October 09 - The News of Sun City Center

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The News of October 2009 - ISSUE #15

...an official publication of the Community Association

October Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Board of Director Applications Due


Member Meeting


Community Hall 7 to 9 p.m.

Columbus Day


Check out the CA web site: suncitycenter.org

Two Golf Course Panels Announced At the September 9th Town Hall Meeting, CA President Ed Barnes announced that two Blue Ribbon panels have been formed. The golf panel, headed by Chuck Collett, will examine ways to enhance play on the courses. They collected data via a recent survey to all golfers regarding their interest in SCC golf. A second community-wide survey is now being done to include all residents, not just golfers. The other panel, headed by CA Director Howie Griffin, is to start looking at alternatives for North Lakes and their impacts. The resident survey is available at the CA office, Library and Kiosk. It is also available on the CA web site suncitycenter.org. You can actually fill it in online and print it out. Surveys are to be returned by October 10th. At the meeting, Barnes asked those in attendance who are golfers and who are non-golfers. In the crowd pictures shown here are the responses by show of hands. There were about as many members at this meeting as were at the August meeting (400-500). Since the August meeting, Barnes reported that WCI would provide a more complete description of the property during due diligence. He was invited to meet with two WCI representatives where he was told that WCI’s debt

Non-Golfers are indicated by raise of hands.

reduction plan is to emerge from bankruptcy by selling assets, particularly those that are not making money. WCI accounting showed that Sandpiper is making money but not enough, and North Lakes as a stand-alone course is losing much more per year. Barnes was told that if they can’t sell all of the courses, it is possible that they may close North Lakes. In that meeting, WCI agreed that if they received a valid offer, they are obligated to notify the CA of the offer, and the CA would have 120 days to respond – our Right of First Refusal. So, Barnes pointed out that some of the pressure is off to make an immediate buy/no buy decision by CA members. He believes that it will take a minimum of 60 to 90 days for WCI to get an offer. Once an interested party is found, they will need to conduct due diligence, line up financing, and negotiate the deal. It could be October or November at the earliest before WCI receives an offer from an outside firm. Then, the CA would have 120 days from that point to make the buy/no buy decision

Sun City, Arizona “An Extraordinary Past–A Brilliant Future”

Happy Hallowe’en 31st On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 2 Entertainment Corner... 2 Club Happenings....... 6-7 CARE........................... 9 Atrium Update............ 10 Golf............................. 16 Consumer Affairs........ 18 Fitness Corner............ 18 Movies........................ 19 Newcomers................ 19

1960 – 2010 Our “big sister city” in Arizona is busily planning 50th anniversary activities that begin in January.

Sun City Center, Florida “.........” What’s our slogan going to be? Festivities here in Sun City Center will start on May 10, 2011, to celebrate 50 years of fun in Florida. That’s the date Del Webb broke ground for our little bit of paradise here. Ann Marie Leblanc, who is heading up the SCC 50th anniversary celebration, is asking you to put on your creativity hat to suggest a slogan to be used for the celebration. Planning is already underway so she needs your input quickly. Email her at aleblanc11@aol.com or call 642-2006 to talk about your idea.

Golfers then gave their show of hands.

(January or February at the earliest, probably later). Barnes pointed out that to date, there have been no deals, no pacts, no agreements, and no hidden agenda. His position is to wait and see, continue to assess membership interest in the courses, and to explore

anything is done by the CA. The general consensus appeared to agree with a wait-and-see approach with WCI, but there was mixed reaction to having the CA own the courses. The completed surveys will further assist the panels with their assignments.

Ed Barnes, CA President, gave a PowerPoint presentation to update CA members since the August Town Hall Meeting. ways of keeping the golf courses viable entities. In the end, he stated, we will need a referendum on what to do with the golf courses. At the end of his PowerPoint presentation, Barnes encouraged the audience to speak their feelings about the CA making on offer on the courses, encouraging third parties to buy the courses, and/or holding a referendum before

If you missed the September 9 Town Hall Meeting at which Ed Barnes presented the latest golf course information, you can view his presentation o n t h e i n t e r n e t . Ty p e into your browser: www. hodgesvideos.com and click on SCC CA Board Activities. Select the 9/09/09 meeting and click on the arrow in the center of the picture to begin the program.

The Golf Panel study group appointed by CA President Ed Barnes has produced an important survey for all residents of Sun City Center. That’s everyone, not just golfers. This survey will help the Panel make recommendations to Barnes and the CA Board of Directors as to what actions the CA should take regarding the golf courses and open space in SCC. Surveys can be picked up at the CA office, the Library and the Kiosk in the Atrium. Return by October 10th.


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes This is the time of the year that we are preparing and reviewing the budget for 2010. The Budget Committee, in conjunction with the community manager and the treasurer, looks at past expenditures and future needs in order to forecast what will be required to operate your Community Association for the next year. Their focus is to try to put together a budget that will allow the Association to provide all the functions and support that has been provided in the past year, without substantially impacting membership dues. Every year we strive for a balanced budget whereby we don’t spend any more than we collect – this strategy has been successful in the past and we expect it to be successful in the future. We are continuing to prepare for the future with the Hurricane Deductible Fund which we all hope we never have to use. We presented the budget for review by the members on September 30th and it will be presented to the Board for approval on October 14. Golf Courses The golf courses continue to dominate a lot of the discussions and energy of many people. The September 9th Town Hall Meeting was very well attended with 400 to 500 people in attendance. As I indicated at that meeting, we are in a good position as far as the sale of the courses is concerned with our Right of First Refusal. We have a good position with respect to WCI and with respect to any outside firm that wants to buy the courses. One of the bigger issues facing us is whether the golfing community in SCC is of sufficient size to support the

October 2009

We Want to Know!!!



(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) operation of three courses given that there are currently 10 golf courses in the golf cart commuting area. The Blue Ribbon Panel headed by Chuck Collett is trying to ascertain how large the SCC golf community is and what their desires are for golf in the future. In addition, they are surveying the non-golfers to ascertain how they feel about what should be done. This survey is posted on the Sun City Center web site – please feel free to download and submit the survey to sccgolf@tampabay. rr.com or drop off your survey form at the CA Office by October 10th. The future of the golf courses is perhaps the most significant issue to face the community in recent times. It has some very far reaching impacts on many people – not just the golfers and homeowners on the golf courses, but for everyone in Sun City Center. To my way of thinking, this is a major issue and we need the support and help of the membership as we go forward. Director Elections This is going to be a very busy fall. We have elections for three Community Association Director positions in the fall election. Applications are due October 21st and I encourage anyone that is interested in running to get your application into the CA Office by that date. This is your opportunity to participate in your Community Association and help guide the future of Sun City Center.



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“Will we have the ‘Holiday Club Tree’ again this year?”

We sure will! It was great fun. We hope you had a chance to see the tree by the back door of the Atrium Building last year. It was a big success with over 100 clubs providing ornaments that demonstrated what their club does. This year we are aiming to have all 165 clubs represented on the tree. If your club wants to provide an ornament or wonders whether we already have one, please call Susan at the CA Office, 633-3500. It’s okay to change the one you had on the tree last year if you would like, but unfortunately we only have room for one from each club. If you don’t want to provide an ornament for your club, please let the CA know so that they can come up with one for you.

7 Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. 14 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 20 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. . 21 Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. 26 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. 28 Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m. November 4 11 12 17 18 23

Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. Meet the Candidates Night Community Hall - 7 p.m. Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

Please note that the November Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, the 12th, rather than the second Wednesday of the month. Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

We will be putting the tree up for this season on Thanksgiving weekend in preparation for the Holiday Walk on Saturday, December 5th, and it will remain up until after New Year’s Day. Please stop by and take a look at it along with the other lovely trees and decorations in the Atrium Building. Better yet, join us for the Holiday Walk. You’ll have a great time.

* Proposed agendas for monthly Board meetings are discussed at the Board workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our web site (suncitycenter.org under “Association”).

