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Rolling for Recovery
The best kept secret to Each muscle resemmaximizing your perfor The foam roller bles a rubber band; the mance and keeping you is one of the farther you stretch it, active is simple: “Recover better.” most effective the farther it will launch The use of a simple piece of foam can help you optimize recovery, which is ideal for tennis players all-around, selfmaintenance tools you will find when you let it go. If you can increase the elasticity in the muscle by imof all levels and ages. proving your flexibility,
Why foam rolling? Tennis may lead the result will be increased power and to increased tension/stiffness in your improved performance. muscles and joints, which can alter joint The foam roller is one of the most efmotion and lead to poor movement patfective all-around, self-maintenance tools terns, a faster rate of fatigue, and injury. you will find, as it releases chronic musSelf-massage exercises (self-myofascial cular tension and pain (caused by playing release) on this simple piece of foam can tennis). It is simple to use; your own body immediately reduce soft-tissue weight massages away restrictions to nortension and speed mal soft-tissue extensibility. up the recovWhatever your athletic level or age, ery process. foam rolling should be an integral part of your daily routine. It is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to improve recovery, alleviate aches and pains, and improve flexibility. Use the roller directly after tennis or workout (prior to your cool-down stretching) and remember that areas that hurt need more attention.
A quicker recovery can help keep you active and translates to a better performance the next time you play.
Dr. Baudo Marchetti is an instructor at Emory University and a board-certified sports clinical specialist at One on One Physical Therapy, a multidisciplinary private practice in Atlanta. She also worked five years as a sports physiotherapist for the WTA Tour. Learn more by visiting www.onetherapy.com or email melissa@ onetherapy.com.
Foam rolling: • prevents joint stiffness and possibly reduces injury risk; • increases flexibility and joint range of motion and function; • enhances the recovery process; and • is portable, lightweight and easy to travel with.