North Brunswick Sun

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North Brunswick BOE welcomes two new board members

The New Year for North Brunswick’s Board of Education is underway as the board has officially reorganized.

On Jan. 4, public officials and township residents gathered to inaugurate new board members and fill the positions of president and vice president.

To begin, the winners of the 2022 General Election were formally sworn into office.

Incumbent Coleen Keefe, along with newcomers Zaire Ali and Jason Carter were each elected to serve a three-year term on the board.

Former board president, Barry Duran Harris, and Janelle Zulick, who served as a fill-in member since 2021, were not reelected. In honor of their service, both were recognized with a commemorative plaque.

Zulick was not present at the meeting, but Superintendent Janet Ciarrocca stated, “I would like to really thank her

for her time and service to the students and community members of North Brunswick. Her dedication was very clear and she was here for the students. So, we really thank her for that.”

Harris, who served two consecutive terms, explained that his decision to join the board was about representation and the community.

“There [were] two reasons why I joined the board, initially. One was being that we live in such a diverse town, it’s always been my belief that those in certain positions should represent the population of the community … When I look at the diversity on our board – gender, age, ethnicity, professional background and experience on the board, I’m very proud to be a part of this team and what we evolved from.

“Secondly, and most importantly, it was to serve the community … This position is really a position of service and I’ve been honored to serve the community. I just want to thank the rest of the board for your teamwork and collabora-

tion. We accomplished a lot, there’s still a lot to accomplish. I’m very proud to have worked with each and every one of you,” Harris said.

He further stated that although bittersweet, his departure provides new members with an opportunity to positively impact North Brunswick.

“To our two new members, Jason and Zaire, welcome. You’ll fit right in. Everything happens for a reason and even though it’s bittersweet that Janelle and I are leaving, it gives an opportunity for new folks to come in with fresh eyes and fresh ideas,” he said.

Following his statements, the oath of office was individually given to Keefe, Ali, and Harris, certifying their positions as official members.

The board then moved to elect it’s president and vice president.

Richard Liguori was selected to serve as president after securing a 6-3 majority vote over fellow board member, David Brockman. Hayley Toth was selected to

Investments in infrastructure, education and quality of life continue in Middlesex County

The Middlesex County Board of County Commissioners are moving full steam ahead into the new year as investments in infrastructure, education and quality of life are on the horizon.

After being selected – once again – by his fellow commissioners to lead their dais as commissioner director, Ronald G. Rios said they look to continue to “foster and create vital partnerships” that attributed to the county’s accomplishments and financial strength in 2022.

Rios reflected on those accomplishments and touched on what is next at a reorganization meeting on Jan. 5 held at the Performing Arts Center on the Middlesex College campus in Edison. Nearly 500 people were in attendance, according to a press release through Middlesex County.

“Over the past year, my colleagues and I have been proud to see our community overcome challenges and fulfill the promise of a brighter future – for our residents, for our businesses, and for our families,” Rios said. “We’ve been able to do this by building public and private partnerships at the local, state, and federal level. These collaborations make a brighter future possible.”

Investing in infrastructure

The County Commissioners continue to build upon the foundation of Destination 2040, the County’s strategic plan

North Brunswick BOE members - Zaire S. Ali and Jason Carter.
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serve as vice president with a majority vote of five over fellow board members, Elesia James (two votes) and Dr. Paragi N. Patel (two votes).

Following her nomination, Toth expressed appreciation to her fellow board members and described her involvement on the board as “the best decision” she’s ever made.

“It’s been a pleasure working with this whole board for the last two and a half

years. I took a stake a couple years ago and interviewed for an unexpired term and here we are, almost three years later. It’s the best decision that I’ve ever made, and I share that with a lot of you. So I thank you all for putting your trust in me. I hope you all know that you can count on me, and I’d love to prove that to our new members and continue to prove that to our current members,” Toth said.

The next scheduled meeting for the North Brunswick Board of Education is set for 7 p.m. Jan. 25 at 25 Linwood Place.

Investments, education and quality of life

for long-term economic success which is spearheaded by the Department of Transportation under the leadership of Kenny.

