The News of
Sun City Center official publication of the Sun City Center Community Association
SEPTEMBER 11 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Caper Room – 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. 27 Budget Review Florida Room – 9 a.m. OCTOBER 9 Board Workshop to discuss Agenda Caper Room – 9 a.m. 11 Board Meeting Rollins Theater - 9 a.m. 17 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 25 Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m.
Agendas for the monthly Board Meetings will be posted on Official Bulletin Board in the Atrium the Monday before and on the CA website ( – under “Association”). They will also be sent via “What’s New in the CA” email. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room in the Modulars starting at 1 p.m. sharp.
CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Website: Information Center 813-633-4670
September 2017
Cleaning Day in the Weavers Studio By Ilona Merritt Weaving has been a popular activity in Sun City Center since being started as a charter club in 1969. From a start of nine members and three looms, the club has grown so that the 40 looms in the Weavers’ Room are almost always in use. Each member can request the use of a loom for their project and can reserve the use of the loom for two months to finish their project. In addition, the club has a classroom with six more looms which are used only for the teaching of new weavers. Weaving is a method of textile production which involves using a loom. A loom is a device used to weave cloth and tapestry. The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. The precise shape of the loom and its mechanics may vary, but the basic function is the same. There are many types of looms but one thing they all have in common ... the gathering of lint in small crevices in the loom. It is important that the looms get a thorough cleaning at least once a year. Early in July is “cleaning day” at the SCC Club. Everyone is expected to have completed their project and empty the looms. This year about 10 to 12
Bonnie Reeves’ husband repairs the looms.
members volunteered for the project, working hard to count the shafts and the heddles. A heddle is an integral part of a loom. Each thread in the warp passes through a heddle, which is used to separate the warp threads for the passage of the weft. The typical heddle is made of cord or wire, and is suspended on a shaft of a loom ... in weaving, the warp threads are moved up or down by the shaft. The cleaning process includes taking all the shafts and heddles off the loom and checking for balance. Balance is an important part of weaving if you
want to produce a beautiful piece. There are four to eight shafts in each loom and each shaft has 40 heddles. That is a lot of cleaning and counting. Each loom is wiped down, paying special attention to places where lint can hide and build up. One of the weavers commented that, “Looms have temperaments just like people”. In October and in January, the Weavers’ Club offers classes for anyone interested in their art form. The classes meet twice a week for six weeks. That is 36 hours
Weavers continued on 3.
Attention All Book Lovers! Do You Love to Read?
By Diane M. Loeffler Do you love to read? Have you ever been so involved in a story that you wish it wouldn’t end? Has any book ever impressed you so much that you want to see if others were similarly affected? If so, you might enjoy joining a book club. You may wish to ask your neighbors if there is a neighborhood book club or to start one yourself. You could join a book club at Southshore Library or one online. Another great option is Page Turners. Page Turners Page Turners is an informal group that meets in the reference area at the Sun City Library at 10 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month except for July and December. Gail Tyrell, the current coordinator facilitator of Page Turners says, “After you read a book, it is rewarding to see if others share your feelings.” Attendance varies according to who is in town. Members decide what the group will read. Over the 20 months of its existence, Page Turners has discussed memoirs, biographies, historical fiction, novels and other genres. Sometimes everyone loves that month’s selection, other times opinions vary. The consensus is that members enjoy trying authors and types of books they wouldn’t read otherwise.
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Book Club Members
Carol Conklin says, being in this book club, “…forces me to read. It gives me a different perspective.” Sun City Center area residents tend to have busy lives. Having a deadline, a date when you will be discussing the book, makes it easier to set aside that never-ending “to-do” list and to indulge some “me” time by reading. A book club not only stimulates your mind, it also is a great way to connect with others. Sharing your thoughts and listening to the ideas of others, helps you to get to know them in a very different way than you do when focusing on a sport, activity or end product. These can be especially valuable if you are new to the community or if you have recently gone through some life changes. The first meeting of Page Turners was one month after Karen Fasick’s husband died. Fasick says, “This [book club] meant a lot to me. This was a really big deal.” In August, ten individuals discussed Kent Haruf ’s book, Our Souls at Night,
a story about a widow and a widower in their seventies. Every person at the table had something to say about the story and the issues it addressed. Page Turners was started by Marilyn Cote-Miller in January of 2016. Miller attended, “Hi, Neighbor!” in November of 2015, three days after arriving in Sun City Center. She met Elaine Birkinshaw at the event. Birkinshaw was the administrator of the Sun City Center Library at that time. Miller asked if the library had a book club. Birkinshaw responded, “No. Do you want to start one?” Many of us are glad that Miller said, “Yes.” Debra Chernock says, “I had been looking for a book club for a long time and I like it.” At that time, the library had recently expanded with a new reference area two smaller rooms all of which were furnished with tables and chairs. CA members can reserve these spaces for various types of meetings. Birkinshaw encouraged Miller to have the book
discussions in the reference area. The library administrator, Joanne Gilray, is equally as welcoming. She is always happy when the library’s resources and spaces are being used. Like most book clubs, Page Turners is an informal group. It is not a formal club, and there are no dues. Currently, Gail Tyrrell is the coordinator / facilitator. As such, she compiles our book suggestions, helps set up a schedule and emails reminders to those who sign up for them. Page Turners currently has books selected for September 2017 through May of 2018. In September, the group will discuss When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. October will be America’s First Daughter by Stephanie Dray and November will be The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman. If you want to know what the next book is, just stop by the library. A photo of the book jacket will be on display.
Credit Cards Now Accepted at the Café
By Kai Rambow Ambreen continues to make improvements to the café menu and services. The café can now accept credit cards, making it even easier to have a coffee, breakfast or lunch here. There are also now printed menus, so you can peruse everything. It’s a little different each time we stop by. Check it out and see what’s new.