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Health Crossings Magazine Magazine | 1


Hope is Knocking on the Door Protect your baby agains more than 80+ diseases is a reality today. Morbi et nunc posuere ligula aliquet iaculis. Donec auctor dolor mi, et laoreet est condimentum sed. Nunc vel dignissim lacus. Sed vulputate nec dui sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque vel libero ornare, luctus ipsum eget, pharetra ipsum. Quisque blandit ligula interdum dolor scelerisque pulvinar. Vestibulum ut feugiat ligula, eget commodo mi. Donec id nibh elementum, volutpat nulla sit amet, mollis lectus. Morbi et nunc posuere ligula aliquet iaculis. Donec auctor dolor mi, et laoreet est condimentum sed. Nunc vel dignissim lacus. Sed vulputate nec dui sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque vel libero ornare, luctus ipsum eget, pharetra ipsum. Quisque blandit ligula interdum dolor scelerisque pulvinar. Vestibulum ut feugiat ligula, eget commodo mi. Donec id nibh elementum, volutpat nulla sit amet, mollis lectus. Morbi et nunc posuere ligula aliquet iaculis. Donec auctor dolor mi, et laoreet est condimentum sed. Nunc vel dignissim lacus. Sed vulputate nec dui sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque vel libero ornare, luctus ipsum eget, pharetra ipsum. Quisque blandit ligula interdum dolor scelerisque pulvinar. Vestibulum ut feugiat ligula, eget commodo mi. Donec id nibh elementum, volutpat nulla sit amet, mollis lectus.

Lisa Benjamini Lisa Benjamini - Editor in Chief CEO of Allon Health Center in Texas




Nutrition The Key to Fertility


Artificial Sweeteners

Cras iaculis mollis efficitur. Duis vitae fringilla leo. Phasellus lacinia velit non nunc hendrerit, ut scelerisque metus porttitor. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum posuere tellus non accumsan fermentum.



The Secret of Happy Daddys


Be Nice To Yourself


PCOS The Solution for Your Challenges


- Kathryn Flynn Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tortor.

Your Mind Rules in Your Body Effects


Aenean nec maximus odio. Vivamus ac lobortis libero. Etiam eget convallis lacus. Vivamus pretium gravida massa, quis interdum turpis volutpat quis.

IVF Could Be the Solution


Boy or Girl? Yes, you can decide


Your Baby Protected Against 80+ Diseases


- Michelle Galatoire Cras iaculis mollis efficitur. Duis vitae fringilla leo. Phasellus lacinia velit non nunc hendrerit, ut sceleri.


How Meditation Impacts Your Fertility


Your Age Matters? You can be a mom


Stem Cells Saving Lifes Everyday


Trying to Conceive Nunc euismod pharetra nisi, non sodales enim ullamcorper sed. Aliquam auctor lorem sed tellus bibendum pretium ac et dolor.


The Impact of the wrong Supplements


Healthy Pregnancy an the Future of you Life

- Dr. Michael Allon Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tortor.



THE KEY TO FERTILITY Donec mattis velit ac libero tempus interdum nec at lacus. Nulla pharetra vitae quam vel aliquam.


orbi velit lorem, malesuada eget bibendum

in, vulputate ut augue. Etiam nec posuere risus, ac vulputate odio. Nullam quis tempor lectus, ac convallis diam. Integer rhoncus libero pulvinar facilisis posuere. Nullam euismod est non tellus volutpat, sed vehicula mi varius. Donec eget lectus facilisis, laoreet risus a, dignissim erat. Sed feugiat quis mauris ut scelerisque. Mauris vitae quam eget mi consectetur lobortis id ut elit. Proin quis iaculis elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut elit nibh. Fusce placerat ante vel risus auctor porta. Curabitur luctus non tellus et eleifend. Etiam bibendum rhoncus nunc, a sollicitudin nunc. Suspendisse commodo varius varius. Nam enim dui, malesuada nec convallis nec, blandit nec dolor. Integer vehicula pellentesque blandit. Praesent pulvinar nec ligula eget viverra. Pellentesque ullamcorper libero eget sapien iaculis tempor. Donec ultricies ipsum nec sapien ultrices, ac venenatis ligula mattis.Quisque ut velit sed est semper posuere. Nam vel iaculis leo. Aenean iaculis dictum efficitur. Morbi cursus placerat dui, in sagittis nisi malesuada quis condimentum leo pellentesque.