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: sccboard@suncitycenter.org Web Site: suncitycenter.org


Tickets are on sale now for all shows at the Kiosk, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-noon. All performances are at Community Hall. Starting October 5th, the Sunday/Friday Entertainment Show SERIES tickets go on sale to SCC residents only. You must show your paid-up CA card. Tickets are $65/person/series. Brochures are available at CA office, Kiosk and Community Hall. (Starting October 12, series go on sale to all others.) Individual show ticket sales will begin October 26th. Join us November 1st, 2-5 p.m. for A Ferocious Showcase of Talent, at Community Hall. Tickets on sale now at Kiosk for $5/person. William Clare Entertainment will debut various acts for three action-packed hours (similar to Showcase in January each year). No food available. On December 20th, 1-3 p.m., A Holiday Spectacular will be presented by the Sarasota Concert Band. Tickets are $12/person. –Judy Schings (642-2001)


The Community Association Membership Department is now working on the 2010 directory. If a resident needs to make any changes to their phone number, hometown or occupation, please come into the Community Association office. You will be given a form to fill out so the changes can be made. If you prefer not to be listed in the directory, you must come to the office and fill out the form. No telephone requests or emails will be accepted. The deadline for any changes is October 2, 2009.

October 2009

The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of Director

Anne Cross

Hear ye! Hear ye! Come one, come all...

Christmas - Hanukkah - Holiday Parade Saturday – December 12th – 10:30 a.m. Parade Route: Far end of North Pebble Beach parking lot, a right onto La Jolla, a right onto Cherry Hills Drive ending at Shuffleboard/ Bandstand area. Awards will be given from Bandstand by Santa. One grand prize each, will be awarded in five categories for the best decorated golf cart. All judging will be done by residents who live outside of SCC.


On Our Web Site suncitycenter.org





Homeowners Association

By Karen Jones

Individual Registration dates and deadlines will be featured in the November issue. There will also be a few rules on signs and coverage which we will have ready by next month. We hope to have county staff and Commissioners attend and are inviting Ronda Storms. A marching band from East Bay and all the volunteer services in our area will also be invited.

New Library Services Link on the CA Web Site There is a new link on the CA web site that will provide you with a view of the many services offered by the Sun City Center Library situated at the North Campus just north of CA offices.

Remember this one from the 2006 Christmas Parade? Courtesy of John Bowker.






Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes of March 25, 2009 Membership Meeting


President’s Report


Community Manager’s Report


• Presentation of 2009 Budget


General Discussion by Members



1. Go to suncitycenter.org. 2. On horizontal bar, click “Services.” 3. On left column, click “Library.” 4. In Library Services, select Library Page. Once there, you will find information on the Library’s history, photos, hours of operation, phone number, funding, computers, recognition of special donations, staffing, home delivery, their book sales, and drop off points with pictures for both media (CDs, DVDs, and tapes) and books.


As a matter of policy, this newsletter does not accept Letters to the Editor. But we do want to learn about matters of interest to our readers. Please let us know of issues of concern (or delight) to you. Each month your comments to us and to the CA Board of Directors will be summarized here. You can reach individual Board members at their telephone listing shown on page 15 of your Membership Directory. You can tell us what concerns you by email (sccnews@verizon.net) or by dropping a note to us by mail or in person at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd, Sun City Center, FL 33573. There is also a mail slot in the door to the Newsroom in Old Town Hall (960A Cherry Hills Drive).

Treasurer’s Report

Donald P. Schings Corporate Secretary

South Shore Building and Remodeling, Inc. Building and Remodeling, Inc.

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Call a Builder with 35 Years Experience! Call Randy Thompson at 477-3792 or 642-9040 for your FREE Estimate Today!

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A donation of $23,892.32 was presented to the CA Vice President, Ann Marie Leblanc (right), by the Aquatic Fitness Club for the new larger spa installation. The club started this fund in 2001 and has held it solely for the spa installation for all these years. ALSO Featured in the picture are Aida Ehret, president and Jean Allen, treasurer, of the club.


The News of Sun City Center


October 2009






1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • Phone 813-633-2020 • Fax 813-633-6403

Twintree 2/2/2 - Well maintained home located on small lake. Newer appliances, computer desk in utility room, garage door screen, nicely landscaped, pump from lake for lawn water. Clean! Light! Bright! Don't miss this one!

2/2/2 Fully furnished condo in Kings Point. Enclosed carpeted lanai has all new windows with large awning across back. Huge utility and golf cart room, with newer full size washer/dryer, and 2 large cabinets for excellent storage. Covered carport has 2 parking spaces, PRICED FOR QUICK SALE!

1509 CLOISTER DR. $154,000 ADDRESS

2206 GRENADIER DR. $52,900



Exp Villager 2/2/2 - Located in Caloosa Country Club Estates this beautiful pool home w/ expansive water view has a grtrm plan with cathedral ceilings,lrg den that could be 3rd bedroom, updated kitchen cabinets with newer appliances, and split bedroom plan. Pump irrig from lake

Melbourne 2/2/2 - Great floor plan with tiled foyer, den, greatroom, kitchen and utility room. Enclosed lanai overlooks park-like view. Hurricane shutters (some automatic). Great street and great neighbors. Must see to appreciate this lovely home.

1916 EAST VIEW DR. $259,900





1110 Signature Dr.

3/2 $354,900

Biltmore-Priv-Golf,Lake & Conserv.

842 McCallister

2/2 $127,500

Malibu-large lot, lanai, updated appl

2014 East View Dr.

3/2 $249,900

Custom-Water, split bedroom plan

1225 Radison Avenue

2/2 $122,500

Hyannis-18x7 Florida room, lots of tile

2049 Berry Roberts Dr.

3/2 $235,000

Yorkshire-Water,Split bdrm plan

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $120,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kit

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $229,900

Islander-Water,Caloosa Ctry Club

1206 W. Del Webb

2/2 $120,000

Belford-On pond,glass-enclosd lanai

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $199,900

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home 303 La Jolla Ave.

2/2 $119,900

Beaumont-Split plan,lrg country kit

618 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $199,000

Spanish Main-Golf Course,Must See!

2415 Nantucket Field Way

2/2 $110,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appl

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $159,900

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

1201 Lenham Ct.

2/2 $109,900

Seabreeze-Open plan/split bds

203 Grayson Ct.

3/2 $159,900

Driftwood-Side-load grg,encl. lanai

2417 Nantucket Field Way

2/2 $108,900

Concord-Conservation,scrnd lanai

1907 New Bedford Dr.

3/2 $159,900

Tradewinds-Conserv,large lanai

1611 Hovington Cr. #223

2/2 $102,900

Brentwood-lrg kit, space for golf cart

628 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $159,500

Melbourne-Updated, new landscap

1761 Atrium Dr.

2/2 $ 95,000

Somerset I-Furn, many upgrades

704 McCallister Ave.

3/3 $154,900

Monticello-Waterfront and golf views

340 Club Manor Dr.

2/2 $ 88,000

Dedham-Golf Course view, scrn room

2004 Acadia Greens Dr.

2/2 $135,000

Halifax-Furnished, includes golf cart

2337 Gainesborough Lp.

2/2 $ 75,000

Hampton-Golf Course w/ Water View

605 La Jolla Ave.

3/2 $135,000

DW204-New plumbing '05, roof '03

2302 Grenoble Pl.

2/2 $ 69,500

Hampton-Furn,Golfcart, Encl Lanai

312 Thornhill Pl.

2/2 $135,000

Beaumont-Move-in ready, split bdrms 1008 Warwick Ct.