“Everything we do supports our vision for a brighter future for everyone who lives, works, and plays here in Middlesex County,” Rios said. “The County envisions a brighter future that grants better access to innovative spaces and cutting-edge healthcare treatment for those within and around Middlesex County through key investments in transformative community projects.”

Those projects include the County’s role as a core partner in the New Jersey Innovation Hub, which represents a significant investment in the future of innovation in New Jersey. The County will leverage its “AAA” bond rating to provide the financing mechanism for nearly $500 million in project funds. The Hub, which is planned to be built at the Ferren Mall in downtown New Brunswick, will serve as the future command center for DataCity, the County’s living laboratory for autonomous technology, according to the press release.

Officials including Gov. Phil Murphy came together to ceremonially break ground on the project in October 2021.

Additionally, Middlesex County has invested $25 million in the Jack and Sheryl Morris Cancer Center, also in New Brunswick.

“This elite facility will transform cancer care through a combination of research, education, and patient care,” Rios said. “The Cancer Center will provide world-class cancer treatment for residents right here in the County, while also providing academic and hands-on training opportunities for Middlesex College and Middlesex County Magnet Schools students.

“Both the Hub and the Cancer Center are designed to attract opportunity, business, and talent from throughout the County, the state, and the region.”

The new Jack and Sheryl Morris Cancer Center is a state-of-the-art, freestanding cancer hospital featuring outpatient and inpatient capacity coupled with research laboratories, retail space and ancillary services devoted to patient wellness and is a first of its kind in New Jersey, according to Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health.

Other key projects include the County’s investments in transportation infrastructure, including the modernization of the New Brunswick Train Station – which will see the 120-year-old station updated with the amenities and technologies needed to support a bus-

tling train station for the future – and the construction of the North Brunswick Train Station, which is nearing the completion of the concept design phase. Both projects are being managed in first-of-their kind partnerships between the Middlesex County Improvement Authority and New Jersey Transit.

The train station/transit village project in North Brunswick began 15 years ago as a means to offer relief to one of the state’s busiest rail lines, provide quicker commutes, reduce traffic along Route 1, relieve congestion at the New Brunswick and Jersey Avenue train stations, bring revenue and ratables to the area, add construction and permanent jobs, and provide an environmentally safe alternative to driving.

The former 212-acre Johnson & Johnson complex across from Commerce Boulevard on Route 1 in North Brunswick was converted to a transitoriented development and is now part of Middlesex County’s Destination 2040 initiative as a future-forward growth strategy.

Rios said investments in the County’s transportation infrastructure will have multiple benefits for the county and the region.

“These projects will allow for broader access within and beyond our borders, easing commutes on major thoroughfares, attracting new revenue to the region, and allowing those within and beyond our county to better access our recreational facilities like our 19 County parks, our more than 13,000 acres of open space and preserved farmland, and our many performing arts centers,” he said said.

Investing in education

Middlesex County remains committed to building a brighter future through investments in education and career training.

“We envision a future that changes the educational landscape to nurture a new generation of entrepreneurs, inventors, collaborators, and contributors,” Rios said. “To do this, we must foster a workforce of the future and nurture a new generation of learners, by making vital investments designed to strengthen and grow our college; our magnet schools; and our pipeline of talented, well-prepared workers who are ready to move into – or advance in – all industries, especially the County’s key business sectors: life sciences, autonomous technology, and food innovation.”

To that end, the Middlesex County Magnet Schools and Middlesex College have

a transformation
(Continued from page 1) (Continued on page 3) Deadline to apply: JANUARY 31, 2023 APPLY TODAY Supported by ANCHOR HOMEOWNERS AND RENTERS You may be eligible for property tax relief via the ANCHOR program . The ANCHOR program is operated by the State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury, Division of Taxation NM-00010242
from page 1) North Brunswick BOE

Investments in infrastructure, education and quality of life continue in Middlesex County

(Continued from page 2) Jr. (D-NJ), and Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12) – all of whom joined the meeting virtually.

to better align with the County’s distinctive brand strategy and economic growth plans. The Middlesex County Magnet Schools have a new name and visual identity that accurately reflect the district’s evolution and specialized education opportunities, which include skills-based training and rigorous academic coursework.