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Aliquam vel justo nec lacus aliquet lobortis ultricies

varius.Cras vel commodo est. Quisque elementum at

pretium nisl. Mauris placerat fringilla est, at iaculis

risus sit amet rhoncus.

ipsum facilisis sit amet. Morbi in risus et sapien ornare elementum.

Nam enim dui, malesuada nec convallis nec, blandit nec dolor. Integer vehicula pellentesque blandit.

Nullam non tellus non velit maximus luctus. Duis nunc leo, efficitur eget metus nec, malesuada iaculis sem. Donec dictum luctus odio, aliquet commodo lectus efficitur a.

Donec mattis velit ac libero tempus interdum nec at lacus. Nulla pharetra vitae quam vel aliquam. Ut aliquam, ligula quis feugiat lobortis, libero nunc ornare nisl, sed dictum augue eros at felis. Fusce

In efficitur odio ante, vel finibus dolor convallis

in purus venenatis, ullamcorper urna quis, pulvinar

molestie. Pellentesque eu nisl erat. Integer libero dolor,

ex.Pellentesque consectetur aliquet.

vehicula nec dapibus nec, malesuada sed risus. Efficitur magna et gravida auctor. Cras vel commodo Sed vitae lacinia justo, eu luctus arcu. Integer sed urna

est. Quisque elementum at risus sit amet rhoncus.

non lectus luctus finibus. Mauris vehicula convallis

Praesent in venenatis orci, quis convallis orci. Sed

consequat. Nam pretium lacus ut lectus pretium, id

id mauris a risus dapibus tristique.Quisque ut velit

placerat lacus tristique.Etiam bibendum rhoncus nunc,

sed est semper posuere. Nam vel iaculis leo. Aenean

a sollicitudin nunc. Suspendisse commodo varius

iaculis dictum efficitur.

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Health Crossings Magazine Magazine | 9

THE ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS Aenean quis ante at nisi dictum tempus. Maecenas feugiat leo vitae felis vestibulum, vitae blandit quam gravida. BY MAHA BABU

Is it Safe to use Artificial Sweeteners?

What does research say about artificial sweeteners?

Artificial sweeteners, they are everywhere – in your flavored yoghurt drink, cereals, candies and many

The purported health benefits of artificial sweeteners

more. Artificial sweeteners are even touted to be great

are inconclusive. The research findings show mixed

for weight loss. They are marketed as safe in food and

results. Besides, there is limited research on the safety

beverages, but are they really what they are claiming to of artificial sweeteners among pregnant women. Here be? Unfortunately, in reality, they are anything but ones

are some studies and their respective results for your

that result in the opposite of the desired health effect.


What are Artificial Sweeteners?

Risk of Type 2 diabetes:

Artificial sweeteners are sugar substitutes that impart

A 2013 study from the Center for Research in

a sweet taste. They have less calories or no calories

Epidemiology and Population Health, France found

when compared to regular sugar. They are many times

that both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened

sweeter than sugar, and offer fewer calories than

beverages increased the risk of developing type 2

regular sugar. Each gram of a regular sugar gives 4

diabetes. Researchers of this study concluded that

calories, while sugar substitutes have less or zero

more studies need to be conducted for conclusive

calories for the same amount.


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Weight gain: The San Antonio Heart Study conducted on 3600 adults over a period of 8 years linked artificial sweeteners to weight gain. Researchers found that those that drank artificially sweetened beverages showed weight gain and higher body mass index (about 47% increase) than those who did not. Based on the results, the researchers concluded that human brain responds differently to artificial sweeteners, which can be a concern as it may signal your body to eat more. Heart disease risk: A 2013 study published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism revealed that artificial sweeteners caused counter intuitive effects by changing the body's metabolic process. This eventually leads to weight gain and serious conditions like heart diseases. To sum it all up, artificial sweeteners are not health substitutes, and the benefit claims are not proven. There is still plenty of controversy surrounding it. Whether or not pregnant it is advisable to steer clear of artificial sweeteners.

