March 2013 News of Sun City Center

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The News of March 2013 - ISSUE #56 official publication of the Community Association — Named Best Newsletter in Hillsborough County 2011

March 5 Coffee & Conversation “Long Range Plan” Caper Room - 9 a.m. 6 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 13 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 19 Community Leaders Florida Room - 9 a.m. 20 Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. 22 Shredding Day 9 a.m.-noon Behind SP/CA offices 25 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. April 3 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 10 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 16 Community Leaders Florida Room - 9 a.m. 16 Town Hall Meeting Pebble Beach Medians Community Hall - 2 -4 p.m. 22 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. 24 Town Hall Meeting Pebble Beach Medians Caper Room - 7 -9 p.m. Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association”). Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room at 1 p.m.

April Issue delivery

March 30

SCC Community Association Postal Patron


On the Inside CARE....................................... 9 Club Happenings.................. 14+ Consumer Affairs.................... 30 Crossword................................ 9 CryptoQuote............................. 7 Entertainment Corner............... 5 Expanding Horizons................. 7 Golf......................................... 34 Military Affairs.................... 26-27 Movies.................................... 39 Newcomers.............................. 2 Plants Happen........................ 25 President’s Report.................... 3 Sports..................................... 35 Sudoku................................... 32

Proposed Master Plan

Get Ready for FunFest!



The Arts and Crafts Building was recently repainted from light grey to tan, a concept color representative of the new, common look and feel of SCC. By David Floyd Here is some basic background information on the Long Range Planning effort that was conducted by your Board of Directors. In January of this year, President Ed Barnes established the Long Range Planning Implementation Committee (LRPIC) to develop the Master Plan for the Sun City Center Community Association. This committee has three members (CA Directors David Floyd, chairperson; Chuck Collett and Howie Griffin. This committee has considered information provided in the Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) report, the Community Survey, elements of the previous planning efforts, additional factors which have evolved since the Community Survey was designed and the input from individual members and clubs to develop the overall Master Plan. This effort by the LRPIC has resulted in a time-phased plan of projects to improve and/or upgrade the overall facilities of the Sun City Center Community Association. The Master Plan is based on a pay as-you-go system to fund the projects.


MARCH 5, 2013 FLORIDA ROOM 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

An alternative plan will be developed as a time-phased plan of projects to improve and/or upgrade the overall facilities of the SCCCA using the elements of the pay-asyou-go plus possible funding options to accelerate the Master Plan. The alternative plan will be finalized within the next year and will require a membership vote due to financing considerations. The proposed Master Plan will be voted on by the Board of Directors for approval at the March Board Meeting on March 13 after input has been received from the CA membership. Members can review the Master Plan on the website: suncitycenter. org. The Master Plan will soon be displayed at the Atrium Building and Community Hall for your comments. The LRPIC will review the members’ comments and suggestions and modify the Master Plan as needed. There were several elements included under the umbrella of the LRPIC.

See Plan on page 6. I’ll Huff and Puff and blow your house down: Prevent Hurricane Wind Damage The Sun City Center Community Association in cooperation with Hillsborough County is sponsoring a workshop on how homeowners can better protect their homes from serious wind damage that might be experienced during hurricane season, and thereby also reducing the cost of homeowner insurance. There is no charge for this presentation. Save the date and time-March 26 at 9 a.m. The workshop will be held in the Florida Room. Jody Hill conducts the workshops t hroug h Flor id a’s Foundation. Jody has set time aside to support the effort in Hillsborough County. Any questions can be directed to Sam Sudman at 642-2005.

By Phyllis Hodges On March 16 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.), the Community Association Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd., will be rocking with FunFest 2013. Admission is FREE and it’s open to the public. This is the day we showcase the Sun City Center lifestyle! Five to six thousand people flood the campus each year to enjoy the entertainment, exhibits and food. “We chose the theme FunFest Goes Glam and are planning some fun things that reflect a spirit of glamour. For example, we plan to have a photo op station where you can have someone take your picture with famous stars. Wear your bling and you will fit right in,” said Susan Muise, FunFest chair. Shuttle Service/Parking To avoid a parking hassle at the FunFest site, park at Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach and ride buses which will be making continuous loops throughout the day. The free transportation starts at 8:30 a.m. with the last bus departing FunFest at 3:30 p.m. If you’re driving, golf carts are the optimum way to go. Golf cart parking spaces will again be available at N. Pebble Beach and Cherry Hills, as well as on a blocked-off area of the North Course. The entrance to that N. Course parking area is directly in front of the Fitness Center. Sponsors Without our sponsors, this event would not be possible. Take the opportunity to pick up valuable product and service information at their displays and tell them you appreciate their support. Health Fair Don’t miss the Health Fair! About 30 health care professionals will be offering information on health services and performing various tests in the Caper and Horizon rooms in the Atrium. Mobile units participating will be parked on the east side of the Atrium.

See FunFest on page 8.


Minto offers a great “Stay and Play” getaway package. For $99, visitors get three days/two nights in a Minto home, golf for two, $50 dining card at Club Renaissance, access to Community Association, Kings Point and Renaissance amenities and use of a golf cart. Call 888-5193770 for info. Editor’s note: If you have a suggestion about something that would be useful to others, send it to


The News of Sun City Center

HART today announced the launch of an exciting pilot program and research study— OneBusAway real-time bus information pilot —uses GPS technology to track the location of HART buses, so you know if your bus will arrive on-time. OneBusAway can be used on computers or phones with web access. It is also an “app” for smartphones (iPhone and Android). OneBusAway was originally developed at the University of Washington to serve the transit riders in the Puget Sound area. Researchers at the Center for Urban Transportation Research at USF have further developed the application to function with HART’s systems. This advanced technology will take the guesswork out of waiting for the bus. OneBusAway will provide HART customers with convenient upto-the-minute information. Valuable information that will come in handy, especially during the hot summer months. Starting today, HART bus riders will be recruited to participate in a short ten minute online survey. As compensation for completing this online survey, participants will receive a FREE ONE-DAY BUS PASS. Some participants will also be provided with a Beta test version of OneBusAway for up to three months. In May, all bus riders who completed the initial online survey will be asked to complete a second, short online follow-up survey. To find out more information and complete the 10-minute survey, please proceed to the following link: HART One Bus Away Survey. —Sandra Pinto

Sun City Center Gets a New Community Resource Deputy


HART Needs Your Input on Real-Time Bus Information Survey

Jason Castillo Jason has been on the job just three days now but he already knows his way around! He grew up in Ruskin so Sun City Center has been here all his life. Deputy Chris Girard will be breaking him in to our various mannerisms for a time before leaving for a new assignment with the Hillsborough County Sheriff ’s Office. Welcome Jason, and Thanks, Chris! John Bowker—

Daylight Savings Begins

HELPFUL HINTS for submitting articles/pictures to The NEWS of Sun City Center 1. When typing an article, please do not put returns in the middle of a sentence. Use only one space between sentences. 2. When submitting a photo, it should not be “reduced” from its original size. 3. To name a file, leave out characters such as punctuation marks (e.g. “ , . # ? / ( ) & ‘). 4. Submit via email whenever possible. If not possible, deliver your article/pictures to the CA office where The NEWS has a mailbox; or you can put it through the slot at the newsroom (next to the Palm Room in Old Town Hall). 5. When listing a time, please use the following format: 2 p.m. or 1-3 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. 6. Be sure to submit it by the 15th of the month prior to the delivery month (e.g. Nov 15 for the December issue). Thanks, and keep those articles coming! The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located in Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones newsofscc@gmailcom

Reporter Phyllis Hodges

March 10, 2013

Reporter Uta Kuhn

NEWCOMERS January 2013

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last First Num Gicking Gary & Donna 610 Hodgson Ed & Kathy 1808 Dunbar Clovis 1008 Bay Thomas 1811 McTaggart Malcolm & Jeanette 1609 Tarquino Leslie 1628 Vance Kevin & Myra 1717 Hapack Albert & Judith 2213 DeFelice Joseph & Jill 2137 Reynolds Phyllis 412 Cobler Linda 1208 Sheppard Dave & Lisa 1211 Williams David & Louise 1620 Paiano Gary 1507 Aspis Barbara 2415 Oberhofer Larry & Mary 2256 Barfield Opal 235 Snyder Ingeborg 1650 Deragon Kenneth 1650 DeBerry Ted & Sharon 335

March 2013

Local street Hometown St Allegheny Dr Hazleton PA Atrium Dr Lapeer MI Augusta Dr Laurel MD Breth Ct Chillicothe OH Bunker Hill Dr Stittsville ON Council Dr Mars PA Council Dr Elizabethtown KY Del Webb Blvd W Petersburg IL New Bedford Dr Naugatuck CT Smithfield Ln Wolfeboro NH Wildfeather Ln Tully NY Wildfeather Ln Woodmar Dr Decatur OH Kelliwood Ct Hershey PA Emerald Lake Dr #202 New York City NY Preservation Green Ct Townsend WI Courtyard Blvd #206 Brandon FL Emerald Dunes Dr Emerald Dunes Dr Springfield MA Club Manor Dr

Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Agnes Baker, John & Linda Bowker, Art Erickson, Susan Muise, Ron Pelton, Judy Schings, LeRoy Skinner, Judy Stimson


Photographer: Judy Stimson

586-764-9152 671-7135 260-3287 613-435-6600 412-770-4052 727-480-0573

CA Board Liaison: Howie Griffin

922-6232 634-0637 315-857-4484 641-3277 633-8938 717-566-0629 633-5176 941-725-0607 938-5144 922-4822 922-4822 938-4703

Ombudsperson: Ilona Merritt Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

March 2013

The News of Sun City Center

President’s Report By Ed Barnes

Dues Collection – Change is coming! Next year we will be implementing a new members’ dues collection process - dues will be made directly to the bank. Dues payments will not be collected or accepted at the CA Office. You will have to mail your dues checks and coupon directly to the bank. This is going to happen and I want everyone to be forewarned of this change. This is being driven by our auditors who want us to separate the collection process from the recording process in order to conform to generally accepted accounting standards. We will have notices in the Newsletter over the course of the summer and fall about this change and you will hear it from me several times. Mark Your Calendar Membership Meeting – March 20 The next Membership Meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2013 at Community Hall beginning at 7 p.m. We will be voting on four different Bylaw changes concerning appointing committee chairpersons and changes in the guest policy. Proxies are published in this issue of the NEWS of Sun City Center. Voting will take place at the beginning of the meeting. If you can’t attend the meeting, please be sure to submit your proxy to the CA Office before 3 p.m. on March 20. Our auditors will be presenting the results of the 2012 audit of our records. In addition, the Pebble Beach Blvd Maintenance Task Force will be making a media presentation on Pebble Beach Blvd. medians. The Task Force is planning a series of Town Hall Meetings and Coffee and Conversation sessions over the spring and fall to ensure the members are fully informed of the pros and cons of each option for future maintenance of the medians. In December, we will have a referendum vote on how to handle this issue. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m.

Sun City Center Master Plan The Long Range Plan Implementation Committee has submitted a time-phased plan of projects to improve the Community Association facilities. The plan is based on a pay-as-you-go principal. In this plan are nine projects to be implemented over the next 10 years. The next step with this Master Plan will be discussion and feedback from the members at a Coffee and Conversation on March 5 in the Florida Room from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. In the interim, we plan to have copies of the report available on the CA website and in the CA Office. We are soliciting member comments on this plan both at the Coffee and Conversation and/or by email to or by letter. Once we get the members’ comments assimilated into the report, the BOD will take up the committee report at the March BOD meeting. As we roll this plan out, we will have membership votes on those projects which exceed the Bylaw guidelines for the BOD. As presently constructed, the first membership vote will be on the expansion and reconfiguration of the Atrium parking, lighting and landscaping, probably in April. At the Coffee and Conversation, we will have more details on this project. FunFest Don’t forget to mark your calendars for March 16 - FunFest – a great day to come out and enjoy the wares of the clubs, hear some good music and have some great food. This FunFest will be even better than last year – we have 64 clubs and 36 commercial vendors signed up. So mark your calendar and come on out, a good time will be had by one and all.

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: Website:

DONATIONS 11/13/12 thru 12/20/12 CLUB/ORGANIZATION AMOUNT APPLIED TO Audubon Society $200 Replacement Reserve Fund Lapidary Club $1,000 Library $500 Hardship Fund Monday Movies $422 To offset License Fees Sew-n-Sews $150 Community Information Center Softball Club $2,500 Toward maintenance of the softball field


for the July 4, 2013 Celebration

By Director Al Alderman This year the fireworks are being sponsored by Brandon Honda and Minto. They sponsored the fireworks on 2012. We thank them for their support. SCC residents’ donations also helped pay for the spectacular fireworks. As you may know, this event is not supported by member annual dues. So, if these companies did not sponsor the fireworks program, it probably would not happen. Be sure to thank them when you can. Sandpip er Gr i l le wi l l b e supplying the food again this year. Plans include a menu of chicken, hot dogs, brats and beverages. This certainly was a big hit last year and everybody seemed to enjoy the picnic-like atmosphere. It reminded us of how we celebrated back home on the Fourth of July, when one could be close to the all the excitement. The f ire works are b eing controlled and supplied by “Garden State Fireworks” who did such a masterful and beautiful display last year. Good news—we will have more exciting fireworks this year. Watch for more The NEWS of SCC updates as we get closer to this summer’s spectacular fireworks event.

CO-AP Needs You!

(CO-AP = Council of Owner Association Presidents) Are you a homeowners/property owners association president? The CA sponsors monthly informational meetings that should be attended by ALL of SCC’s 100+ presidents. If the president cannot attend, a representative should attend in his/her place. The next meeting is Monday, March 25, at 2 p.m. Bill O’Dell chairs the CO-AP meetings and Howie Griffin, CA director, is the CA liaison. If you as a president have a concern about your association or about the state codes affecting your group, please let one of them know so it can be addressed at one of the future meetings. See you on the 25th in the Caper Room!

Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.


Bylaw Amendments to be Voted on at the March 20 Membership Meeting

At the March 20 Membership Meeting, you will be asked to vote on several changes to our Bylaws. We encourage you to attend this important meeting. However, if you are unable to, please use the proxy printed in this issue to vote your preference on the amendments proposed by your Board of Directors. In order to make these changes, a quorum of 200 members is required for the meeting. Using a proxy helps the membership to achieve this quorum in order to conduct the Association’s business. If you choose to vote by a proxy, your proxy must be received at the CA office by 3 p.m. on March 20. You may mail in or drop off your proxy. If an alternative representative is selected on the proxy, that person will need to register the proxy in person at the meeting. The Board of Directors is asking the membership to approve these changes to the Bylaws. These changes will help the Board to better administrate your association. Bylaw III – OFFICERS Section 3 – President - add paragraph (e). This change will allow the Board president to appoint the chairpersons of our Association’s committees. Section 6 – Treasurer – add paragraph (i). This change will require that the Capital Fund Fees collected be deposited into the Capital Fund and restricts the fund for use only for new construction projects or major renovations on our campus. Bylaw IV – COMMITTEES Section 3. This section is in conflict with both how we operate and with how committee chairpersons are appointed. This change clarifies how the chairpersons of our committees are appointed. Bylaw XII – USE OF ASSOCIATION FACILITIES Section 1. The amendment to this section would require that membership or guest cards be displayed by all persons using our facilities. The exception would be public events such as FunFest or the entertainment shows. Section 2. The amendment change in this section would require that all guests and visitors using our facilities or amenities pay a user’s fee. Presently fees may or may not be charged depending on the circumstances. The membership in our recently conducted survey overwhelmingly expressed a desire that non-members pay a fee for using our facilities. Surrounding communities charge non-members fees to use their facilities and amenities. —Dave Floyd CA Board Secretary



The News of Sun City Center

March 2013


1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403



Lovely home with a great location on Caloosa Golf with a water view. This 2/2 has lots of entertainment areas and room to roam. A little cosmetic updationg with make this a super special buy. Property being sold As-Is New Roof and CPVC

condo in Kingspoint located on the Golf Course with a water view. What more could you want. Conveniently located close to both North and South clubhouse where


Vacant Land 4+ acres with 178.6 feet on Little Manatee River. Only 1.3 miles from Tampa Bay access this is a delightful property with lots of large oaks on property for privacy.

many activities will keep you busy.


2101 Hembury Place $69,000

1501 Bentwood Drive $165,000

Kingspoint favored SAHARA

model is a delightful split bedroom plan 2/2 with lots of upgrades. Great room plan plus den or lanai plus a screened porch.Extra insulation was blown is as well as windows being replaced. Updated appliances have the KPW GOLD plan. This is an easy care dream home for your retirement.

102 22nd Street NW. Ruskin $375,000

1517 Ingram Drive $95,000

Special SEABREEZE model home is a lovely split bedroom


Walk thru your custom made leaded glass door to your POOL home where all the works been done including resurfacing, screening and pool light. Home has a newer a/c unit and a 30 year algae resistant shingle roof. Garage door is replaced with hurricane braces and new opener.

plan with Hurricane shutters, new appliances, wood flooring, Tile and carpet Built in 1992 you have 1444 heated square feet of pleasure.

2227 Mayfield Palms $94,900

1605 El Rancho Dr $149,900

For Sale in Sun City Center & Kings Point 102 22nd NW St



4.17 Acres..178 Ft on Little Manatee Rvr

1414 N Pebble Beach



DW51X Great Bones and Potential

1015 River Dr Sw



1.29 Ac 1950 home Near Manatee Rvr

1743 Council Dr



DW54 Garage, Tile PENDING

1141 Emerald Dunes Dr



Saone- Den/Office, PENDING

2467 Nantucket Harbor



Cape Cod-Light & Modern, Laminate

1846 Wolf Laurel Dr




708 Reading Place



Desoto, Cul-de-sac, Lanai + Screen Room

1834 Wolf Laurel



Exp Islander Updated Kitchen, Golf

2404 New Haven



Concord Split Bed, Vaulted Ceiling

2229 New Bedford Dr



Yorkshire-Granite, New carpet, Paint

908 Desert Hills



Mod Monticello—Golf Crse PENDING

832 Regal Manor



Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

651 Tremont Greeens



Albany-Golf Course location Water too.

1501 Bentwood Dr



Limetree Spacious Waterfront Home

2101 Hembury



Brentwood Golf & Water,Delight

1605 El Rancho



LaSalle Caged Pool on oversized lot

2244 Greenwich Dr



Stuart-Very Clean Snowbird retreat

3623 CR 579



Manuf Home on 5.17 acres Rm to Roam

2240 Greenwich



Stuart-Nicely furn , large utility room.