County officials announced in June 2022 that Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools would transition into a “new era of specialized education” with a new name and rebranded logo. After a century, the school district has transitioned to being called the Middlesex County Magnet Schools.

Comprised of five separate campuses in Piscataway, Perth Amboy, East Brunswick, Edison, and Woodbridge, the schools combine to serve 2,200 highschoolers. In addition, the schools also feature an Adult Education program that benefits nearly 400 adults annually.

The County is already seeing a return on its investment in Middlesex College’s new identity, with enrollment up 3% in 2022 – far above the state and national average for two-year colleges.

Middlesex College, formerly Middlesex County College, rebranded with a name change and new logo in 2021.

The enrollment increase is expected to continue as the County’s Community, Innovation, and Opportunity (CIO) Strategic Investment Plan, which was unveiled in fall 2022, is implemented. The CIO Strategic Investment Plan – through the addition of new academic, athletic, and performing arts facilities – will transform the Middlesex College campus into a space for the entire County community and as a regional attraction, according to the press release.

Investing in quality of life

Under the leadership of the Board of County Commissioners, Middlesex County envisions a brighter future for residents that encompasses more than state of-the-art facilities and regional attractions. The County will continue to offer and invest in core services and programs geared toward making a better life for the families and individuals who live here.

“Through our investments in talent, infrastructure, and our residents, we are building an even brighter future

that is unique only to Middlesex County,” Rios said.

These investments include the County’s telehealth and community health programs, which are designed to ensure County residents have the tools they need to access vital healthcare services and education. First introduced in 2021 in direct response to issues brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic, these initiatives were expanded in 2022, according to the press release.

Additionally, the County has put significant support behind the state’s ANCHOR Property Tax Relief Program, to ensure eligible Middlesex County homeowners and renters have access to the program. Middlesex County also continues to provide support to the most vulnerable in the community through the County’s Coming Home and Housing First Funds and remains committed to helping veterans. Since its inception, the County’s Veterans Housing Assistance program has helped hundreds of veterans, according to the press release.

Foremost among Middlesex County’s investments in quality of life in 2023 will be a focus on mental health. This will involve a comprehensive effort across a range of areas such as community services, education, law enforcement, the Arts Institute of Middlesex County, and the George J. Otlowski, Sr. Center for Mental Health, officials said.

The County is also working with a professional partner to assess County policies, procedures, and programming in an effort to identify areas of improvement. Currently underway, the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging study is scheduled to conclude in 2023.

Murphy and New Jersey Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19) were in attendance and addressed the crowd.

“With each step forward, it becomes increasingly clearer: Middlesex County priorities and New Jersey priorities are one in the same,” Murphy said. “From its upgrades to pivotal transit facilities to its transformation of leading educational institutions, the County has served – and will continue to serve – as a microcosm of the stronger, fairer Garden State we are building.”

Middlesex County was also honored to receive messages of support from its federal representatives – U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Congressman Frank Pallone

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Rios also thanked County employees for their hard work and dedication, acknowledging the vital role they play in serving County residents and ensuring the success of all County programs and initiatives.

“Our County employees are the lifeblood of what we do,” he said, before speaking directly to the many employees who were in the audience: “You are the heart and soul of our operation. My fellow commissioners and I are con-

tinually in awe of your commitment to residents and businesses. We, and the entire community, thank you.”

The meeting included the swearingin ceremonies of three county commissioners and the county sheriff. Claribel A. Azcona-Barber, Charles Kenny, and Chanelle Scott McCullum won the open seats on the dais and Mildred S. Scott won the open seat for county sheriff in the November 2022 election.

Along with Rios’ reappointment as commissioner director, County Commissioner Shanti Narra was chosen to serve as deputy commissioner for 2023.

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N.J. recorded environmental highlights in 2022

The year 2022 will go down in history as one defined by many challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic dragged into its third year, the war in Ukraine destabilized world security and finances, and record heat, droughts and storms again brought home the reality of a changing climate. New Jersey, like everywhere else, shared the pain.

Despite these difficulties, this state we’re in made encouraging progress in 2022 on environmental protection, conservation and outdoor recreation.