2/2 $ 69,000

Keystone-Dollhouse-920 sq. ft. of a/c

232 Brockfield Dr. N.

2/2 $134,900

Sahara II, lrg greatroom, enc lanai

1902 Dandridge D21

1/1.5$ 49,900

York- Compact, nice layout

305 Stroll Ln.

2/2 $134,900

Beaumont-2 master suites, large kit

1906 Canterbury Ln.

2/2 $ 47,800

Stuart-Nice location, grt amenities

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enclosed lanai,scrned porch 101 Cambridge Tr. 209

2/2 $ 35,000

Mansard-Furn-Ready to move in

978 Villeroy Greens Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Cornell-Greatroom, Split broom plan

1005 Hacienda Dr.

2/2 $129,900

DW37-Golf Course, screened porch

2202 Clubhouse Dr.


$ 31,900

Gable I-Furn, Move-in Ready






Encl Lanai +Golf

1010 Augusta




Lake- Available March

735 Tam O Shanter




Smokers OK

1505 N Pebble Bch




Golf + New Kitchen

2109 Hartlebury




Laminate Floor in Kitch

1214 Wildfeather


Twintree $1,800

Water+Gl Enc Lanai

110 Carswell Cir


Keystone $1,550

Fl Room +Carport

1803 Adrean Pl


Twintree $1,800


1320 New Bedford


Cambrdg $1,600

Model Perfect

2457 Nottingham Grn



Golf w/Screen Rm

304 Grayston Pl


Hampton $1,550

Exp & Beautiful

2337 Brookfield Grn


Amherst $1,900

Picture Perfect

2022 W Del Webb


Camellia $1,600

Waterfront +Scr Room

409 La Jolla


Twintree $1,900

Top of the Line

1303 Beach Blvd



Swan Lake, Nice

513 Princeton Greens



Golf with Loft

112 Wintersong


Twintree $1,600

Pet OK

2255 Worthington Grn


Amherst $1,950

Incl Golf Cart

1222 Wildfeather


Twintree $1,600

King Bed + Twins

2527 E Del Webb


Kingston $1,950

Pond + Golf Course

2211 Brookfield Grns


Amherst $1,600

Twin beds both rooms





October 2009

The News of Sun City Center

Wedgewood III Has a Party!

By Phyllis Hodges On September 19, the Wedgewood III property owners association had a party—and what a party it was! Wedgewood III is a property owners association with 84 homes and somewhat of a reputation for being a “lively” group. Nancy Mercer, chair of the Social Committee, doesn’t deny it. She says the people who help on the committee are great about coming up with ideas then pitching in to make them realities. Nearly a hundred people showed up at this year’s event, a television variety show complete with commercials. “Our show is for fun and to make people laugh,” said Mercer. “We have a lot of hams in WWIII so we didn’t have a problem finding the 20 people needed for the


acts. Many of the same ‘hams’ who performed last year stepped up again, and we were happy to see a few new ones.” Merrily Smith, who attended as a guest of Millie and Ray Grasser last year and again this year said, “Last year was so much fun I had looked forward to this year and they certainly didn’t disappoint me! I particularly liked the skit by Karen Messina about trying to open a childproof cap to get her ibuprofen. It was hilarious. Wedgewood III is a very talented group.” The event, held in the Florida Room with dinner catered by Danny Boy’s Restaurant, was one of half a dozen events held throughout the year to bring members of the association together.

As part of the Tampa Rays, Golden Rays, Jim and Judy Betts were the Ball Boy & Ball Girl for the Rays game against the Boston Red Sox on September 1st. The program is called The Golden Rays. Judy sat in the Rays bullpen, and Jim sat in the Boston bullpen, where they caught any foul balls that were hit. Any balls caught were given to the kids sitting behind them. The entire cast capped the evening of fun with their rendition of “There’s No Business Like Show Business.”


BRIDGE LESSONS FOR PLAYERS ON ALL LEVELS BEGINNING BRIDGE, A 9 WEEK CLASS Starting October 13th at 9 a.m. in the Royal Room Instructor: John Foster • 634-3240

INTERMEDIATE BRIDGE FOR RETURNING PLAYERS, 8 WEEKS Starting October 12th at 9 a.m. in the Horizon Room • Instructor: Joan Macholl • 633-3622

WINNING WITH GOOD DEFENSIVE PLAY, 8 WEEKS Starting October 21st at 9 a.m. in the Horizon Room • Instructor: Leslie Cox

BIDDING JUDGMENT FOR THE SERIOUS PLAYER, 8 WEEKS Starting Oct. 16th at 9 a.m. in the Horizon Room • Instructor: Virgil Eveleigh • 642-9005

CONVENTIONS: OVERCALLS AND NEGATIVE DOUBLES, 3 WEEKS Oct.10th,17th and 24th at 9 a.m. in the Horizon Room $15 More Convention Series to Follow • Instructor: Carl Dahl • 634-8203



Club Happenings

The News of Sun City Center

Art Club

Art Classes to Begin This Fall The Art Club of Sun City Center is sponsoring a new series of art classes for the fall season. ACRYLICS CLASSES For those interested in learning acrylic painting, Virginia Laudano (633-6042) will be conducting a fiveweek course on use of the medium. The first class will be on Friday, October 16th, from 9 a.m. to noon. Remaining classes in the series will be October 23rd, 30th, November13th and 20th. Fee for the series is $50 payable in advance and certain materials will be provided. Class attendees will learn impasto, glazing and mixed media techniques as well as watercolor-like techniques and using acrylics on surfaces other than paper and canvas. CREATING PASTELPAINTINGS Cynthia Wortmann (6341342) will be conducting a class on ‘Creating Original Pastel Paintings’ that will be suitable for beginners to advanced artists. Class attendees may use their own photos, or one offered by Cynthia, to create an original composition. During the series of classes, students will complete several paintings plus a composition for their own holiday card which will be photographed and duplicated for use on the card. Cynthia’s first class will be on Monday, October 5th, and every Monday thereafter, from 9 a.m. to noon. Fee for each session is $10, payable on class day. BEGINNING OIL PAINTING A beginning oil painting class, specifically for those who have wondered ‘can I learn to draw and

paint,’ will be conducted by Carol Wehrle. (633-4516) The course will consist of a series of six classes, starting on Friday, October 9th and each Friday, 1 to 3 p.m., for a total of six weeks. The first class will be a review of a few basic tips in drawing. Remaining classes will deal with color mixing and doing simple painting, using water soluble oil paints. Fee for the six-week course is $60, payable in advance. Fee includes supplies. ALL MEDIA / YOUR CHOICE Roberta Snyder (633-1410) will be conducting ongoing classes on Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to noon, starting October 14th. The sessions will allow attendees to work on their own projects with technique guidance from Roberta. Students should bring to the classes any supplies that they already have, as well as the project they wish to work on. Roberta will discuss all phases of art composition, brush drawing, perspective, collage, and pen & ink, on yupo, rice and masa papers. Also discussed will be how to save a bad painting by making it into stationery, bookmarks or by doing a repaint of the piece. Roberta will give a demo at each session. Fee is $10 per session. Sign-up sheets for the various classes are available in the Art Room. Membership in the Art Club is required for attendance in all classes. For club membership information only: Nancy Cooper at 633-0084. —Ed Laudano

October 2009 Demonstration

On Monday, October 19th, the Art Club of Sun City Center will present a watercolor demonstration by Diane Simon. Trained in tole painting, Diane originally painted in oils but has been a watercolor artist since 2005 and has participated in numerous classes and workshops. She has demonstrated at the South Shore Library, Treasure Island Art Guild and Keeton’s, teaches a beginner watercolor class twice a week, and is a member of the SCC Emergency Squad.. Diane’s demonstration will be held in the Rollins Theater following a brief Art Club business meeting at 1p.m.. Admission is free, all are welcome to attend and Art Club membership is not required. Visit your Art Club web site to learn about future demos and other Club activities: http://www.artclubofscc.org

Macintosh User Group to Meet in October The Sun City Center Macintosh User Club will hold its October meeting on October 27th in the Caper Room of the Atrium Bldg. The meeting officially starts at 3:45 p.m. with an informal Q & A session at 3 p.m. during set up. This month is featuring Sharon Tate Moody, a board certified genealogist, to present “Reunion” — a family tree program—for the Macintosh. “Reunion” has received the highest rating for genealogy software in most of the Macintosh magazine publications and has been consistently the most popular. Sharon will relate her vast experience in genealogy as it applies to documenting all the bits and pieces into family trees and other illustrative charts. Sharon is also a Tribune Correspondent writing a Sunday genealogy column,“Heritage Hunting”. Please join us for an informative program in the world of genealogy and family trees. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend. Call Dunham Swift at 633-7262 or Don Rawlings at 634-7607 for further information.