302 Cranston Place



Desoto, St Andrew’s Estates Corner Lot

306B Fowling Ct



Windsor-Lite Bright Close to amenities

1517 Ingram Drive



Sahara TV room, Screen Porch Plus

2313 Glenmore Circle



Windsor-Nature Lovers Paradise

2227 Mayfield Palms



Seabreeze Split Bedroom, Hurricane Shut

202 Bedford Trl. E111



Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you

For Rent in Sun City Center & Kings Point UNFURNISHED ANNUAL RENTALS

1912 Grand Cypress


Compact / scrn porch


509-B Foxglove


Attached carport


307 Knottwood


Knolls-private pool


1402 Ingram Drive


Minimal carpet


1715 Atrium


Lite n Brite


104 Cactus Flower


Pet Friendly – WATER


2236 Greenwich


New kitchen


1207 Fordham


South Lake Sharp


401 Gladstone


Screen porch


534 Princeton


Water w conservation


1303 Beach Blvd


Swan Lake


324 Green Manor


2 master BR suites


2211 Brookfield




534 Princeton Grns


Fab WATER location


FURNISHED RENTALS 1614 Council Drive


Compact / comfort


301 Andover Pl 187


Above average


2243 Grenadier


Sharp & comfortable


1903 Canterbury B3


Golf - Lovely


1357 New Bedford


NEW - central location


2308 Glenmore


Happy home


Cypress Creek Area 7536 Maroon Peak


Part Furn



March 2013

The News of Sun City Center

New HART Bus Stop is Open






Present at the opening the bus stop (L to R) were Dolores Hamm (Rider), Dan Rodriguez (HART Project Manager), Ed Barnes (CA President), Don Schings (Former CA Director), Sandy Murman (County Commissioner), Pat Alber (Rider), Anne Madden (HART Director), Elaine Spitzner (Rider) and Tina Lockwood (Rider).

By Judy Stimson On January 31, 2013 the new HART bus stop in Sun City Center was opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The stop is located by the N. Pebble Beach Blvd. and N. Course Lane intersection. The stop is ADA (Americans with Disabilities) compliant, and there is ample car and golf cart parking. Around $10K in federal funding and local impact fees was spent in construction to replace the pad and add the solar-powered shelter. This was the culmination of five years of effort started by Don Schings, former CA director, and finished by Sam Sudman, CA director and Ed Barnes, CA president. In addition to Don, some CA Directors, some HART representatives and a county commissioner, there were four riders on hand to help celebrate the new stop. HART’s Bus Stop Improvement Program is an effort to make all bus stops ADA compliant. They have 3,200 bus stops that mostly depend on partnership easements so they don’t have to spend money buying property, and 650 of those area shelters. In 2012, 54 shelters were installed and 319 bus stops were improved. Marcia Meijia, Public Information Officer, has indicated, “Bus stops are the first point of access to public transit. It is win/win for everyone.”

SPOTLIGHT ON ENTERTAINMENT The final shows of this year’s Entertainment Season take place this month. Thanks to everyone for making the season such a HUGE success. We would like to give a special THANK YOU to Brandon Honda for their sponsorship of this year’s wineand-cheese receptions for the Sunday shows. Next year’s schedule will be available at the March shows. There still are some great events coming up. All shows have reserved seating and are open to the public. Tickets are on sale at the Atrium-Kiosk M-W-F, 9 a.m.-noon through March 22, then at the Community Association M-W-F, 9 a.m.-noon starting March 25. Brochures/flyers are available at AtriumKiosk, Community Association Office, Community Hall, and the Kings Point North and South Clubhouses. Info: 813-642-2001. March 8 (Friday) - Yesterdayze-$17 (7 to 10 p.m.) (Note: This is the last Friday dance/show. BYOB and snacks.) March 24 (Sunday) - Tribute to Roy Orbison and More-$15 (2:30 to 4:30 p.m.) (Note: This is the last Sunday show and includes a wine-and-cheese reception sponsored by Brandon Honda.) Other scheduled shows: April 7 (Sunday) - Salute to the Big Bands -$12 (2:30-4:30 p.m.) presented by the Sarasota Jazz Project at Community Hall. Reserved seats. Tickets sales start Monday, March 4. May 19 (Sunday) - The St. Petersburg Opera Co. will present Highlights of Ariadne auf Naxos in the Rollins Theater (2-3:30 p.m.). Tickets are $12/ person. September 29 (Saturday) and 30 (Sunday) - A Night at the Popera - $12 Community Hall. There will be two performances of this mesmerizing blend of pop music and opera, delivered by four classically trained performers known as Klassika. Saturday evening (7-9 p.m.) will be reserved tables of 8 and BYOB (no dance floor). The Sunday afternoon (2:30-4:30 p.m.) performance will be reserved theater seating. Information about ticket sales will be provided later.

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Minutes of January 2, 2013 Membership Meeting III. Treasurer’s Report • Dwight Darby & Company – Audit Report for 2012 IV. Vote on Amendment to Bylaw III, Section 3 (e) and Section 6 (i) V. Vote on Amendment to Bylaw IV, Section 3 VI. Vote on Amendment to Bylaw XII, Section 1 VII. Vote on Amendment to Bylaw XII, Section 2 VIII. President’s Report IX. Community Manager’s Report X. Presentation on Pebble Beach Blvd. Medians XI. General Discussion by Members XII. Adjournment David Floyd Corporate Secretary

What’s New at the Library?

Thank you all for your support for our Annual Book Sale in the Atrium Building. Our total for the two-day sale was $2,005. By the time you read this, I hope that our new Internet service is up and running at the library. We have been working with the Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative since last fall to replace our Internet provider with a connection that would provide high-speed Internet and a pathway for our library’s catalog to be available online. When everything is completed, our residents will be able to request books and DVDs from their home computer, just as they do with Hillsborough County. All should be in service by early March and our catalog should be online by then as well. Thank you for your patience in the meantime. We have had requests to provide e-books online for our patrons in addition to the catalog. E-books are already provided at no charge to all Hillsborough County residents through Since you can access them from home, there is really no justification for us to duplicate that same service, especially since it is so expensive. The e-book format is not the same as a physical book. It is actually a copyrighted file that the user pays a fee to access. Because the publishers retain full distribution rights, they control how many people access that file through a special computer system. Access is granted only to users who pay a fee—that can be you as an end-user, Amazon if they want to give it away

or pay a partial fee for your access or the library who pays the fee. The system that is set up to permit user access is quite sophisticated. Although it would seem that this would be a less expensive way to lend books, the infrastructure that is required to support the system is quite costly and the per-cost distribution is more expensive. According to a recent article in Forbes Magazine, publishers have responded to libraries that want to loan e-books in one of three ways: some publishers have refused to sell rights to companies that supply libraries; some publishers have set their rates higher to account for multiple use such as the recent charge of $84 per e-copy for Fifty Shades of Gray; other publishers are making libraries repurchase a book every time it is used more than 26 times. Since it is common for library books to circulate more than 50 times, the result is increased costs for libraries. In addition to paying for the content, the library must pay an initial start-up fee to set up the service and annual maintenance fees to continue accessing content that the library has already purchased. If you would like to see how the e-book databases work and other electronic resources for readers, I will be teaching a class at the Computer Club lab in the Atrium Building on Tuesday, March 19 from 9:30-noon. Please call the library at 634-1315 to sign up. There is no charge but reservations are required. —Elaine Birkinshaw, Library Administrator


The News of Sun City Center

Plan from page 1. 1) TPO (The Projects Office) The TPO, chaired by Director Al Alderman, will be responsible for the construction of the Master Plan based on the timing and the priorities for implementation of the Master Plan. The TPO will be responsible for developing the details of each project and interfacing with architects and potential bidders to obtain prices and will finalize the schedules for each project. The TPO will verify all cost estimates and construction schedules. The TPO will also implement the campus improvements working with the Board of Directors and the Community Manager. 2) Campus Improvements SubCommittee T h i s s u b - c om m itt e e h a s examined the existing facilities to determine what are the needed improvements, upgrades, deferred maintenance issues, etc. Safety, energy conservation and lighting were reviewed for the improvements. The identified improvements will be coordinated with new construction. The present facilities were reviewed to determine what could be done to both modernize and harmonize the facilities’ visual appearance to begin to develop an overall updated pleasing appearance to our campus. The Master Plan will include the upgrading of the present buildings such as using stucco to masque the aging brick appearance and repainting to update the facades. Roof colors will be addressed. The use of more Florida friendly landscaping around the buildings will also help to improve the visual appearance of the CA campus and should reduce maintenance costs. Funding would come from the reserve for replacements or from the Capital Fund as appropriate. The goal is to refresh and upgrade our existing facilities to the standards of new construction and create an overall campus theme for the Community Association. Vice President Jane Keegan is the chairperson of this subcommittee. Jane and her committee will continue to work with the LRPIC. The LRPIC has received an initial report from the committee and will combine the elements of its plan with the Master Plan for cost efficiency.

You can check out the new building color by viewing the Arts and Crafts Building (or see page 1). The blue roof will eventually have a new color in the bronze-brown color range. The bandstand on Cherry Hills Drive will be repainted to match and the roof color will be changed to the new proposed roof color. 3) Financing Sub-Committee This committee will review and recommend the possible alternatives for financing to accelerate the construction schedule should the members of the Community Ass o ci at ion desire t his. The committee will be responsible for making recommendations concerning financing options to the Community Association’s Board of Directors. Director Chuck Collett is the chairperson of this subcommittee. The alternative plan developed will be finalized within the next year and will require a membership vote to implement due to financing considerations after Board approval. 4) Community Information SubCommittee It i s i mp or t ant t h at t he membership be made aware of all aspects of the Master Plan and the proposed timing of the specific projects. Communication and education will include articles for The NEWS of Sun City Center, presentations at public meetings such as Town Hall Meetings, Coffee and Conversations and speaking to community groups such as the Men’s and Woman’s Clubs, Community Leaders Group and CO-AP. This will be coordinated by the LRPIC chairperson. THE MASTER PLAN The proposed Master Plan as presented is based on a pay-as-yougo system. Projects will start based on the available funds in the Capital Fund Account. The projects were prioritized based on the rankings in the Community Survey and by the funds available going forward in the Capital Fund Account. The proposed LRPIC Master Plan consists of nine projects: 2013 Construction 1) Social Café/Meeting Area – est. cost $329,761. Café will have limited hours, with beverage and food service.

Meeting areas will be open all hou rs. 2) Improvements to Parking, lighting, and Landscaping – est. cost $720,000*. This cost includes improving the parking, redoing landscaping, removing the CERT Building and the cement stage in the Plaza for more golf cart parking, relocation of North Course Lane (existing road) and utility expansion to support better lighting and improved irrigation. 2014 Construction 1) Welcome/Infor mat ion Center – est. cost $217,000. This will be constructed on the lot at the corner of Cherry Hills Drive and North Pebble Beach Blvd. 2) Library Addition – est. cost $191,250. 3) Security Patrol/Samaritans Building – est. cost to the CA of $75,000 (for site preparation). The cost of this building will be shared by both the Security Patrol and the Samaritans. It will be built in the North parking lot area north of the Lawn Bowling Green. 4) Nature Trail Area – est. cost $100,000. This will be situated on the 37 acres of the West Campus) 2016 Construction 1) Multipurpose Building – est. cost $1,255,146. *The site for this building is the putting green area on the five acres recently acquired by the Community Association on the North Lakes Golf Course. 2024 Construction 1) New Theater – est. cost $2,070,000*. This would also be constructed on the five-acre site. Theater cost is based on 2013 dollars and inflation over the years will increase the price. 2) Renovation of the present Rollins Theater for clubrooms – est. cost $336,000. Renovation cost is in 2013 dollars and inflation over the years will increase the price. Parking improvements were a high priority noted in the recent survey. The Board agrees. It is the key project in the Master Plan. All major building projects take place around the parking lot. If the membership does not approve the parking lot improvements, moving forward on the rest of the projects will necessitate tearing up sections

March 2013

of the lot and then patching it. This is both very costly and disruptive. By doing the lot first it allows us to embed what we need to complete the rest of the planned expansion with minimal cost and disruption to the community. The Board is planning to schedule a vote on the parking improvements in April. We need a “YES” vote on this project from the membership. The total cost of the Master Plan is approximately $5,442,959. Inflation will impact the cost of building materials and labor rates will likely increase the final costing. The impact of inflation may extend the building timeline. Individual projects exceeding the Board of Directors budget constraints will be brought before the Community Association’s members for a vote. Projects will be initiated based on the monies available in the Capital Fund, which may alter the final scheduling of the projects. A funding option may be presented to the community for consideration at some future date. This would require a membership vote. The proposed Master Plan was presented to the Board of Directors at the February Board meeting. It was decided by the Board to display the proposed plan at the Atrium Building and Community Hall for the members’ comments and put the proposed plan on the website. A coffee and Conversation has been scheduled for March 5 at 9 a.m. in the Florida Room at the Atrium Building to receive comments and input from the membership. After March 15 a Master Plan drawing will be made available for viewing. It will be displayed in the Atrium Building, at Community Hall and at the CA office. Your B o ard of Dire c tors is looking for the Community’s comments by a letter to the Board or email your comments to the Board The Board needs your input. This is your Association and the Board wants to provide the amenities and facilities improvements that you desire. *Requires membership vote

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March 2013

The News of Sun City Center


North ... South ... East ... West ...

Expanding Our Horizons

Tampa Bay Pet Expo Attention all cat and dog lovers and owners! The Tampa Bay Pet Expo is coming to the Florida State Fairgrounds on Saturday, March 23, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There are a number of events to entertain you including an agility course, a pet talent contest, a pet costume contest, a mega-adoption event, Dock Dogs (high-flying action with jumping dogs), obedience demonstrations, author readings / book signings and live entertainment. There are also two “Special Guests” booked: Shorty Rossi “Pit Boss” and his dog Hercules, and Harrison Forbes celebrity pet expert and animal behaviorist. In addition, the many vendors will have the latest and greatest pet products available, including Furbuddies Bling It On!, Sass N Duets ~ Handmade Natural Treats and Swheat Scoop Cat Litter. Besides dog and cat treats, there will be human concession stands with the usual fare—hot dogs, hamburgers, vegan options, chips and sodas. You are also welcome to bring your own sandwich or snacks if you wish. Your pet dog is welcome to attend with you, but it must be upto-date on its vaccinations, on a leash and you must sign a waiver (available at If Fido will not be attending and you do not want to drive yourself,


By Judy Stimson

you are welcome to join Cat Fanciers Club on their Spring Field Trip to the Pet Expo. They are meeting outside the Armstrong Room at 9 a.m. and will return to Sun City Center by 3 p.m. This Field Trip is FREE for Cat Fanciers Club members. It is $15 per person for all others and is only open to CA members. Reservations are required: email CatFanciersClub@ and have your CA number ready. If you decide to go on your own, the address for the Florida State Fairgrounds is 4800 N. US HWY 301, Tampa, FL 33610. Parking is $5 per car, and it will take around 35 minutes to get there.

Solution on page 34. Call

813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary hearing screening




The Sandpiper Grill

Community Fundraiser Dine to make a difference


On March 13, 2013 from 11-8:30 Nic Egarhos, owner of Sandpiper Grill, will donate 10% of all the sales for the day to the Relay for Life when servers are presented with the coupon below. Nic believes in supporting many causes and he graciously agreed to support the American Cancer Society. Relay for Life will take place on Saturday April 6 from 2-9 PM at the Trinity Baptist Church. Many teams will be walking a track around the parking lot of the church to raise monies to fight cancer. All members of the community are invited to join the teams who have been gathering donations. The goal for the teams is to raise $41,000.

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Mary Petro Fund Completes One Year

SCC EMERGENCY SQUAD REQUESTS INFO ON AED’s If you have an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on your premises, please notify the Squad at and indicate the make and model number and the precise location of the AED. This information is vitally important for the Emergency Squad as well as for Hillsborough County Fire Rescue. This information will be shared with both Emergency Me d i c a l S e r v i c e g r o u p s . - Submitted by: —Jan Huber, Asst. Chief PR

March 2013

When Mar y died, the Foundation set in motion talks with various organizations about administering the program. United Community Church was chosen and a task force of seven worked ten months to set up the program and select an administrator. UCC provides office space and the Foundation pays all operating costs.

D a v i d O’ D e l l , p r o g r a m coordinator of the Mary Petro Fund for Food and Medicine, reports that 92 Sun City Center and Kings Point households received $80,532 during the program’s first year that ended February 6 ($61,206 for food and $19,326 for medicine). The program is funded by the earnings of the $2.3 million fortune of Mary Petro, a David O’Dell exudes Sun City Center resident who died compassion and commitment when in 2009. talking about the program. “I am continually surprised by the number of people who need help and suspect there are many more who would qualify if they just knew about it. Many are embarrassed to ask for help but are encouraged to apply by neighbors and friends. During the qualification process, we also counsel clients about other help available,” he says. When asked about the 20 volunteers from UCC and other local churches, he said that they all see this as a way to do meaningful volunteer Mary Petro work because they are making a We don’t know much about difference in people’s lives. Mary Petro. She had no close living relatives and not even the closest acquaintances and neighbors knew she “had money.” She lived in a modest house and her frugal spending habits included buying clothes at thrift shops and enjoying free coffee and cookies at local businesses.

The one thing we’re certain of is her deep compassion for people in need. Ten years before her death, Mary worked with the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center to have earnings from her entire estate fund a perpetual program “To provide help to SCC and KP residents who are in dire need of assistance with food and/ or medicine.” This has become the program’s Mission Statement.

To qualify, taxable income must be less than $16,335 for an individual or $22,065 for a couple. They must be legal, full-time residents of Sun City Center or Kings Point and must have a CA or KP badge. If a person qualifies for assistance with food costs, he or she is given a gift card to a local grocery store. If help with medicine costs is needed, the payment goes directly to the pharmacy. David and his staff urge anyone interested (for themselves or a friend/ neighbor) to either stop in the office on the east side of UCC at LaJolla and N. Pebble Beach during operating hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, or call 634-8306 for an appointment or information.

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Linda and John Bowker (front right) and other volunteers enjoyed the luncheon in honor of their CA contributions.

By Phyllis Hodges


Jane Keegan (front left), CA vice president, and others lined up for picnic fare served by CA employees and volunteers.


SOLID GOLD will join THE DUKES and ELVIS in the Main Tent.

by: Uta Kuhn If you’ve always thought there is no “free lunch”, then the volunteer picnic, which was held on Friday, February 15, would prove you to be wrong. Hundreds of folks who volunteered their time and energy during the past year to such activities as FunFest, July 4th Breakfast, the Holiday Breakfast, the Golf Cart Parade, etc., were treated a to “free lunch” in appreciation of their service to the various wonderful Community Association sponsored events. The picnic was held in the Florida Room and made possible by the combined efforts of Elaine Birkinshaw, Lyn Reitz, and Judy Schings, who helped serve grilled hot dogs with all the trimmings, baked beans, and coleslaw. Thank you to Kelly Emerson and Gene Husted who were responsible for the grilling of the hot dogs. All attendees also had a choice of soft drinks, assorted chips, and an assortment of cookies to choose from. The event was held as a THANK YOU from the C.A. and enjoyed by many. This event, like so many others in our community, is just one reason living in Sun City Center is so special.

