The News of September 2010 - ISSUE #26 official publication of the Community Association
More Membership Directory Corrections
Page 2 September Dates to Put on Your Calendar
Labor Day Poolside Party 4 - 7 p.m. See page 3.
CA Board Meeting
9 a.m. Rollins Theater
10 a.m. Community Hall Patriots Club 9/11 Observance See page 14.
9 a.m. Florida Room Membership Budget Review See page 5.
Pancake Breakfast Florida Room 7 a.m. to noon See page 6.
Deadline to enter Senior Games See page 13.
On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 19 Club Happenings... 10-13 Consumer Affairs........ 17 Crossword.................... 9 CryptoQuote............... 17 Entertainment Corner... 3 Golf............................. 20 Military Affairs............. 14 Minto Update................ 6 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23 Sudoku....................... 19 We Want to Know.. 15,18
Check out the CA website:
ClubLink to Purchase All Seven SCC and Kings Point Golf Courses By Director Chuck Collett As many of you now know, WCI has entered into a contract with a Canadian company, ClubLink Enterprises, for the purchase of seven golf courses in Sun City Center and Kings Point. These include Sandpiper, Caloosa Greens, Renaissance, Falcon Watch, Scepter, the executive nine at Kings Point and the North Lakes course (which is presently closed). It is anticipated that the closing on these courses will occur sometime in early September of 2010. In order to be better prepared to address issues surrounding the transfer of ownership, the Board of Directors (BOD) at their meeting on August 23, 2010, appointed a special committee to examine the various alternatives and impacts relative to the 1984 Agreement arising as a result of this sale. The committee was also asked to develop various courses of action that the BOD might take associated with changing the 1984 Agreement to accommodate the By Phyllis Hodges Sun City Center is a real treasure trove of activities to keep us moving and add quality to our years. For physical fitness, we can choose to sweat it out at the Fitness Center or participate in our many sports, dance and exercise clubs. Quality of life involves mental fitness as well, and each of us chooses the extent to which we exercise our brain. The experts all agree mental stimulation is imperative; we need to stay sharp by continuing to learn and staying aware of happenings in our community, our state, our country and our world. L e t ’s l o o k a t t h e opportunities locally—at the multitude of events taking place many times each week. We owe a debt of gratitude to the people who bring us these sessions; they spend considerable time and energy to bring them to us. They follow in the footsteps of Phil Lange who recognized in 1989 that residents needed a venue for learning and mingling. Over a span of almost 20 years, he arranged 960 weekly sessions of Issues and Ideas. (Thanks, Phil.) The following list isn’t meant to be all-inclusive; it’s to give you food for thought— to give you an idea about the
requirements of a new owner of the SCC golf courses. The committee is to report back to the BOD with its findings and results on a regular basis. The committee is comprised of Chuck Collett, Chairman, David Floyd, Sam Sudman, Jane Keegan, Bob Black and Martin Hurwitz. It is expected to complete its work by no later than January 4, 2011. In preliminary meetings with ClubLink representatives the company has asked that SCC waive the provisions of
Articles XVIII and XIX of the 1984 Agreement. Those provisions relate to the right of first refusal of SCC to purchase the North Lakes and Sandpiper golf courses, and the limitation prohibiting public play on either of those courses. They have not, to this point, offered any concessions for those waivers. The committee met to discuss the proposed waiver agreement submitted by ClubLink and agreed that we needed more information on their specific plans before formulating a response. The BOD sent a letter to ClubLink requesting
Mental Acuity a Choice
The lively presentation style of Professor Philip Leto III, J.D. enthralls the audience at Aston Gardens as he talks about how our founding fathers would view today’s political scene. Photo by Phyllis Hodges.
number of events available. Except where noted otherwise, all of them are free and open to the public. ...Chris Girard, our Community Resource Deputy, holds free Sheriff’s Crime Awareness meetings on the second Tuesday at Kings Point and third Wednesday at Sun Trust Bank. It’s an informal session about scams, frauds, and recent events that resulted in police action. …Every year Community Church College holds two six-week semesters that cover a wide variety of courses at minimal cost. The fall semester is OctoberNovember; the spring semester is February-March.
…Aston Gardens’ Discovery University offers a series of thought-provoking lectures that are free and open to the public. The two topics in September are The Writing and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln and William Randolph Hearst: The Man and His Times. October’s are The Golden Age of Hollywood and Immigrants Gone Bad. The McCarthy Era, and Albert Einstein, Franklin Roosevelt and the Manhattan Project are topics for November. …On financial matters, our local guru, Spencer Faircloth (retired Sun Trust Bank trust officer), leads seminars regularly to educate residents about such concerns as estate planning. Then, too, there are the financial
additional information and requesting a meeting with their representatives. To date no response has been received. The committee also agreed that there are two major concerns: 1) obtaining a more specific, enforceable agreement for the maintenance of the North Lakes property so that we don’t experience the same problems we had with WCI; and 2) hopefully having a plan of operations for the remaining courses that will assure their economic viability so that we do not experience any further closures. ClubLink has indicated that they expect to have an operational plan in place prior to November 1st to take effect January 1, 2011. The status quo on dues and fees will be maintained until the first of the year. ClubLink also indicated they would like to hold a Town Hall meeting in October to reveal their plans. Given this timetable, it is anticipated that the committee’s work will be completed by October.
sessions sponsored by various investment firms around the community. …A myriad of health issues are covered at gatherings sponsored by Aston Gardens, S u n To w e r s , t h e S C C Emergency Squad, the Bayada Nurses and South Bay Hospital, to name a few. …The new Chakra Center has been advertising some interesting sessions. One is called Reiki Share about the ancient healing art of Reiki that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. It’s on the first Thursday monthly. Another offering is Laughter Yoga every Tuesday. It is said to improve circulation, reduce pain, promote healing, improve brain function and sleep better. A $5 donation is suggested for that one. …On a lighter note, the Laff-A-Lot Club says that laughter lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. They meet on the second Friday monthly for general socializing and light refreshments, then they start “tossing jokes back and forth,” with prizes as funny as the jokes. Learning new things in group surroundings helps us stay mentally fit, but there’s an added benefit; the interaction with others often leads to rewarding friendships.