Highlights include reduced plastic pollution, a partial ban on pesticides that harm bees and other pollinators, a task force studying ways to boost protections for public forests, work to implement the Environmental Justice Act, steps to advance clean offshore wind and solar energy, and more.

Plastic bag ban –

gas emissions while providing critical habitat for wildlife, outdoor recreation, and clean air and water.

Yet the vast majority of New Jersey’s public forests are not adequately protected against inappropriate logging, over-browsing by deer and invasive species. In 2022, a Forest Stewardship Task Force was established to develop recommendations to the state Legislature to better protect and manage public forests.

• More offshore wind and solar energy – A key part of New Jersey’s climate action plan is a transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

2022, but still need to be adopted as soon as possible.

• Warehouse development – In 2022, New Jersey continued to see significant development of massive warehouses in many parts of the state, threatening prime farmland and communities already overburdened by pollution.

The State Planning Commission issued voluntary guidelines to help municipalities plan for warehouse development, but the state and municipalities are still lacking the tools needed to deal with this challenge.

130 Twinbridge Drive

Pennsauken, NJ 08110

(856) 779-3800



Amanda Phillips



In May, New Jersey’s ban on single-use plastic shopping bags went into effect. Thanks to the state’s 2020 Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, shoppers were required for the first time to supply their own reusable bags.

By the end of the first year, New Jersey will have avoided using an estimated 3.44 billion plastic bags and 68 million paper bags, preventing tons of waste from going into landfills and waterways.

• Protecting pollinators – In 2022, Gov. Phil Murphy signed the Save the Bees bill, which limits neonicotinoid pesticide applications in non-agricultural settings like gardens, lawns and golf courses.

“Neonics” don’t just kill insect pests; they also wipe out beneficial insects, including butterflies, wild native bees and domesticated honeybees. In turn, bird populations decline because of the loss of food sources.

While the new law is a positive step, neonics are still allowed in New Jersey for agricultural uses.

• Forest Task Force – Forests and other lands sequester and store about 9% of New Jersey’s annual greenhouse

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities took a step forward in 2022 by implementing a new utility-scale solar program that will result in more clean energy while bringing down the costs of solar incentives and ensuring sound siting to protect important farmland soils and forests.

• “Outside Together” – New Jersey began working on the new Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, which will set strategies for open space and recreation for the next five years and is required to maintain eligibility for funding from the National Park Service.

• Black Heritage Trail – A new state law signed in 2022 will establish a Black Heritage Trail linking landmarks, heritage sites, museums and attractions highlighting moments of political, military, artistic, cultural and social importance in the state’s Black history.

Despite this progress, New Jersey still has plenty of work to do on environmental and conservation issues:

• Environmental Justice Law – For years, New Jersey’s poor, urban, black and brown communities have borne the brunt of environmental contamination.

In 2020, Gov. Murphy signed the landmark Environmental Justice Act to help protect overburdened communities. Rules implementing the act were introduced in the summer of

• Fixing state parks – In 2022, a partnership of conservation organizations – including New Jersey Conservation Foundation – launched the “Fix Our Parks” campaign highlighting the need for more funding and stronger enforcement to protect New Jersey’s state park system.

A report commissioned by the Pinelands Preservation Alliance found that state parks are underfunded, understaffed and facing threats from illegal off-road vehicle use and dumping. The Governor and Legislature should make increased funding a priority in the upcoming budget.

• Flood prevention – In 2022, the state Department of Environmental Protection published draft rules to better protect communities from flooding from extreme storms, like the remnants of Hurricane Ida in 2021. The public comment period ends on Feb. 3.

If adopted as written, the new rules will raise flood plain elevations by 2 feet, making it harder to build in areas near rivers and streams, protecting lives and property.

To learn more about the inland flood rules or to make a comment, go to

Please continue to make your voices heard in 2023 on the need for our elected officials to address these pressing issues.

Tom Gilbert is a co-executive director of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, Far Hills.

Kathy Chang


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Volume 1, Number 3

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Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine of splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this petition. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my Mother. Oh Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse in thee (3Xs). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3Xs). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me, I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. + Say this

3 consecutive days and publish prayer after petition is granted. Do not despair Additional advice and petition. Pray the Rosary

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