US 301 SunCity Center

Food/Clubs/Community Group Participation Numerous clubs and community organizations will have representatives on hand to tell you all you want to know about their activities. Food offerings to suit all tastes are sponsored by CA clubs, and club displays and open rooms will be welcoming visitors with their wares and information. Entertainment Galore Ju d y S c h i n g s , w h o h a s arranged an extensive entertainment schedule, says that some favorites (THE DUKES and ELVIS) will be returning in the Main Tent. They will be joined by SOLID GOLD who will also be featured performers this year. MUSIC BY GARI will be in the Let’s Dance Tent by the Arts and Crafts Center. There will be space for dancing, so drop in. WONDERS OF NATURE, always popular, will be in the Florida Room. Don’t miss exhibitions throughout the campus by other performers. Per for mance lo cat ions and times will be listed in the schedule distributed by greeters on campus. Following is the schedule at press time. Main Tent: THE DUKES (9:15 and 12:15 p.m.); ELVIS aka Bill Lindsey (10:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m.); SOLID GOLD (11:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m.) “Let’s Dance” Tent: Music by Gari Jangraw (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Rollins Theatre: GermanAmerican Club Singers (10:30 a.m.), Performing Arts Club (11 a.m.), The Women’s Chorus (11:30 a.m.), SCC Men’s Chorus (12:15 p.m.), Swingers Square (1 p.m.), Comedy and Song with John Foster (1:45 p.m.) Florida Room: SCC Line Dance Club (9:15 a.m.); Country Cloggers (10 a.m.); Solo Line Dance Club (10:30 a.m.); Academy Ballroom Dance Club (11:15 a.m.); Wonders of Nature (12:15 and 1 p.m.) Pool Side: Front Porch Pickers (11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.) Lap Pool: Swim Dancers (11:30 a.m.) Arts and Crafts Center: Displays from C.A.R.E, Elmira’s Wildlife Refuge and C.A.R.E., (both all day). Make sure FunFest 2013 on March 16 is on your calendar and tell your friends. Come early so you don’t miss the 9 a.m. opening remarks by CA President Ed Barnes and FunFest Chair Susan Muise and flag raising by the American Legion at the bandstand. For more information, call 813-633-3500.

Volunteer Picnic


FunFest from page 1.

The News of Sun City Center



C.R. 672 E. 31/3 miles east of 301 Balm, Florida 634-7790

March 2013

The News of Sun City Center



C. A. R. E.

Wyatt Wyatt is an adorable Lab/Terrier mix with an awesome personality. This little peanut was found in a dumpster at Wal-Mart. He loves everyone and is a big cuddle muffin. We have also noticed that he knows how to entertain himself. He brings his toys into his big bed and plays. Wyatt is really a fantastic pup! He is a puppy so please apply only if you are ready to invest the time and energy required. Wyatt deserves a forever home. As part of his adoption, Wyatt will be neutered, microchipped and brought current on his shots. DOB: December 2, 2012 For directions, visit or call 813-645-2273

Meepers Meepers is an adorable little lady who just happens to have feline imunodeficiency virus (FIV). Meepers is a special cat in need of a special home. She came to our shelter in March 2010 ready to deliver kittens and she was just a kitten herself. After delivering six beautiful babies she was diagnosed with FIV. Cats with FIV can live for several years without symptoms. Meepers should be in a home with no other cats. She has been spayed and is current on vaccines. She needs to be kept indoors because immuno-suppressed cats are more susceptible to infection. In the right environment, Meepers quality of life could be good for many years. DOB: November 2, 2009. C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday

Answer on page 34.

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The News of Sun City Center

Meet Your Neighbor... By Agnes Baker The Front Porch Pickers have been around for a few years bringing a refreshing sound to anyone who is in a listening mood for some good down home, country music and harmony, always ready to perform; and very easy on the ears ... Check them out each Wednesday afternoon at the Rollins Theater ... This is the first of a series on some of the members and today we put the spotlight on ...

David Lickfeldt the current president of the Front Porch Pickers who has served in that capacity for the past four years. His choice of instrument is the mandolin which he plays on a regular basis while still handling the chores of being “head emcee.” He and wife Paula moved to—his words: “Paradise Florida” from Michigan (no wonder!). Again, his words, “In spite of all the strange, wacko stuff that happens, we now have friends from everywhere come to visit. The unique nature of this community creates an affordable place to live in retirement with terrific weather and interesting people and can generate pure joy when shared with others.” David and Paula are members of the United Community Church and have lived here for 12 years. After moving here, he volunteered with the Emergency Squad for eight years, serving for five of those years as ambulance driver trainer. David spent his “working years” in the educational field—as a teacher and high school principal while also serving in the U.S. Army. He has two

sons Darin and Kevin and a daughter Celeste. What does David do when not entertaining visitors or playing with the Pickers??? He might be ‘gone fishing’ on beautiful Tampa Bay but, most likely, playing golf!

Why Have A Library?

By Art Erickson According to the membership survey, the library gets a lot of use. The only other “amenity” to get more use, according to the survey result, is the Atrium. Since the Atrium is a multipurpose facility I don’t see how there’s any comparison at all. So, why do all these people like to go to the library? The reasons vary with the person. Once upon a time, the hallowed volumes in a library were for the sole use of serious academics, and there were few libraries in existence. In that sense, the library has not changed in purpose - it is still a central resource for knowledge, but it has evolved into much more. Mr. Andrew Carnegie got the ball rolling by spending his own money on the effort. In less than 100 years, libraries have become so commonplace most small towns have one. It is impossible to estimate the benefit to society as a whole but it must be several orders of magnitude compared to the cost. Far from being silent tombs of forgotten works, scoured only by researchers for information, libraries are now more social. Rooms may be available for meetings, learning events may be scheduled for children and/or adults, even items for entertainment like paintings or movies may be borrowed for a period of time. For the researcher, or the casual user, computers are available for accessing the Internet. The offerings of a library have expanded, but books are still the big draw. Many people don’t want to take a book home for the short time they need it so they just read in the library. Some people like the environment - being surrounded by so much knowledge, creativity and history can be a sensation in itself. Others like to make a habit of investigating new arrivals as the inventory is not static; many enjoy the physical act of browsing the

March 2013

shelves compared to a computerbased system. Our own library, supported by volunteers (as is our way), has a wide selection of research material, fiction, paperback books - if you prefer that, audio CDs and large print books, movies (in VHS tape or DVD formats) and computers with an Internet connection. Open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the library has an agreement with the county library system so you can request a book from the county inventory and it will be delivered to the SCC library. A recently added program is home delivery for members of the Community Association who cannot visit the library due to health or transportation problems. Volunteers will help them with selections and call on them as arranged. Call the library for more details 813-634-1315. Other information about the library is at the CA website facilities/item/193.html. Many times the demise of one institution or another has been predicted due to the advent of a technology. Mail-order catalogs were supposed to replace retail stores, television was supposed to replace radio, the Internet was supposed to replace newspapers, television, radio and retail stores - perhaps even libraries. The truth is technology impacts society tremendously, but it is more of an evolution than a revolution. The new and the old tend to complement each other more than replace each other. The library is as relevant today as it was 100 years ago, perhaps even more. Those who do not use the resources available at the library may not be aware of what they are missing. It’s an easy golf cart ride (adjacent to the CA offices, close to the lawn bowling area) and what you discover may surprise you.

Tax Aide Info


Will you be one of the million 65 & older seniors who will need emergency assistance this year? The Men’s Club of Sun City Center & Philips Lifeline provide access to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Lifeline Medical Alert Who will help if you fall or need assistance – whether medical, fire or sheriff? One push of a small button is all you need to do. What happens if I fall in the shower? Philips personal help button is waterproof – DO wear in the shower. Monthly monitoring fee as low as $25.00. No equipment to purchase and no contract. Provided by your Men’s Club of Sun City Center, a non-profit organization who sponsors Philip Lifeline as a service to your community.

Call the Men’s Club at 813-633-7091

or stop by our office at 1002-A Cherry Hills Drive

United Community Church (use west entrance) - North Pebble Beach at LaJolla - Sun City Center. Walk -in service Monday through Friday - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For an appointment - January only, call 633-5679. For March 1 - April 15 - call 634-3502.

Interested in placing an ad in The NEWS of Sun Center??? Call John Wolf today at 813-938-8721

March 2013

The News of Sun City Center


SouthShore Regional Library Programs for March SAT. MAR 9 SONNY & PERLEY PRESENT: A TRIBUTE TO COLE PORTER 3 - 4:15 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE Event! Enjoy the musical stylings of talented duo Sonny and Perley as they present a unique selection of music from Cole Porter’s vast library of popular songs. Cole Porter was a celebrated Broadway composer of the 1920s and 1930s. Known for his sophisticated wit and playful style, Cole Porter was unique among the Great American composers. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. WED. MAR 13 MASTER GARDENER: WATER GARDENS 7 - 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Learn how to create a paradise in your garden with the use of water. Presented in partnership with Hillsborough County Extension Service.

Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE Event! Enjoy a St. Patrick’s Day movie on the library’s big screen. Darby O’Gill is a wily old storyteller (Albert Sharpe) who matches wits with the king of the leprechauns and helps play matchmaker for his daughter (Janet Munro) and the strapping lad (Sean Connery) who has replaced him as caretaker. TUE. MAR 19 STAR PARTY 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE Event! Enjoy a closer look at the moon and planets! Astronomy enthusiast, Craig MacDougal, will lead a brief discussion on stars, planets, and moons. Immediately following will be an outside viewing of the night sky through a telescope. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library.

WED. MAR 20 MAH JONGG CLUB 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. Enjoy an evening of the popular table game, Mah Jongg. Participants are asked FRI. MAR 15 MOVIE MATINEE 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the SouthShore to bring their own Mah Jongg set Regional Library, located at 15816 or card. Registration required. Call (813) 273-3652 to register.


SAT. MAR 23 IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES, IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES 3 - 4 p.m. in the Community Room at the SouthShore Regional Library, located at 15816 Beth Shields Way Ruskin, FL 33573. FREE Event! In celebration of Florida’s 500 year anniversary, retired park ranger Darrel Smith will discuss the history and legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps created by

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(FORMERLY “KIDS AGAINST HUNGER”) While members of the Sun City Center Rotary have the spirit to help hungry children, they don’t have the numbers they need for one upcoming community service project. Members of the Rotary are seeking 300 volunteers to help them package food for the “Meals of Hope” program, Volunteers are asked to meet on Saturday, March 9, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Borini Theatre, 1900 Clubhouse Drivbe, Kings Point, in Sun City Center. The Interfaith Council, The Community Foundation, as well as many local individuals have all donated moneys to so support this event. Before the packaging event, volunteers will briefly train participants. The activity involves pouring ingredients into plastic bags, sealing the bags and then boxing the bags. No heavy lifting is required and there are jobs for people to do sitting down. Jim Wilmouth, chairman of the project for the Rotary Club, said volunteers will work in an assembly line to package the food. Last year more than 300 people volunteered for the event and packaged more than

65,000 meals. These meals were distributed to the Good Samaritan Mission, Beth-El Mission, Calvary Luthern, St. Anne’s, and the Lord’s Lighthouse. These food pantries are visited by over 1,000 families every week! This is the sixth year for this event and could not be done without volunteers like you, as well as The Rotary Clubs of Sun City Center and Naples, The Men’s Club, The Women’s Club, The Lions Club, The Kiwanis Club, The Shriners Club, The Men’s and Women’s Chorus, The Knights of Columbus, The Chamber of Commerce, The Boy Scouts, The Men’s & Women’s Softball Clubs, Hillsborough College, Samaritan Services, South Bay Hospital, The Emergency Squad, The Security patrol many other clubs plus all of the houses of worship in the area. If you have a vest, shirt, jacket or name tag from your organization, please wear it! Come join us, have fun and participate in an activity where thousands of people will benefit from your time and energy! It’s truly neighbors helping neighbors!!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt as part of the New Deal for America, and highlight the CCC’s impact on Florida’s landscape. This discussion will educate listeners on the daily life as a “CCC Boy”. Mr. Smith will be dressed in a period 1930-40 era CCC uniform. Funded by the Friends of the SouthShore Regional Library. —Allie Turrill

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The News of Sun City Center


March 2013

German Entertainers Coming to Sun City Center

Striding for Fitness

Our community will be a stop on the Florida tour of this musical group. Axel Becker and Romi are the singing performers, and the Zillertaler Edelweiss Due will entertain on the accordion and guitar. This German Musical Show is hosted by our own local German-American Club, and will take place on Thursday, March 14, in Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach Blvd. The show will begin at 5 p.m. and a catered dinner (Ham steaks and Chicken Marsala) will be available at 6 p.m. The ticket price is $20 per person. Your check should be mailed to Mike Albanese at 1808 Granville Lane, Sun City Center, 33573.

The Silver Striders gather for a run. By Phyllis Hodges Early on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the Silver Striders gather at the SCC Fitness Center dressed in their running togs. From there, they set off for a run that covers up to 5-1/2 miles around the area. Individual time varies; it takes less than an hour for some and 90 minutes or so for others. Several members of the club take their running seriously and travel outside SCC to compete— Bruce Andersen, for one (6th from right). In 2012, he ran in three races outside Sun City Center, including one that was 50K (31 miles). In 2009 he ran the Boston Marathon. The most recent race in which he competed was the Croom Zoom 25K Trail Run (15-1/2 miles) in

Brooksville a few weeks ago. With a time of 2:31:52, he came in first for his age group of 60 and up. Five of the seven runners in that group were in their early sixties. The overall winner in the race was a 19-year-old male with time of 1:47:16. Bruce, 72, was a New York police officer before he and Joan moved to Sun City Center in 2000. No, he was not a runner in his “former life.” Contact: President Mike Maranovic 642-9713 (7th from right) Note: Lifestyles is a feature highlighting groups who reflect active senior living. Each month it will feature the activity, focusing on a recent accomplishment (group or member). Suggestions are welcome. Email:


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March 2013






The News of Sun City Center





WeÊwereÊveryÊthankfulÊthatÊSouthernÊCoinÊ&ÊJewelryÊwasÊableÊtoÊ BUYING SHOW COMES TO TOWN comeÊtoÊourÊhouseÊasÊweÊdonÕtÊlikeÊtoÊtravelÊmuchÊanymore.ÊÊJohnÊwasÊ STAFF WRITER veryÊfriendlyÊandÊknowledgeable,ÊandÊweÊwereÊveryÊhappyÊwithÊtheÊ amountÊthatÊweÊwereÊpaid.ÊÊWeÊhaveÊtoldÊseveralÊpeopleÊaboutÊthisÊ Southern Coin & Jewelry works with professional companyÊandÊwillÊcontinueÊtoÊinÊtheÊfuture. ElaineÊandÊJohnÊ collectors from around the world to find all types of

IÊhadÊdoneÊmyÊresearchÊandÊknewÊwhatÊmyÊgoldÊandÊjewelryÊwasÊworth.ÊÊ SouthernÊCoinÊ&ÊJewelryÊwasÊwillingÊtoÊpayÊtheÊhighestÊpricesÊbyÊfar.ÊÊIÊplanÊ toÊreturnÊtoÊtheÊshowÊwhenÊtheyÊareÊbackÊinÊtheÊarea. Robin





gold, silver, jewelry, old coins and currency and much more! The event is free, and there is no obligation to sell. Most items that are brought in to the event are purchased, and customers leave happy with cash in hand. Don’t miss this opportunity to cash in your items.












The News of Sun City Center

Dance Clubs

March 2013

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club


The Moonglow Ballroom Dance Club will feature the live music of “The Mellotones” at its monthly dance on Thursday March 28. Please join us at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. for dancing and/ or listening from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Dressy Casual. BYOB with cups, ice, water & napkins provided. Singles table(s) available. Club members are FREE and visitors/ guests pay $5 per person at the door. Our 2013 Dance Schedule lists the great lineup of “Live Musicians” we have booked for your dancing and listening pleasure. Current members are requested to pay their dues, if you have not yet done so. We always welcome new members, so encourage your friends and neighbors to join too! Those who have fond memories of our “SCC Big Band Dances” will discover that the musicians at Moonglow dances will be playing some of the same melodies. We still offer the same amazing bargain of 12 monthly dances to live music for $25 per person payable by check to Moonglow Dance Club. If you think that you can’t ballroom dance, remember we are not “Dancing with the Stars.” We each enjoy doing whatever our bodies allow us to do, in time to the varied music we have from different Live musicians every month. No one will be judging your performance, so just come and have fun dancing your own style to live music. For more information, call 813-633-1297 OR 813-642-8845. If you would like to receive our complete 2013 schedule online, you may send email to

Come Dance With Us

Oldies But Goodies Dance Club Music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s Sunday - March 3 Community Hall Dancing 7 – 10 p.m. Entertainment: “SHOUT” BYOB OBG Members free, Non-members $5 For more info, call Barbara: 633-5649

Free Sunday Dance Practice

Need a place to practice your dance skills to various types of music? The perfect opportunity is every Sunday afternoon (2 – 3:30 p.m.) in the Dance Studio in the Atrium (CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). This is not a lesson, just a time to practice with some good music. The session, sponsored by the SCC Dance Club, is open to all members of the SCC Community Association or residents of Kings Point.

—Gail Bouverat

Foxy Seniors The Foxy Seniors Dance Club is having a pizza party and dance on March 16 from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Florida Room. Enjoy an evening of fun where you can dance and/or sing, hosted by ReAct Entertainment (Suzanne & Bruce). Open to Sun City Center, Kings Point and their guests. Couples & singles welcome. Members pay $3. Non-members pay $6. Reservations should be sent to Angelina by Feb. 9. BYOB. Casual Attire. For information or to reserve a table for eight, phone Angelina at 813-634-1865.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

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Saturday, March 2, at Community Hall Dance is from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free; guests $6. Music by Bernice Dubro Attire: Dressy Casual. Everyone welcome, Singles tables available. BYOB For further information, call Lennie Crooks at 642-9975.

Dance Classes in March 2013

SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium. Open to all Sun City Center CA and Kings Point residents. Couples and singles welcome. $5 per class. For information, call Bernice DuBro at 634-3205. TUESDAY EVENING CLASSES (March 5,12,19,26) Beginning - Rumba 5:30 p.m. Intermediate -Waltz 6:45 p.m. Intermediate -West Coast Swing 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY DAY CLASSES (March 6,13,20,27) Beginning - Fox Trot 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Cha Cha 2 p.m. Silver - Swing 3:15 p.m.


