horne, founder, and his team are doing more than required to ensure everyone’s safety. Following the 50 percent seating guidelines and six feet social distancing is the start. Guests can wait in their cars until their table is ready. Ready means AMOB sanitizing tables in between guests. In addition, every 30 minutes a bell rings and every staff member washes his/her hands at that point. One staff member, dressed in a safety patrol type shirt spends their shift sanitizing high traffic areas.

Another option is to order take out. Call and order your favorite dish. They will let you know what time and whom to contact when you arrive. The staff member will place your food into your trunk or back seat to avoid making contact with you. Anna Maria Oyster Bar (941) 721-773

Bambi’s cousin moved surprisingly close to me. If you love nature and wildlife, you’re sure to find something at Myakka.

Escape to Myakka River State Park

By Kai Rambow Most of us have been selfisolated for the last few months. There are now a few opportunities to get away. Easiest Way to See Wildlife An easy, one-hour drive away, Myakka State Park recently reopened. Myakka can be wonderfully surprising. I spent most of my time there watching and photographing about two dozen deer. At first, they were some distance away. As they headed to rest for the day, several walked through the woods and across the road – right past me. Wildlife so close was wonderful. A raccoon was not nearly as helpful. It took off before I could even get a picture. The little masked bandit. Tip: The best ways to see deer is to arrive at the park when it opens at 8 a.m. Drive slower than the posted 25 mph speed limit. Open meadows are the easiest places to spot deer. If a car is stopped, pull up behind them. You never know what someone has spotted. If you get out, close your door slowly and quietly. Don’t move or make too much noise, be patient, and

the wildlife may move closer to you. Easy Activities There are two easy activities: large airboats and trams. Boat rides run about every two hours, starting at 9 a.m. These are large boats with social distancing measures in place. Trams, also with social distancing precautions, run about every two hours starting about 10:30 a.m. Tickets for each activity are sold separately for approximately $20 each. If you want to do both, combo tickets are $32. Note: Not all activities, such as the boardwalk, are open. There’s still plenty to see and enjoy. Tips for a Great Visit Clothing: You’ll be exposed to the elements, so be prepared with sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, and drinking water. Food: Eating options are limited. Pack your own snacks. There are several restrooms available. Myakka River State Park 13208 State Road 72 Sarasota, FL 34241 (941) 361-6511

The koi pond is a great backdrop used in almost every special Selby exhibition. Glass in the Gardens is another winning show with something for everyone.

Glass at Selby Gardens

By Kai Rambow An alternative to being extensively outdoors is a beautiful, relaxing mix at Selby Gardens. Glass in the Gardens features a wide variety of fabulous glass works. You’re sure to find something you’ll like. The glass is displayed in three locations. The tropical conservatory features a few pieces. Pay attention to the subtle changes of color in the glass. This is extremely difficult to achieve. The Payne Mansion has a wide variety by different artists on display. Something is sure to capture your eye here. Tip: To ensure social distancing, numbers are limited when visiting

both the conservatory and the mansion. Masks are required. There are limited hours for this exhibit, so recommend arriving right at opening time of 10 a.m. to avoid crowds and waiting. The last spot is at the koi pond. The glass bowls with their reflections in the water are stunning. This is a great way to finish seeing the glass works. You are, of course, welcome to walk the calming gardens of Selby before leaving. Glass in the Gardens runs until September 20. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 900 South Palm Avenue Sarasota, Florida (941) 366-5731


September 2020

The News

Get Off the Couch Try Horseshoes

By Paula Lickfeldt The Sun City Center Horseshoe Club has been around since the early 90s. Phil Vaske, the treasurer of the club, has been a member since 1996. He has been in the club longer than any other member. The club has 64 members, both men and women, who pay $20 a year dues to belong to the club. To throw horseshoes does not require strength, it requires coordination and practice. Along with collecting the dues, the club sells brats and dogs at FunFest and they collect aluminum cans to make money. The tabs on the cans are given to the Shriners and they sell the cans. The money that they make is used to replace equipment

and to host monthly parties. Club members throw the horseshoes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m. They show up and draw for their partner for the day. They play for bragging rights. The horseshoe pits are behind the Community Hall at the Sports Complex on South Pebble Beach. The Horseshoe Club originally operated out of a wooden box until a storage shed was built for them. The pavilion which stands next to the pits was built twelve years ago. If you are interested in learning more about the club, you could be in contact with Phil Vaske at “” or Mike Wassenberg at “sunnyone2@”.