October 2009

The Hope Fund to host a “SimplyFun” Afternoon Game Party on October 2nd

On Friday, October 2nd , from 2 to 4 p.m., the Hope Fund Board will host a “SimplyFun” afternoon to benefit the special children of Wimauma. The game party will be held in the Florida Room at the Atrium at North Course Lane, which is off N. Pebble Beach Blvd. in Sun City Center. There will be no charge for admission and free refreshments will be served! “SimplyFun” is an entertainment company that makes the “very best original products that are simple to learn and fun to play.”

the after-school programs that The Hope Fun sponsors at Bethune Park in Wimauma, where children come while their parents are working. While there, the kids take part in mentoring and tutoring programs, a library reading program, sports activities such as a running program called Marathon Kids, field trips, and more. During the summer the children hear speakers who talk about such subjects as law enforcement and sex education. All this is run by The Hope Fund, which is a non-profit

Pictured looking over some of the games that will be featured at their "SimplyFun" Afternoon are, from left to right, members of the Board of the Hope Fund: Robi Jackson, Pat Ganshirt, Joan Andersen, and Rosie Clifton. You will be introduced to the “latest and greatest games” for children and adults. Have you ever purchased a game and later discovered that you really didn’t like it? Well, that won’t happen here.You will actually sample playing several games during the afternoon. “The magic of play and fun happens for everyone!” Bring your friends and your holiday gift list! There is no obligation to purchase anything, but a percentage of any sales will benefit

organization located in Sun City Center. The Fund is run entirely by volunteers who are devoted to the welfare of children. Drop by The Florida Room on Friday, October 2nd at 2 p.m. for an afternoon of fun and games. Call Roz at 633-7217 or Carla at 634-4268 if you have questions. For more information about The Hope Fund, check out www. The-Hope-Fund.org.

Bridge Marathon Benefits Security Patrol Gasoline Fund Twenty players are needed for each flight and games will be played from mid-October through March 2010, either during the day or evening. Couples or single players are welcome to participate and support the Security Patrol and the many volunteers who patrol our neighborhoods. For more information, call Janie Fischer at 642-8840 or Helen Phillips at 642-8467. An awards party for last year’s winners of the Bridge Marathon was held in the Caper Room in March 2009. Martha Finley expressed her appreciation for contributions to the Security Patrol and announced the winners of the trophies and cash awards. Ann Marie Leblanc organized this bridge benefit in 2005 with contributions designated for the gasoline fund. Thus far, a total of $2,700 has been donated to the Security Patrol. The grand trophy was awarded to Janie Fischer for the highest overall score of 39,920 points. Verna King and Doris DeArment received the trophy in Flight 3 (pairs). Cash awards were presented to the top three scorers in all flights. Winners in Flight 1 were Janie Fisher and Sandy Leath with 31,290 points. Winners in Flight 2 were Jim Fischer with 38,380 points and Bob Bieling with 37,190 points. Winners in Flight 3 were Verna King and Doris DeArment with 34,890 points, and Joan Sears and Annette Dispenziere with 28,770 points.

Please send your club news to The News of Sun City Center at the following email address: sccnews@verizon.net

October 2009

Club Happenings

The News of Sun City Center


The Bridge Teachers of Sun City Center are offering lots of ways to learn about our fascinating game. New bridge classes are being offered this fall. Bridge is a wonderful “competitive sport” and you can play bridge at any level, for fun and enjoyment as well as for “brain” work and to be challenged by each deal of the cards. A beginning bridge class–nine weeks–is being offered by John Foster(634-3240), beginning on October 13th, every Tuesday from 9 until 11:30 a.m. This class is strictly for beginners to bridge. John is well known for “getting people hooked on bridge” with his comfortable and knowledgeable style of teaching. A refresher class which is eight weeks long, for those who haven’t played since college or are ready for the second in our series, is being offered by Joan Macholl(633-3622) beginning on October 12th, every Monday morning from 9 until 11 a.m. An eight–week class on Defense will begin on October 21th, offered by Leslie Cox. For those who play bridge, you know that we play defense twice as often as we are declarer. He includes

how to make a defensive plan, how to interfere with declarer’s play, signaling to your partner, how to develop defensive tricks, and opening leads. These classes will be on Wednesday mornings. An eight–week class on improving your bidding judgment will be taught by Virgil Eveleigh (642-9005) on Friday mornings, beginning on Oct. 16th. This class will include hand evaluation, doubles, successful slam bidding, balancing doubles, and meeting the challenges of pre-emptive bids. Carl Dahl (634-8203) will be presenting the first of his three week classes on Saturday mornings beginning October 10th. The first one will be on competitive bidding including overcalls and negative doubles. In November, he will teach slam bidding, distributional hands as a challenge-conventions to help describe your hands, and an introduction to two over one. Books are included, interested students are invited to call the individual teachers or the Director of Bridge Education, Ronda O’Farrell, 634-7393, or visit the Horizon Room to sign up. Eight–week classes are $40, Mini lectures are $5 per session. All materials are included.


Duplicate Bridge Fall Classes

Women’s Club Plans “A Night in Italy” Angela Wallace, fundraising chairman of the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc., and her committee met recently to plan “A NIGHT IN ITALY”–an exciting Italian wine and dessert gala show featuring CARME–a Las Vegas great. Carme and the Charley Raymond Band will present a Las Vegas style show with songs, comedy and impressions– truly “old-time Vegas.” Wallace says mark your calendars for Saturday, November 7, 2009, at Community Hall at 7 p.m. Doors open 6 p.m. BYOB Tickets at $25 per person will go on sale at the Atrium Kiosk September 21–Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. to noon. Seated left to right, Janet Cardulla, Angela Wallace, Aine Paik, Jan Bassett. Standing left to right, Yasmin Kevala, Janet Grove, Joyce Falandysz, and Jean Rideout.


The News of Sun City Center

October 2009

Broadway Goes Pop At Rollins Theater October Calendar of Events Thursday, October 8th, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. “Age Related Vision and Hearing Loss,” a presentation by Dr. Langworthy who holds a Doctor of Audiology degree (Au.D) from A.T. Still University, Arizona School of Health Sciences and has over 30 years experience in diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology. Currently he is the Director of Audiology for the Hearing Improvement Center at Kaufman Eye Institute. Please join us at Sun City Senior Living, 3855 Upper Creek Dr., Sun City Center FL. Refreshments will be served (Please RSVP to 813-633-3333.) Monday, October 12th, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Having trouble with blood pressure control? Join Comprehensive Home Care to learn about the latest and most innovative ways to improve health and decrease risks associated with high blood pressure. Please join us at Sun City Senior Living, 3855 Upper Creek Dr., Sun City Center FL. Refreshments will be served (Please RSVP to 813-633-3333.) Thursday, October 15th, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. “Memory Workshop” Forgetting where you left your keys? Can’t remember why you came into a room? Come and learn simple ways to improve your memory such as calendars, planners and visual reminders. Brought to you by Wendy Fuchs, SLP. Wendy has her license in Speech and Language pathology with her masters in Speech and is a member of Genesis Rehab Services. This chat to be held at: Sun City Senior Living, 3855 Upper Creek Dr., Sun City Center FL. Refreshments will be served (Please RSVP to 813-633-3333.) Thursday, October 22nd, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Are you aware of the proposed changes in Medicare? Christopher Bracciale, a Retirement Benefits Consultant will be here to explain the changes in Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans for 2010. He will open the floor to answer questions you may have about particular plans and provide information with regard to your prescription drug costs, Part B costs, etc. Join us at: Sun City Senior Living, 3855 Upper Creek Dr, Sun City Center FL. Refreshments will be served (Please RSVP to 813-633-3333.) Thursday, October 29th, 6:30 p.m. “Treasures You May Have in Your Home.” Dale Smreker, C.A.G.A. who is a Professional Estate Liquidator & Certified Personal Property Appraiser will be on hand to explain what you should and should not do when liquidating high-end antiques and valuables. Learn the value of antiques in an Internet world, what makes something valuable, identifying age and common misconceptions regarding antiques. Join us at: Sun City Senior Living, 3855 Upper Creek Dr., Sun City Center FL. Refreshments will be served. (Please RSVP to 813-633-3333.) Sun City Senior Living is located at Upper Creek Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573. www.PacificaSunCity.com