This is a special dance session for FOR SINGLES ONLY. We will be teaching a few steps in the Fox Trot. Open to all SCC and Kings Point residents: DATES: Mondays (March 4,11,18,25) TIME: 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. COST: $20 PER PERSON FOR ALL 4 CLASSES TAUGHT BY BERNICE DUBRO AND TOM GIANNINA CALL TO REGISTER: 634-3205 E-MAIL: DANCEWITHBERNICE@GMAIL.COM

SCC Dance Club

Wednesday, March 13 – ST. PATRICK’S DANCE PARTY, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., presented by the SCC Dance Club in Community Hall, 1910 So. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Featuring our Exclusive SCC Dance Club Playlist spun by Gerardo. Selections include: East & West Coast Swing, Slow and Line Dance, Fox Trot, Latin variations, Waltz, Country and Polka. Complimentary Irish coffee and homemade Irish Soda bread will be served. BYOB, wear some “green” and bring your friends. Members free. Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles welcome. For more info, call 813-634-9074. Frank M. Carl

Square Dance Club Holds Weekly Dances

The club’s regular Friday Night Mainstream/Plus Dances are held in C ommunity Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. (except Mar. 8 and Nov. 15; these dances wi l l be held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building). PreRounds 7 - 7:30 p.m. Mainstream/ Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Ron Reardon calls on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month; Art Springer calls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Bob Ellis or Marty Van Wart will fill in as caller as needed. Pat Hagen cues. A Beginners Square Dance Class is held every Tuesday night, 6:30–8 p.m., in Room 3 of Community Hall.

A Plus workshop follows 8–9:30 p.m. Van Coble is the instructor. The Club participated, along with many other local square dance clubs, in demonstrating at the Florida State Fair in mid-February the art and fun of square dancing. The clubs provide this entertainment at the Fair every year. It is always well received by the Fair-goers. Our club will also perform its annual square dance demonstration at the SCC Fun Fest on March 16, 2013. Square Dancers: come join us every Friday Night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. For further information call Geri at 633-9742 or Leah at 6333986 and/or visit our website at index. —Dick Shultz

March 2013

Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center


Standing (L to R): Bruce Petrie, Dean Merrill, Arnie Frigeri, Loran Hart, Joe White, Evelyn Neste, Harry Schunk. Seated: Lynda Herst, Cecil Wally with model. Not Present - Liz Lewis, Erwin Karl. The snowbirds had hardly returned to their winter habitat in Sun City Center when the first class of the season was called to order at the SCC Woodcarvers Club.

work with seven days off before the final eight hours of classroom work. The split schedule allowed the students to fine-tune the work started in the first sessions and to be Following 24 hours of intense prepared for the final day of detailing classroom labor and untold hours and painting. of homework, the class lined up for Mr. Wally, the instructor, used this class photograph. The class was a an actual deer bust trophy to help deer bust with antlers taught by Cecil class appreciate the fine details of Wally of Sebring Florida. this project.


The Computer Club “GEEKS ON TOUR”

At the March 6 meeting, The Computer Club will feature a presentation by the “Geeks on tour”, a husband and wife team who tour the country by RV, explaining PC topics. You will learn how to develop your very own BLOG. And, they are prepared to explain many other topics. Come to hear meet this very interesting couple, and learn a few new facts about your PC. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Florida Room. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited. For membership and meeting information, contact Gary Smith at 480-2753. “INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS” 10 a.m. – noon; Tuition $20 payable upon registration A four-session class, on four consecutive weeks. Your choice of: March 11, 18, 25, April 1 or March 13, 20, 27, and April 3. Classes will be held in the Computer Club Classroom in the Atrium Building. Register any day, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5 p.m. Due to the popularity of these classes, and an enrollment limitation of 10 students per class, early registration is recommended. These classes are open to any Sun City Center or Kings Point resident. For further information regarding the Computer Club’s Educational Programs, call or email Bob Wehrle, 633-4516 - bcwehrle@tampabay.

Patriots Club Works to “Keep Them Flying”

By Uta Kuhn At a recent board meeting of the Patriots Club, the decision was made to replace heavy duty cotton/polyester flags with lightweight nylon flags. This change was brought about by the fact that the heavier flags have a tendency to become detached from the lamp posts during wind/rainstorms. Board members therefore decided that using lightweight flags may solve this problem. Also, in order to retrieve flags which have come down, special The class was taught in two —Fred Joest tags were attached to the poles which read “if found, please call 642-2020.” The officers hope this will help deter the loss of flags that come down segments - 16 hours of classroom during storms. If you happen to find a flag down, PLEASE PICK IT UP AND CALL THE NUMBER LISTED ON THE TAG!!! As in past years, the club will be offering flags in good condition flown on SR 674 for a $5 donation at FunFest. Stop by and get one of those flags Ask Pete your to fly at your home. questions about A reminder, please do not fly a torn/tattered badly faded flag. You prostate cancer The International Forum can turn those flags into the Community Association office, Monday through announces a panel discussion on Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The office secretary will see to it that your flag Is there any kind of diet that is “Rising Democracy in North Africa gets turned over to a local scout troop for proper disposal. recommended to prevent prostate and the Middle East” on Friday, Questions, call 642-9555. cancer? March 8, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Florida Room of the Atrium A—We do not know enough about building. The program will feature the real cause or causes of this canthree panelists including U.S. Navy cer to identify any specific foods as Commander Philip Kapusta who will the culprits. speak about the impact of the “Arab We do know that the same diet Spring” on U.S. national security. suggested by the American Heart Commander Kapusta is currently Association makes the most sense assigned as a strategic planner in the Special Operations Command for all people, not just those concerned about prostate cancer. Also speaking is Joe Menasce who will focus on Egypt’s recent That diet is known as the Medihistory leading to Mubarack’s reign terranean Diet, and concentrates and the Egyptian uncompleted on lots of fresh vegetables and revolution with its possible outcomes. fruit, fish and chicken, use of olive Born in Egypt, Joe teaches classes in oil, whole grains. Red meat should areas related to the Middle East. be totally eliminated, if possible, as The third panelist is Colonel well as highly processed foods, and Rick White (US Army, Ret), formerly most milk products. attached to the U.S. Embassy in India Dave Floyd joinsDick Person, Kristine Hofmann and Don Renwick in and Afghanistan. He will address the A good place to find this diet (and preparing flags for flying along SR674 from Memorial Day implications of the evolving situation lots of recipes) is in the book: The through the Fourth of July. in the Middle East on South Asia. New Prostate Cancer Nutrition A question and answer period will Book, by Rose and Charles Myers, follow the presentation. MD. It is available for $25 from —Pat Diehl Rivanna Press, (434) 220-3774

International Forum

Daylight Savings Begins at 2 a.m. on March 10 This information is provided by the Dattoli Cancer Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Submit your questions to: 800/915-1001 or

Don’t forget to set your clocks one hour AHEAD!


Club Happenings 2 Men’s Club Donates Automated External Defibrillator

Jim Rottman, left, president of the Men’s Club, presents the AED to Jerry Benningfield, right, president of the Pickleball Club. At the February meeting of the Men’s Club of Sun City Center, Men’s Club President Jim Rottman presented SCC Pickleball Club President Jerry Benningfield with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). The Men’s Club provides life care service projects and health care programs for members of the community. Membership in the Men’s Club of Sun City Center is open to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month in the Sun City Center Community Hall. Programs start at 11:30 a.m. Interested men are invited to call John Armstrong, at 813-364-6434 for details.

The News of Sun City Center



British Connection

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March 2013


Pictured above is National bridge director Patty Mary Underwood Johnson who travelled from Sebring to direct the A new exhibition in the Art Gallery in SCC tournament. Patty is head director for Florida; Sue Batt, the tournament chairman; and Lynn Berg, will open with a reception in the Art Room on assistant tournament director, who travelled from Wednesday, March 6, 2013, from 2 to 4 p.m. The exhibit will feature the works of Mary Underwood, Deland. long time and very active member of the Art Club. The Sun City Center Bridge Club Annual Working in her home studio, painting things Sectional Tournament was held in the CA Hall that please her, Mary produces light, airy watercolors on February 8, 9 and 10. imbued with a profusion of vibrant colors, the A total of 264 tables, each with four players, subject matter often being objects that produce were filled during the three-day period. Lunch was interesting reflections and shadows. served on the final day, a Swiss team event with After graduating from a West Virginia high more than 190 players participating. school where she first developed an interest in art, SCC resident and bridge club member, Sue Mary dabbled with paintings but didn’t take art Batt, was chairman of the event and, with her large seriously until she married and moved to New Jersey group of volunteers, made this a very successful where she took some art lessons, joined a local art club and won awards for her paintings. tournament. Moving to Sun City Center in 1986, she joined —Marianne Strehar the Art Club and saw her paintings win Best of Show,

Audubon Club

The Sun City Audubon Club sponsored its second photo contest at its February meeting. Pictured is winner John Revill with his winning poster and blue ribbon. Second place winner Marcie Hanson and third place James Royals also received ribbons. All three winners were presented with cash prizes. The March meeting of the Club will be held on Saturday, March 2, at 9:30 a.m. in the Florida Room. After refreshments and a brief business meeting, Dr. Holly Greening, Executive Director of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, will present a history of the restoration of Tampa Bay. Dr. Greening is a dynamic, knowledgeable speaker. Don’t miss this meeting! The March field trip is a Tampa Bay Watch Cruise on Wednesday, March 6. Guests are welcome at all meetings. Call Lynn 938-1065. —Lynn Knapp

not just once, but four times in the annual art shows. She now works exclusively in watercolor and paints both landscape and still life. An active member of the Art Club, Mary has served on numerous committees and as a Board Member as well as chair of Art Education. All are invited to this opening reception, to meet Mary and enjoy the exhibit of her works. Admission is free and refreshments will be available. —Ed Laudano

USF Professor to Speak at AAUW Meeting The Sun C it y C e nte r / South Shore Chapter of The American Association of University Sarasota Scottish Country Dancers Wo m e n w i l l The British Connection’s members and host a luncheon guests were “reeling” with the Sarasota Scottish m e e t i n g o n Country Dancers at their January 22 event in Saturday, March the Florida Room. A bountiful hearty dinner 9, at 10:30 a.m. of United Kingdom specialties was enjoyed by in the Florida Room on the Central Campus. all, followed by the dancers’ performance to The guest speaker will be Susan MacManus, a wonderful rousing music and a few lively dances Distinguished Professor of Political Science at with audience participation. the University of South Florida. She will speak The British Connection is open to all CA on the 2012 elections and the impact on future members and guests and residents Kings Point. campaigns. She will share information about her For additional information, contact Kathy Howell trip to Washington DC and the Inauguration. If 567-3358. you would like to attend the March 9 meeting, call —Capt Terry Upson & Mary at (813) 634-5483. Mrs. Robbin StrattonUpson

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March 2013

Club Happenings 3

The News of Sun City Center


Sandra Freedman, Ann Marie Leblanc, Ellen Kleinschmidt

Chuck and Rita, Entertainment

The Irish Connection Hosts Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance

Ninety-seven members and guests of the Sun City Center Irish Connection enjoyed a lovely Valentine’s Day Dinner prepared by Mary Stewart Catering followed by lively dancing with spectacular music presented by Chuck and Rita, memorable “world class” entertainers. Many door prizes were won and included donations by the SCC Ceramics Club, China Painters, Sunset Grill, and the Irish Connection. A major announcement was made by President Fred Lofland in regards to an Irish Trip that is in the planning stages for September 2013. Anyone who is Irish, those of Irish extraction, or anyone who has an interest in Ireland, are welcome to join the Irish Connection Club. The club was formed with the object to promote all things Irish, including culture, history, and music. For membership information, call 642-8663, Bonnie Matthys, membership chair. —Robbin StrattonUpson


Sponsored by the Men’s Club of Sun City Center, “Male Call” will host its next meeting Monday, March 11, 2 p.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. Our program is entitled: “LIVING IN THE AFTERMATH OF PROSTATE CANCER TREATMENT.” A panel of survivors will tell their story and discuss how they are coping with the effects of various surgical, hormone and radiation treatments. It is suggested that patients, partners and physicians attend. Refreshments will be served. —Harry Benter

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On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 the SCC/ South Shore Branch of the American Association of University Women held a champagne brunch, catered by Fun With Food Catering at the Sun City Center Community Hall. The event was chaired by Bunny Blackstone and co-chaired by Diane Waronka. Marsha Fader presented the 2013 Women of Distinction Awards. The first award was presented to Sandra Freedman, the first female mayor of the City of Tampa from 1986 through 1995. Prior to that she served on the Tampa City Council from 1974 until she became mayor. Sandra graduated from Plant High School in 1961 and the U of Miami, FL with a B.A. degree in government in 1965. Her interests are family, politics, travel and exercise. The second award went to Ann Marie Leblanc. In 2002 she began working as a volunteer at the Sun City Center Information Center. She served on the Board of Directors two terms and was the Club Liaison Director and Special Events Coordinator. She chaired the FunFest for three years. We honor her for her work that produced our year-long SCC 50th Anniversary Celebration. The third award presented by Martha was to Ellen Kleinschmidt. She received her BFA degree from Univ. of Wisconsin and taught in the state for three years before moving to Hillsborough County where she has been a music teacher for 25 years. Twice she was selected as Teacher of the Year. Now she teaches part time and enjoys being involved as artistic director and president of the SCC Performing Arts Company. The money raised at this event will go to the Mature Women’s Scholarship Fund.

Dance Lessons with Brigid

The Irish Connection Club is hosting Irish dance lessons with Brigid; join in the fun and come learn to dance with the Irish! The lessons are 7-8 p.m. Friday evenings in the Dance Studio in the Atrium Building, next to the exercise pool, on North Pebble Beach. Dates: March 29, April 12, May 10, Sept.13, Oct. 11, and Nov 8. Cost is $1 per member and $2 per guest. All are welcome. For info, please contact Brigid Guarino 634-8174. —Robbin StrattonUpson

Got a Car You Wanna Sell The Good, The Bad The Ugly Call Now



The Organ/KeyBoard Club Has New Officers for 2013

(L to R) Mira Beck, secretary, Linda Hawken, president, Barb Carlini, vice-president, Myrna Crowley, librarian, and seated is Al Larcher, director. Not pictured Bob Mulcahy. The club meets every Thursday at 9 a.m., group lesson at 9:30 in the Florida Room. $3 covers lesson & music, yours to keep. No instrument needed. Call Barb Carlini for more information 813633-2022. —Barb Carlini

Pictured are the Patriots Club of Sun City Center’s officers for 2013. (L to R): Don Renwick, vice president and CFO; Dick Person, vice presidentmembership; Uta Kuhn, president; and David Floyd, secretary. At the annual meeting of the Patriots Club of Sun City Center held on Saturday January 19th; the following were elected to be the officers for 2013: Uta Kuhn-President, Don Renwick-Vice President/CFO, Dick Person-Vice President Membership, and David Floyd-Secretary. This Club sponsors the periodic display of U.S. Flags along S.R. 674 in Sun City Center. The Club flies the flags each year from Memorial Day through July 4th, September 11th and on Veterans Day. The Patriots Club also sponsors fund raisings for the wounded veteran’s rehabilitation programs at the James B. Hailey Veteran’s Hospital in Tampa. The Club will be participating in Sun City Center’s FunFest on March 16 at the North Campus.

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Club Happenings 4

The News of Sun City Center

China Painters Club FunFest Raffle

March 2013


St. Patrick’s Day Party

Mini Bus Club

The Mini Bus is planning trips to the baseball games again this year. There are 12 games with two per month playing various teams. Check them out in the mini bus office at 1910 S Pebble Beach Blvd. Some of the other trips being offered are Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat at the Show Palace 3/21, Voca at the Van Wezel 3/27, “Is He Dead” playing at the Francis Wilson Playhouse 4/6, Bok Towers Concert Under the Stars 4/27, Mothers Day at Maggianos 5/12, Tradewinds Casino Boat 6/28 and many more. There are still openings on the two-night/three-day trip to Jacksonville 5/2 to 5/4. Look online at for many more trips being offered to Sun City Center residents.

The Irish Connection will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day this year with a very special party in Community Hall on Sunday, March 17. There will be a delicious, traditional corned beef dinner catered by Doug Hitching’s group Fun With Food and entertainment to liven the evening singing the old Irish songs. A substantial surprise door prize will be given to two lucky winners. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with doors open at 5:30 p.m. Snacks will be provided. BYOB Tickets will be on sale in the Atrium kiosk on Monday, March 4; Wednesday, March 6; and Friday, March 8, from 9 to noon. The price of the tickets is $20 for members and $25 for guests. For more information call Phyllis Colleran, 813-634-3308 or Fred Lofland, 813-600-7415. —Phyllis Colleran

Sun City Center Photo Club Competition Tuesday, March 12

The SCC China Painters Club is holding a raffle for FunFest in Sun City Center to be held on March 16. A beautiful porcelain china table painted with roses by our own renowned artist, Martha Klos. This piece won 2nd place at the Florida State Fair in 2012. Stop by the club room to purchase your tickets. Each ticket is $l or six for $5. Our pieces are all one-of-a-kind and many are for sale in our club room. Come in and visit and look at our wonderful gifts. —Sandra Bianco

Aleksandra Surko, president of the SCC Lapidary Club, presented a check for $1,000 to Noreen Schramm, chief of the SCC Emergency Squad. This generous contribution is so appreciated since the Squad operates soley by contributions and support from the community. The Sun City Center Emergency Squad is an all-volunteer Basic Life Support unit. It is the largest in the State of Florida. If you think you may be interested in joining this prestigous group, please call 813633-1411 or check them out on line at —Jan Huber

Men’s Club Trio of Council Members Spread the Word

The Sun City Center Photo Club is holding its first full photo competition on Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room. This The SCC Macintosh User is a great opportunity for community Group will hold its March meeting members to view digital and print on Tuesday, March 26 at 3 p.m. in the photographs taken by our talented Caper Room in the Atrium Building. photographers. Media show “shorts,” An informal Q&A will be created by our photographers, will followed by a brief business meeting also be shown. and program. At 6:30 p.m., we will begin with The main program commences our media shows on a wide-range (L to R) Jim Rottman, president SCC Men’s Club; Lew Resseguie, Council at 4 p.m. and will be based on a of topics. The judging of print and member; Barbara VanEycken, Council member; Walt Cawein, Council “digital photography” theme called digital photographs by three trained member, all of the Community Foundation of Greater SCC; and Don “I Want to be in Pictures” which will in-house judges begins immediately Murphy, VP programs, SCC Men’s Club. highlight the photographic elements following. At a recent meeting of the SCC Men’s Club, a trio of Council members available on the Macintosh. iPhoto, Community members and of the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center addressed the Aperture, Lightroom, and Photoshop guests are welcome to attend For SCC Men’s Club about the history and the many projects that are funded by Elements will be featured as well as more information on the club and this treasure of an organization through grants and endowments. They also scanning applications commonly its activities, please see our website encouraged SCC Men’s Club members to consider how they could become used and available. at or visit All area residents interested in the learning lab at 960D Cherry involved and make future contributions. For more information on the SCC Men’s Club contact John Armstrong, learning more about the Macintosh Hills Drive. Dues for the 2013 year and Apple products are invited to remain at $20 per person or $30 VP membership at (813) 634-6434. attend. Any questions can be directed per household couple and provide —Don Murphy to Dunham Swift at 633-7262 or by access to club activities, competitions email at Please and classes as well as the photo lab visit us at our website: www.sccmug. with computers, scanners and large org. format printers. The Scandinavian Club of Sun City Center —Dunham Swift —Vicki Breaugh is having its traditional Show & Tell at its March get-together, which due to Easter, is moved to Monday, April 1. It will be in the Atrium Florida The Sun City Center Low Vision Club will hold its monthly Room at noon. Members will show mementos, meeting on Monday, March 18 at 1:30 p.m. at the Chamber of hand-me-downs, old books and pictures relating to our Scandinavian heritage. Pieces of traditional Commerce building in SCC Plaza. country costumes (folksdräkt, bunad) are outstanding show pieces. Better The guest speaker is DeeWynn Cox, a certified care manager, still if you can put one on.