Looking for a Great Morning Out in the Great Outdoors?

Camp Bayou has re-opened, with some responsible social distancing practices in place. You can see all the changes at “”. Cart tours have returned! Reservations for Saturday morning rides along the trails can be made by emailing “”. Third Saturday canoe day tours continue this summer. Check the online calendar for days and times. Paddlers should arrive at Camp Bayou by 8:45 a.m. Canoes or kayaks

are available for rental for just $25 each or bring your own canoe or kayak for a small donation of $5 each. Register for all paddle trips by calling the office at 813.641.8545 or emailing “campbayou@”. Camp Bayou has started a video series so folks can get a glimpse of all Camp Bayou has to offer. Check out the Camp Bayou YouTube channel: “ com/user/campbayou”.


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September 2020

The News


Answers to Puzzles on Pages 18 and 19

Catch The NEWS on the web at

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News of Freedom Plaza

September 2020

The News

By Peggy Burgess Freedom Plaza residents can now keep abreast of “what’s happening around the place” without leaving their apartments. All it takes is a click on their computer or punching a television button. Technology has made it possible and a Freedom Plaza organization called RAC has made it happen. RAC is the Resident Association Ron Sweet, current President Council and that group’s of Freedom Plaza Resident response to restrictions imposed Association Council. by the coronavirus was to devise This impressive number of new methods of furnishing involved residents is a far cry information and entertainment from Freedom Plaza’s original to residents. Their website “RAC” which held its first meeting provides links to everything from on April 9, 1991. This was the a stay fit program and current Residents Advisory Council, activity reports to food service a group of eight residentsnews and tech tips. Their in- to-be, appointed by (then) house TV channel furnishes Executive Director Phil Moore, movies, programs and personal, to work with the developer/ on-camera presentations manager Freedom Group, Inc. and classes. It is also a crucial during the construction and information source in case of an planning stages of Freedom emergency. Plaza. The group met regularly Operating under Chapter with other residents-to-be and 651 of Florida Statutes, RAC’s with Freedom Group officials. official mission is to work with Their input, representing the management to assure that forthcoming residency, would residents’ needs are met, and influence health care benefits, that the community maintains a food plan options, decorating high level of standards. Fulfilling themes, housekeeping rules, this commitment engages over outdoor recreation facilities, in130 residents in various roles: house activities and amenities elected officers, floor/building to be offered. representatives, committee Shortly after Freedom Plaza chairpersons and members, opened in 1992, the Residents plus other RAC assignments. All Advisory Council was dissolved. residents of Freedom Plaza are Necessary steps - which included automatically members of RAC. an election, by resident vote,

Seminars You Can and Should Attend at Home

By Diane M. Loeffler Here in Sun City Center we have had the luxury of attending frequent seminars on our health and safety, then everything stopped in March. Deputy Merry’s monthly safety meetings, the KP and CA health symposiums, South Bay Hospital’s monthly seminars and club speakers for groups such as the Men’s Club, all of these, and others, came to a halt. During one of their ZOOM meetings, the board of SCC Men’s Club talked about all the information their members were no longer receiving. The idea arose, why not have the meetings virtually and share them with the entire community? People have been talking about feeling out-of-touch. This could help alleviate that. These seminars began in August - See Bob Sanchez’s story in this issue - and they will be offered in September and October as well, on the second Wednesday each month at 11 a.m. They will give you an opportunity to hear the speakers and to ask them questions. If these seminars are

well attended, the Men’s Club will look into arranging for more monthly seminars. On September 9, South Bay Hospital’s CEO, Dan Bender, will discuss hospital operations. You can learn about what our local hospital has to offer and how the healthcare workers there are keeping everyone safe in the age of COVID-19. On October 14, the Chief of the SCC Emergency Squad, Mike Bardell, will speak about how the Squad’s operation has been affected by the pandemic. You may also learn about all the services the Squad has to offer and how you can become a part of this amazing organization. Club President David Floyd says, “To join the forum go online to ‘’ and click on the ‘Community Forum’ link.” Busy that day? Art Smith, The Vice President for Communications, says, “To view a forum at a later time go to ‘’ and look under “past forums.” Any questions? Contact the club by email at ‘’

of officers—were taken and a new RAC (Residents Association Council) created, meeting all state requirements for operation. For nearly three decades RAC has played a vital role in

supporting the Freedom Plaza lifestyle. It is the eyes, the ears and, more importantly, the voice of our residents. Gratitude is extended to all who give time and effort in making it work.