Here are some common artificial sweeteners which you should watch out for in food labels and drinks: Aspartame, Sucralose, Saccharin, Xylitol, sorbitol, Acesulfame.

Common places where you can find artificial sweeteners Tooth paste Chewing gums Cough syrups Breakfast cereals Candies Baked goods Snacks – processed & packaged Flavored yogurts Fruit juices & reconstituted beverages Alcoholic beverages and mix

Use natural sweeteners: Try to satisfy your sweet tooth by using alternative sweeteners like natural honey, coconut sugar, and maple syrup. Choose to use fruit puree, such as apple sauce in your baking goods to improve texture and sweetness of your recipe.Spice it up: A hint of vanilla essence, use of spices like cardamom, licorice, nutmeg and cinnamon helps to enhance the sweetness quotient without too much of sugar.

Practice mindfulness: Being mindful when you eat allows you to enjoy even the subtle tastes. It leaves you more satisfied and makes you crave less. Practice mindfulness in whatever you do, this includes your meal preparation as well as eating. Artificial sweeteners are to be avoided by everyone. This is especially true in the case of children and pregnant women, as the health risks are too high. Go for natural sweeteners to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Health Crossings Magazine Magazine | 11

- H E A LT H Y P R E G N A N C Y -

PRENATAL VITAMINS WHY THEY MATTER? Phasellus eget volutpat mauris, at rhoncus nibh. Nullam ac quam eu nunc aliquet auctor a at eros. By Nicole James

Sarah is married and a successful entrepreneur in her mid

When you get pregnant, the need for certain

thirties. Lately, Sarah and her husband have been hoping to

nutrients increase to cope with the demands of

conceive, but she is worried her eating patterns and food

the developing fetus.

choices may affect her pregnancy. Her girlfriend suggested that taking prenatal vitamins can help her. Sarah isn't sure if prenatal vitamins are for her. If you are like Sarah, planning to conceive or already pregnant, prenatal vitamins are for you. Prenatal vitamins are crucial for a healthy pregnancy. They are not a substitute for healthy eating but compliment

The need for nutrients like folic acid, calcium and iron is increased in order for the fetus to grow and develop. Here is what it does to you:

healthy eating. Most women benefit by taking prenatal supplements, before conceiving and continue them until delivery. What do prenatal vitamins do? Prenatal vitamins are meant to fill in the gaps in your diet. They provide essential vitamins, and minerals that play a crucial role in conception and promote healthy pregnancy. They differ from regular vitamin and mineral supplements because they provide specific nutrients for nurturing

Promotes healthy pregnancy

Prevents low birth weight

Prevents preterm birth

Prevents birth defects

Maintains mother's health throughout pregnancy


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Okay! so what prenatal nutrients should I take? Folic acid: Folic acid is a water soluble B vitamin, that is required to make the genetic material (DNA) and the neural tubes of your unborn baby. It is also needed for the development of the placenta. It is strongly recommended within the first 28 days of pregnancy. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends 600 micrograms of folate per day during pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend folic acid to prevent birth defects in babies and also for those trying to conceive. So, if you are planning a pregnancy it is important to begin taking folic acid immediately. Foods with highest folate content are yeast, asparagus, Brussels sprouts and spinach. Other sources are fortified cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts and dry beans.

Iron: Your body needs iron to make red blood cells that carry oxygen to various body parts. It is also essential for a healthy immune system. During pregnancy, the blood volume increases and you will need more iron to make more red blood cells. Pregnant women need 27 milligrams of iron per day. Low levels of iron can lead to preterm babies, low birth weight and infant mortality.

Omega- 3 fats: Omega- 3 fats are essential fats your body and especially the developing nervous system needs. They are called essential fats because your body cannot make them and it needs to be supplied in your diet. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the two omega-3 fats found in many prenatal supplements. They are needed for optimal nerve development of the fetus.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is long known for bone and teeth formation. Growing fetus get their vitamin D from their mother. So if you step into pregnancy with adequate vitamin D levels, it helps the growth and development of a healthy fetus. Besides this role, recent research quotes that optimal vitamin D levels in your body is necessary to prevent many diseases, auto-immune disorders and to support many other functions in your body. This holds good both for the mother and the unborn baby.