Scandinavian Club

Low Vision Club

with Care Management Service Professionals. Her presentation Refreshments will be a light lunch including wine & cheese. Attendance will focus on ways to make the transition from independent living is open to all for a charge, reservations are not required. If your heritage is to other options, such as group independent living or assisted Scandinavian and you are interested in joining the club, you can contact us living, easier. at or call Fritz Brinck at 813-260-3422. For information contact Ben Green, president, at 385-5590.

March 2013

Club Happenings 5

The News of Sun City Center


South Shore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging

GFWC SCC Woman’s Club Launches 51st Year of Service

Woman’s Club President Jean Smith and Community Association President Ed Barnes.

With the January meeting, GFWC SCC Woman’s Club kicked off its 51st year of service in Sun City Center. President Jean Smith welcomed Community Association President Ed Barnes, who congratulated the club on its many years of service to the community. He stated that the Woman’s Club is the oldest club in Sun City Center. He also praised the club for founding the Sun City Center Library and said that it is a great asset for our residents. The Woman’s Club was founded in 1962, shortly after the first residents moved in. It became a member of the international General Federation of Woman’s Clubs (GFWC) in 1963. In addition to the Library, the Club also started the Meals on Wheels program in Sun City Center in 1973. The Woman’s Club is organized into six areas of interest and community service. Members select the committee(s) they are most interested in. The Arts and Crafts Committee is co chaired by Rosie Clifton and Nancy Russell. Its purpose is to contribute

to arts, education and activities in the club and community. This committee organizes the club’s annual arts and crafts competition and provides décor for most events. The Conservation Committee is chaired by Jeanne Nenarella. This committee provides media articles about conservation, managing and preserving the environment. It is also responsible for the club’s recycling efforts. Club members recycle greeting cards for nursing homes, Box Tops for Education, magazines for the Veterans Hospital, cancelled stamps for the Duval Home, can tabs for the Shriners and coupons for military families to use in the PX. The Education Committee is cochaired by Carla Miles and Cyrille Cobe. The focus of this committee is support for The Hope Fund for the children at Bethune Park in Wimauma. Members serve on the Hope Fund Board and as mentors, tutors and readers for the children. They help with the weekly Kids Marathon. They also assist with the Breakfast and Bingo fundraisers and provide gifts for the children at Christmas time. The ESO Book Club is another component of the Education Committee. Members read, exchange and discuss books and sponsor an annual Authors Luncheon. They also collect Pennies for Books, which are donated to the Wimauma Elementary School Media Center. The International Outreach Committee is chaired by June Wallace. This committee is dedicated to increasing community awareness and information

for Human Trafficking prevention projects. Tampa Bay is #3 in US cities in all forms of Human Trafficking. June is the Facilitator for the Tampa Bay Community Campaign Against Human Trafficking. They are sponsoring a Quack-tacular Lucky Duck Day on March 2 at the Atrium and Ladies and Men’s Golf Tournaments on March 6 at Sandpiper and Falcon Watch to raise funds for “Bridging Freedom” Child Sex Trafficking Victim Shelter. Public Issues advocates for veterans and develops programs and projects related to citizenship. Uta Kuhn, president of the Patriots Club guides this committee. The Patriots Club is responsible for the American flags that fly on 674 and the recognition programs for veterans on military holidays. The Charitable Service Committee/Meals on Wheels, is co-chaired by Sharon Nathan and Angela Maze. The committee works in collaboration with Samaritan Services, who handle reservations and billing; South Bay Hospital, where the meals are prepared; and an extensive network of service clubs and churches to organize volunteer drivers to deliver the hot meals to shut-ins in the SCC community. All Sun City Center and Kings Point women are invited to join the Woman’s Club. Luncheon meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month September through May. Reservations are required. For information, please contact the membership chair, Peggy Person, 633-0255. —Roselyn Cruthis

Edmond Dubreuil, president of the South Shore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging, presented Debbie Caneen, director of Admissions at Sun Towers Retirement Community, with the Coalition’s Annual “Butterfly Award.” During the year 2012, Debbie assisted the Coalition with fundraising, publicity, office space and, above all, brownies for their numerous educational seminars. If you would like to learn more about the Coalition, please contact the office at 813-419-4902. —Debbie Caneen

Yappy Hour “ ” & Open House

Wednesday, March 13 • 2 - 4 p.m. Location: Golf View Terrace at Freedom Plaza – Follow parking signs You probably recognize Freedom Plaza Sun City Center as a leader in retirement living. But on March 13 the place is going to the dogs. You and your canine companion are invited to join us for “Yappy Hour” and Open House. Try some great-tasting wine and cheese that will please your palate and view the dog friendly accommodations at our Golf View Terrace apartments – complete with two bedrooms, two baths, a single-car garage and a golf cart garage. Participate in our Silent Auction. All proceeds benefit CARE of Ruskin, a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter for abused and abandoned dogs and cats. Don’t miss this special event!

RSVP BY MARCH 6, CALL 1-888-402-6998. Dress your canines in their finest to show them off in our puppy parade. Please join us, but be sure to keep your pet on a leash at all times and pick-up after your pet. A Life Care Community

1-888-402-6998 Your story continues here...

1010 American Eagle Blvd., Apt. 114 Sun City Center, Florida 33573 Sponsored by the Retired Officers’ Corp. Open to folks from all walks of life. 51111EF-ROP11-0313-LB


Club Happenings 6

The News of Sun City Center

China Club Members Win Big at the Florida State Fair!

March 2013

Martha Klos won Best of Show for the 2nd year in a row with her Charging Elephants. She also won four First Place ribbons in various categories. Beverly Majewski had one First Place & one Honorable Mention. Marion Stephens had two Second Place ribbons, one Third Place & one Honorable Mention. Diana Young earned two Second Place ribbons & one Third Place. A wonderful showing for the club, it is testimony to the increasing skills members gain from the classes held each month with outside teachers made possible by a grant from the SCC Community Foundation.

National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE)

The monthly luncheon meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 27, at 11:30 a.m. in the Plaza Club at Freedom Plaza. Reservations are due by Thursday, March 21. The cost of the luncheon is $12. Our guest speaker will be a representative from the Alzheimers Research Group of USF. For more info call Ted @ 642-9374

MODEL HOME GRAND OPENING! Minto Debuts Ten New Model Homes at Sun City Center. Sun City Center has been ranked among the “Best Places To Retire in the United States” by And with Minto’s introduction of ten new model homes including paired villas and single family homes, the best just got even better! These exceptional residences complement the refined beauty of an active master-planned community with six golf courses, a world of refreshing recreation, four grand clubhouses totaling 196,000 square feet, and easy access to the relaxed elegance of Florida’s Gulf Coast.

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minto creates better places to inspire life.

March 2013

Club Happenings 7 SEW ’N SEWS ELECTS OFFICERS FOR 2013

The News of Sun City Center


Ron Shackelford Featured Photographer at the Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce

The Sun City Center Sew ’n Sews Club recently elected the club officers for 2013. The officers are (L to R): Linda Nolder, vice president; Pam Davis, president; Dee Kelly, treasurer and sunshine chair; Linda Swift, secretary; JoAnn Hobbs, member-at-large; Katherine Benoit, publicity chair. Past President Barbara Baker was not present for the picture. The Sew ’n Sews Club provides a place and equipment for experienced and novice stitchers or quilters to learn new techniques, to share in the joy of creating something beautiful, and to enjoy great fellowship. 

 Membership is open to any SCC Community Association Member and annual dues are $10. Meetings and classes are held Monday through Friday in the Arts and Crafts Building. —Katherine Benoit

Ron Shackelford is the featured photographer for the SCC Photo Club’s monthly display at the SCC Chamber of Commerce in March. Ron has been an active member of the SCC Photo Club for several years. Ron has won many awards in state and local competitions. He won the club’s Best of the Best competition in December with his photo Watching Over Parliament (shown above). Ron has traveled extensively and his photos reflect the landscapes and people of those travels. His exhibit is entitled Worth a Thousand Words and will feature many of his award-winning photos. Come to the opening of his display at the Chamber of Commerce between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. on March 14 to meet him and enjoy some wine and cheese. His photographs will be on display through April 10.


IBM Grant Funds Substance Abuse Classes For The Hope Fund Children in Wimauma

Children enrolled in the sex and drug prevention program listen intently as volunteer Bob DeVagno explains their homework assignment. The program is funded by IBM and sponsored by The Hope Fund, a focus of the GFWC SCC Woman’s Club Education Committee. Hope Fund volunteers, Rosie Carla Miles, president of The Clifton and Bob DeVagno, join forces Hope Fund, needed a volunteer to to educate children in Wimauma teach a drug and alcohol prevention about the dangers of substance abuse. program to children enrolled in the The course is one of several that after-school and summer programs will be taught using a $1,500 grant in Wimauma. The class also includes that Rosie Clifton received from nutrition, family life, self esteem, her former employer, IBM, for her first aid and human sexuality. Bob volunteer work. DeVagno was recommended. Carla On behalf of IBM, Rosie said Bob taught elementary and observed a recent class and said, high school students in Catholic “Watching Bob DeVagno teach 10- and public schools in New York to 12-year-olds about the dangers of and Connecticut for 35 years and alcohol intoxication is interesting. It worked for the New York Public is clear he has many years of teaching Health Department before retiring to experience. He uses all sorts of Sun City Center. The Hope Fund is teaching aids, including humor, very fortunate that Bob volunteered impromptu skits, written and oral to teach this program. The children quizzes, healthy food rewards and really respect him. homework to make his points. He —Roselyn Cruthis obviously enjoys interacting with the children.”

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The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 8


10th Annual Dog Show Entry Deadline March 8, 2013

Cathy Cunningham wins Best Costume for Large Dogs with Chance and Zoe Cunningham, and Buddy Tallarico. Dogs living in Sun City Center and Kings Point are urged to remind their humans that it’s time to register for the 10th Annual Dog Show sponsored by the SCC Dog Owners Group. Dogs of all breeds and mixed breeds welcome. Deadline for entry is March 8, 2013. Registration fee is $5 for D.O.G. mmbers and $10 for nonmembers. Registration printouts available at the Dog Club website The Dog Show will be held March 23 at Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Show starts at 10:30 a.m. Chip Carter, sportscaster for Channel 13, will be one of the returning judges. For fur ther information, contact Winnie Walsh 634-6632 or Debra Vance 941-538-1956. —Jean Seifert

March 2013

Photo Club Announces January Digital Competition Winners

The Sun City Center Photo Club is proud to announce the winners of its January Digital Competition. The 1st place overall winner, receiving a perfect score of 30, was Ringling Disk Thrower by Rose Stack. Six photographs tied for second place overall with scores of 29. They were: Let’s Share by Kathy Vitale, Good Morning, St. Pete by Glenn Laucks, Up & Away by Rolf Sulzberger, Slot Canyon Waves by Don Burden, Balloon Over Church Ruin by Matt Batt and University of Tampa in the Round by Robert Winch. In the color division, category 1st place winners were: Let’s Share by Kathy Vitale (Master), Good Morning, St. Pete by Glenn Laucks (Advanced); Ringling Disk Thrower by Rose Stack (Level 2), Showtime by Robert Trivus (Level 1) and Slot Canyon Waves by Don Burden (Unassigned). In the monochrome division, category winners were: Eiffel Tower by Ron Shackelford (Master), Drink by Pat Jones (Level 2), and Steel Curves by Robert Winch (Unassigned). In the creative division, category winners were: Electric Cat by Gayle Fischer (Master), Downtown Tampa After Dark by Bill Leasy (Advanced), Balloon Over Church Ruins by Matt Batt (Level 2), and University of Tampa in the Round by Robert Winch (unassigned). Winning photos are displayed by the SCC Photo Club at www. and will be shown in the Photo Club window display in the Atrium. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2013 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

Ringling Disk Thrower by Rose Stack

Slot Canyon Waves by Don Burden

Let’s Share by Kathy Vitale Balloon Over Church Ruin by Matt Batt

Good Morning, St. Pete by Glenn Laucks

Up & Away by Rolf Sulzberger University of Tampa in the Round by Robert Winch






___________________________________ (Date)

Please submit your signed proxy to the CA office by 3 p.m. on March 20th, if you will not be attending the Membership Meeting.

(Print your name above)

_______________________________________ ___________________________________ (Signature of Member) (Date) BYLAW V – DUES, FEES, AND Please submit yourASSESSMENTS signed proxy to the CA office by 3 p.m. on March 20th, if you will not be attending the Membership Meeting. PROPOSED CHANGE Section 2. The amount of annual dues will be


_______________________________________ (Signature of Member)


Do you favor replacing Section 2 of Bylaw XII as indicated above?

Section 2. House guests and guests of members in good standing may use Association facilities but will be required to have a guest card, which can be purchased at the Association office at fees established by the Board.


Do you favor replacing Section 1 of Bylaw XII as indicated above?

Section 1. Current membership or guest cards must be displayed for participation in any activity on Association property. Membership or guest cards are not required for public events.


Do you favor the above amendment to Bylaw IV, Section 3?

Carol Donner, Executive Assistant, or alternatively, __________________________, CA Number __________ to cast my proxy vote as directed above. (The alternate will need to register Proxy in person at the meeting.)

(Print your name above)


Section 3. Committee Chairpersons may be appointed annually by the President with Board approval or may be appointed by the Board.


Do you favor the above additions to amend Bylaw III?

ADD: (i) Ensure that the Capital Fund Fees collected from resale homes in the Community Association are deposited into the Capital Fund. The Capital Fund is established to provide funds for construction projects and major campus renovations. The Capital Fund accounts are restricted from use for any other purpose.

ADD: (e). Appoint Committee Chairpersons annually with the approval of the Board.

Carol Donner, Executive Assistant, or alternatively, __________________________, CA Number __________ to cast my proxy vote as directed above. (The alternate will need to register Proxy in person at the meeting.)


Section 2. House guests of members in good standing may use Association facilities for a thirty (30) day period if accompanied by their host; to use Association facilities if not accompanied by their host, house guests will be required to have a guest card, which can be purchased at the Association office at fees established by the Board.

BYLAW XII – USE OF ASSOCIATION FACILITIES Section 1. Current membership or guest cards must be shown upon request for participation in any activity on Association property, except as provided by Sections 2 and 3 of this Bylaw.

BYLAW IV – COMMITTEES Section 3. Committee chairpersons will be appointed by the Board.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility to:

BYLAW III – OFFICERS Section 3. The President, as Chief Executive Officer, shall:

I, ___________________________________________, CA Membership Number _________ hereby designate


Do you favor replacing Section 2 of Bylaw XII as indicated above?

Section 2. House guests and guests of members in good standing may use Association facilities but will be required to have a guest card, which can be purchased at the Association office at fees established by the Board.


Do you favor replacing Section 1 of Bylaw XII as indicated above?

Section 1. Current membership or guest cards must be displayed for participation in any activity on Association property. Membership or guest cards are not required for public events.


Do you favor the above amendment to Bylaw IV, Section 3?

Section 3. Committee Chairpersons may be appointed annually by the President with Board approval or may be appointed by the Board.


Do you favor the above additions to amend Bylaw III?

ADD: (i) Ensure that the Capital Fund Fees collected from resale homes in the Community Association are deposited into the Capital Fund. The Capital Fund is established to provide funds for construction projects and major campus renovations. The Capital Fund accounts are restricted from use for any other purpose.

ADD: (e). Appoint Committee Chairpersons annually with the approval of the Board.


The News of Sun City Center

I, ___________________________________________, CA Membership Number _________ hereby designate

Section 2. House guests of members in good standing may use Association facilities for a thirty (30) day period if accompanied by their host; to use Association facilities if not accompanied by their host, house guests will be required to have a guest card, which can be purchased at the Association office at fees established by the Board.

BYLAW XII – USE OF ASSOCIATION FACILITIES Section 1. Current membership or guest cards must be shown upon request for participation in any activity on Association property, except as provided by Sections 2 and 3 of this Bylaw.