Mental Health Coalition Hosts Memory Events Tuesday October 13th from 1:30-3 p.m. FREE EVENT "How to Preserve Your Memory" Dr. Amanda G. Smith, M.D., Interim Director of the University of South Florida Eric Pfeiffer Suncoast Alzheimer's Center at the Johnnie Byrd, Sr. Alzheimer's Center & Research Institute will focus her presentation on memory changes associated with aging, facts and risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, ways to maintain your brain, brain healthy habits (diet, exercise, mental activity, social activity, and stress management). It will be held at the United Methodist Church in SCC. 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W., Sun City Center, Florida 33573. RSVP to Ken Barringer, Ph.D. President of the Mental Health Coalition at (813) 633-8490 Web site: coalitionmha.com Tuesday October 13th from 1:30-3 p.m. FREE EVENT Also presenting that day is Tutor Works. They have computer activities that help seniors keep their minds active and healthy. They will be bringing laptop computers and providing attendees with a hands-on tutorial of programs they can use on the computer to keep their brains active. (Be sure to RSVP so that enough computers will be available.) It will be held at the United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W., Sun City Center, Florida 33573. RSVP to Ken Barringer, Ph.D., president of the Mental Health Coalition, at (813) 633-8490. Thank you all, this is a great cause! –Debbie Caneen

Broadway and Radio. They were made for each other. Once upon a time, Broadway was America’s #1 creator of hit songs and radio was the premier delivery system to millions of people who bought records and sheet music, fed coins into juke boxes and sang, whistled and hummed those songs into the soundtrack of their lives. That perfect pairing is recalled in a new musical review: “Broadway Goes Pop On The Radio.” Produced by The Performing Arts Club of Sun City Center, the show opens October 29 at Sun City Center’s Rollins Theater. Written and directed by veteran New York actor, Lew Resseguie; the show features (alphabetically) Betty Bishop, Judy Branch, Troy Coman, Teri Council, Rick Curtis, Bob Garrod, Ellen Kleinschmidt, Lew Resseguie and Kathy Straub.

They perform more than two dozen Broadway songs by George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Jule Styne and Jerome Kern, including “I Get A Kick Out of You” (Porter), “The Last Time I Saw Paris”(Kern), “Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off” (Gershwin), and “Three Coins In the Fountain” (Stein) with lyrics by Porter, Ira Gershwin, Oscar Hammerstein II, Steven Sondheim, and Sammy Cahn. The show’s choreographer is Diane LeFrancois. The producer is Barbara Brtva. Tickets for “When Broadway Goes Pop On The Radio” are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk on Sun City Center’s Central Campus. Kiosk hours are 9:00 a.m. – noon, Mon. through Fri. Credit card sales: 813642-0606. Performances: 7: 30 p.m. on October 29, 30 and 31, November 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and14.

A Musical Extravaganza Benefitting Wounded Warriors On Saturday, October 24th, at 7:30 p.m. a great musical variety show for the benefit of Wounded Warriors will be held in the CA Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd. The show co-stars Lily Marlane and, in his first-time appearance in SCC, Lotarr Bergeest, a versatile entertainer who delivers a variety of music from Ballads to Broadway to Opera. Backing them up is Bob Boyd who will be conducting the 42nd St. Orchestra featuring special guest Bill “Satchmo” White who has portrayed Louis Armstrong all over the world, playing and singing Satchmo’s famous hits. Tickets are $15 each and are on sale at the SCC CA Atrium from 9 a.m. through noon every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For additional information on the event or sale of tickets, call 633-9500.

Nightclubbin’ Comes to SCC The Men’s Club of SCC is proud to present Barbara VanEycken and Bill Barker in this extraordinary show filled with incredible music, comedy, audience interaction and a few surprises! Sunday Oct 18th 2:p.m. matinee at SCC Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Show followed by complimentary champagne reception. Tickets are available at the Atrium Kiosk Mon-Wed-Fri from 9 to noon now through Oct 16. Tickets are $12 each. Proceeds benefit Lifeline Medic Alert, a valued community service project sponsored by the SCC Men’s Club. More Info: Call Lou 634-7399

Answers on page 19

SCC October Events

The News of Sun City Center

(Provided by Jim and Nell Taze via email) SAT. OCT 3 – PET BLESSING, ST. FRANCIS OF ASIS DAY 11 a.m.– 2 p.m., held in the square at 715 Imar Dr. outside Three Legged Poodle. Info: 642-0881. Come join in the excitement whether you have pets or just love pets. Bring your camera! Sponsored by The Three Legged Poodle and Unity Community of Joy. A variety of pets, caged or leashed will come for blessing. Three hours of music, food, spirituality and happy bedlam reign. Raffles of pet supplies benefitting the charities represented. Music and commentary by Gari.

Fair and learn how you can make a difference in the life of a child.

SUN. OCT 4 – ST. ANDREW FINE ARTS CONCERT 3 p.m. The first of seven Fine Arts Concerts will be presented at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. Individual concert tickets $9 or season tickets (7 concerts) $35 can be purchased at the door on the day of the concert. The opening concert features a trio of artists: Robert Winslow, piano; Amy Collins, oboe; and Kim McCormick, flute.

SUN. OCT 11 – OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB – DANCE 7–10 p.m., Community Hall. Club members are free and others pay $5 at the door. Info: 633-5649. Dress is casual and singles are welcomed. BYOB. Entertainment provided by Darlene and Larry.

WED. OCT 7 – HEARING LOSS ASSN OF SCC MEETS 9:30 a.m., St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Dell Webb Blvd. W. Info: Rob Ogg at rboscc@ verizon. net or Barbara Riley at 813.634.1706. Lisa Tanner, AuD. will discuss New Developments in Hearing Aids. Dr. Tanner is skilled in giving hearing evaluations, recommending appropriate hearing aids, and programming cochlear implants. She is owner of Advanced Diagnostic & Hearing Solutions in Brandon. All will be captioned by Tess Crowner, Communication Access, Inc. WED. OCT 7 – THE COMPUTER CLUB MEETS 7:30 p.m. Community Hall. Regular monthly meeting. Ilona Merritt will demonstrate how to create your own holiday cards, using your PC. Some will be simple; some complex. Why pay the high price in the store, when you can create a personalized card for much less money? All SCC and KP residents are invited. THU. OCT 8 – SCC RAYS OF HOPE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS 1–3 p.m, Caper Room. Info or to volunteer, call Joan Storey at 634.0809, ext 228 or email Ellen Kleinschmidt at LNLittleSmith@ yahoo.com. Reddick Elementary School in Wimauma is seeking volunteers in every subject area. Life experience and a love of children is all that's necessary. Join SCC Ray of Hope at our volunteer

C. A. R. E.

Notice to all PR People Below are listed recommendations for submitting articles for publication in The News of Sun City Center. Please adhere to them as best you can. Remember, the deadline for submission is the 15th of each month. 1. No ALL CAPS, continue to use upper and lower case in header and in the main story. 2. No personal pronoun, e.g. I, we, us, our. 3. No & or @ (except in email addresses). 4. Use punctuation in phone numbers and at the end of sentences. 5. Submit only one-two photos per event. 6. Use complete sentences. and put a single space between sentences. 7. For times, name the hour and morning/afternoon as follows: 10 a.m. or 7:30 p.m. Don’t use 10:00 or PM. 8. Do not separate phrases with …. or ----. 9. Photos should be at least 4”x 6” with a resolution of 200 dpi.


FRI. OCT 9 – FUNSQUAD TRIP TO MAZZARO'S MARKET IN ST. PETERSBURG 10 a.m. Car Pool from Community Hall (southside). Return sometime around 1– 1:30 p.m. This is an Italian Market, Deli and Bakery. Bring along a cooler for all the wonderful things you may want to bring home. We will also have lunch there. Info: http://www. sccfunsquad.com or call Maggie 633.7884 or Nan 642.9897.