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izations ology

September 2020

The News


“Z” is for Zero, Zip, Zilch, Literally: Y? I mean WHY?

By Andrea L.T. Peterson Years ago, I began accumulating Sue Grafton’s Alphabet Mystery Series books, beginning with “A” is for Alibi. If you’ve been reading Grafton since the 80’s—nearly 40 years— she might be your longest relationship! I had planned to begin reading the entire series “one day,” but it seemed that every now and then I had the time to read one or two. As I began to work my way through Grafton’s alphabet and through the life of Kinsey Millhone, her protagonist, I was hooked. As were all of her fans and readers, I was truly upset to find, in 2017, not long after “Y” for Yesterday had been published, that she succumbed to the cancer she had been fighting. That was certainly bad and sad news, but then it became clear that the long awaited “Z,” which was planned to be “for Zero,” would never be written. According to her daughter, Grafton was “adamant that her books would never be turned into movies or TV shows, and in the same vein, she would never allow a ghostwriter to write in her name. Because of all of those things, and out of the deep abiding love and respect for our dear, sweet Sue, as far as we in the family are concerned, the alphabet now ends at ‘Y.’” Disturbing news for obsessive

compulsives like myself, but certainly understandable. When the alphabet began with an “Alibi,” in 1982, readers were introduced to Kinsey Millhone, and through the decades Kinsey became a three-dimensional character, an acquaintance, if not a friend, of readers. A former cop turned P.I., Kinsey took readers along on many adventures, countless investigations, and her share of failed romances. The kind of character you don’t want to abandon, the kind of books you don’t want to put down, Grafton’s series is both engaging and entertaining. For the longerattention span crowd, you can easily read three or four books in a row. In fact, you’ll probably want to. For the shorter attention span crowd these books are easy to read, offering multi-dimensional characters, not just Kinsey, and complex mystery plots. There’s a lesson to be learned here or, perhaps, a reminder of what we already know: Enjoy what we have, celebrate the joy they’ve given while we had them—for however long—and not grieve or feel cheated of what we never got! Belated condolences to the friends, fans, and family of Sue Grafton. Raise a glass to one of our nation’s favorite authors, as you begin to explore the new alphabet: A-Y!

On the Road Again

For many of our neighbors burdened by poverty, anxiety, and sometimes illness, Our Lady of Guadalupe Food Pantry has been a sanctuary of sorts, a place of hope, reminding them on Saturday mornings that they are not alone. The Pantry has been able, at least, to lessen the worry about the source of one’s next meal. Thanks to the kindness of the big checks many of you have sent, along with the generosity of markets, wholesalers, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, we have had plenty of food to share on Saturday mornings so far. In fact, our trucks and cars are on the road almost every day picking up food. “We have been keeping our drivers busy,” says Pantry director Tom Bullaro. “We pick up food regularly from Feeding Tampa Bay, as well as the Aldi’s and Publix in both Sun City Center and Riverview. We pick up from Save-a-Lot, Big Lots, Winn-Dixie, and Costco as well. Aldi’s, in particular, has been fantastic.” Steve Bartlett, who drives one of the Pantry trucks, along with

Rod Justus, Dave Swaim, Jerry Reynolds, and Jim Mecsko, points to some of the amazing donations of nutritious fruits and vegetables we have been receiving almost every week. “One such donation, for example, has been huge boxes of produce that included five pounds of potatoes, 10 pounds of apples, and 10 pounds of pears,” Bartlett says. “We were able to give a big box to each client who came that week.” “None of this would be possible, of course, were it not for our amazing helpers — our truck drivers named above, but also Alice White, Joan Komorowski, Edie Sommer, Dick Gibbs, and Bob Hacking, who pick up food in their cars. And then there are all those who work on site, unpacking all this food and then packing it up again to share with our clients on Saturday. They are our food heroes. New drivers are always needed to help with all this work. If you would like more information, contact Tom Bullaro at “tom@” or 813.633.2384.

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September 2020

The News

Jackie Hanson Winner of F3C F.E.P.A. Award

The Sun City Center Photo Club is pleased to announce that their long time member and master photographer, Jackie Hanson has won the F3C F.E.P.A. award. Jackie received her very first digital camera, the Sony 55, in 2010. After joining the Sun City Center Photo Club, she immediately became active in every competition. She had won many ribbons locally, but decided to branch out to the Florida Camera Club Council. This proved to be an excellent avenue for Jackie to excel. At the end of 2015, Jackie was eligible to submit her winning entries in the Club’s Best of the Best Competition. Her outstanding photograph, “Painting with

The Marshal And His Deputy by Jackie Hanson.