BYLAW IV – COMMITTEES Section 3. Committee chairpersons will be appointed by the Board.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility to:

BYLAW III – OFFICERS Section 3. The President, as Chief Executive Officer, shall:


March 2013 23

Sun City Center Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center FL 33573



CA Membership No. _________ (required) Printed Name and Address

-------------------------------- -First Fold: upward to the guide line. Be sure mailing address shows on outside --------------------------------------TAPE HERE

Sun City Center Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center FL 33573



CA Membership No. _________ (required) Printed Name and Address

-------------------------------- -First Fold: upward to the guide line. Be sure mailing address shows on outside --------------------------------------TAPE HERE

The News of Sun City Center

Tape Here and Bottom Edge

24 March 2013

Tape Here and Bottom Edge

March 2013

The News of Sun City Center



Living in Central Florida provides us a great opportunity to try our hand at growing and harvesting tropical fruits or at a minimum, sampling some from local growers. An exotic and fine tasting fruit is the Papaya. Growth Habit Papayas have exacting climate requirements for vigorous growth and fruit production. Although there is a slight seasonal peak in early summer and fall, papaya trees produce fruit year round. The papaya is short-lived and fast-growing to 10 or 12 feet in height. All parts contain latex. The hollow green or deep purple trunk and its diameter may be from 2 or 3 inches to over a foot at the base. Papayas need sun. They can be grown successfully in shade, but the fruit is rarely sweet. Papaya plants with a large amount of developing fruit are very susceptible to toppling due to high winds. Therefore, plants should be planted in windprotected areas of the landscape. Brief exposure to 32° F is damaging and prolonged cold will kill the plants. Cool temperatures will also alter fruit flavor. Planting Papayas need a light, welldrained soil and are easily damaged by excess moisture. The soil needs to be moist in hot weather and dry in cold weather with a wide range of pH from 4.5 to 8.0. The fast-growing papaya requires regular monthly applications of nitrogen fertilizers. Papayas do not need to be pruned, but established plants can be cut back to encourage multiple trunks. In general, plant 2 to 3 plants to insure fruit production from at least 1 plant. This is because depending upon the source of seeds; they may produce female, bisexual, or male plants. Fruit Papayas are spherical fruits that average about 7 inches in length and weigh about one pound. Their flesh is a rich orange color. This deliciously sweet fruit has musky undertones and a soft, butter-like consistency. Inside the inner cavities of the fruit


are black, round seeds encased in a The papaya whitefly, thrips, gelatinous-like substance. Papaya’s two-spotted mite, webworm, and a seeds are edible, although their number of nematode species cause peppery flavor is somewhat bitter. plants to decline in vigor. Mildew, anthracnose, root rot, and various virus diseases may also attack the plants. Harvest Papayas are ready to harvest when most of the skin is yellowgreen. Generally, fruit may be picked when yellow color covers 1/5 to 1/3 of the surface peel; however, greater color development of the fruit while on the tree increases fruit sugar content. Dark green fruit will Propagation not ripen properly off the tree, even Plant as soon as possible in though it may turn yellow on the warm (80° F), sterile potting mix as outside. Green papayas should not the seeds loose their viability rapidly be eaten raw because of the latex they in storage. Papaya plants can also be contain. Papayas are often sliced and grown from cuttings, which should eaten by themselves or served with a be left dormant for a few days. myriad of other foods. To propagate by seed, remove One of the easiest ways is to the seeds from an elongated ripe fruit eat it just like a melon. For a little and place in a colander. Press the extra zest, you can squeeze lemon or seeds against the side of the colander lime juice on top. You can also use to break the sac surrounding the a melon baller to scoop out the fruit seed as it inhibits seed germination. of a halved papaya. If you are adding Rinse seeds thoroughly and place it to a fruit salad, you should do so on a paper towel to dry (not in the just before serving as it tends to cause sunlight). Once seeds are dry, dust the other fruits to become very soft. with a fungicide and place in a plastic After picking fruit, they should bag and store it in a refrigerator for be held at room temperature to fully several years for later use. ripen before being stored in the Plant 2 to 4 seeds in each refrigerator. Ripe fruit will keep up 1-gallon container in a clean, sterile to 4 to 7 days. artificial media. Water thoroughly, Health Benefits and place the containers in a warm sunny location. Germination may They are rich sources of take 2 to 3 weeks. antioxidant nutrients such as Once seedlings have emerged, carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; select the most vigorous one and t h e B v i t a m i n s , f o l i at e a n d snip the others off at the soil line with pantothenic acid; and the minerals, clippers. Fertilize the seedlings with potassium and magnesium; and a dilute complete fertilizer solution fiber. Papayas may be very helpful every 10 to 14 days. Once plants have for the prevention of atherosclerosis reached 6 to 12 inches tall, plant in a and diabetic heart disease and have also been shown to be helpful in sunny location. the prevention of colon cancer. Pests and diseases Papaya’s direct antitumor effect on The papaya fruit fly, which lays various cancers, suggests possible eggs through the papaya fruit peel therapeutic strategies that use the into the fruit cavity where the larvae immune system to fight cancers. feed and eventually emerge from the Therefore, I think you can see ruined fruit. This fly is commonly that the Papaya has many uses. It mistaken for a wasp due to its long could certainly be a fun project to abdomen and yellow and black stimulate your gardening and/or markings. Fruit infested with papaya culinary arts. fruit fly may show yellow areas and References: may drop from the tree prematurely. mg054; The easiest control for this pest is papaya-2/ to place a bag over individual fruit when they are small and leave the bag on until harvest.

The Irish Connection Social Club traveled to Elmira’s Wildlife Sanctuary on Friday, Feb 8, for a tour of the beautiful exotic animals on display in their permanent home. Elmira Director Robin Greenwood and tour guides, Brenda Roshaven and Bob Bizzano, gave excellent stories of the life of these animals. Some sad and some good but all showing the results of many hours of TLC. From the playful grizzly (yes, the matriarch bear is “Elmira”), to the noisy cockatoos, to the feisty lemurs, it could be love at first sight for many animal lovers. The animals are not taken on tours nor used for breeding. Can you imagine fixing lunch for 49 growling stomachs? The display is the perfect place for the grandkids to be taken to see large cats up close. Ev e r y o n e at t h e E l m i r a Sanctuary is a volunteer and they operate on donations of time and money. They have never had a black mark given to them by the state in their years of existence. This is a 501(c)3 charitable program, fully deductible. Elmira’s also has a “Wish List” if anyone is interested in donating items needed. For more information, visit The Irish Connection wishes to thank the staff for the special Friday showing. Normally, the Sanctuary is open for tours to the public on Saturdays and the first Sunday of the month.

Young bear at Elmira’s Wildlife Sanctuary greeting visitors.

White tiger loves to greet visitors.


The News of Sun City Center

March 2013

Military Affairs

“A High Tea” Fundraiser

Get your fancy dress ready, find a hat, and reserve Wednesday, March 20 at 12:30 p.m. for “A High Tea” presented by Sun City Center’s Colonel George Mercer Brooke NSDAR Chapter. The Tea will be held in the Florida Room in the Atrium and promises to be an elegant afternoon. The Program “Portrait of a Bride, the revolving silhouette” will be presented by Leigh Anne Brown, chaplain of the NSDAR Alafia Chapter. Donation is $15 per person. Proceeds will benefit the wounded warriors and veterans at James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. If you are interested in attending or have questions, please contact Bunny Blackstone at 634-6387 or Jan Bassett at 642-0691 —Jo Prater SCC American Legion Post #246 attains 100% Membership Goal

(L to R): Tom Culliton, finance officer; Ronald Engles, post commander; Dr. Ken Barringer, guest speaker; Eunice Butts, 15th District commander; Blaine Brown, 1st vice commander; Jim Clor, 2nd vice commander. Dr. Ken Barringer was the guest speaker at the American Legion Post #246 regular monthly meeting held on January 25, 2013. Dr. Barringer’s presentation titled, “Keys to Healthy Aging” was well received, including a question and answer session following the program. Also in attendance was 15th District Commander Eunice Butts to congratulate Post #246 for exceeding its goal of 100% membership renewal.


Paul Wheat Receives MOAA Award

LTC Paul Wheat, USA, (Ret) received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) meeting held at the North Side Atrium building on February 6. Paul is the immediate past president of the SCC Chapter of MOAA, and was awarded the certificate for his outstanding leadership and willingness to provide considerable time and extensive efforts to the organization, despite his significant involvement in many other veterans organizations and causes. —B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

Brigadier General Jerry L. Neff was the February Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) luncheon speaker. The event took place at the Sun City Center North Side Atrium on February 6, 2013. Gen. Neff is currently the treasurer of the Florida Veterans Foundation (FVF). The foundation serves Florida and their families by providing direct services and partnering with state and local governments, veteran service organizations and educational institutions to improve their physical, financial, mental, emotional and social well-being. It serves as an advocate for Florida veterans by educating the public and governmental entities to increase awareness of veteran related issues. —B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)

Military Order of the World Wars

SCC MOWW Celebrates 22nd Birthday


Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter of DAR in Sun City Center was honored to have as their speaker for January Beverly Gentry, docent of the DAR National Museum. Beverly brought antique toys to share and several members of the chapter also brought in some of their treasures. Beverly presents interesting slide programs showing items that are in the Museum. These programs are available to any group, chapter or organization. —Jo Prater

Brigadier General Jerry Neff (Ret) Addresses MOAA

(L to R) Harry Lascola, Gordon Bassett, Sheila Greason, Frank Zahrobsky and Jack Seelye The Sun City Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) celebrated its 22nd birthday at the Sun City Center Freedom Plaza Club on February 22, 2013. A cake cutting ceremony was held with past Commanders Harry Lascola, LTC, USA (Ret); Gordon Bassett, Lt Col, USAF (Ret); Sheila Greason, current Commander; Frank Zahrobsky, Lt Col, USAF (Ret); and Jack Seelye, Capt, USAF (Ret) sharing the cutting of the cake. The national military organization was founded in 1919. —B. Frank Kepley, CAPT, USN, (Ret)


Beverly Gentry with Vice Regent Mary Culliton

SAR members Luther Lloyd, Gordon Bassett and Charles Churchill, all of whom reside in Sun City Center, recently reviewed a ZIP code list of SAR members who reside in Apollo Beach, Brandon, Plant City, Riverview, Ruskin, Sun City Center, Valrico and several other municipalities in the area. With 75 SAR members on the list, it was evident that a new SAR chapter could and should be established to help further promote the patriotic, historical and educational objectives of the National Society. In order to receive a charter from the Florida Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, the new chapter must have at least ten SAR members. As soon as the initial membership requirement is met, the state FLSSAR will provide start up funds of $400 as well as an SAR Flag. Membership in the chapter will consist of men who are descendants of Revolutionary War patriots whose applications for membership, transfer of membership or reinstatement of membership have been approved by the Registrar of the chapter as well as the state and national societies. In addition, the members will be required to be current on dues that are paid annually to chapter, state and national. An organization-forming meeting will be held on March 7, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. in the Palm Room located on the campus of the Sun City Center Community Association. At that meeting, attendees will discuss the adoption of a chapter name, location and frequency of meetings, nomination of officers and other topics that a new chapter needs to address. Thus far the following have agreed to serve as officers of the chapter: Gordon Bassett, president; Charles Churchill, secretary; and Luke Lloyd, registrar. Other active, inactive or potential new SAR members from the area who have expressed interest or willingness to support a new chapter include: Jack Chaille, Rod Grant, Chuck Hawley, Carl A. Nissen, Jr., Alan B. Tisdale, Tom Turpin, Jack Bolen, Bill Love, Tom Legocki and David O’Dell. If you wish to attend, call Charles at 813-6337654. Those who do not respond will be contacted by phone after seven days have elapsed from initial contact. The caller will inquire if you would like to become active in the new chapter. The first substantive meeting will take place in September or sooner depending on responses to our polling of the ZIP Code list.




March 2013

The News of Sun City Center

Air Force General Hatch is Speaker at ANA March Meeting Monroe W. Hatch, Jr., General, USAF (Ret.) will speak at The Silver Osprey Squadron (Association of Naval Aviation) luncheon meeting on Friday, March 8, at The Freedom Plaza Club, 3932 Upper Creek Drive, Sun City Center. The title of his presentation is “Looking Back and Looking Ahead.” His remarks will be focused on his own experience over 50 years and thoughts about what lies ahead for the U.S. Q and A are encouraged. General Hatch, born in New Orleans, LA, actually started his career in the US Navy as a midshipman in 1951 at the U.S. Naval Academy. He graduated in 1955. Until the new Air Force Academy graduated its first class in 1959, West Point and Annapolis each sent 20 per cent of their graduates to be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants in the US Air Force. During his career, his other education included earning a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 1969 and study at the National War College in 1974. General Hatch started his Air Force career as a tactical missile guidance officer at Sembach Air Base in Germany. He then went to pilot training and subsequently amassed more than 6,000 flying hours in the B-47 Stratojet, B-52 Stratofortress, and CT-39 Sabreliner. He held numerous SAC staff

General Monroe Hatch positions which led to Commander 14th Air Division, Beale AFB; Chief of Staff, Strategic Air Command; Inspector General, U.S. Air Force; and in his final assignment, he served as Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force from 1987 to 1990. After retiring from the U.S. Air Force, General Hatch became the executive director of the 150,000-member Air Force Association serving until late 1995. He and his wife currently reside in Clifton, VA and for two winter months, here in Sun City Center. Hospitality Hour is at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch at noon and presentation at 12:30 p.m. You do not have to be former militar y to attend. The only requirement is that you have an interest in military aviation. For reservation information, contact Tom Harding at 813-6341236 or e-mail at Reservations and checks ($17) must be received NO LATER THAN Wed. March 6, 2013.

Col. Luke Lloyd, USA (Ret.) Speaks to Naval Aviation Group in February On Friday,February 8, 2013, at the Freedom Plaza Club in Sun City Center, Silver Osprey Squadron members and their guests got a general view of the political and religious goals of Islam. Col. Lloyd retired from the US Army following 30 years of service. He served in Airborne Infantry and Armor combat units as well as Intelligence (Defense Intelligence Agency). While in the military, he learned the Arabic language. As a civilian, he earned a Master’s degree in Arab Studies from the American University in Beirut, Lebanon. While an intelligence officer, he specialized in the Middle East. He is also the author of a book entitled Out of Darkness. For more detail, you may wish to visit his website at www. Col. Lloyd’s wife, Jeanne, noticed that there were quite a few women in the audience. She spoke for a few minutes about Afghan women and summed up her remarks by recommending two novels by an American of Afghan descent: The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. On the lighter side, knowing that his audience was mostly aviators, Col. Lloyd said that he did have aviation experience. He was either riding in airplanes or jumping out of them! While based in Saudi Arabia,

Col.Luke Lloyd and his wife Jeanne both spoke to ANA members and guests. he traveled by air extensively, much of it in an Air Force Douglas C-54 Skymaster (same as a US Navy R5D and derived from the civilian DC-4 airliner). Col. Lloyd did his jumping earlier in his army career while he was an Airborne Infantry Officer. His presentation was very informative and well received by the audience. Luncheon meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at the Plaza Club. The exception would be the occasional visit to an air show or aviation museum. Prior military service is not required in order to attend. All that is required is an interest in military aviation. For further information, Email: or visit the Sun City Center website at, select Activities and use the drop down menu to select Veterans. Click the Association of Naval Aviation link.


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Club Happenings 9

The News of Sun City Center

Metaphysical Society Events

The Metaphysical Society believes that we are becoming aware that the thing most needed for the progression, even the very survival, of our world is for every one of us to discover our Divine Origin, Spiritual Nature, Universal Oneness and our Infinite potential. Consciousness such as this is characterized by the intense desire to learn and grow. Please come and join us! March 4 Book Group at 1 p.m. in the Armstrong Room at 953 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. The current metaphysical book is “Birth 2012 & Beyond,” by Barbara Marx Hubbard. No homework and the group reads aloud and discusses as they go. March 5 Drum Circle at 6:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at 960B Cherry Hills Drive, Sun City Center. Bring your drums, rattles, flutes, rain sticks, pots and/or pans and enjoy each other’s company in joyous revelry. M a r c h 6 Me e t i n g a n d Presentation at 10 a.m. in the Sandpiper Room at 945-E North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “Let’s Explore the After Life.” Alice P. Williams, Sun City Center resident, and long-time metaphysical student and teacher, will share her researched views on life and death. Are you afraid of death? Alice believes that when you learn about the afterlife, you will positively look forward to it. Join us with an open mind for a lively discussion. March 11 Book Group at 1 p.m. in the Sandpiper Room at 945-E North Course Lane, Sun City Center. Reading continues with “Birth 2012 & Beyond,” by Barbara Marx Hubbard. March 12 Drum Circle at 6:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at 960-B Cherry Hills Drive, Sun City Center. The drumming continues with joyous revelry. March 13 Me e t i ng and Presentation at 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room at 951 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “Spiritual Real-time Correction.” Speaker Martial Artist Grandmaster and software inventor, David Harris, brings the ancient practice of Qi Gong – a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing and meditation – to us of the modern world through 21st century technology. March 16 Book Group Not Meeting—Everyone is at the Sun City Center FunFest! Come join us at 9 a.m. on the Main Campus at 950 Cherry Hills Drive, Sun City Center. Open to the public. Admission is Free. March 19 Drum Circle at 6:30 p.m. in the Eberhardt Room at 909 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. The drumming continues with joyous revelry. March 20 Me e t i ng and Presentation at 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room at 951 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “The Life of

a Medium.” Speaker Brian Lewis will share his life’s experiences from childhood to present time of his journey as a Sprit Medium. Throughout his life he has learned that there are no mistakes, only learning experiences for growth. As a professional reader for over 25 years, he believes that he is blessed with his gift of mediumship from Spirit and honors this gift with a deep sense of responsibility to all truth seekers. March 25 Book Group at 1 p.m. in the Armstrong Room at 953 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. Reading continues with “Birth 2012 & Beyond,” by Barbara Marx Hubbard. March 26 Drum Circle at 6:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at 960-B Cherry Hills Drive, Sun City Center. The drumming continues with joyous revelry. March 27 Me e t i ng and Presentation at 10 a.m. in the Heritage Room at 951 North Course Lane, Sun City Center. “Pre-cognition - A

Leap into the Future.” Pre-cognition is knowledge of an event before it occurs. Is the future predictable? How can we know the difference between imagination, fear, and psychic impressions? How do we interpret time in a psychic reading? Come and learn from A.R.E. Presenter/Speaker, Carol Ann Liaros, a psychic whose scientific experiments proved her to be 93 - 97% accurate in predicting the future. Meetings and Presentations: Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Admission: Love Offering. For information: Call Holli at (813) 419-4704. Book Group: Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Admission: Free. For Information: Call Alice at 813-634-9065. Drum Circle: Open to SCC/KP Members and Guests. Admission: Free. For Information: Call Holli at 813-419-4704. Membership Information: Call Ludi at 813-938-5686 or send e-mail to: —Holli Cantrell

March 2013

Hearing Loss Association

The Sun City Center Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLA-SCC) will meet on Wed., March 6, 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West. L is a Tanner, Au.D., w i l l moderate a panel discussion, Does My Cochlear Implant Meet My Expectations? Panelists include three hearing-loss persons with cochlear implants and one hearing spouse who participated in her husband’s CI programming process following surgery. Dr. Tanner practices at Advanced Diagnostics & Hearing Solutions in Brandon. HLA-SCC membership is free and is sponsored by the Men’s Club of SCC. Everyone with hearing loss and hearing family members & friends is invited. Come early for coffee and donuts. Captioning provided by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, Inc.; and the meeting room is equipped with an induction loop to benefit those with a telecoil in their hearing instrument. Contact information: Barbara Riley at 6341706.