MON. OCT 12 – AMERICANS OF ITALIAN HERITAGE COLUMBUS DAY DINNER 4:30 p.m. Cocktails; 5:30 Dinner. KP Theater. Tickets $25/person. Send check payable to AIH with a SASE to: Millie Edling, 1128 New Windsor Loop, SCC 633-4044. Wine at the table. Entertainment by Dan Fugazzotto. Catered by Banquet Masters. All residents of SCC and KP welcome.



October 2009

Sadie is a really beautiful medium-sized black adult cat. She is very playful and full of energy. Sadie loves to be petted and comes right over when you call her name. She is spayed and up-to-date on her shots. Won't you let her come bring joy to your house ?

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday

Georgia is a very friendly rusty brown medium-sized dog and is a little bit shy. She was literally dropped off at the front gate of the shelter. She knows the command "sit," very much likes the water and wags like crazy when she sees people she knows and likes. Georgia is spayed, up-to-date on her shots and heartworm negative. She is approximately 5-6 years old. Please keep Georgia on your mind for adoption.

For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273

Harmony Hall Presents

A Tribute to:

Dean Martin Nat King Cole Frank Sinatra

The Three Crooners Tom Robinson has thrilled audiences along the eastern seaboard with his energetic club performances. He kicks off the Fall Concert Series at Harmony Hall with his spectacular tribute to the music of Dean Martin, Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra. Tom performs each artist’s biggest hits accompanied by the Lowrey Prestige.

Harmony Hall

4874 Sun City Center Blvd in the King’s Crossing Plaza Limited Seating RSVP Required 813-642-8799

ADMISSION IS FREE Monday, October 5th Wednesday, October 7th Wednesday, October 14th SHOWTIME at 2:30PM


The News of Sun City Center

What’s going on in the Atrium?

October 2009

Construction Photos by Lyn Reitz

View from new 12-person spa toward the walking pool after the initial digging in preparation for framing.

Spa being framed; view is toward the lap pool.

Atrium restrooms being framed.

Men’s locker room being walled in, spa is to the left.

Lap pool tiling being replaced.

Lap pool close to being completed.

The Locker Room Renovation Project is only about two weeks behind its projected completion date of September 30th. The delay came at the start of the project in acquiring the needed permits. Hopefully, mid-October will be the grand re-opening of the area. Next month’s pictures should show a beautiful new area that will be the pride of all of the Sun City Center residents.

October 2009

The News of Sun City Center

Alzheimer’s Memory Walk October 3rd

The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. It calls on people of all ages to take action in the fight. Year-round, our participants are involved in efforts to help defeat this devastating disease. If you're the kind of person who's not going to sit on the sidelines when there's a chance to change the future, then you're the person we need. When you register for the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk, you're joining a nationwide community of thousands of people who are standing up and participating in the fight against this devastating disease. Walk with us toward a world without Alzheimer's disease! We're getting ready for this fall's Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk event, and we want you to get in on the action. Even if you are unable to participate in the two-mile walk, your donation will make a difference! Come and enjoy the festivities! Food, music and entertainment will all be a part of the event. Sun City Center’s event will take place at the


October SUDOKU

United Methodist Church at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West on Saturday, October 3rd. Pre-Walk Activities begin at 8 a.m. Walk Step Off is at 9 a.m. The two-mile walk will have a halfway point where those unable to complete the walk may hop a ride back to the original location. Golf carts will be on hand to assist those unable to complete the walk at any time. You may register at Sun City Senior Living at 3855 Upper Creek Drive, Sun City Center. You may also call the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-772-8672 or just go online: http://www.alz.org/memorywalk/ team.asp. From personal experience when I signed up online, I was taken to a link that allowed me to have my own web page. This enabled me to send emails to my contacts encouraging them to donate even though they were unable to attend. I was delighted at the quick response and happy to report that within a few hours I had received over $400 in donations! Please join us in our walk! -Debbie Caneen

Answers on page 19

The Breast Care Center at manatee memorial hospital The American Cancer Society recommends that all women have a baseline screening between ages 35 and 40 and begin having annual mammograms at age 40 for as long as you’re in good health. Remember, early detection is the best defense against breast cancer! That’s why The Breast Care Center features advanced technology available in breast care, including: • Selenia Digital Mammography System • Computer Aided Detection (CAD) • Breast MRI • Siemens MammoTest Breast Biopsy Technology Call us today at 941-745-7391 to schedule your mammogram. Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

(941) 745-7225

206 Second Street East, Bradenton, FL 34208 www.manateememorial.com Follow Moody Chisholm, CEO on Twitter: http://twitter.com/moodyatmanatee


The News of Sun City Center

October 2009

Tampa Area Home Prices are still


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October 2009

The News of Sun City Center


The Sun City Center Woodcarver’s Club President, David Houck, presents Dr. Michael G. Caruso, a Sun City Center dermatologist, presents a a $300 General Fund donation to CA President Ed Barnes and Vice check for $1000 to Jim Blackstone, the director of the Sun City Center Fitness Committee. This is the second donation that Dr. Caruso has made President Ann Marie Leblanc. to the SCC Fitness Center. He whole-heartedly supports the concept of staying both mentally and physically active and commends Sun City Center residents for their dedication to staying fit. He approves of the new machines available at the fitness center as well as the arrival of Dondre Williams, a personal trainer at USF who is donating his time three days a week to help residents with their fitness workouts. The Fitness Committee thanks Dr. Caruso for his generous donation.

Stop by the Woodcarver’s Club and see their newest project: A quilt made up of 4” carved wood squares. All carvers were asked to create squares depicting the different types of carving projects they are most interested in. This quilt, attached to existing cupboard doors with velcro, depict woodburning, chip carving, relief carving, carving in the round, painted and unpainted carvings, along with other techniques they have mastered. It’s worth a look-see and, with the return of our winter residents, the number of squares will grow.

Hogans Introduces New Vice President

Rich Lucidi has volunteered to take the place of former VP Sam Dietz; and he has agreed to accept a nomination for the VP slot for 2010 & 2011. Most of you have played golf with Rich, so we all know he will make an excellent team member and he will bring constructive insight to the Hogans as we continue to form this league. Rich’s first job is to work with President Art Swallow in setting up the SnoBird schedule. “I truly look forward to his contributions,” stated Swallow.

Ohio Club Celebrates Octoberfest

The Ohio Club of Sun City Center will have their OCTOBERFEST Party on Friday, October 9th, in the Florida Room. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner served at 6:30 p.m.. Dinner will be bratwurst, German potato salad, sauerkraut, beans, apple pie, coffee and iced tea. BYOB. There will be music, 50/50. Cost is $12. Send your check made out to Ohio Club to: Jane Foppe, 1206 Emerald Dunes or call 642-8129. Anyone with connections to Ohio is Welcome.

Lawn Bowling Tournament

All lawn bowlers who have taken lessons any time between October 2008 and September 2009 are eligible for the Novice Tournament taking place October 26th, 27th, 29th & 30th. Please sign up in the club house. All members are encouraged to come out and support your club !!! If you have any questions call 746-1085 or 633-2909.

Answers on page 19


The News of Sun City Center

October 2009

October 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Photos by Bob Fowler and John Bowker

SCC’s Oldest and Most Trusted Flooring Dealer Golf Cart Accessible Family Owned and Operated

Save the Date! November 10, 2009 A picnic lunch is being given by the Board of Directors as a token of appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication given to support the Community Association throughout the year. If you are a CA member that has been designated to support Community Association activities during 2009, you are cordially invited to attend the picnic at the outdoor pool area on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, noon to 2 p.m.

