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Nov. 8- Senior Mixed Doubles
ALTA Mixers
It’s July, and we’re finally back on the courts! You should be in the middle of your senior and mixed doubles seasons. ALTA has even more tennis scheduled for you this year. Unfortu nately, because of the uncertainty of the health regulations and COVID-19 and not knowing what crowd capacities will be al lowed in one location, we have to cancel the summer mixed doubles mixer. We are continuing to monitor the situation, so keep a close watch on our website at altatennis.org. for any updates. We are still planning to host one more mixer this fall, so for those of you in the prime of your life (45+), we have a mixer just for you. At the end of the men’s/women’s final season of the year, you’ll have a chance to participate in the senior mixed doubles mixer. If you’ve been watching some of the small tournaments (no audience) on the Tennis Channel, you’ll notice that the format is no-add games and four game sets. We’ll be playing a similar format, but with six games sets, e.g., 6-0 or 3-3. Each doubles team will play three sets — against a different team for each set. You’ll get a chance to meet more players during these mixers — not just one doubles team. You can talk to your opponents about how their season went and whatever else comes up.
To make the competition as fair as possible, we’ll have three levels of play: A, B, and C. Within each level, there will be a high and low level. For example, the high As (A1-4) will be playing against each other and the low As (A5-8) players will be playing each other. Some of you are very competitive players. You’ll en joy this event because you’ll get to prove yourself on the courts against three different doubles teams. If you’re like the rest of us (just like to play), you’ll just enjoy playing with a variety of opponents.
I look forward to seeing you on the courts again in late fall.
Jean Christian

Photography Contest Rules and Regulations
1. You must be a member of ALTA. 2. Photos must relate to tennis and/or tennis play. 3. All contest submissions must be postmarked by
Sept. 16, 2020. 4. Decisions of the judges are final. 5. Limit three entries per ALTA member. 6. Each photo entry must include a completed entry form (see below). Photocopied forms are accepted. 7. Judges reserve the right to title photos if no title is provided and to change the category into which a photo has been entered. 8. Photos not taken by the entrant must be accompanied by a release form signed by the photographer. ALTA and Net News are not responsible for any copyright violations. 9. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet the above rules and regulations.
The 17th Annual Net News Photo Contest
Get ready, grab your camera or even your smartphone, and go! This is your chance to show the world and your fellow netters how talented you are with a camera (or how lucky you were to be there when the unexpected happened). The 17th Annual Net News Photo Contest will showcase the best “frames” of ALTA players in the November/December 2020 issue. We’re looking for photos of solid play, unusual play or court scenes, and any notable photo relating to the game of tennis. The contest, sponsored by Head Penn Racquet Sports, will award one Best Overall Winner, plus winners in each of the categories. Category and overall winners will receive a variety of outstanding prizes from Head Penn’s collection of quality tennis gear.
So, get out your cameras and start taking pictures or pick out your favorite from that stack of stills sitting in your desk drawer. You just might have a winner!
Prizes courtesy of
Submission Guidelines
1. Mail all entries to: Net News Photo Contest, 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350. 2. Both digital and printed images will be considered. See specifications. 3. You may not want to submit irreplaceable or precious images. Contest organizers and sponsors
WILL NOT be responsible for lost or damaged photos. (See waiver of responsibility on entry form.) 4. If you want your picture returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your entry. Pictures will not be returned if they are not accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. 5. All winning photos will be featured in the annual
November/December edition of Net News. 6. Questions may be addressed to production@ knowatlanta.com or 770.650.1102, ext. 126.
Digital Photography Specifications
We advise that you take and submit the photos in as large a file size as possible, preferably no smaller than 2,400 pixels tall or wide, because small images may not be reproducible in the magazine (familiarize yourself with the settings on your camera before taking photos). Nonreproducible images will not be considered for the photo contest. Upload original digital photos through the Net News website at netnewsmag.com/photo_contest.
Vintage Photography Specifications
We advise you to have the image printed at 8x10 in. Please tape one entry form to the back of each photo. If submitting an original, please keep in mind contest organizers and sponsors will not be responsible for lost or damaged photos.
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________________State_______________ ZIP ___________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone (H) ______________________________________Phone (W)_________________________________
Waiver of Responsibility: I hereby remise, release and forever discharge the Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association, Net News magazine, New South Publishing, Inc., and any Net News Photo Contest sponsor from any action, suits or claims arising as a result of the loss or damage of any photograph(s) I submit to this contest. Further, I hereby grant my permission for the reproduction and printing of my photograph in Net News magazine.
Signature_______________________________________________________________Date ___________________
Submit photos by Sept. 16, 2020, to Net News Photo Contest, 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350. This form may be photocopied or downloaded at netnewsmag.com.
Please check the category this picture is being entered in:
Action Children Courtside Humor/Novelty Pets Still Life Vintage
Title of photo: __________________________
Description of picture (where the picture was taken, who is in the picture, what is in the picture, etc.): ________________________________________