Dine with the Doctor Arthritis Treatment & Hip Replacements

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Presented by Dr. Robert Maddalon, Orthopedic Surgeon

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If you are suffering from hip pain, come learn if hip arthritis is the cause and find out what you can do about it.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Celebrate by learning about the importance of prevention and early detection.

March 12th, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. South Bay Hospital Medical Auditorium 1901 Haverford Plaza, Suite 106, Sun City Center. (Behind South Bay Hospital)

March 21st, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. South Bay Hospital Medical Auditorium 1901 Haverford Plaza, Suite 106, Sun City Center. (Behind South Bay Hospital)

A light meal will be served and seats are limited. Registration is required for each event by calling 1-888-685-1595.

March 2013

The News of Sun City Center

Health Group Sun City At veriMED Health Group, Sun City, you get more than just medical attention; you get our undivided attention. With complete health care services, we offer everything from routine checkups to treatment of minor emergencies. Above all, we offer patients the kind of old-fashioned, personalized service that’s hard to find these days. Dr. Geetha Krishnan, M.D.

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A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ...

The News of Sun City Center

Locksmith problems ... again! By Susan Muise

Once again a situation has come to our attention regarding locksmiths advertising in our yellow mileage or a minimum service pages. Apparently there is a group charge fee. of locksmiths in the yellow pages • Do not let anyone into your of our membership directory and home who has not identified the Verizon phone book who list him/herself professionally with themselves as local residents, and a business card or invoice sheet they are not. Calls to those phone with company name and address numbers, most beginning with 938-, included. Any vehicle should go to a call center that Hillsborough always have the company name County tells us is probably in Utah printed on it, and workers should or Oregon. The call center quotes have on clothing that identifies you a very low figure to repair your them, too. lock and then arranges to send “that local repairman” to your house for • Get an itemized invoice before the work is started. If the price the repairs. the locksmith is now quoting After the person fixes your lock is different from the phone he tells you that the cost is much estimate, do not allow the work higher than the quote. Any argument to be done. Stand your ground results in extreme intimidation through the intimidation until from the worker. Homeowners he goes away or call the police. have told us in the past that they were so frightened that they just • Ask for proof of insurance in case you sustain damage during the paid the additional fee to have the repair or if faulty work leads to person leave their house. The final further loss or damage. invoice has no company name or address, so follow-up complaints are • If you are locked out of your car, contact AAA, if you have it, or very difficult to handle. Usually the the roadside service of your car homeowner is just out the additional insurance. Make sure to keep that money. information where you can find Hillsborough County it when you need it and that it is Consumer Protection Agency has not locked inside your car. been working on this. Channel 11 Action News is re-running a piece • Ask family and friends for recommendations and referrals on it they did two years ago. They for any bu s i ne ss you are believe that this group may be tied considering hiring. to organized crime and is a problem throughout the country. • Never, ever sign a blank form authorizing work. Here are a few things that Hillsborough County Consumer Remember that the yellow pages Protection suggests you do if you are just ads paid for by the contractor need a locksmith: and can say anything the contractor • Before hiring, check locksmiths wishes. Advertisements in our with our Consumer Affairs Membership Directory Yellow Pages Office, 633-3500, the Florida are not a recommendation by the Attorney General’s Office Fraud Community Association or by the Hotline, 1-866-966-7226, the Consumer Affairs Committee. These County Consumer Protection ads do serve a purpose, however, in Agency, 903-3430, and/or the letting you know the type of work a Better Business Bureau, 1-727- business does. License and insurance 535-5522, to make sure you information can be listed in an ad, know who they are and that there but that doesn’t mean that this is true. are no unresolved complaints Please double check on anyone you plan to ask into your home. against them on file. • When you call for an appointment, ask about additional fees such as The Consumer Affairs Register is available at - Click on the SCC logo, Slide across the top to “Resources” and down to “Consumer Affairs.” The link to the Register is at the bottom of the page under the Disclaimer and Information sections.

Adogable Pets Pet Salon & Store Quality, Convenient & Dependable

March 2013

Published Authors Residing in SCC

(A continuing column by News staff writer Marie Wood.)

Eladio del Castillo, or Lad Castle as he prefers to be called, was born in Florida and has lived most of his life here and cannot think of anywhere else he’d rather be. Lad’s parents were immigrants and worked in the cigar industry when cigars were the main industry in Ybor City where he lived. Many families had small businesses in their homes and Lad remembers rolling cigars in his home workshop when he was a young boy. Lad attended school in Florida and for a time in New York and California but he always returned to Tampa. He worked in sales with Del Ray Industrial Service. When he retired he moved to Sun City Center because of all the activities available here. His wife J.R. works in home sales for Minto, the current land developers. Lad likes to play some golf and to fish but his writing takes

up any extra time he has. He and his wife do take “vacation days” at their home on St. Armand’s Key when they can. Lad became seriously interested in writing when he moved here. He attended meetings of the Kings Point Writers club and also the Sun City Center Writers group. As the members became acquainted, they decided to publish a book of their best stories, and in 2004, 16 writers published Over the Hill and Picking up Speed. After that Lad published some children’s stories. One of the first is The Last Gift. Lad also belongs to the Elks Club, the Pelican Players and the SouthShore Library Writers Club. He is working with the SouthShore group on developing e-books. Since he is still expanding his interests, he is now working on a book for seniors.

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March 2013

The News of Sun City Center

See Spot.

See Spot Change.


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Howard A. Oriba, M.D. • Michael G. Caruso, M.D.• Leslee Baute, P.A.-C. THE SKIN CANCER CENTERS DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES


Health Seminars from

Don’t miss these FREE informative events!

Thursday, March 28 Sun City Center Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet Room 1651 Sun City Center Plaza

Seminars include a question-and-answer period. Seating is limited, so reservations are required. Call Direct DoctorsSM Plus at 941.708.8100 to reserve your spot. Light refreshments will be served. Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Healthcare System, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Healthcare System. The hospitals shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

1:00 p.m. Chronic Back Pain and Osteoporosis Presentation by: Andrew Moulton, MD Sarasota Orthopedic Associates Learn what treatment options are available for those who suffer from chronic back pain and osteoporosis. Dr. Moulton will provide information on what you can do to strengthen your back – starting today.

The Orthopaedic Spine and Joint Center at Lakewood Ranch 2:00 p.m. Heart Disease… Signs and Symptoms Presentation by: Paula Jefferson, RN, BSN Business Development, Heart, Vascular and Imaging Center Services, Manatee Memorial Hospital This seminar will include a “show and tell” time, including sharing what devices are used to treat heart disease, such as a pacemaker and stents. You will be able to see and touch the equipment up close.


The News of Sun City Center

March 2013

Artist of the Month MARCH 2013

The Art Club in SCC has selected Carol Scoble as Artist of the Month for March 2013. Carol’s preferred medium is watercolor and her specialty in that medium is portraiture. Her ability at portrait work is such that she is commissioned to do a portrait of each minister upon his retirement. Carol’s creative artworks will be on display during March at SCC Library, Sun Trust Bank, American Bank, Wells Fargo Advisors (not WF bank), A-1 Connection Realty, Information Center on Cherry Hills Dr. and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room. —Ed Laudano


By: Uta Kuhn Do you have outdated, unused prescriptions or over the counter medicines and don’t know how to properly dispose of them? Here is your chance to dispose of them without harming the environment. Hillsborough County Sheriff ’s Department has again planned OPERATION MEDICINE CABINET as follows: DAY/DATE: Thursday - April 4, TIME: 9 a.m. to noon PLACE: Community Hall, 1910 Pebble Beach Blvd. South Deputy Chris Girard and his officers will be at the above location to collect those unwanted drugs (NO LIQUIDS) and will make sure that they are properly disposed of by being incinerated. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THESE DRUGS ARE NOT FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET OR DOWN THE DRAIN. (Local fish and wildlife will thank you for not poisoning local waters.) Once you get to Community Hall you won’t even need to get out of your car. All you need do is to drive up to the front entrance and the officers will be happy to take your drugs and deposit them in their special container for transport to the incinerator. So, please MARK YOUR CALENDAR and bring all of your unwanted/unused/outdated meds to the collection site, on the above date. Solution on page 34.

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March 2013

The News of Sun City Center

EMERGENCY SQUAD RECEIVES $5000 GRANT FOR FALL PREVENTION T h e S C C Emergency Squad has just received a grant from the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Me d i c a l O ve rs i g ht Prevention Program to prepare and implement a fall prevention education program in the SCC community. Last year the Squad was called to Bev LeDoux, EMT and Robin Watt, EMT over 6,500 emergencies. Approximately 40% of these calls were for falls. Fortunately, many people only need assistance getting back on their feet or into a chair. However, all too often, those who have fallen once will experience a second or third fall, usually with injuries. As part of our mission of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors,” we’d like to see this number reduced. The Squad’s Fall Prevention Team is led by Robin Watt, EMT and includes Jenny Casey, retired nurse; and EMT, Beverly LeDoux, EMT; Mary Soja, retired nurse and professor of Nursing; Margo Warner, retired physical therapist; and Russ Girghenti, EMR. The group will be making FALL PREVENTION presentations throughout the community to clubs, church groups, and Home Owners Associations. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for your organization, please call the Squad at 813-633-1411. —Jan Huber, Asst. Chief, PR


The SCC Emergency Squad will host its annual 50s Dance on March 3rd. The doors will open at 6 p.m. at Borini Hall in the North Clubhouse in King’s Point. Tickets are just $10 for a fun evening of music from the 50s and dancing with “Del and Gary.” Dress is ultra casual with jeans and tee shirts and even poodle skirts if you wish. Get your tickets early as they were sold out last year. Box office at the North Clubhouse is open from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please BYOB. —Jan Huber, Asst. Chief, PR

AIH Election Night The Americans of Italian Heritage Club will have its annual Election Night on Tuesday, March 12. It will be held at the KP Borini Theater. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. We will have pizza from East Coast Pizza including their salad. There will also be dessert, coffee, tea and soda. BYOB. Nick @ Nite will DJ music for your listening and dancing pleasure. This is a members only affair and will cost $10. Everyone will have a seat at tables of 8; kindly mail your checks in together. Please mail your check made payable to A.I.H. to: Annette Macdonald (633-9697), 2450 Kensington Greens Drive, SCC 33573. Cut-off date is March 5. —Annette Macdonald

AIH to Meet April 18

The Americans of Italian Heritage Club will have their Sandwich Night on Thursday, April 18. It will be held at the KP Borini Theater. The doors will open at 5 p.m. Sandwiches will be served at 5:30 p.m. Music for dancing and listening will be by DJ Nick@Nite and will be from 6 -9 p.m. The sandwiches will be from East Coast Pizza. The choices are: Chicken Parmigiana, meatball, sausage, pepper & onion and eggplant parmigiana. There will also be house or Caesar salad, beer, coffee, tea and soda. BYOB. The cost is $13 for members and $15 for nonmembers. Everyone will have a seat. Tables of 8, kindly mail your checks in together to Annette (see address at left) Cut-off date is April 12.


Hula Honeys Buzz Off to Parrish

(L to R) Linda Hawken, Malia Bosch, Joan Leombruno, Linda Schuler, Vicky Bittner and Sylvia Eddens, in traditional pa’u skirts and tops made by Malia.

The Hula Honeys group (led by Darlene Walters in Kings Point) were invited to perform at a charity dinner and silent auction at River Wilderness Golf & Country Club in Parrish recently where they entertained a very appreciative crowd with a variety of Hawaiian dances. Their next public appearance will be at the Queens Luncheon in Kings Point on March 13 - if you don’t book them for your own function before then! For information about the group or to book a performance, contact Darlene - 633-6839. –Linda Hawken


The Happy Travelers Group invites you to join them on the following trips: Memphis-- May 19 to May 25, 2013 The price of this trip is $479 per person double occupancy. The deadline for signing up for this trip is March 1, 2013. Nashville--June 23 to June 29, 2013 The price of this trip is $595 per person double occupancy. The deadline for signing up for this trip is April 2, 2013. Washington DC-- September 19 to September 24, 2013 The price of this trip is $489 per person double occupancy. The deadline for signing up for this trip is July 1, 2013. The Smokey Mountains-- October 20 to October 26, 2013 The price of this trip is $565 per person double occupancy. The deadline for signing up for this trip is August, 1, 2013. The group also has other cruises available that have been planned through Sun City Center TravelWorld. Christmas Markets Along the Danube, a nine-day River Cruise departing Tampa International Airport on December 6, 2013. This trip is offered through Grand Circle Tours. ***Please note our next group meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9, at 1 p.m. in the Kings Point South Clubhouse Jubilee 1 Room. A representative from Grand Circle Tours will be our guest speaker that day. Our annual membership dues are $5 per person. Please call Sandi at 813-298-9632 for more information about the club or the above mentioned trips and many others.

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Golf League Results, Pictures and More

Caloosa Greens Men’s Golf Jan. 16: Individual Low Net: 1st Place tie: 51, Jim Fisher and Jerry Huebner; 2nd Place tie: 52, Fred Schreiber, Bill Pachler and Dave Wilkie. Jan. 23: 3 Man Team Scramble with Balanced Teams: 1st Place tie (56): Team #6 Bill Panzner, Jack Libby, Jim Hoyt and Team #4 Stan Smalenski, Bill Pachler and Don Marlborough. Jan. 30: Team Chicago: +12 Fran Hendrickson, Ed Annen, & Dave Wilkie: + 10 Ed Troy.

Caloosa CC Women’s 9-hole

1st place winners: 1-4: Low Net: Flight 1 Chris Harkins and Lorna Ruggiero; Flight 2 Shelley Welper. Flight 3 Loretta Gallagher. 1/11: Best 5 consecutive scores: Flight 1 Lorna Ruggiero. Flight 2 Jean Neuenswander. Flight 3 Nancy Ventrone. 1/25: Mystery Hole: Flight 1 Chris Harkins and Vorin Johnston. Flight 2 Lynn Bodner. Flight 3 Loretta Gallagher. 2-8: Low Gross: Flight 1 Kay Attar and Shari Reeve. Flight 2 Shelley Welper. Flight 3 Loretta Gallagher.

The News of Sun City Center

Caloosa Greens Ladies Jan 17: Florida Scramble: 1st Place JoAnn Edwards/Monica Schoefield /Doris Zellers 59; 2nd Place Pat Joh ns on/ Peg g y Wolfe/ C arol Slaughter 61. Jan 24: Low Gross/ Low Net: A FLIGHT Gerry Towers low gross 67; Gloria Nunn low net 50. B FLIGHT Jane Fischer low gross 73; Nancy Mast low net 52. C FLIGHT Claudia Wooley low gross 79; Bette Breen low net 53. Jan 31: Low putts: A FLIGHT Gerry Towers 27; Mary Miller 28. B FLIGHT Nancy Mast 28; JoAnne Edwards 29. C FLIGHT Betty Breen 29; Doris Zellers 30. D FLIGHT Grace Houston 30; Yvonne Rocheleau 31. Feb. 7: “Best Score” front or back: A FLIGHT 1st Mary Jo Miller 23.5; 2nd Gloria Nunn 25. B FLIGHT 1st Carol Slaughter 25.5; 2nd JoAnne Edwards 26, Nancy Mast 26 tie. C FLIGHT 1st Doris Zellers 18.5; 2nd Betty Breen 23.5 D FLIGHT 1st Grace Houston 28.5; 2nd Yvonne Rocheleau 32.5, Jo Smalley 32.5 tie. —Peggy Wolfe

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point

March 2013

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point Jerry Stemas, and Jenice Taylor.

Flight #2 1st Place: Rich Lucidi and Emma Broschek - 2 Skins. Low-net: Paul Maki - 73; Low-gross: Hannes Broschek and Emma Broschek - Tied at 103. Birds: Chuck Feldschau - #8 Back Row: (L to R): Art Swallow, Emma Broschek, Hannes Broschek, Chuck Feldschau, Bill Konopasek Front Row: Left to Right: Jim Cox, Doc Lamiano, Tom Rosata. January 19, 2013: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins: 1 st Place: Charlie Brown - 5 Skins;2 nd Place: Bob Russell - 3 Skins. Low-net: Charlie Par 3. Brown - 52; Low-gross: Bob Russell - 71. Birds: Bob Russell - #1 Par 4, Back Row (L to R): Chuck #9 Par 4, #12 Par 4, #14 Par 4; Gary Feldschau, Hannes Broschek, Bill Marchman - #7 Par 4 and #13 Par 4; Healey, and Paul Maki. Front Row: Charlie Brown - #4 Par 3 and #14 Par Tom Rosata, Emma Broschek, and 4; Mike McClintic - #4 Par 3 Rich Lucidi. January 25, 2013: Summerfield Crossing, A-Skins: 1 st Place: Joe DeFelice and Tom Rosata - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Joe DeFelice - 64;

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point January 16, 2013: Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight #1 1st Place: Hank Smythe - 3 Skins; 2nd Place: Rich Lucidi and John Colgren - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Doc Lamiano – 72; Low-gross: Doc Lamiano – 92. Birds: Hank Smythe - #8 Par 3.