1629 Sun City Center Plaza (near SCC Post Office)

813.633.7116 www.JohnMooreFloorCovering.com

Free Design Help From Our On Staff Interior Designer


Golf League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf -18Hole Aug. 20: 2 Man Team, Low Net: Flight 1: 1st Place (143) – Michael Gomes, Jerry Rippel; 2nd Place (145) – Chul Kim, Michael Prach; 3rd Place (147) – Ron Pelow, Tom Williamson. Flight 2: 1st Place (138) – Edwin Muller, Bob Keyes; 2nd Place (148) – Phillip Dirosario, Peter Brock; 3rd Place (150) – George Sturtevant, Jim Johnson. Aug. 27: Individual Chicago: Flight #1: 1st Place (+7) – Don Churchill; 2nd Place (+5) – Bert Poulin; 3rd Place (+1) – Ron Pelow. Flight #2: 1st Place Tie (+3) – Herman Weston & Mike Prach; 3rd Place (+2) – Tom Williamson. Flight #3: 1st Place (+2) – Jerry Rippel; 2nd Place (+1) – Harold Geldbach; 3rd Place Tie (E) – Ed Muller & Anthony Torre. Flight #4: 1st Place Tie (+4) – Bob Keyes & Bud Tolley & Ron Chaban. Sept. 3: 4 Man Scramble: 1st Place Team (68) - Ron Pelow, Edwin Muller, Phillip Dirosario, Jim Johnson. 2nd Place Team (70): Ed Weber, Al Hamm, Harold Geldbach, Carl Lingertot. 3rd Place Team (71): Kirby Hawkes, James Rottman, Bernard Pomorski, Chuck Roth.

SCC Men’s/Ladies’ Labor Day Golf Tournament Sept. 10: 4 Person Shamble:1st Place Team (112): Michael Gomes, Chuck Roth, Patti Ducharme, Carl Lingertot; 2nd Place Team (118): Kirby Hawkes, Kenneth Defreeuw, Suzy White, Bert Poulin; 3rd Place Team (119): Rocky Pucci, Annetta Pucci, Ronald Chaban, Ed Muller; 4th Place Team (120): Ed Weber, Les Easton, Walter Friedlein, Jeanne Doherty.

Shown above are a few of the members of the SCCGS&C men’s & ladies’ golf associations that participated in a combined tournament and luncheon on September 10th at the North Lakes course. From L to R: Udea Onslow, Alice Friedlein, Sandy Hurwitz, Walt Friedlein, Bob Black, Jeanne Simonini, and Martin Hurwitz.

The News of Sun City Center

SCC LGA -18 Hole Aug. 14th: Throw Out Worst Nine: Flights A&B: 1st Place (33.5)–Lois Pelow; 2nd Place (34)–Udea Onslow; 3rd Place Tie (36.5)–Alice Friedlein & Linda Anderson. Flights C&D: 1st Place Tie (35.5) – Gloria Nunn & Eleanor Sauret; 3rd Place (36)–Betsy Sands. Sept. 4th: Throw out 1 Par 4 Each Nine: Flights A&B: 1st Place (62) – Annetta Pucci; 2nd Place (66) – Beverly Heil. Flight C: 1st Place (58) – Phyllis Lee; 2nd Place Tie (65) – Elaine Davis & Jan Churchill. Flight D: 1st Place (62) – Jeanne Simonini; 2nd Place (63) – Eleanor Sauret. Sept. 11: Points to Par: Flights A/B: 1st Place (-1) – Beverly Heil; 2nd Place (-5) – Patti Ducharme; Flight C: 1st Place (+1) – Suzy White; 2nd Place (-1) – Marcia Karp; Flight D: 1st Place (+11.5) – Eleanor Sauret; 2nd Place (+10) – Phyllis Hall; 3rd Place (+7) – Betsy Sands.

SCCWGA July 24: Gross/Net: Flight A: 1st low gross: Laura Cole 89. 1st low net: Lois Scoppettuolo 74. Flight B: 1st low gross: Connie Toussaint 91. 1st low net: Susan Wyckorr 75. Flight C & D: 1st low gross: Susan Torre 95. 1st low net: Jean Mooney 75. August 14: Net Only: 1st: Jan Huber 74; 2nd: Jean Mooney 75; 3rd: Karen Gibson 78; 4th (tie): Susan Torre, Carolyn Fry 81. August 21: Revert to par - 1 par 3, 4, 5: Flight A: 1st (tie): Connie Holl, Judi Schafers 67; 2nd: Jan Huber 68. 3rd: Lois Scoppettuolo 70. 4th: Ruth Kramer 73. Flight B: 1st: Carolyn Fry 62; 2nd (tie): Susan Torre, Lorie Fehrs, DeLoris Durm 68. 3rd: Claire Mielak 69. August 28: Net Points to Par: Flight A: 1st: Judi Schafers 39; 2nd: Laura Hammaker 36; 3rd: Jan Huber 35. Flight B: 1st: Susan Wyckoff 37; 2nd: Bette Mannon 34; 3rd: Bev Hines 32. Flight C & D: 1st Jean Mooney; 2nd: Nan Dorsey; 3rd: Carolyn Fry. (scores not available). Sept. 4: Gross/Net: A Flight: Low gross: Laura Hammaker 86. Low Net: Jeanie Shively 70. B Flight: Low gross: Connie Holl 92. Low Net (tie): Susan Wyckoff/Lois Gluntz 77. C Flight: Low gross: Bev Hines 99. Low Net: Jean Mooney 73. D Flight: Low net: Anne Dean 73 . Sept. 11:Revert 1 par 4 to par each side: A Flight: Low gross: Jan Huber 82. Low net: Jeanie Shively 65. B Flight: Low gross: Connie Holl 85. 1st low net: Lois Gluntz 66; 2nd low net: Carolyn Fry 67. C Flight: Low gross: Bev Hines 93. Low net: Jean Mooney 71. D Flight: Low gross: Karen Stanhope 105. Low net: Anne Dean 76.

October 2009

Hogans League Of Sun City Howie Morrel, Mac McKay; 3rd : Team A, 138. Ron Kingston, Woody Center and Kings Point Aug. 20: Cypress Creek: Play: K-Skins: 1st : Rich Lucidi, 12 skins; 2nd : Ron Kingston, 6 skins; 3rd : Don Mowry, 1 skin; 4th: Art Swallow, honorable mention. Lownet & Low Gross: Rich Lucidi, 62 net, 94 gross. Aug. 22: North Lakes: Play: K-Skins: 1st : tied at 3 skins eachJay Sparkman & Woody Nelson; 2nd : tied at 2 skins each- Ron Kingston & Howie Morrel; 3rd : Rich Lucidi, 1 skin. Low-net: Ron Kingston, 68; Low-gross: Jay Sparkman, 84. Aug. 26: Summerfield: Play: Classic Skins: 1st : Rich Lucidi, 7 skins; 2nd : Don Mowry, 4 skins; 3rd : tied at 3 skins each – Art Swallow & Ron Kingston. Low-net & Low Gross – Ron Kingston, net 68, gross 87. Aug. 28: Imperial Lakewoods: Play: K-Skins: 1st : Ron Kingston, 6 skins; 2nd : Larry Clark, 2 skins; 3rd : Rich Lucidi, 1 skin. Sept. 1: Renaissance: Play: Match: 1st : Ron Kingston, net 65, gross 83; 2nd : Rich Lucidi, net 79, gross 106. Sept. 3: Cypress Creek: Play: Skins: 1st : Chip Wood, 5 skins + low net & low gross; 2nd : Rich Lucidi, 5 skins; 3rd : Don Mowry, 3 skins. Low-net: 72; Low-gross: 85. Sept. 5: North Lakes: Play: team Best 2: 1st : Team B, 127. Big Diehl, Tim Diehl (guest). 24 skins; 2nd : TeamC, 134. Denny Wintersteen,

Nelson, Rich Lucidi. Individual Low-net: Tim Diehl, 60. Individual Low-gross: Denny Wintersteen, 88. Sept. 9: Summerfield: Play: Skins: 1st : Chip Wood 73; 5 skins; 2nd : Rich Lucidi 74; 3 skins; 3rd : Don Mowry 77, 3 skins. Low-gross: Chip Wood, 83 (from the gold tees). Sept. 15: Renaissance: Play: K-Skins: 1st : Don Mowry, net 68, 4 skins; 2nd : Chip Wood, net 72, 4 skins; 3rd : Rich Lucidi, net 84, 3 skins.