Jackie Hanson Receiving Award.

Light on the Beach,” was the winner. Between 2016 and 2017, Jackie’s work was published four times in major magazines, and also received the Grand Master Award in our local club. Her photograph, “The Marshal and His Deputy,” received the highest score in the Florida Camera Club Competition. Jackie also was honored to have her winning photograph, “The Fine Old Man,” to be displayed at the Lowry Park Zoo Welcome Center. In 2018, her award winning “Minarets, Domes, and Cupolas” was chosen for the front cover of the beautiful heavy slick paper magazine, Tampa Bay Magazine. It is a black and white night time portrait of the University of Tampa’s famous buildings in downtown Tampa. Also, in 2018, she took a portrait of Donald Trump, who at the time was touring our area. Jackie sent her portrait to the White House. This work of art is now hanging in the Chief of

Staff’s Office, which is just across the hall from the Oval Office. Jackie was also commissioned by the Lowry Park Zoo to do 20 portraits on canvas of the birds and animals of the zoo. These were hung as decorations for their offices and conference rooms. They also used her prizewinning photo, “Teeny Tiger Burning Bright” for their official Christmas card. That same year, her entry, “Do You Feel Lucky” received the top award in the Florida Camera Club Council. The Council then decided to present a new competition titled, Florida Excellence in Photographic Arts Award. In order to win this award, the recipient must win blue ribbons in 12 competitions. Only five percent of the photographs

Teeny Tiger Burning Bright by Jackie Hanson.

in a competition can qualify. On March 7, 2020, Jackie was the very first photographer to receive this award. Congratulations, Jackie! You have brought great honor to our club!

Painting With Light on the Beach by Jackie Hanson.

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September 2020

The News

Grocery Shopping Online

By Ilona Merritt Grocery shopping is a necessary part of life, but it has always been a chore. But now, in 2020, our lives have taken a drastic change, which has made shopping a nightmare for me. By government mandate, we are required to cover our faces, and, if you have trouble breathing, wearing masks can make it worse. I tried to talk my husband into doing the shopping, but it is not easy for him either. While in the store recently, I saw a sign that shopping can be done online with a choice of delivery, in-store pickup, and curbside pickup. I instantly knew that I just had to try it, and now I may never step inside a store again. Here is how it works: have your shopping list ready, fresh cup of coffee in hand, and get comfortable at your computer. Go to your internet browser and type in “” and instantly you are in the store. Look for “shop online,” and weekly ads, digital coupons, and all deals come up. We decided


to go for it all and choose home delivery. The first time through shopping took a long time, but each time I shop, it gets easier and faster. The first thing I did was to go through what I compared to the aisles. I moved left to right. Then I discovered that the curser allows you to move down the pages, and that goes faster. Finally, the light went on, and I decided to use the search command at the top of the screen and type in what I wanted, instantly it showed up. A little trick helps: if you have the correct name, and the manufacturer’s name on your shopping list, makes it faster to find. The search brings up your request and comparable items on your screen. After several “shopping trips,” I use this method, and shopping has become much faster. When my things come on the screen, you can choose how many you want, click on it, and it goes into your shopping cart. Of course, I was asked to join the club

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and give them all my personal information so that the shopper knows where to deliver my groceries, and they wanted my credit card. Once I signed up for the program, all that is stored and ready when I come back. After I finished shopping and paying for my groceries, I can choose a day and a time frame for delivery. Here comes another great part of buying online. A Publix shopper has my list, walks through the store to collect my selections, goes to the cashier, bags all my items. Walks them out to their car, drives to my house, and carries them in, and places them on my kitchen counter. Someone else is doing my work, so I do expect to pay


17 them. I choose the yearly plan. Unlimited free delivery yearround, but your order must be more than $35. The service fee is actually the tip for your personal shopper and is 5% of your total bill. A cashier slip was included with the delivery and a detailed shopping list along with a picture of the person who delivered it will show up on your computer. On my first order, I was charged for a cucumber that didn’t arrive at my home. The website has a place where you can let Publix know, and within a short time, I got the money back on my credit card. My regular store is Publix. However, I checked with Walmart, Amazon, and Winn Dixie,


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September 2020


September 2020

The News


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The News

September 2020





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