Caloosa CC Women (18) January 30, 2013: ABCD Scramble: 76 tie Joyce Stafford/Karla Pia/ Dolores Phelps/Linda McDougall; Jan Harding/Janice Davis/Ellie Duncanson/Joan LaMar. February 13, 2013: Home/Home with Scepter, 2 Best Ball of 4-some: 1st Place Patty Hersey, Jan Churchill, Left to Right: Doc Lamiano, Colleen Caplette, and Rich Lucidi. Judy Frank, Linda Suh 112; 2nd Place Aileen Engel, Vera Thompson, Flight #2 1st Place: Chuck Feldschau Debbie Lester, Ernie Stone 114. 4 Skins; 2nd Place: Steve Parks and Joe Danielson - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Hogans League Chuck Feldschau - #62; Low-gross: March Schedule John Apostolou – 91. Birds: Chuck Feldschau - #6. Date Day Course 3/1 Fri Summerfield 3/2 Sat Freedom Fairways Sat Sandpiper 3/4 Mon Imperial Lakewoods 3/6 Wed Cypress Creek 3/8 Fri Summerfield 3/9 Sat Freedom Fairways Sat Sandpiper 3/11 Mon Imperial Lakewoods 3/13 Wed Cypress Creek Back Row: Steve Parks, Chuck 3/15 Fri Summerfield Feldschau, Bill Healey, Joe 3/16 Sat Freedom Fairways Danielson. Front Row: Ruben Jones, Sat Sandpiper Tom Rosata, and John Apostolou. 3/18 Mon Imperial Lakewoods 3/20 Wed Cypress Creek January 18, 2013: Summerfield 3/22 Fri Summerfield Crossing, A-Skins: 1st Place: Jim Cox 3/23 Sat Freedom Fairways and Bill Konopasek - Tied at 2 Skins. Sat Sandpiper Low-net: Chuck Feldschau and Bill 3/25 Mon Imperial Lakewoods Konopasek - 70. Low-gross: Doc 3/27 Wed Cypress Creek Lamiano - 94. 3/28 Fri Summerfield 3/29 Sat Freedom Fairways Sat Sandpiper 3/31 Mon Imperial Lakewoods

Left to Right: Charlie Brown, Bob Russell, Bob Hull, Gary Marchman, Bill Giblin, Leo S., and Mike McClintic. Ja n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 : I m p e r i a l Lakewoods, A-Skins: 1st Place: Norm Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 89. Birds: Taylor and Rich Lucidi - Tied at 2 Doc Lamiano - #4 Par 4. Skins. Low-net: Norm Taylor - 57; Low-gross: Dan Stephens - 85. Birds: Back Row (L to R): Joe DeFelice, Dan Stephens - #6 Par 5, Norm Burt Easter, and Doc Lamiano. Taylor #15 Par 4, and Robert Jacobs Front Row: Bill Smythe, Bill - #6 Par 5. Konopasek, Tom Rosata, and Karl Erwin. Ja n u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 : I m p e r i a l Lakewoods, A-Skins: 1st Place: Syl Amos, Doug Banning, John Colgren, and Rex Gibbons - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Norm Taylor - 61; Lowgross: Ruben Jones 86. Birds: Steve (L to R): Doc Lamiano, Norm Taylor, Rich Lucidi, Tom Rosata, Robert Jacobs, Rex Gibbons, and Dan Stephens. January 23, 2013: Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight #1 1st Place: John Colgren - 3 Skins; 2nd Place: Dick Irke, Jerry Stemas, Doc Lamiano, Jenice Taylor, and Rex Gibbons - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Jenice Taylor, Dick Irke, and Doug Banning - Tied at 70; Low-gross: Wilf Pennell - 86. Eagles: Jenice Taylor - #10 Par 4. Birds: Jerry Stemas - #13 Par 3 and #18 Par 5; Wilf Pennell - #18 Par 5.

Back Row (L to R): Rex Gibbons, Doug Banning, Wilf Pennell, Dick Irke, and John Colgren. Front Row: Doc Lamiano,

Parks - #5 Par 4, Ruben Jones - #5 Par 4, Syl Amos - #14 Par 4, Doug Banning - #12 Par 4, and Brian Dinon - #13 Par 4. Back Row (L to R): Ruben Jones, Syl Amos, Doug Banning, and Steve Parks. Front Row: Norm Taylor, Rex Gibbons, John Colgren, and Brian Dinon. January 30, 2013: Cypress Creek,ASkins: Flight #1 1st Place: Burt Easter, Joe DeFelice, and Bob Jacobs - Tied at 2 Skins. Low-net: Erwin Karl – 72; Low-gross: Dan Stephens – 92. Birds: Burt Easter - #17 Par 3, Dan Stephens - #13 Par 3, and Bob

March 2013

The News of Sun City Center


68; Low-gross: Rex Gibbons - 94. L-R: New member Russ Turell, Bill

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point Jacobs - #3 Par 4. Flight #2 1st Place: Bill Cundy - 2 Skins; 2nd Place: Wilf

Pennell, Paul Maki, Chuck Feldshau, Brian Dinon, and Bill Healey - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Roy Clark, Ruben Jones, and Chuck Feldshau - Tied at 72; Low-gross: Brian Dinon – 87. Birds: Wilf Pennell - #13 Par 3 Back Row L-R: Paul Maki, Chuck Feldschau, and Brian Dinon. Front Row: Wilf Pennell, Bill Healey, and Ruben Jones. February 1, 2013: Summerfield Crossings, A-Skins: 1st Place: Dan Stephens - 2 Skins; 2nd Place: Dick Ihrke, Hannes Broschek, Emmy

Broschek, Bill Smythe, and Reggie Ryan - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Hannes Broschek – 67; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 80. Birds: Dan Stephens - #4 Par 4 and #9 Par 5; Walt Weldon - #6 Par 4 and #8 Par 3; Bill Smythe - #8 Par 3; and Reggie Ryan - #2 Par 3. Back Row L-R: Dan Stephens, Reggie Ryan, and Dick Ihrke. Front

Cundy and Joe DeFelice. February 2, 2013: Freedom Fairways. H-Skins: 1st Place: Jon Blanchard - 4 Skins; 2nd Place: Bill Giblin - 3 Skins. Low-net: Jon Blanchard – 55. Low-gross: Mike McClintic and Joe Blanchard - Tied at 76. Birds: Mike McClintic - #9 Par 4 and #17 Par 4; Mike Dantuano - #14 Par 4 and #15 Par 3; Jon Blanchard - #8 Par 3 and #15 Par 3; Bob Hull - #17 Par 4; and Bill Giblin - #5 Par 4. L-R: Charlie Brown, Bill Giblin, Mike McClintic and Jon Blanchard. February 6, 2013: Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight #1 1st Place: Rich Lucidi, Ruben Jones, Walt Weldon, John Colgren, and Hannes Broschek Row: Emmy Broschek, Bill Smythe, - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Hannes Walt Weldon, and Hannes Broschek. Broschek – 67; Low-gross: Wilf February 2, 2013: Sandpiper Palms Pennell – 84. Birds: Wilf Pennell to Oaks. H-Skins: 1 st Place: Joe #15 Par 4 and Walt Weldon - #12 DeFelice - 4 Skins; 2nd Place: Rex Par 4. Gibbons - 3 Skins. Low-net: Rex Gibbons and Joe DeFelice - Tied at


Flight #2 1st Place: Chuck Feldschau - 5 Skins; 2nd Place: Bill Healey - 3 Skins. Low-net: Joe Danielson – 68; Low-gross: Joe Danielson – 91. Birds: Chuck Feldschau - #6 Par 3. February 8, 2013: Summerfield Crossing, A-Skins: 1st Place: Tom Rosata, Ruben Jones, Reggie Ryan, and John Williams - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Ruben Jones and Doc Lamiano - Tied at 72; Lowgross: Tom Gotschall – 88. Birds: Ruben Jones - #2 Par 3 and #13 Par 4, Norm Taylor - #8 Par 3, and Bill Konopasek - #8 Par 3.

February 13, 2013: Cypress Creek, A-Skins: Flight #1 1 st Place: Bill Konopasek - 3 Skins; 2nd Place: Syl Amos - 2 Skins. Low-net: Steve Parks – 68; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 81. Birds: Dan Stephens - #5 Par 4 and #6 Par 3; Walt Weldon - #3 Par 4 and #14 Par 5; Russ Turell - #3 Par 4 and #11 Par 4; Steve Parks - #14 Par 5. L-R: Bill Konopasek, Syl Amos, Walt Cont’d. on page 36

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The News of Sun City Center

March 2013


Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point

Swim Dancers Show March 9 Weldon, Steve Parks, and Russ Turell PHOTO ByY BARBARA D’ENTREMONT

Flight #2: 1st Place: Jenice Taylor - 2 Skins; 2nd Place: Emma Broschek, Doc Lamiano, Brian Dinon, John Colgren, and Joe DeFelice - Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Emma Broschek – 71; Lowgross: Brian Dinon – 87. Birds: John Apostolou - #3 Par 4, Joe DeFelice - #13 Par 3, Hilde Karl - #6 Par 3 and Jenice Taylor - #6 Par 3.

Front row (L to R) Mary Bergquist, Deanna Pachler, Lorraine Lowell, Karen Jones, Kathy Thomas, Ann Hoffman, Verlee Clinefelter, Dottie Blanchard. Back row: Judy Quitsch, Pat Rippel, Carolyn Pate, Rosemary Collins-Riley, Ginny Williams, Joanna Greer, Barbara D’Entremont, Sue Muise, Ilona Meritt. Missing from photo Lynn Bentz, Dana Ellerbrock. The Sun City Swim Dancers will present their annual synchronized swim show at the SCC Atrium indoor lap pool located at 945 North Course Lane (off North Pebble Beach Blvd) on March 9, 2013. Planning and rehearsals for the show began early in the fall, with the Swim Dancers practicing three times a week. Choreography for each song was done by individual swim dancers interpreting the music combining swimming, rhythm and dancing. Each presentation and interpretation of music can be performed by a few or

many swimmers. The Swim Dancers work as a team to produce this annual show. Donations will remain at $2 and tickets will be available at the Atrium kiosk Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until noon the week of March 4 or from any Swim Dancer. The focus of this year’s show is a water theme and the songs all are related to water. Favorite songs such as “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” and “Yellow Submarine” will be featured by the Swim Dancers.

The special returning guests this year will be the Aquatic Dancers from The Villages, who have a unique precision style of swimming. This group has been well received by audiences in the past. Several new swimmers will be swimming with the Swim Dancers this year. The Swim Dancers welcome anyone interested to join them as a member of the club. For further information about the club, please call President Ginny Williams at 634-1710. —Barbara D’Entremont

John Donnelly Table Tennis Club Competes in its 2nd Interclub Doubles Tournament



The Trimastics group meets on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday from 9:30 to 10 a.m. in the Atrium Dance Studio. Contact Jane Staley at 938-3268 or Darlene Pasono at 633-4911.

Februar y 15, 2013: Summerfield Crossings, A-Skins: 1st Place: Reggie Ryan, Bill Konopasek, Vic Szymanski, Rog Toussaint and Doc Lamiano Tied at 1 Skin. Low-net: Doc Lamiano – 67; Low-gross: Walt Weldon – 84. Birds: Norm Caplette - #1 Par 4; Doc Lamiano - #15 Par 3; and Burt Easter - #1 Par 4.

Back Row L-R: Burt Easter, Bill Konopasek, Reggie Ryan and Norm Caplette. Front Row: Rog Toussaint, Walt Weldon, Doc Lamiano and Vic Szymanski.


Trimnastics Low Impact Exercise

Ladies L-R: Hilde Karl, Jenice Taylor, and Emmy Broscheck. Men L-R: John Apostolou, Doc Lamiano, Brian Dinon, Joe DeFelice and John Colgren.

(L to R) Roland Reuterfore, Martha Roman, Larry Landers, Jan Cline, Bob Hafey, Jim Pineo. The John Donnelly Table Tennis Club held its 2nd Inter-Club Doubles Tournament on February 13. Each played 12 matches with eight different players. Names were drawn randomly. Points were accumulated from scores of each game. Larry Landers, Jan Cline (gold medal), Bob Hafey and Jim Pineo (silver medal, Martha Roman and Roland Reuterfors (bronze medal). All 20 members of the club participated.

Leash Your Dogs! Be sure to carry a bag to pick up after your dog. Keep your dog under your control. It’s the law.

Noreen Schramm (L) made a hole in one on #1 hole on Caloosa Greens, a 98-yard par 3 hole using a 3-wood. The feat was witnessed by Pat Johnson & Gerry Towers.

The News of Sun City Center

Take Me Out To the Ballgame


The January beginners’ class: Front row (L to R)– Don Krasko, Ruby Gowers, Diann Thomas (chief instructor) Dianne Waronka, Valerie Krasko, Joe Waronka. Second row – Howard Baker (instructor) Brad Wolf, Chris Heller (Instructor) Rick Maxedon, Norm Vivash, Sue Bellerose (instructor)

Although Lawn Bowling is an International sport with men’s and women’s teams representing the USA in matches throughout the world, many people who move to Sun City Center have never heard of the game. They see the game being played on one of the three Greens here and are fascinated. Many more new Lawn Bowlers are joining the Club and membership is flourishing. The monthly classes are well attended. Another encouraging fact is how quickly the new members pick up the game; very soon they are competing with the best. The monthly classes, which are free of charge, are supervised by Diann Thomas; she is assisted by experienced Lawn Bowlers from the Club. A signup sheet is posted in the locker room in the Sun City Center Clubhouse. In December, eight potential new members attended the class, in January there were eight more, and eight have so far signed up for February. Anyone who is interested should come along to the club and talk to any member. They will soon find out how enjoyable and friendly Lawn Bowling is. —David Burbery


Mixed Pairs Title taken by husband-and-wife team

Ron & Gail O’Sullivan A f t e r m a ny t e a m s w e r e eliminated in this week-long tournament, the two teams left standing were Ron & Gail O’Sullivan and Phil Griffin & Chris Heller. In front of an enthusiastic crowd, on the 28th of January, these two teams played off for the title of Mixed Pairs champions. The battle was a tightlycontested one but in the end Ron & Gail prevailed as winners with Phil & Chris the runners up.

2013 Suncoasters Singles Lawn Bowling Champion

S i x t e e n m e mb e r s of t h e Suncoasters Club took part in this knock-out competition, played for the first time over just two days. The competitors approved this new format with two games played each day. The final match between Cindy Higgins & Marge Lange was held on Feb 5. It was a close game with both participants making shots that drew applause from the onlookers many times but in the end, with the score at 20-13 after 19 ends, Cindy managed to put three lovely shots around the jack to take the title. Congratulations to all who took part and to Cindy (pictured above) for her title.

FREE!! The best entertainment in town. Senior softball at its finest is played every Tuesday and Friday at the Sun City Center softball complex, located at the end of Weatherford Dr. off South Pebble Beach (just past the tennis courts). Five games each day begin at 9 a.m. with the last game starting at 3 p.m. Friday’s games feature the world famous “Diamondettes” serving hot dogs, chips and drinks from 11:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. Bring the family, bring a friend or come alone and enjoy the excitement of Sun City Center softball. Bleacher seating is available or bring your own lawn chairs. If interested in joining the Softball Club or if you just want to take some batting practice or shag some fly balls, an open practice for all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents is held every Monday at 9 a.m. Call Walt Drugan at (813) 642-9135 for details. —Jim Blackstone Paid Advertisement

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March 2013


The News of Sun City Center

Lawn Bowlers Lawn Bowls Challenge Match Men triumph!

The Annual Challenge match between Lady and Men Members of Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club was played on Friday February 15. The ladies’ club is called the Suncoasters, and the men’s is called Pebble Beach. This is the sixth year that this Challenge match has been played; it is a serious, competitive, fun event, with the finest and most skilful Lawn Bowlers in Sun City Center taking part. It is a battle of the sexes, and this year the ladies were out for revenge, having lost all of the previous five matches. The games (15 ends) were close, however the men won once again, this time by 102 shots to 78, the

number of ends won was closer, the men winning 53 ends to the ladies 52. After the match the ladies President Barb Mignogna challenged the men to a return match before the snowbirds return home in April.. Lets hope it will take place, it will be great fun once again. and who knows what the ladies have in store this time! To conclude an enjoyable afternoon everyone went into the Clubhouse and indulged in some tasty food and liquid refreshment. The Men’s President Rick Czachor was pres ente d w it h the winners trophy by Barbara Mignogna. —David Burbery

Pebble Beach Pairs Champions

At the culmination of the Pebble Beach Club’s Pairs (the men’s club of the Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club) event, two teams were left standing after a knock-out competition that ran over 4 days. They consisted of (Skip) Garry Higgins and (Vice) Jim Bittman who played against (Skip) Joe Dube and (Vice) Phil Griffin. The winners on the day were Joe and Phil. —David Burbery

March 2013


(L to R): Eileen Shipper; Cathy Zurek, EMR on the Squad; June Crittenden, head instructor at KP Krafters; Noreen Schramm, chief of SCC Emergency Squad; Carolyn Hyde, Astro Krantz. The Sun City Center Emergency Squad was the recipient of a generous donation from the Kings Point Krafters. Chief Schramm told the audience that the Squad is fully funded by donations. They receive no federal, state, or county monies. The organization consists of 440 volunteers and no one is paid. All of their services are provided to residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point at no charge. In 2012, the Squad responded to 6,300 emergency calls. The Squad is always looking for new volunteers and they provide all training and uniforms at no charge. If you would like to know more about volunteering opportunities, please visit the website at or give a call at 813-633-1411. —Jan Huber

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March 2013

The News of Sun City Center


MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

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The Monday Movies will normally show two movies each month in the Rollins Theater at 1 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays. Dates and times may change as required. Seating is limited to 200 per showing and is reserved for current Sun City Center Community Association members and guests who present an up-to-date member/guest card. NOTE Starting in January 2013, the Monday Movies will, in addition to the 2nd and 4th Mondays, show movies on the following dates: 3/4 and 4/29. Mark your calendar and join the fun.

March 4 “Abel’s Field” 104 min. Rating: PG

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Don’t Store Your Love Ones....

Left motherless by tragedy and abandoned by his father, high school senior Seth McArdle has been put under enormous pressure to support his little sisters. At school, he endures the daily bullying of the football team. When he fights back, he’s singled out for punishment, assigned to an after-school work detail under the supervision of a reserved groundskeeper, Abel. Much to his surprise, Seth discovers that Abel may be the only one who truly understands his struggles. As dark times lure Seth towards desperate measures, the reluctant Abel may be the one person who can point him back towards the light. Actors: Kevin Sorbo, Samuel Davis, Richard Dillard, Nicole Elliot, Wray Crawford. Rated PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for thematic elements, brief violence and a smoking image. Genres: Drama Language: English; Subtitles: English Rating: PG Runtime: 1:44

March 11

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89 min.

Rating: PG-13

In the near future, Frank is a retired cat burglar living alone while his successful son, Hunter, tries to care for him from afar. Finally, Hunter gets him a robot caretaker, but Frank soon learns that it is as useful as a burglary aide. As Frank tries to restart his old profession, the uncomfortable realities of a changing world and his worsening dementia threaten to take beyond what any robot can do for him. Actors: Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon, James Marsden, Liv Tyler, Peter Sarsgaard. Genres: Comedy Language: English; Subtitles: English Rating: PG-13 for some language Runtime: 1:29

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“Robot and Frank”

March 25

“Won’t Back Down” 121 min. Rating: PG-13 Two determined mothers - one a teacher - will stop at nothing to transform their children’s failing inner city school. Facing a powerful and entrenched bureaucracy, they risk everything to make a difference in the education and future of their children. This story of parenthood, friendship and courage mirrors events that are making headlines daily. Actors: Maggie Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Oscar Isaac, Holly Hunter, Rosie Perez. Genres: Drama Language: English; Subtitles: English Rating: PG-13 for some language Runtime: 2:01


The News of Sun City Center

March 2013

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AIRFARE & BUS INCLUDED! Free bus to ship then cruise Caribbean, cross the canal, Costa Rica, Mexico to Los Angeles


(813) 633-4521 Cypress Village Plaza 3818 Sun City Center Blvd SCC, FL 33573

Join us for our monthly Travel Club Meetings for Special tips and deals that only our members receive! Call your local Legendary Journeys office to sign-up for our travel club and start your journey today!

NEXT MEETING Kings Point Clubhouse March 10th at 2:00 PM


(800) 511-5411

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