The Hogans Hogans info (membership application, bylaws, detailed schedules) may be had by visiting www.hogans-golf.com

Hogans 2009 Schedule Renaissance Tuesday

10/13, 10/27

Summerfield Wednesday

10/7, 10/21

Cypress Creek Thursday 10/1, 10/15, 10/29 Imperial Lakewoods Friday

10/9, 10/23

North Lakes WCI Saturday

10/3, 10/17, 10/31

Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Art Swallow at email: ArtSwallow@aol.com.

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October 2009

The News of Sun City Center



Fitness Center Machines Of The Month

The News of Sun City Center

Pec Fly and Rear Delt Machine

When resistance training, it is important to exercise body parts symmetrically. In other words, train opposing muscle groups for each part of the body (i.e. biceps and triceps in the upper arm). The Paramount Pec Fly and Rear Delt machine develops the chest (pectorals) as well as the upper back (trapezius and posterior deltoids) muscles. Pec Fly 1. Adjust seat height with yellow spring loaded pin so the hand grips are at chest level. 2. Select weight by inserting pin into the hole at the desired weight. 3. Adjust front/rear position of handles so they can be gripped without shoulder strain. The spring loaded pins at the top of the moveable arms provide that adjustment. 4. Sit facing away from machine. 5. Press the hand grips together until they touch in front of your chest and then return to the starting position.

Rear Delt 1. Adjust seat height with yellow spring loaded pin so the hand grips are at shoulder height. 2. Adjust handle arms to position 1 or 2 at back of the upper hole plate so that arms point toward the weight stack. 3. Select weight by inserting pin in hole at the desired weight. 4. Sit facing the machine. 5. Grip handles and move them backward as far as possible. Then return to the starting position. For all exercises deliberate motion is encouraged. Two count movement when raising the weight and four counts when returning the weight. Exhale on the two count and inhale on the four count. Ten to fifteen repetitions are recommended. Multiple sets on this and all other Blue Machines will accelerate muscle development.

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... Water Conditioners By Susan Muise Many of us, especially new residents to Florida, think that the water here is really bad and that we must definitely have a water conditioner. The Water Resource Service of Hillsborough County regularly monitors our drinking water and tells us that a water softener or filtration system might change the taste or feel of our water, but our water is perfectly safe to drink without any additional treatment. Hillsborough County provides us with high-quality drinking water, and if you have not received your latest Water Quality Report, you can contact the Water Resource Department at 272-5977. From time to time you may receive mailings or phone calls that seem to be very official telling you that your water is not safe to drink. Please know that they are not from Hillsborough County no matter how official they may appear. No

Medicare B: No charge for flu or pneunomia Others: $25 Flu $45 Pneumonia Cash, Check, Visa or MasterCard


634-1163 Early Risers Bowling League

In addition to the bowling leagues that were in last month’s newsletter, there is also a Monday morning senior, mixed, fun league called the “Early Risers.” It's a 100% handicap league, based on 200 pins and non-sanctioned. The only two requirements for joining this league are that you must enjoy bowling and that you are at least 50 years young. The league bowls at the nearby lanes, “The Alley at SouthShore,” located at 10221 Big Bend Rd. The league schedule is for 27 weeks starting October 5th at 9:30 a.m. and ending on April 19th. The Banquet will be held on April 26th. Contact Ron Moore (813) 6410291 for more information.

Hillsborough County employee will ever come to your house to test the water unless a specific problem has been reported to them. And,they all wear official Hillsborough County uniforms and carry county identification. If you respond to one of these advertisements, you are opening yourself to high pressure sales. Even though they appear to “prove” your water is contaminated by showing you viles of water that look and smell bad, that is not an official water test, and they are just salesmen. Proper water testing must be done in a lab. It cannot be done in your kitchen. So, the bottom line is if you want a water conditioner, by all means get one, but you do not need one, and don’t let anyone tell you that you do.

Flu Shots Schedule 9 to 11 a.m. Sandpiper Room Monday, October 5 Thursday, October 15 Monday, October 19 Monday, October 26 Monday, November 2 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, December 3 Monday, December 7

Get Fit–Stay Fit!

October 2009

Family owned for over 50 years!

The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones sccnews@verizon.net Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings

Call us today and experience the difference. You're going to be highly satisfied. It's our promise!

CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc

Licensed, Bonded and Insured • State Certification# CFC019119

Advertising: John Wolf newsofsccads@gmail.com 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

October 2009

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS August 2009

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500. Last

Richards Boothe Jr Monauni Gudzak Parker Augenstein Nice Cox Maloney Johnson Layer Dochterman Carr Glenn Woodward Vest Stevens Lutz Miller De Lia Lucidi Iacobelli Kispert Vick Higgins Fletcher Jensen Theta Gunter Bierly Robertson Wood


Walter & Janet William David John & Anne Stephen & Penny D Brent & Janice David & Mary Tone Sandra Charles & Sandra Robert & Nancy Jacqueline Richard & Susan Ruth Edna Hannelore John & Dixie Kenneth Janice Cosmo Richard & Marsha William Jan John Lee Peggy John T Johnny & Rose Joseph Flavia Larry & Dianne

Num Local street

611 1013 806 1107 1012 1201 320 1605 1605 1604 1734 1550 1609 2417 2419 2421 1608 1214 1214 822 2203 2250 438 438 743 1003 1003 719 734 1829 1829 1970





Allegheny Dr Mio MI 938-1082 Ardmore Wy Harrisburg PA Augusta Dr Berkeley Hgts NJ 465-1767 Beach Blvd Forked River NJ Bluewater Dr Toledo OH 713-2858 Bluewater Dr Lowell OH 634-6052 Brockfield Dr Simpsonville SC Bunker Hill Dr Lawton OK Bunker Hill Dr Pana IL Cherry Hills Dr Zillah WA 633-4060 Coco Palm Cir Hudson OH 634-4046 Council Dr Lancaster PA 386-334-9498 Del Webb Blvd W Kent Island MD Emerald Lake Dr Apt 105 Virginia Beach VA 938-3476 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 204 Boston MA 633-8048 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 201 Alexandria VA 938-3470 Faxton Dr Tunkhannock PA 746-1023 Hacienda Dr Mount Joy PA 717-940-2671 Hacienda Dr Mount Joy PA 717-940-2671 La Jolla Ave Vineland NJ 609-489-1774 New Bedford Dr Carlisle PA 938-5100 New Bedford Dr New York City NY Noble Faire Dr Eagan MN Noble Faire Dr Madison WI Ojai Ave East Liverpool OH 938-1255 Rickenbacker Dr St Petersburg FL 293-0573 Rickenbacker Dr Morristown PA 634-4723 Tam O’Shanter Ave Troy OH Tam O’Shanter Ave Petersburg KY 634-8056 Wolf Laurel Dr Hanover PA 938-5249 Wolf Laurel Dr Philadelphia PA 938-5249 Wolf Laurel Dr Rutland VT 634-1025

October SUDOKU

October 12th “Bride Wars” 89 min. Rating: PG Lifelong best friends Liv (Kate Hudson) and Emma (Anne Hathaway) have shared a dream since childhood. Each yearns for the perfect June wedding at New York’s famed Plaza Hotel. But when a clerical error puts them both down for nuptials on the same day at the same time, one of them will just have to switch the date, right? As if! More than the bouquet goes flying when these desperate bridesto-be duke it out for matrimonial supremacy! Full of fun, fashion and heartwarming moments, Bride Wars will keep you laughing all the way down the aisle. (Jeffrey Lyles, Gazette (MD). Actors: Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson . October 26th “Obsessed” 108 min. Rating: PG A successful asset manager who has just received a huge promotion is blissfully happy in his career and in his marriage. But when a temp worker starts stalking him, all the things he’s worked so hard for are placed in jeopardy. Actors: Beyoncé Knowles, Idris Elba, Ali Larter, Jerry O’Connell, Bonnie Perlman. Each of these movies has English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2009 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

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The News of Sun City Center

October 2009

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