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Calcium: Calcium helps to build bones, help in teeth formation. It is also vital for nerve health and building your heart muscles. Not all prenatal supplements provide calcium and you may have to take a calcium supplement separately. To find out what vitamins, you may need and how much of it, answer this questionnaire. Based on your responses, your health score is calculated and a customized vitamin program is recommended. Take this free assessment here www.LisanneWellness. When should I begin taking prenatal vitamins? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a prenatal vitamin supplement for most pregnant women to ensure that they obtain adequate amounts of folic acid and other nutrients. You should start taking prenatal vitamins, once you decide to conceive. Nutrients like folic acid are extremely vital for developing the neural tubes and spinal cord of the fetus. Besides, taking prenatal supplements at least three months before you conceive may help lessen morning sickness that accompanies pregnancy. For those that are breastfeeding, prenatal vitamins are a good way to ensure to cope with continuing nutritional demands of your body during lactation.

For those of you like Sarah, you can take the prep out

healthy food choices coupled with a daily exercise routine,

of meal prep, by using a healthy protein shake along

it is important! This creates a nurturing environment in

with your prenatal vitamins. Check out this time-saving,

your body for the baby. Be sure to track your daily intake

protein shake that is nutritious, tasty and free of artificial

and choose quality prenatal supplements.

hormones lactose, gluten, casein, soy and MSG. It has the perfect balance of nutrients. Of course, don't forget

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Health Crossings Magazine Magazine | 15

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience. While it is definitely the most exciting part of a woman's life, the accompanying morning sickness can be unpleasant.

MORNING SICKNESS Morning sickness is a sign of pregnancy, that starts to vomiting. Many experts agree that morning sickness during the sixth week. Typical features include nausea is the way your body protects you and your baby from and vomiting. It is not harmful, some people may eating wrong foods. experience extreme fatigue that is often accompanied by sleepiness. Although it is called ''morning sickness'', it may be experienced during any time of the day yet it is more often in the early hours of the morning.

When does it end? In most cases, morning sickness ends, once your body copes with the surge of hormones. This is typically at

What causes morning sickness? Morning sickness the end of the first trimester. However, some individuals

results due to increase in hormone levels in your body. continue to experience nausea and vomiting through During pregnancy, there is an increase in the level of the 20th week or even through the entire pregnancy. the hormone estrogen. This is accompanied by fall in Some unfortunate few experience severe signs of blood sugar levels and heightened sensitivity to certain dehydration. Such severe cases of nausea and vomiting

smells. All this can propel nausea and eventually lead is medically called Hyperemsis gravidarum. This calls

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for medication, and in some cases, hospitalization and

8 oz of brewed coffee gives 95 – 200 mg caffeine.

receiving fluids. Here are a few tips to help you know

A cup of green tea gives 24 – 45 mg caffeine.

what you can do and should not do if you have morning

A cup of black tea gives 14 – 70 mg caffeine.

sickness. Avoid known triggers: If you realize certain things

What not to do if you have morning sickness?

trigger morning sickness, avoid them. For instance,

Don't eat fatty and spicy foods: These foods tend

aroma bothers you, take someone's help to cook your

to trigger nausea. During the first six months of pregnancy, your sense of smell is sharper and eating deep fried foods can trigger nausea. Spicy foods trigger another common problem during pregnancy, heartburn. Eating foods that are spicy can intensify heart burn. Avoid caffeine: Caffeinated beverages can mess up your sleep cycle especially during pregnancy. Besides, caffeine can also upset your stomach and trigger vomiting.

if cooking tends to trigger nausea or if the food's meals. Avoid empty stomach: Waking up in an empty stomach is a definite trigger for morning sickness. Keep light snacks by your side, so you can eat them when awake. Pregnancy is more than morning sickness, don't let nausea and vomiting ruin your pregnancy joys. Ease your queasiness with the above mentioned tips. If you experience too much nausea and vomiting you should contact your doctor for further guidance.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, drinking 200 milligrams of caffeine or more increases the risk of miscarriage by two-fold.

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